Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 3 – Chapter 6 – Part 2 – Áine and the Giants Causeway


County Wicklow


Jin Skyward

Glendalough, Gleann Dá Loch, meaning 'Valley of two lakes' is a glacial valley in County Wicklow, Ireland. It is renowned for an Early Medieval monastic settlement founded in the 6th century by St Kevin.

From 1825 to 1957, the head of the Glendalough Valley was the site of a galena lead mine. Glendalough is also a recreational area for picnics, for walking along networks of maintained trails of varying difficulty, and also for rock-climbing.

"Why would she be in a popular tourist spot?"

Scathach shrugged.

"I do not know, as I mentioned before, she has become a wanderer. She has no set place to live, she wanders where she likes, wherever her legs take her."

As I sigh, I wonder why she would choose this, she's probably acting as a tourist. So let's find her. She probably emits a bit of that 'Godly aura' so we can locate her… Or I can use my [Observe] and make it easier for myself.

"Alright, follow me then. I'll snoop her out."

Now, where were we? I look around and… Beside us was the Round Tower. This fine tower, built of mica-slate interspersed with granite is about 30 meters high, with an entrance 3.5 meters from the base.

I'm more surprised that we didn't get spotted by the tourists around us, no there weren't any when I teleported here, thank you Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: No problem, dear.


As we walked through Glendalough, I did discover her, she wasn't being subtle about it.

We pass through some sites and turn left to a lesser-known path— Or more specifically, I said screw it and turned this way. I made sure that no one was watching us, from what I could tell, Áine wasn't moving from her spot.

As we climbed up a hill, we mostly encountered trees, bushy bushes, and a stone wall that didn't obstruct our progression. We cross a field and walk towards a hill in the distance. I am unaware if this hill has a particular name.

I don't think I've been here in my past life…

"She certainly is far from where we initially arrived."

"Yeah, well, you did say Glendalough so I teleported us near the starting point. Watch your step, it's going to be a bit muddy here, you know, Irish weather and all…"

As we make our way up the hill, some of the land has become a bit muddy. I wasn't aware that Ireland, or at least this part of the country, rained.

Squelch ~ Squelch ~



"Hold me."

Ophis, who was floating, suddenly appeared in front of me and forced me to carry her bridal style. I didn't mind and continued on. I glanced back at Valerie as she had used magic to keep herself clean, the same with Scathach.

"Am I the one who's just raw dogging this?"

I look down, and my jeans are muddy, the same with my shoes… I sigh and clean them up using magic. In order to avoid getting muddy, I decided to use my [True Infinity]. We eventually got up the hill, luckily no one else was there.

Near the top we could see a figure. It was looking out in front of them— Looking at the view. While it was a sunny day, it was still quite chilly. As we approached her, she slowly turned around and smiled at us— At that exact moment the wind picked up as it blew her hair, making this scene almost appear like a movie…

Áine of Knockaine stood there. Áine is a young adult woman of average height with chest-length light-brown hair that is curled at the bottom with bangs hanging on the right side, purple eyes, and a slim but well-endowed body.

She donned a modern-looking outfit, probably trying to blend in more? She wore a pink smock with a gray skirt and brown knee-high boots. She had a watch on her left wrist and wore a blue and silver necklace.

"It's been some time, Scathach, how can I help you?"

"I have brought him to meet you, how about you introduce yourselves to one another?"

Scathach nods at her as she glances at me, all three of us were staring at Áine as she turns to us and smiles.

"I am Áine of Knockaine, you may know me from Irish folklore and legends, how do you do?"

"I'm Valerie…"


The two companions I was with gave short responses, Áine nods as she looks at me with a rather expectant look.

"A Dhampir… And… A dragon? Quite an intriguing group of beings you brought to me, Scathach."

"Jin Skyward, Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman, nice to meet you, Áine of Knockaine, or do you pre—"

Gyu ~




I couldn't finish as she suddenly hugged me, Scathach was smirking at me amused by the situation, Valerie and even Ophis were staring in shock at the Goddess. Áine didn't relent, she tightened her hug as I awkwardly stood there.

"That should be enough, no?"

Coming out of… Whatever that was, Áine nods as she releases me from her hug and grip, she stood back as she dawned her previous smile and calm aura.

"Mister. Red Dragon Emperor, no, Jin Oh, I've been eagerly awaiting your arrival after hearing about your achievements throughout the supernatural world. I'm a fan!"

....Eh? A fan? Like, Millicas? A fan, fan?

"Uh, sure… So is there any particular reason as to why you want to meet me? A request? An alliance with the Three Great Powers?"

"I am not part of any group, I am independent, I wish to…form an alliance with you— If that means with the Three Great Powers and the other Gods of Ireland, then so be it."

I was a bit stunned by her response. I could see Valerie even more shocked and Scathach still smirking at me… Is this…

[Simp, she's a giant simp for you, my God, Jin. Well done. To have a well-known Goddess of your country simp for you is astronomical.]



"I wish to accompany you in your travels! Where will you set off now?"


"We're meeting with the inhabitants of Giant Causeway, you're aware of the situation there, yes?"

Áine replied with an enthusiastic nod as Scathach interrupted me.

"Well then, it seems we have a new companion in our journey, Jin."

"But I haven—"

"Forward it is."


I didn't get a word in at all.

County Antrim

Giant's Causeway

After Scathach teleported us here, I stood on top of somewhere looking down on the actual Giant's causeway.

The Giant's Causeway is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption.

It is located in County Antrim on the north coast of Northern Ireland, about three miles (5 km) northeast of the town of Bushmills.

I won't get into the complicated history of where this is situated. Many are still quite… Angry about that, however, originally, we were meant to have 32 counties, but officially… We only have 26.

Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom— Or England. As I mentioned before the IRA, which is basically the Irish equivalent of the Mafia, still operates today and fights head-to-head with the people of Northern Ireland but not as frequently as in the past.

They want a fully united Ireland, even using… Unpleasant methods if needed. Anyway, about the legends here.

According to legend, the columns are the remains of a causeway built by a giant. The story states that the Irish giant Fionn mac Cumhaill (Finn MacCool), from the Fenian Cycle of Gaelic mythology, was challenged to a fight by the Scottish giant Benandonner.

Fionn accepted the challenge and built the causeway across the North Channel so that the two giants could meet. In one version of the story, Fionn defeats Benandonner.

In another version, Fionn hides from Benandonner when he realizes that his foe is much bigger than he is. Fionn's wife, Sadhbh, disguises Fionn as a baby and tucks him in a cradle.

When Benandonner sees the size of the 'baby', he reckons that its father, Fionn, must be a giant among giants. He flees back to Scotland in fright, destroying the causeway behind him so that Fionn would be unable to chase him down.

Across the sea, there are identical basalt columns at Fingal's Cave on the Scottish isle of Staffa, and it is possible that the story was influenced by this.

Overall, in Irish mythology, Fionn mac Cumhaill is not a giant but a hero with supernatural abilities, contrary to what this particular legend may suggest.

In Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (1888), it is noted that, over time, 'The Pagan Gods of Ireland grew smaller and smaller in the popular imagination until they turned into the fairies; the pagan heroes grew bigger and bigger until they turned into the giants'.

There are no surviving pre-Christian stories about the Giant's Causeway, but it may have originally been associated with the Fomorians (Fomhóraigh); the Irish name Clochán na bhFomhóraigh or Clochán na bhFomhórach which means 'Stepping stones of the Fomhóraigh'.

The Fomhóraigh are a race of supernatural beings in Irish mythology who were sometimes described as giants and who may have originally been part of a pre-Christian pantheon.

Now, how true are these stories? Having spent a good deal of time in Tír na nÓg, I'm curious if the beings that inhabit the Giants Causeway are actually giants or are, like the Irish mythos, human heroes.

"The barrier is over there."

Scathach points towards the end of the basalt column pathway, so is the barrier there? Is there some kind of invisible pathway for us to walk on? Not waiting for me, Scathach jumped down followed by the rest.

I sigh as Áine stood beside me smiling, when I jumped so did she. We landed safely on the ground as she clung to me… Valerie looks back with a frown, so she comes back and hugs my other free arm, following her— Ophis leaps over me and jumps on my back, hugging me too.


"You are quite popular, I do wonder if I'll ever meet your extended harem, or are they concu—"

"Harem, I don't do concubines."

She raises a brow but nods in the end as she continues to walk ahead of us. Harem and concubine aren't too far apart so I don't totally blame them for mixing them or at least assuming that's what I have set up…

But I do feel conflicted as Áine is very clingy— Making Valerie and Ophis have a response like this…

'Haha! Look at those humans, should we shit on them, Casico?'

'Ugh, take aim at that one with three women clinging onto him, lucky bastard.'

I look up to see some seagulls flying above us… They were the ones talking about me… Why are they so bitter? You guys just have bad luck with female seagulls… I don't want to get hit… So, haki it is.

Focusing on both of them, I send them both with a weak blast of Conqueror's Haki. The two freeze midair and plummet down. I catch them with telekinesis. Scathach turned around with a questioning look as the three other women stared at the… Seemingly dead seagulls.

"I can explain."

I go ahead and tell them what the two seagulls were planning and why I knocked them out, Áine laughed at it, Valerie wasn't too impressed but understood why I did it, Ophis was for it— Well more like she just took what I did at face value and rolled with it.

