Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 11 – Part 3 – Transcendent Twilight*

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

In California, in the hidden base of the Grauzauberer, a certain female magician was feeling down. All throughout the day, she kept sighing sadly while not focusing on her tasks. This worried other magicians around her, especially her former boss, Mephisto Pheles.

Even right now, he was watching her from a distance as she worked together with Fusae Hirawa. The chairman felt a tap on his shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw Hirokazu.

"Oh, Hiro. How can I help you?" he asked.

"Do you know what's bothering Lavinia-senpai?" inquired Hirokazu.

After he asked that, Caeda appeared from behind him and said, "It's the pains of love~" they both stared at her, and she elaborated. "I don't know the last time you were in love, Chairman-san, but I'm a woman in love too, and I know the symptoms—although Lavinia's is a bit more severe than mine."

"I was once…er, in a relationship," mumbled Mephisto.

"Years and years ago, right? I don't understand the reasoning of leaders within certain factions. Just settle down already. Jin is making the world a better place, so you have that liberty now," she said, leaving with the books she was carrying.

Hirokazu bowed his head. "I-I'm sorry about that, sir; she tends to just be a bit too honest at times," apologized Hirokazu. "B-but I am curious about it: why haven't some leaders and powerful people settled down yet?"

Mephisto sighed through his nose. "Maybe now, yes. With the things that Jin is doing, it's a lot more practical to start families within the supernatural world. The only dumb organization that will go against him is the Khaos Order. But to answer the other half of your question…"

Mephisto stared at the still-sad Lavinia Reni as she kept sighing as she worked away.

"The state of the supernatural, for the longest time, had been very shaky. If any of the Three Great Powers did something irreversible, another Great War would have started. If any of the Three Great Powers provoked a pantheon bad enough, war would have started."

"For as long as I lived, war was something that was feared to start with the slight mistake that was made by any side. Would you start a family in that?" he asked, staring at the young man beside him.

Hirokazu shook his head. "My wife and children would be at risk, just as I would go to the front lines."

The old devil nodded his head. "Mmm. Exactly. You would be risking your life and your family's life. If you decide to start a family, you must make sure you have certain things. You must be strong, stronger than your opponents, and you have to be financially stable in case the worst-case scenario occurs."


"If you and your wife were to meet your end—and you knew it—what would you do?" asked Mephisto.

"We would save our child—oh, that's what you meant. If we had money, they would be able to hide until it was over and survive afterward, although that's not a guarantee," he clarified.

"It's not, but it's a safety net for them to fall on. I have personally witnessed such scenarios happen over the years, and war didn't happen—but in the human world, it did, especially during those two wars that are famous in them. Orphans everywhere, staring, crying—they had lost their parents with nothing left in the world."

He squinted his eyes. "Do you know what happened after?" he asked, and Hirokazu didn't say anything. "They died. Most were below a certain age and couldn't provide for themselves, so they simply died of starvation or disease or were taken advantage of by greedy human adults—they worked them to death."

"A world where no one suffers, a world where everyone can smile—when I heard Jin say that for the first time, I couldn't help but think it was childish, but as he slowly made it into a reality, I also began to believe." Mephisto laughed at himself. "Me, someone so old, believing in the words of someone much younger than me—even I surprised myself. However, Jin is always aware that achieving that is next to impossible."

Hirokazu became confused and asked, "What do you mean? Wouldn't that be ideal, though?"

"If it was, it would have already happened." Mephisto stared at Hirokazu and said, "There will always be someone who's against that peace or a group. We have that in the form of the Khaos Order during this time—this era. What about the future? I believe Jin can make his dream a reality with 90% efficiency. Anything else—the 10% are the ones who are against that dream."

"Even if it will benefit them? Why?" asked Hirokazu; he didn't understand their reasoning.

Mephisto shrugged. "I do not know the answer to that. You're the one that's part of [DxD], aren't you? Why not ask them when you meet them? They—the 'villains'—are  usually the most honest with their motives, unlike the usual corrupt politicians. Compare it to human terrorists; with some exceptions, most are quite honest with their goals, aren't they? What about the politicians? Are they ever honest with theirs?"

The budding dragon frowned and stared at the ground. He thought about the various countries, their leaders, and their governments. "P-probably not…?"

Mephisto laughed at him. "Haha, I know, I know, it's a difficult topic to speak about. Leave it to us and Jin. We'll find a way to make it work—and if push comes to shove, we'll just use his powers to make them comply."

"He's not—"

Mephisto laughed again and smacked Hirokazu's back repeatedly. "My jokes go over you, Hiro. I know he's not that kind of person, but... You never know. Some people will only ever understand force, power, and violence. Jin may even change a bit in that regard."

—Change. It was inevitable, and Hiro knew it. Heck, he himself had changed substantially over the years, especially last year and this year. He couldn't deny that Jin Skyward may slowly change over the course of time, but he was also hopeful that he wouldn't become a tyrant.

"I know, but I also trust that he won't become someone like that."

The chairman laughed again. "I'm glad the youth believes in their new pillar. Well, enough talk; continue on," he said. Hirokazu agreed before walking away.

Mephisto sighed again and looked back at the still-sad Lavinia Reni being comforted by Fusae Hirawa. He couldn't help but smile at them.

"Will he change like that or stay the same? Only time will tell—but the people around him will definitely be the deciding factor, but... Seeing them like that, I don't think it will come true," he muttered before walking away.

— ○ ● ○ —

Scathach and Aífe were facing off against three members of the [Abyss Team]. Both sisters were enjoying themselves as they got to face fighters with unique Sacred Gears.

"Quit runnin' away!" shouted a man in annoyance. "Face me like a man!"

"I'm a woman, though?" responded Scathach as she avoided another laser beam from his Independent Avatar-type Sacred Gear.

"You're more manly than most men I meet!" he shouted and continued to fire laser beams at Scathach.

The Queen of the Land of Shadows didn't know if she should take that as a compliment or not. However, she did know from the use of her [Appraisal] earlier that the young man that was attacking her was at least Satan-class, along with his Sacred Gear.

Unlike the others she saw earlier, this Sacred Gear was from the system in Heaven. While it wasn't as strong as the original 13 Longinus, it was considered at least 'unique' as it had more than one ability, which was rare, especially when it hadn't achieved Balance Breaker yet.

Scathach landed on the ground and dashed towards the man but was quickly thwarted because of the Sacred Gear—its eyes shone a purple glow, forcing her to jump away and avoid its gaze.

The Sacred Gear [Apportion Cluilian], also known as [Abyss King of Petrifying Scrutiny]. The lasers it shoots out from its mouth will petrify anything it touches, including magic and other Sacred Gears. Its eyes will take away all the senses of the targeted individual—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.

It will leave those affected very vulnerable and guarantee this man's victory in a battle. However, he wasn't the only one in the [Abyss Team] with this Sacred Gear as their leader also had something similar, much a bit more powerful.

The Scared Gear was in the shape of a chicken with large and abnormal eyes. Unlike the regular chicken, this one could fly using its wings.

This man, Ukajnek, hadn't achieved Balance Breaker with it yet; however, he could force a Overbooster to occur. It forces him to reach a Balance Breaker state; more often than not, it's incomplete, so it's quite risky for its wielder.

Ukajnek and the leader of the [Abyss Team] had different Balance Breakers, while Ukajnek's was the regular Crest-side and subspecies, their leader had reached an X-side, something completely unique to himself—and even had Satanael praise him for 'evolving' his Sacred Gear.

It was possible because Aaron had changed the systems in Heaven after all—and more Sacred Gear possessors were able to change and evolve their Sacred Gears world-wide during the tournament or on their own.

"Can't get near me, eh!? What's next!? Show me your moves, Goddess Scathach!!" roared Ukajnek.

His long black hair swayed in the shockwave of his Sacred Gear's attack, and his brown eyes shone as his own excitement increased. He wore his school's uniform as he still attended school and was around the age of 17.

"Ha-ha-ha. Very well, I shall 'show you my moves', boy," she replied and lunged back towards him.

Ukajnek had been waiting for this—he had baited the woman in front of him to do this, and he grinned. "Let's go, Mael! Balance Break!"

Purple light coated the entire body of his Sacred Gear, Mael.

[—— Overbooster!!!]

A strange sound and language neither of them had heard bellowed from Mael before it exploded in the purple light. The chicken had now transformed into an enormous bird with multiple eyes all over its body as well as diamond-armor wings.

"Get her, Mael!" he ordered before the large bird opened its mouth and several beams fired from it. It also flapped its wings, which created purple tornadoes that quickly went over to Scathach. These tornadoes could also petrify anyone they touch and take away their senses.

In its forced Balance Breaker state, 90% of its actions have a petrifying ability and can take away its victim's senses. So if it just grazed Scathach with its wing, beak, or any part of its body, she would be petrified and have her senses taken.

The ever-so-confident woman smirked at this challenge and drew her spear back. In a single thrust, she destroyed the attacks that were coming her way, surprising Ukajnek. The Sacred Gear's eyes started shining again, but before it could finish its actions, an invisible force knocked it away.

Using this chance, Scathach dashed towards Ukajnek and thrust her spear towards his stomach. To her surprise, he managed to dodge while smirking at her.

"Heh, did you know? All of the members of the [Abyss Team] have an automatic dodge ability implemented into them. If we stay calm and do not move our bodies ourselves, we can dodge everything!?" he shouted in elation.

"Hoooo? That sounds very familiar to a certain technique a husband of mine uses," said Scathach. However, a smirk appeared on her face. "But an imitation can't beat the original."

Before Ukajnek could retort, a piece of his shoulder went missing. It took him a few seconds to realize that he had lost it, but when he did, he quickly jumped away, clutching it.

'W-what…? What happened just now…?' He couldn't understand what was happening; he could only stare at the smug woman in front of him. "What did you do!?"

