Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 5 – Part 2 – Episode – Kiba Yuuto

Kiba Yuuto's Soliloquy

A few months ago, before everything happened. If someone asked me if I was blessed, I would have had a hard time answering that question. At the time, I was content with life—the new life gifted to me by those around me, especially my [King], Rias Gremory.

She along with many others, including my master—Okita Souji gave me the strength to keep on going with that. However, at the time—all I wanted was to get revenge on those who made me and my past comrades suffer.

Revenge… once I attained that… then what? At the time, I didn't think much about it. However, in the back of my mind, I knew that I would lose most of my remaining life and the will to live. Though meeting these people now… the things I have gone through, it makes me want to keep on living. For myself, my past and current comrades.

And most importantly him. He—along with my [King] changed me, and I can never truly repay them for as long as I live…

"…It sure does bring back memories, doesn't it? Especially on days that do snow…" she muttered.

"Ah… yes, it is. The day I met you, President," I said in a nostalgic tone and looked out the window.

Right… to a time where… my name was still… Isaiah. No… I had no name back then…


A Few Years Ago

'I… I want to live…'

Those were my thoughts as I lay dying in a quiet and snowy forest.

As a test subject, and as one of the children gathered for the project of the Church, my life had meaning. This is what I originally thought... they gathered children like me who had no family and who also had special abilities for their project. This was in an attempt to make us capable of wielding the Holy Sword, Excalibur.

Every day, day after day was just endless days of experiments. We were hurt, it was a harsh experience, many cried, many shivered at night and some were close to breaking, but since we were told that we would become a special person—a special being that would be chosen by our beloved god, my comrades and I put aside our worries and fears and faced these experiments head on.

However, one day that changed and they suddenly came to dispose of us.

We were forced to gathered at a certain location—a medium-sized room and… they put gas over us. My body stiffened and became paralyzed, my legs stopped moving, and my body was subjected to immense pain. I felt my entire nervous system begin to shut down.

I felt many types of liquid coming out of my body, including both my tears and blood. The only thing I could feel was constant pain…!

Suddenly, my consciousness weakened, and many of my comrades started to die right in front of my eyes. I knew then that I was going to die…

At first, I had no idea what was going on. I thought it was an experiment at first. I never imagined the researchers we trusted at this point would do such a thing to us. They called us special—they called us the children of God. I did not think they would turn their fangs at us—the ones who believed in the same god as us…

Their bodies started to drop… one… two… three. My comrades that I shared many memories with… they dropped dead right in front of me. Pain, fear and anguish all over their faces… I knew it was my turn soon.

'Ah… I'm going to die…' I thought.

But before they could fully succumb to death, a researcher that was in there with us and who had worn some protective clothing opened the door… and one of my comrades who was still conscious. One of them who still had the will to fight pushed him aside as soon as he opened the door and also pushed me out.

"G-go…! Please… even if it's just you…! …Survive…!" he shouted as he fell to the floor, dead.

'I don't want to die…!' I screamed in my head.

And before I knew it—my body—my feet were running at full speed… I ran way, desperate not to be caught and die in there.

"Stop!" someone shouted.

"Don't let him escape!!" another shouted.

My pursuers persistently chased me through the forest that I had escaped into. The forest was covered in white—perhaps it was winter? Snow… yes, that sometimes happens... I read such a thing in a book once…

As I continued to run away, memories of the time I spent with my comrades in that place started to flash in my mind. The small times we laughed, the times we cried, the times we endured the experiments so we would become 'special'…

However, all of them are now dead… I was the only one that was able to escape, because one of them was brave enough—they used the last embers of their life to save me… did I deserve that…? He was brave, I was not…

At some point as I kept running, I no longer heard the screams behind me, and finally, after arriving at some point... I collapsed out of exhaustion and because of the gas they forced me to inhale.

The snow was cold… it was the first time I felt it on my face…

I have to survive… at all costs… they entrusted this life to me… I can't die here… I have to live…!

My consciousness began to fade away along with the pain running through my body. However, something else started to surface as my life started to fade… a strong vengeance.

Against those…! The ones who put us through all that suffering…! The ones responsible for the project…! The Excalibur…! There is no way in hell I would ever forgive them…!

In the end, my stamina and consciousness finally reached their limits. I couldn't even move my fingers now… all I could do was look up, snow slowly and quietly drifting down in front of me…

It was beautiful… to think something so simple would be this beautiful…

I simply… I simply wanted to live…

As my consciousness finally started to fade… in front of me… something appeared… a crimson color appeared… as I moved my eyes, a girl with crimson-colored haired was there. I could see her smiling through my blurry eyes.

"What do you want out of life?" she asked me while she held me.

That was my first meeting with my master, Rias Gremory.

I could not answer her… as everything turned black.

When I opened my eyes, I was confused.

'I thought I had died…'

I was in a room—in a house. I was looking at a ceiling and I was lying down on a bed. I was confused… I then started to panic. I was on the floor of a snow-covered forest, but before I 'died'…

'Crimson… a person appeared in front of me…'

While I started to try to remember any details I could, the door to the room opened, and a small girl with a basin came in. She had cat-like ears growing from her head, but she also looked very sad… is she a monster here to kill me?


The girl noticed me looking at her—she noticed that I was awake. A look of fear stretched across her face and she ran out of the room as quickly as she came in. She also carried the basin out with her.

"Ara? Did you wake up? I see, that's a relief. I must call Rias then," said a voice from the doorway.

I got up from the bed and looked out the door. I saw a spacious room. It was a living room. There were tables, chairs, and other items that were used for normal day-to-day life…

I then spotted a girl with long black hair, and the girl with cat-like ears. I left the room and walked towards them. The girl with black hair noticed me and so did the cat-eared girl. However, she quickly hid behind a wall away from me.


She looked at me silently, slightly trembling. I then noticed that the black-haired girl had vanished, but not too long after she came back with a crimson-haired girl. Both of them didn't look much different from my age as they were both quite young. As soon as the crimson-haired girl appeared, the cat-eared girl ran to her and hid behind her back.

The crimson-haired girl smiled and said, "Please don't bully this girl… she's bad with people. She's called Koneko, and the one beside me is called Akeno."

She then patted the girl named Koneko, and she seemed quite happy with the gesture.

That was my first meeting with Koneko-chan. She was apparently just taken in my President back then and started to recover her emotions, so it was during a time that she was very cautious of everything and everyone.

However, back then, I knew they were unusual… I had felt similar auras like theirs back in the laboratory… they were devils…

I noticed a pair of scissors on the table beside me and took them and pointed at them. "…Where is this place? Why am I here?! Who the heck are you guys?!"

However, she laughed at what I did. She wasn't even mad at what I tried to do—I threatened them.

"We're in Japan. Do you know where it is? It's an island country in the far east. One of several places in the world where it's peaceful. I brought you here because… well, I was the one who helped you. This is my temporary residence in Japan," she said.

Japan? Peaceful? Her temporary residence?

A situation had just occurred while I was asleep. Something I couldn't fully comprehend no matter how much I tried to… also how could I understand Japanese!? I was from Europe! Why am I in Japan of all places?! Didn't I fall asleep in a forest in Europe?!

