Wicked Reincarnation

Chapter 107: Mistand 9

Lia had hoped it'd be one of her allies but what she saw stunned her more. Another attendant of the T family, clad in the red robe and hat with talisman, ran past them and knocked the heavy ball against the gate.

His breathing was rushed and his face had a hint of urgency and anxiety. Lia was curious but there was no time to question him as the gate opened and the attendant disappeared.

"I wonder what this is about," Lia mumbled and Mika tore his gaze off the gate.

"We won't get to know it anyways," Mika straightened his legs on the ground and rubbed his nape, then he looked at the sky.


Inside the iron fortress, the attendant rushed through the dark and cold hallways covered by black carpets with bleak walls.

He came across several other attendants who walked with their heads bowed and sleeves below their chests. No one looked at each other yet they made him way as he headed towards the grand door, leading to the study chambers of Elder T.

A black robe clung onto a strong body and brown hair stands fell over a serious and cold face. Elder T responded as a knock on the door asked for his attention. Next to him was the other attendant who talked to Lia and Mika, and was currently serving Elder T some refreshments.

Elder T put the book away he was reading and listened to the attendant who came in and hastily reported his findings.

Yet, Elder T was neither fazed nor concerned, when he opened his mouth a serene voice filled the room, "Let them do what they want. Why do they think they can threaten me with unimportant matters?"


"No buts, I'm already tired. Leave me be," Elder T waved the attendant away.

He bowed and turned around but then Elder T stopped him, "Also, there's no need for you to scout anymore. Just stay."

"Yes, master," the attendant left.

"Master, don't you want to reconsider?" the other attendant finished serving Elder T.

"About what?"

"Both matters."

"Do I look like someone who would?"

"Master is wise," the attendant has served Elder T for a long time now and knew how to answer those pitfalls. Yet he still didn't appreciate Elder T's confrontational habits, it always put the attendant in a tight spot searching for a way to answer.

It wasn't that Elder T would do anything bad if an answer didn't please him but the attendant wanted to grasp Elder T's mind perfectly leaving no leeway for mistakes.

"When is my unfilial child coming back?" Elder T wasn't happy about how his offspring went against his beliefs and rules and set out on his own journey.

"Young Master should soon come back from the mortal world."

"No matter what I do, he never listens."

"Young Master is old enough to pursue his own dreams and is mature enough to know what is the best for himself."

"I will still properly educate him once he's back," Elder T's stern face relaxed a bit as he picked up his book.

"You can leave."

"Yes, Master," the attendant left the room and made his way to the entrance.


It has been only an hour since Lia and Mika have waited but each passing second was torture on their minds with nothing to do.

After a few minutes in, Mika started practising his power and the things next to him piled up. Lia had no idea anymore where to put the stuff later.

Soon, after the hour was gone, the gate opened and Mika stopped. In anticipation, Lia and Mika stood up. The attendant from before approached them.

"Has Elder T changed his mind?" there was a bit of hope in Lia's voice.

"Unfortunately not. I am here to let you know of some other news that has reached our ears."

Lia remembered the other attendant that hurried into the mansion after they'd been rejected. Had it to do with the news he brought?

"What is it?" Mika sized the attendant up and found it was weird he would inform them.

Lia knew he was only pitying them.

"Are you aware of the people that are staying at Mistand?"

"The prisoners?"

"Precisely. The T family used to be the one supervising the prison and now the prisoners have scattered across Mistand. Some have bonded and formed a faction. This faction constantly seeks a new way to threaten the T family to abide to their wishes," the servant spoke slowly.

"What does it have to do with us?" Mika didn't understand.

"This faction threatened the T family for a way to get out of Mistand. You might have already figured out that the T family would like to keep the prisoners inside Mistand, so they cannot harm anyone. Currently, the faction is holding two hostages, perhaps more but only two have been confirmed by us."

"So?" Mika still was clueless but Lia caught on, "You mean these are people we know?"

"It is solely my humble guess. I have no knowledge about you and the amount of people you have brought with you. I only wanted to let you know," the servant was about to retreat when Lia grabbed him.

"What do they look like?"

There was no way. No way any of the others were captured but Lia still needed to make sure. The timing was too good and Lia's intuition was most of the time right. She could sense that-

"Two females. One wore glasses," the servant slightly stumbled back as Lia let him go and apologised, yet her face became pale.

Two females. One of them was Nana and the other must be Lily. Lia was anxious. Both of them weren't strong enough to escape on their own.

"Can Elder T help? Please, we'll do anything!" it wasn't in Lia's nature to beg, however, it was Elder T's servant who had an idea of the location and could lead them there.

Also, a faction sounded like a lot of people, Lia and Mika couldn't take them on alone, especially now that Lia couldn't use her powers.

"I'm afraid-"

"Please!" Lia was ready to get on her knees but the servant shook his head.

"Elder T has already expressed his adversity. He will not do anything in this matter. You should not rely on the T family," the servant bowed before entering the gate,

"My guess is the faction won't take immediate action against your friends but they are notorious for savouring immortals to get stronger. I advise you to act as soon as possible."

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