"Fufu, I didn't do anything. I simply attacked you," she replied.

Ukajnek gripped his shoulder tighter in frustration. "Liar! You must have used some kind of magic to bypass—"

"You were simply too slow. We have an unspoken rule with Aaron—hold back just enough so we won't accidentally destroy this world, but I'll admit, most of the time we won't even need that power since most of our opponents are weak, bar each other since he helped us achieve it."

"That's why many of us are enjoying this tournament—even if we still have to hold back when fighting gods, we can still enjoy ourselves since we can use more than necessary—this is even more so when we face each other since we can go all out. The fields were made for it too. Although…"

Scathach looked around herself and sighed. "I don't think he reinforced this place with his barrier. But if he did, he didn't tell us, so I'll stick to holding back and not accidentally destroying this place. If we did, it would garner international news since the Marian Trench was disturbed by an unknown force, fufu."

'Faster than my eyes can follow!? Also, holding back? What the hell is this woman talking about? Satanael-sama has already given us the data of all the fighters here; apart from two of them, we know everything about them! She's only God-class; I can still keep up with her!' he thought and clenched his hand shut.

Like many, Ukajnek was affected by Aaron's reality manipulation and had his memories changed and altered. His memory of their 'updated' power was removed, and he was made to think that they were still at the same power level as last year.

Aaron also made it so that when he tried to learn the new powers they had, it would just be replaced by the old information a few seconds later, and they wouldn't suspect a thing.

"Oh? I see, so that's how it is. How amusing, Lord (Aaron)," mused Scathach. "Your Sacred Gear is interesting; my husband will want it, so I'll end this now."

"I'd like to see you try—!"

Ukajnek was suddenly blown away without any warning. To him, Scathach simply stood still before he was suddenly knocked back, confusing him.

'She wasn't joking!?' he thought before a foot slammed into his chest again. However, she was forced to back away as several lasers were shot at her. "Mael…obliterate her…I'll create 'that' to back you up."

The Sacred Gear shrieked before flying towards Scathach. Ukajnek began to chant something, and black-powered dust and flakes started to float around him. They slowly turned into various shapes and morphed into larger sizes.

This was a unique ability for him; he could turn most things into these black-powered dust and flakes. They didn't have any special qualities apart from that, but it's an ace he saves for last in case he's pushed back into a corner. These flakes and powered dust are hard and sharp enough to pierce through anything made by humans currently, and he surmises that he can keep evolving them to bypass the divine aura eventually.

Scathach noticed this and took note, but she decided to focus on the large bird attacking her for now. With her eyes closed, she dodged the vast majority of its attacks while deflecting the rest with her spear coated in touki.

She saw Ukajnek aim his right arm towards her with a massive grin on his face, so she also activated her magic circle below him. He didn't have enough time to avoid it as rune-style magic circles fired several fireballs towards him. This forced Ukajnek to use his black dust and flakes to counter the fireballs.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue and looked back at Scathach, even more angry than before. But when he looked back, he was further stunned when he saw the woman on top of his Sacred Gear, and her spear had pierced its head.

"Mael!" he shouted before firing magic attacks from the palm of his hand in an attempt to save his Sacred Gear. However, a wall conjured by a rune-style magic circle blocked it from each of them.

Male screeched and violently began to shake its body, trying to get rid of Scathach, but all of its attempts were futile. It tried aiming its eyes at the woman, but since her eyes were closed, it had no effect on her.

Her spear suddenly glowed brightly, and a smile appeared on her face. "Let's give you a point-blank and weakened version of Gae Bolg…"

After she uttered those words, a small explosion decimated the area. Ukajnek was blown away, and the walls around them were also destroyed, exposing even more rooms. The other two members of the [Abyss Team] were also blown away; however, Aífe managed to stab her spear into the ground, preventing her from joining them.

Once the explosion calmed down, there was nothing left of the Sacred Gear. Ukajnek was also embedded into one of the remaining walls, and he pulled himself out—once he saw the damage and that Mael was nowhere to be seen, the malice in his grew.

However, he also felt that he had just retreated into his soul to regain some energy, so he had to fight Scathach while his energy drained to help his partner recover.

"You're a despicable woman, you know that?"

"I am simply doing what I can do, little one. If it means temporarily destroying your Sacred Gear, then so be it," replied the woman. "Now then—it's your turn to 'show me your moves', right?"

Ukajnek had his words thrown back at him, and it really pissed him off. Nevertheless, he scoffed at her. "Whether it be my Sacred Gear or my innate power, you will fall to me because my preparations are complete."

An immeasurable amount of black flake and dust appeared all around him; it also seeped into the remaining walls and ground. The entire hidden base of Satanael, as well as the surrounding sea of the Mariana Trench, began to tremble.

Ukajnek brought his arm up and was preparing to attack Scathach when both his arms were suddenly cut off, surprising him. He saw that the goddess had appeared just below him, and she had swung her spear down.

"You think that's enough to stop me!?" he roared, and the flakes and dust began to fly towards her, but Scathach closed her eyes and smirked.

She spun around and swung her spear horizontally, slicing him in half. Before he could process what had happened and before he could start to die, she aimed her ring at him and stored him in there, freezing him in time.

Scathach didn't stop there, as there were still two members of the [Abyss Team] left on their floor. She quickly made her way towards her sister Aífe and found her in combat with the other two.

The two remaining members were both males. What was quite peculiar was that they both used spears by utilizing their Sacred Gears. One of them was like Kouki Samejima's Byakusa; he had a cat-like Independent Avatar-type Sacred Gear he had on his shoulder, and its tail was wrapped around his left arm.

The tail and arm were also coated in a dark purple flame. The young man who wielded this Sacred Gaer wore an Anonymous mask, a black trench coat, pants, and boots.

The other young man was, well, naked. The only thing that gave him any semblance of 'clothes' were because of his Sacred Gear.

The young man held a shining orange spear in his hands, and because of that spear, it also gave him armor in the form of clear orange flames all around his body, so his manly bits were still seen by both ladies.

"Put clothes on, you pervert!" demanded Aífe as she dodged both men's thrusts again.

"Nah, I feel the best in this—I am at my strongest in this!" declared the man.

"Don't antagonize the lady too much, Sven; otherwise, he'll cut off your dick!" bellowed the other young man.

Sven laughed as he continued his assault. "Back at you, Rudie!"

Sven owned the orange spear and armor, while Rudie was the one with the Byakusa-like Sacred Gear. Both were good friends and had the best chemistry amongst the members of the [Abyss Team].

Sven and Rudie were best friends prior to being recruited by Satanael. They lived on the streets in a certain European town as both of their parents kicked them out—they had found each other by coincidence and had been inseparable since. They have each other's backs and wouldn't abandon either one, and they'd face death if it were to make sure the other would survive.

They led horrible lives prior to meeting Satanael—and while they were subjected to horrendous experiments while under him, they were given a place to sleep and food and were allowed to master their Sacred Gears while they were with each other.

To Sven and Rudie, who were abandoned by the people that were supposed to care for them, this life was enough, even if it made them terrorists.

As Rudie went to attack Aífe again, he was cut off by Scathach's spear and then kicked away by her.

"Rudie!" shouted Sven, but moments later she was also attacked by Aífe who had her own spear. Aaron had gifted it to her after she joined [DxD], so both sisters would periodically train with each other to help improve each other's spearmanship.

Aífe was surprised; she had expected the attack to connect with Sven's chest, but he had reacted just in time to stop it from hitting him.

"I'm not that slow!" shouted Sven, glaring at Aífe.

Aífe closed her eyes and slashed at Sven several times—each and every time it seemed to the young man that he had blocked her attacks, making him even more confident. Nevertheless, that confidence was shattered moments later as numerous shallow cuts appeared all over his body. Aífe's attacks had bypassed his armor completely, surprising him even more.

"This armor can block God-class beings—Satanael-sama even said so! Yet you can bypass it!? How!?" he asked in exasperation.

What Satanael told Sven was true. However, what they failed to account for was that Aífe and other God-class beings and Gods themselves can still grow stronger. This was the case for Aífe, as she had spent many hours in the [Training Facility] in Aaron's home.

She was also trained by various people, including the [Electa], since she and Scathach didn't know what to expect out of the original Lucifer and Satan, as they wanted their revenge on them.

Aífe opened her mouth but stopped herself. Countless memories flashed in her head at that moment, and the words that came out of her mouth were—

"Skill issue," she blurted out, confusing not only herself but also Sven. They remained idle in the air for a few seconds before falling and resuming their fight.

"W-what does that even mean!?" asked Sven.

"I don't know! It just came into my head!" retorted Aífe, blushing. She had heard a few people say that phrase. The original was Aaron Toole; after that, Akeno, Lavinia, Shirone, Valerie, Gasper, and Kuroka were the ones who said it the most.

[Ah, look at them, falling in love,] Scathach said monotonously through the ring's transceiver.

[Shut up!! Now is not the time!!] screamed Aífe.


Aífe disconnected her transceiver before charging towards Sven with even more vigor. Over time, she had been subjected to Scathach's teasing, as she was prone to it. However, she also teased her sister back about her lover, Aaron, and it usually worked. But after Scathach and Aaron's relationship solidified, teasing her about him stopped working, leaving her with no ammunition to fight back her sisters teasing.

Slash after slash, Sven's armor began to be chipped away by Aífe. This made the man panic, and in a desperate attempt to regain control, he fed his armor and Sacred Gear even more power, which in turn created a powerful spiraling vortex that burst from his armor.

Aífe had to transiently back away to avoid being hit; she watched him quickly absorb the flames that came out of him. The flames around him condensed and became less transparent. She could no longer see his member through the flames, as his armor had solidified too.

There were several protrusions on his shoulders, knees, arms, legs, and stomach. He also donned a helmet that looked like a visor. Sven spun his spear around and pointed it at Aífe.

