Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 9 – Part 2 – Sae, Rating Game and A Leviathan’s feelings

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

Three days have passed since we left the [Pocket Dimension]. I got some updates from Akeno and Shirone on what they've been doing. They took up my suggestion of mastering their current techniques and honing them.

They were also running some strategic simulations for the upcoming match. Overall, they were doing fine. Only four days left until the Rating Game.


Reni stood there in her usual magician's robes.

"I'm ready!"

Today, we go to Grigori. It's finally time to see what's up with Sae. Whatever it is, I'll help solve it or fix it. While we personally don't know each other, she's friends with the Slash/Dog team and Suzaku, so I'll happily help her out.

"Alright, let's get moving then."

Reni stands beside me as we wave to the girls who chose to stay behind.


Reni and I teleported to the lobby as that's where she would meet up with her team.

"Hey, Jin."

I turn around as I heard Tobio's voice greet me.

"Hey, I'm ready whenever you are."

We fist bump and he nods. Tobio starts to walk ahead and we follow.

"Tobi's a bit tense right now, I'll talk the shit up with him bro, don't worry about it."

Kouki taps me on the shoulder and walks beside their leader.

"How was the year-long training, Jin?"

Natsume joins me as well as Shigune. She didn't know what I meant by that, since I haven't fully explained it to her, but she took it in stride.

"It turned out really well, they still have four days before the Rating Game starts, I heard good things came out of your training?"

Natsume grins and nods.

"Yep! Sylph and I synchronized pretty well… We just need to come up with a name for that form…"

"I also got better at using your weapon, Jin. Thank you."

Shigune joins in the conversation and I ruffle her head.

"Glad to hear it, Shigune."

I think I know what Natsume's new form is going to be… I'm quite excited to see it in action.

"You better keep your promise, Jin!"

I nod and laugh at Reni.

"Of course, I'll bring you guys there too, maybe add Suzaku as well…"

The girls of the Slash/Dog team plus Suzaku… That would be an entertaining time in there.

"I've been meaning to ask… What's 'that' place you've been referring to…"

Natsume asked, seeing as how she's my lover now, it's fine. I don't mind Shigune knowing either. I nod and explain what the place is.

"So, that's what you meant… Is that how Reni got so strong?"

Reni beside me smiles and nods.

"Now I really want to go…"

Natsume seemed almost envious.

"Soon, just need to find the right time for it."

They nod as I tell them what had transpired during the year in there. I leave out some… Lewd details for their own sake.

We finally arrive at a door, Tobio stops and nods to himself, he turns around to look at me.

"This is the place, huh?"

He nods at me again. He touches the door and it slides open. Once we step inside, I could see many monitors and tubes attached to a person.

I look at the female on the bed. Sae Toujou… She looked horrible, almost malnourished. Just barely clinging onto life… And he said this has been happening for a long time now.

I've got to hand it to Grigori and Azazel for keeping her alive this long… Now I wonder what's causing this.

"Oh, you're here."

I look back up and see the Governor General here as well, a few other scientists, and I would assume doctors.

"Hey, yeah I am."

I answer back to him, he walks over and stands beside me as we all look at Sae.

"So, what do you think? Can you do something about this?"

He looked grimly at her too. Seemed like he was telling me she won't live too long if I can't.

"Our doctors and scientists here have been hard at work trying to find a way to help her. We believe it has something to do with the [Cowardly Leo] inside of her. After a certain incident and the aftermath…"

"Right… Let me get to it then."

Azazel nods and gestures me forward. I do so and l look over Sae, I take the sheet that was covering her and check everything out… Even down to her legs she's being affected…

Utsusemi… Hollow artificial beings created to try to mimic the Four Fiend's Sacred Gears. They are more or less independent avatar-type Sacred Gears, they act and do the same things as the original four.

Sae Toujou, the owner of the Utsusemi called the [Cowardly Leo].

It takes the form of a huge lion with black fur and golden eyes which can sink into shadows and merge with them. It can also breathe out gigantic flames, and is shown to be incredibly resilient, capable of shrugging off powerful attacks. It was created with the help of the Magician's group; the Wizards of Oz, with only Sae being able to adapt to it.

According to Reni, as she mentioned this before but not in detail, the [Cowardly Leo] was later defeated in battle by Tobio and Gin, seemingly being destroyed. However, it is revealed that Sae still possesses the Utsusemi.

Is it trying to kill her? Why? Revenge? A fail-safe? I look at Sae as her life energy was being sucked away. One thing is for sure though, Sae Toujou… You're one hell of a fighter for staying alive this long.

Does she want to keep living and be able to meet Tobio again? Is it possible that Utsusemi has grown fond of Sae and regrets doing this...? Doubtful, but who knows. Well, whatever triggered it to do this… I need to deal with it now.

"It's slowly draining her life, the Utsusemi, the [Cowardly Leo]."

I tell the group without turning around. Azazel sighs out loud, frustrated.

"Haah… I knew it, well? Can you do something about it?"


A bit of the tension in the room disappears. I turn to smile at them and then back to Sae. I touch Sae's forehead. Cúntóir, do it.

Cúntóir: Answer: Analyzing 'The Cowardly Leo'....complete

Cúntóir: Answer: Destroy and remove Utsusemi from 'Sae Toujou' or officially make it into a complete Sacred Gear?

…What to choose… No, it's not a difficult decision. Sae, whether she likes it or not, will be involved with the supernatural since Tobio is, along with her friends. Make the Four Fiends into Five. Make it an Official Sacred Gear, Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: Converting the Utsusemi 'The Cowardly Leo' into a new Independent Type Sacred Gear….. Processing…


A bright yellow light starts to appear from my hand and seeps into Sae's entire body. The room also starts to glow bright yellow.


I start as I feel everyone watching me and listening to my words.

"Marks the day, that the Four Fiends, turn into Five."


Cúntóir: Answer: Process Complete. 'The Cowardly Leo' has been turned into an Independent Avatar Type Sacred Gear.

As the light faded, I used this time to heal Sae back to full health, as well as revitalize her body. Her previous frail look had transformed into that of a normal girl's body. In a way, she looked like she was just having a nap.

I remove my hand from her head.

"It's done."

I step away and let the group look at her.


Tobio kneeled beside Sae as he gently grabbed her hand. Azazel stood beside him and stared down at Sae.


He shakes his head—

"You are literally a man of miracles, Jin."

I just chuckle at him.

"But what did you mean by making the Four into Five… Do you mean you…?"

"I meant what I said, Azazel. I've turned the Utsusemi into an Independent Avatar Type Sacred Gear. 'The Cowardly Leo' is no longer an Utsusemi, but a bona fide Sacred Gear, like Natsume's Griffon or Shigune's Poh."

"Tobi, when she wakes up… She'll be dragged into the supernatural world, that can't be helped anymore. Help her train with it, I've made sure it will fully obey her, protect her first and foremost, so don't worry about it turning back or try to kill her again."

As I finish saying that, Sae Toujou's eyes slowly open.


