Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 6 – Part 3 – Unfortunate Circumstances

Third Person Point of View

Asahi Sato sat on a chair in the tower that was far away from the central town of the Tengu realm, Shifengu. He was looking out a small window near the top of the tower as he was waiting for some back-up and comrades from the Monkai Association of the Khaos Order.

He—Asahi Sato was abandoned by his parents when he was young. He had to navigate the harsh world of the supernatural by himself. The future was bleak for him, however, he persevered and he managed to make it to where he is now.

Most wouldn't see the path he took as an honorable one. The reason why his parents abandoned him was simple—they could not provide for him, and they were also in heavy debt. So to save their son, they abandoned him so he wouldn't be burdened by their poor choices in life.

Asahi Sato was a name he gave himself—he doesn't know his 'real' name that his parents would have given him, or he was simply too young to remember the name that was given to him. Asahi Sato traveled the supernatural realms of Japan, as well as its normal human cities. He used Magic, Youjutsu, Senjutsu, Touki and Kasha.

Asahi also mastered hand-to-hand combat all on his own, as well as the ability to use most weapons. Asahi built himself from the ground up and flourished. He was classified as a youkai, so he could have simply joined the East or West Youkai factions of Kyoto, but he didn't. Instead, he wanted to embark on a different path—one with power. Because that's the only thing that has kept him company for many years.

One day, on his travels, he was defeated by one of the Seekers of Truth. Mard Geer. Asahi was overwhelmed. He believed that he could take on most people—the exceptions were the Satans, Seraphs, Cadres and Gods. Yet, he was defeated by an unknown man.

After that, he was invited to join their organization. He was enticed by the promises of being even stronger! At first, he refused the vial of blood that was being provided. However, he eventually conceded as it was proven to give anyone increased strength. It could also hide them from the Middleman's tracking.

Before he took the vial—he was tasked in infiltrating the Shinto realm—there were many spies in each realm for the Khaos Order, however, Asahi and two others were given the task in going there. His other accomplices were two other Oni, and they also had the same upbringing as Asahi, but one of them had long fallen into insanity before they joined the organization. While the other only joined because they wanted money.

Asahi, as he spent more time in the Shinto realm—specifically, Zyoto, Vadaya… he started to get accustomed to his fake persona. He for the first time in his life was having fun and living life like a normal person of his age. However, he was reminded of his role after the Middleman visited the realm.

He was thankful that he didn't notice anything strange about him—but equated it to him not taking the vial yet. Asahi at first glance knew he couldn't win against the Middleman, so he played along and even gained some trust from him.

Asahi knew that he was in too deep to stop now—he also ran the risk of being killed if he decided to leave the organization because of the new changes in leadership and new factions rising and falling. It had become even more tense when he went back there.

The alliance with the Evie faction and the Phantasma. Asahi was offered a chance to go increase his powers while in the Crepuscule Phantasma's universe, however, he declined with the reason of wanting to fulfill his current mission first.

Asahi sighed as he realized that his time was coming to an end. He didn't know if his time as a terrorist was coming to an end or his own life, but… one or both were and he knew it.

'I'm too far into it, I can't back out. I have to push forward even if I don't like it. There are no second chances in life. Even those two know that we can't do anything about it now... though I doubt the other one cares, she basically lost her mind before she joined.' He thought and sighed again.

Asahi leaned over and looked down below. Beneath him, on the ground were the Arataki Itto gang. He had used a mind-control spell on them that he had been taught by Promestein. He had to use his 'friends' to cause trouble or enough destruction in the realm. This was for both Sakata Kintoki, one of Apophis' clones and a subordinate of one of the Phantasma and Evie faction. This was so they could do their job in peace.

Asahi didn't like anyone from the Phantasma or Evie. To him, they were beyond evil. Even the 'evil' ones from the Draconic Deus he thought were still a bit easier to handle, but to the ones from those universes—it was one of the reasons he refused to go, even if it meant more power.

[Asahi.] a voice called out.

Asahi turned his attention behind him as a communication magic circle had appeared. The voice was familiar—it was one of the Oni.

"What?" he asked back.

[It seems the Middleman and his group killed the clones of Apophis-sama and Kintoki-sama. We'll need you to draw their attention in that realm—you need to be a sacrifice so we can finish our preparations,] said the voice.

"…I set up some magical cameras around the town of Shifengu. If they track us down here, I'll know since I'll see them and also he probably went to Itto's right-hand woman, Kuki Shinobu," he said to her.

Asahi knew he only had a limited time before they asked the Middleman for his assistance. Asahi had no idea what their overall goal here was. He knew he wouldn't contribute much to anything in their grand scheme, but he would still do his job.

"Do you know why we're here?" he asked her.

[Not really, but I heard rumors,] replied the voice.


[Rumor says that King Enma, the Lord of Hell gifted the Water Serpent Shirayuki some kind of item or artifact a long time ago. Some defectors of that realm told our leaders and they are searching for it. That's why they pushed her out of her waterways and home. But like I said, it's rumors.]

'I see, so that's the reason for polluting those waters…' thought Asahi as he looked at the table in front of him. "Are they still looking for it?" he asked.

[Dunno, but they said that if they started to set up for the main event, then they probably found it, or confirmed that it was false and will still continue with their plans. I mean, we're just fodder, you know? We just gotta try to survive the next day,] said that voice.

[Anyway, me and the other one are setting up our own thing to help out Kintoki-sama and Apophis-sama. So keep them distracted for as long as you can, Asahi. Ciao~]

The communication magic circle disappeared and left Asahi to think to himself. He wanted to know if the artifact or item was real and if they had found it. He wanted to know if they were going to use it today, or at another time.

The 'Alliance of Hell' is now known as the 'Alliance of the Evil Gods'. They had tried to recruit King Enma into the faction, however, he did not agree with Hades and many of the beliefs and ideas that the faction held. Many of its members were angered by this, and in the future they plan on retaliating against King Enma by attacking the Buddhist temples in Kyoto.

"She mentioned those two, but what about them…?"

However, Asahi's thought process was interrupted as he heard the sound of metal clanking beneath him. All the hairs on his body stood at attention and his body tensed. Asahi got up from his chair and stared at the stairs as he saw a figure walk up them.

She had silver hair tied in twin tails, and red eyes. Her entire body was made out of mechanical parts—an android or cyborg woman. There were two swords on her back, and on her left breast were the numbers '00'.

Asahi immediately kneeled down. "H-how can I help you, Vamotl-sama?" he asked.

"…We will commence an attack on Shifengu, the Middleman is on his way here," said the woman named Vamotl.

"Y-yes, at once!" he almost shouted. After that, Vamotl left and Asahi breathed a sigh of relief.

Vamotl, a goddess that originated from the universe of the Fadir Ferdora. She like many was originally killed off, however, the ones that the Evie faction took an interest in were reborn as mechanical beings like themselves, or androids like herself.

Vamotl was the Sword Goddess of her planet and she was among the strongest. However, she and everyone else on her planet stood no chance against the powers of the Evie, and thus she and her people perished.

Unfortunately for her, she was reborn as an android that is destined to serve the ones that killed her for all of eternity. Her body will follow the programming it has received from Evie, she has no will, and she has no say in anything. But her consciousness remained, and she detested her life.

Every mission and every life she took after becoming the monster she is—regret, rage and sorrow filled her heart. If she could break free of their hold, she would join the Etoulde faction, or anyone that would fight against the Evie. Her hatred burned from deep within her soul.

"I'll never get used to her," muttered Asahi. To him, she was an existence out of his league, both in power and in status. Even if she was just a slave to the Evie faction.

"But… we have to start now, huh? …Hmm, never mind, they're here," he said to himself as he saw on his magic cameras that Aaron and his companions had arrived in Shifengu. Asahi breathed in and breathed out, "Let's do this…!"

"To think that King Enma made such an item in the past and then gave it to a mere Water Serpent, it's preposterous!" said a follower of Sakata Kintoki.

Takamagahara was a place where Sakata Kintoki, the Apophis clone, the Phantasma member and many other followers were hiding. They all took the blood and weren't detectable by Aaron, however, they were nearly done with their preparations.

One of the followers of Kintoki held up the object they were searching for. An uchiwa (Japanese traditional fan). It was a small gift given to Shirayuki by chance when she met the Lord of Hell, King Enma. King Enma simply enjoyed the chat they had and created such an item on the spot.

