Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 7 – Part 1 – Burning Fire and Fading Twilight

Little Olympia

Jin Skyward

"And now we're here."

I say to them, I take a deep breath and then look around us. Nothing has really changed, and the guards already saw us and began saluting me. What's up with everyone saluting me lately…

I glance at my companions and they were quite eager to explore the place. Latia, who is typically calm and collected, was scanning all around her. Her eyes were darting all over the place trying to examine everything.

"Let's get going the—"


My necklace glowed and out came Ophis and Irene.

"…Join, Jin."

"I need to stretch my legs, Jin. I am accompanying you."

"…Sure thing?"

I shrug and start walking towards the entrance, Ophis and Irene were beside me. Ophis decided to hold my hand and I intertwine our fingers; in turn she squeezes my hand a bit harder. Irene smirked at that, so I reached over to hers and she slapped my hand away and turn her head away.


"Be quiet, I am not."

Irene quips back and I laugh at her.


However, Ophis was suddenly covered in a small puff of smoke, and when it disappeared, she was in her adult form. I give her a strange look, but she didn't give me an answer.

"Sir Jin! Welcome back! Are you perhaps here for…?"

"Yeah, Hestia contacted me not too long ago, so here I am."

They salute me again and let us through. I feel a poke on my back and see Raiko pointing at the two women beside me with a confused face.

"Ah, on my left is Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity, and on my right is Irene, or Great Red, a True Dragon and the Red God of Dreams."

Both Raiko and Inaie stop to look at me in surprise. Inaie was staring at me with her mouth hanging wide open. Latia let out a chuckle at their reactions.

"Get used to it. You will find out a lot more about him and what you just found out will seem small in comparison, right?"

Pinch ~


Latia came over and pinched my cheek. W-Why? Also, is she taking the Gremory route…? Rias, Grayfia and now you! I know you and Rias have become very good friends over the years, but this is a bit too much! She finally let me go and we continue on our way.

However, as we walk through the streets of Little Olympia, I was recognized by many of its residents and was greeted by many of them. This also included the children. The Oppai Dragon show is still quite popular after all.

Fwosh ~

"Oya, oya? If it isn't Jin, it's been a while ~"

A small gust of wind arrives in front of us and with it came… Hermes. He winks at us and tips his hat.

"Oh, hey Hermes. Here to get us?"

He does a weird spin and nods.

"That I am. Please follow me!"

He takes the lead and we follow after him.

"Has anything new happened in your realm recently?"

"New? Hmm, well, Ares finally showed up again. Apart from Medusa being confined here, then nothing, really. Oh, she's in the Lamia's city by the way, so when you need to find her, just go over there. I'm pretty sure one of the Gods is over there. But Zeus wants to speak with you, and well… Someone else."

Someone else? Hermes said that last part a little nervously. But I have my suspicions. We quickly arrive at the Tower of Heaven and go up a few flights of stairs. Once we arrived at the last floor—

"Oh, that reminds me. You really made Hephaestus fall for you, didn't you?"

Hermes glances back at me with a smirk. Latia, Inaie and Raiko look at me with a bit of surprise.

"So Goddesses aren't off the menu then, Jin? That's hardcore!"

Inaie sounded giddy at the thought.

"…Do you like older women, Jin?"

Raiko asks me, and all of us stop to turn to her. Even Hermes looks interested in my answer. I need to answer this carefully. If I don't, then I'll be called a lolicon, but if I just— Fuck it, I'm thinking too hard about it.

"I love women my age and up, of course, there are exceptions like Shirone, but she's aged up since that one time in 'there', so you know… Anyway, that's my answer."

I turn around to start walking away but—


"…You didn't answer the question, Skyward. Do you like older women or not?"

Irene stops me and grips my shoulder firmly. I turn around again and sigh.

"Yes… Yes I do. Can we go now…?"

After finally answering the question, Raiko nodded. Irene had a smug look on her face and Ophis seemed to be thinking about something. We start walking again and weren't too far from the teleporter.

"Hmm… So does that mean I'm still a possibility?"


I hear Inaie ask behind me but I didn't stop to turn around.

"Nothing ~ I'm just talking to myself ~"

Inaie dismisses me and starts to whistle to herself. I just shrug it off. We haven't exactly done anything significant nor spoke to each other too deeply. Maybe Akeno is the one influencing her…?

"Right… Hey, Hermes, where's Phae?"

"Phae? Oh, you mean Hephaestus? She'll be present at the meeting with a few other Gods. Zeus wants to talk to you about something. Also, don't worry, Ares isn't there."

Hermes says nonchalantly. Ares, huh? I can't sense him, so he drank it… I'll need to be vigilant of him, but if he does do something, sorry Zeus, he's going to die.

But I do wonder who's going to be there. It didn't take us long to arrive at the teleporter and we quickly arrived at Mount Olympus.

"Woah! That was amazing! We arrived here like a bolt of lightning!"

Inaie clearly found it cool...… Y-Yeah, none of the things she's seen in my home is cool…

Gyu ~


I look over at Ophis as she was hugging my arm now. Irene just smirked at me. Thank you for trying to comfort me, Ophis. But it's not that serious…

Inaie joins Hermes side and he starts telling her about the history of their pantheon. The two of them seem to get along quite well.

"This place is quite picturesque, isn't it?"

Raiko comments on the island of Olympus. Raiko, like Inaie had been quite interested in the realm as soon as we arrived here. Even while on the way to the Tower of Heaven, and while inside it. I could tell she wanted to go into some of those blacksmiths to inspect some of their works.

The only two who have been mostly quiet were the two dragons. I don't know what they're here for, although I don't mind them being here, but I am curious as to why. I doubt Irene just wants to stretch her legs, but I can believe Ophis wanting to just follow me around.

"Oh by the way, Hermes. Did Cara accept the prize of winning the Tournament of Power?"

"Hmm? No she didn't, though we expected that. Why do you ask?"

"Oh no, I was just curious. So, what happened to it? Did it go to the one in third place?"

Hermes shakes his head.

"Nope, Poseidon suggested it, but they also declined. We had a humble bunch this year, so we're just waiting until the next Tournament of Power. Well, another event is happening soon. It's in the rabbit village, actually. If you have time, come and visit during it."

"At the very least elaborate…"

Hermes chuckles at me and nods.

"Well, you were responsible for part of it, actually. Originally, it was founded alongside Amalthea, with Rini as the 'leader' of that place. This wasn't actually a thing until a few years ago. So now they're celebrating Amalthea, Rini and Kurousagi. In a way, we, the Greek Gods and the Egyptian Gods got a new Goddess all thanks to you."

He explained and Inaie nodded enthusiastically beside him.

"Mmm-mmm! Jin is amazing. I saw it all happen! He'll be like the King of the Universe someday or something!"

After saying that, Latia and Irene snorted confusing everyone else. But Ophis nodded along with Inaie. We finally finished going up a flight of stairs and come across the tree that was struck down by Zeus. Inaie asks about it and Hermes explains.

"Your leader sounds interesting. I can't wait to meet him…"

Everyone else had more or less the same reaction as Inaie, although—

"...Such a carefree leader, I am somewhat intrigued by him."

Latia muttered. Well, I suppose she does tend to act more serious at times. The only times I've seen her relax and or let her guard down is when she's with everyone else I'm surrounded by or at least Iryuka…


"Let me just—"


"I'm back!"

We had arrived by the door of the meeting room, and Inaie was once again excited about being teleported via lightning bolt when we first arrived by the castle area. Anyhow, we were in front of the door and Hermes was going to open it, but I kick it open instead.

"Ahaha… That's one way to make an entrance, Jin."

Smack! Pinch!

However, due to my actions, Irene smacked me on the head and Latia pinched me. Hmm, I do deserve that. We walk in and Hermes goes to his seat. True to his word, there were only a few Gods and Goddesses here.

Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, Hestia, Hermes and...… Another female Goddess? I use [Observe] on her and it was… Freyja. I see, is this who Hermes was alluding to? Although, he was looking quite excited now. He was probably looking forward to our meeting. But why is a Norse Goddess here…?

Freyja has long silver hair, purple eyes, and white skin like that of fresh snow. Her clothes are in large part black and red. They expose most of her stomach and breasts. She also wears two flower-like ornaments in her hair.

Our eyes met, and her purple eyes shone. That gaze of hers… It didn't feel like she was looking at another person, but just another piece of meat, but it also held a different kind of interest. A small smile appears on her face.


I hear her mutter under her breath. The one beside her was Hera and she glances at her with a bit of confusion.

"Jin, my boy! Welcome back, I'm glad you could make it! You also brought new companions along, did you? Welcome, welcome!"

"Yeah, glad to be back. So I heard from Hestia you needed help from me? Something like what I did with Áine and Raynare?"