But then, the crimson-haired girl and the black-haired girl nodded at each other and then bat-like wings appeared from behind them!

Wings of devils…

She then said while looking at me with a kind smile, "I am Rias Gremory. I'm the heiress of the House of Gremory, the High-class devil, and you're also—"

She then pointed at me—the girl called Rias Gremory. I then felt something… the sensation of something growing out of my back. When I looked back, I saw it, there were jet-black wings growing out of my back…!

"You have already died once. That's why I reincarnated you as a devil," she said.

I froze, it felt like the world froze along with me… it took me several minutes to fully comprehend what she said, and what kind of situation I was in.

I had died in that forest and then was moved to Japan after becoming a devil…

At that time… the reality—the values—the teachings I had back then shattered.


"I won't do anything for you," I said harshly to her.

Currently, I was standing right in front of Rias Gremory, my 'Master' and 'King'.

I had been staying with these devils for quite some time, however, I became extremely cautious of them. I found out a few things. One, it seemed like this room, this mansion was in the country of Japan in a certain town and two, I was definitely reincarnated as a devil, because when I tried to pray... it hurt.

I made a single sword in my hand and pointed it at her. I still have my doubts about her. Heck, I was even scared. It's quite obvious, right? I was told that devils were evil and were our enemies. Even after becoming a disposable object to the project—discarding away what I was taught—my beliefs, that wasn't something easy to do, even if I was betrayed by God.

She treated me gently, but that had the opposite effect. It made me cautious of her. There was no way a devil could be kind. There must have been a reason behind this… those were might thoughts.

The reason why she turned me into a devil was because she could use me for something. I heard that devils deceived humans and reincarnate them into one. She might have reincarnated me because she knew that I was a test subject in that laboratory. That's the only logical conclusion I came to.

No, I shouldn't think like this. This might be an excellent opportunity, isn't it? I could use this devil in order to accomplish my vengeance. Several weeks ago, I was experiencing a terrible state of mind due to my beliefs and hatred toward them. I even thought of offering up my soul to this devil in order to achieve that vengeance I sought after for me and my comrades.

At that time—she gave up, she even came into the room with a tray with food and a drink. I didn't trust them so I would have rather eaten by myself.

She wanted to have dinner with me. It was a strange thing for a devil to do that, at least in my opinion. She was a devil who did strange things… things that we were taught were against. Although I was suspicious of it, even after the meal was left in my room, I drank the water sporadically.

Escape was impossible. I tried it a number of times, but as I got to the door, I was stopped. There seemed to be a powerful barrier around this mansion. You could say I was a prisoner in this home.

Now that I think about it, if I did escape, I would be classified and labeled as a 'Stray Devil'. This would result in me being targeted by other devils and forces. To me now, it's something stupid since I would have died without getting my vengeance.

However, back then I even had the thought of using the girl called Koneko-chan as a shield to escape. But I would feel guilty when I thought of it as well, to point my blade at a girl who was younger than me, and was already terrified of everyone else.

Right now, a month had passed since I began living with these devils and without me opening up to them. But… suddenly a man entered this home—he entered my room that I was living in.

A Japanese man… no a devil wearing a haori.

The man who had a silent smile turned to my 'Master' and asked, "Princess, this boy is the rumored [Knight], correct?"

She nodded and said, "Yes, his name is… it seems he doesn't have one."

It's as Rias Gremory said, I didn't have a name. I had an alternative name as a test subject, but I didn't plan on using that name. That was something I discarded, since I was no longer a test subject after all…

I realized that the man was someone with exceptional strength from his aura. I made a sword and confronted him while I still felt cautious of him. For some reason, the man smiled happily when he saw what I had done.

"So you can make a sword? You must be a Sacred Gear possessor then… though your stance is horrible, but I do feel potential in you since you were able to sense a bit of my power right away," he said while maintaining his smile.

He then came closer to me, one step at a time. He also didn't lose his smile.

I couldn't stand the weird situation any longer where I couldn't predict what my opponent would do, so I ended up jumping right at him. I then swung my sword at him, but I lost my balance after he tripped me using his foot. My sword missed its target and ended up impaling the ceiling.

The man looked down at me as I was still on the ground and said, "I'm Okita Souji. That's it, I'm going to train you starting from today!"


'W-what in the world is this man talking about…?'

Train? Who? Me? Why? For what reason?

"Princess, it would be better if this boy trained his emotions somewhere quiet. It would also be good if he could polish his sword skills since he is a [Knight], so why don't you lend me to me for a little while?" the man named Okita Souji asked Rias Gremory.

Rias Gremory seemed to be thinking about what the man had requested. But in the end she happily responded with a 'Yes!' after she looked at me who hadn't changed after a whole month with sad eyes.

Like this, I met the man—Okita Souji, who would become my sword master.

"Here, this is the place you'll be living in for a while," he said.

The place I was taken to by a magic circle was a small cabin built in the depths of a mountain somewhere. The cabin seemed to be built by the wood of this place, and it seemed somewhat newly constructed. There were trees surrounding the place and there wasn't the slightest sign of civilization.

However, there was something that looked like a dojo next to the cabin. Okita Souji and I went there. The shiny floor of this place didn't have a single speck of dust, which made me who had no knowledge of swordsmanship hesitate in stepping foot inside.

He then took out two bokuto that was place on the wall of the dojo. He threw one to me and kept the other one to himself. Out of reflex, I caught it and when I did... Okita Souji made a stance with the bokuto he was holding.

"Now then, come at me!" he shouted at me.

I found his words and actions suspicious. So I couldn't help but ask him, "What are you trying to do by bringing me here?"

In spite of this, he simply smiled and said, "No matter what the situation you're currently in, I can tell by the look on your face that you are carrying a strong sense of vengeance and hatred. So it can't be helped if those emotions are dominating you right now, right?"

He saw through me… but he continued.

"Even if you try to fulfil your vengeance, you lack the strength to achieve it. It would be natural for you to be killed instead. How about it? How about you forget the fact that you reincarnated into a devil and also forget about Princess Rias and simply become stronger? You won't be able to take revenge or do anything if you aren't strong, you know?"


For me back then, those words were enough to wipe out the obsession I carried back then. It was more than enough to move me in one direction.

By the time I realized it, I was already moving towards Okita Souji with my bokuto.

"Haaaaaaa!!!" I screamed.

I didn't have a proper stance, so I simply headed straight for him. I didn't even know how to properly hold a sword back then. Even so, Okita Souji—my master, took each of my strikes head on.

My obsession, which had dominated my soul and body for so long, disappeared as I swung my bokuto. I gradually started swinging it desperately...

"Listen. The point of swinging your sword is how you can overcome your opponent's guard using technique rather than just using brute strength. For that reason, it's better to polish your techniques even if you lack strength," he said to me.

He taught me earnestly as I just swung my sword in desperation. My master didn't teach me the Tennen Rishin-Ryu that he personally used. He instead found the appropriate swordsman style that was just right for me.

What I learned from my master was that through the use of a sword, I also had to hone my mind and my awareness. How I carried myself, and also how I would approach battle. I was then taught when to use my sword and not just summon it whenever a fight broke out.

