Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 4 – Part 2 – Vera, The Goddess of War and A Shepherd*



Sona Sitri's Soliloquy


"And that concludes our report Sirzechs Lucifer-sama," I said and bowed before stepping back. I also handed over the documents Aaron, Tsubaki and I had made for the Four Great Satans earlier, so they could follow along with my explanation.

"Thank you, So-tan~!" my sister thanked me with a wink.


However, Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub had frowns on their faces. Falbium Asmodeus-sama was his usual self, although he was looking at the documents quite seriously too… in his own way.

"To think he would resurface like this…" Sirzechs-sama muttered.

"It was inevitable. You said it yourself a long time ago, Sirzechs," said Ajuka-sama as he glanced at his fellow Satan. "However, you know what those old devils will do, don't you?" he asked him.

"Yes… I spoke with Jin-kun about such a situation happening. Grayfia herself should be aware, and should be coming to the Underworld and Gremory's home temporarily," he replied.

"Temporarily?" asked Ajuka-sama.

Sirzechs-sama then told him about their previous conversation and how Aaron called Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, 'Onii-san' and he did he would do his best in convincing the older devils to allow Grayfia-san to have her house arrest in Aaron's home.

'I swear that idiot just…' I shook my head and focused back on their conversation.

Ajuka-sama chuckled and said, "Well, that is to be expected from Jin. He is that type of man after all. From my own observations and of course, from the many small stories I heard from Latia." He then sighed, "Nevertheless, we should start preparing too."

"I agree. I will have Asteri call Grayfia and have her come back to the Underworld. Sona-kun, can I leave you to inform Jin-kun about our plans?" he asked me.

"Yes, of course, Lucifer-sama," I immediately replied.

"I could do it too you know~!" my sister protested, but Sirzechs-sama shook his head.

"You will be here with us for the foreseeable future. You can't go back to him yet."


After my older sister's scream and my embarrassment, I listened to what Sirzechs Lucifer-sama told me… it wasn't overcomplicated. They will leave the 'front stage' to Aaron, while they provide him with support from behind. In short, they're essentially leaving the matter to him to deal with, while they deal with the aftermath—especially with the old generation of devils.

This is a matter concerning the devils, so Aaron really does not have any say in it. However, it also involved the Khaos Brigade, and they seem to be attacking or targeting him personally now. Including whatever Euclid Lucifuge meant by 'Taking something personally from me'. My guess is Grayfia-san, since I could feel from a glance that his words had more meaning. I believe Aaron knows this too.

After around an hour, we were allowed to leave and I left with Tsubaki.

"…So we will still head to the Egyptian god's realm, correct? Then Aaron will just leave his Electra and some shadows for protecting Kuoh in his absence," Tsubaki asked beside me.

"I believe so, this is also a request for him as the Middleman, so he can't ignore it," I replied. "Anyway, let's go home."

"Sona." Tsubaki called my first name out. She rarely did it. I turned to look at her with confusion. "Do you like him?"

I felt my face heat up, but I couldn't deny it, but also—I don't think it would be a good idea, so I'll keep these feelings to myself. I can control them after all.

"I do, but I won't confess," I said firmly.

"And if he confesses to you?" she asked.

"…I will reject him." As I said that, I felt a lump in my throat, but I—

"I see…"

We didn't say anything else after that and left. However, I felt my own words were disingenuous, but… I think it's to keep the peace. I am fully aware of how Saji, my [Pawn] feels about me. However, I've told him many times over that I see him as a little brother... but he's persistent, even after he started dating my other [Pawn], Ruruko Nimura.

I don't think Saji would hate Aaron if I did start dating him, but…

The reason I'm doing this is to keep the peace... these feelings are something I can hold back from expressing. Nothing will shake my will… right?

Flashback End

The Land of Heaven Falls

Cana Cludhmor's Soliloquy

"Hmm~, hmm~, hmm~"

It was close to it, the day of the festival. In two days I, along with Aaron and the Gremory and Sitri Group will be going there! During our stay in his [Pocket Dimension], I started to compose a new piece! I tried my best to hide it from people, but… a few found out, although it was mostly the goddesses and a few of Aaron's lovers.

Even right now, at night, I was in an empty part of the Tuatha Dé Danann's realm, and since it was night time, I needed to move to a deserted spot so I wouldn't bother anyone~, although I do wonder if it would help them sleep. I know Aaron said he fell asleep a few times due to me playing my harp.

"You're still awake?" a voice asked.

"Eeek?!" I shrieked and jumped away.

I quickly looked at whom the voice belonged to and it was Danu! Jeez, she really gave me a fright there! But a few of them did tell me that I get way too invested in playing the harp that I don't notice anyone coming up to me. Aaron even got worried about this and said I should try to break out of the habit. But…

100 years is way too short for someone who has lived much longer than that, so those 100 years were just like 10 days to me—in a way.

"D-Danu, I didn't see you there. How can I help you?" I asked while stringing my harp.

"I heard your music, so I came to check on you. Are you that excited about going to the Egyptian god's realm?" she asked.

"Yes! I have only stayed in our country since I came to be, and I always wanted to venture out and explore! I know you invited me once when you ventured out, but that was when you were pretending to be human… I wanted to leave as the Goddess of Music for our country and spread my music~!" I told her passionately.

I played the harp a bit and smiled. "And now, I'm getting that opportunity, and it's even more special since a new goddess is being born as well! And it's to someone we know! That makes it even more exciting… well that's what I think anyway.

"How about you, Danu? Don't you want to go?" I asked.

"I'm happy for you, but sadly I can't… most of us can't, and we do want to, Cana," she said to me with a sad smile. "I have work to do, and I promised Maeve that I would accompany Roselia to check up on the new barriers set up around the country. While Aaron reinforced this realm's, we want to make sure that the new one around the country has no openings, and if they do, we'll call him to repair it."

"…Hmm, true, those ExE and CxP attacks are starting to increase… wait, Danu, do you think that they'll attack during the festival over there?!" I asked a bit panicked.

It's not beyond them on doing it! Even if it held no benefit to them, they just want to create chaos and destruction. No… if Asia and the others are there, she can just use her large area healing and I can provide everyone with increased strength and speed! I mean, we did that a lot when we teamed up~

"It's a possibility, Cana. I think Aaron will also be using the Electa and his shadows to defend the realm, so rest assured that you can perform the entire day uninterrupted."

My, how reassuring! During times like this, she acts like the typical mother goddess to all of us, but when she's around Aaron she's like a love struck maiden! It's such a weird contrast! I don't think the other gods here have seen it yet, otherwise they would tease her relentlessly.

"Well, if you say it like that, I can't help myself but believe your words~! Alright, I'll be on alert but also do my best to just play my music. However, I did work on being able to heal with my music too, Danu~, I had Aaron help me with it. I think it's come a long way. I mean… I wasn't exactly a fighter before I went in there with everyone~"

"Most of us weren't, Cana. I could defend myself, like most none combat-oriented gods, however, we're now a bit better than before. Scathach and Lianne did take us on that year-long training course," she said tiredly while putting a hand on her head.

"Yep~, it was torture! Even I, a support, felt like it was hell on earth," I said and giggled.

Scathach and Lianne were relentless. Their reasoning was that they didn't want Aaron to worry about us too excessively, and they took it upon themselves to train us so that we could defend ourselves. I mean… I looked at the ring I had on my finger and smiled.

Aaron did give us these, even the fussy Artemis. Most of us graciously accepted it, even the guys received necklaces with the same effects! Though a few of us did mistake it for a different gesture, me included, hehe~

"Oh… I meant to ask this back then but… what would happen when he proposes to us? Will he just use the same ring? Or just ask us?" I asked Danu.

She looked shocked at me but also blushed. She then started to fidget, not entirely sure what to say to me. I gave her a questioning look, not sure why she was acting like this, but then it hit me.

"Ah—I said 'we', did I? Hahahehehe~" I rubbed the back of my head.

Danu stopped fidgeting and looked at me a bit stunned before sighing. "I swear you…" she didn't finish her sentence and just shook her head. "Go to sleep," she said in an authoritative tone.



"Y-yes, mom…"

I slumped down and put my harp away. I can't win, but also can't wait! Why can't these few days just go by quickly already! No, wait, I can practice more. I shouldn't be saying any of this!

"Okay, goodnight!" I shouted at her before running away.

Azazel's Soliloquy

Oh my fucking god! What the hell is this?! We have been stuck in traffic for the longest time and I'm losing my patience! I hate having to do so many things 'by the book' and 'official channels' since it's a hassle! God, I have so much respect (not really) for normal humans being able to get through this civilly…

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Move you fucking idiot!! It's greeeeeeeeeeeeen!!"


"No, it's not, get your eyes checked you cow!!"

"I take it back…" I mumbled and slumped back into my seat.

"Take what back, Azazel-sensei?" asked Kiba

"Huh? Oh, nothing… did I say that out loud?" I asked while looking out the window.

As of right now, we were taking a taxi to another airport. We should arrive in the country of Romania in a day or two… if we make our flight! I felt my eyes twitch as I listened to the drivers beeping at each other… ugh, should I just use some magic to make this faster?

I suddenly felt a chill and glanced at Rias as she was also fuming… though I'm not sure if it's at me and or at the situation we were in. I sat with the driver in the front. Both the [King] and [Knight] of the Gremory peerage were behind us, along with Akaza.

That man is silent, way too silent. However, he speaks to me when I legitimately ask a question. But he has no problems with conversing with Rias or Kiba. Hell, I'm pretty sure he treats Kiba a lot better than me! Of course, he treats Rias with care since Jin probably ordered him to!

'Should I transform into a woman…? I could tease him that way… ufufufufu~ that doesn't sound like a bad idea~'

"Sorry about this folks, but you really picked an unfortunate time for travelin', right now a really super famous idol is tourin' the country, and she's here this week, so a lot of people are flockin' here to watch her live." The taxi driver explained.

"Who is it? If you don't mind me asking," asked Kiba.

"Yaya Derry. You know the one from the USA." The driver pointed at a billboard in front of the window and we all looked at it.

"Ah, her… yes, I'm aware. Koneko-chan listens to her quite a bit. Even Ingvild-san listens to her though."

"Ingvild? Oh, you mean that up-in-coming star that's supposedly going on her debut tour after she graduates? Do you guys know her?" he asked a bit excitedly.

"Yes, we're friends with her… actually my senpai is dating her," Kiba said and pulled out his phone, and showed the taxi driver a group photo that I hadn't seen before.