Zeus nods sagely.

"Hmm. We do require some assistance on that part. However, we only need you to prevent her from being able to leave this realm. She is no longer being controlled, so we don't see her as a significant threat."

"Are you sure?"

I ask him and he nods. Alright, but I would lean more towards sealing her powers too. However, hey, it's up to them and not me… I don't know Medusa enough to offer to do that. I mean, I know what happened to her, but—

"She's in the Lamia's city at the moment. Alice and Senko are watching over her. That will be her place of residence for the time being. Unfortunately, the other gorgons do not want her around their little settlement."

He explains. I mean, that makes sense. Going berserk, killing her sisters and then being part of a terrorist organization can make others wary of you. Moreover, the fact that she looks more human than the other Gorgons will also make them more wary of her.

"I see, I'll go over there then—"

"Wait, Jin...… Um, m-may you check in on my mother?"


I start to turn and leave, but Zeus stops me and makes me even more confused by what he says. Check in on Amalthea? What for? I give him a questioning look as he nervously looks at Hera who sighs and turns her head away. Zeus coughs into his fist and nods, pretending to be serious, but he was still clearly unsure on what to say to me.

"I-I assume Hermes told you about the small festival over at the rabbit village, correct? M-My mother will be visiting there quite frequently, and she told me not to interfere, so I can't go over there… I will put this in as a personal request too…"

I see, but man, why are you so weak against her? Is that how most people are around their mothers? I mean… I wouldn't know, my parents were most likely absent. But I nod in the end.

"Sure thing man… I don't mind. I mean, I'm going over there anyways since I need to check up on Kurousagi after all of that, you know?"

Zeus visibly relaxes and sighs.

"I will leave it up to you then, Jin."

"Anything else?"

I ask him but he shakes his head.

"No, that will be all. This meeting is adjourned."

Zeus gets up and vanishes along with Hera. The rest of the Gods start to leave as well, however, the trio of Gods that I'm friendly with come over to me.

"Why did you ignore all my texts?!"

"…I was busy, my bad."

Hestia glared at me and didn't believe a single word I said. I'm sorry, I was just lazy as hell that day. Nevertheless, what surprised me was that Freyja also came over to us and all the while stared at me with an unreadable smile. Although her emotions tell a different story… How about her thoughts?

[You rarely use that, Partner. I'm interested.]

…May as well, right? I want my friends and lovers to have some privacy so I don't use it often or at all on them, but Freyja, she's a different story. So, I listen to her thoug—

'I want him, I want him, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!! In all places! In all positions…! He can use clone magic, right? Gangbang me yourself! I'll make you mine! I am the Goddess of Sex; I won't stop until—'

...Okay, I've heard enough.



'How is that interesting, Velgrynd?'


Freyja eventually arrives just in front of us and stood there arms crossed.

"Well met, Middleman. I am Freyja, the Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. For reasons, I won't disclose, I am currently residing in this realm."

Hestia seemed a bit disturbed by this.

"You always just say Goddess of Sex. Why use all your titles all of a sudden, Freyja…?"

"I didn't think you cared about me that much, Hestia. To think you kept an eye on such a trivial thing during all this time. It's endearing."

Freyja smirked at Hestia who fumed after hearing her say that. Hermes just stood by with a smile watching it all play out.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, Freyja. I'm Jin. Let's get along from now on…"

"Yes, yes, let's get along… However, I am busy as of now. Excuse me."

Her eyes glow one last time before she starts to walk away. We watch her go until her figure is completely gone.

"Fuaaaa… I didn't even notice I was holding my breath! The Goddess of Sex? She's a lot more intimidating than I thought! If the Norse Goddess of Sex is like that, how's the Greek one like…?"

Inaie breathed a sigh of relief once Freyja was gone and asked the other three. Hermes chuckles and answers her.

"Well, she isn't like that if you're wondering. While Aphrodite isn't a virgin like two certain Goddesses I know, she isn't… Let's say as 'active' as Freyja. However, her personality isn't exactly suitable for everyone either."


"Just say Aphrodite's personality is kind of bitchy! You do know she told Jin to 'lick her feet' when they first met, right?"

Hestia kicked Hermes on the side making the God clutch it in pain. He looked back confused at her as she explained making him smile wryly at her.

"W-Well, I wanted to use child friendly lang—"

"I'm 21…"

"…I'm sorry."

Inaie looked at Hermes like some kind of worm. I hadn't seen her make that kind of face at all yet. However, I guess she doesn't like being treated like a child. However, Latia and Raiko have been quiet the entire time. Glancing at both of them, they were in deep thought.

"She's quite promiscuous, isn't she?"

Irene comments as they just stare at her. However, she said nothing more and closed her eyes. Hermes then turns to me.

"A-Anyway, are you traveling to the Lamia's city again, Jin?"

"Yeah, I might as well. I mean, if I get that done then…"

I look at Inaie as she looks at me quite excitedly.

"—I'll be staying here for a short while. Someone wants to explore the place, but I do have other places to visit. The rabbit village is one. I'll let Inaie decide after that."


She pumped her fist and was very excited at the thought. There are still places I haven't visited before, but that can wait for another time. I'll get the request done, and then let Inaie have her fun. This will also be good for Raiko. She did say she wanted to see me at work. However, I also took it as her wanting to explore the world too.

"Can we—"

"Let me finish my request first, Inaie. After that, we can go wherever you want. You guys don't mind, right?"

Both dragons shake their head.

"I will follow you anywhere, Jin."

Insidiously, Raiko says, causing Hephaestus to look at her suspiciously.

"By the way, Jin, who are these new companions of yours?"

Hestia asks as she looks at all of them. I nod and tell them who they are, and they're obviously surprised.

"T-T-The Dragon God of Infinity and a True Dragon…?"

Hestia stammers out while taking a step back. Phae didn't have much of a reaction, but she did seem a bit more interested in Raiko.

"The legendary Minamoto no Yorimitsu, I see. I did not think I would see a figure like you here, and you've decided to follow Jin, huh? Interesting…"

Hermes looks at Raiko as she smiles back at him. I glance at him and he waves his hands in front of him defensively. Dude, I was just looking at you, chill.

"Anyway, we'll get going then."

Grab ~

"Hmm? What's up, Phae? Need something from me?"

Hephaestus grabbed my arm and looked at the ground. Hestia and Hermes started to giggle to themselves.

"M-May I come with you?"

"…I mean, I don't mind, but aren't you swamped with work?"

She shakes her head, but before she could answer, Hestia continued for her.

"When Hep here heard you were coming, her energy levels and motivation skyrocketed and she got all her commissions done, and to the same work and degree. I was pretty surprised by it, you know? She must reall—"


"Gyaaaa— Hep! Don't try hittin— Stop it!"

Hephaestus let go of me since her face was red and tried to punch Hestia, who luckily dodged it. She was chasing Hestia now while she kept on screaming. We wait for those two to calm down before heading out.


I want him, I want him, I want him, I want him, I want him, I want him, I want him! I want to corrupt him! Make him lust after me and only me!

Never in my entire life have I wanted to fuck or be fucked by someone more than him! My soul… Something in my soul is screaming to let it happen! I have spoken with Hermes in the past about him and learned a few things.

The biggest difference is… How we view love, sex and relationships.

I will fuck anything that has a pulse; however, I also have certain standards. I may be the Goddess of Love and Sex; however, I won't just spread my legs to some random shmuck on the streets. I recently traveled to a certain country and place where having casual sex and hookups was the norm, and enjoyed my time there.

I will play along with any kink, with a few exceptions. I am not against gangbangs, threesomes, or even being penetrated in both holes at the same time. It's the height of pleasure for me, in a sense.

However, Hermes told me that Jin has more traditional views on those topics. Dating or knowing someone before dating them? He won't have casual sex with anyone, and will only have sex with someone he's in a relationship with?

I laughed at the thought. I thought he was joking, but he assured me he was serious, and that the Middleman definitely thought that way. Why? It doesn't make sense! A man who wants a harem, who announces it to all of us and is the sole reason he wants peace!

A man of his status will surely have women throwing themselves at him! Why does he not take advantage of that?! It doesn't make sense to me. Perhaps he's just holding himself back, or just being modest? He's also a teenager! His hormones should be at the height of his life, anything to do with sex should be in the forefront of his mind!

"Tch… Vybath."

Fwosh ~

"Yes, Lady Freyja?"

One of my loyal followers, Vybath. I found him when he was young, took him and… Well, he's one of my favorites. I taught him EVERYTHING, after all.

"Jin Skyward. The Middleman has returned to our realm. Follow him for me will you, sweetie? I wish to know more about him."

