Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

026 : Like Mother, Like Son

It has been a week since the emperor left the palace. Even though there is a change of leaders, the life inside the walls returned to normal. Even though the leader wasn't present on his nest, the credible and trustworthy officials are enough to handle the affairs.

Also, the Empress Dowager is also there. The Empress Dowager is a wise and a reliable woman.

When she was still on her younger years, she already showed a formidable character that despite her standing as a woman, she could stand in par with men. This ability coursed her way to become the Queen of the land, thus winning to the number of concubines.

Most of the old officials had witnessed the woman's prowess and respected her for that. This is the reason why even though Yan JinLong is the current dragon emperor, the Empress Dowager's influence is much greater. Her experience and wisdom is worthy of such title.

In addition, their difference in attending the public also highlighted the people's favorability.

Yan JinLong is a great leader – nobody could refute that since his parents are also of the same level of skills. However, when it comes to attending court, this man could either turn the whole place into a cold pole or burn the field with his roasting. Yan JinLong is the kind of person that would reprimand an official's mistake in the most horrible manner one would wonder if his tongue is made up of red chili paper.

Minister Chang Jie is already spicy? Then Yan JinLong is spicier ah.

However, the Empress Dowager, despite her strictness, is not severe. Her smooth and mother-like voice is like a chocolate melting on the tongue, making everyone feel comfortable and warm. She also reprimands mistakes but will not roast the other person until burnt. She will just state what their wrongdoings are and what should be done to correct it.

Her style is very different ah. Yan JinLong is the tyrant leader while his mother is Mother Theresa.  It is easy to choose between the two.

Therefore, the usual cold mornings even though the sun is already scorching hot had become the Empress Dowager counseling radio station. The officers that often needed to take a leak before attending the court so they won't piss themselves attended the meeting with a bright smile. They never thought that would encounter such a good day.

But what a pity ah! Even though they liked the Empress Dowager like this, they can't just ignore Yan JinLong's existence that is larger than any mountains and deeper than any seas. They could only just cherish the moment where they can still happily attend the morning court smiling.

On the other hand, the person who almost wanted to throw a nationwide party since the fuccboi is already gone - Lin Mian Mian welcomed his leisurely days. Aside from waking up in the morning and walking around the courtyard to show that he is still alive, it could be said that his life had been very simple and lazy. If not from his servants wanting him to exercise, he could have chosen to sleep all day.

If he could sit, he would not stand. If he could lie down, he would not sit. If only he is allowed to sleep for the whole day, he would not dare to wake up.

But don't dare to insult our adorable Lin Mian Mian ah! Despite this sloth-y attitude, Lin Mian Mian had been working with all force when dealing with the other concubines. Since Yan JinLong showed his desire by actions, everyone now knows that Lin Mian Mian did not lose favor, but instead been marked as the next empress. His existence is enough to exhibit his level rising.

Ding Ding Ding! Player Lin Mian Mian levelled up!

Many people were contemplating by the emperor's choice, but the people that were most affected is the harem. They all have been in the palace for years to gain the title yet the wife who isn't even a woman but a ger took all their efforts in vain.

They wanted to complain, but what right do they have?

Compared to them and Lin Mian Mian, the others are daughters of some noble while the new wife is the only child of a legendary general, it would be obvious to know who will be chosen. Therefore, instead of carrying daggers to hurt the other, they preferred to use the flatter-like-a-parasite type where they only needed to gain Lin Mian Mian's favor.

Once Lin Mian Mian showed a little bit of affection towards any of the concubines, it only means that they have the chance of becoming his friend. If they cannot take the emperor's heart, then they should just take the Lin Family's backing. By that, they don't have to worry over their safety since Lin Mian Mian had taken them under their protection.

Half of the harem has this kind of thinking so they did not waste any time to look for the Jade Lin. Every day, a concubine would come knocking on the Lin Courtyard just to seek the ger's audience. To show their credibility, they would often show gifts of high jewelries and money.

