Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 10 – Move in day, Bedrooms and Looming danger

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

...That really happened, huh? I was the first one to wake up after the night Akeno and I shared. Akeno had fallen asleep soon after we finished the deed.

I had stayed awake for a little while, because I wanted to make sure that she was asleep and to remove myself from inside her.

Even while asleep she frowned, I had to hold back from snickering when it happened, we only did it once but her body already remembers. I turn to my side and see her still fast asleep, cute. I wrapped my hand around her and pulled her close, this caused her to smile.


Akeno mumbled in her sleep after I moved her a bit. I started to slowly brush her hair, but her eyes fluttered open soon enough. She didn't say anything but smile at me. How can someone be so cute? I couldn't help but think.

"Good morning."

She whispers and leans in to kiss me. I happily reciprocate. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but it filled me with joy.

"Good morning, Akeno. Did you sleep well?"

She snuggled into me as we continue to laze on her bed.


One of the most comfortable sleeps I had, after a very memorable night…"

"It won't be the last, I can tell you that."

This will also happen with the rest of my harem in the future… At least I'll be competent by then.

"Are we ready to go again already?"

She giggled and moved her knee, then started rubbing my morning wood.

"You know that's just a psychological phenomenon that happens in the morning."

I didn't bother moving as it felt good.

Cúntóir: Answer: 7:49 a.m.

…Really? I mentally sigh at this interruption.

"Unfortunately, we can't do that right now, Akeno. It's nearing eight and we have to get up."

I could always create a barrier that can change time dilation like for [I.D Create], but I don't want to turn into some kind of sex addict. I want to think with my lower half. They're not just objects I can fuck any time I feel like it. They're living, breathing beings.

I think I remember reading some novels back in my old world that had those kinds of premises. I'd rather not be that kind of person; I slightly shiver at the thought.


Akeno whined at the thought of getting up. She finally pulls away from me and her cheeks are puffed.

"Do we have to?"

"Yes, we have to. We have the rest of our lives to do this."

I pull the covers off us and get up. I could see her smirking at me.

"Akeno… C'mon."

"Fine! But I'm teasing you the whole way through!"

She got up— Well she tried and almost immediately fell back on the bed.


She was surprised at what happened and tried again to stand, only for her to wobble a bit and fall back on the bed.

"…I didn't do it that hard last night, Akeno."

I walk over to her side and offer my arm to her. She grabs it and pulls herself up.

"Let me help a bit."

I touch her thighs and heal them a bit.

"Thank you."

She lets go of my arm and starts to walk but is visibly limping. Once she sees this, she looks back at me with a forced smile

"This… Has turned into a difficult situation."

I couldn't help but grin at her.

"Well, it certainly has."

I walk past her and gave her ass a light smack which made her yelp. We continued to banter back and forth as we got our clothes on, Akeno needed a bit of help as she was still a bit weak from last night.

"Geez Akeno, how big are these?"

I asked as I helped her hook her bra. The question made her laugh.

"Last time I checked they were B102, but maybe they've grown?"

She cups herself.

"Wanna measure them for me, darling?"

I stared at her a bit surprised by the new way she was calling me.

"Darling? Where did that come from?"

I step away as she put her dress back on and twirled.

"Do you hate it? I can stop if you want…"

She sounded sad while asking that. I shake my head.

"Oh it's fine, I was just a bit surprised by it."

She stood beside me and hugged my arm.

"Then how about, husband instead?"

She grins and I sigh, never a dull moment, huh?

"Haah… What am I going to do with you?"

I shook my head; I turned back and fixed her bed with some magic and teleported us back to my home.

Skyward household

"You know… The girls and your peerage are probably bound to ask why you're like that, so… Like, good luck."

The realization hit Akeno like a spear of light, leaving her blushing.

"Last night was both a blessing and a curse… I will drag you down with me if necessary."

She ended her sentence with a very calm and terrifying smile. I was being threatened!

Damn girl, I'll sink that ship even deeper then. I just chuckled, and we all made our way to the kitchen.

"Good morning, everyone."

In response to my greeting, they immediately turned their attention to us as Akeno limped beside me.

"Oh, you guys are back nya…"

Kuroka starts as she looks at Akeno and grins.

"Did you have fun nya?"

She asked the girl, causing her to blush.

"Yes, I'm quite curious as well. You did not come home last night."

Grayfia adds with a bit of an annoyed tone. Did she try staying up and waiting for us? I gave her an apologetic smile to which she responded with a piercing dead look.

"Mmm! How was your date?"

Ingvild asks, I walk over and take a seat beside her as everyone stared at Akeno who stood still.

"Akeno? Is something wrong?"

Still oblivious as to what Kuroka meant. You innocent thing. I looked at the girl with a bit of pity, she was going to be a blushing mess soon enough.

Akeno eventually moved as she was getting uncomfortable with all the gazes on her. Slowly and awkwardly she limped to her seat, causing Kuroka's grin to widen even more and develop into an evil smile.

"Looks like you did have fun nya."

Ingvild finally understood what the cat girl meant and slowly turned red while Grayfia's suspicions were confirmed making the Devil Maid sigh.

Ophis was the one who had no idea what any of them meant, she looks towards Akeno who had just sat down.

"Why, are you limping?"

She looks down at Akeno's thighs.

"Why, is Jin's essence inside you?"

Upon hearing her words, the whole room fell into silence as everyone stared at the oblivious Dragon God. Ingvild turned a brighter shade of red midway through putting food into her mouth. Kuroka finally losing it burst into laughter and Grayfia shook her head. The one in question, Akeno had just covered her face with her hands, dying from embarrassment.

"It's just another form of showing affection, Ophis. If you get that close in a romantic relationship, it tends to happen somewhere down the line."

I shrug.

"It'll happen to everyone in my harem at some point."

I inform her and she just nods still not really understanding it. The awkward atmosphere slowly lifts and we start to dig into our breakfast.

"Oh yeah, Akeno, be careful around your King and peerage otherwise they'll ask you questions."

Kuroka snickers while shoving another spoonful of food into her mouth. This caused Akeno to groan since I already warned her earlier.

"Please don't remind me, Rias will be the most suspicious… Your sister will also probably notice…"

She sighed defeatedly. The room fell into silence again and the only sounds were of chewing and metal hitting our plates.

"How was yesterday for all of you?"

Seeing as how they didn't tell me anything of utmost importance, I wanted to know what they did during our outing.

"Sleep, Jin… More sweets."

Ophis was the first to answer and then asked for more sweets.

"Ran out."

She also apparently already ran out of sweets… Did she stress eat or something?

"Sure, sure. I'll make you some when we're done having breakfast."

She nods and continues eating. I glance around at everyone waiting for their answers.

"I was just writing more of my song… I'm not sure on where to take it next, it's changed a few times already… I need inspiration."

Ingvild adds as she scrolled through her phone while taking occasional bites of her food.

