Why The Big Villain Hasn’t Run Away

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Did not escape (while Gu Ci’s hand still

chapter eight

It was the first time that Yan Luqing did not agree to Gu Ci’s request, nor did he help him. Before the Tingshu app was downloaded, he returned the phone to him.

She felt that she was deeply connoted.

The ever-increasing friendship between revolutionary warfare and Yan Lu’s extensive list of compassion were ruthlessly destroyed by Gu Ci’s “Abnormal Psychology”.

Yan Luqing decided to unilaterally announce the temporary breakdown of their friendship.

-But this “temporary” only lasted for a day and a half, before it was restored to the situation where Yan Luqing took the initiative to run to Gu Ci’s room.

After the new bodyguard, known for his good temper, entered the villa, the first time she went to see Yan Luqing, she was shocked.

At that time, Yan Luqing had just removed the gauze and played with her phone on the bed with relish. Sometimes she looked at the bright red bubbles of the incompetent golden fool, and sometimes looked for characters in the original book who had impressions in the address book and observed their bubbles.

Except for the unpleasant exception of Gu Ci, this golden finger is simply too interesting—because it has a function similar to emotional summarization and classification, Yan Luqing thinks it is better than mind reading.

When the new bodyguard knocked on the door and came in, Yan Luqing glanced at him, and immediately remembered what Xiao Hei said that day, “This big brother never gets angry when he beats the glory of the king”: “Ah, you are the living Bodhisattva.”

New bodyguard: “?”

“It’s okay, I just said casually,” Yan Luqing waved his hand, “What are you coming to do with me? Just tell Xiao Hei if you have something to do.”

The living Bodhisattva still had something in her hand, and walked to her bedside and said a bunch of words: “Miss Yan, I asked your family doctor and psychologist and learned that you fainted suddenly some time ago. There was a conflict with someone and broke your head. The doctor temporarily stopped your psychoactive drugs because you were worried that your body could not bear the side effects. But after the reaction of your two bodyguards, your psychological problem seems to have become more serious… ”

The Living Bodhisattva repeats here again that Yan Luqing was sued by Da Hei for “splitting the real hammer” and Xiao Hei for “color-blind real hammer”. It took a full three minutes, and finally concluded: “All in all, starting today. , You should resume taking medicine.”

Yan Luqing’s first reaction after hearing this: , how can this person speak like Tang Seng.

Moreover, his tone is not sloppy, very similar to Tang Seng’s style that sounds tempting, but after listening for a long time, it will be maddening.

The second reaction-

Wait, psychotropic drugs? ?

Just treat the body, this kind of thing must not be eaten! !

Yan Luqing has a lot of inner activities, and she looks sloppy on the outside. She pretends to be calm and directs: “You put the medicine over there first, I will take it later.”

The Bodhisattva does what he says.

But after putting it aside, he did not leave.

“…What are you doing standing in my room?”

“I’ll watch you leave before you finish eating.”

Yan Luqing: “I can’t eat some people.”

In the face of the bear child’s rejection, the Bodhisattva’s emotions did not change a bit, and said with a smile: “Your parents sent me here. They are very worried about your psychological condition, so please…”

Yan Luqing interrupted directly: “They are worried, then you can let them come and watch me eat.”

Finally, the Bodhisattva was speechless and left. Yan Luqing immediately got up and wrapped the colorful medicine and rushed into the toilet.

Although Baidu started to suffer from cancer, Yan Luqing is still confused about one thing—

She hasn’t felt any abnormality in her brain or psychology these days. Although she has traveled through and seen many incredible scenes, she has never doubted the authenticity of all this.

Yan Luqing knew that her first task was to live, and to live soberly, so she couldn’t take those medicines.


Will she be affected if she stays in a mentally ill body for a long time?

It is impossible to find answers to such questions on the Internet.

Ask Gu Ci, she and Gu Ci are in a cold war, it is even more impossible to ask Xiao Hei—they will only complain to her psychiatrist.

So Yan Luqing found what is said to be the most active forum in China, chose the life encyclopedia section, and went in very nervously and posted a post as a tourist—

Subject: Li Tao, normal person A has crossed into the body of mentally ill B (Note: A’s soul is normal!), then B who has A’s soul at this time shouldn’t be mentally ill?

Li Tao is short for rational discussion.

