Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 13 – Promises and Expectations


Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Third Person Point of View

Akeno had just gotten back from her short and quick training session with her peerage, to her surprise she sees Kuroka also teleporting back in.

"Kuroka! Did your meeting with your team end quickly?"

Nekoshou nodded as she asked her friend.

"Hey there Akeno, and yeah, it didn't last too long, the whole place is in chaos right now."

She gave her a tired smile as they both walked into the living room.

As Jin teleported me earlier, I was taken outside the base, and when I stepped inside, many of the group members were looking extremely panicked. I didn't bother asking why but just made my way to my team."

"I thought I would have an easier time getting a straight answer from them than, well, the headless chickens running around."

The Nekoshou sighed remembering her day.


Akeno had grabbed the TV remote and turned it on, lowering the noise, she just wanted some background noise.

"Ophis. Our leader has been missing, so, you know… They're in a panic. I know where she is, but they don't, so now they're in chaos trying to locate her. It was common for her to leave from time to time, looking for some silence as she hated the noise around the base."

"So, when I got back to my team, they had been waiting for me. I got there and asked them what was wrong. Vali— Our team leader explained that Ophis was missing, and the whole organization is in a panic. He, however, wasn't really worried."

"Ophis is powerful and can take care of herself. I also wasn't worried because… You know, she's with Jin. So anyway, some beings get a little bit of power through Ophis's snakes and now that she's not around, some newer recruits are starting to think of backing out."

"Jin was right, they were only using her to get more power and achieve their own goals, well, that's what the organization was for, however, Ophis expected to get that help back… But it looks like they never planned on doing that."

Kuroka sighed as she had slowly gotten to know Ophis through her interactions with Jin. Kuroka initially believed that Ophis was emotionless because the Dragon God did not know how to use her emotions.

But over time that changed, albeit a very small and subtle change. A smile here and there, annoyance, sadness. You name it, and the Dragon God has shown that kind of face around Jin's home.

But never in Khaos Brigade, she sat away in a room or her little throne waiting for beings to report to her, or ask for more of her snakes. Add to the fact that she was alone for who knows how long, no one was there to teach or show her emotions.

The ones she saw in Khaos Brigade were mostly negative emotions. Greed, lust, pride, envy, revenge, hatred and more! It was more of a miracle that Ophis didn't turn into any of those. The situation changed when Jin appeared. A small act of kindness from the youth showed the all-powerful being the regard she deserved.

"I'm glad that she's here and not there."

She scrunches her face.

"I also overheard some talk about making something to kill her or something… I'm not sure what it was since they noticed my presence so I had to flee. If Ophis stayed there, who knows what would have happened."

"Something to kill a Dragon God? That almost seems like a dream."

Akeno found it extremely difficult to believe such a thing could be possible.

Dragon-slaying items do exist. What if they combined them with magic or poisons that can kill powerful beings? Or maybe… Jin did say he fought artificially created monsters before…"

Akeno's eyes widen at what Kuroka was trying to allude to

"You don't mean…"

"Yeah, it's a possibility thanks to the types of groups over there."

The two of them were silent, unsure of what to say. They like Ophis, she's been an interesting person to be around. Jin is fond of her, so they didn't want her dying.

"Let's just tell Jin about this and see what he says."

Kuroka proposed, and Akeno agreed without hesitation.

"How about your end?"

"It was just training, Rias left us to our own devices. I'm slowly mastering my Holy Lightning and my other demonic elemental magic."

Akeno smiles and discharges a little bit of lightning from her finger tips.

"I'm excited to go back to that place again… I hope to get up to High Class in power soon."

She turns to the Nekoshou

"You're close to Satan-class, right?"

"Yes nya, I definitely felt more powerful after being in there for eight hours, I'm more curious on what kind of creatures we'll come across when we go there again nya."

"Mmm, I didn't expect a giant naked man to be one of them."

Both of them laughed when they remembered fighting it. Kuroka gets up and stretches herself out.

"I'm hungry nya. Let's get food nya."

Akeno agreed and they walked into the dining room, but when they did, they saw a note on the table. Akeno walked over and picked it up. As she read it her eyes slowly got wider and wider, until she fell on her knees.


She shouted dramatically.


Kuroka was confused and took the piece of paper from her hands. She started to read it and it said:

[Hey girls, looks like my trip to Kyoto and Asgard may take more than one day. I'll be back in a day or three along with Ingvild. The Youkai faction leader Yasaka invited us to stay for the night and Serafall agreed. The same thing happened with Odin when Serafall contacted him, so sorry for being away for long.  -Jin]

"Oh, Jin's going to be gone for a few days nya."

Kuroka shook her head and looked at her friend strangely.

"Why are you so upset about this?"

She started to wave the piece of paper around. Confused by the reaction of her friend.

"I don't like this at all… A night without Jin? Is god— Ow! Testing me?!"

Akeno stands up and grabs Kuroka's shoulders startling the girl. She starts to violently shake her.

"Are you okay with this?!"

"A-Akeno nya! Calm down nya!"

"How can I sleep tonight?!"

The hybrid ignored her friend but stopped shaking her. Kuroka composed herself.

"How did you even manage before you started to live here? You had to sneak around and not get caught up with your master after all."

She didn't think Akeno would turn out like this, she's a bit weirded out.

"I don't know or remember! All I know is I need Jin to get a good night's sleep!"

Kuroka steps close to her friend and starts patting her back.

"You'll be fine, look on the bright side, we can sleep in our own rooms tonight."

This prompted Akeno to start wailing. Kuroka just sighed as she walked towards the fridge and found the same note. She grabbed a premade sandwich from there and started eating it.

As Akeno was wailing a magic circle appeared and Grayfia stepped out of it. She was greeted by the sight of her King's sister's [Queen] in the middle of a tantrum. She looked at her and then at Kuroka with a questioning gaze.

Kuroka waved the piece of paper she had, Grayfia made her way towards her and grabbed the paper. Once done reading she nods.

"Does it have something to do with why Akeno is like that?"

She says while pointing at the wailing woman, Kuroka kept eating and nodded. Grayfia shook her head and sighed. While she understood why Akeno would react like that, she also thought it was a bit of an overreaction.

'Teenagers and being in love…'

"How was your day today, Grayfia nya?"

Kuroka paused to take a bite of her sandwich and asked the Maid how her day was, which was unusual for her to share anything. However, she observed a small change recently. Grayfia glanced at Kuroka and then back at Akeno.

"It ended quite quickly as Asteri-sama had to cancel the event she was invited to; in turn she came and helped Sirzechs and I with our work. The android fairy that Jin created did all the paperwork, so it didn't take long for us to finish."

"Sirzechs-sama dismissed me from my duties as he and Asteri would take care of everything else, while I was reluctant at first, I gave in the end.... He also started to call the android fairy Ria-tan."


'What a giant sis-con.'

Kuroka couldn't help but think that, she wondered what the Satan would do if he wasn't, well, a Satan and had no control of himself. Grayfia stood beside Akeno and put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort the girl. It didn't work so she decided to try something else.

"Akeno, how about surprising Jin when he gets home?"

