Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 7 – Part 2 – Crimson Date and Göndul*

Third Person Point of View

After a certain action by a person called the Middleman, two dragons that were known as the Evil Dragons escaped the facility that they were being held captive in. After capturing a certain member of the Khaos Order and forcing them to teleport them out of the Khaos Order's base, both of them were free once again.

These two Evil Dragons were Apophis and Crom Cruach. These two were currently in the Amazon Forest of South America, Brazil. They had been silently traveling for a while until they arrived at the Amazon River.

They stopped and finally one of them spoke up.

"I will observe the forces that rally themselves around the Middleman. I do not know what kind of person he is, but he is the one who freed us. Whether I ally myself with him, or become a neutral party that seeks him out for a fight—that remains to be seen," declared Crom Cruach.

"What about the clone that was sent to Romania?" asked Apophis.

"Killed by one of those 'Eradicators', they were apparently working for the 7th Rank, perhaps a direct subordinate or even right-hand," said Crom Cruach. "What will you do?" he asked and glance at his fellow Evil Dragon.

"I will also observe them—they are known as Team [DxD] apparently. I have also heard of certain rumors," said Apophis.


"…That some sort of International Rating Game will be held and all factions and pantheons are invited to participate in. You can create any team for it. It is enticing to join the Middleman's side just to have an opportunity to fight strong people in it," explained Apophis.

Crom Cruach's eyes shone. This new rumor interested him. However, to him, it is still just a rumor so he won't act rashly yet. He will still continue with his original plan and simply observe from a distance on what Team [DxD] would do.

"This is where we part ways," said Apophis and he vanished into the shadows.

"International Rating Game, huh? Strong people should gather in it... I'll observe and see how everything plays out, and if the time is right, I will reveal myself to him," he said to himself and also teleported away.

In a certain laboratory in the human world of the Draconic Deus, there sat a man on a throne of bones. This man was quite powerful as these bones were of animals from a different universe, no, not just animals, but also humans and powerful beings.

He had personally killed them and taken their bones as some sort of trophy. In most of the eyes of the Eradicators and the Phantasma, they try not to associate with rank 7 as much as they could. Rank 7 was born with his power, talent, and skills. He only needed to train a little bit before becoming stronger again.

Ranked 7th among the Eradicators, Yanuyo was that kind of man. Yanuyo had short black hair, black eyes with yellow pupils. He had tattoos on both his arms and he wore a black, white, and gray business suit.

Yanuyo believed the only real victor out of a fight or battle was when the opponent was dead. He only needed to challenge rank 7th once before killing him. He has maintained his position because he knew when he couldn't match up to the rest of them.

What confused him was why rank 16th stayed in her position. To him, it was idiotic, and he believed she should go up in ranks because she was not fit to be at her current rank. By his own estimation she could rise up until rank 8th or 9th.

Suddenly a communication magic circle appeared beside him and he glanced at it.

[Yanuyo, a new mission has appeared for you. The devil called Euclid Lucifuge wishes to collaborate with the Phantasma,] a voice said through it.

"Why should I join you and that weakling?" he asked dismissively.

[It will draw out the Middleman, and his companions. It will also cause significant damage to the Underworld of the Draconic Deus. They also have those two devils that are labeled as [Transcendental], Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub. Rizevim has said that both of them may be able to handle your full power,] the voice said.

"Hmm… the Middleman interests me, that Outer God… his women aren't terrible either, however, they are too green. Naïve… all of them," he said and grinned. He looked at his left hand and clenched it. Bones started to appear around it and white energy covered the bones.

"Why are we attacking the Underworld?" he asked.

[Euclid Lucifuge has his own agenda towards the Middleman. He wishes to end it all, whether he kills him, or himself is irrelevant. The Middleman put a curse on him apparently and he is out for blood.]

"Kakaka! A curse, eh? Where is he now?"

[Unknown. He is very mentally unstable at the moment and may lash out at anyone that angers him. We have told your two subordinates not to provoke him, otherwise it would complicate things further.]

"Those two can handle themselves. I handpicked them after all," he said with pride and smirked. "Where are we attacking?"

[A small devil town called Auros. However, Rizevim has also started collaborating to steal the floating city near that small town. It will be a two-part assault. Your team and Euclid's will be responsible for drawing attention to the town of Auros which also holds a new academy built by the sister of the Devil Leviathan.]

"So we're the distraction, huh? Well as long as I fight the Outer God I don't care," he replied.

[I know. The little sister of the Leviathan—Sona Sitri, that town—she built a new academy there, Auros Academy. If you target that, then surely it will definitely keep the alliance occupied, the same with the Middleman as he's known to fight for his teammates.]

[You, your two subordinates and Euclid's group will attack it. One of the clones of the remaining Evil Dragons will accompany you, as well as a clone of that witch, Walburga. Also—]

"Quit spoiling shit! I get it. I'll fuck up a town and a bunch of tiny devils to get your dumbass plans in motion. So when?" he asked.

[A few days from now. Get anything ready in the meantime and I'll contact you again.]

Yanuyo snorted, and the magic circle was destroyed. He had something new and fun coming up and he grinned. He got up from his seat and stretched. When he did the area was destroyed.

"Underworld, devils, and dragons, huh? At least they'll entertain me," he said and brought out a small pendant that held a powerful monster. "If I somehow lose, I'll just merge with you and I'll go out with a bang, and wipe out the Underworld, kukukuku!"

Yanuyo held his life with no regard. As long as he brought destruction and despair he would be satisfied. He knew the risks of opposing an Outer God—that he would lose, no doubt. But he still wanted to fight one. He couldn't fight Magnum Tenebrosum since being in the presence of that Outer God was enough to bring him to his knees.

But he knew that the Middleman Outer God was different. He knew he was still naïve and cared about lives. He was an anomaly among the Outer Gods, and he would take advantage of that.

Yanuyo then brought up a screen in front of him. He looked at a silver-white-haired woman that Euclid had become enthralled with and he smirked. The woman wore a small green jersey that had '100 Yen' as a small logo near her chest.

"That little devil liked this woman, did he not? I'm sure the Middleman cares about her too. Let's pay them a visit then… hmm, a small clone will do." He then created a clone in front of him and instructed it to attack Auros first before him.

"Go," he ordered his clone and it disappeared. "I won't let you enjoy your time for too long, Outer God."

"Will you send another one in?" asked Seraselbes.

"No. We need to analyze the Middleman more. He destroyed one of the research facilities on that planet and it halted our progress on certain things," replied Melvazoa.

"You're not one to let things like this slide, Melvazoa. So, what's your plan for retaliation?" she asked again.

"I will send mechanical lions their way. According to my understanding, the Phantasma, and Euclid are going to try to do something very soon. We will inflict damage that way."

"You're sending them back up then?" she asked.

"No, those are distractions. We will not inform the Khaos Order. We will send the mechanical lions to destroy another part of the Underworld. The Middleman is close with devils, so we will kill the 'innocent'. You may see this as petty, but to me, it's my own revenge."

"Heh. Well, we're not known for being fair, are we? Are you only sending in the lions? Why not more?"

"It is not necessary, they will do," said Melvazoa and the conversation ended there.

The Evie faction were notified of the loss of Vamotl and the ones who defeated her and turned her into that mechanical being were angered. They requested their leader to retaliate, but found out he would only do that much, so they planned their own scheme.

On the same day of the attack on Auros academy they would also launch an attack in the territory of the Astaroth.

"We are not satisfied with that. Not only did that flesh-trash destroy one of our research facilities, and also stole Vamotl, but our leader won't retaliate yet because of his grand plan! We will take it upon ourselves to retaliate," said a voice.

"Yes, we will send that AZ-RA-EL-VVB-8671 to destroy as much of that devil's territory," said another.