"Oh wow! You guys really know her personally, huh?! Haha, I can't wait to tell my family~!" he cheered happily.

"We've heard her recording a few songs and we think all of them will be hits. We do have another friend who's skilled at piano and music in general, so they might show up in some of them, I think?" said Kiba.

W-what is this? I don't know anything about this! He saw me making a face and smiled.

"Azazel-sensei, I do have a preview. Do you want to hear it?" he asked.

"Go ahead! I will be a judge!" I said confidently. It felt like our trip and this mess of a traffic jam were leaving my mind. I better distract myself while we wait it out.

Kiba then pressed the play button on his phone and the voice of Ingvild started to play on his phone. We also heard some upbeat music and some piano in the background. Sounds like Shigune was playing along with this one. We listened to the preview for around a minute and fifteen seconds. Once it ends—

"…Brings a tear to this old man's eye," said the taxi driver. "I can't wait for the full track then, thank you for the preview."

"Haha, it's no problem, I'm glad you enjoyed it," replied Kiba and then he put his phone away.

"It's good… but…" I mumbled; it was a bit concerning given our current situation.

"Is something wrong, Azazel?" asked Rias who also enjoyed the song, but also caught on to my mood.

"It's nothing. I'll tell you kids when we reach the airport," I said to them and we went back to silence, and sometimes spoke to the taxi driver.

It was another four hours before we finally reached the airport, and our flight will take off in around two hours, so thankfully we had time to spare. Once we had passed through the automatic doors, I addressed them.

"About earlier, I think this is a good and bad thing for Ingvild. Like, it's good she's putting herself out there and pursuing her dreams, and Jin is obviously supporting her right?" I asked and looked at them. Both nodded their heads.

"But… like I said, the recent attacks, and the revival of the original Satans and their descendants…"

"I see… I know where you're going with this, Azazel… the original Leviathan, and her descendants might see her and might try kidnapping her, correct?" asked Rias.

"Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say. Ingvild is strong, like you two, and I doubt she'll have any problems since Jin probably did his 'Jin magic of fuckery', but I would have advised her not to do it until all of this calmed down," I said my honest thoughts as we walked into the airport.

"That's true, but Jin has made enough back-up plans and created more Electa and shadows… his shadows are in the millions now, and his Electa… well, they're stationed all around the world. Anyway, you should know this but… he's making a base in the Dimensional Gap and he assigned his shadows and new 'Guardians' there." Rias told me.

"Guardians?" I asked.

"Yes, there are 8 of them in total, and there are 16 Goddesses of Battle that are situated all around the world. They're as strong as the others you've seen. Anyway, the human world is relatively safe with them out there. The supernatural… will get shadows since most are insistent on defending their own territory, however, Jin will still send aid when the time comes."

Yeah, well, we're just stubborn like that. Even if we're literally being shown some kind of easy and powerful help, our pride will get in our way. But at least that's (kind of) diminished since then, but it can still be worked on. But…

"That brat made more? When will he be satisfied? Also, he created more goddesses? What the hell is he trying to do? Make his own faction/pantheon? Didn't he say he didn't want one?!" I complained.

He said it, he literally said it! Now he's changing his stance?! Well, it's better than doubling down and not changing your opinions at all like certain devils and gods of the past. It's like what Michael told me, and what Jin told him.

The world is changing, and if you can't keep up with it, old relics of the past like us will get left behind. Is this how 'boomers' feel? God, aren't I one? I'm like some kind of super boomer… I felt my mood drop a little bit.

"Well, he hasn't admitted that he's making a faction, but we all know he is," said Kiba and laughed.

"Azazel, is it true that Tobio-san is stepping down from being team leader of the Slash/Dog team?" Rias asked me.

"That, huh? Yeah, it's true, and it might happen sooner or later. I mean, I can't really convince Tobio to not step down and protect Sae since she's pregnant. I mean, you probably heard how he was from Jin, right? That guy cares a lot for her and will prioritize her safety, as well as their unborn child," I replied.

It wasn't too long ago that Tobio and Sae approached me about it. I was a bit shocked that they managed to get her pregnant that quickly, but I guess for kids whose feelings for each other—they locked it away for the longest time… then that incident happened rendering her in an almost vegetative state…

Yeah, I can't blame them for being basically attached to each other. I was a bit worried since Tobio looked like he was building a harem for himself and he didn't look too invested in it. I was even more shocked when I heard rumors of Suzaku saying that she might just marry him into the family to get the Himejima clan to accept him, but…

I sighed, I guess it all worked out in the end. I mean… Jin—that weirdo is what changed a lot of lives. For better or worse…

"Yeah, and I've been speaking to Tobio about whom to make the new leader since he's temporarily or permanently stepping down, the same with Sae, even if she was just recently back."

"Who might it be?" Kiba asked.

"Not sure yet. I had suggested Lavinia, but knowing her… and her plans for leaving the team… then probably not. She's attached to Jin, that won't change… other candidates are Natsume and her sister Kanami since she's been doing missions with them as well. She isn't an official agent, but… yeah, I think she's just getting experience in, I don't mind since she's powerful."

Especially when she has the [True Longinus] + [Ashen Burst]. I was kind of shocked when I heard Jin made another common Sacred Gear evolve into that… makes me wonder if he'll help me in the research of my own Artificial Sacred Gears…

I mean, not too long ago I gave Sona's peerage members some Artificial Sacred Gears. I haven't heard anything from them yet though, but we did enough testing that none of them will explode… probably, if they do reveal them, then Jin might just do his thing and prevent any disaster with them.

"Jin has also been pushing for Kanami to be a leader... she's come a long way since we first met her. I think she can be a leader, she has the potential," said Rias.

"Yeah… I heard Natsume say that she'll be her support as like, a sub-leader or something if we do make Kanami the next leader. Kouki and Ajamu are out of the question… and I think Kalawarna might join that team soon, but who knows? Anyway, let's have something to eat, I'm starving…" I said as I spotted a nearby foot court.

"Yes, I'm also quite hungry." The Gremory heiress agreed.

Nice, while I have money, I hope she—

"Yes, I will be paying Azazel… Jin foresaw this and gave me some extra money just specifically for this trip," she said and looked at me with very judgmental eyes.

"Hey, I just spent most of my money—my organization's money on Sacred Gear research and other essentials! I'm not wasting them!" I protested.

"I never said such a thing, anyway, let's go." She then left without waiting for my reply.

She definitely is judging me. Hey woman, what the hell?!

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"Right, so that's how it's going to go down, any questions?" I asked them.

We were in the meeting room and I had everyone that was currently in the home attend it, even the ones that weren't going to be coming with us. I decided to give them a sort of 'plan' if Kuoh or my home were attacked.

"It seems a bit overkill, but I'm for it, Aaron-senpai!" Gasper said while raising his hand.

I simply smiled at him without giving a verbal response. I looked around and saw that all of them were fine with it. "Alright, dismissed," I said and they all immediately got up. However, a few approached me.

"I got a text from Rias and said that they're nearly there, but they're stopping by to have some food since their taxi ride took quite a while," said Akeno as she arrived by my side and showed me the text from her phone.

I checked my own phone and all it said was 'Food!!' With a selfie of her, Kiba, Akaza and Azazel eating in the background and 'I miss you!' with a bunch of crying emojis. Seeing this, Akeno giggled and started to text Rias back teasing her the entire time.

"Sona, you got all our absences sorted out, right?"

"Yes, as of right now… everyone that was in this room and that attends our school will have at least a two-day absence. It can be increased to three if the situation permits it," she said and I thanked her.

"Really? That's great to hear, thank you." I patted her on the head as she swiped my hand away, a bit embarrassed. "Raiko, Rose, you two will be coming with me. I do have a few things planned for you two…" I gestured for them to come closer to me and I handed them small pieces of paper.

Essentially, I asked them to periodically check up on the Lamias and Harpies. They can quickly get there since I'll give them the coordinates when we arrive there. They both looked at it and agreed.

"I don't mind, Aaron," said Rose.

"Yes, I'm quite curious about the Lamias…" muttered Raiko.

Rose was heading to the Harpies and Raiko to the Lamias. Of course, it wasn't every day that Greed would update me on the Lamias situation, and even now he's informed me of the situation over there. Not much, however Medusa has slowly stopped self-loathing and has been a bit more outgoing. I'll personally check up on her when I get a chance.

"I will bring some food."

"Then I'll bring some refreshments."

Raiko and Rose looked at each other, nodded and left together.

"We will get started then. We'll see you back here in a day. Goodbye for now," said Sona as they left.

"I can't wait to taste the food there!" exclaimed Saji.

I just hope he doesn't get an upset stomach like back in Kyoto during their trip…

A few hours have passed, and we'll be traveling to the Egyptian realm tomorrow. Everyone was both excited and nervous. Most of them haven't been there, but also know we're heading there for business and not leisure. However, they can still enjoy it before and during it, and especially after. It is a festival after all.

Currently, I am in my office reviewing a few things. Grayfia was sitting on the couch in the room since she wanted to be near me. She… had been a bit down since her house arrest started, but… in general, she has the support of everyone here, so she isn't sad or depressed about it. I also help her as much as I can since I don't like seeing her like that.

Finally done with what I needed to do, I got up from my chair and joined her on the couch. As soon as I sat beside her, she hugged my arm and leaned into me.

"You doing okay?" I asked.

"Yes… everyone one has been quite supportive and also, I'm not that weak of a woman, Aaron," she said while glaring at me.

"I never said you were, Fia. But I'm glad you're doing okay… I can get Yasaka to come over here, and leave Irene here and maybe Ophis?" I offered.

"If they are fine with it, then the more, the merrier, Aaron… but for now… let me…" she said and just closed her eyes before cuddling next to me.

I feel like she's been very spoiled and affectionate since her house arrest. I also forbade her from doing her maid duties. However, the Pleiades have been picking up the slack and have been performing quite well, even if they have their own... unique personalities.

"Latia will be moving in tomorrow. I will help her along with the Pleiades," she said to me.

"Yeah, I was planning to offer to make an avatar to help, but she declined."

"Latia Astaroth is very independent after all. She does not mind having help, but if she deems whatever task she is doing 'easy' or 'doable' then she will decline. However, she is still quite young, so…"

Grayfia and I spoke about nothing of importance and tried to act like everything was just normal since I know she's quite stressed right now. However, what surprised me was that she hadn't asked me to do it. I would have guessed that she—


I spoke too soon. Her hand began to rub me, and she looked at me with a lot of passion.