When she asked the question the girl stopped her temper tantrum and stared at the maid.

"Surprise him? How?"

"That would be up to you, what do you think will surprise Jin?"


When Akeno bluntly replied with the word the two froze and stared at the young girl incredulously, they didn't think they heard her right.

"C-Come again?"

Grayfia wanted to hear it again as she wasn't sure herself…

"If we're talking about surprises, then sex would be one of them. I mean… Jin hasn't exactly proposition me for it since our first time."

She stops and ponders the thought.

"Maybe he's just being considerate…"

"M-Maybe something else, Akeno…"

Everyone in the household knew that the two of them lost their virginities to each other not long ago, there's no denying that. But Grayfia was surprised that Jin didn't start wanting it more, she did hear from Asteri that Sirzechs requested it quite a bit when they first did it.

Asteri even had to put her foot down and threatened to break up with him, as he was nearly addicted to it.

"Hmmm, I would have thought Jin would take any opportunity to fuck you when he had the spare time. Guess I was wrong."

"I think he's just being considerate. Anyway… I'll go out and train a bit more, I'll surprise Jin with more control in my powers."

"I don't want to be some damsel in distress anyway…"

Akeno thanks Grayfia. She then teleports away.


Once Akeno was gone Kuroka went to a chair and slumped down on it.

"Even more women once he comes back from this trip…"

"Yes, that certainly will be the case."

"Grayfia nya, are you interested in Jin nya?" Kuroka turned her head lazily towards Grayfia as she waited for the maid's answer.

"Perhaps… Well, I also agree with what you said, the leader of the West Youkai faction is a female nine-tailed fox. There is also an abundance of Valkyries in Asgard that may catch his interests…"


Kuroka breathed out another sigh.

Same day


Unknown Location

With team Slash/Dog

Team Slash/Dog was sent back to France after their report to Azazel. Azazel decided to have the team scout out the same place Lavinia and Kouki had found the rogue fallen. It was a blessing in disguise for them, as they found an underground facility concealed by very high illusion magic.

Lavinia concluded that it was done by a very capable and powerful individual, as she had difficulty dispelling the spell. Once they entered through the entrance they were met by a loud alarm. They had to fight their way through many weaker cryptids, fallen angels and some stray devils.

"Why are the strays and rogues teaming up? Is there a more elaborate plan for all this?"

Natsume couldn't help but voice her thoughts out loud as it didn't make sense to her.

"Definitely, if Acacius was part of it then there must be something else brewing under the surface."

Tobio agreed with his teammate, it didn't make sense— Well with the information they have so far. When they got to the center of this facility, he hoped they would learn more.

"Not to mention the two Excalibur pieces that were stolen. Whoever is behind this whole thing… They might want to try restarting the Great War."

Lavinia added her thoughts making the group temporarily stop.

"T-The Great War? You can't be serious Reni…"

Natsume was astounded by what she was hearing from Reni.

Excalibur pieces, Rogue fallen, Stray devils who clearly wanted war, artificially created monstrosities, Acacius, and whoever is supporting them. They're either crazy or he has to be powerful enough to lead them into this, otherwise it would have been a giant waste of time."

Tobio scratched Gin's chin as he listed the things they knew so far.

"I want to fight shit, not war— Fuck that, that takes too damn long."

Natsume just shook her head at Kouki's comment.

"Well, many don't want a war to start that's a given. Unnecessary lives will be lost."

The group continued on after Shigune gave her thoughts on the discussion.

"Hey, Reni."

Natsume called out to her friend who was walking beside her.


Lavinia turns to her curiously.

"So, I've noticed that you've grown in power quite a lot. What happened? Also, what was that gun you were using earlier? I didn't think you were the type to use firearms, since you know."

Natsume gestures to her clothing.

"You have the witch and magician thing going."

"Jin showed me how to do it! Though… He's still a lot better at it. He can even make living creatures out of magic! He created a small living ice snake! But I couldn't do that yet, so I opted for a gun like you use."

She clapped and summoned the gun again.

"Depending on the amount of mana I provide, the power will vary, as you have seen during our past few fights."

Everyone's heads turn and stare at Lavinia.

"A living creature? Is that even possible?"

Tobio was shocked, he thought you would need to be some kind of God or like the scientists and researchers of Grigori to be able to attempt something like that.

"Heeeeh, how powerful can that thing shoot? Like, maybe a rail gun?"

Natsume mused as she wondered if something like that could be possible.

"Yep! I accidentally fired it like that the first time I created it, it even surprised Jin hehe."

Lavinia fiddles with the gun a bit.

"I'm not sure what kind of destruction it will cause if I use all of my current mana pool…"

"Gosh Lavinia… How did Jin make you this strong in such a short amount of time?"

Shigune asked the million-dollar question everyone was wondering.


The female magician put a finger to her chin and thought of the question.

"I don't think Jin would be too happy with me if I tell you how… Maybe you can ask him in the future?"

She dispels her ice gun.

"I think he wouldn't mind telling you guys himself if you ask him nicely."

"Also, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in his harem, I'm sorry if this sounds arrogant but— All of his women might reach God-class strength eventually… Maybe even more."

Another round of silence with her newly made statement, it was almost impossible to believe, they'd seen Jin fight. Even if they were quick exchanges, he mostly dominated his opponents. Vali is a prime example for them, as he's a descendant of the original Lucifer and the White Dragon Emperor. It's not an exaggeration to say he's powerful. They also saw him grow in power over the years.

However, Jin has always been an outlier since the moment they met him.

"Jin… Jin— He feels like a person— A being that should not even exist. It's like he's just power incarnate. It's almost weird seeing him sometimes."

Everyone looked at their leader.

"Bro always seemed way too calm about things. Azazel, the Four Seraphs, the Satans, hell didn't you say he's meeting with the West youkai and Norse Gods today, right?"

Lavinia nodded to Kouki's question.

"It's like he knows he's powerful— Maybe even the strongest. I like that, I want to have a match with him someday."

He grinned and Natsume rolled her eyes.



Tobio parried the light spear that was directed towards his head with his Scythe.

"Like I was about to say, Let's continue this discussion another time. Time to finish this mission."

Without a word the team continues on, beating, killing and slaughtering their way through more and more stray, rogue and cryptids.

Further into the facility

"Are you guys sure that the cryptid things you fought were tough? These things are weak as shit."

Kouki asked Lavinia and Natsume as he pierces another cryptid through its head killing it.

"I'll admit, cat, that these things are a lot weaker than the one we fought. Maybe they're just sending the weaker ones to delay us?"

The girl looks toward their leader.

"Maybe, if that's the case we need to hurry it up."

Gin appeared Tobio and they quickened their pace, surprising their enemies as they all drop-dead almost instantly.

"Tch, show off."

Byakusa zapped a stray that snuck up on Kouki, killing it. He looked over his shoulder and smirked.

"Nice job Kusa."

His Sacred Gear gave a nod of approval.

"What are these?"

Shigune asks no one in particular as her team enter a large open space. Around them were tubes and containers with things— Perhaps cryptids? And other types of body parts contained in a tube with green liquid storing them. Monitors and other complicated machinery littered everywhere.

