Why The Big Villain Hasn’t Run Away

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Did not escape (dressed as a female nerv

“Why doesn’t the boss run away [wearing the book]”

2020.11.11/Cherry Wine

Chapter One

“Miss Yan, please answer me, are you self-conscious that this is another new personality?”

When Yan Luqing regained consciousness, he heard someone ask himself like this. The voice went from far to near, like a layer of clouds and mist, and gradually became clear.

She opened her eyes, her sight first touched the white wall, and then fell on the white coat of the sound source.

Yan Luqing found himself sitting in a comfortable chair. She faced a woman in a white coat with something like an examination paper in front of her, and took a closer look at the title: split personality test.

Yan Luqing:?

…This is not right.

This is not right!

Before closing your eyes, didn’t you experience an air crash and crashed your head in the middle of the plane’s turbulence? Even if you are not dead, you shouldn’t be taken to see a psychologist, right? ?

Without waiting for her to think further, the woman on the other side spoke again.

“Another new personality split.” The white coat smiled, looking at the absurd case of the patient in front of him, and forced his breath to say, “Miss Yan, if I hadn’t seen your pathological mental illness test report, I would have I suspect you have been playing tricks with me this year.”

“?” Yan Luqing was stunned: “Who has split the personality? I am not mentally ill.”

Who insulted?

But when the white coat in front of me heard this answer, he looked like “You are in a state of ill health and there is no cure.” He didn’t seem to want to answer her question, saying, “The medicines prescribed are the same as before. Regular rechecks are not stable Change the dressing again.”

I change the hammer medicine.

He spit out in his heart, thinking that this person was not in a normal mind, so Yan Luqing got up and wanted to escape.

She walked quickly to the door closest to her, even staggering. Unexpectedly, after the doorknob was opened, the outside scene frightened her again.

-In the long corridor, there are a row of tall men who act as “bandits” in the police film. The uniform black suit, one by one still wearing sunglasses indoors, is quite abnormal.

Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment, understood something in an instant, and looked down at himself.

This skin is white and sick, and her arms and legs are as thin as a girl who came out of a two-dimensional comic-this is not her body!

Yan Luqing subconsciously looked at the tallest seemingly tall black man who was closest to him, and said, “…to ask you something, what kind of world is this? No, what age is this? Is this still modern? What is the background of the times?”

Yan Luqing spoke very fast and asked questions one after another like bubbles. The more she asked, the more panic she asked: “Brother, for a secret code, the odd becomes even the same?”

The jingle engraved in the bone made Da Hei speak immediately: “The symbol looks at the quadrant.”

Yan Luqing breathed a sigh of relief instantly—

She feels that although she has crossed over, anyway, as long as the nine-year compulsory education receives a batch, it means that there is no major problem with the world view.

Yan Luqing smiled: “Thank you brother.”

Unexpectedly, her thanks made this Da Hei look horrified and confused: “Miss Yan?”

He finished the question in confusion, then, as if he realized something, he turned his head to face Yan Luqing and increased the volume behind him: “Doctor Zhao, our young lady’s condition has worsened again?”

Yan Luqing: “???”

What “Miss Us”?

Is this **** hers? ?

There was a reply from the doctor: “Your young lady’s condition has been very serious, so you don’t need to make a big fuss. It seems that her personality is not aggressive this time, just take more care of her.”

Yan Luqing said that you were in serious condition, but Dahei beside him had already thanked the doctor, and then turned to Yan Luqing’s ear and said, “Miss Yan, the person was delivered half an hour ago.”

“Huh?” Yan Luqing has been full of question marks from the beginning to now, “Who?”

Da Hei heard the words, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face: “Yes, it is Gu Ci. You asked Jin Shao and the others to send Gu Ci to your villa today… Did you even forget Gu Ci this time?”

“Gu…” Yan Luqing was startled, as if being hit by a sledgehammer with a “ ”, raised his voice and repeated, “Gu Ci?!”

and many more.

Ms. Yan, mentally ill, Gu Ci who was sent, Shao Jin…

Yan Luqing was dumbfounded.

She is not simply traveling through time and space-she is afraid that she is wearing a book! In the novel that she read before she became unconscious, she has the same name and surname as her own legal lady!

Before the plane crashed his head, Yan Luqing was reading a novel called “Limited by Heart”.

