Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

008 : Lovestruck Fool and Sugar Candies

[ Love cannot be begged for, it must be deserved. ]

This statement prolly tells that love is not something like a bubblegum that you can easily pick up from a corner, chew it, and throw it away once the taste fades. It's not a clothing line that once you think it's out of fashion, you would just dump it or gives it away. And most probably, it's not that single song in your playlist that you often skip but nevertheless erases because sometimes you have the mood to play it for a nth times a day.

Love is a subject that you have to thoroughly study, understand, to work hard, and win over. And that is what the original owner of his body is trying to do.

When the original Lin Mian Mian cared for the emperor, he was begging for love. Even though his body is frail and weak, he did not fail to keep up his role as a 'wife'. He knows that in order to get the love that he wanted, he must work hard to earn it. And in order to get it, he must show his diligence and perseverance as a lover and wife.

Yan JinLong and Lin Mian Mian are married under the laws of the human and the virtue of the gods. Lin Mian Mian whose mind only works according to the matters of the tradition will obviously offer his life to his husband. That is, accompanying him in a lifetime with full grace ignoring the fact that he has to share with a couple of women in bed to warm the emperor.

The emperor stayed inside his court after he told his new wife about the war happening on the borders. During this time, the original Lin Mian Mian can't help but to be worried for his husband. After all, his father died in a war. General Lin said the same words to him before leaving but never came back again.

In order to ease the pain, Lin Mian Mian often works hard to cook meals and prepare clothes for the emperor. He would gather all the things that he painstakingly created not allowing any of his servants to touch it. For him, it is the responsibility of the wife to take good care of his husband, from preparing his food, washing his clothes, down to warming the bed.

It was printed on his mind, remembering how his mother doing it when she was still alive.

However, the love that Lin Mian Mian mostly deserved to receive didn't happen. Not only he was rejected by the emperor, but often times he would be kicked out from the courtyard. The moment he arrives at the door carrying all the stuffs he made out from his true heart, the concubines would be waiting telling him that the emperor don't want to see him.

It seems that these concubines tried currying their favor for the next month's favoritism issue now that Yan JinLong's attention was away from his 'current playmate'. But it seems that they are also thrashed out by the man who gets colder and colder every time because of the war.

He just lost one of his best generals so it is normal for Yan JinLong to become impatient. He has ministers and younger comrades who can fight the war with no problems. But it is different without the guidance of an elder. General Lin is a veteran in war since the times of the old emperor. Having an elder on their sides makes them feel secure and guided.

Still, Lin Mian Mian did not stop from worrying. He puts more effort in wanting to take good care of the emperor but he was always thrown outside. After the two weeks of constantly wasting his effort and love, the emperor left only exchanging a few words to Lin Mian Mian. Though short, these words are enough for him to continue loving the emperor.

But oh well, he was really stupid to believe that things like true love actually existed.

Now, when the new soul entered the body, Lin Mian Mian is not ignorant of what is real and what is not. Receiving the past memories of the original body helped him to understand who should deserve the most love. So instead of following the original script of going to the court to send the emperor the 'cherished' goods the original Lin Mian Mian painstakingly created, he decided to do the otherwise by silently staying on his courtyard unmoved.

This action not only gives him more benefits, it also lessens his presence away from the harem. The original Lin Mian Mian is a white lotus, that's why he wasn't able to see the schemes behind the backs of the green tea bitches. He thought that those kind smiles are real and he was trusted like a sibling. For a person who never experienced hardship will never survive living in the palace. More or less, he will be the first one to kneel down and bow.

Lin Mian Mian, if possible, has no plans in meeting the harem. But the timeline insisted that they will meet once, especially the two week period where the emperor is busy collecting his army to the war. The encounter is only short, yet, left a deep impression to the both parties.

The concubines had never seen Lin Mian Mian. They only heard that the new member is beautiful, like all of them. So none of them is envious. After all, they already have their own princes with the emperor. Even if this new harem member also gives birth to another son, it will still not change the fact that it's the least born and far from the position of the heir. So the harem is not worried.