Tobi called out her name as she turned to look at me. She smiles at me as she stares confusedly at her childhood friend.

"Tobio…? Why are you crying…?"

Unknown to Tobi, tears had been streaming down his face, the same could be said for the rest of the team. Their friend who looked like she would die any day now was fully healed in mere moments by me.

"You're okay…! Everything's fine now…"

Tobi, while still crying, explains to Sae what had happened, the time she collapsed, her time in here, years passing, who I am, and what I did. He told her everything that happened in between too.

Team Slash/Dog adding in their own little piece, including Azazel. The doctors and scientists check the monitors. The tubes that were attached to Sae were removed when I started to heal her, and the wounds have also disappeared since I healed her.

Azazel looks at some of the things the doctors gave him, he nods and they leave.

"She's completely healthy, no other ailments."

Azazel says to everyone. The girls crowd around Sae. Kouki was looking away but was shaking. He was trying his hardest not to break down here, but he was obviously happy for his friend and leader.

After a few minutes of their tearful reunion, Tobio stands up and bear hugs me.

"Thank you….!!! Thank you…!!! Jin… Seriously!!!! Thank you!!!"

He kept on repeating over and over, I just hug him back and pat his back.

"Don't mention it, Tobi, we're friends, aren't we?"

We break the hug and he nods.


He wipes his tears aware and confidently smiles at me.

"We're friends."

We fist bump and chuckle at each other. The girls also hug me and Kouki and I fist bump.

"Thank you… Jin-san."

Sae looks at me as tears were also streaming down her face.

"I can't ever repay you…"

I wave her off—

"No need, I'm just glad you're okay."

She smiles and tries to get up, she plants her feet down, wobbles, and ultimately falls into Tobio, who catches her.

"Yeah, you haven't stood up in two years, it'll take you time to adjust."


Tobio falls silent as he holds Sae in a hug.


The moment he called out her name, she looked up at him confused, we all stared at him as he adopted a serious expression. He was staring straight ahead while thinking of something, he then looks down at her and smiled.

"Will you marry me?"


The room falls silent, all of us staring at Tobio in shock, even Azazel wasn't expecting this. The girl in question, Sae Toujou... Was staring at Tobio Ikuse in shock, again... The waterworks started again as Sae cried in Tobio's arms.

"Yes… Yes… Yes…!"

She started to repeat the word 'yes' over and over again. Accepting his proposal.


I didn't expect this, I was expecting him to confess his love, but a proposal? No, maybe down in the future…

"Congrats you two."

I finally break the silence of the group.

"I wish you a happy future."

I grin at them.

"I better be invited to the wedding, Tobio."

Once I broke the ice, everyone started to freak out— Especially the girls. I caught Kouki as he stumbled backwards…

"Proposal…? What the hell is happening… I need a drink…"

Kouki clutches his head as he was very surprised. I gave him a bottle of water, and he readily accepted it.

"Hah! Color me surprised Tobio! Now that's a plot twist I didn't expect from you!"

Azazel laughs as he palms his forehead.

"I'll step out for a bit then. I'll let you guys have your reunion."

They smile at me as I leave.


After I had flash stepped away, I aimlessly wandered in a random direction. I was greeted by many fallen angels as I walked by, even stopping to chat with some of them. Vali's aura hasn't been here in a while, I wonder what Khaos Brigade is like now?

[Did that proposal bother you that much, Partner?]

Nah, I saw one back in Kyoto with Yasaka and Kunou. I don't know, just have stuff on my mind.

[Is that so? Well, we're here to talk if you want.]

I know, I will when I get my thoughts straightened out. Thanks, Ddraig.


I look up and see Penemue in front of me. I have no idea how long I've been walking around, but a good few minutes should have passed. She looked quite surprised to see me for some reason.

"Oh, hey, Penemue. How have you been?"

She doesn't answer, instead she just stares at me for a few seconds.

"Hmmm, did something happen to you?"

I tilt my head confused at her question.

"You seem… Different, did you get dumped or something?"


I felt like something sharp just stabbed me in the heart, Jesus Christ woman! That sounds horrifying!

"No? I mean I did get scolded by a few people, but apart from that, no."

She waits for me to continue, I sigh and tell her of my recent adventures and tribulations.

"I see, that's why you look like you matured an extra two years. Serves you right."

I couldn't exactly deny that, as she says that, her usual sass or attitude towards me isn't present. Did she finally get over it?

"Oh, I cured Sae Toujou, she's awake and Tobio proposed to her."

I say that in quick succession as she freezes, her eyes widening in shock.

"He what?! Oh, little Sae is awake!"

Sounds like she's on good terms with Sae… She smiles at me, genuinely.

"Thank you, Jin."

She puts her hand out for a handshake.

"Let's start a real friendship here then, seeing as how you've matured a bit."

I chuckle and shake her hand—

"Sure thing, Penemue."

I hand her my number and tell her what it is. She accepts it and puts it away.

"Now it's time for me to join them ~"

She starts to skip away happily…she can act a little childishly at times, huh? I continue my little aimless journey…

I eventually find an isolated place with a bench; I sit on it and close my eyes.


I let out a sigh of relief. I spoke to way too many fallen today… I even came across Raynare… I should talk to Azazel about their situation soon, but I had to prioritize healing Sae so we didn't get a chance to speak.

[So, gonna tell us what's bothering you?]

It's nothing really, I think we discussed it a month ago? I'm just being overdramatic...

[Go oooonnn.]

It's just about the future, Ddraig, you know? It's about what I'm going to do after graduating, and…the far, far future. What am I going to be doing then? Who's going to be with me? I'm thinking like 100,000 years in the future… Devils live for 10,000 years; other beings also range around that too. In theory, Ophis, Irene, the two of you and Cúntóir will be the only ones with me…

When I am done with the events of this world, what will I do? Kill Trihexa, deal with ExE, destroy Ghidorah and whatever the hell Azathoth and the other Outer God want from me. Live a quiet and peaceful life? Go explore other worlds in the multiverse?

I'm immortal, I know that you guys are aware of that. Not all of the girls know it yet, but they will soon. I'm an Outer God too, hell I might evolve in the future too… I will outlive all of them… Thinking about that, fills me with anxiety.

I'm mulling over if I should ask them to… You know, spend eternity with me. I know it's selfish… Maybe some of them may not want to… As painful as it sounds, I will respect their decision. Even if it pains me.

No matter how much they love me, they won't agree to every whim or decision I make. So, it got me thinking when Tobio proposed to Sae.

At the end of the day...they're both humans. They have limited time to live in this world, and are under pressure to marry, have children, and spend every aching moment they can together. They've been involved in the supernatural after all… You can lose your life at any time.

I know Akeno wants to get married, probably a few of the girls too. Traditional marriages? Or just acknowledge we love each other and see each other as spouses and move forward from there?

[Haah… Jin.]

Wait, I know. I spoke about this to Sairaorg, but it just came back because Tobio proposed…

[Right, you did. So, take it a day at a time. It's fine to be worried about these things, but like you said. Most girls… You'll be with them for 10,000 years at best. You can talk to them about this and make that decision down the line.]

