Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 14 – Part 3 – Cross Point Impact

Third Person Point of View

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Ciriatto found himself in a relentless struggle, facing off against two humans who proved to be the strongest opponents he had ever encountered. It didn't matter how he attempted to retaliate; their responses were swift and precise, quickly nullifying or countering his attacks. The two swords that had been his trusted weapons for defeating and eliminating his foes had already met their demise, shattered under the sheer power of his formidable adversaries.

The Wild Hog King landed back on the ground, preparing himself for what lay ahead. Before him stood the formidable pair of humans, Zeno and Silva, who appeared to be playing with him, much to Ciriatto's dismay. They had observed Ciriatto's ill treatment of Zorya, Valentina, and Medusa, which fueled their determination to give him a taste of his own medicine.

Ciriatto's body quickly became enveloped in a menacing shroud of demonic aura as Zeno and Silva closed in on him from both sides. In response, he slammed his massive fists into the ground, causing the earth to quake and tearing apart the surrounding trees.

Debris and dust were sent flying in all directions, obscuring the battlefield. Zeno and Silva skillfully maneuvered through the chaos. Silva seized the opportunity to strike, delivering a powerful blow infused with his touki energy to Ciriatto's outstretched arm.

The [Malebranche] was flung away by the force of Silva's punch. He crashed through several trees and a small hill and as he was slowly recovering from the attack. Zeno, the old man appeared above him, purple aura covered his body and it quickly morphed into a western dragon.

"I thought you were quicker than this, you little hog," teased Zeno. He hurled his purple dragon at Ciriatto, and it reached the demon swiftly, causing an explosion that shook the entire country of Greece.

But Zeno didn't halt his assault there. With remarkable agility, he located Ciriatto, delivering a powerful foot strike to the demon's chest, sending him hurtling even farther away. Ciriatto bore the scars of their intense battle, and a substantial section of flesh was missing from his left arm. However, Ciriatto remained undeterred and, with determination, conjured touki bullets, launching them at both Zeno and Silva.

The two [Electa] skillfully deflected Ciriatto's attacks, landing gracefully in front of him. Ciriatto, however, was in bad shape, his arm bleeding profusely from Zeno's attacks earlier.

[Hmph. If I had my blades, I would have already eliminated both of you,] he declared with a hint of arrogance.

Zeno remained calm and responded, "Hmm... Is that so? Very well, here." He summoned two blades that were identical to those owned by Ciriatto and threw them back to him. Then, he handed Ciriatto a Slime Pill and explained its purpose.

Ciriatto furrowed his brows and eyed Zeno with suspicion, asking, [What's the meaning of this, old man?]

Zeno grinned and replied, "It's to demonstrate that even with your swords and in the prime of your health, it wouldn't change the outcome. You would still face defeat."

Ciriatto seethed with anger at Zeno's words, and in his frustration, he hastily consumed the pill that began to mend his injuries. As he retrieved both of his blades, he positioned himself for battle. Before any further words could be exchanged, Ciriatto vanished from sight and executed a swift sideways swing with both his blades, intent on cleaving Zeno in two.

Much to the Wild Hog King's astonishment, the elderly man merely watched him without making a move. Unperturbed, Ciriatto pressed on with his attack, and Zeno remained unyielding. When Ciriatto's blades finally made contact with Zeno, he was met with a startling revelation—they were halted by the old man's body.

Confounded, Ciriatto stammered in disbelief, [W-what...? How is this possible? I put all my might into that strike and even infused it with my demonic aura!]

Zeno, sporting a taunting smile, responded, "You're merely too physically feeble to harm me, my dear hog." He then casually grasped Ciriatto's blades with just two of his fingers, shattering them once more. "Just like your blades, we'll dispatch your bones without delay."

Silva had observed the preceding confrontation in silence, but he couldn't remain passive any longer. Swiftly, he materialized beside Ciriatto and unleashed a powerful kick to his face, propelling him away once again.

Yet, Silva didn't give his opponent a moment's respite. He lunged after Ciriatto, grasping his face before brutally driving Ciriatto's body back to the ground. The force of the impact was immense, and Ciriatto could feel the excruciating pain as bones within his body cracked and snapped.

Silva continued his relentless assault by channeling his touki energy into a devastating blow, targeting Ciriatto's chest. The attack shattered more of his ribs, leaving Ciriatto in an even more dire condition.

As he stepped away from the now-immobile body of Ciriatto, Silva gathered his energy and released a colossal purple touki sphere. The attack flew unerringly toward Ciriatto and struck him with unforgiving precision. The impact created a massive explosion in Greece, and this time, a vast, circular, purple energy engulfed the entire country, all thanks to Silva's unstoppable attack.

Zeno and Silva both stood beside the fallen [Malebranche], observing him as he lay motionless. It was evident that he had been pushed to the brink of death, a significant feat given Ciriatto's formidable power. His life force now hung by a thread, leaving the once-mighty [Evil Claws] in shambles.

"With Young Master Aaron's plans for you, [Malebranche], I'm eager to witness your future actions, Ciriatto," Zeno remarked with a touch of excitement, his eyes fixed on the barely conscious enemy.

Ciriatto gazed up at Zeno, puzzled by the cryptic comment. He couldn't quite fathom the implications behind those words. However, his attention quickly shifted back to the events that unfolded immediately after he and his companions had narrowly escaped the previous confrontation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Hours after the operation involving the True Satans Faction, the [Malebranche] regrouped at their base, and an undeniable silence enveloped the area.

The dwindling [Malebranche] ranks now consisted of Alichino the Harlequin, Calcabrina the Grace Stomper and Frost Trampler, Ciriatto the Wild Hog King, and Scarmiglione the Troublemaker. With both their leader and deputy leader having met their demise, these four remained, the sole survivors.

The stifling silence was abruptly shattered by Scarmiglione, whose laughter echoed uncontrollably. His fellow [Malebranche] looked on, perplexed by his bizarre reaction.

[What's so funny, Troublemaker?] Ciriatto inquired, seeking clarification.

[Our two leaders are gone, right? So that means we're finally free to do whatever we want! In that case, I'm outta here, doing things my own way. See ya~!] Scarmiglione exclaimed before disappearing from their base.

In truth, Scarmiglione had made a valid point. The absence of their fallen leaders meant they were no longer constrained by Malacoda's oppressive presence, which had previously compelled them to work alongside him. Malacoda, the most formidable among them, had maintained their compliance, even if it meant suppressing their individual desires. With his absence, they were now at liberty to act as they pleased, with no authority figure to curb their autonomy.

Alichino also decided to make her exit. [I'm leaving too. If we ever cross paths again, we shall engage in a battle,] she declared before vanishing from sight.

This left only Calcabrina and Ciriatto in the room. They exchanged a brief, intense gaze before Calcabrina, the sole female among the [Malebranche], turned away and started heading out.

[My intention is to rejoin the ranks of the Khas Order. This era both excites and bores me. If they have any future operations planned, I wish to be a part of it. Fleeing from the battlefield without an honorable end fills me with a sense of disgust and guilt,] she expressed, explaining her decision to depart.

[Hmph, seeking an honorable death, are we? My pride has been tarnished by my own retreat as well. I'll join the next operation they have and aim to redeem myself by taking the life of a member of the DxD Alliance,] muttered Ciriatto before vanishing from the room.

— ○ ● ○ —

[This is not the honorable death I wanted,] Ciriatto muttered with a sense of disappointment, closing his eyes.