"Looks like I reached my own Balance Breaker. Ready for round two!?"

"—It's already over," Aífe said as she appeared behind Sven, who failed to react on time. She quickly thrust her spear towards him, puncturing several holes into his body.

Sven was left speechless, but he didn't fall there. He quickly turned around and swung his spear at the same time. It was further accelerated by the flaming boosters that appeared on his spear, but they missed their target. He speedily looked around himself but didn't find her, however—

'Above!?' he thought, and when he looked up, the blunt end of Aífe's spear slammed into his head, momentarily knocking him out.

Aífe used this chance to cuff him with Anti-magic cuffs and also seal the Sacred Gear with a Sealing Slime that Aaron gave them earlier. When Sven woke up, he tried to break free from his cuffs but couldn't. He panicked when he didn't see his Sacred Gear but calmed down when he felt it inside of him.

Lastly, Aífe sealed Sven's mouth using magic—she didn't want to hear him talking or screaming while her sister took down his friend.

"Now then, let's get you to your friend," she said, dragging him away.

Aífe quickly arrived at a different location and found Scathach was still fighting Rudie, but it wasn't looking good for the young man—even Sven could tell from where he was sitting. Scathach was smiling the entire time, and Rudie looked like he was having a hard time as I bled all over because of the various holes in his thighs and calves.

"I still haven't—!"


Rudie attempted to activate his Balance Breaker but Scathach put a stop to that by rushing over to him, slicing off the arm with the Sacred Gear attached to it. Rudie tried to stop it using his other hand and a magic circle, but it was countered by Scathach using magic negation.

When Rudie's severed arm landed on the ground, his Sacred Gear detached itself from it and immediately jumped back on his other arm and coated it with its tail and dark purple flames.

"Not yet, I still have—!"

Without waiting for Rudie's theatrics, Scathach spun around and kicked him in the stomach. As he was launched away, she swung her spear down towards his other arm. Rudie, using everything he had plus his touki, thrust his spear-coated arm and blasted dark purple flames towards Scathach's slash attack.

The two moves collided, but there was no power struggle. A few seconds after their attacks collided, Scathach's attack sliced through it and split Rudie's army in half.

"Aaaaaaaaahh!! God dammit!!" Rudie screamed. He also noticed that his Sacred Gear—his companion Lonneth—was also gone. As he faced the woman again, all Rudie saw was some circular shape inches away from his face before he lost his consciousness.

After Scathach sent her slash attack at Rudie, she jumped forward and slammed her knee into his face, knocking him out. Once Rudie fell to the ground and Scathach landed on her feet, she turned around and asked, "Do you think Lord will merge both Sacred Gears? It would be an interesting combination that may or may not rival Kouki Samejima's Byakusa."

"Mmmmm!!! Mmmm!!!" Sven began thrashing around and screaming while desperately trying to talk.

"He's not dead—Jin told us to keep the members of the [Abyss Team] alive, the same with Satanael," explained Aífe. When hearing this, Sven only started thrashing around more violently, so Scathach walked over to him and kicked him on the head, knocking him out.

"It would have been better if you knocked him out, Aífe. You were facing them before me; you should have been able to deduce their personalities at that time, so why didn't you?" Scathach asked.

Aífe looked at Sven and then to the ground. "Maybe I've been affected by Jin, but I thought he should at least see his friend before we took them in…"

Scathach didn't say anything; she instead bent down and carried Rubie with her free arm. "Let's just go meet up with Aaron."

— ○ ● ○ —

Róisín, Aoife, and Cindy were facing three more members of the [Abyss Team]; however, a fourth person joined them—Lisa. She had been investigating the works of Satanael's group and taking note of them. She wanted to see if any of them could be of use to her (personally). However, nothing appealed to her, so she left to join the rest.

"Miss Róisín, if you have problems, ask for help~" Aoife said, dodging the attacks of a certain member of the [Abyss Team].

She was a woman like her—around the same age as her. She wore a school bathing suit and had a shark with human legs as a Scared Gear. Initially, Aoife was confused by it but shrugged it off since she had seen stranger things after being resurrected here.

"Eyes on me, you asshole!" shouted the woman.

"Hey! Be nice!" Aoife shouted back, frowning at the woman. She dashed back towards her with [Fragarach] in hand and sent a slash towards the Sacred Gear.

It was sliced into millions of pieces but quickly reconstructed itself, surprising her. With a smug look on her face, the woman said, "Snarpy can infinitely regenerate; no matter how many times you cut him, he'll keep getting back up!"

"Regeneration, huh?" repeated Aoife. "Okay!" she dashed back towards Snarpy, and the shark-like Sacred Gear fired mini-torpedo bullets at her.

Aoife brandished her sword before swinging it downward, cutting the torpedo bullets in half. She then swung it upwards, sideways, and diagonally, slicing them all with no effort whatsoever. The woman took a step back, taken aback by this.

"Dammit! You're not getting away with this—!" she shouted before jumping towards Aoife, covering herself in blue touki. She created large scythes on her forearms and hurled them towards Aoife.

Aoife smiled, increased her speed, and dashed through the woman. She was confused and looked around herself. When she turned around, she found Aoife there with her sword on her shoulder. As the woman brought her up and was about to send an aura slash at Aoife, the scythes on her forearms began to quickly fall apart.

"Wha—!? Fuc—" Aoife flash-stepped in front of the woman and kicked her foot up, connecting it with her chin. Before she completely fell to the ground, Aoife faced the shark-like Sacred Gear and sent five powerful and large ghostly-white aura slashes towards it—destroying it.

"Dammit, Olivia—!"

"Hiiiyaaaaaaah!!" Róisín screamed before punching a mass ball of energy into oblivion.

"W-what the hell is wrong with that old lady?" the boy asked. He had tried to shout his teammate's name but was interrupted and had to jump back to avoid Róisín's attack.

Róisín had been trained by several people in Aaron's home because he worried for his mother a lot and wanted her to be ready for anything. He didn't want a repeat of what happened to Lavinia, so with anyone new or old, he would train them as much as they could.

Róisín, much like Aaron, was an all-rounder; however, most of her attacks and powers are nonsensical at best.

She suddenly pulled out a frying pan out of nowhere and threw it at the young man in front of her. His Sacred Gear, a large rabbit that walked on two legs, put its hand up to stop it, but the frying pan was thrown with so much force that it obliterated his arm and slammed into its chest before it and its wielder were flung into the distance.

Coincidentally, this knocked both Sacred Gear and the wielder out. Surprising everyone there except for Cindy, who was also finished with her fight. She had tied up her opponent, who was a young boy with short brown hair wearing a plain white shirt and brown pants with blue sneakers.

"Even John got defeated…?" the boy muttered.

"Please don't underestimate us, Sir Kon," said Cindy.

She had also tied up his Sacred Gear in [Anti-Power] ropes. These ropes had the power to seal any and all types of abilities across the multiverse. Cindy herself was also changed to [Outer God – EX] by Aaron earlier in the year, so apart from the [Electa], Shadow Soldiers, and Outer Gods, no one could break them.

"Who's—" As Aoife was about to ask, a large ice attack was sent to her—at the same time, a powerful purple lightning bolt shattered it. "Next? Oh! Lisa, nice timing!"

Another member of the [Abyss Team] had shown up at the end of the hallway before anyone else could move, and just like a flash, Aoife disappeared and reappeared behind them with her sword drawn. She quietly put it to her side and sheathed it.

The man's hands and legs were suddenly cut into several parts before he fell over on his back and began screaming. Aoife crouched down and said, "I'm sorry; you'll feel better soon."

She used sleeping magic on him and also stopped the bleeding with fire magic; after that, she used her telekinesis to make him float and brought him back to the rest of their group.

"I can't feel any other person on this floor. Everyone else should be finishing up too—"

Another powerful rumble shook the entire base, and they all looked down.

"Isn't that…Vita? It feels like her," Róisín asked, poking her own cheek.

"It is; you've gotten better at telling the difference between energies, Róisín," complimented Lisa.

"Fufu, I have the best teachers after all~" she replied.

That compliment was aimed at Lisa and many others; however, Róisín had been taking lessons from Aaron too. After her 'classes' with Lisa, Lavinia, Fusae, Le Fay, Kuroka, and Auna, she would go to Aaron for extra classes; however, she disguised it as that so she would be able to spend more time with him as both of them had busy schedules.

"Should we—"

"We're done," said Aaron's voice. All of them turned to it, and he held his hand up. Ophis was sitting on his shoulder in an even smaller form, and she held her hand up too while sipping on juice.

Aoife and Róisín rushed to him while everyone else walked towards him.

"Hey, so—!" Aoife began explaining everything to him while Róisín added her own bits and pieces. Aaron listened carefully and patted them on the head every now and then until the rest arrived in front of him.

"What about the rest?" Lisa asked.

"Vita finished their group by using a pretty powerful spell that basically ripped apart the entire floor they were on. If I hadn't reinforced it in time, the rest of the base would have collapsed. Suzaku and Danu also finished theirs and are waiting on the last floor where we left Satanael. Gabriel and Irene should be joining them soon too," he clarified.

Aaron sighed and looked to the side. "Minerva wasn't hurt since I managed to protect her on time, but the guys they were fighting were basically turned into paste; it was interesting. I didn't think she had that kind of spell."

"Anyway, let's go join them. You guys can tell me the rest on the way there," he told them, and they began walking away with Aoife and Róisín clinging onto him.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

As we walked back to the last floor, Mom and Aoife told me about the various things that they saw in each of the rooms and labs in this place. Although most things they saw and encountered were basically test-tube children who were barely a year or even a month old being forced to learn to fight.

They felt pity for them, so they just knocked them out. Even though I told them to kill them, I doubt these three could just do that on a whim. Maybe I was desensitized over the past year living here, as well as the years I spent in my [Pocket Dimension] and 10,000 years by myself.