AZ-RA-E-L-VVB-8671, or Azrael for short. This was a mechanical being that was created from scratch and based on one of the beings of the Draconic Deus—a person that Aaron had killed months ago, Azrael, The Angel of Death. These scientists were aware of what had happened to Aaron and this fallen angel, and they wanted to cause him psychological damage.

However, unknown to them, it would be their biggest mistake as they would be wiped out in the near future for their stupidity of opening old wounds of an outer god. Further hindering the Evie in their research.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"I'll drop you all off here for now, mom, I'll take you back home," I said as I arrived home. Lavinia saw me, heard that and I teleported away. She was very upset; I'll apologize after I get back. I failed to add that I would be going to the Greek realm too…



"…I'm going with you," she said. Lavinia had also teleported to Grigori and was standing in front of Shuri's home.

"Ufufu, you know how attached she is with you~! Don't go ignoring her now~" mom said and left to go to her home.

Well, I won't deny that, but I'm sure I'm as attached to Lavinia as she is to me. I would even wager that it's almost toxic and doesn't seem to be getting better, but… does it have to? I'm not exactly against changing it…

"Take care now~!" mom said before entering her home.

"Yeah, bye…" I muttered as Nia stood beside me.

"Where to?" she asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You're heading somewhere else, right?" she said and tilted her head.

I hadn't even said anything about that, but she knew… but—

"You're thinking, 'How does she know about that?!' or something like that, right?" she asked again and smiled.

"You can read me like an open book, Nia," I replied and laughed.

"…I'll always know, that's my role to you. As one of your 'Fated Ones', I will always try to understand you—even the parts that you fail to understand," she said in a sweet voice and smiled at me.

It felt like an arrow just pierced my heart and I shook my head. "And I thought I could say cheesy things, Nia. I might be influencing you too much," I said and laughed.

"I mean it," she said seriously. "If I ever was transported to a world that you didn't exist in, I would rather die, or if you somehow died…"

I stared at her a bit stunned, not sure how to respond to that.

"I won't die, Nia. Where did you get that idea from?" I asked and kissed her on the forehead.

"…I hope I'm wrong but… your evolution. Cúntóir said that you 'fell asleep' during your first one, right? I tried to ask more but she didn't answer me, so I think you died during your first evolution. I don't want that," she said and frowned.

I stared at her. Now that I think about it, she might be right. I never really asked about it, but… I along with the two dragons in me also fell asleep during it, so we had zero idea about the process.


Cúntóir: Answer: I love you.

[If that ain't sus, I don't know what is,] said Ddraig.

{…I am very tempted to punch you right now.}

[It's way too tense and serious! I'm trying to lighten the damn mood!]

I'll agree with Ddraig on that one. She's being very suspicious right now. However, even if I die, I'll come back right to life, so it isn't a big deal. Well to me at least, I don't know how they would truly feel if it did happen. Though, I can probably feel the same feeling if I tried to imagine that they—

"You're making that face again," said Lavinia as she grabbed my face. "Aren't we heading somewhere? I'm sorry for bringing the mood down… let's go."

"Yeah, my bad."

I had more worries now, and not just the things that were coming up, but my own… ugh.

Greek Realm

Little Olympia

"This is…?" Lavinia asked as she looked around Little Olympia.

"You didn't come here last time, but we're in Little Olympia in the Greek Realm," I replied and looked around us. I had teleported us to the middle of the place, so a few eyes immediately turned to look at us.

"Anyway, we'll—"

"Oooh! Aa—Jin!" the voice of Hestia called out to us and we turned around to see her with Astraea and Physis. She trotted over to us along with the two other goddesses.

"Hello Hestia. It's been a while, Astraea, Physis. We only got to speak a few times during the festival."

Cúntóir: Answer: …

"Yes it has, Jin," replied Astraea.

"Been a while? Are you insane?! We literally spent time together during the festival, even if it was for only two hours!" said Physis and frowned at me.

"Hi, hi, Phy-chan, Astraea-san, Stia-chan~!" Nia greeted them all.

"Nia~" Physis exclaimed and the two of them started high-fiving.

During the festival, Lavinia and I were mostly walking around by ourselves with a few others joining us every now and again. But these two joined us for two hours and Lavinia and Physis really hit it off to both Astraea and my surprise.

"So why are you here, Jin?" asked Astraea.

"I'm here to speak to Zeus and then get Medusa. We've already spoken about it, so I just want to double-check with him. Is he on Mount Olympus?" I asked.

"No, he said he would be in the Lamia's City. I guess that's why then," replied Hestia.

I see. So he was expecting me to come sometime today… well this makes it convenient.

"That saves me a lot of trouble, as we'll be going there anyway," I said.

"I'll join!" added Hestia. "Don't give me that look! I've done all I needed to do, so I'm free! I don't know about these two though!"

"Er, that's not what I meant. We won't be here for too long, you know? We'll be in and out, after I speak with Zeus and get Medusa," I replied.

"Regardless! I mean, I can always just go to your home, right, Business Partner?"

I just sighed. I knew she wouldn't stop here, so I just gestured for her to join. But to my surprise both Physis and Astraea came forward too.

"Let me join you too~" another voice said behind us, and then two large and heavy melons covered the top of my head.

"…It's been a while, Demeter… please get your breasts off my head."

"Fufu, hello Jin-chan. I'm coming too~"

Not wanting to argue with them, I teleported us away.

Lamia City

I had teleported us just outside the doors of the castle of Alice. There wasn't anything super urgent happening, so I saw no need to directly teleport into the place. When we arrived, I felt Zeus and Apollo's aura in the building with a few others.

"Ah, Middleman-sama. Are you here to meet with Alice-sama and Zeus-sama?" a certain snake youkai asked. It was Kathossia.

"Hello, Kathossia. I am. Are they in the throne room?" I asked and she nodded.

"Allow me to take you there," she said and turned around and slithered away.

We immediately started following her, with Lavinia looking around her surroundings curiously. Nothing changed here, and there wasn't any damage to the place. It seems the shadows and Greed made sure of it. Even I didn't need to come here after the attack since Greed said it was fine, and I took his word for it.

"Oh right, it's Lavinia's first time here, huh?" said Hestia.

"Mmm," replied Nia.

"Hmm~ Alice is a pretty big fan of Jin, you know?" added Demeter.

"Me too." Lavinia then hugged my arm tighter making the goddesses around her giggle at her.

"You're even more attached to him now than ever before, huh? Jeez, makes me wonder how that happened," asked Physis and Lavinia looked troubled after hearing that. "E-ehm, w-was that an inappropriate topic to bring up?" she asked a bit worried she had brought the mood down.

"No, it's fine," said Lavinia and she told them what had happened with Azrael and me afterward, culminating in my 'breakthrough' during my fight with Sairaorg.

"You were?! I didn't even notice!" shouted Hestia in surprise. "Depression is a silent killer… so it's true…!" she added and clutched her head.

"I couldn't tell either~ at least you're better now, right?" Demeter asked and move to my other side and hugged my free arm.

"Act your age, Deme!" reprimanded Hestia who looked annoyed at her.

"Just because I'm more open to my affection towards him doesn't mean I should 'act my age', Hestia~" replied Demeter with a wink making her frown and blush.

'Affection…?' when I thought back on it, I guess she was very touchy-feely with me back then too. In my mind, it was a part of Demeter's personality, so I equated it to that.

"Then let me join in too!"

I suddenly felt Physis hug me from the back and it was a bit harder to walk normally after that. Astraea looked on with a smile, Hestia looked even more annoyed and when Kathossia looked back she had a troubled smile on her face. This continued until we arrived at the throne room while chatting about their realm.

"Jin… sama…?" Alice said and looked confused. Both Zeus and Apollo looked amused.

"What in the world did you do?" asked Senko as she sighed at me. Medusa was also there as she looked at me in shock.