"Honorable? No, not at all," said Zeno, his tone holding a hint of mockery. "However, we aren't ending your life right here and now, as I mentioned earlier. Young Master Aaron has his own plans for you, hohoho~"

Before Ciriatto could formulate a response, an overwhelming darkness surged through his thoughts, causing him to lose consciousness. Silva swiftly applied a sleeping spell to him, ensuring he remained in a slumber, and then bound him with anti-magic cuffs.

Their one-sided skirmish against Ciriatto had come to an end. The three women who had stayed behind to confront the [Malebranche] materialized, standing alongside Zeno and Silva.

"Lady Zorya, are you feeling better now? If not, we have some Slime Pills that can help. This offer extends to both of you as well, young Medusa and Valentina," Zeno kindly suggested with a warm smile.

"Thank you," the goddess replied as she accepted the Slime Pill and promptly consumed it. "Will you take him to...?"

"We'll handle that. You three have the choice to either join the others in a different country or take the rest of the day off. The decision is entirely up to you," Zeno informed them.

Medusa and Valentina accepted the Slime Pills, and they quickly consumed them. However, the bitterness of their faces was evident, given their perceived ineffectiveness in the face of Ciriatto's arrival to assist their enemies.

For Valentina, the ordeal had been particularly harrowing, nearly costing her life, and the experience left her feeling somewhat dejected. She had always considered herself a formidable figure, though not on par with the likes of dragon gods or true gods, she saw herself as an Ultimate to Satan-class power, a status of considerable significance in her eyes.

Yet, today's events served as a stark reminder of her relative smallness in the grand scheme of things. She resolved to become stronger so that such a situation would not recur. She knew precisely where to turn for that strength, and after this operation, she would seek the assistance of the one person who could aid her in her quest for power.

Silva noticed her contemplation and inquired, "Is something troubling you, Lady Valentina?"

Valentina met his gaze and replied, "I intend to approach Jin about enhancing my strength through rigorous training. I've heard that many members of [DxD] have been trained by him and his associates. After today's events, I am determined to grow stronger to ensure that I don't find myself in a similar predicament in the future."

A faint smile crossed Zeno's lips as he spoke, "That can certainly be arranged, Lady Valentina. I would recommend visiting Young Master Aaron's residence once this operation has concluded. We shall take our leave for now, and until we meet again later today."

"I'm planning to rejoin [DxD] in Kyoto. What about you two?" Zorya inquired, turning her attention to Medusa and Valentina.

Valentina replied, "I'm heading to Romania to reconnect with the family I left behind. Afterward, I intend to visit Jin's home." She then made her exit.

Medusa, on the other hand, seemed deeply troubled. She stared at the ground, clenching her fists so tightly that her nails drew blood. Zorya could see the frustration etched across her face but wasn't sure how to address it.

"Even after spending months training under him and the others, I couldn't do anything against a [Malebranche]?" Medusa muttered bitterly.

Zorya tried to offer some reassurance. "Remember, Medusa, they're formidable foes. Aaron mentioned that they received enhancements from the Evie, Phantasma, and Zaorama Nebiros last year and even further this year. That's what made them so powerful. But you performed admirably—"

Medusa cut her off, her voice laced with frustration. "Performed admirably? I was merely a plaything to him... If I'm to stand a chance when I join [DxD] in Phantasma and Evie's universe, I'll need to get stronger. I'm returning to Kuoh for training. Please convey my message to Aaron if you see him." With that, Medusa bowed and teleported away.

Zorya let out a sigh of relief as she found herself alone after her teammates had departed. However, her feelings mirrored those of Medusa, as she couldn't shake the sense of powerlessness she had experienced when confronted by Ciriatto. If it weren't for the timely intervention of Zeno and Silva, she could have been killed by the powerful enemy.

Feeling the weight of her own vulnerability, she mumbled to herself, "I need to become stronger. After all, Aaron appreciates strong women, doesn't he? I don't want to remain helpless..." With a determined mindset, she summoned her teleportation magic and returned to Kyoto.

— ○ ● ○ —

Akeno couldn't help but giggle as she gracefully evaded a relentless barrage of thunderbolts and lightning bolts unleashed by Summanus, the Roman god.

The deity found himself in a less-than-ideal situation, sporting an array of painful bruises and injuries. Clearly, he had grossly underestimated the strength of Akeno and Raynare. As Summanus skillfully sidestepped a hail of light spears thrown by Raynare, he couldn't shake off the fact that some of the enchanted projectiles continued to pursue him relentlessly.

Amidst the ongoing fierce combat, Summanus couldn't help but notice the very fabric of reality distorting around them, thanks to the formidable abilities of Akeno and Raynare. The once-confident god found himself growing increasingly wary of his opponents.

'Allowing him and his consorts to survive might have been an unfortunate choice,' Summanus thought, reflecting on the dire circumstances he now found himself in.

Nonetheless, the god hadn't unleashed his full power yet, showing a certain level of concern for humans in his own unique manner. However, he was convinced that the world would be vastly improved without the presence of [DxD], the Sacred Gears, or any other third party. In his perspective, the world ought to be governed by the gods and entities resembling them.

Akeno unleashed a series of snake-like lightning bolts, each crackling with electric energy, aimed directly at Summanus. He had no choice but to react swiftly, countering her attack with his own black thunderbolts. As their attacks collided, a cacophony of thunder and lightning erupted, lighting up the battleground.

Summanus, a god of nocturnal night, lifted his arm high, conjuring multiple menacing black tornadoes within the vicinity using his mastery over other elements too. With precision, he directed these dark whirlwinds towards both Raynare and Akeno, intending to strike them down.

Akeno, despite the impending danger, retained her composure. She rested a hand on her cheek, a hint of amusement in her voice as she spoke, "I suppose I expected more from a god." She muttered teasingly, "This spectacle is a bit... underwhelming."

She was attempting to taunt the god, testing his patience. However, Summanus remained steadfast, fully aware of her intentions, and chose to ignore her provocations.

"Ara~? It's not working, how sad," Akeno said mockingly. Lightning crackled around her body, swiftly forming into the shape of an Eastern dragon. With precision, she aimed her attack at the oncoming black tornadoes, and in a brilliant display of power, her strikes obliterated the swirling dark maelstroms conjured by Summanus, causing the god to click his tongue in irritation.

"Provoking him won't be easy, Akeno. Also, shouldn't we hurry this up and join the others in the dimension that Georg created?" Raynare inquired, her concern evident.

"Everyone inside that dimension can handle things there. Right now, the rest of us should remain here on Earth to eliminate the other threats targeting various countries, including Kyoto. King Enma lent a hand in delaying them," Akeno replied confidently, her movements in the air reminiscent of a graceful dance as she elegantly evaded Summanus' continued attacks.

Summanus let out a roar of frustration. "So, he was leading us on all along! That two-faced god! Once I'm through with you, I'll personally invade his domain and reduce it to ruins!" His anger and determination were palpable in his voice as he vowed revenge.

"Fufu, if only that were possible," Akeno chuckled playfully as she swiftly darted behind Summanus, her movements like a shadow in the night. Without hesitation, she delivered a powerful holy lightning-infused kick to his back, sending the God of Nocturnal Night crashing down to the earth below.

Raynare sighed, her irritation evident, but she unleashed a relentless barrage of light bullets, complementing her attack with flame arrows and water blades. The divine magic manifested through her actions created a dazzling and deadly spectacle.

Summanus reacted quickly, spinning around and summoning a defensive magic circle to ward off Raynare's attacks. However, despite his efforts, a searing pain persisted on his back. Glancing over his shoulder, he discovered a sizable lightning-shaped mark etched into his flesh.

Akeno giggled mischievously from her elevated vantage point and explained, "That mark can't be removed unless I choose to dispel it. It's an idea I developed during my training, something I hope to utilize in the main tournament."

