Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

021 : Chang Jie’s Tears

"Your Majesty, please refrain from indulging carnal activities inside the study room especially during the day. It would be a problem if a guest would suddenly arrive," the stoic faced Minister Chang said.

Yan JinLong is sitting on his study room doing the usual tasks of checking the documents. There are quite a number of papers to check, each holds great importance to the court. Some of the papers are scraps from the days he was slacking off and clogged on this day when he was all robust. Though, most of the papers that needed more attention is the monthly budget that Minister Chang will review later, and to the military orders that they needed to finish as soon as possible.

He was currently reading the documents containing the aggregation of firearms with Minister Chang suddenly commented out of blue. He flipped the last pages of the remaining documents looking at them for a few more times before setting them aside. He took some time to massage his temples before clasping both of his hand with elbows on the table, letting his head lean on it. He was suddenly contemplating.

Did he... Did his wonderful dog minister just told him - him, the leader of this whole nation - to not do any intimate -embarrassing- things to his wife on his own place? What is wrong with that? Their marriage is legal and approved by the court. Whatever he do to his wife is valid, and just doing it on the bedroom once is not enough.

He wanted to do it in the bath! On the Floor! On the garden! Who cares if they will call him perverted? What if someone sees them? Well, the more people know the better! He wanted to show that Lin Mian Mian is his, and his only. Nobody would be able to touch his treasure aside from their future sons (if Lin Mian Mian approves).

Also, isn't his main mission to give his beloved wife the outmost care, happiness, and pleasure?

Yan JinLong felt very offended.

After a long pause, Yan JinLong snorted: "Who would come in the palace uninvited?"

When it comes to visiting the palace, there are designated rules attached that were all strictly implemented. No one is allowed to just simply walk inside the palace without a certificate of invitation, a summon, or a notice. This is considered rude in the face of the current leader, and a threat to the nation's security. Actually, even with an invitation, it is already hard to request the audience of the emperor, what's more with the wandering people who only like to gate crash.

If a noble wanted to enter the gates of the palace, one shall send a request letter to the lower officials. The document should include the time and date of request, the reason of request, and the possible necessities like the meeting place and such. This will be reviewed by the lower minister in accordance to the importance level dictated by Minister Chang Jie. If the request were not really that important, it would be filtered on the second review where it will be filtered again to see the appropriate time to accept it.

When the request letter passed the first level, the mid-ranked ministers will filter it again. This time, they will separate the topics of the letters. Like, all the agricultural requests will go the agricultural section; budgets will go there, marriage proposals, over there, etc. The approved requests will be sent to their respective secretaries. Only the most important letters will be handed to Minister Chang that will next be read by the emperor.

Now, it would be the emperor's decision to accept the request or not. If he signed the document, then, the sender of the letter should abide to the written agreement and would come on time with respect to chance. Any kind of mishaps will be recorded and will be used as references in case the sender wanted to request once again. This is to keep the discipline on the court, and to not waste time in doing nonsense.

On the other hand, if the emperor rejects the letter then Minister Chang will discard the request. He will pass the message to his subordinates to give a rejection letter to the sender. The reason of rejection may vary - maybe because the request is unnecessary, or the emperor thinks that his presence is not necessary to solve the crises. He will just send a qualified personnel that would handle the case on his place.

To be given a personnel is already lucky, but those whom he ignored will not be answered. One 'no' is enough for the smart people to stop sending request. Maybe they are just foolish enough to send a request, or maybe it is not something that each should worry about. But a few conceited people will never accept rejection so they will send the same thing again, not even considering of revising it a bit. To take another request depends on how thick the person's skin is.

Minister Chang, who quite received a sarcastic answer, showed a disapproving look. He is not really shy in showing his full contempt, and probably not very impressed.

"Then, if the majesty will see it possible, put a bit of restrain. Going out wild in the public will cause rumors. It will taint the good image of being a righteous leader," he commented.

Well, it's not that he is really considered with the fuccboi's reputation. He already knows that the whole nation is knowledgeable when it comes to his nightlife. Even the dumbest citizen is aware of Yan JinLong's one-month syndrome. What rumor will it be if they saw the two fucking on the streets? He guessed that everyone would just bat an eye as if it was a daily occurrence.

Still, Minister Chang Jie did not want to complicate things. After all, nobody is seen sleeping on the emperor's chambers. The rumors about Lin Mian Mian being the empress are already on the top list of the trending topic. Though, this rumors is unbelievably accepted by the most people due to Lin Mian Mian's significant role as a perfect child. But it would cause trouble inside the palace and also to Lin Mian Mian that will be targetted with greedy people.

It's not that Minister Chang is especially worried about Lin Mian Mian. After all, he still looks at the ger as a member of the harem not an equal. He has not yet grasped the true nature of Lin Mian Mian so he is really very careful when it comes to the new subject. Also, Lin Mian Mian can still be considered as the Head of the Lin family despite his marriage to the emperor. His back up is far greater than the most favored concubine giving him the ability to act freely and reckless.

