Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 1 – Part 1 – Heat, Shigune, and Selene*

—I won't protect everything. Although, I will absolutely protect those precious people within arms reach. If it's for the sake of that, I will slay everything.

—Everyone deserves a future, many can redeem themselves, but I've also come to understand that not everyone deserves that chance.


Unknown Location

Jin Skyward

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Ignia provided me with some information about the Khaos Brigade, so I fought him as promised. Even though I was only using a portion of my strength, Ignia seemed to be enjoying the fight. We were clashing in the sky as he threw Fire Dragon God Slayer magic at me, and I deflected and destroyed any that came my way.

Covering his right leg with fire he swung it at me. My right leg was covered with a touki, and we clashed.


A large explosion occurred. Ignia was sent back as I heard him let out a grunt of pain, when the smoke settled, he was grinning at me and his left leg was bleeding.

"That was painful, but I like it! A bit more, father!"

Battle maniacs are difficult to keep up with…

[And you're not?]

I don't mind them, but if given the choice to fight or not, I would choose not to. You know me, I'm lazy. As I finished conversing with Ddraig, Ignia appeared in front of me with both his fists ignited with flames. He sent out a barrage of flaming fists towards me.

In response to this move, I used normal consecutive punches, and our fists collided again, but Ignia winced every time, but the grin on his face never left.

Don! Don! Don! Don!


After that clash Ignia drops back down to the ground and starts to inhale air around him, wait, is he…? I land on the ground as Ignia had a smug look on him.

[He's going to roar…]

{How will you respond, Jin?}

I have an idea. Cúntóir, can this barrier take it?

Cúntóir: Answer: You can if you lower your strength to Omniversal, then yes.

I'll do just that then.

"Fire Dragon God's Roar!"

After inhaling fire in his mouth, Ignia lurched forward and opened his mouth. Out came a large mass of flames in a shape of a ball, and it was quickly approaching me. The ground beneath us was melting, even the air felt hot. However, the barrier held strong.

The attack covered the entire width of the barrier, but I expected that given the strength of the attacker. Maybe I should have just transported us to another dimension so I wouldn't have to worry about this…

I drew my right arm back, and I let out a sigh. This should end this, but I know he won't be too satisfied by it… Well, that's what I think.

"Slightly serious series: Slightly serious punch."


I punched in front of me as my attack met Ignia's or, more specifically, destroyed his and hit him full force. The instant that happened, I saw him pass out, although he was still grinning. I couldn't help but shake my head.

The area around us shook and rumbled. My punch created a large pressure wave, both in front of me and behind me. In reality, both our attacks were the same size, but my attack was much more powerful and had destroyed everything else around us. Thankfully the barrier was able to withstand the attack, and didn't break.

I walked over to the unconscious Ignia and threw some healing slime on him. He instantly woke up and jumped back on his feet.

"So, are we done?"

"Haha! That was awesome! But yeah, unfortunately we're done. So, after the whole Egypt operation will you fight me again? I mean I'm in a way helping you sabotage it."

He looked at me expectantly and I nodded in agreement.

"I mean sure, why not? You said it yourself; you'll be helping me."

He nodded in agreement and clenched his fist.

"Good! Good! This is why I like you, Father. Anyway, I should get moving, otherwise they'll start asking where I have been. Until we meet again."

Ignia's grin returned as he vanished in a flash of flames. I removed the barrier I had constructed and repaired the damage to the surroundings. I glanced at the spot where Ignia once stood. It makes me wonder, did Nyarlathotep make them that way? Or did they really just have those kinds of personalities in them?

[What do you mean, Partner?]

From what I can tell from the three children I have seen so far, and assuming Ignia is telling the truth about the last child being Meruem... Maybe they have some similarities to Nyarlathotep?

'Elaborate, Jin.'

I may be wrong, but... Ignia may be that small part of Nyarlathotep's personality that wants to fight and experience battle. When I clashed with her, I sensed a little bit of it from her. Even if Outer God's around meant to fight.

Lapis… I mean, it's a bit obvious from the small times I've seen her. It's her one-sided love and lust for me, but she's a bit less psychotic about it. I believe that part of the personality is in Frieza, as he's also quite obvious.

Outer God's are in a way, the embodiment of chaos, so most of those negative emotions and traits should have gone to Frieza. As for Meruem? I personally believe it's the potential for Nyarlathotep to change.

If we take into account what kind of person Meruem is from my memories then… That's the small part of Nyarlathotep growing a conscious, gaining empathy, and trying to understand other people around her. Whether it be humans, other supernatural beings or her fellow Outer Gods.

[I see, I can understand where you're coming from. But you'll probably find this answer out once you speak with Azathoth when you evolve.]

Yeah… Anyway, let's head home. I looked up at the sky one more time before heading back home to Kuoh.

Japan, Kuoh

Ding ~

I had decided to teleport just outside my home, and when I did a notification rang on my phone. I summoned it and took a look at what the message said.


|Hi Jin! I want to put forward a request! Take me on a date with me! It doesn't have to be now or tomorrow, but soon!

A date, huh? Also… I made that promise to Goddess Danu to help Áine get past whatever she's struggling through. But she also warned me to be wary of her…

|An odd request, may I ask why?|

|What do you mean 'why?' Didn't you go on a date with a Seraph from Heaven for one of your requests?! I demand equality!|

I mean, I guess she has a point. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten to meet Gabriel that quickly. I scratch my head. I guess this is one step to getting to know her more…

|Sure… Let's talk details a different time then?|

|Great! Sure, I don't mind. But you better keep your promise! Oh, you might also meet another Goddess that's been pretty elusive too! Hehe, be ready, Skyward-sama!|

Another elusive Goddess, huh? I wonder who…

Creak ~

"Jin? Why are you just standing out here?"

I hear the door open and Reni's voice soon after. I look up to see the blonde magician in a tight tank top, and short blue shorts. I couldn't help but stare at her and inhale deeply since everything was sticking to her body.


She tilts her head cutely and smiles, seemingly not understanding why I reacted that way. I put my phone in my pocket and answered her.

"It's nothing, Reni. I just got a request that won't happen for a little bit, anyway, anything happen while I was away?"

I enter my own home and join her. She quickly hugs my arm and snuggles into me.

"No ~ everyone's busy… So, a new request, huh? Who's it from? Wait, doesn't that mean Raiko-san will be coming with you on this one?"

"—And so will I."

A sudden voice interrupts me, and we both look up to see Rose. She was wearing her nightgown as it's already nighttime. Wait, what? What does she mean? Is she talking about being my secretary again…?

"As my secretary, right? The secretary of the Red— Dual Dragon Emperor, and Middleman?"


Not skipping a beat, Rose answers firmly with a tinge of red on her cheeks. I chuckle and walk over to her and pat her on the head.

"Yeah, sure thing, Rose. I look forward to it, but not on this one. But I'll try to do it during the weekend so we won't miss too much school... Actually, what will you do once I graduate? Will you keep being a civics teacher or will you join me in my new restaurant?"

I've been thinking about this for a while now. The same for Griselda. I mean, while she's not 'mine' per se, the same with Roygun since she'll most likely be the other nurse in the school when 'that' happens, but…

"…I will quit and join you in your business, Jin. I have spoken about this with Azazel, Griselda and recently Lisa-san. Griselda and Lisa-san will become the newly appointed club advisors for the Occult Research Club next year. However, I believe there can only be one advisor. They have said that either one of them will work."

Huh, I didn't expect that. She's thought that far into the future.

"I see…"

End of year exams… I don't have any problems with that, but I need to submit that career thing sooner or later. I seriously doubt the teachers would believe me if I wrote down, 'I will start my own international restaurant business.' Or something like that, they'd think I'm a crazy person.

"Well, let's just see what happens before we go jumping into that kind of decision, shall we?"

Both girls nod and we go into the living room.



"Hmm-hmm ~"

Part of my plan has been set, and all I need to do is follow through with it, then I can reveal Jin's true nature— No all the true nature of men. Irrespective of how desperately he tries to portray himself as a hero in the supernatural world. He's just a disgusting pervert in the end.

Harem? Are you insane? Who in their mind wants to unite everyone for such an absurd reason?

Fwosh ~

As I was prancing around in the secluded forest I was in, I felt the presence of someone I knew. Turning around I could see that it was Goddess Danu. She had a look of concern. Danu, please. I don't want that sort of look coming from you, a look of pity.

"Danu? ~ how can I help you?"

However, the Goddess in front of me does not answer me, she simply stares at me in pity. I sigh and shake my head.

"I am justified in my action, Danu."

"…Jin is innocent, he may have a questionable reason for uniting us all, but he's doing it for the betterment of us all."

Betterment, huh? Even if he is… No, he isn't. I don't care what you say. I—

"What about you, Danu?"


"I've said this before, you disappeared for many years, and only came out of your seclusion because of him. Explain yourself, or are you planning to stick with 'fate' brought you together?"