The lightning mark she had devised served a unique purpose. It continuously delivered an astonishing 500 million amperes per second to the marked target.

For context, the largest electrical current ever recorded in the world took place in April 1996 when scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States achieved a current of 2 million amperes per square centimeter down a superconducting wire. Standard household wires, in comparison, are typically rated to carry a current of less than 1,000 amperes per square centimeter.

Most humans, even those intertwined with the supernatural, would find themselves perishing instantly under the immense electrical current coursing through their bodies. It was an extraordinary feat that Summanus, a god of impressive caliber, not only withstood the shock but managed to maintain some semblance of mobility.

"This... is nothing... to me...!" he gasped, evident pain etched across his features. Unbeknownst to Summanus, Akeno had yet to push the boundaries of her mark's full potential. The current coursing through her target now was just a fraction of its maximum output, as she had reserved it to test her powers on a different adversary, one other than Crom Cruach.

"Oh, is that so?" Akeno's tone was eerily calm as she materialized behind Summanus, her presence haunting. "Holy Lightning..." she murmured softly, delivering another devastating bolt that elicited a spine-chilling scream of anguish from the god. Her onslaught did not end there. With precise brutality, she thrust her fist into his face, propelling the divine entity violently away.

Observing this relentless spectacle from a distance, Raynare heaved a heavy sigh of concern. "I fear her obsession on Aaron is growing rather unhealthy... though she's not the only one. 'He got in his way, so I'm going to beat him to near death,' doesn't seem like a normal response," the fallen angel muttered, troubled by the extent of Akeno's obsession.

Suddenly, an immense surge of power erupted from the point of Summanus' impact. Black lightning, thunder, wind, and water violently swirled around the area, creating a menacing tempest. The god's glowing, wrathful eyes fixated on Akeno and Raynare.

"Looks like we made him angry~," Akeno chimed with a playful tone, a mischievous giggle escaping her lips.

"Please, Akeno, let's start taking this seriously," Raynare replied, her voice laced with concern. She couldn't help but glance back at the powerful god. His aura and abilities were converging to form an enormous pillar of energy, growing larger with each passing moment. The situation was rapidly becoming more dire, and they needed to prepare for the impending clash.


"We must also ensure he remains alive, as the leaders of the alliance have expressed their desire to preserve any significant god or being. The rest... well, they can be considered collateral damage," Raynare interjected, reiterating their strategy.

"Yes, yes, I understand, Raynare," Akeno responded, her expression taking on a more serious tone.

As their conversation neared its conclusion, a colossal hand composed of lightning, thunder, and wind surged toward them. Yet, both Akeno and Raynare remained vigilant, swiftly identifying the danger and deftly evading the onslaught. Raynare quickly conjured a sword of light and sliced through the incoming threat.

However, their respite was short-lived as moments later, a barrage of hundreds of identical hands emerged from Summanus' direction, closing in on the two determined women. They retaliated with unyielding resolve, but they soon noticed that an additional hundred of these menacing hands were unleashed in various directions, each set on attacking other members of the [DxD] team.

"I'll go and take care of the other hands, Akeno. I'll leave Summanus to you since he seems more agitated with you," Raynare announced before vanishing from sight.

"Ufufu, leave it to me~!" Akeno responded cheerfully. She then summoned her latest familiar and the group of small Oni she had in her service before forming a plan of attack.

"Oya? I didn't anticipate you would call upon me, Akeno. I've been aware of the ongoing conflict in the human world, but to think you'd face a god singlehandedly. I may not be that useful, you know?" said the woman who had become her most recent "familiar."

This new alliance Akeno had formed was with none other than Shuten Doji. However, it wasn't a typical master-servant relationship. It had the feel of a partnership, much like the pacts between devils and magicians.

"Fufu, don't worry, Shuten-sama. I've already prepared for that, although it's only a temporary power boost for you~," Akeno assured her as she gracefully floated over to Shuten. "Little ones, please protect us," she commanded her small Oni.

The smaller Oni, gathered in a sizable group, surged forward, directly engaging Summanus' elemental hands. They unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks that, to Summanus' astonishment, not only managed to intercept his attacks but also matched their power.

"Ara? When did these little ones grow so strong? I'm beginning to fear they might even surpass me in power," Shuten commented after witnessing the remarkable performance of the small Oni as they defended them.

"Fufu, we did train together," Akeno remarked, a playful tone in her voice. She reached into her belongings and retrieved a bracelet, offering it to Shuten. "Here, Shuten-sama. If you wear this, it will temporarily boost your power to match mine. But be warned, once I unsummon you, the bracelet will shatter and vanish. Aaron created this piece of magic."

Shuten accepted the bracelet and examined it with a hint of curiosity. "I was already aware of his unbelievably absurd powers, especially after your recent visit to our realm. However, to think he'd offer something like this so casually... Well, it was part of our partnership agreement, so I'm not going to complain," she explained, her tone calm and contemplative.

Akeno couldn't resist teasing her further. "And what if you did something that might irk Raiko if she found out?"

Upon hearing this, Shuten's face paled slightly, and she froze. She turned to Akeno, her voice hushed. "You promised to keep that a secret. If that woman with udders for breasts ever found out, it would just give me a massive headache."

Akeno responded with a mischievous grin. "Ufufufu~ Help me have a little fun with this god, and I'll reconsider my silence."

Shuten sighed, shaking her head. "You're quite the handful, you know that? But all right, considering you summoned me, I'll put on the bracelet." She slid the bracelet onto her left wrist, and in an instant, she felt a surge of newfound power. Shuten gazed at the bracelet in amazement. "So that's how it works, huh? Very intriguing and somewhat terrifying..."

Akeno giggled once more and commanded the smaller Oni to return to their realm, and with a graceful gesture, she unsummoned them. "Shall we go then?" she asked, her eyes filled with determination. Shuten, the leader of the Oni, nodded in agreement.

Summoned by her magic, Shuten materialized beside Summanus, her massive sword held high. With a fierce battle cry, she swung the blade down at the god, intending to strike him down. However, much to her surprise, Summanus' body was enveloped by swirling elemental forces that deflected her attack with ease.

She quickly withdrew, narrowly evading the retaliatory attack as Summanus directed several vortexes of malevolent black wind towards her. The sinister tempests pursued Shuten relentlessly, challenging her agility and resolve.

"Shuten-sama, please remember your power is on par with mine, so those things won't harm you. Don't be afraid to be a bit reckless~," Akeno offered a reassuring reminder to her partner.

With a nod of agreement, Shuten propelled herself toward the enemy. Employing her youjutsu, she conjured hundreds of thousands of blazing wheels that encircled her, forming a formidable fiery barrier.

She then unleashed this blazing array, directing it toward Summanus' powerful attacks. The two sets of attacks rapidly converged, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion. Seizing the smokescreen created by the explosion to her advantage, Shuten reappeared behind Summanus, her sword poised for a decisive strike.

Her blade connected with the god's shoulder, cleaving a vicious gash. In an instinctive retaliation, Summanus swirled around and unleashed a barrage of hundreds of black wind blades toward Shuten. Yet, Akeno intervened, summoning a protective barrier that enveloped Shuten, deflecting the ferocious attack.

Eager to assist her partner, Akeno entered the fray with determination. She conjured a whip forged from lightning and thunder, then swung it toward Summanus, delivering a resounding crack as it struck the god's back. Activating her mark again, she unleashed an electrifying surge, surging through Summanus' form hundreds of times over, causing him to writhe and convulse in agony.

