Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 10 – Part 3 – The Voice that Gives Power

Ingvild Leviathan's Soliloquy

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The colossal water serpent with the blood armor hovered around Valeri and me. I hadn't expected her to come here, but I'm glad she is. The same is true with Aaron, although he's watching us from afar. Below us was my father, Nehunius Leviathan—a few seconds from now, he's going to die or at least be incapacitated.

Even though I know he's not a good man, even though I know I have to do it, I still hesitate. Did I desperately want to have a familial relationship with him? If so, why? From what he has shown me, he's not a good man—not in the slightest, so why?

As I agonized over these thoughts, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. When I glanced back, it was Valerie.

"It's better to let go of some people than cling onto them, In. I told you about my brother and father. I don't know what your dad said to you, but it's clear that it's something despicable. What was that saying? 'If you love them, let them go', or something like that? I may be misinterpreting it, but I think this is one of them—albeit a bit twisted," she told me and glanced behind us.

Following her gaze, she was looking back at Aaron. I think I know what you're trying to convey to me, Valerie.

When I looked back at my father, terror was still in his eyes, and he was frozen in fear.

Arguably, what I'm feeling towards my father is more of a 'want' rather than a 'need'. I wanted him to be my father. I wanted him to be a family member. Admittedly, there were also articles online that I saw that said, 'Some families are made or forged by you, and your blood family isn't always the right one for you.' Or something along those lines.

I think I finally understood what that meant, or maybe I always did but was in denial—regardless. It's unmistakable who my real family is now, but since the omniverse is real, I can ask him to show me that possible future, right? If I ask him to change my dad, like he did with Avezza, it wouldn't be real—it wouldn't be genuine.

So I won't.

Today—even if we only met today—is the day we say goodbye, dad.

Closing my eyes for a few seconds, I felt a huge burden lifted off my chest, and my body felt very light. Opening them, I smiled at my dad. "Goodbye, and thank you for giving me life," I told him.

Clenching my hand, I brought the enormous water serpent down on him. At the speed it went, my dad didn't have time to react as he was pummeled repeatedly by the torrent of water. Inside that water were sharp water blades, and the blood armor also attacked him, with Valerie controlling them.

His screams of agony resonated throughout the area. When the attack finally ended, he was lying on the ground with large wounds all over his body and bleeding. When I landed a few feet away from him, he didn't utter a single word.

Subsequently, as I got closer, he gurgled something, but we didn't hear it. Aaron had also joined us, and when we finally stood above him, he looked at me and then back at the sky above us.

"…You could have become the ultimate weapon—even controlling the Middleman with your powers. Why must you side with them?' he asked dispiritedly.

"I don't want to rule the world or anything like that. My music brings joy to many, and some even said it saved them. Aaron wants to make a world where we can have equal opportunity, and I support that," I told him.

There will be those who are against his ideal world. They may be terrorists or just normal people—even with that, he'll keep pursuing it. Because in the end, he and I personally think it will benefit people more than the status quo.

"Naïve…you're too naïve," my father mumbled, closing his eyes. "One day…when this 'thing' disappears, what will happen then? You…have become a pillar in this world—an unshakable one at that. If you disappear one day, what will this world—and its inhabitants—do?"

Valerie and I look at Aaron, who stared at my dad for a few seconds before he sighed and looked up at the sky. "Nothing will happen. [DxD], [EXE], and my children in the future will be able to take care of it. I will simply watch over them and the omniverse, and when I see them truly struggle, that's when I'll intervene."

He looked back at my dad and added, "Don't underestimate my allies; they're constantly changing and getting stronger. Whatever threats appear in the future, they can kick their asses."

Dad said nothing else as he closed his eyes. He didn't die, but I believe he accepted Aaron's answer. Aaron aimed his hand at Dad before sealing his powers and putting him to sleep.


"I'll take him." I interrupted Aaron. "I want to, can I?"

A small part of me wants to see him a bit more before I permanently part ways with him. He stared at me before agreeing and looking at Valerie, who silently agreed to go with me.

As we walked away, both Aaron's and my eyes met—it was a silent conversation, but we agreed to speak to each other after this whole thing was over. Although, based on what Valerie told me before, I think I know what's coming, my answer should be quite obvious.

"I'll be confronting the original Leviathan, In. Do you want me to teleport you when I do?" he asked.

"Yes please, if there's time," I replied, finally leaving the area.

…I'm really glad I was awake in this era. Hopefully, even better ones will come in the future.

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Third Person Point of View

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Devastating attacks rocked the eastern side of Kuoh. The ones responsible for this were two of the Ultimate-class Leviathans; they had teamed up together to try and defeat the alliance that was in their way. They had become fed up, and after hearing about two of their strongest being defeated along with Nehunius Leviathan, they didn't want to take any chances.

Sozada Leviathan and Arne Leviathan, two pompous and egoistic noble devils. They, like many of the other Leviathans and other families, have been in hiding since the original Satans died, or after the end of the devil's civil war.

Consequently, unlike other families, certain groups of Leviathan clan members have been secretly biding their time, growing in power in whatever way they could. Sozada and Arne were quite close but still considered each other rivals, so when they found out about the Khaos Brigade, they tried to join, but another Leviathan told them it may be a bad idea because of Katerea Leviathan.

She was the only one out of their clan that was actively known to be alive in the Underworld—Ingvild was still unknown, even to most of the hidden members; only certain Leviathan nobles knew of her, and even then, they didn't care much about her.

They thought of her as a burden—a comatose drain on their wallets—so when the current Satans offered to take her away from them, they accepted. Although Serafall was the only one to make contact with them as she had the title of 'Leviathan', and even then, some harbored resentment against her.

Currently, these two are facing off against different members of [DxD] and [EXE]. It was a mix of fallen angels and angels, the devils' former enemies, but to these two, they were still very much the existences they hated.

One of them was Arne. He had short, straight blue hair that parted in the middle, purple eyes that had x-shaped pupils, and he wore a sea captain's uniform mixed with his noble attire, which made him standout.

Beside him was Sozada; he was a bit more normal than his rival, as he had a bald head and no eye brows or hair. This was because he lost a bet between the two and had to shave off all his hair. The only defining feature of him was his eyes, which were pink with the pupils in the shape of torches. Because of the bed, he was also forced to wear a dark blue tank top, a dark blue mini-skirt, heels, and a strapless bra.

When the members of [DxD] and [EXE] saw him for the first time, they thought they were dealing with a transvestite and were a bit lost on what to do. But Sozada lost his temper with them and blurted out their bed, causing some members to become even more bewildered by it.

One of the members of the [8 Divas], Wu Song, and someone else she hadn't met before stepped up in front of the other members. She and the other woman stared at each other before nodding to each other.

"Wu Song, one of the [8 Divas]," said the red head.

"Diene Eskildsen, member of the [EXE]," said the long, brown-haired, red-eyed woman. She wore a white and gold noble-esque attire with a white-gold pin-tuck shirt, white skin-tight pants, and black boots. On her side, she had a tachi with a purple and white handle.

Raynare, who was with them, didn't utter a word; she lazily looked at the two male Leviathans in front of them. Penemue was also there, but her role was more of a supervisor than a fighter. Gabriel waved at them in a friendly manner but was ultimately ignored; the rest were angels and fallen angels that were part of [DxD] and [EXE], who prepared to back up their superiors.

Diene unsheathed her tachi, and golden touki covered her body. Wu Song was impressed by her power and also shrouded her body in her innate flame power.

Both Arne and Sozada frowned. Neither of them saw women as equals—to them, they were below men, and they wanted it to stay as such, so being forced to fight women was an insult to them.

"Women? Why must we face women?" asked Arne. Sozada nodded in agreement beside him—his head shone brightly as he did that.

Wu Song frowned but didn't wait for their misogyny to continue and dashed towards them. She arrived behind Arne and sent a palm strike towards his back while her body was covered in touki. Arne grinned and blocked her, but as he went to strike her, what he hit was an afterimage, surprising him. He suddenly felt intense pain on his side as Wu Song enveloped her right arm in flames and slammed it into his side, knocking him away.

Sozada began to retaliate by creating water knives and thrusting them towards Wu Song, but Diene, in a single motion, sliced his left arm off, causing him to shriek. She followed it up by kicking him in the face, also sending him away in the opposite direction.

"You're not bad," they said in unison. They stared at each other before smirking at each other.

"Damn…badass women are such heartthrobs…" mumbled a male member of [DxD].

"Right?" another member agreed; they were part of [EXE].

"There are more enemies around us; stop slacking and go defeat them!" Wu Song shouted at her allies, making them flinch.

"Y-yes ma'am!" they shouted and began scattering.

