Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 1 – Part 1 – A Taste of a Queen and a Himejima*

—This is me, this is who I am, this is my personality... even if I was influenced by many people, I'll hold true to my own ideals and convinctions, that's what makes me — Aaron Toole.

—You're my baby boy, and you always will be, Aaron—mommy will always love you!




Gremory Territory

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"Well, what do you think of that, Jin-kun?" Sirzechs asked me.

"…It's fine. I'm satisfied with what I heard. I mean, Asteri, Grayfia and Serafall also added their own parts to the story. But can I ask you one more thing about a certain part?" I asked him.

"Hmm? Sure, go ahead!"

"Did you… notice a symbol of sorts on those black-robed humans?" I asked him.

"Symbols…? Hmm, not that I could see. Why do you ask? Do you think you might have an idea about it?"

I nodded my head and said, "Yeah, I have an idea. I'll share this with you and the rest of the faction leaders and Gods during the meeting I'll hold soon. It'll give more insight into our enemy, also… I want to back up the future International Rating Game you and Azazel have been planning."

Sirzechs seemed a bit surprised by what I said, but in the end, he started to laugh.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you knew about that, Jin-kun. But… very well, I will wait until this meeting. When are you planning on having it?"

"In a few days, I'll involve all the current factions and pantheons we are in alliance with," I told him. "Anyway, we'll get moving. Sorry about coming here all of a sudden."

"No, no, it's fine. I enjoyed myself. It's not every day we get to talk about the past, Jin-kun," he said almost dismissively.

However, I could tell that he was feeling a bit emotional right now. No, not just Sirzechs, all of them—especially Asteri… those choir boys and girls must have meant a lot to them. But Grayfia was also reminded of her own flesh and blood, her younger brother, Euclid. We may be facing him soon too, we're near the end of events in this world after all.

'My graduation being one of them too... whatever lies beyond that, I'm a bit anxious, but I'm also looking forward to it,' I thought. I looked back at Sirzechs one last time before leaving. "Then, we'll be leaving first, Onii-san, Nee-san," I said to them and teleported away.

The faces I saw on both of them were both surprised and… well, in Sirzechs' case, he became a bit teary-eyed. I couldn't help but laugh. What a troublesome Satan and brother-in-law I have.

Flashback End

Present Day

Pocket Dimension

4 weeks

Four weeks have passed since we entered the [Pocket Dimension], and everyone has settled in well, and many of them have started to get stronger rather quickly. Despite the constant torture of Aurelia and Scathach... Saji had quickly risen in power, but still struggled to obtain the Balance Breaker. But I'm confident that he'll reach it soon.




A mighty effort was made by Saji to face Scathach, however… he was blown away by a powerful slap by the Queen of the Land of Shadows.

Before we entered here, I made a few pit stops and asked more people to join us. Thankfully they said yes, this also included—


The voice of Sairaorg could be heard across the battlefield. He and his peerage were currently facing various types of monsters together. I couldn't just extend this gesture to Kuisha and not like Sairaorg experience this… so along with his peerage and his fiancé, they were also here.

However, not everyone has been that enthusiastic about this. I hadn't revealed to them what I am yet, however… they have an idea that I'm not exactly 'normal' anymore. Although I doubt they think of me as such after all the things I've done.

"Aren't you going, Áine?" I asked the goddess beside me.

Even though her powers were sealed, I temporarily unsealed them while she was here. She and the few goddesses I brought here were a bit surprised that they could get even stronger. However, goddesses like Kurousagi and Hephaestus were more than happy to come here, including Artemis and Athena who tagged along, and I didn't really mind. All I asked of them was to keep it a secret which they were more than willing to do.

"…It… just feels weird having my powers back, but yeah… I'm going," she muttered beside me before joining the other goddesses in fighting the monsters here.

I also need to do some of my own training… but I usually leave that for the nighttime, and when I'm in my soul. But I typically just check up on everyone else's progress and meditate throughout the day.


As I closed my eyes, another goddess came over to my side. The sounds of the harp rang around me. It was Cana, one of the Irish goddesses. She's mostly been supporting everyone through her powers. This has worked well, because in a way, she didn't need to fight and she'd get some of the 'EXP' and grow stronger.

She's been called cheap by Áine and Hestia, but she doesn't really mind the insults. But it's not like she only does this. I did see her fight like four times during the four weeks, so it's not that bad… probably.

I invited Kiyome and even extended it to Astraea, but both declined my invitation, so they and a few others were back on the other side. However, Kiyome did say she would join in the next one... well, if she or anyone else asked, then I'll make it for them and probably join them. However, I'll leave it up to them.

"Are you still planning to support them and get stronger that way, Cana?" I asked the goddess.

"Huhu, I'll join them later, but for now… I want to get stronger this way while also becoming better at my craft~" she answered while plucking the strings of her harp.

"Well, if that's how you want to do things, then I won't stop you," I replied and she just giggled at me.

Well, there were a few more who were a bit stupefied by this new place that they were in. Ravel, Raynare, Inaie and Raiko. Raynare and Ravel knew of it, but being here and experiencing it first hand was a lot different from just 'hearing' about it. Currently, those four have banded together and are fighting monsters together.

Occasionally, Raynare would ask Penemue, Akeno or Gabriel for some guidance since their powers are the most similar. The same with Ravel with the devils, Inaie did the same thing with Akeno and Penemue since I started to see her start mixing both her heritage powers.

The powers of a fallen angel and a youkai. The odd one out was Raiko, a human who had ascended. She mostly used her weapons, physical prowess and lightning. Even so, she consults with others regarding the use of her lightning manipulation and those proficient in magic.



She's been looking at me a lot… by 'her', I mean Scathach. Ever since our trip to Thine Ifreann Réimse and her reconciling with sister, Aífe and also finding a common asshole to direct both of their anger towards… she's been looking at me with certain eyes. Eyes that I couldn't really discern. That's kind of a lie, but I'm still suspicious... So I was kind of waiting for her to do it so that I could accept everything.

Apart from that, the Electa have been appearing more often, and the same holds true for Ddraig and Albion. They are mostly here to train the large number of people now here. However, the females were also here to take advantage of my affection since Aurelia told them about what I said. However, like Shaula, most of them heard what I said while in Nembesouk.

Lastly, I plan to reveal to them what I am in the coming years. I want our friendships and my personal romantic relationships to strengthen before I drop this bomb on them. We do have 100 years in here after all—yes, that's right, I decided to increase our time here. I had thought about it after my talk with Sirzechs.

After hearing about the civil war of this world… not much changed, except for what I think—XxX (Cross Times Kiss) made contact with Sirzechs after the civil war. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to make them a bit stronger. The extra 50 years should have most of my lovers be brought to at least Multiversal, maybe even low Omniversal, but for the rest… Universal should be fine.

I need some fire power apart from my Electa, in case that I somehow become unavailable during a crisis or something. 'I shouldn't say these things, I might jinx it,' I thought, but just laughed at myself.

Cúntóir: Answer: Aaron.

'Hmm? Have you finished it?' I asked her.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, I will inform you tonight.

'Great, can't wait.' I felt a smile spread across my face. If she found positive results, then we can probably reverse engineer it to use it to teleport into the Khaos Brigade's main base, and if not the main base... any of them would be good.

The teleportation device that Ares was intending to use was finally analyzed by Cúntóir. She needed to explain it to me, or show it to me, so I was planning on seeing it in my own soul tonight. I was also planning a few things, but they can wait until later. I do have 100 years after all.


"Hmm? Oh, hey, Valerie. Do you need something?"

The one who hugged me from behind was Valerie, but in turn she interrupted my meditation. I didn't mind, since I could do this alongside training in my soul at night. The ones who oversee my training are Rudra and Velgrynd. However, the previous wielders and the two other dragons also sometimes participate, but it's mostly those two who do it. Rudra is trying to pass down as many of his abilities, techniques and other teachers to me…

In a way, he's preparing me for when he disappears. I would rather not think about it for now…

"I can't just do this?" she asked.

"Well, yes you can… but usually someone wants something from me."

To this, Valerie laughed and said, "Well, you're not wrong about that, but I just want to be near my boyfriend? Or should I start calling you darling now?"