"Can we?" she asked in a whisper.

"Well, it is rare for us to do it when you're not in your uniform, so…"

Lemon Start

I unzipped my pants as Grayfia got on top of me and straddled me. However, she then turned around to face away from me. I touched Grayfia's shorts and made it vanish and teleport to the other sofa. At the same time I locked the door and put a barrier around us.

"…Your breasts became sweaty, Grayfia," I whispered to her. "Were you waiting for something like this to happen?"

Grayfia didn't answer me as she grinded her hips along my member. It also seemed like she was already soaking wet. I guess that answers my question.

Grayfia turned her head. She blushed and kissed me. As we kissed she held both my hands with hers, and intertwined our fingers. I guess she wants this to be really vanilla and lovey-dovey.

"I'm putting it now…" I whispered to her.

"Aaaah… fuaah! Kuuuh! Haa, haaa…!"

I can feel her hot vagina from the moment I split her labia with my glans. Her folds wrap around my tip and caress it.

"Aah?! Fuuuh… aaahhhh…"

Considering how we were connected at the moment, Grayfia immediately took the lead. Grayfia's bust swayed from left to right as she began rocking her hips.

It's been around four days since Grayfia and I last did it. Perhaps it was due to the stress and emotional burden she was carrying right now, but it looked like she was about to cry. So I leaned back in and kissed her.

"Mwa, aaahm, mn… aahh, Aaron…sama…" she mumbled in between us kissing.

"I'm here, Fia. You don't have to hold onto it if it's just us," I said to her.

I started to churn her, opening up the space inside of her slit. Grayfia matches her hips with my rhythm and she straightens up, her face growing more distant, her current worries temporarily fading.

The way she squeezed me almost made it feel like she was trying to push my member out—

"Ugh?! Haa~, hyaaan~…"

I twisted my member as much as I could, since I was forced to confront the confined pressure and shape of her vagina.

"…T-there," she muttered. "Aahh… I-I'm sorry…"

I suddenly slipped out of her, and the way she said it almost made her sound like an apologetic child.

My member looked enraged when the loving caress of her vagina was snatched away. It twitched, looking for its place to belong.

"Mmmh! Aahhaaaa… fuuuaaah~!"

We finally put my member back in and Grayfia moaned quite loudly. It even surprised me. I then thrust into her as hard as I could as she pumped her hips into me. It almost felt like I was going to cum from entering her again.

Grayfia started to rock her hips back and forth a lot faster than before I slipped out of her. I wanted to take my time and enjoy some slow sex, but I guess she had other plans…

"Fuuh~! Fuuaah! Kuh, aaah! Ah, ha, aaaahhnnn~"

"I love you, Grayfia~" I whispered to her.

"Guhhhhh~ Aaron-sama…! Aaron-sama…! I love you too…! Haaa, aaahnn~! I… I love you so much…!" she responded as she moaned.

Her ass clenched as she slapped her hips against my groin… all her movements were focused on clamping down her vagina.

"Uuuah?! Aah, hya…! Haauu… Aaron-sama…!"

I sucked on her shoulder making her moan again. I pushed against the back of her knees and thighs, causing her entire weight to fall onto my chest.

Grayfia was sitting like a child trying to pee. Her crotch was exposed like a double door flooded with love juice.

"Shit… Grayfia I'm—"

"It's pulsing and coming…! Aaah, fuuuaaah! I'm cumming…!"

Her countless folds engulfed my entire shaft, making Grayfia's excitement clear to me. The pleasure of our groins rubbing against each other coursed through my entire body. It felt like my brain was melting.

She clamped down on my base… the feeling reminded me of how she would beg for my cum, and a whirlpool of heat began to swirl in my member. I relentlessly hammered my glans deep inside of Grayfia to rid myself of this feeling.

"Aaah, mhaaa~ Aaron… fuhaaa~! Ugh, aah, haaaa! Aaahn~! So… deep. S-stay… there~!"

That appears to be my only option. Grayfia is sucking my glans deeper and deeper into her. I can feel the walls of her cervix contract around me.

"Aah… hyaaaauun! Hyu… Aaron… Aaron…~!"

"Ah… let's cum together, Fia…!"

"Aaah~! Aaaaaah! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!"

Splurt~ Splurt~

My body heat shoots out from the tip of my member. A refreshing, maddening heat rages in my chest… no matter how many times I've felt this, I always felt like it melted my core. However, I didn't stop thrusting and Grayfia noticed.


"You've worked me up now, Grayfia. Let's keep going for a little while longer," I said to her.


Lemon End

We went at it for around four hours, a lot less than usual. Though I expected this because of her current emotional state. Grayfia and I were cuddled up on the couch and we hadn't said anything since finishing.

"We'll be leaving pretty early tomorrow, though not as early as I would usually go at since I'm bringing basically an entire army," I said and chuckled.

"…Griselda is staying home, and wishes to speak to me about… how our romantic relationship worked. Did you two…?"

"Yeah, while we were in heaven. It sort of just happened… so she's consulting you, huh? I wonder who else she's asked."

"I will do my best to convey how it has been for me," she said quite seriously.

"You don't need to be that serious about it, Fia… just tell her how we do it since I did tell her to do it like us… you know, when it's just between the two of us—like right now."

"I see… then this will be quite easy to convey to her… although she did ask me and Yasaka a few questions during our stay in the [Pocket Dimension]. Yasaka thought she was going to confess during our stay, but it didn't come to fruition."

It looked like Grayfia had entered her serious mode again as the look on her face was exactly the same as when she's on duty. However, the door suddenly opened and in came… the woman in question, Griselda.

"Oh, um, I didn't think anyone else was in here. Grayfia can we… talk?" she asked her.

"I'll get out of the way then," I said. I kissed Grayfia one more time before leaving. I did the same with Griselda on my way out.

Next Day

We had finished eating an early breakfast, although I think it was the same time as usual. The Sitri peerage also came over to eat breakfast and Saji cried tears of joy at being able to taste the food here. For today, I made the food since it was another joint operation for these two peerages plus my group.

My group today consists of me, Rossweisse, Raiko, Cana, Raynare, Gabriel, Irina, Valerie and Ingvild. I had originally invited Inaie along but she wanted to train a bit more and patrol Kuoh with Lianne and the Stahlritter, so she won't be coming today. Although she really wanted to…

But the Gremory and Sitri peerages will be with us, minus Kiba and Rias. As well as Team Slash/Dog, and minus Tobio and Sae since they want to try the new team out that consists of Kanami Minagawa as leader, Natsume Minagawa as sub-leader, Shigune, Lavinia, Kouki, Ajamu, Kuroka (temporary member for today), and Kalawarna.

Looking at Kalawarna, she had grown in power as she had been low-class a few months ago, and now she's at least high-class. It's possible that Kouki's help made her stronger... however, her potential was quite low and I made adjustments earlier so that, in the future, she might reach Dragon God-class.

I heard from Kouki that Mittelt and Meruem also might join, but for today, they were training—Meruem apparently wanted Mittelt to be stronger than what she is, and the midget fallen angel accepted the training that Meruem was going to put her through. I just hope she survives it.

"Are we all ready?" I asked the groups around me and they said yes in unison. "Let's go then… I'll teleport us directly to the rabbit village, after that I'll teleport each group to their stations afterwards."

Greek's Realm

"Right, I'll start with the Sitri peerage. Gather around, the rest of you wait, my group you know what to do," I said to them and teleported away with the Sitri peerage.

We arrived in the middle of Little Olympia. I was going to have them defend this place. None of them have been here, but have heard many stories from the Greek goddesses, so they were quite excited to see. Saji… was looking towards the red-light district and Ruruko did not look happy about it.


"Ugh, I-I was joking, hahahahehehe~!" he rubbed the back of his head trying to play it off.


"Heeeey!" we heard Hestia's voice call out from behind us, so we turned around to see her with Artemis, Hephaestus and Hermes.

"Oya, oya? Are these the famous devils of Sona Sitri-kun~?" asked Hermes as he started to scan them all.

"Quit being weird, and yeah, they are. Jin said they'd be helping today, though I didn't expect them to be the ones defending Little Olympia, if we even get attacked today…"

"Well, we'll take any help, both for defending and the festival won't start for another few hours—it's going to start from noon and onwards," said Hermes and then put a hand on Saji's shoulder. "With that said, help me out, Dragon King-kun." He added a wink making Saji's lips twitch.

"Saji, go ahead and help, the same with everyone else. Today we will be helping Jin with his official work. I won't expect anything but perfection. Do I make myself clear?" Sona asked and everyone answered with a determined 'Yes!'

Saji and Tsubasa left with Hermes since those two usually do a lot of physical labor and that's what Hermes tends to do around here, I think…

"You got two new servants, Sona?" asked Hephaestus as she looked at Rugal and Bennia. "One of them is a grim reaper too…"

<<I'm Bennia Orcus, a [Knight], a pleasure to meet you, goddess-sama,>> she said with a bow.

"Rugal, [Rook], a pleasure," he said quite bluntly.

"Hmm, then Ruruko, Rugal, Momo and Tomoe, can you guys come with me? I have some things that I need help with in my blacksmith," asked Hephaestus.

All of them agreed and left with her, so all that was left was—

"Then I'll bring Reya, Bennia and the [King] and [Queen] with me. I got a few jobs from geezer Zeus, and geezer Poseidon is here too!" Hestia proclaimed and started to walk away with everyone else.

As I was about to leave, I felt a familiar presence behind me. Turning around, I saw Freyja and Vybath standing there.

"Hello, Freyja, it's been a while," I greeted her.

"It has, Jin~, I heard that you were here for a job?" she asked.

"Yeah, defending the realm in case of an attack from the Khaos Brigade… anyway, I'll catch up with you later if you're in the rabbit village," I said to her and turned away.

"Huhu~, very well, let us see each other later," she said.

I was a little surprised that she didn't try to protest but I was also thankful that she didn't. I arrived back in the rabbit village and found that Raiko and Rose were already gone. Next was…

"Gremory peerage then, come here."

Akeno immediately jumped to my side and hugged my arm. The rest chuckled at her and I teleported them to Minda Akrur, the Minotaur and Orc city. As soon as we arrived, two people were already waiting for us.

"Cara, Ruka?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's us, Jin. It's been a while! So these guys will be here to help?" Ruka asked.