"Aaaaaaaaghhhh!! Daaaaaaamn yooooooooou wretched hybrid freaaaaaaak!" Summanus bellowed with a ferocity that seemed to rend the very fabric of the cosmos. His fury, an elemental storm, manifested in a relentless barrage of cataclysmic forces, all aimed at the two women who had become the unwitting focal point of his wrath.

But amid the chaos and tumult of this unearthly showdown, Akeno remained an oasis of serenity, her countenance unwavering, though her soul bore the scars of a painful epithet—"Hybrid freak." Those two words, uttered with such venom, evoked a harrowing recollection, a memory that had long since lain dormant but now surged back with the fury of a tempest, threatening to drown her in a maelstrom of sorrow, anger, and regret.

Her reaction, however, was not what anyone anticipated. It was not the frenzy or irrational anger that Summanus had hoped to incite. Instead, Akeno's dark eyes gleamed with an unsettling resolve, her gaze piercing the tumultuous night like a beacon of unwavering determination.

As if choreographed by some otherworldly conductor, her lithe form danced gracefully through the tempest of elemental attacks, evading each attack with a fluid grace that defied the chaos of the moment. It was a silent ballet of survival and poise, a testament to her mastery over the elements and her control over the tempest of emotions that raged within her.

And then, with a gesture as powerful as it was silent, she raised her right arm, lightning crackling around her fingertips. In that electrifying moment, she channeled her inner strength and resolve, transmuting it into a bolt of pure, unadulterated lightning. It was no ordinary lightning, for its raw power and intensity defied the natural order. The very heavens seemed to shudder as the energy coalesced.

When she released that torrent of electrifying power, it was as if the universe itself held its breath. The energy surged forth, not just as a bolt of lightning, but as a cataclysmic force of nature. The shockwave it generated was felt far and wide, sending reverberations through the very essence of the world. For a moment, time itself seemed to pause, and the earth quaked with the aftershocks of the attack.

As the incandescent energy struck Summanus, it was as if a second sun had ignited in the heavens, casting an ethereal, golden glow upon the battleground. The sheer force of the lightning's impact was enough to momentarily stun those who lacked the strength to withstand its fury, casting them into a surreal and electrifying tableau.

In the midst of this electrifying spectacle, Akeno remained resolute, her eyes locked onto the figure before her. The epithet that had wounded her heart now transformed into a source of empowerment, a testament to her indomitable spirit and mastery over her own destiny.

She stood as an embodiment of inner strength, and in that moment, she was not just a hybrid, but a force of nature, a goddess in her own right, and an eternal symbol of resilience in the face of adversity.

In the aftermath of Akeno's devastating attack, a profound stillness blanketed the battleground, and the once-mighty God of Nocturnal Night lay supine, a stark contrast to his earlier aggression. The destructive energies that had surged with malevolence, endangering the lives of countless members of Team [DxD], dissipated as swiftly as they had emerged, leaving no trace of the menace they once held.

Amidst the eerie calm that followed, Shuten Doji and Raynare, both witnesses to the incredible spectacle, found themselves standing in stupefied silence. Their astonishment was palpable, etched across their faces like a haunting tableau of disbelief.

The tempestuous emotions that had surged through them had now given way to a profound sense of perplexity and uncertainty. In the wake of such a cataclysmic display of power, they grappled with the daunting challenge of reconciling the reality before them with their preconceived notions.

In the broader scope of the battlefield, a hush had fallen upon the chaos that had previously reigned. Akeno's display of formidable prowess had acted as a temporal quiescence in the tumult of battle.

It was as though the very heavens themselves had momentarily paused to acknowledge the electrifying display of might. Warriors, both human and supernatural, paused in their struggles, their gazes drawn to the breathtaking vista of power and skill unfurled before them.

For Shuten Doji and Raynare, the moment was as surreal as it was transformative. They found themselves at the precipice of understanding, their beliefs and certainties shaken to their core.

In the throes of their respective internal dilemmas, neither could find the right words to express their thoughts, nor a course of action to take in the face of the irrefutable testament to Akeno's unparalleled might.

"Y-yay?" stammered Raynare, attempting to diffuse the palpable tension that hung in the air.

"Y-yay!" Shuten Doji echoed, making an effort to match Raynare's enthusiasm.

Akeno turned to both of them, her usual smile gracing her lips, albeit with a very slight hint of strain. "Fufu, there's no need to be so tense, you two. Let's go and assist the rest of our team, shall we? Ah, Shuten-sama, I'd appreciate it if you stayed with us a bit longer," Akeno suggested.

"Of course, my services extend beyond a single battle. I will accompany you until this is resolved," Shuten replied, offering reassurance to Akeno.

"Thank you very much. Raynare, let's move," Akeno said before taking off, leaving Raynare to catch up.

"I'll go and... retrieve the incapacitated god," Raynare mumbled to herself. "Shuten Doji-sama, may I ask you to look after her for a while? She's clearly upset by what Summanus said."

"I will do so. Good luck with your task, and make sure you get him to where you need to bring him," Shuten assured her, trailing behind Akeno.

Raynare landed beside the scorched and crisped god, releasing a sigh of exasperation. "Aaron, you really need to address this situation with her. That bastard just had to provoke her," she muttered in irritation.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the other dimension of [Dimension Lost], Aaron's visage contorted into a deep frown, his dissatisfaction echoing in the other worldly space. "Damn everything; I'm going to torture that dick head," he seethed in a hushed whisper. His aura grew increasingly ominous and imposing, causing even the god Tartarus to involuntarily retreat.

The other beings within the dimension were keenly aware of the turmoil unfolding beyond their vicinity. Aaron's intense aura was not lost on them, serving as an unspoken signal that something had gone awry, and he was not in a good mood.

Aaron redirected his attention toward Tartarus, his narrowed pupils radiating a palpable intensity. "Let's get this gone and over with, you giant ball sack. I have other pressing matters to attend to and someone dear to comfort," he snarled with an air of utter venom.

[You dare—!] Tartarus began to retort, but his words were abruptly cut off as Aaron sprang into action.

In an explosive blur of motion, he delivered a devastating punch, striking the massive god in his core. Tartarus was hurled violently toward the far reaches of the dimension, incapacitated by the powerful blow. Simultaneously, Aaron executed a sealing technique, restraining some of the god's abilities.

Tartarus, along with a select few others, had been the instigators of the recent tumultuous events. The incident involving Akeno had significantly dampened Aaron's spirits, and his fury extended far beyond mere victory; he intended to exact his own brand of retribution upon Tartarus.

As Aaron teleported to stand directly before the incapacitated Primordial God, he muttered with chilling resolve, <<I'm going to relish every moment of this.>>

— ○ ● ○ —

[Khhh! Damn you! How can a mere human fight me on equal terms!?]

In a ferocious clash, Calcabrina the Grace Stomper and Frost Trampler, a formidable [Malebranche], found herself locked in an intense battle with a formidable opponent: the Lance Maiden, Lianne Sandlot. However, the fierce contest was heavily lopsided, with Calcabrina struggling immensely.

Despite the fact that Lianne Sandlot had been intentionally holding back her strength and providing guidance to the [Malebranche], Calcabrina was yet to grasp the true extent of this lesson being taught to her.

"I am not just a mere human, Calcabrina," replied Lianne. "I am…an [Electa]."

Calcabrina stood tall, a commanding presence at 5 feet and 11 inches in height. Her long, obsidian hair cascaded in luxurious waves, contrasting strikingly with her shimmering sapphire eyes. A mask adorned her face, concealing the lower half but revealing an air of mystery.

Around her neck, she wrapped a black scarf, its fabric gracefully draping in stark contrast to her dark armor. Her attire was predominantly obsidian, and it bore a mesmerizing centerpiece: a vivid, sapphire-blue flame that danced near her bellybutton, casting an entrancing glow.