"I briefly returned to the Underworld as I needed to get a few things."

She looks at me.

"I also informed Sirzechs-sama of your proposal… And he accepted."

Grayfia sounded a bit annoyed by the fact that he did.

"He would like one soon and will give you an extra favor from himself."

I felt giddy inside since I got an extra favor from Satan. However, now that I think about it, I can probably just make him do something stupid for it. However, I will have to think about how I'll use it, since currently, I have three favors from Satan Lucifer.

The first will be getting Grayfia, seeing as how she is now— It'll be an easy yes from her when the time comes. The other two I'm not sure how to use, since I can just create whatever I want... I don't need anything materialistic from him. I mentally sigh I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.

"I texted Shirone, and had to go to Vali for a bit. Khaos Brigade is in panic as Ophis randomly left and never came back. I don't really plan on saying anything so it's up to them to find out."

She frowns.

"There were talks of some other beings taking the newly created position of leader though."

"Are they mainly from the devil faction in Khaos Brigade?"

As Kuroka nodded, I realized that most of them want to rule the Underworld like ancient times and do not like how the current Satans are doing things. Even Katerea wants to take over the world.

"Are they truly no threat?"

Grayfia felt uneasy, she was already informed of Ophis being the former leader but still— There were quite a lot of groups within the organization. She also just found out some of the Old-Satan factions are part of it.

"It'll be fine, they're quite weak, even with the use of Ophis's snakes."

I wave her concern off; I already plan on making them stronger in a few days.

"Your definition of weak and strong is beyond our measurement. I don't consider that reliable."

She quips back and I just chuckle at her.

"No, really, don't worry it'll be fine. I mean I'm taking you guys there again in a few days. You'll probably break into Satan-class during it, don't worry yourself Fia."

"You still haven't elaborated on what that place is…"

She squints at me.

"It'll be a surprise, trust me."

She just shook her head not wanting to argue. I stare at Grayfia… She really does look like Sakuya Izayoi from Touhou…

What if I get her to learn time manipulation and give her knives…? She'll be like the two combined plus Dio…


{It would certainly be amusing.}

Time… Grayfia… Wait, isn't that just Esdeath? Well, whatever, I'll urge her to learn some time manipulation during our trip into the pocket dimension.

"Is something the matter?"

Grayfia asks me, seems like I've just been staring at her.

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering what I should teach you when we go back to that place again. I have an idea; it'll be up to you when the time comes."

She doesn't answer but just resumes eating. The rest of breakfast was just our usual banter and idle chatter.

10:33 a.m.

Akeno had gone to the Occult Research Club to get her contracts done for the day, the rest of us had nothing to do so we stayed back for the day. I was lazily sitting on the coach, Ophis on my lap reading a book titled 'Normal People' by Sally Rooney. I have no idea why she wanted to read a book but I obliged but I had to pick a random book off the internet and made it.

She's been stuck reading it ever since, Ingvild was doing her usual routine of working on her song, Kuroka had transformed into her cat form and was sleeping on my head and Grayfia had gone up into her room for something.

It was a peaceful mornin—


{[You just had to jinx it again, huh?]}

…I pick up my phone and see that it was Lavinia calling. I answer it.

"Morning Reni, what can I do for ya?"

"Good morning, Jin! I was actually planning on moving today… If you don't mind, I have my teammates helping me get everything packed into boxes right now."

Her cheerful voice resounded from the phone.

"Cool, cool. I'll teleport to you and help out, gimme a second."

We cut the call and I looked at everyone present in the room.

"Alright I'll be going to Grigori for a bit, Lavinia is moving in today."


Ingvild and Reni haven't met, so her reaction made sense.

"She's the one who stole Jin's first kiss, cheeky little human acting all cute nya…"

"Is that a hint of jealousy I hear?"

I smirked at the cat on top of my head, only to be greeted by a light smack of the paw on my forehead.

"No nya…"

She got off my head and slept on the couch instead. I moved Ophis from my lap and back on the couch. I summoned some bags of sweets beside her and she immediately started taking some and popping them into her mouth.

Still engrossed but can notice sweets beside her almost instantaneously, how peculiar.

"So, another woman in your harem? Great, can't wait to meet her…"

Ingvild trails off as she starts typing on her laptop again. Just then Grayfia came back into the room and I informed her where and who I was meeting and she nodded.

"Shall I get some snacks prepared?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't take long, thanks Fia."

She nods and leaves again for the kitchen.

"Well, off I go."

I wave to them.

"Have a safe trip…"

Ingvild gave a half-hearted wave back.



I had teleported directly to Azazel's office and greeted the man. Surprisingly, Baraqiel and Penemue were also present.

"Hmm? Oh, what's up Jin? Oh— You're here to help move Lavinia?"

Ash Crow stops speaking with the other two as they turn to face me.

"Yeah, that's the plan. Hey there Baraqiel."

I wave to him—


I smirk at her which caused her to turn away from me. The two male Fallen Angels raised their eyebrows, but did not pursue the matter.

"Nice to see you again, Jin. Is the Demise girl moving into your home today?"

"Yeah, just here to help move her stuff, how ya been?"

"I've been well, Shuri is curious as to when you'll be visiting with Akeno?"

"Soon, I want to meet up with Suzaku so I can have her come with us and have a reunion with Shuri, two birds with one stone y'know?"

"Your best bet is getting Tobio to contact her and set up a time to meet up, location, and all that. She's head of her clan now so she's definitely busy maintaining that."

Ash Crow adds in.

"Right, I'll ask him about that then, anyway see you guys."

I wave to them as I turn around and leave through the door.

Third Person Point of View

Azazel Office


Azazel looks at his Chief Secretary amused.

"Well, I guess he did give you a hickey."

He chuckled only to get a smack on the head.

"That brat is a beast, he's no gentleman…"

Penemue blushed as she touched the spot where the hickey was covered with a few band-aids.

"Even you are not safe… My condolences Penemue, I also wish you luck."

Baraqiel wasn't even surprised at this point, the number of women that Jin had in his hands was already piling up to an extreme amount.

"Khhh… I'll get him back for this!"

Penemue was the one to tease, but couldn't take it herself so she swore vengeance on Jin. She'll have the last laugh in the end… Probably.

Jin Skyward

I had left the room and quickly made my way to Lavinia's room. When I got closer to it, I could see a few boxes outside her room ready to be moved. To my surprise, Natsume was outside supervising Kouki and Tobio on where to put them.

I sneaked up behind her and poked her, making the girl yelp.

"Hey there Natsu."

I chuckle at her cute reaction. She went from pissed to cutely huffing.

"Don't do that! What is wrong with you? Geez…"

"My bad, I couldn't resist. So, got the guys to do all the heavy lifting, huh?"

I stand beside her and watch the two male members of Slash/Dog move boxes to and from Lavinia's room.

"Yeah… Shigune and Reni are the ones packing everything. I did help earlier… But seeing how unorganized these two were at placing boxes on the ground I decided to oversee them."