"Yeah, right now their other [Knight] and their [King] are missing so Akeno, the [Queen] will be acting as the [King], so speak to her about anything to do with the peerage," I told them.

"Alright, come with me! I will show you around our proud city!" said Cara.

She seemed even stronger than before, and felt even more confident. I wonder what happened? But I shook my head. I can ask her again before I leave, or if they come to the festival. I teleported back to the village and saw most of my group had started to help the people around here.

I then ordered my shadows to start immobilizing around the realm. I wanted today to go smoothly, and any attempts at an attack to be snuffed out as soon as it happened. Seeing as how everything was running smoothly and everything was nearly done, I might as well join Raiko who was in the Lamia's city.


As soon as I arrived, Raiko was in front of the city. I was a bit confused, so I joined her.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No, I was just checking the entire perimeter of their city, and double-checking their defenses. With the shadows you sent out just now, they will be fine, as well as Greed and I are working together. I've also met with Alice-san and Senko-san. They seem like good people… or youkai?" she tilted her head.

"How about Medusa? Have you seen her?"

"Yes, she is staying close to Senko-san and helping her with her duties. According to Senko-san, Medusa is a lot more open now and is acting like her 'old' self," she told me.

"I'd like to see that for myself, so I'll go and meet with them. Do you want to come?"

"I will finish this and join you shortly," she said and left the area.

I shrugged and teleported to where they were. Once I got there, I was in Alice's 'throne' room with Senko and Medusa. All of them were surprised to see me just appear there.

"J-J-J-Jin-sama!" Alice shouted as she slithered behind Senko who sighed.

"Hello, Jin. I didn't think you would have the legendary Minamoto no Yorimitsu as your subordinate, or is she your lover too?" asked Senko.

"She's… more of a close partner for the time being. Anyway, is everything fine here? Are any of you coming to the festival?" I asked and looked at all of them.

"Yes, we will. Originally, we weren't going to since this city might be left on its own, but… since Raiko-san, and your shadows are here, we will be going," replied Senko.

"This will also be quite a spectacle! A new goddess is going to be born as well as Goddess Physis is going to be there!" exclaimed Alice behind Senko.

I smiled at her and looked at Medusa who looked a bit uncomfortable with my attention on her. However, she also nodded silently, telling me she was also attending the event.

"I see… I'll—"

Raiko then joined me, greeting the people in there.

"—Get moving, are you done with your check, Raiko?"

"Yes, I am finished. I will now check other places within the city… you're leaving already?" she asked while looking at me sadly.

"Yeah, I need to check on Elyscia since she came here earlier than us."

"Elyscia? Is that the noble-looking woman? Is she one of your subordinates, Jin?" Alice asked.

"Yes, she's the leader of a sub-group of my subordinates. Elyscia, the Goddess of Justice, as I call her," I replied.

"Wait, another Goddess?" Senko asked confused.

"The 16 Goddesses of Battle, she— Elyscia, is the leader. And yes, they're a sub-group of Goddesses I created. Anyway, I should get moving. If you wish to know more… we can speak more during or after the festival." I waved my hand at them and left.

Once back in the village, I sighed—


"M-master Aaron~!"

Looking to my side, I saw Kurousagi there. I chuckled and patted her head. She seemed quite excited about today. Well, her best friend is going to become a goddess like her after all. They've also grown closer thanks to living with each other for 100 years.

"Hello, Kuro. How is everything coming along so far?"

"It's moving well. I'm actually here to get you since Elyscia asked for you. It was just good timing and a coincidence that you came back… everyone else is doing their job, and a few of them are quite popular with the—"


We turned to our left to see everyone amazed by Gabriel creating moving light all around them and making them into the shapes of small creatures. Cana was also with her playing her harp as many of them seemed to like her music.

'I guess she chose to entertain them? I mean, I don't mind… I didn't really give her a 'job' for this, all I said was to 'Do your best and enjoy yourself'. Am I spoiling her too much…? Also, Cana is just doing her own thing, so I won't question her too much.'

[She's acting like Aqua right now.]

{How dare you.}


I was about to answer Ddraig when Kuro pulled me away, and I went with her. I mean, she's enjoying herself, right?

We navigated through the village and came to a large field where the 'stage' of Vera's ascension was going to take place. I could see that someone had put up multiple defensive magic circles around the place. In addition, there were other types of defenses that repelled or reflected attacks that would be aimed at the stage.

A periwinkle haired woman was giving out instructions to everyone who came up to her, and as well as help out some using her powers. We walked up to her and she seemed to have noticed our presence because she turned around to face us.

"Elyscia. It looks like everything is running smoothly?" I asked and looked at her handiwork.

She smiled at me and nodded. "Yes, everything is progressing smoothly. We still have four hours left before the festival begins and I would say we are all but ready to begin. Kurousagi, where is Vera?"

"Vera… she should be getting dressed—well Mistress Amalthea, Mistress Astraea and Rini forced her to get changed into more… elegant clothing, I guess?"

"Very well, do you mind giving this to her?" Elyscia handed Kuro some sort of talisman with some kind of protection spell.

I already gave Vera her ring so she should be protected by that, as well as her own power. So I was a bit confused by this. Seeing my confusion, Elyscia continued.

"It's for her parents, just to be sure that they won't be targeted."

"Ah, right… I'll add two shadows each to them too," I added, and four shadows left me.

"I see, alright, I'll deliver it to her!" said Kuro before pecking me on the cheek and running off.

"She likes you, Aaron-sama."

"I kind of guessed that before the 100 years happened. Anyway, need some help?" I asked.

"Yes please."

Four hours passed, and the festival had started. I had checked everywhere during the last hour using a speed beyond light. I wasn't sure how that would turn out, so with Cúntóir's help, nothing catastrophic happened. Well, I did have a lot of people asking why I had summoned around 100,000 avatars in the realm, but I just gave them a vague reply.

Rather than my normal clothes, I wore a white silvery-white business suit, with a few blue and gold accents around my sleeves and neck. I also removed the illusion cast around me. This is because I still kept my [Autonomous Ultra Instinct] the entire time, and I probably don't plan on turning it off ever again.

I had spoken to the girls a number of times about how I should do this. However, they just said either make it dramatic or straightforward. Therefore, I planned on descending from the sky when Vera was on stage. It honestly felt like I was getting married and I felt strange about it.

The door to the home I was in suddenly opened, and in came Lavinia, Elyscia and Amalthea. I see, so Team Slash/Dog came back here, huh? I should replace their spots with the shadows then, so I ordered them and multiple soldiers left me.

"Aa—Jin~, you look good~" she said and hugged me.

"Thank you," I thanked her and laughed.

"I will be patrolling near the stage, Jin-sama. Please rest assured, the shadow soldiers and I will be the ones to stop anyone who tries to interrupt this ceremony and festival," said Elyscia.

"Everything is in full swing. The ceremony should start in a few minutes, Jin. Did you try the food yet? It's quite tasty~," said Amalthea.

"Jin-sama is the one who made those recipes, so if you so desire you can visit his restaurant in the future that will first open up in Kuoh, Japan," Elyscia told the other goddess.

"Ah, that restaurant that I've heard about… I see. Hestia told many of us that she would be working there, correct? Does that mean—"

"Yes, all the leaders—as well as the gods and goddesses of each pantheon and faction will have a discount. And yes, Hestia will be working as one of the chefs," I replied.

We did speak about that multiple times during the 100 years, and we also cooked together, so I have an understanding of how well she can cook. I also taught multiple people there how to cook. Especially Sona, and she's become a better cook as a result.

But there are times when she can't help herself and go back to her old habit of adding unnecessary ingredients to dishes, making them inedible or just tasting bad. Saji… he nearly died a couple of times because of it. Even Sairaorg tapped out and had an upset stomach for a few days because of it…

"But to think…" Amalthea said and looked at Elyscia. "You could create more goddesses just like that. I heard from Elyscia that there are 15 others? My, when the rest of the supernatural find out about this—that you made 16 new goddesses who are battle-oriented, the thought 'He's making a faction!' is surely going to spread, Jin."

"I won't deny that, but I don't really care. Whether they call what I have a new faction, or just an organization… it doesn't matter. I'll just keep on going with how I do things."

"I see… anyway we should leave," said Amalthea and gestured for the other two to join her.

They looked at me, and reluctantly left, with Nia giving me a peck on the cheek. However, Elyscia lingered for a little bit.

"Well?" I asked.

She blushed, nodded, stepped forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek too, before quickly leaving the house.

"She's a shy one—that leader of theirs," Amalthea commented before finally leaving with Nia laughing at Elyscia's embarrassment.

"Albion, I'll be using you to descend from the skies."

{Very well.}

[Why not me?!]

{You do not fit his color scheme right now!}

[…Fuck! Dammit all!]

I had left the house a few minutes ago and had been walking around the village by myself and there were a lot of things set up here since it was a festival. Many food stands, some areas for games for kids, people selling merch and other stalls. There was also a small 'amusement park' set up, although most of them were made out of magic unlike the one in Kuoh.

Suddenly, fireworks started to explode in the sky and letters started to appear saying 'The Ascension is starting'. I wasn't sure if it was for me, or everyone else, but at least I could get ready.

Quickly disappearing from my spot, I appeared above the clouds in the realm and watched the ceremony start from here. I also entered my [Divine Dividing] Balance Breaker. The one addressing everyone who was attending was… Zeus to my surprise, and also Kurousagi. I could also see that Ra was here along with a few other gods and goddesses from the Egyptian realm.

Obviously, both Vera's parents were here and they were already crying for their daughter. I waited for Zeus to do his speech while some just rolled their eyes at them, and laughed at him attempting to make a joke or two about Vera and Kuro who both blushed.


"It's time," I said and flew down and donned my helmet. I slowly descended from the skies and landed on the stage. I heard a few of them snicker at me.

Yes, yes, it's cheesy but it's not like I've done this before, and by that, I mean doing it in front of so many people in a more 'ceremonial' fashion. But I was a bit surprised by what Vera was wearing. It almost resembled a wedding dress, however, it was sapphire blue in color.

She stood there waiting and I nodded. I existed my Balance Breaker and summoned her new body onto the stage. A few were curious on how this would take place. Normally, I would just change them to be a god, but… Vera requested it to be like this. I mean, she saw me do it for Kuro, so she wanted to be more like her friend.

However, her new body wasn't wearing what she had on so I looked back at her, and changed her new body's clothing to match what she had on. Finally, I said, "Vera. This is a big responsibility. Are you sure you want to go through with it?"

