Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 5 – Part 4 – New Faction and Team [DxD]

Universe – Crepuscule Phantasma

Third Person Point of View

On the planet where the Phantasma came from, a lone woman lived in a certain part of their world. She had long hair that was a mix of black and white, lilac-colored eyes, red and purple lipstick and red earrings. She wore some mascara, and she wore a black and white female business suit, and a black and white fur coat with red gloves.

On her side, she had a small wand attached to a belt. This woman was one of the Eradicators—the 16th of the Eradicators and her name was Elanor. Elanor knows she could at the very least climb up to rank 11 or 12, but she doesn't. She in her mind believe that the current members of the Eradicators have been the strongest since their inception.

So, she stays in Rank 16, as most would try to challenge the 'weakest' of the Eradicators—the 16th rank. She has maintained this spot for more than 500 years, and has defeated and killed anyone that tried to challenge her.

Much like the rest of the Crepuscule Phantasma, she believes that power can rule over everything, and she wants to awaken their original leader, Magnum Tenebrosum so they can conquer everything together with him. While she wasn't born yet, when he was still active—she, like many have been brain washed by Phumera and Yve.

"Hmm? Ah, Ecthrois what can I help you with?" she asked the young man in front of her.

Rank 1, Ecthrois glanced at Elanor. Ecthrois was leaning against a wall as he waited for her. He closed his eyes back and said, "Her majesty, Phumera would like a status update on the one you sent to the Draconic Deus."

"Ah, what about little Scias? The last time he contacted me which was around a day ago, he said that he had brought down a certain faction called the Tepes faction, and was about to go do the same with the Carmilla faction. I believe they're all vampires? He also brought an army with him, even though it wasn't needed, fufu," said Elanor.

"Army? Why? He can easily defeat them without much effort? I cannot make sense of his actions," said Ecthrois as he opened his eyes to stare at Elanor.

"You have heard of that new group that Yve wants to create, yes? He wishes to be part of it, and the requirements to be allowed in the group are quite… specific. Scias has most of it. All he needs now is leadership experience. Perhaps he did this to gain some?" Elanor said while putting a finger on her cheek.

"…I see."

"By the way, what about those… humans—the Himejima-boy? Also, that Black Alice, they entered our universe did they not?" Elanor asked.

Ecthrois nodded, "Yes, currently they are being guided around as we are allied with them. The Black Alice fellow wishes to learn a specific kind of ability which is rare—I doubt she can learn it, but… we will see. As for the human—he wishes to gain an ability for himself and for his group so they can easily kill Gods."

Ecthrois smirked, "Quite ambitious of him, but we'll see. His hatred for those gods burns deep from within him. I am led to believe that the rest feel the same—even more so for the clans they used to belong to."

Rank 1 of the Eradicators finally turned around to leave, but before we vanished, he glanced back at Elanor and said, "The others have gone to the Evie faction of the Evie Etoulde. A few nuisances have been happening, so we might have a meeting with all the leaders of the Khaos Brigade soon—rumor says they might change the name to the Khaos Order soon."

As soon as he spoke those words, he vanished.

"The Khaos Order? My, they sure do come up with strange names. I do wonder how my little Scias is doing," said Elanor as she sighed and glanced to her side. "Umona."

A female with long pink hair with red eyes and wore glasses showed up. She wore a white hoodie that had bunny ears attached at the top, a black frilly skirt, tights and a pair of black boots. She also had futuristic-looking equipment attached to her hip. It had a black and purple color scheme.

"Yes, Miss Elanor?" she asked.

"Do you know what's happening with little Scias? I'm sure I asked you to travel with him~"

"…He said that he wanted to do this alone, so it would ensure his placement in the upcoming group that will be created. He… wanted your approval, Miss Elanor," she said while looking down at the ground.

"My, how cute. Ufufu, well then, let's see how it turns out for him, shall we not?"

In another part of the world—rank 2 was in her home as she waited for orders. However, they were unlikely to come since the only real threat in the 'Draconic Deus' was the Dual Dragon Emperor, and even their leader—Phumera had told them to be cautious of him.

To Phumera, the only one she thought that could handle Aaron's powers was another fellow Outer God, hence why they are trying to awaken their past leader—Magnum Tenebrosum. Even if they combined the powers of the Khaos Brigade (Evie Faction + Draconic Deus Factions + Phantasm Faction), they still wouldn't be able to win.

Phumera also knew that their current leaders, Lapis and Ignia had left the universe of the Draconic Deus. Lapis was in search of the False King, and Ignia was searching for Lapis since he was kept in the dark about Lapis' plan.

Rank 2, Raerea was sitting alone in her home. She trained her whole life to be strong. Her world—her universe was harsh and if you were anything but strong, you would be killed or suffer until you died.

She didn't want that. Her parents from the moment she came into this world pronounced her weak, abandoned her, and left her to die. Fortunately, she was taken in by a strange old man, who taught her current abilities as a swordswoman, and then... He ordered her to end his life as a 'rite of passage'.

Raerea, even though her life started out horribly—she had come to see that man—her master as a parental figure. He had shown her kindness in their world—he and a few others in the world were the only ones to do such a thing. So… when she was forced to end his life with her own hands. She could not—she struggled to.

But in the end, she was forced to since he relentlessly attacked her. She would have died if she didn't. That day, Raerea lost her only parental figure in her world. She also... decided to lock away her emotions since it would prove troublesome and hinder her in the pursuit of strength.

With that new goal in mind, and over the course of many years, Raerea reached rank 2 of the Eradicators. Even though she took countless lives, ended countless plants and conquered countless worlds and universes… in the back of her mind—she didn't like doing it. But she had to, if she didn't she would lose everything she had built for herself.


Her wrist band suddenly rang and she answered it.

"What?" she asked.

"Yahoo~! It's me, Elanor. I just heard that little Rizevim and Euclid got their asses beat~!"


"Oh, I just wanted to update you. You hated them both, didn't you? Ufufu, anyway, I think the Middleman and Dual Dragon is there, he may kill my little Scias. It's unfortunate, but it can't be helped. I'll just make a new one, it's no problem~!"

Raerea did not answer as she waited for Elanor to continue.

"So boring~ anyway, I'll go and get started. I need to wipe out his memories before the cutie Middleman starts checking~ bye~!"

The communication device then cut, leaving Raerea to herself again. She sighed and squinted at her wristband.

'Dual Dragon Emperor, Outer God and Middleman… Master Magnum Tenebrosum and Mistress Nyarlathotep never had such ideas… why would you have them?' she thought and shook her head. 'It doesn't make sense. Nothing he does makes sense. Perhaps when I fight him or one of his subordinates, I will understand him more…'

Raerea did not like Elanor. She was the type of person she couldn't get along with. Just like Euclid Lucifuge and Rizevim Livan Lucifer and many more in the Khaos Brigade, however… she sympathized with Hanezu Himejima and the purpose of his group, Connected Harmony.

She has her own duties, but if she could, she would lend them her aid. However, for now, she has her subordinates guiding them around her world, and would ensure their safety.


She heard a bell ring throughout her home, and she sensed one of her subordinates outside. She walked in front of her door but didn't open it.

"What?" she asked.

"Hanezu Himejima and the ones he brought along have made it to 'that' spot. What would you like to do?" a voice asked on the other side.

"…Let them through. If they can pass the trials that await them, then they deserve the power they seek," she replied in an indifferent tone.


She felt her subordinate leave and she walked back to her seat and closed her eyes. All she had to do now was wait for their results.

"Yve, what's the report?" asked the woman called Phumera.