This is a masterpiece out of the circle this year, under the skin of romance, in fact it is a group portrait, in which the role of the villain is particularly brilliant. He was killed and suffered humiliation when he was young. After turning over, even if the revenge is cruel, he never hurts good people. She also fought hard in the comment area because she felt too distressed for the villain boss.

The big brother’s name is Gu Ci.

If I remember correctly, there is only one female character with the surname Yan in “Heartbeat Limitation”, a female character with the same surname and the same name as Yan Luqing, a physical sjb rejected by 10,000 people.

Gu Ci was the proud son of heaven when he was young. He was born in a privileged family and has a stunning appearance. He shines on campus. He is one of the secret crushes of countless young girls, and the female partner is one of them.

She didn’t do anything else at that time.

The Gu family moved in from other places, and the rapid rise of the new family led to the dark heart of the local family. Not long after Gu Ci went to university, Gu’s father and Gu’s mother were attacked by people who were extremely trusted within the family, and the industry collapsed. , Gu and his wife died in an “accidental” car accident shortly afterwards.

After the death of his parents, Gu Ci disappeared from the public eye-he was taken away by the enemy’s most awkward junior. The girl that she likes has been fond of Gu Ci for many years. She took the opportunity to retaliate against Gu Ci when she got the chance. Gu Ci was restricted in her personal freedom, was injected with drugs, and was jokes and jokes with her pants and blinded her beautiful eyes. To be tortured is better than death.

Yan Luqing saw this at the time:…It’s hard, his fist is hard.

But the harder thing is the back, the legal female partner is at this time.

The female partner is a genuine daughter, Gu Ci’s junior high school alumnus and high school classmate. Like Gu Ci for six years, still secretly in love.

This sounds innocent and beautiful, but this eldest lady has been thinking differently from ordinary people since she was a child. After she has liked it for a long time, she actually likes herself into a pervert—

After Gu Ci was tossed by the trousers to the point of vision problems, the female partner got the wind and led people to “request” Gu Ci from the trousers.

She promised her classmates that she would give Gu Ci freedom, she promised to heal his eyes, and she promised that he would let him go when he was well…but what the neuropathy said would definitely not count.

She imprisoned him.

Gu Ci went from one **** to another in this way.

Yan Luqing almost vomited at the time. Scolding her is like scolding yourself, the more you scold, the more angry.

She thought, if I am guilty, please let the law punish me instead of letting me watch this sjb abuse my favorite character under my name.

and so.

Even though the elements are complete and the evidence is solid, Yan Luqing still does not want to believe that she is wearing this **** now—

“Miss Yan?”

When Yan Luqing heard these three words, he suddenly felt a headache that exploded. She closed her eyes and tried to slow down, but Da Hei didn’t think it was enough to explode, so she leaned into her ear and whispered, “Gu Ci arrived half an hour ago, and he tied it up according to your instructions.”

Yan Luqing: “…”

Me, day.

I! day! !

In the quiet corridor, Da Hei lowered his voice and said “tied up”, and there was no confidentiality.

These words numb Yan Luqing’s scalp, but he saw that the rest of the black clothes were very neat and did not squint, and did not react at all. Except for a flabbergasted mouth with poor facial control.

Everyone is calm, and he is very abrupt in this picture.

“You, yes, it’s you.” Yan Luqing held up a tremor, raised his hand, and pointed to the shocked head who couldn’t hide his astonishment. “What’s your expression?”

Frozen Touqing was stabbed by the people around him, and his cold sweat instantly shed—he knew he had caused a catastrophe. Ms. Yan Jia’s moodiness has reached the extreme, everyone knows, all he can do is to immediately lower his head and admit his mistake: “Yes, sorry Miss! I just finished my job this morning, and I am not familiar with your style of work — no, I shouldn’t — ”

Yan Luqing interrupted his apology: “You said you just joined the job?”


“Do you know who I am?”


“Then you now, tell us aloud, who am I?”

Leng Touqing was really stunned. He thought it was a test. He recited it aloud on the spot: “Ms. Yan’s full name is Yan Luqing, father Yan Guanglin and mother Shen Si’an. She is the only daughter of the Yan family. She was loved since she was a child and grew up smoothly. I was diagnosed with mental disorders the year before, including but not limited to schizophrenia. I like Gu Ci for six years and finally succeeded today. Congratulations, Miss Hexixiao…”

Good guy, I’m a **** good guy.

An explosion that felt pain in his head, Yan Luqing fainted with a roll of eyelids.

When Yan Lu was sober, there was already a scene around him.