"Yes! I have spoken with both the leaders of the Egyptian and Greek pantheons and I would be honored in taking this role! It will be a lot of work, but I swear to do my duties as a goddess of both pantheons!" she said determinedly.

"A fine answer," said Zeus. He was standing to the side looking on at us.

I nodded and touched her. Vera suddenly fell limp and a few gasped. However, I quickly transferred her soul and consciousness to her new body and the process was done in a matter of seconds.


A large white and blue light erupted from her body, and during that time. I moved Vera's old body into my [Inventory]. The light quickly died down and Vera sat up with her new body. Her ears twitched very slightly as she stood up. She then stretched out her wings from her back and looked around.

I had already added Ares' divinity to that body beforehand so I didn't need to give it to her during this. I faced the crowd who watched on silently.

"It's done. Vera has now become the new Goddess of War for the Greek pantheon."

A few more seconds of silence before they erupted into cheers, but—


A large attack hit the barrier. I turned to see that it was aimed at the stage and there were a few screams from the crowd.

"Kukuku, that was a very warming sight, Dual Dragon, but I think it's time we take her with us, and as well as kill some gods here while we're at it," said a menacing voice.

All of us looked up at the sky and saw a few people. One of them was Nagendra, however, as suspected, it was one of his clones. Beside him was a dark blue and purple mechanical being. He had some sort of dark purple gem in the middle of his chest.

When I used [Observe] on it… its name was Thuldruns, and one of his titles was [4th Shepherd Commander]. And behind him was a large mechanical monster. I knew who it was and they were a lot larger than their other universe counterpart!

Tsukuyomi, one of the [Next Dolls]. Her body was made up of a number of mechanical and organic components. She was on all fours like a lion, but had the torso and face of a human, albeit made out of mechanical parts. I could feel that she was covered in hundreds—no tens of thousands of anti-magic seals.

So the one who could fight her had to be anyone that didn't rely on magic. She was around the same size as the Statue of Liberty, around 93m. Then—the mechanical thing called Thuldruns snapped his fingers and tens of thousands of magic circles started to tear through the sky and space around them, and out came a multitude of enemies.

Cryptids, Divine Beasts, and… that black mech from before! I believe Euclid mentioned them to be the foot soldiers of the Evie faction of the Evie Etoulde, and they're around Satan-class in strength.

"I'd suggest all gods and goddesses here not to engage in combat with that giant mechanical monster," I told them. Upon further inspection, her claws and other appendages on her body had many 'god-killing' properties added to them. So any god that comes into contact with them may be easily killed.

I also told them this and many became uneasy. "Vera, I sug—"

"I'm fighting!" she said. It also sounded like she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Fine," I replied and covered her with a barrier of [Infinity].

I didn't want to take any chances. I mean, I could make her a new body, but I would rather not have to see her die in front of me. Touching my ear, I summoned a transceiver and connected to everyone who came in here with me.

[The Khaos Brigade is attacking, everyone get ready. They've brought someone called a Shepherd Commander from the ExE, and a god-slaying monster, as well as thousands of ExE soldiers that are at least Satan-class plus cryptids and divine beasts! Kill them, and defend this realm!] I ordered and got a loud 'Yes!' in response.

I felt that none of them were in Little Olympia yet, so—I teleported all of them into the small town. Furthermore, I cast a barrier around it and instructed Sona and the Sitri peerage to take measures to protect it.

[Aaron, I'm still in Olympus with other gods and some of the Sitri peerage members. Should we go back down to Little Olympia?] asked Phae.

[You've been working on your own barrier, right? Go down and add it to mine since it's also compatible,] I told her.

[Very well.]

Thuldruns grinned at me and summoned small robotic birds around him and pointed at me. They quickly darted towards me and I put my hand out and disabled them. He was surprised by that but created more.

"Kuro, Vera, I'll leave you guys to defend against the ExE soldiers. I'll take care of the blue mecha Thuldruns, and the giant mechanical monster Tsukuyomi."


After hearing their answer, I flew towards Thuldruns.

Third Person Point of View

With Raiko

Minamoto no Raiko was checking the defenses a third time because she was paranoid for Aaron Toole. The leader of the Lamias, Alice had left with Senko earlier. She opted to stay behind for a few more minutes before joining them—however, a sudden explosion alerted her, multiple Lamias and the shadows who were left to defend the city.

Raiko saw a large monster and she frowned. "What is that…? It's quite menacing…" she muttered to herself. However, Greed suddenly appeared beside her with a very confused Medusa being carried on his shoulder.

"An attack has occurred, Raiko-sama. Will you be joining them over there, or?" Greed asked.

"I will stay here and defend this city. Um, what about Medusa…?" she asked.

"I… I have no idea what just happened… how long have you been in my shadow?" the confused Medusa asked.

"I have been assigned to you since my king rescued you," he replied.

Medusa looked gobsmacked by what she had just heard. However, they didn't have the leisure to have a chat as many black mecha soldiers appeared all around the city.

"I-I can fight!" Medusa said, but Greed shook his head.

"No, I am under strict instructions not to allow you to fight. You may have some martial arts after practicing, however, your powers are still unstable. You have not practiced with them, therefore—"

Greed covered her in a dark-purple barrier and when she touched it. It prevented her from leaving. It was almost like a cage. Medusa wasn't happy about it, but she could not do anything but stand there and glare at Greed.

"I will go," said Greed before jumping away and towards the mecha soldiers.

During his initial attack, a large explosion occurred and many of them perished. Greed jumped, kicked and sent out a shadow aura punches at the foot soldiers of the Evie faction. Greed was much, much stronger than them, so they quickly died at his hands.

A large number of Lamias living in the city had already fled to their evacuation shelters. This was designed and made by Chronos as the Greek gods had agreed that their people would need stronger shelters than the ones they made years ago. So in their combined effort, they created this.

However, once the goddesses that went with Aaron to his [Pocket Dimension] came back to their realm—more specifically, Hephaestus, she went around to all the shelters and added more defensive spells and barriers for extra protection.

So the inhabitants here weren't that worried about a potential attack.

Raiko summoned her Doujigiri Yasutsuna from her ring and pointed it at the mecha soldiers who were flying towards her. She closed her eyes and appeared behind them in one swift and fluid motion. It seemed like time hadn't caught up to what she did, because a moment later—when the soldiers started to move again, hundreds—no, millions of cuts appeared all over their bodies.

Then—their bodies started to explode into millions of pieces. In their last moments of life, they didn't know what had happened. They could only speculate that they were beaten—in an instant. Raiko then raised her left hand and gathered purple lightning around it. Her eyes quickly darted around the sky at the multiple mecha soldiers coming her way.

She then closed her hand into a fist and purple lightning suddenly struck all the mecha soldiers who were coming her way. But it did not stop there. That lightning attack started to bounce between the soldiers, and onto soldiers that hadn't been aimed at by Raiko.

[She's distracted—!!]

Behind her, more soldiers appeared and tried to attack her. However, Raiko simply raised her sword and slashed her sword in a horizontal motion, just like before—the soldiers were simply cut into a million pieces.

Raiko's master swordsmanship had been taken to a point that she could do attacks like this with very little movement and these attacks caused very little to no damage to her surroundings. As a result of her improved control and precision, her strikes had advanced beyond what they had previously been. All of this was possible after the 100 years of training…

Medusa stood there looking at the one-sided slaughter by Minamoto no Raiko and the Shadow Soldier called Greed. She vaguely remembers her 'fight' with Aaron, however, she was not in total control, so she doesn't remember it that much.

'If his subordinates are this powerful… how powerful is their leader and creator?' Medusa thought, and couldn't help but be in awe. 'I want to be stronger… if… if he trained me, would I reach that level of strength? I don't want to be weak, and I don't want anyone taking control of me again…'

At that moment, Medusa found another resolve in life. After being freed and given a second chance by Aaron, she had been in a depressive state and didn't do much with her new found 'freedom', although this freedom came at a price—a price that she couldn't leave her realm.

Even though previously she didn't leave it much before being mind controlled by the Khaos Brigade, having this 'limit' to her movements made her much more aware of how small she was, so it bothered her.

After all this was over—she—Medusa would approach Aaron and ask him—

"Raiko-sama, it appears those were all the soldiers sent to this spot. If you wish, I will stay here along with the other soldiers just in case they reappear again," said Greed.

"Very well, I will leave," said Raiko as she glanced back at Medusa one last time.

The two of them shared a silent yet knowing look. —That they would meet again soon, however, all of it depended on what Senko and Alice would have to say about Medusa, as well as the gods and goddesses of this realm.

With Rossweisse

Rossweisse, prior to the attack had been enjoying herself. Even though she was meant to be here to help defend the home of the Harpies, she was welcomed by them with open arms and also met quite a few of its inhabitants.

She was also interested in going to the last island. This was because Griselda and Irina had told her a lot about it after she told them she was traveling to the harpies' home. She met the Queen of the harpies, Queen Faenelle and the other harpy, Aellola.

Rossweisse was also brought to one of their libraries so she could read up on their history and perhaps learn any type of unique magic they had. But to her disappointment, Aaron already had these books in their library at home. She planned on returning to Nembesouk to return the books she had borrowed because Aaron—her lover upgraded her home, adding an 'infinite' library.

However—her calm day had been interrupted when a large explosion and a large monster appeared in the far distance. The harpy's home was very far away, but she could still see this monstrosity from this distance.

But—suddenly the same mecha warrior she saw appear with the Evil Dragon Grendel appeared, and there were thousands of them. Rossweisse frowned and changed from her business suit into her battle suit.

"Everyone, please go to your shelter," she said to the harpies around her.

None of them questioned her and they all quickly flew away. However, Aellola joined her side.

"I will fight. I am not that strong, but... in the last crisis, I was powerless, so I have been training to get stronger. Therefore, I will fight with you, Rossweisse," she asserted.

"Very well, but please flee if you cannot fight anymore. I do not wish to see you killed." Rossweisse then summoned thousands of magic circles behind her.

She then fired multiple elemental attacks towards the mecha soldiers from her magic circles! However, the mecha soldiers avoided them, but to their surprise the attacks started to home-in on them and they were hit and killed instantly!

Rossweisse had asked Aaron about helping her with developing this. In Rossweisse's mind, she could have created a formula for this. However, it would have taken longer than she would have liked. Therefore, she opted to ask her boyfriend about it.