A normal uchiwa would not be this sought out after, however, this particular uchiwa functioned like an artifact or the holy relics of the church. It was powerful—very powerful. With a simple swipe of this fan, the one wielding it can create winds twice as strong as hurricane Katarina—the hurricane that was from the USA.

175 Mph, to 350 Mph. Not only that, but since they were granted by King Enma, the fans can also produce powerful flames, and can break any seal produced by Ultimate-class or Ultimate-level beings. But its most powerful ability was… to turn the world into a fiery pit of hell.

King Enma's uchiwa can transform half of Russia into a sea of flames instantly, just like Lavinia Reni's [Absolute Demise] Balance Breaker, [Assoluto Argento Mondo] which provokes blizzards across an entire battlefield.

However, these flames are different to the ones it usually produces as it can never be extinguished unless the wielder of the fan wants it to stop. Much like the [Amaterasu] of the Narutoverse, it cannot be extinguished by normal means—only the wielder or a special way can be used.

"With such a powerful tool, we can engulf this realm!" said the man in possession of the fan.

"…You do know the real reason for acquiring that artifact, right?" asked Apophis as he calmly stared at the man.

"O-of course, Apophis-sama. We will implant it into a worthy user, and have them become the artifact itself. The witches of the Wizard of Oz are doing the same thing with their artifact," he replied.

"Good, now leave with it. If we lose it to the Middleman then severe consequences will happen to all of us," ordered Apophis and the man immediately left with the artifact back to the Khaos Order.

"We only need my power, magic, Kintoki and…" muttered Apophis as he looked at the young man who was sitting away from them.

He was a subordinate to the 4th ranked Eradicator of the Phantasma. He believed that he didn't need a clone, and would face Aaron himself head-on. He didn't want to resort to cheap and cowardly tactics.

Anomus—that was his name. He like the 4th Eradicator had to train to get this far, and just like the 4th Eradicator, he himself went at everything with all his might. He also did not like all the secrecy about everything. Anomus took it head-on and was quite honest with his thoughts. You would have mistaken him for a youth that belonged to the Draconic Deus if not for his aura.

He faced hardships back in his home universe. However, he was one of the few that was 'positive' in his outlook on life. Although he had almost been killed many times, he was saved by his master, who was ranked 4th among the Eradicators.

Today, Anomus will prove his worth. He like many other subordinates of the Eradicators have conquered planets and universes. Today, in this realm, it would be play out the same—those were his thoughts.

Anomus was a young man with long straight black hair with red fringe at the front. He had sharp yellow eyes and wore black and red armor. The weapon of his choosing was a large greatsword that was gifted to him by his master, the 4th rank of the Eradicators.

Before going on this mission and after he told his master his intentions, he was left with these words: 'Then just do your best like you always have! Whether it's conquering planets or universes, whether it's simply training and sparring with your fellow comrades, push yourself to the limit and do not falter! That's how I should behave and so should my subordinates. If you perish, I will avenge you!'

With those words, even if Anomus were to perish today, he would be satisfied with life. But as a prerequisite he had the Khaos Order program that upon defeat or death, his memories would also vanish. Anomus was loyal to the very end, because he owed his life to his master.

"Report, everything is in place. Shall we commence the mission?" a member of their group came back in and asked.

The one leading this mission—Sakata Kintoki looked at everyone and nodded.

"We are ready. Let us begin our mission," he ordered them.

Kintoki has his own mission—the original was to retrieve the artifact. That was accomplished, and once it was, he was allowed to do this, even if it was for his own personal gain and grudge. Sakata Kintoki's grudge against the Shinto gods…

He wanted to eradicate them—he who was on the brink of death because of a certain Evil God's actions after a certain event in history that was lost to him… he begged to be saved—yet no one came. Years later he was resurrected by a terrorist organization—given many upgrades and power-ups and found out his previous captain and love interest was still alive and had ascended to godhood.

When he saw her today—Minamoto no Raiko, his feelings from back then still remained the same, but at the same time he understood… that being near the current Red Dragon—no, the Dual Dragon Emperor, most women would fall to his hands.

With both anger and jealousy in his heart, today—even if he was a clone, he would profess his love for her, and would forcefully take her and make her join the organization he was in, so that they could be with each other for eternity.

He—Sakata Kintoki found this normal as he and Raiko had spent many years together, as he was part of her [Four Heavenly Kings] and was also quite close to her when both of them were still humans. He didn't understand how the Middleman and the famous Raiko had grown so close even after only a few months.

Today, he would ask her himself. As he knew that the Middleman knows of his real identity and would tell Raiko and it would plague her mind.

With those thoughts in mind, Sasaki Kintoki, Apophis and Anomus left the temporary base they were using.


Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

Upon arriving at the Tengu realm Shifengu and together with Yuanteng, we decided to address the current Tengu leaders, Sōjōbō and Surasu. We quickly flew down to the town and the damage that was told to us was mostly been fixed, however, it was visible that some of the residents there were still quite shaken up by it, but…


Inaie who was with us, she was getting stares from everyone there. Even from the younger Tengus. Inaie had told us before that the legends of the tower that she used to call home were still quite prevalent in modern Tengu society. Whether they were in this realm, or the Tengu who chooses to live in different parts of Japan.

Inaie said nothing, but I could see that she wasn't too bothered by it—she was just bothered by the amount of people just staring at her in general. She didn't care about their opinions anymore since she decided to live for herself and make a future for herself.

"I'm a celebrity today, huh?" she asked and grinned. The few who heard her turned away in disgust, but she shrugged it off. "A big one~!"

Even though she wasn't bothered by it, Suzaku pampered the younger hybrid by hugging her from behind and Inaie's head using Suzaku's breasts as a pillow as they walked. When I looked back at her, she glowed at me.

"Jealous, Aaron?" she asked.

Nothing came out of my mouth as I sighed at her. What a troublesome girl she's become over the years, though that's a better outcome than becoming evil or constantly depressed. We eventually reached the entrance to the castle and were greeted by Anzu and Sho, the two Tengu guards from before.

"Oh, Middleman-san! Hello, are you here to see Sōjōbō-sama?" asked Sho.

"Yeah, I'm here to speak to them, if they're available that is," I replied.

"Oh they are, go ahead," said Anzu.

We entered the building and this time, Inaie was the one to run forward and leave us behind. It seems like she was excited to see both her adopted parents—or should I just say parents?

As soon as we arrived in front of the entrance to the throne room, Inaie's voice could be heard, as well as the two leaders talking to one another. We entered the room and saw that they were already pampering her, and they looked surprised to see her this soon after only being apart for a few months.

"Ah, Jin-kun. Welcome back to our realm. This way be quick, but what in the world did you feed Inaie to make her this tall?" Sōjōbō asked and pointed at Inaie who looked quite smug.

In deadpan fashion, I announced, "With delicious food and my love!"


And I was immediately hit on the head by Rias with a paper fan. I didn't flinch though and smiled at the two fathers of Inaie. They stared at me with dumbfounded expressions before Sōjōbō started to laugh, and Surasu smiled in return.

"I see, I see. I'm glad our daughter is living a good life in the human world then, but… you don't just freeload, do you? You work, don't you, Inaie?" asked Sōjōbō as he stared at Inaie who started to sweat nervously.

I-I, well, I do a lot of work around the house…? A-and Jin said that once he opens his restaurant I'll be employed there!" she told them and looked at me for backup.

"That is true. I will employ Inaie as well as a few others. But for now she's getting training from one of my fiancé on how to be an excellent cook and person, well…"

"—A maid," she said making both of her fathers give me a questioning look.

"Oh? I didn't think Jin-kun had a maid fetish! We learn something new every day, don't we?" asked Benkei and then she laughed to herself.

"…Well, Jin does have a few maids… the Pleiades, Sharon, Grayfia, and a few of us wear maid outfits from time-to-time…" Rias said and then turned to look at me. "Jin, you do have a maid fetish…"

"I don't…"

{[He lied.]}

My lips twitched but I ignored the two dragons. "It's a coincidence, Rias. Anyway, I am here for business, Sōjōbō and Surasu."

"Hmm. Inaie told us a bit about it. We have felt that we have been watched a few times by different eyes over the last few weeks. However, we have not felt anyone trying to take our lives," said Surasu.