"Call me Big Chungus," I told her.

"…Huh?" she answered very confused.

Pinch~ Stretch~

"Answer me in a way that I can understand, A-a-r-o-n~" she said while pinching and squeezing my cheeks.

"Yash, mhaahm." (Yes, ma'am.)

Cana giggled beside us as she watched our interaction. Valerie turned to her and bowed.

"Cana-sama, I admire the way you get stronger… minimal movement and effort, but with 100% effectiveness, truly something aspiring!" Valerie said to the Irish goddess.

"As expected of the NEET Dhampir 2.0, being influenced by the NEET Hybrid Leviathan. You two are the definition of best friends—ow, ow, ow, I was jok—ow!"

Valerie started to pinch my cheeks even harder. I wasn't really feeling any pain, but I guess I was saying it on reflex. Although she did feel a bit annoyed at me… I mean, you two do really spend a lot of time with each other. It's a friendship I didn't see coming, in all honesty.

"It's great to be this close to your lovers, Jiiin~ but don't forget to shower Danu with that kind of affection too~ oh! And Áine too~" Cana said beside us while still playing her harp.

"Well, I was already planning on doing that to most women in here, save for a few exceptions (Ruruko and Silveteela)," I answered her.

"Hmm~" she glanced at me thoughtfully, but didn't give me an answer.

Cana eventually left while still playing her harp. The rest of the time was filled with many sounds, mostly Saji's screaming and Sairaorg's laughter.

That night, I was bathing by myself. Sairaorg had forced the rest of the guys to join him earlier. However, Saji didn't have the energy to keep moving, so he couldn't resist. Kiba, Gasper and his male members from his peerage went with him, and I was a bit busy so I couldn't join him. Apparently, it was very manly and filled with various discussions. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be involved in that in the future.

"Hmm?" I looked back down as I had been looking up with a towel on my face.

I had felt a familiar aura coming into the men's side of the open bath, but it wasn't a man who was walking towards me. It was a well-known woman—it was Scathach. She wore her all-too familiar confident smile as she strolled over to my side and sat beside me.

She didn't say anything the entire time, and I removed the towel that I had moved to see who it was and placed it on my lap.

"Good evening, Scathach. How can I help you?" I asked the woman.

However, she didn't answer me, and stayed silent for the next few minutes. I didn't mind so I just sat there enjoying my own peace and quiet. But she did eventually start talking.



I turned to look at her, and she had this expression on her that I couldn't really describe. I guess the most appropriate way to put it is… like she was looking at something she wanted—something important, I guess?

"Make love to me. I want you... this is the simplest way I can describe my feelings towards you right now. Is that enough for you?" she said, and then followed up with a question.

Scathach sounded a bit nervous. She wasn't acting like her usual self. I've always seen her as a powerful, proud and skilled woman. So hearing her sound like that was strange. I mean, she didn't even falter when she was about to fight her sister, but now she did… it was very confusing.

When I looked back at her, she was sporting a small blush which was very rare for this proud woman. I guess being direct with her own feelings… she wasn't very experienced at that, was she? Well, most people aren't since they lie about it to themselves after all.

"Sure, but can we wait a little while? I want to…"

I didn't finish my sentence since Scathach put her lips to mine—she kissed me. As I said, I wasn't too bothered by it, so I kissed her back, but… I did want to wait a bit before fucking her. I mean, if we can't have a date, I might as well get to know her a bit more while we're here… I mean, she focused on getting stronger the last time we were here.

But to be honest… she's still doing that, but I guess she wants to at least advance our relationship, and I'm fine with that.

"How long?" she asked.

"A week? I want to tell Inaie and Raiko first about me, and then maybe a year or two from now the rest of them, especially the other goddesses. Additionally, I want to let them know that this includes both the Sitri and Bael peerages. Can you wait that long?"

With a confident smile she said, "No, it's fine. However, make sure you do not make love with the rest of your harem. I want all of your semen in me."

I couldn't help but let out a laugh of disbelief at her brazenness. 'Who the hell tells people that straight to their faces without so much as a grin or shame? Well… now that I think about it, probably Kuroka, but that's besides the point…'

"I'll try, Scathach, but no promises. You know how they are when we're here… although they'll probably be a bit more careful since there are other men here besides just Gasper and Kiba now."

"Umu." She nodded her sagely.

Scathach, and many others have walked on me and my lovers doing very scandalous things in the past, not just out in my real home, but also the last time we've been here. Scathach then turned her attention to my crotch.


"Do you nee—"

"I'm fine…"

"Umu, at the very least I know you like my body... but I already knew that..." she said rather amusedly, and still grabbed my member. "It's painfully erect. Are you sure you don't want a hand?"

"I'm fine," I repeated, and to my surprise she let go.

"I will get going then, Aaron," she said and quickly got up from the bath. She put a bit of a sway to her hips as she left.

"I'm surrounded by troublesome women…" I muttered and shook my head.

I was back in my soul and was doing my usual training with Rudra and Velgrynd. They mostly just gave me instructions and how to do things as efficiently as possible. Cúntóir was with both Albion and Ddraig discussing something.

I was left to my own devices as I knew how to operate both Sacred Gears. However, Albion and Ddraig also sometimes taught me how to use their other abilities such as [Penetrate], [Reflect], [Reduce] and using both versions of their [Dividing Wyvern Fairy].

I plan on using the [Dividing Wyvern Fairy] with a couple of the girls. Lavinia, Suzaku, Akeno, and Rias are the ones that come to mind for now. However, if the rest of them approach me about it after I show it to them, then I can try to synchronize it with them.

But for now…

"Balance Break!"

I shouted while the [Boosted Gear] was out and entered my [Queen] form without the need for chanting. Once in it, I focused on the gems around my armor and summoned the [Dividing Wyvern Fairy] out of them. These ones were red. I wonder if I can control which ones can come out? As far as I can remember, I can control them with my mind so…

There were a couple of them, so— 'All of you [Boost] ten times and then [Transfer] it to me!' I commanded them and they all gathered around my body—

[Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!]

All of the [Dividing Wyvern Fairy] boosted around me, and then they finally—


They all transferred the boosts to me. The chest and stomach portion of my Scale Mail started to open up and all that power started to gather there.

[Uh, partner? What are you doing…?] asked a nervous Ddraig.

"We've never seen this before…" muttered Velgrynd as she watched on.

I turned around and aimed into the distance once it was done charging!

"Longinus Smasher!!" I shouted!

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!! Dwooooooooooooooooosh!

A large stream of draconic energy left the stomach portion of my armor and destroyed everything in its path! Everything in front of me was destroyed—no, it was obliterated out of existence. But since it was my own soul, it immediately repaired itself. However—it also generated a large

"Why is the sky so weird?" Velgrynd asked.

The 'sky' in my soul was currently a mix of white light and darkness. The draconic energy stream was like an amalgamation of the Ultra Instinct aura and my outer god aura, and now it covered the entire sky. It's like both light and darkness were covering the sky above us.

"I have no idea when it'll clear up… but it worked, so… success!" I celebrated.

The previous wielders half-heartedly pumped their fists for me. They all looked quite amused by what I had just done. I turned around to look at them and 'willed' them to turn white, and to my surprise they did.

'Do this formation and [Reflect] all the attacks around until I say to release it!'

I put my left hand out and summoned a ball of draconic energy. It was a [Dragon Shot]. Then I punched it and it flew towards the white versions of the [Dividing Wyvern Fairy]. Since they originally belonged to [Divine Dividing] having them change from red to white means…

[Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!] [Reflect!]

It started to bounce around and be reflected around the [Dividing Wyvern Fairy], and bounced back and forth between them. Each time it happened, the speed it moved around increased, until—

I shouted, "Release!" and the last one let go and gave it back to me!


I boosted myself once and punched the even more powerful [Dragon Shot] that was coming my way, and directed it to the same spot as the [Longinus Smasher]!


'Hold on… were those [Dividing Wyvern Fairy] also boosting the power of the [Dragon Shot] while using [Reflect]? That attack was unnecessarily too powerful…' I thought.