I couldn't help but scoff at the idea. Fate… Fate… Fate, if such a thing exists then—

"I do. Although I am unsure of what the future holds for Jin and me, I believe only positive things will come of it. Fate has a hold on everyone, Áine."

She said that in such a sincere way that it made my blood boil… Fate? Fate? Hearing such a word makes me sick.

"So, you're implying that what happened to me was also fate? Is that right, Goddess Danu?"


She had a look of shock after I said that. Yes, if you say such a thing, then what happened to me in the past… 'Fate' had an influence in it, yes?


"So, you're saying it was fate for me to be sexually assault by three of my husbands? Fate for me to see them kill my first child, fate for them to force my second to sexually assault me then kill them? And finally, my third husband to—"

I couldn't finish that sentence. I choked up, even though hundreds of years had passed. What that monster did to me… It can't ever be undone. Whether through magic, a divine tool, or even the Sacred Gears.


"...Fate that they completely destroyed me down there? Making it impossible for me to have children, or even have safe and enjoyable sex?"

I couldn't help but laugh. Even thinking about that makes my entire body shiver. Children, and a physical relationship that extends beyond handholding, hugging, and kissing… Anything more intimate is physically impossible. I don't feel like a person anymore, just some kind of defective product.

"T-That's not what I meant, Áine… It's tragic, however, those men can't hurt you anymore, nor can they come back. Also, it may be possible to 'fix' that if we ask Jin… You heard it from his interview with the Bael heir did you not?"


He woke up two devils suffering from the devil sleeping disease... A small spark of hope was sparked in me, but I must stay true to my plan. Just because he did that doesn't prove anything. All of his deeds so far could be just a ruse.

"I will expose him."

I turn around and start to walk away. You won't convince me otherwise, Danu. No one can.

"…He will prove you wrong."


I couldn't believe such empty words coming out of her mouth. Fate, and prove me wrong? I would like to see him try.




It was strange. Strange indeed. Seeing that new young Red Dragon Emperor evolve his Sacred Gear during his match against that heir was nothing short of entertaining. Those were my thoughts as I looked at the expanse of my realm's wintery wonderland.

I breathed out and I could see my breath condense, the city below me was thriving. In this realm, it was mostly covered in snow for 9 out of the 12 months. We only had 3 months of summer in total. I had jokingly made it like this many years ago, and I even thought of changing it, my people had already gotten used to it… Perhaps a small blunder on my part…?

"Perun? Why are you all the way up here?"


I turned around when I heard a familiar voice.

"Mokosh? Well as you can see, I'm just watching over our realm. Where is Dodola?"

Mokosh, one of my wives. Yes, I am married to more than one, but less than three… In other words, I have two wives. I can understand the young Middleman's stance on harems, though does what I have even categorized as such? I am uncertain…

"She is tending to other responsibilities unlike someone I know."

She gave me a questioning gaze, and did not look too happy.

"Haha! Well, I was just wondering if sending an invite to the Middleman would be the right course of action. Seeing as how we both love more than one woman, I may be able to connect with him."

I gave her my reasoning and she just sighed. W-What? Was what I said that strange? However, before I could continue, she interrupted me.

"I don't see why not? Many here seem quite interested after his display of power not too long ago. At the very least, Yarilo wants to meet him."

"Hmm? Yarilo? He has not once mentioned wanting to meet the Middleman to me…"

"Well, he has to me. Regardless of that, we must speak with the rest and come to a decision. As I have heard, the alliance seems to be more advantageous for those who join."

I nodded and got up from my spot.

"Yes, this meeting has been long overdue. Let us depart."

Now, what will our decision be, Middleman?




As I gaze down at my people carrying on their daily lives, I couldn't help but ask this: Would it be a wise decision to let the Middleman into our realm? After his recent match, which was broadcast throughout the entire supernatural world, many of the skeptics are starting to change their minds.

However, this is only towards my fellow Gods and Goddesses. Prior to seeing his match, however, more and more people have started to be in favor of his invitation rather than against it.

But there are still Gods that are skeptical or against it. Two stand out in particular: Seth and Ptah. I do not know why they are against the Middleman coming here since they weren't that particularly bothered by what had happened many years ago.

The destruction that was caused by both Dragon Emperors. It caused quite a lot of damage, and killed many of our citizens here. However, many have forgotten or forgiven the act, but there are still those that resent the two dragons.

Besides possessing another [Divine Dividing], the current Red Dragon Emperor is also more unpredictable. At least, that's how the people opposed to letting him into our realm see it. But we have voted to invite him into our realm. Perhaps the young Bael heir saw this as an opportunity to show the rest of our factions and pantheons.

I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"If so, he is a lot more cunning than meets the eye. Sairaorg Bael, was it? A very intriguing Devil indeed."

"Master Ra?"


Hearing a familiar voice, I turn to my side and see…

"Rashida. Did you need something from me?"

"Yes, Goddess Isis has returned. She wishes to speak with you… The matter pertains to the Middleman."

The Middleman? Why does Isis want to speak about him? Interesting, she was not against his arrival, in fact, she was for it. However, she had never had this much interest in him. Why?

"Master Ra?"

"It is nothing, Rashida. Very well, come. Let us meet with Isis. I am quite curious as to why she has suddenly taken an interest in the Middleman."

Rashida bows and starts to walk away as I trail after her. Middleman, Jin Skyward. When you do accept our invitation, and when you arrive in our realm. You will not only be battling for the people's acceptance, but also some Gods.

I look forward to seeing how you deal with it.

2 weeks later

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

Waking up from my slumber, the day had already started off quite boisterously. I, Jin Skyward or Aaron Toole, as I recently recollected my name. I am in a predicament. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was, well, women.

Now, that isn't anything new or strange, however, since a few things have changed recently, and I would say they were positive changes. In front of me was Rias lying on my stomach, and her face was just inches away from mine. She was obviously already awake and staring at me quite intently.

The other girls around me were still asleep, that much I was certain about.


I called her name out in a low tone, but she didn't answer me. However, she did begin to lean forward and we shared a short kiss. She was blushing when she pulled away, but came back for a second, then a third, fourth… Eventually we were making out, and I started to feel the others were starting to wake up due to the constantly moving—

"…Rias Gremory, isn't this a bit too early to be getting hot and bothered?"

We broke our kiss, and we could see Akeno there smirking at her [King]. Rias stared at Akeno's back and shrugged.

"I can, and I will… Let me be a little spoiled like you from time to time…"

Two weeks had passed and Rias only asked to be affectionate with me a few times. I can tell she's still holding back, but she's been doing it within reason. Well, that's what I think anyway. I would like to say nothing too big is coming up, but…

The promotions for all of her peerage members were coming up. During those two weeks Sirzechs approached us, and told us that everyone in her peerage was being offered the promotion to Middle-class Devil status. This meant they were just one away from being High-class Devils.

But he did say that the original promotion was too High-class, but knowing the backlash from the old boomers, they decided to space the promotions over a couple of months. For now, they'll have to take the Middle-class exam.

Chop ~

"No fighting so early in the morning… If you're already up come down to help with breakfast."

I lightly chop both their heads and push Rias off of me to get up. I then changed clothes and left my room. The others who were still asleep I left them alone. Rias and Akeno joined me outside once they got dressed.

It was still a weekday after all, although it was a Friday so we didn't have to worry about school for the next day. We finally enter the kitchen and I could see Inaie, Grayfia, and Raiko preparing breakfast.


I yawned and said the same thing at the same time. Both girls who were with me went and sat on the couches I had put in the dining room. I walked over to join the ones cooking. I got behind Grayfia and hugged her.

"What's for breakfast?"

Chu ~

"It's just a normal Japanese breakfast, Jin."

Grayfia, without skipping a beat gave me a peck on the cheek and answered casually. Damn, gone are the days of teasing her like this, huh? I couldn't help but chuckle on the inside. Thinking back on it, those days were kind of interesting, the short hostility of Grayfia Lucifug—

Squeeze ~


She lightly glared at me, but didn't say anything. Roger that ma'am. The other two who were helping her cook were looking at our interaction with curiosity and amusement. I glanced at them and shrugged.

"I look forward to it then. Good luck, Inaie, Raiko."

The rest of our morning went by relatively normal, a few girls' competition for my attention, and affection, though that's par for the course so nothing too noteworthy.

As we were about to leave for school Rias approached me, and tapped me on the shoulder. I turn around to face her and she was smiling brightly at me. A few of the girls who were about to leave and do their own thing stopped and looked at us.

"Rias? What's up?"

She brought out a lunchbox from behind her and put it in front of me. I see, she's giving me a 'bento', huh? I smile and take it from her.

"Ah! Don't open it yet, I want you to do it during lunch!"

I was about to do that, but was stopped by her. I nodded and stored it in my [Yexal], or ring. She walked over to her peerage who were already assembled, though everyone was staring at her. This wasn't the first time one of the girls did it. However, seeing as how Rias and I only started dating two weeks ago... They kind of expected it to happen a little later.