"According to Avezza and Satanael, 'that' can temporarily ease the pain of both Beelzebub and Lucifer. However, what the Outer God of the Draconic Deus did to them is irreversible. Only he can stop it," replied Yve.

"Fools. To directly face off against such creatures… fine, provide them with 'that', since we are in alliance with them. What about the others?"

Yve nodded and summoned a different device and flicked to a different page. "Hanezu Himejima and his group have reached the entrance to the Svyvel Trials. They seek to gain powers to kill gods and destroy the Five Principal Clans of Japan. Meanwhile, Black Alice and her group, they reached the Viilota Caverns and will undergo the ritual to forcefully evolve them."

"…Only a very few will be successful in those trials. I have my doubts they will succeed," said Phumera.

"On the contrary, the 'sage' believes that the majority of them will be successful. It is rare for her to say such things," replied Yve.

Phumera was shocked, but did not show it on her face. The 'Sage' of their world, she was no fighter, but she could tell them many accurate things—they did not have future sight, or any kind of ability like that—however, she could see the information of a person from a single glance.

Unlike Aaron's [Observe], she sees them in more simpler terms. Each group desires powers, so when the 'Sage' looked at them, she saw the success rate of each member attaining that power. Of course, these things can change depending on circumstances, and or the person's own desire and will change.

"She said such a thing? Interesting. Perhaps that universe has more potential than we initially thought. How about the scouting teams?"

"Killed. Apparently, the Middleman fired a powerful attack that eliminated them by accident. It seemed that he was aiming his attack at a different person, and they were simply killed since they were in its path. Shall we send another one? However, from what the last team gathered, it doesn't seem that the [DxD] universe has any other life outside that of [Earth]."

Phumera frowned. She didn't expect this, and especially the 'accidentally' part. She couldn't help but think about what kind of person he had to fight in order to use such a powerful attack like that.

"Weren't they far away from those planets?" she asked.

"His attack reached very far—according to my own estimations, just slightly beyond their universe, and onto another one that's only beginning to form," replied Yve. "Such a fascinating individual. He did it to Rizevim Livan Lucifer, apparently. Perhaps he has a dislike for the [Son of the Morning Star]?"

"Not many like that man, however, he still has a useful ability unique to him and also useful against the wielders of the 'Sacred Gears' of their world. We have our scientists trying to recreate it and then mass produce it for our troops," said Phumera.

"Estimation of completion is around a year, however, if we somehow manage to catch one of the possessors of what they call 'The 13 Longinus', our research time should be cut in half," said Yve as she read through another report.

"We have tried the common and uncommon Sacred Gears, but they do not provide enough data to combat the original 13. Once we get a wielder, and examine one of the originals, we should be able to replicate it. Rizevim has already provided us with his blood, and we did tests before with him, so we have an idea of how his abilities work."

"Very well, inform the factions of the Draconic Deus that we require one of the 13 Longinus wielders to be captured, but if they cannot fulfill this, we will take action," ordered Phumera.

"As you wish," said Yve and left.

'All that's left is to wait for Lapis to come back, and work with the 'Seekers of Truth' and we may be able to awaken our Master—Magnum Tenebrosum. Help them create those items, and then awaken and empower our Master beyond Azathoth, fufu…'

Universe – Draconic Deus


"My, to think that these things are this powerful, you young ones fight these on a regular basis?" asked one of the Progenitor of the vampire race, Kiss Shot.

"It's usually Jin who does that, Kiss Shot-san!" replied Xenovia as she cut down another group of shadows that belonged to the Phantasma.

Currently, the Gremory peerage was fighting alongside Kiss Shot Acerola Under Blade, Dracula, and Queen Carmilla. The other higher-up vampires decided to defend the town with the shadow soldiers… in a sense, they were too scared to join the front lines and went back.

Kiss Shot fired multiple elemental attacks at anything weaker than her, and instantly killed them. She, along with Dracula were Satan-class fighters, whereas Queen Carmilla was an Ultimate-class vampire, although she was very close to becoming Satan-class herself.

"President!" a male voice echoed. All of them turned to see that it was Gasper, Valerie, Coriana and Tomoe.

"Gasper! Hmm? You seem a bit different…" muttered Rias Gremory. "Well, we can speak about it at a different time, let's finish the rest of these monsters. Jin should be wrapping up his own battles too. But…"

"It seems Vali Lucifer is losing in his fight—his team is also nearby on standby. What shall we do, President?" asked Akeno.

Rias turned to look at Vali Lucifer being beaten down by the blue Oni youkai they were informed about earlier. He—Vali Lucifer had been forced back to his regular Balance Breaker and was barely maintaining it. He was bleeding profusely, however, anytime Akaza tried to step in he was screamed at by Vali.

He said, 'To not interfere!' so Akaza remained at a distance where if he saw it become too fatal, he would jump in regardless of how the young Lucifer would feel. Even his partner, Albion had been screaming at him—but the hybrid kept on ignoring him.

'He'll be fine… let's focus on this for now.' Rias thought. "Okay, everyone, let's end the rest of the army, it seems that Jin's group is starting at the opposite end of the area!" their [King] ordered them.

"Yes President!" they answered in unison.

Asia put her hands together and entered her Balance Breaker, [Twilight Saint's Affection]. She then spread her protective and healing aura all around the battlefield—only targeting her allies and not the enemy. Now everyone would have a very strong barrier and passive healing—this included Vali Lucifer.

Scias, alerted by this looked at the beaten-up Vali Lucifer whose injuries instantly healed. He—Vali smirked at this and punched the blue Oni and sent him away! Even though his stamina hadn't returned, he could at least move better than before.

"Even now he helps me unintentionally, how troublesome," said Vali.

{Vali! Now is our chance. You do not have enough stamina to use—}

Before Albion could finish, Vali's Scale Mail vanished and he was left in his 'base' form. Vali smirked and shook his head.

"I guess this is my limit. I'll—"

"You are not going anywhere," said Scias as he appeared in front of Vali and sent a punch towards his heart. He had increased his power earlier, and was using his full power in his punch.

If Vali didn't dodge this—he would surely die. Time seemingly froze for Vali Lucifer as he stood there, unable to dodge because of his own exhaustion from fighting earlier. Scias on the other hand was still quite energetic and had a lot of stamina left.

{Vali!!} Albion screamed.

The White Dragon of Supremacy had grown attached to his current wielder as they had gone through many things together. He didn't want his current wielder to perish. In a way, he formed a bond with Vali, just like how Aaron had with both his Heavenly Dragons.

'Tch, it can't end like this! I haven't killed that shitty geezer Rizevim yet!' Vali screamed in his head and frowned.


Scias' punch finally landed on Vali, but—


He was dumbstruck to find another silver-haired man in front of him. He had caught his punch and was silently glaring at him. The man was none other than Aaron Toole. As he was about to grab the stopped fist, Scias' natural instincts were screaming at him to run away, and so he quickly retreated.

"Aniki?" Vali asked and then fell on his ass.

"You're an idiot, you know that? Well, I should know that already. Here, take this," said Aaron and threw a slime pill at Vali.

Vali quickly consumed the pill and got back up. He was healed up again, and his stamina was restored. "I'll fight with you," he declared.

"No, I'm sorry to say but you'll only hinder me. Go train more Vali, get stronger," Aaron bluntly told the young Lucifer.

Vali gritted his teeth and turned away. "Fine, I'm only doing this because I need to get stronger, and not because you told me," he said and flew away with his [Divine Dividing].