Apart from Demeter, Lavinia and Physis still hugging me. Hestia got too annoyed and began hugging my head with her entire body. However, she was doing it from the back so I could still see where I was facing. To my surprise, after being enticed by Physis, Astraea also joined in. However, she simply walked in front of me, and once we had stopped moving, she leaned against my body and used me like a wall…

"No idea, it just ended up like this," I answered Zeus. Alice looked like she was ready to pounce on me, but Senko held her tail so she couldn't do anything. "Anyway, I'm here for her," I said and pointed with my lips at Medusa.


'Hmm? What's up?'

[I think I, no, we figured out who the 4th 'Fated One' is.]

This surprised me, so I asked, 'Oh? How so?' I was genuinely curious as to how they figured it out.

[Well, from the way Cúntóir has been acting—she's been pouting… we believe it's Astraea.]

Astraea…? But we barely interacted, and when I first met her—

[Well, it's just a theory for now since she's refused to speak.]

'I'll keep that in mind then…' I looked back at the scene in front of me and Medusa had stepped in front of me and bowed.

"I'll be in your care, Jin-sama," she said.

"Right, and you'll be officially part of Team [DxD] too, alright?"

Again, she nodded and I awkwardly looked at Demeter who just smiled back at me. "…I looked at you and silently asked for you to let go of me…"


Well, that was troubling… I had to leave home and do a few things…

"It's best if you spoil them for a little bit, Jin." He gestured to the goddesses that were clinging to me.

"How is that my job…?" I asked.

"You're the next Harem King—no, Harem God! Of course, it's your duty," he said and nodded sagely and to my surprise Apollon agreed with him. "Did you know?" he asked.

"Know what…?"

"People have started referring to you as the Infinite Harem King!" he proclaimed and laughed.

[…I don't know how to feel about that.]


"Who the hell came up with these names…?" I asked him.

Zeus shrugged and said, "I believe it came from the Irish pantheon. Perhaps someone there started calling you that?"


[Or Cana, honestly, I kind of see her as the cheeky type too.]

I won't deny that possibility, but for now I'll assume it's Áine… I sighed and decided to stay for a little bit longer in the realm and stay with the goddesses that were clinging onto me.

A few days later

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

"We finally have time, but… sorry in advance that it might be short, Rias," I apologized to her.

"No it's fine, we both became busy after all. Just going on one is fine with me," she said and hugged my arm.

Today was the weekend and we were going on a date to the North Pole as I had promised. Over the last few days, I've received reports from my shadow soldiers too. They had reported some activity from the Khaos Order, but for now they hadn't made any moves. However, it seems to be geared towards the Underworld, so I've added more over there and had one of the G.o.B on standby near the Astaroth territory.

I told Latia about this and she's had her household be on alert, and also informed Ajuka about it, so the Satans know too. Apart from that…

Yoru, Haru and Medusa have easily adjusted to living here. They are working hard while being trained by their teachers in the [Training Facility] along with the ones that come here to train for Team [DxD].

Currently, both Yoru and Haru were being trained by the Two Heavenly Dragons, a Dragon God, a Dragon King and a True Dragon. While the rest of Team [DxD] who had shown up to train were being tortured—er, well being trained by Scathach, Aurelia and Lianne. Vali has tried to challenge them, especially Irene and Ddraig and got his ass kicked quite quickly. But this fueled him even more, so he's steadily getting stronger.

"Let's go then. I'm quite curious as to what Antares has made at the North Pole."


North Pole

Once we arrived there, we were on a large block of ice and the cold wind hit us. However, it was like the regular North Pole, there was nothing more than ice and white everywhere.

"There's nothing here…" muttered Rias.

We were both resistant to the cold, and the enchantments on her clothes also helped with negating the cold and keeping her warm. Therefore, neither of us were bothered by the sudden temperature change.

"Maybe it's in another dimension? I do feel a small cut-off point over there," I said and pointed to the east of us.

"Now that you mention it… unless that's the dimension of Saint Nicolas."

"Santa…? Oh right, he's real in this world," I snorted and started walking towards the cut-off point.

"Mmm. As in the human tales, he does deliver presents to the nice children, but he also delivers coal to the naughty ones. He lives there with his elves, wife, and reindeer. Are you sure this dimension we're heading to is the one Antares made?" she asked.

"Yeah, I feel a lot of draconic energy coming from it. I can sense it, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Unless he did that on purpose, anyway, maybe we can visit Saint Nick for Christmas?" I asked and smirked.

"Well, it wouldn't be a terrible idea to form an alliance with him…?" Rias asked while tilting her head.

"It'd make for a memorable Christmas if we had a bit of influence," I added. But Rias pinched my cheek for some reason. "Eh?"

"If we do… do not ruin Christmas," she said unamused by me.

"I never implied that," I said to her.

We chatted like this until we reached the border and we walked through it.

Once we were through, we were greeted to a strange, yet small and compact town. I was expecting it to be over the top and very extravagant. However, I guess Antares planned on making it as efficient as possible.

"W-what's that large tower in the middle?" Rias asked. "I can feel a powerful aura there…"

"Probably some dragons that Antares created, anyway, let's go they should know about us. Hey, they might have some fascinating places to explore, who knows?" I added and we started walking towards it.

Antares seemed to have created the town that oversaw the North Pole in a different dimension. He surrounded it with tall mountains and it seemed to have only one entrance point. A small black stone wall surrounded the town as well.

The houses or buildings there didn't seem fancy since they had a medieval look to them. Maybe Antares liked that era of humanity? I wasn't sure, but as we got to the entrance a large ice dragon flew down and got in our way.

"…Great Dragon-sama. Antares-sama told us about your imminent arrival. Please go ahead. I am Yace, an Ice Dragon," said the dragon.

"Nice to meet you, Yace. I feel two auras in the tower. Who are they?" I asked Yace.

"Faythe-sama and Illuse," he said. "Faythe-sama works together with Antares-sama, and Illuse is a maid who helps both of them. He created them for you when he left."

"I see, thank you," I thanked the dragon and we continued on. I didn't expect Antares to create some dragons for me, but I'm more than willing to go with it.

Yace bowed and flew away, and we arrived at the door which scanned us and it opened. Once inside we saw many humanoid dragons, and small dragons walking around the place. It seemed like there was a powerful barrier that surrounded the place.

"I should have asked what the tower was, but let's just assume it's where Antares lived during his stay here. Anyway… let's go meet those two first and get a layout of the place. It'd be better to find out from them," I suggested and Rias agreed.

The tower's entrance was just in front of us, and it led up some large and long stairs. However, before that there were shops and other houses there. It seemed like this place functioned like a normal town or city. The humanoid dragons seemed to be the ones running the day-to-day work and necessities of this dimension, whereas the larger dragons were the fighting force.

However, from what I saw, these dragons ranged from True Satan-class to God-class. It made me wonder how powerful those two that Yace mentioned were. As Rias and I walked through the streets we were greeted by the many dragons around us. I let out my aura when a few of them looked at us rather questionably.

'Feels a bit lonely without those two though.'

'I am still here, Aaron,' replied Rudra.

[Me too!] said Elsha.

{I am here to take over,} added Amaris.

'I am aware, thanks guys.'

We finally reached the top of the stairs and there seemed to be two dragons waiting there. They were probably guards. They saw us, bowed and let us through. The interior of the building was made out of some sort of metal and marble. This place was definitely his place of residence since it looked a lot more advanced and lavish than the rest of the town.

I doubt Antares made his followers live a less lavish lifestyle than himself. However, he may have prioritized his own comfort first, or he built this building before the rest. I can only find out when I contact him, for now—

We saw what looked like an elevator and we headed to it. There was a small reception area, however, no one was there. When we arrived, there were only six levels in total. I pressed the last button since I felt the two auras at the very top.

We quickly arrived at the top and we left the elevator and there was only a single hallway with paintings of Antares and me. It felt weird to be revered this much, but I quickly moved on and arrived at the door at the end of the hallway.