I mean, Akeno, Ingvild and Reni took their time with it.

"Well, I'll get going then…"

I quickly left before they had a chance to react to what had just happened. I closed the door behind me before jogging away. Having passed the house where Snuffles lived, I can safely say that the dog is absolutely terrified of me. Forgive me, though… I would say you deserve some of it…

I quickly approached the school and many students were already walking through the gates, and I quickly joined them. It was mostly quiet, even after having my own reputation. Most of the time they just give me side glances now. There's a 99% chance that I am hated by most of the males at school, but it's justified hate, so... Not my problem.

Smack! Smack!

"Yo! Skyward-sama!"

I felt the familiar smack on my back, and two idiots' voices beside me. It was Najima and Kouta.


I greet them and we start talking about random crap that didn't really mean anything, from video games, to perverted crap they said which I didn't contribute to.


I glanced to my left toward the Occult Research Club, and I saw Shirone watching me. Now that I think about it, it's that time of year again, huh? The 'that' I'm referring to is when both Kuroka and Shirone go into heat. Before I started dating Shirone, I would quell that part of her with the use of my powers, obviously.

In Kuroka's case, we would just have sex, and this is the same case for Shirone now. She and Kuroka did go through it multiple times while we spent the five years and fifteen years in the [Pocket Dimension].

Seeing as how she's just watching me from the distance, she's already expecting us to go at it like rabbits. In all honesty Shirone can get a bit freaky when she's in heat. Now I tend to keep it vanilla, but as I mentioned before Kuroka and a few candidates like to branch out from time to time.

But anytime Kuroka asks for more risqué things, I refuse. Sorry, I am not comfortable with that kind of play or kink…

"Jin, so, what do you plan on doing after we graduate?"

Coming back to reality I stared at Kouta like he was crazy. I didn't think he'd ask me a normal question like that. I glance forward and could see we were nearing our classroom.

"I didn't expect that from you. I'm guessing you two already know what you want to do?"

"I mean, you know I'm basically planning to inherit my family's business, so I'm stuck in Kuoh for the rest of my life. Hopefully, I'll find a girl to settle down with someday, you know? But they did give me the okay to proceed to the college division."

Najima says with a bit of hope. Yeah, his parents do run that bakery shop… Wait, I wonder how they would feel about combining their bakery with my restaurant? I'll run that by his parents in the future, but for now… We turn to Kouta.

"You know, I'm a free bird! I don't really have many aspirations, but… I guess gaming? I started uploading stuff to Youtube, and started that streaming gig. I'm good enough at games, right? So, I'm getting enough views and a few people are donating to me!"

Kouta says enthusiastically. I see, he's going to be a live streamer, huh? Its true he's good at games, but to seriously go for that, he has balls, or he's outright stupid. But he has been getting better at it. I mean, if Najima was the gaming god between the three of us, then Kouta became gaming jesus. Him and Najima have apparently been grinding it out when they have time.

I sometimes feel like an alien between these two. There's just buddy-buddy, you know?

"But I am attending the college division too. I just want to cover my bases, you know?"

As he explained, I slid open the door to our classroom and entered it with them. We still had plenty of time before class started so they got their chairs and came over to my desk. Both of them looked at me expectantly.


…Right, I was the only one left to answer. Both of them did give me pretty honest answers, so I'll do the same.

"Well, I have some… Backers you could say, anyway, I'm planning to open a restaurant after graduating. You know the free spot near the flower shop? Yeah, that's where I'll have it. So, I'll need to balance my college life and operating a restaurant."

The two of them stare at me blankly, and their eyes slowly widen in shock.


They both shouted, but since it was still early in the morning not many students were here and only a few glanced at the two in annoyance.

"What the hell do you mean, Skyward-sama?!"

"Holy shit! I can eat your food anytime I want! This is so awesome!"

Good to know you have your priorities straight, Kouta. They start asking me questions about it and I answer them to the best of my ability. I have been slowly making a menu for it, but it's a slow process, but! I do have a saving grace.

I have started to take more inspiration from other countries' cooking. I am going to other pantheons and factions, right? I might as well take advantage of that, you know? The more diverse my menu is, the better… Well, that's what I think anyway. Some people may see it differently.

Some say to keep your menu to one type of style, so Japanese, Greek, Irish, or whatever. The food will turn people into regular customers because they like it, and your menu isn't constantly changing. However, I won't be changing it constantly. It will have a variety of foods, and I may just add a 'weekly' or 'monthly' brand-new food item for some to try out.

I will keep some classic Japanese dishes since I live in Japan and there will definitely be some that would want to just eat some Japanese dishes, right? I mean, I'm not too worried since I know Kouta will be a regular, maybe even his parents. The same for Najima.


Kouta and Najima couldn't keep their mouths shut, so my plans for starting a restaurant started to spread around school. Many questioned if I was a good cook or if I could even cook. But a few of the girls I was close with, along with Gasper and Kiba backed me up, and now many are looking forward to it.

Even the guidance counselor approached me about it, and we had a brief chat about it. Safe to say he was pleased with me having a plan at least. In order to avoid the heat of the school, I ran away to the clubroom since I was getting so much attention.

"I'll seriously kick those two's asses for this…"

I grumbled from Rias' lap. Yes, she was giving me a lap pillow, though I hadn't eaten yet, so I was about to get up and try her bento. I was planning to show it off to those two idiots, but seeing how they informed the school… Screw them, or whatever.

I got up from Rias' lap pillow and pulled out the bento from my ring. Rias was smiling now, and the ones in the clubroom with us— They were mainly the club members, plus Irina, Griselda, Azazel and now the new Lisa.

"Ara? A bento? Now who made that?"

Lisa asked and Rias raised her hand making her laugh. I opened it and… It was a normal boxed lunch. I mean, I should have expected that, but there was tamagoyaki, or egg omelet, rice, and other assortments. I summoned some chopsticks and was about to dig into it when—


Rias took them from me! I look at her in confusion, but she grabs a piece of rice with a bit of tamagoyaki and brings it to my mouth. She wants to feed me? As she waited for me, she smiled at me with a happy expression. I glance at everyone in the room, and they were also waiting. Akeno was pouting a tiny bit.

"R-Right… A-Ahh…"

I opened my mouth and Rias fed me. She looked very satisfied with herself—

"Baka-uple." (Stupid couple/idiot couple)


Azazel said it first, and then everyone else followed. Rias blushed, but kept on feeding me. So, she wasn't really bothered by it… It was all running smoothly until Akeno stood up suddenly and came over to us.

[Here it is!]

{Waku, waku!}

Akeno summoned her own pair of chopsticks, grabbed some of the rice and food from the lunchbox and put it up to my mouth. Rias was stunned, and Azazel began to laugh. I awkwardly opened my mouth and ate it. Rias was a bit unhappy, so she immediately followed up by doing the same thing.


This is God damn war! These two were poking my mouth and cheeks trying to make me eat my lu— Even more of them are coming over!! Asia, Xenovia, Ravel, Ingvild, Rose, Shirone, and—

"Why are you coming?!"

Lisa also approached with her own chopsticks. I didn't get any response from her, but she only did the 'ufufufu' thing. This can't get any—

"No! Stop! Kiba! Gasper!"

Those two also approached me. Azazel's laughter kept on getting louder. I was very tempted to zap him. So, my lunch was even more chaotic thanks to everyone trying to feed me. Irina and Griselda looked like they wanted to join in…

[Partner, should I join?!]



…Yeah, hectic…


Skyward Household

On the same day, a few people came to my home at night. They were Sirzechs, Asteri and Azazel. We were gathered up in the living room. I knew what was happening, and the rest had somewhat of a vague idea. I mean, it was either something to do with the Khaos Brigade, or the promotion test that they would be taking, so it wasn't that hard to narrow down.

Grayfia came back with tea and poured some for Sirzechs, Asteri and Azazel. After that, Sirzechs started to speak.

"Just as I told all of you last time, Koneko-kun, Kiba-kun, Gasper-kun, Asia-kun, Xenovia-kun, and Akeno-kun have accomplished many achievements; so, the topic of all of Rias Gremory's peerage getting a promotion has been decided by us, the Four Satans, and other top council members."

"Ah, so it's about the promotion exams."

Rias nods after saying that, and Sirzechs does the same thing.

It makes sense, for all that it's worth, these guys played roles in it, even if I did a lot of the work. They still contributed a lot to those incidents.

"Yes. So, about the promotions, it wouldn't be wrong for me to say that all of you should get a promotion to High-class Devils by skipping the Middle-class Devil exam. But because of the promotion system, we would like you to go through the Middle-class exam first."

I glanced at the ones being given this opportunity. They were obviously shocked, though they weren't too shocked since I'd already told them to expect something like this in the future. Obviously Sirzechs told me first and then everyone else a few weeks ago.

"It's not that weird. I mean, for all of you to be given this promotion to become High-class devils, and all the things you have achieved so far isn't anything to scoff at. But even in the world of devils, there are still steps you have to take."