"What did you do to knock them out?"

"Trade secret, want to find out? Then—"

"Join your harem? Hoooo? Quite bold of you to try to court me, young Red Dragon Emperor."

I shrug and didn't answer her, but she had an amused smile on her face, she shakes her head and turns back around. She continues to walk towards our destination with us following behind.

"Mister Jin!"

"Just call me Jin, hearing 'Mister Jin' the past few days has been weird…"

She nods happily.

"Then Jin! Is there space in your harem?"



Valerie answered for me and pulled me away. I stared at her in shock. After realizing what she said, her eyes widen, and she lets go of me. She covers her mouth and looks mortified at Áine.

"I'm sorry! What I meant to say was that there is! A lot of space! Near infinity!"

Valerie quickly back peddled and tried to correct herself, I just sigh and shake my head. I didn't think she was this… Clingy? It's cute, but I need to have a talk with her about it.

"Er— Valerie…"

"I'm sorry… I didn't mean to say that…"

A few tears appear and threaten to fall; what was this reaction? It's almost like Gasper! Valerie gripped my arm back and looked at me tear-eyed, in a way, begging me not to… Well, blow up or something…

I didn't plan on doing that though, but… This is cute— Is this a bad thing? Me finding my girls being a bit upset cute? Seeing their faces, their reactions… Am I a terrible person? It's not like I go out of my way to do this.

"Valerie. I'm not mad but just surprised, come here."

She didn't step forward so instead, I did as I grabbed her and hugged her… How to reassure her? Hmm… I know! This may be the dumbest thing I do, or it might be effective. I lean forward and lick her ear and lightly nibble it.

From Scathach's reaction, I can assume Valerie's face is quite priceless at the moment. I could feel her body instantly freeze. I let her go and could see her reaction myself— She had turned completely red as she stared at the ground.

"Alright, let's keep going then!"

We had reached the end of the basalt columns, unfortunately for us, there were many normal human tourists around us. There were lots of people taking pictures, gazing out into the sea or just chatting. How do we go about this? I have an idea in mind but I'll see what she wants to do first.

I turn to Scathach as she stood there, arms crossed and eyes closed... Was she waiting for me to do something? With a red Valerie, content Áine and the usual stoic Ophis, I guess it was my turn then.

Scanning the area, I note that there were around one hundred and twelve normal humans around us, with that in mind, I made them all fall asleep. Of course, I stopped the ones near the edge from falling into the water or letting them smack themselves against the rocks.

"Alright, step through then."

Scathach says as she steps through a barrier and disappears, so she was waiting for me…


"This is quite something, what's this place called?"

"They were quite bad at naming things, so they just call their world 'The Land of Heroes and Giants'. Both legends are true in a sense."

"So, normal-sized humans and giants live here?"

Scathach nodded at my question. In front of us was a humongous floating island. Four large chains were anchoring it to the ground below. From where we were standing, three— Perhaps four smaller islands surrounded the larger— Main island.

Below it was an enormous ravine. The surrounding area was mostly made of forests, hundreds or maybe thousands of trees were all around us. Several waterfalls were cascading down the ravine. In the background were mountains, which were equally large.

I looked to both my left and right and I could see two more floating islands like the one in front of me.

"The island in front of us is the main island, a capital you could say. There were once three others in total, only two remain."

Four floating islands in total, one of them is missing now. What happened? I'll probably get a history lesson soon.


We follow Sc—


When I looked up and to the right, a loud roar could be heard throughout the area. I could see what looked like a giant flying whale? It was white in color and had a horn, its eyes were yellow and it was flying across the sky, higher than where the islands were.

"Those are common and are mostly harmless unless attacked. They are called white whales. They are a common species here, so pay them no mind. Follow me."

White whales, huh? From the looks of it, it was at least High-class in power, adding to its size those things could cause a lot of damage if they attack.

We resumed our walk as Scathach continued down a path that was already made. There were lights and a few posts with directions on where to go, and at the end of it was a wooden lodge and another platform-type mechanism.

"Does this place have the same seasons as the human realm or?"

"Yes, it follows the usual spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Stand on this."

Scathach stood on the platform and so did we. Luckily it had railings to hold onto so no one would fall. It was just a large circular platform with a glowing green rock in the middle. Once all of us were on it, it started to move— Float towards the island.

"Like the elevator thing in Tír na nÓg, the green rock is just barely glowing though, some sort of magic?"

The further we went up, the more we could see. In the further back of this world… It was mostly dark and red, did some kind of battle take place there? I could feel death and heat radiating from it. Many of its surroundings were destroyed.

"What happened over there?"

Valerie pointed at what I was looking at and asked Scathach.

"The current world is split in a sense, because there has been a rebellion. One group wishes to rule as tyrants, able to bend the rules to their will, while the current government is a democracy. It's quite cliché, no?"

"Typical fantasy setting drama. So, I can assume they want my help? The current government?"

She shakes her head.

"No, the Princess has been kidnapped, they only want help with that, they will deal with the rest."

"Knowing my luck, I'll be dragged into the entire thing."

I stood beside Scathach as I saw her smirk. We were a lot closer to the island now… I look back and see the three women looking around them. To my immediate right was the other floating island. It was a desert-like area, to my left, mostly plains— No trees or shrubbery just an open field.

Forests behind and all around us, a desert to my right, an open field to my left, and in front a war-torn battlefield.


Finally, the platform arrived and we stepped off it. There was a sign in front of us that said 'Welcome to TLOHAG'. This makes sense if they put 'The Land of Heroes and Giants' it would take up too much space.

We follow Scathach and we stand on a sidewalk. The main city was bustling with life, of course, the sidewalks were also huge, and the roads were busy. There were normal-sized humans, slightly small giants, and well, 'normal' sized giants.

Although the architecture in this area was Victorian, there were also some modern-looking homes and shops. Perhaps this society is a lot more progressive? While I didn't see any cars, I could see some carriages being used, but only by humans. The giants had giant horses or simply walked.

"The large building at the top is where the Royal family is waiting."

Without another word, Scathach started walking, and we followed after her. We got a few stares and glances. The atmosphere was a lot more relaxed and easy going. Even when civil war is on the verge of breaking out.

There were a few street vendors and stalls around the place, both normal humans and giants advertising the food or item they were selling.

"Clam fish! Get it while it's hot!"

"Refrigerator? Who needs that? Come get the ice magic-powered box!"

A cooler? But with ice magic? That's revolutionary?

Dooon!!! Booom!!

We walked past a certain area and in the middle was a ring, two giants were fighting, another giant as a referee… This is legal here? Almost like a fight club in broad daylight.

"This happens every day. The giants here are both peaceful and willing to display their strength, so they hold events like this daily. The winner usually receives money or some sort of commodity."

"Can humans also participate?"

Scathach nods to my question… That would be an impressive lineup. Just then a new participant walks up and it was a human. He had a confident look on his face, while the giant was smiling broadly at him. They both shake hands and go to their side of the small platform.


The giant lunged at the man. But suddenly the giant was on his back. The man had grabbed his arm, twisted it, and flipped him over.

"Hooo? What a splendid move, that big fellow didn't even know what hit him."

"Right, he's also quite agile."

This repeated a few more times, the giant getting back up looking confused at the man. Finally, even the crowd around us was stunned and the giant conceded.

"It is my loss; I can't even get a hand on you, little one."

"Tis a pleasure fightin' with you, Mister Giant!"

The two smile at each other and shake hands. The referee announces the winner, and the crowd cheers loudly.

"Splendid sportsmanship, come let's keep moving."

Seeing something like that makes it difficult to imagine they're having any trouble right now. This is because they're not splitting sides… No, I'm assuming it's normal humans vs giants… It could be a mix of both.

We continue on our journey, coming across a few restaurants that were suited for both humans and giants, or even both. From what I can tell from a glance, these two groups get along quite well. Hell, in front of me was what looked to be a couple, a giant female and a human male.

While the giant female wasn't too large, she was still taller than the human male. If I had to compare, the guy was around 5'10 and the woman was 8'11, a big difference… But they seem in love, so who are we to judge?

We slowly climbed up multiple flights of stairs to reach the top of this city. Houses and shops were at every corner, and a few of the citizens recognized Scathach or me. So we had to stop and chat for a bit. The girls silently followed after us, even Áine was recognized once or twice.

"It feels like we're following celebrities."


Ophis agreed with what Valerie said as she let out a chuckle.

"Hey, Scathach, are those watch towers on each corner of the Island?"

I had taken note of them earlier. I saw one and assumed there was only one, but there were four in total. They were at each corner of the island, without turning around she nodded. Those towers were also quite large, perhaps so they could fit both normal humans and giants?

Even though I said there were normal humans here... They were anything but 'normal' maybe just like the devil clans they had their own 'traits' but as far as I can see, they had your typical super strength, increased speed, and stamina.

If they're descendants of the beings from legends then it makes sense.

After a few more minutes of travel and stopping to speak to people, we arrived at a large gate with a draw bridge. Two guards stood by them. I could see that the main building was disconnected from the rest of the island, floating on its own.

It was just a straight drop from there, no water or anything… If you fell, you fell into the ravine below and kept on plummeting. I couldn't even see the bottom from here, even zooming it…it was a really long way down.