Upon hearing my request, he frowned. While he is a very loyal follower of mine, he isn't blinded by it. That's one of the reasons of my fondness of him, unlike the other ones…

"Lady Freyja, I do not think this is a wise decision."

"Fufu, I am not trying to antagonize him, Vybath. I simply want to know more about him."

He nods.

"I will go about it my way then."

"…Do as you wish then."

He finally vanishes. Hmm, I should get someone else if he doesn't get the information I want. Haaa, I'll forgive him since he's cute.

"Jin, Jin, Jin. What secrets do you hold? ~"

Jin Skyward

Fwosh ~

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa!!! ~ it's so big!! How long is it?!"

We were flying towards Lamia's city. I offered to teleport us there but Inaie declined because I told her about the sights she might see. I promised that we would go back to the Elf village we passed by.

I skipped it since, well, the weird ass Queen that they have. She did ask me to impregnate her, which put me off a bit.

[Didn't Yasaka ask you to do that?]

I'm 99% sure she was joking, Ddraig. She was a tease, but the way she said it back then… She didn't mean it, probably.

{Probably he says…}

…Anyway, we were about to enter the 'Forest of Giant Trees'. That's what Inaie was freaking out about. We were on Kaisel since I wanted the guy to be out a little more often. I also didn't want to make Phae more jealous by carrying Raiko who couldn't fly.

Hestia and Hermes opted to stay behind, so only Hephaestus was with us. Although Hestia made the excuse of making dinner for all of us, so she wanted to start preparing now. She expects us to go back to Little Olympia by tonight.

I was at the front, Inaie sitting in between my legs while shouting, Phae behind me, Ophis sitting near Kaisel's head while she conversed with him, Raiko, Latia and Irene standing at the back as they also started speaking to one another.

"Any trivia about this place, Jin?"

"Trivia? Well, those trees were apparently planted before Typhon and Black Alice's attack here, so there's that and nothing lives in the place, as weird as it sounds. I mean, that's what Demeter told me."

Despite her nodding, I don't think Inaie was listening too intently to me. But it is strange. Why isn't anything living here? It's quite spacious with a lot of room to live in, even if you take down a few trees and plant them somewhere else.

Well, whateve—

Poke ~ Poke ~

"Phae? Is something wrong?"

"…You are very obvious with what's on your mind at times."

"Really? Then can you answer?"

She nods and I feel her lay her back against mine.

"What you said was true. These trees were created long ago before those attacks. It was also supposed to have the potential to become a city. For who? I don't know since Zeus never disclosed that information, but if I had to take a guess, probably something akin to Little Olympia?"

"Zeus did entertain the idea of having smaller cities that resembled Little Olympia as a halfway point when journeying to the others, such as the Lamia city, the Orcs and Minotaurs, Harpies and Sirens. They were meant for weary travels to just stay the night, or for others to move into if they wish."

"But after the attacks, it was kind of forgotten, however, he started mentioning it again. Since the Middleman is a frequent visitor here, it may attack some wanderers and they might want to start populating them, or the current residents move over to them...… So, that's the story of the 'Forest of Giant Trees'."

Hephaestus explained. Everyone else also listened in. Including Ophis and Kaisel. Inaie who had been looking forward puts her head against my chest and gazes up. I look down at her in response.

"And now you're influencing Gods, Jin. That's incredible. Something that Zeus apparently put off for a long time or forgot entirely is being reconsidered. I think it's pretty cool."

She had a longing look on her face when she said that. I guess that still lingers in her mind then. She wants to be acknowledged by everyone back in Shifengu, not as Kokabiel's daughter, but just as herself. Hopefully I— No, we can help her with that in the future.

"Thanks, but I'm willing to bet he just remembered about it for different reasons, and not just because of me. But I appreciate the thought, Inaie. But it is interesting to see it happen, hey if he does go through with it, I can help, of course he has to send a request in."

"...I'll run it by him, Jin."

Lamia City

Once we arrived just outside the city, Kaisel went back into my shadow and we entered it. However, as soon as we do—

"Kyaaaaaa!! It's the Middleman!"

One of the Lamia's shouts, and that attracted a lot of attention. Inaie chuckl—

"You sure have a lot of fan— Ehhhh?! Why are they taking their tops off?!"

"…So indecent!"

Raiko, Latia and Inaie are shocked by this sudden development.


Smack! Gyu ~

For some reason, Latia covers my eyes, and Ophis decided to hug me while transforming back to her loli form and clinging onto me. What is even happening?

"Could you please not crowd us too much? Ji— The Middleman is on official business right now, but when he's done, then feel free."

I hear Hephaestus explain, and that made the immediate chatter stop.

"I see, forgive us, Hephaestus-sama. Everyone, back to work!"

I hear a voice of one of the Lamia's. I hear a few more apologies and Latia eventually takes her hand away, however, Ophis keeps on hugging me. I free my arms but let her keep hugging me.

"Let's get going…"


{Don't you say it.}



'I'm confused… What was the [Welsh Dragon] going to say?'

'It's better you don't find out, Velgrynd. Knowing you, it will just give you a headache.'


We eventually entered the inner city with the same scene repeating and Hephaestus asking them to relax until I'm done with official business. I feel like she's taking over Rose's job right now…


I took my phone out and checked my text messages, and I got one from… Rose?

|I feel like my job as your secretary is in danger. You're not planning on replacing me, right, Jin?|

…What? How in the all living shit…

|No? Rose, where did this come from all of a sudden?|

|I had a feeling.|

Women are terrifying.

[Their intuition is something else.]

|Rest assured, I am not. You have classes still, don't you? Please focus on that for now.|

|O-Of course, I'm sorry.|

I put my phone away as we had arrived at the castle and—

"Yahoo! ~ Jin-chan ~"

To my surprise, we see Demeter there. She started to…



Boing ~ Boing ~

She ran over to us while waving, however, she breasts were jiggling a lot, thank you, DXD physics… However, as I look at her, I felt some a couple eyes on me, and they were silently judging me. It can't be helped in this situation, it's literally right in front of me.

Gyu ~

Once she arrives by me, she hugged me, but—


Ophis was squished between us as she struggled to get out of the giant wall of flesh behind her. Demeter stopped hugging me and giggled.

"Forgive me, I didn't see her there. Welcome back to our realm, Jin. I see that Hephaestus came with you."

She winks at her fellow Goddess, causing her to look away. But…

"What are you doing here, Demeter?"

I ask the Goddess; however, she huffs and puts her hands on her hips.

"I was already here before you assume I came all the way here for you! But I did decide to accompany you while you're here ~"

I wasn't going to assume that, but alright…

"Anyway, Alice is waiting. Oh, please don't touch her otherwise she'll faint, and Medusa is also there waiting."

Hephaestus joins Demeter as they start to lead us away. She appears to be embarrassingly scolding her fellow Goddess who only giggles in response.

"I know I was mostly distracted by the amount of Lamia breasts earlier, but this place looks strangely like Japanese homes… You know, like the ones from back in the day?"

Inaie comments as we enter the castle. Raiko also agreed with her.

"Yeah, Alice, the leader of the Lamia is quite an otaku, that's why."

"…An Otaku Lamia? Now that's not something you hear about every day."

Raiko comments and Inaie laughed. However, the tour didn't last long as we ended up in the same little throne room from before and Alice, Senko and Medusa were there. But Alice immediately stiffened as soon as she saw me.

"W-W-Welcome back, Middleman, Jin Skyward!!"

She half-shouted. Senko who was beside her just sighed and shook her head. However, Medusa was to the other side while looking down at the ground. Quite a few of the girls with me were looking at her with curiosity.

"Yeah, I'm back. So, I'm because of…"

I look towards Medusa and Alice nods.

"Yes, we heard about the situation from Zeus-sama! Please go ahead!"

I nod and walk towards Medusa.

"You doing okay since then?"

"Yes, I am. No need to concern yourself with me, please get on with it."

She flatly says. I sigh, touch her shoulder and put a spell on her that prevents her from leaving this realm, be it consensually or not. Once done I step away.


"I see. I'm sorry for making you come all the way here, and also attacking you."

She apologizes to me.

"No it's fine, it's my job after all. Anyway, anything off with your body? Any lingering effects?"

She shakes her head, Medusa then looks at Alice.

"I will be returning to my home then."

"Very well."

Everyone watches as Medusa leaves. Once she was gone Alice sighs and relaxes on her throne.

"She's done well in integrating into our city. The citizens are also quite welcoming of her. But I believe she can't forgive herself or thinks she's unworthy of our kindness. I want to help her but I'm unsure."

Smack ~

Senko walks over to Alice and smacks her on the head. She Queen of the Lamia clutches her head and looks at the kitsune with confusion.

