Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 4 – Part 1 – The Occult Research Club and Cúntóir’s….

Japan, Kuoh

Jin household

Jin Skyward

Cúntóir: Answer: Deactivating aura suppression barrier around Astaroth Domain.

A bit sluggish there, aren't we? I chuckled at her only to get silence in return.

"Home sweet home."

I had teleported Reni and I back to my home in Japan— Specifically her room, since, well, we kinda teleported from here anyway…


She calls out to me, intently staring at me as well. I turn to her.

"Hmm? What's up?"

Curious as to why she was being serious all of a sudden.

"Are you interested in those two?"

I was a bit surprised by the question, I'll be honest.

"Where's this suddenly coming from?"

"I know you want a harem, that's really obvious at this point… I was just wondering, that's all."

"If things are meant to be, they will happen naturally, I'm in no rush or won't force anyone."

I shrug.

"I haven't exactly gotten anyone else in over a month."

"Grayfia might join soon you know."

She says while poking my sides.

"Yeah, I won't deny that either. I've been making good progress with her."

We have become very intimate. She is at the very least the unofficial fourth woman in my life.

"Also, In-chan is very interested in you."

Reni started to circle me while poking my sides for some reason… I cock my brow, now that's…

"I haven't done anything to her to make her like me though?"

This caused the female magician to giggle.

"I'm really not sure if you're dense or not, Jin, just think back on her recent actions and proceed from there, silly."

She stops poking me and crosses her arms.

"Her past actions?"

I started to think back, to the last few weeks… How has she changed? I see Ingvild being more touchy-feely with me… Hugs, cuddles, leaning on me more, giving me lap pillows, and giving me shy glances here and there.


I-I guess she has been a lot more open in that regard… I look back at Reni and she was smiling at me.

"See? She's definitely changed! Just one final push and you'll have another cutie with you!"

She giggles again. I also laughed along with her. I pick her up as we both continue laughing. However, she yelps as I did, and quickly bursts back into her giggles as I spin her around.

I kiss her and she happily reciprocates... But things get a little heated as I feel Reni wrap her arms around my neck and pull me closer. Therefore, I responded in kind as I pushed my tongue into her mouth. When I did so, her eyes widened, shocked at the sudden intrusion. But she doesn't push me away.

While she was hesitant, she also started moving her tongue. I could feel our tongues clash and dance around each other… Crap, it's been a while since I did this… I could feel my lower half start to react.

We continued our sloppy kiss for a full minute before I broke it off as I could feel Reni wanting to breathe. After our messy kiss, saliva connected our tongues. Nothing was said after we broke the kiss, but one thing was apparent, a bit of sexual tension was in the air.

After we connected our lips again and let our tongues loose on each other, I slowly backed Reni against her bedroom wall. She had to wrap herself around me to keep herself from falling off.

When she has against the wall, I could feel her legs pull me closer, I was too heated to stop her so I let her. I could see her teary eyes widen as she felt my hardened lower half hit her stomach through her dress.

What I wasn't expecting was for Reni to break the kiss. I was supporting her and she grabbed my right hand and forced me to grope her right breast.


She muttered softly and looked at me flustered.


I brought my face and lips closer to her again when—

Creak! Open!

"Lavinia and Jin, welcome ba—"

The familiar voice of Grayfia starts to speak. Both Reni and my head snap towards the door and witness Grayfia freeze. She was obviously shocked to see us in this position, we were also shocked to see her…

"I-I'm sorry… I'll go back in the kitchen…!"

Grayfia blushes— The Maid, flustered, quickly leaves the room and closes the door behind her.


Both of us were silent. The heat of the moment had quickly left us. I turned to look back at Reni and she was an even bigger mess than I was. She— And I'm not joking, her face was completely red.

I forget that this world is also based on anime… She starts to lightly hit me with both her hands, seemingly too embarrassed to articulate words to me.

"...We got a bit heated there..."

Finally, she stopped hitting me and said something. She lays her head on my chest.

"P-Please let me down… Jin…"

She asks and I oblige as she unwraps her legs around me and I let her down. I kiss her one last time.

"I'll head over and check on Grayfia… That probably shocked her a bit… Haha."

I turn around and begin when I feel her grab my arm and pull me back.


I was a bit surprised by her action but let it happen. She gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Then I let go of her hand and turned around to leave. I sigh when I close the door once I am outside. I wonder if that pushed our relationship forward? Well— Physically speaking…

Reni said it herself a few weeks back, that she wanted to take her time with us… Maybe today's meeting made her do that? It wasn't out of the realm of possibility. I sigh again and start to make my way downstairs. I'll let her control how she wants to do it…

Third Person Point of View

With Lavinia Reni

Once Jin was out the door and it was closed Lavinia had sat back against the wall and slowly slid down it. She was obviously embarrassed by the whole situation that just happened. She announced earlier to her friends that she was taking her relationship with Jin slowly…

But that just happened, Lavinia covered her face with both her hands as she felt her face heat up again.

"Idiot… Idiot…"

She muttered to herself, still embarrassed at her own actions.

"Where did that self-confidence come from?!"

She wanted to lash out at the world at how embarrassed she was. She takes her hands away from her face and touches her chest.


Her face heats up again as she remembers his touch.

"I was the one who made him touch me though… He was quite rough as well…"

Her heart starts to beat faster, she wondered if that kind of thing will be common in the future? She then touches her lips.

"I didn't expect him to put his tongue into my mouth either… I'm partially to blame too… I did reciprocate."

Lavinia then looks down near her stomach as she remembered something else that happened.


She felt it, she definitely felt it. She had been quite close to Jin all day; she knew that he didn't have any other kind of object in his pockets. So, the only answer is…

"Jin… Was definitely excited…"

She felt something hard press against her stomach when Jin pushed her up against the wall. Lavinia remembered Akeno mentioned his size all those weeks ago, making the girl even redder.


Lavinia got up and jumped onto her bed, and once she was on it, she started to toss and turn.

"Grayfia also saw us…!"

She could still remember the maid's horrified face as she saw them in such a compromising position.

"How can I face her again after that…?"

She starts to shake her head not wanting to think about that.

"Jin… Jin…"

Lavinia muttered as she grabbed a pillow and hugged it. Grigori's field agent, the female magician, was falling for the young boy more and more.

Jin Skyward

The hallway of the entrance was still occupied by Grayfia after I descended the stairs. Grayfia notices me, and blushes as she hurriedly bows before rushing into the kitchen.

I just sigh and decide to go into the living room. I'll talk to her in a few minutes.