Azazel said while drinking the tea that Grayfia gave him.

"Especially the higher-ups are fussing about it. They acknowledge the special promotion for all of you, but they are also saying to follow the proper procedures. That's why you'll become Middle-class Devils first, and be active in that rank for a while."

"After that, you will soon receive the promotion to become High-class Devils from them. During your time as Middle-class Devils make use of that time to plan out what you want to do once you become High-class Devils."

Azazel finishes speaking and starts to cough violently. It seems like the tea he drank went down wrong. Everyone in Rias' peerage had different reactions. For one, Gasper was the one who was most shocked. I don't blame the guy.

Just before he met me, he was pretty shy. Compare his current personality and his old one, and it's like night and day. From shy NEET Dhampir to easy to talk to, and has confidence like any normal person, and also on the verge of getting a girlfriend.

"A-Azazel-sensei, is it really okay?"

Gasper asks with a small stutter. Despite his skepticism, Azazel nods along with Asteri and Sirzechs.

"Yes. You guys essentially defeated the Evil God Loki, and constantly defeating the terrorist are pretty big achievements. Not to mention the tremendous growth, and how you basically curb stomped the strongest youth's peerage in your most recent match."

He says to Gasper seriously, then he turns his attention to me. Everyone else does the same, which confuses me.

"Add to the fact that you are close friends with the Middleman, or even lovers with him. He also personally trained all of you, and helped with that growth. He's also known as the popular 'Oppai, Ketsu, and Thigh Dragon'. It wouldn't be surprising if the topic of promotion for all of you came up."

Azazel shakes his head.

"No, I would say that this is an expected result."


You two are strangely quiet about those titles now.

{[We have resigned ourselves to our fate.]}

Good to know… Also, a brand-new product was created by Sirzechs, or whoever the hell was in charge of that show and its merchandise. It was called the 'Sponge Dragon', and yes, it's what you think it is. I can understand the plushies, even… Er, the body pillows and such, but… A sponge? Like really? As I reflect on my life so far, Rias speaks up.

"Congratulations on the promotion, all of you. As my servants, friends, and family. I am very blessed."

Rias says with a satisfied smile. In turn her peerage also thanked her as they too were quite happy with it. Every one of them starts thanking Sirzechs for the opportunity and he becomes a little flustered by it.

"Think nothing of it."

Sirzechs says and then turns to look at me. He had a mischievous smile on him, I saw Asteri slowly taking a paper fan out from in-between her breasts. This also made Azazel slowly scoot away from the two.

"Now that the serious topics are out of the way… Rias, Jin! Congratulations on finally making it official! I may have been late with this, but when can we expect a child—"


Sirzechs was cut off by Asteri smacking him with the paper fan. The Satan Lucifer was temporarily knocked out.

[I have resolved myself to being single.]


'Women are not that intimidating, you two.'

Rudra reprimands the two, but something feels off. The two Heavenly Dragons refused to say anything else… What the hell's happening in there…?

"O-Onii-sama, we're still in high school, and we still need to graduate from college…"

Coming back to life, Sirzechs props himself back up with a grin on his face.

"Oya? Does that mean you will seriously start thinking about it after you graduate from college, Rias? How does Jin-kun feel about having children with his future harem?"

Rias became red after Sirzechs points that out, also, I didn't want this topic to come up yet… I felt everyone's gaze burning a hole through me. I know some of the girls, mainly Reni and Grayfia have said they wanted children in the future, although I have no idea how serious they were about it since they said it during the heat of sex.

I also know that Kuroka wants kittens in the future, but since she's calmed down a bit, she's not asking about it as much, or at all, really. I quickly scan the room and, yeah, they were all waiting for my answer.

"Well, I mean. How do I say this…? If they want some in the future? Sure, why not? I'm not against having children if that's what you're thinking."

"Haha! Do you hear that, Asteri? We'll get to see and interact with Ria-tan's children ~"

"…Yes, if we do not include the topic of the re-population of the Devil race, then having more Gremory's, or Skyward's running around isn't a bad feeling to think about. Millicas will have others that will look up to them."

Asteri says this with a composed and calm expression. However, I could tell from her emotions that she was as excited about it as Sirzechs... Geez, these two are nearly identical. She does spoil Millicas a lot…

"Hmm-mmm! Then, Jin-kun! Go ahead and call me 'Onii-san' or 'Onii-chan'!"

Sirzechs says while looking at me rather excitedly.



As I said that, Azazel spat out his tea, and started to cough violently while cackling to himself. Sirzechs' mouth was twitching, since I did say the first part, so he was probably expecting me to actually say it. Sorry dude, not now.

Asteri sighs beside him and massages her forehead.

"Dear, you are going overboard. One day he will call you that. Don't you think it will mean more, and be a lot more special if he does it of his own free will? So, just wait for it to happen."

"…Y-You're right, Asteri. Perhaps rushing things is the bad traits of the males of Gremory…. Ahem."

Azazel finally stops coughing and laughing.

"Anyway, it's like that. Next week you'll have your promotion exam. Make sure to study up on it because you'll be heading to the Underworld for it."

They were a little stunned, but yeah, just a week to prepare? I mean, I doubt they'll have any trouble with the practical since they are all Dragon God-class and up. So, the only thing they need to prepare for is…

"Next week? That's quite sudden."

Rias says, and got approving nods from her peerage. Akeno continues.

"If I remember correctly, the test for the Middle-class promotion exam includes a writing report, a writing test, and a practical, correct? Putting aside the practical, will we be alright with the report and writing test?"

A look of panic crossed Xenovia's face as she glanced at everyone. While she has improved in strength, she is still mostly a muscle-head. Now, she did get a bit smarter, I mean... We did study a few times in the [Pocket Dimension] though they were few and far between.

Azazel then speaks up again.

"Don't worry about it. If it's the writing test, Akeno, Kiba, Asia, Koneko, and Gasper will have no problems... We will need to focus that help towards Xenovia. She's a fast learner, so just put your effort into that for now."

"Anyway, it is basic knowledge and application problems for Devils, and also questions relating to the Rating Game. So, it's not anything revolutionary. What are they supposed to write about in the report?"

Azazel looks at Sirzechs, Asteri, and Grayfia. Grayfia nods and explains.

"The report that will be submitted on the day of the test can be broken down to 'What will you do when you become a Middle-class Devil?', and write about aim and greed as a theme. It's also popular to include 'What have you accomplished up until now?' In it as well."

It's nothing too complicated, even Nova can get through that, but…

"It's weirdly similar to tests taken by humans, huh?"

When I say that out loud, Azazel turns to me and nods.

"Yes, I believe they use that as a model?"

He said it in a more of a question, rather than a definitive answer. He glances at Sirzechs and he nods.

"The majority of the devils taking the Middle-class promotion exams are reincarnated devils. Because of that we use the test in the human world as models, and use the same structure on the promotion exams. We don't want to confused and overwhelm them after all."

I see. That makes sense, I mean if they have to learn a completely new structure that would probably not bode too well for them, but reincarnated devils are more than just humans. Other races and species can be reincarnated after all…

"Anyway, the report will be due on the day of the test, so have that as your first priority. But Xenovia!!"

Azazel points at Xenovia.

"Y-Yes, Azazel-sensei?!"

"Besides the report, you on the other hand have to study for the writing test! Rather than common knowledge, train that brain of yours for a week, so you can answer application questions! Rest assured; you have many intelligent friends around you."

Asia, and Ingvild put a hand on her shoulder.

"You can rely on us, Xenovia-san."

"That's right, Nova, if you need help just come to us."

Everyone came together to help Xenovia, and she looked quite thankful. However, Gasper puts his hand up and Azazel nods.

"Umm, what about the practical?"

I answer him this time.

"You won't need to worry about that, Gya-suke. You guys will blow that out of the water, so don't worry about it too much. Also, before you ask, you won't fail. I'll do spartan training with your damn brains instead if I have to."

Everyone gave me strained smiles, yes, if push comes to shove... I will drag all of you to the [Pocket Dimension], and just study for an entire year there. I look at Xenovia as I said that.

"With that over, we should get going. Thank you for the hospitality, Jin-kun."

Sirzechs, Asteri, and Azazel get up before leaving my home. Now, normally this is where Rose is supposed to go back to Asgard since she lost badly against Sairaorg and wants to train to become stronger, but since she's not Rias' [Rook], and she's already strong enough… She'll be sticking around for the mid-term… Wait, mid-term?

"We still have one more battle to conquer."

Everyone looks at me, and I pause for dramatic effect—

Pinch ~

"Out with it…"

Ingvild had come over to me and pinched me. She's using the Gremory tactic of pinching… I chuckle and continue.

"We have the mid-terms coming up."