[This, is way too early… I'm sure you can convince the human females in your harem to at least increase their life spans like Lavinia Reni. She has the same life expectancy as the devils, 10,000 years.]

Haah… I know.

[You upped the girl's defenses, they're near invincible, even more so after you keep on taking them into the pocket dimension. Just take it easy.]

Tap ~


I hear Reni's voice beside me and a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see her there. She sits down and smiles at me.

"What are you doing here all alone? Taking a nap?"

She leans her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, something like that. How's everyone else?"

"They're still with Sae, Penemue-san came and celebrated with the rest of us. Natsume was worried about you so I offered to look for you. We should go back…. Did Tobi's proposal bother you?"

I turn to look at her as she worriedly looks at me.

"No… I have already seen a few proposals, even in Kyoto when I was walking around with Yasaka and Kunou. It just made me think, that's all…"

She looks at me wanting to continue, I sigh and relent. I tell her what I spoke to Ddraig about. As soon as I was finished, we fell into silence for a moment. I sigh again.

"I'll miss this, this warmth, this feeling…all of it."

I feel Reni tighten her hold on my arm.

"…If… If I said I want to be with you forever… Will that count…?"

She says in a whisper. A little shocked, I look at her.

"You— You don't need to give me an answer this soon, Reni. I did just tell you my worries. Maybe you're saying this to comfort me? Or maybe not…"

Did I have the same worries in my past life? If I have them now… Then it's a possibility… Who am I kidding, it definitely happened, but this time, it's on a much grander scale. I feel her shake her head.

"I mean it, Jin. I want to be with you. Forever."

She sighs.

"I wasn't too sure on my answer a month ago…but right now, I'm certain of my answer."

"...If you still have the same answer after I graduate, then yes. Let's stay together forever. Reni."

Have I triggered a death flag? Did I just propose in the most roundabout way? I wasn't too sure, but there's one thing I'm sure of, I love her. I really love her. Lavinia Reni.

Thank you.

A short while later Reni and I are in the lobby. We joined back with everyone else and had a very small party. We had a great time. Sae was being wheeled around in a wheelchair since it was taking her a little bit to get back to walking again.

She and Tobio thanked me profusely. It took a bit to make them stop.

"Thanks again, Jin."

"Dude, stop. I get it already."

We both laughed as Tobio thanked me again. We fist bump one last time before I left with Reni.

3 days later

One more day until the Rating Game, I had frequent texts from Akeno as she updated me on their status. They've mostly studied up on their opponents, so they're more or less aware of what they're capable of.

The house was a bit empty with so many absent, so Kuroka, Ingvild, Grayfia, and Reni were the ones who joined me in bed at night.

I also made some modifications and upgrades to Grand Chariot; I pretty much know who to give the Sacred Gear to. But I need to see how well she can fight on her own before I do, to see their compatibility even further.

I also made my bed and room bigger, with the growing number of women that will be sleeping with me. However, I probably need to make a schedule in the future… Realistically sleeping with all of them is unrealistic. Cúntóir and Grayfia will help with that…

The next day


The Gremory peerage had teleported back to the Occult Research Clubroom around noon. They had gotten ready and relaxed throughout the day.

I had teleported there along with Grayfia. Reni, Natsume and Shigune stayed late at the training facility. They really wanted to get stronger so I let them. I invited them to come watch, but as I said, they were busy training. The rest were busy with their own things so declined my invitation.

"Alright. Take these."

I go over to Rias and give her condensed healing slimes in the form of tablets.

"I gave some to Kiba and Gasper during the 1-year training. It should prove useful to all of you. It's just a precaution."

Grayfia looked unamused at me.

"Hey, c'mon Grayfia, you know as well as I do that Riser will bring Phenex Tears with him."

She sighs and doesn't say anything.

"You all get two each, that should be fine."

I look at them as they silently nod.

"You guys trained for this for a full year. It's fine to be nervous, but go out there with your heads held high."

I go to Gasper.

"Gasper, you grew a lot and have gained some confidence and courage. As two of the men of the Gremory peerage, go out there and show the devils how you tango. You got that?"

"Y-Yes! Jin-senpai!"

He stutters a bit but gives a good response. I nod and go to Kiba.

"You've improved a lot Kiba, it's unfortunate you couldn't achieve Balance Breaker, but it shouldn't be too long until you do. You've become an all-rounder, use and abuse that 'God-speed' of yours, you hear me?"

"Hehe, of course, Jin-senpai."

He sheepishly answers back. Next up was Shirone. She was quietly eating some sweets.

"Shirone Toujou."

I kneel down and pat her head.

"You've trained a lot with Asia and Kuroka. Unlocked a new form, and gained new mastery on your Senjutsu and Kasha. Go and beat them up."

She smiles and nods at me. I give her a kiss on the forehead as a good luck charm. I walk up to Asia.

"Asia, I know you don't like hurting people, but for the sake of your King, fight for her and yourself. They're all family, right?"

She nods.

"Good, you're an essential part of this peerage and I'm proud of your growth."

"Thank you very much, I'll try my best."

She smiles at me as she holds onto a wooden cross.


I stand in front of her as she stares at me with determination in her eyes.

"I know you can do it. The [Queen] of this group, I know how much you've grown and come a long way. Go kick ass."

"Ufufu ~ of course, leave it to me Jin ~"

I give her a quick peck on the lips and go to Rias.

"Rias. Your decision-making and leadership will be tested today. Like everyone else, you've grown a lot. Trust in your servants and their abilities. Go win this."

"Yes, we've trained hard for this. Thank you again, Jin."

We shake hands. Grayfia seeing that I was done announces that the match will start soon. She hands me something.

"This will teleport you to the venue where the Satans, Gremory, Phenex, and a few other nobles will be watching the match."

"I see, thank you."

We share a kiss and the Gremory group as well as Grayfia disappear.

"Time to get going then."

I used the paper and also teleported away.


VIP Booth

There were many individuals present when I teleported there. They all turn to me as I put my hand up.

"Yo, pretty fancy place."

I could see a lot of devils here. The Four Satans, Asteri, Millicas, Venelana, Zeoticus, the Phenex family, a few noble-looking devils, and Sairaorg.

"Welcome, Jin. I'm glad you could make it."

Sirzechs welcomes me and I walk over to them.


Serafall gives me a quick hug and sits back down. I'm a bit surprised she wasn't more clingy. Apparently she wants to act as the Leviathan Satan for now. I catch up with the rest of the devils I knew, including Sairaorg. I was surprised he was here to watch.

"So, this is the famous middleman, huh?"

The man known as Lord Phenex looks at me. The other nobles start to chatter amongst themselves.


Sirzechs calls my name.

"Who do you think will win?"

All eyes were on me when he asked the question. I give them a smile.

"Rias Gremory's peerage."

"And you are sure of this?"

Lord Phenex asks with a raised brow. I know he thinks Riser should be knocked down a peg as he believes his son has grown too confident and arrogant.

