Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 3 – Part 1 – Calm before the storm, Hero Faction, and Eccentric Dragon


Jin Skyward

"So we need to use a teleporter to get there? I was expecting you to just teleport us, Vera."

"Yes. Unlike our town, Emzusai is accessible to anyone and it's not limited to one race, or just their guests. So the Gods decided to create an easy way to travel to it. However, there is another way, but that way is much slower. Ah, there's one now!"

She pointed to the right and there was a giant flying ship. From here I could see that it was mostly made out of wood and metal, however, there were magical properties in those materials. Interesting, it seemed large enough to hold a lot of passengers.

"I see. How long does it take to travel from here to Emzusai?"

"Around three to four hours? There are a lot of activities and bars on the ship so you won't be bored. It's just like those luxury cruise ships humans have in their world. I guess this is first class treatment? But it's quite cheap, it's just €10 per person, children under the age of 13 are €5 each."

"Hmmm, that seems like a pretty good deal. But I'll assume you'll pay for some of those activities as well as food and drinks?"

Vera nods, and we silently watch the flying ship sail away? Or is it fly away…? Well, whatever. I can use that when I return, but first things first. I look down at the streets below, and they were bustling with life.

"Okay, so how do we get down there?"

Vera nodded before jumping down onto the streets below us. I shake my head and sigh. I grab Rose and carry her.

"Eh? Eh?"

Although she was clearly confused, I glanced at my companions and jumped down. Rose looked at me confused.

"I-I could have jumped down myself you know…"

"I wanted to hold you."


She blushed at my answer but didn't say anything in return except pull herself closer to me.

"My, to think you would flirt as we fall. You certainly are strange, Jin."

"There is and was no rule that stated I couldn't flirt while on the job."

Isis snorted at my answer, but we eventually landed on the ground. No one was surprised. I believe this is a common occurrence. Beside us was a food vendor. I also let Rose down as she was starting to poke me rapidly in the chest.

"That makes it the 17th one today. Hey there, do you guys want some kofta kebabs?"


"Kofta kebabs?"

The man asks and Inaie repeated in a more questioning manner. He nods.

"Oh? You must be a tourist then missy! Kofta kebabs are essentially lamb or goat meatballs on a stick. It's quite popular both in the human world and here. 17th as in you're the 17th group to jump down here. Anyway, what do you say?"

Inaie looks at me ardently. I also look at Vera and she was also gazing at the food while drooling a bit...… We just had breakfast, you guys. Seeing as how they probably wouldn't budge, I bought everyone two, including the ones who didn't say anything.

"Thanks fer yer' business!"

The man was quite pleased with himself. They were quite inexpensive, so they weren't too shabby. He also decided to cook a fresh batch, so they were 'fresh' I guess. After getting our food we walked away with Vera leading us.

"Oh! This is pretty good!"

Inaie was eating the kebabs like a starving squirrel as I glanced at her. The others, with the exception of Isis agreed with Inaie.

"Is the teleporter usually crowded, Vera?"

She shook her head while taking another bite of her food.

No... But... Unless some kind of event is happening or for some other reason, it is usually quite empty. The flying ships are much more popular. They also take you through a lot of picturesque scenery on the way there. Like many areas that were destroyed by…"

Vera trailed off and I understood what she meant. So, I will assume that there were more hamlets, towns, and villages in the past but they were destroyed by my senpais of the past. But why don't they…

"I see. But why didn't they rebuild…?"

"Most of their population in those towns or villages were wiped out, so the remaining ones just moved to Nembesouk or Emzusai. They were all mostly self-sufficient with some of our Gods or Goddesses occasionally visiting. But each village or town would sometimes have a God to worship."

Hmm, interesting. I look at Isis and she nods.

"Yes, four of those places that worshipped me were also destroyed."

"You don't hate me?"

"You are not your past wielders or incarnation. It would be foolish to believe so. Although the majority of people now believe this, there are still those who are stuck in the past. Hear this, Jin. The denizens of west Emzusai may try to physically harm you, or your companions."

"That's how much hatred and resentment some of them bare. Stay sharp."

Isis explains quite seriously. I was hoping that it wouldn't be that, but... I am a bit hopeful since she did say 'some' and not 'all'. However, that doesn't mean they won't verbally abuse us.

"…I see, alright. Thank you for the heads-up."

Considering they have their clothes and rings, it should be impossible for them to harm us physically. Vera and Isis are the only two who might be physically hit, but I doubt she will be since she's a Goddess, so I'm hoping for that. Her presence MIGHT—

"My presence will do you no good. They will just avoid hitting me and try to hit everyone else."

"…Am I that obvious?"

"At times, yes."

I sigh and pull Vera back with some telekinesis.


She was obviously surprised and let out a yelp. She looks up at me confused.

"Even if you're our guide, once we get there stick close to me since I'll have a barrier around me. It'll surround all of us."


She said it a bit awkwardly and trotted back to her previous position. Looking around me, there were many shops and vendors around the place. Even some animals would stop and stare at us. I could tell that Inaie wanted to touch or pet some of them.



She looked at me and up at the flying ship. Yeah, I was expecting you to ask that sooner or later, Inaie…

"When we come back, sure…"

She pumped her hand before joining Vera at the front. Raiko and Rose chuckled at Inaie's almost childlike innocence and energy. Well, I'll be taking her with me to many places to experience more of the world after all.

We eventually arrived at the elevated building where the teleporter was supposed to be at. There was some kind of reception area at the bottom, but… No one was working on it, so it was empty.

"Does anyone even work here?"

"Only during peak hours, or as I mentioned earlier, an event happening since it tends to get rather crowded here, so they create a system or queue."

She gestured to our right, and there were two elevators…? No, they were just rock platforms, and the other way to go up was a rocky spiral staircase.

"Those are old elevators powered by magic. Or we can just walk up. It's up to all of you. But keep in mind the maximum capacity is six at a time, and seeing as how we have six here, we can all fit."

Vera explains and I look at everyone else. I don't mind either way, so I'll let them choose. Raiko, Rose, and Inaie quickly came to an agreement. Isis was already waiting by it so we hastily joined her.

Once we were there the contraption started to float up. Unlike the one in the Faerie Kingdom, this one was a lot smoother. It's almost like the one in Tír na nÓg, which is convenient. But…

"It certainly is a tight fit…"

Rose decided to stand in front of me, so she was squished up to me. On my right was Inaie. I had elected to stand in the left corner so I would give the rest more room. I don't know whether Rose planned it out or if this was a coincidence though, however… This was quite stimulating.

The journey up was comfortable and smooth. There was no kind of bump or interruptions, but that doesn't take away that fact that Rose's ass and my lower half were basically aligned. Rose was also lightly shaking her ass; I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not.

Looking at her—



She was watching me… She was waiting for some kind of reaction. When did she become this erotic? If we were alone, I would probably feel her up right now, but since I was with others… Especially Inaie beside me, I had to resist from doing it.

"We're nearly there."

Isis says, and I turn my attention to her. But when I did, she was staring at me— No, she was looking at where Rose and I were 'connected'. Her gaze then changed to looking me in the eyes while she sighed disappointedly.

Oh come on, lady. I'm still growing! Well, in this body at least… Inaie was trying her utmost to avoid eye contact with me. I guess she saw us. Geez. However, we eventually reached the top and there was a single magic circle at the back of the room.

The room was in a circular shape with a few benches around it, and glassless windows all around.

"I'll go last. Everyone else can go first. But how will that work?"

Inaie strolls over to some of the windows and looks through them. Raiko accompanies her, and Isis stands near the teleportation circle. Vera then addresses my question.

"We will be transported into a neutral building; from there we'll take another teleportation circle to either head west or east. However, there is the option of walking from west to east and vice versa once we teleport to either one. However, please bear in mind that the journey will be a bit long since we'll have to trek through a mountain. The other way is by passing through the desert, and then circling around before arriving at east or west."

Vera explains.

"Well, it's obvious then which of the two to take, isn't it? Let's just teleport around the place."

She starts to walk to the circle when I stop her again.

"Wait, Vera. Where do those flying ships dock?"

"They land near the neutral building. They will then have to walk through a long tunnel for around ten minutes. However, there will be bathroom stops, and other smaller shops along the way. If you need to buy a snack, or drink."

That sounds convenient…

Clap ~

"Now then ~ everyone please follow after me, Mistress Isis. If you like, you can go ahead without us. We'll head to the east first since they aren't hostile towards Jin."

Isis nods and steps on the magic circle. She then disappears after stepping on it. Vera coaxed Inaie and Raiko to accompany her. It looks like it'll be me and Rose that will go last.