When I arrive in the living room, I see that everyone else was there. Akeno, Ingvild, and Kuroka. Kuroka was in her cat form as she slept on Ingvild's lap. Akeno was hugging her knees while watching something on TV.

I turn to look and it was something about cooking. I shake my head, is she that bothered about not being able to cook for me yet? She's really taking the good wife thing seriously…

Ingvild was just looking at her phone while petting the sleeping Kuroka every now and again. They both see me and wave me over, I nod and sit in between them. They both lean their head onto me and relax.

"So, how were both of your days today?"

I ask them as I start watching the video Akeno is playing.

"It was great!"

Ingvild starts to smile brightly.

"We wandered around Kuoh just talking and laughing about random topics we got into."

When I turned my head, I saw that Ingvild was genuinely happy, and that made me smile. Yeah… She looks great…

"We headed to the cinema and saw a film… About small little people who were yellow with one eye. It was pretty funny…"

She giggled at remembering the film

"We also went to another café, their snacks were tasty, but I think we all preferred the parfait at the first one we went to."

There are a few shops like that all over Kuoh... I have no idea which ones she's talking about… I just smiled and nodded along not wanting to interrupt her.

"We ended the day by window shopping for clothes, talking about… Well girly stuff you wouldn't be interested in hearing, hehe."

She pauses and lets out a satisfied sigh.

"I think… I made genuine long-time friends…"

I start to pet her and she let out another satisfied sigh.

"I'm glad you had a fun day, In. Yeah, your friends sound like keepers and I hope your friendship lasts a lifetime."


She smiled sweetly and snuggled closer to me. I took Kuroka off her lap and set her on mine. She had started to move a lot and I thought it would disturb the sleeping Nekoshou so I took the liberty of moving her.

I turn to Akeno and wait for her to answer. She smiles at me.

"Well… I was training with everyone else, hehe."

I roll my eyes at her and she lightly hit me.

"I've gotten a lot better control of my Holy Lightning; I've been able to start shaping it into different things… But they're mostly basic except for one."

She nods to herself.

"I haven't slacked on my other magics though! The control and power I have over my demonic elemental manipulation has also increased. But I think that is due to me getting more powerful in general."

She winks at me.

"Maybe… My Holy Lightning may become 'Draconic' soon"

"I look forward to seeing it then, Akeno."

I look at Kuroka and back at Akeno.

"By the way, did Shirone come back here too?"

"Yep, she's taking a shower though."

She smirks at me.

"Anyway, do you want me to do into detail about everyone else?"

"Sure, go ahead."

I'll check on Shirone later, but she's probably fine.


Third Person Point of View

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

Akeno had teleported directly into the Occult Research Clubroom and noticed everyone was already present, including Gasper. She was the last to arrive, but as soon as she did, Rias nodded to everyone.

"I'm glad everyone's here. I know that the masked man trained us just yesterday, but I want to add an extra day just for us. This will be more frequent if he trains us on Fridays, but if it happens on other days, I won't do this."

She explained and got nods from her peerage.

"Alright then, let's get to the field."

Rias takes the lead and leaves, followed by the rest of them.

Once everyone was gathered on the field, Akeno strolls over to Gasper and hands him the piece of paper she was given by Jin, confusing the cross dresser.

"Huh? What is this Akeno-senpai?"

Gasper held the piece of paper and didn't open it.

"It's a training regime that the masked person made for you, just check it out and go from there… Let me warn you he says you must do it although."

Akeno gave Gasper her usual 'calm' smile, scaring the boy. Gasper nodded and quickly opened the piece of paper. He read:

100 Push-ups

100 Squats

100 Sit-ups

10k run

"This is impossible!!"

His face paled and Gasper yelled, he kept reading through the list over and over again, thinking it had to be a joke.

"You still have to do them, Gasper-kun."

She stated firmly.

"Or else J— The masked man will chase you around again."

"Hiiiiii!!!!! I don't want that either!!!"

He stopped and thought about it and slumped over, as he resigned to his fate.

"Ugh… I'll follow this stupid thing then…"

He started to walk away as Akeno giggled.

"Gaspy, you can do it!"

Shirone tried to encourage her friend, but Gasper just glanced over at Shirone and gave her a dead look. This was because he accepted his fate, and wasn't planning to back out of it. The man had made a promise to him after all. Rias and Kiba walked over to Gasper to take the paper and read it.

"Can any of us do this? And can it be modified?"

Rias asks Akeno. She nods.

"Yes, it's possible, the masked man did say he'll change the numbers when Gasper starts getting used to them, so feel free."

Rias nods and thanks her.

"I'll do 300 sets then, and do 20k run myself…"

"I'll do the same as well, President."

Kiba nods to himself as he runs away. It seems like he wants to get the running out of the way first.

"Will you do them, Akeno?"

Rias asks her [Queen] but she shook her head.

"I'll concentrate on my magic, for now, I will work on my physical fitness and close-quarters combat another day."

"Shirone will be practicing with me as usual, we'll be working a bit aggressively today with Touki and Senjutsu."

Rias nods and lets the both of them do what they want.


Rias hears her [Bishop] groan, she looks over and sees the Dhampir slowly but diligently doing push-ups, making her smile.


Tired of physical activity, he muttered and fell to the ground.


The boy took a quick break to regain his breath.

"I need to get stronger… Less of a coward… Be braver… I want to be stronger both physically and magically…"

He muttered to himself. He stops his quick break and gets back to doing his push-ups

"I'll prove it myself… And the masked person… Ahhhh!!!!!"

He let out a war cry surprising everyone. He managed to do more push-ups until 78, then he fell back down. Everyone chuckles at Gasper but they were proud of him, he's finally taking steps for himself. He just needed a gentle push. Rias thanks the masked person once more in her mind.

Kiba had delayed his 20k run as he wanted to focus on his sword training for the first half of the day. Kiba brought out the training dummies once again, as he wanted to work on the speed and power of his slashes. He had noticed that when he had sparred with the masked man, he was practically doing nothing, which made him wonder how powerful he was.

He summoned a random demonic sword from his Sword Birth Sacred Gear. He dashed towards the dummy and struck down.


However, the strike did not do any damage to the training dummy. Kiba grinned he had put the dummy's power to that of an Ultimate-class, he didn't do anything to it, even though he used quite a lot of power.

'Is this the difference between a Low-class and Ultimate-class?'

Kiba frowned

'I knew it… But it's still a a tough pill to swallow… I wonder if the masked person is Ultimate-class in strength.'

Kiba looks towards the dummy again—

'Faster… Harder and more precise! If I want to overpower those swords and their wielders… I need to be stronger!'