"We've already talked about this, Alice. This is up to Medusa to get over. We've done everything we can for her, but now it's up to her. Playing hero won't do anything."

Senko looks at me and then back at Alice.

"Now, be a leader and greet our guests properly!"

Smack ~ Smack ~

"Ow, ow, ow! O-Okay!"

She does her usual greeting in a better posture, seeing Senko approvingly nod, she then relaxes earning another smack. I do wonder who's really in charge here…


"…I know, I know. Go ahead."


She seems confused by my answer.

"If I go with you or lead you around, you won't be able to fully explore the place, right? So go ahead, I can always find you, Inaie."


"I will go with you."

"I will to."

Ophis stops hugging me and walks over to Inaie and holds her hand, Raiko also offers to go with her. She was quite shocked, along with Irene.

"O-Okay, thank you!"

While holding hands, Inaie, Ophis and Raiko leave to go explore the city. So, I was just with Latia, Demeter and Phae, huh? It shouldn't take too long until we leave for the rabbit village, a few hours give or take. We can just have lunch here.


I was brought out of my thoughts when Alice shouted at me. I look back at her and wait for her to continue.

"Y-You didn't get to experience our outdoors hot springs did you not?! S-So why not take this time to do so? S-Since this place is usually just female Lamia's and male travels coming, the hot springs are unisex!"

I already know that, Alice…

[She probably forgot since she's still quite nervous around you.]

Yeah, but why? It's not like I've changed that much since then. However, Ddraig snorted at me.

[You've become even more famous, your fight with Sairaorg Bael is probably still fresh in your mind, and did you forget your increased fame over the Demonic Beast Riots? Everyone knows you stayed behind to fight off Shalba from Khaos Brigade.]

Ah, right, they were talking about that for at least a few days, huh? I kind of just ignored that…

[As per usual, you mean? You kind of brush off many things, Partner. Although I can see why.]


"Huh? Oh, yeah sure. Let's go over there now then."

Latia and Phae look at me in stunned silence, while Demeter giggles at them. I don't know why she's still like this… We've bathed with each other plenty of times in the [Pocket Dimension]…

"Don't give me that look, Jin."


The hot springs were located in the outer district and not in the inner one. However, it was quite large, and also modeled after those in Japan. We walk in and Alice waves at the owner.

This Lamia wore more modest clothing than the rest. She has blue hair, purple eyes and her scales were a mix of purple and blue making her look pretty unique.

"Welc— A-Alice-sama, and the Middleman?! P-Please go ahead! You don't need to—"

I stop her. I would rather pay, and not go to places for free if I can help it. Every once in a while, is fine, but too many times just makes me uncomfortable. I have infinite money; all you are struggling to live with barely anything in your pockets… Just because I have this status doesn't mean you can do this…



I summoned around 30k euros and stared at the owner. She stared at me slack-jawed… She started to shake until—

"I'll also pleasure you!!!!!"

She immediately tries to take her clothing off, but I also stop her.

"Stop! Stop! J-Just let us enjoy the hot springs to ourselves with that, please?"

Because I know for a fact that anything I say, or at least anything normal I say, will not get through to her, I'll go under the pretext of purchasing hot springs for us. Upon hearing that, she calms down and nods.

"I-I see, t-thank you very much then… P-Please enjoy…"

I had already finished changing, and could feel that they were already in the hot springs. However, I was just checking on Inaie to see if they were doing okay, and it seems like it. But… Ares was here for some reason… When I was looking for her, I accidentally found him just in the Lamia city. Maybe he was here for some 'fun'? Or checking up on Medusa? Whatever the case…

Atahez, go into Inaie's Shadow, Leilani, go into Raiko's. Both of them quickly left my shadow and went towards Inaie's group. Ophis is with them, so they'll be safe, but I just want a bit more reassurance.

He hadn't spotted them yet, but if he does, I can have them alert me. I sigh and finally go into the hot springs.


Alice, she was in her human form and was clearly the most nervous one. Senko sat beside her and just kept on sighing. Latia was the most familiar with this so she waved me over casually, meanwhile Phae was... Very red in the face. She was sitting by Latia, and from the looks of things, they probably had spoken very briefly. Irene was sitting away from everyone else, she looks like she was thinking about something.

I walk over to Latia and sit beside her. Demeter was across from us, as she just smiles and waves at me. Once I did that, I also wave at her, I take a look around the hot springs. It is still bright outside, so the floating fox-fire orbs weren't illuminating the entire place yet, however, like the ones back in Japan, they looked like identical mirrors. Wooden fences, rocks, and other bits and bobs were strewn around the place.

"Ah, that hits the spot…"

"Old man Skyward is back again."

Latia says beside me, and I snort.

"Psh, leave me alone."


[Ophis? What's wrong?]

[…That God of War appeared, but he's gone now. He kept looking at Raiko but I scared him away.]

[…I see. Thank you Ophis, I'll try to—]

[No, it's fine. We will keep exploring.]

I feel Latia grasp my arm; I look at her as she was also looking at me with concern.

"Hmm? What's up, Latia?"

"I have known you for a long time. Why did you get angry?"

Everyone was looking at us now, and waiting for me to say something.

"Ares went near Inaie's group. I just spoke with Ophis. She scared him away, so they're fine, but I just want to go to them just to make sure."

She nods.

"I see, but please trust her. She is the Dragon God of Infinity after all."


"Huh?! D-D-Dragon God of Infinity?!"

Alice gets up in shock, but as she did that the towel that was wrapped around her body— It fell. I look away and with my reaction she looks down to see her body was in full show for everyone else.

"Haa… Here it com—"


"…I'll take her out. Sorry about this, Jin."

She fainted, thankfully Senko was close enough to her that she caught the falling Queen. Alice was quite close to the outer edge of the hot springs. So she could have hit her head…


"Don't blame yourself, Jin. She's just an idiot. Even though you were gone for a long time, and we worked on her not being like this, I guess she needs more time."

Seeing Senko who was much smaller than Alice, carrying her like it was nothing was an odd sight to see. However, the four of us decided to stay here. I glance at Irene and it didn't seem like she had noticed the commotion, I wonder what she's thinking about?



Amazing! This place is amazing! It's almost modeled like the old era of Japan! Especially the houses! Apart from the very lewd Lamias who also tried to invite us, women, it was mostly been a very pleasant experience.

I had walked around with Raiko and Ophis while checking out all the current attractions in this city! I also heard some kind of thing happens quite frequently that involves lanterns, but I didn't hear it in detail!

"I feel a bit nostalgic being here. I have to thank Alice-san for doing this, even though she's just a giant otaku…"

Raiko muttered and that made me chuckle.

"That's right, you're part of the legends of the human world of Japan, after all. Hey, we should have lunch soon. I think Jin and the others will do that too. We have money with us after all, it's fine right?"

Raiko looks at me and nods, but—


Ophis suddenly stopped and tightened her grip on my hand. We had been walking around while holding hands. I think this is her way of 'keeping an eye' on me for Jin? I don't know why though, he doesn't have enemies here, right…?

"Bad man."

She says and turns around.

"Bad man? I'm offended little girl, I'm Ares. The Greek God of War. I'm free to come and go as I please in my own realm."

The man named Ares wears an all-black chest plate and a black skirt. He has spiked shoulder pads that hold his cape in place and forearm cuffs that have spikes. He has a faded buzzcut as well as a clean beard. However, he was staring at us— No, at Raiko quite intently. Raiko in return, covered her chest and gave the man a scorning look.

"I like fie—"

He starts to say something, but freezes and has a look of panic on him. It was faint, but I could feel that Ophis was sending a lot of murderous intent towards him. She was looking at him with very cold eyes, making him stand there frozen on the spot, however—

"…Heh, whatever. You're just dumb sluts anyway."

He turns around and scurries away, his tail between his legs. Ophis taps on her ear and a small green translucent transceiver appears and she starts to talk into it. A minute later, she nods and it disappears.


"O-Okay, t-thank you, Ophis?"


She was back to her usual self, a small smile on her face. We start to walk away, feeling a little bit more wary because of the God Ares.

Jin Skyward

"It was quick, but it was great. I'll try to come back here when I'm back in the realm again."

We just left the hot springs. Latia, Demeter and Phae mostly spoke to one another. I tried to speak with Irene but her mind was somewhere else. Our next plan was to have lunch. Wherever that may be, but we couldn't stay for too long since we had to go to the rabbit village.

Alice had also woken up during that time, but completely refused to look at me since she was too embarrassed. In contrast to her sobbing when I left a few months ago, she was too embarrassed to look at me.

We quickly left the building and followed Senko as she was the one speaking with Alice who nodded along. However, to my surprise, we were back at the same restaurant we had chosen to eat dinner at before. Latia hadn't been here before, the same with Irene, so they were curious about the place.