"We'll wait for you before proceeding to the other teleporter, Jin, Rossweisse."

We nod and then they disappear. Rose and I step on the teleporter and also vanish.

Neutral Building

Once there the interior of the building was mostly white. There were multiple chairs and couches, as well as vending machines. I guess they'll try to milk you while you wait here, huh? At the right was a sign that said 'East' and on the left was 'West. I guess if you're facing the opposite direction, it would make sense.

I stepped out of the teleportation circle with Rose, and there were a few other people there. They looked like tourists. Everyone else was on the east side so we joined them. Isis steps into the teleport and teleports away again.

From where we once were, I can see a hallway to the right of the magic circle; I assume this is the hallway where tourists will exit and return to catch the flying boat.

Tug ~

I turn back to see Rose tugging on my sleeve since she was by the teleportation circle. I join her there, so we finally go to the east side of Emzusai.

East Emzusai

Click ~ Click ~

As soon as Rose and I teleported in we were greeted by flashing lights from a camera. We awkwardly walk out of the teleportation circle and put our hands in front of us so we wouldn't be blinded by the constant flashing.

Is this how celebrities feel…?

"It would be wise to refrain from doing that."

Isis says and it stops them instantly.

"O-Our apologies, Mistress Isis, but we can't help but be excited! We finally get to meet him!"

"At the very least wait for Jin to give you permission to take those photos. He's a man who works with consent."

I didn't think Isis would defend or speak on my behalf. I look at her with some admiration. She just shrugs her shoulders. One of them approaches me and asks for permission, and I allow them. So they took turns in taking pictures of me, and Rose since I told them she was my secretary and lover.

She was obviously embarrassed by it. Once they were done with the photos one of them came up to me and held a microphone towards me.

"What is the reason for your visit?!"

"…I will keep it vague, but it's two parts. I am here for business in Nembesouk, and Ra told me about this place. If I am able to reconcile with the Western half, I will do so. The other is… I will be placing some protective barriers around this town."

They were a little surprised by my second reasoning, but when they tried to ask for details about it, I had to decline.

"I'm sorry, but I'm on a tight schedule. Maybe when all this is behind us, we can do another interview…"

I quickly escaped while carrying Rose with me. Although I did formally introduce her as my secretary and lover, she mostly remained silent during that time. So, if that news gets out in this realm, then the rest of the supernatural world will follow.

We left the building we were in, and once outside we were greeted by some kind of swimming resort or swimming pool area? Walking forward it was just a waning crescent moon shape. There were some huts, beach umbrella chairs, and some tables.

Looking back, the building was made out of white marble, and the roofs were blue and round. There was some kind of star above the highest point of the building. Around us were many tourists and locals that live here.

Several of the people were looking at us curiously, but I believe most of them knew who we were.

"Hmm? Oh, Isis. I was wondering when you would show up with the Middleman."

Suddenly a man in front of us appears and approaches us. It seems he knows Isis. I assume he's a God? I used [Observe] on him, and my assumption was correct. It was the God of Oases, Ash.

God Ash is a tall man with white hair. He wears an open dark grey shirt with grey pants and snakeskin boots, with a blue school coat over it. He wears blue, green and gold Egyptian accessories. He wears a monocle.

"Oh, you were here today, Ash? I thought you were away with your new lover."

"We are just testing the waters, Isis. There is nothing set in stone. My apologies, Middleman. I am Ash. The God of Oases, and the one overseeing the town of Emzusai. Ra told me of your visit today, so I made sure to be here. I also know the real reason. I appreciate your help."

Ra told him already? I didn't expect that but it certainly is helpful.

"Is that so? This makes this easier then. Are there any notable spots you think may be vulnerable? I'll expand my barrier to reach those if I have to."

He shakes his head.

"No, this is the extent of the west side of Emzusai. However, the west side is a bit more open, so I suggest you create a slightly more substantial barrier on that side. Unless you plan on making one that encompasses both?"

"I haven't decided on the full details until I see how both are laid out. Once I see them then I'll go from there. By the way… Who's the other God here? I feel it over in the west side."

"Sekhmet. She is here, but we don't know where her husband Ptah went. He sometimes visits the west side on a near regular basis, but he isn't here. The same with Seth, the God of Sand. He has been missing for a week."


According to Ignia the attack might happen this week. I also read through Yaku and Kubota's memories. I'm hoping I'm wrong but those just align right. Hades, a God is part of that organization, as well as Ares. It wouldn't a stretch to assume…

"Well, we should hurry to the west side…"

Tug ~ Tug ~

As I try to move away, Inaie stops me and gives me puppy dog eyes… Ugh, she wants to explore this place a bit? Using a bird's eye view, I check the entire town. It wasn't that large, in actuality it's quite small…

I can presume it's the same for the west side. Ash did say it was a little more open, whatever that means…


Jumping up like a child, Inaie pumps her fist. Everyone chuckled at her, even Isis.

"But we're going to the west side after we're done, alright?"

She didn't hear me as she ran to the right side. We slowly follow after her. I could see a statue of a dolphin that was spitting water out of its mouth.

"So, is this some kind of resort-like town or something? Next thing is, I'm expecting a casino."

Ash chuckles ahead of us and shakes his head.

"No, but they did build this town in hopes of attracting more tourists, and more people to move and live here. We are expecting to expand a little more. We have a few homes built inside the mountain or above certain elevated rocks."

When he says that I look up and could see some homes inside the mountain, or on top of some rocks. Earlier I saw a large entrance into this place. Is that where they're expecting to expand to?

"What kind of expansion?"

We passed by what seemed to be a restaurant plus inn, and walked up a short staircase and onto a bridge. On the other side I could see more homes, a bar or pub-like building? And another inn.

"I plan on destroying some of the wall and creating more space, as well as expanding beyond the 'entrance' to this town. We will just need to move the entrance back since it's mostly open desert out there."

Ash explains and gestures to certain spots he wants to expand their town to.

For the next hour we toured the small town of Emzusai. I was curious what the west side looked like since according to Ash it looked very differently to the east side. I also used that small tour to take note of anything strange in the town, but found nothing.

No strange teleportation circles, or anything suspicious could be found. I even had Cúntóir scan it and we found nothing.

Since it wasn't close to lunch we decided to go to the east side, and then after that come back to the west for have lunch.

"Time to go to the west then. We'll see you for lunch, Ash."

"Very well. Try to bring Sekhmet with you, otherwise she'll wait in that side for who knows how long… Even I tend to stay here, that side is just too… Well, I'll let your own experience there decide for itself."

After saying that, Ash disappeared and I noticed his aura went into the local pub. Perhaps he'll wait there until our return? We walked over the bridge, pass a few shops, and a few locals greeting us, but they weren't as pushy as the earlier ones. So, we reached the building where the teleporters were with ease.

"Jin, all of you, wait."

Isis stops us as we started to go to the west side teleportation circle. When I looked at her, she had a very serious look on her face.

"As I mentioned earlier, they won't shy away from hurting you physically when they find out who you are. I, without a doubt think they already know of your presence here, those reporters earlier… Some of them hailed from the west."

I see… I did feel a bit of abhorrence earlier, albeit a little faint. They probably took into account that I could tell right away, so they're not stupid. They could potentially be very scheming.

"…All of you start to stick close to me as soon as we get there, alright? You too, Isis."

She gives me an amused smirk, but I didn't leave any room for argument, so she went along with it.

"Very well. I will go first; they won't randomly assault a Goddess they have known for a long time."

She says that then vanishes. I really doubt that... The next batch was Raiko, Inaie and Vera. Finally, Rose and I.

West Emzusai

When I got there, I immediately put an invisible barrier around me. I held Rose's hand and walked towards the others who were by the entrance. There was a receptionist and I could tell that she was annoyed already from seeing them, I wonder why? It's not like my group has done anything to her yet.

Doing as they were told, they stood very close to me. I didn't take not of what was inside, but when we got out of the building, there was a lake immediately in front of us. It wasn't large, but I would wager it was the same size as the one over at the east side.

There were many palm trees around the lake, and using a bird's eye view, I could see what Ash meant by it being more spacious. In the distance, where I assume the 'entrance' was more houses, but they were more spaced out and there was more land for me to cover.

I turn right, and everyone else follows my lead. In the distance we could see a flying ship starting to take off.

"It's even bigger up close…"

Inaie whispered. I agree, from a distance it looked relatively tiny. In honesty, I did not believe it was this big, if I had to compare it to something, it was around the same size as the titanic. In today's standards, that ship is tiny compared to the modern-day cruise ships.