Two different auras of different colors erupted from opposite ends of the vicinity. One was dark blue, and the other was dark purple. Both Arne and Sozada flew back to both Wu Song and Diene and fired numerous demonic aura attacks at them. Both women made minor adjustments to their bodies, forcing the attacks to miss.

For the ones they couldn't avoid, Wu Song incinerated the demonic attacks with her flames, and Diene sliced apart the demonic attacks using her tachi and touki, further bewildering the two.

Just like the other Leviathans, they hadn't kept up with the current information of the modern age—they did not know much about [DxD] as they only received that information days before the operation began. Even after receiving them, their arrogant nature made them dismiss them since, to them, as long as you attained Ultimate-class power, you would be able to do anything.

Arne and Sozada acknowledge only Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub as the ones they need to surpass, but they will deal with that after they obtain Ingvild Leviathan.

"How? No normal human can keep up, or, Satan forbid, surpass an Ultimate-class devil," Arne said in befuddlement.

"Yes, it's quite curious. They must be taking performance-enhancing drugs to be able to do this, or are we still holding back?" surmised Sozada.

Placing her hands on her hips, Wu Song said, "How delusional are you? This is the modern era—just like in the human world, many women have higher positions than men. We're not the same weak and frail beings from back in your days."

Diene agreed with her comrade. "Precisely. You may be noble devils that still have the mindset of the old era, but if you even cared, you would have paid attention to your superiors. Both [DxD] and [EXE] are powerful individuals and groups that have come together to stop fools like you."

Both devils frowned before looking at each other.

"Which one would you like?" Arne asked, dismissing what Wu Song and Diene said.

Surveying both of them, Sozada said, "I'd like the red head; she's quite feisty, making it more interesting in bed for the initial night."

"Very well, let's defeat the ones we want then." A dark blue demonic aura wrapped around Arne's body, and it gradually increased in power and became denser. It eventually shaped itself into a tail behind him and wings.

The very same thing happened to Sozada as dark purple auras formed mechanisms around his body; some resembled mini-ballistas on both his arms, a belt buckle on his waist, a monocle on his right eye, and spider legs on his back.

"We may be Leviathan, but we were given some unique powers by the Khaos Order. If we combine them with our [Sea Serpent of the End], we become invi—"

Wu Song didn't wait for their speeches to end and smashed her flaming fist into Sozada's stomach. To her surprise, the spider legs that came out of his back had blocked them, but her flames also burned them, forcing him to jump away.

"Even with these, you were still able to burn them," Sozada mumbled to himself, staring at Wu Song with genuine caution now.

Arne also began his bombardment of attacks against Diene. Different colored magic circles (dark blue) appeared behind him and continuously fired dark blue water serpents from them. He would also use his own demonic circles to fire demonic elemental attacks at her.

Diene, with Touki shrouding her body, avoided and sliced apart the attack from Arne. This still perplexed Arne, and he pondered how the human woman in front of him managed to consistently slice apart his attacks. It didn't make sense to him.

Prior to their mission starting, Diene Eskildsen was gifted that sword by Aaron Toole. He noticed her normal tachi wouldn't be able to help her during this as it was a normal sword, and her touki would only help her to a degree.

Diene Eskildsen, for better or worse, had no unique innate ability or talent. She wasn't born a genius, nor was she particularly gifted by any means. The only thing she had was her perseverance and hard-working mindset.

Diene Eskildsen was an orphan. She lost her parents at a young age and bounced around foster families and homes. Eventually, when she became old enough, she went off on her own, and two years after that, she became involved in the supernatural.

It was an accident, as she came across rogue fallen angels in her country and was killed nearby. But a very young Freed Sellzen and his teacher and mentor, David Cerro, the wielder of [Galatine] at the time, saved her.

They gave her a choice—he, David Cerro, would erase her memories of the matter and she could live her life normally again, or she could continue on living with this new knowledge, but he would give her some training.

The young Freed also informed her that even if they were to erase her memories, the supernatural would find a way to worm back into her life—once you're in, you can't completely get away.

That struck Diene, and she decided to accept the offer David Cerro offered her. For that one month, Diene Eskildsen trained like her life depended on it, and before David and Freed left the country, she was gifted a tachi by David.

From there, she started her own journey in the supernatural world. She became a mercenary and fought day in and day out; eventually, she was scouted by Ajuka Beelzebub to join [EXE]. At the time, Diene was confused as to why she was specifically chosen, but the words she heard from Ajuka only perplexed her even further.

'—I believe you can bring something new to the overall dynamic of the organization [EXE]. Team [DxD] already has many personalities, people, and groups—a small change in that would be good for it. Certain members and groups will be part of both organizations, but we don't want just that. You have been on your own since the beginning of your journey; you were only given a small push, so I'd like to see you grow with [EXE] too. Will you accept?'

Even though she didn't meet Aaron until today, she immediately knew that she would get along with him. Add to that the fact that she was gifted a new sword by him, which only added to her likeness towards him. However, she also appreciated that he didn't tell her to throw away her previous sword, as it held sentimental value for her.

"Did that filthy dragon give you that sword?" Arne asked in

"Don't call my new boss filthy. But yes, he did. Do you have a problem with that?" asked Diene.

Arne scoffed. "You never had talent, have you? It's quite obvious from your body language. Being given a new toy by that thing and being proud of the new power? How disgusting."

Diene stared at the devil in front of her before blinking a few times and then laughing at him, confusing and angering him.

She wiped the tear from her eye and said, "Pretty cheap coming from you. Didn't you receive that power from the Khaos Order? You haven't used your clan's unique trait yet either, so I'm left to wonder, can you even use it?"

This further annoyed Arne, as he said nothing more and began relentlessly hurling attacks at Diene, who in turn continued their dance from earlier. Arne's tail suddenly shot towards her, but she deflected it. The tail immediately turned around and started shooting dark blue water arrows at her, surprising Diene.

She created a magic circle and countered with her own flaming arrows. Both attacks collided in the middle, creating a mini explosion, pushing both of them away and also decimating their surroundings.

"Should we help them?" Raynare asked. The rest of them watched on as the other [DxD] and [EXE] members fought off their enemies.

"Even if they didn't say it, I think Wu Song wants to fight that guy by himself, but you can step in if you think she needs help, Raynare," said Penemue.

Gabriel, who watched the entire interaction, was beginning to become more and more restless as she started to fidget on the spot. Raynare noticed this and put a hand on her head and said, "It'll be fine, Gabriel-sama. If anything, Aaron will most likely be the one to react first if they are pushed into a corner."

"Mmm." Gabriel looked at Raynare before she added, "Hehe, Raynare has gotten a lot kinder lately; I wonder why~?"

"Oh? I thought I was the only one who noticed that, but I guess Aaron and the rest are having an affect on her~?" mused Penemue while peering at Raynare.

The woman in question was slightly flushed by their comments but did not say anything in return. She simply watched the two others fight the two Leviathans. "Those flames—do they look normal to guys?"

Penemue cocked her brow and said, "Don't try to change the subject, Raynare. Why don't you—"

"They're divine flames," Gabriel remarked, interjecting into Penemue's teasing. They all turned to watch Wu Song fight Sozada.

The young woman was skillfully using her flame manipulation to amplify her own powers, as she mostly relied on martial arts, but she also shot out the occasional fireball at the devil she was facing, who was visibly struggling to keep up with her. The difference in their fighting experience was palpable.

In her flames, a tinge of divine energy was felt by all three of them, making them ponder who she received those flames from.

"Zhurong, the God of Fire in the Chinese Mythology, is sometimes referred to as the Star of Fire. I don't think Aaron has met that man yet, but according to the archives in Grigori, Azazel notes that he's outgoing and a bit of a pervert like himself," clarified Penemue.

Both Raynare and Gabriel tilted their heads.

"Azazel-sama met him already?" asked Raynare.

"Only once before Aaron formed the alliance with them, but his subsequent visits to that Pantheon let him meet him multiple times over. According to him, he's not as bad as him or Odin-sama, but... he's quite perverted, humble but very outgoing." Penemue had a smirk on her face as she told them that.

"You know... I've noticed that gods are outgoing, humble, authoritative, childish, or just perverted. I haven't seen or met one that's anything else but that," commented Raynare.

"Father once said that gods were selfish. He never specified that it included him, but let us speculate, but at the same time, we really couldn't since it may have been considered a sin…" mumbled Gabriel.

"That's true; gods like that are a rarity among them; some gods even hold life-long petty grudges and can be very whimsical. According to Azazel, this was very pertinent towards the Greek gods, although we can see that today in Nyx," explained Penemue.

Their conversation was cut short when they heard another powerful explosion reverberate throughout the area. When they looked back at Wu Song, a powerful flame-shaped beast had come out of her fist and had defeated Sozada.