The ceiling is retro-textured and the luxurious European-style wall paintings. Obviously, it is the original owner’s bedroom.

The original owner was a regular bomber who was in extremely poor health and often went mad, so there was a permanent doctor in the villa. After Yan Lu became sober, he slumped there and received a checkup.

Fainted, and calmed down a bit. Yan Luqing accepted the fact that he was wearing a book.

She has indeed become the paranoid and neurotic female partner in “Heartbeat Limit” who has been scolded countless times by her. And Gu Ci was just “sent” to the villa she was in today.

The first thing to do when you wake up is to have someone go to “untie” Gu Ci.

The second thing is naturally to see him.

After undergoing various checks, Yan Luqing got out of bed, and under the leadership of Da Hei, he went downstairs, ready to go to the room where Gu Ci was.

The decoration of the villa is all in the same style, and the stairs are all retro-rotating. She looked at the bodyguards like the silent gangsters around her, thinking that wearing sunglasses indoors during the day is really a show.

Yan Luqing couldn’t help asking Da Hei, who was closest to him: “Why do you wear sunglasses indoors? Are you cool?”


Da Hei glanced at her. All day long, she felt that Miss was so strange everywhere, but the next second—

Oh, I almost forgot that she was schizophrenic again, that was all right.

Da Hei reconciled with himself in his heart, and lowered his eyebrows to answer the patient: “Because you said that we are ugly, you must wear sunglasses that cover half of your face when you appear in front of you.”

Yan Luqing’s mouth twitched: “It’s really a psychopathological cause…”

After descending the steps, Yan Luqing stood still and took two breaths.

-The reason why she fainted so easily before was also because the original mentally ill body had been tossed into a very sick state by the original owner. Before he had time to look in the mirror, there was almost no meat on the arms and legs that he looked at. Just down the stairs, Yan Luqing felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

Five minutes later, he finally came to the door of the room where Gu Ci was.

Because of the bookmarks, Yan Luqing’s notes are particularly clear. This is the fifty-fourth chapter of the book, the first day Gu Ci disappeared from Qiu Jiawan pants and was hidden by the paranoid Jinwu.

According to the plot of the original book, Gu Ci did rise later, but it was also blackened. After escaping from the hand of the neuropathic female partner, he dormant for a few years. He personally solved the enemies of the year and avenged his parents. He also trampled and insulted him before. People. In the end, because of the severe loss of his body over the years, he himself had no idea of ​​living well, and died in his parents’ cemetery at a young age.

In short, there is nothing in the sun.

Looking at this door, Yan Luqing remembered that he was so angry with Gu Ci on the plane before he was alive, and frantically complained to his girlfriends that “the female partner was not ruthless enough”.


In the book, the female partner finally betrayed her relatives, went to jail for a few years, and exposed her body to the street after she came out. Although this is definitely deserved for that sjb, why does she have to wear this thing! !

Are you going to suffer for her!

The soul is dirty, okay! !

Sure enough, the name can not be too Mary Su, easy to wear books.

“Miss?” Da Hei asked in a low voice behind him.

Yan Luqing came back to his senses and nodded at the row of black eggs without expression. Without speaking, someone opened the door for her, and the scene inside was unobstructed—

The room was similar to the one she had just stayed in. It was decorated in the same style, except for a big bed, and nothing was left empty.

The windows are closed tightly, and the bright sunlight pouring down from the gaps opened by the curtains, complementing the retro patterns on the walls.

There was a person lying on the bed. Although there is still some distance from the bed, it can be seen from the outline that the man has an amazing face, beautiful and clean.

Although a bit out of date, Yan Luqing inexplicably feels that the scene of him lying here is almost like a combination of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, which can be directly substituted into these two fairy tales indiscriminately.


Her identity is not a prince of salvation, but a witch who handed out poisonous fruit.

Yan Luqing walked to the bed, lowered his eyes for a moment, and subconsciously held his breath.

It turns out that this is Gu Ci.

It turns out that this is what the book describes with all the beautiful words that make the female partner think of the crazy person.

Obviously thin, but still not as good-looking as a real person.

As if there was no light in the room for a long time, his skin was as white as ice and snow. The hair is a bit long, with a few strands scattered on the side of the neck, and under the thin eyelids are slender eyelashes. The blackness of eyelashes and hairline and the whiteness of skin color have a very strong contrast beauty.

He seemed to be shielding outside sounds, lying there, his breathing was so light that he could barely notice the fluctuations.

It’s like…dead.

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