Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 6 – Part 1- Physis and A Fleeting Normal Life


Alonissos, Greece

Jin Skyward

Goddess Physis is a beautiful young woman with long green hair and light green eyes. She also has gold earrings on both ears. She wears a very distinctive looking cotte (a medieval outer garment), with the upper half being white and the bottom being brown. She also wears a short yellow cloak with a golden ornament that keeps it tied together. To finish her look, she wears grey knee-high boots.

I walk over to them and greet them.

"Hey, it's been a while, Astraea. It's also nice to meet you, Physis."

I put my hand out and she shakes it.

"Yes, I've heard positive things about you from Astraea. Huhu, to think you would seek me out yourself. May I know why?"

"Yes, I'm also curious, Jin."

Both women look at me with curious eyes. I chuckle and tell them why.

"Well, I was recently in the Shinto Realm and found a certain tree in the kitsune's domain. I was wondering why you were there during such a turbulent time."

After saying that, Physis stares at me in surprise. Astraea looked confused, but seeing her friends' stunned expression, she looks back at me with even more curiosity.

"You know about that?"

"Yeah, I left some kind of energy from it, took a closer look and found out someone named 'Physis' did something there."

She softly chuckles and nods. Astraea still looked confused, but remained silent and listened in to our conversation.

"…I was just there because I was curious. Amaterasu knew of my visit so I had permission to be there. Anyway, it was pure coincidence that I ended up there and during that time, it was also coincidence that I ended up in that place…"

"It was also a coincidence that I found that woman there… I did not think she would be Greek though. I saw it as my responsibility to ease her passing from this world, and also immortalize her in that spot for eternity, or however long that tree lasts."

"I will always forever remember her name. Thaddia… That was her name. I will never forget it. Her touki will forever be in that place. That was all I could do for her…"

She finishes and closes her eyes. Astraea, who was beside her looks at me still confused.

"I'm still confused by all of this. May someone explain?"

Physis opens her eyes once more and explains what we were talking about.

"I see… I didn't think you ever left our own country, Physis. To think you spent time in Japan. If you didn't get permission, it would have been a big misunderstanding, you know?"

Astraea sternly looked at Physis who awkwardly looked away… W-What the hell is this dynamic? It's like a mom scolding her daughter…

"…Do you have something to say, Jin?"


How did she—

'You are too obvious at times, Jin.'

I hear Rudra say… I mean—

'See? No delicacy at all.'

[sEe nO dELicACy aT aLl—]

'...…I will kill you when I get to that universe, [Welsh Dragon].'

{What are you, six?}

Okay, okay, chill. Everyone, chill! How did it plunge into that so quickly?!

"Jin? Is something wrong?"

"No, just a bit of internal trouble…"

I sigh and look up at the sky. It's mostly covered with branches and leaves, but I could see a little bit of the bright blue sky. I still have time right…? I can relax a little bit…

Cúntóir: Answer: I can start the construction process now, Jin. I can also inform everyone in your ho—

Yes, please and thank you, Cúntóir. I love you.

I thank Cúntóir and fall to the ground on my back. It was mostly made out of grass so I didn't need to worry about mud or anything like that. Both Goddesses look at me in amusement.

[She's blushing!! Partner!! She's— Blegh?!]

{…I didn't know Cúntóir could punch that hard… Are his organs okay…?}

'Do not forget that she's at the peak of Omniversal, Albion. However, she's mostly passively helping Jin rather than fighting alongside him.'

{…Point taken, Rudra.}

Cúntóir: Answer: I-I'll start it now, dear!

Bzt! Bzt! Bzt! Bzt!

My phone was violently shaking like a vibrator on crack. However, I ignored it. Cúntóir said she told them so… They can panic for a little while… Let me be lazy…

"Oh right… I rescued Medusa by the way, Astraea."

"M-Medusa?! How? Where? Wh-What?!"

I feel her quickly approach me and stare at me. Um, did these two know each other or something…? Once she was above me, I tell her what had just happened and what I know. Of course, I take out the part about Nyarlathotep's involvement.

"I see… Thank you for doing that. She is resting in your home currently, yes?"

"Yeah, I had her teleported there and Asia should have told Grayfia to take her to an empty room. You seem awfully concerned about her. Were the two of you close or something?"

She nods and sits down beside me. Astraea hugs her knees, looks at me briefly and then looks above us. Finally, she closes her eyes and starts speaking.

"Yes, we were. I wondered why she suddenly did that and disappeared. However, if you say she was affected by that dark fog like Hera was then… I hope they aren't too harsh in her punishment.… Jin? What do you plan on doing to the Irish Goddess Áine?"

She looks back at me and waits for a response.


I tell her of my planned punishment for Áine.

"Of course, the rest of them will need to—"

"They will."

I stared blankly at her and Physis did the same thing.


"It seems you have quite a bit of faith in him, Astraea."

Astraea looks back at Physis and nods.

"His achievements, what he did for Kurousagi, and Hephaestus. As well as getting to know him in those few short days. I think Jin has a sort of charm to him, so I think they will agree to that proposal."

I-I didn't think Astraea had such a high opinion of me. I mean, we barely interacted when I was in their realm. Also, she already knows about that?

Astraea kept looking at me and nods.

"We found out about it because of Amalthea. She's a frequent visitor to that village. Kurousagi has also opted to make it her permanent residence even after becoming a Goddess. She has easy access to her town back in the Egyptian Realm."

Ah… I see, but I do need to visit her again and check up on her. I had to leave Nembesouk as soon as I was done there…

"Is that so? I'll need to visit her when I go back to your realm then…"

Following that, there is silence. A small breeze started and it felt comfortable. However, I remembered another reason for my visit.

"Oh, right. You don't need to answer since I'm just curious, but why did you go into seclusion, Physis? I know another Goddess like you who went into seclusion, who's also a Primordial Goddess of Nature."

"Hmm? Oh, I have no deep reason, Jin. I simply wished to explore the world outside my pantheon. However, after that I felt like too many years had passed and thought it was a bit too awkward to just show up again."

Physis explains and giggles. Astraea who was beside me just sighed disappointedly.

"We discussed this already, Physis. No one will care, so you can come back anytime. You have already finished with your world tour, have you not?"

"Buuu! I'm still exploring!"

"You haven't left this place in twenty years!"

"I'm watching over Greece as a whole!"

The two start to bicker back and forth and I stare at them in silence. I didn't think Astraea could be this… Childish, I guess? The same with Physis. She keeps sticking her tongue out at Astraea and it makes her even angrier.

Tug ~


"Calm. Please."

"Ah, sure…"

Astraea grabs my sleeve and asks me to calm her. So I touched her shoulder and put a calming effect on her. The anger that was slowly building up immediately disappeared. Astraea sighs and lies on the grass.

"You two seem like best friends."

"Yes we are ~"


Physis answered me happily while Astraea glared at me. I just chuckled at her and lay back down on the grass.

"I'll stay here just a little longer…"

"Feel free, Jin. This is why I have lived here for twenty years! It's very calming, isn't it? The breeze, the air, the ambience, the animals— Everything is just perfect! That's why I traveled around the world!"

"Not only did I want to experience many things, I also observed the best parts of nature in each country and incorporated them into my own realm! It's my life's greatest work so far!"

That's her real reason then? She seems a bit eccentric. I glance at Astraea as she rolls her eyes at me. I chuckle again and turn to face her.

"Well? How have you been, Goddess of Justice-sama?"

"…I have been well. Jin. You changed again."

"Hmm? Changed? Um, thank you?"

However, Astraea doesn't answer me but instead just stares at me silently.

"Yoohoo? Hey, don't ignore me to flirt you two."

I looked back at Physis and now she was just towering above me. She had a grin on her face.

"I know this cliché, Jin. But I am wearing a long skirt so you won't see my panties."

…What? Please don't tell me she—

"Ah, I'm not. But I did see quite a bit of anime and it did intrigue me. So I did pick up on some clichés that they have over there. They certainly are amusing. Say, has any of them happened to you so far?"

"…Japan in real life isn't the same as anime you know…"

Though we're technically in one right now, but I won't say that out loud… She crosses her arms and sighs.

"I know that, but they sometimes happen, right? Share some experiences!"

"Well… I did walk into a nun while she was naked, I guess?"


That was accidental though, and Griselda didn't mind. Even though that was our third or fourth meeting. But now that I think about it, I haven't been in too many clichés.

"Anything else?"

"I've avoided a lot of them…"


Bored with my answer, Physis goes back to where she was at previously. With a shrug and a sigh, I closed my eyes. I'll stay here for just a little longer…

"I'll get going then. I've stayed here for way too long."

"It's the best place to relax!"

"I won't deny that, Physis. May I come here again then?"

"Feel free! But please bring some food next time…"

I brought out some food I bought from Padraig and she liked it, the same with Astraea. I also told her about my plans to start a restaurant, so she's very interested in that. I also invited her to my home, and she wants to visit in the future.

"Take care, Jin."

"You too, Astraea. I'll be back in your pantheon soon, so—"

"I know. I'll be waiting."

I nod and teleported back home.

Flashback End

Present day

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

Natsume Minagawa

'Hey, hey, Natsu!'

What is it, Sylph?