I looked at the destroyed space again, and it was as devastating as the [Longinus Smasher]. The results I obtained were satisfactory... now all I had to do was add some kind of dragon-killing abilities to my attacks so I'd be able to easily destroy the Evil Dragons... or, I could end it as soon as possible, but I'd like to see if I can change their minds the way Crom Cruach did. I'd also like to change Apophis' mindset, but... I'll see what happens.

If not, I can just use a bit of force. I clenched my hand and thought of the people of the Khaos Brigade I had mind controlled. Crom and Apophis are both powerful, so having them switch sides would be good… the rest are beyond hope so I'll probably kill them on the spot when I meet them…


I heard Cúntóir call out my name and I exited my Balance Breaker and walked towards her. I was quite excited to see what she had found out about it. But I wouldn't lose it if she couldn't decipher it.

"To begin with, this was accomplished through the combined efforts of many people in the Khaos Brigade. The main woman who made it was Avezza; she had help from others, including Promestein, Satanael, and Lapis," she said seriously.

"The other thing I found out was that 'Lapis' is the being that can tear through those barriers. All she needed was to add a bit of her essence, and in this case, her blood. She holds the purest form of 'Outer God Blood' from Nyarlathotep, so since she's a fellow outer god, she can easily bypass them. So it's not an item, it's quite literally 'herself—Lapis'."

"To put it bluntly, until you evolve, I cannot stop its functions. However, there is a silver lining to all of this. I managed to pin point several areas where they are in production. Well… they are more theories, but it's the best we have," she explained.

It's a shame that we can't get to them. However, finding one of these facilities is a step in the right direction, and that also means... a chance to get to Avezza, capture her and fundamentally change her as a person. We'll gain a powerful ally at this rate.

"So, where?" I asked.

She nodded, and summoned a map and started to point at places around the world. "Firstly, Romania. As you know… that's where the next events of this world are at, the vampire civil war, and Qlippoth starting to make their move. Next, I am led to believe somewhere in Germany. I'm sorry I can't pinpoint it exactly."

She moves her finger to another spot. "China, North and South Korea, Hawaii, the Philippines, Italy, and the USA. You should try to travel to all of these in the next few months, Aaron. The odds of us crushing them sooner are better if you can find Avezza in any of them. Otherwise, we'll need to wait until you…"

"Graduate and evolve, right? I feel like you've been hinting at that," I finished for her.

"...It is not a guarantee, but I do believe that you will achieve it at some point in the near future. Otherwise… I don't know, you may need to—"

I stopped her and put a finger on her lips. "Don't worry, I'll get it done. Trust me."

"Very well, because I'm also led to believe that both ExE and CxP will start attacking this DxD much sooner than in canon. In all honesty, I believe you may start seeing fighters and monsters from both of those universes in the coming months. Or even sooner..." she said with concern in her eyes.

'The ExE and CxP, huh? Well, I just need to get ready then…'

"Also… you haven't reached the [True] form of your [Diabolos Dragon God], Aaron. Just like your [Queen] form… you have to 'speak to it'. I can't elaborate more on that, I'm sorry."

"…Do you mean to tell me that my [Diabolos Dragon God] form is meant to look a bit more like my [Queen] form?" I asked and she confirmed by nodding. "I can assume that it's also the same for my [Divine Dividing]'s form, right?"

"Yes, that is correct," she replied while putting away the map.

"Haaa… more work then, well… it's not anything new," I chuckled to myself.

So does that mean the 'true' chant was real, but the 'true' form didn't come out? How troubling…

[I can't wait then! Hey, so... does that mean he has to actually 'add' more of his 'outer god powers' for it to work?] Ddraig asked and Cúntóir just glared at him.

However, Ddraig gave me a thumbs up… he unintentionally, or intentionally got a hint for me. I gave him a thumbs up in return and got bonked on the head by Cúntóir.

'But… I have to add more of my outer god powers or energy, huh? Did I not add enough when I used it on Shalba? Well, whatever the case may be... I have an idea for [Divine Dividing]'s [Diabolos Dragon God] and I need to modify the chant event more since I'm no [Morning Star] or Devil.'

"Well, I deal with it as it comes, but when I go back out, I have a few things I need to do. I'll get that meeting under way and inform the current alliance about ExE and CxP. After that I'll personally meet up with Mephisto Pheles since I want to personally set up an alliance with him," I muttered to myself.

Grigori and Mephisto Pheles—the Grauzauberer were already in positive relations with Grigori after all, so in a way, they're already allied with us, but… this should make it a bit better for me. I can just bring both Nia and Lisa…

For the rest of my time there, I spoke with everyone and trained with my bokken under Rudra's guidance. I wanted to treasure the time I had left with him.

A week has passed and Scathach seems a bit on edge or at least… restless. Today, I plan on telling Inaie and Raiko first about what I really am. After that, I will plan on waiting for at least a year or two before telling the rest.

It was nighttime in the [Pocket Dimension], so I had asked Inaie and Raiko to accompany me outside while the rest of them remained inside.

"Huuu…" I let out a tired sigh.

Everyone was still quite eager to strengthen themselves during that week. New and old friendships were forged, but most of the guys were basically man-handled… or should I say, woman-handled by Lianne, Scathach and Aurelia. All three of them basically beat them up in order for them to get stronger. Of course, that didn't happen every time. They—the males, would go and fight monsters in their own groups and get stronger that way.

But that's usually from morning until near the end of the day. As the sun sets, all of them would be more or less forced to fight those three. It would end with them being blown away by a powerful attack.

"Um, why did you call us out here, Jin?" asked Raiko.

I finally stopped and faced them.

"I see, I see… so you're planning to confess your love to us, huh?! I knew it!" Inaie pointed at me with a smug and accusatory grin.

"Well, I am about to confess to something, but… love, that can wait," I replied and then poked my head.

After that, a small white line left my head and entered both of theirs. Both of them clutched their heads and their eyes widened. I let what they learned settle in their minds before speaking, but the first to break the silence was Inaie—

"Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu're aaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!" She screamed and pointed at me before falling on her ass.

Raiko, on the other hand, stared at me with both surprise and a sense of unease. 'Is she scared of me now? I mean I would have expected something like tha—'

My own thoughts were interrupted as she had stepped forward, grabbed my head and brought me into a hug while shoving my face into her breasts. I… I was very confused by this gesture. I mean, I don't mind—no, I quite liked it, but at the same time I was mostly confused by it.

"Um, Raiko?"

"I will do my best to support you as your other secretary!" she declared, confusing me even mo—


"Hoooooooooooooooooold on!!!"

"I'm the other secretary!!"

A large sound echoed in the distance and then two people appeared beside Raiko. It was Kurousagi and Rose.

'How the hell did those two hear her declaration…?' I thought.

[Maybe it's due to the 'secretary position' that they somehow managed to hear it through space, time, and reality. It's sort of amazing, Partner.]

Both of them glared at Raiko, however, she was for some reason crying now. She continued to hug me, and kept on saying 'I'll be your secretary' over and over again. Both Kurousagi and Rose argued between one another while Inaie was just sitting on the ground, astonished by what had happened.

After a few minutes, everything started to calm down. Well, mostly everything. For some reason Raiko felt bad or sorry for me? She explained that I died young, floated for a long time before reincarnating. So since she said she'd accompany me during my job as the middleman, then she'd obviously become my other secretary.

She acknowledged that Rossweisse was my first and official secretary, so she said she'd be my second. However, that came to blows with Kurousagi. Currently, they are arguing about it…

"Tough life of a harem king, huh, Jin?" asked Vera beside me.

I was meant to meet up with Scathach after this, but I've been delayed a bit because of the arguments. I looked at Vera and sighed. "It's still worth it though… haha… probably."

Vera came over here along with a few others to see what was up.

Hestia suddenly butted in. She looked like she was planning on adding fuel to the fire, so with a massive grin she said, "I'll be his secr—"

"""No!""" all three women screamed at her, and hit her with a blast of their energy, making her flinch at the sudden wave of energy she felt.


Hestia just curled up into a ball and rocked back and forth while muttering 'I was just joking; you didn't need to be that mean about it'.

"Anyway, I'll get going…" I muttered and left the spot we were at.