So with his help, he added simply 'added' it to her arsenal, and now Rossweisse could choose to have her spells home-in/lock-on to their targets if she so wishes. She had to get used to it during her time in the [Pocket Dimension], however, in her mind it was all worth it.

Many of the mecha soldiers of the Evie faction perished in her attacks, however, some were somehow able to defend themselves—well, 'defend' as in, survive, and heavily injured. The ones that did survive were finished off by Aellola.

Aellola herself was just at the peak of High-class, she wasn't that far from breaking through to Ultimate-class, however, she opted to play it safe by killing the weakened soldiers as they were Satan-class and she wasn't near their level of strength. This way, she was still contributing and wasn't a total burden to Rossweisse.

Seeing many of their comrades being killed, a small group of mecha soldiers started to aim their attacks at the buildings of the Harpies' home. They fired some of their magic towards the buildings, but to their surprise—a barrier appeared stopping their initial attack and then several magic circles appeared to absorb the rest of their attacks.

'Those magic circles will absorb the attacks that it's hit by and will use that power to repair itself. Depending on how much it absorbs, it will affect how fast it repairs itself,' she thought. She based this on Aaron's barriers around his home.

Shing! Boom!

Suddenly, a large thunderbolt hit a large portion of the mecha soldiers and Rossweisse looked over at the individual who caused it.

"Raiko!" she called out and the woman flew over to her.

"I left the Lamia's city to Greed. I also stopped by a few settlements and towns to help them, however, most of them had the help of the shadows so I left it to them. I take it that you were fine here?" she asked.

"Yes, for the most part…" she muttered and looked at Aellola who looked a bit tired as she had to expend a lot of her power just to dodge a lot of the mecha soldiers' attacks.

Rossweisse put her hand out and summoned multiple magic circles around Aellola. The first was to heal her, while the others had tentacles made of darkness that pierced straight through the heads of the soldiers.

A shadow then approached the two of them and bowed.

"It seems we're done here too… we can join the others in Little Olympia or the rabbit village and leave the rest to them," said Raiko and she turned to thank the shadow soldier who nodded and vanished.

"Alright…" Rossweisse then turned to Aellola who had recovered some of her strength and had flown over to them. "The shadow soldiers that serve Jin will protect you and the rest of your home. Please go and rest in the shelter, Aellola. My barriers and spells will also protect you."

"We…must…take…you…!" one of the mecha soldiers said before being killed. They were pointing at Rossweisse as she stared at it in confusion and shock.

"Me…?" she pointed at herself and looked at Raiko.

"I don't know, but let's go tell Aaron. Anyway, good bye for now, Aellola-san, and please go seek some shelter." Both of them then left the harpy's home.

With Sitri Group

Sona and her peerage were outside the barrier, well, almost all of them. Both [Bishops] were Momo and Reya who were inside the barrier as they healed anyone who was injured or just put some enchantment magic on their peerage members.

Everyone else was outside fighting the numerous mecha soldiers, cryptids and divine beasts. However, since all of them were stronger than they were, they easily killed them, but they didn't want to become overconfident and get themselves injured.

This was beaten into them by many of their teachers during their time in the [Pocket Dimension]. On one of the sides of the barrier, both Bennia and Rugal were fighting multiple enemies.

<<Come on, is that all?>> the grim reaper asked as she danced around the soldiers, beasts and cryptids. Even though they were slightly stronger than her—just being hit with her scythe would cause immense pain and potentially instantly kill her opponents.

However, most of the cryptids did not have a soul, so she left it to her partner in crime, Rugal. However, the divine beasts and mecha soldiers (to her surprise) had souls, and she took advantage of that and used her scythe on them.

Bennia dashed around her enemies and sliced and diced through them with her scythe—

"So persistent…!" said Rugal as he used his enchanted power of a [Rook] to pummel his enemies to death.

A mecha soldier appeared from behind him and tried to attack his blind spot, but being a hybrid, he used his sense to detect this, and did a backflip to avoid it—as he was in the air, he aimed his palm at the mecha soldier and fired a power blast of flames from his own magic circle.

The mecha soldier was hit and was knocked down, but was defeated. Rugal decided to finish it by landing on top of him and focusing some magic on his right arm and punching the mecha soldier's head with it—killing it.

<<Are you doing okay, big bro Rugal?>> asked Bennia as she killed another mecha soldier and divine beast.

"Yeah…" he replied.

"This should do it," said Hephaestus as she reinforced the barrier around Little Olympia. "Did the other gods arrive here yet? Are they down at the shelter?" she asked Hestia.

"Yeah, I mean, Aaron did just teleport us all the way back here…" she said a bit irritated by it.

"It can't be helped, he's just like that. Didn't you say that he said that giant monsters can kill gods as easily as Fenrir of the Norse mythology?"

"W-well, he did…"

"So stop complaining. Even if we're stronger now, there's no guarantee…"

"I think we would have been fine," said Artemis as she came over to them.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Hephaestus.

"Didn't he change us and cover most—if not all our weaknesses? So I don't think we'd be affected by its abilities to kill gods. However, as you said, he's just an idiot who's overprotective," she sighed and looked at the monster who had suddenly fallen. "Looks like it might be over…"

"Oraaaaaaaaaaaaa!!" Saji screamed as he punched another divine beast as it exploded into a bloody pulp!

Saji Genshirou was in his Balance Breaker, his [Malebolge Vritra Promotion]. Using all his abilities to his fullest extent, he used his [Blaze Black Flare] to burn the corpses and his enemies. He also utilized his [Absorption Line] to slowly drain the power of his enemies around him.

He used his [Shadow Prison] to restrain his other opponents to prevent them from running around or escaping, and his other abilities to make his fights easier.

Don! Don! Fwsh!

"Gen-chan, don't get cocky now!" Ruruko said to her boyfriend.

"I-I'm not, it's just… they're a lot easier than fighting Aurelia-san, Lianne-san and Scathach-san!" he stammered out and punched another mecha soldier to death.


"Don't start having a lovers' quarrel during a fight!" Tsubasa, Sona's other [Rook] said to them.

She dashed around and kicked a few cryptids in the head, instantly crushing their skulls. She aimed her hand at a large group and released a large demonic ball at them and killed them all. She turned her attention to Saji and Ruruko who had started to argue in the middle of this mess.

"Haa… if Aaron or President saw them right now… they would be in a heap of trouble," she said with a sigh.

[Blazer Shining or Darkness Samurai Sword], that is Tomoe Meguri's Artificial Sacred Gear gifted to her by Azazel. She currently was killing many of the invaders using her Counter Balance, which was named after Kiba Yuuto and her boyfriend Gasper Vladi.

Its name is [Blazing Samurai of Darkness]. Just like Kiba's [Blade Blacksmith] Balance Breaker, [Glory Drag Troop] it created four samurais out of darkness alongside her and attacked anything she ordered them to attack. However, influenced by Gasper and trained by Tomoe, they changed from normal samurais to samurais made out of darkness.

Additionally, the sword changed and had a very weak and nerfed ability to stop time. Whatever opponent she touched or injured with it, she has the ability to stop their time—however it depends on who she faces, and it also uses her stamina. So Tomoe saves this as a trump card.

"Ora! Ora!" she shouted as she and her samurai hacked and slashed through their enemies.

Tomoe jumped back and summoned her wings. As her samurai continued their assault, she aimed her hand at the enemies they were mowing down and fired a large ice attack. The samurai sensed this and jumped away at the last second and avoided being incinerated.

"Phew…" she sighed after finishing her own fight.

She looked over to her [King] and [Queen] and saw them casually aiming their attacks at their enemies and annihilating them without trouble. Tomoe couldn't help herself but smile wearily at them.

'I know we can just do that, but it wouldn't hurt to lower our power and get some extra training in, right? I wonder if everyone else is doing that…?' she thought. 'Maybe Gasper?'

With the Gremory Group

"Holy moly, you guys are amazing! It makes me want to be trained by Jin, haha!" Cara shouted as she pummeled another enemy to the ground.

The Gremory peerage with Akeno acting as [King] had quickly dealt with their problem. Akeno Himejima decided not to play around and ordered them all to quickly dispatch their enemies. Since all of them knew that the regular grunts of soldiers from the Khaos Brigade wouldn't have any useful information anymore, she decided to just kill them.

'Aaron won't get anything out of them, so they're useless in my eyes!' she thought and killed the remaining enemies with her [Holy Lightning].

"Guys, everyone has evacuated to the shelter," said Ruka as she came rushing to them.

"Good, gather around Asia if you don't want to get hit by this~! Ufufufu~" said the [Queen] of the Gremory peerage.

They did as they were told as enormous dark clouds instantly formed above them. Akeno smiled and licked her lips. Normally this move would obliterate her enemies and her surroundings, however, Akeno trained extensively for the 100 years to create variations for this…

Asia covered everyone around her with a powerful defensive spell and a barrier. Both Ruka and Cara were curious as to what Akeno was going to do.

"Vanish with the roar of Holy Draconic Lightning… Kirin!"


A large holy dragon came from the dark clouds and threatened to destroy everything below it. However...

"Split~!" she cheerfully shouted and the large lightning dragon attack immediately split into smaller versions of itself!

A few moments later, it began zipping around and attacking its targets. Every cryptid, mecha soldier and divine beast that was instantly hit by those draconic lightning dragons, they were killed—as soon as they touched their body—they instantly disintegrated.

In total, the lightning dragon split into 10 and hunted down all the members of the Evie faction, the divine beast and cryptids until there were none left. Akeno stood there with a smile on her face as she wondered if Aaron would reward her for this.

"Holy…" muttered Cara.

"You guys got this strong thanks to Jin?" asked Ruka.

"Yeah, Jin-senpai is just like that… you guys do have that [Hyperbolic Regenerative Chamber], right?" asked Gasper.

"We do but… there are so many warriors in this realm that there's a long waiting time for it. I heard rumors that it's getting a capacity increase soon, and I hope it's at least 1000, if not... can you guys tell Jin to make it around that?" Cara asked.

"I think Jin-senpai said something about increasing it to 200 or 300, but we can mention that back to him," said Kiba.

"Let's quickly help with some repairs and join everyone back in Little Olympia and the rabbit village, everyone!" Akeno ordered.

"Yes, Vice President!" they all answered in unison.

With Team Slash/Dog and Aaron Toole's Group

"Hmm-hmm~!" Cana hummed as she provided everyone in the realm with increased strength and speed. She also played her harp to heal her allies.