Once inside, I stop and see Inaie's group then I point to them.


"I will order for all of us. Please put your orders here and your name beside it."

I was about to offer to get our food, but Senko stops me and hands a piece of paper and pen to Alice as she proceeds to write what she wants down. I sigh and make a menu teleport to us. I hand it to Latia as she reads through it. She gives it to Irene, then to Demeter.

Afterwards, we hand Senko the list and I give her some money. She thanked me and we went our separate ways. Once we arrive at where Inaie's group were they were already busy eating.

"Hey, how was it?"

"Great! So—"

Afterwards she tells us what she saw on her journey, and the things she found interesting while praising Alice's choices. This made the Queen of the Lamias blush. But—

"Then the God of War appeared. He was pretty intimidating, but Ophis scared him away, so we were mostly fine."

Inaie pats Ophis on the head as she brings her arm up in a sort of victory pose while drinking some juice. Senko eventually comes back to us, but asks for help bringing back everything. Alice and I offer to. After getting everything together, I turn to Alice.

"Alice, we'll be leaving after this."

"…Ah, yes, I see…"

She was clearly and visibly saddened by what I said. I place the tray of food on my other hand and put a hand on her head while we walked.

"Don't be like that. I'll give you my number so you can text me if you like. I'll also probably be asked back here in the future."

"…Yes, of course, Jin-sama."

Following that, we returned to our table and enjoyed the rest of lunch.

Greed, go into Medusa's shadow. As soon as he said that, he left my shadow. Having just eaten lunch, we were standing outside the restaurant.

[Just to be safe, Partner?]

Yeah, since Ares is back maybe Khaos Brigade is going to do something. I can trust Greed for this and he isn't enormous so he can fit in smaller spaces. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I would rather be prepared than be caught off-guard.

"Anyway, see you around, Senko, Alice, Demeter."

"Yes, please do come again, Jin."

"Bye-bye, Jin-sama!"

"I wish I could go with you, Jin-chan, but I'm staying here for personal reasons ~"

Inaie complained a little earlier, but I wanted to make it to the rabbit village before the end of the day. Check up on whatever is happening there, and then… Wait, since I saw Ares here, I'll stay and see if anything is happening here.

Rabbit Village

"Oh? If it isn't the Middleman, you're back in our little village?"

After teleporting into the village, we were greeted by Coella. There were many people here. They ranged from the usual rabbit youkai, to lamias, harpies, monkey youkai and even normal humans.

"I wanted to check up on Kurousagi, and I got a request from Zeus to go here."

We walk over to her and she nods.

"Well, Lady Amalthea is over at Rini's home. As for Kurousagi and Vera? They should be somewhere in the village."

"I see, thank you, Coella."

She salutes me before getting back to work. Seeing as how Amalthea was closer and the two moon rabbits were a little further, I'll go to her first. My companions were looking around the place intrigued as everyone here was working hard in preparing this place for whatever event happens in the future.

As we get closer to Rini's come we—



Ares. Why was he here? I felt Inaie go back behind me while Raiko joined her, but also start glaring at Ares. He's not exactly liked, now, is he? But it makes me wonder, how the hell did he get here so quickly? He has no powers right now…

"Ares? When did you get back? Your fath—"

"I know, I already met him a few days ago. I'm going on a little trip soon, so it doesn't matter, Hephaestus."

The tension was broken by both Gods talking to each other, although he sounded quite angry already. He looks back at me as I stare back at him coldly. I haven't forgotten about Valerie, and now you are trying to do something to Inaie and Raiko.

Tonight, I'll let Zeus know that if you do something to anyone around me, or those I consider friends in this realm. I will end you with no mercy, Ares.

"Tch. Whatever, I'm already done here."

He walks past us without giving us another glance.


Once Ares was safely out of my sight, Inaie breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I still don't like him."

"I don't, he tried to— Whatever, let's go."

She looks at me confused, and then looks at Latia but she shakes her head. I quickly walk towards Rini's house. Once outside I reach out to knock on the door, but...

Tug ~ Tug ~

"I'm going back, Jin. I will see you tonight."


Before they re-enter my necklace, both dragons make an announcement. What the hell was that about? Those two are in sync lately... The rest seem equally confused, so I just shake my head. I can ask Irene about it tonight, since she did say she'll see me tonight.

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Who is it?"

"Pizza time."


"…Take this seriously."

"…It was a little tense earlier, Latia. I was trying to lighten the mood… Also, this is spousal abuse."

Latia turns red but doesn't say anything, although my joke went over their heads. The only one I heard cackling was Ddraig, but he was also smacked by someone…

The door opens with a confused Rini on the other side.

"Jin? Pizza time? W-What are you doing here? Please come in first though."

She lets us in and we enter her home. Just like last time, Amalthea was there. She looks at me and sighs.

"Zeus sent you, did he not?"

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Is he that easy to read?"

"He is my son after all. I've known him since he was a mere child in rags. As you can see, I am perfectly fine, Jin."

I, along with everyone else took a seat. Rini started to serve all of us some tea, and I sat beside Amalthea as she was patting the seat beside her.

"I see. Do you mind telling me more about this festival? I've heard a shortened version from Hermes earlier today."

After asking that, I hear Rini sigh while pouring tea for me. She looked quite defeated for some reason.

"It was originally dedicated to me since I helped establish this place. So they started doing small festivals for me, however, over time I started coming less and less, and Rini here became the leader over time. So it started being dedicated to her, and finally, what you did for Kurousagi."

"A birth of a new Goddess for both the Egyptian realm and Greek realm. It's quite something, don't you think? To share a Goddess isn't something heard of, another thing the Middleman did which breaks the usual rules."


"'It's not a big deal' is what you're most likely to think next, right?"

She stares at me with a sly smile.


"I've been alive longer than you, Jin. I know how people think at certain times. To you, who has been doing many unbelievable things in the past year, it may be 'not a big deal' to you. However, to the majority of us, it is. It's actually mystifying. Gods can do many things depending on what kind of God you are, like Ptah the Egyptian creator God."

She closes the gap between us and stares at me straight in the eyes.

"What are you? Human? Dragon? God? Something else entirely? You are a complete anomaly, Jin Skyward. You… You are not a natural existence, although I know many have already come to that conclusion."

I wasn't expecting to be questioned here, holy shit, woman… She stares at me for a few more seconds before pulling away. But she had a smirk on her face now.

"But that's precisely why I'm interested in you. I want to find the answers to those questions. —Ah, don't tell me either, I wish to find out about it over time."

She crosses her arms.

"Back to the topic. This festival is to celebrate all three of those, me, as I originally founded it. Rini, as she's the current and longest leader, and finally. Their own personal Goddess watching over it, which is Kurousagi. That's basically it."

I nod.

"I see. Well, thanks for telling us, and glad to hear you're okay. We'll get going. I need to—"

"Yes, yes, check up on Kurousagi, correct? I swear the youth these days are so hasty."

I get up and so does she. However, she reaches over and starts to… Fix my tie? I wasn't too sure in what to do so I awkwardly let her do it. Once done, she breathes out a satisfied sigh and lets me go.

"Run along now."


I look at everyone and we start walking out. I look back at Rini—

"Thank you and sorry for interrupting you like that."

"It's not a problem, Jin. Please do come back when the festival starts."

"…I'll try."

We finally get back outside and I sigh. That feels like the first time in a while that I couldn't get much of a word in during a conversation. Amalthea just, I guess, took control of it? I sigh again and scratch my head. How the hell do I deal with a woman like that?

[He met his match; you know what to do, Velgrynd.]

'Stop being stupid.'



Latia tugged on my arm, and started to mess around with my tie. She looked a little annoyed… I let her since I didn't want to deal with more things. Eventually she was satisfied and let go of me.

{It seems, Latia Astaroth is, or was jealous of Amalthea. Quite intriguing.]

You think so? Well… I don't really see why she is, but… Alright, I guess? I turn back around, and find both Kurousagi and Vera's auras. It seems like they were in that field where Kurousagi was training just like before.

I start walking in the same direction as before, and Raiko quickly picked up on this and joins my side. Latia seems to be speaking to Phae about something, while Inaie was still quite busy looking around the place.

"They are over there?"

"Seems like it."

It didn't take us long to get there, and the two of them quickly notice us. It looked like they had been sparring, and Kurousagi was winning quite easily, even in her [Alternate War God Mode], and not her new Goddess form. They quickly come over to us.

"Jin! It's been a while, why are you— No, you missed me didn't you? Aww ~ you're so cute ~ huhu."

Vera greets us and starts spouting out random nonsense, but Kurousagi just gives her the stink eye making her nervously laugh.

"I-I was joking, Kuro, geez! Can't you take a joke?"