'What a tsundere,' Aaron thought and focused his attention back on Scias. "Let's get started, shall we?" asked Aaron as he briefly covered his body with a silver blue aura that had rippling energy waves. But it quickly disappeared.

Aaron had undone his illusion effect on his appearance and was going to face Scias with his [Autonomous Ultra Instinct].


Sensing danger, but also a way to prove himself to his superiors, Scias powered up to his very limit. Aaron, beforehand had covered the entire territory with a barrier after his fight with Euclid and Rizevim.

'Let's see how he fares against Aaron with his now 4% mastery of [Autonomous Ultra Instinct],' said Velgrynd.

In 100 years, and him assuming the constant state of [Autonomous Ultra Instinct] for that time. During the day and at night in his own soul, Aaron trained alongside Ddraig and Albion. However, he was instructed by Cúntóir, Velgrynd and Rudra at night, while he sparred occasionally with his friends and lovers, but mostly meditated and was in his office for the other.

"You need to die in order for my leaders' plans and dreams to come true!" shouted Scias as he charged at Aaron.


Aaron didn't move and stood there. Once Scias sent a punch at him—he matched it and their fists collided. In the wake of the shockwave, the entire area was shaken and the monsters near them were killed as a result. However—

Spshht! Spshhht!

The hand that Scias punched with had cracks form on them as his power was much weaker than Aaron's. He jumped away in panic and clicked his tongue, but Aaron appeared in front of him, surprising him. Aaron then followed it up by kicking him in the chest further launching him backwards.

But at the spot where he was going to crash into—Aaron appeared and punched him on the face, making him crash into the ground—causing the ground to crumble, but it immediately repaired itself thanks to Cúntóir's interference.

However, that wasn't enough for Scias to go down. Even now Aaron was holding back since he wanted to experience a 'real' opponent to use his [Autonomous Ultra Instinct] on. He ended his previous fights with it quite quickly, so he was purposely doing this.

"You can't bring me down this easily!!" shouted Scias as he pushed himself off the ground and tried to headbutt Aaron.

Aaron dodged it easily, but Scias started to relentlessly, but precisely throwing punch after punch, jab, after jab at Aaron who evaded it all. However, Aaron noted that he felt several invisible magic circles being created all around them.


Aaron dodged an attack that came from underground.

"Tch, lucky bastard," said Scias. He had a mechanical tail attached to him. Therefore, during his flurry of attacks, he had made his mechanical tail tunnel underground and he had planned on piercing Aaron from behind using it.

Unfortunately for him, Aaron had his [Autonomous Ultra Instinct] and also other abilities to avoid it. They continued their dance around the area, with Aaron occasionally using his own fist to clash with Scias, in turn creating another powerful shockwave that obliterated another large number of monsters near them.

Anyone who got in their way was obliterated. Most of Aaron's allies had watched from a distance, because to them—it looked like Aaron was guiding their fight around the battlefield, and in turn it killed may of the monster army brought by Scias.

Scias also caught on to this, but still followed along. He didn't care for the fodder he brought with him. They clashed one more time before it blew them away from each other. Scias then created a scythe out of blue flames and swung it at Aaron.

He—Aaron responded by kicking in a circular motion around him, and sent out several wind blades at Scias' attack. Both attacks hit each other and exploded. However, since Aaron created more, the blades of wind struck Scias and injured him in several places around his body!

"Ugh…!" this just angered the young blue Oni and he charged back at Aaron.

Aaron covered his hand with touki and defended against Scias' attack. He was stunned by this but kept on swinging his scythe at Aaron, who defended against the attacks using his touki covered hand. This just further angered Scias.

'What kind of bullshit is this?! He's not even… he's not even using a fraction of his power! Is he looking down on me?! Is he having fun?!' Scias shouted in his mind. To him, this was one of the biggest insults of his life so far.

In his world—when challenged to a duel or fight, each warrior put effort in, even if both knew the other was superior or inferior. But to this… for an outer god like Aaron to not even try in their fight… it made him angry.

"Quit messing around with me!!" he shouted in anger. "Stop with the bullshit and fight me seriously!!" he demanded.

"Alright," replied Aaron.

Swosh~ Boom! Crack!


Scias was confused. One moment he was standing on the ground, the next he was in the air. He couldn't feel his body—it was like his consciousness was separated from his body and now he was floating—

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

However, for the next few seconds, Aaron kept throwing Scias' body about like a rag doll in the middle of the air. Initially, he kicked Scias in the chin, leaving his body stiff from shock; his body flew high into the air after that. He teleported beside him, and punched him in a random direction.

He then repeated this, and kept punching him in the air almost like he was a dog's chew toy being violently shaken. Finally, Scias felt a bit of relief as the punches and pain to his body stopped. But…

His body was now falling to the ground.

Aaron had teleported just beneath him and held his right fist up. He then increased Scias gravity making the Oni plummet into his fist—Scias back made contact with Aaron's fist and a loud crack was heard throughout the area, however—

Boooom! Fwsshhhhhhhhh!

Aaron on the last second before his fist and Scias' spine met—he increased his power several folds and when the two entities collided—the shockwave it produced shattered the barrier Aaron had created around the territory and it was felt world-wide… no, beyond just earth—the sun's rays were pushed back into itself and even moved the sun back a few inches. The same applies to other planets in the solar system. Furthermore, it also affected—

Universe – Evie Etoulde

"…What produced that?" Melvazoa asked his older brother. Above him, he saw powerful shockwaves that destroyed a few buildings.

"It seems like it came from the Draconic Deus. The only one I can think of is the Middleman and his subordinates," replied Regalzeva as he observed the same thing.

"Hmph. What caused him to use that much power?" asked Melvazoa while glaring at the destroyed piece.

"Unknown, but we can inquire about it with the other factions of the Khaos Brigade," replied Regalzeva.

Universe – Crepuscule Phantasma


"This power…" muttered Phumera as she squinted at Yve who looked shocked and disturbed.

"R-report!" someone shouted as they burst through the door. "Sector 8712-BBA and Sector 6152-ZA have been destroyed by a shockwave!"

"…It doesn't matter, those were just low-level residential districts. Their loses do not impact us," said Phumera. 'However… who caused it…?' she thought and became concerned.

"Yve, investigate. I want to know who caused that."

"At once…!" replied Yve as she scurried away to find out the cause.

Universe – Fadir Ferdora

"Hmm?" Gvardora looked towards the sky as a powerful gust of wind hit him for a few seconds. He frowned upon seeing this—and then suddenly, multiple buildings on the planet he was on were destroyed.

"Solid Sky General!!" one of his men ran and shouted at him. "T-the—"

"I can see that. Is there anything else about this phenomenon?" Gvardora asked.

"N-no, we're trying to contact Rugatimu-sama to find out what that was!" they replied.

"Then do that. Staying on this universe is boring. Hopefully I will be assigned to a different one so I can fight more," he said to himself as he watched one of his soldiers run away.

But, Gvardora was intrigued by this phenomenon. In his mind—only a powerful creature could do such a thing.

Universe – Draconic Deus


Meanwhile, the entire earth and human population felt 2 seconds of unbelievably strong winds all across the globe, before it abruptly stopped. However, it had done enough damage at the time to temporarily shut down the globe for a few hours. Of course, the one who received the blow directly died instantly.

Just like Aaron's earlier attack, this event would be recorded in human history as one of the 'Unknown Catastrophes' that occurred on that day.

Aaron then removed the dead body above him and placed it on the ground. He touched Scias' head, but… just like the other fodder soldiers of the Khaos Brigade, it was blank.