Just like that, a month had passed since I started to learn how to use the sword properly from my master. The thought of escaping wasn't even in my mind. Becoming stronger became the key source and the meaning for me to keep on living.

It's like what my master said to me back a month ago, 'You won't be able to take revenge or do anything if you aren't strong, you know?'. Those words still rang true in my mind after a month had passed.

It was a shock to me, but the first devil I opened up to was my master. In my communication with him, I did not speak like I would someone in a higher position. However, I started to communicate with my master more.

One day, it happened when we went fishing together. It became normal for us to communicate while fishing under the blazing hot sun.

My master then asked, "Do you hate devils?"

It was a sudden question. I frowned as I answered, "Devils are the enemies of humans. They are beings that destroy humans… that's what I was told."

It's what I learned back in the laboratory. It was planted deep within me. In response to this, my master smiled lightly.

"You're right. Heaven—the Church's perspective on devils is that—we are enemies. However, that's not everything, you know?"

"So does that mean, the devils are on the humans side?" I asked.

Master didn't shake his head or nod in response. He simply smiled.

"For devils, humans are an existence that needs to keep on existing. Devils had continued to exist since ancient times by receiving a price from a pact. Give and take. It's the fundamental theory of devils. Well, there are devils that do deceive humans, but there are humans that make a profit by deceiving devils as well. So they're essentially doing the same thing to each other."

"I know that. It's just that I was told that devils are an evil existence that take advantages of people's weaknesses," I said to him.

"Evil… I see," he muttered. He then narrowed his eyes at me and said, "Actual evil is directed at those who are more than worthless… though you wouldn't understand what I'm saying right now."


He was right, I didn't understand it back then.

My master then caught a single fish and asked me another question. "Then, boy. Do you think devils are beings that destroy humans? For example, do you think Princess Rias and I—do you see us as beings that would destroy humans?"

Rias Gremory… her imagine flashed in my mind.

She had been coming to this mountain from time to time to see how I was doing ever since I was brought here. It seemed like she was worried about me since I doubted her actions back then, but I still avoided seeing her as much as I could.

No, I was lying to myself. I started to feel it deep inside me that the crimson-haired girl wasn't a bad devil.

Her smile that she directed at me, and the girl with cat ears… I didn't feel the slightest feeling of evil intention or ulterior motive from them.

"…I don't know," I simply said to him. Currently, that was the most adequate answer I could give him.

A smile spread across his face lightly at me again. It seemed like he enjoyed hearing how a child like myself was thinking hard about it.

"Think carefully about it, and look around you. At least you were given a choice, right? Don't you know how wonderful that is? Just imagine, there are many people in the world that don't have a choice in anything, you know? Prisoners, people with disabilities, and people in certain countries with strict laws and rules."

I had trouble understanding what he meant by that. However, back then I could only find it suspicious.

After that, my master taught me many ways to have 'fun'. Not only did he take me fishing, but he also taught me how to cook, how to make handicrafts, how to play card games, how to spin a top, and how to sing a song.

He even taught me how to write Japanese symbols from the basics. My master, Okita Souji, was the person who shaped and molded me into the person I am by instructing me gently. It was always under the sunshine he taught me about certain things, it was a weird yet valuable time for me, despite being a devil.


There was a certain thing I did every few days. It was to make the graves for my comrades at the open field within the mountains. Even today, I made one. I made swords slowly and delicately, each with a different shape. I stabbed those swords into the dirt and formed a hump.

I didn't make a cross, there was no way in hell I would… I also didn't carve their names into it. I could tell which one of the graves was which without carving their names into it. Because each time I stood in front of that grave, I could tell which particular comrade it was—their face came into my mind. I could never forget them.

This should be complete if I produce around ten more swords. The reason for why I said 'around' was because I hesitated in making one for myself. Since I've already passed away as a human, I thought it would be best to make one.

I am now a devil, a devil that who seeks vengeance for his comrades.

'No, I'm still here, I am still me. I haven't disappeared yet, even though I became a devil… I still exist right here, right now… I don't need to make one for myself.'

But it pained me for not being able to make a grave for them in our homeland, but… this will do. Japan is a peaceful country. That's what Rias Gremory kept on telling me over the month I lived with her. So I wouldn't need to worry about this place from being destroyed.

Finally, I placed flowers on everyone's graves. I then closed my eyes and said their names one by one, and turned to leave, but—

"Hoho? A devil that can create swords, this sure is rare," said a creepy voice.

As a result of the voice, I began to sense what was going on around me and felt it to be ominous. Then, the one who made the voice came out of the forest. They had a large body and the head of a tiger. He was a huge beast man with the traits of a tiger…

His body was enveloped in a demonic aura… he was a devil…! I didn't think I would encounter someone else that wasn't my master or part of Rias Gremory's group. He was most likely a 'Stray Devil'. Back then I was informed by my 'Master' about what these guys are, so I could identify them quickly.

He suddenly grabbed one of the swords I made and inspected it enthusiastically. He opened his mouth and saw many sharp teeth lined up inside.

"A demonic sword? No, it's an imitation of a demonic sword. It doesn't have a proper shape yet, but it's still a rare ability," he said and grinned.

I became enraged and summoned another sword and took a stance. "Let go of that sword. That is a grave…!"

Even though I said that, his grin grew wider, and I felt disgusted by it.

"A grave? This? Hah, never mind. There's some else that's important, kid. Come with me. It looks like you could be sold for a decent price, you know? You're a 'stray' like me, right? I won't treat you badly, you know?"

It seemed like he was interested in me—my ability. I saw no reason for being taken away by this beast man. I have a reason to get stronger… I'll get stronger and once that happens and I fulfill my vengeance…!


…Then what? What happens when all of that is fulfilled? Will I just kill myself? This is the one that that keeps me living in this world—for me and my comrades… this… this doubt started to surface as I stayed with my master.

I only trained because I was weak. My master even told me so. It would be impossible for me to fulfill this revenge if I was weak. However, when I lived with the master, I began to think about things that were unnecessary. When we fished together, I competed with my master, and when we cooked, I enjoyed improving my skills.

I made an oath to my comrades that I would seek revenge against the Excalibur, yet… I started to find joy in my current life. I shook my head and glared at the beast man.

"Like I hell I will! I'll die first than go with you!" I shouted at him.

"Not like I was expecting you to come with me quietly. I'll just half kill you then torture you, and finally sell you~" he smiled and laughed.

He then released his killing intent on me. I frowned but sprinted towards him first. But I quickly changed my movements into a zigzag pattern and swung my sword down at him! I aimed at a blind spot that would make it difficult for him to see.

'I got him!' I thought, but he suddenly disappeared.

'He's fast—' I couldn't finish my thought process as I received a heavy blow to the side. I couldn't follow his movement… he kicked me on the side and I felt pain all over my body. I shakily got up and stood defiantly up against him.

He then started laughing at me. "That was a good move. You're strong for a kid your age, but you're still rough and inexperienced, you're no match for me. Even though I look like this now, I was a [Knight], you know? It seems like you're a [Knight] too, kid. Though you lack power."

…[Knight]… I heard Rias Gremory call me that a few times. It was the Evil Piece that I was used to reincarnate with.