"Hal— Miss Scathach!"

Both the guard and the one who spoke were giants. They looked at her with respect, then they looked at us.

"I'm back with the Middleman in tow, he brought some companions."

The two guards widen their eyes and nod.

"Welcome to the Land of Heroes and Giants, Sir Middleman, please, the royal family is waiting for your arrival."

The one who spoke signaled the other to pull down the bridge. They ran to the wall and pulled a lever down. The bridge slowly came down and made a loud 'thud' noise when it made contact with the ground. They nod at us as we walk forward.

Once near this 'castle' structure, the doors automatically opened, inside was a… Human maid. She had green hair in a bun, blue eyes, and was wearing the typical maid's attire.

"Welcome back, Lady Scathach. I heard you brought the middleman. Please follow me. The King and Queen are waiting."

The maid opens an eye to look at me and nods. She turns right and starts to walk away, and we quickly follow after her.

"So, Scathach, mind telling me more about this royal family?"

"You're aware of the royal family of the United Kingdom, yes?"

I nod.

"Their system runs like that, democracy. The royal family holds a lot more influence here. However, they sometimes have a say in the rules and regulations that are made. As far as I could tell during my last visit, the inhabitants here and the government… Even the rebels respect them."

So they just don't like democracy or something? I will just assume Nyarlathotep is involved in this too, because when is she not involved, right? The rebels… I'll also assume they already attempted to rescue her before.

After walking through a few hallways, turning corners, and walking through doors, we finally reached a larger door. The inside of this 'castle' was mostly… Mushroom brown, both the walls and the floors.

There was also red carpet everywhere, the occasional blue and green, but like any typical fantasy setting, it's red. Is that color associated with royalty? Like gold?

Click Squeak

The maid opened the large doors in front of us. When we stepped in, there were flags, fancy ornaments, and decorations all over the place, a few armored stands, and four guards in total.

In the middle on an elevated platform was the King on a large throne. To his left was a smaller one and to his right, the same size as the left. I will assume the Queen is sitting on the left, which means the Princess is meant to be on the right.

"My King, My Queen, Lady Scathach, and the Middleman have arrived, with companions."

The maid announces, bows, and stands by the door. Both rulers stare at us silently before nodding.

The King is a tall man with broad shoulders. He has short, spiky black hair and black eyes. He is also seen to have a small beard and light wrinkles under his eyes. He wears the garb of a king with a gold and red cape.

The Queen is portrayed as a middle-aged woman with blonde hair and teal eyes, with long daffodil blonde hair. She wears a long royal red gown with a gold line that stretches down the middle of her chest to her stomach.

"Mmm, I welcome you back, Scathach of Dún Scáith... I also welcome you Red Dragon Emperor and his companions, welcome to the Land of Heroes and Giants."

He and the Queen smile at us.

"I am Darragh Mac Cumhaill. Beside me is my Queen and wife, Isabella Mac Cumhaill, originally Isabella Wright. It is just as you think, I am a descendant of the famous Finn Mac Cumhaill, my wife is also the descendant of Benandonner Wright, the Scottish giant."

That's interesting, and I can see that they're both hybrids, a human giant hybrid. Both of them are taller than normal humans, perhaps around the same size as that female giant? The King was a bit taller than most.

I would guess 9'11 for the King and 8'9 for the Queen. First impressions are favorable so far, they don't sound arrogant or pompous.

"I am Jin Skyward, this generation's Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman. Cutting to the chase, I have heard that three groups of Gods signed a treaty in Ireland, that the Goddess Danu oversaw? So all three are willing to join the alliance?"

"Hmmm, we have… The Queen of Tír na nÓg Mia has informed us of them signing the document. Please bring it out, we will examine it. In the meantime, I will also inform you of our… Recent troubles."

I nod and summon a floating table in front of them with the documents and another where they need to sign. He nods as he divides them equally, giving half to the Queen and half to himself. As he reads, he starts to speak.

"About two and a half months ago, troubles started… No, this has been brewing beneath the surface for many years. I am unsure why it has come out now, but it has. In the beginning, both humans and giants did not get along. You could say it was nearly the same relationship as Devils and Angels or Fallen Angels."

"A few skirmishes on both sides, some casualties, and deaths. However, when my great great grandfather joined hands with a female giant… That's when the change began to occur."

"My father was a hybrid like me. He met, married, and conceived a child creating another hybrid. Eventually he became king himself— That's how my family has ruled ever since. Of course, his wife also became Queen. That's when our world at large started to accept and the anger and hate started to quell."

"It took a lot of effort on both sides, but around one hundred and fifty years ago, this land, our world became peaceful. Unlike the legends, my ancestor and Isabella's had a more intense hatred for one another, however, it did not end in bloodshed, only broken bodies and pride."

The Queen continues on.

"They fought many times over, each ending in a draw, eventually they parted ways as they mutually and silently agreed that their strengths were equal. After that, their descendants fought over and over, until…one side birthed a female and the other birthed a male."

"That's where your great great grandfather came along?"

I ask and the King nods.

"Indeed. After that, our society started to change, we advanced in many areas, including our magic and technology, thus the floating islands were made, we once inhabited the lands below. The Ravine and area of black scorch were our battlegrounds— Including the recent troubles."

"….Hmmm? So, did the desert and plains….?"

"You are correct, Jin, was it? The Mac Cumhaill hailed from the plains, while the Wrights hailed from the deserts. There are still inhabitants within them, they are also connected to these islands too, via teleportation pads."

Putting down the documents, he looked at me seriously as did the Queen.

"A coup d'état is currently happening. It started as a small disagreement about how our government and world were being managed. During all of this, the Princess— My— Our daughter was caught in the crossfire and was taken hostage."

"Our daughter is only twelve years old…. While she's a smart girl, she has no idea what is truly happening. We have tried to rescue her time and time again, but on our last attempt... They have threatened physical violence against her if we try to rescue her again."

"...So that's why you want me to intervene directly?"

He nods as the Queen wipes a tear from her eye with a handkerchief. But kidnapping a twelve-year-old child, huh?

[Also threatening her with physical violence, what scum.]

{I agree….heh, we certainly have changed, Ddraig.}

[Yeah, we can blame Partner for that, who would have thought that the two famed Heavenly Dragons would care for a random child?]

'This too is a form of growth for the two of you. Be proud of it. Your pride and thinking are difficult to change. It just shows how much Jin influenced the two of you.'

Rudra was not answered by the two dragons, so I interpreted it as their acceptance of what he said.

"All we ask you is to save our daughter; we can take care of the rest ourselves, Jin. Please lend us your aid."

Both the King and Queen bowed. The guards were shocked by this, is what I would like to say but they too were bowing. I guess the Princess is loved that much? Now I want to go and meet her.

"Hmm, where are these 'rebels' at currently?"

"They have their base set in the Black Scorch wasteland, it is north of here, you may have seen it on your way up here… The land filled with black, ashes, fire, and lava."

Oh, that place.

"We have spare bedrooms in our home, please use them as long as you stay here. Cearia, please show them to their rooms…. I shall assume you shall share yours with… Your companions, Jin? …Hmm? Áine of Knockaine? You are accompanying Jin?"

"I'm just a fan~"

The King gave Áine a weird look but didn't ask anymore. I was also curious as to her real reason for following me… I doubt it's just because she's a fan…. There are rumors that Áine of Knockaine is also the Goddess Danu herself…

My gaze is drawn to Áine, who smiles at me...Scathach told me that I would also come to like that Goddess, so I'm unsure right now.

"Yes, my King. Please follow me, Sir Jin, Lady Scathach."

The maid answers and the King turns to us and adds.

"I will have my Esquire of the Body give you more details later on, for now… We shall read through these."


With that, we leave the throne room with the now named maid Cearia. It sounds like Ciara, which translates to 'Little Dark One'.

"Will you be joining, Sir Jin, Lady Scathach?"

"Hmph, no, I will be in my own room."

"Very well, then will the rest of you be joining Sir Jin?"

Cearia asks the three who had clung back onto me.



"That's right~"

"Then please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything."

After Cearia guided us to our room and closed the door, she emphasized 'anything' there... Was she telling me something...?


"Please don't say it like that, I was just confused as to why she said it like that."

Also, you already know my policies, Valerie... As I looked around, I noticed that the bed was even bigger than the one in Tír na nÓg. Three or four of us could easily fit on it… However, I don't know how I feel about sleeping with Áine.

A large wardrobe, a few drawers, two lights that are.... I start to do the clapping motion when I feel an ominous aura coming from Valerie. She stared at me coldly.


Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!!!!

The lights started to turn on and off as Valerie shook her head disappointedly at me. Ophis started to do the same thing as I did.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Bonk! Bonk!

"You two... Enough…"


Áine started to laugh at us, Valerie lightly smacked the both of us, Ophis putting both her hands on the spot where she was hit, she stared at Valerie sadly, seeing this she hugged her and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Ophis!"


W-What about me…? Is this some sort of injust—

Boing ~

"Don't sulk, Jin! I am here!"


Áine grabbed my hand and forced me to grope her boob. Normally I would be happy, but…. We met today and you know….

"Uhm, I'm alright, I appreciate the thought though."