She explained and gave the two males light glares. Kouki rolled his eyes and Tobio gave an awkward smile.

"Does it matter? Bro is just going to store them in whatever the fuck place he did with the Cryptid thing from before anyway."

"Regardless! Having them in a neat and orderly pile will make things easier for all of us!"

Natsume shoots back, only for Kouki to roll his eyes again.

"And also, why the hell are we the ones doing all the heavy lifting? You help, like what the hell?"

"Do you really expect a lady to do that?"

Natsume raised her eyebrow at him and Kouki stopped blanking staring at her.

"Lady? What lady?"

Kouki was perplexed as he eyed Natsume and scoffed.

"I don't see anything here but a fucking gorill—"

He couldn't finish his sentence as Natsume sent a roundhouse kick towards him.

Kouki reacted in time and blocked it, but was sent flying back. I had to step in and catch the box he was carrying so it would fall, who knows what's in here.

"Be careful, Jesus, we don't know what's even in this thing."

I carry the box to the side and place it down.

"It's that asshole's fault! He has no delicacy!"

"Say's the gorilla of the group!"

Kouki shouted back as he started walking back to us. Natsume was slowly reaching for her light gun but I stopped her.

"Let it pass Natsu, you're fine, cute actually. Kouki just doesn't see it."

Gotta give some lip service here to calm her down.

"F-Fine… You're lucky you dumb cat."

She removed her hands from her holster, then crossed her arms.

"Tch, you're lucky bro saved your ass bird shit."

Kouki grumbled as he walked back inside Lavinia's room. Natsume was going to react but I started petting her which stopped her in her tracks.

"Right, I'll go and help out as well."

I left the slightly flustered girl outside.

"Yo, sorry I'm late."

I greet the other two women of Slash/Dog.

When the blonde beauty heard my voice, she turned around and jumped into my arms. Burring her face into my chest.


"Hey there."

I hug her back; I also wave to Shigune who waved back. I looked around and saw her room was almost empty unlike the few times I was here.

"Nearly done packing up?"

We break off our hug and she nods.

"Only a few more things… Well, kind of."

She gestures to the corner and I see more things piled up, mostly books and a few other tidbits.

"It will take a bit to sort through them all."

"We've been going through this pile first."

Shigune chimes in and points behind her and even more books and other items.

"Reni has way too many things sometimes…"

She said in a defeated tone.

"I think they'll be useful down the line~"

She cutely huffs.

"Hmm, how about this then?"

I point behind me and summon a few android fairies, much like Serafall's.

"These guys can help with the packing. Just give them instructions on what belongs where and they'll do the rest, but if they're not sure of something they'll come back to you."

The fairies split into two groups, half of them heading to Lavinia and the other half heading to Shigune.

Shigune reaches her hand out and starts petting one of them, the fairy just looks at her puzzled, meanwhile, Lavinia started giving them names…

"Hii-chan, Mii-chan, Kii-chan, Lii-chan—"

She points at one, names them, and goes to the next. It's almost comical in a way.

Shigune and I both shake our heads; she proceeds to give them some commands and they fly away to execute them. Tobio and the rest join us in the room and are surprised to see a bunch of mechanical fairies flying around.

"What are they?"

He asks and I tell him.

"They sound convenient, can they do anything?"

"Not everything, I just made this batch for moving and organizing purposes, but I can also make support and battle-oriented ones if I so desire."

"And you don't plan on sharing this, right?"

He gave me a smirk.

"You know it, or I could and if someone tries to replicate them, I can just have them self-destruct."

I smirk back at him and Tobio just sighs.

"They're cute."

Natsume trots over to Lavinia who had one on her shoulder watching the rest work. The thing looked desperate to help but was commanded by her to sit there until she could give it one.

"I did make one for Serafall Leviathan. She wanted something to help with her paperwork. Sirzechs Lucifer also requested one, he'll give me a favor in exchange."

"Damn bro getting one of the Satans to owe you one is a pretty big achievement."

Kouki stands beside me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"He owes me three, actually. So, I can ask him for anything. I know what I want for my first favor, but I'm blanking on the other two."

I glanced at Kouki who looked at me with a strange sense of respect.

It didn't take us long to finish packing everything thanks to the help of the android fairies, which also included cleaning her room up. We were back outside about to part ways. Natsume and Kouki got into a few petty arguments during that time and Kouki stormed off after we finished.

Tobio turns to leave.

"Well, I better get going, I have someone to check up on."

"Is it Sae? You really gotta confess to her sooner or later Tobio, she won't wait forever."

I say to him a bit more seriously, he briefly stops and looks at me before nodding, acknowledging what I said to him. Tobio gained a thoughtful look and continued to walk away from us.

"You really got him thinking there. Pretty rare for him to think about love so seriously."

Natsume says earning approving nods from the other two.

"Ahh! I forgot to ask him about Suzaku… Well whatever, I'll call him later."

I feel Lavinia pinch me, the Grayfia treatment?!

"Huh? What's up?"

I play dumb.

"Suzaku-san? Why her?"

Shigune looks at me funny.

"I mean, Tobio said she wanted to meet me, and thank me for reviving Shuri. I also want her to meet up with Shuri in the future. So, I would like to set up a time to meet up with her and get them to meet again, you know?"

"Is that really all?"

Reni leaned in uncomfortable close to me. I teased her back by kissing her on the nose, flustering the woman.


I answer, earning odd looks at me.

"Anyway, back to Tobi, I did mean what I said to him. No one will wait forever for you, especially when you're part of the supernatural, because we can just lose our lives quite easily. There's no guarantee that we'll be alive to see the next day if you— Let's say take a dangerous mission… Better confess your feelings or you'll take that regret with you."

I decide to store the boxes in my [Inventory] as the girls fall silent.

"Is that from experience?"

Shigune finally breaks the silence.

…Is it? I don't know, I have this nagging feeling that it might be. An uneasy feeling…


[--hy—…-ov---ays---...nd---...f.. —ime]

?!?! Huh? What the hell was that? That— That didn't sound like my voice… Or feel like my memories… What the hell? The other one… Sounded… Female? Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: …I do not know.

Seriously? Ugh, whatever. Fuck this amnesia bullshit can't have shit in this house…


Shigune calls out to me and I come back to reality, seeing them all looking at me worriedly. I chuckle nervously.

"Sorry, I just spaced out, to answer your question. No— Or maybe? I have no idea."

I'll just change topics.

"Anyway, where did you guys go yesterday? I came here cause Ash Crow wanted to talk about something."

"We were sent to different locations, actually. Tobio, Natsume, and I went to check out Kyoto, while Lavinia and Kouki were sent to France."

Shigune looks at the other two to continue.

"Right, my group went to Kyoto to look for clues about the Cryptid."

"Kyoto? Why Kyoto?"