"Yes, I do believe so, Lord Phenex."

He nods and the room falls silent as the match starts.

Third Person Point of View

[Hello everyone. I am Grayfia, a maid from the House of Gremory. I will be the arbiter of the Rating match between the House of Gremory and the House of Phenex.]

Grayfia's voice resounded from the school broadcast.

[In the name of my Master, Sirzechs Lucifer, I will be keeping my eye on this match. By using both Rias-sama and Riser-sama's opinions, we created this battlefield which is a replica of the school, Kuoh Academy, which Rias-sama attends to in the human world.]

[The location where both teams were transported will be their 'base'. Rias-sama's 'base' would be the Occult Research Cub's clubroom located in the old school building. Riser-sama's 'base' would be the Student Council's room located in the new building. For the [Pawns] to use 'promotion', please head to the enemy's base to do it.]

Rias hands out some transceivers to her peerage.

"We'll be using this throughout the game, stay on your toes, everyone."

They all nod as they put on the transceiver.

[Now it's the time for the commencement of the battle. Also, this match will continue till dawn in human time. So, the game starts now!]

Ring! Ring!

The school bell rings, announcing the start of the game.

"We've discussed how to approach this. We've even gone through what we'd do if the school was used as a battlefield. Places everyone!"

"Yes, President!"

Everyone quickly dispersed. Rias stayed in the clubroom herself, Asia had gone with Akeno…to provide support, they were going to start the match with a bang.

With Akeno and Asia.

"Asia-chan, use your touki to feel our enemy's presence, okay? I'll concentrate on my attack…"

"Yes, Akeno-san."

During the yearlong training session, Asia practiced making a barrier in the [Pocket Dimension]. She was planning to protect Akeno with that. Only True High-class devils can break through it.

Asia hides her presence as she puts her hands together and an invisible barrier surrounds Akeno. Even if someone did break through the barrier, Akeno could just shrug it off, she was Satan Class, she also had the ring and clothes on her to protect her.

Suddenly many dark clouds started to appear above the skies of the replicated Kuoh.

With Riser

"Hmmm? Clouds? What's the meaning of this…?"

"Onii-sama, I think we should be cautious of those clouds…"

Ravel Phenex, Riser's younger sister was in the Student Council room. While he wasn't dumb, he was nowhere near his younger sister's intellect.

"Hmm, very well. Do what you must, warn the rest."


With Shirone and Gasper

The [Rook] and [Bishop] of the Gremory peerage had broken into the Gymnasium as Shirone felt some presence in here.

"Haha! We know you are here, servants of Gremory! We watched you break in!"

Four females appeared in front of the duo. Riser had three [Pawns] and a [Rook], The woman in the Chinese dress was the [Rook], then two green-haired twins were [Pawns] and the other small girl was the [Pawn].

"Gaspy, let's quickly finish this and avoid getting hit by Akeno-senpai."

Shirone tells her friend.


He answers back confidently.

"Heh! You think it'll be that eas—"

Don! Slam!

The [Rook] of Riser started to talk but was launched by Shirone with a single punch, knocking her out.

[Riser Phenex-sama's one [Rook] retire!]

Grayfia announced.


The other three were too shocked to move, unfortunately for them, Gasper didn't let this slide.

Chop! Don! Bam!

Gasper appeared beside the small [Pawn] and karate chopped her neck, knocking her out. He kicks and punched the twin [Pawns] also knocking them out.

[Riser Phenex-sama's three [Pawns] retire!]


"Nice, Gaspy."

"You too, Koneko-chan!"

After their quick victory, they high-fived each other.

With Jin

"Heh, nicely done."

"When did those two get that fast?"

Sirzechs asks as he was quite surprised by their speed.

"Trade secret, Sirzechs."

Sirzechs shook his head, he didn't think Jin's training would be this fruitful.

"What are those clouds…?"

With a look of concern on his face, Sairagor asked.

"Something amazing, you'll see soon. I wonder how many will be forced to retire…"

They all look at Jin a bit surprised by what he said.

Shirone and Gasper walk out of the Gymnasium, but Shirone stops Gasper, she summons an aura bullet and fires it at the ground in front of them.


"Land mine… It has to be the 'Bomb Queen', Riser's [Queen]."

Shirone concludes.

"Waahh… Thanks Koneko-chan."

"Tch, so you knew about that?"

Said woman appeared in the sky as she frowned at the Gremory [Bishop] and [Rook].

"Then I'll ju—"

Shirone covered herself in touki, she instantly appeared beside the [Queen] of Riser's peerage, she had a look of surprise, as the little girl in front of her just disappear.


Bam! Boom!!!

Shirone kicks the side of the purple-haired woman, sending her crashing into the ground.


A pained yelp was heard from the crater that was formed from her impact.

"You little…"

She was pissed!

"Gaspy, time to retreat, Kiba-senpai just said he's in a safe spot."

Gasper nods as he grabs onto Shirone and they disappear from the spot.

"S-Safe spot…?!"

Crackle!!! Crackle!!! Booom!!! Booom!!!

Yubelluna, the [Queen] of Riser's peerage looks up at the sky. Lightning and Thunder started to crackle above her.

"What in the world…?"

She could see a lone figure floating in the sky.

"Is that…. That Priestess of Thunder?!"

She looked at Akeno in horror as she had a sadistic smile on her.

With Jin

"What in the…"

"So much power!"

"Is this the power of the [Queen] of Rias Gremory's peerage?!"

The nobles were shocked by the amount of demonic energy they were feeling.

"Jin… What in the world is happening?"

Sairaorg asked him, some heads turning to him. Even Sirzechs had a look of concern on him.

"Let's just say, Akeno is quite powerful now. You're going to see one of her strongest techniques…let's hope that dimension can take it."

"Wow! ~ Akeno-chan became this powerful? ~"

Serafall answered in an upbeat tone, but Jin could tell she was as surprised as the rest.

"She's no longer the Priestess of Thunder."

They give Jin a weird look but he continues.

"She's the Priestess of Thunder and Light."

He grins as the light show was about to begin.

With Akeno

"Ufufufu, dance for me ~"

Lightning gathered around Akeno's hand as she started to shape it… Into an even larger dragon than last time, her aim? Complete annihilation of the area, the school of Kuoh. She's only using half of her demonic energy too! She'll have a lot of it left after this attack.


Riser's [Queen] had flown up to try to stop Akeno, but she was unfazed. Yubelluna was also shocked, her attack didn't even faze her.

"I'm sorry, Bomb Queen, but that won't work."

Akeno kept gathering more power as the skies above them kept getting more and more violent.

Tskkkk!! Cracklee!!!! Cracklee!!! Tskktskk!!

"Come to me, cutie ~"

Ztkkkskkk!!! Boom!!!

An enormous yellow Dragon made out of Lightning and Thunder with Holy properties comes out of the clouds. It hovers above Akeno as she smiles and licks her lips. This Dragon was even bigger than the one she summoned back a year ago. It was at least three times larger…

"W-What is that?!"