Raynare looked at her watch and said, "That was around two minutes of fighting. She's quite skilled. It makes me wonder how more powerful the leader of the 8 Divas is—Rixia Mao, was it?"

"Boss Rixia is powerful. She was the first person chosen by Lady Ningguang to be the leader of our group. She has no innate ability, but she is very skilled with her weapons of choice, worked hard to obtain and master her touki, and maintained her position when various talented individuals challenged her for the position," Wu Song said while going back to them, dragging back the unconscious Sozada.

"She seems very distant, though…," said Gabriel.

With a wry smile on her face, Wu Song said, "She…has her reasons, like many of us, right? If it's following orders, she can do that without question, especially towards her superiors and individuals she respects and sees above herself, but... I can't say anymore, but she's still a good person."

She looked at the sleeping devil and applied sleeping magic to him to further keep him unconscious. Once that was done, they looked back to Arne and Diene—their own battle was coming to its own conclusion.

Several serpent-shaped attacks kept firing towards Diene, who in turn sliced them apart. During their entire fight, Arne kept getting more and more frustrated, to the point of nearly popping a blood vessel.

As she was preparing to finish her match, a sudden surge of energy flashed across her field of view. She raised her arms to block out the light, and when she brought them down, she found that Arne Leviathan was lying on the ground, wrapped in touki-covered chains, with a gash through his chest from which he bled.

"Speak of the devil—Boss Rixia, what about the others?" Wu Song asked, walking over to her leader.

Rixia turned around and faced her right hand. "They're here and fighting along side everyone. We had to deal with something else before we could join. I will apologize to Jin later," she said and nodded at the fallen angels and angel.

Rixia noticed Raynare was staring at her with a blank page and asked, "Is something wrong, Raynare-san?"

"No…it's nothing…" replied Raynare before turning away, confusing everyone.

Penemue confronted her fellow fallen angel and asked, "What's with that reaction? Haven't you seen her before?"

"I have, but looking at her now and thinking about it—it's a recipe for—you know what? Just look at her—ponytail, big boobs, big butt, thick thighs…"

Penemue laughed at Raynare before turning back around. She understood what she was referring to but decided to leave her alone. "I'll accompany you two to the drop-off zone. Rixia-san, may I leave Raynare and Gabriel to you?"

She nodded before going over to the other two and flying away with them.


"Is Rixia in a relationship?" Penemue asked, surprising Wu Song.

"She's…not? Why do you ask?" responded Wu Song.

Penemue smiled and didn't elaborate—she started asking her all about her leader, further confusing the young woman.

— ○ ● ○ —

"An Astaroth, the sister of the fake Leviathan and the dragon. You have an interesting line-up for me, Outer God," said the original Leviathan.

Aaron had met up with Sona and Latia, who had come across two of the three remaining Ultimate-class Leviathans and the original Leviathan.

Earlier, Sona had ordered the rest of her peerage to deal with the other attacks and said that she would be fine on her own. Although she kept an eye on them through the attack and helped them from a distance, Latia herself was mostly monitoring everyone's movements and had given herself a supporting role, but her chance encounter with one of the Leviathans forced her to fight instead.

Aaron had flown off to find the original Leviathan when he came across her and kicked her towards the one that Sona had encountered. He wanted to defeat the remaining ones as fast as possible, with the last one being dealt with by Tobio and Gin. The Slash Dog Team was part of [EXE] after all.

Aaron looked at Latia and Sona and came to a silent agreement. A few seconds later, the other two male Leviathans disappeared along with them, leaving Aaron and the original Leviathan alone.

"So? Why did you want Ingvild's powers? Depending on your answer, I may be lenient towards you (lie)," he told her.

With a condescending smile on her face, the original Leviathan flicked her hair back and laughed. "It's quite obvious, isn't it? I want power, in our world and beyond (multiverse), and that's all that matters. I lied to Nehunius Leviathan about letting him have her [Sea Serpent of the End], but in reality, I was going to keep it for myself. I've spoken to—ah, never mind, you nearly made me ramble."

"—That you would combine it with yours with the help of the Khaos Order, further amplifying its effects?" finished Aaron, but the original Leviathan wasn't surprised and just winked at him.

"Fufu, your powers are certainly interesting, Middleman. But yes, that was my plan, or perhaps we would try to make something new with some of the remaining items we have from both the Phantasma and Evie," she admitted and then groped her own breast. "Would offering my body to you do anything?"

"No," he deadpanned, and he removed his Balance Breakers helmet from his head. He was in his [Demon Armor: Incursio]'s Balance Breaker; he had entered it after parting ways with Ingvild and Valerie.

"I see, so you're into less mature bodies; it's understandable; you're still a child after all," she said contemptuously.

This only annoyed Aaron slightly. He had no body preference since his women turned him on regardless, although he would never admit that to the person in front of him.

His helmet formed around his head again, and that was the end of their conversation. The O-Leviathan (Original Leviathan) spawned several fifteen-meter water serpents around her that were covered in dense demonic energy.

Even though Aaron knew the answer, he asked, "Where are the other original Satans and Satan himself?"

"Fufu, I won't answer you, but what you did to the original Lucifer and Beelzebub from a few months ago—it's still affecting them, even after various treatments by the Khaos Order, which included the Phantasma and Evie," she told him.

A small smile appeared on Aaron's face before he nodded, disappeared, and headbutted O-Leviathan's stomach, sending her away. She coughed up blood but managed to order her water serpents to attack Aaron, who in turn punched the sides of the air beside him, creating cracks and shattering the attacks aimed at him.

"We never received reports of this—is that a new Sacred Gear?" O-Levithan asked, staring at his armor.

Aaron shrugged, not giving her a response, further aggravating her. Aaron aimed his fingers at O-Leviathan and began firing a barrage of small, silvery-white energy bullets from the tips of his fingers, forcing the woman to dodge them while also creating defensive barriers around her. Some blocked them before shattering, and some bypassed them, nicking her around the body.

It was obvious to both of them what Aaron Toole was doing. He was going to slowly chip away at her, weakening her before defeating her. She knew that he could defeat her in no time, but he had decided to play with her.

O-Leviathan sniggered. "I thought you were righteous, Outer God? Normally, heroes like you are meant to defeat us without needlessly torturing us, are you not? Wouldn't this be called inhumane?" she asked.

Aaron disappeared, and she looked around her but didn't find him. She suddenly felt intense pain on her back, and cracks appeared around her before she plummeted to the ground and violently crashed into it, destroying multiple buildings due to the shockwave she produced.

"Well, normally, yes. But... with all the shit you guys pulled on me last year... I think what I'm doing is a little justified, so let me blow off a little steam. Call me immature if you want, I certainly don't care what terrorists would say," repaid Aaron, sounding as monotone as possible.

'Ingvild, if you're done with accompanying your dad, I'd like a bit of help from you. Well, it'll help everyone else too; are you up for it?' Aaron asked.

'…Yes, I'll help any way I can; what do I do?' she replied almost immediately.

'Great, let's do this then—' After Aaron told her of his plan, she agreed. However, he then contacted someone else. 'Latia? This may sound strange, but... lend me your breasts, please!'

'......Explain in the next thirty seconds. If it's not good enough, I'm going to ignore you for the rest of the day,' replied Latia, sounding annoyed.

'I'm going to use one of my lewd techniques alongside Ingvild's singing voice to strengthen everyone else here. Along with the [Dragon Tattoo] I already gave to everyone, it should make their battles easier!'

'…Can't you just use your power normal—'

'I'll admit that I also want to fondle you,' he added, causing a moment of silence again. Aaron avoided a new round of attacks from O-Leviathan as he waited for Latia's response.

"What's wrong!? Why did you go become silen—" As O-Levithan began to patronize Aaron, two bodies flew into her, knocking all of them away.

To Aaron's surprise, he found both Latia and Sona together.

"…I will need to share this shame, Aaron. I would have liked this to be in a more intimate moment, but it can't be helped," Latia admitted and looked sheepishly at Sona, who had a cold and dead look on her face.

"I heard from Latia, Aaron. Let's get this over with," she said, and both women pulled down their tops, revealing their bras to him.

"Uh—" Before he could ask them to pull up their bras, they did so. The three Leviathans behind them became so confused by this weird event that they just stared at them.

"Thanks—" Aaron took a deep breath before unleashing a powerful aura and then condensing it around his body—he had temporarily created a [Diabolos Dragon God] form for his [Demon Armor: Incursio] without needing to have a new appearance. 'Ingvild, I'm about to do it; please get ready!'

'Yes!' responded Ingvild.