'The lazy way is the most effective way~ I'll let everyone hear my music~ and strengthen them~!' she thought and smiled to herself.

"Stick close to me. I know you've gotten stronger, but these guys are still Satan-class according to bro," said Kouki as he stood back-to-back with Kalawarna.

"I'm not stupid, Kouki." Replied Kalawarna as she made multiple light spears and threw them at the weaker cryptids.

"Just making sure." Kouki then dashed around piercing and shocking the mecha soldiers of the Evie.

Boom! Boom!

In the distance, and on the outskirts of the rabbit village where the new Team Slash/Dogs were fighting the army of the Khaos Brigade—Shigune and Poh worked together to defeat their enemies as fast as possible.

Shigune used her whip that Aaron created months ago to snare, fatally injure and kill her opponents. When she chose to snare them, Poh would quickly devour them, leaving nothing behind.

Shigune summoned a talisman, and threw it towards a large group of the mecha soldiers. These soldiers not knowing what it was came close to it—until vines shot from it and wrapped themselves around the soldiers. Shigune then put her hand out and summoned a magic circle and sharp wind blades came out of them slicing the trapped soldiers into pieces.

"Shigu-chin~~! Need help nya~?" asked Kuroka as she demolished another group of divine beasts with her touki.

"Kuroka-san… no, me and Poh are fine. Are you finished with your end?" she asked.

"Nyahaha~, that's the thing, Kana-chin is going wild over there~!" she said and pointed in a certain direction.

Following her finger, she looked at the spot that Kuroka was pointing at and saw that Kanami was using both her [True Longinus] and her [Ashen Burst].

Kanami Minagawa, the older sister of Natsume Minagawa was propelling herself throughout the battlefield using her [Ashen Burst] Sacred Gear, as well as quickly killing the enemies she passed by with her [True Longinus].

Kanami had unlocked the original Balance Breaker for the spear. However, she also unlocked another Balance Breaker, a subspecies, yet she didn't deem it necessary to use in this situation. So she simply used both her Sacred Gears together to wipe out her enemies.

"You get pierced in the head! And you get pierced, and you!!" Kanami shouted as she killed more and more enemies.

Behind her, following closely behind and sighing to herself was her little sister, Natsume. In Natsume's mind, her sister was enjoying this too much, as well as not completely finishing off her opponents. So she had to follow after her and kill anyone that she didn't finish off.

Natsume noticed that some of these soldiers didn't die after being pierced in the head once. Some of them needed to be destroyed completely or shattered into hundreds of pieces before they stopped functioning.

"Griffon, can you please follow Kanami?" she asked her Sacred Gear and he nodded. Natsume then turned behind her and sighed, "Let's kill the rest ourselves, Sylph."

'Let'sa go~!' replied Sylph.

"You're not Mario, stop it." Natsume sighed again and quickly covered herself in wind. "Devastating Gale…" she muttered.

'Huh? You're only using that? We have—'

"This is fine for now," she said and pulled out her light gun and created a sword out of wind.

She dashed through the air quickly and appeared beside a soldier who was too slow to react.


She fired a point-blank light shot into its head and softly swiped her sword at the soldiers' body—destroying it. Following that, she quickly dispatched the rest of them while doing the same thing while mixing it up by using her light manipulation and killing them with light spears.

'Big group, 1 o'clock~!' warned Sylph.

Turning her body in that direction, she put her hand out and said, "Spirit Storm!" A dense storm of swirling wind fired from Natsume's palm and consumed all the mecha soldiers coming her way.

Natsume wasn't done as she had full control of that attack, and with her hand gestures started to make it turn and target other enemies—in her line of sight, she killed more divine beasts and cryptids. But finally, her attack ended and she sighed in relief.

"I wonder how many are left?" she asked herself and looked around the battlefield. However—the entire area around the village was suddenly frozen.

"Lavinia…" Natsume muttered as she knew who had done it.

"Nyahaha~, I guess we're ending this now then~ looks like Aaron is ending his too nya~" said Kuroka.

Running on the ground, and slicing apart his frozen enemies—one of the new members of Team Slash/Dog, Ajamu worked hard on finishing this too. She was taking orders from Lavinia as Kanami only said to them 'Kill 'em!' and then left.

He—who was a former subordinate of Kokabiel and Azrael already had a lot of combat experience, and got even more experience as he participated in missions with Team Slash/Dog and sparred many times with Kouki and Tobio.

Ajamu touched the ground and multiple vines came out of it and crushed the frozen enemies around him. He also admired the control that Lavinia had over her Sacred Gear, as it avoided the buildings of the village around him. She only targeted the soldiers of the Khaos Brigade that went into the village.

'Although…' he thought and looked up.

He saw the female magician of the group… pouting as she sat on her broom and wasn't even keeping an eye on their 'battle'. She—Lavinia was looking at Aaron Toole in the distance and occasionally cheering for him.

'A maiden in love is a terrifying thing… hmm-hmm,' he thought and continued to kill his frozen enemies.

Raynare created small balls of light and slowly changed the shape of them. She then fired them at a large group of mecha soldiers, killing them. Raynare smiled. This was the power she had sought after for many years—desperately trying to achieve it… only for it to happen when her life took a complete 180 turn.

She didn't know how she really felt about it, but she was sure of one thing. She loved the man who gave her this opportunity. She hadn't found the right opportunity to confess, but she knew time would present itself sooner or later, as she had focused on getting stronger during those 100 years.

Raynare dodged many attacks from her enemies, and also proudly presented her 16 jet-black wings for them to see.

'I've only done this in there, so let's see how they take it!' she thought and gathered light on all the tips of her right hand's fingers. Once done, she aimed it at her enemies and fired!

Five beams of white light with dragon-slaying properties shot from her finger tips and quickly pierced through many of the mecha soldiers that were in front of her! She had full control of this, so when they were all dead, she moved her hand and so did her attacks—killing even more.


Suddenly, a large serpent made of blood and water flew past her and killed even more enemies. Raynare looked to her side and saw Ingvild and Valerie working together. Ingvild was using her [Sea Serpent of the End] and Valerie was using her [Blood Manipulation].

Both women combined them and created a blood serpent with dragon wings made of water. It seemed sentient as it moved around of its own free will. It fired large balls of blood and water at anything it deemed an enemy. Both women looked on like it was some kind of adorable pet of theirs.

Raynare shivered and couldn't figure out what to do. Help it? Or let it be? But she was again stunned when she saw Gabriel and Irina flying towards the serpent and then sitting on its back and then they started to fire light attacks from it.

'T-this is insane…' she thought.

Even though it wasn't the first time she saw such a strange sight, she still couldn't get used to it. She considered Gabriel an untouchable existence when she first saw her in Heaven. She wanted to achieve power like her. However, Raynare knew she couldn't become like Gabriel—both in power and personality…

As a result, she decided to develop her own attacks, power, and personality during her 100 years in Aaron's [Pocket Dimension]. She had new and old friends who would accept her for who she was. She hated her old self when she thought back to it.

She suddenly saw a large bird made out of pure light and it started to fly around with the bird. Gabriel was the one who made it and it started to shoot down other cryptids and divine beasts. Raynare saw this and smiled bitterly.

'Even after all those years, I'm still somewhat jealous of you, Gabriel-sama…' she thought, but was also in awe of what Gabriel had created. 'I should make my own version…'

With those thoughts in her mind, Raynare smiled and continued with her job that Aaron had assigned to her.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

I had entered my [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive] and was staring down at a defeated Thuldruns. Even though he had a few strange abilities, like being able to recover his 'stamina' using Tsukuyomi or using the sounds around him to amplify his abilities... I just took advantage of [Divine Dividing] and its abilities.

"Your combat ability was higher than expected, Dual Dragon Emperor, or perhaps I just underestimated you… but if you think defeating me had any effect on the Evie faction, the Phantasma or the Khaos Brigade as a whole… you're wrong," he said weakly.

"I am but… a shepherd. I am not that combat oriented, as I usually give guidance to others. Defeating me… is like—"

I fired another shot at his soldier and he screamed in pain. I had read his memories earlier, and most of them were just in a dark room and most of the dialogue was… very muddied—it was like I was hearing voices while submerged underwater. So I came to the conclusion that they did that intentionally.

I had Cúntóir try to find a solution and she's still working on it, so I was hopeful.

Cúntóir: Answer: I am finished. It is nothing significant. All their conversation was about how Lapis single-handedly defeated Melvazoa, Regalzeva and Seraselbes. As well as Phumera, Yve and the 16 Eradicators. Although they did mention her looking very maniac during it.

'So we can assume she's a bit mentally unstable then…'

I didn't like that, but I could at least say that our theories from earlier were true. Lapis, for some reason is becoming unstable. Whether that was due to not seeing me or some other reason… I wasn't sure.

[What will you do with him, Partner?] asked Ddraig.

'Capture, and I'll leave it to the alliance to interrogate him. But first…' I turned back to him and completely removed his powers. Just like Ares a small ball appeared in my palm. It looked strange, almost like the decepticons logo.

"Hmm? Are you done?" I asked as Kuro and Vera joined my side.

"Yes! We quickly returned from the Siren's home, although your shadows did most of the work by the time we got there," Kuro replied sheepishly.

"I see, good work though," I said to them and put Thuldruns to sleep. "We have a member of the Evie as a prisoner. Hopefully we can get some information out of him. I'll let the alliance handle it, but if they can't get anything done, then I will have to do it myself. Kuro, can you take him back to Little Olympia?"

"Understood!" she then grabbed the sleeping Thuldruns before flying away.

"I will help with this thing, Master Aaron!" said Vera as she pulled out a wand.

She then pointed her wand at it and muttered something to herself—suddenly after her chant (I think?), multiple large magic circles appeared all around Tsukuyomi. Before she fired her attack, I put my hand out and removed all the anti-magic barriers and seals on the giant monster.

Earlier, I had restrained her and sealed most of her powers to prevent her from roaming around and causing unnecessary damage.

"Go for it."

"Eeeexploooosssiiiiooon!!!" she shouted.




"…Huh?" I was way too stunned by what she—

[It's Megumin!!!]


All around Tsukuyomi the magic circles glowed and shortly after, she was consumed in a large black and red explosion. The explosion caused by Vera created a large swirly black and red pillar of flames that was seen all throughout the realm.

As the raging flaming tornado occurred, I felt that Tsukuyomi was still alive, so I decided to use this time to check its memories too.