'When is your date with Jin? I've been looking forward to it!'

Aren't I supposed to be the one who's thrilled?! Also, I don't know. I want to approach him about it… I mean, after it… W-We potentially d-d-do it, y-you know?

'He told you that you'd go on one soon!'

I know! Ugh…

It's been two days since the whole Áine debacle, and I, Natsume Minagawa am currently in Jin's home. Asia has been texting her a lot, and for some reason taking a lot of pictures of Jin and sending them to that woman…

'Maybe Asia is trying to show the good sides of Jin? I mean we did hear about her, you know, past.'

I-I guess so, no, that's definitely the case. But she's mostly taken pictures of him in weird circumstances though...

'Hmm, that's also true! Hey, want me to join? It'll be a threesome!'

...…H-Huh?! First Kanami and now you! W-Why are so many people asking me to do threesomes with me and Jin?! I haven't even done it with him yet!

'So you're not against it?'

...…It's impossible to avoid. That's all I'm going to say. Also, you can transform?

'Duh! Even though this is my original form, I can transform to a normal human size you know?'

I didn't even know that… Why haven't you said anything about it until now?

'You never asked!'

Okay, that's on me… But I doubt Jin would say yes to it. He onl—

'I know, I know! He'll only do it if he's in a relationship with them! Sheesh, he's like an old man! Doesn't that mean I'll just need to make him fall for me?! He will definitely fall for the Sylph charm! Huhu!'

…You've gone insane, Sylph…

'Watch me!'

I'm scared to…


"…Sis? Do you need something?"

"Go on a date with Jin soon."


"I'm going to put the moves on him! I did a few over the past fifteen years, but I mostly focused on getting stronger! But now is the right time… After that all three of us can…"

Kanami started to drool. Why is she so obsessed with threesomes? She said she hadn't even gotten to having sex with her previous boyfriends. What's with the obsession lately…?

'Well, he did give her a new spear, a Sacred Gear on par with the original thirteen Longinus, and help her get stronger. He also showed her some affection in the [Pocket Dimension], and—'

I get it, I get it, Sylph! Okay, so Sis has a small crush, no big deal…

'You sound jealous, Natsu. But I doubt it's just a small crush at this point. Well, anyway, do your best and get laid soon!'

".... You're both weird."

Sis looks at me confused but I didn't elaborate… But a date, huh? Where though…? I want it to be a bit special… I should consult Akeno, Kuroka or Lavinia.

Kuoh Academy


Jin Skyward

"…Akeno, we need to get to the club soon."

"Mmm ~ fine ~"

Akeno and I were on the rooftop. Why? Well, we just finished some lewd time. Akeno got up and winked at me.

"There's some on your cheek…"

Noticing the small droplet of cum on her cheek, she gathers it up with her finger and seductively licks it… This woman, I swear…

Slap ~

"Hya ~"

"Let's get going."

"Kinky, I like it."

I shake my head and start to gently push Akeno towards the door as she makes a half-hearted attempt at resisting. It was still near the start of lunch since she basically dragged me up here. Apparently, she wanted to compete with Rias on, uh… Well, 'that', so that just happened.

We finally reached the third years floor, and we came across Sona and Tsubaki. They stare at us, Akeno winked and Sona glared at me.

"…Just so you know, it was Akeno's idea."

Sona did not look convinced as she stared blankly at me.

"…Please try not to do it as much as you can. We are in a place of learning."

She flatly says making Akeno giggle and go over to her. This confused the [King] and [Queen]. Akeno leaned into Sona's ear and whispered.

"Don't worry, President Sona ~ Jin will stick his thing into you soon enough ~"



Chop ~

I chopped her on the head as she turns around and sticks her tongue out at me. But Akeno trots back to me and went behind me.

"Sorry about that, Sona."

"N-No, it's fine…"

Sona shakes her head and fixes her glasses. She looks at Akeno one last time before she starts to walk away with Tsubaki. However, Akeno pokes me on the back and says loudly enough for Sona to hear—

"You didn't deny it."


Playfully giggling she hugs my arm and starts to drag me away and towards the club.

After School

Occult Research Clubroom

No, no, no… Not that… Not good enough…

Shake ~ Shake ~


Would this do…? No, I need my menu to be more diverse. I also need to try out new recipes that I got, and add my own twist to them…

Poke ~ Poke ~

"Jiiin? He can't hear me, can he?"

How abou—

Boing ~ Boing ~


I had been thinking about my restaurant's future menu, and what type of things I wanted to be on it, however, suddenly someone's chest was shoved into my face. I pull away and saw the chest belonged to Rias.

"Um, how can I help you?"

"No, it's not me, but…"

Rias trails off and looks behind her. I move my head to see Irina fidgeting in her chair with Griselda waving at me. I give all three of them a strange look.

"What's up?"

"Jin-senpai, I-I uh, I found something in the mall and I wanted to buy it! B-But, I-I, uh…"

Irina stutters out. I see, she wants some help with it? I mean I don't mind…

"She ran out of money for the month."

Griselda finishes for her and Irina blushes even harder. I chuckle and got up from my seat. I quickly kiss Rias and go to the door.

"Well, let's get going then. An impromptu date, it is."

"Huh?! Wait, no that's not what I—"

Both reincarnated angels accompanied me. I was expecting just Irina, but it seems Griselda also wanted to come along with us. Is she just keeping an eye out for Irina? She sees me looking at her and she smiles at me.

We had just left the gates of the academy and were walking towards the mall in Kuoh. There were quite a few people out, as well as many students. Some on dates, some with their friends and others by themselves.

"So, do you mind telling me what you want, Irina?"

"I-It's a bit embarrassing…"

"I like manga and anime; I think it's fine."

"Ah, right... W-Well, I was out with Xenovia and Asia yesterday and we saw a couple of manga and light novel box sets for a series we liked. Well, I don't have any money left… They offered to pay for me but I declined. I felt too guilty."

I nod.

"I see, I understand, Irina. So I'm just a giant wallet for you, huh? I didn't think an angel like you would think of me like that. I'm hurt."

I summoned a handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped away my non-existent tears. However, Irina visibly panics and starts to wave her hands frantically in front of her.

"No, no, no, no, no!! I don't! No, I uh, well…"

Griselda giggles at the panicking angel, and I kept on wiping my fake tears away. Irina finally stops and sighs.

"I… I wanted to spend some time with you… But I did want to get those sets and didn't have money… I failed as an angel. Michael-sama, please forgive me, amen!"

She puts her hands together and prays. I put the handkerchief away and pat her on the head.

"It's fine, Irina. Let's just get to that store and see. Heck, why don't I just buy it all out?"


The both of them were just silently staring at me.

"Come on, I was joking…"

"It's possible for you, Jin-senpai. So when you say something outrageous like that, I don't know when to take it seriously or not."


Griselda, why did you agree with her?! I don't say—

{[Yes, you do.]}

...…Fine, whatever.

We finally arrived at the local mall in Kuoh town. Now this is one of the weird differences here, unlike the local department store which was significantly smaller, this one was giant. Honestly, it's probably the largest structure in this place. All I know is, it's definitely run and managed by humans and not the supernatural.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't any working in it. It has six floors in total, each one being large and having a large variety of shops. Ranging from clothes, food, electronics and others. We were in the first or ground floor.

"So, where too? I heard from classmates (Najima and Kouta) that there are a few stores here that sell them."

I turn to Irina and she nods. It looks like it's Griselda's first time in here since she was looking around a lot. I've only been here a few times since I never had a reason to come here.

"Ah yes, there are stores on each floor, but the one we saw the set in was on the last floor. Let's take the elevator up."

Irina leads the charge as Griselda and I hang back.

"You seem curious about the place. Haven't been here that much?"

"No… Kuroka and Lavinia took me here once but it was to shop for clothes…"

Clothes? Now that I think about it, I haven't seen her wearing any other clothes. Apart from her nun outfit, the weird tights battle suit, her outfit for school and whatever she wears at home and those are usually modest. I haven't seen her in a dress or anything like that.

"Is something the matter, Jin? You're staring at me an awful lot."

"Oh no, it's— Actually, I want to see you in a dress."

Griselda stares at me in shock. Is it due to my honesty there? However, Griselda chuckles in the end.

"I see…"

We arrived at the elevator and use it to go up to the last floor. However, it was a little crowded since quite a lot of people were here. When we got out, Irina looked annoyed. She looks around before coming to my side again.

"Is something wrong?"

"…I think someone groped me?"

Groped? I look around and didn't see anyone eyeing Irina. There's also the possibility of it being an accident. With how many people there were, it wouldn't be impossible for hands to accidentally touch places. Although, I do put my hands up in cases like that.

"Are you sure? It could have been an ac—"

"I'm sure. They felt my thighs the entire ride up. It felt really creepy."

Irina shivered and shook her head. Well, we can't… Actually, Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: Scanning mall...… Found 29-year-old male: Kurogane Sato. Employee of a bookstore on the 6th floor of Kuoh Mall. The name of the store is 'Yarn & Dale'.

What the hell kind of name is that? Yarn & Dale? No, no, that's besides the point. He groped Irina, so we might as well take a detour after we buy the things she wants. As I spoke with Cúntóir, we had followed Irina to that store and…

"Yarn & Dale, huh? Ironic."