Both Latia and Sona were blushing furiously while they waited for Aaron. Finally, he shot his hands forward, his left hand grabbing Latia's left breast and his right hand grabbing Sona's right breast. Both women stifled a moan, and their bodies shook.

"Let's do this! Titty power! [Paipod] version Incursio!!" screamed Aaron, further embarrassing the two women with him.

Their breasts began to glow, and then lavender particles began to appear all around Kuoh.

[——♪, ——♪]

Ingvild Leviathan's voice was heard somewhere, but most weren't sure where, as the speakers she used earlier were turned off and also destroyed because of the fighting. However, many women noticed their breasts had begun to glow and that the singing voice of Ingvild was coming from them.

"W-what kind of lunacy is this…!?" O-Leviathan asked in astonishment.

"Increasing powers through the power of lewdness, eat it!" Aaron shouted as the song continued, and he took this chance to poke both of Sona and Latia's nipples.

"Iyaaan~" both of them moaned, and then they glared at Aaron, who smiled back at them.

"Alright, that should continue without me needing to do this! Although your boobs will probably keep on glowing until we cancel the technique out," he explained before releasing his grip on both their breasts. A look of disappointment appeared on his face as he did.

"…Y-you can just ask to touch them if you want…" Latia mumbled, and Sona agreed beside her—both too embarrassed to vocalize it any louder.

The look of disappointment didn't last as he heard that and smirked at them. "Great! I'll do that tonight then, thanks!" Aaron charged back towards O-Leviathan before kicking her in the stomach and teleporting away with her.

Both women fixed their clothing and were left with their previous opponents, and both sighed.

"Shall we?" Latia asked, summoning her weapon and changing it to its grimoire form.

"Let's make it quick; I don't like hearing my Onee-sama being badmouthed," replied Sona, conjuring her own water dragons beside her.

— ○ ● ○ —

"W-why are my breasts glowing!? And why am I hearing Ingvild's voice from them!?" Kanami shouted, confused, scared, but also intrigued by it.

"It's obviously another technique of Jin," replied Tobio; he wasn't even phased by this anymore. He was with the Slash Dog Team as they dealt with the last Ultimate-class Leviathan.

They had been an easy opponent for him, but after he was cornered and was about to be defeated, he stabbed himself with some kind of syringe and metamorphosed into an enormous serpent. However, it wasn't a water serpent as they may have expected; instead, it was one made of the devil's own flesh, and it had begun to rot too.

So the smell of rotting flesh from the giant serpent made it almost unbearable for them to fight without feeling the need to vomit. This was remedied by Fusae using her magic to create gasmasks for them, but the odor was so strong that it only mitigated it by half.

And it had only gotten worse as another Leviathan had joined them—it was the daughter of the original Leviathan, Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan. The Leviathan, who had been killed by Ajuka during the devil's civil war.

"Fool…and here I thought you were different," Tsufaame said while looking at the now-transformed Leviathan.

"Hmm? Who the hell is that?" Kanami asked, completely ignoring her glowing breasts.

Natsume, who was beside her, used her ring's [Appraisal] and saw who it was. "Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan, apparently. She's the daughter of the original Leviathan. It seems like she's broken through and is God-class in power; she's nothing like that guy."

"God-class, eh? It's not like we haven't faced people like that yet," commented Kouki. "So, who's dealing with her, and who's dealing with the water serpent guy?"


"…I will," proposed Meruem. He stepped over beside Tobio and glanced at him as if he had interrupted him. Tobio stared back at him and agreed.

"Alright, we'll leave him to you then, Meruem. The rest—"

"I'll go with him!" Mittelt shouted.

Tobio agreed without hesitation; he had learned the different personalities and quirks of his new teammates over the course of a few weeks. He knew arguing with Mittelt would be a headache and a half, so he just let her. He also knew that she was a lot stronger than when he first met her and that Meruem wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"Hmph. You think—!" Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan was about to mock them before she felt a fist connect with her stomach, launching her away. Mittelt followed after both Meruem and Tsufaame after she was blown away.

"Can we still take this one back with us?" Tobio asked Fusae, who had been staring at the monster Leviathan that they had suspended with magic.

Fusae, who had her finger on her transceiver, looked at Tobio. "Aaron has already analyzed it; he'll inform the alliance about it so we can kill it, but he will come back for its body since he thinks Azazel may want to analyze it."

A wry smile appeared on Tobio's face. "Yeah, that sounds like him. Alright, let's take it down but keep the damage to a minimum."

"You're one to talk, I-can-cut-anything-sama!" Kanami shouted, making Tobio awkwardly smile.

Kouki, who had been sitting down, got up and walked over beside Tobio. "That thing's a mix of water and devil flesh, right? Why not just cut off its limbs and let it bleed out? Its healing isn't that powerful since Fusae nerfed it."

Tobio nodded and summoned a scythe. He looked at Kanami, and she also summoned her [True Longinus] and quickly activated her Balance Breaker, and used the First Commandment—creating a white dome around them.

"I've been wondering, isn't your First Commandment some kind of reality-warping ability? Since you're stronger than that thing, can't you, I dunno, tell him not to die or bleed out while it's active?" Kouki asked their other leader.

Kanami waved her finger at Kouki. "There are limits, you know? I haven't asked Aaron to change (upgrade or evolve) the [True Longinus]; these powers just came from me as the new wielder. I also never tried that yet since we're usually tasked with bringing them back alive," she explained to him.

"But…" Kanami looked at the struggling monster and pointed at it with her spear. <Don't bleed out!> she ordered. "It's worth a shot, right? Alright, onto you, Tobio Ikuse-san!"

Tobio nodded and brought his scythe back before swinging it horizontally towards the monster's lower half. With an audible 'shwing' sound that reverberated throughout the area, the lower half of the monster was cleanly cut without complications. There was also no blood that came out of it, as Kanami's command had worked, making her quite happy with herself.

"Looks like it worked," noted Kouki as he watched the monster fall down and become confused.

It looked at its lower half, and after a few seconds of silence, it began to write and wriggle around, enraged at the thought of losing its lower half. It turned its attention back to the team and began firing acidic water streams at them. Even though it couldn't move its body, it could still attack. The fact that it lost its sanity earlier made it hard for the man inside to think rationally.

However, the fact that it got its other end chopped off made it so that he regained his full cognitive abilities, and his first act was to attack the people responsible for it. Those actions didn't get it far, though, as Tobio Ikuse swung his scythe vertically towards its attacks, slicing them apart, and then Shigune ordered Poh, Pooh, and Pon to eat the destroyed attacks before they landed on the area around them.

"…I've been meaning to ask. When we finally defeat it... doesn't Kanami-dono need to undo her Balance Breaker? Doesn't that mean the rule of 'not bleeding out' will vanish or cancel out? What will we do then?" Ajamu asked, looking at the serpent monster.

The area fell silent after hearing his thoughts. They then looked at Kanami, who had started to sweat profusely. Before another word was said, she pointed at Kouki and shouted, "It was his idea! Blame him!"

"Wha—how is it my fault!?" Kouki retorted back, but he felt a hand clasp his shoulder, and when he looked back, he saw Kalawarna was smiling at him. "…It was my fault, I'm sorry—but still, we're in this now, so we just gotta—!"

A magic circle appeared in front of Fusae, and an item appeared from it. She reached out and grabbed it before turning around and showing it to everyone. "We can use this to help him back up and reattach the tail. Aaron gave it to me just now after explaining our minor dilemma."

'At least someone is a bit calmer during situations like this. She reminds me of Lavinia. She is a junior to her and was part of the Grauzauberer,' Tobio thought while looking at his boisterous team.

"Great! We don't need to worry about more details then! Let's go—!" Kanami shouted, but as she started to move her spear, the area where the monster had been inexplicably exploded, blowing some of them away. "Gyaaaaaaaaaaa!!"

"Khhh…! W-what the…!?" grunted Tobio as he shielded his eyes.

After the shockwave had subsided, they saw that the monster had died—no, it had been obliterated out of existence. The person on top of it was—

"Taking your time in defeating your opponent can lead to more complicated matters, no? Why did you hesitate?" asked an older woman—this woman was Aurelia Le Guin, the Golden Rakshasa.

The rest were too stunned to answer her, but Shigune spoke up.

"Aurelia-san, Aaron asked us to keep those members alive since the alliance asked for them to be," she told her.

Aurelia stared back at Shigune, then at the monster she was on top of that she killed, then back at Shigune. She repeated this a few times before sighing—for a brief moment, she felt a wave of anxiety pass through her body, but she quickly dismissed it.

"Aaron gave you something, didn't he, Fusae-kun?" Aurelia asked, turning her attention to Fusae, who smiled wryly at her.