Now, if I saw a future where they could redeem themselves, then yes, I'd also give them a chance, but even after looking into it myself, more often than not, they fail because of their own self-destructive tendencies.

Typically, I look into around 1,000 alternate futures. If even one of them had a chance of becoming 'normal' enough to function within the human and supernatural society I was aiming for, then I'd suggest rehabilitation. But most of them, save for a few, don't ever change or improve. So... I'll do it myself—I'll kill them after we get back.

For the few who can, I'll just erase the memories that they had here; it would be too scarring for them to keep.

"By the way, you'll convert Satanael, right? Will you also put him in Grigori like Avezza, cutie?" asked Lisa from behind us.

"That's the plan. Avezza herself won't ever suspect it since I've sworn everyone there to secrecy, and even if someone did tell her at some point, she wouldn't believe them since I added a bit more to it after I evolved," I told her.

There were a few more questions about other things, and I answered them as best as I could. Most of it was aimed at what would happen to the other scientists, and my answer was the same for them—they would get the Satanael/Avezza treatment. They were talented, so killing them would be a waste.

They're also not just part of the fallen angel faction, so they'll go back to their respective factions and pantheons and be part of their own research departments there. Around 95% of them were part of DxD, or were very cooperative and wanted to form an alliance with us, so there was no problem in releasing them after I let the DxD leaders interrogate them, then changing them after.

As for the [Abyss Team], well, we'll take their Sacred Gears from them—put them through rehabilitation and go from there. There's only one that didn't have a future of success after rehabilitation and goes back to doing crime, but after I explained that to Azazel, he said he would want to do some... not-so-savory experimentation on him.

Something about understanding how those kinds of people's brains work and maybe and hopefully finding a 'cure' via magic in the future. He basically wants to find a way to change people, like how I did with Avezza, but to a lesser degree—cut out that 'problematic' part and change it for something else. The end result should be more or less the same since the supernatural could already erase and alter memories.

Eventually we arrived on the last floor, and the automatic doors opened. In there were the rest of our group, with the other members of the [Abyss Team] tied up or knocked out. In the middle was Satanael, out cold and frothing at the mouth, and it seems like he had pissed himself.

"Ugh, why does his pee smell so weird?" Minerva asked; she and everyone else heard the door open and turned to us. "Why does fallen angel pee smell weird!?"

"I think that's just Satanael, Minerva," I told her, and we walked over. I held my hand out and removed the smell, and everyone looked relieved. "Now then…"

Looking towards the sleeping Satanael, I crouched down and cleaned him up first—a fresh set of clothes—and then I started. This time around, I didn't need to make a new body like I did with Avezza, but he still needed to change, and at the same time, I was curious about his history. He surely had more than 'I'm a crazy scientist that had different views than Azazel, so I went off my own and jumped off the deep end', right?

As I created a magic circle beneath him, I checked on Satanael's history. It only took a few seconds, but I received the relevant information, and it was... sad, but I didn't really sympathize since he truly did just jump off the deep end and never look back.

Like the rest of the original Grigori, he fell from Heaven because of his jealousy towards Michael, the other Seraphs, and other scientists and researchers in Heaven. He looked up to the God of the Bible for his ingenuity in creating both systems, especially the Sacred Gear system and everything about it.

He wanted to create his own, but like Azazel, he needed more time and research to fulfill it. As he spent time on that, he slowly became jealous of several people, which led him to fall, unlike Azazel and Baraqiel, who slept with human women and fell.

What I saw after several hundred years of research was that Satanael, Azazel, Avezza, and other fallen angels dedicated their lives to researching everything about Sacred Gears, so that one day they could recreate it in the same image as Big G or create something better. However, they always lacked something.

They even recruited several Sacred Gear wielders over the years; some of them were even the wielders of the original 13 Longinus. But Satanael fixated on a few things—Balance Breakers, awakening them within any wielder and making the 'normal' Sacred Gears into Longinus-types of Longinus-level Sacred Gears.

The rest was mostly the same: the falling out and him being disappointed in their progress, which led to him being more reckless and eventually leaving and joining up with the Wizards of Oz and starting the Khaos Brigade.

I also saw bits and pieces of his time in the Nephilim Institute and his interactions with the new Slash Dog Team at the time, as well as his original [Abyss Team], which were all either killed, captured, or abandoned by him.

But there is one thing that I found curious.

"…The Leader and Deputy Leader of the [Abyss Team] weren't here today," I mumbled, surprising everyone. "They probably left last night using teleportation since none of the Shadow Soldiers mentioned anything about anyone escaping."

"Are you saying that they knew that Satanael and his group would be defeated?" Scathach asked.

"Yeah, it seems to be the case. I know where they are now, but I guess they didn't stick around like the rest, huh?" I added and looked around.

They're not the type that cares about their team and just abandons them to save themselves, huh?

"What happened to them? Where are they?" Aoife asked, worried.

"They've joined back up with the Khaos Order at their base at the 'end' of the multiverse. So, they abandoned him and went back to the Khaos Order just to save their skins—but their time will come soon," I replied and got up.

Since I was done checking his memories, it was time to change him to be on our side. The magic circle had been waiting patiently for me to activate it, so after pointing my finger at Satanael, the area around him glowed brightly for a few seconds before it abruptly stopped.

It didn't take long for him to wake up. His eyes opened, and he quickly got up and looked around his surroundings.

The leaders of DxD already knew that this was my plan for him, along with the other researchers and scientists, but asked me to let them interrogate the others, but I could do this to Satanael as soon as I could.

"Good morning, Satanael. How are you feeling?" I asked, holding my hand out to him. Everyone else there was a bit tense since most of them hadn't seen this happen live before.

"…Jin-san…oh my god, what happened!? Did you finally do the raid!? Was I asleep for all of it!?" he asked in a panic, hastily looking around the place.

"Yeah, it's done. Good job on being a double agent for all these years," I told him, and he finally grabbed my hand and I pulled him up.

He exaggeratedly sighed and shook his head. "Do you know how long I had to endure that for? The number of things I had to do that I was uncomfortable with and the things I saw... I'll be haunted by them forever," he said and shivered.

It was clear that everyone there was stunned speechless at the complete change in his personality, mannerisms, and even the way he spoke. The proud and arrogant way he spoke was gone and was replaced with a more 'normal' tone. He still had that 'confident' aura around him, but he was humble to a degree and now had some 'PTSD' because of the time he spent as a 'double agent'.

"Well, you'll get through it, but if you need those 'traumatic' events removed, just hit me up. Anyway, I've taken all the relevant data out of your computer, so we can leave now since the raid is finished."

What I told him was a lie. Honestly, I'm surprised and scared at myself at how well and calmly I am lying to him. But Satanael seemed to agree with it, and after going over to some hidden compartment he had in the room and taking some things from them, he came back over.

"Before we go, I noticed that the leader of the [Abyss Team] and deputy leader aren't here; do you know anything about that?" I asked. I already knew the answer but wanted to test its effectiveness compared to Avezza's.

Cúntóir was mostly responsible for her, and I was responsible for Satanael's conversation, so I wanted to see if there were any differences.

"I had my suspicions about them. They were the most resistant when I had to experiment on them, but in the end, they became the most powerful among the members of the [Abyss Team]. Hence, I gave them the leader and deputy leader positions."

"Because of those facts, you suspected them of betraying you?" Suzaku asked.

Nodding wisely, Satanael agreed. "Yes. Among them, they never warmed up to me; they always held me in contempt, so their leaving my group and going back to the Khaos Order made sense. They probably planned on gathering evidence about me, then showing it to them before coming back and getting me killed. It's great that you decided to do this today so I can go back to the DxD Alliance."

"I see. Alright, let's get going then. I'll teleport you guys to your respective realms, and I'll join you after," I told them and teleported them away.

Using speed faster than light, I checked the base and chucked a bunch of items into my [Inventory] 'just in case' Satanael may ask for them in the future, as he did in several other possible futures.

Once that was done, Bellion appeared behind me after I arrived in another large open area near the 3rd floor.

"There were only two attempts made by two scientists to flee. They were quickly apprehended and handed over to Grigori; the rest stayed and fought your group, my Liege," elucidated Bellion.

"Two, huh? Anything notable about them?"

"One said he was given something by the Phantasma before universal travel was sealed by you. The item we recovered from him had the same aura and ominous feeling as the other items that we retrieved from them before—like the power that Nyx had," further explained Bellion.

He then brought out the item. It resembled a mix of a chess [Knight] piece in chess with dragon wings and the word 'BARF' on it.

Despite how strange it is, it had some kind of seal on it that kept its aura and power from leaking from it. I took it from him and encased us in a barrier before I removed it. What was unleashed from it was some kind of…

"It resembles an animal, but it also feels like—"

"An Independent-type Sacred Gear." I finished Bellion's sentence, and he agreed.

In front of us was a little lion cub with dragon wings, a few jet-black scales on its body, a horn that resembled a unicorn, and tentacles growing from its side. Apart from that, it looked quite cute, if I were being honest. Its eyes were what stood out—they glowed with a soft pink hue.

How long had they been observing DxD to make this? Cúntóir said that they were quite meticulous and planned out things before acting on them, but seeing this…

Cúntóir: Answer: They had finished this prior to your evolution. The Phantasma, along with Rizevim and other natural Sacred Gear wielders of the Khaos Order, collaborated on it. This was their first iteration of it.

Cúntóir: Answer: Darkness and Shadows are the most prominent elements and powers in that universe, hence why they chose to imbue it with them. It can use draconic energy, shadows, darkness, tentacles, and pink eyes—a tribute to Lapis; however, they serve no function.