"Hmph, those who are reincarnated as devils from a human sure are weak," he said in a displeased tone. He then gained another creepy grin and said, "It seems like you were obsessed with these crappy graves, right?! Just like you—they were weak!"

He then started kicking the graves that I made! The swords were destroyed.

Seeing this made me snap and I jumped back towards him. "Damn you!!" I screamed.

However, it was futile, he was stronger than me, and I received many blows that left me bruised and weak. Even though he kept on kicking me back down, I kept on getting back up. For a child like me who had no battle experience, he was an opponent who I could never defeat.

As I lay there, I started to think back on my life. Why did I want to get stronger? Was it for me? My comrades? For revenge? At the start, it was for them… but now…

"Looks like you have finally accepted your fate," he said and took a step forward.

"Take another step towards that child, and I'll end your life," said a familiar voice.

When we both turned our heads to the voice, it was… the crimson-haired girl, and my 'Master' Rias Gremory.

She glared at the beast man and said, "You hurt that child, so I must pay you back for it. You're a stray, aren't you? It makes me wonder how you got inside this mountain since it was covered with a powerful barrier."

She was confident in herself. She didn't even flinch at his glare at her. However, the beast man's eyebrow twitched.

"Crimson hair… you're a Gremory? Hooo? So this kid is the servant of the Gremory's?! Interesting! Then he'll definitely increase in price! A kid who can create demonic swords and is a servant of the house of Gremory!" he said excitedly.

"High price? Are you trying to sell my cute family member? I won't forgive you. You deserve death!"

For the first time since meeting her, I agreed with her. This beast man did deserve death for trampling on my comrades' graves… while enduring the pain coursing through my body, I slowly stood up again.

"…It doesn't matter… who wins or loses right now… I don't care if I was sold or not…"

I want to be stronger, right now, if I can beat this crappy tiger bastard then…! The graves of my comrades shouldn't be disrespected like that…!

"I have… something I have to do… and I need to get stronger…! I can't lose here… to the likes of you…!!" I screamed.

As I shouted that, something happened. An intense amount of demonic aura erupted from my body which also spread around the surrounding area. Suddenly, many swords of different shapes started to appear. They all had different attributes too.

All of them were demonic swords…

I grabbed one that was enveloped in darkness. The sword that devours light, I'll name it [Holy Eraser]. I charged the beast man again and as I did so, I grabbed another sword that he kicked aside. It was a demonic sword that had flames as an attribute.

I slashed down at him, and he didn't react in time, as he had trouble in stopping it.

"Kuuuh!!" He groaned in frustration. He tried to grab it, but in response, I created an ice demonic sword at the tip of my foot.

I then remembered what my master had said to me a month prior. 'The point of swinging your sword is how you can overcome your opponent's guard using technique rather than just using brute strength'

He had let his guard down out of frustration, so with my foot, I kicked him on the side of his stomach. He groaned in pain and with my other sword in hand, I stabbed him in the eye!

"Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrghhhhh!!" he bellowed out. He fell to the ground and started to cover his now missing eye.

"Technique over power… I think I understand what my master was trying to tell me now…"

Hearing my words, the tiger man became even more enraged and shouted, "I don't give a shit about you anymore!! I'll kill both of you!!"

He then brought out sharp claws and slashed at me. I had already expended a lot of my stamina, and I couldn't dodge this…

"A stray that didn't realize that this was my territory. No wonder you were so weak, you didn't even realize the difference in strength," a familiar voice said.


"I kept you waiting, boy," he said and stood between me and the tiger man.

'W-what happened to the tiger man…?' I asked myself, and then looked behind my master to see the tiger man had frozen mid-attack… and then he exploded into thousands of pieces…!

Master had slashed him at god-speed as he arrived here. I couldn't follow it! Incredible…! But… that incident quickly ended and I was helped up by my master.

Sometime later, I was fixing the graves of my comrades that were destroyed by the beast man. My master was also there to help fix it along with my 'master' Rias Gremory.

He then said this to me quietly, "Boy. You said to me before that devils were beings that destroyed humans."

That was a while back. I said that to him while we fished…

"I was the same back then. I also thought hard about it when I was reincarnated. It was on my mind to quit being human and become an entity representing evil instead of being a human. During that time, my master Sirzechs said this to me…"

"I would like you to think about that on your own. I simply gave you a second chance at life. How you live and how you spend that time... that is something for you to decide. Except, would you help me with my job from time to time as my servant?"

"I believe that swordsmanship is something necessary for me. However, if you were to become a threat to humans, then I would be forced to exterminate you as your master. But you know, I would like you to remember this... the devils, the humans, the angels and other beings... there isn't a being in this world that should be terminated. I think we all serve a purpose."

He then added, "Becoming a devil that would destroy humans would be up to you. But obviously you, Princess Rias, and I, are clearly not that kind of devil, right?"

Back then… I still had a hard time understanding what he meant, but…

I started to believe in the crimson-haired girl that was fixing the grave really hard beside me.

After a little while, we were walking down the mountain since we finished repairing my comrades' graves. While we walked down the mountain, my master turned to Rias Gremory and asked her a question.

"By the way, Princess. Did you decide on this boy's name?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure if this boy would like it."

The girl stared at me gently and said the name—

"Kiba Yuuto. I thought long and hard about it. What do you think?"

I smiled at her suggestion and nodded. "Yes, I think it's a good name."

Seeing my reaction, they also smiled. For now, I will smile for them, and live for them. I still need to get stronger and achieve that revenge, but for now… this is enough.

Many months have passed since then and I have slowly begun to open up to everyone. Even Koneko-chan started to get comfortable with me. I, along with my master have left the mountains and I was in the temporary residence of my master.

However, there was one problem… the [Queen] of our 'Peerage'. She was the type of woman I wasn't comfortable with, she—like everyone else in my master's peerage had… unique problems. I wasn't sure what her deal was, but…

"Heey~ Kiba-kun~" she said in a seductive manner.

She had been attempting to seduce me since I opened up to them. At first, I thought she was just being friendly, but… I didn't like being treated like this. My master, Rias had tried to talk to her a few times, but she's always came back and tried again. So I was getting annoyed with her.

"Himejima Akeno-san, was it? I appreciate you treating me like a proper comrade, and that we get along, but please stop this. I have no interests in the opposite sex and I will only keep on living for my [King] and my own vengeance. If I'm being honest—this side of you is a nuisance to me," I said to her flatly.

She stepped away from me looking angered and hurt. However, she said nothing else and left. That night my [King] approached me and spoke to me. But all I told her was that I told Himejima Akeno-san to stop harassing me like that. And just like that, for a few weeks, we were a bit awkward around each other.

Until—she approached me again while I was training.

"Kiba Yuuto-kun, I'd like to apologize for my actions up until now," she said and bowed.

"…No, it's fine. I should apologize for saying that harshly to you. I know we all have our issues, so I'm sorry to."

After that day, we made up, and I started to refer to her as 'Akeno-san' and she called me 'Kiba-kun'.

Not too long after that… we gained another member to this peerage. He was a very skinny and feminine looking boy.