"Probably how they make those things, there's another room and it looks bigger. Let's go."

Tobio ordered, and the group reluctantly leaves the room with even more questions than answers. When they entered the room, it was an even wider area, one giant super computer looking thing, a giant screen and darkness everywhere.

Clap ~ Clap ~

The team was alerted by a person coming out of the shadows as it clapped its hands.

"Well, done, Slash/Dog. I didn't think you would find my little humble abode this quickly. I have to give Azazel props for that."

A feminine voice congratulated the team.

When she fully stepped out of the shadow, they could see her appearance. A striking, dark-skinned woman with a very slender but well-built stature. She has a stern look on her face with glasses she had pushed down, as well as long naturally black hair which she dyed Grey, while keeping the tips black, A comely & sharp-minded woman who had something of a mischievous smile on her face, she wore a white lab coat. She stared down the team.

"Wow, talk about looking like a typical mad scientist, fucking original."

Kouki snorted.


Shigune called out to the woman, as she was unwilling to believe that it was actually her. The woman now known as Avezza changed her penetrating gaze to Shigune.

"My, my, it has been quite a while, hasn't it? Shigune?"

She smiles at the younger girl.

"You know her, Shigune?"

Tobio asked his teammate while summoning his scythe along with Gin, the rest of the team getting ready to take action if it came to it.

"She was a researcher and scientist back in Grigori, a Fallen Angel. However, her research started to change into creating new life— Monstrosities that even Azazel didn't like. So, Azazel cut her research out, not too long after she disappeared much like Acacius and Kokabiel."

"We knew each other very briefly, a hello and goodbye here and there… Nothing too deep."

"You flatter me, Shigune. Azazel is just a fool, if he took what I was researching into consideration, we— The Fallen Angels would be back to full power already. While I admit that I'm not for war, I am not against it either."

"War is the most appropriate time to test and experiment with cutting-edge weapons and tools."

She glowed and released her wings. 5 pairs of jet-black feathered wings, totaling 10 wings.

"As you can see, I've come far in terms of my own personal power too… I have a very powerful person backing me up."

She grinned and snapped her fingers.

Rumble! Rumble!

"What is happening?!"

Natsume shouted as the whole entire area started to violently shake.

"Behold, Slash/Dog one of the first few batches I've been working on. I dub them the 'Divine Beasts'!"

Crash! Boom!

A giant cryptid eight-legged spider bat creature falls from the ceiling and lands in front of them. The thing radiated power and a strange repugnant smell. Eyes like a bat, mouth like a spider, the body was that of a spider while sporting some bat-like legs at the back and finally, tendrils protruding from its back.

"This isn't the finished product mind you, it's an experiment. When I'm finished with them— Their powers will be on par with True Satan Class and God Class beings, this thing is teetering on the ladder of Low God Class."

Avezza snickered.

"It will keep you company for a while, I still need to do my research after all."

She takes one last look at the team and sighs.

"Try not to die now, till we meet again, Shigune… Team Slash/Dog."

She disappeared in a puff of black feathers.

"She has to be bluffing with that power shit, shit!"

Kouki summoned Byakusa and covered his arm with a lightning spear.

"No time for complaining, you stupid cat!"

Griffon also appeared by Natsume's side. Lavinia summoned two Ice dolls and Shigune summoned Poh.

"Shigune! Hang back with Poh and devour any kind of debris that falls on top of us. Everyone else on me! The Divine Beast is definitely at least True Satan-class in power, perhaps even Low God-class. She wasn't lying! Give it your all, none of you are dying on my watch!"

His teammates were shocked by what he said and nodded at the serious tone Tobio said it with.


Tobio called out to his friend, companion, and Sacred Gear… And started to chant…

"Behowlest the slaying of thousands of mortals and principles—"

"Besingest the slaying of tens of thousand of goblins and evil omens—"

"Mine name, which reacheth unto the farthest abyss, tis the Imitation God beguiling the Polar Night and the Midnight Sun—"

"Thou shalt be exterminated by our own jet black demonic blade—"

"Thou art merely ephemeral, oh paranormal Creator God!"

"Balance Break!"

After he recites a curse-like chant, his entire body becomes covered in darkness taking form as a humanoid black beast that resembles a dog wielding a long and immensely sharp scythe that is capable of effortlessly slicing apart extremely powerful opponents such as clones of Grendel and Ladon, Evil Dragons who are known for their defensive abilities, as well as keeping his original ability Balance Breaker's ability to sprout immense blades from his extended shadows.

The scythe are also shown to be able to cut through magic and abilities, even those of God-class beings as Tobio was able to use the Balance Breaker to cut through Nyx's darkness barrier. Tobio also demonstrated the ability to alter the wavelength of the scythes. He was able to use that to overcome Gressil's Resistance ability. This ability allows Gressil to grow more resilient to attacks of individuals after getting hit by them.

In addition, the darkness in the surrounding area also forms enormous dogs with jet-black fur that attack opponents with blades carried in their mouths. These dogs can also move through shadows like both Tobio and Gin to attack the blind spots of their foes.

Even after being destroyed, the dogs can reform from the darkness that Tobio creates. Tobio can also disperse into the shadow dogs and reform into his humanoid form to ward off attacks from most opponents, except those who are true Satan-class or God-class beings.

"Oi! Tobi are you sure about this?!"

Kouki screamed at his leader, only for Tobio to nod at him silently.

"Shit! Whatever! Let's do this! Back us up, Witch! Birdbrain!"

Kouki shouted as he and Tobio dashed towards the Divine Beast. He summoned a scythe made of black and crimson flames. He approached the beast before Kouki and swung down. But it was blocked by two gigantic light spears.


Tobio was shocked that his attack was stopped. The beast sent out its tentacles towards the man, but dogs appeared from the shadows around them and attacked the Divine beast, temporarily drawing its attention away from Tobio.

"Thanks, Gin."

Tobio jumped back as Kouki flew past him.

"Fuck you!!"

Kouki screamed as he thrust his lightning-covered spear into the side of the beast, but it didn't pierce it.

"Well, shit."

A tendril smacked Kouki away, sending him crashing into one of the walls.


Kouki let out a pained cry.


Shigune worriedly shouted his name, but the guy got back up, looking even more pissed.

'He's fine.'

"Save your breath— I'm fine."

He dashed back into the fight.


The cryptid let out an unholy shriek, making the girls cover their ears, as well as Kouki, Tobio was protected by his armor, thankfully. The beast took this as an opportunity for a counterattack, as it sends gigantic blades of wind and light spears towards the group.

Griffon fired back without its wielder's input, its blades of winds were smaller than the ones the beast fired and they were easily outmatched. The beast's attack destroyed Griffons and the attack hit the ground in front of them, sending the ladies backwards and hitting the wall.

Shigune slightly stumbles due to the shockwave and keeps her composure, as she lets Poh devour everything falling around her and her teammates.

"Shit! Byakusa more!"

Kouki cursed and demanded his Sacred Gear to put out more power. The feline looked at its wielder worried but still did it. The spear around Kouki increased in size, power, and electrical output.

"Fucking perfect!"