Hearing that last part made my stomach churn. This little guy wasn't Lapis, but knowing a part of it was a tribute to her just didn't sit well with me. Before I could react, it rubbed its head against my leg. As it did, Shin came out of my shadows and stood beside it. Both of them stared at each other before Shin leapt towards it, and they play-wrestled on the ground.

I was now even more conflicted. Shin is friendly with everyone, but this was the first time it had just done that towards a potential enemy or complete stranger.

[It seems like you're keeping him, Partner.]

{Shin has spoken.}

<<The other me is fond of it; I would advise that you don't abandon it.>>

'It's four against one, Aaron. Give up.'

I feel like I'm being bullied here. Scratching my head and sighing, I bent down, and Shin jumped onto my arm and then to my shoulder. I picked up the unnamed Sacred Gear from the Phantasma.

'Do they have some kind of 'system' they made for their own Sacred Gears?' I asked Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: That was the first iteration; however, yes, they were and are building it. But because of certain actions of a leader from the Resistance, it has been delayed even more—approximately, it will take them two years to rebuild it.

Ramlar, huh? He really went and did that. I only knew about a few specifics he did from Daniel, and I've kept my knowledge of what's happening over there to a minimum, but for him to do that…

'—I'll leave it to the Outer God, but right now I can't stay still.'

Those were the last words he gave to Laeronia and, by extension, to me.

"Name…if I'm taking you in, I may as well have a name for you…" I told it, and it tilted its head at me. After thinking for a few seconds, I came up with one that I liked.

"How about…Liadonn?"

In response to this, it let out a strange sound, wrapped some tentacles around my face, and licked my cheek with its tongue.

"Erm…how about without the tentacles?" I asked. It stared at me for a few seconds before retracking them.

Liadonn is a mix of two names that I remembered. 'Donn' from Tech Duinn, the Irish God of the Dead—we went there to fight Rizevim's group, and several other things happened after that.

'Lia' is from Talia; I believe it was of Hebrew origin? And it means 'Dew of God', so what I'm going for here is—the 'Dew of Death' or 'Dew of the Dead'. Since it's also one of the first Sacred Gears made by the Phantasma.

'Cúntóir, I'm not detecting anything, so we won't need to change anything, right?' I asked just to be sure.

Cúntóir: Answer: Because it hasn't been influenced by anyone in that universe yet—what they wanted was a tool to do their bidding, but with enough independence that it can still kill anything they want without their input if sent on a solo mission. That's how they saw Independent-type Sacred Gears and this is how Liadonn came to be. It will follow orders from you since you basically made it 'yours' just now by naming it.

Cúntóir: Answer: Depending on how you nurture this Phantasm Sacred Gear, it will evolve and change just like the ones in the Draconic Deus.

Nurture…I already have so many Sacred Gears that it's becoming a bit much, but I'll see what I can do with this—like with [Demon Armor: Incursio] and [Abyss Extinction], I can—wait, can't I combine them?

I brought out [Abyss Extinction] and stared at the unnamed Sacred Gear. 'It's possible, right, Cúntóir? Will there be complications? Both are darkness-based Sacred Gears,' I asked.

Cúntóir: Answer: Easily. There will be no complications, but you'll need to change and adjust certain things. I'll help.

"Alright, Liadonn, come here. I don't know if this will hurt, but it'll make you stronger, okay?" I told the little creature. It only tilted its head, and I placed it beside him. "Alright, let's do it, Cúntóir."

Cúntóir: Answer: W-what? B-but we haven't been on a date yet!

"I meant combining these two…"

Cúntóir: Answer: I was joking, dear. Very well, let's do it.

I don't understand her humor at times, and even mine can be a bit strange. Shaking my head, I aimed both my hands towards Liadonn and [Abyss Extinction]. A jet-black swirling vortex appeared underneath them before shooting up and becoming a pillar.

More strange sounds began to emerge from the black vortex. I believe they were the cries of the Sacred Gear—

Cúntóir: Answer: I will continue the rest; you will need to dive into the Sacred Gear's consciousness.

Wait what—

— ○ ● ○ —

"You can't just kick me out like that!" I shouted but then scratched my head.

All around me was just black, but I did feel some kind of strange energy westward, so I ran in that direction. I still had access to my powers here, so using that, I quickly arrived at what was causing it, and I found—

"Liadonn?" I asked, and the Sacred Gear turned around.

[Hurt! Hurt!] it cried.

—No complications, my ass. Maybe she forgot to account for his own suffering and not just on my end? I ran over and held him, and using my powers, I nullified the pain.

[Why? Hurt? Hate?]

"No, it's… You probably won't understand what I'm going to say, but please listen, alright?" I told him, and he nodded.

I took a deep breath and told him what I was doing, why I was doing it—his origins from the Crepuscule Phantasma, and any other relevant thing I could think of. Liadonn stared at me the entire time, trying to understand what I was saying to him. Once I was done, we both sat there, silent.

He was essentially a newborn with no knowledge about anything. His very existence was meant to be a robot that listened to others' orders and did them. But thanks to Bellion and that scientist, I have him now, and his future can be changed—and looking at the original and intended one, it wasn't pretty.

We—or I—had to eventually stop him and then get him. But the rehabilitation would have taken a long time to do, so this was ideal.

[Trust you.]

Liadonn suddenly jumped onto my lap and buried his head into my stomach.

Cúntóir: Answer: His resistance has stopped; I will finish it; you can come out now.

I nodded to myself and patted Liadonn on the head. "I'll go back out now, and we can talk there, okay?"


I patted him one more time on the head before leaving the place. He seemed fine, and his emotions were stable, but I'll check again once I'm outside.

— ○ ● ○ —

Once I was back outside, I saw that [Abyss Extinction] and Liadonn had finished merging. The tentacles vanished and were replaced with purple and black flames. His wings had become more pronounced, and he had matured into a cape lion.

His mane was jet black, while his pink eyes had turned into a mix of blue and silver. His body stayed mostly the same, but the horn on his head also changed into the symbol of infinity instead. He looked very different from what we initially saw.

He came up to me and rubbed his head on my leg again, and I rubbed his head. "It seems like it worked; how do you feel?"

In response to the question, Liadonn let out a soft growl. It seemed like he was happy with it. "Can you change back to a smaller form?" I inquired, and he growled again before darkness covered his body and he turned back into a small lion cub.

…People are dumb enough to mistake him for a cat, right? But some can just make themselves nigh-invisible to normal humans, so it's not that big of a deal. Liadonn came over to me, and I picked him up.

"Everything's settled then; I'll leave 'that' to you," I told Bellion, who had been quietly observing everything.

"Yes, of course, my Liege" he replied before vanishing.

"Let's go join the others then." With Shin on my head and Liadonn in my arms, we left back for Thine Ifreann Réimse.

— ○ ● ○ —

Reaching the gloomy and Halloween-esque realm, I was greeted by some chaos. I arrived at the place in front of Queen Halloween's castle, and just beyond the door, I heard some shouting from numerous people.

"What do you mean it's gone!? I prepared it specifically for today, Celine!!" Minerva's voice screeched.

"Like I said, it's just gone. I didn't eat it, alright?" responded a calm voice.

"So you ate it!!" she screamed again. "Come here, you stupid cat!!!!"

"Meow!? G-get away from me!! E-Emma!! Heelp!!"

<<Cat? Ugh, I'd rather not. I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up when there's no cat here,>> Lycaon mumbled before going silent. Shin also seemed to not like the idea and jumped into my arms, so I was holding both him and Liadonn.

Pushing open the door with my shoulders, there were more people there—the Millstein family and my group. They turned to the door and saw me there; the first one to my side was Suzaku, followed by Gabriel and Aoife.

"Can we—what's that?" Aoife stopped herself and pointed at the lion cub with me.

"It's a long story, but first, let's have some lunch; I'm pretty hungry," I told her, and she laughed.

"We were waiting for you, actually," said Suzaku. Shin jumped from my arms to hers, and she hugged him while slowly falling asleep.

"Is that so? Well, I'll tell you guys how I got this little guy over lunch then."

— ○ ● ○ —

"Another universe's Sacred Gear, huh? I certainly don't feel the regular energy coming from it, unlike the one called Shin. What have you named it?" Roselia, the grandmother of the Millstein's asked.

"Liadonn," I told her and explained why I chose it, which she and a few others found amusing.

"Little Donn, huh? It's been a while since I saw him," mused Roselia. "Hmm, if I am to compare it to something, then he's a shota. Can you imagine it? A shota God of the Dead? Kufufufu, you certainly wouldn't imagine it."

Donn is a shota? Well, that's unexpected, kind of. I expect the gods of this universe to be anything, really. From shotas, lolis, old men, and women to maybe even both, or maybe an animal? Who knows? But it won't surprise me that much anymore. I'm becoming too desensitized.

"S-shota? I didn't expect that. What about other gods and goddesses in our pantheon!?" inquired Aoife enthusiastically.

"Fufu, be amazed! Do you know, 'The Morrígan'?" asked Roselia.

"The Morrígan is one of the many prominent figures to feature in Irish mythology and is primarily associated with war, battle, fate, and death. She is a gifted shapeshifter and is known to favor changing into a crow. The Morrigan was one of the Tuatha De Danann, who were the folk of the Goddess Danu. This is what human history tells us, so what's the truth?" I explained and then asked.

But Roselia clicked her tongue at me. "Tch, Mr. Know-it-all gave a basic breakdown, but it's a bit more complicated than that and different from what humans know!"

"Like with her involvement with Cú Chulainn?" I asked, and she nodded.

Crossing her arms, she smugly explained, "Unlike what human history said about it, Morrígan only trained little Cú for a short time and used her unique power in aiding him in the war. However, little Cú did say Morrígan was physically attracted to him and wanted to sleep with him, but he declined since he had someone at the time."

"So it's true about him being married to Emer? Since Aífe here isn't married," Aoife asked, looking at Aífe.