"…It was only for healing and reattaching the tail that was cut off," she replied, looking at the now-dead monster. "I don't think it can bring back the dead, but…"

Aurelia nodded her head, acknowledging her mistake. She fell silent for the next few seconds before a magic circle appeared underneath her and the monster. Seconds later, the monster was healed and brought back to life.

She smirked at them and said, "I have done my part—I will be off!" she then jumped away, leaving a small blast of wind behind.

"...…You can't just come here, kill it, not acknowledge it, and have Aaron fix it for you before leaving! At least say sorry!!" Natsume shouted, looking at the figure of Aurelia slowly get smaller.

Fusae, Shigune, and Ajamu made their way to the unconscious monster, who began to revert back to his normal form, much to their surprise. The man that lay there had medium-length, messy lime green hair and wore the typical noble attire.

Ajamu restrained him, and Fusae applied sleeping magic to him so he wouldn't wake up. The rest of the team was behind them—the two sisters had begun to argue like usual while Tobio tried to remedy the situation.

"We'll take this man back with us; can we leave you guys to take out the rest?" Fusae asked. Tobio stopped speaking to the two sisters before agreeing with her suggestion.

Tobio's mind hadn't been focused for this operation, as Sae had been meaning to tell him something, but she had delayed it since he had been called to a different mission after the attacks by Hitler and Black Alice.

After today's mission, she would definitely inform him of whatever she wanted, and it made him nervous.

"Is something wrong, Tobi?" Kouki asked, concerned for his friend.

"Nah, it's nothing. Let's get this done and enjoy the rest of Ingvild's concert," he replied. This caused the sisters to stop arguing since they remembered it was interrupted and wanted to listen to Ingvild's voice more, but—

"Ah! My breasts!" Kanami shouted and looked down to see them still glowing and the voice of Ingvild still singing from them. "Okay! Let's do this! I want to hear In-In sing more!"

Natsume pumped her fist and shouted, agreeing with her sister. Both of them flew off to defeat the rest of the invading members.

— ○ ● ○ —

Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan was overflowing with confidence. Because of her resurrection, she was even more powerful than before she died, but she also felt her own mother had become even more powerful before her death too.

In front of her were Meruem and Mittelt.

"Who would have thought that both Ignia and Meruem would betray the very organization their mother once led? Have you no shame?" she asked him.

Meruem stared at her for a few seconds before he answered her. "She was the woman that created me; she did not give birth to me nor conceive me with father. I never felt an attachment towards her or the organization."

He disappeared and slammed both knees into Tsufaame's stomach, knocking her to the ground.

"But... I do have a small bond with father, and he's the only one to treat me as an equal, even if he was initially wary of me," he told her. Tsufaame got up from her spot, furious at Meruem.

Meruem's own self-discovery was slow and long, but he eventually found a reason for his own existence. He originally thought it needed to be something big and extravagant. The two people who were his parents were quite prominent in the omniverse.

Nyarlathotep, his mother, one of the first offspring created by Azathoth, and Aaron Toole, his father. The former new Outer God, Middleman, and Dual Dragon Emperor—as well as the Hero of the Underworld and Supernatural.

He thought he needed to live up to that after being freed from the grips of the Khaos Order. But over time, as he lived in Grigori and interacted with the people there, he found his own reason to keep on existing. He initially thought it was silly, but after speaking to Aaron—his father—numerous times about it, he came to a conclusion.

He didn't need to be well-known; he didn't need to be influential or be some bigshot. He just needed to find his own person, his own goals, and people who liked him for who he was.

And he found it in Grigori—he made friends, joined a team, and even found a lover. It was small in the grand scheme of things, but it brought peace to Meruem, and he was content with that.

Just like his father, he found a place he belonged to and a place that he would fight to protect. Even if his sphere wasn't as gargantuan as his father's, to him it was enough, and after being reassured by Aaron that it was a fine goal, he came to appreciate him even more.

While they weren't blood related, Aaron didn't have any obligation to take him on as his son—and even if those words remain unspoken, his actions spoke loud and clear to Meruem.

"I don't need that mushy shit!" Tsufaame screamed at Meruem and created water lancers and began throwing them at him. Meruem simply slapped them away, unbothered by her outrage and 'power'.

Because of her new power, she forgot that he was originally much stronger than her, but right now all she could think of was killing because she did not like people touching her without permission.

Seeing her attacks be slapped away like that angered her even further, so she aimed her attacks at both Meruem and Mittelt. To Tsufaame, the little fallen angel was weak in her eyes, and after conjuring up a giant wave of water behind her, she unleashed it on both of them.

She increased the speed of the water lances aimed at Mittelt while continuously distracting Meruem with the other half of her attacks.

Mittelt created countless light spears and rings before launching them towards the water attacks. She was much weaker than Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan, but once her attacks collided with the devil's, they both exploded, surprising Tsufaame.

Mittelt, after months of training, had broken through the lowest end of Satan-class, so even at that power level, she could survive against someone like Tsufaame, who is at God-class, but not win. Normally, her attacks wouldn't work, but with Aaron's [Dragon Tattoo] and [Paipod] enhancing her powers, she could match the daughter of the original Leviathan.

Meruem trusted Mittelt and the power that his father was providing them, so he didn't intervene. Mittelt was also quite shocked by this but soon connected the dots and smirked at Tsufaame, further aggravating her.

"Suck it, bitch!" she told her, chuckling.

Even though she has grown since the start of last year, some parts of Mittelt will truly never leave her—and that was the brash part of her personality. She can, however, control it, and she doesn't antagonize Aaron anymore.

She grew and matured along with Meruem after they met, and even more so after they became a couple.

Mittelt was born like that—with her haughty and brazen personality, she quickly fell from Heaven. It didn't help the fact that she was a low-level angel, so that only made her even more bitter. Unlike Raynare, who was the product of her environment, she fully embraced herself and went on to live like that for many years.

Until she came across Azrael and her group, giving her and Raynare's group the illusion of being given a chance at getting stronger. However, it came crashing down when they were defeated by Aaron, but in a way, it was also a miracle, and she wanted to give her thanks to him but hadn't found an appropriate way or the right time yet.


"I know, Meruem. I won't let it get to my head!" she replied, and he nodded his head.

Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan became even more infuriated by their intimacy. "How can two people of different species even fall in love? That's quite disgusting, you know? Just like how humans of different races and colors fall in love—it's strange and incorrect. They and you two should stay with your kind."

What most didn't know was that Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan was slightly—no, she was very racist and speciesist. She believed that devils should only procreate and be together with devils; the same was true of fallen angels, angels, and other species.

Meruem and Mittelt looked at her and each other, unsure of how to respond to her comment.

With an even more appalled expression on her face, she added, "Especially that father of yours. Having multiple races and species in his harem? How revolting. He's a dragon and god; he should stick to just those. Having devils, fallen angels, angels, youkai, and humans in it? It makes my body shiver."

The former leader of the Khaos Order tilted his head. He didn't understand what she was saying—no, he did, as he had learned about this over the last year. But it was more the fact that he didn't understand that line of thinking from people.

To Meruem, if you love someone, their race, ethnicity, or species shouldn't matter. As long as you're not breaking any laws, then to him, it was fine to love anyone. That's how his love for Mittelt came to be, and from the interactions he had with his father, that's how he saw it too.

"Why does it matter?" he asked, destroying more attacks from her with his bare hands.

"To keep the bloodline pure! If it's contaminated by others, it will only weaken it! How do you think devils have lived for so long!? We procreate with the same species! Even some going as far as with incest—and any kind of defect will be fixed using our demonic powers! Although it rarely happens!" Tsufaame elucidated, but Meruem only stared blankly at her.

"If you have two powerful individuals make a child, that child will obviously be born powerful and with even more potential than the parents. If you breed with another species or race and with someone weaker than yourself, you're only setting up your child for failure in the future!"

He shook his head. Meruem wouldn't understand it and understood that any further discussion on the matter would be fruitless. He was going to leave it there, but Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan had to keep pushing it.

"You for an example! Why in Satan's name would you ever be in a relationship with that thing!?" she asked, pointing at Mittelt. "She's short, looks bratty, and has a shameless mouth. From the report I read about her, she's not even that noteworthy—she's not valuable—she's just—"

Meruem's fist connected with Tsufaame's jaw, completely destroying it and blasting her through several buildings. This was the first time he had felt something like that—no, perhaps it was the second time. At the very least, he understood that it manifested because of the things that Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan had said about his lover.

Meruem had read about it in stories that he saw online and even in books he and Mittelt bought. The main protagonist snaps and defeats their opponent because their friends, comrades, and loved ones were injured or even killed.