"Huh? What do you mean, Jin-senpai?"

"Your groper works here. Anyway, let's confront him. But do you want to do it now or wait until we buy your things?"

We stand to the side as Irina deliberates. If we complain now, something can be done about him. But we also need proof. I doubt Irina's words alone will suffice. Hmm… Eh, might as well fuck with someone today…

Cúntóir: Answer: I am already on it, dear.

I-Is that right? So…?

Cúntóir: Answer: I have changed the structure of the elevators and history of the construction. The elevators now have cameras in them, and the other 'shoppers' were removed from there, now the footage shows Kurogane Sato touching Irina Shidou.

I see, so if we bring that footage to them then there's a higher chance of getting him fired and if Irina chooses to…


"Jin-senpai. Let's deal with it after. I want to see if it's still there."

"That's fine. I already have it sorted, so let's take our time."

Irina nodded and pulled me into the store with Griselda also still attached to my free arm so she wouldn't fall behind. Upon entering, I took a quick glance at the library and found it quite modern with a variety of genres and types.

Among the library of books are practical works, school works, children's books, manga, art books, light novels, and other types. They littered the shelves of this store. They were neatly stacked and alphabetically arranged. I notice that there are also a lot of people here. I didn't think so many people in Kuoh read…

[It's probably just for manga or light novels, or even relevant books for school. I mean, there is the college division, right?]

Yeah, that makes sense. But… Yeah I can see them mostly buying manga or light novels. However, I've been getting the stink eye since I got here. Most of them coming from jealous guys. Now that I take a step back and see my positions, I had two ladies clinging onto me, that's sure to get some jealous stares from single people…

"Are you looking for recipe books?"

"Yes and no. I was just curious what kind of books they sell here. Is it all kinds? Just light novels and manga? Educational ones?"

I answered Griselda's question as Irina brought us over to the section she wanted. When we got there, it was mostly filled with manga and light novels. However, a small section had ones in small cardboard boxes with illustrations on them.

"So which— ..."

Irina had let go of me, went over to a certain part, and came back with two boxes. She looked very excited…

"O-Okay, I'll buy them both for you…"

I take a glance at what she wanted and they both said 'So I'm a Creme Brulee, So What?' …Is that the knock off of 'So I'm a Spider, So What?' I'm pretty sure I saw another one about being a rat…

[Creme Brulee? Isn't that food? How would that even work?]

I also want to know, Ddraig…

"So, anything else?"

I glance back at Irina and she shook her head. I turn to Griselda and she nods.

"I saw something. May I go and get it?"


Griselda separates from me and walks away, turns a corner and disappears. I go over to Irina and look at the two box sets she wanted. Both of them contain seven novels or manga each. So she'll be getting a total of fourteen, huh? I glance around and find an individual volume.

The price of one volume is ¥650, but if I bought all the volumes separately, I would have to pay about ¥4550, but the set only costs ¥3900. The same with the other set. I would say buying the set is cheaper…

"Good call, Irina. Buying these individually would be more money, the sets are cheaper."

"Yes! Xenovia did the math in her head and told us when we were here together. She's gotten a lot faster at doing that. Who knew the muscle-head would be like this someday? It makes me a bit emotional!"

Irina sounded weirdly proud about it, although I can share the sentiment. While she still prefers to use her muscles over her brain, she's a lot smarter about how she does things now. Whether that be fighting or just everyday things.

I look through other manga and light novels as we wait for Griselda to come back to us, but she eventually does. She was carrying only one book, and she looked quite happy with herself. Once she arrived by us, I took a peek at the name of the book…

'The Good Wife Guide: 19 Rules for Keeping a Happy Husband' ...…She saw me looking at it, she smiled and blushed but gave it to me.

"I would like this."

"I-I see. It's also ¥650… Let's head to the checkout then."

I hand the book back to her and we go to the checkout. Why would she get that…?


Ddraig, that's not what I meant. I mean is there really the 'right' way of being a wife? There are certainly right ways of doing things, like communication. I had to learn that the arduous way with Kuroka and Rias, but apart from that, most marriages are different from one another.

[I wouldn't know, Partner. But she may have her own reasons. If you're curious, ask her. She did say she was interested in someone.]

Once we arri—


"J-Jin?! W-Wait, Griselda-sensei?! And… Another Harem member?!"

It was Kouta. When did he start working here? What happened to… You know what? Never mind… Also, don't just refer to Irina as just 'another harem member'....

"Oh, hey there Kouta. I didn't know you were working here."

"Y-Yeah. My parents told me to stop spending all my time playing games at home. I mean, I do hang out with… Uh, you know… A-Anyway, let me scan those for you."

Irina and Griselda put their items down and Kouta began to scan them. Once Kouta saw Griselda's book his eyes bulged out, but Griselda kept her usual calm smile and didn't even flinch.

"Ahem… That'll be ¥8450 please… Will you be using cash or card?"


Kouta nods and pulls out a magstripe. I pull out my black debit card and Kouta's eyes bulge out again and he starts to cough. I put my card against it and pay, once that was done, I put it away. Kouta finally finished having a coughing fit and looks at me in bewilderment.

"You're rich?!"

"Not really?"


"…Kouta, aren't you meant to ask something else? Or before that?"

"Ah— W-Would you like to have a bag?!"

Irina puts her hand up and nods. Kouta fumbles a bit before taking out a plastic bag large enough to fit all the items into it. Once done I take the bag and look at him one last time.

"Oh, by the way, is there a manager here?"

He tilts his head confused.

"Manager? Yeah, he's here, why?"

"I'd like to make a complaint."


He starts to panic and points at himself.

"Not you, you idiot, someone else."

He breathes a sigh of relief and runs towards the door to get the manager. I scan the store and it seems our culprit is working in the back. Hopefully he won't come out. Eventually Kouta comes back out with a kind-looking older man. He looks to be around his 50s or 60s.

"Excuse me young man, you had a complaint?"

He asked quite nervously. Kouta had scurried back behind the checkout while also looking nervous.

"We believe one of your employees groped my junior while we were riding the elevator up to this floor. I think his name is Kurogane or something. We have proof as that elevator has cameras."

I summon a small memory card and USB stick from my pocket and pull them out. I hand the USB stick to the manager, who stares at it before nodding. He gestures for us to follow him and we go behind the counter.

Do they normally invite us in there? I would have thought that they would just take the USB stick.

"Kouta-kun, please stay there."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"Please follow me."

We stepped through the door and there was a small horizontal hallway. In front of us was a door that looked like it led to some kind of breakroom. We went into the breakroom and there seemed to be some kind of laptop on the table.

The manager strolls over there, sits down and sticks the USB into the laptop. There was only one file on it so he shouldn't have any trouble. Will we need to get the mall security involved or something? Or the actual police…? That was sexual harassment, right?

The manager clicks on the file and a video begins to play. It was a recording from the top right of the elevator. After a few seconds of nothing happening, it shows Irina and Kurogane entering the elevator. After a few seconds he starts to touch her thigh and starts to feel it, and even gropes her ass. However, it was rather quick since the elevator arrived at its destination quickly.

The manager sighs and clicks off the video. He gets up and turns to us before bowing.

"Please leave this to us, we will—"

Creak ~

"Manager, I need some hel—"

Kurogane, the man who groped Irina froze. He had short messy hair and wore the employee's uniform. He looks us over once before running out of the room.

"Well, he fled. He's even more guilty."

I turn back to the manager to see him on a hand-held radio? And it sounds like he was talking to someone?



We hear a loud thud and someone yelling out in pain. The manager puts his hand-held radio away, walks past us and back to the front of the store. I go back over to the computer and take the USB, and follow after everyone.


"Let me go! What the hell?! This is assault!"

[Male Karen detected.]

{Kick his balls in.}

Are you two feeling violent or something?

{[Kick his head in!]}

...…Alright, moving on. The manager takes out his hand-held radio again and speaks into it. After a few minutes of waiting, and with Kurogane bitching and whining while being restrained by the store guard that had stopped him.

A few mall security guards, a mall operations manager, and other people came to the store. Griselda and I stood at the side, while Irina was questioned, and I had to give the USB stick back so they could review it again. Kurogane was cuffed and was forced to go with them. However, they decided to move to the breakroom and we were left there.

"This is taking longer than I expected. I just wanted to go on a little—"

I didn't finish my sentence as Kouta was staring at me quite intently. So we went over to him.


"Y-Yes, Griselda-sensei!?"

"I heard from Jin that you're interested in a girl?"

Kouta gave me a glare but he hesitantly said yes to her. She takes his hand and holds it making the guy turn crimson red and start profusely sweating.

"Please just be yourself. Don't try to change yourself to be someone else. Be the best version of yourself and the right woman will eventually find you and like you. If the girl you're interested in likes the real you, then wouldn't that be wonderful?"

Kouta was a bit taken aback by Griselda's advice but he involuntarily nodded in the end. She smiles and let go of his hand. Kouta stood there a bit stunned but then finally spoke.

"Griselda-sensei. There's a rumor that you, Penemue-sensei and Rossweisse-sensei live in Jin's home, is that true? It is also true that Penemue-sensei has a boyfriend?"