"This is… Gasper Vladi. For various other reasons, he has become part of my peerage now. Treat him nicely, okay?" said our [King].

Gasper-kun, a Dhampir. A half human vampire hybrid… he also apparently possessed a Sacred Gear like me. I wonder what it is? However, Gasper himself was quite shy and was basically afraid of the outside world… and due to a certain incident, he had to be locked away.

After that incident, we learned that his Sacred Gear was quite powerful and was called [Forbidden Balor View]. Apparently, a deceased Evil God of the Irish pantheon was sealed in it.

Over the years that I stayed with my [King], Rias Gremory, she and many other servants in her home taught me how to behave and act like I was part of a noble family. I learned that the devil clan—the Gremory, were one of the few in the Underworld that treated their servants like family.

In a way, I was both thankful and relieved that I was reincarnated by my [King]. If it were any other clan that didn't have the same practices as this family… I may have already become a Stray devil, and been killed.

It went on like this until we moved to the human world permanently and we had to attend the high school division of a school called 'Kuoh Academy'. By the time my first year started, I had changed quite a bit as a person. However, I never forgot my goal… the one thing that kept me living.

But… during my 2nd year, and my [King] and [Queens] last year in this school… our lives—no, everyone's lives in the supernatural world would be changed…

Some for better, some for worst.

One day… we were having our regular meeting in our clubroom, that was until our [Queen], Akeno Himejima came in looking a bit flustered and carrying a bag. It smelled quite good…

"President," she called out to our [King].

"Ah, Akeno, glad you could make it. Everyone is here now. How about you explain your day to us?" she said.

"What do you mean President?" I asked. Our lives had some kind of 'status quo' and it hadn't been broken in nearly a year.

After listening to our [Queen] explain herself. I—we were intrigued, however—

"So, you went on a date?" Rias Gremory asked, and Akeno-san immediately blushed.

She changed the subject and we tried out the food that was given to her. If I was being honest, it tasted beyond anything I had made… even our [King] said something strange.

However, this was just the start of a series of strange and world-changing things Jin Skyward-san would do to this world.

After a series of events that unfolded… me and Gasper-kun learned that Jin-senpai was the current Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor. I always found it strange that Akeno-san was quite attached to him… but now it makes sense.

He was a bit sheepish right now after explaining it to us.

"W-well, at least y-you're making up with President, r-right, Kiba-senpai…?" asked Gasper timidly.

"Yes, I think it's fine, Jin-senpai. Although, I do hope you're a lot more honest with us," I said with a chuckle.

Yes, he's the person that's been training us. If he was hired by Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, and had Grayfia-sama beside him… I think he isn't a bad person. I mean, his current achievements, even if they're quite questionable, are quite impressive, right? Peace and uniting everyone.

I believe Asteri-sama said something about peace and uniting the Three Great Powers once when she was drunk. I think Sirzechs-sama wants that to happen in the future… they are our leaders, so I will go along with it, but… I still want my revenge.

Although he has helped me focus that hate on something else—someone more practical… Valper Galilei…!

Incredible…! The thought of Jin-senpai creating such a place is astonishing. He called it his [Pocket Dimension] and we would get a full year's training while only a few minutes would pass outside. I think the heiress to the Agreas clan—the Archduke, their ability was called [Time] and they could do something to this effect...

"Alright, go wild!" he said to us and we all ran away.

'This… this is a good opportunity…! I can grow even stronger like this…!' I felt giddy inside, a new chance to get stronger quickly. It was a real blessing to have someone like this in our lives.

Tang! Bang!

I clashed with Jin-senpai as he used a sword he also created. He wasn't a swordsman, but he looked like a veteran when using that sword. He had no openings and it really felt like I was facing off against my master again. He had that kind of atmosphere, even after saying he was a beginner.

Though he was still filled with many mysteries, I believe he is opening up to us, and I was doing the same for him.

I failed… I was defeated… even after that huge confidence boost after winning our first Rating Game, I lost to an unknown person. They also had one of the Holy Swords that I despised so much, however…

"Keep your guard up starting from now on," Jin-senpai said quite seriously. Even though my consciousness was fading in and out…

Not too long after that, we met some warriors of the church and it seemed that Jin-senpai had met them while he was out on one of his jobs. Irina Shidou, Xenovia and Griselda Quarta. I had heard of them, but to think someone as powerful as Griselda-san was here… it had to be serious.

Perhaps my vengeance was about to take place. Those were the kind of thoughts running through my head, but I got an opportunity to fight them—the two warriors of the church and… they were disappointing. Even though they used the Excalibur pieces...

I'm crying again. There will be a lot of ridicule from Jin-senpai... I'm being so uncool right now... I ignore the crazy ramblings of Kousuke... I wipe my tears away and look forward with a new sense of purpose.

"…I will become a sword."

My comrades. My comrades who have merged with my spirit. Let's overcome it together. The feelings we couldn't say back then! The wishes we couldn't fulfill back then! Right now, right here!

"I shall become the sword of Rias Gremory and my comrades! Please respond to my feelings now! [Sword-Rebirth]!!!!!"

My Sacred Gear and the spirits of my comrades mixed. It started to align and formed a shape. The demonic power and the holy power were combined.

Yes… this feeling… my Sacred Gear… my comrades are telling me—this sword gave out an aura of both demonic and holy properties.

"Balance Breaker [Sword of Betrayer]!!!! This sword is endowed with both the powers of light and demonic powers. Have a taste of it, Kousuke!!!!!"

I ran towards Kousuke with all I had while also using the trait of [Knight] my 'God-speed' will evolve!



I pierced his stomach because he failed to react on time. He forcefully pulled himself away and held his wound with one hand.

"Ack… a sword that has both properties…? Impossible! Don't fuck with me!!"

Even as I fought that man… I felt very blessed at that moment in time. The new friends and comrades I made; they pushed me to this point… I felt invincible at that point in time, but… something changed in Jin-senpai not too long after.

I felt my skin crawl as I watched on as Jin-senpai silently stood up and killed those two enemies in front of us.

I had never seen him this… angry before. No, this was…

"W-what the heck is happening?!" Saji-kun asked while trembling. The rest of Sona Sitri's peerage were equally confused and horrified at what they were witnessing.

No, everyone else was… the normally bubbly and smiling Jin-senpai was now… like this. None of us were used to it. It pained me to see him like this.

At the time, I didn't think he'd start to change into a different person, although… I didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

We had been in his [Pocket Dimension] for around ten years now. Jin-senpai had changed quite a bit. He smiled less, but still tried to be his usual upbeat self, but it didn't feel genuine. The one who had their life nearly taken away—Lavinia Reni-san. She and Jin-senpai had grown even closer than before.

He also made new subordinates for himself, as well as more shadows. I think he's become a bit paranoid about our safety, and brought us here to get stronger so he can have some peace of mind.

"Kiba-sama, some tea," said Sharon-san.

"Ah, thank you," I replied and took a sip of it.

Sharon Kreuger, one of the few new subordinates that Jin-senpai created. Grayfia-sama wasn't that happy about it at first, and even now… she is still quite competitive with Sharon-san, but… in the end they get along quite well because of their love for Jin-senpai.