Cúntóir: Answer: Aaron, it seems like his memories were removed before you interrupted his fight with Vali Lucifer. Perhaps he was programmed like that? I will analyze him; please keep your hand on him.

Aaron did as he was told, and stayed there for a few seconds until Cúntóir spoke again.

Cúntóir: Answer: It seems he was originally a human, who had the properties of a Skhinma or Oni transplanted into him. Advanced robotic parts from the Phantasma also replaced several parts of his body, including his chest, heart, liver, left leg, tail and right arm. It seemed like not too long ago his memories were completely removed and destroyed.

"I see," replied Aaron.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

I stored Scias' body in my [Inventory]. Once I was done, I looked around me and… all the monsters in Scias' army were already dead.

'When did that happen? I was sure I hadn't gone around the entire battlefield yet, unless my allies did this…'

[Uh, how about your Multiversal shockwave punch… Partner!!!!!!!] Ddraig screamed at me.

{Yeah… you went a bit…}

'Over the top?' finished Rudra.

'Yeah, that's a start… though he could have done more, so him doing that was just a little message to them. Am I right?' asked Velgrynd.

'I will neither confirm nor deny that, Velgrynd,' I replied.

As a final step, I touched my chest and applied my illusion to my appearance once more. As I finished, I touched the ground… and turned all the dead monsters around us into new shadow soldiers, so around 400,000+ on top of my already 10 million.

"Jin!" Akeno shouted.

I turned around to see everyone had joined me. The land here was already flattened and only brown earth remained. I only briefly saw it earlier, and it was relatively green, so I stomped my foot on the ground and rejuvenated the land. Trees, rocks, grass and things of that sort started popping up everywhere.

The vampires who were new to this looked at the spectacle in awe. I finally stopped once the place was restored.

"Is anyone injured?" I asked. They all shook their heads. "Good. So what happened on your ends?" I asked.

Everyone proceeded to tell me what had happened to them. Some left out certain things, and I could tell. However, I would wait until after the vampires left to address them.

"Huhu, to think that the Dual Dragon Emperor had such power. You are aware of the disasters you caused around the globe, correct? This includes that attack you did earlier—the powerful beam," said Kiss Shot.

"I've already repaired the damage I did with the shockwave, Kiss Shot," I said to her. "As for the beam… well, let's just make it an unknown phenomenon for the humans, that's fine, right?"

Kiss Shot simply smirked at me in response. I then turned my attention to Queen Carmilla who had been ordering higher-ups and a few vampires who had come out to check the surrounding area. She saw me looking at her and walked over to me.

"We will require some documents to sign, correct?" asked Carmilla.

"That you would. Go ahead and go back, I will join you shortly. How will the two progenitors respond to this?" I asked.

"Very well, I will head back—the rest of you continue searching, once done report back to me," said Carmilla before summing bat-wings and flying away.

"I will also join her, even though we've remained inactive for a long time, it seems like this era created by you might me interesting~!" said Kiss Shot and she also flew away to join Carmilla.

"…You helped the ones that escaped the Tepes faction's downfall. I am grateful for the therefore I will also personally join the alliance," Dracula said quietly and left.

Dracula may not express it much on his face, but it seemed like it cared for his half of the vampire faction. Most of them were wiped out today, since they turned into Evil Dragons or Cryptids, but… the few that survived…

I glanced at Gasper as he smiled at me before giving me a thumbs up. It seems like things ended on a positive note for him. His lovers, Tomoe and Coriana were smiling with him too. Whatever happened to my junior, it definitely helped him move forward.

Valerie was also beside them. She smiled and held up another piece of the [Sephiroth Graal].

"Did you get the second piece from Marius?" I asked Valerie.

"Yep! Gasper helped get it for me, huhu~, he's become very reliable now~!" cheered Valerie as she patted Gasper on the head.

"V-Valerie…! D-don't treat like a child…!" he said while embarrassed.

Valerie just laughed at him and the piece of the Graal vanished. This time Rossweisse stepped forward and told me something that was… interesting.

"The clone of Crom asked you that?" I asked.

"Yes, he seemed quite serious and… sincere about it. I don't think he was lying."

Well, knowing his personality, he probably wouldn't want some kind of artificial upgrade like this. He's the type to train and gain that power by himself. He's a battle maniac, but he still has honor. I can respect that, and it might be the same for Apophis as well… Well, once I find them, I'll try to make them change sides.

"Aaron-senpai! I want to speak to my father!" Gasper said with determination.

I glanced at Akaza who nodded. "Alright, let's go there then. Rias, you originally came here to negotiate on my behalf, right? You already know the process since we have spoken about it a few times over the years. Can you go for me? I'll take Gasper to his dad. Also, it's probably going to be an easy process this time, so…"

Rias seemed to brighten up and nodded. She then looked at Akeno and Kiba who silently agreed to go with her. It seems like the rest will go with me and Gasper then.

"Alright, good luck, and let's go."

Akaza was the one who teleported us.

Sibiu County


Balea Lake

The place that Akaza teleported us to was a small town that was built around a large lake. Now when I look at it, can this place really be called a town? There were only a few buildings and they looked more like hotels or inns than anything.

Luckily for us, not many people were here. The ones I could sense were the staff in the hotel, a few tourists and the vampires that escaped. Akaza started walking towards the hotel and we followed him. We quickly arrived—all the while everyone was curiously looking around us at the natural scenery and the lake.

The lake was normal, nothing supernatural about it, although it did have a 'feeling' like it should be. Once inside the hotel, it was quite modern but was mostly made out of wood, from the walls, ceiling, floor and even furniture. But they were polished to make them look more expensive and lavish.

But I noticed that as soon as we came in, the staff were suddenly under a spell.

"Akaza-sama, welcome back, your guests are in their rooms," one of the staff members said.

"Take us to them," he ordered and they started to lead us to a room.

While the entire hotel wasn't large, it was spacious enough that it could theoretically fit around at most 40 maybe even 50 guests if they really tried. However, we quickly arrived at a room that looked to be one of the most expensive ones.

The staff member pushed the door open and gestured for us to step inside. We did, and once in the room, there were around nine other people there, all of whom were vampires.

'So, 'some survivors' were just nine in total. I was hoping for more but… this should do, I think?'

When I used [Observe] on them, around six of them had 'relevant' names. Five were from the House of Vladi, including Lord Vladi. The other four were from the House of Manthar. Six males, three females.

Glancing at Gasper, his face looked conflicted. He was relieved to see his father was okay. However, at the same time, he was probably remembering all the neglect he suffered from the members of the Vladi household.

His two lovers, Tomoe Meguri and Coriana Andrealphus touched his shoulder and he calmed down a bit. It seemed like his shoulders were a bit stiff.

"Lord Vladi, I'm—" I started but was cut off.

"I am aware. Your subordinate helped us earlier. We thank you," he said and bowed his head. This action was followed by the rest of them. He looked back up and asked, "…What happened?"

I nodded and told them what had happened, and that their town had been mostly destroyed, but I would repair it once I go back. They were clearly distraught but were relieved to hear me say that. After that, a small silence enveloped the room.

I was already done, and I was waiting for Gasper to say something. Noticing this, his father—Lord Vladi put his hand up and the other vampires, the other eight left the room. Akaza went with them, and he gestured for his son to step forward.

If I remember, he referred to Gasper as 'It' and not by name. So I was curious on how this was going to play out. He looked at me, as if silently asking me for help. I walked over to him and he whispered something and I agreed.

I stepped back, and his two lovers joined him.

"I am the servant of the Devil called Rias Gremory-sama! The [Bishop], Gasper!" he almost said in a shout which slightly surprised his father, however, he didn't say anything.