Kiba dashed towards the dummy again as he hacked and slashed at it mindlessly. He had mulled over what the masked man had said a few weeks ago. While he wasn't happy about him being able to create Holy swords, he had to re-think his life, decisions, and his grudge.

Was his thinking always flawed? Had he directed his anger at the wrong things all this time? It took him time to digest this, but in the end, he had to admit that the masked person was right.

What could inanimate objects do if they were just laid down on the ground? They didn't have wills of their own… Or souls of powerful beings within them. They were just powerful holy tools that had no will.

If a holy sword was presented to him and was just thrown on the ground, it couldn't attack him or hurt him, only when someone - like a Stray Exorcist - could do that. Despite his hatred for them, the masked man did at least provide him with a starting point.

'Who was the one that started the project? Who was the one that gathered us up and experimented on us? Slowly killing my comrades off… It was none other than that man!'

Just the mere thought of the man's name made the rage inside Kiba go wild. He hadn't noticed but his swings and slashes had gotten faster, harder and wilder as he thought of the name.

'Valper… Galilei!!!'

As he hacked and slashed at the dummy, Kiba unconsciously created more demonic swords. Every time one broke, he created one more even faster… Until…

Shing! Crack!

When the Gremory Knight heard the sound, he was brought out of his thoughts.


He looked up and saw that he made a dent— It was small but it was a dent!


A small smile appeared on his face as he thought, but he shook his head.

"Middle-class… I've finally entered it."

Kiba created another sword and to his surprise, it happened much quicker.

'My creation speed also got faster as I rose up in power… Yes… This will work!'

Kiba was happy with his newly acquired power. He aimed his sword at the dummy again.

'I need more power! To get my revenge and help the President!'

"That's right Shirone, let it flow through you nya."

Kuroka comments as she watches her little sister cover her body with touki.

"We're going to keep our touki on all day, so we can make it denser and refine it more."


She asked her older sister and got a nod from her. Kuroka also covered her body with touki, if she was going to be training her little sister— She might as well get some training in her too.

Kuroka stood beside Shirone and the difference in their touki was quite noticeable. Shirone's touki was pure white, while Kuroka's was slightly red-ish, Jin's powers and aura has slightly influenced her touki's color.

"Nee-sama… Why is yours a different color?"

Shirone also noticed the difference, the color was one thing, her touki was a lot thicker and 'wild' as it would sometimes fluctuate. While Kuroka's was a lot calmer, thin, and condensed.

"Probably something to do with Jin, we've made out a few times already after all… But not anymore than that."

She explained, but Shirone blushed and nodded, not wanting to know the details.

"Is there any other way for me to increase my touki's power? Other than, you know, growing in power."

Kuroka shrugged, she didn't know.

"Just regularly training with it active, and probably Jin. He seems to have knowledge of a lot of diverse and general topics. I can just ask him. But moving up in power class will definitely be the quickest way."

"While your control and mastery won't go up, its strength and output will increase, along with how long you can keep it up."

A gust of wind was created after Kuroka lightly punched in front of her.

"Jin can create a larger one without the use of touki, he's just a natural-born monster… It makes me shiver at the thought of him using touki… How much stronger will he get with it?"

"Trying to compare ourselves with Jin-senpai is like comparing a normal character to a cheat character in a video game… It won't go anywhere, Nee-sama."

This made Kuroka laugh, more than she wanted to. Kuroka wiped a tear from her eye.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. That's an accurate analysis on Jin as an individual."

"Mmm… By the way, Nee-sama, are we going to be okay leaving our touki on all day for training?"

Shirone was worried that it might do some damage to her or her sister. Again, Kuroka shrugged

"I'm not sure, but it should be fine."

She gave her sister a thumbs up.

"We can have Jin heal us if it does go wrong."


Shirone shakes her head disappointed with her sister.


Kuroka was confused by this reaction.

"Nee-sama, don't treat Jin-senpai like some kind of tool you can just use like that…"

Shirone frowned at her sister as her cat ears slumped down, and her tail stopped wagging.

"While I can tell he'll happily do just that, help heal us, he's not a convenient machine we can just use and abuse."

"Uh… Um… Shirone… I didn't mean it like that…"

Kuroka was sweating at her little sister's scolding. Shirone smiles and giggles, confusing Kuroka.

"I'm just teasing you… Nee-sama, I know you don't see Jin-senpai like that."

Kuroka embarrassed fired out an aura bullet towards Shirone. It hits her on the stomach and she slumps down as the wind is knocked out of her. Kuroka turns around and huffs.

"Ugh… Nee-sama… That was mean…"

Shirone clutched her stomach. While she didn't use a lot of power in that, it still made her fall onto her knees out of breath.

"Keep your guard up, Shirone, training already started."

Kuroka explained herself, only to be met by an aura bullet grazing her face.


Shirone had gotten up and fired her own aura bullet with an annoyed expression.

"Payback… Nee-sama…"

She then jumps towards Kuroka and starts to barrage her with punches and kicks imbued with touki.

Kuroka swiftly dodges her little sister's attempts at attacking her. One punch Shirone sent to Kuroka landed on the ground with a loud thud, making the entire area of the academy shake. Shirone had added her rook's strength as well as her touki. That's why the entire area shook.

"Shirone, try to avoid punching the ground, we don't want the entirety of Kuoh to think they're getting random earthquakes."

Kuroka says as she dodges her little sister again.


Swish! Swish! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Shirone chased down her sister as she kept up her assault, but since the difference in their power and speed was quite large, none ever hit.

"Can I use my Nekomata mode?"

She asked while continuing her assault.

"No nya. Train with your base power and touki, if you increase them then your special mode will also get stronger in the long run."

Kuroka denied her request and gave her a reason. She was sure Jin had said something like that before.

Shirone silently nodded and continued to chase Kuroka down. Both are gaining benefits from this little training.

Gasper fell to the ground even more exhausted than earlier, his breathing was ragged

"Haaaah…. Haaaah…. Was… It… The… Right… Decision…"

He slowly sat up clearly tired…

"To follow this stupid thing and ask for that mask person's help…?"

As he realized how torturous this situation was, he regretted his decision. He shook his head.

'No… I have to see this through!'

Gasper had finished his push-up earlier and was doing his squats now.

'This is a lot less taxing than the push-ups…'

Gasper was on his 65th squat as he looked around him. Everyone was very busy at work. He devoted much of his time to his swordsmanship and his [Sword Birth]. Gasper could also tell that a small part of his burden was lifted from him recently, he chalked it up to the masked person.