"Mmm. None of the guards have alerted us, and even if it doesn't look like it, we have a tight and professional security team in this home of mine," added Sōjōbō. He gestured with his hands and some magic revealed several magic circles around the room—no, the entire building.

"Yeah well, we think—"



"Stay calm. I covered this city with a barrier when we arrived. So if that attack didn't come from within, then they should be safe. However, from the sounds of it, someone attacked us from the outside," I told them and sighed.

"We won't sit still. Whoever is attacking our realm, we will also fight," said Sōjōbō.

"I won't stop you, but don't get yourself killed because of your pride," I added and turned around. "Let's go."

We made haste and arrived back outside. A few of the Tengu's were panicked, but they weren't too bothered as the barrier I had erected protected them from the attack. I didn't know if Asahi would use sneak attacks or just regularly attack us, but it seems to be the former.

Above in the sky was Asahi floating using magic. With him were Itto, his gang, multiple Evie mecha soldiers, a few monster cryptid hybrids, some fallen angels and… a silver-haired robot woman?

When I used [Observe] on her, it said her name was Vamotl and she was a goddess of one of the planets in the Fadir Ferdora universe. I frowned when I saw this as she was around the peak of God-class in strength—so around Shiva's in terms of raw power.

Asahi was at least Satan-class in strength. Since I couldn't feel his aura anymore, he must have drunk the blood. The rest of them were still the same strength, but I could see that Itto's arm was still broken with no attempts at healing it.

"Boss!" shouted Shinobu, but it obviously didn't get through to Itto who started smashing his body against the barrier.

"Shinobu, do you know any healing magic or first aid?" I asked.

"…Eh? Ah, yes I do since they tend to get themselves hurt I—"

"Good, leave Itto to us and his gang. We'll get them back, just provide support, alright?" I said to her as I glanced at her. She nodded after a few seconds of staring at me. "Suzaku, Raiko, go back to Takamagahara," I ordered them.

"…I do not mind, but may I ask why?" asked Raiko.

"This may be a distraction, so you two go back up to those in the main realm, with some of my shadows and Rose. I'll deal with these guys here and then we'll join you guys."

"Very well, we'll see you there," Raiko replied, and she and Suzaku disappeared.

'Shadow soldiers, spread out and protect the citizens,' I ordered them and turned to my companions. "I'll take care of the robot looking woman. She's from the Evie, the rest of you deal with the rest… I'll let you guys choose who'll deal with Itto."

After saying that, I removed the illusion around me and kicked the former goddess in the stomach and launched us far away from everyone else.

We arrived at the far end of Shifengu. Her stomach was damaged, but I held back enough. I wanted to see if she had any consciousness left. Someone—a goddess that had their planet and people taken away from them by the Evie, I wanted to speak with them.

"Vamotl, you're a former goddess, right? Why work for the Evie faction?" I asked. She didn't answer me as she took out her two words and brandished them, and then she changed into a stance and pointed her blades at me.

"I am here to eliminate you. There are no other words that are need to be said," she calmly told me. However, a small part of her—her eyes told a different story. It was small and subtle, but I could see she didn't want to do this.

"I see."

She appeared in front of me and tried to slash at me, but I swiftly dodged her strike. She continued her assault. Each swing of her blades created large energy beams that would have destroyed our surroundings if it were not for me destroying them as they left her swords.

It didn't appear that she was taking this seriously at all yet. She must be testing the waters with me, perhaps even calculating my current and potential combat ability?

Her eyes suddenly glowed and she swung both her swords at me, and multiple slashes appeared all around me. I dodged them all as she appeared behind me and thrust one of her swords at me. Again I dodged it, but she followed it up with another swing of her other sword that was imbued with some kind of blue particle.

She then split herself into four, so I was now facing three others along with the original. Silently, they all flew at me and each was just as powerful as the original. They aimed to kill with every swing they made.

'Cúntóir. Can you make a new body?'

Cúntóir: Answer: Do you plan on making her your subordinate?

'If it's possible, then yeah. She's from a different universe, but should have some information regarding the Evie faction. But we have to be quick about it, otherwise…'

Cúntóir: Answer: Very well, please give me five minutes. I will attempt to create an entirely different body type that isn't detectable by Nyarlathotep. But it will be risky and complicated, please stall until then.

'Every advantage is welcomed; also, can't you do that for me?'

Cúntóir: Answer: …We can speak about that another time. You are around 80% of the way to your evolution which gives me the possibility to use certain abilities you were locked away from using.

That was news to me, but sure why not? Wait does that mean… that I always had the powers to use to begin with? They just limited me?

'If I were to theoretically push myself and use those locked abilities, what would happen?' I asked her, but she didn't give me an answer. However, I had a vague idea of what would happen.

I dodged another flurry of attacks from Vamotl and her clones. One of them was using some sort of gravity manipulation to slow me down, the other was constantly using some sort of teleporting/swapping ability on me. To swap places with her, so they would try to catch me off guard.

The other one's speed had increased by a significant amount. However, when I deflected some strikes, they were weaker. It seemed like she had sacrificed power for speed, and the original was continuously sending energy slashes at me.

I had to do this for at least five minutes. It felt more like a hassle than anything. But having her on our side should be good... hmm? I didn't know if Cúntóir was using the same body design as the one that Vamotl was in, or if she was creating a new look for her?

Dodging another attack, I wanted to see the limit of her 'cloning', so after I dodged another attack, I delivered a sideways kick towards her, and two of her clones were destroyed, the one using the gravity manipulation and the one with the increased speed.

Almost instantly, she created new ones equipped with the same abilities. But as soon as she made them, I used consecutive normal punches at them and killed them again. I wanted to find out if they were tied to her 'power' or some kind of 'stamina'. But knowing the Evie's, they shouldn't give themselves handicaps like this.

I was also surprised by their new approach, similar to that of the old villains of the Draconic Deus. You would think that mechanical aliens who conquered worlds and universes they would just send in their armies to annihilate us, but…

[It has to be Lapis or whatever plans they might have in the background, Partner.]

{Right, that's the only logical conclusion. The Evie and Phantasma has to have their own agenda and will eventually betray the ones in our universe and then kill us all—or each other. They're not one for cooperation.}

'Unless they're preparing for a full-scale invasion. I mean for both the Phantasma and Evie,' said Rudra.

I had my own worries and theories. If they do a full-scale invasion, then they might use their full might as well as using Trihexa and whatever else they manage to bring here… I shook my head. Let's focus on this and deal with that in the future. I can only hope that I evolve before any of that happens.

Third Person Point of View

"Inaie, can I leave you to defend this town if any of them manage to slip through or break a part of the barrier?" Rias asked the young hybrid.

"I was already planning on doing that, Rias!" the young hybrid answered enthusiastically.

"Great, Shigune-san please support me along with Yuanteng-san," ordered Rias.

"I will stand by your side, Rias-sama," replied Yuanteng.

"Yes, of course, Rias-san!" said Shigune and Poh came out as he stood on Shigune's shoulder.

"Kuki Shinobu-san… we'll get them back for you, please do as Jin said."

Kuki Shinobu nodded her head and ran towards people that had fallen down during the initial explosion.

Yuanteng summoned some talismans and held two of her fingers up. Suddenly the entire town was engulfed in white light. She had activated a healing talisman that would continuously heal everyone that was part of Aaron's group. However, it would provide a debuff to their enemies who decide to step into that light. It would reduce their speed by at least 50% and any type of healing magic, item, ability or even Sacred Gear would have a 50% reduction in effectiveness.

Yuanteng may look like a normal human female, but she was also a dragon much like her master and creator. Aaron decided he needed more subordinates that were just more than normal humans and monsters/youkai, so he decided to make a dragon subordinate.

In the 8 Guardians, he had one elf and one demon, and the rest were humans. So he wanted to have more diversity in his small faction he was growing.

"I will use this as support, Rias-sama, Shigune-sama, Inaie-sama. Please rest assured and do not worry about the people here," said Yuanteng.

"Thank you," they thanked her and Rias with Shigune and Poh flew towards Asahi and Itto's gang.

"Rias-san, I will defeat Itto-san. I think you should fight Asahi-san." Shigune then brought Poh to her chest as she flew towards the Arataki Itto gang without waiting for Rias' reply.