He thought it was interesting and even compared it to his father's short fight against Lapis. But he never thought it would happen to him since he was much stronger than the enemies he generally faces. But now such words affected him so greatly that they infuriated him. A year ago, this would have been unbelievable, but now...

"Do not insult her…" he mumbled, animosity clearly present in his voice.

Tsufaame stood back up after throwing the rubble that was around her; her jaw was irrevocably destroyed. Even after trying to use healing magic on it (which was a rare magic to use), it didn't do anything.

Aaron had felt the change in Meruem's emotions and helped him a little. He prevented Tsufaame from healing herself in any way. Whether it be from the Phenex Tears, his Slime Pills, healing magic, items, or Sacred Gears, she would never be able to gain back her jaw.

Blood oozed down from her open wound, and anytime she tried speaking, it would be incomprehensible, leaving her even more embittered. Noticing that she couldn't heal it, she gave up on the idea and evoked a large wave of water along with multiple water spears, swords, lances, and shields around her.

The volume of this could easily submerge Kuoh ten times over—everyone around the realm could see this concoction, and the original Leviathan who saw it was proud of her daughter, as cynical as she was.

[Father, I have to apologize, but—]

[It's fine; I can just bring her back; go for it,] replied Aaron.

Meruem nodded to himself before reappearing below Tsufaame. He put a hand on her stomach, surprising her and instantly creating a ball of energy inside her. Without another thought, he swiftly increased its size to twenty times its original size, forcing Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan to expand and explode, causing her blood, guts, and bones to scatter everywhere.

Mittelt watched this in shock, but at the same time she started to blush as she understood how much Meruem cared for her. Although she already knew about it before hand, this only reinforced the idea, but she also understood that it wasn't exactly the right time to be reacting this way as someone just exploded in front of her.

"Heeeyy—w-what the—!? M-Meruem, what happened here?! I saw a giant wave appear out of nowhere and came rushing here!" a fallen angel asked, shocked at the blood scene around them.

Meruem turned around and acknowledged them with a nod. "Oh…Yerriance. It's nothing; I just defeated a Leviathan; perhaps I went too far, but it's been dealt with," he explained.

"'s that' so? Well, I'll mark this spot then. Penemue-sama told me to mark people we accidentally kill since it started happening so Jin-san can force them back to life," he told him and landed near a body part of Tsufaame. He created a small light pole and erected it beside it. "I'll go then; let's meet up for drinks after this! Oh, Ingvild-sama is going to be singing after; let's stay for it!"


Yerriance waved to him before flying away. Meruem made his way to Mittelt, who looked around the spot before noting something down on a notepad she had brought out.

"Let's go; we still have others to subdue."

"Yes!" replied Mittelt, putting away her notepad.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Impossible, Tsufaame-sama was defeated!? Only her and Leviathan-sama can create such a large, powerful attack—to think she would be defeated…" mumbled another Leviathan—he was one of the Ultimate-class Levithan fighting Sona and Latia.

"Didn't Serafall-sama, you, and Ingvild make larger ones?" Latia asked Sona.

"We did, but we have to keep in mind that what we do isn't exactly normal anymore…" replied Sona.

He, Getica Leviathan, and a close associate, Vidimir Leviathan, faced two women who were groped not too long ago by Aaron—Latia Astaroth and Sona Sitri.

Getica himself faced off against Latia, and he was being casually toyed with by her while his associate Vidimir fought Sona Sitri. After the actions of Aaron earlier, to them, it seemed like they were rushing to finish their battles but were trying to be subtle about it, which intrigued Getica.

He was still quite arrogant but was also quite open-minded about the newer things in the modern era, so he didn't immediately dismiss them and thought of the things from the past as superior. For one, like some of his fellow Leviathans, he thinks some women should only have specific roles in society.

But at the same time, he wasn't against them having jobs or working to help provide for the man—who he believes is the leader of a household.

"Latia Astaroth, was it? You seem like an educated woman; why don't you become mine and we can rule the Underworld together? I will give you more responsibilities than what I had originally planned for my future wife. Doesn't this sound like a good opportunity?"

Latia created various elemental spears behind her and said, "Unfortunately, I am already in a relationship and don't have any plans on terminating it. In actuality, I wish to marry him one day—you saw him earlier, didn't you?"

Getica let out a chuckle before calling forth numerous nine-foot water serpents behind himself. He amplified them with his own aura, which created scales and protrusions all around them.

"Will you reconsider?" he asked again, trying to intimidate Latia with his powers.

Latia stared at the man before sighing. She had seen many things that were strange as she lived with Aaron and everyone else. Many of those things shocked her in the beginning, but over time she became indifferent to most of them, or at least she became so used to them that she saw them as normal.

These range from everyday nonsensical things to the powers and abilities that Aaron used in their day-to-day lives. One of them is when he pulls a different ingredient he wants from a completely different reality since he needs it for a specific dish when he cooks.

Of course, Grayfia and Raiko scold him for it, but they don't really 'scold' him as they have found themselves using those ingredients when they themselves cook dinner or breakfast. So Latia saw this man in front of her using such a simple ability, which left her a bit underwhelmed.

Latia put her right hand forward and opened it. Getica became ecstatic at the thought of her accepting his proposal, but seconds later she closed her palm and made a squeezing gesture. Getica suddenly felt pain in his lower region; his genitals felt like they were on fire and as if they were being crushed.

Latia's mastery over her [Territory Magic] had reached a level where she could do this kind of thing. At times, she would use it on very unsavory opponents. Latia then released her elemental spears towards the man, who managed to create a very weak defensive magic circle in an attempt to save himself.

A small explosion followed after her attack landed on him. She saw that some of them were blocked, but they shattered his magic circle, injuring him, but he had also used his [Sea Serpent of the End] like a makeshift shield, protecting him further, albeit barely.

As he began to move his arm to attack Latia again, he saw a small transparent ball in front of him, confusing him. However, as he tried to reach out to it, the ball disappeared and was replaced by Latia, who had swapped places with it.

Her weapon, which was previously a grimoire, had changed into a sword, and with a single strike, she cut off his extended arm, baffling him even further. He jumped away and used his water manipulation to propel him further. Once he landed away from her, he looked at his bleeding stump and created demonic fire before cauterizing it.

'I shouldn't underestimate—' Before he could finish his thoughts, Latia appeared in front of him again, this time with her grimoire and a white sphere around her hands. Getica lifted up his remaining hand and released a stream of demonic water towards Latia.

The young woman disappeared from his sight, and he felt something strange touch his back. When he turned to it, he saw an indifferent Latia Astaroth with the same sphere above the palm of her hand.

"Shi—" The ball exploded, blasting him away; he was violently dragged through the ground, scraping off the flesh on his face and body until he stopped himself. Now profusely bleeding, he didn't have many options.

It was clear to Getica that he was outmatched and that he couldn't win. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but he wordlessly acknowledged it. It wasn't above him to do such a thing, even for a noble like himself.

He knelt on the ground as Latia stood above him. Escaping would be futile, so he didn't even try. As he waited for his end, he thought back on his life so far—to him personally, it wasn't bad, but he would have at least liked to—

"…May I see your breasts?" he asked, confusing Latia.

In reality, he was quite perverted himself—once he found a wife, he would have liked to do it with her daily, up to three times a day, and Latia Astaroth was his ideal woman, from her looks to her personality and even her work ethic.

"No, they're exclusively for my soon-to-be fiancé," replied Latia, kicking him in the face and knocking him out. Once she was done, she sighed and looked at the man. "Devils were made to sin, but who would have thought that they would try to court me before I defeated them?"

Latia made the unconscious Getica float using her [Territory Magic] and began walking over to where Sona was. She felt that her friend was close to ending her own battle.

— ○ ● ○ —

Sona Sitri floated in the skies of Kuoh; behind her were the numerous water monsters she created using her clan's trait, which was water manipulation. In particular, she created numerous water dragons called [Leviathans].

Below her was Vidimir Leviathan, injured and with a copious number of holes all over his body. They were small enough that he didn't bleed to death in seconds, but there were enough that he felt very weak and couldn't move his body like he would have wanted.

"Your…clan, the Sitri clan's trait, is weaker than our [Sea Serpent of the End], so how did you overpower me…!?" he asked and then coughed up blood.

Sona fixed her glasses as she looked at the man below her. "Having a superior trait doesn't mean anything if you don't train to master it, Vidimir-san. If anything, less powerful traits in the remaining devil clans of the Underworld have slowly been getting powerful because we've inspired a new generation of devils to train themselves and their powers."

She summoned water around her arm and looked at it. "A year ago, I wouldn't have been able to imagine this level of power, yet here I am wielding it. Meeting him was a blessing, although I still prefer relying on my intellect rather than fighting our opponents myself," she told him.