A maniacal grin appeared on his face as he charged back in. Tobio also joined him, as he ordered the other shadow dogs to keep relentlessly attacking the beast. As Tobio extends his shadow and the shadow of the cave around the beast, he shoots blades of darkness underneath and beside the beast.

The beast responded by covering its wings with holy light energy and stopping the blades from injuring it.

'This thing…is intelligent, it's not just a mindless beast even if it's just a prototype!'

Kouki jumped into the air and thrust his giant spear into the beast's head, however, the beast easily blocked him with a tendril, which didn't pierce it again.


The beast's head lunched towards Kouki in an attempt to bite him in half. The young man's eyes widen in surprise. However, before it reached him a light bullet hit one of the beast's eyes. Stopping it long enough for Kouki to back away.

"I owe you one, bird!"

"Watch your six, cat."

They both grinned at each other. They may not get along from time to time, but they definitely have each other's back when it counts. Natsume and Lavinia had recovered during that small time frame and had been waiting for an opening.

Lavinia ordered both of them to keep the beast frozen in place, the two ice dolls sent out streams of ice towards the beast. It tried to stop them but Tobio relentlessly attacked it with his shadow dogs, darkness, and scythe.

Griffon and Natsume had joined in, the Sacred Gear sending blades of winds towards the beasts' eyes, while Natsume shot at them with Light bullets.

Unable to block it, it was frozen in place, the beast still tried to break the ice, but to its surprise, it couldn't budge. Lavinia smiled as her new power was definitely showing at this time. The ice dolls took it one step further and froze its wings, rendering them useless.

It was being attacked from all sides, and from powers that ranged from Ultimate-class to Low-Tier God-class. But… They didn't injure it; it was definitely annoying it.

Lavinia summoned her ice gun and put slightly more mana into it, she aimed it at the beast and fired!

Shing! Fwoosh!

A large stream of ice, the attack traveled quickly towards the beast's face. As the beast saw this as a threat, it prioritized it. The beast fired webbing out of its mouth in front of it. The ice attack hit the webs and froze them instead, much to the female magician's surprise.

The pseudo-Divine beast then turns its attention to the ice dolls and spits a giant acidic-like substance towards them. It was slow, so the ice dolls dodged it while maintaining their attack.

However, when the attack landed on the ground it instantly vaporized the ground— Leaving nothing behind. Everyone noted that they avoid that attack or else— Well, that happens to them.

Shigune looked at her teammates fighting with the thing that was called a Divine Beast. She was frustrated, she couldn't join in helping them. She didn't have enough control of Poh to just leave him be for the time being.

She didn't have a gun like Natsume so she could at least use that, her knowledge in magic was next to none. Sae taught her very simple magic, but as Sae was also a novice, she didn't teach her much.

She wanted to ask Lavinia to teach her magic so she could fight with them… Maybe Jin?

'Jin… Can help me, right?'

She was brought out of her thoughts when a larger piece of the ceiling fell, only for Poh to devour it instantly.

'Later… I need to focus on the task at hand.'

"Natsume! Lavinia! Keep attacking it, Kouki and I will find an opening and strike then!"

They nodded and Tobio went beside Kouki.

"Combo attack."

He stated.

"Combo attack?"

Kouki repeated confused.


Tobio knew that only true Satan-class or God-class beings can hurt him, and if this thing can block his attacks with ease, then it has to be one of them. He didn't want to take any chance of being hit, lest he dies trying to find out.

Kouki nods and the two dash around the beast while poking it with their attacks every now and again, waiting for the perfect time to attack it. Kouki had to agree since he couldn't pierce it by himself. He saw Tobio's attacks weren't working either so this might be their only choice.

They also had to avoid their teammate's attack while doing this, the beast just seemed annoyed more than anything and not hurt at all.

"Fucking c'mon!"

Kouki was getting frustrated with the waiting until— The both of them notice the backside of it would be exposed temporarily when it retracts. They make eye contact and nod seemingly knowing what the other was thinking about.

As they bait the tendrils to attack, they dodge them and jump to the spot; Tobio uses his darkness-covered scythe in conjunction with Kouki's gigantic electric-covered spear.

"Eat shit!!!!!!!"

Kouki yelled.

The two attacks hit the spot where the tendrils retracted. Once their combo attack hits the targeted spot, the beast lets out a pained howl and starts lashing its tendrils wildly. The two's success was short-lived as they had to quickly dodge it as it started lashing out wildly.

Tobio and Kouki regrouped with the rest of their team, they all see that the beast was pissed off beyond belief and was wildly thrashing around. It eventually broke the ice the dolls were keeping it in place, when it did it visibly grinned at them with its creepy mouth.

Suddenly the beast covered itself in a giant cocoon. Confusing the group.

"What the hell is it doing?"


Tobio stared at the scene in front of him with concern. He also didn't know what was going on.

"It's a cocoon."

Shigune tells the group, and they turn their attention to her.

"Butterflies and the like— Well caterpillars enter that state before they become butterflies… So, maybe it's going to evolve into something more? Perhaps it's the final step to becoming a real Divine Beast like what Avezza-san said…"

All their eyes widen at the thought, if that thing, evolves now… Can they even beat it?

"Shit! We need to attack it then?! If it evolved, we're good as fucked!"

Kouki was about to run back in but was stopped by Tobio

"Tobi, what the fuck—"

Without a word, Lavinia stepped in front of the group, surprising them.



Tobio and Natsume called out to the female magician but she didn't respond.

Lavinia aimed her ice gun at it and poured all her current mana into the gun. She felt weakened and lightheaded when she did. However, she had to take this chance, if they didn't stop this thing now, that thing would kill them and then rampage across the country of France.

They would need a miracle to happen in order to stop that thing.


She pulled the trigger.


Lavinia and her teammates were blown back by the shockwave the gun created. An enormous stream of ice covered everything in front of them, consuming the cocoon in front of them as well.


Natsume and Shigune screamed as they were blown back. Tobio held onto the ground and Kouki held onto him. The giant stream of ice didn't end until around fifteen seconds passed.

When the attack ended, the cocoon— No, everything in front of them was obliterated from existence. A large hole was present in front of them and nothing remained. The trees, the rest of the mountain, and even some of the ocean were split along with the clouds on the horizon.

"Reni… Holy…"

Natsume along with her teammates stared in shock at the destruction they were seeing.


Tobio and Shigune were left speechless.


Cheering, Kouki looked at the destruction caused by his teammate.

"That's awesome! Can I get one?!"

In almost a childlike manner, he asked the female magician.

"I can't get up… I used up all my mana…"

She smiled weakly at them. Tobio was about to help her up when the android fairy with her appeared beside her.

"Function: Help Lavinia Reni."

It said in a robotic tone. It hugged her back and transformed into robotic wings and lifted her up, surprising the girl.

"I-It can do that?"

Natsume asked, but got shrugs from everyone. The fairy android started to leave the room

"Guys… Please search the other room for any documents that will help us."

She said helplessly as she was flown out of there.

'Jin… You're overprotective at times…'

She couldn't help but smile though.