I remove myself from her as she seemed a bit disappointed. Now then, what to do? Get this done as soon as possible? I do have a twelve-year-old that's been kidnapped… Hmm, I'll do that then.

"Greed, Antares."

From my shadow came Greed and from my ring came Antares. The shadow kneeled and Antares slightly bowed.

"My Liege."

"Yes, Master?"

I point my fingers at them and send them the relevant information.

"Antares, survey and find out anything you can about this city, the other two and the one that fell. Greed, search for the Princess, inform me of where she is, who she is with, and her current status."


"Of course, Jin-sama."

As Áine stared in shock at the scene, the two of them quickly vanished.

"We don't see Antares-san that much…"

"King of Dragons…"

"King of Dragons?"

Áine repeated what Ophis said. She looked at me before shaking her head at Áine, again disappointed but understanding that she won't find that information out that easily.

"It's around lunch now, shall we go eat? I'm curious on what type of food they serve here if I had to guess, a mix of Irish and English food?"

"Yeah, I'm…quite hungry myself."

"Food… Jin…"

"I ate a little bit of a snack before I joined you, now that you say it, I am quite famished."

We were all in agreement. This will also be a little reconnaissance mission for myself while Antares does the majority of it. He was quite delighted when I told him to…

[He is a simp for you as well.]

{Stop using such uncivilized language.}

[The future is now, old man!]

Ignoring the two dragons we leave the room, not too far from us was Cearia, she walks over to us as we started to walk in her direction.

"Did you need any assistance?"

"No, we're just stepping out for lunch."

"….Please come back for dinner."

….? I was certain she would try telling us to stay for lunch, and while she was hesitant, she told us to just be here for dinner. Strange, unless the King and Queen already had lunch…

"Alright, we will."

She bows to us and walks back to her spot. Eventually, we reached the bridge, which was still down. Scathach was already waiting for us when we approached the guards.

"Scathach? What are you doing out here?"

She was grinning, and it was quite a large one.

"I felt an aura earlier, I am searching for it."

Ahh— It was probably Greed and Antares, but seeing as how she's still here it's probably Antares she's looking for.

"Don't bother, he's… A subordinate, I'm having those two scout out this realm. One is in this city, the other is looking for the Princess."

"Hooo? You have subordinates…? Now I'm even more intrigued…"

She was looking at me sharply, her fighting spirit starting to leak out, I just shake my head… Speaking of which it won't hurt, I'll bring her out.

Lianne, care to join us? My ring glowed without her verbally answering, a few seconds later she came out, she was wearing her casual wear.


The two women stared at each other silently, Scathach's grin spreading across her face, while Lianne blankly stared at her with no change in expression.

"Jin, lunch, is it?"

"Yeah, did you eat yet?"

She shakes her head, perfect. She can join us; we began to walk away from the guards as they were too stunned to speak. We pass by many of the civilians of this world, pass many shops that didn't appeal to us, including some restaurants.

"So, what are you… Lianne, was it? I cannot feel your power at all, yet my instincts tell me you are dangerous… Even more so than the…"

Scathach glances at Ophis as she tilts her head. We kept on walking as Scathach started a conversation with Lianne, even Áine joined in.

"I am also quite curious."

"…I am in no position to answer that question unless I have permission from dear."


Áine and Scathach repeat the word and turn to look at me. I kept my head straight forward and shrugged. Like Querehsha, Sharon, 'her' and now Lianne, they started to refer to me as 'Dear', 'Husband', 'Master' or 'Creator'. While the last one is rarely used, 'Master' and 'Sama' are generally used. In a more private matter, 'Dear' and 'Husband', they're getting this from Akeno and Reni…

"Yes, that would be Jin."

"To think you trapped some of your harem in a ring…"

That's not it…I look at her blankly, as she let out a low 'Ha' and shook her head.

"I jest, Jin."

"Jin, do you have a thing for blondes?"

Áine asked a very… Controversial question, the group stops and looks at me. Valerie turning red as she bashfully plays with a strand of her hair, Lianne calmly smiling at me… Also feeling curious.



{Be truthful, Jin, do you? I have been curious for quite some time…}

It's a damn coincidence…

[Reni, Asia, Gabriel, Latia, Lianne, Yasaka, Kunou, Ravel and Valerie. That's nine blondes, partner…well some are potential harem members, but still.]


[Actually, Elsha, potentially, so ten!]

{Weren't you against that?}

[I can't stop him, so I gave up trying.]

Ddraig's mark appeared and told the girls what he just said, all of them silently stared at me as I started to rub my forehead in annoyance.

"It's a coincidence, can we leave it at that?"

"I am more surprised you did not try to court the Queen of Tír na nÓg, Jin. If you do go back, Queen Mia is in danger. While she is Queen, her husband passed away not too long after their marriage, and she has been single since. They also don't have children…"

She smirked at me as she trailed off. I didn't need to know that, Scathach…

"Will dyeing my hair work…?"

Áine was messing with her hair while saying something outrageous…

"Food, we need food, everyone is acting strangely."

I quickly moved the conversation along, pulling Ophis with me as we walked ahead of the group. I could hear them laughing at me.



"Do, you want me to turn my hair blonde….?"


They're corrupting her…oh dear me.

[Blonde Dragon Emperor?]

[The Golden Dragon Emperor?]

Cúntóir: Answer: The Blonde Chaser

'I don't feel safe here anymore…'

Stop! Also, Rudra, I'm straight! Why are you even worried?! They started to laugh at me… I'm not even safe in my own thoughts.

We found a family restaurant that let both normal humans and giants in. Why are places catered to just normal humans and giants? While some accept both? The issue isn't that controversial; each shop just specializes in what it does, so the shop owners can focus on one thing.

I asked the shop owner earlier. They said that making dishes for both humans and giants was a lot more complicated than the ones that only serve one of them. In this case, they had to cater to both humans and giants, increasing their menu in both the literal and figurative senses.

We were sitting at a table that could accommodate all of us. To our right, there was a pair of giants, it seemed like a couple. They had to modify the restaurant to accommodate them, certain furniture and, well, everything else, bathrooms, toilets, and so on.

"Gotta give credit where it's due… They use the currency of humans since they do make frequent trips out. I'll tip them a lot since it sounds like a hassle running this place…"

There was a giant who came up to us and asked us if we were ready to make our order. We had been given a menu earlier, but it had very interesting dishes. However, there's no rule that says you can't order from the giants' side, so I did.

I had no idea what it was, but hey, live a little, right?

"Are you sure, Jin? That seems… Well, big…. Get that smirk off you…"

I was smirking? Well, whatever, I nod to Valerie since I wanted to give it a try. The rest of them ordered normal-sized dishes… If I brought Kuroka with me or Shigune… They would eat what I ordered without any problems.

"Yeah, it's fine."

Several minutes later, our food arrived... They said they'd bring mine once everyone had finished eating, or I needed to move to another table because of the size. I chose option two, luckily there was one beside us and it was unoccupied.

"…..Holy crap."

In front of me… Was a very large dish, bigger than my head— Hell, maybe slightly larger than my torso? It was a meat dish, with a few vegetables, spices, and herbs with a sort of gravy on it. It also radiated heat…. Well time to dig in I guess.

Everyone was watching me, even the staff. Is it rare for a human to eat… Well this large of a dish? I shrug again, and begin eating. I could feel eyes on me, but I devoured it all quickly. In a way you could say I have a bottomless pit as a stomach. I don't really need to eat anymore or do anything human-like, but I still do. Old habits die hard.


I finish eating it all, quite quickly. When I wipe my mouth and look back up, I could see the staff staring at me speechless, even the giant couple in front of me.

"Incredible! I've only heard rumors and stories of humans being able to eat an entire dish that's made for giants! You're the first I have seen personally, c-can we have an autograph and photo?!"


They happily got up and pulled me to their table, and took some selfies with me, even some of the staff and the manager there did. Once it was all done, they gave me some coupons. I paid for my meal as well as for the girls. I gave them a large tip and headed back to the girls. The manager nearly fainted.

"Thank you! Thank you!!! W-Wait! May I ask for your name?!"

"Just call me Jin."

"Thank you, Mister Jin!"

How much did I give as a tip? Well… Around two hundred thousand euros (€200k), a bit overboard but whatever, I can make money out of nothing…

"You guys done?"

I walked back to the girls and I looked to see they had disappeared, well Ophis hadn't, since she was still eating her sweets.

"Guess so."

I left the restaurant along with Ophis and searched for them. It didn't take us long to find them as they were just window shopping nearby.


During the remainder of that day, we toured the city and traveled to multiple places, the few notable ones being the first statues that were constructed of their ancestors, both men were from Irish and Scottish lines. We got a brief tour of it and its surroundings, and learned a few more details.

As to when they think it all started, around one thousand seven hundred and two years ago. They believe that was the first time they met and 'battled' it continued on until the famous legends and stories were spread across the human realm— More specifically Ireland. The story of Fionn mac Cumhaill and Benandonner.

After that, they spoke of the more current history of this place. It was a mix of boring and interesting. However, a lot of it was fighting for a few hundred years and finally the peace and advancement the King told us about earlier today.

There weren't any… 'Bad' parts of the city, there were a few individuals, both human and giant that seemed shady, I was going to attach a nano fly, but Antares was already on it, I had to wait for both of them to come back and report.