To that, Xenovia's face paled. You have this and the promotion test to study for, Nova. I wish you luck… Also, the other thing… This is when Ravel becomes Ise's manager, but since I'm not a devil nor do I have a peerage…

Sirzechs and Ravel never discussed that topic, however, Ravel has said she wants to join me in my restaurant, so that's still going to happen one way or another. Also, I already have support from Rose, Lianne, Raiko, and now Ravel. I'm not exactly in a bind for anything.

I glance at Kuroka and Shirone, both of them had been silently and mostly watching me the entire conversation. I know what they want so I'll do that tonight with them. So, for the rest of our time, we spent it relaxing, and the girls talking about plans in how to make Xenovia smarter. The topic of the [Pocket Dimension], and the [Training Facility] was brought up…


Lemon start

"Mmmpch… Mmmch… Mmm."

"Mmpch… Mmmch…. Mmllehhh… Mmmnch."

I was in Kuroka's room and both sisters were kneeling in front of me sucking and licking my member. These two are currently in heat, so I'm helping them out. I had already erected a barrier around us, so we don't need to worry about interruptions.

In addition, I mentioned to the girls that these two were in heat, so we also have some privacy for the next few hours.

"Enough nya! I want it in me!"

Shirone was a bit surprised by Kuroka's sudden shout, but accepted it. She got up and sat beside me. Meanwhile, Kuroka stripped everything off her and straddled me. She grabs my erect member and slowly sinks herself onto it.

Feeling her wet and warm folds I also make a satisfied grunt. I could see that Shirone was feeling a little sad and left out so I brought her closer and kissed her.

"Mmmh, nnha… Nhhn, nha… Mmpch…"

Pah ~ Pah ~

As Kuroka rode me, I also did a few thrusts myself as to not just leave the entire process up to her. With my unoccupied arm, I reach out and start kneading Shirone's breasts making the girl shiver and let out a sweet moan.

"Haaa… Haaa… Nya ~ nya ~"

Kuroka was lost in her own world as she increased her speed without considering the rhythm we had created. I pulled back and—



Slammed my member against the entrance of her womb, causing the girl to tighten her vaginal walls. Kuroka drooled a little bit, but eventually started to bounce up and down again, however, she was doing it a little slower now.

I glance at Shirone and communicated with her silently. She nods and pulls away, so I could focus on Kuroka. Seeing her slowly bouncing up and down due to what I did earlier— I thrust hard into her again.

"Nyaaaaa! Ah, ngh! That was sudden… Hyaah!"

Pah ~ Pah ~

"W-Wait, J-Jin…! Haaah…! My insides are tingling…. Aaahh, nnngh!"

Kuroka was losing herself as I kept up my pace and rhythm, I had wrapped both my arms around her and was solely focusing on her.

"You're saying that, but you're moving your hips in sync with mine."

"D-Details nya!"

Each thrust, each stroke, I plunge my member all the way, and just as her hips begin to rise, I pull back to the very last point before my member pops out.

"Mmmgh, hyah, haaa… Don't, it'll come out…. Haaah!"

I felt Kuroka forcefully trying to pull herself back down, stopping me from doing what I was going to do.

"More! Mmm, haah… Rub me more! My pussy! I'll give you everything you want, so keep goiiiing!!"

Sweat drops down her torso as she twists her whole body to manipulate the shape of her vagina. Seeing her work so hard excites me more.

Thrust ~ Pah ~

"Hfff, haaah fwaaaah! Ah, mmmh, y-you're pounding all the way inside nyaaa ~"

Kuroka grabs my head and pulls me into her chest, her hold was tight… She was about to come, good timing. I was about to do the same.

"Jin ~ Jin ~ I'm close ~"

She announces her impending orgasm, her voice indicating she's at her wits end.

"Fwaah, aahh, mmmgh, aaahh! Jin, your dick is getting bigger inside me… Haah, nngh….! T-Together… Hyeek, mmm, mmffff… Come with me… Do it inside…!"

Seeing her desperate for release brings me closer to the brink. I start to thrust wildly, losing myself to the pleasure.

"Oooohh?! Do that more…! I love it when you hit me womb…! Again! Again!! Eek, ah, ah, aaaaah!"

Pah ~ Pah ~

"Cumming… Cumming… Jin!!"

Kuroka screams my name and tenses up, pressing her hips downward into my lap. I thrust one last time, pressing against her womb—


Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Nnnnnaaah!! Here it is! Jin, your hot milk…!"

I also felt Kuroka violently shake in my arms as we both reach our own climax. But I wasn't close to stopping, I just kept on cumming, and cumming…

"So… Much…. Amazing…"

I pull away from Kuroka's embrace, and to my surprise she was already exhausted. Her eyes were glazed over and she wasn't all there… This had never happened before, she's usually fine for multiple rounds, even in the past when she went into heat.

I clean up the tired Kuroka, and place her down on her own bed. Shirone who had been watching was rubbing herself as she watched me have sex with Kuroka. Since it was her turn, I tap my lap and she crawls over to me.

"Sorry for the way, Shirone."

"Nyan. It's my turn… Jin."

She glances at my member which was still erect and she smiles.

"You're still raring to go."

She runs her finger on my mushroom head, and scoops up some cum with her finger, and puts it into her mouth.

"…Tasty… Excuse me."

She quicky grips it, gives me a quick handjob before taking the same position as her sister. But since I was a bit impatient...… I didn't wait for Shirone to get comfortable, so I picked her up, and drilled my member inside of her. In turn, I slammed against her womb.


She made a strange sound as it happened. I immediately begin thrusting as I wanted to feel that pleasure with her.

"Jin…! That's too sudden…"

She shivers, I guess she had a light orgasm, though she did play with herself as I fucked Kuroka.

"I'm still horny as hell, Shirone. I'm sorry, but I won't be taking it slowly…"

She just gave me a peck on the lips as an answer. Getting her permission, I started to increase my speed instantly.

"Ahhha ~ mmmf, ngh, ng, ah, ah, aaahh…. Ngh, mmh! Jin, you're being so rough ~ n-no, w-wait this is too…! I'll cum…! I'll cum if you do it this…~~~"

As if on instant, Shirone matched my movements even after saying the exact opposite words. As flesh slapped against each other, a spanking sound resonates throughout the room. Shirone then brings out her ears and tail—

Tug! Pah ~ Pah ~

"Nyan?! …Ugh! Jin, more! Stab my womb more! Tug on my tail more! Nyan ~ nyan ~"

I pulled on her tail while I kept up my steady rhythm.

"Scrub every inch of my pussy with your dick! Spread my pussy open, Jin… I… I can't think anymore… Hyeeek?!"

Grind ~ Grind ~

"Unnnn, ah, hyaah?! W-Wait, no, don't grind your dick against it like that! I'm gonna go crazy! Aaahhhnnn ~"

Just like her sister, Shirone quickly lost herself in the pleasure, and so did I. Geez, how can these two be this… No, they're sisters, it makes sense they share some traits… I guess their love for sex is one, even if Shirone is a little more subtle in the day to day.

"Jin… Jin… I'm melting… Fuck me more, love me more…!"

"It's okay, Shirone, it feels amazing for me too!"

"Hold me… Hold me tightly, Jin. Stay with me…!"

That almost sounds like a proposal from Shirone, I couldn't help but grin. I let her hips sink lower onto me as I pull her tight with both arms and continue thrusting. Now not only our hips, but breaths match pace with each other.

"Fwaaah! I feel it… Mounting in me… Oh Satan, wait, no…! Shooo good… Jin… Diiick…!!"

The pleasure has arrested the movement in her upper body. Only the half below her waist is still in motion. The walls of her vagina still grip me from the root to the tip, burying my member in her flesh.

"Shirone, you're clamping down so tight…!"

The sheets below us was already drenched with a pool of the juices that have flowed out of her so far. Each upward thrust tosses a bit more fluid onto the bed, but I'm not sure if it's my semen or her love juices.

"I can't help it with your dick inside me, Jin… It just squeezes on its own… ~ My… My pussy is going to end up taking the shape of your dick… Mmm, so good ~"

Lost in the tireless world of pleasure, I keep slamming my member into her as far as it can reach.

"Hyaaaah?! I feel it! It just keeps hitting my uterus! Jin, your dick feels so goooood ~~ Ahhh! Ahhh! It's coming! Haah… Hfff, agh, ngh, haaa!! I'm gonna cum…!!"

"Me too…! I'll cum inside you, Shirone….!"

Pah ~ Pah ~

"Mmm! Mmm! Cum… Cum inside me… Cum so much it overflows from my womb… Fill me up…!"

I increased my pace for the last spurt, Shirone couldn't even form words anymore as she just let out groans and grunts of pleasure. The same could be said for me.

"Haaa… Haaa…. It's coming….! Jin…! Jin…! I love you… I love youuuuuuu ~~"

Her fervor brings me right up to the edge, where I…

"I love you, Shirone…"

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Fwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! Your cum, all that semen… It's all coming out inside! I'm… I'm cumming….!!!!"

Shirone shivered in my arms, I also kept on releasing my seed into her.  We stayed in each other's embrace as we shivered from our combined climax.