Her armguards were an elegant fusion of black and silver, stretching from her hands all the way up her arms and enveloping her shoulders in a protective embrace. Silvery-black armor graced her thighs and extended to her shoes, crafting a seamless, imposing silhouette. In her skilled hands rested two swords, their blades aglow with blue flames and lightning, an impressive and awe-inspiring sight.

[Those things that work for the Middleman!? No wonder you're strong! Then I don't want to fight a [Longinus] wielder, I'll settle for you since you're one thousand times better!] she declared with excitement in her eyes.

Lianne let out a sigh as she skillfully parried the relentless flurry of slashes sent her way by Calcabrina. Presently, both combatants, along with the Stahlritter and an assortment of adversaries affiliated with the Gods of Darkness, were entangled in a fierce battle. This showdown unfolded in the heart of Finland, to be more precise, in the city of Oulu.

"What a rude fellow, who dares call Master a 'thing'? I won't let her get away with it," Duvalie complained as she gracefully dodged a strike from an enemy. With a swift maneuver, she retaliated, eliminating her opponent with a single decisive move.

"Fufu, you shouldn't focus too much on Master, Duvalie, or you might get injured~," Ennea cautioned, expertly piercing an enemy with her bow and arrow.

"She's right, Duvalie. If you let your mind wander," Ines began, her halberd slicing an opponent in two with a single powerful swing. "You'll get injured." In a playful manner, she then swung her weapon at Duvalie, forcing their leader to leap out of harm's way.

Duvalie couldn't contain her frustration with her companions. "What the hell is wrong with you two!? I'll tell Aaron-sama!" she shouted, her irritation intensifying with each passing moment.

"Fufu, did you hear that? Duvalie will tell Aaron-sama~?" Ennea teased with a mischievous grin.

Ines, in her typical monotone manner, placed her hand in front of her face and let out a soft chuckle. "Oh, she'll tell Aaron-sama..."

Duvalie, about to lose her patience, suddenly turned her attention to an approaching horde of enemies and unleashed a powerful slash that effectively eliminated the entire group. Regaining her composure, she pointed her sword at Ennea and issued a stern proclamation, "I saw what you did with Aaron-sama. If you don't want me to spill the beans, you better apologize!"

Ennea was caught off guard, her laughter quickly giving way to nervous chuckles. "W-what are you talking about, Duvalie? Your little bluffs won't—"

"Bathroom. Night. Lewd noises," Duvalie stated in a robotic voice. This revelation caused a noticeable blush to spread across Ennea's face, leaving her momentarily speechless.

Perplexed by the unfolding situation, Ines chimed in, "What?"

Ines felt utterly bewildered by what Duvalie had just said, and her friend's reaction only added to her confusion.


Before she could finish her sentence, Ennea exploded, shouting, "Shut up!!" Her sudden outburst unleashed a powerful aura that sent shockwaves throughout the vicinity, obliterating most of their enemies.

Once again, Ines found herself struck dumb, staring at Ennea in astonishment. The roles had reversed, and Duvalie was now the one sporting a triumphant smirk. To add to the perplexing situation, it was Ennea who seemed to be blushing intensely, an uncommon sight given her usual role of teasing Duvalie.

"Well?" Duvalie inquired, her tone filled with smugness as she awaited an apology.

With her cheeks puffed out in a show of defiance, Ennea retorted, "…You sucked off Aaron-sama before."

A heavy silence descended upon the area, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had raged moments before. Duvalie's face turned an even deeper shade of red, and Ines, caught in the middle of this unexpected revelation, could only gape in astonishment.

"Y-y-y-you did the same thing, you whore!!" Duvalie bellowed back. "No! You did more than that! You let Aaron-sama shove it up your ass—"

Ennea lunged at Duvalie, and the two began pulling at each other's hair. Amid the ongoing skirmish, Ines remained expressionless and lifeless as she somberly moved around, eliminating any enemies who had resurfaced. The shocking revelation was a lot for her to process, rendering her face blank as she contemplated it. But her train of thought took an unexpected turn.

"…They both did lewd things with Aaron-sama already? …What about me? Am I a late bloomer…?" she mumbled to herself while she swung her halberd, swiftly dispatching another group of foes.

As she looked at her own hands and then at her chest, a strange wave of anxiety washed over her. "A-am I too ugly…!? Am I not good-looking enough!?" she whispered to herself in mounting distress.

The Stahlritter, as a collective group, found themselves grappling not with physical challenges but with a peculiar sort of insecurity and self-doubt.

— ○ ● ○ —

Returning to Lianne and Calcabrina, they had initiated another fierce clash of their formidable weaponry. This time, the battlefield they had chosen encompassed the entire Earth, transforming it into a vast arena for their epic confrontation.

They had progressed far beyond Finland's borders, now finding themselves suspended in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean. With both adversaries standing on the water's surface, the resounding impact of their weapons meeting echoed through the surroundings.

The ocean's surface below them quivered and undulated as their mighty strikes generated powerful shockwaves, sending ripples across the seascape. The marine life inhabiting the area prudently retreated, their natural instincts guiding them away from the tempestuous upheaval. Yet, amid this tumultuous battle, Calcabrina's elation and exhilaration only intensified.

Lianne, perceptive to her opponent's feelings, decided to join in the spirit of the contest. She recognized that this [Malebranche] was not only a battle enthusiast but also harbored a sense of responsibility towards minimizing collateral damage.

Drawing a parallel between her and the likes of Vali Lucifer, Lianne found amusement in this comparison. The exhilarating clash between the two powerful beings continued to play out on the grand stage they had chosen, with the Earth itself serving as the canvas for their combat.

With newfound swiftness and agility, Lianne thrust her lance toward Calcabrina with greater speed than before, striking the demoness squarely in the shoulder. The impact sent Calcabrina hurtling through the air, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake as the very water in front of her formed a miniature valley.

The sheer force of Lianne's blow left Calcabrina bewildered and dazed. As she finally managed to regain her composure and stabilize herself, her gaze was drawn back to Lianne, who now clutched a helmet in her hand.

The sudden change in Lianne's demeanor had caught Calcabrina off guard. She stared in astonishment, her usual bravado momentarily replaced by a sense of confusion and surprise.

"We shall now commence the second stage of your training," Lianne declared as she secured her helmet in place. A palpable air of superiority suddenly enveloped the surroundings, causing Calcabrina to feel a peculiar unease. It was the same type of uneasiness she had only experienced when in the presence of Malacoda, her former leader, and Lapis whenever their interactions were unavoidable.

[Second stage of training? Could you elaborate on that?] Calcabrina inquired, her face betraying her confusion.

Lianne's aura surged into the atmosphere, manifesting as a colossal, rising pillar, and the very Earth beneath them quivered in response. "Precisely. Throughout our time together, I have been conducting your training. You've proven to be a fast learner, yet it appears you may not have been fully aware of the training you've undergone," the Lance Maiden elucidated. "We are now moving on to the second stage, so brace yourself."

[Heh, bring it on then!] Calcabrina's defiant roar resounded through the Pacific Ocean as she too channeled her powers. Although her aura was undeniably potent, it paled in comparison to Lianne's formidable aura.

Without any further exchanges of words, they both vanished from their positions, colliding in a cataclysmic clash at the epicenter. The force of their meeting unleashed an even more potent shockwave that rippled across the entire world.

The ocean's surface beneath them was violently upended, and they plummeted toward the churning waters. However, as rapidly as the sea had been displaced, it began to converge back together, thwarted only by the unending conflict above.