'The same thing happened to Koneko— No, she goes by Shirone Toujou now… But still doesn't mind being called Koneko.'

Gasper looks over at the two sisters 'playing chase' and he could see both of them covered in what was called 'touki'.

The first time he saw Koneko freely using her heritage powers, it shocked him. He thought that she was still against it, but remembered that the middleman had done some magical work and proved her sister innocent.

In the coming days, the two reconciled and Koneko slowly got over her fear of her power, she actually started to use it more often. Even now.

'I'm happy for her… She can be more expressive now.'

Gasper smiled to himself; he hopes he can be like that someday. Gasper finishes his squats and starts his sit-ups, but he doesn't stop looking at his fellow peerage members. He changes his gaze to his [King]— Rias Gremory. Since he was being honest, the biggest changes he noticed were to his [King] and [Queen]. Both in mindset and power.

'President used to be quite lax... Now she's diligently training… The masked person is a miracle worker…'

While Gasper was still hidden away. He noticed that his King started to train more after club activities and on days off, and at first wondered why.

He— Everyone in the peerage knew of her engagement to Riser Phenex, so maybe that was the motivator? But why did it take this long? Did she find out he wanted to get married sooner? Gasper wasn't sure at the time but accepted the change from his King.

But his theory was wrong, once he had his talk with the masked person, how he had helped everyone in the peerage, Kiba, Koneko, Akeno, and finally her King. He concluded that it was him all along.

He wondered if he would have that kind of effect on him in the future.

Finally, his gaze went to Akeno Himejima, the [Queen] of the Gremory peerage. If Gasper had to honestly admit, she was the one with the most changes.

Her hatred for men, her hate for her father, her hate for her heritage as a Fallen Angel… All of it was gone. She was just a bright shining star of the group. It baffled him at the time, how could someone change so drastically within a month's time? It didn't make sense.

He heard that Akeno and Kuroka were dating the masked man— It started to make a little sense then… But how? That was Gasper's question. How did he manage to do all of that? And in such little time!

There was no question that the power she exuded was that of a bona fide High-class devil. While she wasn't one of noble rank, her power was.

'If she uses her Fallen Angel powers in Rating Games in the future…'

Gasper shivered at the thought, she would be an unstoppable powerhouse against devils. Gasper could see how serious she was when she was refining her mastery and control of her Holy Lightning.

'Why? Why does Akeno-san want to get stronger? Is it for our King? Or is it for the masked person?'

To Gasper, the masked man was a mystery. He just showed up last month out of nowhere, became the middleman and he started to achieve many things.

Recently there was talk and rumors of him beating Thor— The God of Thunder in a sparring match! It was spectated by the whole of Asgard to boot!

'Wouldn't that mean he's on par with Gods in power class?!'

Gasper was flabbergasted as to how Sirzechs Lucifer— The brother of their King, how did he manage to sway someone like that? Perhaps Akeno-san was a factor in that? He didn't know.

Gasper looks back at Akeno as he finished his inner monologue, he again was impressed by her mastery of her own craft, the only one here that measured up to it was Kuroka— Koneko's older sister. But it made sense, they were both the middleman's lovers after all.

'…Wait, will he add Valerie to his harem…?'

Gasper's eye widens—

'H-He did say something about rescuing her soon! It's not… It's not an impossible scenario to imagine!'

The young boy didn't know how to feel about it… He's been separated from his childhood friend for so long, he just wants her to be safe and happy… If what the middleman said was true— If she truly was suffering right now… Gasper shook his head.

'I never saw Valerie like that… But I don't know how to feel if he does intend to make her one of his lovers… He's not a bad person, from what we know of him…'

The [Bishop] of the Gremory group left it at that. Love and romance were the furthest things from his mind. Right now, he only wanted to get stronger and be braver.

'We're like siblings… Her happiness will be my happiness, so… If that does happen… It's fine.'

He could see how genuinely happy Koneko's older sister was and as well as Akeno-san, so… It would be fine. That was the conclusion Gasper came to. He had finished the reps the regime had set up; he was surprised that it didn't hurt that badly or take that long.

"Haah… Time for the long 10 km run then…'

Rias Gremory, she had taken the middleman's advice and would focus on quality over quantity. She was standing still as she condensed her [Power of Destruction] into small balls.

She had struggled to try to do this when he first mentioned it, she was always used to making medium to large size Power of Destruction balls, so having to change their size wasn't any problem— But keeping them at the same power and size was.

Every time she tried to increase their power— The small balls of [Power of Destruction] would also start to increase in size. So, she had to put extra time and practice… On days that were meant to be a rest day, after club activities, or when she had time to spare. She practiced and practiced until she started to be able to do it constantly.

It took a lot of effort on her part. Right now, she had two small balls of [Power of Destruction] that had the same power as her regular-sized balls of POD. Rias smiled as she slightly sweated, it still took a lot out of her, concentrating and managing her demonic energy took a lot.

'Why didn't I start doing this earlier in life?! Why was I so stupid?!'

She scolded herself at her own incompetence. She had a training dummy summoned and it was set to Ultimate-class in power, with her two ready-made balls of POD she sent it towards the dummy.


The area shook violently when the balls of POD made contact with the dummy. However, when the dust and smoke cleared, the dummy had some scratches on it, but it wasn't much.


Rias was proud of her improvement but it wasn't enough… She was nowhere near her brother, who was basically [Power of Destruction] in human— Devil form. It was near impossible to reach him as he was just born irregularly.

She also knew her brother was a very hard worker, he trained himself to near-death achieving the mastery and control over his POD, it didn't take him a few days, weeks, or months— But years in the making.

So, she had to do the same, work hard and attain that control and mastery eventually.

Apart from growing in power, Rias also had the extra baggage of learning new tactics and strategies for herself and her peerage, rating games were not just won on raw power alone. Having a strategy and knowing how to approach the match was an essential skill.

She had asked her brother for some of his personal books about this and he was more than happy to lend her them.

'I have to thank Onii-sama again for that…'

Rias was also thinking of the words that the middleman had left her that day.

'Being Independent doesn't mean I can't rely on others…'

She nods to herself after saying the same line again to herself. Being independent was being smart and using her head, not to just charge into a situation— She has to be able to look at the situation at hand and say with confidence she won't endanger the lives of herself and her peerage.

Because if she isn't careful…

'Those decisions can affect the lives of not only myself… But my peerage too, even allies I'm associated with…'

While Rias had slowly been maturing and acknowledging her former faults… She wasn't perfect, it was next to impossible to be perfect. That's why… She was a bit jealous, even after a few weeks.