"There were some Rogue Fallen Angels recently spotted and we went to capture them. But before we could get answers out of them, they killed themselves. Seems like we were on the right tracks…"

Natsume frowned remembering the scene she had just told me.

"We got permission to be in the area thanks to their leader, she was pretty chill about the whole thing. Her daughter was cute, the fox ears… I wanted to touch them."

She looked annoyed.

"But Tobio stopped me, tch."

"Yasaka and Kunou, huh?"

Seems like no fuckery is afoot just yet.

"You know them?"

I shake my head.

"No, I just heard of them in passing when I was flying around with you know."

She nods, I turn to Lavinia

"How about your end?"

"We didn't find much, but some of the locals said they would see black feathers at night every now and again. We also felt some energy spikes at certain places but they covered their tracks pretty well, they're experienced."

"France, huh?"

"Kouki was irritated the whole way through since he didn't get any action…"

Natsume rolled her eyes.

"There might be more fallen that weren't in the record books that went into hiding and got stronger, maybe that's the one you came across?"

Hell, that's not out of the picture since this world is weird.

"That might be the case, we already reported this to Azazel yesterday but we didn't get to hear his conversation with Michael."

Natsume seems to not like being not told secrets.

"Michael? I guess they're in more contact now."

More ripple effects made by my status, great. Peace talks should be smoother than cannon then.

"Yeah, thanks to your job they've been communicating more, apparently. He said the last time they spoke was 40 years ago before you showed up."

"Actually! We did find out something else… Some of the Excalibur's of the church went missing, I can only assume that they're connected in some way."

Lavinia remembered some more of what they found.

"Right now, two are missing, the rest are having their security tightened."

Only two so far have been stolen… Arthur should have Ruler, and Xenovia and Irina should wield destruction and mimic sooner or later. So, Rapidly, Transparency or Nightmare should be in their possession right now.

"Two, huh? I believe Ruler is being wielded by someone I might know."

"Really? Who?"

"That's classified as of now since I'm not one hundred percent on that."


Third Person Point of View


Azazel's Office

"So? Did you guys find any kind of lead?"

Azazel leaned back on his chair as he waited for his field team to report back their findings.

Azazel had invited Archangel Michael to Grigori and into his office in order for both of them to hear what Slash/Dog found. He had been standing beside Azazel and tried to reprimand him but he just waved him off.

The team look at one another and Tobio stepped forward first.

"We were informed by some local youkai that they had seen some fallen angels around the area of Kyoto, but they didn't know if they were affiliated with Grigori or not so they stayed away from them."

"After we were told that we requested an audience with the current leader of the West Youkai Faction, Yasaka. We were led there by tengu guards and her daughter Kunou. We informed her of our mission and she agreed to let us do our investigation."

"We also got more leads from other youkai that were affiliated to them. They had seen a few of them in Saint Rainbow Park so we headed there first. We waited a couple of hours and finally found some rogue fallen entering the park."

"We confirmed that they were rogue and engaged them, we quickly defeated them but did not expect them to commit suicide to prevent us from questioning them. We had to leave since the explosion had attracted normal human police and locals."

"We assumed that the others were alerted and fled the area, or went into further hiding. We searched other places that the youkai pointed to us but found nothing but burnt-up remains of paper, I would assume to be documents to whatever they're scheming."

"That's all from our team."

Tobio concluded and stepped back.

"This is sounding more and more serious. Why would they make cryptids and then kill themselves when found out…?"

Azazel didn't understand their reasoning. The suicide part he did, to prevent any information from leaking out, as well as burning evidence. But what he didn't understand was the creation of cryptids. It went over his head for the time being.

Lavinia stepped forward this time.

"My team in France only found small evidence unlike Tobio's, we came across a few hot spots of energy, however, we couldn't pinpoint it if they were fallen angels or if it were made by other supernatural beings."

"But we did ask locals around if they did find anything strange lately, oh, we were in Nice, our investigations were based in Aspermont. Anyway, the locals mentioned that they have been seeing black feathers at night taking to the skies."

"They just assumed they were the usual crows, just slightly bigger, and didn't think too far into it. We searched the areas around there but didn't find anything… Until before we left. We came across two rogues fallen and we confronted them, one of them tried to give out information but was killed by his comrade, only for the other one to kill themselves. But he failed to get rid of one piece of paper."

Lavinia took out a piece of paper and placed it in front of his desk.

"They— Whoever that may be, are looking to steal all Excalibur pieces and combine them."

She dropped the bomb and everyone fell silent.

"They have gotten two pieces so far…"

"Well, I'll be damned, they even got two pieces of the damn sword already?"

He raised his brow and looked at Michael.

"The Church was informed of this not too long ago; they have dispatched guards to the remaining pieces of Excalibur that the church owns. Destruction, Mimic, and Blessing are all accounted for, Rapidly, Transparency and Nightmare are unknown, the same as Ruler because it was lost shortly after its creation."

"So, 3 are in the Church's hands and 4 are unknown. Well, fuck me."

"Azazel, language…"

Michael did not look amused when his former brother cursed.

"I have my own theories on who's leading this whole operation, but I'm not one hundred percent sure, so I won't say any names yet."

He looks back at team Slash/Dog.

"Good job, you guys are dismissed."

They nod and leave the room.

"Michael, tell me, who else fell after or during the Great War all those years ago."

"Hmmm? Well… Quite a number of Angels, why do you ask?"

"Kokabiel… I think he may have a hand at this, but he wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the shed. Someone else, I think someone else is working with him. Not including some messed up exorcists or psycho priests' you guys have."

Michael sighed.

"Kokabiel? The last time he participated in something was during the human's World War Two, he fought with Vasco Strada and was cornered by him, however, escaped thanks to some outside help."

"That beast of a human? Jeez, Michael, that guy's still alive and still looks like he's in his 30's or 40's."

Azazel was a bit stunned that the Vasco Strada was still alive, making the Seraph chuckle.

"Yes, he is still doing quite well for himself."

"The Limits of Humanity, True Devil, Mr. Durandal, and The Violence of Heaven are the few nicknames he goes by. I feel bad for anyone that goes against him… Hell, I even feel bad for Kokabiel. I can just imagine him being nearly beaten up to death."

"Yes, he's quite infamous, however, he does not hold hatred for any Devils or Fallen Angel as far as I was told…"

The two fall silent for a minute.

"If he does plan to start some sort of war again, and whoever is helping him can back him up. What do we do? I know the current Satans are reasonable, but if he goes after their siblings, especially Sirzechs or even Serafall…"

Azazel sighs.

"That'll be a giant headache and a half to deal with."

Michael smiled making Azazel look at him like he'd gone insane.

"Brother, have you forgotten a rising star in the supernatural world lately?"

"Tch, that brat?"

"Yes, Jin. We may not know why he's taking up his middleman status, but he seems to want peace as much as the rest of us. I believe he'll be able to stop whatever calamity that'll threaten us."

"You seem to put a lot of trust into him, y'know."