Calcabrina, wielding swords adorned with ethereal blue lightning and flames, launched frenzied strikes at Lianne. The Lance Maiden met each of these blows with effortless finesse, a calm and unwavering presence.

Yet, this stoic response did not deter the [Malebranche] in the slightest; in fact, it only served to further fuel her determination. An exultant grin graced Calcabrina's face, and she continued her assault with unrelenting fervor. It was as though the outcome was irrelevant, and the act of combat itself was the ultimate prize.

Calcabrina suddenly manifested a giant avatar behind her. It a giant four-armed humanoid beast with swords identical of hers in each of its hands. It had a glowing eye in the middle of its chest and it shimmering brightly before it brought down all four swords in a single swing. Calcabrina also did the same thing but to her utter surprise it didn't even make Lianne move an inch.

[Ahahaha! You're really amazing, you know that, right!?] Calcabrina exclaimed, her excitement ringing out in her voice.

Lianne, clad in her helmet and armor, offered no verbal response. She maintained her unyielding focus on Calcabrina, her gaze unwavering through the eye sockets of her protective gear. Lianne's primary objective was to skillfully deflect, parry, and defend herself against the relentless onslaught launched by Calcabrina and her colossal avatar.

After several minutes of intense combat, their ferocious clash ultimately led them to the ocean's depths. Even there, beneath the surface of the sea, the battle raged on. The sheer force generated by their powerful strikes displaced the water around them, allowing for their continued engagement. The seafloor had become their arena, affording them the freedom to unleash their powerful abilities without concern for collateral damage to people or vital landscapes.

Calcabrina's avatar loomed ominously, surrounded by a sea of thousands of azure flames. With an abrupt and decisive motion, it unleashed these potent blue flames, each possessing the destructive potential to harm even gods. As this fiery onslaught hurtled toward Lianne, there was a moment of impending danger.

However, with a series of delicate pokes into the air before her, Lianne masterfully extinguished the oncoming flames. An air of disbelief enveloped Calcabrina as it inquired, [Wha—!? What the hell was that!?]

Maintaining her composure, Lianne responded in a composed tone, "Magic negation is already a formidable ability. Imagine the potency of having the power to nullify abilities in their entirety. It's a powerful ability, isn't it? Those who seek to engage me in combat will be restricted to using only their physical prowess and techniques honed through practice."

Lianne's concealed eyes shone mysteriously within her helmet as she added, "Any attempt to employ your abilities, particularly projectile-based ones, will be met with nullification and negation, rendering them entirely impotent. Show me the zenith of your skills with those swords, Calcabrina."

A broader grin emerged on Calcabrina's lips, even though her facial features remained hidden by the mask. However, Lianne could discern the elation in her eyes, which gleamed even more intensely.

Without uttering a single word, Calcabrina initiated an unrelenting onslaught, relentlessly swinging her swords at Lianne. These strikes not only involved her physical form but also engaged her avatar, leading to the destruction of numerous underwater hills and mountains during their fierce confrontation.

As they clashed, they passed near a particular wreck that had gained notoriety from a famous movie. When their blades met once more, the residual debris from the wreckage was blasted into oblivion. Fueled by determination, Lianne chose to take the offensive.

She thrust her lance squarely into Calcabrina's abdomen, delivering a force so formidable that it propelled Calcabrina backward, sending her crashing into an underwater mountain. The sheer power of the impact caused not only the mountain to disintegrate but also sent shockwaves racing through the surrounding terrain, shaking the lands above them.

Calcabrina leaned on her avatar to regain her balance, her movements momentarily unsteady. Without hesitation, she propelled herself toward Lianne, who remained poised, a steadfast figure. Her advance was a blur of speed and determination as she thrust all her blades at Lianne, aiming for a decisive strike.

In a swift, graceful sidestep, Lianne nimbly evaded Calcabrina's rapid attack. Their eyes locked, and for that fleeting instant, it felt as if time itself had slowed to a crawl. But the illusion of tranquility didn't last. Calcabrina's world was suddenly upended as a powerful force slammed into her abdomen, leaving her breathless.

Lianne's perfectly timed kick, delivered with incredible force, had struck Calcabrina's midsection, propelling the female [Malebranche] skyward. The impact of Lianne's attack generated a shockwave, compelling the water around them to part forcefully. A massive, watery chasm emerged, creating a path for Calcabrina to ascend back to the Earth's surface.

In relentless pursuit, Lianne swiftly followed, lunging forward to impale Calcabrina through the stomach with her lethal lance. An agonized moan escaped Calcabrina's lips as she coughed up crimson, her strength waning. With a calculated spin, the Lance Maiden flung her adversary across the vast expanse, and Calcabrina landed on another continent—this time, in Africa. The specific location was Kenya's capital, Nairobi.

Lianne landed in Nairobi right after Calcabrina, who was already on her feet despite clutching her wounded stomach. She applied her fire magic to cauterize the painful injury. An expression of agony contorted her face as she worked on the wound. Lianne patiently waited for Calcabrina to complete the painful process.

After Calcabrina had finished cauterizing her wound, she breathed a sigh of relief, believing the worst was behind her. However, she couldn't have been more wrong. Lianne, instead of showing mercy, reappeared right in front of Calcabrina. In a shocking turn of events, Lianne thrust her lance into the very same wound that had just been painfully sealed.

The intensity of the pain was beyond Calcabrina's capacity to endure silently. [Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!] She unleashed a piercing scream that echoed through the surroundings.

This level of brutality had taken her by surprise. In her desperate attempt to retaliate, she ordered her avatar to attack Lianne. This forced Lianne to leap away, but she responded by amplifying her own speed to match that of light.

Lianne, now as swift as light, executed a relentless series of thrusts aimed at Calcabrina. Each precise strike hit her at multiple points—shoulder, stomach (the very spot she had just cauterized), thigh, and leg. With each strike, a large chunk of flesh was ripped away, except for the previous wound on her stomach.

Only when the flurry of attacks ceased did Calcabrina's consciousness fully catch up to the devastating reality. She let out another piercing shriek, this time a symphony of agony, before collapsing onto the ground. With just one functional leg, she found it impossible to rise to her feet properly, the brutal assault leaving her incapacitated.

"Calcabrina, you've performed admirably, and you've successfully passed the second test," Lianne exclaimed with warmth in her voice. Her helmet came off, revealing a friendly smile that was intended to convey praise. However, from the perspective of Calcabrina, a member of the [Malebranche], this expression had a different impact—it struck terror into her heart.

The kind smile from Lianne seemed to transform the angelic woman into a demonic figure, a presence more fearsome than Calcabrina herself. The overwhelming dread she experienced was unlike anything she had ever felt before.

'That unease I felt earlier… was it because of her...? Has this woman always been this terrifying...!?' Calcabrina wondered, her anxiety growing by the second.

With a determined stance, Lianne raised her gleaming lance high above her head, its tip glistening in the radiant sunlight. She spoke with an air of authority, her words cutting through the still air like a clarion call.

"And with this," she announced, her voice carrying a sense of finality, "our lesson has drawn to a close, and here begins the inception of the third and final part of your evaluation."

[Wait—!] Calcabrina tried to interject, but before she could utter a word, the lance was brought down upon her head with a force that instantly rendered her unconscious. Lianne then cast a sleeping spell to keep her in slumber until they reached the prisons of the alliance.

Lianne gave a confirming nod to herself before gently gathering up the unconscious Calcabrina. With her expert healing abilities, Lianne tended to the injured [Malebranche], mending her injuries with care. When Calcabrina's wounds were fully healed, Lianne cast a teleportation spell that whisked her back to Oulu.