She looks over towards her Queen and best friend. She was shining, she was bright, and the amount of confidence that was oozing out of her made Rias envious. She had seen the ring on both Akeno and Koneko's older sister Kuroka. She had asked her what it was— But Akeno only replied that it was a promise ring from the masked man, she sounded serious and genuine, so Rias didn't pry any further.

'But… Who really is under that mask?'

Rias curiosity had peaked and was threatening to burst, but per her brother's request she didn't look into it. She could at the very least follow that as the masked man had helped them tremendously.


Was she growing feelings for the masked man? She was in an engagement, but she wasn't exactly in love with the man she was engaged with…


Rias eyes widen—


She didn't understand why his name popped into her head.

'It's Akeno's fault!'

She concluded; she had been bragging about the food she would sometimes eat since they had become good friends. He also lived up to her hype as she had met him prior to the school year starting.

She had found herself looking at him from time to time during the first week of school, when he caught her looking, he only smiled at her.

'Nothing like the perverted eyes I get on the regular basis or leers…'

It was a miracle to hear that someone like that existed in their school.

'But I look forward to his answer, next week!'

Like her [Queen], her opinion on the opposite gender wasn't that great, it was amplified thanks to Riser. She initially also thought the same of the middleman— The word harem made her skin crawl, but seeing how Akeno and Kuroka were genuinely happy…

'Maybe the right person could make it work…'

Were her thoughts. Rias sighs and shakes her head.

'Focus Rias, you can think about these things after training.'

So, she got right back to it, forming a small condensed ball of [Power of Destruction].

Akeno Himejima, she was happy with where she was, reunited family, new friends, and a loving boyfriend, and also not to forget her newfound strength and powers. Currently, she was focusing on gaining more mastery and control of her Holy Lightning powers, and while she hadn't gone up in terms of power class— She was fine with it.

Akeno summoned some Holy Lightning on her arm and slowly started to shape it into a small snake.

Krkrkrkkr! Kshhhhh!

The lightning serpent crackled until she shot it up into the sky, when she did it scattered into smaller snakes that exploded— Creating a small lightning array in the sky.

'Start out small…'

She said to herself, she then summoned a circle and Holy Lightning slowly started to come out of it, Akeno focused on changing its shape into a dragon.

Her inspiration? None other than her boyfriend— Soon to be husband, the lightning slowly changed shape— Taking the form of an Asian dragon. Akeno dubbed this her [Holy Lightning Dragon], while it was still quite weak, she was happy with the progress.

She had dabbled with the idea since her mastery of her Holy Lightning had gone up dramatically, even more so after she shared those two intimate times with Jin.

'Did his essence affect me? Ufufu.'

She mused, maybe it did, maybe it didn't. She wasn't too concerned though. To Akeno, she felt it became easier to shape it into a dragon once they had their second time.

'Should I…'

She thought of receiving more of his seed and that might give her more control? But she wasn't too confident in that theory.

'It might be all in my head…'

Akeno guided the dragon made out of lightning into the ground, creating a large impact and shockwave when it made contact.


The entire area shook, and when the dust settled, she had a satisfied smile on her, she looked around and her peerage were staring wide-eyed at her.

"Akeno!! Ease up a little nya!!!"

Kuroka shouted at her which made her giggle.

"Ara ara, my bad ~"

She didn't want to destroy the barrier her King made, as that small attack had made cracks above it.

Abiding with Kuroka's request she changed her approach— If she can't practice that move too much, then she'll focus on other ways to change her Holy Lightning. She slowly morphed the lightning into a whip making Akeno lick her lips.

Fwip! Fwip!

She waved the [Holy Lightning Whip] around, striking air and the ground. The force was quite strong, creating strong gusts of wind with each strike, followed up by small crackles of lightning.


Akeno was clearly enjoying herself, the mere thought of using this on an opponent made her tingly inside. Satisfied with herself she dismissed the lightning whip and shaped it into another weapon, a short sword.

Akeno had no formal training or practice with a sword, she was going to ask Kiba about it, but he was quite busy with his own training— So she was going to ask Jin to train her in it.

'He's shown to be able to do anything, he also hasn't used any weapons so far… But he should be fine, right?'

Akeno dismissed the sword as she didn't want to look like a fool wildly swinging that thing around. Akeno also sent out other elemental attacks. Her fire, water, ice, and lightning magic were also a lot more powerful; she had less drain on them when she used them back then.

'I haven't focused on them that much… But the increased in power and my constant training with my Holy Lightning should have some effects on my demonic elemental magic…'

That made sense to her, she had refined her control with the Holy Lightning after all. All she needed was to apply those techniques to her elemental magic and it should have the same effects— Of course, slight tweaks are needed but it should be too hard.

But what had caught her attention most recently was Shirone, in particular, her transformation.

'Shirone-chan dubbed it [Nekomata Mode Level 2], I wonder if I can achieve something similar…'

They were both reincarnated devils, they were another species, Shirone as a Nekoshou or Nekomata. So, it made sense they could use their heritage like that— But what about her?

'I have no problems just showing my fallen wings or devil wings separately… Can I use that somehow? Perhaps something like a [Fallen Angel Mode]?'

Akeno wasn't sure, but she felt Jin had been alluding to something like it over the last few weeks.

'I can ask dad when we visit Grigori… Maybe we can do that tomorrow, I'll ask Jin about it tonight.'

She shakes her head.

'I'll think about that later, for now, I'll focus on this…'

Akeno surrounded herself in Holy Lightning…

She smiled—

'Jin did something similar before…'

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

"And that's what happened today."

Akeno nodded to herself.

"Which goes into my question, can we go to Grigori tomorrow?"

I nodded along and was happy with everyone's progress, I was quite surprised by Gaspers. While it took him the rest of the time to do the 10 km run, he still did it. I've got to give the guy props, but his body is going to be in pain for a few days.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind. I've been meaning to take you there, after all, I've been in contact with Suzaku after all."


Akeno's eyes widen… She clearly didn't expect that.

"Yeah, she wants to meet you, Shuri, and Baraqiel. She managed to clear her schedule for the end of the month for a few days. That's when we'll be meeting her, the only thing left to do is choose where to meet up."

"She said she doesn't mind going to Grigori or having the meeting here in my home. I'll be bringing this up when we get to their home in Grigori."

Akeno nodded along, clearly happy as she could meet her cousin again.

"I can't believe I get to meet her again…"

"Yeah, it'll be an interesting meeting."

After I said that Akeno smirked at me.

"Huh? What?"