I pushed it open and we stepped through. While traveling the short distance, Rias was curious about what she saw around her. She rarely gets to go out since we're mostly busy with other things, so this date and her outing to the Shinto realm was a needed break for her.

Once we were inside the room, we saw two individuals. One of them had the typical maid attire. She had short light blue hair tied in short twin tails, light blue eyes and wore a small red pendent near her chest.

The other one had long, unkempt, pale blue hair that was tied into a right-side ponytail and blue eyes that seemed to always be sleepy. Her most distinct feature is the pair of dark circles beneath her eyes. She wore a dress that had a translucent color like water droplets and had a noticeable slit that showed off her left leg. The dress itself is decorated with flowers and golden jewelry.

"Aaron-sama, welcome to Antares-sama's realm. I am Faythe and beside me is the maid Illuse," said Faythe as she bowed to us.

We walked over to her and I had the weird urge to put my hand on her head, so I did. Everyone looked at me with curiosity. "Glad to be here, I already informed Antares of our intentions here," I said and took my hand off her head.

She looked up at me and smiled, "Yes, we're all aware. Please do enjoy yourselves, and here…" she produced a small digital map, and explained what shops were, some services and a hotel we could go to share an intimate moment. She also added that everything here was paid for in magic or energy, but for us, it's all free.

I felt a bit guilty after hearing that, so I planned on giving them some energy. "I see. This all seems very convenient, thank you. We'll come back here before we leave. I'd like to get to know both of you," I said before turning around.

"P-please do! We were made to serve you and your lovers, Aaron-sama!" Illuse said and Faythe agreed with her.

"Yes, yes, we'll be here," I said again and left.

"Time for our date then!" exclaimed Rias and we held hands as we left the area.

Rossweisse's Soliloquy

I was stuck at Aaron's home because I didn't have anything planned for today. I had thought of heading to a 100-yen shop, but held back. Even though I earn a lot of money now, I still have that habit of going. Aaron also promised me that he'd open a few 100-Yen and 200-Yen shops on granny Göndul's island back in Asgard, as well as open up new jobs once he expands into the supernatural with his business.

After he graduates, I will also leave my employment of being a teacher in Kuoh, so I can be one of his secretaries. Whenever I say that to myself, I feel like I'm on the same level of selfishness and emotional connection as Lavinia-san and Aaron. Though I doubt it… I'm a bit jealous of their bond even when Aaron treats us equally, and spends equal amounts of time with us all.

I sighed once more because I had my phone out looking at the texts I had received over the last week and few days. Granny had been asking me to bring Aaron over to Asgard since she wanted to see him again, if not she'd just come here by herself. The other part was that my parents had somehow found out about my relationship with him and wanted to meet him again too.

I wasn't sure on when or how to bring this up. It's been plaguing my mind nearly every day. It made me conscious that it might have looked like I was being sneaky and cheating on him when all I was getting were texts from granny. It didn't help when it happened during a time when Gasper-kun was caught 'cheating' on Coriana-san with Tomoe-san.

He looked at me for a brief second and my heart nearly dropped. But he never asked me about it. I don't know if he suspected me or not, but I've been wanting to ask him that too. Ugh… I need to get my thoughts and feelings in check.


"Marriage, huh…? I wonder if he'll ask me too…?" I couldn't help but ask myself.

"Hmm? Oh, if it isn't Valkyrie-chan," a voice said beside me.

I looked up to see Irene-san, or Great Red-san. She rarely came out, but she did stay out for a few years during our stay in the [Pocket Dimension] that Aaron made. We rarely get to speak so I was a bit nervous.

"I-Irene-san, h-hello," I said with a bit of a stutter.

"Good day to you," she said and grabbed a drink from the fridge, drank it and sat beside me. "It seems like you are having some troubles. Care to share?" she asked.

"I…" I was about to decline when I thought why not? She's in Aaron's necklace nearly 24/7 of the time and is 'close' to him. "Actually—"

I told her everything. My current concerns are about my grandmother and my parents, marriage and other things. I felt like I had just unloaded everything on her, and by the time I noticed it, I was panting.

"Fufu, it seems like that fool is infecting everyone recently. You are not the only one who has told me about problems of a similar nature. However, let me tell you this regarding that 'cheating' scandal that little Vladi vampire had," she said and looked at me with another smirk.

"He trusts all of you. He has never suspected any of you of cheating. Perhaps that's naïve of him, though I doubt it. The fact that he trusts you all not to cheat is beyond stupid. When people have such a large harem, they might think the same way, don't they? Yet he doesn't. Why?" she asked.

"I-I would never cheat!" I nearly screamed at her and then covered my mouth. I expected Irene-san to scold me or something, however, she simply laughed at me.

"You aren't the only one who had the same answer too. I believe that feeling is mutual after all. However, you can look at having a harem as 'cheating' too, right? Not everyone will always be on board with the idea," she added.

"Nevertheless, Aaron has always been honest about that part of his love life. Not just to us, but the entire supernatural world knows about it… he wants a harem, and he has it. He spoils us as much as he can, and while some of us may feel a bit lonely at times, he dedicates enough time to all of us," I said to her.

"Oh certainly, I haven't said that he doesn't love any of you. Anyway, if you're worried, just talk to him. He has his own worries too, you know? He always wonders if he's doing enough for all of you, if he's spending enough time with each of you and not being too biased towards any one of you. And…"

Irene-san seemed to hesitate but then nodded to herself and got up. "Regarding the marriage part… he plans on asking all of you eventually, but he wants to put a bit more effort into the rest of them. He did say he asked the last few a bit too casually and felt guilty about it," she said and laughed.

She smirked at me and added, "Yggdrasil, look forward to it—a ring may come your way." She then walked away, returning to train the two new dragons that joined us.

I felt my own face heat up at what she said. 'Yggdrasil… and a ring? I… I think I promised Aaron during the 100 years that we'd go see Yggdrasil together, d-does Irene-san mean that he'll…?' again, I felt my own face heat up.


I heard my voice being called out again, and when I looked up it was…

"Suzaku-san, h-how can I help you?" I asked her. It was a bit rare of her to show up like this, though she had started to do it a bit more frequently.

"Aaron sent me this…" she said and showed me her phone.

|I'm sorry, I picked the closet in my chats. Tell Tose, that we'll fyo on a date soon!|

Suzaku-san laughed and said, "I think he typed that out so quickly that he made some typos and didn't fix them. I think 'Tose' was Rose and 'fyo' was meant to be 'go'."

She put her phone away and sighed. "I swear he's just…" she said and smiled.

"Um… Suzaku-san, may I ask you a question?" I asked her.

During the 100 years we found out about the 'Fated Ones' and we know three out of the four. Suzaku-san was one of them, the other being Lavinia-san and finally Velgrynd-san that can only communicate with Aaron through his soul. The last one is a goddess, but he doesn't know who.

"How do you feel about being one of his 'Fated Ones?'. Akeno-san was quite upset about not being one when we all initially found out…"


Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"You better slow down or you'll have an upset stomach, Rias."

We had been to a few areas already and around two hours had passed since we arrived here. We had a lot of attention put on us, and the humanoid dragons tried to not make me pay, but I did and so they accepted in the end.

"I'm pacing myself~" she replied and ate a bit more.

I shook my head and we entered a building. Faythe had recommended this place. It was a small bowling alley. Apparently, dragon bowling was a thing and it was quite competitive here. We paid and walked to our alley.

"I have never gone bowling before, I hope I don't mess up," she said.

"Well, try not to hit the ceiling…"

She blushed and nodded. I had showed them a few videos of people doing that during the 100 years and a few promised to not do it when we did go bowling. It's one thing to promise and another to deliver.

Rias grabbed a bowling ball, hyped herself up and released! The ball rolled at a decent speed and when it hit the pins… nothing happened. The ball seemed to have bounced off them.

"Umm…" Rias was confused by this and a staff came over to us and chuckled.