'I also need to increase my mana pool more…'

Her team nodded and followed after her. Tobio stopped and looked back at the destruction Lavinia had made and smiled bitterly.

"I couldn't do anything. I need to get stronger… For myself, my team… And Sae."

He followed the rest of the group with heavy resolve. Little did the team know that Lavinia's attack would cause the world to go into chaos for a few days. People on earth are wondering why a huge pillar of ice suddenly appeared out of nowhere and then mysteriously vanished.

Flashback end

Japan, Kuoh


Jin Skyward


A nya of pain and despair screamed out from the living room, startling Ingvild and surprising me.


"Let's just check it out…"

Ingvild tiredly drags me into the room, not resisting I let it happen. When we got there, I was perplexed by the scene in front of me, Akeno had Kuroka in a leg lock, as the Nekoshou was desperately tapping the ground.

"Time out nya! I give nya!!"

"Welcome home, Jin, Ingvild."

Grayfia greets us as the maid sat on a chair calmly sipping away at the tea she had in her hands. When the two of them heard Grayfia call out my name their attention snapped to me. I wryly smiled and waved at them.


Akeno, let go of Kuroka, much to her pleasure as she sighed in relief. Akeno had bear tackled me onto the ground and refused to let go. She started to rub her face on my chest and sniff me.

"Err— I'm back, Akeno."

A little bit weirded out by her response I hug her back. I look at Kuroka and Grayfia looking for an explanation.

"She just missed you; I doubt she even got sleep the last two days."

Kuroka explained as she got up and patted her shoulder.

"But if you're asking why she pinned me to the ground? We were competing in who was going to join you in the bath tonight."

I look at her and then at Grayfia, who was looking away, a blush present on her face.

"I see…"

I laughed a little at their antics. Looks like they found out about Grayfia's late-night rendezvous.

"You guys can just do rock paper scissors, three rounds, if it's draw then do one more round."

The two agree, Akeno stayed with me though, she only turned around to face Kuroka as they. In the end Akeno one.


She cheered, making the cat girl groan.

"Jin… I'm still tired… I'm going to bed…"

Ingvild said weakly, she then walked upstairs without saying anything else. I noticed the girls staring at me accusatorily.

"What? I didn't do anything."

"I smelled Ingvild on you."

Akeno turns around and looks at me not believing a thing I said. I put my hands up— She… Smelled her? Kuroka… Are you sure you're the cat girl?

"Alright, fine, she slept with me. But that's it, you know how it is, a new place makes it harder to sleep."


Akeno doesn't say anything but just squints her eyes at me.

"Anyway, do you guys have plans today? It's still pretty early in the morning."

I just pet her and she goes back to laying on my chest.

"I'm going to visit my mother's grave today with Shirone, she already got permission from her King."

Kuroka smiles at me, I nod understanding what she means. I'll go with her in the future, I should check if I can bring her back… If not then I'll just… Yeah, I'll do that in the future.

"I'll go get ready nya."

She comes over to me and we share a quick kiss.

"I'm doing more contracts today… Since we skipped them for two days, I'll be home late… Ugh…"

"C'mon now Akeno, if you get enough done then you'll be promoted to High Class."

"I don't want my own peerage though…"

"You'll have more leeway with other things though, just try to get there for that…"

I tried reasoning with her and she reluctantly nods.

"Haah… I'll start early and home I get it all done."

She breaks the hugs, gives me one final kiss, and teleports away. I walk over to the couch and sit on it, I look at Grayfia and pat my lap. She blushes but does so, she sits on my lap and faces me.

"So, how about you Fia? Got any plans?"

She shakes her head. Great, we can have the rest of the day to ourselves.

"I am free today—"

On cue as she was about to continue a Gremory communication circle appears beside her. I jinxed it…


"Venelana-sama? How can I help you?"

Grayfia answers back in her professional tone.

"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting you, but we just got two recruits, a butler and a maid. Clausse is out right now so he won't be able to oversee them for the time being. Could you come here, and do it?"

"Yes, of course, Venelana-sama."

"Thank you Grayfia, see you soon."

The circle disappears and Grayfia turns back to me, looking a bit upset.

"I guess you aren't free then."

I chuckle and she sighs, I give her a peck on the cheek as compensation.

"Well, we can have some time together in the future."

She gets up as I say that.

"Yes, I shall be going, Jin." She bows and teleports away.

I sigh. I'm alone again for today… I need to get a hobby or something… I lay on the couch, maybe some sleep will do… I quickly drift off to sleep, much to my own surprise.


Jin Skyward

"…Here again, why though?"

I was staring at the white void again; this is the second time this happened. However, this time there's no beeping— Well yet anyway. Seeing as I know how some things work here, I'll just make it quick then.

I started to run around in random directions looking for the beeping noise and bed from last time. I do this for the new few minutes but to no avail. I couldn't find a single bed or beeping noise; the snow isn't falling either.

"The hell's going on?"


After walking around for a few more minutes I come across someone unexpected.

"Wait what? Great Red— Err, Irene?"

I see Irene also walking towards me.

"Your dream is quite strange."

She states and gestures around us.

"A void of infinite white."

"Probably due to my amnesia, I have some blanks on my past."

"Hmm-hmm, I see. Though."

She eyes me up.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm in your dreams?"

"No, you're the Dragon of Dreams, makes sense you can come into dreams."

She laughed at my explanation.

"Quite true, I do sometimes enter other being's dreams when I am bored, I can't just fly forever in the Dimensional Gap as that can get boring too."

"So, you lost your past memories?"

Irene decided to continue the conversation we had.

"Yeah, partly, I have most of it, I guess just a little bit of my childhood? Who knows?"

I lied to her as naturally as I breathed.

"Hmmm, let us walk around then, perhaps we may see something."

"I have already done that for who knows how long and found nothing."

"Is this the first time you dreamt of this?"

"No, It's the second time, the first time I was here I heard a beeping noise and a bed materialized with a shape of a person on it."

"A bed and a person? Could it have been you?"

She puts a finger under her chin, seemingly thinking about what I told her.

"Maybe, I'm not too sure. If the beeping was a sign or indication of what it might have been, then I'll assume it might have been a hospital. But I don't remember being hospitalized in the past."

"Perhaps it's been repressed by your amnesia. It's always a possibility, Jin."

I look into the distance and sigh.


We continue in silence as the vastness of the white void never changes in front of us, I'm not even sure if we're even moving forward anymore.

"By the way, can you influence dreams? If so wanna try with mine?"

She glances at me and smiles.

"I shall try."

A staff appears beside her and she taps the ground, we wait for a few seconds but nothing happens. Irene sighs.

"It seems I have no effect here, unfortunately."

"Bummer, oh well."

Another few minutes of walking later I ask her another question.

"Irene, do you feel lonely at all while in the Dimensional Gap?"

"Lonely? Certainly, unlike Ophis I understand feelings quite well. As I tended to check all kinds of being's dreams when I was younger. I learned from that."

She smiles remembering her youth.

"But I must deal with it, as I am the self-proclaimed protector of this world. I can't leave it otherwise we are exposed to dangers that might end it all too quickly."

"Sounds like you love this world and maybe the beings that reside in it."