"No." Aífe wasn't amused by that and plainly denied it—and given her history that I knew of, it was even more unlikely. However, Scathach laughed at her sister and roughly patted her on the back.

"My stupid disciple fell in love with a woman called Mal, and if you know about those legends from those parts of the country, then you'll vaguely know the truth. However, unlike the legends, he fell for her and had children. They were human and died human," explained Scathach. "That's what he told me."

A look of loneliness and regret appeared on her face. Scathach must feel some guilt for just staying in her own realm for so long. She missed out on a lot of things while she was holed up in there, but ultimately, it was her decision.

"Aoife, was it? You are correct, and even today, they are still married. She was a normal human woman, but in one way or another, she managed to find a way to make herself immortal so she could stay with him. They got together after the death of Mal," clarified Roselia.

The first time I met Scathach last year, she told us a bit about it but never finished since we became preoccupied with other things, but I didn't think Cú Chulainn was married to anyone today. Also, I haven't gotten back to him about that duel; I should really do that. But I have to give him props for being able to wait for so long.

"Didn't you promise him a duel, Aaron?" Scathach asked.

"I just remembered, but you know how things turned out after that day; it made it hard to get back to him and have a duel. I mean, look at Vidar; I promised him a duel and didn't get to do it until the tournament."

"I will remind him."

"You don't—"

"I will." She didn't even let me try to make a case; she pulled out a smartphone and texted someone on it—presumable Cú Chulainn—and a few seconds later it dinged and she smirked. "There is no set date, but he will contact you when he's not busy either."

I could only sigh at her and nod my head. I did have his number, right? I took out my phone, searched for his number, and told him my side of the story.

|Hah, that sounds like her. Just contact me when it's convenient for you; I can wait. I learned to have more patience over the years; maybe it was due to her or other people, but... yeah, anyway, don't worry about it. As long as you follow through with it, though!|

Cú Chulainn replied quite fast, which surprised me a bit. I was also taken aback by his, I guess, maturity—maybe I should stop comparing him to the weird shit I read in my past life.

Our conversations continued for around two more hours, everyone adding in their own opinions, except for two people—Gabriel and Lisa. Lisa was looking at me quite greedily, like she was waiting for something to happen—a reward, you could say.

Gabriel was also kind of the same, except she was a bit more innocent about it, and her face was red the entire time. Suzaku, who noticed this, could only silently scold Lisa and comfort Gabriel. I feel like I have a long night ahead of me.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lunch concluded a few minutes ago, and everyone went off on their own—well, Mom, Cindy, Scathach, Aífe, and Aoife did. They were being guided around by Minerva, Áine, and Cana. The rest (Danu, Suzaku, Lisa, Gabriel, Irene, and Ophis) came with me.

Our current destination was the library where Alice Kyteler was because, apparently, she was attacked by the Khaos Order for something or other last year, and I didn't have time to go and check up on her. Knowing her history, I can surmise why and who did it—well,  before I evolved, but now I know who it was.

Petronilla de Meath and Richard de Valle. It was during the attack of the Wizards of Oz during Halloween. Imperia and Severa, the two Artificial Super Devils that were sent to attack me, are currently being held in Ajuka's own lab for testing, and while they've sworn loyalty to me, the Four Great Satans and the old boomer devils wanted to make sure they would—even now they're still there but are set to be released soon.

Arriving in front of the door to the library, I pushed it open, and at the far end, on a chair, Alice Kyteler sat. She heard the door open, looked up, and saw us before smiling, putting her book away, and running towards us.

"I heard you were back earlier, but I didn't think you would stop by here, Jin," she said, putting her hand on her chest. It seemed that the short run made her tired.

"I wanted to check up on you since I didn't get a chance after the attack during Halloween. Both of them—Petronilla de Meath and Richard de Valle—are in Grigori. They'll most likely stay there for a long time, so if you want to speak to either of them…" I told her, and she nodded.

"I-I see. Thank you for telling me this. However, I never expected for very energetic devils to save me during it," she said and chuckled.

"Genshirou and Ruruko, right?" I asked as she gestured for us to go further into the library. Surprisingly enough, the rest began to wander off into it.

Even back at home in my own library, the place usually has quite a few people going into it. I do have various types of literature in it, including light novels and manga, so those who are interested in them tend to go there to find the next volume, and if they like it enough, they'll buy it to support the author.

The ones that stayed with me were Suzaku and Ophis. Alice invited us over to where she previously sat, clapped her hands, and summoned more chairs. We sat down on them and began talking to one another.

"After they were arrested, did they say or do anything?" Alice queried.

"While I wasn't there myself during and after the initial arrest, according to Azazel, Penemue, and other fallen angels, both were quite combative. Especially Petronilla, since she really wanted you dead. Richard was a bit more cooperative, but initially he was as combative as Petronilla."

Thinking back on it, I wasn't sure if I should mention that Petronilla became a bit, I guess, unhinged? Blood-shot eyes, frothing at the mouth, and trying to bite anyone that got too close to her. Everyone there was eventually forced to handle her by putting her to sleep.

Richard wasn't too bad—yes, he was combative, but he didn't resort to what Petronilla did—hell, Penemue told me that he was even shocked to see Petronilla act that way. He knew she wanted Alice dead, but to that extent? Probably not.

"You seem to want to say more; would you mind telling me?" she asked.


"You tend to go silent when you have more to say, Aaron. It's honestly a strange trait of yours. It's like you're mulling it over and weighing the pros and cons," Suzaku said, putting a hand on top of mine.

"Speak and candy," Ophis muttered from my other side, putting a piece of candy on my lips. I accepted the gesture and laughed.

"Alright, so…" I told her about how Petronilla was and how Richard was, and she was obviously shocked to hear of her actions.

"She wasn't like that," she mumbled sadly.

"It's been years since then; time and hatred can change people. We can only accept it. Some people can change back with enough help, while others can't," I told her.

"…You're the Miracle Dragon, aren't you? I'd like to know if she has any chance of going back prior to our little own tragedy," asked Alice. She looked at me with hope in her eyes.

Miracle Dragon. I'm not sure if I like being called that, even if I have done some 'miracles' all across the world, but I can't exactly tell people to stop calling me that—the same with my other titles.

—As for her request about Petronilla… I closed my eyes and looked into Petronilla's various possible futures. As I mentioned before, I take into account the first 1,000; if I can't find any, I'll usually leave it at that. I think 1,000 chances is pretty considerate of me. However, since Alice seems hopeful about this, I'll add an extra 1,000 on top of that.

After a few seconds of searching, there was one, but it's the one that I don't think she'll want to pursue. Like earlier, let's call it the Avezza/Satanael treatment. Changing her back to that time with slightly different memories.

"Out of the 2000 possible futures that I looked through, she only became 'herself' again in one."


"But!" I said in a louder voice, surprising everyone there. Rising my index finger up in front of myself, I looked at her seriously and added, "It's done in a way you may not like—and this method of changing someone is only known by very few people; the ones in my group know this; Queen Halloween has a vague understanding of it—and if I tell you, you'll be part of it. So, what will it be? Do you want to know and pursue it, or leave it at that?"

Alice Kyteler stared at me unblinkingly, then down at her book in her lap. For a minute straight, she didn't say anything—a few of the ones with me asked what happened, but I simply told them that I wanted to get my point across and have Alice take this decision seriously.

I've only done this for a few people, and I don't want to use it so casually since I feel like I'm just 'creating' a new person inside of a body. Even if they resemble them around 99% of the time, there is that 1% that Azazel has said that Avezza felt strange.

She had new hobbies, interests, and things she said in the past that she'd never do or get into. You could say that it's just them getting into new hobbies as they age and change, but... who knows? It could or it couldn't be; I'm not sure if I could look into it and...

Their 'old' versions are essentially gone. They can't be recovered naturally; I would literally need to find a near identical timeline and just grab that soul and personality of Avezza and slap it back onto the current Avezza.

Any attempt at trying to make her 'old self' would be just a 'new' Avezza that acts the old self but will also develop their own unique interests that the 'true old' self wouldn't develop. It's strange and convoluted, but... I guess trying to make it simple would be—like copy and paste, to cut and paste, or if I used an example from Kuroko no Basket...

It would be like Kise's Copy to Haizaki's Pillage. Kise copies his opponents' abilities perfectly and imitates them, while Haizaki copies their ability but changes their rhythm and pace to suit himself and disrupts the original's when they try to use it again.

Just like how resurrection may work in my previous life's media. The person they brought back to life—are they the same person as when you killed them, or are they the same person from a different timeline, world, or universe with just that very small difference—aka, a mole in a different place, or do things slightly differently.

With my powers, I can avoid this by specifically targeting their soul or consciousness and bringing them back.

"I…please tell me about it first so I can decide," she said, almost begging. I agreed and told her of the process; at the end of it, I also swore her to secrecy, which she dazedly nodded her head to. Again, Alice fell silent, and we waited for her to talk to us again.

With things like this, it's a moral dilemma. Azazel probably deals with it, but I don't know how the guy truly feels about it; he is known as the 'Most Sinister Fallen Angel', so him being able to hide his feelings about the topic is a given. Although I can always find out, he also knows that, but we have a silent agreement and respect that I won't—unless he tells me himself.

"May I think about it more? I think this type of decision... may need more time," she requested while bowing her head.

"Mmm. I should have clarified that you didn't need to tell me now, but yeah, you can take your time with that decision. Once you're done, you can contact me through this or use a communication magic circle," I told her, and I handed her a piece of paper with my number.

The conversation between us and her was essentially finished with that since Alice seemed to be in deep thought about it, so we excused ourselves and said that we'd explore this library for a bit. She was fine with it and wished us well.

Walking away, Liadonn, who was still in my arms, squirmed a bit and looked up at me.

[Why?] he asked.