Yubelluna was too shocked to move, she stared in awe at the beast in front of her.

"Asia-chan ~ take cover ~"

Akeno warned her junior as Asia covered herself in touki and quickly hid at a safe place along with Kiba, Gasper, and Shirone.

"I, the [Queen] of the Gremory peerage announce…. That this will soon be over ~"

Akeno gave Risers [Queen] a terrifying smile.

"Vanish with the roar of Holy Lightning…"

She tilts her hand up as the dragon made of lightning goes back up into the clouds.  She does a quick motion as she brings her hand down. A wicked smile on her face.



The Holy Lightning Dragon quickly comes back down and consumes everything below it; the entirety of Kuoh Academy was bathed in bright yellow light.


With Jin

The room had fallen silent as they saw the attack cover the entire screen they were watching through. No one dared to say a word. But their eyes and head slowly went to Jin.

"Haah…she went a bit overboard there; well, she still has half her demonic reserves so it's fine."

"Wha— That wasn't her full power?"

Sairaorg was quite shocked.

"It's fine Sairaorg, she can still fight if that's what you're asking. Look, it's starting to settle."

Everyone looked back at the monitor as the light and dust finally settled. In front of was utter carnage. A Few devil nobles let out gasps of shock, the rest stared in stunned silence.

Back on the battlefield

Even Grayfia was too stunned to speak, she had to compose herself.

[Riser Phenex-sama's one [Queen], four [Pawns], two [Bishops], two [Knights] and one [Rook] retire!]


Akeno looks at the destruction she caused, a part of the dimension was also missing, and the grounds under her was also completely destroyed. The rest of her peerage and King come out of hiding.

"Akeno-senpai… That was a bit too much."

Shirone looks around at the devastation her senpai caused.

"I don't want to be hit by that…"

Gasper shivered beside Shirone.

"Are you okay, Akeno-san?"

Asia goes over to the [Queen] of the group as she had landed.

"I'm fine, Asia-chan."

She smiled at her junior, happy she was worried about her.

"Nicely done, Akeno. All that's left is…"

Crash!!! Boooom!!!


An angry voice boomed in the distance, as flames erupted from the destroyed building of the Student Council. Riser Phenex was hovering there, part of him did not regenerate, Akeno had added Ant-healing properties to her attack earlier, wanting to wipe out Riser too, unfortunately, she wasn't that lucky.


Riser points at Akeno—

"You did this! Unforgivable, my cute servants wiped out like that!"

Rias glared at Riser.

"I told you, Riser. Quality over Quantity. My cute servants are miles above yours."

"Everyone, positions. Let's end this."

Rias commands her peerage and they immediately got into position.

"Hah! I can wipe you all out right here right now!"

Riser begins to move but he couldn't.

"W-What is happening?!"

He sees one of Rias's [Bishop]'s eyes were glowing while staring at him.


He demanded, but Gasper did not. Asia, Shirone, and Kiba stayed behind their [King] and [Queen], their roles ended there… Even though they didn't have much to do.

"Haha… We didn't get to do much, did we, Asia-chan?"

Kiba had sheathed his sword as he chuckles beside his friend.

"Yes, I only used one barrier on Akeno-san."

"Gaspy and I fought some. But they ended quickly."

"Ahaha… It felt good, I hope Jin-senpai praises me!"

Gasper while keeping his eyes on Riser responded.

"Akeno? Ready?"

Rias asked her [Queen] and she nodded.

"Of course, President ~"

Rias cupped her hands together as she gathered highly concentrated [Power of Destruction] between her hands. Yes, she was going to use her one of her new Signature moves… Well, she copied it, but still. It was the [Kamehameha], using her [Power of Destruction] as the source.

Akeno raises her right hand clenched in a fist.

"Resounding through the air—"

"The roar of thunder—"

"Plunge from the heavens—"

"And reap destruction!"

Akeno started to chant an incantation, as Rias finally finished charging her move.

"We win, Riser!"

Rias announces as she thrust her hands forward to shoot out a stream of [Power of Destruction]. A Kamehameha made out of pure [Power of Destruction].


"Raging Bolt!!!"

Akeno shouts as a large bolt of lightning then descend upon Riser from the air, possibly, no, completely engulfing him with a strong blast of Holy Lightning and Anti-healing.



Both attacks hit Riser as he was unable to move, the screams of pain and agony resounded throughout the empty and desolate replica of Kuoh Academy.


[Riser Phenex-sama [King] retire!]

"We won…"

Rias said to herself in disbelief. She knows she and her peerage trained hard for an entire year, but… She never thought… In her wildest dreams…

"We won!"

She shouts as everyone raised their arms in victory!

After Party

Jin Skyward


The nobles around the venue were in high spirits, they were very impressed by Rias and her peerages performance in the rating game, the one who got the most attention was none other than her [Queen] Akeno Himejima.

The devils who saw the match live were awed by her power, it was her new debut as the 'Priestess of Thunder and Light' as I said in the VIP booth. Akeno was talking to many devils, including from lesser-known families as they tried to court her.

She declined politely at first, but the persistent ones were forced away with a little bit of her aura. Everyone in the Gremory peerage had changed into more suitable clothing for the after-party.

"Hey Gasper, you did amazing. Supporting Shirone and stopping Riser, well done."

I pet the small [Bishop] as he smiled brightly.

"Yes! Thank you very much, Jin-senpai!"

I turn to the others and praise them too.

"You guys may have not done much, but you were still there in case anything went awry. Good job."

Kiba chuckles and Asia nods. A bit embarrassed at the praise.

"Heh, I didn't think Rias's peerage was this power, it was quite a spectacle to see."

Sairaorg came over and patted me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, they are, I trained them after all. You better look forward to the Rating Games of the future, you have them as rivals."

Sairaorg nods.

"Mmm, I truly look forward to them."

Just then he was called away by another devil noble, he bids us farewell for now.


I turn around and see Latia Astaroth there.

"It's been quite some time."

She smiles at me as we shake hands.

"Yeah, been a while…well, we've communicated through texts though, so it hasn't really been that long."

She greets everyone and they get to talking. I could see a few lesser nobles, even Seekvaira was here as well, but she just looks at us from a distance. I could see Diodora Astaroth from a distance, I sent him a little bit of killing intent, and he looked startled as he saw me glaring at him.

He quickly averts his gaze and scurries away. Yeah, run away you little molesting rat! Touch my nun and you'll get a 12 million-foot dildo shoved up your ass!

[That's a bit… Extreme, Partner.]

Whatever he deserved every bit of it.

Ding! Clank!

Everyone looks up at the noise and sees Sirzechs Lucifer there, looks like he was about to do some toast or announcement.



We all turn to the door being slammed open. It was Riser Phenex, he had recovered and looked pissed.

"I can't accept these results!"

Oh god, it's like… Reverse Issei! What the hell is gonna happen now? This is definitely a different future, a third one! I didn't train the entire peerage in those two futures, just Akeno… So, this is the result of the third and unknown future?

He marches up and stands defiantly in front of everyone.