"…I have a lot of things I would like to say to you, but…" he glanced back at me and I stepped back near him and touched his head.

Suddenly, a magic circle appeared above him, and some memories played—it looked like Gasper was speaking to a woman who looked like him, albeit taller and had purple eyes. Lord Vladi's eye widened in surprise and everyone listened into what they were talking about. However, silently—Lord Vladi cried.

Perhaps it was because he could see his wife again one last time, or it may have been for different reasons. Finally, it ended, and Gasper bowed.

"Thank you very much for 'taking care' of me during my childhood, but… I won't come back here again. I found great new friends, two lovers and a new family…"

He then looked back up. It seemed like he was doing his best to hold back tears and said, "My home—our home is in Japan, in a small town called Kuoh. If you can, please visit me."

Gasper then turned around and left the room, followed by Tomoe and Coriana. Lord Vladi simply closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Gaspy is my friend, and he's grown a lot since I met him," said Shirone.

Lord Vladi looked at her a bit surprised. But other members of the Gremory peerage continued.

"He was a crybaby, but he's grown into a fine man. I'm proud to be part of the same peerage as him," added Xenovia.

"Gasper-san is a kind person. Even after everything he's been through, he still cherishes you, Lord Vladi," said Asia.

Since we were missing the [King], [Queen] and other [Knight]. I decided to end this impromptu get together.

"It doesn't matter if he's human, a vampire, or even a devil. Gasper is Gasper, it doesn't make a difference if we know of his [True] form or not. We heard of his birth right now, didn't we? But to us, it doesn't matter. To us, he's just Gasper and he's our fun-loving junior. If you can, please come visit him in Japan."

I left it at that, and left the room with everyone else. Once outside, the other vampires went back into the room. And for the first time in a long time, we saw Gasper crying outside. I walked over to him and patted his head.

"Alright, let's return to the Carmilla faction, get this alliance over and done with… and return home."

"…Y-yes, Aa-aron senpai…!" he said in between sobs.

I had a feeling that Lord Vladi would come around to visiting his son. Call it a gut feeling…

Third Person Point of View

Universe – Crepuscule Phantasma

"Oh dear… it seems my little Scias was killed… well, it doesn't matter~" Elanor said in almost a glee-like tone.

She—Elanor was already creating a new subordinate in her own workshop. She was basing it on a random person she saw in another universe.

"I wonder how you'll be like in the future~?" she asked herself.

"Mistress Elanor," a voice called out.

Elanor turned around to see another one of her subordinates. He was a small male child, who had a large black hoody, black shorts, and black shoes. He had white hair, yellow eyes and white fox ears. His tail was black and looked 'shadow-like'. On his hips, he had two Japanese Samurai swords. Near his right foot was a small shadow fox.

"Ah, Bartholomew, did you need something from me, sweetie?" she asked.

Unknown to most, but known to the rest of the Eradicators, Yve and Phumera. Elanor… was a giant shotacon, and unlike Scias, she created Bartholomew to satisfy her own… fetishes. He will forever stay like this, and will never grow up.

Bartholomew himself hates it, but he is more than happy to satisfy both his creator and mother's sexual needs. That's the kind of relationship they have.

"Umona wants to know if she can use 'that' while watching those from the other universe."

"Ahh~, well I already told you guys that you don't need my permission for these things. But yes, she can if she really wants her to have my permission," Elanor said and continued to work on the new 'Scias'.

"Okay," he replied and turned around.

"Ah, right… come back tonight, okay?"


Elanor looked at the new 'toy' she was making and smiled. "I wonder how you'll act like~?"

Bartholomew quickly arrived at where Umona was. She was standing behind a large pillar as she watched over the group that belonged to Hanezu Himejima. He—Hanezu let the others of his group to attempt the trial first.

They came here as a group of ten. Out of the ten, four have completed the trial and has gained power that they desired. Hanezu Himejima would go last for his group. He wanted to see how many of them could accomplish this.

However, a red cross appeared above the door that they were meant to go through and he seemed concerned.

"How are they?" asked Bartholomew.

"…One just failed., I'll tell them since he looks confused," replied Umona.

Umona stepped away from the pillar they were hiding behind and Bartholomew joined her. The two of them walked up to Hanezu. He noticed them and turned around to address them.

"You two are Elanor's subordinates. Good timing. What does that red cross mean? All the other times before it were green crosses."

"It means whoever took the trial failed," replied Umona.

"So then we just need to wait for them to come out?" he asked again.

Umona shook her head and said, "It means they failed and died. You usually die when you fail a trial, or if the one they faced thinks they are not worthy enough for the power," she said bluntly.

Hanezu and the others were stunned. Hanezu had thought there would be risks to taking this, but he never thought it would cost their lives. No—to him, the thought they would have their life-span cut, or even have 'something' taken away from them was to be expected, but to lose their lives to it? It didn't occur to him.

"So we just need to make the thing in there acknowledge us?" asked Atsutarou Himejima with a grin. His arms then glowed because of the Artificial Sacred Gear he possessed.

"Yes, that's all you need to do," replied Bartholomew.

"Fine, I'm going next!" Atsutarou declared and then the door opened. "Bring it!" he shouted and ran in.

Both Umona and Bartholomew didn't understand why the human named Atsutarou was so passionate about gaining power. To them, it was natural—although it was due to them being born with it, or created for that sole purpose.

Hanezu saw this and commented, "Humans are generally born weak. Many of us have to train in order to get stronger. Even then not many of us can get to that potential we have." He looked at the door and continued, "there's a saying in our world that humans have infinite potential."

"Human potential lies beyond stories and mental constructs. It is infinite, because no matter how many thoughts you have, how many actions you perform, or words you utter, there are infinite more waiting to be expressed. It must be remembered that this is the only definition of human potential that matters in the end… or so I've heard," he added.

Both Bartholomew and Umona looked at each other before looking back at Hanezu and shrugging.

"I do not know what you mean by that, Hanezu, but make sure you do not take more than a week to complete these trials," said Bartholomew.


"Because the creatures inside will change, and will have different criteria. This week, they are more forgiving, so that's why we set this date for you and that Black Alice monster. Even the ones in the Viilota Caverns are like this trial," added Umona.

"Are the powers we're getting weaker?" he asked.

"There is no weak or useless power, only useless wielders of it. If you cannot make use of the full potential of whatever power you gain, it just means that you were already a failure of a person to begin with," Bartholomew said coldly.

The area fell silent, so both Bartholomew and Umona left. Hanezu looked back at the door and waited for Atsutarou to come back out—many thoughts and ideas swirling in his mind.

Universe – Draconic Deus

Carmilla Territory

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"W-why are there so many…?!" Queen Carmilla asked.

Earlier, Rias had finished telling them the benefits that she had memorized in the documents that I usually carry around in my [Inventory]. She on occasion would ask me to read them while we were in the [Pocket Dimension] over the course of that 100 years.

Even both Kiss Shot and Dracula were taken aback by the amount of documents in front of them. I snapped my fingers and summoned the same androids that had helped Tabaldak and I explained to them what they did.

Even though they heard a large amount of it from Rias, they seemed relieved by this.

"Kiss Shot," I called out.

"Hmm?" she looked up after sifting through some documents.

"You don't need to answer, and this is also directed at Dracula, but why did you two stop associating with the supernatural until now?" I asked.

Both progenitors stopped and looked at each other before looking back at me. Earlier, since these events were already done, I had sent them back home. The only ones left here with me were Rias, Akeno, Kiba, Azazel, Rose, Raiko and Fusae.