"Nonsense, it was proven that—!"

"—That anyone with a superior ability will stand above the rest along with their family's overall demonic powers and reserves? Normally, yes, I would agree with you. However, as I said, the world is changing, and along with that, we, the devils, have to change as well. If we don't, we'll be left behind—just like you. I can see it in our very short fight."

Sona pointed her finger at Vidimir, and her [Leviathans] flew towards him and bit down on his legs, thighs, and shoulders. They didn't let go and kept him anchored to the ground.

"Aaron said it before—if you don't change and evolve along with the new generation, you'll be left behind in the past like a relic." Sona flicked her right hand up, and a colossal [Leviathan] materialized behind her.

Vidimir's eyes widened in shock. To him, he had only ever heard that the original Leviathan and her daughter Tsufaame were the only devils in history (that he knew of) who were able to conjure such a large creature using their demonic powers and clan power.

"Please rest assured that you won't die today; per the DxD alliance's request, you will become our prisoner; please don't resist," she said before pointing her finger at him, and the giant [Leviathan] flew towards him and created an even larger vortex of water.

The smaller [Leviathans] merged with the vortex and began attacking bodies repeatedly until it ended. Vidimir Leviathan lay on the ground, unconscious, with a missing right arm and left leg. Sona flew down and force-fed him a Slime Pill and used sleeping magic on him.

"It seems like you're done; did you have any trouble?" Latia asked from behind her.

Sona shook her head. "No, it was fine. I didn't let him speak too much and ended it as soon as I could."

Latia nodded, and the two teleported both Getica and Vidimir Leviathan to the drop-off zone before agreeing to go help different groups. Sona would go back to her team and peerage, while Latia would join Penemue to exchange information.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole sighed; he had transported himself and O-Leviathan into a new [Pocket Dimension] he had created. He didn't want to accidentally cause too much damage in Kuoh or hurt his friends, so he opted to bring her here.

"Your daughter's dead again. Ironically enough, my son Meruem was the one to defeat her. How do you feel?" he asked her.

She smiled back at him and said, "I'll make sure to rip out his spine once I get out of here."

"How romantic." Aaron had planned on fighting the original Leviathan with Ingvild, but since she was busy singing for everyone else, he had to do it himself, or so he thought.

A magic circle appeared beside him, and out came—!

"Ta-da~! Magical girl Levi-tan at your service~!" Serafall shouted. She was wearing her entire magical girl costume and did a pose for the original Leviathan, briefly stunning her.

Cúntóir: Answer: She asked me if it was possible to fight alongside you. She had watched Sona's fight from a distance, but after asking me several questions, she requested that I send her here. Forgive me if you didn't want that, Aaron.

'No, it's fine,' he told her, looking at Serafall. "I was going to fight her right now, but... I'll assume that you want to?"

"Cor~r~ect~!" she giddily said. She faced the original Leviathan and declared, "I, Serafall Leviathan, will take down the old and gloomy Leviathan with my magical powers!"

'…She's really going through with this, huh?' Aaron thought as he watched Serafall.

"This is idiotic; begone!" shouted O-Leviathan before creating millions of water serpents around her and ordering them towards Serafall.

She spun around and made artificial stardust appear around her. She brought her toy wand up with one hand and made a peace sign with the other and said, "With a wave of my wand and a flick of my wrist, I'll turn your serpents into icicle sticks~!"

And in an instant, all the water serpents that O-Leviathan shot towards Serafall froze. Not just that, but the rest of Aaron's dimension froze over too, leaving O-Leviathan shocked.

"How…how can such an idiotic attack do such a thing!?" she screeched.

Serafall waved her finger at the woman as if she were scolding a child. "No, no, Levithan-chan-sama~! A true magical girl's attack always defeats the bad guys! It's the rule in these types of shows!"

"Show!? What shows!? This is real life, you dimwit!" yelled O-Leviathan before she flew towards Serafall and attempted to attack her with her own fists.

She wasn't the best at hand-to-hand combat, as she relied on brute force and had no formal training in it, so Serafall had an easy time dodging her attacks. Although—

"Ha! Ho! To! Ta! Iyaah~!"

Serafall changed poses every time she evaded her punches. This quite obviously infuriated O-Leviathan even more, forcing her to use her demonic power to fire demonic bullets and demonic elemental attacks at Serafall too.

Serafall coated her toy wand with a demonic aura and smacked all of the attacks away from herself. O-Leviathan's rage only increased from there, as the entire interaction between herself and Serafall was seen as nothing more than a joke by the current Satan Leviathan.

"You wench! You fake! How can you carry yourself like this!? Isn't this embarrassing to you!?" she bellowed out, finally halting her assault on Serafall.

Serafall put a finger on her cheek and tilted her head. "No~? I have many fans because of this, so I don't feel any sort of embarrassment at all! Why are you so mad about it? It's not like it's affecting you personally," she asked back, confused by her reaction.

"Of course it's affecting me, you dunce! You carry the name of 'Leviathan'! You should be honored! You have to carry yourself with dignity and grace while you have that name! My enemies and people feared me when I ruled the Underworld along with the other three Satans at the time!"

"But now…" she narrowed her eyes at Serafall and created a magic circle that projected various videos of the current Four Great Satans; each of them showed the goofy and child-like side of each Satan rather than their serious side.

"Do you see this!? Satan Red!? Why is the one who carries the name of Lucifer a siscon who cares about their family so much and dresses up like that?! Beelzebub!? At least he carries himself a bit more seriously than the rest of you, but he created a game for devils? Does he think we're all a joke!? This fat thing just falls asleep wherever he goes! He only brings shame to the Asmodeus name!"

It finally changed to Serafall, and it showed many times that she doted on Sona and clung to Aaron. It also had her cosplaying as a magical girl and dancing around.

"What is this!? Why is my name tied to an idiot frolicking around in a stupid dress carrying a wand who is a siscon, is lazy, and is dating that thing!" she shouted.

She then pointed at Aaron, who in turn pointed at himself, and asked in a silent 'Why am I involved in this?' expression, but was ultimately ignored. "You're the worst of the new Satans! I feel so much shame just looking at you!"

In a perfect world, Serafall would have reacted the way she wanted, but unfortunately for her, she did not. Instead, Serafall put both hands on her cheeks and blushed.

"I-I didn't think the original Leviathan would compliment me so much; iyaa, I'm so embarrassed~" Serafall said and then covered her face.

{[She took it as a compliment!?]}

'I'm starting to think Serafall Sitri is delusional or she's doing that on purpose to anger that woman even more. Either way, it's quite smart of her,' complimented (?) Rudra.

Aaron knew what Serafall was up to but decided not to inform anyone. He watched the anger build up inside of O-Leviathan as Serafall kept on squirming and blushing. Finally, she grinned and started hysterically laughing to herself, which even confused Serafall.

She then spontaneously stopped. "Enough. I'll get rid of you, as you're an embarrassment as well as the dragon," she told them, and she began to transform into a long, serpent-like water dragon.

Unlike her other descendent, the original Leviathan's form was much, much bigger—its size was comparable to Irene's (Great Red), which was at a length of 100 meters. Furthermore, unlike her other descendants and because of the experiments of the Khaos Order, her form was a different color.

She had visible sharp protrusions all around her body, glowing dark blue scales that covered all of her body, enormous wings, and the water was a murky dark blue with seven diamond-shape tattoos at specific points on her body.

The demonic aura that she exuded made the entire town of Kuoh shake, including the barrier. O-Leviathan in her new form smirked at Serafall, but the current Satan Leviathan just said, "Wow~!" and nothing else, which didn't surprise O-Leviathan anymore.

"Any last words?" she asked.

Instead of answering her, Serafall turned to Aaron and asked, "We can't kill her, right? So we have to capture her—I know Ajuka-chan wants to thoroughly do research on her body and powers."

"Yeah. If you do accidentally kill her, like many others today, don't worry about it since I'll just bring her back," he told her.

Reassured by this, Serafall Leviathan faced O-Leviathan again and declared, "I will defeat you with my magical girl powers!"

Without another word being said, O-Leviathan fired a powerful aura blast from her mouth, which was further amplified by her water manipulation. It tore through the skies of Kuoh, and before it reached Serafall, it froze, shocking O-Leviathan again.

"What!? How?! I have the power of a god! How can a mere Ultimate-class devil even stop it!?" shouted the serpent. Serafall became even more confused and looked back at Aaron, who chuckled.

After he returned after his evolution, Aaron Toole changed many things; one of them was the perception of reality, most of which was aimed at the members of the Khaos Order. Most of them forgot key things and events, or their memory was altered to a degree by one or all of those events.