Azazel looked at Michael suspiciously.

"Wait— Does this have something to do with Gabriel?"


Michael didn't want to breach that topic yet so he gave him a vague answer.

"That little monster only wants to meet women and add them to his harem! That's the whole damn reason he wanted to be a middleman! It was an excuse all along!!!"

Azazel slammed his hands on his desk, irritated at the thought. Michael chuckled.

"If that is his goal, then so be it. He is still working towards the peace that we desire. Father always said that sacrifices always have to be made…"

"Ugh… Whatever… Fine."

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

"Anyway, we should get going…oh right, Reni I'll be taking us to that place again."

"I get to experiment again. The female magician smiled at the opportunity to get stronger again.

"That place? What are you guys talking about?"

Natsume asked while Shigune listened intently.

"It's a place where you can get gain power quite easily, you guys did notice an increase in Reni's power, yes?"

They both nod to my question.

"I'm bringing my harem there to get stronger, just as in case anything big happens in the future, you know? The world is ever-changing after all."

"Can we come?"

Natsume looked excited and Shigune started to fidget also wanting to ask the same question.

"Hmmm, I'll consider it, I'll call you guys when I make the final decision, alright?"

They seemingly agree to this proposition.

"There are other ways of getting a spot after all…"


I hear Lavinia pout beside me and tighten her grip on my arm even more causing me to chuckle.

"Alright, alright, well we gotta go now. See you guys around."

We wave to them and teleport out of Grigori.

Kuoh, Japan

Third Person Point of View

With Akeno

Akeno had teleported directly to the Occult Research Clubroom and everyone was waiting for her. Much to her dismay, she had teleported a bit away from the desk where the contracts were at.

"Alright, seeing as everyone is here, let's go over the number of contracts we've gotten done in the past month as it's nearly ending."

Rias pulls out a piece of paper and starts reading from it.

"In First place is Gasper with 72 contracts fulfilled through the internet. Second is Akeno with 32, then Kiba with 24, and finally Koneko with 16."

She puts the piece of paper back on her desk.

"You've all done well and can take it a bit easier starting next month since school is starting."

Everyone nods to their King.

"Anyway, we still have some contracts to do for the day."

Rias stops and looks at Akeno making her [Queen] a bit nervous.

"By the way Akeno, how was your date yesterday?"

She asked her, surprising her fellow peerage, Rias had a slight smirk on her.

"Senpai, you went on a date? Where was it?"

"I did, but I can't say where we went."

Respecting her wishes the two didn't push for it and Rias raised a brow but didn't say anything more about it.


Rias sits back on her chair.

"Come and get your contracts for the day… Oh and also, we'll be training tomorrow so be ready to come in early."

This announcement caused Koneko to groan as she didn't like waking up early.

"Now don't complain Koneko, it's essential for us to get stronger."

"Ugh… Yes President."

With that, both Koneko and Kiba went up to get their contracts but when they turn to go back, they all saw Akeno just standing there with her usual smile, unmoving.

"Akeno? Is something wrong?"

Rias asked her [Queen] and she shakes her head

"Well, if nothing's wrong come up and get your contracts."

But Akeno did not move.

"Did the date go wrong? Did he hurt you?"

Rias asked a few accusatory questions and started to get a bit riled up

"No, no… It went very well, magical, you could say…"

Now Rias was confused, why did her friend refuse to move from the spot?

"Akeno! We don't have all day, please get your contracts."

Using a little bit more of an authoritative tone Akeno relents… And awkwardly limps to the front and grabs her contracts.

"Akeno? Why are you limping?"

Once asked the question the hybrid just became completely red.


Koneko breaks the silence; Akeno shoots her a threatening glare but the little Nekoshou ignores it

"She probably had rough sex, that's why she's limping and refused to walk because we might see her."

Akeno was mortified that Koneko just ousted her!

"Congrats Senpai, for losing your v-card."

Koneko said while grinning.


Rias screamed, Kiba stood there awkwardly, since he's the only male there he didn't know how to react. Rias had gotten up and then promptly fell back on her chair sighing heavily.

"Akeno… On your first date, really?"

Akeno glared at Koneko.

"I'll be having a word with Kuroka about your training tomorrow…"

She said in a very calm but horrifying tone.

"Wa— Akeno-senpai please wait! Anything but that! I take it back!"

Koneko's face paled and panicked as she didn't want to be put through stupidly intense training by her older sister.

Akeno smiled again at her.

"You reap what you sow… Koneko-chan."

Akeno stuck her tongue out at the little Nekoshou and teleported away.

"I-I'll be going now President…"

Kiba wanted desperately out of this awkward mess and left, he's shortly followed by Koneko who was thinking of excuses to tell her older sister so she wouldn't be treated to some weird spartan training.

Once everyone from her peerage left Rias was left to think by herself.

"Akeno… It feels like you're moving forward with your life at a rapid pace…"

She sighs to herself.

"Meanwhile I'm stuck having to deal with some dumb horny chicken wing… Satan help me."

She couldn't believe that her best friend on her first date lost her virginity, not to mention saying that she wanted to marry the same guy previously.

"She has all the luc— No, I'm just trying to put blame on other factors… I need to take responsibility for myself…"

Rias got up and went to the back of the clubroom.

"Time to train again."

Rias Gremory, gained motivation thanks to her [Queen] and best friend from losing her virginity first. A strange reason, but it still will push the heiress to new heights… Probably.

Jin Skyward

Once Lavinia and I teleported back to my home I turn to her.

"I'm glad that Vali didn't randomly show up. I really didn't feel like fighting."

She stared at me for a second before giggling.

"Don't worry, Vaa-kun went out today. It's his usual outing where he just disappears and doesn't say anything to anyone."

I see he's going to Khaos Brigade well works for me. I know this but she doesn't, I'll tell her down the line, or get Vali to do it himself and get a scolding, heh.

Cúntóir: Answer: That wrath may be aimed towards you if Lavinia Reni finds out that you knew.


…I'll leave that problem for future me.

Reni and I go into the living room, everyone notices us come in and Kuroka transforms back into her human form and hugs Lavinia, she also reciprocates.

"Reni nya, it's been a while nya."

"Yes, it has Kuroka ~"

The two of them go sit on the couch and start catching up but the two of them stop and she gets back up.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Lavinia Reni and I'm a female magician working for Grigori, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintances."

She adds a bow to her introduction.

"Way too formal Reni nya."

Kuroka snickers at her friend. Grayfia turns to her

"We briefly met in Grigori, but I hope we get along in the future, Lavinia."

"I'm… Ingvild Leviathan, I just joined not too long ago, it's nice to meet you."

In pipes up, seeing this as an opportunity to make a new friend.

"A Maid and a Leviathan descendant, Jin-kun you've been busy!"

Just as she finishes her sentence Ophis trots back into the room, forces me to sit down, and starts eating her sweets on my lap.


Lavinia stared at us in disbelief.