Kurousagi sighs and looks at me with a small smile.

"How can we help you, Master Jin?"

M-Master? Uh, where is this coming from? I didn't expect such a drastic change in attitude from her. To be honest, I don't mind. I'd rather have someone friendly to me rather than someone hostile. Is it because I helped her? That's the only logical reason here.

"Oh it's nothing too serious. I was just here to check up on you and Vera. I take it you've both been well? How's the rabbit village in the Egyptian realm?"

"Very well, actually. Junaid participated in the trials and won! So he's currently the one serving Master Osiris, and well, someone else is the one serving Master Ra now. I didn't want to do it, and since Kuro is a Goddess now she can't be one."

Vera explained excitedly and Kuro nods beside her.

"I have always suspected that if it weren't for that incident, he would be a top contender. Although I guess him being crippled and being healed at that time was a blessing in disguise. Otherwise, I believe Halzaham would have tried to kill him off too."

Kuro says then starts to fidget. We look at her strangely, but her ears also start to twitch on occasion. This is when she steps toward me and holds both my hands and looks up at me with a blush.

"U-Um, Master Jin will you be coming to the festival being held here?"

Vera was quietly snickering to herself at the actions of Kurousagi. Both Latia and Hephaestus were curious as to why she was acting this way. Inaie and Raiko knew why, more or less.

"I'll try? I mean I don't know when it will be—"

"A few weeks from now! I-I will contact you when it's time!"

"Well, if that's the case, then I don't mind, Kuro."

She nods furiously before letting go of my hands. When she turns around to see Vera still snickering, she sends a kick towards her face. Vera only barely dodging it.

"What did I do?!"


"That's mean!"

The two of them start to bicker back and forth, but I am glad she's back to her old self. I think? I mean, I didn't know her 'old self' but that's beside the point.

Tug ~ Tug ~


I sigh and nod. I hear Inaie behind me cheer before running off.

"I will accompany her, Jin."

"Thanks, Raiko."

I feel bad for Raiko. It feels like she's a babysitter now. However, I guess I can join Inaie when we're in the Egyptian and Russian realms since I didn't see too much of it yet, but here? Well, I've seen all of it since it's quite a small place. But we do need to go back soon.

The day is ending, and I still need to speak with Zeus, go eat Hestia's food, the thing with Irene, and… I glance at a tree in the distance. The figure that was behind it— I felt him smile. Whoever that person is, he has been following us all day.

I didn't feel any hostility from him, so I let him be, but it's just getting annoying.

"Master Jin? Will you be heading back? If you're not, y-your group can come to my home and have dinner with us."

Both girls had stopped arguing with each other and were now looking at me. However, I had to decline.

"I'm sorry, Kuro, but we have to go back to Little Olympia today. I promised Hestia that we'd be back to eat her cooking tonight."

"I-I see…"

Kurousagi was obviously disappointed. However, apart from her voice, the only indication were her two rabbit ears that were now drooping. Vera pats her on the back.

"What about tomorrow then? Lunch or dinner, it should be fine, right?"

"Tomorrow? I mean, yeah I guess? We'll be staying here for the night after all…"

"We are?"

After I say that, Latia asks confused and I nod.

"Yeah… I'll tell you why tonight, Latia. Anyway, let's just wait for Inaie. She should be done soon enough since this place isn't too large. We'll get going, Vera, Kuro."

I turn around and we start walking away while also hearing some goodbyes from Vera, but not Kurousagi.

Two hours have passed, and I'm surprised Inaie managed to stretch it that much. The sun had gone down, so we should be heading back to Little Olympia, or at least Mount Olympus. This is because Hephaestus told me during that time period that Hestia would most likely use her home to cook dinner.

There was also a person who had been following us all day who stayed relatively near us and didn't look like they were planning to go away anytime soon. I'll confront him before we leave then. I get up from my seat and the girls look at me.

"I'll be back. I need to check something out. I won't be long so don't worry."

They simply give me a nod without questioning me. At times like this, I appreciate it when they don't ask too many questions, although that's probably just in both Hephaestus' and Latia's characters.

I disappear and appear behind the person who has been following us all day. He looks at me but didn't seem all that surprise.

"It's an honor to finally meet you face to face like this, Jin-sama."

He says this with a small bow.

"You are?"

"Vybath, one of Freyja-sama's loyal followers. She asked me to keep an eye on you today."

I see, so he was sent by Freyja, huh?

Vybath is a considerably tall young man with pale skin. He has cool-black hair that's mostly cut mid-length, with long bangs and two longer sections of hair on his sides that fall over his shoulders. He also has one small cowlick on the top of his head. The bottom ends of his hair fade into a dark turquoise color.

He has bright green eyes with vertically slit pupils and long eyelashes. His lips are a slightly darker color than his skin, and he wears what appears to be subtle dark eyeshadow.

His most unique features are his pointed, elf-like ears, and long black horns on the top of his head. His horns are covered in small ridges, and curve back in an S-shape. His fangs are visible when his mouth is open.

Vybath wears a uniform that consists of a black all-weather coat with neon green and silver accents, black combat suspenders and belts, jodhpur pants, black gloves, heeled knee-high boots, and a small garrison cap.

"What for?"

"Freyja-sama wants to know more about you. She's quite curious about you, so that's why she sent me to spy on you all day today."

Well, I kind of expected this after reading her mind earlier today. I shake my head and sigh.

"So? When are you going to stop?"

"Fufu, that would be now, Jin-sama. You did 'find' me after all. I will be reporting to her then."

"…This is bound to be a constant thing, isn't it?"

"It may be, unless she decides to use different tactics."

I sigh again. I don't know what to do with her. It's not like she's done anything too bad. I mean, stalking is terrible, but it doesn't really bother me. Unless she decides to physically attack me, or anyone close to me, I won't do anything.

I can bring this up to Zeus, but I doubt anything will happen. Vybath bows one more time before vanishing. Although, what intrigued me was his race… He's a half elf and dragon. I guess that explains the elf ears and horns on his head. I was expecting half elf and devil because of Vunzor back in Asgard.

"But… Freyja, huh? I mean, she probably won't find out where I live because of all the defenses I put on my home, so it's fine. But anytime I go out into the world, or go back here, it's almost a guarantee she'll try to follow me."

...…How do I deal with her? She literally just wants to have sex with me, and I'm not interested.

[Well, what do you think of her, Partner?]


[It's not a hard question…]

Haaa… Not what I meant, but whatever. Okay first off, yes, she's beautiful. I mean, she's the Goddess of Love and Sex, of course she is, and this is DXD.

Look, I already said this before, Ddraig. What people do with their own lives, and as long as it isn't harming anyone, or inconveniencing anyone, I don't care. This also includes your love or sex life.

Bang anyone you want, you do you. I have my own standards to things, and so do they. If they clash, I'll respect it, but won't participate in it. I kind of hope she would respect that, but I guess not? Anyway, I'll just deal with her when the time comes. I just hope she doesn't turn to Khaos Brigade or something…


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! He really is here! Piece of shit! Those women earlier were with him too! Fuck!! Damn that shitty lizard! I should contact Promestein and let her know that he's here. God dammit.

So much for traveling to that stupid snake city and setting everything up. Knowing that shitbag, he definitely would have done something because those bitches told him. Fuck, fuck…

I take out the stupid device Avezza gave me to communicate with them since I can't use magic or divine energy.

"Speak, what is wrong, Ares?"

"He's here."

"He? Oh, you mean the Middleman? Do not fret, I have accounted for this. Carry out the plan as usual, however, Hainuwele will only stay there for a short amount of time. I will not risk her being killed off."

"Then what about the rest of the plan?"

"It will be changed, taking back Medusa will be impossible since she's under the Middleman's protection, however, we will change this plan into more of a 'testing phase'. Don't hesitate and use your Sacred Gear. We will modify it if we deem it necessary. I will send you an item that will guarantee escape. Lapis-sama helped with it."

"But keep in mind that it's a one-time use, and if it is stolen, there is no way of rescuing you. There will also be additional reinforcements. Good luck."

After Promestein explains all that, the item disappears. What the hell? It was also a one-time use?! How paranoid are all of you?!


I click my tongue. I need to find Athena. If I can have her help during this then it will make things easier. She's been a loyal bitch to me so far, so I don't see why she wouldn't. I come out of the alleyway I was in, now, where the fuck are you?



"I sense some complications have risen?"

I turn to a fellow member of the Seeker of Truth.

"Yes, there has, however, I have already anticipated this and have change the objective of this mission. We will abandon the use of Medusa, while she was useful, it is a loss cause if we keep trying to pursue her."

They smirk.

"The protection of the Middleman, I assume then?"


I turn to another member.

"What about your plans, Oz, Glenda?"