After the fight, Yan Luqing refreshed with confidence—

1L:? People with mental illness are asked not to go online, thank you.

2L�ahref=”/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection”class=”__cf_email__”data-cfemail=”014b41″>[emailprotected]* Beijing Psychiatric Director@B City Mental Disease Control Center

3L: Don’t tell me you are A? If you think you are A, then you can search for the definition of delusion, which fits you well.

Yan Luqing: “…”

Shocked and cold, she was too disappointed in this ruthless world.

Sure enough, the Internet is unreliable.

Or lower your noble head and go find Gu Cihe.

Five minutes later, Yan Luqing went downstairs through the long corridor and stood at the door of Gu Ci’s room.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door three times, but no one answered.

Gu Ci should now apply eye drops every day, absolutely in the room all day, why is there no sound? Unless he doesn’t want to reconcile yet—

Yan Luqing thought of this, but the door in front of him suddenly opened from inside.

The hair on Gu Ci’s forehead was not very smooth, showing a smooth forehead. His eyes are slightly red, which makes him look special. After watching her for a few seconds, Gu Ci turned sideways for a moment: “Come in.”

Although the princess did not answer, she got out of bed and opened the door for her.

Yan Luqing completely forgave her, and told herself in her heart: The cold war behavior of unilaterally and Gu Ci because of Yin-Yang dialect is over.

Despite the cold war this day and a half, Yan Luqing still let Xiao Hei broadcast the latest situation of Gu Ci in real time. Now, in Gu Ci’s room, she witnessed the whole process of applying his eye and soaking potion with her own eyes.

Gu Ci’s skin was white, and a little color on his face would be particularly obvious. After soaking the potion with a special tool, he applied it to an instrument. After he came out, the skin around his eyes became red, and there was still a lot in his eyes. Bloodshot.

No matter how you look at it, it feels that it should be painful, but no matter how he looks or behaves, he doesn’t show any signs of “pain” at all.

Still so calm and comfortable.

Yan Luqing suddenly remembered that he had discovered something when he was called by a new bodyguard just now.

She seemed to think of asking for help very quickly when she felt something was wrong, and then Da Hei Xiao Hei.

She was very strange at the time. Gu Ci didn’t seem to have done anything to protect her since she wore the book. Playing the protective role is obviously a loyal big and small black—why Gu Ci’s name appeared in her mind for the first time. ?

It seems that this special temperament that seems to be able to control everything makes people very urge to rely on.

Hey, is this the charm of a fugitive princess?

Next, Yan Luqing watched Gu Ci complete a series of treatments with the help of nurses, and put on special glasses—the special glasses were made by the doctor Liu, and they came in handy.

The principle of the glasses still coded Yan Luqing. She only knew that this pair of therapeutic glasses turned out to have a gold frame, thin lenses, and quite a sense of cut at the corners, which was overly beautiful.

After Gu Ci put it on the bridge of his nose, the whole temperament has undergone subtle changes, and there is an indescribable sense of coldness, and it adds a bit of bookiness.

“I want to ask you a question.” Yan Luqing sat next to him and said, “It’s a post I picked up when I was visiting the forum.” Then she repeated her post to Gu Ci, “Gu Ci Do you think A is mentally ill in this situation?”

Gu Ci fixed her gaze on her for a few seconds before asking, “Does A think he is?”

Yan Luqing was taken aback: “What?”

“The hypothesis given here is that A has passed through and became mentally ill. Asked if A is mentally ill,” Gu Ci repeated it patiently, and looked at her through the lens. “It’s very simple. The point is, does A think he is? ”

Yan Luqing: “…No.”

Gu Ci looked at her, “Then A is not.”


Master, I realized.

The lumps that had just born in Yan Luqing’s heart disappeared in an instant.

Although she knows that she is just thinking about it, and maybe forget it in a few days, it is impossible for her to be suspicious to the point that she really feels sick, but she still wants to say—

The princess word, always drop God.

Gu Ci’s eyesight recovered well in the next few days. When wearing glasses, he can reach nearly 40% of the normal vision, which is almost equivalent to what a person with severe myopia and astigmatism can see. world.

This weekend was Xiao Hei’s birthday, and Gu Ci had only been able to eat liquids from infusion at first, and finally reached Xiao Hei’s birthday. The doctor said that he could start eating normally.