"Onii-sama! Please stop this, this is foolish we have to—"


Ravel Phenex tries to reason with her older brother but was ultimately slapped across her face, she fell down as she stared at her older brother in shocked silence.

Even the entire area became silent once she did it. Someone eventually helped Ravel up as she stands to the side still shocked by the slap.


"Do you think these results were unfair, Riser?"

Sirzechs asks the young devil in a calm manner.

"Yes. That is why I demand a rematch with Rias Gremory, no, a one-on-one match. I have overheard she— They were trained by someone quite capable."

"I demand to fight who trained them! Once I beat them, then the marriage will continue!"

What kind of logic is that?! That's stupid! That won't slide, I swear to all that is fuck, if this Lucifer accepts, I'm going to—

"I see, an interesting proposal, Riser. It will definitely liven up this after-party up, no?"

Sirzechs looks over at everyone, I just give him a death glare. He in return wryly smiles at me, almost begging me to go along with it.

'If I go with this crap, you owe me another damn favor. Even if that means I tell you to go run around Lilith naked!'

I tell him telepathically.

I see him visibly flinch; cold sweat starts to appear on his forehead as he considers what I just told him. I see him slowly nod, looking pale. A giant grin appears on my mouth, hehehe… Prepare yourself Satan Lucifer… Kuhuhuhu. He awkwardly coughs into his fist.

"The one who trained my sister's peerage is none other than the Middleman of the factions."

He gestures to me as I stand away from the crowd. I nod to him; Riser gets visibly redder.

"You! I knew it would be you! You have no other reason being in that clubroom!"

He starts laughing like a psycho.

"Very well! I can't even sense a lick of mana from you…this will be an easy fight."

Yes, it will be easy, for me.

"Lucifer-sama! I want this match to happen now!"

"Very well, Riser."

The Gremory peerage was looking at Riser in pity, Sona and Tsubaki had joined them looking at Riser weirdly.

"Who will win?"

Tsubaki asked.


Sona and everyone in the Gremory Peerage answered in sync. Tsubaki looked a bit stunned but nods anyway.



[Are both fighters ready?]

Grayfia became our arbiter again, but she skipped the pleasantries as she knew how this will go.

I also wanted to get this stupid thing over with. Riser was looking at me very smugly, to him this looked like a walk in the park.

I mean, come on he's smart… Kind of, he's not stupid… No, he's just triggered right now. That's the only logical conclusion. I'm more surprised that his parents didn't try stopping him, I expected Ruval Phenex to try and reason with Riser…

Maybe he was just busy and wasn't there, Ravel wasn't exactly too useful… She was slapped, that ticked me off. She was just trying to stop him; he better apologize after this…

[If you don't traumatize him too much!]

No promises.


Grayfia announced the start of the fight.

"First come, first served, Middleman!"

Riser summoned his fiery wings and flew into the sky; he summoned a large ball of flame above him.

"Be burned to ashes!"

He launched the attack at me.


"Hahaha!" that's it?!

"What are you even talking about?"

I had teleported behind him.


Riser was clearly surprised, but couldn't react on time.


I slapped him and he crashed into the ground. I had covered my entire body in anti-healing. I will slap this man to near death. Riser gets up from the ground, he notices his face isn't healing as a little blood is leaking from him.

"You! You taught her this!"

He points to the blood. I just shrug at him.

"You will pa—"

Slap! Slap! Slap!

I appeared in front of him and kept on slapping his face.


Slap! Slap! Slap!

"Why won't you surrender?"

Slap! Slap! Slap!

[Uh, Partner, probably because he can't speak since you keep on relentlessly slapping him.]

Point taken. I let go of Riser as he falls to the ground, his face bruised up and bloody. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear or understand him, did I do enough? What if he recovers and doesn't stop? I grab his arm.



A muffled scream, his face was already a mess so he couldn't scream properly. And break it.

"Surrender yet?"

[Don't forget we're meant to debut here.]

Right, I wasn't too sure when to pull it out, but might as well.

"Boosted Gear."

I announced and my Sacred Gear appeared. I hear a few gasps of shock.

"Balance Break."

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!]

The [Boosted Gear] announced as it covered me in Red Armor. I grab Riser's other arm and break it.



I direct some killing intent and the aura of a dragon towards him.

"Riser Phenex, surrender."

I heal a bit of his mouth so he could answer.

"Fuck y—"


I crush his left leg.


Why is he being stubborn? Just surrender so this will end… I want to go home and laze around, you dick.


Alright, this isn't working.

Cúntóir: Answer: Covering Arena with Aura sealing barrier.

Cúntóir: Answer: Power Output: Dragon God 100%

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing Aura and mana seals



Riser scurries away as he looks at me in sheer terror. The pain of his broken bones didn't matter to him at that point.

"What's wrong, Phenex? Dragon got your tongue?"

I take a step closer to him as he crawls further away from me, while some of his bones break as he does so.

"Why so scared? Come over here, let's keep fighting."

Another step closer.

"Get away from me, you monster!!!"

"Monster? I guess I am."

I decide to create a mirage of a dragon behind me… No, it was a mirage of Ddraig, the Red Dragon of Domination.

[I like it, Partner!]

The dragon mirage lowly growled at Riser, as my aura and killing intent kept being directed at him. The guy had pissed himself as he was finally backed up into one of the walls of the Colosseum. Shaking in complete fear, tears and snot dribbled down his face.


I dispel everything and put back my aura and mana seal, as well as power down to 1% Dragon God in strength. I also cancel my scale mail and de-summon my [Boosted gear], finally, I remove the barrier.

[T-The winner is, the Red Dragon Emperor, Jin!]

But there was no applause, only silence.

Once the little 'fight' was over, the after-party was a lot more… Calm? Silent? Awkward? This is definitely my fault. Riser had… Well been taken away from the venue by his parents. Ravel had stayed behind.

"Thank you for not killing my brother, Jin-sama."

Ravel came up to me and bowed.

"I never intended to, just got a little heated during it. How's your cheek? Still stinging?"

She nods while a bit reluctant. I nod and heal it for her.

"There, that should help."

"Thank you very much."

She bows again and leaves. Hey, I healed the guy before he was taken away, but he had become terrified of me. His parents thanked me, however. Quite a lot of the noble devils left, again, scared of me as well as my brutality. Maybe I went a bit overboard? Haah, who knows. Only a few individuals were left.

Sirzechs comes up to me as he sighs.

"That was quite a spectacle. Very brutal too."

"Hey, your idea, not mine."

I shrug as I directed the blame at him.

"Let's go with it's both our faults, shall we?"

He tries to compromise and I agree.

"Fine, it's ours, anyway we're done now, right?"

He nods to my question.

"Would you like to cash in your favor?"

I nod, why wouldn't I?

"Very well, come teleport to my office."

He vanishes from the spot, Asteri and Grayfia included.

"Ara ara, Jin-kun, you were quite brutal to Riser-kun."

Venelana came up to me along with Rias, her peerage, and Zeoticus Gremory. Millicas was nowhere to be found, I wonder if he was sent home earlier.