I chuckle and see her pondering the thought.

"Perhaps… I am not too sure on how to answer that, however, I am compelled to protect this world until my dying breath."

"How about I take away some of that burden for you then?"

I offer her my assistance since I'm stronger than her and it'll be easier for me to do so. I'll ask Cúntóir when I wake up if I can just create new beings from nothing and at any power class I want. She looks at me weirdly.

"Do you even have the power to do so? I admit you're the Red Dragon Emperor, but that doesn't make you close to me in strength."

I grin at her.

"You'll find out when I come and visit with Ophis in the future, until then just wait for me."

"Very well Jin, I await your arrival in the future then… By the way, how is Ophis?"

Curiosity got the better of the True Dragon and she asks about her friend…?

"She's doing well, she's actually been reading books on how emotions work. She even tried to comfort me recently, can you imagine that?"

I smile at the thought of Ophis being able to freely express herself in the future.

"I would have laughed at you if you told me such things. But I more or less believe you, I would like to see it."

"Well then, maybe you can visit me once and see it for yourself."

Which made us both laugh.

"I am proud of her though, she made a lot of progress in a short time frame."

After another few minutes of walking but nothing appears, looks like I won't get any answers today.

"I shall head off now, Jin."

Irene breaks our silent journey in the white void.

"I see, alright, see you around Irene."

I instinctively start petting her, much to both our surprise. I take my hand away.

"Sorry, a habit of mine."

Worry not, farewell, Jin." She chuckles at me one last time and fades away.

"Ahh— It's happening again…"

Japan, Kuoh

12:28 p.m.

Jin Skyward


I open my eyes and in front of me were two melons I feel something soft under my head.

"This feeling…"

I hear a feminine giggle.

"No enjoying my thighs now, Jin."

It was Ingvild…

"When did you wake up? Actually, how long have I been asleep for?"

I didn't try getting up as I enjoyed the feeling.

Cúntóir: Answer: 3 hours 41 minutes and 27 seconds.

Duly noted.

"I woke up around an hour ago, I found you asleep on the couch. So, I just lifted your head and put it on my thighs."

I see her smile.

"Seems like you're enjoying it…"

"I won't deny that, I should get up since your thighs might get numb."

I get up and sit on it instead. I stretch my arms out and wrap the other around Ingvild's shoulder, I start patting her and she starts humming. Maybe that's her song? Sounds catchy.

Did you have lunch yet, In?"

She keeps humming as she nods.

"I had some earlier, Grayfia-san left some food in the fridge."

"I see."

I stop petting her and get up.

"I'll go out to Kuoh then to have some lunch. I'll see you soon, In."


She makes a weird noise as she stretches her arm out after putting her laptop on the couch, this made me chuckle. I hug her and hugs me back a little tighter.

"You started liking our hugs?"

I asked her teasingly and she huffs.

"It's your fault."

I laugh again and finally turn to leave. I use the front door, might as well walk there instead of teleporting all the time.

As I make my way to the town center, I speak with Cúntóir. Hey, Cúntóir I have a question.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, Jin?

So, can I like create other new beings if I wanted to, right?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, quite simple for you.

Is there a limit to the power I can make them?

Cúntóir: Answer: You cannot make another being at the same power level as you, however, you can make any being that's below the Omniversal power level.

I can guess that I need to be the new species in order to start making new Outer Gods?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

Alright, thank you. I have a few plans then… I couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of making three new beings as my own little guards or squads… That… Reside… In my shadow.

I had gone into to a shop called Schrubway, it's apparently this world's version of Subway. The food's still decent though. I enjoyed a small stroll through the town, even though it was summer and the heat was still there, a small breeze was present, so it slightly alleviates that heat.

As I walk through the town, I see a little manga and light novel shop to my right. I hadn't seen this before since it was in a lesser populated area of Kuoh. Since I was curious about this world's anime, manga, and light novel's I decided to enter.

I haven't gotten a chance to check them out since my life's been hectic since I first came here.

When I entered the shop the guy at the register greets me and I nod at him. I go in further into the shop and check out anything that catches my interests…

Dragon Shout Z? Are they serious? It's like a cheap knock-off of Dragon Ball… Please don't tell me it's going to be like this. I hurriedly look at titles and covers that slightly resembles titles that were in my past world.

That time I got reincarnated as a … Walrus? …Huh?

I Reincarnated with every job in another world… Isn't this just Jobless Reincarnation but backwards?

My Villain Academia, bruh.

Cards of Paradise…Yugioh.

A loud voice… Are you kidding me?

Weirder and weirder titles keep popping up and they're like opposites of what my world had. This is so fucking weird.

Shuffle ~ Shuffle ~

"Hmm… Maybe this… Oh! That too… Ah! A new volume!"

I hear an all too familiar voice and turn to look at it. The all too familiar crimson hair… The beauty and main heroine of the series, Rias Gremory. Rias gets up after picking up a few volumes of manga and light novels. When she does, she sees me staring, and our eyes make contact.

We just stare at each other silently for a few seconds until I break the awkward silence

"Rias… Gremory?"

I asked in an unsure tone. She raises a brow, on guard since I knew her name. She becomes suspicious of me immediately.

"Yes? Do I know you?"

"Sorry, Akeno has told me about you, especially your appearance. I just didn't think I would see you here of all places."

I explained myself, Gotta do some bullshit. Her eyes widen.

"Ahh! You must be Jin! I've heard many good things about you from Akeno. My club members really liked that Irish stew she came back with before."

I smile and stretch out my hand, she does the same, albeit she struggles since she has a lot of books on her.

"Need some help?"


I offer my help and she embarrassingly accepts it, she hands me a few books.

Pfff— She likes Dragon Shout Z.

"So, it seems you like manga and light novels, huh?"

We make our way towards the counter and put her books down. The guy there starts scanning her items and putting them into a bag. She blushes again.

"Y-Yes, only my club members, friends from the student council, and my brother know of my fondness for these kinds of things…"

She was flustered as she explained to me, I laughed a bit and she puffed her cheeks up. She pays the guy and we leave. We keep on talking and eventually find ourselves in Kuoh park, find a bench and sit down.

We stare out at the families and couples that were there enjoying their time. A small ball landed by my feet and I see a kid shouting to throw it back to him. I pick it up and throw it back getting a small thanks before he ran off towards his family again.

"This little town is quite lively, no?"

"Yes, I really love it."

Another silence falls between Rias and I; we stay silent and just stare at the scenery in front of us.

"Jin, please keep my hobby a secret for me. I don't want to be labeled an Otaku or this to spread around the school."

"Sure, I don't mind, better make it a pinky promise then?"

I hold out my right pinky and she laughs at my childish way of keeping promises, she does the same.

""Pinky swear, ten thousand punches, whoever lies will be made to swallow a thousand needles.""

We say in unison, then laugh at each other.

"By the way Jin, why were you near that shop?"

"I was just out for a stroll; well, I had lunch and then went for a stroll. I just came by there by chance. I did live in a different country before so access to manga and light novels were limited."

"Ireland, yes? So, you're interested in anime, manga, and light novels?"