But when they saw the portrait of the ger, all of the ladies reacted in alarm. Not only this Lin Mian Mian is beautiful, he is really very beautiful to the point of a goddess beauty. Plus, his beauty not only stands physically but also his inner self is filled with white virtue. He has influence to the military; almost half of the palace's soldiers are General Lin's troop warriors.

If he wanted, Lin Mian Mian can oppress the emperor of making him an empress. But because he is a very kind jerk who can't even slap a mosquito away, he didn't use his advantages very well so other people used it at their disposal.

Give and take: Lin Mian Mian gave them the chance and they took it without restraints.

So, the trigger of the plot would be on the third week after their marriage. To not activate the death flag, Lin Mian Mian will go against the flow.

The servants who are thinking in advance on how to stop their kind master to do the tedious jobs were surprise to see Lin Mian Mian not doing anything. On the first day the emperor is gone, instead of worrying, Lin Mian Mian indulge them to play Chinese chess with him. Lu Mao and Fu Xing were both excited and played with the young master. The ladies also stayed, sending snack and drinks to the guys that are happily playing on the courtyard.

Though, something is bothering Lin Mian Mian throughout the whole week. According to his memories, the news about the border invasion should arrive on the first day of the third week. He was expecting to have some resistance knowing that the emperor now knows about the drugs that he inflicted to the man. Yet, not only did the news came a day ahead, but also the emperor let him go, which makes him a bit skeptical about the run through of the story.

Well, thinking logically, there is really a huge difference in this world from the original Lin Mian Mian's world. In this world, the soul residing Lin Mian Mian is a transmigrator from the twenty first century. The servants of the original Lin Mian Mian also experienced rebirth. The events that should happen according to the timeline were changed drastically, to avoid one thing to happen after the other.

He then concluded that this life is different. After all, none of the players is the same. Then, is it possible that Lin Mian Mian can avoid the original's fate even though he will not do anything to change it? Because even if the original Lin Mian Mian will stay, with the help of his reincarnated servants, he can escape the horrible fate.

Lin Mian Mian shook his head. Even though that conclusion is true, the fact that the future was changed and unknown, he could not let his guard down. He should be more vigilant knowing that things started to deviate from the original plot. Even though he has the golden finger of the future events, if the emperor has the protagonist halo, what's the use?

Today marked the seventh day of Lin Mian Mian's seclusion in his courtyard. His daily life is getting comfortable with just idly playing and chatting around. The servants are in peace, cleaning the courtyard and serving their master with satisfaction. Sometimes, their master will let them just play and goof around, making the isolated place lively than usual.

On the courtyard, a majestic figure can be found eating some pork stuffed dumplings. This dumpling was created by truly yours and Lin Mian Mian is very proud of it. The servants are nowhere in sight, probably doing their tasks as servants. Even though Lin Mian Mian is kind to the point of not overseeing their work, they still never took it for granted and worked as they were assigned.

Lin Mian Mian took a few bites but it already stuffed his cheeks full. He chewed in a daze thinking what might happen to the original Lin Mian Mian if he didn't fell in love with the emperor. He could have a happy life, or at least a peaceful one. And the kid that he wanted...

Truth be told, Lin Mian Mian started to develop some feelings towards the emperor. Those two weeks almost destroyed his mental fortress, leaving a dent to the iron fence. Despite the grudge of the original owner of the body, nobody can stop him from having feelings. After all, the emperor does really have the potential of being a lover.

If only he's not a fuccboi.

Maybe this one week of allowance made him clear of his intentions. The feelings will develop if the two strangers will always stay together, especially on his situation in which he has to sleep with the emperor every night. By creating a distance between them, the feelings will follow after, and the infatuation the two are sharing will eventually collapse.

By just thinking of those stinking feeling of love makes Lin Mian Mian feel sour.

The maids finished cleaning the room and headed out to check their master. They found Lin Mian Mian still sitting on the stone bench eating the food he made. They remember that from the past life Lin Mian Mian brought the same food to feed the emperor. And now, he's the one eating it.

Lin Mian Mian noticed the kids so he called them over to eat. The maids know their position so they only walked closer and stood beside their master. Lin Mian Mian urged them to sit beside him but the kids didn't budge so he didn't ask further.