"It's still… Coming out… So hoooot… Mmmnnnngh!!!"

Shirone's body arches backward and convulses in sync with the pulses of my ejaculation.

"Ahhh… I'm scared… It won't stop…!!"

I feel her tense up in anticipation of another wave of climax, but the orgasm still hits her just as hard. Her vagina clamps down rhythmically, as if to squeeze every last drop out of me.

"Your semen… Jin… I'm so full of your sperm… It's… Sho gyood… Nnnhh, I'm cumming again ~"

Shirone's vagina clamps down on me again, I've lost count in how many times that had happened. But when I peer at her face, Shirone had an even more dull look on her. She had completely lost consciousness as she lay her body against mine.

I look back at Kuroka as she too was also asleep. I have no idea what happened to these two, but we would usually go a couple of rounds when they're in heat, but I guess we were done for the night.

Lemon end

I got dressed after cleaning up since both Nekoshou sisters were sleeping peacefully. I put my hand towards them to lessen the dress of their mating season, and heat. Honestly it feels inconvenient to have something like that. I can only dread the thought if I was single or had no one to turn to.

Kuroka mentioned before that she could repress it, but… If I'm remember currently Shirone had troubles when those times came. So, when it first came around when Ise joined the peerage, she tried to force herself on him, but Kuroka stopped her.

I mean, that's been dealt with here since I exist… Hmm, I'll ask her how she dealt with it before I got here. I'm more surprised at myself since I didn't ask her before.

[You were too busy wanting to bang her.]

...Okay, Ddraig. Ignoring the weird comment from the dragon I finally left the room and joined the rest downstairs. Since the session didn't last long, I still had time in the day. As I was approaching the stairs, I come across Shigune.

This is a good opportunity, I want to take her out on that date, then after that I'll go to the Shinto realm with Hephaestus. But I do want to check on Sherry, Kioko, Beren, and Muvoth. But from my texts with her all four are doing well.

The two male dwarves did contact me to accept the proposal, and I passed it along to Hephaestus. I also gave them the same portal gun, and told them how it worked, so they were a little disappointed since they couldn't replicate it.

But I corrected them, and said that they could try replicating it, they just had to start from scratch, and can't dismantle it to examine whatever the hell it's made from. I mean, I don't. I left that part to Cúntóir…


I call out to her, and she turns around. I quickly join her and we have a short chat.

"Jin? How can I help you… Oh, um, are you about to go join Kuroka, and Shirone?"

"No, we're done. Anyway, it's about you. So, I was thinking of scheduling the date in a day or two. Which is more convenient to you? You already know about the devil exam the Gremory servants need to take."

"I plan on going with them, so I have to get some things done before then."

Shigune nods and thinks about it for a few seconds, before looking back at me.

"I don't think we have any missions in the coming days, but can I give you my answer tomorrow instead? I want to ask Azazel before hand so it won't conflict with our schedule."

Sounds reasonable enough. I agree with her suggestion, and we go downstairs to join the others. Once there Akeno looks at me with a surprised expression.

"You're done already?"

"They both passed out after one round."

Our short and terse conversation made the few girls in the room blush. But to the ones that were already used to it, they promptly moved on. I shrugged and sat between a few girls, and enjoyed the rest of the night in a boisterous fashion.

Mount Olympus

Same day


The day was coming to an end. Sherry and Kioko had left a few hours earlier after being under my tutelage. I was reading a book while relaxing on my sofa, I had some coffee beside me on my table. Reaching forward to turn a pag—


My phone's notification went off and I hastily grabbed it to check who had messaged me. There were only a few candidates, and they were: Hestia, Kioko, Sherry, Demeter, Hermes, Muvoth, Beren, and finally Jin.

I felt a smile creep into my face as I saw that it was Jin. I quickly unlocked my smartphone, and checked what he had sent.

|Yo, Phae. I was thinking of having our date in the Shinto in a few days, and of course checking out the blacksmith in Takamagahara. I'll be going to Hawaii first with someone else though, that's in a day or two, after that. How about you and me?|

Hawaii…? I wonder who he'll be going there with?

"But after that we'll…"

I felt my face burning up, but I decided to text him back just in case.

|It's fine, I don't mind waiting, Jin.|

|Cool, anyway I'll text you when I have the definite answer. 'Till then, Phae.|

I put my phone down after re-reading it a few times and sigh. Date… Date… We'll be in the Shinto realm. Doesn't this mean I'll essentially meet some Shinto Gods? I somehow only met the Norse Gods at the end of Jin's alliance there.

But this time it may be a little different. Jin hasn't said anything about visiting places in it. It may be a short date… Thinking about that makes me a little sad. Hopefully he has some sort of plan.


The door to my home suddenly slammed open. I sigh, and got ready for whoever it was. A small and petite girl walked in. It was Hestia. She had a wide grin on her face, and she had a little plastic bag with her.

"How can I help you, Hestia?"

"Hmm-hmm! Behold, Hep! I have brought food!"

"I can see that."

She was quite proud of herself; however, I already ate dinner, Hestia knows this… I look at her incredulously, but she waves her fingers at me while saying 'tsktsktsk'.

"I have been practicing nonstop, Hep, and today— No, tonight! This masterpiece is the fruit of my labor!"

She places the bag down on the table, takes out a plastic container, and she had made some fried rice. From the look of the food in front of me, it seemed delicious and edible, unlike what was presented to me, and Jin's group a few months back.

The aroma was also smelled good, perhaps she was telling the truth? She looks at me as if telling me to try it. I sigh and got up from my seat, I got and spoon then went back to Hestia and her food.

Using the spoon I took a small portion, blew on it since it was still quite hot, and put the fried rice into my mouth.


Hestia cheered upon seeing my reaction. I blushed, but couldn't deny that it was quite delicious. I quickly swallowed it and sighed.

"It seems you were correct, Hestia. It's delicious."

"Hmm-hmm! Of course, I've been working tirelessly after all! Now when Jin comes here, I'll be ready!"

Should I tell her? I don't see a negative side to it if I do… Jin will also get a free meal out of it, the same with me.

"Hestia… Jin will come here in the next few days. I'm not too sure on the exact date, but he will, and—"

"Oh, your date? Sure! I can prepare something for it then, make sure you don't have lunch or whenever you guys go!"

Happy with my answer, Hestia also summons a spoon and starts eating her own creation. We had a relatively peaceful night as we spoke about what type of dish she would create when Jin comes here again.


Yesterday team Slash/Dog had a mission, and they finished it within a day. So, Shigune and I scheduled our date on Sunday instead. That means my date with Hephaestus was on a Tuesday since she said I had to at least attend a single day of school, and not rely on my avatar.

I teased her of being a mom, and I don't know how she actually felt since she sent a vague reply back. I was waiting for Shigune to come down since a few of the girls said they'd help her pick her clothes, so I was waiting in the entrance hallway.

A question popped into my head. I know that Shigune said she had been researching and looking up the mythos of the State of Hawaii, but I'm not sure if we should just barge into it or not. I mean, I'm surely known by them, right?

I also don't know much about the place, maybe we can spend some time in the beach? I mean I did say that in passing to Shigune, and she didn't seem to mind the idea, so she may have packed a bathing suit. I had my swimming trunks just in case.

Anyway, about the Gods there. I know a limited amount, the most prominent are Kāne, Kū, Lono and Kanaloa, and Kāne is apparently the Chief God of the Hawaiian Gods. As for the rest? I'm not entirely sure of them, so if we meet any… I'll be as interested and surprised as Shigune.



Hearing someone say 'ahem', I come out of my own thoughts, and I could see a few of the girls there with Shigune. In all honesty I was left a bit speechless. Shigune was wearing a light blue peplum shirt, dark blue skin tight jeans, and brown ankle boots. She didn't make her hair into anything fancy, but she had some cute earrings on with some light makeup.

"Ufufufu ~ looks like you bewitched him, Shigune ~"

Akeno says while having both her hands on Shigune's shoulders. The girl in question was lightly blushing as she waited for me to say something.

"Uhhh, I mean— You look great, Shigune."

Akeno winks at me, Reni who was to the other side of Shigune lightly pushes the girl towards me, and she quickly arrives by my side. I offer her my arm, and she hugs it.

"Well, we'll get going then. We'll be back by home by tonight."

"Good luck, Shigune ~"

The girls wished her luck as she shyly nodded.

Hawaii, Honolulu

I teleported us to the same place I had taken Gabriel, I had an idea of the place, so I had a slight advantage, however we won't be staying here for too long as I had made somewhat of a plan for the day.

"Hey, Shigune? Did you bring a bathing suit?"

I turn to look at the girl as she shyly nods while a small blush.

"I see, well, we can go to a beachside that has slightly fewer people in a little bit. For now… Let's go explore this place. First stop, Waimea Botanical Garden."

So, I teleported us away again, and when we got there, there weren't too many people. Cúntóir, do your thing.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, Jin... Processing... Complete.