Also, the Lin Mian Mian from the rumors is the kind and gentle kind. He will accept anyone who is true and honest. It is as though his whole being is a saint – forever helping anyone who is in need.

Well, only Yin Mei Mei knows what Lin Mian Mian's true nature is.

She had suffered a great deal of mental degradation due to the new wife's unintentional actions. Who said that Lin Mian Mian is gentle ah? Who said that he is kind and good? Those are just rumors ba! The gentle jade that you have thought of him is nothing other than a hard rock.

If not because of him, she would not lose his favor ba!

So Yin Mei Mei did not tell the other wives to not go into the Lin courtyard since she knows that they will not be accepted. But who knows after the first concubine visited to the Lin Courtyard, the concubine was accepted wholeheartedly! Not only that, the concubine also said that the Jade Lin is so kind that she almost thought that Lin Mian Mian is her big sister.

Lin Mian Mian's service to the community had been rated in five stars!

The other concubines that were reluctant to visit the Lin Courtyard heard the news and was perplexed if they will be treated the same. The next day, a few concubines decided to go together and were welcomed on the same way.

In just three days, Lin Mian Mian had become the center of the harem, with eighty percent of the wives agreeing that he has the 'kind older sister' vibe.

The remaining twenty percent are from those concubines that already have a high position like Fu Xiao San. The Fu family had a good standing inside the palace so there is no need for getting favors from the general's child.

The other part of twenty percent is from the concubines that would rather want to stab and smear blood to Lin Mian Mian's image like Lu Sei Min and Yin Mei Mei.

Today, after many days of chatting and acting like a holy saint, Lin Mian Mian finally earned his good rest. He was reclining in a soft padded chair under the shade of a tree, munching a few pieces of mochi. He just recently learned that people in this world did not know any rice delicacy other than just cooking it normally. So he demonstrated to the children on how to make mochi.

The creation process of mochi is really simple and the servants were happy when they were preparing it. After a few modifications with the taste, mochi had become a normal food inside the Lin courtyard made especially for the Lin Mian Mian himself.

When the concubines visited his place, they were surprised by the dessert and even asked to take a few on their yards. Lin Mian Mian isn't stingy with food so he gave the women a few boxes for them to taste.

Well, after all, food unites all.

The three rotten maids and the eunuch watch their master lazing under the tree again. Happiness can be seen glittering on their eyes as though hoping to let the peaceful days like this to insist. They don't need that fuccboi occasionally sticking on their master, or that cold faced minister that watches them like they had murdered his family or something. Good days like this are really rare.

Somewhere in the battlefield, two people sneezed on the same time.

As Lin Mian Mian is slowly closing his eyes due to the mild breeze that refreshed his feeling, a loud noise suddenly erupted. Slightly frowning, he glanced on the corner to see two kids rushing towards him. Somehow, the image of Lu Mao carrying a letter with Fu Xing behind feels like deja vu.

Did the same thing happen just a few days ago?

Lu Mao quickly approached his master. He wanted to apologize from disturbing his rest but this letter is of important matter. Unlike before, this one, Lu Mao is yet to read it. The reason is the seal plastered on the paper is from the Empress Dowager. The little eunuch will not dare to implicate the Empress Dowager.

It's okay if it is Yan JinLong, but never his mother.

After all, the Empress Dowager manages the harem. Lin Mian Mian already told them to be kind towards the Mother of the Land since they can still use her influence from escaping the palace. They should display goodwill to earn favor.

Lin Mian Mian pinched the soft cheeks of Lu Mao lightly before taking the letter. He only needed to flip it open once to see the short message. After a glance, he closed the letter and handed it to Fu Xing. The two children waited for his response.

"The Empress Dowager wanted to have some tea with us," Lin Mian Mian stood. "Prepare some gifts; we will be visiting her now."

"Master Lin, will it be okay to meet the Empress Dowager?" Lu Mao asked.

"Why would it not be okay?" Lin Mian Mian patted the little child's head. "The empress dowager wanted my audience for a long time but due to my father's death, I could only request for her kindness."