"Why what?" I replied, looking at him. Ophis, Suzaku, and Shin (who was still in Suzaku's arms) looked at us.

[Why not do it?] he asked again. I looked at Suzaku, who smiled bitterly at me. When I turned my attention to Ophis, she shrugged, which basically told me, 'You deal with it'.

Liadonn is basically a child who doesn't know any better—how I explain this and its complications may affect his future development. Staring at him for a few seconds, I decided on my course of action and slowly told him how and why.

The moral dilemma of Alice regarding that topic and how the mechanics of changing someone's personality will affect not just themselves but also the ones around them—especially the ones who knew about their 'previous' self.

I also told him that it wasn't an easy choice. Stick with what is now and the person they've become, or change them into the 'perfect' version of themselves by force, since it would be a lot more convenient for other people.

In the end, Liadonn nodded his head, yawned, and said he would seriously think about my words before going to sleep.

Turning to Suzaku as we walked up a certain staircase, I asked, "Did I do a good job at explaining it?"

She nodded her head while stroking Shin's head. "…I think you did a good job; if you use the same tone and reasoning with our children in the future, I don't see a problem with it. Although I would use slightly less, I guess 'grown-up' words and stick to words that are easy for children to understand. Liadonn is still a newborn, right?"

"Yeah, but at the same time, he's a Sacred Gear too, and he's already mature, much like Gin did with Tobio when he entered his Balance Breaker for the first time," I told her.

"He did? Then…he's like Shin," she muttered, staring at Liadonn. "By the way, what will you name Liadonn? You'll announce him along with the [New Longinus] before the main tournament starts, right?"

"Name, huh? I haven't thought of one, but I guess I'll need to do that once I show him to Azazel, and yeah, I'll unveil him to the rest of the supernatural, but at the same time, I'll be exposing him to it, so it'll be interesting to see how everyone else will react to the [New Longinus] Sacred Gears."

We eventually arrived on the second floor of the library, where there were multiple rows of shelves with books. For some reason, we found that everyone that came with us had converged in a certain section of it—the top right corner of the second floor—so we made our way there.

Upon quickly arriving there, we saw all of them huddled in a corner, reading a book. The one with it on their hands was Lisa. Irene looked quite smug, while Danu and Gabriel were blushing. Gabriel looked like she was both horrified and curious about it, while Danu was blushing out of…shame?

Ophis was about to say something, but I stopped her. We quietly made our way to them, and I peeked at what they were reading. What I saw made me snort. Now it made sense why Lisa and Irene weren't affected by it and the other two were reacting the way they were.

It was an old book about sex, contraceptives, and the like. It was written in old Irish, and thanks to the ability I gave them, they could understand it. I looked away and began laughing.

"I didn't think cows were that popular for men back then. Can you back this up, Danu?" I asked. I immediately felt soft hands hitting me on the back. Glancing back, I saw that it was Danu—red in the face.

"T-they were the strange human men, not the god—"

"Well, if we take what Zeus did—"

"Stop!!" she cried and hugged me from behind. "We're not all like that, and that's not what happened, I think…?"

The fact that she said, 'I think?' already makes me question a lot of things! Well, I'm just teasing her, and I know the truth, but still, I didn't think she'd react that way. It's still adorable, though.

"Aaron isn't that large…" mumbled Gabriel.

"He can theoretically make his penis any size," said Irene.

Gabriel stared at her for a few seconds before enthusiastically agreeing with her.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to change my dick size to 80-100cm! I'd kill all of you if I tried shoving into any of you! Isn't that like a 40-inch dick at 100cm!? I was weirdly stressed out about this, and Suzaku noticed.

"…You're thinking too hard about it; they're obviously jok—"

"I am not; I can expand my vagina to accommodate," Irene boasted, leaving the rest of us speechless.

Gabriel put a finger on the side of her lips and said, "Aaron, can I—"

"No, no, no! We're fine—normal sex is the best! No giant bull cocks, okay!?" I shouted, panicking slightly. I do not want to turn my sex life into that. No bull cocks and no horse cocks! Why am I even thinking of cocks right now? This is weird!

"Okay~!" Gabriel agreed, thankfully.

"I'll make you agree to it someday," mumbled Irene.

"Not happening…"

I fear for my future, but after taking a peek at it, my worries were blown away. If I follow certain decisions I make…

— ○ ● ○ —

After we left Queen Halloween's castle, we met up with everyone else in the center of the town.

"You're leaving already?" Áine asked in disappointment.

I rubbed her head and chuckled. "You'll see us later tonight or tomorrow night; I'll bring some snacks from Ireland back as an apology."

"Then I'd like—" Áine started listing off various snacks and sweets she could think of, and I agreed to buy them just before we left back for home.

After another round of goodbyes and leaving Scathach and Afe, I was about to teleport us away when Vita appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my wrist, confusing everyone.

"A moment, Jin?" she asked, and I agreed while stopping our teleportation.

"This may come as a surprise, but I'd like to have a sparring match with Gasper Vladi in the future," she said, stunning us all. She leaned close to my ear and whispered the reason, and when she pulled away, I wasn't that shocked. "You're not surprised?" she asked.

"No, but I need to tell my junior this since it's ultimately his decision if he wants to accept it or not. Whether he says yes or no, will you accept his answer?" I asked back.

She crossed her arms and chuckled. "I may be carefree, but I won't force the little dhampir to fight me if he doesn't, but…" a lonely look donned her face. "I'd like it if he accepted; let's say for a bit closer in my life, please?"

"I'll relay the message to him when we get back home. I'll contact you as soon as I get the answer."

"Thank you." She bowed before walking away.

It makes me wonder: is she hoping to speak to Balor when she fights Gasper? Is that the closer she wants? If he doesn't remember her or her family at all, how will she react?

As I had those sorts of thoughts swirling in my head, we left for our next destination—Tír na nÓg.

— ○ ● ○ —

A few hours passed after our arrival in Tír na nÓg. One thing led to another, and we were going to be staying here for the night. However, instead of staying at an Inn, we were staying in Queen Mia's home—the castle.

We still had a few hours before night and evening came, so, like before, everyone went their own way to explore. This time, however, all of us were in a single group, so I could keep an eye on all of them.

Our current destination was the circular hill with the beams that were coming out of it. The times I've been here, I haven't gotten a chance to explore them since I had other reasons for being here. Today, however, I did not, so it was a good opportunity.

"I thought it was small at first, but I wish I could have taken the horses here! Oh, I want to explore those islands at night too!" Aoife exclaimed, twirling around and jumping around as we climbed the stairs.

"We'll make time for it, Aoife," I told her, and she thanked me.

The last island in this place had started flouring and was being used by everyone here. After I restored it and let Niamh and Oisín's souls rest in peace, that place had begun to become a hotspot for tourist activity. There were even more people here than before—especially some males. I guess because the alliance was growing, Queen Mia changed the rules here to fit the newer era and generation.

After a bit of chatter, we eventually arrived at the top. There were 8 pillars that had blue gems on them that shot blue light into the center, where an even larger blue gem was. That larger gem was being powered up by the other eight, and its own pillar of light was even more powerful, brighter, and intense than the rest.

Now that I took a closer look at it, it seemed to be the one shielding this entire realm. Perhaps even the reason for the realm being maintained and kept up.

"I'm glad you could join us," said Queen Mia.

"Hmm? Mia, you're here? I thought you said you were busy?" Aoife asked, waddling towards the realm's queen.

"Yes and no. After I heard you wished to come here, I decided to bring some items to showcase something to you all," she explained, bringing out a yellow crystal. "This helps with powering this gem. Usually, it's blue, but if I add my own powers to it—and because I am the current Queen—it will change."

She brought out another blue gem and began to inject her own powers into it. The blue gem slowly flashed yellow before it began to rapidly blink in and out of blue and yellow before completely turning yellow.

Mia let out a sigh before showing it to us. "I'm not exactly sure how it works, but the text that the previous queens left told the future queens to do this every five years to maintain the barrier of our realm."

How curious. Before I realized it, I had already approached Mia and taken a hold of the gem and her hand. I began comparing them and noticed something strange—looking back in the past and comparing Mia prior to her ascending as queen was interesting.

When she became queen, some kind of new 'energy' entered her body. The one responsible for it was Tír na nÓg itself—or, to be more precise, the enormous tree on the last island. The ceremony took place there too, and once the new queen was chosen, the tree would provide the new queen with that energy.

Before that, Mia was just an ordinary woman who lived here. The energy she gained was then used to empower the crystals found in this realm, and they would feed them to the large gem in the middle to basically give it a new 'charge'—you could say that they were just changing batteries for it.

"U-umm…" Mia mumbled. When I looked up, her face was red as she looked at me.

"Oh, my—" I felt several hands grab my shoulder, waist, and cheeks. "Curiosity got the better of me."

"Don't flirt with the queen, Aaron, bad!" Gabriel chided me. The rest agreed but dropped it.

Queen Mia awkwardly smiled at us before I let go of her hand. She explained the mechanics of it more before walking over to the large gem and opening a slot underneath it using magic.

"This can only be opened by me or another official—like Aoife, whom you met on the ground floor earlier."

"Mmm—Aoife-ception," Aoife said and nodded wisely.

She had made a big deal about it earlier and even asked me if I thought of her when meeting the Aoife of this realm. I did, but I wasn't going to admit that in front of the other Aoife, who felt awkward as hell about it.

After she inserted the blue gem into it, it immediately vanished, and she closed it. After she closed it, the gem and area around it began to glow even brighter before a small pulse left it, sending a gust of wind our way. The light from the large gem had gotten even brighter than before, and the ones around it glowed slightly brighter too.

"Your visit was well-timed, as I needed to change it in a few days, but... This should be fine since it has become quite dull," she said, turning back around. "If you wish for a small tour of our realm again, I would love to be your personal guide."