Thank you. I bring out my phone, and find my booking form, since you need to book in order to enter, or have what's called a 'Go Oahu Card', but since we won't be staying here for too long, I decided to go with a booking instead. It's $25 per person, that's over 16 to 61. A bit pricey, but I'm rich so…

We quickly walked towards the place, there were a few people there as well, but it wasn't crowded by any means. I had my phone ready with the booking forms, and once we reach the counter for it, I showed them it. They did fiddle with the computer and turned back to me before nodding.

"Thank you, your admission form has been confirmed. Please enjoy your time here, do you want life vests? This is in case if you want to swim by the waterfalls."

The staff member asked. I glanced at Shigune, but she shook her head. I also said no thank you as we had no plans for it. The staff nodded and wished us well again before we set off.

As we walked through the botanical garden, we saw many different types of plants, trees, and other attractions you would find in a place like this. We came across a small guided tour and walked behind them, and had a free tour, but we couldn't stay long since we didn't want to be found out.

As we neared a certain area we see—

"Is... That a peacock? I've never seen one up close before… Natsume would have loved to see this."

Even now she thought of her friend and teammate, my, how considerate of her. I crouch down and gestured to the animal.

'Hey, come here.'

I said to it telepathically. The animal gained a surprised look and eyed me.

'How can you speak to me?'

It asked and I smiled.

'I'm just... Different, anyway, my girlfriend here wants to see you up close, do you mind?'

The peacock stares at me for a few more seconds before slowly coming our way. Shigune was a bit surprised and starts to fidget, but I gesture for her to crouch down too.

"I did say I could talk to animals; I just asked this peacock to come closer."

I tell Shigune and she nods. She had a look that screamed 'Can I pet it?', so I asked the peacock if she could.

'Hey, do you mind if she pets you?'

'I do not mind, however, please be gentle.'

I nod, and tell Shigune what it said. She became rather excited and gentle started petting the peacock on the head. I just stared at the large feathers behind it, as it looked pretty amazing. I wonder if there are supernatural peacocks? Would they be larger? Even more mystical? Perhaps Hawaii's mythos has them? I was kind of hyping myself up, along with this place's mythos.

When we teleported in, I hadn't felt any of the supernatural keeping an eye on us, however, I did feel many around the island. But they weren't near us for the time being.

"Wow! They normally don't come near humans! How did you manage to get it to come near you?"

Shigune kept on petting the peacock as the both of us turn to look behind us. It was the previous tour guide with their group, she asked as she approached us.

"…I'm just good with animals."

I answer her nonchalantly with a shrug, this made the woman chuckle. She then comes over with the rest of the group.

"May we?"

"Can they?"

She asks, and in turn I asked the peacock, and it nods, again surprising them—

"But he says to be gentle when petting him. He doesn't like it when people are rough."

So, with my permission, and Shigune scooting away. The rest of the people there took their turns to pet the peacock. Eventually they all had their turn, and the peacock nodded to me one last time before trotting away. We got a few thanks, for whatever reason, and then they left. It felt like they accepted the 'understanding' animal thing a bit too quickly, but whatever…

We quickly left the area and strolled around the entire place, we came across a small little stream with uniquely shaped trees, and many rocks with pebbles. We both felt a bit of magic from there, but we agreed that someone that was part of the supernatural was here relatively recently, but was already long gone.

"It's not divine, but it's definitely something."


Seeing as how nothing else was there we quickly left, and we slowly approached an area with a strange hut-like structure. Shigune was intrigued by it so she let go of my arm and walked over to it. I joined her.

"That's, I think called 'Hale O Lono' or 'House of Lono'. It's dedicated to the Hawaiian god, Lono. This heiau (religious place of worship) is believed to have been originally constructed around 1470 AD. Lono is associated with peace, fertility, agriculture, rainfall and music."

I explain to her, and she turns around to face me with a small grin.

"Did you find that out from Cúntóir?"

She asks and I laugh, but didn't deny it. I mean, Cúntóir and prior research since this is where you wanted to come to, Shigune.

"Yeah… Anyway, let's go. We still have a lot of places to visit."

Agreeing with me, she hugs my arm again and we walk around the place again. The notable places we visited were Ku'ula Shrine, Kauhale Kahiko, Hale Iwi, Agricultural Terraces, and finally ending our tour here at Wailele.

Kshshshshshs ~

"There really are people swimming there…"

We both look on at the people swimming near the waterfall. I think it's around 40 to 45 feet tall, and the status of being allowed to swim there changes depending on weather and circumstances, I believe.

"Wanna know a little fun fact?"

"Sure thing, Cúntóir."

I asked the girl beside me, and she answered me rather smugly making me chuckle.

"The name of this wailele changes depending on the amount of water that is flowing.  When the water gently flows, the name is Waihe'e (softly trickling water).  When the water flows heavily, the name is Waihī (purging water)."

"Hawaii certainly is rich in its history and mythos… Does the rest of the United States even have something like this…?"

Shigune asks me, and I fall silent. Certainly, I haven't really seen much about American mythology, it's mostly vague stuff apart from, I guess, the Native American Mythology, all about Skinwalkers, and spirits…

The notable ones from there that don't involve the Native Americans are, I guess, Bigfoot, Mothman, and other stuff like that…

"Well, there is the Native American Mythology? I guess we just need to visit those parts of America to experience it…"

"Oh, yeah that! It slipped my mind completely…"

We watch the other patrons enjoy themselves by the waterfall for a little bit longer before we left the botanical gardens. Once outside we just stood there taking in the surroundings since we just rushed towards the place.

"Where too?"

I feel a tug from Shigune, and I nodded.

"Let's go for a little swim."

Papohaku Beach Park, Molokai

"They weren't kidding, it's practically empty."

We had teleported to Papohaku beach, and it was mostly empty. White sand, the perfect blue waves, and add to that it's basically sunny today… The 'perfect' time to be here. I look at Shigune as she was mesmerized by the scenery in front of her. She notices me eyeing her and she begins to blush.

Shigune… I've practically seen you naked already, does the act of wearing a swimsuit change it?


Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

Huh? What do you mean, Cúntóir? Velgrynd?

'You just don't get it, do you, Jin? Being seen in swim wear and in just our regular bra and panties is completely different!'

Cúntóir: Answer: It is the act of being seen, and not being seen, Jin. When a woman wears a bikini for example, they go into that situation with the fact that they will be seen, and exposing more of their skin.

'Right! Meanwhile, if you say: You walk into me getting dressed and I was in my bra and panties. I would obviously crush your head. I was in a vulnerable state and wasn't expecting someone to see me like that.'

A bit violent, but I can kind of understand where you're both coming from…

Tug ~

"I-I'll go get changed then…"


Shigune scans the area before finding a small hut that had a sign 'bathroom/changing room' and rushing towards it. I quickly change into the trunks I brought with me and waited for her to come back.

"But seriously though… This place isn't bad, it would be pretty rad to bring everyone here for our next vacation, or even when we graduate…"

[Assuming there isn't shit to deal with, Partner.]

True… I got my first requirement for my evolution, now all that's left is my second one… Whatever the hell that is.

{Let it happen naturally, Jin.}

I know, I know. I'm not that hung up about it, since it will happen sometime in the future. I chat away with everyone inside me while I wait for Shigune to re-appear.

Poke ~

I turn around and see…



Shigune lightly smacked me on the head, and I laugh. She was wearing a pink bikini and brown sandals. Her bra was a frilly one, she looked cute in it. I offered her my hand and she accepts; we go towards the water...…


"Hya?! J-Jin?"

"Sorry, Shigune."

I felt no presence of anything else nearby, so I quickly maneuvered behind Shigune grabbed a hold of her and jumped high into the air.

"Let's go swimming ~"



Once we were underwater Shigune glared at me. I inwardly chuckled and pointed in front of me. So, we swam around there looking at the sea and aquatic life of this place. I was hoping to see or come across supernatural sea creatures, however, it seems like there were only normal ones.

I was hoping to see a supernatural shark or something, maybe a Megalodon? But I feel like that's asking for too much. As we swam around, we saw some fish, but they would usually run away and not speak with me when I tried to communicate.

They're either way too scared, or just don't want anything to do with us. That's fine… Eventually Shigune and I swam up back into the surface.

"Jin… I enjoyed our little tour, but please warn me next time you do something like that. My heart wasn't ready."

Shigune says with while putting a hand on her chest and briefly a sigh of relief.

"My bad, and yeah I will."

Growl ~

I hear a familiar growl and turn to stare at Shigune who blushed again. I laugh and gestured her to follow me. I summoned a large blanket along with a picnic basket. I opened it and a large amount of food was in it. I had expanded the inside of it to store the food.

Yes, I could have just stored them in my ring, but I wanted it to seem a little more… Authentic? Normal? Well, whatever the case may be— Shigune blushed even harder, but Poh then also joined us.