We both look at him a little stunned. That, that had nothing to do with anything said.

"Dude, how is that relevant?"

"I want to know, so I can have my own answer."

I asked him, but Kouta shook his head. He seemed adamant about this. Griselda and I glance at each other before nodding.

"All three of us knew Jin prior to joining the school. In a way, we joined because of him. As for those reasons? I won't divulge into them; however, we do live with him. The rumor of Penemue having a lover is false. You can connect the dots, can't you? Please keep this a secret Kouta-kun… Unless you want trouble to arise…"

Griselda explains. Her eyes were closed when she said all of that. However, at the end she opens them and sent a bit of a threatening aura towards Kouta. This made him shiver.

"Y-Y-Yes ma'am!"

He even salutes her. Sheesh, she can be threatening when she wants to be, huh? Kouta sighs and looks at me in response.

"So, do you really have a harem?"

"Yes. I'm dating more than the ones you see, Kouta."

"...It's not all that unbelievable when you consider the stupid black card you have... Oh my god, Jin. Are you planning to start some kind of restaurant empire or something?"

I snort at what he said. Restaurant empire? I mean, probably? My plans for it is to have a global reach, including both the human and supernatural realms.

"Who knows? I'm starting out in Kuoh. I have the Rias and Sona's family backing me. Add my own money, and I should do fine for it."

Griselda gives me an odd look. Yeah, yeah, there's no definite with the Sitri backing me yet. I am confident, however, that they will approve once I prevent Sona's father from contracting the devil's sleeping disease. They know I'm with Serafall, and that she moved in with me.

"Seriously? You even have President Sona? You're wild man… I can't even imagine her being all lovey-dovey."

Me neither, man. I have been on one date with her. I want to ask her on another… Wait, what about inviting her to one of my visits to a pantheon? Hmm… I can ask Momo about Sona's interests in that particular topic…

"You're taking this confirmation pretty well, man. I mean all things considered."

"Jin... No offense dude, but you're both popular and one of the school's weirdos, you know? You just don't make sense to the rest of us. You have the physical abilities to do any sports. A lot of the clubs asked you to join them, but you refused and joined the Occult Research Club?"

"You're surprisingly smart, like I said, no offense. But you're so lazy! You sleep like 90% of all our classes, yet you get 100% on all tests we've done so far in the year. You're like those super perfect anime characters, but… You're just weird."

"Why the hell did you bring in a sandwich with strawberry covered banana and pickle? You stare at the sky a lot and when you're blunt, you're basically being an asshole. People find it difficult to approach you. You're weirdly accurate with your predictions and can tell a lot of people's weird quirks after looking at them for a short time."

"So, it's really surprising to a lot of us that you have a 'harem' or even got yourself a girlfriend. What the hell draws them to you? Sorry, I went on a rant there…"

Kouta finishes and heaves a sigh of relief. It seems like he's been meaning to say that, huh? But… People thought that about me? Okay, I guess the staring at the sky is weird. I mean, I like it, and maybe I'm talking to SOMEONE in my soul.

[So we're to blame, Partner? Ouch.]

No, I'm not blaming you guys, it's just an explanation. But yeah, I guess the rest makes sense. They do make me out to be a weirdo.

"I guess so? But I don't care, as long as I have the Occult Research club, the few friends outside of it, like you and Najima, then my school life is fulfilling enough. That's all that matters."

"Khh!! Don't go saying that man! You'll make me cry!"

Kouta exaggeratedly rubs his face with his arm while pretending to wipe away tears. However, our conversation is stopped as the doors open with Kurogane still in handcuffs and Irina coming over to us while sighing tiredly.

The manager comes over to us and hands us… Coupons? He nods at Irina before heading to the back again.

"We're done… Let's go home… I'm tired…"

"O-Okay then… Anyway, see you tomorrow, Kouta."

"Y-Yeah, see ya man."

We left the store, the plastic bag still in my hands the entire time. Irina hugs my arm and leans against me, seemingly exhausted.

"Too many questions… I didn't press charges, I just wanted to be out of there. So many legal things… Ugh…"

"We're done now, and you can read this when we get home. Good job, Irina."

"Uwaaaa…. Jin-senpaiiii ~~"

She hugged my arm tighter while comically crying. I just had a strained smile on me while we slowly made our way back home. Irina didn't give any details but said it was all sorted out and not to worry about it.


Skyward Household

"Nya ~ Nya ~"

"You're being awfully cuddly tonight, Kuroka…"

"Do you hate it, nya? I can go…"

It's been an hour since we had dinner, and to my surprise it was mostly normal today. Nothing dramatic or loud happened in my home, which I would usually find something like that happening.

I was currently in the backyard with Kuroka and Shigune, although Shigune seemed a bit jealous as she kept taking peeks at Kuroka and I's flirting. Even though we're dating, she's still quite shy about it.

"No, it's been a while since I spoiled you this much. What do you even do when we're at school?"

"Nya? I help Inaie and Raiko in the [Training Facility], also Lavinia has been kind of subtly telling me to join Slash/Dog in her place. I don't really want to though. I enjoy being lazy in your home."

"…You sound like a freeloader…"

"Nya?! Kuroka is shocked! We have sex though!"

"Apart from being formally part of Team Vali, sex, and helping people train. What else do you do? You know getting a job isn't that bad…"

"I-I— Ugh… That's right nya, I'm just a freeloader nya… Shigune! Jin is bullying me!"

Kuroka stops cuddling with me and crawls over to Shigune. All three of us were on the bench, and Shigune awkwardly laughed at Kuroka.

"W-Well, I think you should join us, Kuroka-san… I think you'd make a fine member of our team. I mean, you're a skilled user of magic like Lavinia-san…"

"I have no allies!"

"W-What about being employed by Jin?"

"Shigune is a genius nya!"

Kuroka hugs Shigune as she awkwardly hugs her back too. These two are completely different… The highly energetic Kuroka, and the quiet and modest Shigune. Man, how did Shigune and Natsume become so close?

Kuroka looks at me with an expectant look while Shigune was giving me an apologetic one.

"I do need some staff members for the future so… But you're either going to be working in the back, or as a waitress."

I glance at Kuroka as she looks giddy at the thought.

"I don't mind nya!"


I relented. It's fine, right? I mean it's in a few months so…

"Job secured!"

But it took you this long to get a job though…

"Hmm nya? ~"


Boom! Crash! Thud!

A loud crashing sound was heard from my home. All three of us turn to look at the house and then at each other. I sigh and all three of us got up and headed back in. I wonder what happened?

Once inside, I locate where the accident happened. When I got there with Kuroka and Shigune, we saw that Inaie was on the ground. Food was everywhere, Raiko was also on the ground and Grayfia was glaring at Inaie coldly. Of course, the young girl started to shiver as she was receiving the glare.

"What happened?"

I go over and help both Inaie and Raiko up. I snap my fingers and clean up the mess by reversing time and everything went back to their previous places before whatever happened occurred.

"Thank you… Ugh… I'm sorry…"

Inaie apologized and went to sit in a chair. I turn back to Grayfia and she nods.

"Inaie tried to use magic to cook. I acknowledge that she's a competent cook, and has the necessary skills to prepare a meal that's consumable. However, she has only used magic to cook in small doses in the past, but this time—"

Consumable, Fia… That's a really low bar to set… So you base people's abilities on cooking as long as it's edible? Damn, who's cooking was so substandard that you had to lower your standards to that…?



Be nice… But maybe…

"However, this time she used a bit too much and for too long. Inaie, you have reasonable control of your magic, but it isn't enough yet. Please keep that in mind. Perhaps use the [Training Facility] a little more and practice your control rather than getting stronger?"

Inaie seemed annoyed at herself and agreed with Grayfia. Fia sighed and gestured for her to follow her. The two start to practice again. I didn't know they practiced this far into the day…

I turn to Raiko as she had been standing beside me during the whole thing.

"And how about you?"

"I was just here to get a drink, and well, I was caught up in it."

She explains. I see, that's just—

"That's just shit luck."

Raiko looks at me with an unamused stare.

"Language, Jin."


"…What's up with the no cursing rule all of a sudden…?"

[You started it!]

I did not…

However, Raiko refused to look at me, and started to blush. Huh? Why? Is she still affected by that bathroom incident? She quickly left and I was left there with Kuroka and Shigune.

"Hmm, just a typical night then nya. I was getting worried since nothing much happened during the day nya."

So you were expecting something… It's like this place is a zoo or something.

"A-Ahahaha… Yes, I was also a bit worried that nothing had happened yet."

You too, Shigune?!

Crash! Crash! Thud!

"Now what?!"

The next noise was from upstairs. Looking up, I turn to my two companions.

"Onwards and upwards, Captain Skyward nya!"

"…Uh, okay?"

"Play along nya!"

"I don't know how to respond to that though?"

Kuroka sighed, grabbed both of us and dragged us upstairs. Once there she looks at me.

"This way."

It was towards Irina's room. I wonder what happened? She was quite tired after the whole groping incident and said she'd just go take a nap before dinner.

[Partner, I'm surprised you stayed calm during that.]

Ddraig… I can be calm and reasonable when it involves my current and potential lovers, you know? I'm not the same person I once was.