There was also an amusement park here. This fits both humans and giants, well most of their buildings, stores, tools, and entertainment were remade with all of that in mind.

Another thing, we were still waiting for the King's Esquire of the Body to come to us, earlier we had dinner, it was extravagant. The King informed me that he and his wife, the Queen were still going through the documents.

They would like to ask some questions tomorrow rather than during that time. I wondered why not tonight? But seeing how the Queen is still quite upset about the kidnapping. I'm hoping for favorable results from Greed and Antares.

So, everyone was here in my room, since it was a lot more spacious than Scathach's— Well I'm assuming this. It was around ten at night, I was sitting on a chair that was added to my room while we were gone, they also added a table and Cearia left some snacks earlier.

In my lap, Ophis was eating snacks while laying her head on my chest, and occasionally feeding me some. Áine had taken a chair and sat adjacent to me, and Scathach and Valerie were reading books. Scathach was seated across from me, while Valerie was on my other side.

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Come in."

I hear a knock from the door and give them permission to come in, I didn't feel any ill intent or hostility, I can assume it's the Esquire the King was talking about.

"Pardon my intrusion."

A man in a butler attire entered our room, he had black hair in a quiff, emerald eyes, and a monocle. He bowed at us.


"I have come here on the King's request, I am Jacob, it is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Jin. Now as to why I am here if by chance you see the princess and could not rescue her immediately…. This is her description.

"The Princess has golden-blond hair and blue eyes. She mainly keeps her hair flowing down but still has two small horse tails from each side. The Princess is usually depicted in her Royal dress just like her mother, the Queen."

"Of course, she may have had her clothes changed or stripped from her… Imagining the worst— While the Queen does not like it, maybe for the best, she—"

"I understand, is there anything else?"

The Esquire nods.

"While the King may not have explained the Black Scorch wasteland in detail, you should be careful. It is a treacherous place. You have seen the White Whales, yes?"

We nod.

"Those are not the only supernatural animals that reside here, there are other hostile creatures out there, so when you do venture there, please be careful. Some notable ones are the Burnt Trees who feed on human flesh and blood, the Darkness Dire Wolves, and the Goblins."

"There are more, but those are some of what you can expect. Are there any questions?"

"Why would the rebels make their base camp over there if it's that dangerous?"

Valerie put her hand up and asked a question, the butler nodded.

"It's that dangerous so who would want to go and venture there? The rebels know this, so they're using it to their advantage. If they found a way to survive in there while maintaining order in the base while repelling monsters then—"

"It's the perfect place for a base of operations."

I finish the butler's sentence and he nods at me. He asks us one more time if we have any questions, but there were none, so he excuses himself.

Once he was out of the room Áine and Valerie let out a loud sigh, it seemed like they were holding in their breaths.

"I guess I wasn't the only one, huh? Even if the two of you did it unconsciously, you felt it too, Lianne, Scathach, Ophis?"



"Bad man."

Everyone agreed, even Valerie, while she didn't give a verbal confirmation she kept a very serious expression during the short exchange, that guy just oozed sleazy dirt bag energy, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was the one leaking information to those 'rebels'.

I felt him moving further and further away from our room. Once he was a reasonable distance away, I let summon a nano fly and ordered it to latch itself onto him.



Scathach's eyes widen when she sees Greed and Antares appear before me, Greed was kneeling and Antares was bowing slightly while maintaining eye contact with Antares. The two then glance at each other and nod. Antares started.

"I checked every nook and cranny of this city, Jin-sama and I came across very interesting things. Firstly, there's an underground black market if you will, though this is within your expectations. It has been an ongoing battle to stop this operation, however…"

"There were talks of where the Princess was taken, while most of them were speculative, there were two rumors that came from reliable sources. The Princess was apparently taken to a place that's simply called 'Filth'."

"It is the former 'dump' of this world, throw anything in there and it will instantly dissolve, the liquid blue-purple in color and is quite toxic, the rumors said that if they send another rescue attempt…"

"They'll throw her in there."

That didn't sound good, Antares nods and continued.

"It also seems that a certain, mole, a rat if you will, is in the ranks of the royal family—"

"Let me guess, a butler?

Antares smiles and nod, I proceed to explain what he looks like and that he recently came by here. He confirmed that it was the butler that came here…

"And the Island that fell?"

"Unfortunately, not much information is in this city, I also checked the other two… It's like they are trying to erase whatever happened to it from their history books, even not many humans or giants speak of it."

Trying to erase it from history, huh? Alright then, whatever, I turn to Greed as he starts to speak.

"Antares and I exchanged information before coming back here, my Liege. From what he told me about 'that' place, yes, I have confirmed that the Princess is there, she is… From a glance, is well, unharmed."

"However, she is scared— Terrified. The being around her were both humans and giants, from what I overheard they did not like how the current government handle… Anything, while they respected the King and Queen in the past… It is not how they feel now."

"Because they support the current ways of the government?"

Greed nods…. Haa… It's like the devil conflict all over again, Anti-Satan and Old-Satan, devil civil war… But on a smaller scale, probably.

"Are there any plans or discussions regarding what to do with the Princess? How about the way there? What kind of creatures or…roadblocks are in the way?"

"The only plans are so far are keeping her locked up in a cage, sometimes feeding her… Very little. But if there is another rescue attempt, then they'll do what I mentioned earlier. As for creatures and roadblocks…"

"They have a human magician that's Ultimate-class in power, he can control the beasts and monsters that reside over there, they range from Low-class to High-class… I also heard him mutter… 'Her' name."

"The other humans and giants within their ranks range from Middle to High-class, only one two others are in Ultimate-class, a giant name Julric and a human Hero descendant called Eric. Julric wields a giant club covered in spikes, he's efficient in earth magic and physical strengthening magic."

"Eric is a magic swordsman, he is skilled with a sword and a good magician, however, he's a little weaker than the man who can control the beasts in terms of magic. The leader seems to be those three, the human magician, whose name is shrouded in mystery, Julric, and Eric."

So, Nyarlathotep is involved again, huh? If she was watching me, she must have heard the things I've mentioned before. Therefore, whatever other pantheon or faction I go to, they may have a problem that connects back to me.

How vexing.

[They're easy problems to fix, Partner. In and out, quick and easy.]

{Yes, if you wish Ddraig and I can help, along with Lianne and Antares, however, I can see this as 'overkill'.}

'This needs to be a quick operation, prioritize the safety of the princess, after that… Capture or kill, speak with the King before going to decide their fates.'

Right, I was planning on doing that, I could also just capture them, remove their powers and have the King and Queen deal with them afterwards.

"Good work."

The two of them nod, Greed returns to my shadow and Antares returns to the ring, I turn around and see Scathach still staring at me, weighing her options.

"Those two were quite powerful, I would say on the same league as Lianne."


"What to do… Have a duel with you? Lianne? Or those two? …...How about all of you? …Jin, are you trained in… Well, anything?"

"….I'm working on my own style with a sword if that's what you mean? Otherwise, I just copy everything I see and go with that. Whether it be techniques or abilities of others."

Don't tell me she wants to take me on as a student? I mean… I look her up and down, and she smirks at me as she sees me do this— Hell, she even moves her body in a way I could see…. Well, everything.

"Become my disciple."

"I refuse!"


Scathach was stunned, did you think…. Did you think your body would sway me that easily!!!?!?!??! I have more restraint in me, woman!!!


"It can't be helped."

Oh good, she's giving up a lot easie—



"…Oh my, how bold."



Each girl had a different reaction, I was also stunned. Scathach snapped her fingers and was in a purple lingerie, she had just changed clothes in front of me, her silky-smooth thighs were on full display. She then pushed her chest up with her arm, smiling at me victoriously…


Does she think this will work? How— How do people see me? When they hear the 'harem' part, do they just think I'm a regular old pervert?



Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.


You guys shut up; I wasn't asking any of you… It was rhetorical. Of course, I know that some people will think of me as that!!!!!!!!!!!!



"If you think I'm swayed this easily, you got another thing coming, Witch of Dún Scáith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I unintentionally released a burst of energy that pushed everyone away, Lianne stood there with a surprised look, she was the only one who held on. While it wasn't powerful enough to hurt them, it did push them away.

"Ha-Ha-Ha! So, you're not just a regular pervert, then? I see."

She laughs and snaps her fingers, her clothes coming back on her again, I make a 'tch' noise inside my head, her thighs were covered by clothing again. She clearly was aware of this as she stood there smugly looking at me.

I swear I'll have those thighs someday, Scathach.

'He does live up to that title, Thigh Dragon God Emperor, quite impressive…'


.....Yes, yes I do. Fuck it.

{[Don't agree with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]}

After regaining ourselves after that little fiasco, we sat around going over what we'll do tomorrow. This time, there's no side quest, it's cutthroat— Straightforward, well for now anyway… If they involve me in the politics… Then shit, I'll be useless.

"Will you be helping, Scathach? If not then we won't involve you in this."


I ask Scathach as she stared at the table, then stared at me… Totaling in two minutes of silent staring.

"Will you even need help? I saw you deal with the problem back in Tír na nÓg, you didn't exactly need help."

True, but… I feel like I should… I don't know, command my shadows? They don't exactly get much action, Bellion and Kamish reside in the Dimensional Gap, Beru is in Ingvild's Shadow, Igris in Akeno's, and Iron in Reni's.