"I guess he's hungry too. But I saw this so…"

I snapped my fingers and other kinds of food appeared beside ours. I tell Poh that it was for him, and this was for us. He quickly nodded before going to his share, and to my surprise slowly ate his. Normally he would just eat it like a vacuum and be done with it.

We sat down and began having lunch.

"I guess Poh is learning some restraint, huh? Who would have thought… I guess Independent type Sacred Gears are a lot different to the regular ones, huh?"


Shigune was a bit too busy eating to answer me…. It makes me wonder…

"I wonder if our kids will have your family's trait in the future."

Splat ~ Thud ~

I turn to face Shigune again, and she had dropped the sandwich she was eating, and staring at me wide-eyed, and she was the reddest I had seen her since I met her... Did I say something wrong? I mean, she knows I like her.

[You literally dropped a bomb by saying you want to have kids with her, Partner.]

{I would assume most women would have a reaction similar to her, unless they expressed, they want one. But Shigune was caught off-guard.}

It was more of a 'what if' scenario, and yeah, I guess so?

"Er, Shigune—"

"M-M-Maybe i-i-it skips a generation…!"

"Hmmm… But what if we have twins or triplets? Then one may have it, or even two, perhaps all three? The food budget will skyrocket if I do end up having a lot of kids…"

Another reason to question having a harem. If you're poor then Godspeed to you in this regard…

[You can control that aspect of you though.]

I know, but I just wanted Shigune to think about it, and now that I look at her… She looks like she's ready to pass out. I scoot over and bring her closer to me and laugh.

"Sorry Shigune, I didn't mean to overload you there. Let's just keep that sort of conversation for the far future."


I cleaned up the food she dropped, and we had a more casual conversation after that. We went into the ocean, splashed around, and played some before we got dressed.


We teleported back, and the sun was slowly setting as we had stayed a little longer by the beach, and just held hands as we went on a walk. We didn't talk about anything in particular, just a few mundane topics.

We had decided to come back to Honolulu before heading off to our last destination. At per Shigune's request, she wanted to 'go to the highest point of Hawaii.' And a quick chat with Cúntóir revealed that to be Mauna Kea, one of Hawaii's dormant volcanoes.

We went to a nearby vendor and bought some drinks, and as we begin to walk away, whe—



I felt Shigune tighten her grip on my arm, and tense up. We felt a bit of divine energy being pointed towards us; however, it was not hostile. We look to our left and a man was smiling at us, and started to wave us over. I used [Observe] on him, and was a bit surprised.

It was the Chief God of the Hawaiian Mythology, Kāne.

Kāne is a man with a lanky physique, short hair dyed blond and yellow eyes. He keeps his hair in an unruly fashion, and has a pair of sideburns and a goatee. His outfit consists of a pink aloha shirt left unbuttoned, a pair of dark-colored cargo shorts and black sandals that resemble the Japanese geta. Kāne's notable accessories include an earring on his right ear and a necklace, both having an inverted cross on them.

"It's the Chief God of the Hawaii Gods."

I whisper to Shigune, and she relaxes. I nod and we walk over to him.

"I didn't think I'd come across the Chief God of the Hawaiian mythology in here of all places."

I say as we arrived by him. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"I didn't think I would see the Dual Dragon Emperor, and Middleman in our little home today of all days either. I guess we're as surprised as each other, huh?"

He grins and I shrug. Maybe. I mean, I felt you eyeing us as we came to this spot, but I chalked it up to you being a weirdo, or just someone from the supernatural recognizing me.

"While you're free to go anywhere, Jin, was it? Do you mind telling me why you visited our little island? I had sensed you months ago, but we saw you with one of the Seraphs of Heaven, so we did not interfere."

Makes sense. I mean, I didn't care much about at that pointed, and solely focused my attention on Gabriel…

"We're here on a date. We were about to go to our last destination before heading home. Mauna Kea."

"A date? Haha! I see, enjoying your youth, huh? Good, good! Although, Mauna Kea, huh? An interesting choice for the final place for your date. I see, I see, worry not then! I will inform the rest to not block your path. They have been in an uproar since you came here again."

He turns away, but stops.

"Oh, yes. A nice exhibition match, Jin. I look forward to your future endeavors, oh, and you're welcome to visit us in the future too."

And with that, he starts to walk away while waving to us lazily. He was a lot more chill than I had thought. Though, I am expecting Gods and Goddesses that I am not too knowledgeable about to me 'unpleasant'.

[Just say asshole, Partner.]

You know some may be a bit worse than that, so I'll go with unpleasant, Ddraig.

"Let's go then. We can get a good view of the sunset."

Mauna Kea

Well, when we got there, we saw a few things. One, there were observatories, two, there was snow, and three… A lot of open space and rocks. Since I'm indifferent to temperature changes, and Shigune's outfit was already equipped with the enchantments. We were fine, but I did sense a few auras here so I would rather not be seen.

I put some invisibility on us and we started to walk around. As we did, the sun slowly set and the sky turned orange. I'm pretty sure the ones who are choosing to stay are, well, I don't know. Maybe whoever the hell works in observatories? Or do they have lodging up here? But I doubt that…

"I didn't expect this much snow… It's not much, but it's still something."

"Hmm. Well, we're pretty high up so it's inevitable."

We make our way to a 'hill' and sat down. We watched the sun slowly set, and the sky slowly turn dark. The wind started to pick up, and it was becoming colder. I decided to undo our invisibility, and instead put a small illusion around us, so no one would see us.

Shing ~

Poh came out, and was in Shigune's lap. She plays with him, and I sometimes patted him on the head. Now then… I guess I should take charge here, I feel like I've let them do the confessing part for the last few.

But before that, what's after this? Two days from now, I go up and meet Hephaestus, then to the Shinto realm. Maybe briefly go to the dwarfs to check up on them? I'll ask Hephaestus about it. I don't just want to go to that smithy and be done with it.

It would be a bit insulting, well, that's what I think.

Squeeze ~

Being brought out of my thoughts, I felt Shigune squeeze my hand, and I turn my attention back to her. She was looking at me with a smile, and with a tinge of red on her cheeks.



Fuck, I was caught up in my own thoughts for too long, and I missed my chance. Ugh, forgive me.

"I-I'm not good with speeches, and I don't like standing out too much… So… I'll be short and straight to the p-point."


Chu ~

Taking this opportunity to I lean forward and capture her lips, seeing Shigune pause before she confessed her feelings, so I took it. Her eyes widen, but she closes it just as quickly and kisses me back. We eventually part.

"…Mou… I wanted to do that."

She said while sounding slightly upset, it made me chuckle and she lightly starts hitting me.

"I love you, Shigune. Please be mine."

"…Mmm. I love you too, Jin."

We sat there for a little while longer, enjoying each other's company, and the calm atmosphere of Manau Kea.




I, Ignia was in Ireland. Why you may ask? Because I felt like coming here, and I also lied about 'scouting' the place out. Father was born here in his past life, and he still holds significant attachment to it.

I wasn't sure in where the hell I was, but there were a lot of rocks and grass everywhere I walked. But this was near the site of 'it', the area, or whatever the hell it was to attract King Ghidorah to this universe.

Honestly, I didn't mind if it came. That just gave me another foe to fight, you know? But I doubt father would be too happy about it.

"I better— Hmm? Now that's interesting…"

I was nearing the place when I see a figure in front of me. They… They were stronger than me… They only person I know that can create more powerful beings, and isn't currently imprisoned is father… When did he…? Was it after we went our separate ways? That was around two weeks ago after all…

The woman turns to me, and had an amused look on her. The person in front of me takes on the appearance of a buxom and a curvaceous woman with her long blonde hair extending to her hips. For attire, Selene dons a loose kimono with fur lining on the top while also having flower designs all over it as well as zigzag lines on its edges.

Her head is covered by a hood adorned with an upward crescent moon with a gem on top as well as a pair of wings on each side. She also has a pair of socks while wearing wooden sandals.

"I did not think one of Jin-sama's kin would approach this place. Although he did say to find some significant places in this country. You are Ignia, are you not?"

So, I was right… Father created her… She felt like a dragon.

"Yeah. I'm Ignia, who the hell are you? And are you a Dragon?"

She smiled and summoned a small cup and drank from it.


Oh, hell yeah, she is… And she was dangerous.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ignia. I am Selene. A True Dragon God, like yourself, and also the Moon Dragon God."

You gotta be shitting me…

"Is that right? So? Are there more of you at those places?"

She didn't need to make a verbal answer, the smile that appeared on her face was all the answers I needed… So, there were other new… 'Electa' that father made, huh? If this Selene chick is in Ireland, then who the hell are in Russia, and Egypt?

"You're a lot smarter than you look."

"I'm mostly brawn, but I can use my brain you know."

She didn't move from her spot, but her gaze was penetrating. I felt a bit uneasy being near her. All of father's 'Electa' are a rank above me after all, and they're also suited for combat. Not to mention their undying loyalty to him.

"So, shall we chat?"

"…Heh, like I have a choice?"

She just smiled in response.

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