[Hmm, maybe this is a sign of matu—]

But if he tried again, I would have slammed him into a wall, and crushed his balls with a kick.

[—Never mind, you haven't changed too much in that aspect…]

Damn straight! But I didn't want to get charged with assault, so I held back dammit! Irina's thighs got groped! Shit!

[…Thigh weirdo.]




[I hate all of you.]

I wonder how Tiamat's thighs feel…

[...…Uuuuuooooooooohhhhhh It's inevitable….. Nnnnooouuuuuuu...…..]

We have left the [Welsh Dragon] to despair. I chuckle to myself as we arrive at Irina's door. I knock on it but only heard groaning. Confused, I pushed the door open and discover—

"Ah, Jin-san."


"Oh, you're here."

Irina, Griselda, Asia, Xenovia, Gabriel and Penemue were here. That's… Well, honestly that's not that strange since they're all 'angels' in a way, with the exception of Asia.

A flutter of white feathers later, Gabriel had got up, and hugged me. I don't think she'll let go. I look around the room and nothing seems to be out of place. Well, apart from the church trio being on the ground and a few of the new books being on the ground.

"So, what's happening here?"

"We were discussing the first two volumes we read. It got a bit heated and, well, we started to wrestle on the ground…"

Xenovia explained while Irina laughed beside her.

"I got caught up in the crossfire…"

Asia confesses and I sigh at all three of them. But that doesn't explain why—

"I was reading the book along with Griselda, the one you bought her! She wants to be a good wife to you in the future. Me and Penemue too!"

Gabriel blurts out. I stare at her in surprise and then turn back to Penemue and Griselda. Both women had turned crimson red.

"Gabriel! You were supposed to keep that a secret! Come here young lady!"

Penemue got up from the bed, and forcefully try yanking Gabriel off me. But—

"No! No! I want to be with Jin! Jiiin help!"

Gabriel, with tears threatening to fall from her eyes begged me. This is something even Penemue faltered at, and I doubt many of us want to see this adorable creature crying. Penemue, who was still blushing, let go and went back to Irina's bed before hugging herself.

"Kill me…. Ugh…"

She muttered out while still embarrassed. Irina and Xenovia had switched back to discussing it more civilly, and Griselda had covered her face with her book while pretending to read.

"It sure is lively in here nya. Let me join nya!"

Kuroka scooted past me and jumped on top of Irina and Xenovia as both of them had a surprised look before—


"Ah— K-Kuroka-san! P-Please stop!"

"Wait, the book!"

"I'll eat the Creme Brulee nya!"

The three struggled on the ground, before they started to squish the books, I pointed at them and reinforced them… Only a God-class attack can destroy or crease those things now…


Gabriel looks up at me, and my heart nearly stops. I just hear Shigune awkwardly chuckle behind me. I can relate to you, Shigune. I am quite a lazy person, so all this high energy can be quite exhausting at times, but I still love it…

"…You're too adorable sometimes, Gabriel…"

I hugged her back as she buries herself deeper into my chest. I don't know if she's aware of it or not, but I'm willing to believe it's the latter.

"Ah! Jin-san and Gabriel-sama are flirting!"

Asia shouts gaining everyone else's attention, and then the rest of them tackled me to the ground. Gabriel, not wanting to let go of her spot just laughed along and started to fight to keep her place.

"A-Are we meant to join in, Griselda?"

"...You can, I am busy reading, Penemue-sensei ~"

"…I won't, I am a mature woman… I have to resist…"

I tried to calm everyone down but they were all way too hyper even at this time of night. However, Shigune had just sat down against the wall while looking at us with a bit of envy... I'll speak with her when this gets sorted…!

"Hah… Finally."

It didn't take too long to calm them down, but they did. Now they're discussing it more civilly. Also, Gabriel fell asleep during it. How? Fuck if I know, but I'm a bit envious of that ability of hers. So I had to bring her back to her own room.

At the moment, I was outside in the hallway, and Shigune had not moved from her place. It seems she was thinking about something. I approach her and sit down beside her, but still she didn't notice me.

Tap ~ Tap ~

The moment I tap her shoulder, she looks up at me with a look of surprise on her face.

"Hey, you've had such a serious face for the last few minutes. Is everything okay?"

She opens her mouth but nothing is said. She closes it and thinks about it for a few seconds before apparently coming to some conclusion. She stands up and grabs my hands telling me to stand up too, and so I did.

She looked quite serious but was also blushing as her lips were quivering. She takes a deep breath while staring at the ground and then looks back at me.

"W-Welcome back, D-Dear…!"


[Ah, he's broken. Partner! Paaaarrttnneeeerrr!!]

Cúntóir: Answer: Rebooting Jin Skyward har—

I was just shocked! I look back at Shigune as she waited for my response or reaction.

"Where did that come from, Shigune? I mean, I'm back…?"


She nods her head furiously before hugging me. W-What the hell, another adorable creature…?! I hug her back and we stay like that for a little bit. However, she eventually looks up at me and—

"C-Can I greet you like that from now on…?"

"I mean, sure, if you want to? I'm not stopping you. Although, you're not the first to start calling me 'Dear'."

"I'm fine with that! Thank you, J-Jin!"

Step ~ Step ~

"Ah! I found Jin!"

I turn around while still being hugged by Shigune and see Lavin—

Smack! Gyu!

"I need my nightly healing ~"

"…Okay, okay, I'll spoil you too before I turn in for the night…"

I feel like I became even more tired after all of that. I hope tomorrow's a little— No, I really shouldn't hope for a calm life anymore…

Kuoh Academy

Early Morning


"Yo, yo, Skyward-sama! Why do you look so serious?"

"Yeah, Jin. Why?"

Najima and Kouta approached my desk. I, along with the weird early morning risers were in the classroom. The Gremory and Sitri peerages were in their respective clubrooms.

Good question. Why am I so serious right now? Well, I received a text message from Yasaka about urgent business, asking me to come to Urakyoto in two days.

I've been racking my brain about it, but no events come to mind yet. I also asked Cúntóir about it, but all she did was giggle at me. So after that, I didn't think whatever Yasaka wanted me for wasn't THAT serious, but I'm still curious…

"…It's nothing, I was just wondering which came first: The Chicken or The Egg."

I flatly tell them, and they stare blankly at me.



Kouta and Najima stared at each other with some hostility.

"It's the Ch—"

I didn't want to hear this, so I closed my eyes.

Jin's Soul

[Hmm? Oh, you ran away to here, Partner?]

"Yeah, I mean I did say that to make them argue for a little while. By the way, where's Elsha?"

[Huh? Oh, are you trying to hit on her now? She's probably in that part of your soul.]

"...Not what I was planning but thanks, Ddraig."

I look around one last time and see that Cúntóir was missing, as well as Velgrynd. However, Ddraig, Albion, Garrett and Belzard were quietly playing some kind of card game. What surprised me the most was the 'quiet' part.

I shrug and go to that part of my soul instead. Once I arrived there, it was still the same. A bright blue sky and a reflective watery surface. However, in the distance, Elsha's figure stood motionless. I slowly approached her. Even though the ground beneath me was made out of water, it did not make any sound.

However, I felt a gentle breeze here… How does that even work? But it didn't take me long to reach her and I stand beside her.

"Elsha? What are you doing here?"


Upon peering at her face, I realized she was smiling at the ever-expanding blue horizon in front of us. Yet, she did not answer me, as if she hadn't even noticed that I was there. I sneak up behind her and—

Squeeze ~ Squeeze ~


I blew on her ear and squeezed the side of her hips. This made the woman yelp and turn around at me in panic and confusion. I grinned at her as she sighs at me.

"Jin? Geez, I thought someone was— Do you need something?"

She lightly smacks my chest and looks at me with a bit of annoyance.

"No… Yes? I don't know. Everyone was mostly missing, so I wanted to search for you."

"Did you miss me? I'm flattered, young man, but that won't—"

"Yeah, I kind of did. It's been a while since we last spoke, the same with Amaris."

Elsha seemed a bit surprised but smiled at the end. She sits down on the water and gestures for me to join her and I do.

"I can revive you."


"I'm not budging on this, Elsha. I will say this to the rest of them too."

She sighs beside me and I feel her looking at me, so I turn to face her. We stare at each other silently until—

"You know that every past wielder of both Sacred Gears has had a very destructive and hate filled past, Jin. It's honestly a miracle that we're all getting along while we're here in your soul. Although, Amaris is still quite withdrawn and keeps to herself."

Yes, I am aware.

"Even if you knew what to do and avoid the same path. There was still a point in time when you could have gone down the same path as us, but you still managed to stay true to yourself. That's pretty incredible you know? Some people stray from that path after a significant life-changing event."

"Some use alcohol to cope, others turn to drugs, others lose themselves in other self-indulgent activities, and some just choose to run away. I'm sure you're aware of that. However, for a person to stay true to their own ideals even after a significant event, I personally believe that takes a lot of will and courage."

"You're obviously not the first to do so. Even after Ddraig told Belzard and I not to go down the same path, we still did. The path of destruction and hate for the Red Dragon Emperor, even if it's just you, and in this timeline, it ends with you. The same for [Divine Dividing]. I know you and Vali won't go down that path."

She gets up, sighs and stretches her body before nodding to herself.