"Rias-sama, this is dragon bowling so you may need to use more strength than your usual normal strength. Those pins won't move unless you're at least a High-class devil in strength," he said.

"I see," she replied and grabbed another ball. She looked quite serious now. She let out a bit of her aura and rolled the ball towards the pins. This time the ball accelerated at very high speeds and it quickly hit the pins.


However, she used a bit too much and… once the smoke cleared, a hole had appeared and the area around the pins was completely destroyed. The staff member beside me, and the few groups that were here to play stared shocked at Rias. Rias herself slowly turned around while red in the face and I burst into laughter at her.

"Don't laugh! I'm sorry!" she shouted at me and then apologized to the staff member. As I laughed, I put my hand out and repaired the damage she did.

"I-it's not a problem, Rias-sama and thank you, Aaron-sama…" the staff member said in a troubled and worried tone.

"Let's… hold back a bit more this time, okay?" I said still laughing.

She cutely puffed her cheeks, crossed her arms and looked away.

"You got better as time went on," I said as we left the bowling alley.

"I can do it if I put my mind and body to it," replied Rias. "B-but I did mess up a few more times, and thank you for repairing them…"

"Don't worry about it, anyway let's go to that," I said and pointed at another building in the distance. According to Faythe Antares had been collecting all types of plants from around the world to prepare for something.

Her own theories were that he was preparing for when I told him that I was going to move and build a new house. He'd ask me to be the one to construct it. He would include a few large and beautiful gardens with all the flowers he had been hand picking and collecting.

Faythe also said that he had started breeding his own unique and original flowers using his powers. There were a few types in here that were unique to the world. So you could say the building we were planning to venture into what was a personal flower garden made by him.

We entered the building and all of them were in display in all three rooms. Most of these I had an idea of because of Danu. She had told me a few of the plants and flowers she sold for her human job, and of course as a Primordial Goddess of Nature, she's pretty knowledgeable about these things.

"That's the Passiflora Vitifolia, or 'Crimson Passion Flower'. It's a species of Passiflora, native to southern Central America and northwestern South America. It fits your hair, doesn't it?" I said and summoned a red rose. "Well, how about this, Crimson-haired-sama?" I asked and winked.

"Oh Satan you're so cheesy sometimes," she said and blushed. "B-but thank you…"

Instead of giving the red rose to her, I changed it and put it on her hair. Rias seemed to like it and kept it there. We walked around the place looking at each one and the ones I knew about I told her about it. Finally, we arrived in the last room of the building and we were both stunned.

"What the… is that flower alive?" Rias asked a bit shocked.

In front of us was a large crimson flower in the shape of an eastern dragon, and it was clearly breathing and moving. However, I didn't feel any consciousness in it. Maybe it was 'alive' in the simplest of terms.

"In the simplest term, then yeah, I guess it's 'alive'," I replied. I chuckled at the name Antares gave it. "Apparently, it's called the 'Crimson Camel Dragon Flower'. I think Antares made it as a tribute to the Gremory family."

However, Rias suddenly started to shake as she hugged my arm. "C-c-c-camel…?" she asked and her face paled.

Ah, right. She hates camels with a passion… I forgot about that.

"C-c-can w-w-we l-l-leave…?!" she asked me while slowly pulling me out of the room. I obliged her and we left the room. I do wonder how I can help her with this strange trauma of hers…

Once outside she sighed to herself. "I'm sorry, I can't with camels…"

"Runeas won't be happy you know…"


Runeas had gotten used to texting people, and she would text me quite regularly, even during the 100 years. She even sent me some rather explicit photographs and selfies to me. I was a bit troubled by them, but I wasn't going to complain about seeing more female Gremory titties, thighs, and butts.

"Well, seeing as how we're nearing the end of the day, let's go have an early dinner," I said.

"Eh? Why? We can still explore the place a bit more," she replied looking confused.

I leaned in and whispered, "I won't let you sleep tonight." When I pulled away, Rias had turned red again and she shyly nodded. So we made our way to the restaurant that both Faythe and Illuse had recommended.

It was the building just behind the tower and it was the second-largest building in the small town. We quickly made our way there and the security and staff let us in and onto the second floor. Apparently, it's where the super VIPs would go to, so we were led there as honored guests.

"It's really lavish, I would say even more so than some of my father's restaurants in the human world," muttered Rias as we both looked around.

The interior of the building was mostly gold and platinum, and some of the furniture was made out of Bocote, a wood type and one of the most expensive in the world. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and some floating orbs of fire illuminated certain areas.

"Yeah. I take back what I said about the tower being the most expensive-looking. This place is probably above it several folds," I replied.

A waiter eventually approached us, gave us menus and he took our order. The food here was the most expensive ones around the world. I wonder if Antares had made those humanoid dragons with just culinary skills in mind. That gave me an idea for some future staff members for my restaurant until I get some normal staff in there…

We eventually got our food and we ate and chatted the entire time. However, we were watched by the staff the entire time, and near the end I gave them an approving thumbs up making them sigh in relief.

"They really value your opinion and look up to you," said Rias as we left the restaurant.

"I mean, I can say the same thing to you and the devils of the Underworld, especially in the Gremory territory."

"Ufufu, point taken."

We quickly arrived at the only 'hotel' in the town. There were other places we could stay at, but I decided to go there. After paying via magic we were given our key to the room and we made our way there. Once inside, we both became silent.

Rias knew my intentions since I had told her earlier, and when I glanced at her, she was blushing again.

"I-I'll go shower…" she said and scurried away from me.

"I'll wait for my turn then," I said to myself and waited for Rias to finish. Once she was, she was still covered in towels. I told her I'd shower too and had a quick one and finished as fast as I could.

Lemon Start

When I got back outside, Rias was already lying down on the bed. The towels she had been wearing barely covering her body. The look she gave me and the body language she was displaying—she was basically inviting me.

I had a small towel around my waist and I got rid of it. This put my erection on full display and Rias stared at it the entire time I walked towards her. I crawled up on the bed and was in front of her.

No words were said and I leaned over and kissed Rias. She kissed me back with the same enthusiasm. We stayed like this for the next few minutes, our tongues intertwining, our saliva's mixing.

Rias lightly pushed me away from her and said, "I can't wait anymore. Do it…"

I nodded and lined my glans against her slit. My member trembled with excitement when it felt the moisture of her labia.

"Be gentle…" said Rias as she looked on with excitement and worry.

"Of course," I replied.

I slowly pushed my hips into her. Her untouched folds were cramped and tight. My glans forced them apart as it buried itself deeper.

"Kuuh… haaa…" Rias groaned as she looked quite uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried about her.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. It hurts a bit… b-but I'm fine, keep going…"

She's obviously not okay, and she's putting up a front. It makes me happy that she's doing that and willing to accept me, so I indulged her. I pushed deeper into her and it felt like forcing my foot into a sock that's far too small. However, a comforting softness envelops my member.

"Haaa… ahnn…!"

Her vagina swallowed my penis, and it felt even more cramped the deeper I went. In the end, I came across a small wall—it must be her hymen. I was surprised that it had stayed intact when she had pushed herself quite a lot during our sessions in the [Pocket Dimension] from the 1, 5, 15 and 100 years.

I temporarily stopped and looked at her, but before I could speak—

"I love you, Aaron…"

"…Yeah, I love you too, Rias."

After hearing those words… words I'll never get tired of, I thrust my hips into her, breaking her hymen.


After my final push, I was buried all the way in her.

"Haaah…! Aahhn…! Ngh…! Haaa… aaahh…!"

She was drenched and warm with love juice. Her folds massaged my member, as if begging me to release my seed inside of her.

"We're… finally… connected," Rias said through heavy breaths. "And… it hurts so much…!"