However, the animosity was already here. Many of the local residents were looking our way with a lot of resentment. No one had done anything yet; they were mostly just looking for now. So, we went around the town looking at every nook and cranny I wanted to check out.

Isis also gave her opinion on the place since she had been here multiple times in the past. I was starting to think nothing physical would happen when—

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Some rocks hit my barrier. I look at the ones who threw it and they had a look of shock as their rocks bounces off the barrier.

"Huuu… So, it's starting, huh? It doesn't matter, they won't reach us. Let's just go and find Sekhmet. I doubt I can try to reconcile with them when something big may happen soon."

"Correct. Just use this time to save them, do your other job at a different time, Jin."

I nod and proceed to locate Sekhmet's divine aura, and I found her to be near the outskirts of the town— No, she was outside of it… She was in the desert?

"She seems to be in the desert, her aura is outside the boundaries of the town, I think."

We start walking in that direction as a few more rocks hit my barrier. They may be hesitant in doing more since they saw my exhibition match, right? I glance back one more time and could see a few residents on top of their homes rooftops which confused me even more.

No one really talked to us, as they just mostly stop and stared with angry glares.

"Well, it was a lot tamer than I thought. Maybe my match made them hesitate?"

"…Ah, yes. You did have that not too long ago, I failed to add that to my calculations. If we take that into account, then yes. I would think that's the next logical step. Unless they want to be heavy beaten by you."

Isis says while nodding sagely.

"But they could also take advantage of the fact that Jin is the Middleman and attack him. They can always make the excuse of him attack them first and they had to defend themselves, or try to spin the blame on him."

Rose adds.

That's also a good point. Either way, putting the barrier up was basically an UNO reverse card plus a middle finger to them. If they can't even reach me in the first place, there are no grounds for trying to blame me for anything.

'Emotional damage?'

...Velgrynd, how would that even work?

'Maybe that dumb [Welsh Dragon] is influencing me more… I need to rest…'

I heard Rudra laughing before a loud smack reverberated inside my head. That probably wasn't a wise choice there mate…

With me leading everyone, we quickly arrived by the area where Sekhmet was at. She was just staring out into the desert; she wasn't really moving.


Isis called out, hearing the voice she turns around and we finally get to see what she looked like.

Sekhmet is a beautiful yet languid woman that looks to be in her mid-twenties with absurdly long, unkempt, purplish-red hair that went down to her toes. She was dressed in a sultry outfit that was primarily black and complimented her voluptuous and feminine physique rather perfectly. Her skin is pale, to the point one would consider it unhealthy; her face gave off an extremely debilitated and apathetic look.

"Isis.... Oh, the Middleman. Have you come to visit Emzusai? You are not that liked here…"

"I noticed that, we got a few rocks thrown at us, but they hadn't done anything else."

"…They know of the rumors, and also saw your match. They did not wish to die, so this is what they have resorted too. Is there any other reason for your visit?"

I nod and tell her why I came here, and that Ra, Osiris and Isis know about it.

"Oh, I see… I have not been informed yet. Usually, my husband tells me after he finds out, but he has been missing for the past week."

Sekhmet turns around to look back at the vast sandy background—


I feel someone violently tug me towards them, and it was Isis. She pulls me towards her and whispers into my ear.

"She's usually self-sufficient but since being married to Ptah she's slowly been losing that ability. I don't know what happens behind closed doors but we can only speculate. So stop asking her about anything we know since there's a high chance she may not know about it."


Domestic violence? She didn't seem powerless, or did he break her self-confidence and her spirit? She was at least the same as Danu and the other non-combative Goddesses since she was Low-tier God-class.

Growl ~ Growl ~

I turn my attention to Inaie and Vera as heard both their stomachs growl. Both girls blushed at the same time.

"Alright, let's go back to the East side then, and join Ash for lunch. Sekhmet, do you want to join us? No, please join us, the more the merrier, right?"

She turns back to us after I asked her. She looks at me, and then back at the ground. She falls silent for around two minutes; in the meantime, I took this opportunity to scan the entire west side town from a bird's eye view. I wanted to get the complete layout in my memory.

When we get back to the east, that's when I'll deploy the barrier. After that we should go back to the Capital and see if those guys were back there.

"Alright, I am hungry too…"

She accepted my proposal and we started to walk back to the town.

"Oh, please stay close to me."

She tilted her head confused, and Isis tells her why, so—

Squish ~

She… Sekhmet really took what I said literally and was basically hugging my free arm like her life depended on it. I was a little surprised but shrugged it off. Isis just sighed beside her not wanting to argue. I saw Rose's lip twitch for the briefest second there…

We eventually arrived back at the building, everyone went into the magic circle like the previous other times, however, Rose and I were joined by Sekhmet.

East Emzusai

We arrived back at the east side and were warmly welcomed there. We quickly greet them and go to the pub that Ash was still in. Once there, he sees us and waved us over.

"Welcome back, it seems you managed to snag Sekhmet with you. Are you doing well, Sekhmet?"

"…No, my husband is still missing."

"…I see. Anyway, let's have lunch. Boss."

"Coming right up, Master Ash!"

Ash called over the owner, and ordered for us. He said that he knew which ones to order for new tourists, and even said he would pay the bill. I tried to intervene, but he cut me off saying to let him do it this time, and when I'm here again to pay next time.

So I reluctantly did so. Sekhmet was sitting there in almost a daze, just staring at her hands while fiddling with her fingers.

"Have you done 'that' yet, Jin?"

"No, but I will after eating. I wanted to double-check everything here since I got a good look at the west side before coming back."

"I see."

Our food eventually came, since my attention earlier was focused on Ash and Sekhmet, I didn't get a chance to look at the restaurant/pub that we were in. The exterior was very different to the rest of the place since it was pained brown to stand out.

The interior was also brown, like many of its furniture. The chairs and stools, to the benches, and tables. However, everything else was normal, like the cutlery, plates and such.

Isis and Ash spoke about Ash's love life and his new lover. Apparently—

"If you truly pursue her, she will be your sixth wife, correct?"

"Yes, my late wife passed away a few years ago. I thought it appropriate to try find love in my life again. I have mourned her enough."

Clank ~ Clank ~

"I'm more surprised you don't have children from your previous marriages, or did you specifically not want children?"


The God of Oases did not answer, but had a complicated expression on him. Isis apologized since it was probably a sensitive topic for him. She then turns to me.

"How many children do you plan on having, Jin?"

With this question, everyone stops eating to look at me, and wait for my answer. How do I answer this? I only had a few of the women I am with talk or mention children… Not including the 'children' Nyarlathotep made.

"A few have mentioned them in passing as we…. Er, made love in the past, but I am unsure on how serious they were. But I'm not against having any, if that's what you're asking."

"I believe that's the right choice, Jin. You are still young, take your time in choosing when to have children. I believe that you must have already found a way to prolong your life, so having children isn't a priority for you…"

After Ash said that he took a sip from his coffee. The older you get, the wiser you become, that's wrong around a lot, but I guess it only works on some people, and Ash is definitely one of them.

"Though, I wish you luck if you do decide to have children. The amount of women you have, it won't be easy to maintain them all."

He chuckles and goes back to eating. But it's true, if all of them want kids one day, I'm going to have a bunch of universal monsters running around this universe or even the omniverse… Hopefully they're not too rebellious or try to destroy everything.

We made light chatter the rest of lunch, even then, Sekhmet was mostly half-heartedly staring at her plate of food.

Once outside I took another bird's eye view of the east side of Emzusai. I look at any relevant area that may have some kind of magic circle. After confirming that there was nothing here, and as well as on the west side—

I put my hand up and created an invisible barrier. Anyone that belonged to Khaos Brigade, interacted with them, or were connected to them in any 'evil' way, won't be allowed past the barrier.

I turn to everyone with me and I told them what I did, I specifically stare at Sekhmet when I said that. Now I may be wrong or I may be right, but whatever happens after today will decide their fates.

"With that, I'm done here. We'll go back to Nembesouk. Isis are they back there yet?"

"Give me a moment."

Isis walks away and looks like she's contacting Ra.

"Jin, what will you do once you are finished here?"

"Hmm? Well, depending on what happens after their attack, I may need to go to other mythologies to do requests sent in by them."

"I see. I wish you luck with that. I will get going now."

Ashe nods before walking away. Sekhmet was next, she just stares at me silently before walking away as well. I don't know what she was trying to see but I hope she got my message earlier... That I suspect Ptah and maybe Seth to be working or joined up with Khaos Brigade…

Eventually, Isis comes back and joins us.

"They are back in the palace. Let us return."