"I may have gone overboard, but Riser wouldn't surrender…"

"Hmmm ~"

Zeoticus walks up to me and holds out his hand. I shake it.

"It's finally nice to put a name to a face, how do you do, Jin? I'm Zeoticus Gremory, current head of the Gremory clan."

"Likewise, it's a pleasure to meet you, Zeoticus."

"I would like to talk in the future; however, I must go back home to deal with the fallout of this whole ordeal."

Venelana nods as the both of them teleport away.


I didn't even get to answer before they left. I turn to the Gremory peerage.

"Everything's done now, huh? Great job on the win by the way, Rias."

"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry I couldn't come here earlier."

She genuinely looked down about it.

"Don't worry about it, you were being hounded by other noble devils and their families."

I sigh—

"Anyway, this party is mostly over… I have some business to attend to with Sirzechs, you guys go ahead."

"I'll see you at home, Jin!"

Akeno waved to me as I go to Sirzechs's office.

"Thank you for doing this selfish request of mine, Jin."

Sirzechs was sitting on his chair behind his desk, Asteri was to his left, and Grayfia to his right.

"Right, don't worry about it. I had fun along the way."

This makes him laugh.

"Is that so? Well, let's skip pleasantries and the like, in total… I owe you five favors. I added the one from earlier. What would you like, Jin?"

He smiles at me, he already knows what I want first and foremost.

"You're doing this on purpose… Haah…"

He kept on smiling.

"Right, so far, I only want to use one favor, the rest can be used at a different time, yes?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Right, so for my first favor."

I point at Grayfia—

"I want Grayfia Lucifuge."

Grayfia blushes at this, as both Asteri and Sirzechs grin at me. I just roll my eyes at them as they begin to laugh.

"My apologies, Jin. I have no problems with that, however, you're already aware of the Gremory's stance on their servants, yes?"

He asks me and I nod.

"Since you do, let us ask the devil in question, shall we?"

He turns to Grayfia.

"What would you like to do, Grayfia?"

"Yes, over the last month and a few weeks, I have observed Jin Skyward and have come to a conclusion…"

She smiles at me.

"I would love to go with you, Jin."

I am holding back my happiness and smiling like an idiot. I just briefly smile at her and nod.

"Mmm, if that's how you feel Grayfia, then I have no quarrels with it. However, it will take a day or two for me to get the paperwork done."

"This means, she will no longer be my maid, however, she will still be the Head Maid of the Gremory clan, unless she herself requests to retire from the position."

I nod and he continues.

"There is one plight about this, evil pieces cannot be removed without killing the devil or reincarnated devil, so Grayfia is in a way, stuck with me being her King."

I shake my head.

"Sirzechs, have you forgotten who I am? The man of miracles."

He blinks at me a bit shocked. I go over to Grayfia and put my palm out. Cúntóir, removed the [Queen] evil piece from Grayfia without killing her.

Cúntóir: Answer:  Removing [Queen] evil piece from Grayfia Lucifuge….. Processing….. Success!

A small red light shines as the [Queen] piece is removed from Grayfia. I take the piece and hand it to Sirzechs.

"How are you feeling?"

I ask her as I hold her.

"I am fine, I do not feel any different."

She nods to affirm her statement.

"Jin… I swear you're just…"

He stops himself as he shakes his head.

"Hey, why not turn your wife into your [Queen]?"

I jokingly suggest the two of them look at each other and nod.

"I don't see why not."

He agrees with my suggestion.

"I've also never had any interest in using my pieces."

Asteri also has no problems with it! Wait, what? They're seriously going to do it?! And they did just that. Sirzechs puts the [Queen] piece into Asteri Gremory, formally making her into his [Queen].

"Haah… I was kind of joking, but sure whatever. Anyway, we're done here. Thanks for this, Zechs. I'm a magic circle or text away from a request!"

"I know Jin, thank you and farewell."

Grayfia and I leave the room, we walk down the hall for a bit until I turn to her.

"It's finally done, huh?"

"Yes, I am yours, officially yours, Jin."

We turn to each other and smile. We lean in and connect our lips. Even though Grayfia has been 'mine' for the past few weeks or even months. Today makes it 'official' we don't have other barriers to try to get around now, I doubt she'll quit being a maid, she gets paid from there and she likes it. I won't force her either.

We separate as we both breathe a sigh of relief and satisfaction.

"Let's go home."

She happily nods.

Japan, Kuoh

When Grayfia and I teleport into the living room, we see Rias sitting there, drinking tea and chatting with the other girls.


I could see some luggage with her…she plans on moving in… Isn't she? Haha… I expected this, but this was quite soon. I guessed tomorrow or within the week.

"Ah! Jin! As you can see."

She gestures to her bags.

"I'll be moving in today."

"I don't mind, I kind of expected this. But make sure to ask beforehand."

She blushes and nods.

"Right… I'm sorry."

I wave her off, what's done is done, I won't make a fuss about it. She's just excited, she can move forward in her life without the threat of Riser anymore.

"Anyway, Akeno? Can you help her pick a room…"

I summon an android fairy and tell it to carry her bags.

"Sure thing ~"

She and Rias go up the stairs happily chatting away. I look around the living room, Only Ingvild and a sleeping Reni were left… I wonder if she tried to stay up for us.

"Jin? Can we… Go out for a walk? And… Talk?"

Ingvild asks me as I approach Reni.

"Hmm? Sure, I don't mind… Did you have dinner yet? We were gone for quite a long time…"

She giggles and nods.

"Lavinia and I had dinner, Grayfia prepared some dinner for us before leaving."

Ah, that's why she was a bit late in coming up before we left…

"I see, alright, let me just put Reni into her room and we can get going."

She nods and goes back to her phone. Is she still chatting with her friends? Sheesh, talk about late-night parties.

I pick up Reni, turn to Grayfia, and give her a kiss.

"Sorry about this Fia, you can go ahead of me."

"Yes, have a nice night, Jin."

She goes up the stairs ahead of me. I also go up to open Reni's door and put her down on her bed.

"Mmm… Nyooo, don't fight… Jin…. Vaa-kun…"

She's dreaming about Vali and I fighting? Cute. I put the covers on her, kiss her forehead and close the door.

I wonder If Ingvild is going to… You know, do that thing. Or she might just want to talk, who knows? I have infinite energy so I'm fine, she's a half devil so they're fine at night. I reach the living room again.

"Are you ready?"

She looks up and nods, she puts her phone into her pocket and we leave through the front door. I snap my fingers and turn off the lights.

We walk through the streets of Kuoh, the majority of houses and shops were closed, saved for a few. The nightlife of Kuoh wasn't really a thing, there were some rowdy teenagers having fun, a few coming back from clubs.

Apart from that, the streets were quiet. The moon was shining brightly in the sky, a calm breeze present, the occasional barks from dogs and—

'Hey fuck you, fuck!'