She shook her head and said, "No… I'm really happy." After a few seconds she gave me a nod and added, "I'm fine now, go ahead…"

I pecked her on the lips and I started to pump my hips into her. Her inviting vagina allowed my member to slide right in with no resistance. My member trembled against her untouched crevices, the heat, and pressure of Rias' body wrapped around my member.

"Harder…! I can take it," she said and gripped the sheets in anticipation.

Listening to what she said, I thrust all the way into her, hitting her cervix.

"Hyaaaa?!" she let out a cute shriek and she looked confused for a few seconds.

Her creases resisted me as I pulled my hips away, making her moan again. I inserted myself into her again, her fluid foaming around her crotch as I plunged in deeper.

Rias sounded like she was holding something in. As sorry as I am, it's taking everything in me not to go as hard as I can. That's how I usually do it with the girls, unless we turn it into a very slow and lovey-dovey type session.

My deliberate movements allowed for endless waves of pleasure to descend on both of us as I churned in and out of her.

"Haaa… aahhnn… w-what is this…? Aaahnn… my body feels weird…!"

The remaining pain on Rias' face faded away as I continued my pace. Her moans turned into ragged breathing. Her breath grew hotter and hotter.

Rias kept on moaning and finally the pained expression on her face was gone. Seeing her relieved made me want to violate her more. The desire began crawling up my neck. I wanted to slam my hips into her, intent on tasting everything her body had to offer.

"…Aaron…? Are you holding yourself back for my sake?" she asked and looked me straight in the eyes.

She saw right through me…

"I've wanted to do this with you for so long. I've heard stories from everyone, and even walked by you doing it with a few of the girls too… go ahead, do all those naughty things to me as well," she said with teary-eyed.

"Guh…! Dammit Rias, you're too cute. If you tell me that, I won't be able to hold back…!"

"It's okay… I… I want it too, so…"



As I forced my hips into her, she wrapped herself tightly around my member in surprise. Her severe contractions made sparks fly before my eyes.

"Did you tighten up even more…?"

"It's… because… you… eh…? Ah, aah, aaaaahhh!!"

I didn't let her finish as I pounded my engorged member into her so quickly it began to hurt. Pleasure began to well up inside me. It felt like I was about to lose my own consciousness, but I kept moving my hips as I held on.

"Haaa, aaaahn, aaaaahnn!!"

I ram deep inside her. So deep it felt like my member was about to tear off. Rias also thrust her hips into mine, her legs tensed. My hips began to move incessantly.

"Hyaaahjn! Ah! Ah! Aaaahn! Aaron…! Aaron…! So hard… nngh…! So intense…!" she moaned out.

"Don't stop moving your hips, Rias…! It feels good…!" I said to her.

I held up Rias' legs while I pumped into her. Her large breasts jiggled as I did so. Rias shrieked as extraordinary pleasure coursed through her insides. I also felt my own member well up.

"Shit… Rias, I'm gonna…!"

"Mmm…! Yeah, go on… cum… whenever you want…! Haaaaaan!"


"Cum in me… cum… Aaron!" she begged.

Her obscene moans made my hips go faster. I slammed my hips against Rias' gorgeous body as if my life depended on it.

"Aaaah… amazing… haaan! You're churning me up…! Aaahhn…! Aaron… love… Aaron… Aaron…!" she said my name over and over again.

I also felt the desire in me and I repeated her name too. "Rias….! Rias…!"

"Aaron… something's coming…! Kuh…! Something's…! I'm cumming…! Aaah!! Aaaaaaaahhh!!"

"Me too…!"

"Hyaaaaaaa! Aah! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!"

Splurt~ Splurt~

I released my hot seed within Rias' deepest depths. Despite her initial moan, Rias couldn't say anything. It appeared as though she was silently screaming. I felt Rias' insides contract around my member, as if to milk every last drop of my semen.



"Eh?" I was a bit surprised by the demand. When I took a closer look back at Rias, her pupils had turned into heart-shapes and she begged for more.

"More… I want to do it more…!"

I chuckled at her and agreed. Due to the fact that I had forgotten to put a barrier around us earlier, we were definitely heard. So I covered us with a barrier and we did it for several hours after that

Lemon End

The day broke. I didn't sleep last night, but Rias fell asleep after we did it numerous times. I had forgotten how many when we did it for the 15th time. I didn't think Rias was that big of a pervert, maybe she was a nympho? And that she had just managed to keep it a secret. Well, whatever the truth was… I was sure that I would do it a lot with Rias in the coming days and weeks until she finally settles down. This happened with a few of the girls after all.

"Mmm… eh? I-it's morning already…?" Rias asked as she woke up.

"Yeah, we did it a lot after all. But once you fell asleep, we stopped," I replied.

"You didn't sleep?" she asked worried.

"No, you know I don't necessarily need to sleep, but I still do it out of habit. But yeah, I stayed up the rest of the night just thinking about stuff."

"Sorry if the date was short, I would have liked it to be longer, but…"

"It's fine, a lot of things have happened in the last few weeks and months. Having short times of peace like this is good…" she said and hugged me. "When are we heading back?" she asked.

"We'll check in with those two one last time. I'd like to invite them to become my Electa. If they don't then it's fine, but if they do then it's also fine. I already spoke to Antares about it while you slept. He's fine with it."

"You do realize you have your own faction, right?" she asked and pecked me on the cheek.

"Yeah I do. I can't deny that now, but I'll formally introduce it to the world once I graduate. I'll have more time once I do since I'll mostly send my avatar on my steed when attending classes."

We had breakfast after having another two rounds in the shower. We were on the elevator up to the tower and once we reached the top, we entered the room and saw that those two were already there, but before I could say anything—

"We would love to, Aaron-sama," said Faythe.

Rias looked at me, then back at the two humanoid dragons in front of us.

"Blonds and dragons, those are the most common women with you now…" said Rias.

[I would wager the devils too, Rias-chan,] said Elsha from my right hand.

Everyone stared at it and they became confused. I explained why there was a female voice that came out of it, and they nodded.

"I was wondering what would happen if Ddraig and Albion left you. Though they already did before, but their voice recordings still stayed the same," she said.

"That's true. Anyway, Antares made new subordinates and they're coming here—never mind, they're already here," I said and turned around.

The door suddenly opened and a large humanoid dragon with deep blue scales walked into the room. Behind him was another dragon, but this one had black and red scales.

"Sorry for the intrusion, Aaron-sama. I am Rezzocri. The one behind me is Pazynth. From today onwards we will be the ones that govern this dimension until Antares-sama's return. He sends his regards and says that the construction of your new home in the Dimensional Gap is coming along fine. He hypothesizes that it's around 34% complete."

"I see. Glad to have you on board, Rezzocri and Pazynth," I said and patted both of them on the shoulder.

They both suddenly kneeled and began to cry. "To be praised and even touched! We are honored!!"

'Eh?' I was dumbfounded by this and awkwardly told them to work hard. After that, I gestured for Faythe and Illuse to join me outside with Rias. I touched both of them and changed them into the Electa. Their power levels changed from God-class to the peak of Omniversal.

"You'll have homes in this ring, or you can stay in my home since there are infinite rooms, you can choose. Most of the other Electa tend to live in my home now, although some of them go back to my ring. At the moment, only Ayelet and Yuanteng are the only ones in it," I explained.

"We will accompany you back," they both replied.

"Very well, let's go," I said and we left for home

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

A few days have passed and we were in the [Training Facility] of my home. A few things happened. There was a recent test and everyone that I got to school with got pretty good grades, especially Xenovia who scored in the top 10. Everyone did enough to stay in the top 50, but she went above and beyond.

Many were surprised and asked why she was so determined, but she chose to keep it a secret. I guess Xenovia really wanted to be the next Student Council President. There were a few that made guesses like 'She wants to work for Aaron, so she can't stay dumb or be content with her brain!' though that was mostly from Irina.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Keep it up," I said as I dodged and deflected the attacks from Yoru, Haru and Medusa.