Both women smile.

"We are not too far from enacting ours, however, we do need more time."

Glenda looks at her own hand and smiles.

"The one called Lavinia Reni, the wielder of [Absolute Demise], is she not with the Middleman? How will you approach this?"

"Approach? Why does it matter? She was merely a tool I used, and she believed the ruse I put on. It is her own fault for being broken about it. Someone with a logical and sound mind would see through it instantly. She is a foolish child; I will deal with her when the time comes."

She coldly states.

"I see."

The two of them disappear, The Wizards of Oz. Their research in magic has significantly ramped up since joining us. Therefore, it is not surprising that they may just be using us. However, we are doing the same to them. As long as we reach our goals, we do not care.

That is what Lapis-sama said after all.

Use everything, and anyone.

They are nothing but mere tools.

Mount Olympus

Jin Skyward

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to talk to Zeus for a little bit. I won't be long though."

As soon as we teleported beside Hephaestus' house, I told them this. However, just like earlier, but with the exception of Inaie, they didn't question me. Inaie was just dragged into Phae's home by Raiko. Well, all but one.

"Is something wrong, Latia?"

Latia Astaroth stood in front of me and didn't go with the others. She walks closer to me and starts to fix my tie again. I let her and no words were spoken. Once done she looks up at me.

"Tell me later, Jin, and good luck."

"…Sure thing."

She finally turns around and goes into Phae's room. She's been a little strange since our time in Rini's room.

[She's just being a good wifey, Partner ~]

Don't say it like that, Ddraig. That weirdly sweet tone coming from you is kind of disturbing.

[What the hell?!]

Ignoring the complaints of the [Welsh Dragon] I fly towards the castle. Thankfully, Zeus and Hera were there.

It didn't take me long to arrive at the door to the meeting room once more. They tell me to come in when I knock on the door.

"Jin? How can we help you?"

Zeus greets me. It looks like they were just having a light conversation to end the night. Sorry about this man.

"Oh, nothing too serious, but one of my companions did come across Ares back in the Lamia's city around noon, and then we saw him in the rabbit village a few hours ago. Do you know he's back?"

"…Yes, we do. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, Jin. We confronted him earlier but he abruptly left. It seems he's still angry with you for sealing his powers. H-He didn't attack your lovers, did he?"

He asks nervously.

"No, but one of them was quite strong so he couldn't do much."

Zeus sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"…What will you do?"

"Right now? Nothing, but I do suspect him of something, and until he does something, I won't act. Although, he won't live long if he does."

Zeus has a complicated expression on his face. I can understand his frustrations and his position. Ares could have gone down multiple paths in life, but ended up like this. Everyone has a choice in what actions they take, and due to his own actions. This is where it led him in life.

Since I only returned to this realm occasionally, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt; maybe he could have had a decent comeback like Raynare, Dohnaseek, and Ajamu did. I don't just give these chances to women. If I think they have that potential, I will, but...

The reason I sealed his powers was because I wanted to give him a chance, and I also did not want to damage what was to be a possible alliance back then with the Greek Gods, and with you, Zeus. It's been a couple of months since then."

"If he was serious about improving his situation, he would have at least tried to improve, but from your tone, it seems like he disappeared and reappeared again. But I did get a bit of that information from Hephaestus. Anyway, I gave him time, and he wasted it. If and only IF, but if he sided with Khaos Brigade, then there's no helping it."

After giving him my thoughts, Zeus sighs again.

"If he did side with them, then there is no going back. He will have betrayed the alliance and even I can't turn a blind eye to that. Whatever happens from here on out… It pains me to say it, even if he's my own flesh and blood, but make it quick."

Zeus stares at me seriously...… Make it quick, huh? Or… I can use him as a guinea pig? I don't know how well the plan I'll have for Avezza will work, so what will happen if I change Ares?

He's done a lot of messed up things, but if I completely change his personality, what will happen? Or should I change him and have him 'repent' for the rest of his existence?

...What the hell am I even thinking? Even though I am an Outer God, I'm starting to think like someone looking at these guys as my experiments or playthings… What the hell? Avezza makes sense, but Ares? That's just for my—

Cúntóir: Answer: Aaron, trust my word that what you have planned for Avezza will 100% work. You do not need to experiment with Ares.

Cúntóir… I see, I'll take your word for it then.

"Jin? Why do you look so pale?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing… Anyway, that's all I came here for. Just a heads-up, I can read people's memories, so when I find Ares again, I'll do just that, and maybe share them to you two."

I start to walk away; they didn't answer me either so I guess I made the right choice… Let's go join everyone for dinner.


"Read memories? I didn't think Jin could do such a thing."

"He can seal a God's powers, Zeus. I think reading memories is much easier."

Hera points out.

I-I guess that makes sense… I sigh again, how many times have I done that tonight? No, the last few days?

"Are you fine with that decision, Zeus? Letting Jin handle our son."

"…If I try to defend him, our pantheon may be looked down upon by the others. There are not many who know, but those who do have been wary of Ireland since one of their Goddesses helped Khaos Brigade. She didn't join them, so I guess that also helped, but still…"

"If what Jin said is true then our own reputation will suffer more than the Irish Gods. I want to avoid that, the best thing to do is to say Ares left our pantheon, in a sense, went rogue. Or became an Evil God."

Or the modern way of saying it is, I believe, 'throwing someone under the bus'? Forgive me my son, but we cannot afford to tarnish our reputation any further. It has been steadily increasing since our alliance. I can't have you ruin it for us.

"I can only hope Jin is wrong about what he said."

Hera shakes her head.

"Most things he has said have in a way come true… I fear he may be correct on this theory of his."

That is correct, but… I just hope that he is wrong, and maybe we can have Ares reform somehow.

Jin Skyward

"Huhuhu! How is it, Jin?!"

"It's so-so."

"Huh?! I spent so much time on that! And all I get is a 'so-so'?!"

Hestia was stomping her foot like a child while we ate, although she does look—




I had come back earlier, and everyone had started without me. I was fine with it since the conversation dragged on for a little longer than I thought. As for the food... I was just teasing Hestia. It tastes pretty good.

What she made was a dish called 'Lamb Shanks'. From what I can understand, it can be made in a multitude of different ways such as using an oven, crock pot or instant pot. However, I do not see the other two here, so she may have used an oven to cook these, and they tasted delicious.

Hestia was still fuming so I decided to speak up.

"I was just joking, Hestia. It tastes delicious. I really like it."

A dumb smile appears on her face as she puffs her chest out while eating making them jiggle quite a bi—

Pinch ~

"Huhu! I knew you would like it; you should have been honest from the very start!"

She starts to put a second helping on my plate even though I didn't ask for any. But I decided not to say anything since she was still happy, and I would rather not ruin the mood. The rest of our dinner was relatively normal. Most of them were talking about topics pertaining to women, so I just mostly kept quiet.

"You need that small stool to reach most things here, huh, Hestia-san?"

"Guhhh... I know you're just asking genuinely, Inaie, but it still hurts my soul!"

Dinner was done. Inaie, Hestia, and Raiko were cleaning the dishes. I offered but was quickly rejected. I was standing in the hallway waiting for Latia since she went to the bathroom. She wanted to speak to me, and after that it would be with Irene.

Latia eventually comes out and we go outside. Earlier, the girls spoke about living arrangements. Hephaestus' home has three other bedrooms. Most of them were used to store the items she made if her closets ran out of room.

Fortunately, today they were mostly empty, so we would be using them and not going back to Little Olympia to rent the same Inn from before. I kind of looked forward to seeing Terrance again, but alas it was not meant to be.

Latia eventually comes back out and we head back. After arriving outside she looks around the place, probably checking out the realm during the night since she didn't see too much of it earlier.

"So, could you please tell me everything? Why did you take off earlier? Both in the rabbit village and to speak with Zeus? And why are we staying an extra day? I can accommodate it, Jin, but I would like to know why."

She turns to look at me seriously. I couldn't help but wryly smile at her. I know it may be serious, Latia. However, I kind of want you to relax a little... I sigh and scratch the back of my head, turning my attention to the night sky.


The first thing I tell her is why we're staying an extra day. It had to do with Ares, why I couldn't feel his aura anymore, and my suspicion of him joining Khaos Brigade and that's why I went to speak with Zeus.

"Then are they taking action?"

I shrug, their hands are probably tied behind their backs.

"…It's only a suspicion, Latia. I know my own status, and if I was wrong then it might suffer. It also might be the same case as Áine. He might just be helping them and have not joined, yet. Although, I'm more inclined to believe since I can't sense his aura anymore, but I can still with Áine."

"Also, it's Ares. His son, if he chooses to save him, and if Ares later on decides to betray the alliance again, it'll look bad on him and probably the pantheon as a whole. He's probably choosing to burn the bridge rather than try to save it."