Upon her return, Lianne was met with a perplexing scene. Her team, the Stahlritter, was in the midst of a tumultuous battle, and there was an exception—Ines, who seemed to be the only one not involved in the fray.

Amidst the chaos, Duvalie and Ennea, both adorned with disheveled hair, stood locked in an intense altercation of pulling hair and mouths. Tears streamed down their faces as they continued their relentless exchange of shouts, each demanding the other to "Apologize!" Yet, despite the impassioned pleas, neither of them showed any sign of relenting.

Lianne approached Ines with a curious expression etched across her features. "What is happening here?" she inquired, casting a concerned gaze at her subordinate.

Ines hesitated momentarily, her voice tinged with a hollow quality as she replied, "It's a long story, Master. Would you like the full story or a summarized version?"

Lianne deliberated for a brief moment before opting for the complete account. "Explain in detail," she requested as she took a seat beside Ines, ready to listen intently. The atmosphere brimmed with anticipation.

Ines embarked on the comprehensive narrative, recounting every detail, from the very beginning when the heated argument had erupted among the team members, to the shocking revelations about her two fellow teammates. Throughout her recollection, Ines couldn't help but cradle her face in her hands, overwhelmed by a potent mixture of embarrassment and shame.

As Ines bared her soul to her Master, she also shared her own concerns and anxieties, especially after learning about the intimate interactions her teammates had had with their Master and Creator, Aaron.

"You need not worry, Ines," Lianne assured with a reassuring tone. Her words carried the weight of experience and wisdom. "I, too, have shared various moments with him. Your time will come."

Ines found herself at a loss for words. Her Master's comforting words provided a glimmer of hope, and yet, they also compounded her feelings of despair. The realization that even Lianne Sandlot, the Lance Maiden, had been involved in such intimate moments with Aaron left her feeling even more disheartened.

"I-I see, t-thank you… Master," Ines replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion. The two of them exchanged a knowing look and silently resolved to bide their time, waiting for Ennea and Duvalie to conclude their heated disagreement rather than interjecting.

Ten minutes had passed, and the intense argument finally drew to a close. Both participants in the dispute bore disheveled appearances, as their fervent exchange had left their hair tousled and their tempers flared. However, the resolution of their disagreement came at a cost—a challenge posed to Aaron Toole, their Master and Creator. This challenge would be undertaken by none other than Duvalie and Ennea.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the skies of China, the aftermath of countless battles still raged on, even after the defeat of the King of Ghosts, Zhong Kui. Amid this chaotic battlefield, two individuals were confronted by their own past. Zhang Mei and Rixia Mao found themselves entangled in a reunion neither had expected.

A man, his pale blue eyes accentuated by his short silver hair, called out to Zhang Mei, dressed in a black three-piece suit and fedora hat, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. "Come back to us, Shizuna!" he implored. "We admit we were wrong. So, return to us and let us flourish under your care!"

Zhang Mei's response was fierce. "Don't you dare utter that name! I discarded it years ago because of the likes of you scoundrels. I am Zhang Mei, and I've long forsaken that name!"

The aura surrounding Zhang Mei intensified with her growing fury towards the man. Seeing him was provocation enough to unleash her wrath, but his words only kindled her loathing.

"It was an honest mistake, Shizuna," he continued, his tone tinged with a hint of mockery. "We're willing to make amends. We'll even employ our clan's resurrection technique to bring your parents back to life, so you can have the family you've always desired."

Despite his attempt to sound sincere, the undertones of deceit and manipulation were not lost on Zhang Mei.

Fueled by anger and determination, Zhang Mei swiftly lunged toward the man and swung her sword down. However, her target proved equally adept and brought his own blade up in time, parrying her attack.

"You're as emotional and reactive as your parents!" he barked back, his voice dripping with disdain. "This is why they died! They were fools for believing in such things back then!"

"Don't you dare say their names with your filthy mouth!!" Zhang Mei roared, her fury unrelenting. She quickly spun around and landed a powerful kick on the man's side, sending him sprawling away. Without a moment's hesitation, she pursued him, launching a relentless barrage of aura-infused slashes in his direction.

The man in question was Rokuro Misurugi, a member of the Misurugi clan hailing from Kagoshima, situated in the Kagoshima Prefecture at the southwestern tip of Kyushu Island. While not a widely recognized clan, the Misurugi clan had a rich history, once flourishing as worshippers of Hikohohodemi no Mikoto, also known as Hoori.

This deity was the third and youngest son of Ninigi-no-Mikoto and the divine blossom princess Konohanasakuya-hime. Hoori played a pivotal role in the lineage of Japan's emperors, serving as the grandfather of Emperor Jimmu.

The clan even developed a unique sword style in honor of their revered deity. However, the Misurugi clan's prosperity took a dark turn due to a fateful incident from the past, involving Hikohohodemi no Mikoto and Takemikazuchi, the thunder and sword god.

Following the demise of Hikohohodemi no Mikoto, the clan faced hardships and never fully recovered, enduring ongoing struggles to make ends meet.

Originally, the Misurugi clan had been destined to relocate to Kyoto, with the potential to join the ranks of the Five Principal Clans, creating a new "Sixth Clan."

However, fate had other plans. An error in judgment by the previous clan head, along with the current elders and executives, led to the tragic demise of Zhang Mei's family, leaving only Zhang Mei herself as the lone survivor. The circumstances surrounding the tragedy remained shrouded in mystery, with Zhang Mei harboring suspicions that the event had been intentional.

The Misurugi clan's path to restoration and power had taken a grievous and tragic turn, marked by betrayal and heartache. Zhang Mei, once known as Shizuna Rem Misurugi, now carried the weight of her family's legacy, as well as a burning desire for justice and vengeance.

Rokuro's eye gleamed brightly, radiating a fierce red glow. Swiftly, he deflected and parried the aura slashes that had been directed toward him. With quick movements, he closed the gap between him and Zhang Mei. However, to his shock, her eyes had taken on a gleaming golden hue, and in one fluid motion, she severed his arm and shattered his sword into pieces.

An agonized scream escaped Rokuro's lips as he clutched his severed arm, trying to perform some rudimentary healing magic to alleviate the pain and mend the wound. Unfortunately, his efforts did little to relieve his suffering or heal the wound.

When Rokuro glanced back up, all he saw was Zhang Mei's foot hurtling toward his face. The force of her kick sent him flying back to a rural village in China. Zhang Mei teleported beside him, her movements swift and deliberate.

Without hesitation, she ran toward him and delivered another blow, this time aiming her foot at his head. She then picked up his injured head and conjured an ice knife, which she dragged across his face.

Rokuro, who had been knocked unconscious by the relentless attack earlier, suddenly jolted awake and screamed in agony. His cry, however, was short-lived as Zhang Mei shoved the ice knife into his mouth, silencing him with a shiver-inducing coldness.

"Shut up and listen, do you hear me?" Zhang Mei demanded, her pupils narrowing as she stared at the older man. Rokuro managed to nod slightly in response.

"Tell that wretched clan of ours that I'm coming for my revenge—I'll wipe the Misurugi clan off the face of this Earth before my life ends!" With that ominous threat, Zhang Mei pulled out Rokuro's tongue and severed it with her ice knife. Then, with a swift spin, she delivered a powerful kick to his face, sending him hurtling away from her.

This seemed to conclude the violent encounter. However, to Zhang Mei's surprise, an ominous black and purple aura erupted from the place where Rokuro had crashed. She turned her attention back to the now maniacally laughing man, her eyes filled with suspicion.

"That's something new. We didn't have any technique like that before I left... unless they received it from the Khaos Order—assuming they joined or at least cooperated with them to achieve something in return for their services," Zhang Mei mumbled, squinting her eyes as she observed Rokuro.