I was confused by her reaction.

"You've been in contact with Suzaku-onee-san, but for how long?"

Ahh… That, right.

"Uh, a few weeks now, we've mostly just kept each other updated on things. You and your family, other mundane stuff we talk about, like friends… You know?"

"A huh, yep, definitely."

She clearly didn't believe me, but I don't blame her… The majority of women I meet end up three ways… We become friends, they become my lovers or I kill them— They're my enemies.

I sigh as she just smiled at me. At least she's taking steps forward to be able to use her [Fallen Angel Mode] maybe I just need to push her to Ultimate-class and she'll have an easier time using it…

I glance to my other side and see Ingvild intently listening to what Akeno had said. She also wants to get stronger and have more control of her powers. She made a lot of progress last time in there, but she's not that satisfied with it.

I pat In on the head, surprising her.

"Don't worry In, we'll get you to a higher mastery soon too."

She giggles while fiddling with her phone.

"Was I that obvious?"

"Oh yeah, you were."

I laughed as she lightly hit me. I glance at the clock and see I've been here for a few minutes. Better help Fia with dinner. I put Kuroka back on Ingvild's lap and got up, surprising the two.

"Where are you going, Jin?"

Akeno clearly didn't like having her human body pillow suddenly leave her.

"I'm going to go and help Fia make dinner, sorry about that."

I explained, In nodded and went back to checking her phone, Akeno got up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You better make that dinner tasty, mister!"

She sat back down as she resumed watching the TV show. I just chuckled at her and agreed.

I left the living room and entered the dining room; I could see that Grayfia was diligently preparing dinner.


"Good evening, Jin."

I call out to the maid. She greets me back, still a little flushed from earlier, also avoiding eye contact. I snort at her reaction.

"Anyway, I'll be helping make dinner tonight, Fia."

I go over beside her and take a look at the recipe she had opened.


I didn't expect her to make a Japanese beef bowl.

"Yes, gyudon. I've been experimenting on different types of dishes over the last few weeks, I wanted to try doing a Japanese dish tonight."

"I see, I see, so, which part do you need help with?"

She pointed to a different part of the recipe and I got to work on it. We fell silent for a minute until I spoke up.

"We better make twice the amount, knowing Kuroka's endless appetite."

We both chuckle at the cat girl's expense as we continued to make dinner.

It only took us around an hour and fifteen minutes to make it all since we used a bit of magic to speed things up. I had set up the plates on the table and Grayfia had the food laid out on the table, all that's left now is to wait for everyone to trickle in.

Before we called everyone in, I slither behind Grayfia and hug her from behind causing her to quietly yelp.

"H-How may I help you, Jin?"

Even though it's been a while since the little incident, she's still embarrassed by it? Damn, Grayfia, you're a maiden in your own right…

"Still embarrassed about what you saw?"

I whispered into her ear as she shivered.

"I… I was caught off guard… That is all. I felt both your mana and made my way to welcome the two of you back, you know the rest…"

She was squirming in my hug as she recalled the sight. I chuckle at her cute reaction.

"Yeah, we kind of got a bit heated back there, I didn't expect it to escalate that much, but it didn't go any further. Reni wants to take her time after all, so I'll respect her wishes."

"Maybe she became like that because I met two female devils today, a little jealously even. A way to mark me?"

I mused, it kind of felt like it… Grayfia turns around and looks at me confused

"Two? I was aware you could potentially meet Latia Astaroth as she was there when you battled Sairaorg Bael."

She frowned.

"Who was the other?"

"Yeah, I met Latia Astaroth, but near the end of the request, I met Roygun Belphegor. I did not expect that at all, she was… An interesting devil."


Grayfia let out a heavy sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Fia?"

"Did she try flirting with you?"

She looked up at me, the expression she showed was like she had come back from a twenty-long year war.

"Pfft— Yeah, she did, she tried to flirt with me right away, but I rejected her just like Yasaka. You two know each other?"

I didn't think they did, but hey I welcome surprises. Grayfia was again surprised

"Yasaka? The Western Youkai leader? She tried to flirt with you?"

I nod and summon my phone and shake it. There were some explicit text messages from her there…

"Tried and still trying, I'm fond of her and her daughter Kunou so I keep in contact with them. She has a bit of trouble texting though; she's still getting used to it."

I throw my phone back into my [Inventory]. I then tell her what happened in Kyoto, l left out some details regarding the open bath incident in the evening, but told Grayfia everything this time around.

"To think Yasaka would be like that… You prove to me once again, that you don't mainly think with your lower half."

My lip twitched, I'm not just a horn dog you know…

"Do I really come off like that?!"

I would say I'm pretty tame! I've only done it with Akeno you know! Most people in my situation would have fucked a lot more people by now!

"From time to time, your lower half does not lie. Our time in the bath was one of them."


She quietly laughed at my expense. Can you blame me? All the women in this damn world are world-class beauties…

A few minutes later we called everyone down to have dinner, Akeno and Ingvild joined us quite quickly, followed by Ophis. But everyone else didn't come. They were all seated as I got up.

"I'll go get the rest; you guys can start."

They nod and start to eat their dinner; I go back into the living room and see Kuroka still asleep. Did her training with Shirone take that much out of her? Or did the added worry about not being a virgin also make her even more tired than usual? I walk over and sit on the couch. I slowly start to nudge the cat girl awake.

After a few tries her eyes open and stare at me tiredly.

"Jin nya…?"

"Good evening sleepy head, it's time for dinner."

She nodded and transformed back into her human form. She was now sitting on my lap, still tired and barely hanging onto my neck.

"Hyug… Nyaaa…"

I chuckle and give her the hug she asked for, she starts to lightly purr.

"So, did your training tire you out that much?"

"Nyaaaa, we used our touki all day and I didn't think I would be this tired nya…"

She yawned and started to suck on my neck for some reason. I couldn't help but chuckle at it.

"What are you? A vampire?"

"Carry me nya…"

"Sure, sure Kuroka-sama."

I carry her bridal style as she happily and lazily accepts the gesture.

"I'll go get Shirone and Reni after you."

I only got a weird purr noise as a response. I got back to the dining room and everyone laughed at the tired Nekomata in my arms. I set Kuroka down on her seat as her eyes shot open once she got a whiff of the food on the table in front of her.

"That definitely caught her interests."

Akeno swallowed her food and giggled at Kuroka. Meanwhile, the cat girl was already drooling on the food, completely forgetting about her previous fatigue.

"Pshh— Yeah it did, anyway I'll go get the rest."