Fusae and Akeno were outside and speaking with Elmenhilde. It seemed like Fusae wanted to start a friendly relationship with Elmenhilde who appeared to have changed quite dramatically after the events of today. She seemed more docile and the overbearing attitude of hers was nowhere to be seen.

"For me personally, I simply thought I had already done my job. I also wanted to see how the race I created would do without me guiding them. Well, I never thought they would be very hostile to Dracula's though," she said with a snicker.

Everyone turned their attention to Dracula who had closed his eyes. It looked like he was thinking about how to answer my question. In the end, he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"My own reasons started just like Kiss Shot. I believed my role was done, and before we created our own 'factions' of vampires, we had already explored most of the human world of that era. We also explored some of the other supernatural realms. Unlike the vampires of today… we simply did not care about class or race."

"We were aware of it, but we did not 'discriminate'. We saw no need for it. I am rambling… to put it simply, I wanted to wait and see how everything turned out. I was frankly disgusted by how they 'split' up and had a civil war. Although I did not take action since I wanted them to resolve it among themselves, however, it got out of hand."

He frowned and added, "I do not like how they have depicted me in human media. To be cle—"

"He's saying he's too lazy to run the faction and just ran away from his responsibilities," interrupted Kiss Shot.

Dracula's mouth hung wide open in shock. Kiss Shot just snickered at him and continued to read her own documents.

"So, are you two married or something?" I asked. They seemed that way from the way they acted towards each other.

"Why in the world would I be married to such a foul and brazen mouth? I would rather eat garlic and be subjected to that torture before I even think of having romantic feelings for this heathen!" Dracula said quite loudly.

"Same back to you, old man!" snapped back Kiss Shot. "You're boring as hell and you have a small dick!"

Boom! Boom!

Kiba leaned in close to me and asked, "How does Kiss Shot-sama know the size of Dracula-sama's…?"

"Dunno…" I replied. I was equally and morbidly curious.

"We traveled together for many years. This included some hot springs and open baths for both sexes! He has a tiny dick!! It's only 6 inches!" Kiss Shot said, apparently she heard Kiba's question.

"That's above average! The worldwide average for male genitalia is 5 inches! I am above average!" Dracula shouted back.

Everyone in the room was confused by this sudden… talk of genitalia. Especially the noble and higher-up vampires. Queen Carmilla seemed amused and confused. However, the door to the room suddenly opened and Akeno's head popped in.

"Jin's dick size is 9 inches!" she declared before closing it and the room fell silent. All of their eyes were then drawn to my crotch area.

I covered it and said, "Stop, don't look…"

Dracula, however, slumped down—it seemed like his soul had left his body. Kiss Shot suddenly stood up, pointed at Dracula and started laughing.

"Tiny dick idiot!"

Dracula also stood up, and they vanished. But we started to hear and feel vibrations outside. I cast a spell that allowed us to see where they were and… they were fighting. Both were unleashing powerful attacks on each other making the area around them shake.

We decided to ignore those two fighting and I along with Rias answered any questions they had about the documents. But after around half an hour, and Queen Camilla and the higher-ups were around halfway through the documents, I decided to leave and let Rias handle things.

Rose and Raiko came out with me. It also looked like Akeno, Fusae and Elmenhilde were still speaking to each other. They noticed us and we walked over to them once we arrived…

"Ji—ow, ow~"

Akeno tried to call my name and hug me, but I stopped her, pinched her cheeks and also stretched them. I didn't do it hard but she looked at me with confusion and teary-eyes.

"You know why I'm doing this, Akeno," I said to her and let go of her cheeks.

"Hehe~" she didn't try to deny it and hugged my arm.

"It looks like you two are making up?" I asked.

"Yep… we had a good long chat," said Fusae.

"I apologize for my behavior prior to this," added Elmenhilde, and bowed deeply.

"Don't worry about it, just learn from it and grow as a person," I said and waved her off.

"See? Even during the short time I lived with him, I knew he would say that," said Fusae and smiled my way.

It makes me wonder what they were talking about…

"Anyway, I'm heading over to the Tepes faction's territory. I need to repair the place. I did promise Lord Vladi, I think they'll stay at that hotel for a while before coming back."

Akeno nodded, pecked me on the cheek and joined up with Rias inside the meeting room. I then teleported away with Raiko and Rose.

Tepes Territory

Arriving back in the territory, I noticed a few things. Earlier, I was mostly focused on Euclid, God Serena and Rizevim, and I didn't notice every intricate detail about the place. But as I mentioned before, it's perpetually nighttime. It was done by magic and a powerful one at that. Is it possible that Dracula did this a long time ago? Or someone from the Khaos Brigade, did it? Either way, I won't mess with it.

'It's better to reverse time here, right? I don't know the exact layout of everything, so…' I thought that and put my hand out and started the process of reversing time in this territory.

To my surprise, there was a relatively large river beneath us, and even a large bridge. There were also many old-style buildings and an even bigger castle, and even an enormous cathedral. I wonder if they made that to 'pray' for Dracula or something?

To my right, a large cliff face with a large home was also repaired. Beneath that was also another small tower, and the snow started to fall again once I was done reversing time in the area. It seemed to have gone back to its usual look from before God Serena had destroyed it when he fought those two.

"There's quite a lot of fog in this territory, just like in Carmilla," said Raiko. "…Hmm? Is that... the undead?" Raiko asked and pointed towards the river.

"It seems like it. Shall we kill them?" asked Rose.

"Let me just see if they have anything useful," I replied and flew down and stood in front of the undead and read its memory.

According to this undead's memory was relatively normal. They were a female human who was brought here to be used as sexual relief for the vampires—they were treated as toys at the start. After some time passed, the vampire who used this woman grew attached to her, so they both decided to turn her into a vampire.

But just like in man cases, if that particular human has low tolerance against vampires… and after being bitten, they either turn into a vampire, or turn into an undead. And unfortunately for her and that other vampire… she was transformed into the undead.

There were a few other undead here, so… I'm guessing these are the ones that survived with Lord Vladi, one of the males in that nine-man group. The undead can be gotten rid of if they (the undead) are slain or if the source (the one who bit them) dies.

I checked the other undead and it seemed like it was one of the Manthar vampires that was with Lord Vladi.

'What shit luck…' It seemed like he had grown attached to these women, and tried to turn them into a vampire, but that didn't work out for him. "Let's end your miserable existences…" I muttered and swiped my hand, killing them.

Both Rose and Raiko joined me and asked what I had found, so I explained to them and they felt a bit of pity towards those undead.

"At least they can rest now," said Rose.

"Yes, it's better than being left to rot here, in a river of all places," added Raiko.

"…Let's go back. This was quicker than I thought."

Carmilla Territory

A few hours had passed since then, and I had handed Queen Carmilla the last document to sign. In the meantime, I had Akaza bring Lord Vladi here, and explained the situation to him. He—who had lost his home and most of his people, agreed to join the alliance while being given aid by the alliance, me and the Carmilla faction.

While many would still be against joining hands with the remaining Tepes survivors, they also knew that the majority of the Tepes vampires had lost their lives, and the ones remaining were more or less in favor of joining the DxD Alliance.

I took the document after Lord Vladi also signed his name, and signed it myself. "With this, you're part of the alliance. The reinforcements joined us when I was fighting that blue Oni, so they should start bringing in supplies to aid your faction. I had someone from my group inform Sona and the other leaders," I said to them.

"We didn't receive too much damage, but Lord Vladi and the remaining Tepes vampires will need your help, Jin," said Carmilla.