Isis starts to walk toward the teleportation building when I grab her shoulder to stop her.

"No need, since I've been to these places before, I can do the teleporting."

"Why did you not do that earlier?"

"I can, but I didn't know the structure, and layout of the realm. I could have accidentally teleported into someone's home while they were showing or while they do more… Private activities."

She nods understanding my reasoning. I mean if I was desperate, I would do that, but since it's not 'that' kind of situation, I saw no need. Anyway, they gathered around me, seeing this Isis did the same thing.


I teleported us directly into the palace, and Kurousagi, Ra, Osiris, Hathor, and Rashida were already there. However, there was another unexpected guess there.

A tall young woman with lightly tanned skin, sky-blue eyes with yellow 'cat-eye' pupils, and blonde-accented black hair, with cat ears on top of her head. She wears an outfit consisting of black knee-high boots, shorts, belt, and elbow-length fingerless gloves, with a top consisting of black and red fabric.

The entire outfit has gold-colored armor pieces attached: kneepads and wrist guards on both sides; a pauldron, vambrace, and gauntlet on her right arm, and a single bangle on her left bicep. She also wears a dark red feathered cape with two gold decorations hanging from it.

"Oh? Jin, welcome back! We've been waiting for you. Things went well on our end, we did, however, meet up with someone else on the way back This is—"

"Hooo? So you're the Dual Dragon Emperor?"

The woman walks up to me and examines me. Isis looked rather annoyed and snapped.

"So, you're back, Bastet? Where have you been all this time?"

"Fufu, am I not allowed to wandering about according to my whimsical wishes?"

The two stare each other down before she turns back to me...… So she's Bastet, huh? The Goddess of protection, pleasure, and the bringer of good health. She seems rather interesting, and from the looks of things, she doesn't get along well with Isis.

"I'm Bastet, a pleasure to finally meet you, Dual Dragon Emperor."

She puts her hand out for a handshake and I accept.

"Likewise, Bastet. Anyway, I covered Emzusai in an invisible— ...… They're attacking."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Rumble! Rumble! Shake! Shake!

Everyone became alert at the sudden shaking and rumbling. It looks like—

"It seems like they're attacking us now? How convenient!"

Ra says rather excitedly.

"Yeah. I bet Ireland, and Russia are having the same fate right now. I'll go out and deal with them. Rose, can you look out for Inaie just in case?"

"Yes, of course."

I nod and look at the Gods with us.

"I'll let you guys do your own thing. I'll confront the leaders of this…"

I didn't wait for a response as I teleported out of the palace.

Once outside I could see that multiple areas of Nembesouk had been attacked, but thanks to aforementioned preparations, the many of the buildings were reinforced with magic, so the ones inside were safe.

Bastet and Vera appeared beside me.

"We arrived two hours earlier before you, and we had reinforced around 97% of the buildings in Nembesouk. The last 3% wasn't covered since you came back, we were going to do it, but it should be fine."

"Master Ra and the others will take care of other invaders at different parts of Nembesouk. He will leave the ones here to us."

Both women explain themselves. I see, then—

"Dual Dragon Emperor."

The familiar voice of Cao Cao resounded through the area, a portal opens and out came several members of the Hero Faction. However, many of them were unknown faces, so I'll guess that the others were already spread across the realm, maybe in Emzusai.

"Bring that woman out."

Cao Cao looked very different. He had some kind of mechanical arm, his hair was a little unkept, and he had a crazed look in his eyes, but he still sounded calm. But I don't have a problem with that. Aurelia also has some unfinished business with you…


Both Vera and Bastet were confused, but I brought my left arm out, and my middle ring glowed. From it, out came Aurelia.

"You fled during the Kyoto incident, [True Longinus] wielder."

"I was forced to retreat, and they refused to let me go back...… Well, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm much stronger than before since they forced me to drink those red vials."


Cao Cao's power surge to new heights and then he muttered—

"Balance Break."

The [True Longinus] shone brightly then large seven white light bowling sized balls appeared around him.

Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin. Also known as the [Heavenly Ring Holy King's Spear Enveloped in Brightness Which Brings the Polar Night], is Cao Cao's subspecies Balance Breaker of the [True Longinus].

This creates seven orbs called the Seven Treasures, each having a different ability. The seven orbs each have the same appearance, making it hard for the opponent to differentiate between which ability is going to be used by the wielder. The seven abilities are as follows:

Cakkaratana: Also known as the Wheel Treasure, has the ability to destroy weapons.

Itthiratana: Also known as the Female Treasure, completely stops the special ability of women for a short time.

Assaratana: Also known as the Horse Treasure, has the ability to teleport a person the orb touches. It can also be used on Cao Cao himself, allowing him to teleport to the place of his choice.

Maniratana: Also known as the Pearl Treasure, has the ability to send an attack sent towards the user to another direction.

Hatthiratana: Also known as the Elephant Treasure, grants the wielder the ability to lift up what the orb touches.

Gahapatiratana: Also known as the Householder Treasure, creates warrior-like existences and acts in the same way as Blade Blacksmith's Balance Breaker: Blade Knight Mass.

Parinayakaratana: Also known as the General Treasure, a strong attack with high destructive powers. The strongest ability of the seven. It seems to have some sort of restriction on how often it can be used. It was speculated that it needs some sort of requirement for activation.

But… I made the Electa in mind, so that they would be immune to certain abilities and some Sacred Gears. [True Longinus] is one of them. Whether it be Aurelia, Antares, Lianne or someone else. If they fight Cao Cao right now, he's basically doomed.

"This is my [True Longinus]'s Balance-Breaker, [Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin]. –Though it's still incomplete."

Vera brings out her weapon, and so does Bastet. Vera had some sort of rapier/wand mix, and Bastet had a great sword. I thought she used—

"You're confused, right? This weapon can transform, and yes, its original form is the [Sistrum] and [Aegis], but I've been experimenting on different weapons as of late. I'm quite confident in my use of this great sword form."

"Hmph. Cakkaratana."

Shatter! Shatter!

Cao Cao muttered, and both the weapons of Bastet and Vera were destroyed. The two look on in shock. However—

"What?! How is your great sword still intact?!"

Cao Cao stared at Aurelia in disbelief as her sword hadn't shattered. Aurelia smiled confidently at Cao Cao.

"I was created to have full immunity towards Sacred Gears and certain abilities. You can thank Jin for that. Young Heavenly Emperor, this is a battle of pure strength and skill. Your Sacred Gear's abilities are worthless. Come."

Dwosh! Gang! Kshhhhh!!

"Leave him to me, Jin."

Aurelia says before they both disappeared into the far distance.

"Sure… Anyway, let's—"


Now what?!

A male came out of a magic circle. He had white hair, some weirdly shaped horns that protrude from one side, black eyes and he was crying. Around his neck were multiple chains, and he was wearing some kind of BSDM outfit…


What? It looks like it! Don't say it like that, Velgrynd?! Hello?!


…He also had jet-black feathers behind him. I used [Observe] on him and…

"I see. Isrāfīl, rumored to be one of Khaos Brigade's leaders. He personally came here, huh?"

The new Isrāfīl just kept on weeping, but every time he did, the area around him would shake. I didn't think crying would be so powerful.

"Isrāfīl? I thought he was killed during the Great War between those three factions… But to think he was actually alive, and had joined forces with Khaos Brigade."

Bastet looks at the new enemy in front of us. One of the rumored leaders, this is a great opportunity. But I should be wise in making this decision, who's the most useful or most influential among them? I'll pick that one to mind control.

"Hey, Isrāfīl. Are the other fallen angels also parting in this attack?"

Even though it was futile, I decided to ask him. However, his crying stopped and he raised him right arm up into the sky. Thousands of light spears appeared behind him and then rained down onto us.

Albi— Wait no, he's not here. Cúntóir, care to take over?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes!

I put my hand out—


My body briefly glowed of the darkened glow of ultra-instinct.

Cúntóir: Answer: Compression Divider!!

All of the light spears that were coming towards us started to shrink, and then vanished from existence. Isrāfīl did not seem surprised, but instead he had a grin on him now. He flaps his wings before floating to our level.

"…Dual Dragon Emperor. Such an interesting ability, to answer your question, Mīkhā'īl has the highest authority among us fallen in our organization."

I didn't think he would tell me, but thanks! Anyway— I then froze him on the spot. Isrāfīl tries to move but he couldn't. So he does it again, and again, until the realization hits him. A look of panic appears on his face.

"Then excuse me."

I looked through his memories.