To my surprise, there was something significant. Although nothing promising, this… this Tsukuyomi was another clone, however, it was made with this size in mind. In reality, the original Tsukuyomi was still being upgraded and enhanced by the Seekers of Truth and Promestein.

But they did make a few more giant versions of the [Next Dolls] to send out on missions in the future, however… I was lucky. I'm not sure if they had become arrogant and relaxed, but... in the background, I saw some kind of product, and I had an idea where this particular base was hidden.

'I should bring Nia with me then… she is Italian, but I should expect heavy defense since it might be one of the main facilities. Hell, I might need to be on alert since the Khaos Brigade might be all over there… I should ask Azazel about the Roman pantheon…'

Cúntóir: Answer: They are fine. They have been keeping a close eye on your work, and have been in contact with Azazel. So if you ask him, he may be able to set something up for you to visit that pantheon.

'I see, thanks.'

In the background in her memories—I saw 'Pastiglie Leone Candies'. Now, you can buy them online, but I doubt the members of the Khaos Brigade would do that casually since they might get caught, so that's my own conclusion to this. Also, Cúntóir pointed me to that country during our stay, so…

"It's not dead yet, but… compress!" I shouted as I aimed my hand at Tsukuyomi.

{Compression Divider!!!}

Tsukuyomi's body that was crumpled on the ground started to compress, first by length, then by width, then it started to get halved continuously, until nothing was left of it.

A few minutes later, all of the mecha soldiers, divine beasts and cryptids were killed in the realm. Once I got confirmation of this, I informed all the gods of the realm and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. By both Zeus and Ra's orders, the festival restarted.

The realm quickly returned to its usual state. However, my shadows were still on high alert, and some new faces joined the festival in the village. I was also walking around by myself, and I would occasionally come across people I knew, and I would be invited to whatever they were doing.

But not too long later, Rose approached me along with Raiko and… Medusa?

"Rose, Raiko and Medusa… how can I help you?" I asked.

Medusa walked in front of me while both women looked at her, and she suddenly bowed, confusing me further.

"Please help me get stronger," she said.

"…What brought this on?"

"Because of all the things that had happened, I felt powerless. Especially during my time when I was being mind-controlled by the Khaos Brigade. Even today, I offered to help but was denied by the shadow you sent to protect me… so I wish to get stronger. I know… my powers are still unstable, and that I'm not allowed to leave but…"

I see, so that's what this is about, huh? Hmm… I stared at her for a few seconds before looking at both women, but I could see that they left the decision up to me. Greed's judgement is usually on point, so…

"You're not banned from using the [Hyperbolic Regenerative Chamber], right? I'll increase the number of people allowed in it to at least 2000 since Akeno and the others told me a lot of people want to go in it. I may have underestimated its popularity. Anyway, get stronger that way first, and after… I'll consider it. I need to speak to Zeus about you when I come back here again."

Medusa looked determined and nodded her head before leaving.

"Aaron… one of the Evie mecha soldiers said that they were trying to capture me… I don't know why," said Rose.

"Capture you…?" I repeated, but… "Maybe it's about that…?" I mumbled. "Rose, you did research on Trihexa, right?" I asked.

"Eh? Y-you know about that? Yes, I did… however, I have long since thrown that thesis away…"

She's lying, but it doesn't matter nor does it make sense. They don't need Rose because they have Lapis and she's basically a 'cheat' herself, so she herself wouldn't have a problem with unleashing Trihexa herself… but…

[Shit, Partner, I think we were right…] Ddraig said in horror.

{If Lapis made hundreds to even millions of items that can tear through any barrier set by you or the alliance… this means that she might have traveled to get Ghidorah by herself. Perhaps your stupid theory of them merging isn't just a theory anymore, Ddraig.}

'Aaron, make sure to ask Ignia about Lapis' whereabouts,' said Rudra.

'Yeah, I'll do that…' I turned to the two of them and put my hand up and contacted Ignia.


[Father? Do you need something from me?] he asked a bit confused.

[Where is Lapis?] I asked.

[…That's the thing, I'm looking for her. Not too long after finding out about Evie's and Phantasma and forming an alliance with them... she disappeared. However, not after creating hundreds of thousands of items that can tear through your barriers. However, it also left her quite fatigued.]

[Where? Where are you searching?]

[The multiverse… anyway, I'm in the middle of a fight—]

[Gomu Gomu noo….!] I heard from the other side and it was cut.

'Is that psychopath in the world of One Piece…?' I shook my head, 'let's think about it another time… but she really is…'

Maybe that's why they need Rose again. If Lapis was the only one that could wake Trihexa up naturally—then… unless they have another way, and just need Rose for something else? The only other reason I could think of was that Euclid wanted her since she kind of resembles Grayfia…

"Aaron?" Raiko asked and I felt her hand touch my shoulder. "You look very tense."

"…No, it's nothing. I'll tell you all when we get home. I plan on joining Azazel and the rest in Romania, regardless of what happens," I said and started to walk away and gestured for them to follow me.

If Rizevim comes to Romania with Euclid, then I can stop both of them—but if I kill him, Trihexa's seals might be broken… no, I'll just capture him, and prevent him from killing himself in every way possible.

After a few minutes of walking, I came across Elyscia. I called out to her and she turned around while smiling at me.

"Where did you go earlier?" I asked.

I noticed that after the defenses she built weren't destroyed, she disappeared. However, I noticed that she was still in the realm.

"I traveled to the elves' homes in this realm. I checked the smaller settlements of the realm and provided them with assistance… however, their queen, Amaryllis Ismene… wishes to see you again. She wanted to get pregnant from your seed?" she said with a blush.

[That psychopath hasn't given up on that, huh?]

"Just ignore her… I'll confront her again at some point…" I felt my lips twitch at the thought of meeting that queen again.

A few hours had passed, and the festival was coming to a close. I received reports from home that Grayfia was called back to the Underworld, but apart from that, nothing had happened back home.

I was sitting away from everyone. A lot of the girls dragged me around the festival trying to lighten my mood and get my mind off whatever I was thinking about. For the most part, it worked and I'm thankful for them.

"Master Aaron~"

I heard Kuro's voice behind me and I turned around to see her there in her usual attire with a beaming smile on her face. She and Vera were mostly together during the entire festival. However, at some point, Vera was taken away by many of the rabbit people, including those from both the Greek and Egyptian realms.

"Oh, hey Kuro. How was the festival, did you enjoy yourself?" I asked and patted the spot beside me.

She nodded and sat down beside me and immediately put her head on my shoulder. I silently chuckled at her as we watched the rest of the people and village celebrate the day. There were a few children running around with sparklers while screaming and laughing.

It was a very calm atmosphere compared to the one we had earlier in the day. Thankfully no one was hurt, and they hadn't attacked again. I had Thuldruns sent to Grigori and had Penemue deal with him. I also instructed her to put her in the most secure cell that I made, so he should be waiting there until Azazel or the other leaders arrive to interrogate him.

Penemue offered to, but… I told her to just rough him up.

"Yes, it was wonderful… apart from the attack, I believe everyone enjoyed themselves. Master Ra and Master Zeus are quite drunk now, actually."

"Yeah, I more or less expected that," I said and sighed.

This caused Kuro to giggle beside me, and then we fell back into silence. The sounds of music, and—

"Ah, it's Cana. I wonder if she's going to be doing her new original song now?" I asked myself.

As the new piece began, the entire village became silent as they listened to her play the harp and also sing. I… I didn't recognize it. The song seemed to be a complete original and sounded like it was sung in the Irish language.

Even still, all those who were present were captivated by her voice and the sounds coming out of her harp. Cana herself was beaming and smiling at everyone as she sang her heart out. I felt Kuro hold my hand and squeeze it.

It was brief, but… Cana glanced at us and winked.

"U-um…!" Kuro stuttered out and I turned to look at her.

She blushed furiously and her rabbit ears were drooped and partially covered her face. Kuro fidgeted for a few seconds until she calmed herself and looked at me with serious eyes.

"I-I have something to say," she said and took a deep breath. "I-I… I love… you…!" she squeaked out. "I-I know I could go on and on for why I do… but I think I made it pretty clear during our time in your [Pocket Dimension]. So, um…"

Kuro waited for my answer and I sighed. I think she got the wrong idea, as tears appeared in her eyes. She probably thought that my sigh indicated that I rejected her or was annoyed. She started to get up, and I grabbed her arm and pulled her back and kissed her.


She was surprised, that much was obvious. However, she happily kissed me back.


"Ah, you want me to say it too, right?" I asked and chuckled. "I love you too, Kurousagi."

"Master Aaron!!" she screamed and tackled me before hugging me very tightly.

Honestly, the first time I saw her she looked quite cold and serious. But after helping her with her problem, she turned into this kind of woman. No, she must have always been like this. She just had to harden herself like she said before.


"C'mon, don't start crying…"

I started to pat her head as she kept on crying. We were far enough away from everyone else that no one heard or noticed what had happened between us.

Another few hours passed and it was in the early hours of the morning. The festival had concluded around two hours ago and I had quickly cleaned up the village along with everyone else. The Egyptian gods and goddesses left first and asked me to join them in their own festivals in the future.

After that, the Greek gods and they also thanked me for giving them another god. Team Slash/Dog also left, though… it seems like Kouki and Kalawarna are in a relationship now. I didn't get time to congratulate the guy though since they used the festival as a date of sorts.

"Do you need help returning home, Cana? I can teleport you back," I offered the Goddess of Music.

Earlier, her performance was a huge success, that she was invited to come and play for the gods of both the Greek and Egyptian realms. Cana was more than happy to accept and would be frequently touring these two pantheons in the future to spread her music.

"Hehe~! I'll accept your help, T—Skyward, thanks~" she answered and I nodded.

I summoned a magic teleportation circle beside me and she stepped into it. She then hit the palm of her hand and said 'Oh!' and gestured for me to move closer to her. I gave her a questioning look but bent down and—


She kissed me on the cheek and I stepped back and stared at her in surprise. However, she left after that while cutely sticking her tongue out at me.

"I don't understand how you can fall for that, Jin. It's so cliché…" said Kanami.

"I am both smart and stupid, yet I have what is called advanced stupid," I replied. "Anyway, let's go home! I have something to tell you all," I said and teleported Team Slash/Dog back to Grigori—well, Kouki, Ajamu and Kalawarna were teleported back, the rest came back to my home.

"Elyscia, join us."

"Yes, Jin-sama."

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