He is about to share the plate of dumplings when he noticed that it is empty. Blinking, the twenty dumplings that earlier resided the plate is all gone. It seems that Lin Mian Mian has been munching the whole platter in daze without noticing that he ate the whole twenty pieces in one go. This only made him embarrassed, slowly lowering his head to hide his face.

I'm not really a glutton ah!

But actually, Lin Mian Mian is a heavy eater. He is a man and since birth eating is his favorite hobby. He can actually eat many bowls of rice with a few side dishes, three bowls of extra large bowl of ramen, and still have an empty pouch for desserts. He can eat whatever food you give him, even the street foods is gourmet for him.

Though, he mostly hated those five star restaurants that serves a hundred bucks for an inch size of food. Lin Mian Mian would rather eat packs of noodles than to spend huge amount of money for a crumble of some seasoned dishes. Or he'd rather just drink some water if he needed to quench his hunger.

But for the record, his body never gets fat despite the millions of carbs intake per day.

Finishing twenty dumplings is an easy feat for Lin Mian Mian. What's more, he still has the say to eat more. But he kept this urge inside his heart (and stomach) because the original Lin Mian Mian never eats that much.

'That must be the reason why he is weak ah', he though, still bowing his head to avoid the giggles of the ladies.

But the maids did not think that eating twenty dumplings is wrong. From the past, the original Lin Mian Mian is really worried sick for the emperor that he has no appetite to eat. He would only sip a little from the chicken soup they prepare, or only eat a few spoons from the congee. This only made his already frail body to become weaker that caused his health to simply deteriorate.

So, will they get mad if their master decided to stop thinking about the emperor and eat more? No! Of course, not! They would love to give him more food that now he's getting more meat from the previous all skins and bones. It shows from both of his arms and legs that's getting more plump each day.

Yue patted the back of her master. She knows that Lin Mian Mian is just shy to ask for more. Han Luli knows the signal so she quickly ran off to get other dumplings and some refreshments from the kitchen. Lin Mian Mian's ears started to redden showing his intense embarrassment.

"Master, would you like to see the Emperor?" Yue suddenly asked.

The maid knows how the old Lin Mian Mian loved the emperor and is afrais that his master is only hiding his feelings. Lin Mian Mian faced the servant with a skeptical look. He only raised his brows, and then shook his head as if shrugging. This made the ladies happy.

Han Luli brought another plate of dumplings and added some soy sauce. Lin Mian Mian can no longer hide his drool as he consumed each piece in a flash. The maids only giggled and joked that their master will get fat. The shameless glutton who denies that he is a glutton will only sway his hair to the side like a spoiled brat with cheeks filled with food like a squirrel.

Eventually, the sky slowly darkened. The maids prepared for their master's dinner. Despite the food that he already consumed, he still needed dinner because a healthy man should eat three times a day. And a super healthy man should eat five times a day. Maybe Lin Mian Mian is a super healthy man?

Lu Mao finished attending his eunuch responsibilities and returned to the Lin Court bringing a few baskets of fresh fruits. It's the season of bananas and the Head Minister handed him a few pieces saying that it's a gift for the new wife. Lu Mao did not refuse and happily brought it out.

Lin Mian Mian saw the bunch and took one to taste. He then told Lu Mao to bring it with him to the kitchen. The ladies who are busy attending the food was surprised to see their young master come in. Is he already that hungry that he needed to come to the kitchen to steal some food?

"No, no, I'm still okay," Lin Mian Mian quickly said. Well, he is really full from the delicacy earlier. But this will not stop him from eating more. "It's just that Xiao Mao brought some bananas and fruits and I thought I should make some fruit salad."

The four children tilted their head in confusion. "Fruit salad?"

Lin Mian Mian slipped his tongue and flinched. Oh, they didn't have fruit salad in this place? He nervously chuckled wondering how he can escape from this predicament. So, using his mind for once, Lin Mian Mian told the children that it was a dish that he suddenly invented while looking at the fruits. The children did not ask and just wanted to know what is this marvelous discovery their master thought off.