Good. It's nothing too substantial, but I know who's where and what's what. Mīkhā'īl is in Russia, and Jibrail in Ireland. The both of them are as unique as Isrāfīl. But I would say they're a lot more openly psychotic or antagonistic.

Their reason for joining is to destroy Grigori, and build it anew, much like the Old-Satan Faction. They hate Azazel, and how he handles things, so they'll personally launch an attack on Grigori soon. They're also the ones that were responsible for corrupting or planting the spies within Grigori.

That's also where Satanael, one of Grigori's researchers in Sacred Gears went to. He joined up with Khaos Brigade after the events of Slash/Dog, huh? I wonder if he still has his Abyss Team.

But they didn't give them anything special like Azrael's blood, so they could blend in better. Their acting is apparently top-notch since it fooled a lot of them. The previous information I got from Ignia also holds, true. But their backup country they'll try to attack is Japan.

They'll attack Ise Grand Shrine, located in Ise, Mie Prefecture. It's the Shinto Shrine dedicated to Amaterasu. I better prevent that then. I already have multiple Shadow Knights around Japan, I can just have a few of them join Lianne over there.

Those were the relevant memories; the rest were mostly of Isrāfīl or all of them together discussing ways in how to destroy Grigori or just insane chatter.

"Lianne, head over to Ise."

My ring glowed and out came Lianne. She nods, kisses me on the cheek before vanishing.

"Ise? Wait, what did you do to him?"

"Froze him in time and read his memories."

I relay to them what I found out, and they grew even more concerned.

"They're attacking Japan too, huh? You are not going to have the deities over there help?"

"Lianne, and my Shadow Knights can deal with them. They didn't appear to have plans in attacking Takamagahara, but if they do, I still have some Electa left to send out."

I look back at Isrāfīl, and stored him into my [Lavender Box]. His appearance and existence was short lived, but he has been the most useful, next to Ignia. Now then, how will I deal with the rest…? No, I'll leave them to…

"Elsa come out. Help Aurelia and the others here on getting rid of the other members of the Hero faction."

Elsa came out of my ring, licked her lips and disappeared. I turn back to Bastet and Vera.

"I'm going back to Emzusai, I feel like something may happen there. Join me if you want to."

"I'll go, Jin!"

"Then, I will also accompany you."

Vera joins my side, so Bastet did the same thing.

Aurelia Le Guin


Once we were at a different area of this realm that had a small number of buildings, I followed up by kicking Cao Cao in the stomach. He was launched away into the ground and destroyed several buildings. It was mentioned by Bastet that they reinforced them, did I use a bit too much strength? I do hope he is not dead.

However, Cao Cao got out of the rubble with next to no damage, good. If he did get injured, I would have been disappointed.

"Tch, immune? What kind of nonsense is that?!"

Cao Cao points the [True Longinus] towards me and it extends! I brought my Acadia in front of me in a swinging motion, and parried the spear. Instead of being forced back, my superior strength stops the spear there.

"Come now, descendant of Cao Cao, you surely can do more?"

Ting! Tang! Clank!

Cao Cao retracted his spear, and dashed towards me, his spread and my sword met. Multiple sparks flew as our weapons collided. The Hero faction leader was using every once of his strength, he did not bother using any of his Sacred Gears abilities.

Whether he believed what Jin said was true or not, though I believe he believed the former.

Cao Cao disengaged and landed back on the ground. One of his spheres quickly touched multiple objects on the ground. He then lifted them up and started throwing them at me. He was using the debris that was created from earlier as ammunition!

Slash! Slash! Slash!

I slashed and destroyed all the things he threw at me—


I quickly dodged to my side as a large pillar of light shot past me. He was pointing his spear at me. It appears he used a torrent of pure light from a distance against me. I am no Devil, so it won't be too effective.


"This is a bit disappointing, Cao Cao. You seem unrefined, almost, wild. What happened since our last confrontation? Is it the arm? Even though you have gone up in power, you seem weaker."

Cao Cao stopped but then began laughing. This goes on for a few seconds before he stops and points at me before we clashed again. It appears he won't answer me, although it never mattered to me, I was just a bit curious.

Now then, what did Jin want me to do with him again? He did mention he wished to have the [True Longinus], even though he could have created multiple ones…

Using more strength, I blocked another blow from Cao Cao, and followed it up by kicking him on the face. As he was thrown away, I sent out three slashes towards Cao Cao, a vertical, horizontal and diagonal one. They were each imbued with wind magic.

"Ghh….! Maniratana! ...Shit!"

He tried to use one of the abilities, but it does nothing, so he was forced to dodge the attack—


He did not get out of it unscathed as his left arm had a cut mark, and started to bleed. He looked rather annoyed as there was a large crater where he once was.

I've let this farce go on long enough. Let us end this.

[Jin. I will end my altercation. You wish to have the [True Longinus], correct?]

[Yeah, give me a second, I'll be there.]

[Very well.]

Egypt, Faiyum

God Serena

"Kakaka! I have waited for you, Hero faction, tou!"

I jump down from where I was. I had set up a barrier per Jin-sama's instructions! I elegantly land on the ground and do a pose of elegance!

"Who the hell is this weirdo?"

The man named Siegfried asks his companions!

"Do not let your guard down, he is strong. Get ready."

Ah yes, Siegfried. Jin-sama did mention he wishes to acquire all the swords this man possess. I, God Serena will fulfill that request!

"In the name of Jin-sama, I shall have you all perish here!"

"Jin-sama? Oh, he's the Middleman's subordinate!"

The buff man Heracles says and then activated his Sacred Gear. Behind us was the pyramid Lahun, or also known as El Lahun. The rest of the Hero faction members in front of me take up stances, they were ready to engage in battle! Marvelous!

"Oh? You even entered your Balance Breakers! Splendid! Even if you will lose quite quickly to me, I applaud your efforts!"


Eight different colored dragons manifest behind me! Behold, my power, Fuahaha! They became alerted and jumped back away from me!

"It will be your honor to fall to before me! Rest assured… Not all of you will die, because Jin-sama has other plans for you!"

"What the hell is this psycho talking about?!"

"Does it matter? Battle st— Heracles wait!"

The magician of the group, Georg tried to stop their muscular companion but he had already started to run towards me! Come, come! Come meet your end!

The area beneath me turns green, and the man named Heracles gained a surprised expression. I smiled and slammed my hands into the ground in front of me.

"Cavern Dragon's Earth Collapse!!"

The area around me, collapses and explodes! Rocks, and large boulders were thrown everywhere, and some even towards the Hero faction! They lost their footing but quickly jumped on said rocks to gain a better footing, my, they are quick to adapt!

"Kakaka! There's more where that came from! Sea King Dragon's Encircling Deluge!!"

I gather a large mass of water in my right hand and point it towards the standing Hero faction members! A massive spiraling torrent of water covers everything in front of me and consumes everything! A giant tsunami also erupts from the ground!


"This guy's crazy?! So many elements?! Georg, do something, aren't you an expert?!"

"Khhh! Those aren't normal magical spells! They're dragon slaying spells, I have not mastered those yet!"

"Then use [Dimension Lost]!"

They began to argue, but it matters not to me! However, defeating the man named Georg is priority! I appear in front of Georg, which shocks him! I felt a wide smile spread across my face!

"I do hope your body is still intact for Jin-sama to resurrect! Gale Dragon's Flurrying Moonflowers!!"

I create several wind cyclones from every direction! I follow it up by swinging my arms towards Georg! Causing several slashes onto the target.

He did not get enough time to react, or defend himself! Georg was swallowed up by the enormous wind cyclones I produced. This also repelled his teammates away as they did not want to get hit by the attack.



I did not let them have time to relax! The body of Georg falls lifelessly to the ground! Turning to my right were Heracles, and the woman named Jeanne!

"Purgatory Dragon's Blazing Inferno!!"

I engulf my fist in infernal burning flames and then, by moving my fist forward, I release the infernal fire which explodes, becoming a colossal sphere of flames which incinerates the entire area! A look of horror was apparently in the woman's face!


I look around me as the man named Siegfried was the only one left. The bodies of Jeanne and Heracles were burnt to a severe degree, their bodies do not move as they were too injured. Their other subordinates were also being dealt with by the Shadow Knights.

Jin-sama did not order me to spare the other faceless members of the Hero Faction, so I took it upon myself to end them as they served no other purpose. That is the true purpose of mobs! They live and die as nameless, faceless and unworthy insects!

"It seems this is the downfall of your faction, boy. I will be keeping those swords of yours. It's a shame the boy named Leonardo isn't here."

I bring out the device that Jin-sama and activate it.


"W-What did you do?"

"You do not need to know."