She starts but was stopped by Kuroka.

"Wait wait wait, that's a Dragon God nya!"

Kuroka frantically waves her hands in front of her making her stop.

"Dragon God?"

Lavinia asks in shock and looks at Ophis.

"How cute."

She walks over and starts petting her, and much to everyone's surprise Ophis accepts it— Only for a few seconds.


A one-word answer from the loli dragon.


Lavinia stops petting her and stares at the Dragon God confused.

"Not, good enough."

She swipes her hand away and puts mine on top of her head, making me chuckle. This causes Lavinia to pout.

"Let's continue this later, how about we choose a room for you, Reni?"

She happily agrees and Kuroka leads her upstairs. I turn to Ophis

"Wanna join or do you want to go back into the necklace?"


"I see, how was your book from earlier?"

I noticed she wasn't reading it anymore.

"Break, I, will read the rest later."

She seems to give me slightly lengthier answers. I help her off my lap and she goes upstairs. I get up too, Ingvild and Grayfia following behind me.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen your rooms before, have I?"

We get up the stairs when I finish asking that question.

"That's true nya, then let's make this into a short showcase of our rooms— Minus Jin since some of us already sleep with him in there nya."

Kuroka looks at all of them.

"You girls don't mind, right?"

All of them answered with a variation of 'I don't mind' so it was given the green light.

"I'll pick this room then."

Lavinia opens a door and is greeted by a relatively large and empty room, with a few dressers, a wardrobe, and a medium-sized bed.

"You're right beside Ingvild then, do you want the room to be a bit larger?"

Lavinia nods to my question and I make it larger, she eventually tells me to stop and I do so. I snap my fingers and all of her boxes of items appear around the room, I again snap my fingers and summon the same android fairies.

"Let's get cranking then."

We all start opening boxes and removing a bunch of items onto the floor, Lavinia gives us instructions on where she wants them placed, we also hand them off to the androids to place them for us.

Books, pictures, dresses, and other assortments of goods are retrieved from the boxes. I go over to another one and open it, I hear Reni say something but I had already opened the box and I was greeted by some of her bras and panties.


I cough into my fist and closed the box.

"I'll leave that to you."

"I-It's fine…"

She was clearly embarrassed but didn't make a big fuss about it, maybe my status as boyfriend helped? Who knows?

I get up and step away from it, I start to open another one but Kuroka had opened the box with her undergarments and pulls them out.

"Woah! These are pretty sexy, Reni!"

Kuroka waves her laced black panties and bra around while continuing to rummage through more of her stuff.

"There's even riskier stuff in here! Woah! There are holes in on—"

Kuroka's mouth was slapped shut by Reni as she had run over to her red in the face.

"Kuroka please stop waving my bras and panties around!"

Kuroka broke away from her grasps, wrapped the panties on her head and bra on her waist and ran.

"Nyahahaha! Jin! Look! She's ready for when you get down and dirty!"

Kuroka ran and twirled to show off Lavinia's goods.


The blonde magician ran after the cat girl and tries stopping her. Kuroka trips on one of the boxes and falls, Lavinia took this chance and pounced on the girl, wrestling her stuff out of the Nekoshou's hands.

"Nya nya nya!"

Kuroka fought back valiantly but refused to back down on whatever crusade she was on.

I had walked over to Grayfia as she had walked all of this go down without saying a word, Ingvild and Ophis were also beside her watching this spectacle happen, In had an awkward smile plastered on her face, while Ophis had picked up one of the many books Reni had and was reading it. I noticed she had created a new pocket for the bag of sweets for herself, so she could just eat them on the go with her free hands.

We fall into a short silence watching the two until Grayfia spoke up.

"Do you have any specific undergarments you prefer your harem to wear?"

She asked out of the blue. I stare at her in shock. What? I'm a bit taken aback by this question.

"Uh— No they can wear whatever they want, I won't be forcing my harem to wear clothes they're not comfortable with."

"I see."

A small glint could be seen briefly in Grayfia's eyes, but soon vanished.

The two tired themselves out eventually and lay there on the floor exhausted.


Kuroka says in between panting.


Reni agreed and they both slumped to the floor.

"Alright then, let's get this done, shall we?"

Even during that spectacle the android fairies were doing their jobs and had gotten at least half of her stuff organized, so we decided to help again to speed up the process.

Once we were done, we took a step back and marveled at the sight of Lavinia's room. I removed the fairies except one that Reni had gotten attached to so I let her keep it, it was sitting on her shoulder much like the one earlier in Grigori.

"This is quite… Er— Fantasy like? I don't really know how to describe it."

I say while looking around at her room. The room colors were mainly white, light blue, dark blue, and purple, with some red and yellow here and there.

"There was a witch's outfit on the corner shelf surrounded by books about magic, alchemy, and other things. A few plushies, and normal dresses in her wardrobe. If I'm honest it's pretty normal— If you ignore the supernatural stuff…"

Kuroka had sat on Reni's bed.

"It fits you Lavinia-san."

Ingvild who was also fascinated by the room, Grayfia nodded along while Ophis was still busy with the book she picked up earlier and didn't say anything.

"Alright! I'm next nya!"

Kuroka announced and dragged me into her room, everyone else followed after us.

"Huh, I expected it to be more… Eccentric I guess?"

I commented while looking around her room, it had a mix of a modern normal room with a traditional Japanese house feel. The wallpaper was Japanese style, the same as the floor, Kuroka also had a few shelves with books. What kind of books you may ask? I have no idea.

She had two bonsai plants near the window, a record player, a shelf dedicated to the vinyl she uses to play it with, and the same laptop Ingvild had.

"I didn't know you were that wealthy, Kuroka."

Ingvild had gone over to the laptop and checked it out, Grayfia went over to the record player.

"I had money thanks to certain jobs I did back in… Y'know that place, anyway. That laptop wasn't cheap you know nya!"

"I could have made one for you…"

She looked blankly at me.

"It was before we met… So… Ugh…"

"How about this recorder you have?"

Grayfia pokes and sliders her fingers around the device, looks like she's interested in it.

Kuroka gained a sad smile.

"That's my mom's she used to play some music on it when Shirone and I were younger, it was the few times we would enjoy just dancing and jumping around our home."

Kuroka looked at the record player with a nostalgic look.

"But the discs cost quite a bit of money so I tend to only buy the ones I want, I'm looking for some that she use to play for us, no luck so far though."

She had stopped adding nya, she tends to do it when the conversation is a bit more serious or when something's bothering her.

"I can always make some of the Vinyl for you, Kuroka. Any song currently out I can do it with."

"Really nya?!"

She looked quite excited by my proposition.

"Then I'd like to get a few songs, please!"

She starts listing off a few songs that I recognize and quite a number of them were old probably due to her mother being alive years and years back.

After a few full minutes of listing the songs and the artist that sang them I created all the Vinyl disks she wanted, and she rewarded me with a hug.