"…I will stick with you until I see all of that come to pass. I will give you my answer then."


I asked as I got up. She smiles and nods.

"Yes, an answer to both your questions. Now go speak to Amaris. That girl can be a big loner you know?"


Elsha pushes me away and disappears. I was left by myself…

"Wait, where the hell do I find her?! Whatever, I'll go around my own soul trying to find her then…"

After a few minutes of searching, I finally arrived at another part of my soul. This was one was, well, calm. This one looked a bit different from the one I saw with Elsha. The sky above me was orange, as if the day was slowly coming to a close.

In front of me was a singular path and on each side were multiple cherry blossom trees. Further down and at the end of the path was a lone house. It looked like Asian architecture, and while I'm not an expert, I'm guessing it's a Korean style called a hanok.

I walked down the path while looking around me, but there wasn't much to see aside for the water beyond the path and the trees. I summoned a small pebble and threw it into the water. To my surprise it went through it.

"It's not solid like the other part of my soul."

I continued on my short walk and I quickly arrived at the front door. I slid the door open and stepped inside. It looked like your modern home, nothing notable apart from having no electrical lights. However, there were floating magical balls to illuminate the place. After finding the door to the back, I went through it.

Once outside there was a large balcony and Amaris was there. She had her back turned to me as she watched the horizon just like Elsha. I join her side and she greets me first.

"Jin… I didn't think you would come looking for me. Do you require assistance?"

"No… I was just looking for everyone. I finished speaking with Elsha not too long ago, and I was hoping to ask you a question."

She tilts her head encouraging me to continue.

"Do you want to be revived?"


She looks at me before looking back at the scenery in front of us. I do the same thing since she won't give me an immediate answer...… Five minutes have passed and she still hadn't given me an answer.

Tug ~ Tug ~

I turn back as I felt her tug on my sleeve.

"I would like that. I feel like I hadn't gotten to do many things in life yet before my passing. Most of it was me getting stronger so I would be safe from the supernatural and as well as my— Our rival. But… I should be fine from now on, but… Can it wait?"

"I don't mind, but do you mind telling me why?"

"…I want to be revived after you graduate from High School. It seems a bit boring to be stuck in your home without you."

"Amaris, you can go out whenever you want you know? Kuroka just chooses to laze around at home. Everyone else does their own thing. The Slash/Dog girls are sent on missions every now and again. Inaie and Raiko train down there since they want to get stronger."

She giggles and agrees with me.

"That is true, but… I do want to wait until them if you don't mind. Will you be offering this opportunity to Garrett and Belzard?"

"Yeah, but knowing them they'll agree in a heartbeat."

"Mmm. Garrett has said he would like to work for a different branch of your restaurant in the future. He's apparently was quite a cook. According to Albion."

"Hmmm? Seriously? I'll ask him about it then. I'll get going then."

I turn around and start to go back to the main part of my soul when Amaris grabs my arm. I turn back to look at her.

"Turn me immortal too, when you revive me…"

"...…Sure thing."

She smiled at me. That was rare as she did not do it that frequently. I wonder what happened? Even during those fifteen years she didn't really change much… No, did Elsha tell her I was coming? I shake these thoughts away and went back to where Ddraig and the rest were.

"Yo Garrett, Belzard, got a minute?"

I approach the table where they were still playing the card game and they all look up at me.

[Oh hey Partner, how's it going?]

{Welcome back, Jin. I take it your short trip turned out well?}

"Yeah it did. Anyway, this is sudden but I offered this to Amaris and Elsha already, so do you two want to be revived?"


Both of them answered almost instantaneously. I could help but give them a strained smile, unlike Elsha who was quite cryptic with hers and Amaris, although the latter agreed to it.

"I want to be—"

"I know, Amaris told me. Is there any country in particular?"

"Italy! If you have a main branch there, please hire me! But, I do want to say revive me after you have your restaurants up and running, Jin."

"I agree with Garrett. I… Please hire me to be part of the Oppai Dragon Show, or anything to do with it. I quite like it. I also want it to happen after your graduation, Jin."

Both Garrett and Belzard tell me their reasons. So, I can safely assume that Elsha will give me her answer by my graduation… Jesus Christ it feels like everyone is gearing me for something big to happen then.

"I-I see, I'll do that then...… I should get back; homeroom should be starting soon."

"Yes, yes, take care, Jin."


I wave at them one last time before leaving. Cúntóir was still nowhere to be found. I wonder where she went? As I left, I also saw Elsha and Amaris arrive and wave at me.

Kuoh Academy


A few things must be done. One, ask Sona out on a date again. Two, take Natsume on a date, and finally three, see what the hell is up with Yasaka in Urakyoto.

I sigh, even though I have those plans, everyone had already left. Even Kouta and Najima. But Kouta did drag him to Ingvild's group of friends since he'll be introduced to that Yua person. Damn, if he doesn't fuck up, he'll get someone too. It feels like our time here is slowly coming to an end, even though we still have time…

I finally got up from my chair and made my way to the Student Council room. I passed by many students who for some reason or another stared at me. I come across Ingvild's group with Najima and Kouta. However, before I could say anything, Ingvild rushed towards me and pulled me away confusing me.


She didn't answer me and dragged me to a corner that wasn't too far from them. She looks back at them and then at me.

"It's strange."


I repeat what she says and she nods.

"Yua-san and Najima-kun are hitting it off quite well!"

"Okay…? How's that strange?"

But Ingvild shakes her head again.

"That's the thing. Yua-san is usually a lot more reserved, but she piqued up as soon as they started chatting, but I think she likes Najima-kun. Jin… Did you know about this?"

Wow, well, I wasn't expecting that at all.

"No, I'm quite surprised to hear that, Ingvild. Well, that just makes this easier, doesn't it?"

"I guess so…"

"Anyway, I have to get going, I'll see you in class. In."

"Oh, oka— Mmm…"

Before I left, I kissed Ingvild. There were still a few students near us so we heard some of the gasping at what I had done. I'm sure some weird rumor will start, but who cares. I finally break our kiss as Ingvild gives me a complicated expression.

"Fuwa… You know rumors might start because of this."

"Eh, who cares? We'll be gone not too soon and living our lives for an... Oh hey, In?"

I'll ask her about the immortality thing then, I gotta start asking more of them slowly now. I've been meaning to, but event after event keeps happening that I don't have much downtime.


"I want to ask you something tonight, is that cool?"

"Sure thing, Jin. But why not here?"

"…It's quick, but I would rather have a more private setting between us."

She nods, we share another quick kiss before she goes back to her friend group. I also leave that part of school and quickly go to the Student Council room.

"Knock, knock."

"…Come in, Jin."

After hearing Sona's tired voice behind the door, I pushed it open and enter the room. Everyone was busying doing their jobs and I greet them.

"Sup, I see you're all working hard. A fine way to spend youth."

Sona sighs and continues doing her work, a few of them wave to me and Saji looked dead. He didn't even greet me since Ruruko was looking at him like she was guarding him so he wouldn't run away.

"Do you need something from us, Jin?"

I glance at Saji and he hadn't noticed me yet, I nod, go over to Sona and lean towards her making her a little flustered.


"…Why? Did Onee-sama set you up to this?"

"We already went on one, might as well, right? And no, she did not."

"…I will text you when and where."



I turn around to see Saji had fallen to the ground while foaming at the mouth. I didn't think he'd hear that short exchange. Both Sona and I sigh at the same time.

"So, why is Saji like that?"

"He's just stupid, Jin-senpai."

Ruruko answered my question and the rest just sighed. So, just the typical day, huh, Saji? Keep at it then… Oh, right. I turn back to Sona and lean back to whisper into her ear.

"I was wondering, when I go on one of my requests, do you wanna join?"

"…I'm not sure, Jin. I will give you another answer via text. Can this wait until then? We're a bit busy."

"Sure, sure, my bad."

I pull away and start walking away. I only needed to ask her those anyway.

"Keep at it then ~"

I finally left and start making my way to the clubroom. A slow day then, huh?

Bzt ~

I take out my phone and saw that Momo had messaged me.

|I'm sorry I didn't get to say anything, you were in and out before could get a word in…|

|It's fine, we can catch up another time, or even after school.|


|Ahaha, sorry, no date today since I'm a little busy. But another time for sure.|

|Ah, yes, sure thing… I'll get going then, we still have a lot of work left to do.|

|Sure thing, take care.|

She seemed disappointed even through text. I shove my phone back into my pocket and made my way to the clubroom.

'My King.'

I know, thanks.

Once I was outside, I saw Shirone sitting by the usual tree we sat underneath at, however—


I looked towards the gate and saw a discreet eye looking over towards me. He sees me and it disappears. Using a bird's eye view, I saw that Yami Endo was here. I didn't think this weirdo had the guts to just show up like this. But he was already running away, tail between his legs.

I wonder what he's planning? I might as well warn Penemue about him lurking around the school, and possibly him stalking her after school is out. I sigh and approach Shirone.

"Hey, why are you out here?"

"…Waiting for you."

Cute. Shirone puts her arms out and I bend down to hug her while also pulling her up. It was a little weird but I was now carrying her while she was hugging me. We got a few weird stares by everyone and a few whispers.