Also, from the memories of the original, the Empress Dowager is not a bad person at all. She treated everyone in the harem strictly but this is just her concern as the current mother of the land. In close up, one could see her gentle attitude. Just by her ruling made the harem behave.

The Empress Dowager is also Lin Father's close friend. It seems that when they were still young, the former emperor and the general already treated each other like blood brothers. This must be one of the reasons why the general did not conquer the land despite his influence. He wanted to have a safe country for his family and friends, and so supported the former emperor on his ruling.

"It will give us a bad image if we keep refusing her summons. Come, help me pack some good food for the Lady," Lin Mian Mian said.

The little Eunuch though that his master's reason is correct so he quickly dismissed his displeased expression and help Lin Mian Mian prepare. The three maids also helped with the preparations. In just a few minutes, they are already done and ready to go. Fu Xing then escorted the Jade Lin to the Harem's chambers.

[A/N: Since Lin Mian Mian isn't really a woman, nor male, he was given a courtyard instead of staying on the chambers. It has been introduced earlier on- I forgot what chapter-. This is also the reason why most of the concubines have to walk a distance just to visit him and would feel bitter when Lin Mian Mian refused to welcome them.]

The Empress Dowager Xia MeiLin is currently sipping her tea when a loud voice announced someone's arrival. After a while, a person appeared from the corner, approaching towards her direction. The said person then kneeled with a bow when he is a few feet apart from the Queen before saying his greetings. His gentle voice echoed through the whole room, almost making the other maids to have complicated feelings.

"My, My, this child, you don't have to bow before your godmother. Here, come and drink some tea," an equally pleasing voice replied to his intention, making Lin Mian Mian feel warm.

He suddenly remembered his mother from his previous world. Even though his life isn't luxurious but he is very happy. Lin Mian Mian is a certified mama's boy, would rather go sticky to his mom than to his ever-strict father. The mother will also indulge to his words, would pamper like a little child.

Just by hearing the warm voice of the Empress Dowager made his heart sting. He wondered what his family's reaction is when they learned that he died. Did they cry for him? Did his mother felt heartbroken?

"What's the matter? Are you feeling comfortable?" Xia MeiLin noticed the forlorn look of the youth. He looks like grieving. "Are you remembering your father?"

"I am fine. Thanks the Lady for her concern," Lin Mian Mian smiled.

He stood up from his position and turned to sit to the opposite side of the table. The servants made their bows before the masters then handed the packed delicacies they brought to the table. Lin Mian Mian proudly introduced the sweets towards the empress dowager with a pleasant sales talk. He almost looks like a sales person selling doubtful furniture.

The Empress Dowager also accepted his nurture. Even though she knows that Lin Mian Mian is only doing it for the sake of earning a favor, to hear praises is still a good thing ba. And Lin Mian Mian is doing it very well. His sweet talk would make the Empress Dowager chuckle and laugh. Lin Mian Mian treated his mother this way so his action became natural.

It is as though Lin Mian Mian is the real son, not the hardheaded Yan JinLong.

"Aiya, this child is really naughty ah. Different from what I heard from the other people," Xia MeiLin said.

Lin Mian Mian halted. D-did he overdo it?

"I heard that the General's child is a gentle, kind, and modest ger. He looks very delicate and fragile that by just simply touching him is impossible," the lady looked at Lin Mian Mian's image from head to toe. "But it seems that the rumors are wrong."

"He he, what do you mean?" Lin Mian Mian almost stuttered. "Does the Lady did not approve of my actions?"

"No, not really," the lady took a sip from her tea. "I like your honest self. White lotuses are good people, but they are not suitable for the Emperor's garden."

Lin Mian Mian nervously chuckled. So he had been seen through?

"This Lady..."

"You can call me 'Mother'. You shouldn't be bothered by the titles," Xia MeiLin said.

Lin Mian Mian smirked. This mother and son, though with different temperaments, one could see where the other got his attitude.

It seems that it is true. Like mother, like son, indeed!

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