“I just asked Doctor Xu, she said you can eat a little bit of it except for those that are too greasy.” Yan Luqing came down from the stairs and replied with some excitement to Gu Ci, “Do you have anything you want to eat? You can ask Auntie Kitchen to go. do.”

Gu Ci didn’t seem to have much interest in eating. He leaned on the sofa and said lazily, “It’s okay.”

Xiao Hei, who was standing beside the two of them, forced loudly and repeatedly emphasized: “Miss Yan, it’s my birthday.”

Yan Luqing took the conversation: “Yeah, didn’t you expect it? I would actually celebrate your birthday.”


After talking about Xiao Hei, there was no sound. Yan Luqing checked WeChat, and sure enough, Xiao Hei was full of blue bubbles:

“Miss Yan is so eccentric, so eccentric, so eccentric, so eccentric, so eccentric…”

“Why don’t you ask me? I want to eat Kung Pao Chicken, Spicy Crayfish, Mapo Tofu, Braised Lion’s Head…”

Yan Luqing watched Xiao Hei order more than 20 dishes in resentment. She picked ten dishes for the kitchen to cook. At night, Xiao Hei’s eyes straightened when she saw the dishes on the table.

Today is Xiao Hei’s birthday, and it is also the first celebration of Yan Luqing’s journey through ten days. Naturally, there must be wine.

Yan Luqing is a person who loves to drink very much. When she was in good health, her classmates who had been familiar with each other knew that she was not drunk even though she had never drunk a thousand cups, but she had never been drunk.

And this villa has a basement wine cellar, which contains countless good wines, but they are used as decorations. Yan Luqing felt distressed when she knew it, and quickly instructed Da Hei to open a few bottles of good wine.

Xiao Hei was the first to get drunk, and he didn’t know if it was too long or something. It didn’t take long for the people on the table to get drunk.

Yan Luqing and Gu Ci, as the second and first worst people, were ordered by the doctor not to drink, but after everyone was drunk, she took a few sips.

A few mouthfuls are not satisfying, let’s have another mouthful

Gu Ci endured the hustle and bustle all night, and when he got up to take a bath, he suddenly felt a hot touch on his side.

He lowered his head and saw Yan Luqing put half of his face on his arm. He couldn’t see his expression clearly. He only heard her say, “Ah-it’s so comfortable, so cool.”

Gu Ci twitched his eyebrows, and finally lifted her from the chair with his backhand.

“How much did you drink?”

Yan Luqing gestured with her index finger and little finger: “I just drank a little bit.”

Gu Ci lightly scoffed.

Well, billion points.

Yan Luqing’s consciousness was awake and fuzzy. She felt Gu Ci taking her to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and put her hand into the sink.

The meaning should be to make her sober.

Yan Luqing thought too, but she was really a little uncomfortable now.

“Damn, my head hurts so fucking…” Yan Lu cleaned her face and became sober a lot. She rubbed her temples, “Gu Ci, can you help me get some sober pills?”

He was silent for several seconds, then turned to go out, and came back soon.

Under the light, Yan Luqing saw Gu Ci stretch out his hand, with a few pills lying on his palm.

If it was someone else, Yan Luqing would definitely not make such a request.

But after Gu Ci brought it, she didn’t even see the color, nor did she ask Gu Ci where to find the sober medicine, let alone why he found it so quickly, so she grabbed it and swallowed it in her mouth.

Unexpectedly, just as she touched her tongue, her chin was suddenly clamped-Gu Ci grabbed her face with one hand and pressed her back down with the other.

“Spit it out.”

Yan Luqing was dumbfounded. The pills hadn’t gotten into her mouth. She fell into the sink as soon as she lowered her head, and disappeared along the water.

But Gu Ci’s hand still pinched her cheek and chin.

His fingers were cold and hard, and her face was scorched hot by the scent of alcohol, and the blend of ice and fire made Yan Luqing shiver uncontrollably.

Forced to look up again, Yan Luqing leaned his back against the wall, and seeing Gu Ci’s face slowly approaching, his eyes became more profound behind the lenses.

“Do you dare to take any medicine given by anyone?” Gu Ci curled his lips, with a kind of gentle and educative hint, and an inexplicable cruel, “How did you live until now?”

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