Lin Mian Mian held a dangerous grip that he knows could overthrow the whole nation if kept unattended.

"Who would dare to taint my image with blank ink?" Yan JinLong made a low chuckle. "Do you think there is anyone who is courageous enough to do it?"

Yan JinLong knows only four people who could kick the bucket out of him. One, is the person standing before him. Two, his mother. Three, well, he was already dead. And fourth, his thirteenth wife. Other people are already either scared of him or respectful of him that no one would dare to even look up and stare at him eye to eye. So, who is the imbecile this dog minister is portraying?

But what was on Minister Chang mind is: Well, you are already tainted. I was referring to your innocent wife.

"Still," Minister Chang pushed up his imaginary modern glasses. "It is inappropriate for a leader to act reckless like a beast. It will not only bring misfortune, it is also a bad example to the children."

Yan JinLong stared at his minister for a while before nodding. He straightened his position and moved towards the drawer on the side. He pulled the lowest level and took out a familiar red folder. Black lines quickly appeared from the face of the minister as if he had seen his greatest enemy. Yan JinLong leisurely opened the red folder and looked at its contents.

"Aiya, I received quite a lot of marriage proposals for my subjects recently. Just the other day, matchmaker Xi added a few beauties in the list. Young Officer San is of a marriageable age and requested a wife. Their engagement happened just a few days ago," Yan JinLong hummed as if he was contemplating. "All of my subordinates are skilled on their work. Don't you think it would be better if this one shall also receive my blessing?"

Minister Chang already knows what this man is implying. Gritting his teeth, the minister moved his emotion and quickly shifted to an obedient dog. He wagged his tail before the emperor while sputtering some sweet nonsense.

"Oh my, oh my, our great emperor is really thoughtful. But this servants still not need to settle. This servant thinks that it is not time to left his post yet. I hope the almighty emperor who is the best in the world will understand," Chang Jie felt his throat gone sour. He wanted to puke the sweet words out.

"Is that so?" Yan JinLong pretended to be concerned. "But this servant is really hard working enough! A good wife would be good to support the heaven up. How about this, Lady Min SaiYu from the Min household? She is quite beautiful and had a good temper. It would be nice to-"

Minister Chang quickly retorted thinking that if that words come out, not even the heavens could defy. The minister walked closer to the table like a merchant ready to haggle some goods. He has been shaking since earlier while still plastering his face with a great smile that could scare the children away.

"Of course, Of course, I approved of his Majesty's show of affection to his wife. Actually, this servant is thinking of a place where His Majesty could spend his lone time with his wife for a few days..." Minister Chang took a record of dating hotspots from somewhere and searched for a good place. "Oh, the Lotus Pavilion would be good. It was said in here that the flowers would be in season after a few months. Ah, His Majesty could bring his wife there to do some sightseeing."

Yan JinLong still kept from flipping the red folder. It's obvious that he wasn't satisfied with the offer. Minister Chang continued.

"They also have hot springs! There are private quarters on a nearby inn that serves the couple their best service. It is a honeymoon hotspot for the regular people and some our officials have also gave a positive response. This is a place befitting for newlyweds!"

The emperor is still ignoring him. The minister dropped the last bomb.

"Since the Emperor will be spending his honeymoon, it would be good if His Majesty would have a break for a week. This minister will do all the works without complain, and His Majesty could just enjoy the trip without worrying over the piled up work!"

The emperor closed the folder shut and look up a glance at the sweating emperor. His solemn expression suddenly changed to a sarcastic grin. One can easily see that the smile is fake and its intention is just to annoy the minister. Chang Jie's hand rolled to a fist ready to smack a punch on that grinning face.

"Then, I would like to hear about this honeymoon hotspot anytime later," Yan JinLong said.

He returned the red folder back to the abyss named 'CHANG JIE'S TEARS' and closed it with a lock. He returned to reading his documents and ignored the minister once more.

On the other hand, Chang Jie almost wanted to collapse on his position. He did not like talking about marriages at all; actually, he hated the idea of being permanently tangled with someone. True, he hated to be fed with dog food but it doesn't mean that he is craving for romance. Being single gives more benefits than what one could expect.

This is the small error to the minister. He has all the qualifications to become a perfect husband but his heart is stoic and immovable. It seems that the person that can crumble his defenses is still not born yet. Or had not reached his radar yet.

While the minister is having his monologue while cursing the emperor for using his authority and forgetting about their goodwill friendship, a knock on the door came. Yan JinLong did not raise his head as if the arrival of the person did not matter to him. Minister Chang quickly straightened his self as he adjusted his emotion and walked towards the door. A servant was seen bowing before him.

"This servant has brought General Kong," the servant said.

Before the minister could be able to assess the information, a broad sturdy chest of a man suddenly appeared before him. A scent of sandalwood wafted with the force as the minister rose his head up to see the face of the gentleman. A pair of ruby irises met his gaze glaring at him with a fierce temperament. This one look is enough to scare the shit out from the devil.