The maids quickly finished feeding their master and cleaned all the used bowls. Lin MIan Mian took charge of the mini cooking show exhibiting his outstanding cooking skills to everyone. Lin Mian Mian loves to eat so he should know how to cook. Making salads and whatnot is a simple thing despite the ancient materials they have on the kitchen.

Lin Mian Mian sliced the fruits into dice and halves. Then he placed everything on a nice bowl. He already asked Lu Mao for some fresh milk and cold water. Since ice cube isn't something that exists in this world, to which another slip of the tongue for our dear Lin Mian Mian, cold water is present. He told the kids that he would teach them making 'ice cubes' once winter comes.

So, he tried beating the cow milk very fast to make it viscous (A/N: I'm sorry, I don't know the term for it. I only know that it is synonymous to viscous.) As a self-proclaimed master chef, beating the milk is very easy. It almost made the kids seeing him like a super saiyan or something.

The milks became creamy and he poured it down to the fruits. The fruits are washed and chilled by the cold water. He didn't mix it but only pour the white substance atop as if covering the fruits with a layer of snow. The children watched with the delight as the sweet scent started drift unto their noses.

Lin Mian Mian is not stingy so he handed bowls to the kids. They were reluctant to eat knowing that it was their master's creation. Do they have the right to eat it like that? But Lin Mian Mian ordered them to do so or else he will not let them enter the Lin Court so the kids are 'forced' to eat it.

Once new with the taste, the kids beam in utter excitement after tasting the food. It's just fruit and some milk, yet they did not expect that the duo would create such relish. Lin Mian Mian smiled as he sat down, forking one banana, and eat it with delight.

He watched as the kids happily chatter saying that this is the best food they ate. Lu Mao did not talk and hastily ate his piece never hesitating to ask more. Lin Mian Mian is more delighted and added huge chunks. The ladies followed and requested to add more cream to their fruits.

Well, kids should be happy like this. Not to do some shitty hard work.

Zhou Ning, whose excitement reached top notched, suddenly asked her master: "Master Lin, when we're finally out from the palace, will you also cook food like this?"

Yue and Han Luli become silent. Lu Mao who is silently eating paused and look at the maid before shifting his gaze to the master. They are still planning the ways on how to escape from the palace. They already have the route on their hands. The only problem would be Lin Mian Mian's position in the harem.

He's already married with the emperor. Even though he would be thrown over later, that event is still far away. Now, he is not only the favored wife, he is also an important figure. If Lin Mian Mian will suddenly leave the palace, the warriors under General Lin will no doubt also leave the emperor. The war on the borders is a serious business. They can't let danger to come.

What's the use of saving their master if the outside world is more dangerous?

But Lin Mian Mian did not think of it seriously as he noticed the tense atmosphere. He simply pinched the worried face of Lu Mao and said gently: "Of course, once we are out we will become poor. We can use this to earn money."

The kids sighed in relief and the happy atmosphere returned.

"Then, then, what will master call the shop? I am sure master's shop will become the best!" Han Luli exclaimed.

"It can be sugar candy because this ‘fruit salad’ tastes like fruit candies," Yue suggested.

"Hmmm..." Lin Mian Mian cutely tapped his cheeks while looking up as if thinking. "But I want to open a noodles shop."

[A/N: Mian Mian means noodles, I think. I dunno. As what I know, Mian Mian is a food name. I forgot.]

The kids laughed heartily.

"Well, whatever we do once I'm out from this place, I'll make sure to take good care of you," Lin Mian Mian continued. "It's not too late to teach you how to read and write. I want you little children to grow smart and healthy."

The servants almost cried. It must be them serving their master but Lin Mian Mian went ahead and announced his superiority. Among the children, he is the only one who has the valid 'adult supervision'. It was his responsibility to teach these children, give them food and shelter, and prepare them for the next generation.

However, the happy smiles from the faces of the children went upside down. Lin Mian Mian was surprised with their reaction especially that they are looking behind him. Slowly, Lin Mian Mian turned his head to look who was present when suddenly he was dragged out from his seat. A strong force carried him towards the door of his room and closed it with a loud bang.

The four children paled seeing how the emperor took Lin Mian Mian away, wondering if he heard everything from the start.


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