I decided to take over for this training session and give the dragons that had been training them a break. Ddraig was on his phone watching memes on Youtube. Albion meditated and Tiamat tried to scold both of them but they ignored her.

Yoru and Haru held hands and used a fusion type attack at me, and Medusa followed that up by sending a barrage of elemental attacks my way. I put my hand out and—

{Divide!} said Amaris. I had started using both [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing] abilities without needing to bring the Sacred Gears out. However, I was accused of being a cheater by both Heavenly Dragons when I did so a few days ago.

Don! Bam! Pah!

Both dragons began to send powerful kicks and punches at me, while Medusa supported them from afar. She gave up trying to use her petrify ability on me since it wouldn't work, so she's been practicing her magic and started to learn how to use touki.

I moved both arms to the opposite sides and caught Yoru's punch and Haru's kick, and then I threw them both away and they crashed to the ground. I looked at Medusa and froze her with ice magic and she struggled to break free.

"Alright, quick break," I said and undid the ice attack on Medusa who sighed and fell on her butt. I quickly helped gather Yoru and Haru up too.


"Thank you."

Both of them said and I healed them, the same with Medusa. From a distance, we could see Team Vali fighting Kuroka, who was leagues above them. Initially they were all shocked at her absurd power jump, but quickly got over it. For the last few days that they had been in here, they had been struggling with sparring with her. Even with Le Fay's help, they struggled.

The others did their own training, with the girls helping the other mythology and faction groups to get stronger and the teachers (Aurelia, Scathach, Lianne and Elyscia who I asked to help) have been the ones putting them through rigorous training sessions down here.

Another thing, Rose had been acting strangely the past few days, and Suzaku had been staying with us when I came back with Rias. She said she had set up something and had around a week off, so she would be here until then.

In the distance in another area, both Kanami and Dulio were engaged in combat with each other. There was a lot of tension since Kanami was holding back and pushing Dulio by a lot, and the look on his face showed he was tempted to use his Balance Breaker.

Kanami had two Sacred Gears to master, the [True Longinus] and [Ashen Burst]. Soon, maybe during the International Rating Game I would announce to the supernatural world the changes I made to the Sacred Gear system.

And the [New Longinus] would be formally recognized, but for now I'll keep it to myself. However, for now the new ones I have in mind are [Nereid Kyrie], [Star Buster Star Blaster], [Aeon Balor], [Alphecca Tyrant], [Unknown Dictator], [Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot], [Ashen Burst], and two new Sacred Gears that I (one) made and (two) upgraded.

Connla, a former Hero Faction member who I killed. He owned the Sacred Gear [Night Reflection] and just like the previous [Flame Shake] which I turned into [Ashen Burst], I changed [Night Reflection] into [Abyss Extinction] to be a [New Longinus].

The final one was the sword I used during the attack on Takamagahara. It was a short white sword with a chain link tassel and a red gem near the cross guard. Its name is [Demon Armor: Incursio]. Just like Xenovia's [Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot], it's another beast-type Sacred Gear with a mindless beast trapped in it. However, I haven't chosen a wielder for either [Abyss Extinction] or [Demon Armor: Incursio] yet.

"By the way, we have a meeting tonight, right?" asked Haru.

"Hmm? Ah, yeah we do. You don't need to attend if you don't want to, though…"

"We're part of Team [DxD], so we'll participate," said Haru and Yoru nodded beside her.

"I will also be there. Even if we're not strong enough to participate in some missions, we should be able to participate in meetings, correct?" asked Medusa.

"Yeah, that's fine," I replied.

After that, they walked over to the dragons that trained them, and I walked over to Kiba. He was practicing with his newly acquired Sacred Gear [Blade Birth]. He with the help of me merged both his Sacred Gears, [Blade Blacksmith] and [Sword Birth]. He wanted me to name it and laughed at my suggestion, but accepted it in the end.

[Blade Birth], can use both [Blade Blacksmith] and [Sword Birth] abilities at the same time. So he can use his [Glory Drag Trop] while wielding demonic swords and vice versa. His armor state with [Glory Drag Trop] also evolved so it has both holy and demonic properties along with draconic since he requested it.

"How's everything on your end? Got a name for your armor state yet?" I asked Kiba.

"Yes, I'll name it [Aaron-Senpai Super Armor Super Max Love]," he said with a serious tone.

"…No," I replied, yet Kiba just smiled at me.

"Would you consider my new [Blade Birth] as part of the [New Longinus] you plan on announcing to everyone?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, but if you manage to make it evolve, and acquire a new Balance Breaker, then I'll reconsider since both your Holy demonic swords, and [Glory Drag Trop] are just considered normal abilities to it now."

"Hmm, you have a point. That means I'm back to zero since it's a new Sacred Gear… endless new possibilities then, correct?" he asked and I agreed. "Then I'll call it [Yumi Breaker]!"

I sighed again and shook my head. "You really need to move on from those jokes, Kiba… I mean even Gasper has two girlfriends now you know?" I said to him, trying not to sound like an asshole.

I want him to have a fulfilling life. However, if he keeps on joking like this, or pursuing me, I think heartache or frustration will only wait for him in the end. He's a guy and I'll always see him as a guy, so…

"Oh, just wait, Aaron-senpai. I have my own plans, fufu," he said and grinned. I had an uneasy feeling about that grin…

"Well, you do you then… anyway keep up the good work," I said and patted his shoulder and left.

I walked around the [Training Facility] and watched everyone working hard. I stopped by a few of them and gave them some advice, but some of it came from me, and some from Rudra. Eventually I came across Azazel who had been sitting at a random corner by himself like some kind of loner.

"Azazel, what the hell are you doing over here?" I asked and sat beside him. He had a serious expression on his face.

"I've been thinking about it," he said.

"About what?" I asked.

He sighed and looked at me. "A reincarnation system for fallen angels," he said and leaned back on the bench.

I didn't say anything and waited for him to continue. But I wonder if our short talk made him reconsider a lot of things? I mean, I got a few reports from Penemue and Raynare about him, as well with the current Team Slash/Dog.

"I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life, successes, and failures. Avezza was one of the most promising researchers in my organization. I believe her intelligence and smarts were next to none, and even close to mine, and even now she may have surpassed them. She's my biggest failure. If only I let her make one that could even just revive her lover, she would have been fine with that…"

He frowned and sighed again. I hadn't seen Azazel like this at all, it's quite a sight to see. As someone who's smart and a good leader (if I cut out his perverseness and lazy side) then from an outsider's perspective you'd view him as a cunning and devious leader. I mean, Shiva of all people calls him 'The Most Sinister Fallen Angel' which has to amount to something, right?

"Is that why you've been thinking about making a reincarnation system like the angels' [Brave Saint] and the [Evil Piece] system of the devils? If you plan on going through with it, do you have a name for it?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just started thinking about making one. I haven't thought too deeply about it. We fallen angels can increase our numbers through normal means… you know, sex. So we never needed a reincarnation system. Also, we grow if angels fall, but that's less frequent now because of what you did to the system."

He then got up and rubbed the back of his head. "Never mind that, I'll have a guest tonight, so get ready, alright? I just rambled on for too long. See you," he said and left via teleportation.

"—And that's how it is. Everyone is progressing along well. Some have gone up a power rank and some have improved their techniques and abilities to near perfection," said Penemue as she told a report on everyone progress from the [Training Facility].

Penemue decided to tease the others, so she's my 'secretary' for this meeting. Of course, Kurousagi who was here, along with Raiko on the other side of me was a bit upset. However, Rose's mind was somewhere else, and she looked a bit nervous.

"Finally, we have a guest coming tonight. I take it that everyone had their fill earlier, correct?" asked Penemue and everyone said a variety of 'yes'.

"H-heaven's Mont Blanc…" Dulio muttered as he had fallen asleep after eating dinner here.