Latia frowned but nodded her head.

"Next, I would like to know why you left the rabbit village earlier. Why? I felt eyes were on us all day, but perhaps it was just eager fans of yours? It held no hostile intent at all."

She's perceptive… Though they are—

"Yeah, about that… So one of Freyja's followers was tailing us all day, per request of Freyja herself. He said that she was curious about me. Whatever that means, I can guess a few reasons as to why, but all he did was watch and is probably reporting to her already."

"The Norse Goddess of Love and Fertility? Why? ...…Did you do something?"

Latia looks at me with an accusatory glare.

"Come on, Latia… I obviously didn't."

She sighs, steps forward and holds both of my hands.

"…Forgive me, I'm just worried about you, Jin. You attract many people's attention. Whether that be good or bad, most of the supernatural's attention is on you. Questions like: Which pantheon or faction will he go to next? What monumental achievement will he achieve next? And many more like that."

"There's also Khaos Brigade, the thing with Azathoth, and Nyarlathotep's children. In reality, you'll be fine, but we— We worry about you. Your lovers certainly do… I-I do too, you help me quite a bit after all, and also decide to share your secret with me…"

She looks up at me with confusion and uncertainty.

"…May I know why?"

Is it the right time…? We don't spend too much time with each other. I know that we basically spent twenty years with each other, all in the [Pocket Dimension], but still… Shit, am I going to break my own rules?

[I wouldn't say break, Partner, but how about—]

{Bending it a little.}

I hear both dragons say to me...… Bending them a little, huh? Well, I did do that with Natsume, didn't I? She even said at the time that she wasn't fully sure of her own feelings, but ended up being okay in the end.

I might as well. I take a deep breath and look back at Latia, who had been patiently waiting for me to answer her.

"I mean, it's obvious, isn't it? I like you, not just a friend, Latia. Something more than that. Of course, you're not obligated to return these feelings for me. But those are mine."

She blushes and nods.

"I… I-I think I also share the same feelings…? Forgive me, I haven't experienced these kinds of feelings before, so I am unsure. But I enjoy my time spent with you, and hate my time away. Although I can function normally."

"I-I- w-well, so, um—"

Latia uncharacteristically became a bit flustered and started to fumble around her words. I couldn't help but chuckle at her, earning a glare from the heiress of Astaroth. However, I quickly stop and just kiss her.


Her eyes widen for a few seconds, disbelief in her them, but she eventually closes them. Since she didn't know what to do, she let me take charge. I break our kiss after a few seconds as she stares at me in confusion.

"How was it?"

"…My chest feels strange, but it isn't unpleasant."

"Good enough for me. Want to try again?"

She nods at my question. Our lips inch closer to one another agai—

"Woooh! Look at them go!"

The voice of Hestia echoes throughout the area, and we both look towards Hephaestus' home, and everyone had come out. Inaie was covering her eyes with her hands, but she was still peeking. Raiko gave us a smile, while of course, Hestia was the loudest. But…

Hephaestus had a small frown on her. I should… I should deal with her soon too. I know she likes me, and doing this in front of her home probably was a bit rude. However, I look back at Latia as her face had turned completely red.

"I-I'm heading to sleep now…!"

She quickly lets go of my hands and walks past everyone. All the while Hestia laughing at the embarrassed girl. I go over to them and chop the laughing Goddess on the head.

"Be nice. She's still inexperienced."

"She just needs an older woman's charm."


"What did you say?!"

Hestia and I banter back and forth, until we get back inside. The rest of the night was a lot more relaxed, although Hephaestus seemed to be thinking about something. I wasn't sure if I should ask her about it, or let her come to me about it.

Jin's Dream

...The infinite void of white, so I'm dreaming, huh? Although Irene did say she was coming to see me tonight. Even so, I didn't expect it to happen through a dream since I waited for her to come out again.

As for sleeping arrangements, Hestia slept in her own room, while Raiko, Inaie and Latia slept with me. Latia was still a bit embarrassed about the situation, but started to act the same as before, albeit showing me a bit more affection in subtle ways.

Fshfshfwshfwsh ~

Irene finally showed up. We were standing away from each other…

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?"

Irene keeps walking towards me with her usual confident smile.

"I can't speak with you properly without getting closer."

I spread my arms out, as if welcoming her.

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like."

Likewise, I begin walking towards her. We eventually meet in front of each other and stare at each other for a while before I cracked a smile and chuckle. She also cracks a small smile while she watches me laugh.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Irene? Why did you want to see me?"

Since it was my dream, I created a small bench for us to sit on. I sit on it first, and she joined me. However, Irene keeps her eyes closed and doesn't speak for at least three minutes. Leaving me there to wait.

But I didn't mind since I kept making sheep appear and making them jump over a red brick wall. This is when she eventually opens her eyes, sees what I'm doing and lightly smacks me on the head.

"…I was bored waiting so, you know…"



"Mark me."

Poke ~

I poke Irene's cheek.



Fshhhh ~

The look she was giving me was something I wouldn't forget; it was like she was looking at pure scum. She was also letting out a lot of power.

"Woah, woah, calm down, I was joking! W-What the hell do you mean by mark you?"

Irene stops powering up and sighs.

"You're a childish idiot at times, you know that?"

"…Perhaps. So, do you mind telling me?"

She nods.

"Ophis and I have been observing you all this time. That's the reason why we haven't come out as much. Do you know the etiquette of dragons and mates in this universe?"


"I am the Dragon of Dreams; I do not exclusively go to only human dreams. I have mentioned this in the past, have I not?"

I think so…? As a precaution, I agree with her.

"Dragons, while they attract multiple mates, especially the males, tend to stay loyal to them and not mate with anyone else. The females tend to choose strong male dragons so that they can create future heirs that are above the rest. While rare, genuine love does sometimes bloom."

All this mate talk… Don't tell me she—

"Although I have not made a decision yet, I do acknowledge your strength, Jin. So show me."

"Show you?"

"You have shown me an interesting world so far. Although I have enjoyed spending time with you, I have yet to decide whether I will consider you as my mate. So, show me. Can you achieve that dream of yours? Ophis, she is a lot more naïve, and has already chosen you, but to me... It will take a little more time."

Irene says seriously. I didn't think she would make it this complicated, well, I wouldn't know how very old beings think…

"Uniting the entire supernatural world, ending Nyarlathotep, saving Azathoth, proposing to your women, and traveling to Rudra and Velgrynd's world. I wish to see all of it come true."

W-Wait how does she know about Rudra? Velgrynd is understandable since they met, but...

Irene, from her seat, begins to fade away. Her expression never changing.

"Show me. You said to Sirzechs Lucifer that you're a man of miracles, didn't you? I'll be watching."

Were the last words she spoke to me before she disappeared.

"…Show you, huh?"

That's a lot of pressure coming from you, Irene. But I guess I have, I mean I already said those things, so I do have to go through with them. I can't back out now. I grin.

"Alright, watch me!"

I felt myself fading away. But first, I have to deal with Ares and Khaos Brigade in the Greeks' realm!


Third Person Point of View

As Jin faded away from his own dream, a lone figure stood by as she watched it all. They were aware of his goals, his experiences, and many things about him that he has yet to remember. But they have also loved watching him grow. In their own words—

'A growth that he had yet to show back then.'

—I am glad he's grown so much.

<Will you continue watching?>

—No, I am fine… I already appeared to him one last time.

<During his [Queen] chant?>

—Yes, he will be fine. He has many friends and lovers now. He has a family he wanted, even if he isn't fully aware of it yet.

—...You have prolonged my time here more than necessary, and it has taken a toll on you. You can stop now. I am very grateful to see it all.

<You are sure?>

—Yes, thank you. But what about you?

<I do not understand.>

The black-haired female figure looks at the bright-red-haired female figure with a confused expression.

—It seems you are still in denial, creator of all. Fufu, you will soon come to understand. Because... You and 'Cúntóir' are the same, are you not?


—Even if only a small part of you is in her, you are one and the same. Lying is wrong, you know? Try to make up when Aaron helps you, okay?

<...…I do not—>

However, the bright-red-haired figure looks away. She looks up at the fading white sky.

—Aaron, I'm glad he remembers his name, and he'll eventually remember more. But I have to go now. It's fine, he's fine. Thank you again, Azathoth.

She starts to fade away as well... And this time permanently.

Azathoth stood there, with an array of emotions stirring within her. She wasn't sure how to process all of it. However, she saw the final wisp of life from that soul finally leave this existence. She had chosen to bring it back, but it was a gamble, and she wasn't sure if it would work, but it did and she had to pay with some of her already fading life.

<Goodbye, Aoife.>

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