"Quit fucking with me!"

He dashes towards me, and attacks me with his multiple swords as he had his Balance Breaker activated. Slow, he was too slow, and not elegant enough! I catch one of the swords and knee him in the stomach!


Followed up by kicking him on the head, as he's launched away and crashes to the ground. I walk over towards him as his Balance Breaker is undone, and he struggles to get up. Even after consuming Nyarlathotep's blood many of these humans are still weak. It's disappointing.

I pick the man up by his neck and hold him up. He struggles to say something and tries to claw at my arm. Without another word said nor warning, I sent a large amount of electricity from my arm into the man named Siegfried.

He gurgled, spasmed and shook as the electricity shocked his entire body. He defecated himself as well as pee himself. I finally let go when I made sure he was dead. The smell that permeated from his fried corpse was—


I muttered. Thankfully, those filthy excrements did not touch me!

[Jin-sama! I, God Serena have completed my mission! However, most of them are dead or are on the verge of dying.]

[That's fine, I can help them up or revive them. Don't forget to collect Siegfried's swords though.]

[Yes, of course!]

Even though I said that quite excitedly, I looked at where Siegfried's body was and the... I sighed; I caused this so I have to deal with it. However, I had water dragon slayer magic and it would be made easier.

Step ~

"Hmm? You are…"


Shing! Slice! Slash! Splat!

"Hmm ~ I'm left with nobodies and weaklings. Aurelia was the one who got to play with the faction leader, how boring ~ if only someone else were here ~ haaa ~ I'll just go meet up with Jin-sama after clearing these little body bags ~"

Flying in the sky, and diving down to kill the enemy can be fun, however, that can only be sustainable for a period of time before it gets stale. Although—

Slash ~ Slash ~ Splat!

"Ahhhhhhhh!! No, please spar—"


I have been knitting a shirt for Jin-sama, but I'm not sure if he'd like it… I never asked him for supplies since our homes can just summon them… I've gone through several balls of yarn ~ Haaa…

Slash ~ Slash ~

"Hmm? ~ oh ~ it looks like Aurelia is going to end Mr. Cao Cao's life ~"

I glance around me as most enemies around this area had been dealt with. Aurelia wasn't too far away, and I can reach her quite quickly. None of these nameless mobs had anything of significance either. Getting rid of the blood off my dagger, I put it away and flew towards Aurelia.

East Emzusai

Jin Skyward

[Jin? Everything seems to be calming down in Nembesouk. Raiko, Inaie and I are defending the palace while the Gods left earlier to fight the other members of the Hero Faction. But… I do feel Aurelia's aura starting to grow larger here…]

[Yeah, I felt it too. She's probably going to finish her fight with Cao Cao. Please go to her and make sure she doesn't disintegrate his body, even after I told her not too… Sheesh, what a handful of a woman…]

[Yes, of course.]

I had arrived in east Emzusai with Vera and Bastet, and I could see the barrier being attacked by… Cryptids? I was expecting members of the Hero Faction, but seeing as how Cao Cao is in Nembesouk, and the other notable members were in the human world… Are those just mobs?

No, that's—

"Divine energy? How? Why? Did an Evil God…"

Bastet muttered to herself; Vera looked worried beside me. No doubt about it, I felt divine energy beyond the barrier, maybe my guess was correct… I turn to Bastet and tell her of my own theory earlier in the day.

She frowned and didn't look happy. I wasn't sure if it was because I accused a fellow God of their mythology or she just didn't like the idea.

"They have been acting strangely the last few months, but to think they would… No, let's not just jump into those conclusions—"

Boom! Boom!

"Jin! Bastet, and Vera!"

I hear a familiar voice of Ash as he was running towards us, behind him was a tired looking Sekhmet. Her face looked even paler than earlier. Our eyes meet and they screamed 'this isn't real, this isn't happening'. I guess it finally dawned on her. Perhaps she recognized her own husband's aura?

"Ash. Do you feel that? How are things here so far?"

"Seth and Ptah are… I didn't want to believe it, but it seems like they have joined forces with Khaos Brigade. They have been trying to destroy your barrier since they appeared, many of the residents here, both west and south and distraught."

"They refuse to believe that two Gods who have been looking after them for so long would change sides. Especially the west, they have in denial right now, and have been trying to destroy your barrier. Even blaming you for their change in sides."

...Though they're not wrong since the two past wiel—

'Jin, shut up. What the past wielders did has nothing to do with you. They are fools for thinking so. If I was there, I'd simply slam them or break a few bones.'

Velgrynd interrupted my thought process, I wasn't expecting that… But yeah, you're probably right, Vel—

'No, I am right. Shut up and take my word for it.'

…Okay then. I shake my head and try locating the two Gods and I find them. It looks like they didn't drink the blood yet, whether that was a good or bad thing, I don't know yet. I float up and fly up towards the left mountain.

Once I was up there, I could see many cryptids attacking the barrier and a certain person standing there with a look of fury and annoyance. He had green skin, postiche, and a unique looking khepresh. He also wore the usual garbs of what I would see on pharaohs. He was also holding a staff.


He silently raised his hand and created thousands more of the cryptid, I was a bit stunned. I quickly used [Observe] on him and found that it was Ptah, the Creator God. I didn't think he would just outright create more cryptids.

He then silently points below me, after that I heard screaming below and I turned to see what it was. Sekhmet started to scream in agony as her body started to transform into something akin to a kraken-type monsters.

"You were useless to the end...… But I enjoyed my time slowly breaking the former warrior Goddess, and Goddess of healing. Adieu."

As he slowly started to disappear, I quickly threw a punch his way, and I heard him yelp out in pain. I can deal with him another time, first, Sekhmet. The other divine aura hadn't left Emzusai either, so hopefully I can get answers out of them. I quickly flew back down towards Sekhmet and everyone else.

"What can we do to undo the transformation?"

Ash says as I arrived beside him. Scanning the Goddess that had been transformed, I could see that it was easily reversible, but I had to remove the source of it, and I had to do that by killing her.

If I do that then I have to revive her... First Kurousagi, a rabbit youkai, and now a Goddess…? This has been one hell of a time in this damn realm! Whatever, she was already a Goddess, so it should make too much of a difference, right Cúntóir?!

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, it won't make any difference.

The others eventually join us after Rose restrained the rampaging monster Sekhmet. Inaie looked both terrified and excited, good for her. She's not too distraught about all of this…

"We have to kill her and then resurrect her. I've done it to Kurousagi already, and no, it's the only way Ptah, has completely broken her down, and that curse is imbedded deeply in her. She needs a new body to be released from it, if I simply just reversed the transformation, there is a chance she'll transform again."

"So, it's embedded in her soul, and body? I can understand removing it from her body, but what about her soul, Jin?"

"I can do that too."


Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, however, it will take me time. Please speak with her to make it easier in removing it, Jin. Just like what you did with Kurousagi.

I should just become a therapist after I graduate…

'Therapist, Jin. Doesn't sound bad.'

You sure are a lot more talkative when those two are missing, Vel.

'Do you have a problem with that?'

Well, no...… Anyway, let's do this. I look at Rose—

"Can you go to the west side? If there's something similar happening, then restrain them too. Shaula, join her."

"Yes, of course."

Shaula came out of my ring and saluted me. She grabbed Rose by the shoulder and they both disappear.

"I would suggest you guys start repairing this place, this may take a little bit."

"Will those restraints last?"

"Yeah, Rose is an expert in many magics, so it's fine."

After answering Isis' question, I flew down to the currently struggling Sekhmet. I go towards her giant ass monster head, and touch it.

Sekhmet's Soul

Once I got there, it was mostly a jumble chaos of different colors, and emotions. A lone female figure was sitting on the ground with a giant lion beside her. The two looked like they were comforting each other.

I slowly approached them, and when I got close enough, the lion's eyes open and glared at me. Noticing the change in the lion's emotions, Sekhmet opened her eyes and looked at me too. I waved to her and she nodded tiredly at me.

"How did you… No, you are the Middleman. You've done many miracles as of late, this should be expected...… Will you undo the spell cast on me by my husband?"

"I have to kill you for that, create a new body for you, cleanse your soul and then transfer both your consciousness and soul to the new body."

She looked quite crestfallen after I said that.

"So, it's impossible? Is today the day I die?"

She hugged the lion tighter, a bitter smile spreads across her mouth.

"It's comical, isn't it? I, who was once called a Goddess warrior, and the Goddess of healing... I can't even mend my own wounds, nor couldn't even defy my own husband. He then slowly broke my spirit over the years, and look at me now... Pitiful."