Greed, Kaisel, Tank, and Jima are with me. Lianne, Querehsha, 'her', and Antares are also with me, Sharon is with Yasaka and Kunou in Urakyoto.

"I'll be acting as commander or King this time around, I'll be… Just giving out orders. If you join in then, you'll probably have to—"

"I don't take orders from anyone, especially those who are weaker than me."

The two of us silently stare at each other, the room becoming a little tense but—

"Though, I doubt you are weak if Lianne, Greed, and Antares are anything to go by—"

She confidently smiles at me, it seems like… She's willing then?

"So, I'll take that as a yes."

She nods, I summon a temporary ring, this will only give her the communication feature. I throw it at her as she catches it. She stares at it, looks at the girls' rings, and back at the one she received.

"Is this some sort of proposal?"

"….No, those rings have many features, one of those is a communication feature, so I created a temporary ring so I can relay things to you, you'll also be connected to Ophis and Valerie as well."

I turn to Áine.

"What will you do? Will you help? I don't think you're exactly a fighter…"

"Moral support and healing!"

I'm fine with that, I nod at her and turn around, we'll need more shadows, alright. Nameless humanoid shadow dragons then. I cover the room in a barrier and create… Twenty Humanoid shadow dragons. They're all the same size as Tannin, the former Dragon King, the Blaze Meteor Dragon.

These Dragon Knights are also Omniversal in power, can't make them weaker, what's the point?

"I'll dub you guys the Dragon Knights since there are twenty of you in total. I'll make more in the future and probably a leader. Any objections?"

"No, my king."

They say in unison, good, for now… This will do, for the rest I'll use combat android fairies, if necessary, maybe healing ones. The new shadow soldiers go into my shadow, I'll also name them down the line, I'm not that good with names…


We all turn to look at Ophis who let out a big yawn, Valerie giggled as she hugged her and brought her to the bed.

"Bedtime it is then."

"I will be going to my sleeping quarters then, goodnight, Jin, everyone."

"I'll be staying here ~"


Scathach taps me on the shoulder as she leaves the room, Áine is going to be staying here, I can't exactly force her out since she didn't get her own room…. Looks like Lianne is also joining me tonight too.


It's been an hour, Valerie was cuddled up on my right, the same with Lianne, Áine on my left and Ophis sleeping on my chest like a cat… Though, throughout the hour, Áine's been… How do I say this? Rubbing Jin. Jr with her knee.

Anytime I look at her, she turns away or pretends to sleep… What the hell is this woman doing? I'll need to sit her down and speak with her… Whatever I'll ignore it for now.

Next day

Dining Room

"A worm…"

The King muttered; I could feel his anger rising…

We were all currently in the dining room, or whatever the hell they call this place, banquet halls? Regardless of the name, we were currently having breakfast. The Butler from last night, Jacob, wasn't here.

I also made sure no one else was a traitor nor they were eavesdropping on him. I informed the King and Queen of my plan, as well as exposing the black market and destroying their business. Whether this stays permanent or not, will remain to be seen.

"So, you had your scouts… Go to that place and confirm our daughter is safe?"

I nod.

"He's currently back there, watching and making sure she's okay. I'm in communication with him right now. My other subordinate is making his way to meet up with the black-market goers… Now this begs the question, kill or capture, King Darragh?"

"Capture, let us deal with them, the same with the leaders of the black market… If it's possible, Jin."

"It'll be easy then."

'Capture, do not kill, Antares. I'll send ten Dragon Knights to you and the other ten to Greed. Commence the operation.'

'Yes, Master/My liege.'

Once I got their response, I summoned a few android fairies, five for healing, five for combat, and five for general use.


From my ring came out another girl— The final female I created months back.

Shaula has green eyes with three additional red dots around her pupils and long blackish brown hair which she wore tied together in what she referred to as a scorpion tail.

She was tall and had a model physique along with a large chest, all in all, being a very attractive woman.

She only wore a black bikini-bra, a bow-tie, a necklace, black hot pants accompanied by an orange belt, and a tattered black-and-orange cloak.

"Finally! Jin-sama!!! What can I do for you?!"

She bounces up and down as she was excited to be out of the ring… She was free to leave, all of them were. But I guess giving them absolute freedom to do whatever they want in there…. Keeps them busy.

"The Rat, Jacob. He's still in this castle. Capture him and seal his powers. Once done, stand ready at the top, and defend this place if necessary."

"Roger that!"

Chu ~

She gave me a kiss on the cheek before vanishing. It was the first time for Ophis and Valerie to see or meet her, so they were also quite surprised.

"Still a ball of energy I see."

Lianne said amused, I just smirked and shook my head. I turn back to the king as he was shocked to hear the 'Rat' was Jacob.

"J-Jacob is the rat? H-how? W-why?"

"I do not know, ask him yourself when Shaula is back with him in tow. Though if I had to guess, jealousy?"


The Queen and King stared at the table trying to wrap their head around it… But for now, it's a waiting game.


"Dash ~ Dash ~ Dash ~"

I ran through the halls of this strange place; I stop in my tracks as I felt the aura of this 'Jacob' person.

"Target spotted! Hmmm ~ Jin-sama didn't say if I could destroy anything or not… I'll take it as a yes!"

I summon some magic circles behind me.

"Go boom!!!!!!"

Jin Skyward

"Oh dear god…"

"Huh? Is something wrong Jin…"

I shook my head and sighed heavily. The girls, two rulers, and attendants in the room look at me strangely.

"I'll need to repair part of this castle-home-thing…"


Booooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!! Rumble! Rumble!


Everyone was just staring at me as I facepalmed.

"I forgot to tell her not to destroy this place…"


"Ah—I went overboard! I still held back though! Oi~ are you alive?~"

When the dust settled, the man named 'Jacob' was lying on the ground, covered in rubble and… Well, alive! Success! Hmm-hmm, I should repair this! That way, Jin-sama will praise me. Yes, great thinking, go back in time!

I point my palms at the destroyed section of this building and it started to repair itself rapidly, even the debris on Jacob was lifting itself off him and repairing the walls.

"He's still unconscious but alive… Well, whatever! Time to bring him back! ~ better hurry ~ I feel multiple life signatures approaching me ~"

I skipped towards Jacob, touch him and teleport away ~ Jin-sama wait for me ~~~~~~

Jin Skyward

"I'm back! Jin-sama!"

Shaula appeared back at the same spot she disappeared from but with Jacob this time… A very… Bloody, but still barely alive and breathing Jacob.

"I repaired the damage I did too! I did good, right?"

This Shaula is completely different from the one I based her off, she isn't a Demon Beast, but a human, a 'Perfected' human. Her personality is different too… Well whatever, she's still us— Adorable.

"First, heal him. It would be bad if he bled to death."

She did a weird pose while saying 'Ah! Right!' she points a finger at Jacob and instantly healed him, she then sealed his magic, while not as strong and overpowered as mine… It still gets the job done. Anyone weaker than her will have it sealed.


She trots over to me and has a very… Excited and expectant look. I reach over and pet her head, she closes her eyes and melts…the weirdly adorable face she was making was mostly— No, only ever shown to me— Or directed at me.

"Thank you! I'll go to the top then!"

Shaula satisfied with her 'petting time' she teleported away, to the top of the 'castle'. I turn to the now awake Jacob and wrap him up in truth ropes, what the hell are those? One, they'll forcefully make you tell the truth, second, it forces you to speak.

Seeing as how Katerea didn't… Well co-operate, I thought of this. Bondage, in a way. Baraqiel would like this…. The same with Shuri. Should I gift it as a present?

"W-What is happening? M-My King? W-Who attacked me?!"

"….Jacob, are you allied with the 'Rebels'?"

The King asked Jacob, he looked mortified at him.

"No— Yes, I am! Once I found out about the coup d'état, I happily joined them! I've been providing them with all the information since joining them! Every little detail! All the plans!"

The King's calm aura and expression slowly turned into rage, Jacob was surprised at himself, he wasn't expecting on just blurting out the truth…


King Darragh asked in a shaky voice.

"Wai— We were almost like childhood friends, Darragh! You got everything while I had nothing! I had to work my way up until I could stay by your side! And even then! Even then!!!!!! You got her!!!!!!!"

Jacob pointed with his body, at Queen Isabella…. Oh my god, why does it have to do with god damn romance?!

"She was mine! We spent so much time together! When you were busy with learning to be king…I was with her, stood by her side and helped her, but…. She fell for you, how?! I am bitter! I don't care about this place, if we ruled, maybe I could force her to be my wife, right?!"

Tears were streaming down his face as well as snot, this guy was pouring his heart out right now…. I feel like I have been rolling my eyes the entire time listening to this… I don't even know how to describe him. I'll go with tadpole.

Queen Isabella was staring at Jacob in shock, oh she's the dense type too… Or had already put him as a lifelong friend… Poor dude. The friend zone doesn't exist but, holy crap, was he attendant— Esquire zoned? Bruh.

"Hahaha! I should have told them to violate the Princess, that would have hurt you, rig—"


Alright, that's enough from you… She's twelve, I won't let that happen. Jacob's face smashed against the ground and was knocked back out. I repair the little damage it made and turn to the King.

"So, what now, King Darragh?"