"Thank you, Jin! I'll fuck you silly as a reward in the future!"

She happily cheered.


She room fell silent when Kuroka said that.

"Anyway… Moving on, do you want me to make your room a bit bigger?"

"Yes, please… I want to live with Shirone in the future, so I'll drag her kicking and screaming here if I have to."

"Sure thing."

I expanded her room to around the same size as Lavinia's and stop there. I used some magic to teleport her furniture around so we didn't need to do it manually.

"Why— Why didn't you do that earlier?"

Reni asks after seeing me do that.

"Uh— Well— I just wanted to do it manually earlier?"

I wasn't lying… Fully, I did want to do some things without magic from time to time, but I thought it would be safer if I did it with magic, so the disks wouldn't be damaged? Wait I can just cover them in protective— You know what? Whatever moving on!

All the girls looked at me not believing a single word I say.

"Well, that's all for now then… Oh wait, what about your bed Kuroka? You did say you want Shirone to move in here with you."

"Hmmm… It's fine, we can just get another bed later down the line."

I nod and leave the room.

"I guess Fia's room is next."

When we entered her room, it looked… Plain, stupidly plain.

"Does someone even live in here?"

After those words left my mouth, I felt a pinch on my side and an annoyed Grayfia beside me.

"Yes, I do in fact live in this room."

"It's quite plain in here Grayfia-san"

Ingvild adds.

"I would have expected it to be more… Maid-like?"

She sheepishly chuckles. Well, she does have a shelf of books and another with a bunch of tea sets. But… I glance at her closet and flash step in front of it.

"Jin, wait!"

Grayfia sounded panicked when I did that, but I ignore her plea and open it. Much to— Well not surprise it's a bunch of the same French maid costumes. I turn around and Grayfia is blushing.

"I-It's for my job as a maid, it's o-obvious I would have multiple dresses of the same kind…"

She tried to justify herself. There were a few normal clothes thrown in there, but the closet was mostly the maid dresses.

"As expected of a Devil— With a Maid fetish. I approve!"

I give her a thumbs up, only for Grayfia's blush to deepen.

"Do you like Maids Jin?"

Kuroka asks, grabbing everyone's attention, strangely enough, Ophis is also waiting for my answer.

"Yes, I do, I mean, who doesn't?"

I walk over to Grayfia and pull her towards me

"I mean look at her, she's beautiful and has a maid fetish? It's like some ultra-combo! If you were a masochist, Grayfia could probably fill those desires up!"

The Devil Maid was still blushing while I described her.

"Noted, try out Maid clothes in the future."

Kuroka nodded sagely, the same with Lavinia.

"Maid clothes will score extra points with Jin…"

Lavinia pulled her phone out and typed something down.


Ophis says and we turn to look at her in the same maid outfit as Grayfia. She tilts her head slightly


"Mmm! Very cute, ten out of ten."

I pat her on the head, a content smile appears on her face, very rare indeed. I ask her if she wants me to enlarge her room, but Grayfia declines.

"Perhaps in the future, I am fine for now."

The future, huh? Is that an indirect way of confirming your answer to me, Grayfia? I give her a look indicating if that's her answer. Grayfia smiled slightly and closed her eyes, neither confirming nor denying my question.

"Next is… Ingvild. Akeno isn't here so we'll skip hers…"

I look at Ophis.

"Your home is a bit different so we can go there another time when everyone else is stronger. Is that fine with you?"

The Dragon God was fine with this and we left Grayfia's room.

"I-I should have expected this, it's my fault."

Once we entered Ingvild's room it was even plainer than Grayfia's. She barely moved in and hasn't gotten a chance to get her own things, there are the bare necessities, a bed, closet, dresser, and other bits and bobs.

"Ingvild! We're going shopping in the future! Or you can start ordering stuff online!"

I summon a credit card and give it to her.

"Use this, it should have around ¥14,177,992,880, so roughly around 100 million euros!"

Ingvild looked at me shocked when I shoved the card towards her.

"I-I can't take this!? It's too much!"

"I insist!"

I push the card back to hers. Ingvild looked a bit uncomfortable as she didn't know how to respond to this situation.

"You should give up and accept it, he won't take no for an answer."

Grayfia informs the hybrid beside her.

"I wish I had that kind of money nya…"

Kuroka grumbled.

"I gave you around ¥283,685,000, that's like 2 million euros… Don't complain."

I deadpan at the Nekoshou causing her to blush.

"I-I didn't know you put that much in there?!"

Kuroka looked both excited and mortified at the sheer amount of money she got. I shrug.

"I can do the same thing for the rest of you if you want."

"Won't the banks of the human world become suspicious?"

Lavinia looked a bit worried. I already thought of that.

"No worries, they won't look into it."

I already dealt with that when I was flying around with [Boosted Gear]. Transferring gold to money and then into a card with the amount that I did would raise a lot of suspicions, so I put a suggestion in the minds of all banks around the world, to not question the amount that goes into those accounts and future accounts that will be connected to me.

A bit of mind control? Yeah, is it scummy? Probably? Do I care? Not really… I mean it's just money…

"So just take it, please?"

I pleaded a bit and Ingvild reluctantly takes the card.

"Great! I knew I could count on you In.

"Thank you again, Jin." She gives me a hug, probably the only thing she could think of at the moment.

This ended our impromptu room visits.

1:34 p.m.


"I'm tired…"

Akeno waddled into the dining room looking worse for wear. She spots me and jumps to me and starts whining.

"Jin!! Spoil me!!"

I catch her and cradle her almost like a baby.

"Tough day?"


She puffs her cheeks and glares at me.

"It's your fault too mister! Do you know I had to keep up my professionalism around my clients? It was hell!"

Akeno started to look around the room and spots Lavinia.

"Reni?! Wait… Did you move in today?"

Akeno was a bit shocked to see her there and using her remaining strength gets off me and goes over to hug her.

"Yes, I moved in earlier today hehe. We'll be roommates from now on, by the way, Akeno… Why are you limping?"

The question made Akeno freeze and she visibly struggled to answer it.

"I— Well— I… That's because…"

"Jin fucked her too hard that she's limping, even though it was her first time last night."

Kuroka casually adds while taking a bite of the burger I made a few minutes ago.


Lavinia stared at Akeno in shock and then back to me.

"That's no-good Jin-kun! You should be gentle to your harem, even when in bed!"

She tried to reprimand me.

"By the way Akeno, how big is he?"

You could literally see the imaginary glass shatter with the question Kuroka asked.

Crack! Shatter!

We all look at where the noise came from and see Grayfia's cup of tea crushed, said maid looking mortified at Kuroka.

"Alright, anyway moving along…"

"9 Inches long."


Another bout of silence as all the female's eyes slowly made their way to my crotch.


Akeno noticing her fuck up covers her mouth after seemingly answering Kuroka's question on reflex. She gives me an apologetic look.

"I look forward to our time then, Mr. Hung nya."