"Yep, there were only a limited range of things you could get in the shop I frequented in Dublin. Being in Japan opened up so many ventures for me. I'm quite excited, actually."

"So, that's the reason you moved here?"

She smiles and I laugh.

"Yeah, pretty much, you can call me an otaku abroad. Looks like we'll be keeping this secret together, huh?"

"Yes, yes we will."

"By the way, Rias, where's Akeno? I hear she's doing club activities today."

This question makes her slightly jolt but she composes herself quickly.

"Sh-She's doing some club activities right now so she's unavailable, along with the rest of the club members."

She explains and starts nodding to herself.

"Oh? So does that mean their President is slacking off?"

I accusingly teased her and she turns as red as her hair.

"I-I-I'm just taking a quick break!"

She huffed making me laugh again, she gave me a cute glare in return.

"I'm joking…yeah, a quick break, nothing wrong with that. Well, it was nice meeting you Rias, I better go home now."

"Yes, it's finally nice to put a name to a face, Jin."

She gets up and we shake hands.

"I'll see you at school then."

I walk away while waving back to her. An unexpected meeting, but a welcomed one.

Third Person Point of View

With Rias


Rias had a smile on her face as she watched Jin leave the park and disappear into the distance. She got up and went to the alley with her bag of books as she teleported back to her club.

When Rias teleported into the clubroom, she was pleasantly surprised to see her peerage there, with the exception of Koneko as she had left with her sister earlier in the morning.

"Hello Rias/President"

Kiba and Akeno greet her.

"Yes, hello ~"

The two were surprised to see that their King was in such a good mood.

"Rias? Why are you in such a good mood? Did something good happen?"

Akeno spots the bag she was carrying "Ah, did you get the books you wanted?"

"Hmm? ~ ah yes, I did. But that's not why I'm in a good mood."

Rias turns to Akeno and grins at her, the girl was a bit surprised by this.

"Um… Rias?"

"Hehe, I finally met him today, Akeno."

Akeno's eyes widen at what she just heard.

"Y-You mean…?"

"Yes! I met Jin today! At the bookstore where I buy my books! He's an interesting person. I enjoyed our short chat together. We share the same hobby so I look forward to getting to know him."

She puts her bag down and starts looking through the books she bought.

"Jin? The one who made the stew for Akeno-senpai? How is he like, President?"

Kiba was also interested in the guy. Koneko met him briefly and said he was a trustworthy person so he was interested in the person since Koneko was usually on guard against guys— Thanks to the open perverts of the school.

"As I said, we share the same hobbies, offered to help carry my books to the register and threw a ball back to a family when it came near him, while the last thing is small, it shows a small part of an individual. He could have refused and made them get it themselves, but he didn't."

Rias's eyes widen—

"Ah! I forgot to tell him he can join the club!"

Rias slumped down…

"Haah… You can tell him for me, right? You probably have his number"

Rias realized what she said her eyes brighten as Akeno had a strained smile on her.

"…Number! Akeno, can I have his number?!"

"S-Sure thing Rias…"

She went over and scribbled down Jin's number.

"That's it…"

"Thank you, Akeno."

"Heeh, if he joins the club… Will you tell him about the supernatural, President?"

Kiba already had high expectations for the guy as three out of the five members of the peerage had positive encounters with him.

Rias had forgotten about that and she ponders the thought…

"Maybe I will, I just need to see how he reacts when we discuss those topics when he's here."

She summons her Evil Piece set, she picks up a [Pawn] piece and twirls it around her fingers.

"I'll offer him to join my peerage, but I won't force him. I don't want him to hate me."

She dispels the set and turns back to the two members of her peerage staring wide eyed at her.


She was confused by their reaction.

"Oh— Uh nothing President…"

Kiba deflected the question to the Queen and looked away.

"I wasn't expecting that Rias… I was sure you would want him to join, maybe entice him a little?"

Akeno had known her for the longest and was almost positive she knew her in and out, but this came as a curveball for her.

"The mask-person has been unintentionally changing me, I can't be forceful with everyone, that would push them away. If I want new peerage members for the future, I have to offer it to them and accept their answer."

She smiles and puts the [Pawn] back into the box that came with the set.

"I don't want to lose a potential friend after all."


Akeno was happy with her growth.

'Is this the type of thing you wanted to happen, Jin?'

"Anyway, are you guys nearly done with your contracts?"

Rias wanted to change the topic and the two of them nod.

"Good, let's keep going and get them done."

Jin Skyward

I had pulled out my phone and called Shigune, I was waiting for her to answer.

"Hello? Jin? Are you looking for Lavinia?"

The girl answers a bit confused as to why she was being called.

"Hey, Shigune. Yes and no, I was going to go back and bury those bones from before, do you want to come with me?"

"…Yes please, and Lavinia is in my room, she's a bit exhausted."

"I see, I'll teleport there now then."


Shigune ends the call. I turn into an alleyway near my home and teleport to Grigori.


When I teleported there, I chose to go into Azazel's office, but to my surprise, the Governor-General was fast asleep and Shemhazai was desperately trying to wake the guy up. I look around him and there were some alcohol bottles scattered around, he notices me and I give him a sympathetic look and leave.

I make my way to the lobby trying to find team Slash/Dog as I felt their auras in that direction. When I entered it, they see me and I wave to them.

"Yo, how are you guys… Actually never mind you guys look like shit, tough fight?"

"We came across a very tough opponent today, and yes it was a tough fight."

Tobio looked frustrated as he clenched his fist at remembering it.

"Are you looking for Reni? She's probably the most tired out of all of us, I can take you to Shigune's room if you want."

"Yeah sure, thanks… Let me guess, she used up all her mana to fire that ice gun she has?"

All of them stare at me shocked that I knew what happened.

"Bro, are you psychic?"

Kouki's eyes widen at the thought, I chuckle and shake my head.

"No, no, I was the one who taught her how to do that, I thought she would only use it as a last resort, looks like today was one of them. I'll ask her more about it when she's feeling okay."

"Lead the way, Natsu."

She nods and we leave her teammates who just sat back down on the chairs.

"Jin, can you talk to Shigune?"

Natsume breaks the silence between us as we walk.

"Huh? I mean I don't mind, but why?"

I'm not too sure on what she would want to talk about with me, we have seldom interacted, I obviously want to change that, but haven't found the right time yet.

"I could see that she's frustrated, even during the mission. She hasn't learned to use magic efficiently yet, since Sae was responsible for it and she's still being examined by Azazel… Can you… Can you please help her with that?"

I see so that's what this is about.

"Sure thing, I consider you guys' friends. I don't mind."

I give her a thumbs up and she smiles.

"Thank you."

We reach Shigune's room soon enough, Natsume says she'll go back to her own room and keeps going ahead. I knock on the door and step in.

When I go through the door, I see Lavinia and Shigune chatting away. Looks like they didn't hear me.


I greet them and they turn their attention to me.

"Jin, thank you for coming."

Shigune waves at me with a tired smile on her.


Lavinia tried to move but is pushed back down by Shigune.

"You can't get up yet, Lavinia-san."