"…I shall deal with him later; I have already decided his fate. Please bring the rest to us."


"I shall get going then, I will join… 'Greed' I wish to move my body around, fight the 'Magic swordsman' Eric."

"Alright, have fun. The rest of you spread across the city, we've discussed where you'll be. Lianne stay here with me."

Valerie, Ophis, and Lianne nodded.

"I'll stay here and wait for the bodies to arrive and heal them~"

Áine stayed here with us as well, she was mainly support.


"Five go to the left Island, the rest go to the right island. Capture them alive."

I ordered the ten Dragon Knights to split up, there were some worms in the other Islands that needed to be captured…this was the second time Master has asked for my assistance! This is it! This is what I've been waiting for!

A King! A (true) King! He is finally utilizing his position! The more subordinates he creates, the stronger his army becomes! This is the greatest honor, being able to be of use to him….

I made my way to the underground base of the Black-market, like stupid humans, they made their main base of operations underneath the main sky island, pitiful creatures. Did their greed know no bounds?

They could have utilized the Ravines, even the forest below, but they chose to form their main base here? Idiots…

I must hold back, my King has requested for them to be captured…. Ahhh, so merciful.


I summon two humanoid Dragons, both are at the level of Satan Class, this will be enough, these humans are weak. I walk casually with these two new dragons at each of my sides.

"Hah? Who the fuc—"

I slapped the man who started to speak to me, such vulgar language, has he no shame? As I held back, the man was only embedded into the wall, he was still alive, I could still feel him breathing.

"Enemy! Alert! We were ratted out! Dip!!!!!!"

It seems like they were alerted, it matters not, in my earlier investigation of this place… I sealed off their exits, efficiency is my policy after all.

"Capture, not kill, leave the leader to me. Go."


The two new dragons disappeared as they started their hunt. The cries and wails of despair from the humans who were being beaten bloody and blue was like a song to my ears. I love hearing and seeing them suffer.

As I walk past the unconscious bodies, I pull them along with magic, I did not want to go back and gather them up. They will survive being dragged around for a little while.

Eventually, the screams and cries disappeared, and only one was left. However, it was cries of despair, not of pain. Perhaps the two dragons were standing by looking at the leader?

"Who the fuck are you?! Are these dragons?!"

"Unfortunately for you, my King was asked by your rulers for help. This— The black market was just collateral damage. However, my King is merciful, if you provide useful information…"

"Anything!!! Don't kill me!!!"

I felt a smile— A very wide one spread across my face.

"Good, very good… Then tell me, human, all about that Island that fell…"

"Yes!!! Anything!!! We even have books that were going to be destroyed! Take them all!!!"

"What a useful ant, now, tell me anything that YOU know about it…"


The human trembled as I approached him…

Crunch ~

"One. If you don't hurry up and tell me, you'll die."

I broke crushed his foot, but it seems like he didn't notice…



"….Witch of Dún Scáith, you came?"

"Indeed, I wish to experience some form of combat while here."

"…Very well, I shall rescue the Princess, if you require assistance then I shall step in."

The Witch of Dún Scáith nodded as she leaped down and started to walk towards the camp of rebels.


"W-What the fuck?! Who are you?! A shadow?!"

With one swift movement, I karate chop his neck, knocking him out, I turn to the Princess as she had a fearful expression.

"I am here on behalf of my Liege; he has been hired by the King and Queen— Your parents to rescue you."

"….Mother and Father sent you?"

I nod, I reach over and break the bars, I pick up the Princess with one hand and vanish from the place. I re-appear by the spot I had originally used as a lookout.

"Are we going home, Mister Shadow man?"

"Yes, however, we shall watch over the Witch of Dún Scáith before we go home."

"….That Goddess is here? Why? W-Who is your…. L-Liege…?"

She is young so she may not know about the current situation. I nod.

"My Liege, and the one responsible for this, is the current Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman, you may have heard of him."

"...!!! T-The Middleman came to rescue me….?!"

It seems that she is aware of my Liege, I feel a sense of pride well up inside me. His name, his titles, and his fame are spreading far and wide, respect and fear are felt when his name is spoken or heard… This is what we all wish for.

"Yes, my Liege was the one who conducted this mission and operation."


"I shall protect you, watch the Witch of Dún Scáith on how she operates."


This place is as what Greed had reported, nothing but…destruction, the Dragon Knights he had… I could feel them killing off the monsters around us, when did he order them to do that?

To my far right, I could see a glow… Could it be that toxic dumping place? No, it has to be, there's a slight breeze and a strange odor is being carried from there—

"Weak, too weak."

Clang! Clang!

[You doing alright over there, Scathach?]

I heard Jin's voice on the left side of my ear, was this the communication feature he was talking about?

[Yes, I am. The three bosses have not come out, Greed has rescued the Princess… However, it looks like they are watching me.]

[As long as she's safe then they can take their sweet time getting back, keep safe as well.]

Hmph, who does he think I am? Well, it matters not, the amateurs and unskilled humans and giants attacked me one by one.

Inefficient, attack me all once, fools!

"Who the fuck is this bitch?!"

"Who cares?! Kill her! If we injure her enough, we can rap—"

Slash! Pierce!


Violate me? Heh, that's one thing you won't be able to do to me. No man has touched me since I was mortal, I spent my time honing my craft, spearmanship, and rune magic. While I'm no maiden I am no harlot.

"Hmm? Hooo? Finally showing up then?"

In front of me, were three individuals, they had the same look as what Greed has described from the night before. The human magician had a blue rob that covered his face and entire body, I could not tell what he looked like.

The Giant was around 15 ft tall, he had long and shaggy hair brown hair, green left eye, blue right eye. He wore a very 'warrior-esque' garment, he had a scar across his left eye, making him more menacing looking.

Finally, the 'Magic swordsman' he stood there looking like a typical 'Hero' from children's books. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a confident smile, he wore worn-down silver armor and with an ordinary sword.

"Witch of Dún Scáith, it is an honor to clash with you!"

The Magic swordsman Eric says, this one has honor, he also knew of my name.

"Who gives a shit about honor? Kill her!"

"What the giant said, end her. With my new powers, we can win against her."


Jin will have no problem with me killing them… Right?

[Remember, no killing, we have to capture them.]

[Very well.]

Very unlikely then. I spin my spear around and point it at them.

"Rejoice, for the King and Queen wishes for all of you to be alive."

Dwosh!!! Pierce!

"….?! H-How… W-What?"

I disappear and reappear behind the human magician and pierce his shoulder and both legs. He falls to the ground… He will not die from those injuries. Next…

"You damn slut!!! Die!!!!"

The giant in rage swings his club at me. I block it with my spear and destroy it with another swing… The look on his face was priceless, the pride he had in his own strength, the pride in that weapon.

Shatter in mere moments, I enjoy fights when both of us are equal in strength or if I'm slightly weaker… I get a sense of rush, an enjoyment I haven't felt in years…


Julric the Giant roared as he started to wildly swing his fists at me. Overcome with rage, since his prized possession, his club was destroyed… The same with his strength he is so proud of.

"How does it feel?"

"Curse you!!! How?! How can all my hard work mean nothing?!?!"

Swosh! Fwshh! Don! Don!

"Anyone can work hard… You first need talent if you want to go far, without it… All that training is meaningless."

That is the truth of this world, we are never born equal. Certain individuals are born into this world with near-infinite potential, with many more benefits. Like the famed Sirzechs Lucifer of the Devils, he is an anomaly even among Devils.

Not many like him appear, now the next is… This generation's Red Dragon Emperor, he is shrouded in mystery… Being able to create beings stronger than the Dragon God of Infinity? The Ouroboros Dragon? This isn't a fantasy story you know!



I dodge all the attacks thrown at me by the giant, his stamina slowly being drained as he recklessly and foolishly attacks me with no rime of rhythm. Like an animal… Backed up against a wall— Their instinct takes over, survival the only thing in their mind.

I disappear from my spot; I appear above him and kicked his head.

Don!!!! Boom!!!

The Giant called Ulric crashed against the ground, creating a large dust cloud. He lay there motionless, breathing and alive. During this time, Eric, the Magic swordsman stood there waiting for my 'battles' with his comrades to end.

"Young warrior, state your name."

"Eric Dooley! My name means the 'Dark Hero who forever rules'!"

He replied to me with vigor. Eric means 'Forever ruler or Always ruler' while Dooley means 'Dark Hero' in Greek. This young man is a descendant of heroes that hailed from Ireland, what an interesting name!

"I am Scathach, With of Dún Scáith and Queen of the Land of Shadows. Show me, young one."

"Eric Dooley, moving forward! Haaaaa!!!!!"

"It's over then."

Eric Dooley fought valiantly, while his swordsmanship was a cut above the rest, he still had much to learn, and he relied on them too much. He did not use his magic efficiently, it took him too long to use them. He only also used them to physically enchant himself.

He did not have the best use of elemental magic, they were low-class at best, while other magics— Apart from the enchantment magic… They were subpar at best. With this… It's ove—

"Hehehhahaha! Fool! Foolish Goddess! Do you think this is where it ends for me? Never! While those two idiots fought you…. I enacted my other plan if I failed the first!"

The human magician was still conscious? He lost quite a lot of blood but…

Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!