"Fuck Scathach Jin! Fuck her until her brain rots!!" Áine screamed, almost like she was telling me to literally kill Scathach…

I didn't answer, but in the next few seconds, I heard Áine's voice change. It sounded like she was being suffocated, so I briefly turned around to see Cana and Danu trying to suffocate her with something.

'Those three get along… yup, that's it…'

Once I arrived at my room, for some reason Scathach was sitting in a seiza position on my bed. She looked so formal it felt weird, but she was just in a very see-through purple lingerie and she was sporting a small blush. She looked at me as she blushed, but she also had her usual confident look.

"You're here," she said.

"Yeah. Áine said to fuck your brains out," I replied.

"I heard. She wasn't exactly quiet about it… well, at least we will have privacy."

I nodded, and covered the room with a barrier. She really has well trained hearing… we were pretty far away…

Lemon Start

"Without further ado, fuck me," she said and spread her legs.

Scathach… didn't have any panties on, now that I look at her closely, she didn't have a bra either. So she was already naked… I guess she was ready from the start. I sighed, snapped my fingers, and this removed all of our clothing.

"Hmph, so you were also looking forward to this," she said with a confident smile.

"Well, yeah," I answered pretty bluntly.

Scathach just stared at my erection as I crawled onto the bed and positioned myself on top of her. As I was about to put it in, she put a hand on my chest. I then felt her wrap her legs around my waist, trapping me.

"It's been a very long time since I last did this. Try to be gentle first, Aaron. But first…"

Unlike her usual self, Scathach's face relaxes and she shows me a bashful smile. "Kiss me…" she muttered while closing her eyes.

Keeping up with her whims, I leaned down and captured her lips.

"Hmmm… ah… haaa…"

I didn't waste any time and intertwined our tongues. Scathach responded in kind, and I also felt her tighten her hold with her legs around me.

"Mmhp?! Hmmph?! Knhah! Hmmphh!"

I suddenly felt Scathach twitch and tremble a little bit.

"Scathach? Are you okay?" I asked while pulling back from our kiss.

However, to my surprise, the Queen of the Land of Shadows was blushing even harder than before. It debated on whether or not to tell me the reason, but she—

"…I had a rather light orgasm," she confessed while looking at me directly.

"…That's actually pretty cute. Imagine if—"


She lightly smacked our foreheads together while turning red. Although the thought of her experiencing an orgasm from our quick kiss made me quite hard.

"Try not to cum when I put it in, alright?" I told her, and she just softly glared at me.

As I adjusted the position of my member, Scathach stopped me again by putting a bit of pressure on my chest with her hand. I stopped to look at her.

"One more thing before we do it…" she muttered. The same bashful smile appeared again, and she said, "I love you, Aaron."

"…Yeah, I love you too, Scathach," I replied and put the tip of my member against her entrance.

I push the tip in and look at her. She gave me a nod and I pushed all the way in. As I did, Scathach gasped, almost as if she was surprised by it…

"Ah…! Hyaah! Mmmpppphhh!"

Scathach did her best to stop herself from moaning, but in the end, she just stuck her tongue out at me. Almost asking me to shut her up, and her moaning by kissing her the entire time. I leaned back down and started to kiss her while I began to thrust into her.

"Amph! Mphhh! Mphaah! Ngagh!"

As I kept thrusting myself into Scathach, she kept kissing me even more passionately. I can hear her moans echoing in our ears. I can also hear the mixed sounds of our saliva and tongues twisting against each other. It's been a while since I did this so I was feeling a bit more energetic than usual.

Suddenly, I felt her insides grip my member with even greater strength than before. It felt great and I kept on thrusting my hips. In turn, Scathach kept on moaning into our kiss. Our kiss made sure she wouldn't scream out in pleasure.

Maybe she was doing this on purpose to have some semblance of control. Or, it could be her own pride as a warrior not wanting to let me hear her girly screams. If it were any of those reasons then I would find it insanely cute.

"Haah! Haaah! Hmph! Aah… Aaron…!"

"So this is the vagina of a warrior…" I muttered, and again she lightly bit my tongue making me inwardly chuckle.

However, as I kept thrusting, I felt Scathach's body constantly shivering. It made me wonder if she was still having light orgasms as I kept fucking her? Although… being finally connected with this woman was—in a way, enlightening. She was proud, skilled, and didn't let anyone look down on her.

I'm sure many men have tried to court her in the past. She even said that she had done it a few times in the past. However, I have no idea how long 'sometime' is, but I would put it at a couple of hundred years at most.

Also, the fact that she was willingly the bottom during this… well, I guess she did say that I was the only man to make her submit. So I can guess her 'first' man was before she dedicated her life to being a warrior, and before we ascended into godhood?

As these thoughts whirled around my mind, I kept on making love to the woman underneath me. She briefly broke our kiss and—


Scathach—whose eyes were already closed, began to shake violently beneath me. She didn't say any words, she just broke our kiss and she probably had her first orgasm there. After it was done, she looked at me and was sort of pouting.

"…Do not say it."

"…You came, didn't you?" I asked.

In response, she made a cute sound and just glared at me. The usual Scathach was absent, and she was showing me this adorable side. It reminded me of Grayfia in a way. The usual stoic and serious maid left when it was just the two of us. Perhaps I can assume it'll be the same for Scathach?

"Lord Aaron, you haven't reached your own orgasm. Then keep going," she said—in an almost demanding tone.

Also… 'Lord Aaron'? Why did she call me that…? I gave her a quick questioning look before I started to thrust into her again. But as soon as I did, she captured my lips again, and we started another tongue battle.

"You're quite experienced at French kissing… all those times you did it with your lovers, they paid off, didn't they?" she briefly asked before kissing me again.

I broke the kiss and licked her neck, earning a moan from her. "Yeah, that was definitely a factor…" I replied and made a deep thrust and hit her womb.

"Ughh~~" she moaned still keeping her voice down.

"…Hey, Scathach…" I muttered near her ear.

"W-what…?" she asked a bit confused, as I kept thrusting into her.

I decided to change my movements and just grinded around her vagina making her bite her lip and stopped her own moan. I did this for a few seconds while lightly biting her ear.

"Aaahhh~ N-nooo~" she moaned out, finally succumbing to my teasing.

Finally, wanting to finish our first round—I started to move my hips again, and a lot quicker this time. Scathach quickly kissed me again, still not wanting me to hear her moans. But her vagina was even slipper than before. Perhaps what I did earlier stimulated her even more, but—

My member became even harder as I increased my speed, but… what she did next surprised me even more. She stopped our kiss, and moved her head closer to my ear, and started to let her moans out.

"Aaah! Aaron…! Aaah! Y-you're fucking me so roughly~ Hyah~! Haah! Ah! Yaanh! Hmmphhh!!" she moaned out seductively.

She then pulled back and looked at me with a smug, yet aroused eyes.

"…You little…! Scathach!"

Her provocation worked, as I increased my speed and intensity.

"W-wait, Aaron… I think… n-no… wait…" she muttered in between ragged breaths.

I felt Scathach's insides tighten even more as she started to run out of breath. I think I can time my own orgasm with hers, so I wait and hold back. But… I didn't need to wait long—

"A-Aaron... I… I… I can't hold it in anymore…!" she said almost pleadingly.

I silently nodded while staring at her directly. She closed her eyes again and we kissed once more.

"Mmm! Haaahphm! Haaah! Aaah! Bathe me in your saliva! Give it to me…! All of it…!"

I do as told, and stick my tongue back into hers. I move my tongue rhythmically inside her mouth, making sure to hit all the 'sensitive' spots that I found earlier. Each one I hit made her moan into her kiss.

"Aaron… I'm cumming… cumming…!" she managed to tell me in between our furious tongue licking.

"Scathach…! I'm—"

"…I love you…!"

Her words—ended me.

Splurt~ Splurt~

"Mmph?! Nmphh! Mphaah!"

I came inside her, I pulled back even further while her legs were wrapped around me, and I slammed it back into her. I made sure to finish as deeply as I could. All the while, the two of us kept kissing. However, even after cumming deep inside Scathach, she kept on wanting to kiss me, so I followed along.