She looked angry with herself.

Am I meant to give her comforting words? Tell her it's not her fault? Honestly, if I do, it'll seem shallow and I don't know what to really say.

'Just tell her your thoughts.'

That can backfire you know, Rudra…

'Will you let her wallow in self-pity? You know that feeling all too well, Jin.'

...Fine, I may sound rude though.

"Can I ask a question?"

She seemed a little surprised by it, and she nods.

"How in all living fuck did you fall in love with him?"

Again, Sekhmet seemed too stunned to speak. The lion beside her snorted in amusement at my question. But seriously, if he looked like that, acted like that, how the hell... No, they could have easily—

"He charmed me. He was a very different person all those years ago, our love was genuine. However, our outlooks on life differed, even still, I lov…ed him, or maybe I still do? I am not sure. But there was one thing that worried me, he did not want children, but I did. So that was a small point of conflict between us."

"Perhaps I was too blinded by the love he showed me in our earlier years, but over time he began to hit me, verbally abuse me and the like. Slowly, over time, I started to act more docile, soft spoken, until I became what I am today. The former warrior Goddess is gone, and whatever this thing is left."

So, a domestic abuse via Gods, huh? I mean, I would assume it's a thousand times harder to leave than a normal human one, and I'm not making light of that either, but in her case… Being married to a creator God can probably do that to you.

"So, this may sound like a rude, but like… Why not just leave him?"

She looked at me a bit disappointedly, yeah, okay. I get it, lady. Sekhmet sighs and shakes her head.

"If it was that easy, I would have done it years ago. I knew of the curse he placed on me. He told me that it would activate when the time was right. So, I guess today was the right time…"

"No, like I said I can just make a new body for you and transfer everything."

"But that's impossible, you may be the Middleman, but—"

"I did the same thing with Kurousagi and she's the new Rabbit Goddess. You didn't hear that from Ra? Oh wait, never mind, my bad…"

I forgot that all information goes through Ptah and then to her. However, she did look a bit surprised at me.

"Surely you je—"

"No, I can. Now let's go ahead and do it, alright?!"

She jumped a bit at me shouting at her, but she doesn't give me an answer yet as she just stares at me silently. Maybe I was being a little brash, but I didn't want her to stay like this since I knew the feeling. Of course, I have no idea how domestic abuse is like. That's the last thing I would ever do.

"…I don't know what my life will be like after today, but seeing your enthusiasm… Very well, Jin Skyward, I'll accept your proposition."

I grin and held my hand out. She hugged the lion one last time before reaching out and holding mine. Her hand felt a little cold, but firm. She was ready for this.

Once I was back outside, I quickly put Sekhmet to sleep. It'll be better for her to be asleep when I do this. I landed back on the ground and created a new body for her...… I might as well add some protection to those kinds of thing for her, right?

Once her new body was created, I put some clothes on her too. Alright, Cúntóir, you're up. I touch Sekhmet again— The Kraken-like body felt weird, almost spongy yet robust.

Cúntóir: Answer: Removing curse placed on Sekhmet's soul...… Processing... Cleansing soul and removing anomalies...… Success! Sekhmet's soul has been cleaned and purified, Jin.

Well done, thank you. Next up…

"Let's make it instant then."

While I've ended many individuals lives up until this point, they've been done at varying ways. But did I ever do it instantly? [Hakai], punching them really hard, a snap of my fingers… Those must have hurt, right?


The second I uttered those words, the Kraken's body went limp, and I felt Sekhmet die. I can probably do that with a thought, but… I wanted to just confirm it. Quickly pulling her soul out of her now dead body, I quickly transferred it into her new one.

I wait in anticipation for her to open her eyes. The others who were watching from a distance as they had finished repairing some of the surrounding area had landed by us.

"J-Jin, you— Did you kill her?"

"Yeah, but I also made a new body and just transferred everything. I'm just waiting—


Just as Isis asked, Sekhmet mumbled and opened her eyes. Wonderful, she was awake. I touch the Kraken's body behind me and also erase it, the once enormous body of the kraken completely vanished.

[Jin? There are only cryptids here, but also another God. I've also restrained him, but… The towns people are…]

I suddenly heard Rose's voice from the [Communication Function] of the ring and she sounded a bit perturbed.

[I see, we'll be there, Rose. I just finished over here.]


"Let's go. Rose captured the other God over there."

I gestured for them to come around me. I picked up Sekhmet and carried her. Even though she was awake, she was a bit befuddled. Ash, who was confused, but still did so. I then teleported to the west side of Emzusai.

When we arrived there, the town was a mess— No, it was destroyed, simple as that. Buildings every were in ruin, the lake in the middle was also filled with debris. However, I didn't see a single person— Wait…

Looking around, I saw many corpses of cryptids, a few still restrained. I eventually found Rose, with someone near her. I used [Observe] on the God and found that it was the God of Sand, Seth.

Seth is a lithe but muscular man of above-average height with pale skin. In his god form he wears a short black shendyt or sheath skirt. He wears golden bands on each of his triceps, wrists, and ankles. He doesn't wear shoes. He wears a multi-layered golden usekh or wesekh around his neck.

He has red and black markings around his bright red eyes with back eyeshadow, and long red hair. He has thick lips. He wears one long rectangular golden earring in each ear.

"Seth?! Y-You didn't join Khaos Brigade, did you?!"

"…So what if I did? What does that have to do with you? I choose to live life how I want. The people I overlooked for many centuries, gone in a blink of an eye because of two selfish dragons!"

He said all of that while glaring at Ash who had asked the question. But saw me and glared at me with so much animosity that I was a little surprise. In truth, I kind of understood how he felt, but at the same time, not really.

I nearly lost Reni, and I know how that played out. I can only imagine if I lost more of them. God forbid, the only one who could stop me was probably Azathoth.

"…I acknowledge what my past wielders did was an unforgivable act, but that has nothing to do with me. Humor me, what happened to all the denizens of the west side of Emzusai?"

He smiled, whether or not it was of pride or disgust, I wasn't sure since the only emotion he was emitting towards me were of hate.

"Huh? What do you mean? They're all around you... Ptah and that woman called Avezza did an amazing job, don't you think?"

I look at Rose as she probably came to that conclusion too. I suspected it since their auras had changed when I checked earlier, but I guess I was clinging onto any strings of hope. I should be able to reverse it, right?

Cúntóir: Answer: I sense that they may be rigged with something, perhaps they will be killed once you transform them. I suspect Lapis was also involved in this creation.


Cúntóir: Answer: Changing someone from a normal human or whatever species they were into a cryptid is a simple act for a woman like Avezza, or Ptah in creating creatures like the ones Avezza made since he only needs the know-how.

Cúntóir: Answer: But if those two worked together, and if Lapis provided them her assistance, then something like that can be done. Perhaps Ptah already put those curses in the west residents a long time ago, and they were meant to activate today.

Right, we don't know when he really joined. He may have joined a long time ago and only recently his actions have been seen through. Regardless of how it will turn out… I need a Guinea pig. I tell the rest of what I had found and said I would need to experiment as bad as it sounds…

Seth was grinning at me all the way, he may already know the outcome. But I had to go through with it. So, finding a random cryptid, I try to chan—



As soon as I tried to undo the changes that were made to him, or her. They immediately exploded. So they were rigged from the start, huh? Behind me, I heard the howling laughter of Seth. Now, I could easily revive him, but…

I touched the ground where the man exploded, and revived him. He was clearly confused, and the laughter behind me stopped. The man saw me and was about to say something when I poked his forehead and showed him what happened, and who was responsible.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! This can't be true! You! You're responsible! If you never existed, none of this would have happened!"

In a way, he's right. But what's done is done.

"Kill me! Kill me!"

The man already had a mental break, and was just wailing and screaming on the ground. I put my palm out towards him and put a calming effect on him. I'll deal with that soon, but first back to Seth. When I went back to them, he was grinning.

"They will never forgive you, their hatred runs deep, as deep as mine. Reconciliation? Are you insane? If someone tried to kill me, or if someone killed my friends or family, why in the world would I ever forgive them? Are you trying to be some kind of new Jesus Christ of Christianity? Some kind of new messiah?"

He scoffed and laughed.

"Quit playing hero! You won't ever bring world peace, it's unachievable! Trying to get everyone to play house and be civil with each other? If it was possible, it would have happened hundreds— No, millions of years go! Naïve! You're still too naïve! Dual Dragon Emperor, you're nothing but a fraud."

Seth then started to go on about what my past senpai's and what they did to this realm, and many of its towns and villages.