We were near the old school building now, and I also didn't expect her to just call me without honorifics, that's usually when she's—

"Make me immortal."

—And another curveball today. She was looking at me since I had stopped walking.

"I heard Asia-senpai talking about it with Akeno-senpai. You didn't ask me or Nee-sama yet. Why?"

"…Anything I say will sound like an excuse, so will you accept the answer of that I hadn't gotten around to it yet?"

She silently nods her head and waits for my answer.

"Before I do, does Kuroka know? I know out of the original three she's the last one I have to make immortal…"

"Yes, Nee-sama wants to be asked. You had an opportunity last night but didn't."

Ah, so that's why she was being so cuddly…


Wait, you two knew?!

[It was obvious she wanted something, Partner. Either kittens or that.]

{Yes, I agree with him.}

'…Dragons are ageless, so in a way we're already immortal.'

Velgrynd says, but no one answered her. I also don't know what she's trying to say with that… I already knew that, and that Ophis and Irene were going to be with me before I turn the rest.

"Are you sure? You'll be stuck with me for eternity you know?"

"…You make it sound like it's a bad thing, Jin."

"Not what I was going for, Shirone, but sure."

Chu ~

I kiss her and start walking again, and at the same time, I also make her immortal.

"Do you make them as dramatic as that, Jin?"

"No… I just wanted to kiss you, and decided to do it during that."

She snorts at me and we finally enter the clubroom. Once in there we join everyone and they were having a somewhat serious discussion, well the girls were. Kiba and Gasper were minding their own business and Azazel looked bored out of his mind, so he was looking at his phone.

"And another one joins…"

Akeno muttered as she looks at Shirone who gave her a smile in response.


"Oh, it's nothing, President ~"

Rias looked confused but didn't pursue it, she just gave Akeno and I strange looks.

After School

"I-I'm sorry about this, Jin-senpai."

"Nah it's fine, I'm also waiting for Penemue. I'll be escorting her home. Anyway, are you sure this is all of them, Momo?"


School ended a few minutes ago. I also informed Penemue via text about Yami Endo lurking around school since she wasn't in the clubroom during lunch. I was helping Momo move some documents back to the Student Council room since they had even more work, so no meeting up with her after school.

As we approach the room, I kick the door open lightly, surprising some of them inside.

"Please don't open the door by kicking it open, Jin."

Sona scolds me as soon as we step inside, making me laugh.

"My bad. Anyway, here."

"Yes, please put them on my desk. Thank you for your help."

I put the documents down and so does Momo. Then I go back out and wave at them, but I also drag Momo along with me, which confuses her. Even so, Sona does not stop me from walking away, but she keeps her piercing gaze on my back.

Once outside I turn to Momo—

"I know this may sound quick but do you want to move into my home?"


Momo turned red as she stared dumbfounded at me—


I caught her as she passed out.

[Partner, a bit too early don't you think?]

Maybe… But I just wanted her to be in a safe place, you know? She can also train in the [Training Facility] on a regular basis if she moves in.


"Jin? Where's— What happened?"

Sona came out as she was looking for her [Bishop]. She stared at me like I was some kind of cockroach.

"What did you do?"

"…Just listen to me, alright?"

"Go on…"

So, I told her what I asked her and Sona sighed and shook her head.

"You're an idiot. You started dating only a few days ago and you suddenly ask her to move in with you? Take more time with her, Jin… Haa…."

"Okay, it's my fault, I'll do just that then. Sorry I'll— What about you actually?"

Instead of answering me she just silently got even more angrier.

"For the record, that's Serafall's idea. I thought I might as well tell you before our potential date in the future."

I lied. Sona sighs after hearing my fake explanation. I'm sorry, Sera!

"So it was Onee-sama's idea? These things take time, Jin. So whatever happens in the future, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?"

"Right, anyway. I'll bring her back in since I do need to leave."

Sona and I go back to the Student Council room and I place the passed-out Momo on a small couch they have and leave the room. I glance back to see Saji had regained his will to live, and gave me a thumbs up as I left.

He's certainly—




Ignoring the [Welsh Dragon], I locate Penemue's aura and quickly arrive at the school gates as she was waiting over there. It had been long enough, so there were no other students leaving the school and the few teachers were still in their respective clubs or in the faculty room.

Penemue sees me and waves at me.


"You kept me waiting, you know! ~"

"I got caught up in something, anyway, ready to go?"

She hugs my free arm and smirks.

"Of course ~"

I just sigh. Even if I say something, she won't let go. Therefore, I'll cast a little illusion magic on us to make it look like we're walking normally instead of her clinging to me. I would rather avoid a scandal about a teacher and student relationship.

'You're fine with the harem rumors? You do know they'll spin it as you cheating.'

Velgrynd points out. They can suck my— Ahem, I don't care. They can envy my position all they want. I'm graduating in a few months, so who cares?

'And if someone hits on your lovers that are still in the High School division?'

You really think they'll cheat, Vel?

'W-Well, no, but…'

Then there you go—


"Please keep your attention on me, we're on an after-school date after all ~"

"…This is a date?"

However, she just smirked at me.

"Playing hard to get, Jin? I like a challenge."


As we walk away from school and passed by Kuoh Park, I could feel a lot of animosity being targeted at me, and it was obviously from Yami Endo. I don't know how he's even allowed out of his own home. He might have snuck out.

"So, what are your plans, Jin?"

"We can take a detour to the police station, and show them a phone recording."

Penemue gives me a questioning look.

"I can have Cúntóir conjure one up, I mean he's not exactly being discreet about it."

She thinks about it for a few seconds before agreeing to it.

"Hmm ~ sure, why not? To the police station we go ~"

Penemue decided to take the lead. Additionally, we visited a few shops, but we didn't stay too long. Yami Endo also notices we were heading towards the police station and quickly flees.

"He ran ~"

"Yeah, anyway let's go."

The police station wasn't big. It was quite small, actually. It had a small patio with a blue roof, and the inside was also small. I summoned my phone, and had the 'fake' recording on it. I basically showed footage behind us and Yami following us.

Once we enter the station, we went over to the reception area and a police officer was there to greet us.

"Hell— Jin, how can I help you today?"

"Hmm? Sorry, do I know you…?"

"Haha, no, no, but after that incident in your school and your actions, your name kind of spread in our little department here. I'm Hideo by the way, so how can I help you?"

He gestures for us to take a seat and we do. I bring out my phone and explain the situation to the police officer and play the video to him. Hideo who had a relaxed look on him, that quickly faded and was replaced by a look of concern.

"Mmm… This is troubling. But thank you for bringing this in, Jin. How did you even manage to catch him? Also, may I copy this video file over?"

"Feel free. I actually noticed him during my lunch break. I was in the courtyard and saw him peeking over the wall near the school gate. I kind of suspected it was him since he glared at me before running away. So as a precaution I decided to escort my teacher home. It may look a bit inappropriate, but I was kind of the cause of all of this... So, I felt obligated."

Pat ~ Pat ~

"Isn't he sweet? Huhu ~"

Penemue teasingly patted me on the head as Hideo chuckled and handed my phone back to me. He then tips his hat to us.

"I can have one of the guys here escort you or drive you home, and please rest assured we'll be visiting his home as soon as possible."

"No, it's fine. I don't live too far from here. Thank you though, Hideo-san."

"I'm fine. I can defend myself, if necessary, Hideo-san."

Both of us declined. He tried to insist but we also kept on declining. He eventually conceded and instructed us to be careful on the way back. I mean, it would be troubling for him to find out she's living with me.

We left the station and—

"He's seriously following us, huh?"

We immediately feel Yami following us again. This guy doesn't give up, does he?

"Let's just turn into an alley and teleport home."

Penemue was more than happy to accommodate my suggestion. I hope this isn't a recurring thing further down in my life…

[What do you mean, Partner?]

Like… Imagine 5000 years in the future they'll get brand-new stalkers or something. It's a never-ending cycle, and no even some married women have stalkers. Some of them simply do not care about that.

[Hmm. I guess so. I mean if someone tries stalking me, I'd give them the one, two!]

I mean normal human-wise, Ddraig. You'd probably be charged with assault.

[...Then please be more specific!]

I mean, Yami Endo is a normal human, so I was kind of leaning towards that from the start.


Leaving the dragon to sulk, we turn a corner and teleported home. We're sure that Yami Endo would be very confused at our disappearing act.

Skyward Household


"Haaa, that felt good."

"I wasn't with you though?"

I stare blankly at Akeno as she giggles at me.

"I was talking about my bath…"

"You're no fun at times, Jin. So stiff ~ though I would like something else that's stiff ~"

She winks at me before walking away and swinging her hips exaggeratedly. I felt my lips twitch. This will also be a regular thing over the years… I must keep the horny down, otherwise I would be just having sex 24/7.

After Akeno walked back downstairs, another person came up. It was Natsume, impeccable timing.


"Hmm? Oh, Jin. Do you need something?"

"Yeah, so do you want to go on a date tomorrow?"

I ask her and she starts to nod, although I don't think she's aware that she is.

"Huh? I-I mean I don't mind but don't you have school?"

"We can go after school; it may be a little shorter but…"

She waves her hands in front of her.

"N-No, no, no, I don't mind! Let's go! But where to?"