Earlier I had helped Grayfia and a few others make dinner. This became a regular occurrence since I wanted to practice with my cooking again, and seeing as how we had such a large team, most of us ate at various places in my home. From the living room, to the extra-large dining room, or just the couches spread around the dining room. Sometimes even in the entertainment floor or here in the meeting room.

Some still had some dessert or snacks with them and since the Pleiades and Sharon were here most of this was quickly done. Even Grayfia had started to help with housework and cooking again, even with her house arrest still in effect.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door to the room. Suddenly, the door opened and Inaie stepped in with someone else. Since Inaie is learning to be a maid, she's in her maid attire and was acting like one.

The one who appeared behind Inaie was an elderly woman wearing a deep blue robe. She had a fearless look and she appeared to have the same height as Rossweisse. She has a good posture and looks slim overall.

She walked in and Inaie followed behind her. She stopped in front of everyone and said, "Hello, all of you from Japan. Thank you for looking after my granddaughter who is sitting over there. My name is Göndul, I am Rossweisse's grandmother. Pleased to make your acquaintance." She added a bow at the end.

She then looked at me and I got up. I walked over to Göndul and we shared a quick hug. I had to bend down a bit because of the difference in our heights.

"It's been a while, Göndul. I take it you've been well?" I asked the older woman.

"Huhu, these old bones of mine won't break that easily, Jin. I hope my granddaughter hasn't been a handful to you," she said and glanced at Rose who flinched and blushed.

I helped her to a seat and she sat down on it. Immediately Sharon brought her some tea and Göndul thanked her. I returned to my seat and produced some documents.

"Göndul will be participating in a magician's assembly that will take place in the Underworld of the Agares territory," I said and looked at the documents. "This is also something we can't tell anyone yet, but currently there is an increase in cases of disappearance cases where certain magicians are disappearing with knowledge of ancient magic or forbidden spells."

"Though you won't need to worry too much about that. I had Azazel contact the devils earlier and have them prepare," I added and put the documents down.

"What do you mean by that, Jin?" asked Rias.

"The Khaos Order are targeting high skilled magicians with forbidden knowledge or certain spells and sealing techniques. Every single one that is attending that magician's assembly will be targeted. They might have a traitor, so I'll have my shadow soldiers on standby and one of the G.o.B."

"Though, we don't need to think too hard about it since I know why they're being targeted, Azazel and I have already contacted the ones in our alliance, especially Grauzauberer too," I said and looked at Rose.

"The Khaos Order are kidnapping them to try to unseal the Beast of the Apocalypse. However, I believe Rose has the way of actually unsealing it. You did a research paper on it, didn't you?" I asked and she nodded.

"They will still try to kidnap you and use you. But… I believe they don't need you at the same time. The Evie gods are beyond our normal understanding. They may even have ways to unseal Trihexa, hell, even the Phantasma might have techniques to unseal the beast too. I'm not evening including Lapis in this, so…"

"We informed the pantheons and factions around the supernatural world to prepare for the worst. Of course, if Trihexa has any chance of being unsealed, we'll just send Jin here to deal with it. We'll give you our factions if we have to," added Azazel.

"That's a bit much, Azazel. I don't need anything like this. This is my planet, my universe, so I'll protect it since I live here. I don't need anything that dramatic.

"In light of Trihexa's threat and invasions from another world, they're willing to do more negotiations and join the alliance, so expect a lot more invitations in the future, Jin," Azazel said.

I looked back at Göndul and said, "Leave the traitor to me, as I said my shadow soldiers are going to be there to stop them." I then looked at Azazel, "We also warned the devils that are on the floating island, correct?"

"Yeah, the Four Satans are aware, they'll be putting Sairaorg Bael, his peerage, Seekvaira Agares and her peerage to defend it just in case something happens there. You added your shadow soldiers too, right?"

"Yes," I replied. But at the same time, I feel like they already got what they wanted out of the island. Therefore, the only other reason they try to take it is for the crystals that are found there. Though I doubt it, they might even have traitors that have been providing them with the crystals.

"Anyway, that's all that needs to be said. An attack might happen on the floating city of Agares, and also the Auros academy that's going to open in the future. We'll be going there in a few days—by we, I mean the Gremory, Sitri and a few of my group. Team Slash/Dog, I assigned you guys to look after the Astaroth territory too, and a few of my shadow soldiers are spread across the Underworld."

"Underworld? Auros Academy?" Xenovia repeated and she looked at Sona.

"Yes, in a few days there will be a small trial, a day to experience what it would be like. Auros Academy, the Rating Game school anyone can attend regardless of their status in devil society," answered Sona.

"Oh! So it's nearly a reality, then, President? So are we heading there to teach the children who'll show up?" she asked.

"Yes, essentially. Originally Sairaorg and a few others would join, but we'll have Jin and his group come in as stand-ins," she added.

"You're showing up there too, right? Göndul?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded. "Yes, I will teach those who cannot utilize demonic energy the basics of magic. Anyone can use it, even devils, so if they cannot use their natural energy, they can always use other sources of power." she said.

"By the way, Jin." Göndul then looked at me, at Rose, and then at the women in the room. "How many women do you plan on having?" she asked.

"Infinity," I deadpanned.

Smack! Smack!

"Oh is that so? My, to think you would have so many children in the future… speaking of children, is anyone one of them, pregnant yet? What about Rose? Her parents and I are quite curious, to be honest. They wish to see you again, and formally meet the boyfriend of their daughter. Has Rose told you that?"

Raiko and Penemue were the ones that smacked me. Raiko herself looked mortified. Ever since she and I made it official, she had started to be a bit more relaxed and casual around me. This also included, well, her 'discipline' though it rarely happens—but that was one of them.

'Don't be too perverted. I don't want our future children to be perverted, like their father.'

That's what she said to me. I mean, we skipped the dating stage, and we got engaged right away, so there's that. However, she has already begun talking about children.

"No one is pregnant yet, but meeting her parents? I mean I don't mind. I need to eventually do that to the girl's parents, so it's inevitable, and no she hasn't told me," I replied and glanced at Rose. She blushed and looked guilty.

"My, Rose didn't even tell you?" she asked and shook her head in disappointment.

After that, we spoke about certain plans and expectations we had for the possible invasion during our visit to Auros and Auros academy. We also discussed the plan to defend the floating city of Agares, and other things. Apparently Sairaorg and Seekvaira couldn't participate in this meeting, but sent one of their servants to attend. For Sairaorg it was his [Queen] Kuisha, and for Seekvaira her own [Queen] Alivian, a dragon.

The meeting had been dissolved earlier and everyone had split apart. The ones who lived here went to the various places of my home, while I was with Rose and Göndul.


"I'm sorry! I was meant to tell you, even during our time 'there'! But I didn't get a chance, I'm sorry!" said Rose and kept shaking my shoulders.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. But I don't mind. I was meant to ask about meeting your parents eventually," I said.

However, the two ignored me and Göndul proceeded to lightly scold Rossweisse and she just hung her head in shame. I let this go on for a minute before putting my hand on Göndul's shoulder and asking her to let it go, and she shook her head and sighed.

"You're lucky this boy is the one you're dating my beloved Rose. Ah yes, your parents also want proof, so go on a date tomorrow, before you both go to Auros in the Underworld. Make sure to take pictures, okay? Just send them to me, Jin or Rose, it doesn't matter who does it."

"Proof?" I asked and looked at Rose. "We certainly can take some selfies during our date, so I don't mind," I said and Rose nodded along.

"What a reliable future husband," she said and smiled. "I'll get going now. I have a few things to do and places to stop by, take care you two! And don't make grandchildren yet until Jin gets out of high school!"

Her last point made Rose turn red and then she teleported away. Göndul is as interesting as ever… kind yet sharp tongued and has a bit of sass. I hope I'm like that in my old age, even if I don't ever die.


"Let's go to sleep. We have a date tomorrow after all," I said and grabbed Rose's hand and she blushed all the way to my room.

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