Some remember bits and pieces of the 'original' reality or timeline, while others had a large part of it altered or changed. An example of this was Satanael—he suspects Daniel, their current leader, to be a spy or double agent for Aaron because he specifically left a small portion of his memory untouched.

He wanted to torture him by making him look insane to the rest of the organization. However, he wasn't the only one he did this to since there were a few others in there with even more strange memories; as such, this leads to in-fighting in the organization, with new groups or subfactions being formed—much like how Mard Geer broke away from Black Alice.

This was done to simply annoy them and make them fight amongst themselves. Because of Nyarlathotep and the limits that were placed on him by Azathoth, it annoyed him quite a bit, so he wanted to do the same thing back to them—it's petty, but it only amuses Aaron Toole all the more.

In O-Leviathan's case, her memory was altered to think Serafall's power level was the same as a year ago, prior to her meeting Aaron. Because of the alternate timeline, her powers were just Ultimate-class but were close to reaching 'Satan-class', but she was still powerful enough to become a new Satan.

The Khaos Order had already researched that much about Serafall prior to the start of the 'canon' of this world, and of course, once Aaron came back, he just made those changes, and they still believed she had the same power level, hence the confusion on O-Leviathan's part right now.

After staring at her fiancé for a few more seconds, she nodded her head and turned back. "I see, I think I know what you did! Jeez, you're really something, huh?" she said, pointing her toy wand at O-Leviathan.

"Be blown away by my magical girl sparkle!" a sudden blizzard storm shot out from the tip of her toy wand and relentlessly swallowed up O-Leviathan.

She didn't have enough time to react and slowly froze. She struggled but noticed that she couldn't do more even with her new powers, further frustrating her. She continued her attacks as she froze, even creating large water-based weapons and throwing them at Serafall, but they all ended in the same way: her attacks were frozen before reaching her.

Finally, O-Leviathan was encased in ice, a spiteful look on her face. Both Serafall and Aaron could tell that she was still conscious and was still actively glaring at them but she couldn't move; she couldn't even conjure up her demonic power or her other abilities.

"I am za (the) wiener! (winner)," Serafall said in English while doing a peace sign.

Aaron flew over to Serafall, and he put his hand towards the frozen O-Leviathan and put her to sleep while removing her powers.

"And that's that, will you—" Serafall suddenly kissed him, shutting him up, but he quickly reciprocated.

She pulled away and said, "I'm going to go help So-tan and her peerage. I'm sorry if you had your own plans for her, but I couldn't let her get away after insulting me so many times!"

"And here I thought you weren't bothered by those," responded Aaron, chuckling a little.

"You're the stranger one for not reacting most of the time!"

"What's a god to an ant's insults?" he said with a grin.

Serafall's mouth hung open before Aaron laughed even harder and told her it was a joke. She huffed before kissing him again and leaving the dimension.

[…Partner, were you really joking about that?] Ddraig asked.

Aaron looked into the distance of his dimension as he saw the ice slowly melt away, but O-Leviathan remained the same. With an inconspicuous smirk on his face, he stored the frozen and sleeping O-Leviathan into his [Inventory] and left the dimension.

Once he was back outside, he noticed that the number of enemies had decreased steadily. Aaron knew he only had a few roles left to fulfill. Taking down the rest of the remaining Monkai Association—more specifically, Mard Geer and Kyôka—he pinpointed their location along with another aura.

"No one is near them, so I may as well do it myself," he mumbled to himself before flying in their direction.

He quickly arrived in one of the rougher parts of Kuoh and found Mard Geer, Kyôka, and another monster with them.

Her appearance is that of a woman, with large breasts, purple hair and eyes, and pale skin. Her most noticeable features were the two large, gold-looking horns protruding from the sides of her head and pointing upward.

Her attire consists of a very revealing blue-colored leopard-printed kimono, bearing the decorative marks on her shoulders. The kimono is wrapped around her torso with a thick, decorative yellow ribbon that ties behind her back, and her outfit is complemented by thigh-high socks that reveal her heels and toes.

All three of them turned to him—while Mard Geer and Kyôka grinned at him, the third monster—but the woman didn't react at all; it almost looked like she was in a daze. Inspecting her closer, Aaron found that she was being controlled by Kyôka.

"Ah, the famous Dual Dragon Emperor and Outer God. It's been a very long time since we last saw each other. How do you do?" asked Mard Geer, doing a little bow.

"I finally meet you in person; you're quite the specimen—I am Kyôka, one of the new leaders of the remaining Monkai Association," said the woman named Kyôka. "To keep it short, we would like to borrow some of the hybrids that are close to you. Will you comply?"


Kyôka laughed. "Well, we expected that. Seilah, go distract him for us," she ordered the woman beside her.

Seilah immediately rushed towards Aaron and summoned demonic magic circles, surprising Aaron.

'…Demonic circles? Is she—' He used his [Observe] to see who she was, and the results surprised him even more.

Seilah Halphas. A devil from one of the extinct clans—just like Frida Zigan and a few others, this woman was a surviving member of a clan that was supposed to be extinct. Aaron immediately looked into it and saw that she was the only survivor. The others who were previously alive were killed by Mard Geer and Kyôka.

Seilah was their strongest devil the clan had birthed in a long time, and they were slowly training her to become stronger and eventually put her as head of the clan and reveal themselves again in the Underworld society.

Because of Aaron's actions, they felt even more compelled to do that since the Underworld was going through a change, which they felt was a good sign, even if old devils like Zekram were still around.

However, that dream was cut short when they were discovered by Mard Geer and his group. They were given one option: comply or die. Most decided to fight and were unfortunately killed; the only survivor was Seilah, as Kyôka had used her powers to put her under her control.

Aaron frowned and asked, "How did such a powerful devil clan go extinct, and how did you even beat them?"

[Skill Maker]—that was the name of the Halphas clan's trait.

To put it simply, it's three abilities in one. The first part of the ability is to make the wielder of this power extremely weak; once that is done, the second part of the ability activates and forces their opponent down to that same level of power. Finally, the last part of the ability activates if the opponent was initially stronger than the wielder of [Skill Maker], which would put them at that level and then multiply that power level by one hundredfold.

Seilah herself was Ultimate-class. If she faced a God-class being, she would use her ability to force herself to become weaker—at most, she would become a low-class devil in power—then she'd activate it again, forcing the God-class being into becoming as powerful as a low-class devil—finally, the last part would force her back up to God-class and give her a x100 boost in power, making her even stronger than them.

However, having such an ability is a double-edged sword. If they do not activate the second part of the ability fast enough, the wielder is left in a vulnerable state and can be quickly defeated if the opponent reacts fast enough. That's how they managed to defeat Seilah and her remaining family members.

"Would you like to know?" Kyôka asked, smirking at him.

"Nah, I sort of understand how," replied Aaron. He looked at Seilah and spoke to her. 'Are you in there?'

'…!? M-middleman?! How can you—!?' replied the panic-stricken girl.

'I'm going to need to knock you out for a bit so I can deal with those two; it'll hurt, but bear with it, will ya?' he told her.

'…Please let me fight that woman! I—she used me to kill my own parents!' she said it in righteous fury.

Aaron sighed but agreed. As Seilah tried to grab him, he deflected her arm and grabbed it instead; as he did, he released the mind control on her, surprising Kyôka.


"Sorry in advance, but this will give you some help," said Aaron, who grabbed her breast, surprising her. Before she could say anything, they began to glow, and Ingvild's voice immitted from them. His [Dragon Tattoo] also appeared on her arm, and he quickly sent the information about them to her while letting go of her breast.

Seilah stared at him for a bit before nodding her head. "…I-I would have preferred if you didn't grab them, though," she said, blushing.

"My, I didn't think you would randomly grab a woman's breast—especially one that you just met, you pervert," said Kyôka before laughing at Aaron.

Seilah frowned, and a powerful aura that was a mix of yellow and blue shrouded her body. "I'll make you pay."

"Try me," said Kyôka before both of them disappeared. As they left, Aaron also made sure that the mind control wouldn't affect Seilah again, so she would be able to avenge her family.

The ones left were Aaron and Mard Geer, who stared at one another. "I'd like to get some payback from a few months back in Kyoto. For Tamamo, Scathach, and Irene."

"Fufu, we only threatened to use the Dragon of Dreams; we didn't touch Queen of the Land of Shadows, and, well, your anger towards us for Tamamo no Mae may be justified. So? What will you do? Rip out my spin from my body?" Mard Geer asked condescendingly.

"I have my own plans," said Aaron as his eyes began to glow and strange markings appeared around his pupils.

Mard Geer's vision darkened momentarily before the reality in front of him twisted and changed, leaving him in a strange new world.

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