His love… huh? I had strange thoughts recently as I watched him from a distance, and even more so when we speak to one another and sparred.

The thought of… 'What if I was born a girl?' sometimes pop into my mind. I jokingly brought it up once, and he just smiled sadly at me and patted me on the shoulder.

'Whether you were born a guy or a girl, Kiba… it wouldn't matter to me. You're my friend, and I'll treasure you regardless.' Those were his words back then. I was touched, but I was also conflicted. He would normally say 'Woah, Kiba… I don't swing that way, sorry, dude!' or something along those lines.

Even Gasper-kun joined in on this, though I wasn't sure if he was serious or not…

Even during the Peace Conference, Jin-senpai acted differently. He had relaxed a bit since our time in the [Pocket Dimension], but it felt like he was carrying some sort of burden. Everyone in his harem as well as his friends (me and Gasper-kun) promised we would do our best to help him return to his normal self.

We were pulled into his [Pocket Dimension] again and this time, we were going to be here for fifteen years. We are currently eight years into the program. I… I had turned into Yumi, my female form and was currently in a bikini.

I was goaded on by a few people, and even my [King] and Master, Rias Gremory gave me the okay… I felt embarrassed while wearing something like this…

"J-Jin-senpai…!" I called out to him.

He was currently meditating on the male side of the bath. It was nighttime and he would come here by himself and just meditate. He wouldn't do it often, but... he finally opened his eyes and seemed surprised to see me.

"I… can I wash your back?" I asked. I could never get used to my female form's voice; it was quite feminine.

As Jin-senpai contemplated how to respond to me, he sat there thinking. Would he reject me? Accept this? Give a different answer? Leave? He did look a bit conflicted as he thought about it. However, in the end… he sighed, got up and headed to the bathing area.

I walked over to him and began to wash his back for him. He then asked me a question.

"So? Who put you up to this?"

I kept scrubbing his back and said, "No one, I wanted to do this… w-well, A-Akeno-san said it was fine, so I continued ahead with it…"

"Akeno, huh? Alright, I'll speak to her later about it," he said and chuckled.

We didn't speak for the rest of the time I helped wash him. However, when I offered to wash his front—he immediately refused. I-I kind of expected that, but still tried my luck. Finally, we move back to the open bath and sat beside each other. The fact that he let me sit beside him, he still saw me as a man even though I changed into my 'Yumi' form.

"Jin-senpai, kis—"

"Denied," he stopped me and said that.

"But you didn't let me finish!" I protested.

"I don't need to hear the rest to know what you were planning to say, Kiba—"


His lips twitched after I corrected him.

"…Well, then, Yumi. I won't let that happen, so let's just leave it at that, okay?" he asked.

I stood up, finally—I was going to protest my hardest, but as I tried to take a step forward, I slipped. On what you may ask? I do not know, even I was shocked at how I managed to slip on practically nothing…

"Careful there, are you okay?" he asked as he caught me.

I also felt that my towel, that I had wrapped around my entire body because I was in my female form—it had slipped off me too. What kind of manga cliché is this?! I looked up and began to laugh it off, but our faces were practically next to each other, just a few inches away. I could kiss him.

I tried to be—he put his hand in front of my face. "Why?!" I asked with frustration.

"You're a guy, Kiba."

"I'm Yumi right now!"

"That's not really going to change… even if you are a female right now, I've known you for the last couple of months as… 'Kiba Yuuto', the male [Knight] of Rias Gremory. Not 'Yumi'," he said and sighed.

"Then if I was born a female in our world, would you accept my advances?!" I asked him, almost raising my voice.

He seemed a bit stunned by my question, but he seriously thought about it. So, I added, "I also look like this!" I said and embarrassingly showed off my female breasts.

Again, he gave me a troubled smile, but in the end…

"I don't know. I tried to imagine it, but…"

"…Jin-senpai, you idiot…!" I said and left.

I felt like this was coming out of a rom-com anime drama. I wasn't really angry, but when I got to the changing room I sighed again.

"What am I doing…? Did I really just say all that? This feels less of a joke, and more of…" I sighed again and got changed. After that, I switched back to my male form.

"Ooooooooooooooooooohh!!!" everyone in the room shouted.

"T-that's…!" Akeno-san stuttered out.

"His…," said President.

"[Queen] form!" everyone shouted in unison.

Even from here, we could all sense it. No, not just us—everyone in this stadium was affected by it. That large pillar of light was… very warm—it felt like a very comforting feeling. I believe we could all feel Jin-senpai's feelings from it when it occurred. It was almost as if he said that he was okay now.

However, there were a few people who were silently crying like Lavinia-san and Suzaku-san. There were many more, but I believe they were the first to start. Jin-senpai was quite close to them after all.

Jin-senpai and Sairaorg-san's brawl began, and even the crowd was screaming their names out. And just like what the announcer said, it wasn't a skillful showcase of magic or technique… they were both like children on the playground just beating each other up.

Sairaorg-san was smiling and I would think Jin-senpai was doing the same thing… however, as the match was coming to an end, Jin-senpai just used a large attack and it knocked down Sairaorg-san. But to everyone's surprise, he got back up with a loud roar.

And finally…

[Sairaorg Bael loses! He retires! The winner of the exhibition match is… Jin Skyward!!!! The Dual Dragon Emperor!!!!]

The final announcement was made, and the stadium became filled with the cheers of the audience. Jin-senpai removed his helmet as he hugged the unconscious Sairaorg-san. He was also smiling brightly—the smile he showed a few months ago was back.

After that, he came to our booth, and everyone (excluding Azazel-sensei) ran towards Jin-senpai and hugged him. He was back, the man we all knew for the longest time. I wasn't the only one who felt some relief from this. He really did shine more than anything when he smiled.

As time passed on, Jin-senpai was mostly back to his old self, however, he looked a bit more mature since then, however, his job as the Middleman only increased after his exhibition match with Sairaorg-san.

According to Azazel-sensei and President Rias, it made sense. That entire match wasn't just broadcasted to the Underworld, but to the entire supernatural world. All types of people from all factions and mythologies saw it.

He had to go do more jobs, and I believe the attacks of the Khaos Brigade only increased because of it. According to Jin-senpai, he believes that it was probably to test his powers. Though… after knowing what kind of person he is, it's practically impossible.

I along with many others were a bit upset that we didn't get to help him during the attacks by the Khaos Brigade. However, he justified it by saying that the rest of us needed to finish our schooling, but we argued that he was also missing out, but he said he could just use an avatar. In the end, he took on that burden by himself… no that's not correct.

He had help, that much was obvious, though Gasper-kun expressed that he was being too considerate and that we were more than happy to help him with anything since he'd already helped us a lot. Both in getting stronger and getting over our personal traumas.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that he was a pillar for all of us. Whether that was romantically or just in a friendly manner. Even to Sairaorg-san. Jin-senpai helped cure his mother who had the devil sleeping disease, the same with Ingvild-san.

So that's why many of us want to help him in any way we can.

Jin-senpai, or should I refer to him as Aaron-senpai had dragged us back into his [Pocket Dimension] again, and we had been here for around 50 years. He also brought many people with him this time around. It feels like he knows something, or at the very least is speculating and is preparing for it.