She scolded the older woman causing her to pout. I chuckle and go to Lavinia's left side as Shigune was on her right with a chair, I sit beside her on the bed and hug her, she tries her best to hug me back but falls short as her body is still recovering.

I break the hug and lightly chop her head.

"That was reckless of you, you know."

She tries to say something but I keep going.

"But, you did it to help your teammates and the normal humans of France, so I can't exactly fault you for that."

I start to bring her back into the hug and pet her.

"Good job, you did well."


She lays her head on my chest and closes her eyes.

"I'll take you to that place again and we can work on getting you more mana, but for now, get some rest, okay?"

She nods and slowly laid back down, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and she falls back asleep with a smile on her face. I gesture for Shigune to go out of the room.


I ask her as we step out.

"Yep, ready as I'll ever be."

She grabs my arm and I teleport us back to Spain.

Spain, Molinaseca


I had teleported us to the exact same spot where the massacre occurred. I summon shovels and have them dig 11 graves. I also note that the area has started to heal, even though I reverse time and the damage, I wondered when and how long it would take to heal naturally.

"Is this the spot?"

Shigune asks as she looks around and at the shovels digging the holes.

"Yeah, this is the spot."

Cúntóir is the devil still there?

Cúntóir: Answer: No, it has been removed, presumably by Ajuka and Azazel.

Alright. Seems like they already took the guy, I won't need to think about it anymore then. It didn't take for the shovels to finish digging and stand beside the holes waiting for orders. I take the bones out of my inventory and put them all in the individual holes, the shovels then start covering the holes up.

Shigune silently watched the whole process as did I. When the shovels were done, I dismissed them.  I created and placed all tombs stones— They were unnamed but it was the best I could do for them. Shigune would find it strange if I started putting names on them, so I left it at that.

Once done she went over to each grave, kneeled down, and prayed. She did so for twenty-minute each. Eleven graves, twenty minutes on each of them. I silently stood guard and watched over her, I didn't take Shigune to be this kind of person— Holy or spiritual, she didn't seem to be that kind of person on the outside.

Yes, she's kind and caring, but I didn't think it extended to strangers. Perhaps her kindness is the same as Gabriel's? I can definitely see the Seraph crying for these lost souls.

[Double the Gabriel.]

{Double the fun.}

Way to ruin the moment, you guys. I cut the link before they could respond.

Three hours had passed, and the sun had started to set. I didn't move an inch during that time and Shigune did her thing without any complaints. Once she was done, she stood in front of all of them and done the sign of the cross.

She finally stood beside me; we stood there in silence.

"Aren't you going to ask me?"

She finally speaks up and I shrug, it's up to you, I won't force it out of you.

"…I won't force it out of you if you don't want to talk about it."

Shigune lightly giggles.

"It's nothing too serious… It's just that… Wouldn't it be lonely? To die suddenly, not be found, and stay there for who knows how long without anyone knowing anything."

"Thinking about it, thinking about this happening to me, makes me feel sad… I want to be surrounded by my loved ones when I pass on into the world beyond."

She turns to me and smiles sadly.

"It's a pretty childish reason, huh?"

"No, I understand where you're coming from, in our world the supernatural is more than real, so there is a high chance that their spirits may have been trapped here unable to leave. What we did today may have let them move on in peace."


A sudden breeze envelops the area, the ground around the recently made graves starts to glow and green orbs start appearing. Those orbs slowly turn into human shapes, a few teens, an older couple with a baby, and the two magicians. They all turn to look at us, smiles on their faces, full of gratitude.

"Thank you."

Were their last words as they faded into the glowing evening sky.


I gestured to what just happened. Shigune had a relieved smile on her, a little teardrop escapes her left eye

"Thank goodness…"

She whispered. She may have had thought that what she was doing meant nothing, but not in this world. She prayed to them for 20 minutes each, and there were 11 graves in total, but to them— To those who passed, it meant every little thing to them.

"I can help you get stronger, Shigune."

I tell her as I stare at the setting sun.

"Please. I don't want to be useless anymore."

She had a look of regret on her, she may probably think she was the weakest of the team right now.

"Yeah, you can count on me."

"Thank you…"


I pat her head

"Shall we head back?"

She nodded silently, a smile appearing on her face.


"Just text me or ask Lavinia for me, alright?"

She nods again and I go into her room and bridal carry Lavinia out of it. The woman was still sleeping peacefully, she instinctively cuddled closer to me.


She briefly wakes up, probably because of the movement.

"Yeah, we're back… Just go back to sleep, I'll take us back home."


She closed her eyes and drifted off again. I turn to Shigune.

"I'll get going then, see you around."

I start to teleport away when I heard Tobio's voice.

"Jin wait!"

I turn around and see the guy running towards me.

"What's up Tobio?"

"It's nothing much, here."

He hands me a piece of paper with a number on it and the name Suzaku Himejima.

"She wanted to get into contact with you so I wrote her number down for you."

"I see, thanks Tobi, I've been meaning to get in contact with her too."

I grin at him.

"Good luck with your plan too."

He looked at me a bit surprised and sheepishly scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah, thanks."

He holds out his fist for a fist bump and I happily do so.

"I'll see you guys around."

I teleport away with Reni and the new phone number.

Unknown Location

Third Person Point of View

|Thank you, Tobio.|

|No problem, Suzaku, he'll get in contact with you soon.|

Suzaku Himejima closed her phone and held it in her hand. She had Tobio Ikuse, her cousin give her phone number to Jin, the recently famous middleman of the factions and the one who had resurrected her aunt and repaired that side of the family of hers.

When she was first contacted by Shuri via her number, she was shocked. She thought it was some kind of sick joke or prank, so she answered it as she wanted to give whoever was doing this prank and good scolding.

But to her surprise, it was her deceased Auntie's voice. She was shocked and asked how she was alive, and Shuri proceeded to tell her everything. How she came back to life, how her broken family was reunited, and who was responsible for it all.

A young man called Jin. She also found out through connections of who he was and what he was up to.

"Middleman, friends with Slash/Dog, making a harem for himself… I want to meet him and personally thank him…"

She whispered to herself.

What surprised Suzaku, even more, was when Shuri told her that Tobio had come to her for some love advice, it looks like he was finally going to confess his feeling for his long-time childhood friend.

Suzaku was happy for him, she wanted her cousin to be happy, as Sae was also a friend of hers. She just wished she was in a better place physically and mentally.

"Perhaps we can request Jin to heal her…?"

She wants to ask him, maybe it was possible because it was him.

To Suzaku Himejima, Jin was a miracle worker, the things he did in a short amount of time had truly impressed her. The fact that he's also friends with Slash/Dog, specifically Tobio…maybe he could also help her find a way for the Himejima Clan to accept Tobio, as she had no clue on how to do it.

She has many high expectations for Jin… She just needed to get that message or call…



Suzaku looked down at her phone and got excited.

|Hey there, you're Suzaku Himejima, right? Tobio told me to message you.|

Suzaku began to type back…


Av for Avvolgere in Italian which means envelop and ezza for Nerezza in Italian which means darkness. Her name translates to 'Enveloped in Darkness'. Aveza also means bird, strength, and desire that's of Norman-French / Germanic origin.

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