After kissing for a few more seconds, I pulled myself out of Scathach, and it made a 'plop' sound. Immediately after, my semen started to leak out of her. Scathach was obviously tired. I mean it's probably her first time having sex after a few hundred years. But…


"I know... come here... I will accompany you for as long as you wish," she replied, cutting me off abruptly.

I looked back at the Queen of the Land of Shadows, as she had her arms spread out, inviting me to hug her. She also had her legs spread apart again, a beautiful smile across her face…

For the next few hours, I made love to her. This time… I heard many moans from the Witch of Dún Scáith.

Lemon End


I lay there as Scathach was sleeping peacefully beside me. Despite feeling insanely happy, I am even more nervous about the future. Graduation is looming closer. I haven't evolved yet. However, at the same time... I have so many things I want to do that I feel like I won't have time for them.

These next 100 years… I want to spend them as best as we can. I'm sure this won't be the last time we—I come here, since once they reach a certain level of power, and until I reach a new level of power, they won't grow any further. They can still come and refine their techniques, spells, magic and abilities…

[Partner… you're overthinking again.]

I was brought out by Ddraig. I chuckled and sighed. 'Yeah, you're right... but I feel like I should start taking everything that's about to come a bit more seriously than I did before…

'Hey, I know all of you are listening. For the next 100 years, I'll be mostly training in that soul, so… I'll be in your care. Out here I'll probably just meditate, train a bit, and watch over everyone else.'

'That's what you've done in the last visits to the [Pocket Dimension], Aaron,' said Rudra.

'I know, but to me 100 years is pretty long, so…'

'Very well, Velgrynd and I—no, all of us will watch over you.'

'Thanks, Rudra.'

Year 3 – Month 11

"So why have you brought us all together, Jin?" Sairaorg asked.

Three years have passed since we came to the [Pocket Dimension] and I think it's time I told the rest of them what I am. Everyone here looked tense, I don't know why though…

"Well, you've all probably wondered what I am," I started.

"I knew it! You're some kind of chicken god!" Hestia shouted and pointed at me.

"…What?" I asked a bit dumbfounded by the strange accusation.

"Hestia-chan, let's just sit down~" Lavinia gently put a hand on her shoulder and she huffed, however, she did sit back down.

Like what I did with Inaie and Raiko, I tapped my head and sent them the relevant information. They all clutched their heads and a few of them had pretty calm reactions, however—

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!" Saji screamed and fell backwards over the sofa. "Y-you're just a living breathing cheat! Also evolving and becoming stronger?! Is that even possible?! Jin-senpai—no, should I call you Aaron-senpai?! What the hell?!"

"…Hmm, so I never stood a chance of beating you at all. I feel a bit frustrated but… also relieved," Sairaorg said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"Essentially, this world… we won't need to worry too much about if other worlds or universes attack us, correct? As long as you're here…"

Well, I won't blame him for thinking like that. I also promised to do that back in Kyoto I mean. But yeah, however…

"I won't be here forever. Once I evolve, I may—no I will definitely be taking over Azathoth's role, so I will be watching over the Omniverse. This means I won't be here all the time… but I will stop world traveling since it would be a headache for enemies to start randomly popping up. I can achieve some peace that way," I told him.

"Well, I'll let you guys think it over. If you wish to stop associating with me, then that's fine. I'll probably erase that memory from you so you won't have to live with this burden of knowing. But if you want to keep it then please keep it a secret… I don't plan on revealing this to everyone. It would be better that way."

Danu stood up and said, "Well, I can't say this for everyone, but we will need some time to process this, so I will leave for now…"

After she said that, the Sitri, Bael peerages left, followed by the goddesses I brought here. I just sighed. They're close with me, but they're not on the level of trust that my harem and lovers are at. I'm not that bummed out, but I wish it was a bit more positive, especially Danu.

"Don't worry, like Danu-sama said, they just need time to digest it. You forged a bond with them, Aaron; it can't be broken that easily," Grayfia said to me.

"Haha… yeah, I do hope so."

"I'm still not over it though!" Inaie said while pointing at me.

"Ufufu~ Aaron will support you too, Inaie-chan~" Akeno said beside her and started to hug her from behind making her squirm and blush.

Later on that night, I couldn't sleep. So I left my soul and started walking around the [Pocket Dimension]. I did my best to make this place as 'natural' as possible. However, I felt a presence following me. I walked around a bit longer until I stopped. We were by a small lake. I added more scenery and different areas added to the [Pocket Dimension] since many people need different areas to train in.

The lakes are for Ingvild, and other water magic users or manipulators. I turned around to find that Áine had been following me.

"Hey," I called out to her.

She joined me but said nothing. She kept looking at the lake for the next few minutes. I waited for her to say something, until—

"Is that how you… 'fixed' me down there? That power of yours…?" she asked.

"If I lie then there's no point, so I'll be honest and say yes. Because of that, I was able to fix it. Do you hate it?"

I told her the truth. Áine—I couldn't really read her expression. It was relief, thankfulness and confusion. But I don't think she hates it…

"No…" she shook her head. "I… I'm thankful, even after my betrayal of the alliance… and this new opportunity you gave me. Both in my own realm, and this is a new dimension… I can definitely see it in Raynare. She's improved a lot; she's smiling more and acting natural…"

She looked at me and said seriously, "That girl is head-over-heels for you, Sky—no, Toole. She's young, younger than me. But I'm not like that… I'm older than her, and I won't just fall for someone because they saved me."

"That never was my intention with any of them (well most of them), Áine. While I did help a lot of them, I never did it with the intention of having them fall in love with me. A few of them were the result of my job as the middleman, while others were just pure coincidences."

Though seeing them in my immediate vicinity and having some affection for me isn't exactly helping my case. Áine squinted her eyes in my direction suspiciously.

"So I will do my best not to fall for you," she said with a smug smirk.


I wasn't too sure what she was trying to say here. I brought her here since Asia liked her and saw her as a friend. Of course, I want her to redeem herself… I mean, I brought Sairaorg, Saji and the other guys here since I think of them as friends you know? I'm not in love with them. So her saying this is just… I guess pointless. Also—

"I know what you're about to say, we still have 97 years left… Toole, I've lived longer than that and didn't fall for anyone. Don't get cocky~! Anyway, that's all I wanted to say… someone else wants to speak to you, good night," she concluded and then left.

I just shook my head and sighed. 'Well, whatever floats your boat, Áine,' I thought and then looked behind her. The next one who wanted to speak to me was Danu. Well, I was expecting this since she recently joined my harem…


Danu hugged me and did it quite hard. I was a bit surprised, but also hugged her back. We stayed like that for the first few minutes until she stepped back a little.

"I'm sorry if I shocked you with how I reacted earlier, Ji—Aaron…" she apologized to me.

"Hmm? Ah, don't worry about it. I wasn't that bothered by it, but I trust them, so I do hope they won't reject me, haha," I said to her and she looked at me quite worriedly. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No… we gods aren't immortal you know? Well… at least in this world. You've turned some of them immortal already… like Lavinia, Suzaku and Akeno…" she muttered.

I think I know where Danu was going with this. Hell, the 'look' she was giving me was a dead giveaway. So I waited for her to say it.

"…Please make me immortal in a few years."

…Wait, in a few years? I was almost certain that she would ask me to do it now. But in a few years? That was something I didn't expect, and seeing my confused expression, she continued.

"You explained that this place doesn't age us, correct? I wish to see a bit more of it… and I have lived long enough to understand a few things. I can't speak for the other goddesses, but I and maybe Hephaestus are the ones that will stand by you forever," she explained.

"Well, it's your choice in the end, Danu. I won't force the change onto you, so if someone from my harem chooses to stay mortal then I can't stop it. But I do hope that they change their minds. It would be quite sad and lonely without them."

I also feel like this for a few of my human friends. While I won't do anything immediate, I do hope to convince Tobio, Sae and Kouki to at least have their lifespans increased. I'll bring that up to them down the line.

"I know, and thank you," she replied.

After that we stayed like that for a little bit… but in the end, I made up my mind. In these next 97 years… no, I definitely won't achieve it. I'll wait till I evolve and act on it… but for now I'll just get ready for it. For now, I'll spend the majority of it in my soul… yeah, those guys can help me with it.