However, working under a beast for the longest of time, Minister Chang was not perturbed by the intense gaze and only nodded. He stepped back, still looking straight to the eye of the soldier, to gain some distance. General Kong is watching the noble minister and was amused in seeing no ripple on its emotion. It seems that this minister is not an easy feat.

"General Kong," Minister Chang called his name firmly. "Are we here to discuss the plans about the recruits?"

"Yes," General Kong smiled in response. "I am here per request by the emperor. I already collected the number of warriors ready for battle."

"Oh," Chang Jie was surprised when the smile came without notice.

The minister has heard a lot of things coming from the general. General Kong Wen is the direct disciple of General Lin, and said to be a candidate husband for his son Lin Mian Mian. He is known for his strength and formidable intelligence that once brought in action when some bandits invaded a territory on the south. His background is also quite good. Coming from the line of warriors, it could be said that his family is a counterpart of the Lin Household that protected the people on the borders.

Though, that is not the rumors that made him known. It was said that General Kong has a very scary face that is full of scars earned from his battles, with a crook nose damaged from a soldier's arrow, and red blood eyes born from the death of the sun. He also carried a huge sword on his hand that accented his scary nature, thus, often used as a scary figure among the kids. General Kong is respected, but also feared by most of the people.

However, the person that should be as scary as the devil his self does not have the description coming from the rumors. Instead, the face of the general is pretty much well-proportioned as if it is not made for war but for nobility. His brows are sharp bordering his eyes that housed two glinting rubies expressing a raw energy. His nose of a straight decent matching his bloody lips. Minister Chang could have thought that this person is a young master from a good house, if only General Kong is not tanned due to the long days of training under the sun.

As how the minister is at loss, the general is feeling the opposite. He can feel that the minister is studying him as a whole, understanding his appearance from head to toe. He is not definitely shy when it comes to straightforward persons so he just let the man do it. After all, he thought that this minister is quite an eye candy. He liked how Minister Chang look very nice and innocent yet has a prudent personality.

It is as if he is a wolf in a sheep's clothing - delicate but dangerous.

Minister Chang turned around and walked towards the emperor with General Kong tailing him behind. As if on cue, Emperor Yan JinLong finished reading all the documents that needed a review for that day and placed it on the side. One gentleman kneeled on one knee before him while the minister took the completed documents on the side and stacked them.

"Your Majesty, I already completed the task given. The troops are ready for action," General Kong reported diligently.

"Good," Yan JinLong nodded. "However, we still took almost a week before we collected the needed number of people. We don't lack the manpower however only a few attended the military schools. I want the ministers to pass a new decree about training young men that wanted to join the army. I want to get the plan and the budget for opening the schools before we leave at the end of the month."

"Yes, your majesty," Minister Chang skillfully recorded the words into letters and passed the scrolls to the messenger servant.

"General Kong," Yan JinLong called.

"Yes, your majesty?" General Kong quickly responded.

"Bring me to the troops. I would like to discuss the plans before we head out to the borders. Call all the leaders and have them seated on the front," the emperor commanded.

"Yes, your majesty!"

After a few more words, the three figures left the room. The messengers sent the orders beforehand so the moment the emperor arrived; all the important personnel are already on their respected places. Yan JinLong started the meeting that went over for a few hours before things were settled. At the time the discussion ended, a eunuch kneeled before him.

"Your majesty, the Jade from the Lin Courtyard has woken up. The Lady is currently snacking on His Majesty's court," the eunuch reported.

Yan JinLong who has been looking all stern and serious on the meeting suddenly changed and smiled. All the warriors who have been careful around him can feel the happiness radiate to the maximum input. Flowers can be seen floating around him as his eyes showed utter satisfaction.

"Well, let's visit the Lady," the emperor said. He looked at General Kong. "It seems that it has been a long time since General Kong met my wife."

Yan JinLong is never late from gossips so he knows the rumors about Kong Wen and Lin Mian Mian. Obviously, he was trying to say right now that the ger is already his and nobody could ever get him without walking over his dead body. Minister Chang only face palmed and General Kong blinked.

The emperor walked towards his courtyard with a number of eunuchs beside him. The two figures just followed behind watching the iron back of the leader. General Kong inched closer to the shorter minister beside him to have some small talk. Minister Chang did not avoid him and lend his ear.

"So, His Majesty seems to be misunderstanding something. I am not interested with Young Master Lin," General Kong whispered.

"Why are you telling me this? Tell that to the emperor," Minister Chang has no qualms to whatever love triangle will form from these people. As long as he can receive his salary while living peacefully, he will not interfere.

"I don't believe that he will believe me," General Kong added.

"Then?" They are not close yet but they talked as if they have known each other for ages. "That has nothing to do with me."

"True," General Kong nodded. "I am just worried. You might think that it's different."

"What? It doesn't matter to me if there is," Chang Jie looked at the other with a raised brow.

"Really?" Minister Kong said with a smirk. "But to me it matters what you think."

"Why?" Chang Jie stopped walking. The general followed suit.

"I don't want the person I am interested with think that I am taken," the general winked and quickly catches up with the emperor.

Minister Chang Jie: Huh?


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