Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 101: Mistand 3

It wasn't until a long while after did Lia and Mika escape the white mist and found themselves in another rundown village that looked almost exactly like the previous one.

If it wasn't for the fact that this village was separated into two halves by a gate, each side housing 5 houses, Lia would've believed they walked in a circle and came back.

Without needing to say anything, Lia and Mika headed to a house and sat on the ground. They were both exhausted and tired out from purging ghosts, aimlessly walking around. They didn't even have any time to look at the compass. Once again, the ghosts didn't enter the village and waited outside.

"We can't be too idle," Mika harboured the same thoughts as Lia.

"I'm even more curious about the other part of the village," the two halves of the village were like a mirror image.

"There's no need for a gate in the middle and-" Mika moved to the window, peeking out, "It looks quite new. Somebody must've been here not too long again and built it but-"

"For what purpose?" Lia finished his question and fixated her gaze at the door, "Do you see any movement?"

Mika sat back next to her and shook his head, "It's quiet. Maybe they already left."

"I hope so. It would be bad if we have to worry about not only ghosts but also strangers."

The second knife Mika gave Lia was strapped around her thigh. The other one she held in her hand while the compass still dangled from her neck.

"Let's try to rest as much as possible," Mika briefly closed his eyes and didn't move. Lia kept quiet but didn't dare to be careless.

Many thoughts flooded around in her mind and she focused on anything that was out of the ordinary. The ghosts seemed to obediently wait around the village and the other half showed no signs of life.

Even if anyone was here and left, the odds that they would find this place again was considerably low. They must either know how to navigate through the mist or have ridiculously good or bad luck.

The conclusion Lia has drawn made her relax for a second yet the soft wooden ground, wet and moulding by water and the increasingly louder howling of the wind paired with the dark sky, all pointed towards a bad situation.

It felt suffocating and stuffing. Lia was restless. Tiny drops pounded on the fragile roof and one look outside the window told it was raining. With the sudden appearance of the rain, the wind got stronger and banged against the door.

It opened and closed, then opened again with such a force the door was flung away. Through the open entrance, the sight of a storm brewing became visible.

It came as sudden as it went wild. Mika opened his eyes and darted around. He stared at Lia who held a finger to her lips. Through the violent outburst of nature, faint noises mingled that didn't belong to it. They gradually merged and became one until they separated again.

The moment they separated Lia and Mika jumped backwards, narrowly escaping two arrows stuck on the ground at the spot they were just at.

The faint noises emerged as loud footsteps and revealed four brusque men.

Seeing Lia and Mika their faces grew into wide grins harbouring evil intentions and one male stepped forward and said to the others, "Bingo."

"What do you want?" Mika held a defensive stance and had no qualms to bluntly ask the intruders. However, their grins only grew wider without saying anything.

Almost in unison, the four of them charged at Lia and Mika starting to attack them. Simultaneously, Lia and Mika jumped to the side, away from each other.

"Got a big one! Hurry!" another male said and stormed at Lia.

"Today's a good day!" the third one said.

"It's raining though," the fourth said.

Third and Fourth chased after Mika while Lia is occupied with one and two.

"This is going to be a pretty hefty one. Come here, come here!" the first male took an arrow from his clothes and without a bow threw it at Lia. The speed and power of it couldn't be underestimated.

It grazed Lia's cheek and left a red line behind before it got stuck in the wooden wall. Without thinking, Lia removed the arrow and while running way, she examined it. These were only ordinary weapons while they could harm an immortal it was nothing but a scratch and would heal quickly.

"Bro, she took your godly arrow!" the second one cried.

"You run pretty fast for a mouse," the first one charged at Lia and opened his arms to crush her, however, Lia elegantly spun and evaded his hold. Out of her eye corners, she witnessed Mika's situation and shouted, "Run!"

Mika couldn't spare time to answer but tried to draw his fight closer to the door.

"Young miss, nowhere to run but into my arms," first said.

"Bro that's smooth!" second jolted and pulled out to punch Lia, "You can eat her upper body, I'll take the legs!"

Disgust welled up in Lia. She realised their intentions. These crazy bastards were cannibals!

To think something like that existed in the immortal world. Lia stopped on the spot and let First wrap his arms around her. He froze in surprise. That brief second, he tensed up, Lia stabbed her knife in his chest and dragged it upwards, creating a big slash to his shoulders.

First groaned and pushed Lia away.

"Bro!" Second cried and pulled out for another punch. Lia used the opportunity of him being agitated to spin closer to him and run her knife horizontally across his extended arm, letting his veins pulsate with the oxygen.

Second dropped to the ground in pain. Lia headed to the door but turned around to see Mika struggling. Not hesitating, Lia turned on her heels and dashed towards Third, raising the arrow and piercing it through his skull.

Then she grabbed Mika by the hand and rushed with him to the door, however, Fourth caught up to them. In front of the door was a staircase leading to the ground outside.

Without a second thought, Lia pushed Mika down the stairs as Fourth strangled her from behind. She could only see Mika's shocked face before Lia was dragged inside the house again. There she was violently thrown onto the ground and could feel the wooden floor beneath her break from the force.

Lia coughed blood and her whole body ached. The knife she held in her hand was flung away. Through squinted eyes, Lia could see the four men crowding around her.

"What about the other?"


"Then do we share her?"

"Yea or do we have another choice?"

"I want the legs! Bro, I want the legs!"

"Miss is pretty strong, we can get even more powerful, what a feast haha."

Lia groaned and tried to move but her body was held down. She couldn't raise her head to look at the entrance. Where was Mika? Could it be he really escape as they said?

Either way, it didn't matter, Lia needed to get out of this situation. She still had the knife strapped around her thigh but had no chance to grab it as her hands were held onto the floor by Fourth.

Lia cursed. Outside the howling wind and storming rain only grew heavier casting a dark shadow over Lia's mind and heart.

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