She snorts and continues eating.

"Hung? 9 inches?"

Ophis who had been silently listening to the absurd conversation finally joins it.

"Akeno means that Jin has a 9-inch… Dong— Member— Penis— Cock— Dic—"

Grayfia shoved another burger into her mouth stopping her from saying anything vulgar.


Ophis turned her gaze at me too and tries to pull my pants down.


She's using a considerable amount of strength, as she's seen struggling to move it. My pants are going to rip at this rate…

"This isn't appropriate, Ophis."

The loli did not listen and continued to forcefully pull my pants off. I summon the new candy I got from Ireland in front of her.

"How about this then?"

This makes her stop and take the candy.

"I'll give you more if you stop trying to pull—"


She starts to eat the candy and sits back down. I summon more of it for her as she's being a good dragon.

I should make my clothes as durable as me…

"Are you trying to kill me nya?!"

Kuroka had eaten the burger that was forced down her mouth.

"You deserved it."

Grayfia flatly says as she kept sneaking glances at my crotch.

The normal atmosphere eventually comes back and we resume our normal lunch— With a few of the girls blushing when they looked at me.

Unknown Location


Third Person Point of View

"So, the cryptid experiment failed?"

A fallen angel with pointy ears asks another fallen.

"Y-Yes sir, the agents with the Sacred Gears were sent to stop its rampage… Along with another individual."

"Another Individual? Do elaborate."

"I'm not sure I— We haven't gotten enough information on him."


The door opened as another group of fallen angels enter the room causing the ones in there to look up at them.

"Hmm? Oh, so you're back from your mission, have anything to report?"

"Yes, we are and we do have some intel to share, Kokabiel-san."

One of the fallen angels kneels, followed by the others.

"Then out with it Raynare!"

The fallen angel who was now identified as Kokabiel barks.

"Y-Yes sir… The new middleman of the three factions was part of the team Azazel sent to stop the cryptid experiment, He's a powerful individual and we believe he must be of Ultimate Class and up in strength."

"An Ultimate-class Human, huh?"

"We also found new information— He is this generation's Red Dragon Emperor. We were tasked by Azazel to keep an eye on him in Kuoh. That place is currently being watched over by two heiresses from the Gremory and Sitri clan."

"Red Dragon Emperor? That's also Ultimate-class? He also lives in the Devil's territory governed by two of the Satan's sisters?"

Kokabiel's mouth changes into a grin— A grin that went from ear to ear.

"What a perfect way to start a new war…"

"Kill him, rid of that pest, if he reaches new heights in power then he will be a thorn that will be tricky to kill."

"B-But sir w-we—"

"Take Darcel with you, he will be more than enough to kill that insect."

"We can then extract the Boosted Gear from him then…"

Raynare mused, the power that she would get if she became the Red Dragon Emperor— Empress would literally boost her to new heights.

"I would advise against that, removing Sacred Gears with no will of their own— No sentient being within them is easy. But doing with one will be a harder task than necessary. That Dragon will just force its wielder into a Balance Breaker state to escape and at worst— The [Juggernaut Drive]. Even I'm not confident in defeating those things in that state."

"Y-Yes sir…"

'I still have a back-up…'

Raynare grinned at the thought of taking a certain naïve nun's Sacred Gear for herself.

Raynare wanted power, she's been stuck as a weak fallen for the majority of her existence and she was fed up with it. While she was loyal to her leader Azazel, she didn't like the peace that he was pursuing. So, she switched sides to Kokabiel as he was on a warmongering path.

The same could be said with the group she had formed for herself, all of them were weak fallen, stuck at the bottom of the barrel. So, with Raynare's persuasion, they joined her with the incentive of getting power.

Dohnaseek, Kalawarna and Mittelt. All three of them wanted out and more power, they had become so desperate they'd do anything for it.

Raynare's group gets up and leaves the room.

"The Red Dragon Emperor finally awakened, huh?"

Another voice appears and Kokabiel turns to it.

"Ah you finally joined me, you heard of that exchange?"

"Of course, I have been planning this for years now… Nothing will get in my way in restarting this war…not Azazel, not Michael, and not those disgusting bats that call themselves Satans."

The man grinned.

"And certainly not some weak new Red Dragon Emperor wannabe."

"It was a fine choice to have Darcel lead this, those four are already weak and incompetent."

The voice praises Kokabiel.

"Fodder is fodder, Darcel has been with us since the Great War and has only gotten stronger, we need more fallen like him."

Kokabiel grins, he only accepted them because they would do anything to have a chance at getting stronger, oh the naïve thinking of the weak, it was laughable to him.

"Have them bring the newer cryptid batch, they will be of use to them if things go awry."

The voice turns to leave and disappears.

"Sure thing…"

Kokabiel grins


Raynare's group made their way to where Darcel the fallen angel would usually hang out, the storage room.

This particular fallen had been around for a long time and fought in the Great War, but he was… Peculiar. He had a strange way of doing things, but his strength was undeniable.

"Raynare, do you know anything about this Darcel guy?"

The female fallen Mittelt asked her leader.

"I've heard rumors, he has two well-known titles among us fallen. They're Mazuļu ēdājs and Head Hunter."

"Mazuļu ēdājs? What the hell does that mean?"

The small blonde fallen Mittelt was confused about the strange-sounding nickname.

"It's Lithuania and translates too… Baby Eater."

The three following her freeze on the spot.

"Are we really gonna team up with a psycho with a title like that?"

Kalawarna the blue head female fallen asks her leader, now feeling unsure.

"Are you scared? It's our ticket to getting more power, I certainly don't care."

Raynare continued onwards as her subordinates look at her unsure, but eventually follow her albeit unwillingly.

"Darcel is known for hunting down targets of high value, hence the title Head Hunter."

Raynare stopped in front of a door as she explains the rest to her group.

"But his real name isn't Darcel, it's just an alias."

"What's his real name then?"

The only male fallen in her group Dohnaseek asks his leader.

"Vārnu Karalis."

Raynare replied and pushed open the door.

"Hmmm? Oh? If someone came to get me that means I got a mission on my hands, yeah?"

Darcel looked up and showed a crazy grin.

"Yes, we are tasked to hunt and kill the middleman of the three factions."

Raynare replied a bit nervous.

"The Middleman? Isn't he just a weakling?"

Darcel's excitement quickly left him.

"I don't want to hunt down some nobody."

He started to dismiss them.

"He's not a nobody, he's also this generation's Red Dragon Emperor, is that enough for you to try and hunt him?"

Once hearing that Darcel looked back up

"HAHA! The Red Dragon Emperor?! FUCK YEAH, I'M GAME!"

When he got up a burst of darkened light energy left him and the entire room collapsed. He slicked back his hair that was covering his eyes.

"Let's get this hunt started, shall we?"

A sickening grin plastered on his face.


Fun fact: Darcel means 'Dark One' in French. Vārnu Karalis means King of Crows in Latvian

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