Mom and Aoife stared at her, enthralled by her smile and offer. They glanced at each other before nodding.

"Aaron, dear, I approve, okay?" Mom said, giving me a thumbs up.

"She hired a fellow Aoife; I'm fine with it," said Aoife, also giving me a thumbs up.

Only Mia was confused by their statements, but the rest understood, and in response, I light-chopped them on the head.

"We'd appreciate it, Mia, and thank you in advance," I told her.

"Fufu, it's fine," she replied before gesturing with her hand for us to follow her.

— ○ ● ○ —

Nighttime, for better or worse—and for some reason, Queen Mia only allowed one person to sleep with me in my room—was some kind of strange rule the previous queens made. Apparently, the one-man harem of this realm got a bit too overwhelmed, and having so many in a room proved a bit too dangerous, hence why the one-man rule now.

Well, it was 12 max before, but since the 'one-man-harem rule' was phased out, more than one man can come into this realm now, which makes sense. Although I asked her about people who had harems and came here, she didn't have an answer. But they said that they were still in the testing phase, whatever that meant.

I left the decision up to everyone earlier, and the winner was—

"Fufu, I'd like my prize now, cutie~"

—Lisa. The winner was Lisa. It made sense, and she probably gave them her reasons. Although I wanted Gabriel to join us too, it seemed a bit impossible since she wanted her first time to just be one-on-one and not with anyone else.

She told me this earlier, since they told me that Lisa was joining me tonight.

"Well, I did promise you," I replied, reaching up and cupping her breast with my hand.

Lisa was wearing see-through purple lingerie, and she had been staring at me for most of today after the operation earlier in the morning. So she had been waiting for this all day, and now she had run out of patience.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon Start

— ○ ● ○ —

"Well, let's not make you wait any longer," I said before flipping us around.

"Ara~?" said Lisa. She giggled after being forced onto my bed. She looked up at me, smiling and eagerly anticipating what I'd do next.

With a click of my fingers, both our clothes were thrown off us—her lingerie and my boxer shorts. Her face went a little red as she stared at my obvious erection, and it finally dawned on her that this was happening.

"U-um…I'd like to say that—"

"I know. You told me before," I said, interrupting her. "Not like it matters though; you also told me one drunken night before I gave you immunity to alcohol that you had broken your own hymen using a dildo."

Lisa's face went from red to crimson in a matter of seconds. She looked mortified and wasn't sure what to say, so I chuckled at her, earning me an embarrassed glare from the woman below me.

"Well…" I rubbed my member against her slit, making her shiver. Lisa gave me a quick nod, and with that consent, I slowly entered her.

"Mmm~ hah…ah, Aaron~"

I firmly moved my hands down to her back and hips, embracing her passionately.

"Fufu~ grab me harder, cutie~ nngh, ah, aaahhh~" she moaned into my ear playfully.

Lisa's vagina swiftly sucked me up into her; there was next to no resistance, and in mere seconds, most of my member was snugly in place—the tip rested comfortably against the entrance of the womb.

When I pulled back a little to look at Lisa's face, she seemed almost relieved and sighed joyfully. However, a mischievous smile appeared on her lips, and she immediately wrapped her legs around me, pushing me even deeper and locking me in place.

"Hng~ mmm…Aaron's all in me now~ fufu~" she whispered before kissing me on the lips.

I broke our kiss, confusing her, and a look of worry flashed across her face.


"Be honest with me, Lisa." I stared at her, her worries rising. "I slid inside of you way too easily. How horny have you been all day? And also…" I leaned in and whispered into her ear, "don't call me cutie; you know what to call me."

Lisa's fears instantly washed away, and her body shivered again. She panted lightly beside me and even moaned a few times from it—wait now, she just—

"Haa…haa…I came…I just came…Akeno-chan was right—you become a complete sadist when you do it…hehe," she said before I pulled away and looked at her again. She grabbed my cheeks and said, "I've been horny since this morning; I couldn't stop imagining this, and now it's finally happening—earlier in the night, when I excused myself, I went to my room and pleasured myself since I would have jumped you before this happened. So…please…"

Before she finished her own sentence, Lisa started to move her own body and started bouncing on my member. She began to moan quite loudly, but I had put a barrier around us beforehand, so it wasn't a big deal.

This woman, I swear…! Matching her pace, I began to move my hips as hard as I could.

"Hnng!? A-aaahh! Finally, keep going!" she moaned as our pace and rhythm began to sync together. After she said that, I did one fast and hard thrust into her.

"Ooooooooh!? Nnngh…aahhh…haa…w-what…was—" As she began to ask, I did it again, making her make a weird sound again. "W-w-w-wait, wait, wait, I don't think I'll—"

Ignoring her pleas, I did it again.

"Nnnnnnngh!!" Lisa's body trembled, and her vagina tightened around my member. I had brought her to another orgasm. After a few seconds, her body went limp. She put her left hand on her forehead and sighed. "…Meanie…I tried to tell you to stop…but…it felt good. I came twice already, and you haven't…"

"I'm not done yet," I told her, and I began to move my hips again. Every time I did, her breasts would jiggle from the movement. It was pretty erotic to see—Lisa wasn't as big as Akeno or Suzaku, but she was still quite large by normal societal standards.

"Fhnnn…ahhh…nooo…nnggh~! Aaaah…please…play with my…boobs too…~~" she moaned.

Reaching over again, I started rubbing and kneading her breasts.

"Nnnnghh~ aaahh…rub them harder; I don't mind if…you get violent with them~"

She was a bona fide masochist, or she was both like Akeno. I wasn't sure since it was our first time together, but that was the feeling I got from her.

I acceded her request and started massaging both her boobs vigorously. Lisa began moaning even louder while tightening her vagina.

"Khhh…nnh…aaah…yes…that's good…! Aaahhn…I like it like that…! Please be rough with me~!"

"Your nibbles are so hard right now," I said, and I squeezed them.

"Nnnngh!? Aaaahh…! Please bully my nipples too…! Twist them, crush them…! Please bully them lots~!"

Her hair gets everywhere as I start thrusting harder and faster while twisting and crushing her nipples per her request. Lisa began to drool more and more as she lost herself in the pleasure. I stopped for a second, confusing her, but did the same thing earlier—I pulled back and thrust back in faster and harder; this action caused me to smack against her entrance.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!? Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ aaah…n-no…ooooooohhhh!!" Lisa screamed, and her body violently convulsed as she had another orgasm. Her eyes had crossed while she let out that scream, and her vagina had tightened even more than earlier.

This was probably her hardest orgasm yet. I had started doing this lately with the girls, and they liked it. To Shirone and Kuroka—I pulled their tails along while doing this, making it even more pleasurable for them.

However, even after Lisa reached another orgasm, I hadn't reached mine yet, but I was quite close too since her squeezing me down there was quite intense. I continued thrusting into her, gyrating my hips and also pinching and squeezing her nipples at the same time.

"Nnngh!? W-w-w-wait, I-I-I just came, I can't…!!!" she cried. Lisa, however, moved her hips in sync with mine even though she said no. "N-no, no, no, no, I'm going to go crazy, p-p-please wa-wait…!"

I did the same thing again and slammed into her deepest parts, causing her to make the strange sound again. Her inner folds kept tightly squeezing my member every few seconds, meaning she was having light orgasms every time I thrust into her.

"Lisa…I'm…close…!" I muttered while still thrusting into her. Upon hearing this, Lisa, while still having light orgasms, began moving her hips again.

"Haaaa…I…I just had mine, but I'm close again too—do it at the same time…! Do it inside me too—I'm not—" Lisa tightened her legs on me, telling me not to pull out.

"Fuck…!" I moaned. "I'm cumming…!"

Pulling back one last time, I slammed my hips back in, hitting the entrance of her womb before I ejaculated inside of her.

"Aaah!? Cumming…! I'm cumming…! My pussy's cuuuuuummiiiiiing!?!"

Lisa also screamed while she came. I felt Lisa's nails dig into my skin, but no blood came out. Her legs tightened even more around me, as did her vagina, trying to squeeze out as much of my semen.


Lisa's body kept on convulsing as she experienced another intense climax. I kept on cumming inside of her—almost like a never-ending stream.

"Aaah…aaahh…so…hot…my belly…feels so full…" she muttered, relaxing her legs around me, yet she didn't let me go.

Semen overflowed and spilled out from where we were connected. Lisa kept panting wildly, looking completely enraptured. However, my arousal hadn't been quenched yet.


"Fufu…I know…you're still hard inside of me. They already warned me beforehand, Aaron. Let's go again," she muttered, spreading her arms towards me and asking for a hug.

"Thanks…" I leaned back down and kissed her before we continued for a couple of hours more.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon End

— ○ ● ○ —

A few hours had passed since then, and Lisa was peacefully sleeping beside me. She had passed out on our last round, and I stopped since it would be weird doing it with a sleeping woman.

I wonder how Kikijo and Higuro would feel if I told them, 'Hey, so Lisa-sensei is in my harem, and I did it with her recently'. I feel like they would lose their shit with me, so I'll probably not mention that last part.

"Mmm…Aaron…?" she asked, and I looked at her.

"Oh, you woke up. It's still night, you know? Barely any time passed after we did it," I told her. "You can keep sleeping."

"…Mmm." She moved around and placed her head on my chest. "…I did it with a former student, ufufufu~"

"You just had to say it, didn't you?" I asked and lightly poked her on the nose. "…The tournament results for the preliminary stages are coming out soon since they'll end. Which teams do you think will make it?"

"Fufu, a few of the obvious ones, but apart from them, it makes me wonder," she replied, closing her eyes. "Let's…sleep…for now…" she said, quickly falling back asleep.

"Yeah…" I kissed her on the forehead before going to sleep.

Whatever teams make it, I hope that there will be no hard feelings about it, and whoever makes it will do their best on the main stage.

— ○ ● ○ —

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