My 10,000-year plan. Once I evolve, I'll create a different space and spend 10,000 years in there doing various things. It'll be lonely, but I think it'll be worth it for me. It'll just be 5 minutes for them… but…

I shook my head. 'I'll leave those thoughts for when it happens. But for now, I'll enjoy my time here.'

"Is there something wr—mmm…"

She looked quite worried, but I put an end to her worries by kissing her. Danu reciprocated and kissed me back.

"Danu," I said after pulling away. "Let's go back… it's fine, I just have some things planned."

With a worried look, she reluctantly nodded her head and we headed back home.

Year 10 – Month 12

"Balance Break!!" Saji shouted, and his entire body was covered in a jet-black dragon armor.

Around the 8th year mark in here, he finally achieved his [Malebolge Vritra Promotion]. Saji's X-side Balance Breaker. It happened when we sparred with each other, and he also…

"This time, I'll get you!!" he shouted and sent multiple black tentacles towards me.

I swiftly dodged them all, but Saji was relentless as he kept sending out tentacles that ranged from his usual [Absorption Line], to his [Delete Field] and [Shadow Prison]. However, I dodged or even just cancelled his attacks, so they never had any effect.

"Dammit, Senpai! Fine, let's just use our fists then!" he shouted and stopped using his abilities.


Saji rushed forward and threw a punch at me. I met his fist with mine and our clash caused a large shockwave around us. The ground cracked, the air shook. Each time our fists clashed, those environmental events occurred.

Saji Genshirou had reached the Middle-Tier God-class in rank in these last 10 years. Almost everyone's potential increased to the peak of Universal, with the exception of Momo, Reya, Sona, Tsubaki, Kuisha and a few others rising to Omniversal.

Our relationships and dynamics have changed after all. Oh… right if you're wondering how Saji reached his [Malebolge Vritra Promotion], it was because he finally had sex with Ruruko. So, 8 years in he finally had the courage and they did it. The very next day he unlocked his Balance Breaker, although it was also due to his diligent work that he managed to achieve it. I guess getting laid was the final thing that helped him unlock it.

Sairaorg also unlocked his [Breakdown the Beast]. I also changed it from shaving away at his life force, to just his stamina. So the stamina consumption was 2 times faster now, but he said he would rather have that than have his [Breakdown the Beast] cut away at his life force.

As they got stronger, they obviously asked me to spar more, but most of the time it's just them getting beaten by the three previous women I mentioned (Lianne, Scathach and Aurelia). However, both Gremory and Sitri peerages have been doing 'Mock Rating Games'. They participated in the Dice Figure, Scramble Flag, Object Break, Rampage Ball, Lightning Fast, One Day Long War, and Board Collapse games, all with my assistance.

It was tempting to suggest creating a fake Yggdrasil and emulating the new Rating Game. However, I wanted to experience the real Yggdrasil with Rose first before I started doing things like that… to make the moment a touch more special.

This also applies to the Bael peerage. They had games with both the Gremory and Sitri peerages. So far, Rias and her peerage have won them all. There were a few close calls, but the Gremory peerage—while they're still mainly a [Power] type team, they've relied less and less on it and have been using tactics, strategies and techniques to win their games now.

Of course, they had to start using more power as the years passed by since the other teams' participants also started to get stronger. So those games have become quite destructive and competitive.

"Ah, Saji, Ruruko's behind you," I said to him.

However, the young devil didn't listen to me and kept on relentlessly attacking me.

"I won't fall for that this time, Aaron-senpai!!" he shouted back and kept on his assault.

I'll admit I did use it as a dirty tactic in the past, but it was only a one-time thing, and I was being serious this time… I could see Ruruko in the distance slowly—no, she was quickly approaching us with a look of weird determination in her eyes.

"No, seriously, look behind you…"

"I won't—Guha?!"


Ruruko had dropped kicked Saji from behind and was now straddling him with a very angry look. The girls of the Sitri peerage haven't been given their Artificial Sacred Gears yet. However, I have given them small hints on what they might receive from Azazel, and they've been training in those aspects. However, I did help Tsubaki reach her Balance Breaker, and also removed those 'restrictions' on using it.

So she's an even bigger threat now, both in real battle and in Rating Games. Hence, both peerages intend to remove her as soon as possible along with the healers.

Ruruko… was relentlessly smacking Saji around with her fists. I don't know why, so I just stand there looking at the couple fighting… is fighting even the right word right now? It was just her beating him to the ground. Saji's armor had already disappeared since Vritra didn't want to be part of it.

"R-Ruruko-chan?! W-what's wrong? Ow! Please stop?!" Saji pleaded.

"It's our anniversary today! You didn't remember?!" she shouted.

Saji said an 'Ah, right' before accepting his beating.

'Dude, don't give up! At least try to appease the woman!' I shouted in my mind; what the hell is wrong with him?!

"Haaa…" I sighed, alright, I'll help a junior. "Actually, Ruruko, he did plan something, but he wanted it to be a surprise… and he gave it to me for safe keeping, and also asked me to make it," I told her.

She stopped relentlessly beating the poor guy and she stared at me. I summoned a small box, and inside it was a necklace. Now… this was all bullshit I just made up. Even Saji was looking at me like I had gone insane, but when I made it float to her, she opened it and got teary-eyed.

I winked at Saji, and told him to just roll with it. What I had given her was a 'promise necklace', in a way… I kind of just said Saji would marry her… Sorry!!

'Aaron-senpai!!! What the hell?!'

'Man up! Just take it or leave it!'

'It's way too early!! I-I mean I was going to ask Ruruko-chan to marry me, but that was like a few years from now!!' He shouted back at me.

'It's just a promise necklace, not a ring! So when the time comes just ask me to make it for you, jeez man.'

'S-Senpaiiiiiiiiii!! Uuuuoooooo!!' He cried out.

'Dude, shut up and focus on her. I'm gonna stop talking to you telepathically,' I said to him and turned away.

"R-Ruruko-chan, I'm sorry but it's what Aaron-senpai said… I was planning that as a surprise. I'm sorry if I made it look like I didn't remember, I was just nervous," Saji explained himself.

Ruruko then put the box down and started making out with him.

"And I'm out, good luck," I said before quickly flash stepping away from the now excited couple.

"Hmm? Oh, Lord, I didn't think you'd be here," said a familiar voice.

I turned to it and it was Scathach. For some odd reason, she would sometimes call me 'Lord', I don't know why and when I asked her, she just shrugged and said, it was her own version of 'Darling' or 'Dear' since a few girls have started to call me that, more specifically... Akeno, Rias, Lavinia and Suzaku.

The others sometimes try, but more often than not they're too embarrassed to do it. Grayfia and Rose call me that in private so they're also part of it.

"I was just checking up on everyone. My sparring match with Saji… ended a bit abruptly."

She nodded and then looked back in front of us. Inaie and Kanami had stood back up and Scathach left my side. It looked like they were sparring… Kanami… she pulled out the [True Longinus]. She was the one I gave it to since she was the only other true spear user here. Scathach declined saying she doubted the will of the God of the Bible would listen to her if she used [Truth Idea].

""We're going to win today, Shishō!!"" Both girls shouted and clashed with her.

Both of them have come a long way and are now formidable fighters. However, Scathach has been fighting longer than them and has also been steadily growing in power. While none of them have reached Multiversal yet, I think they will by the end of this. Hell… maybe some of them (Irene and Ophis) might reach Omniversal.

Because… as soon as I evolve, I'm changing all my Electa to be the same power as the Outer Gods since I'm going to assume I'll be beyond that once I evolve… I'll also l—no, I'll leave that later as a surprise… but they'll be 'linked' to me even more deeply in the future.

"Well, I'll leave them to it then… I'll go check on the others."

"This is slightly odd, but not really…" I muttered.

I had reached a unique group, Lavinia, Suzaku, Natsume, Shigune, Danu and Áine. From the looks of it, they were practicing magic. Danu was mostly teaching Natsume more ways to use her wind manipulation and Sylph was also out giving her thoughts on the matter.