Before they reached Asahi, he pulled out some kind of object and hit the barrier that Aaron created, shattering it. With that action, the monsters and mecha soldiers that he had brought flew in a frenzy towards the Tengu below.

Rias and Shigune trust Yuanteng and Inaie to focus on their enemies. Shigune first arrived in front of a still mind-controlled Arataki Itto gang.

'Aaron-san taught us a few things over the years, and changed our bodies to be able to use abilities that we normally wouldn't be able to… so it should be possible,' Shigune thought and looked at the 3 males with Itto.

She brought out her whip that Aaron had gifted her months ago and lightly glared at her 'opponents'. Much like Poh, Aaron had given this whip the ability to 'Devour' anything, and it would evolve alongside Shigune as she got better at using Poh.

"Poh, support me. Don't let them do anything reckless," ordered Shigune and Poh made a cute noise from her shoulder.

Shigune then aimed her whip at the three men and used the [Devour] effect of the whip. Normally, these three young men would be killed upon being devoured. However, Shigune had trained extensively over the years, and she aimed at the magic, technique or ability that were used on these three young men.

It may sound cruel, but she wanted to try them out on them as it seemed that Shuten Doji and Kuki Shinobu cared more for Arataki Itto rather than the three humans following him. The move that Shigune used was successful as the ability that was used on them was devoured and the three young men were spared and had looks of confusion stretched across their faces.

"H-huh? W-where are we…?" one of them asked.

"I-isn't this the Tengu realm…?"

"Ugh… did we smear poop everywhere at our base…?"

All three of them were confused, and Shigune turned to look at Itto. However, the Oni had turned his attention to her and activated his [Royal Descent: Behold, Itto the Evil!] which increased his power by several folds and started attacking Shigune.

Shigune on the other hand avoided all his attacks. Itto charged and tried to punch Shigune on the face, but she easily maneuvered in the air and used Itto's own momentum to push herself higher up into the air, and then kicked him on the head, making him crash into the ground.

"I don't know what's happening, but boss, what are you doing?! That's Shigune-san who was with the Middleman from a few months ago!" one of them shouted.

"Right, please stop or you'll get your butt kicked!" another added.

Shigune shook her head and quickly explained what had happened to them and that Asahi Sato might be behind it. All three of them were shocked upon hearing it.

"No… I thought he was…"

"I knew something was fishy about him, dammit! We failed the boss!"

Shigune smiled at them and decided to use the same move on Itto that she used on his gang members. As she was preparing to do so, some cryptids and mecha soldiers flew towards her to try to attack her. But Poh turned around, opened his mouth and a large black and white vortex appeared from his mouth and ate the enemies that were coming towards them.

"Thank you, Poh!" Shigune said and Poh made a cute sound in approval. "Come back to your friends, Itto-san!" Shigune shouted as Itto had stood back up and was consumed by a black and brown vortex and Shigune activated the [Devour] effect.

After a few seconds the vortex finally disappeared and Arataki Itto was left standing alone and confused.

"Huh? What the—where are we?!" he asked and then groaned in pain. "What the… why is my arm broken?! What is happening?!"

Shigune along with Itto's gang flew down to him and she explained what had happened, and Itto was quite obviously mortified.

"Dammit! I caused that much damage?! I want to be a gang leader, not some terrorist! W-wait, am I going to be charged…?!" he asked in a panic and his face paled even further. "Also… that Asahi, I thought he was a fan of mine. Why did he…?"

Itto was obviously distraught about this. Over the few months he had come to know Asahi, he had started to call him a true friend, even if he didn't say it out loud to him or anybody else. They sparred together, ate together, caused mischief together—in Itto's mind, he would even call him his brother.

"Was it all a lie…?!" he asked himself, anger and frustration evident on his face.

"Boss…" Shinobu came over and felt pity for his boss, and so did his other friends.

"Shigune-san, if it's possible, can we… not kill Asahi? I'm dumb, and I know he'll definitely have to spend time in prison or jail after this, but…"

"…I'm not sure, but you'll need to ask Jin-san about it. It will also depend on Asahi-san's confession, cooperation and attitude," replied Shigune.

All of them turned their attention towards Asahi Sato and Rias Gremory.

"You can come quietly and surrender now, Asahi Sato. With Jin's help you can probably have a reduced sentence on you if you cooperate with us. Just tell us everything you know and the plans of the Khaos Order," said Rias.

Asahi chuckled to himself and shook his head. "If it were only that easy, heiress to the House of Gremory. I have thought about it many times, but it can't happen. I will definitely die if I switch sides now. I'm in too deep, so save your breath and come at me!" he shouted and covered his body with touki.

Asahi aimed for Rias' face but as his fist arrived a mere few inches from her face…

"Argh?!" Asahi yelled out in pain and backed away. He was shocked and confused. He looked at his left arm and his hand all the way up to his elbow. Everything was annihilated. Only spurting blood was left.

Rias over the 100 years had focused on mastering, honing and making her own [Power of Destruction] even stronger. During that time, she had developed her own version of her brother's [Aura of Destruction]. However, this version that she was using right now was the weaker version she had developed.

The [Aura of Destruction] is Sirzechs' 'True' form, and his trump card. This form pushed Sirzechs to the top ten strongest in their world and was the reason for his and the Anti-Satan faction's win during the civil war.

Rias didn't know about this, but Aaron had told her about it during Sirzechs' retelling of the devil's civil war the night before they went into the [Pocket Dimension]. So with this information, Rias underwent another 'change' that she requested from Aaron, and this was the result of years of training on her part.

Her [Passive Aura of Destruction] functioned the same way as Sirzechs' [Aura of Destruction]. However, it could distinguish who touched her and whether they were an enemy or an ally. So if Akeno or even Amaterasu were to touch her they wouldn't be hurt.

However, Asahi was as he was currently seen as an enemy. Asahi cauterized his wound with fire magic and despair was starting to weigh on his mind. He couldn't use physical attacks; his prized hand-to-hand techniques would be useless.

"I can still use other tech—aaaaarrrghhh?!"

Before he knew it, Asahi had been struck by Rias' as she had kicked him on the leg and that body part was completely destroyed. Rias then used demonic ice to seal Asahi's movements and chopped his neck, knocking him out. The demonic ice she used also stopped his bleeding, so it also saved him from bleeding out.

Rias then made the block of ice float to the ground; she placed it in a safe location near a building and covered it with another barrier. She then turned to the remaining and rampaging monsters and cryptids.

"Kill the rest of those things, after that we'll wait for Aaron," said Rias as she fired two balls of [Power of Destruction] at a group of monsters eliminating them. Everyone agreed with her and they flew away.

Rias looked in the distance and saw the two leaders also helping with defending the realm alongside their daughter Inaie. Both parents and child looked quite happy doing so.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

Four minutes should have passed, so I only needed to stall for another minute, and I could sense that everyone was killing the ones that appeared near them. It also seemed like they had beat Asahi and Itto already, though they weren't that tough to beat.

Vamotl had started to use more powerful attacks on me, and she dismissed her clones earlier, around the two-minute mark. The two small swords she had been using had been encased in large auras that looked like glitches. They were around 25 m tall and 10 m in width. With each swing of those blades, they caused even more destruction than in their normal states.

Instead of just energy waves after each swing—she destroyed part of the space she swung at. I had to actively repair these tears in space, and she was starting to become reckless with her attacking as it seemed like she was getting frustrated.

However, she suddenly backed away and glared at me.

'Cúntóir, update?'

Cúntóir: Answer: One more minute!

However, Vamotl wasn't willing to wait an extra minute for me. She put her right sword in front of her, and the other behind it. She had removed the large aura that covered it before doing so, and suddenly, her power skyrocketed.

[Seems like she's preparing to use some kind of finishing move, Partner!]

'I can see that,' I replied and focused back on the android woman. The swords around her started to emit that glitch-like effect again, however, instead of expanding and growing larger, it became denser around the swords, not only that her entire body started to produce that effect.

The realm also started to shake, and I could see parts of it starting to erode and break. This woman was determined to kill me, or end this realm trying. I'll have to end it now. I just hope Cúntóir has everything else ready after creating the body.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I asked her. But I got no response, so I decided to use [Observe] one more time and inquired, "Do you not miss the title of being called Goddess of Swords?"

That made one of her eyebrows twitched. It seems like a big enough stimulus from the past made her react. So I'll stay with the topics of swords then.