"Hmm. I will take over and be the temporary leader of the Tepes vampires. We will need to start bringing humans over to their side and turning them into vampires. Also..." Dracula said and looked at Queen Carmilla.

"The youth, who are more impressionable have volunteered in moving to the Tepes territory to start families," Carmilla added.

In the time I was gone, they apparently signed a treaty between the two vampire factions of Romania. Both factions would join hands, and would build a brand-new territory in the area that I had repaired after the battle. They don't know what to call this treaty yet, but the temporary name is [Joint Vampire Treaty].

Both Progenitors would be leading this new faction of vampires, while Queen Carmilla will help behind the scenes. In a way, she will be the 'Queen' for them as a face—while both Kiss Shot and Dracula will be the real leaders.

'Though, it feels like me repairing the Tepes territory was useless now… but them staying there will be just temporary since the alliance will help with the construction of the new faction of vampires here in Romania…'

"We thank you again for your help, Jin," said Carmilla. "You're more than welcome to come back here," she added.

"Yeah, I'll try in the future. But for now… goodbye, we'll be heading back home," I said and turned around while throwing the documents back into my [Inventory].

"Finally! I can shower!" shouted Azazel who seemed exhausted.

"Oh, that's right, I'll come visit Japan soon. I'm quite interested in it. I mean, I do have another name that's 'Shinobu' after all," said Kiss Shot.

"We will welcome you with open arms. Come visit Kuoh if you have a chance. This brat will open a restaurant there after all~," added Azazel.

"So the rumors were true, hoho, very well!"

After Kiss Shot said that, we finally left for home.

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

Two days have passed since the incident, the ones within the DxD alliance had sent out help and packages to help restart the new joint faction of vampires in the Romania. Another thing happened, the vampire faction within Ireland, the one led by Saorlaith Ní Sluaghadhaigh (Dearg Due Queen) had joined the Gaelic Alliance, and in turn, the DxD Alliance.

All that's left is for the male-dominated vampire race in the Irish pantheon to join the Gaelic Alliance and they're set. Scathach said she and Aífe would try to convince them along with Danu.

Another thing is that the Underworld is on high alert and also search teams have been sent out to try to locate and capture both Euclid Lucifuge and Rizevim Livan Lucifer. They think they might still be in the Underworld, but I doubt it.

Even the Four Great Satans don't think so, but the older devils insisted, and they started sending out search parties to look for 'em.

I also sent my Electa to upgrade the [Hyperbolic Regenerative Chambers] to increase the size to 2000 people, and according to some of my shadows that I placed in those realms, there had been a large influx of people flocking to them because of it.

Currently, it was lunch time and I was on the roof top of the school on my own. A person stepped out of my shadow and said, "Aaron-sama, it seems a certain incident happened in the Shinto realm, which will be your next destination, but it also seems like Azazel may ask for your help soon too."

"I see, thanks. Go wait for me in the Shinto realm then," I ordered her. She nodded and left. "No rest for me, huh?" I said and started to stretch my body.

However, as if on cue, a magic circle appeared beside me and I heard the voice of Fūjin through it.


"Hello, Fūjin. How can I help you?" I asked.

"A certain… indecent happened in our realm. We would appreciate any assistance you may be able to provide. However, it's not too serious, but…"

"Don't worry, I take any request, so I'll go there… in three days, the weekend starts then. Is that fine?" I asked.

"Yes, it's perfectly fine. However, it involves Takamagahara, the main realm, Yulgana, the Kitsune realm, and finally the Tengu realm, Shifengu... how do I say this… it—a certain individual has run amok all throughout them and we—"

"Explain when I get there, Fūjin. It would be better that way, right? Also, I'll take that time to fight Raijin too, so tell her that," I said to her.

"…Very well, and thank you in advance, Jin," she said through the communication circle before it disappeared.

One would think that the supernatural world would be in more chaos and unrest but they aren't. Even after the 'actual' confirmation of Rizevim being alive. I mean, I did tell them, though I guess they took it more of a speculation, even after Euclid basically confirmed it too…

However, due to the 'new' Khaos Brigade, and the confirmation of Rizevim being alive—more and more factions and pantheons were more open to joining the DxD Alliance. They've been contacting the Three Great Powers, as well as the other pantheons that are closer to them.

This also meant I was flooded with texts and calls from many of the leaders. To me, it was a good thing—the places that Cúntóir gave me about possible bases where I could find and capture Avezza were among the pantheons and countries I was meant to go to.

[But they started to wipe out their memories from them, Partner, wouldn't a woman like Avezza try to wipe her own memories too? Especially if she's captured, she might just have some kind of emergency plan for it.]

'If she has a failsafe mechanic set up that will erase her own memories, then I just need to be ready… but the first place I'm heading to is Italy, and Nia is traveling with me. I got that from one of their memories after all…'

Ding Dong~

The bell for lunch sounded and I rushed back to my classroom. A meeting should occur soon, and a new group will be formed too…

A day has passed and I would be going to the Shinto realm in two days. Currently, it was after school and we were gathered in the meeting room of my home. Several people were there, and we were here for a certain reason… and also Rias is coming with me to the Shinto realm.

After a bit of pestering from me, I'll make an avatar for her to look after the territory. I know she really wanted to go to that place. I mean, it's part of Japan, right? And she's a big Japanophile.

I glanced around the room to see many people there as I mentioned before. All the people in my home, the Gremory peerage, Sitri peerage, Bael Peerage, Seekvaira Agares peerage, the newly formed Team Slash/Dogs, and a couple representatives of all the current allied factions and pantheons of the DxD Alliance.

"To start, all of the pantheons and factions around the world have been notified of the new Khaos Brigade and the resurfacing of Euclid Lucifuge and Rizevim Livan Lucifer. As well as the revival of all the Evil Dragons, original Satans and some Evil Gods joining the terrorist organization," explained Azazel.

"How are they responding to it?" I asked.

"The large majority are taking it well, since we added that if they joined the current alliance, they would get a lot of protection, benefits and aid from all of us in it. So expect a lot of request to join the alliance coming your way, Jin. However…"

He flipped to a different page and sighed. "There are some that are still… let's say against it but not really. They just want to defend their pantheon by themselves, you get what I mean, right?" he asked.

I nodded and he continued.

"The new Khaos Brigade—which is now known as the Khaos Order, thanks to a new declaration they made yesterday over in Australia… a large part of Sydney was attacked, but thanks to Jin and his shadows, the damage was very small and he also erased all the human's memories of the incident. But it's still counted as a terrorist attack in the human world's media, so they're also on edge. They think it's due to [Vortex Bunch], whatever the hell that is…"

They're appearing now…? Also, why attack Australia? They didn't launch a large attack, only a few mobs throwing random magical attacks at night. I was still awake at the time so I joined and stopped them, but still…

"We also believe they're targeting other universes in the multiverse and not just our own, though… we don't know that, so Jin, your thoughts?"

"As far as I know, they're not—well to the ones I know of, but they might be… I just need to send one of my subordinates away to investigate," I replied.

"Alright, so we can put a question mark on that first then," said Azazel and used a pen to write on the document he was holding. "Next, we believe they plan on taking control of the Beast of the Apocalypse, Trihexa (666). For what reason? Probably to use for universe destruction and domination."

Griselda put her hand up and said, "Altaria-sama, along with Layla-sama and Michael-sama are going to some mythologies to negotiate them joining the alliance. They wish to ease the burden on Jin."