"I don't mind where, or we can discuss it over text all throughout tomorrow."


"Then allow me to suggest a place!"

Sylph suddenly emerged from Natsume and floated in between us. I hadn't seen her since our time in the [Pocket Dimension]. I wonder what she does in her spare time?

"Suggest a place?"

I ask and she nods her head happily and lands on my shoulder. She looks back at Natsume who still looks confused. Finally she pokes my ear, and points at her.

"To the Faerie Kingdom! Besides, there are some fun places in the High-elf town near my home. You didn't get to explore it, right? I can be a guide! A third wheel! And then a threesome!"

Sylph announces proudly and Natsume turned red.

"Er, a what now?"

"Three— Gyah?!"

Fwosh ~

Sylph was launched away by a small condensed gust of wind Natsume conjured up and fired at her.

"Hey! That was mean!"


"Hmph! I'm going back, but I really do recommend it, Jin!"

She turns back into a green ball of light and enters Natsume. I chuckle and look at Natsume who was still red.

"So, what did she mean by threesome?"

"…Ugh, ignore her. It means nothing!"

Stomp! Stomp!

"Did someone say threesome?"

Kanami quickly stomps towards us and asks us, however—


"Ow?! Natsu, what the heck?!"

"No! Enough with that word!!"

Crash! Thud! Thud!

Natsume pounced on Kanami as both of them tumble down the stairs. Should I try stopping this…?

'I would suggest you don't. A fight between sisters is like a death battle.'

Speaking from experience, Vel?


From the top of the floor, I just watch the sisters wrestle it out. Both of them making very weird faces as they wrestled around…

A few minutes later, Grayfia had come out and scolded them. Additionally, I had to return to the entrance hallway as well.

"I urge you all to keep your sibling squabbles inside the [Training Facility] or during the day since it is currently nighttime. Do I make myself clear…?"

""Y-Yes, ma'am…""

Both sisters were in a seiza position until Grayfia let them leave. Both of them glared at one another before heading into the living room. Grayfia sighed and shook her head before going into the kitchen. I followed her in there, and to my surprise no one else was there.

Grayfia goes back to the kitchen sink and starts to clean up a few more dishes.


I walk up behind her and hug her from behind. Grayfia quickly finished washing them, dried them with magic, and put them back on their racks.


"Yes… Please, let me…"

"Go ahead."

Grayfia turns around before fully embracing me. I hug her tighter and she does the same thing while burying her head in my chest. She let her entire weight go and I support her.

"Stressful day?"

"Yes… I had to return to the Underworld, help Millicas-sama with his training, and with many more chores in the Gremory clan's home. Even with the increased staff, there seems to be an endless number of things to do. Perhaps you spoiled me too much with very little housework to do?"

She stares up at me while softly glaring at me.

"Maybe I did, what will you do?"

"…I require compensation."

Our faces inch closer.

"What kind?"



"Grayfia nya! I need— Ah."

The both of us glance towards the door as Kuroka and Kanami had tumbled into the dining room. They seemed to be wrestling? However—



""Hiii?! We're sorry!!""

Grayfia glared at the two girls as they shriek and run away. It's probably wise if no one gets in Grayfia's way while I spoil her. She's quite—

"Mmm… ~~~"

Like flipping a switch, she buries her head back into my chest and lets out a satisfied sigh. I could hear the two of them warning the others not to come here or they'll die… A bit of an exaggeration there…

"You're not on the schedule tonight, are you? Do you want to—"

"…Can we just stay here for the time being?"

"Sure thing, Fia."


It's been a little bit, and everyone is slowly unwinding. However, most of the girls that are planning to sleep with me tonight are still downstairs, well, all but one and that's ironically Penemue.

Grayfia had her fill and reverted back to her usual self. I feel like she wanted to spend more time with me, but she had already retired for the night since she would be with me tomorrow. I'm also going to bed earlier than the rest, why? I don't know, I just feel like it. So they can join me when they feel like it.

However, my next stop for tonight was Ingvild's room. She had come up earlier since she wanted to work on another song. So she was mostly hauled up in her own room. I went over to it and knock.

"Come in."

She says and I enter her room. She turns to see me and gestures for me to sit on her bed. I do so and sit there. She seems to save something and joins me on her bed.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Jin?"

"Oh, nothing too serious, In."

She tilts her head at me confused.

"So, immortality, and—"

"Ah, that… I heard about it from Akeno and Grayfia. I've been thinking about it and was wondering when you would ask me."

She smiles at me and takes a hold of both my hands before bringing them to her chest and closing her eyes.

"Yes, please make me immortal. Didn't I say it before? I want to live this age and anymore that's to come. That hasn't changed, Jin."

"…I see, then let's get to it then?"

She opens her eyes and giggles at me. Just like Shirone, we share a kiss and I turn her immortal. Once it was done, she lets go of me and checks her body… Even though you and Serafall aren't blood related, both Leviathans are literally looking for physical changes…

I couldn't help but laugh at her.


I explained to her why I laughed and she blushed.

"I can't help it! I thought it would!"

She starts to softly hit me on the chest before laughing too. After that, I decided to stay for a little bit in Ingvild's room as she worked on her next song. I asked about it but she said it was a secret, again.

After my nighttime rendezvous with Ingvild, I arrive at my room's door and open it. I was looking at the ground and closed the door behind me. Hmm?

"You're already here, Penemue?"

"Hmm? ~ yes I am ~"

I finally look up and—


T-That's one hell of a sight to see, I felt like my fatigue of the day just went out the window. Penemue was again in only a shirt that she had unbuttoned, and white panties. She was also hugging a body pillow while looking back at me.

"Why are you—"

"Hmm? I'm sleeping with you tonight, right? It's not the first time, Jin. We've slept together even during our fifteen years in your little [Pocket Dimension]."

She had a mischievous smile on her face! She knows what she's doing right now. Also, I would like to reiterate, Azazel, you liar! She definitely knows how to seduce someone! But…

Shit! I knew it was true, but I kept putting it off... No, maybe it was just because I liked Akeno way before reincarnating here but… Azazel once said that female Fallen Angels possess seductive bodies in order to seduce men.

I felt myself swallow involuntarily again. This happened a few days ago. Dammit Penemue get that stupid smile off your face…! ...…Deep breaths, Jin, deep breaths…!

"What's wrong, Jin? Aren't you coming to bed?"

She asked playfully… Fine, two can play at that game. I immediately strip and were in my briefs/boxers and joined her on bed.

"So, are you going to keep on hugging that body pillow? Actually, where did that even come from?"

"It's my own personal body pillow ~ I have this for nights when I don't sleep with you. I bought it after we came out of the [Pocket Dimension]."

She explained, but I'm also thankful it's only pure white and I'm glad it doesn't have some weird design of me on it as a pillow cover…

[Don't give this universe ideas, Partner. You never know what Sirzechs might come up with or even Azazel…]

...I felt my body shiver and instinctively hugged what was in front of me, and of course it was Penemue.

"Oh? I didn't think you were this bold, Jin."

"Huh? Oh, my bad. I was just speaking with Ddraig and a weird thought came to both our minds."

She shakes her head disappointedly.

"You would rather speak with a guy than with a near-naked woman in front of you? Are you sure you're straight, Skyward?"

She gave me a suspicious yet teasing look, and I felt my lips twitch. She's been on the attack since the start, fine! I don't like losing…!

Shuffle ~ Shuffle ~


In short and quick movements, I grabbed Penemue, flip her around so she would be facing up, and pin her to the bed. I look down at her while smirking.



However, due to all that movement, her unbuttoned shirt had parted, and her breasts were in full display in front of me. Penemue was blushing and looking to the side.

…Come on, don't start acting shy now! Aren't you a lot sassier than that? But… Shit, her tits are pretty large, I don't know whose are bigger though…

"…Aren't you going to do something…?"

She asked while looking at me and covering her mouth with one of her hands. I again gulped and leaned down and captured her lips. She didn't resist and accepted my kiss. Pushing my luck, I push my tongue into her mouth and she immediately starts to lick my tongue back.

"Mmmpch… Mmmch…. Mmmmnch… Mmleh... Jhwin…"

Penemue grabs my hand and places it on her breast. This makes her softly moan—


"Jin, we're— Ah! Penemue-san is flirting with him! Me too!"

I turn around to see Lavinia with a few other girls. She immediately strips to just her shirt and jumps towards us. I turn around to catch her and prevent her from colliding into me.

"Mmm ~"

"Geez, Lavinia. Don't just do that, it's a bit dangerous you know…"

"But you're always there to catch me, right?"

She says and cutely asks me.

"…Yeah, I will."

She happily nods before the rest of the girls join us. Penemue seemed a little irritated by the interruptions, however, we both knew it wouldn't go too far since for my own reasons.

[Damn, you're playing cockblock with each other. Last time was Penemue using the UNO Reverse card on you, you'd use it on her if you read that stage?]

You were watching?

[N-No! Cúntóir cuts the link whenever something like that happens! Didn't you just explain it? So I commented...]

I was messing with you, Ddraig…


{Are those even words?}

'I worry about his mental health at times…'

Before we went to sleep, the girls made a little fuss, and so did the rest of the guys in my soul…

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.