"I like them too—swords I mean. I had an outstanding teacher after all, though I'm still an amateur in his eyes, and I also feel the same," I said to her. I started to blabber on about my time with Rudra in my soul and how he trained me, and for some reason she held off unleashing her attack.

Cúntóir: Answer: It's ready, along with everything else!

'Nice timing,' I said since I was out of things to say, and she looked like she was about to attack as well. I put my hand out and disabled her movements.

Hopefully this works! Increasing my speed, I pierced her heart and quickly separated her soul and consciousness from her current body and Cúntóir summoned the body she made beside me, and I transferred them to this.

Cúntóir: Answer: Influence of the virus, and any other programming on Vamotl has been removed! The body created by me also has the same effect that Nyarlathotep's blood has on the ones that drank it. They are undetectable to those associated with her. Only you and your allies can feel Vamotl's aura!

'Cúntóir, you have a general idea of their base, right?' I asked.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes! I understand, do it!

I grinned and also felt Cúntóir grin. The body in front of us was about to explode, so with both of us working together, we—

Third Person Point of View

Universe – Evie Etoulde

In a certain facility—one of many in the Evie faction's bases, many of the scientists and researchers were working on new technologies, techniques, abilities, artifacts and spells. Whatever they plunder and salvage from whatever planet and universe they conquer they use.

As long as it provides them with more power, and an easier way to conquer planets, the Evie Gods will use it. However, today… they were going to be set back a bit.

One of the researchers was working on an artifact that they had found many years ago and he was close to a break through, however, suddenly the body of a female robot appeared beside him. While he himself was classified as an Ultimate-level mechanical lifeforms, such a sudden thing left him off guard, and he didn't have enough time to react.


A sudden and large explosion occurred on that certain planet. None of the Keito Tenkai, Ragou Shichou, Shepherds, Atrocity Fanatics or other groups were near this base and planet—so none of them could prevent or reverse the damage on time—but at the same time, both Aaron and Cúntóir added a 'little something' that would prevent them from reversing it altogether.

"Report! We lost more than half the facility—estimated damages are around 87%!" one of the other scientists that survived the blast reported immediately to another base.

[Can it be reverse or repaired?] a voice asked.

"Negative! There is some kind of technique preventing us from doing so!"

[Understood. Move to a different base and continue your research there. We will send the 2nd of the Shepherds over there to investigate. Along with one of the Veskula Hivikga.]

Universe – Draconic Deus

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

Cúntóir: Answer: A success.

"Good, now then…" I looked at the body that Cúntóir had prepared. I had zero idea who this body was based on or if it was based on anyone at all.

Vamotl has pale skin. She has long black hair and dark blue eyes. Furthermore, she is wearing a white uniform with a white coat over her shoulders akin to a cape, a tight blue knee-length skirt and blue high heels. She is very beautiful and athletic with a voluptuous figure.

I went over to her and held her floating body. She then started to open her eyes, and once she did, she just stared at me. The next second… she kissed me which utterly surprised me. She didn't hold back either, as she intruded into my mouth with her tongue.

[Ultra Instinct didn't dodge that!]

While I didn't push her away, I stopped her from kissing me. I stared at her for a second as she blushed at me and I sighed.

"I would have preferred a normal greeting, Vamotl," I said to her.

"…I am yours. You saved me and I will avenge my people and race," she declared and floated by herself.

I pointed at the ring on her finger. She looked at it for a moment before nodding and summoned upgraded versions of the swords she had previously wielded. Both had different colors. The one on the right was mostly crimson, while the one on the left was azure.

We landed on the ground as the area and realm around us were repaired by Cúntóir. Once on the ground she kneeled in front of me.

"Aaron-sama, please bestow upon me with another name. I wish to truly be born today," she again said quite seriously.

"A new name?" I asked myself and thought about it. After thinking about it for a few seconds I nodded.

"How about Ayelet? It means 'Doe, female deer, gazelle'. It's taken from the Hebrew phrase 'Ayelet Hashachar', literally meaning 'Gazelle of Dawn', which is the name of the morning star. So in a way, it's your new beginning."

"Ayelet… yes, Ayelet Vamotl Toole. I love it," she said and smiled.

Wait, what? Why did she—never mind, we have more pressing—

[Aaron! They're also attack Takamagahara!] the voice of Rose suddenly rang through my ear.

[We'll be there,] I told her and turned to Ayelet. "Let's go, you heard that, right?"

She nodded and I teleported us back to the town small town and it seemed like it had calmed down here… I found my group and we joined them—most of them confused by the mysterious woman with me.

"Long story, I'll tell you all of it afterward. Anyway, Inaie stays here, the rest of you come with me. They're attacking Takamagahara too, Shinobu can you stay here and watch over—Asahi? I doubt he'll come out of that any time soon. I'll also erect another barrier over this place."

I glanced at Yuanteng and she silently agreed. She would stay with Inaie and Shinobu.

"Yes, I need to take care of the boss and the rest of the team after all," she replied.

"Good, let's move you lot!"


Once we reached Takamagahara there were thousands of monsters and mecha soldiers again, more than in Shifengu, however, most of them were being neutralized by my shadow soldiers. But I could see three individuals that stood out.

The Evil Dragon Apophis, a man in black and red armor and who I assume to be Sasaki Kintoki because he was floating in front of Raiko.

"You know what to do," I said to them. "I'll go face the one from the Phantasma, Ayelet can you go—"

"I'll face Apophis with her, Aaron!" announced Rias.

I glanced back at her and nodded. "Alright, take care, the rest of you help defend the city." I then flew towards the man named Anomus after I used [Observe] on him.


"I've been waiting, Dual Dragon!" he shouted as he managed to block my punch with his sword.

We arrived near Dragon Mountain and as I was about to say something, we both felt it as we turned around and looked at the city. It was suddenly covered in a large and dark field barrier. Apophis is probably responsible for that. I can easily take care of it, but I'll leave it to everyone else to deal with.

"Hmph, he is trying to keep the damage in there, or perhaps he'll floor the entire city with his own primordial waters," said Anomus as he took a stance with his greatsword. "I am Anomus, and I'm a follower of the 4th Eradicator Master Virion!"

Anomus' body was covered in a black and red aura before he charged me. It looked like a simple slash, but I had to dodge multiple times as multiple slashes came at me in all directions. I was confused. He didn't use clones, or I didn't feel him use an ability. Was this…

"Are you surprised?" he asked and smiled. "I do not possess any magical ability, or special energy. All of this is hard work, training and pure technique! Now come, Dual Dragon! You are the one who defeated Scias. Show me that power!"

Third Person Point of View

Ayelet and Rias stood in front of Apophis as his arms spread apart, ready to use a special ability.

"Give up, it won't work, Evil Dragon," said Ayelet.

"Hmm… that feeling, are you Vamotl? Did the Middleman turn you into one of his subordinates?" asked Apophis.

Ayelet simply smiled at the Evil Dragon, and Rias understood what had transpired with Aaron and the woman he faced off with. He had turned another enemy into an ally.

"Why did you cover this city with this barrier of yours?" asked Rias.

"I may not look like it, but I do have some tact about myself. I will admit that my other clone was a bit more barbaric than I usually am, though I don't think either of you saw him. Two against one, I do not mind that match up. Let's have an enjoyable match then," he said and took a stance. Instead of carrying through with his previous plans.

"Hmph. Regardless of whether you act like this, you are still endangering the lives of many people, and also part of the Khaos Order—for which I will eliminate you," answered Ayelet. She then summoned two blades to her side from her ring.

Just like the ones she used on her other body, they were both crimson and azure colored, but there were black dragon designs on them this time. She then covered her body in black and white touki and attacked Apophis.

The Evil Dragon barely dodged, but felt some of his scales disintegrate after being touched by the swords. Being alerted by this, he backed away and stared at the swords that Ayelet held. Ayelet herself also looked at them with a small smirk.

However, the dragon wasn't given any breathing room as Rias fired some balls of [Power of Destruction] at him, and he dodged three of the four balls, but his tail was caught by one of them—destroying it!

'They are much stronger than the previous data told us. Even with our new bodies—and even if we are clones, they're destroying them casually. So they are beyond the level of Dragon Gods,' analyzed Apophis.