I shouldn't have spoken too damn soon. I look over at the same dog I passed from a few weeks back. Most of the time I ignore this little thing since I'm busy. But right now, I'm not and it was a quiet night until this mutt started barking.

'Hey, you! Yeah, you! I'm looking at you! Bow down to me!'


Ingvild was confused as she looked at the little dog I was looking at.

"Ingvild, do remember when I said I could understand animals?"

She nods as she looks at the dog.

"Is it…?"

"Being an asshole? Yeah."

She giggles at me.

"It's just a little dog, Jin. Let's go…"

She starts to pull me away, but the thing kept screaming.

'Come back!!! I am a god!!!!!!!! Get back here, peasant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

We walk around town, and as she hugs my arm, we just talk about random things, including the Rating game with Rias and Riser. I was going to extend my invitation to her but she was busy so I didn't push it.

We eventually come to the same park that had a few events happen, Raynare killing my clone, me punching Darcel, and now whatever this is.

Ingvild lets go of my arm and walks ahead of me. I slow down my pace as she starts to prance around the fountain while giggling to herself, she looked like a girl her age… Which would be seventeen if she didn't fall asleep.

She stops as she stares at the moon and then at the fountain. I finally reach her as she had closed her eyes. I stand beside her as I wait for her to do something.

In the meanwhile, I scan the area and felt no one else there but us. So, whatever she plans on doing, it's safe.


She finally speaks up. She looks at me with a calm and content smile, seemingly finally making a decision.


"I'm finally finished with my song; will you listen to me sing it?"

I nod, I wonder when she finished it? She was seemingly working on it during the month before school started, but stopped near the end, so I was curious about what had happened to it.

"Sure, I'm all ears."

She smiles as she takes a few steps back, I take a seat by the fountain as she prepares herself. She takes a deep breath and exhales; she looks at me with a sense of determination.

"One, two It's so hard to see it but darling, let's face it these feelings we're feeling cannot be ignored!~"

Ingvild starts to make some arm and hand movements while moving her body…

Hold up! Isn't this song Renai Circulation?! I mean it probably doesn't exist in this world! So, this was her 'original' song… Huh?

I smile at her as I listen to her sing. She also does the same, happily singing away.

"I'm taking a chance 'cause I like you a lot so, I'll give it a shot, give it all that I got ~"

"Suddenly, you call my name, and I lose my brain and I float up to the moon ~"

"When you laugh, it makes me smile, and I love your style so I wrote a song to this tune ~"

"But darling, let's face it these feelings revealing cannot be ignored ~"

The song was coming to an end, it seemed like she didn't write the full version but the shorter one… Ingvild comes up closer to me. Brimming with emotion.

"So, I'll work on this letter 'til our timing gets better sincerely, yours truly and forever more ~"

She finishes her song as she hugs me, I hug her back as she looks up at me. She leans in closer and kisses me. I happily kiss her back, so she did intend to confess tonight…

We separate from the kiss.

"Jin, thank you… Over the last month and inside the pocket dimension… That entire year, I fell for you even more. It started out like Kuroka's… I was very grateful towards you… You woke me up from my one-hundred-year slumber, took me in when you weren't obligated to."

"Then it turned into a little crush, but our year in that different dimension… It really amplified my feelings, you helped a lot of people, at first you seemed like some kind of perfect being… But over time I saw that you could mess up."

"Kuroka and Rias, you had to mend those relationships, you were also willing on helping her through her engagement…also hearing from Akeno what you did for her… I'm sorry I feel like I'm rambling at this point…"

"But… I do love you, I know that for a fact now…. I… I'm glad you woke me up… I want to live this age with you, Jin…, and any more that's to come!"

She tries to explain herself but ends up in a blubbering mess of trying to recount everything. I hug her tightly.

"It's fine, Ingvild, I feel the same. Let's stay together and live our lives together. Now and into the far future."


She happily answers as we kiss again. A couple of girls have confessed to me the last few weeks, my heart hasn't felt so calm and relaxed in a long time. I'm quite lucky… We finally break our kiss after a minute.

"Let's go home."

"Mmm, home is anywhere I'm with you, Jin."

We smile at each other as we hold hands, and we slowly walk back to our home. The moon— Our surroundings, life itself feeling a little brighter than usual.

…I couldn't fall asleep, while everyone around me has fully fallen asleep. I couldn't the day has been quite hectic after all.

When Ingvild and I came home, everyone had already fallen asleep. Ingvild said she'll try sleeping with me from now on and I look forward to it.

It's been around forty-ish minutes since we returned, I inwardly sigh as I slip away from the sleeping girls.

…? I could feel someone was still up, I was so busy thinking about upcoming events and relaxing in bed that I didn't notice she was up.

I follow the aura and find that she was in the backyard… I need to make her ring as well… I open the door and step out.


She turns around and is surprised to see me.


She was hugging herself, while it wasn't chilly since I set the temperature change to change automatically depending on the outside.

"Hey, Rias, can't sleep?"

She shakes her head.

"No, my body is still full of energy… My adrenaline probably hasn't left me. The rating game was quite a rush after all…. Even if Akeno did all the work…"

"Well, let's unwind then."

I gesture toward the bench and we go sit on it.

"That was part of the reason I couldn't sleep. A burden was finally lifted from me today, I'm still quite ecstatic… I also won my first rating game…it's a bit too much to process."

Her dream is to become the Rating game champion, so this was a step in the right direction for her.

"Thank you again, Jin. For everything, you did for us. We would have definitely lost without your help…"

"Hey, your dream is to become the Rating game champion, right?"

She seemed a bit confused but nods.

"Since we're friends, then I don't mind helping you guys get stronger."

Rias eyes widen as she smiles.

"Hey, two of my lovers are in your peerage, one more in the same club and I gotta protect Asia too… So, I don't mind helping you guys."

Rias puts her face on my shoulder as she sighs.

"You harem-loving bastard…"

She lightly chuckles.

"But thank you… I feel like I've been saying that a lot to you lately."

"Yes, you have."

She lightly hits me.

"Don't tell me you fell for me, Rias?"

I jokingly ask her, but she doesn't respond.

"It would be impossible not to…"

She says into my shoulder, she finally pulls herself away, her face the same shade of crimson as her hair.


She kisses me on the cheek.

"That's where I'll start, I'll make you fall for me, Jin."

She sticks her tongue out at me and leaves.

"Good night."


So many things to get done still… Rias declaring her intentions towards me, huh? I already had two women joining today… Haha.

Dimensional Gap, Ophis, Irene, Rossweisse, Kyoto, Yasaka, Kunou, and finally Suzaku with Slash/Dog and the Himejima's.

"I got my work cut out for me… The next events should be… The Holy Sword Project and Peace Conference."

[We got your back, Partner.]

{Yes, we are here, Jin.}

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes we are…

Cúntóir: Answer: Jin, can we talk?


Huh? Sure thing, Cúntóir, what's up?

Cúntóir: Answer: I-It's's most beneficial if you come here when you go to sleep.


I wonder what she wants to talk about, she has been silent for a long time, even in the year in the pocket dimension she rarely spoke…

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