"I'm also doing some light negotiations on your behalf, so don't panic too much. I'm pretty sure Sirzechs and Serafall are trying, but they're swamped with the aftermath of Rizevim, so currently, they can't," added Azazel.

"Finally, to the main point of our meeting. Because of the increased terrorist activity, and also the new Khaos Order trying to invade other universes and take control of them, or even destroy them—the current leaders of each faction of the DxD alliance have proposed something." Azazel then looked at me, "Well, he's also included too."


He ignored me and continued. "The factions and pantheons that are not in our alliance yet are feeling nervous, so—this brat, proposed to create a counter-terrorist team that consist of the strongest fighters of the current generation," announced Azazel.

"Is that why you were absent for two nights in a row, Jin?" asked Akeno.

"Yeah, pretty much," I replied to her. "This team can act freely in any of the factions and pantheons of the world, even the ones we're not allied with. The ones chosen for that team are here today—well mostly all of us, some couldn't make it," I added.

"Seems reasonable. I'm all for this counter-terrorist team," said Rias.

"I don't see a problem with this," added Sona.

"I have no objections."

"I also agree, although it seems most of us will play a supporting role."

Seekvaira and Sairaorg also agreed.

"I also agree~, my old bones need to move around again, and it's also been a while since I've been to the front lines~ an old geezer like myself needs the exercise after all," said the First Generation Sun Wukong.

"Hmm…" hummed Dulio and everyone turned to look at him.

"Is something wrong, Dulio?" asked Griselda.

"Wouldn't we need a name for this group?" he asked.

After we all heard that, we stared at him, but then everyone turned to look at me, confusing me.

"Then… how about Team [DxD]?" answered Shirone. "It can stand for Devil, Dragon, and Downfall—as in 'fallen' like a fallen angel."

"Team [DxD], huh? I don't see a problem with that. As far as I can tell, the Three Dragons of our universe are the strongest. Irene and Ophis who are with Jin, and also the Dual Dragon Emperor of this generation," said Azazel.

"If it's not weird, I'm fine with it," chuckled Dulio.

"I'll leave the naming to the youngsters," added Sun Wukong.

"So… who's the leader for it? You know, the face of this upcoming counter-terrorist team?" asked Danu.

Everyone chuckled at the goddess confusing her, and then they all turned to me.

"Hmm? What?" I asked.

"It's a bit obvious on whom the team leader is," said Rias.

"Hmm-hmm, Jin-senpai is the one who started the whole 'I want peace, I want an alliance!' kind of thing, right?" added Saji.

"It's only appropriate," added Griselda. "The Dual Dragon who wanted peace. I think you're the only one who fits this category. Unless you don't want it, then let's choose Dulio," added Griselda.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeh?! M-me?! No, no, no, no, that's impossible! It has to be Jin!" Dulio waved his hands in front of him and refused to accept the request.

"Then as for sub leaders... let's choose two. Dulio, and First Gen Sun Wukong, is that okay with both of you?" Azazel asked, ignoring Dulio's protests.

"W-well, if it's just a sub-leader role, I'm fine with it…" mumbled Dulio.

"I do not mind. In the end, a young person should be the leader, so choosing the Middleman is a good move," he replied.

"Vali, you and your team will also be part of the group. With me and Jin advocating for you, your statuses for being terrorist will have a high chance of being revoked. You guys are also powerful. This team will need you guys."

Vali's team, who were in the corner of the room—they were quite brazen as the monkey was eating the food provided without a care in the world and the rest were just being very lazy as they relaxed on the chairs and weren't listening too intently.

"That's what he said, Albion. Are you dissatisfied by this?" asked Vali to his Sacred Gear and partner.

{No, I am fine with it. It gives me a better opportunity to speak with the Red One and the other White One,} replied Albion.

"But… even with both you, and Jin advocating for Vali and his team to be excused from being terrorists…" said Sona.

"The Geezer Odin is also helping out, not many people out there, gods included will go against him, add Jin to that, and well, you know what I mean, right?" he asked. "Oh, and he adopted Vali, so there's that… who would try to question Odin's new son? Heh."

"And you didn't adopt him? Talk about raising someone for X amount of years, only to go out and buy milk, leaving the rest to someone older than him to deal with," I said to Azazel and snorted.

First Gen Wukong then poked Bikou on the back and said, "I will summon you when I need to, don't run away, brat." He then turned to everyone else, "I can barely tell most of your powers anymore, but I will still train you all! We're a team, so it's my role as a sub-leader to train you young ones up!"

"Heh, being trained by the First Gen? I couldn't ask for a better sparring partner!" said Vali fearlessly.

"Even though you lost to that Oni of another world? Well, I do want to see how powerful your version of the [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive] is," said First Gen Wukong.

I stood up and everyone turned to me to look at me.

"The multiverse is infinite. Who knows what others the new Khaos Order will recruit to fight against us and invade this world? I have a suitable place to train, so we'll take advantage of that and I'll leave Sun Wukong to train you all. You'll be fighting gods and beings of that level from now on," I said to them.

"But first and foremost, we will deal with Rizevim and the Qlippoth. After that, we'll deal with any others that pop-up. Evil Gods, the Evie faction, the Phantasma, and other smaller factions in the Khaos Order!" I shouted.

"From this day onward, the newly formed counter-terrorist group, Team [DxD] is officially in operation!" I declared.

"Yeah!!" many shouted in approval after I said that.

The participating teams of the Special Multiversal Anti-Terrorist Team [DxD]:

Leader: Jin Skyward (Aaron Toole) [Boosted Gear] + [Divine Dividing] (Mixed Team)

Sub-Leaders: Dulio Gesualdo (Brave Saint – Joker [Zenith Tempest]) (Heaven)

Sun Wukong (First Generation) (Mt. Sumeru)

Technology Adviser + General Adviser: Azazel (Fallen Angel Governor) (Grigori)

Participating Teams:

The Electa + Shadow Soldiers + Stahlritter + Nocturnes + Pleiades + G.o.B + Guardians (Various) (Jin)

Rias Gremory's group (Devils + Multiple Sacred Gears) (Underworld)

Sairaorg Bael's group (Devils + [Regulus Nemea] + Others) (Underworld)

Sona Sitri's group (Devils + Multiple Sacred Gears) (Underworld)

Seekvaira Agreas' group (Devils) (Underworld)

The Brave Saints (Angels) (Heaven)

Team Slash/Dog (Humans) (Four Fiends + [Absolute Demise] + [True Longinus]) (Grigori)

The Five Principal Clan's group (Humans + Sacred Beasts)

Grauzauberer (Human Magicians + Mephisto Pheles)

West Youkai's group (Various Youkai)

The Irish group (Gods + Others) (Irish Pantheon)

The Greek group (Gods + Others) (Greek Pantheon)

The Norse group (Gods + Others) (Nose Pantheon)

The Shinto group (Gods + Others) (Shinto Pantheon)

The Egyptian group (Gods + Others) (Egyptian Pantheon)

The Slavic group (Gods + Others) (Slavic Pantheon)

The Great Red (Irene Belserion) (Jin) (Dragons)

The Dragon God of Infinity (Ophis) (Jin) (Dragons)

The [Welsh Dragon] Ddraig + The [Vanishing Dragon] Albion (Jin) (Dragons)

The [Chaos Karma Dragon] Tiamat (Jin [Benefactor]) (Dragons)

The [Mischievous Dragon] Yu-Long (Sun Wukong) (Dragons)

The [Prison Dragon] Vritra (Saji) (Dragons)

Temporary Members:

Team Vali [Divine Dividing] (Mixed Team)

The [Vanishing Dragon] Albion.

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