He raised his right hand and clenched it. Suddenly a large shadow appeared from above them and a large draconic hand made out of darkness appeared. Rias fired another ball of destruction at it and destroyed it—but…

Small tentacles, hands and other appendages appeared and attacked her. Finally, Rias summoned multiple small balls of [Power of Destruction]. Rias didn't want to call these the same as her brother's [Ruin the Extinct].

She had initially developed the move [Extinguished Star] over the 100 years, and slowly mastered it and could create it instantly and it could move at supersonic speeds. However, she also began to refine it and develop variants. And she was currently using one of those variations.

The small balls of [Extinguished Star] flew towards the appendages and instantly eliminated them. As Apophis continued this attack, Rias casually eliminated them—giving Ayelet the opportunity to focus on attacking the dragon. However, without his input, the shadow attacks kept on coming.

Ayelet flew towards the dragon and attacked him relentlessly. Apophis grimaced as he couldn't dodge them all. He also knew that she was merely playing with him—like how a predator would do to their prey.

Rias saw that Ayelet didn't need much help, and that Apophis wasn't targeting anyone else, but then, she decided to use her [Extinguished Star] variant to eliminate the monsters and mecha soldiers that were invading the realm.

At a faster velocity, they all flew towards groups of soldiers—she had initially created them to be the size of a marble ball, but as soon as the balls reached the group of enemies, they would instantly grow in size and kill a large number of them.

"Ayelet," Rias called out.

"I got it~" she replied and so the two parted ways. Rias decided to find and meet up with Rossweisse as she had been here during the initial attack.

She quickly found that they were still in the castle. However, the castle was covered in a barrier that was created by Rossweisse. When she passed through it and opened the door, she was greeted by several guards pointing their weapons at her.

"Stop, she's with the Middleman," shouted Sara as she approached Rias. So they stopped pointing it at her. "Rias-sama, not many of our leaders could respond to this attack on time, so only three of them are here. They are in the meeting room."

"Yes, thank you. I will go see them," she replied and instantly appeared in front of the door and pushed it open.

The people in there were alerted and stared at Rias.

"Rias-san!" Rossweisse said with relief. Rias walked over to them and Shuri looked a lot better than someone who hadn't been in this kind of situation before. "As soon as I felt attacks being launched in the city, I erected this barrier around the castle," said Rossweisse.

"It seems a clone of Apophis along with a clone of Sakata Kintoki and a member of the Phantasma have attacked Takamagahara. You were informed of this, yes?" she asked.

"Yes, to a certain extent. However, we don't understand why Sakata Kintoki would attack us?" asked Fūjin.

"We do not know either. However, Raiko-san is facing off against him right now, so we should find out soon," replied Rias. She then looked at Shuri and asked, "Shuri-san, are you okay?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, I'm fine. Rose-chan was on top of things after all~ I can also leave it to my son to resolve this," she said with a smile.

Shuri Himejima trusted Aaron like her daughter, but not to the same degree as Akeno. However, it's still a significant amount. She knows of his achievements and has seen and heard many of his exploits from Akeno and the fallen angels of Grigori.

"Why?" Raiko asked the man in front of her.

Sakata Kintoki had spiked blonde hair, and had a green and black bandana around his head. He had emerald green eyes, and wore navy pants with diamond-shaped green patterns on them. Most of his chest was exposed while he wore armor guards on his legs and left arm. He held a golden axe in his right hand as he stared at Raiko with no emotion.

"What do you mean, why, Captain?" he asked.

"You know what I mean! Why did you join the Khaos Order?!" she shouted back, letting her emotions take control.

When they were both humans and alive, they were quite close to each other, so this type of reaction from Raiko was to be expected. They lived through many battles and encounters—they formed a comradery like no other, along with the other [Four Heavenly Kings].

"I was resurrected by them. On a mission I set out on myself, I died alone. I cried out to the gods, yet none of them came to help. For all the good that we did… were we ever truly appreciated for it? We risked our lives day after day, and some of them had the audacity to bad mouth us?!" he asked in rage.

"I did not have these kinds of thoughts while I was still alive. I lived in the moment, for my comrades, my captain, my family and myself. I thought that if I could just keep on living another day, I would be satisfied. Yet, after a small falling out before my personal mission, you didn't try to stop me, you didn't try to convince me. I then lost my life. Captain Raiko, I was in love with you back then and I still do," he confessed.

Raiko was stunned and stared at the man in shock. In the battlefield, she had no idea how to react to this sudden confession. Sakata Kintoki then put his hand up and said, "Come with me and join me. With the Khaos Order we can make this world—no, this universe ours! We can eradicate poverty, diseases and create a utopian society! That's the world we wish for, right?! We can even kill those two Oni now! Shuten and Ibaraki!"

Raiko closed her eyes for a moment and looked at Kintoki with pity. Seeing this, he frowned but said nothing. Kintoki had ordered the monsters and his followers not to attack them until he gave them the signal, that's why they weren't being disturbed.

"You were wild and arrogant, but you were a firm and righteous person. You were particularly kind to mothers and children; you were aware that you weren't academically smart since you did not receive formal education. I pointed you in a certain direction and you would crush evildoers with brute force and strength."

"You were a hero to the children at the time, and even now in modern history books you are remembered for such actions. I admit I was upset with you back then. I even thought of stopping you, yet I believed in your strength and that you would come back to us. However, why… why did you change after coming back to life?" she asked.

"Why…? Because I was told the truth about humanity and the universe! Unless we have a tyrant that forces people to live a certain way, crime, and poverty will run rampant! The world is in danger because certain powers and people aren't kept in check!" he shouted back.

"The Sacred Gears system and their wielders! Do you have any idea how much damage they have caused over the years?! Did you know that the accidents and tragedies that occurred in the 'Bermuda Triangle' were caused by two Sacred Gears?!"

"Those Sacred Gears were [Telos Karma] and [Innovate Clear]! You are aware of their abilities, aren't you?! Yes, because of those Sacred Gears many people died! Even the common and uncommon Sacred Gears, if put to the wrong wielders they can kill hundreds of thousands!"

[Innovate Clear] has the ability to create an ideal world in another dimension, similarly to [Dimension Lost], with the additional ability to create nearly-perfect imitations of living beings similarly to [Annihilation Maker]. Because of this, it is known as the Sacred Gear that lets one impersonate God. However, anything made inside of [Innovate Clear]'s world can only exist in that world. [Innovate Clear] can also be used to take control of other barrier spaces.

[Telos Karma] has the ability to forcibly create and enforce options and choices that aren't possible normally, changing the possibility of certain phenomena into unexpected events. [Telos Karma] is said to be capable of changing or interfering with the course of the history of the world.

"Many of us believe the world would be better off without them! So… we'll attack Heaven in the future and destroy that system that causes nothing but misfortune! Now, give me your answer, Captain Raiko!! Will you join me and answer my love for you?! Or will you betray me once more?!" he asked in fury at Raiko.

"I'm sorry, I can't reciprocate your feelings nor will I join the Khaos Order, Kintoki," Raiko said firmly and looked at him in the eyes. "I love Jin Skyward. He's the man who will be the pillar of this universe—no, of the omniverse in the future, and I want to be by his side when it happens."

Sakata Kintoki laughed. "You chose your path and I chose mine. This is where we permanently part ways, Captain." Kintoki's clone then powered up to his maximum output and aimed his axe at Raiko. "Let's see who's more powerful after all these years then, Captain!!"

Raiko unsheathed her sword, the Doujigiri Yasutsuna and clashed with Kintoki. With each strike and swing, their weapons produced large shockwaves and sparks that threatened to destroy the homes around them. However, with the shadow soldiers blocking them, those damages were prevented.

"As expected, the women of the Middleman are a lot more powerful than normal. But… this is fantastic, I can—"


Before Kintoki realized it Raiko had disappeared from the spot she was floating at. He slowly turned around and saw her sheathing her sword back. Before he could say his next words, in Sakata Kintoki's vision multiple lines started to appear—no they were cuts.

In a flash, Raiko had cut him up into millions of pieces. As Kintoki had formally declared them enemies, and so Raiko treated him as such, and showed him no mercy. Even if they were once comrades, he had threatened innocent lives that he had once protected.

With Aaron's influence, she couldn't ignore the fact that Kintoki had threatened to destroy a place she had called home for many years. That too was unforgivable as Raiko had made many memories here.