"Everything is a farce; everyone holds you in content. Once you let your guard down, they'll backstab—"

Smack! Don!

Seth was punched in the face by someone, we were a bit stunned since it was Bastet. She looked quite angry.

"I will admit you have some points, Seth, but you are the one who can't move on from your own past. You have not grown at all. What happened to our realm was tragic, many of us agree so. However, refusing to move on from that tragedy will only bring your own downfall."

"Jin, is a different person. What other past wielders of the two Heavenly Dragons did has nothing to do with him. That's like blaming the victim's family for not stopping the victim from going to a certain place at a certain time so they would be prevented from being murdered. You're insane."

Bastet kneeled down and picked Seth's head back up and cocked her arm back.

"Your inability to move on, adapt and overcome...… Are you sure you're supposed to be the mature God that's been alive for hundreds or thousands of years? To me, you're acting like a child who refuses to grow up."


Bastet looked pissed off. I silently move over to Seth, restrain him, and remove his powers. Much like Ares, maybe he needs a lot of time to cool off. Perhaps he can redeem himself? But I'll leave his punishment to them. But as an added bonus… I put it so that he can't leave this realm, otherwise he will die.

I failed on Ares' part since he probably vanished and joined the Alliance of Hell in Khaos Brigade. But not this guy. I bring my hand up and repair the place, I quickly check the east side and it was mostly been repaired. No one managed to 'get through' the barrier since the towns folk were already 'monsters' waiting to be unleashed.

Maybe their own hatred was taken advantage of them, or that the east was prevented thanks to Ash being there most of the time, regardless of what the real reason was… This place was just a tragedy waiting to happen.

"Let's just go back to Nembesouk."

Ash drags the knocked-out Seth with him, and I carry the still tired Sekhmet.


Once we arrived in Nembesouk, I quickly found Aurelia's aura.

"I'll be right back. I suggest you guys go inside the palace; it seems that we're just about done…"

Not waiting for an answer, I flew towards Aurelia. Once I arrived there, she was in a stance and was about to end her duel. Cao Cao did not look like he was having a fun time. He was currently chained to the ground, no matter how many times he used his [True Longinus]'s abilities, they had no adverse effect on the binds that held him.

"Dual Dragon Emperor even joined us? Haha! Very well… I still have one last thing to try. It may be for naught, or turn the tides of this one-sided fight."

Slowly and gruelingly, Cao Cao managed to point his spear towards… Aurelia and I. He then started to chant. He was going to use [Truth Idea].

"O Spear. The true Holy Spear which pierces through God—"

"Suck the ambition of the King of Domination sleeping within me and pierce through the gap of blessing and destruction—"

"You. Announce the will, and turn into a glow."

After Cao Cao chanted, the tip of the spread opens up, and a magnificent amount of light started to glow out from it. It kept on increasing and engulfed this entire area of Nembesouk.

The Will of God, that's what's sealed inside of that thing, [Truth Idea], similar, but also different to [Juggernaut Drive].

However, the light gradually starts to weaken, the tip of the spear where it opened up returned back to normal. Cao Cao who had a hopeful look on him before was left speechless and shocked. Even though he was being manhandled by Aurelia both before and now.

This was the first time I've seen him utterly speechless. He then began laughing.

"It's.... Not activating! Hahaha! I see, I see!"

Aurelia looked confused as Cao Cao kept on laughing, but he eventually stops and had a nostalgic-kind of look. A bitter smile appears on his face.

"...I see. So that is your 'will'. You have picked Aurelia's— No, The Dual Dragon Emperor's dream over my ambition."

Aurelia who was confused, even after I explained [Truth Idea] to her before spoke up.

"Why did it fail? Have you not used [Truth Idea] before?"

"...[Truth Idea] is related to the 'will' of the God of the Bible. The will of the dead God sucks the ambition of the holder of this spear. By responding to how strong the opponent is—"

"—It will create many effects and miracles. That can range from absolute power to destroy my opponents, or a blessing to the opponent to capture their hearts. However..."

"The answer the [Truth Idea] gave to you and by extension to the Dual Dragon Emperor was silence. Then that means, you both won this match, and this spear wants to see the Duel— No, Jin Skyward's dream over mine."

Aurelia nodded, but didn't change her stance. She plans on ending his life.

"I see. That makes sense, while we, the Electa have our own thoughts and feelings. Our creator, Jin. His dreams and ambitions live through us as well. What he wants, what he feels, will reflect on us. Uniting the supernatural and peace. I can see why the dead God of the Bible chose that over your own ambition."

Aurelia said with pride, and Cao Cao kept on bitterly smiling.


Boooooooooooom!!!!!!! Rumble! Rumble!

An enormous translucent golden tiger that was as large as the skies of Nembesouk appeared to shape around Aurelia. Sensing she was going to use a little more strength than usual, I covered the area around her and Cao Cao in a barrier, so the attack won't destroy this realm.

"You won't escape today, Hero Faction leader."

"Not like I can."

It seems like Cao Cao accepted his fate, as he dropped the spear and didn't seem he would try blocking the attack or escaping.

Dwosh!!! Boom!!!

An intense sonic boom reverberated inside the barrier. Everything around us was destroyed, even Cao Cao had a hard time from staying conscious. Aurelia quickly approached Cao Cao, and then she swung down her sword. The translucent lion also made an impact with the man. From it—


An explosion occurred. The entire barrier was covered in a golden explosion. If not for the barrier being here, the entire realm would have been hit by the attack, and I doubt any of them would have survived. Even with Aurelia lowering her power.

The golden explosion ends, nothing was left of Cao Cao. I quickly retrieve and stop the [True Longinus] from going back into the Sacred Gear system in Heaven and stored it in my [Inventory].

[Jin-sama? Did you just prevent a Sacred Gear from coming back?]

I hear Altaria's voice from my transceiver.

[Uh, yeah.]

[Okay ~]

…What was that about? I didn't think she would just do that. I re-focused on the scene and repaired the area, I then removed the barrier. I highly doubt no one saw that…

"Forgive me, I got a little excited."

"Don't worry about it. Everything should have concluded; I wonder how the rest played out…? I'll go check on them."

After the chaos in the Egyptian realm settled, we were inside the castle. Everyone that I've previously met had gathered up. This included Elsa, as apparently to her, she was just watching the fight between Cao Cao and Aurelia from a distance.

"Jin! We extend our gratitude towards you for helping defend our realm, and also for not killing Seth. However, we must be prepared for a possibility of Ptah coming back, correct?"

"Yeah, there's a possibility, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, I have Ireland and Russia to go to, and possible Japan."




God Serena, my other Electa I left to defend the country of Egypt just teleported in. Everyone else was stunned when—

"Ah, it's you! The weirdo by the pyramid!"

Isis' point at him as he did a strange pose whiling giving her a toothy grin. God Serena is a man with medium-length, wavy and spiked orange hair that juts out at the top in a shape similar to rabbit ears; he has thick eyebrows and bears a scar over the bridge of his nose.

He is dressed in a fanciful white robe with blue long sleeves, a blue belt and blue pants. His chest and neck area are covered by a small red cloak with white colored edges, a large collar and three yellow-colored crescent shapes lined up vertically on both sides over his chest. He also wears a simple pair of boots that reach below his knees.

God Serena's most noticeable attribute is a large wheel of blades on his back resembling a dharma wheel.

"Well met, Goddess of Magic!"

He then turns to me, and multiple glowing balls appear, a total of five. Using [Observe] on them, I could tell they were [Gram], [Balmung], [Nothung], [Tyrfing], and [Dáinsleif]. I nod and put them into my [Inventory]. Once that was done, I turn back to face them.

"While this was short, I will come back in the future. I didn't exactly get a proper look into your realm."

"Mmm! You are more than welcome, Jin. Again, we thank you for the help!"

I nod and teleport my group outside. Rose, Raiko, Inaie, Aurelia, Elsa and God Serena were all present. We were away from the guards so they wouldn't hear me.

"Jin-sama. I have something to say."

God Serena speaks up, and he looked quite serious. I nod to let him continue—

"Ignia appeared after I defeated the Hero faction members, and he took the injured ones somewhere to heal them. He said that he will contact you after you deal with the rest of the attacks."

I was wondering where Ignia was, but to think he would just stand back and not try to fight any of the Elec—

"We also fought briefly. It was an interesting match, but as I said he has already left Egypt."

Never mind… I see.

"Okay, good work. You can go back; I'll be heading to Ireland next. Hopefully they're done there already."

All three Electa nod and go back into my ring. All that's left is Ireland, Russia and Japan… Lianne should be alright by herself. She does have the Shadow Knights.

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