I was currently training with the demonic swords he gave me with Xenovia and Irina. Since Xenovia and I are both [Knights] and Irina being her best friend… I wanted to challenge myself—my potential, the same as Gasper-kun is at the peak of Universal.

Aaron-senpai had offered to bring it up, but Gasper-kun and I hadn't given him an answer. As of right now, we don't see a reason for going above and beyond it. However, if he has any information in the future, then we may rethink it and accept his offer.


"Kiba, I heard that you wished to be a female from Vice President Akeno!" shouted Xenovia.

I was greatly confused by this, and blushed slightly. I didn't think Akeno-san would tell them that, although my fondness for Aaron-senpai isn't anything new. Just like for my [King] and master, I would do anything for them.

"Hahaha… that was from last time we were here. Why do you bring it up, Xenovia?" I asked her.

"Are you, or were you serious about it?!" she asked and slashed down on me. I dodged her attack and jumped back away from them.

The way she swung her [Durandal] was quite destructive and it shook the dimension and destroyed a significant amount of the terrain. However, it quickly repaired itself and the destroyed terrain repaired itself.

"W-why do you ask?" I repeated again.

Shing! Shing!

I dodged Irina's light attacks and protected myself with a defensive magic circle. I didn't get to say anything else as the two of them relentlessly slashed at me with their weapons. I received a few cuts here and there as I summoned [Nothung] and duel wielded to defend myself.

Finding an opening, I spun and did a circular motion to create a large gust of wind which made them jump back. I then sent out attacks at both girls using my aura to enchant the blade. Sharp blades of energy flew towards them. However, they defended against them, but—

Ksk! Ksk!

Both of them received some damage as a bit of blood spurted from their arms and shoulders. Both of them were shocked, but both then grinned.

"Well, are you going to answer, Kiba-kun?" Irina asked.

"Uh… I'm not sure, I know—in Aaron-senpai's words… 'He's not into that sort of thing'," I said and wearily smiled.

"If you're serious… then go all out!!" Xenovia shouted and brought out [Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot].

"E-eh, y-you're using that?!" I shouted and she grinned.

"Grand Chariot!" she shouted and was consumed by blue light. Once the light was gone, she was covered in blue-black armor.

With [Durandal] in hand she said, "If we win, you try again!"

"…T-that's a bit unreasonable…" I replied.

""No excuses!!"" they both shouted and charged me.

...…I managed to draw with them while using my demonic swords, and my [Blade Blacksmith] Balance Breaker [Glory Drag Troop]. It was a tough battle though, and it raged throughout the [Pocket Dimension] even gaining the attention of Scathach—or as she's known by Shishō to many.


Later on that night, I was dragged away by Xenovia and her group.

Xenovia kicked the door open to the men's side of the bath. Earlier, we confirmed that Aaron-senpai was alone in the bath and he was even meditating in there. He had started doing that more often, and when we asked, he said that it calmed him down and was a form of training in its own right.

"Xenovia… you didn't need to do it so violently," said Irina.

"Hehe, Xenovia-san is just energetic," added Asia.

"No, she's just dumb…" muttered Raynare-san.

I was in my 'Yumi' form and we entered the male side of the bath. I was strangely nervous even though we the males of this group regularly bath here and talk to one another, this also included Aaron-senpai. But today… everyone had things to do, so I was left with no choice.

Aaron-senpai opened his eyes and looked at us. He had started to change a lot, so he would usually have the reaction of 'Huh? Why are you guys here?' or 'Hah, time for some funky time, huh?' or something along those lines.

But this time, he just smiled tiredly at us and patted the area near him. I think he started to accept anyone's whims and will play along with them until we're satisfied. He started doing this a lot with Saji-kun and Sairaorg-san since they got stronger and began to challenge him more and more.

Once we arrived near him—Xenovia pushed me towards him and he caught me. It seemed like he caught on to what they had planned and he flicked Xenovia on her forehead making her a bit teary-eyed.

"S-so, Aaron!" Xenovia started. "What do you think?!" she gestured to me… I hadn't really changed much, but I instead tied my hair into a ponytail since Aaron-senpai likes that hairstyle a lot. And since I'm 'Yumi' right now…

He glanced at me and patted my head. "Yeah, it looks good on Yumi. But did you guys force him into this?" he asked them.

They were found out!! And both Xenovia and Irina immediately froze! Both Asia-chan and Raynare-san just quietly giggled to themselves. Again, instead of his typical reaction, he just smiled at them. Gave them a small lecture and left it at that.

"You don't need to comply with their every whim, Yumi," he said to me. "Or is it because of that fight you guys had earlier in the day? Could it be a bet?" he asked.

"Ah… p-partially," I replied. I for some reason stuttered.

"So… what do you have to do?" he asked.

"K-k-k-kiss…" I said while stuttering.

He gave me a troubled smile—I then leaned in and…


He flicked my forehead! I covered it with my hands and looked at him in shock.

"That won't be happening, but… nice try," he said and chuckled.

I knew that this was going to happen, so I didn't have much hope and laughed with him. Although he treated me roughly the same way, I enjoyed being a woman, strangely enough. Perhaps in another life I would have been born as a woman… and it made me wonder how our relationship would be like.

We were in the last year of our stay here. After this year, we would finally go back out into the real world. Everyone had become very strong and Aaron-senpai looked very satisfied with everyone's progress.

It was nighttime again and everyone had begun to relax for the day. Aaron-senpai had started to go into his office a lot since he made it—and when we went back, he would start another round of upgrades to his home.

Many of the women here, including the goddesses started to form some sort of opinion and feelings for him, though that was expected since I've heard many of them admit that they liked his more serious side now. They only found the more 'immature' side of him charming or cute, so this more 'mature' Aaron-senpai was more up their alley.

I could understand their reasoning, but at the same time I was a bit irritated by them. However, I knew that everyone had preferences for their partners. I sighed to myself again as I walked along the halls of this home since I don't know when we'll come back here. I had also reached the peak of my power, and all I had to do for the last few years was refine my technique and I came up with a few new ones.

Gasper-kun probably wants to increase his potential now that he has two lovers. I would have never imagined that the shy Dhampir would end up with two lovers when he was utterly terrified at the thought of stepping outside—much less interacting with anyone outside the peerage. As I reminisced about the past, I came across Aaron-senpai.

He usually does a few things now. He either meditates, he's in his office or he's looking at the sky. Of course, he also helps us from time to time when he checks up on us, or if we ask him. However, he mostly leaves up the brutal training to Aurelia-san, Lianne-san or Scathach-Shishō.

"Aaron-senpai~," I called out to him.

"Kiba… good timing, I wanted to talk to you," he said as he looked back at me.

"Talk to me?" I asked and joined his side.

"Yeah. I'll probably repeat myself when time draws closer, but… our graduation is coming close, and you know how it works, right?" he asked me.

"Oh… yes, I do," I replied.