"It seems you still lack training and disciple, Kintoki," said Raiko as she turned around to face the slowly fading warrior. "If you wish to truly fight me, come face me with your real body otherwise you won't even last a fraction of a second."

Those were the last words that Sakata Kintoki's clone heard before he crumbled away.

'I never thought in my life that you would direct that 'look' at me. I've seen you give your enemies in the past that many times…' were the clone's last thoughts.

Suzaku Himejima burned another batch of mecha soldiers. When she reached a certain part of the city, she observed many residents hiding in a certain shop. From a distance she could see it had 'fireworks' in its title. She had heard Aaron once mention meeting a fun family of two that did fireworks in the Shinto realm, so she flew over to it.

However, upon reaching the inside of the building after eliminating another group of monsters, she saw a heart-breaking sight. The woman named Yoimiya was kneeling in front of an older man—tears streaming down her face as she wildly cried out for her 'father'.

At first glance, there was a large piece of metal sticking out of his chest. Normally with her powers she could heal him to a certain extent until Aaron could do it. However, Suzaku knew… that the man in front of Yoimiya was dead.

His eyes held no more life in them, and from where she stood, he did not breathe. Yoimiya and the people in their shop looked up to see Suzaku—

"Ma'am please help my dad!" she begged.

"I—" Before Suzaku could answer her, she turned around to kill another mecha soldier that appeared behind her. "I can't, but… there might be a chance to bring him back to life with A—Jin," she said to the young woman.

A bit of hope came back in her eyes, and Suzaku instructed them to bring him to a safe space and not let him be out in the open. Once they had finished, she turned back and told them, "Stay here and don't move until this is all over. I will put a barrier around his home, do you understand?"

They all nodded and she left. Even though Suzaku did not come across too much trouble today, she didn't like seeing a loved one die. Even if they weren't part of her clan, or close to her. She knew the pain already and didn't want anyone else to experience it.

As we flew away, she saw some lightning strikes in the distance. She also saw that it wasn't Raiko so she decided to investigate. She saw... Shigune standing there with a slightly shocked look on her face.

"Shigune?" she asked as she landed beside the girl. She saw the girl looking in front of them, so we followed her gaze and saw both Yae and Kogitsunemaru fighting a few monsters that came their way.

The others that were beyond their fighting level were devoured by Poh who was happily trotting around the place.

"I wasn't aware that Yae-san and Kogitsunemaru-san were fighters," said Suzaku.

"Neither did I," replied Shigune. "But they seem rather experienced."

Yae created small lightning totems that would strike down any enemy that came close enough to its range. The range on these lightning totems was quite large too, apart from that Yae also had purple foxes made out of lightning fighting for her. As she sat down on a nearby bench reading a book, she would occasionally point her finger and a bolt of lightning would hit an enemy.

Meanwhile, Kogitsunemaru was using touki and his martial arts to defeat and kill his opponents. He was a regular user of it and regularly trained with it. After hearing about Aaron's alliance and following it for a while, he decided to start training again.

When he was younger, he like any child aspired to be the strongest person in the world. However, after some time reality settled back in and he decided to pursue being a shop owner that sold books, and that was his current life now.

As both women watched these two kitsune defend this part of the realm, both their senses kicked into overdrive and they covered the area with a barrier.


A powerful attack had been directed at them. Once the smoke had disappeared, all four of them looked up to see two figures there floating.

"Wha—why are you… don't tell me… you two were part of the Khaos Order all along?!" Kogitsunemaru asked in disbelief.

Above them were two Oni.

One was an Oni with grey hair, black horns and she wore a nun's outfit. She had a necklace in the shape of a cross and even eyes which were pale blue—her pupils were in the shape of crosses. She had a tall and slim build and had a calm aura around her.

The other Oni is a tall girl of a slim build and considerable height. She had red skin, long pointy ears, and two small horns protruding out of her forehead. Her silver hair is cut short and styled and she dresses in a fashionable ensemble of jeans, tank-top, overcoat and a fur wrap draped over horned spaulders. She also had red eyes, and her nails were painted black.

In surprise, Suzaku and Shigune widen their eyes. They briefly met these two Oni just before they left the realm in the past. They had spoken to them briefly when they decided to have lunch with Inaie in a small quaint diner.

The Oni nun, Harika and the fashionably dressed Oni, Rohe.

"Rohe-san and Harika-san…?" asked Shigune in disbelief. "I didn't feel anything malicious from them back then, but now…"

"That nun in particular is openly showing her crazy bloodlust towards us," added Suzaku.

"No, no, no! You gotta be kiddin' me! Oi! Rohe, tell me yer joking!!" shouted Kogitsunemaru.

"Sorry, Kogi. I wanted money, as well as being in debt to one of the factions of the Khaos Order," Rohe said with an awkward smile. "Harika is just… well, she's always been insane. She's excellent at playing the role, right? The innocent nun act was spot on!" she added and laughed.

Rohe then pointed to the sky and summoned a large balloon with the face of a cartoon-style Oni on it. However, inside that was poison that was deadly to youkai and humans alike. The poison originally belonged to the universe of the Evie Etoulde, and they were given a small tank of it.

"Fuck," muttered Kogitsunemaru.

Today, they decided to use it. With a grin on Harika's face, she summoned a dagger that also functioned as pistols and shot the balloon above them. But as it was about to burst…

The shadow field barrier that covered the city shattered and the body of Anomus had been thrown in front of the bullet and hit him in the leg. This was followed up by Aaron appearing and devouring the large Oni balloon.

Aaron Toole was already in his [Autonomous Ultra Instinct] state as he dispelled the illusion around him. He also carried a certain [Unnamed Sword] in his right hand. A few moments later, Apophis was also launched towards them with Ayelet not far behind. Now all the possible leaders and culprits of the attack, minus Sakata Kintoki had been gathered in one spot.

Raiko also showed up. "I'm sorry, Aaron. I—"

"It's fine, Raiko," interrupted Aaron and he smiled at her. "It's fine."

"…Yes," replied Raiko.

Aaron looked at all the culprits and froze them in place. All of them were alerted by this and all of them struggled to break whatever was holding them in place, however—even Anomus couldn't break free.

The 'fight' between Anomus and Aaron had been quite anticlimactic. He had read his memories earlier and most of them were just of the young man training, and any 'relevant' information in his memories were obscured. However, Italy was mentioned a few times in it.

Aaron didn't know if it was a trap or not, but he would go there sooner or later as Avezza might be there. There was one thing that Anomus got wrong—he believed, or a large majority of them believed that the Middleman needed to kill them first in order to read their memories.

So some of them chose to keep them until death—and then some protocol would activate and wipe them out. However, Promestein was paranoid enough that he had to wipe out some relevant information before sending in more important clones to do their job.

He then read through all their memories. The clone of Apophis had nothing, while the two Oni women that he had met briefly in the past had nothing relevant as most of it was day-to-day things in this realm, and them contacting the Khaos Order about attacking this realm.

In Rohe's case, it was her memories of Kogitsunemaru as she frequently visited the shop to speak with him. It was clear the two of them held romantic feelings towards each other, even now—she felt the same way as him, but she had to follow through with this.

Meanwhile, Harika… most of it was her killing and torturing people and animals that she could get her hands on. For most of her life, she was hooked up to advanced scientific machines. She had been sold to certain organizations by her parents to earn money—a lot of it.

Harika had a very powerful and natural regenerative ability. It wasn't instant, but it was fast enough that if you didn't kill her by crushing or slicing off her head. All other parts of her body, including her heart would regenerate. For unknown reasons, her insane regeneration ability was connected to her head.

Perhaps it was an unknown Sacred Gear, or another ability, but… this was a curse for Harika. Her own parents sold her off to be experimented on for years and years, until she escaped, and somehow lived day-to-day by pretending to be someone else, killing whoever she tricked and using their wealth and items to further herself in life.

Eventually, she became an assassin for hire, and a mercenary. But eventually she joined the Khaos Brigade, now known as the Khaos Order to sate her bloodlust that she had built up over the years. The experiments done on her had made her insane. Most of her humanity and emotions were gone. All she did was imitate them. She truly felt nothing for anyone.

Aaron also discovered something else while reading their memories. They had come here to obtain an item from the Water Serpent, Shirayuki. After this, he would go back to Zyoto Vadaya to ask her about it.