"My Aaron senses are tingling!" Lavinia suddenly said making all the women there look at her. She suddenly snapped her attention in my direction. "Aaron~~~!!"


"Oof—h-hey, Nia…" I hugged her as she lunged at me.

"Mmm~~" she started sniffing me…

"Hey, guys, hard at work? Or—"

"Hardly working, eh?" Natsume finished and we grinned at each other. "We're hard at work, Toole-sama," she said.

"That's right, that's right!" Sylph said as she flew over to me and landed on my head. "I'm trying to teach Natsu the lewd way of the wind! She can purposely use her own wind manipulation and magic to give you panty shots during non-windy days!"

Sylph just said something so weird and shocking. I stared at Natsume and Danu. Both women were obviously shocked by what the wind spirit said, that they just blushed.

"We should rename you the lewd spirit, not the wind spirit, Sylph," said Áine while shaking her head.

"I am not planning to use my powers like that!" Natsume shouted at Sylph. "I-I… I can just show Aaron that any time he wants without needing to resort to that! —Ah…" Natsume blushed at the end since she said something quite bold.

"…Natsume-san has become even bolder than before… I have to take my own steps…" Shigune muttered. Poh had appeared and was sitting beside her. She picked him up and said, "Right Poh?"

The Sacred Gear just tilted its head not sure what Shigune was saying. Suzaku was the somewhat normal one here, well… also Danu but she kind of got swept up in Sylph's weird ramblings.

"Aaron… how goes your own training?" Suzaku asked me.

"Hmm? Ah, yeah, it's progressing well. I mostly do it in my soul though, most of the attacks and moves are kind of… er—large? I wouldn't want to disrupt your training after all."

[What about our time in here?!]

'You spend most of the time lazing around, and you don't always come out here to train. It's only a few hours, and also, I'm not near you guys half the time. I'm in a different section with Rudra and Velgrynd… hell Albion has to drag you with him around 50% of the time…'

[…I get it… Partner... you don't need to damage me anymore…!]

"I see…" she muttered and silently stared at me.

I may have delayed our own relationship. Now… we haven't done anything too explicit, but… we have fooled around a bit. I mean, Suzaku has walked in on me with a few other girls, though I've noticed she's walked in on me and Nia a lot, and well, Akeno. But I think Akeno did it deliberately, by telling her to meet Suzaku at a certain time, and she just pounced on me.

I don't know if Akeno was trying to tell me to make my move on Suzaku or if she was teasing her but… yeah, I feel bad. I should do something today…

Pinch~ Stretch~

"See? This guy is already looking at all of you with lust! He can't restrain himself…!" Áine said while stretching my cheeks.

Even though she said it like that, she was looking at me rather affectionately. 'Didn't she say she would try not to fall for me? I don't think she's doing a good job at that…'

It's not like I did anything noteworthy over the last few years either… this woman is just difficult to read at times. The most accurate way I can describe her is… she's a tsundere. Yeah, that's it… she's a tsundere.

"…Pwease dun skeez mah ceeehks tyaaa haard." (Please don't squeeze my cheeks too hard.)


Áine squeezed them harder…

"Hmm~? Ah, why don't we tease you all day today~?" Nia asked while looking up at me.


"Agreed," most of them said in unison.

I tried to protest, but I was shut down. Danu, Shigune and Suzaku looked a bit hesitant but were pressured into agreeing. And thus, for the rest of the day they teased me. But they did stop at night.

I am in a bit of a dilemma…!

"…Aaron why are you looking like that?" asked Suzaku.

"…Yes, I was trapped by Suzaku. Has she finally come to kill me?" I said my monologue out loud and she looked at me like I had finally gone crazy. "Step by step she approached me. She eventually reached me and I was backed up against a wall. What will she do…?!"


"Stop, and come with me," she said while grabbing my hand.

She also gave me the 'look' like how Shuri and Akeno do it and I complied. I couldn't really resist at that point. Suzaku brought me to the top of my home. No one else was up there and once we got closer to it—via the stairs, she covered my eyes with her hand. I was utterly confused but…

"…Please cover your own eyes and don't take them off until I tell you to," she ordered.

I didn't mind, so I did so. I still had my ears so I heard her quickly taking off her own clothes. She then told me to just keep my eyes closed as she was preparing to take mine off. As far as I could tell, she was probably planning to make us get into the jacuzzi. She then guided me to it and sat me down. Finally, she—

"…Open them," she ordered me again.

So I opened my eyes and I saw Suzaku in front of me fully naked. It wasn't the first and since we bathed multiple times on the women's side at the open bath, but… she looked different—then I noticed that she had untied her ponytail and this was probably the first time I saw her like that. I don't remember it during the other times we've come here, and certainly not this time around… well, not until this very moment.

"Suzaku?" I called out her name in a questioning manner.

She didn't answer me, however she did come over to me. She stood in front of me for a brief second before sitting on my lap and facing me. She had a worried expression on her face—no it almost looked like she was about to cry.

"W-what's the matter?"

"…You're not planning on doing anything reckless are you?" she asked firmly.

W-what? How does she—

"'How does she know…?' Is that what you're thinking right now, Aaron?"

I silently stared at her. I swear she can read my mind at this point. It's almost scary… not like the other times with the rest of my harem. No, this was becoming more frequent with Lavinia too, hell—even Velgrynd at times when I'm in my soul. So I had my suspicions that it had something to do with the 'Fated One' thing.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle of disbelief. "Well... sort of, but I won't be doing that until I evolve, Suzaku. But it's not really reckless, but it will be… let's say a bit long—lonely on my part, but I think I need it. For you guys it'll only be five minutes, so…"

"How long…?"

I was hesitant to say it but eventually caved. "It's around 10,000 years. That's how long I'll be gone, but like I said, for you guys… it'll be 5 minutes." I tried to reassure her but—

"Take me with you."


I stared at her a bit stunned. No, no, no, no, that isn't possible! I have no idea how my evolution process will turn out! I have no idea how powerful my powers will be! I'm intending to use that time in there to find a way to save Azathoth, and also…

"I can't—"

"You can…"

She laid her head on my chest. She was really stubborn this time. I don't think she'll accept any kind of answer.

"No… Suzaku, I don't know how this will work, but I have a feeling that I have to move somewhere else to evolve and I don't think I can bring anyone with me. If I had to go to the moon to evolve, then I can only imagine how far and what kind of place I'll be forced to go to this time around."

Suzaku didn't answer me, and just hugged me very tightly. I felt her tears go down my chest, and I also hugged her back. I wasn't sure on how to proceed but—

"…Please come back as soon as you can. You told us about it, didn't you? The 'Fated One', while it was a bit upsetting for some of them, they've mostly gotten over it since you never let it affect you. But Cúntóir told us something," she said quietly.

'Wait, what did you tell them?' I asked Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: I let them decide whether they would tell you or not. As you know I couldn't tell you much back then—all those months ago, but since you have your first requirement and now, you're coming closer and closer to your evolution…

"I—we're… tied to you…"

"Like a rope?"


She lightly hit me on the chest and then kept on doing it for a bit.

"Take this seriously…! It's like… I can feel you almost. Like my life is tied to you… the most accurate way I can describe it is like how Kurousagi-san's life is tied to you. Like Sekhmet-sama too… it's faint, but I can feel your emotions from time to time. When you worry, when you're happy, when you're sad… Lavinia is the same. We've discussed this multiple times since we returned here," she explained.

'Feel my emotions, huh…?' I sighed, "Okay, I understand, but still, I can't bring you. Just trust me, that's all I can say."

However, Suzaku doesn't answer me… but I do feel her hand moving down below me until I feel her grip my member.

"Um… Suzaku?"

"…We promised, didn't we?" she whispered to me.

I looked back down at her face and she was red. I mean, yeah, I remember but… here of all places…? "Are you fine with it being… well, here?" I asked her and she nodded.

Lemon Start

I carried Suzaku to a nearby bench, and turned it into a bed. I also covered the top half of my home with a barrier. I didn't want anyone disturbing us. I lay her down on the bed as she nervously looked up at me.

"…You're already…"

"Please don't say it… it's embarrassing…"

She was wet, and not just from the water... I wanted to say that she was like a fountain but I thought she'd kick me if I pushed her too far. Therefore, I stayed quiet. However, I lightly traced the outline of her crotch with my index finger.