Once everything is done for the third year, they have the choice to come to school or not. Most don't and only come if they feel like it. Everyone—Akeno-san, President Rias, Ingvild-senpai and Aaron-senpai will probably stop coming to the club and school…

Akeno-san will support President Rias and Aaron-senpai. President—or I should start referring to her soon as 'former' President Rias will also have a few things she'll be busy with since she'll be getting ready to become a mature devil and officially enter the Rating Game scene as well as getting ready to become the next head of the Gremory clan.

Aaron-senpai… he'll probably start doing more jobs as the Middleman and also focus on his restaurant he's opening. He repeatedly said that he'll mostly send his avatar in for him in college. Since he just wanted to keep up appearances as a human, but once they all graduate…

"Why do you look so worried? We don't live too far from each other, so we'll see each other regularly. Also, you're part of Rias' peerage, and finally… the college division and my restaurant aren't too far from the high school division," he said to me and patted my shoulder.

"Y-yes, you're right. I'm just thinking too deeply about it…"

"Anyway, it's nothing dramatic," he said and turned around to look at me. He then poked at the center of my chest and said, "Once we're gone, I'll leave it up to you, Kiba. Even though the majority of them are strong and reliable now, I'll still be worried. That's just me. As the 'Ace' of the Gremory peerage, I can trust you with that, and also one of my closest friends."

He then took his finger away and looked back up at the sky. "I can't ask Gya-suke to do it. He's become a lot more reliable, but he's still a junior to both of us. I can't put that burden on him. Also, I'm sorry for asking you to do this."

I had many things I wanted to say to him… but I think I'll leave that until their graduation or during the after-graduation trip. I put my hand on my heart and said to him, "Please leave it to me, although most of them are quite stronger than me… I'll do my best to support and protect them, Aaron-senpai."

"Thanks, future Vice President-kun," he said with a wink.

Eh? D-did he just…? Are those their decisions…? …I don't know who the next President will be in the future, but whoever it is I'll do my best to support them too.

"Keep that a secret, alright?"

"Yes, of course," I replied.

I'm sure Aaron-senpai said this to Saji-kun too. He looked quite emotional a day ago, and he kept shouting 'Aaron-senpai!! Uuuuooooo!!'. I guess he has high expectations to everyone here, huh? Having the next ruler of the Omniverse tell you that… that's a lot of pressure if I'm being honest.

"Anyway, let's go back and enjoy our remaining time here," he said and stretched his body.

"Should Yumi make a final appearance~?" I jokingly asked.

"Heh, well, I won't stop you if you want to do that whole gag again," he replied and we started to walk away.

"So you're not against Yumi~?"

"Don't try to twist my words, Yuuto."

Present Day


"Yes… a lot of things have happened, especially just this past year," I said to the President.

"Hmm~, hmm~, reminiscing about the past isn't a bad idea!" said God Serena as he posed again. "But remember! The past is the past! So look towards the future and embrace it!"

President and I looked at each other a bit dumbfounded. During the long time we spent in Aaron-senpai's dimension, God Serena came out a few times per other Electa's request or Aaron-senpai. But… I had never heard him give out actual (decent) advice like that.

Most things that came out of his mouth were usually praises to himself, or something so random that we couldn't fully comprehend them…

"I can see that face of yours, Kiba-boy~! I choose to say anything meaningful or not. I have that power after all. Also, the people that Aaron-sama picks are usually people that he approves of, so…"

He said nothing more and resumed to posing for himself. I don't think Aaron-senpai knew about the people he associated with beforehand, but…

—Suddenly, we felt it. Even God Serena stopped posing and looked at the door. We felt two individuals enter the castle via teleportation. We didn't recognize the two auras; however, they were clearly…

"Those are powerful vampire auras," said President.

"Correct, but it does not feel like they are here to cause trouble!" God Serena said and went back to posing again.

The door then opened and one of the vampires from earlier bowed and said, "Queen Carmilla and… some special guests have come. Please come with me."

We all looked at each other and followed after the vampire. They looked like they wanted to ask who God Serena was but they probably chalked it up to Aaron-senpai replacing the 'guard' we had. We eventually reached a certain room and we entered it.

There were only a few individuals there, however, the ones who stood out the most to me were… who I assumed was Queen Carmilla. President told me, though she said she heard it from Sirzechs-sama and Serafall-sama.

Queen Carmilla wore a very revealing outfit that looked like old noble European styled clothing. She had long white hair and yellow eyes. However, what made her stand out was her powerful aura and long sharp nails.

"Queen Carmilla, I have brought the heiress of Gremory, her [Knight] and their body guard," said the other vampire as they bowed and then left.

"Welcome, Rias Gremory, Kiba Yuuto and…"

"God Serena! Ha!" announced God Serena and did a strange pose.

Both the President and I just gave them strained smiles. I wish he didn't do that during this because it had a very serious and tense atmosphere. The other two that stood out just simply stared at him. The man had a confused expression on his face, while the woman seemed amused.

"The audacity to call oneself 'God', this man, he is a subordinate of the Middleman is he not? I'm even more intrigued. I have been following his achievements quite closely since the death of Azrael," said the blonde woman.

She turned to face us and said, "Ah, my apologies. I'm one of the two progenitors of the vampire race. Call me Kiss Shot Acerola Under Blade or Shinobu, whichever makes it easier for you two."

O-one of the progenitors of the vampire race…?! And such a long name… also why did she use Japanese for her other name…?

Kiss Shot-san has the physical age of a woman in her late twenties, with a tall and voluptuous figure, possessing the same golden eyes and even longer golden hair, which curves up into sharp spikes at the ends. As an adult, she always wears her signature red dress with sharp black frills at her waist and chest, and a white section along her torso. She also wears white gloves that extend up to her upper arms, and black stockings, alongside white high heels.

She then pointed at the man beside her and said, "This is the other, the famous Dracula. He's a grumpy idiot."


Dracula-san had long white hair, red eyes and a white goatee. He wore a very old and noble-looking black Victorian suit as well as a black and red cape. He also had long nails, but not as long as the one Queen Carmilla had.


"See? An old grouch," said Kiss Shot-san.

In response, the President cleared her throat and stepped forward. "We're here—"

"On behalf of the Middleman, correct? It doesn't take much to see that, young heiress. Anyway, we're here for more pressing matters," interrupted Queen Carmilla. "I would like to form an alliance, however, we received information from our soldiers that… the entire Tepes faction has fallen to the Khaos Brigade, and they are marching an army of… 'Things' here, along with dragons, all sorts of beasts."

The room fell silent after Queen Carmilla said that.

"We saw someone powerful on their side too. Some devil with silver hair, well, two of them in fact, two of the Evil Dragons. I believe one of them was Crom Cruach, and the other was Grendel, although they felt different. Finally, the one 'leading' them was…" said Shinobu-san as she shivered a bit.

"Some kind of God-class being, however, they looked like a Japanese youkai—one of those Oni, I believe? He had long black hair, and had a single horn that was blue," said Dracula-san.

"It noticed us, but didn't attack us, probably because they were taking orders from someone else. Maybe someone else was there that it took orders from?" questioned Kiss Shot-san.

"I'll call A—Jin then, this seems a lot more complicated… Yuuto, since they plan on joining the alliance explain the Crepuscule Phantasma to them," ordered President.

"Yes," I replied and turned to everyone else. "So—"

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