Aaron pointed his sword at the enemies that had gathered since they couldn't provide him with anything anymore. At the same time, he took a stance, and a large surge of magical energy erupted from Aaron's body.

Aaron had temporarily released his seals that he placed on hiding his power. With such an action, the entire realm of Takamagahara began to shake. With the release of his power, and the large magical energy gathering that had erupted from Aaron, the ground beneath them—no, the entire city below them began to shine with black and white lights.

There were hundreds of thousands of dazzling strands of light as they wrapped themselves around anything that they were close to. To his allies, they hadn't seen this before, so they did not panic. To his enemies and their followers, they were horrified by what was to come.

The magical energy started to gather around Aaron's unnamed sword and it began to etch out a pattern on it. It started to form a spiral; the spiral swallowed everything whole. A frightening amount of magical energy was absorbed into the sword—however, that magic was converted into something else.

He then pointed the blade at his opponents.

The ground trembled beneath them, the air shook, and the realm threatened to collapse. Outside of this realm, Japan—no the world also started to experience a world-wide earthquake. As he charged the attack for longer, more collateral damage was done. Aaron was aware of this. But he also began to repair any damage he had done to the human realm.

Then everything began to ripple.

Draped in light, Aaron pulled his blade back…

"This targets your real bodies too," he said.

"I. AM. ATOMIC," he mumbled and released the energy that he had built up in the blade.

All sound was lost. His blade shoots out a torrent of light that engulfs the attacking leaders. It penetrated everything, consumed the walls, the earth, and blasted upwards into the sky. It then exploded.

As the patterns of light were etched into the sky, the entire realm of the Shinto Gods—including the various sub-realms-was transformed. There was a mix of black and white hues in their skies. Aaron used Nuclear energy powered by his Outer God powers to amplify it even more, but also molded it to his liking.

It did not leave any radiation behind like a normal nuclear explosion would. It also only targeted the leaders of the attack even if the attack affected the city below, the realm itself and sub-realms. As well as the earth.

Anomus, the proud warrior that he was, died after the attack hit him. In his last moments of life, his life flashed before his eyes. All the hardships he faced, all the previous missions he had been through and his subsequent meeting with Aaron. He did not regret a single one of them.

In his mind, he died a warrior's death. He also knew that his master would avenge him, and so he died a comfortable death.

The nun, Harika also died. She wasn't using a clone—she and Rohe were nothing but nobody's within their organization, so they did not have that kind of luxury. Even in the last moments of her life, she felt nothing. She did not feel any fear, happiness or sadness. However, for her, a long journey full of pain and suffering had finally ended. To her… it was just an end, and nothing more.

Rohe… she was probably the most innocent out of all of this. She wanted to earn money because of her and her family's financial situation. Joining the Khaos Order was a chance that would increase the amount of money she would receive. Her family did not know, but after today they would.

Before the attack hit Rohe, Aaron created a clone, knocked her out and transported her into his green ring that housed some of his Electa. He had made it look like she had perished along with the rest of the leaders.

To Apophis' clone. Crom Cruach's clone had requested that they be helped in the future, and so Aaron did so. In his attack, and specifically towards Apophis, he had theorized that he would have other body doubles that would bear the brunt of the attack.

In a certain facility of the Khaos Order, that indeed happen. Much of the attack was taken by body doubles, however, Aaron at the end of his attack towards the Evil Dragon, had targeted the restraints that held him in his prison. The same with Crom Cruach.

This would free both Evil Dragons from their prison. However, what they would do in the future was anyone's guess. Whether they remain neutral, or join Team [DxD] was up to anyone's guess.

With that, the attack on the Shinto realm had been stopped.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

A few hours had passed since the attack on the realm. We had stayed here helping out with repairs to the entire place. My next few actions would be meeting Shirayuki and asking her about the item, checking up on Yoimiya's dad per Suzaku's request and she wanted to come with me.

I walked over to Kogitsunemaru who had become silent after I ended the invasion. However, he was clearly upset with me. From what I could tell from a distance, he and Rohe probably shared some romantic feelings.


"I know what you had to do, Jin-san," he said. "I understand…"

"No, she's alive," I told him and he looked at me in shock. I then pulled her out of the ring and placed her on the ground. "It is true that she will need to repent for her crimes, but I believe she deserves a second chance. But we will come back for her later; I already prevented her from leaving this realm and sealed her powers."

Our first stop was Yoimiya's home. I along with Suzaku and Shigune went there. The rest of the group decided to stay and help out the rest of the realm and Ayelet went back into the ring for the Electa.

Once I reached the location, I saw Yoimiya outside. She saw us and ran over.

"Um, Suzaku-san, was it? Jin, she said—"

"I know, where is he?" I interrupted her and she practically dragged me into her home and into the room where her father lay motionless. It was clear that he was dead, so… Suzaku wanted me to revive him, huh?

"You know my rules, right?" I asked Suzaku and she nodded. Yoimiya became confused and was told by Suzaku. It was clear she didn't like it, but she agreed in the end.

Ryuunosuke, I had briefly met this man during my date with Hephaestus here. He was such a fascinating fellow, so when I put my hand on the ground, his body briefly glowed and his spirit came out.

"Ryuunosuke-san, you're aware of what happened to you?" I asked him.

"Haha, I died, huh? Well… I'm enjoying life on the other side with my wife," he replied while rubbing the back of his head. I could already tell what kind of response he would give…

So I told him of his options and—

"Dad please come back!" Yoimiya pleaded still emotional after what had happened today.

Ryuunosuke looked at his daughter and smiled. "You're old enough to run the family business. Though I am still worried about you being single!" he said and laughed.

Tears started to stream down Yoimiya's face again and she began to sob. She couldn't say anything to her dad. If that's his decision, she couldn't argue against it.

"I've missed my wife since her passing, and I've always wanted to meet her again. Yoimiya, please keep on living… ah! Middleman, take my daughter! I asked you this before, right?!" he asked rather excitedly.

'Why in the world is he asking me that now…?' I couldn't help but wonder and just awkwardly smiled at him.

"Why are you asking that now?! There's a time and place for everything, dad!!" Yoimiya shouted mortified at what he had just asked me.

"Well, I'll get moving then! Get married soon! And your mother says hi!" said Ryuunosuke and then he disappeared.

All of us were left there a bit shocked by him being so nonchalant about it. I turned to Yoimiya. The sadness was vanished, and she was just… angry. She was mumbling something about having to deal with everything by herself from now on and he didn't leave her too many instructions on how to do certain things.

"If you want, I can help you, Yoimiya," I said to her and told her my plans for my future business and restaurant. "We can even do some reconstruction on this building, give it a fresh new look, you know?" I said to her.

"B-but you don't need to do any of that, Jin-san…" she said a bit confused.

"Well, your dad did leave you to me, so I feel like I should help a little," I added and she blushed.

"Uh, er… um, o-okay, n-nice to work with you then…!" she put her hand out for a handshake and we shook on it.

"Great, I'll send you details in the future, and if you have any designs you want just send them over to me… here's an email and updated contact info," I handed her a business card I had made.

"O-oh! So professional!" she said a bit surprised.

I had made them during the 100 years with the help of the girls, well, the one who wanted to be my secretary. So I wasn't the only one to design it, there were a multitude of suggestions, but in the end the normal professional designed one won (Latia, Grayfia and Rossweisse design).

"Anyway, I'll repair this shop before we leave, so don't hesitate to contact me in the future since we're basically business partners now."

I also need to visit Uwabami, after my trip back to the Oni realm and Tengu realm. Taking a deep breath, I repaired Yoimiya's damaged home. Once that was done, she saw us off outside.

"Thank you again, Jin. I'll make sure to contact you a-at a later date…" she said to me.

"Yeah, take your time though. But here," I handed her my personal and updated phone number. The business card I gave her had my business-related phone number.

Yoimiya was still quite sad, and she was definitely putting up a brave face right now. I wasn't sure if I could take on the role of comforting her since we're practically strangers except for that one-time interaction. However, I did offer her that life-line just now, so she has that option to come and talk to me in a more private setting.

"Thank you…" she then walked back into her home, a home that she'll have all to herself starting from today and onwards.

"Okay, time to check Shifengu one more time, get Asahi and go back to Zyoto Vadaya."

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