I left the room again and made my way upstairs. I'm not sure if what I had was good or bad timing, as I got up the last steps and stood at the top of the staircase, Shirone stepped out of the bathroom and we made eye contact as she was only wrapped in a bath towel.

I immediately turned my head, not wanting her to label me as a pervert or peeping tom.

"Hey, Shirone… I was actually going to get you just now, dinner's ready, so just make your way to the kitchen, alright? I'll go get Reni…"

I hurriedly explained myself, she didn't answer right away though.

"…..Okay, I'll go get changed. Thank you senpai."

I could see Kuroka's door for her room open and close, I sigh in relief. Okay, she didn't overreact… Thankfully. I turn my attention to Reni's door. Alright, time to get the Ice Princess. I didn't want to get hit randomly, way too cliché.

I knock on the door… But got no answer, strange. I knock again, but still nothing.


I knock a few more times but had the same response.

"I'm coming in then."

I sigh, she probably fell asleep. When I open her door and step in, I find the blonde beauty fast asleep, I chuckle at my correct guess. I go over and sit on her bed, she was hugging another pillow pretty tightly, small drool on her and she had gotten changed… Well, she was just in a shirt and underwear.

I scoot over closer to her and start to stroke her hair while also petting her lightly, this caused her to smile in her sleep but showed no signs of waking up. … I notice a presence by the door… It's Shirone, she's probably just watching us so I won't call her out.

After a few more seconds of lightly messing with her hair and petting her, her eyes flutter open. She stares at me as I continued to do what I was doing.

"Gyood morning…"

She yawns out, I laugh in return making her confused.

"It's still the same day and it's time for dinner, I'm only here to get you, silly."

I poke her on the nose causing her to giggle. She lets go of her pillow as she rubs her eyes. She crawls over to me and we share a hug.

"We do need to do down though, everyone's already started to eat."

"Mmm… Carry me…"

"Haah… Both of you… I swear… Sure, sure."

I use magic to button up Reni's shirt and put some shorts on her. I then carry her bridal style much like Kuroka. I look over at Shirone and wink at her before I start to move, surprising the young cat girl.

"Do you want to be carried too, Shirone?"

This made her blush as Reni confusedly turned her head to see her. She tiredly waved to the girl as she waved back.

"N-No thank you…"

She finally replied but stood waiting for us.

"So, why haven't you gone down yet?"

I close the door behind me and we start to walk back to the dining room together.

"I saw that Lavinia-san's door was still open, so I curiously peaked in…"

She stares ahead of us, the hallway isn't too long…

"You really care for them, don't you, Jin-senpai?"

"Of course, that won't change. Be it now, or in the future. I have a lot of love to give out after all."

I carry Reni with one arm and pet Shirone with the other.

"This also extends to you, Shirone. You're Kuroka's precious little sister after all."

She lowers her head a bit as I could see her blushing.

"Thank you, Jin-senpai."

We eventually got back to the dining room, Kuroka was devouring her food at a fast pace. A few heads turn towards and greet us, but she was clearly too busy.

"How many servings has she gone through?"

I look at Grayfia as she sighs.

"This will be her third one."

She shook her head and started to eat again. I turn to Shirone.

"Was your training that hard?"

I didn't get it…

"No… Nee-sama has always been a glutton."

She looks disappointed at her older sister, Kuroka not even losing her stride takes a sip of water, and shakes her head.

"I'm still growing nya."

She puffs out her chest.

"I need to grow these babies to nya!"

Shirone looked down at her chest as she sighed defeatedly, she took her seat and I put Reni in hers. I also sat down on my seat, I had to move Ophis first though, and plop her back on my lap. I summon a bag of sweets just in case she asks for them.


The Dragon God gave an approving grunt and continued to eat her dinner. Hopefully, she hasn't eaten it all… I look over to Kuroka as she had a satisfied smile on her face as she patted her belly, seemingly done eating dinner. A few of the girls just shook their heads at her antics.



Jin Skyward

"This is…"

[Partner? What are you doing here?]

{This is quite rare, Jin.}

I turn around and see both Albion and Ddraig.

"Wait, I'm not in a dream then."

Was I inside my own soul?

[That you are not.]

{Mmm, you can even see Cúntóir here too.}

Wait, what? I can see Cúntóir here?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

I hear the all too familiar robotic voice behind me, I see the two dragons grin at me, I've always wondered what she would look like. I slowly turn around for dramatic effect.


…Why does… Why does she look like that…?

In front of me was…

Cúntóir. She is an inhumanly beautiful woman with white skin. She has a small piece of lime hair but for the most part short milky-white hair with the uneven tips of a shaggy cut along with white eyelashes, and sharp almond-shaped eyes with a bright yellow color. She wears an immaculate pure white kimono with green and black decorations and with the right side over the left, giving the impression of burial clothes, but with the skirt shortened to the mid-thigh and freely exposing her long slender legs.


"Yes, that is me."

She answered with a smile. I was honestly speechless; I didn't think I would see Cúntóir's actual appearance. I honestly thought she would just look like a… Well, floating ball of light or a female version of me.

[Look at him, completely enthralled.]

{No doubt he is.}

"Is my appearance to your liking, Jin?"

She asks with a head tilt.

"H-Huh? Oh yeah sure, I just didn't think you'd look like this. I thought, maybe— You know, you would be a ball of light or a gender-bend of me."

"I can freely change; however, this was the initial appearance given to me."

"Who did?"

I was confused, who gave her that appearance? Was it Azathoth? Another Outer God?

She points at me, confusing me even more.

"Huh? When? I don't remember ever giving you one, all I did was give you a name."

She shakes her head and giggles.

"You did, subconsciously, you did give me one."

She walks over to me, grabs my head, and lays it on her chest.

".....What are you doing?"

I was again confused by her actions.

"Was I mistaken to think that you like female breasts, Jin?"

Her voice was the same tone as usual… But in here she lost the robotic nature of it, hell it sounded almost playful.

"Have I been influencing you somehow?"

I push myself off her and turn to look at the two dragons.

"Or have these two been influencing you?"

[W-Why would you blame us all of a sudden?!]


Albion kept quiet and didn't say anything, looks like he's letting Ddraig take all the blame.

"Worry not, Jin. It is everyone's fault."

I feel her pull me back and hug me.


"You, the two heavenly dragons and your lovers. Along with everyone else, I process everything you feel. I hear everything you do, while the two Heavenly dragons and I tend not to watch you during your intimate moments with your lovers…"

I see both dragons look away making it suspicious.