Around fifty magic circles appeared above him… They were all aimed… At the floating island, does he plan on bombing it?

"…That will not achieve your desired effect, magician."

"Heh, trying to bluff your way now? Eat shit and die! Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Greed had appeared beside me along with the Princess.

"This young warrior fought well; my Liege would have given you praise."

I believe Jin would have too. However, he's fast asleep now. I watch the beams of magic slowly approaching the floating Island, the human magician still laughing maniacally to himself… How does this help him achieve their goal? If he destroyed that place then…

No, perhaps he and the other one— Julric wanted to rebuild from the ground up, complete and utter tyranny.


"So it has begun."

The human magician let out a surprised yelp as he stared in complete silent awe at what he was seeing in front of him. If he summoned fifty magic circles…. She— Shaula, summoned ten thousand in response…

Dooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!! Bang! Bang! Bang!


I was on top of the castle waiting for something to happen when I stood up here, I had one of the greatest views around! Trees, mountains and all other spectacular things to be seen around me!

Oh? Oh? Oh? Ararara? Are those…. Magic circles?! And there are fifty of them! Wow! Such a skilled magic user! To be able to summon that many!

"I can only respond in kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing—

One hundred? No, one thousand? No! Five thousand? No!!!!!!!! Ten thousand magic circles!!! This is the only appropriate response!

"Fifty will do, do not overdo it."

"Geh! Old man Antares!"

I was about to unleash my magic when I felt a familiar presence appear beside me… It was old man Antares and he was glaring at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. He didn't like being called that.

He only accepts Antares, King of Dragons, or Monarch of Destruction. What a strict and stubborn old man!


"No. It will cause trouble for Jin-sama. RE.DU.CE IT."

"Ugh… Fine…"

I make the others disappear and only kept fifty, I then let them fire, old man Antares was fine with it and didn't try stopping me.

Dooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!! Bang! Bang! Bang!

My elemental attacks, met with the magical beams from the human mage that Greed told us about last night. Of course, my magical power was far superior so it obliterated his attacks!

Wait, doesn't this mean… Jin-sama will praise me?! He'll think I used my head and didn't go overboard! Old man Antares! You're a lifesaver!!!!!!

After the dust settled after our attacks hit each other… I could feel Scathach and Greed in the throne room of this castle. So that means it's time to go there!

"Come, our Master is waiting."

"You don't have to tell me twice, Antares geezer."

He left first, but I surveyed the entire city below me… No damages since I set up a barrier earlier. Jin-sama also had created some general android fairies so they were already out and about repairing things themselves.

Job well done? I wasn't sure but I finally left.

Jin Skyward

"Looks like everyone's back… This took, around an hour to complete?"

It wasn't necessary but Lianne and I stayed here in case someone else was stupid enough to try to take the King and Queen's life during all of this.

"How was it on your end, Ophis, Valerie?"

"Nothing, small panic because of large explosions, but the humans and giants are fine."

"A few rowdy individuals came out, but I stopped them. They are currently with this city's law enforcement."

Ophis had no action while Valerie had a little but nothing major.


"Mother! Father!"

Greed who had been carrying the Princess, who we just found out is named Siobhan, jumps down from Greed's arms and runs toward her parents. They have a small tearful reunion, Greed walks over to me and tells me what happened on his end.

"Good work, return."

Satisfied, Greed nods and returns to my shadow. Around Antares was a completely broken man, he was still alive, it looks like he used a little healing magic on him. Scathach had all three of the leaders of the rebels.

One of them— The human magician since he's in a robe, is the worst off. He was bleeding but still alive, the giant was also bruised and battered but not as bad off as the magician… Finally, the magic swordsman, while he had injuries, they weren't like the other two.

I look at Scathach as she shrugs, maybe Eric had honor? So she took it easy on him? Or at the very least 'fought' him.

Shaula was… Looking at me expectantly, I'll deal with her soon. I make the person beside Antares and the three leaders float towards where Jacob was still at, he was still changed up so he couldn't really do much.

The guy looked dead, lifelessly staring at the ground.

"Everyone is here, I'll let you deal with it then, King Darragh, my work here is done."

The King, Queen, and Princess had regained their composure and were standing there with their usual elegant auras. He nods at me while giving me a thankful expression.

We have nothing to do with this at this point forward, I'll have a talk with all of them then. I chain up the others so they couldn't move, I go over to the human mage and read his memories…

Much like the Leanan Sídhe, the human male mage— Now named Patrick, was approached by the same avatar that Nyarlathotep, offered the blood vial, and got stronger… What happened to the Avatar? Did it disappear once Nyarlathotep was imprisoned by Azathoth?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, I would assume so.

She did nothing else, simply gave him and the Leanan Sídhe more power and left… Were all of these just minor inconveniences for me?

Not wanting to have this guy go berserk or something, I remove the blood from him. He went from Ultimate-class to Middle-class...

[H-Hey, Partner, this may sound strange, but hear me out, okay?]


[What if she's helping you? You know— Slightly traumatized you and then help you in a weird and indirect way.]

{It's not impossible, seeing how obsessed and in love she is with you, Jin.}

I would rather not think about it like that, she's simply bored and trying to— Tried to mess with me. Leave it at that.

I leave the throne room with everyone else.

We were back in my room and planned on talking to Antares and Shaula.

"How was it on your end, Antares?"

He smiled and nodded.

"I found some very interesting, yet amusing information about the island that fell. The black market has a lot of information about it. They— The royal family tried to erase it all from their history after all."

"…To put it simply, it was a technologically and magical failure on their part, from both the royal family of the past and magic scientists—"

"They bit off more than they could chew? And it ended up in a huge disaster?"

"Precisely! As expected of Jin-sama. It was during the era when they first started to make the floating islands, the fallen island was the first prototype, they experimented and tested on smaller… Rocks, they were successful and kept on increasing the size until—"

"They finally used 'that' island as the first prototype for the Floating Island Project. The ones in charge at the time, they became arrogant, complacent if you will. That led to cutting corners, of course, the younger one's concerns were pushed aside."

I sigh and shake my head, even here it doesn't change. Whether it be with humans or supernatural beings… They still skip steps and major disaster happens.

"How many?"

"Three thousand seven hundred and one beings perished. Both humans and giants. After that, the project was put on hold, delayed indefinitely until they could GUARANTEE nothing like that would happen again."

So many were killed because of negligence, Antares continued.

"Then, twelve years later, they were complete, the island we are on was the first to float up, anchored down, and then the other two were built in less time since this one held up quite well. There may be plans on making a fourth one— To honor the fallen one."

"I see, well done, Antares."

I walk over to him and pat him on the shoulder.

"!!! It's my pleasure, Jin-sama! Please call me when you need my assistance again!!"

He practically nearly screamed as he went back into my ring.



{Shut up, we get it— You wanna go?!}

Booom!! Don! Don!

Well, it makes sense to try to erase that embarrassing failure and tragedy from their history books, but the ones who have been alive for a long time… They may remember but don't speak about it. Finally, Shaula.

"….While I didn't specifically state it, did you really need to destroy that part of the castle? And what about the ten thousand magic circles you used?"

She blushed and started flailing her arms.

"B-But I repaired that damage! A-Also I didn't use ten thousand! I used fifty, I used my head for once, Jin-sama!"

"…..I felt Antares join you before you attacked— Now, did he tell you not to?"

"...Yes, he did."

She was sulking... Haaaa….. What a troublesome girl. I walk over to her and start petting her. She looks at me confused, but still liked it.

"While Antares did stop you— You also followed his orders, that's praiseworthy on your part. Well done… You also checked to see if there was collateral damage before coming back, right? That's another point for you, Shaula."

"Ehehehehe ~ praise me more~"

"Alright, come back for now."

She puffed her cheeks but did so, I turn back to everyone— But the Dragon Knights appeared as well.


"All creatures around the rebel's base have been killed."

"All that are directly associated with the black market have been neutralized and are with the authorities of each city."

"Good job, come back."

Two of them reported to me and they came back to my shadow. I turn around to the girls and sigh, I look at Lianne but she shakes her head, so she wants to stay out longer? Fine with me…

Next day

We were leaving, while the King and Queen didn't tell me the details of what would happen to the rebels, leader of the black market, and Jacob… But I'll assume some sort of justice will be brought upon them.

Today, we leave. Our next destination was to the Tuatha Dé Danann in the place called Titeann Tír na bhFlaitheas or 'Land of Heaven falls'. Scathach also said we would meet the Goddess Danu… Somewhere during it.

"I look forward to this alliance, Jin…. And thank you for everything."

The King thanked me again, and yes, they signed the treaty yesterday. It was a bit late, but I didn't mind, that's two of the three groups…. Four? If I include Goddess Danu, well maybe five? If I include Áine too…

Well, whatever, Áine is already part of it, so those two left then. But why would they need my help? They have Lugh who's quite strong, he's in the top ten after all. Maybe… It's nothing major? I'll see once I'm there.

"Mister Jin! Thank you!"

Princess Siobhan bowed at us as she stood beside her mother. She quickly recovered and isn't too traumatized, what a strong one she is.

"It's no problem, Princess, take care now."

"Please visit again! I wish to talk to you!"

"Sure thing, when I get a chance in the future or a request."

We wave goodbye to them, as did they. We finally left this interesting world.

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