Getting a good reaction, I ran my finger along her clitoris with a bit more force.

"Ah, yaaah, aaahhh! Don't, that's… that feels too good… Mmm!"

"…Are you perhaps an M? I'm very curious about that. Akeno is both an S and M, but she's more submissive when we're in bed. But you're already aware of that, right?" I asked her and she blushed harder.

While Akeno has never shown her S side in bed, she does show it a lot in other things. Especially in battles and fights. She relentlessly teases anyone she comes into close proximity with. Even goddesses aren't safe from her sadistic teasing. However, with me, and especially in bed, she's very submissive. She does whatever I ask of her, even when I tell her to be a bit more dominant or tell me what she wants and needs. She just says 'I'll leave it up to you'.

"Nnngh…! D-don't be so mean… Aaron… this is my first time…!"

"You say that but… I can see how hard your clit is getting. Maybe you're actually a very lewd woman that you can't help but love getting treated like this?"

I lightly pinch her clit making her yelp and moan at the same time. It was quite cute and erotic… she glared at me with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. I continued my teasing for a full minute straight, eliciting sweet moans from Suzaku.

"…Aaron… please… stop teasing me…!" she pleaded cutely.

"…Yeah, I can't wait any longer either, Suzaku…!"

…I placed my member at the entrance and smoothly glided my way inside. Eventually, I reached something that was blocking my path. I heard Suzaku say 'do it' and so I did. Then I penetrated all the way inside her, breaking past her hymen.

"Aaah…! Haah…! All the way in… in one go…!"

This time, tears finally left her eyes. She also seemed relieved.

"Is something wrong, Suzaku?"

She shook her head, "N-no… even when I was young, my great uncle—Suou said that I was—"

I stopped her by kissing her. I don't want to hear what that bastard said to her. However, after ending our quick kiss, Suzaku seemed to understand why I did that and said nothing more about it. I moved a bit around her and she—

"Ah, aaagh…! Aaron, I feel you twitching inside me… ah, nnngh…!"

Every inch of her walls was closing in, wrapping me in fleshy ecstasy. Every time her body convulses, the folds squeeze me again.

"…Did you cum from me putting it in?" I asked her hesitantly.

She cutely nodded her head, "Y-yeah… I did… you just jammed it all the way in… ah, aaah!"

"…My god, Suzaku… are all the Himejima women this adorable when in this kind of situation?" I couldn't help but ask.

Be it her or Akeno… they're both adorable as hell when we're in intimate moments, just one-on-one situations.

"Suzaku, I'm going to move now."

"W-wait…! D-don't, n-not yet. I'm still… I-if you do that now, I—"

I pull my hips back making her gasp, only to plunge into the hilt once more.

"Ah, aaah~! I-I can't…! Ah, aaahh…~"

I repeat the process over and over, with the same amount of force. Suzaku shut her eyes—

"T-this is… I-I can't…! I'm… I'm cumming… I'm cummiiing…!"

I felt her tighten up, but I continued to thrust, savoring the sensation of Suzaku's insides without bothering to give her a break.

"Nyooo~~ p-please, w-wait, A-Aaron…! I-I can't…! I'm cumming again…! Aaron…! Aaahhhh!!"

Every time I thrust into her; it pushes a wave of her juices out. I'm fucking Suzaku quite intensely even when it's her first time, but… she doesn't seem to mind—hell, she seems to be enjoying it, even with her constantly having an orgasm.

But… seeing her like this is kind of pushing me to my own orgasm. I mean… I have been looking forward to doing it with Suzaku, and she's being very adorable during it… it makes me want to mark her inside.

"Suzaku…! I'm gonna cum too…!"

We were in the missionary position, but she grabbed my arms and pulled herself up. I had to reposition myself, and now we were sitting there as I hugged her and kept on fucking her.

"Y-yeah…! Okay, go ahead…! Cum… do it inside me…! I came too many times already… so do it… finish inside me… do it inside your wife…~~" she said in an erotically love-filled way.

W-wife…?! Shit, why did I get even harder from hearing her say that!


"Ah~ ah~ ah~~! Oh! So… rough…! I-It's coming again…!" she moaned out next to my ear. "I'm cumming again…! Oh god…!"

"Suzaku… here it comes…!"

Suzaku's body started to convulse again. I felt her vagina clamp down on me and that also pushed me to the edge.

Splurt~ Splurt~

"Ah! Aaaah… inside… it feels so hot…! Nhaaaaaaah…?! A-Aaron… I feel it… you're cumming inside me… so… mmm~~~"

Suzaku's embrace tightened as I felt her vagina squeeze me even harder. I think she came twice, and just right after one another…

"Ha, aaaah… aaaaaaaaahhhhh…!!"

I pulled away from our hug. Suzaku had a dazed look on her—as if she wasn't really there, like her head was in a different place entirely. When I looked down... 'Jesus Christ, what the hell…?' the amount of semen that I shot into her was... a lot, and it was already leaking from her and we hadn't even disconnected from each other.

"Suzaku… I'm sorry…" I muttered.


I pulled my hips back again and slammed it in back with even more force!

"Uwaaaa?! Aaaah! Nnaaaah~! A-Aaron~!"

I can't stop. With all the vigor I could muster, I hurled myself into Suzaku and stirred up her insides. My thrusts forced the mixture of my semen and her juices to cascade out. But that was a fleeting thought as my attention was entirely on fucking Suzaku as hard and fast as I can.

"Paint me again, Aaron! Let's do this regularly from now on…!" Suzaku said almost desperately.


"…More…! Do it harder…! Make me—make my body—all of me remember it! Teach my body what you thi—your cock can do to me…!"


Hearing Suzaku say the word cock made something in me snap. She was going to say 'thing', but decided to use that instead. I don't know… it was something dumb—something simple, but hearing it from the dignified and proper Suzaku Himejima… it was almost like a drug.

So—I doubled—no, tripled my efforts. I had an orgasm not too long ago, but at the rate I was moving, I was going to cum again. I can feel the sweet tugs of an orgasm crawling out from deep inside.

"Suzaku… I…! I'm going to cum and I'm not gonna hold back…! I'll give you every last drop I've got! All of it, right in there…!"

"…Okay…! Do it, I'll be ready… I want you to lose yourself, and blast everything in me~ enough to knock me up~ fill me up inside with your cum~"

Suzaku hugged me even tighter.

"Me too… I'm going to cum…! I'm cumming…! Cumming…! Cumming…! Cummiiiiiiing…!"

Splurt~ Splurt~

"Nhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah….! Aaah…! Ah, aaah… I feel it… coming in…!"


Suzaku's body shivered—trembled in our embrace. Her vagina squeezed me even harder than the last orgasm we shared. Feeling this feeling is something amazing… no matter how many times I do it with any of them.

"I can't stop… I'm still cumming…! Haaa… aaaahh… amazing…~~… you're still twitching inside me…!"

Splurt~ Splurt~ Splurt~ Splurt~

"No… no… more… nothing will fit in there anymore…" Suzaku muttered before her body became limp in my arms.

"…Suzaku?" I called out her name, but got no response.


She fell asleep… I couldn't help but chuckle and stroke her hair. I guess this is where it ends then…

Lemon End

"Fufufu~ Suzaku-onee-san is asleep, isn't she?"


I looked over to where the voice was and… it was Akeno. She had a smile on her face as she walked over to us. I had finished cleaning up the mess we made, so it's only been around two minutes.

"Yeah… I guess so," I replied.

"Do you have enough energy for another round?" she asked and then immediately stripped.

"Wait, what?"


Akeno forced me to fuck her for two hours straight. Around an hour in—Lavinia also showed up, so I also did it with her. In total, we did it for another four hours. Three hours in… Suzaku woke up, and joined us. It was an interesting experience… I did it with both Himejima's and it was sort of a dream come true… but at the same time, when it ended. I decided to start acting a little bit differently.

I didn't know when I would find my last 'Fated One', and at the same time... I didn't want to keep acting the way I was, so… I resolved myself to be better. I wanted to protect this—this every day setting, a world where we can…

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