"I forcefully cut the link for them if they do venture too far, be at ease. But in general, we are aware of your feelings, your doubts, worries, and everything in between. We are bounded to your soul after all."

"So, why don't you answer of my questions fully? Especially the ones that pertain to my old self?"

I pull myself away from her, turn around and stare at Cúntóir.


So, it's him again…but why would he? Didn't she say I was the freest thing in existence currently?

"Azathoth has currently been limiting the things I am allowed to divulge to you, if he didn't, I would have given you the answers you want, Jin."

She looked quite saddened by it as she was staring at the ground. Great, now I look like the asshole. I sigh heavily and frustratedly scratch the back of my head.

"Alright then, I'll test some questions then."

She looks back up at me, curious as to what I was going to ask. I also feel the two dragons move to our sides and lay down, waiting for me to continue.

"You said I wasn't bounded by fate or other kinds of powers and influences, but during my date with Reni, you said she was one of my 'fated' ones?"

"…I-It… Was a figure of speech on my part… I scanned your current and future lovers of your harem. I found that four of them are… Compatible or have a bond to you that transcends the normalcy of standard relationships.

"You may say that you love them equally, but there will be women that will mesh well with your current and past personality. In the words of Lavinia Reni. You are in a way— Tied to them by a metaphorical red string of 'fate'."


So I just have a high level of compatibility with them? But why? Was I that unstable in my past life?

"While your current and future lovers will be your pillars of stability, those four will be the foundations that keep the rest and you stable. Lavinia Reni is one of them. That is why I felt it necessary at the time to divulge that information to you."

Reni is one of them? What about the other three then?

"What about the other three?"

Is it any of the ones I know so far?

"Unfortunately, Akeno, Kuroka, Ingvild nor Grayfia are not any of them. You may have prior crushes on them in your old life, but— Since you were brought here those small crushes bore fruit into love."

"While I can see that you care greatly for them, they are not one of the three remaining pillars. But that doesn't mean they won't be with you for the rest of their or your time."

I frown since that doesn't really answer my question, I can assume that she's looked into the future and seen who the other three are. If so, who are they?

"Are they from different races or species? Is one of them not from this universe?"

Cúntóir's eyes widen but she doesn't say anything. But that reaction gave me enough information… Is someone from my old life… Looking for me? However, I have confirmed that my old world was normal. There was no supernatural element in it!

"Is my old world or universe still around?"

She shakes her head.

"Your soul… Was floating aimlessly for 87 quintillion years. Azathoth came across it on accident, and decided to choose you for his next reincarnation."


[Holy crap! In theory, partner, you're older than all of us combined!]


[Ow! What the hell, Albion?!]

{Can you not? That's clearly bothering Jin, you imbecile.}

[…I was just… Trying to lighten… The… Mood…]

The Red Dragon grumbled, as Albion just sighed at him.

"87… Quintillion… Years?"

I've been gone for that long?!?!

"How has none of my memories deteriorated?"

"Azathoth restored them, that's why a small portion is blocked. He is also responsible for the dreams you're getting."

So, those dreams are from him…! But what about the voices? I'm making small progress here, it's slow and small but it is still progress!

"And the voices?"

She shook her head. Worth a shot.

"Like I previously stated… An incident occurred during your reincarnation, it wasn't planned by Azathoth or the other Outer Gods. It was pure coincidence. He could have gotten rid of it, but let it be."

"So, I can say that the voices I'm hearing are from that incident? Whatever the hell it is."

Cúntóir answered with a nod.

"Haaah… This is a lot more complicated than I would like it to be."

I look up at the stark white void of the sky.

"Will this come to bite me in the ass in the future?"


"Will it be painful?"


"Is, someone, searching for me?"


Silence but I can take that as a yes. I sigh as this might be the end of that conversation.

"What can I do here? It's white as hell and just creepy looking."

I look around again as it's just a pure white void.

"It is your soul, you can change and shape it as you wish, you and I have complete control."

I nod and decide to change the scenery to a large open field. This field has giant spaces for the two dragons to fly around in and I also added a table and benches I could sit on.

[Aye! Nice one, partner!]

Ddraig cheered and flew away.

{I shall take a look around too, Jin.}

While Albion contained his excitement, it was still quite apparent as he also flew away.

I went over to the bench and sat on it. I turn around and also added some trees, bushes, water, and lakes… As well as whatever else was missing.

"This is much like those fantasy novels you have read in the past, Jin."

Cúntóir joined me on the bench.

"Yeah, I always wanted to explore and visit these kinds of places, just you, nature, and your own freedom as the wind slaps you on the face."

Cúntóir simply nodded along, we watch the two dragons soar through the skies, Ddraig letting out breaths of fire while laughing happily. Albion was also the same— He was a lot calmer about it though, but the smile was still apparent on his face.

"How would fighting here be?"

"You can let loose, as it won't affect the outside world."

Apparently, Ddraig had heard this and came flying back.

[Come on, Partner! Let's see who's stronger here, me or yo—]

Smack! Fwooooshhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!


I got up and smacked Ddraig, as he was launched far into the distance, only a glowing star shape could be seen.

"I can hear team rocket saying they're blasting off again."

Cúntóir apparently found that funny as she giggles behind me. Albion arrived beside us and shook his head.

{He really should have seen that coming.}

"I should come here more often when I sleep. By the way, why haven't you… You know, materialized in the world… You do have an appearance after all."

"It is not necessary, also, no one else knows about my existence. Only you and the Two Heavenly Dragons."

"Fair point."

Cúntóir and I went back to the bench as she lets me have a lap pillow.

"Hmm-hmm silky and smooth, I approve. Nice one Cúntóir."

She smiles satisfied with my reaction.

"It is my pleasure, Jin."

She starts to stroke my head as I look to my side as I could see an angry Ddraig slowly coming back.

[Partner! What the hell! I wasn't ready!]

I wave him off not wanting to move anymore.

"Go fight Albion or something, well— I guess you two already do that on a regular basis…. Actually, what about Cúntóir?"

I turn back to my side and look up at her. She smiled but it looked quite menacing.

"Since I am bounded to your soul, I have access to at least Omniversal power. I will have no problems sparring with these two, the only advantage they have is their experience."

[Er— No, thank you. I'll go fight Albion instead.]

Ddraig was scared of Cúntóir for some reason. Has she bullied them in here before? I could see it… These two— Well Ddraig can be rowdy at times.

"Haah… Whatever, I'll just chill here until morning…"

"Please, enjoy them to your heart's content."

Cúntóir says as I continued to enjoy her thighs.

"Don't mind if I do."

I let out a satisfied and content sigh.

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