The man vanished from his spot with an abrupt flicker, causing Zhang Mei to react quickly by dodging, leaning back to avoid his attack. As she leaned back, her eyes caught sight of a new sword in Rokuro's hands as he sped past her. Reacting swiftly, she got back on her feet and prepared herself, her golden eyes shimmering once again.

Rokuro moved like lightning, closing the distance with remarkable speed. He slammed his sword into Zhang Mei's, forcing her back, much to her surprise.

"Surprised!? We achieved this thanks to the Khaos Order's help!" he screamed. "If we lost our god, and we weren't allowed to join the great families of Japan, then we may as well take them down another way!" A wide grin stretched across his face as he explained this to Zhang Mei.

"…You! You were the ones leaking the information to them!? How!? They don't let outsiders into their ranks that easily!" Zhang Mei exclaimed in disbelief.

An even wider smirk appeared on Rokuro's face. "Well…all we had to do was marry into each clan with several of our own and bam~ we could gain any information we want. Of course, many of those infiltrators are high-ranking members now too, fufu~."

This revelation left Zhang Mei in shock. 'So that's how some of our information was leaked to them! These scummy infiltrators!' Before her thoughts could fully process, she felt a foot landing on her stomach and she was sent flying. Zhang Mei crashed through several hills and trees before she could come to a halt.

'How did he become this much more powerful? What did they do to him?' she wondered as she stood up. Although she didn't suffer severe damage, the spot where she was kicked was a bit sore.

Rokuro reappeared in front of Zhang Mei, his sword poised for another strike. This time, the blade was infused with touki. Zhang Mei, however, swiftly deflected his attack. She was far from defenseless.

"You may have been blessed with the highest form of our clan's powers, but ours were enchanted by the Khaos Order. Now, everyone in our order wields the same power output as you!" Rokuro declared boldly.

"Enchanted!? What do you mean!?" Zhang Mei demanded, her aura intensifying even more. She stomped her foot into the ground, causing blades of ice to shoot out from the earth and head straight for Rokuro. He leaped away just in time to evade the icy assault.

"Your golden eyes are now equal to our red! And it seems like you haven't been able to evolve your eyes at all these past few years, meaning you've been slacking in your training! If you stayed, you could have been our savior! You could have been proclaimed a goddess!" said Rokuro.

In the Misurugi clan, every member of the clan was born with powerful eyes. These special abilities were first activated by strong emotions. Depending on the color of one's eyes, the person was then assigned to a group within the clan that shared the same eye color, and they would be trained from a young age.

A list was created by the higher-ups, which went like this:

— ○ ● ○ —

Silver Eyes

Golden Eyes

Red Eyes

Green Eyes

Purple Eyes

Blue Eyes

— ○ ● ○ —

In their clan, most individuals were born with either blue or purple eyes. The more gifted among them possessed green eyes, while those with remarkable talent were born with red eyes. However, individuals with golden and silver eyes were exceptionally rare within the clan, with only three such births ever being recorded.

The first case was a baby boy who was born with shimmering golden eyes. However, his unique ability had been activated immediately upon birth, and the strain proved too much for his fragile infant body to bear. Tragically, he did not survive. The second case involved another boy born with silver eyes, but like the previous baby, the amplified strength associated with their unique eye color led to their untimely demise.

Finally, the third occurrence was the birth of Zhang Mei, also known as Shizuna Rem Misurugi. She was born with shimmering golden eyes and, remarkably, managed to survive. Within the clan, she was treated with the utmost care and reverence, although her parents wisely chose not to pamper her excessively, instead opting to raise her fairly and on par with the other infants in the clan.

Shizuna displayed excellent behavior throughout her childhood. Even when spoiled, she never became arrogant or attempted to wield her power to make people bow before her. She was acutely aware of her position and diligently strived to meet everyone's expectations. She consistently exceeded all expectations placed upon her, but the clan's elders and executives demanded even more.

In addition to the pressure from the clan, Shizuna had to contend with the resentment of her own generation. Her distinctive golden eyes set her apart from her peers, further isolating her. Her only genuine source of solace was her family, which was tragically taken from her by the clan's elders.

A particular "accident" occurred when she was a young teenager, leading to the untimely death of her parents. They had been sent on a seemingly routine mission by the clan, but Shizuna suspected that the elders, particularly her parents, held disdain for her family, and she believed that they were somehow responsible for the tragedy. Following this incident, she decided to leave the clan, leaving behind everything she had ever known, including her name.

After wandering for some time, Shizuna found herself in China. There, Rixia approached her after trailing her for a few days, and Shizuna ultimately joined their pantheon. She was given a new name, "Zhang Mei," signifying a fresh start in her life.

Zhang Mei retorted, "That doesn't mean anything! Even if you enhance them with whatever drug was given to you, natural strength will always prevail!"

Much to Rokuro's astonishment, he found himself being pushed back, overwhelmed by Zhang Mei's surging powers. What caught him off guard even more was the sudden transformation in Zhang Mei's eyes – they briefly flickered to silver before returning to their usual gold hue.

"You damn monsters! I'll take you down now, even if it means killing myself! If you won't join us, then we don't need you to stay alive any further!" he shouted before his body began to undergo a drastic transformation.

Zhang Mei found herself utterly astounded by the sudden and startling transformation that overtook Rokuro. This astonishing metamorphosis not only left her in awe but also compelled her to swiftly take defensive action. It was as if an otherworldly power surged through him, unleashing a barrage of immense crescent moon energy attacks, which emanated from his transformed body.

Rokuro's physical proportions underwent a dramatic shift, his stature expanding significantly. As part of this mysterious alteration, he sprouted additional arms on his sides. These newfound limbs conjured fleshy, blade-like swords, each adorned with unblinking, eerie eyes.

His mouth underwent a surreal transformation, morphing into a bird's beak, a surreal and unsettling feature. Simultaneously, his once-familiar human feet took on an amphibian-like quality, further accentuating the surreal nature of this metamorphosis.

His eyes, too, underwent a chameleon-like transformation, enabling them to dart and survey the surrounding environment with an uncanny vigilance.

"W-what the hell? What did you do to yourselves!?" Zhang Mei asked in utter astonishment, her eyes wide and her voice trembling with shock.

However, Rokuro didn't let Zhang Mei's shock deter him. Instead, he found it amusing and let out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing around the vicinity. He raised all his swords, each infused with touki, and unleashed a series of aura slashes that sliced through the air, hurtling toward Zhang Mei.

As if that wasn't enough, he started screeching loudly, the high-pitched sound assaulting her ears. The combined assault left Zhang Mei disoriented and desperate to cover her ears to block out the painful noise.

'Dammit, my ears are going to start bleeding if I don't find a way to stop that noise,' she thought in frustration. She leaped back, creating magical circles behind her and launched attacks at Rokuro, hoping to disrupt his attacks.

To her surprise, Rokuro didn't dodge her counterattacks. He willingly accepted the onslaught, and small explosions rocked his body as her magical attacks struck. Zhang Mei watched in disbelief as powerful regeneration abilities kicked in, rapidly repairing the injuries he had just sustained.

"Resilient skin, rapid regeneration, extra arms, and he still has the power from our eyes? This guy is a piece of work. How in the hell am I supposed to beat him?" she muttered to herself, her annoyance growing as the battle raged on.

Using his superior speed, Rokuro appeared in front of Zhang Mei as she landed, startling her with his sudden presence. An evil grin crept onto his lips, and his eyes locked onto her.

"Checkmate," he muttered, a cruel satisfaction in his voice, before swinging all his swords toward her. Zhang Mei, in a futile attempt to defend herself, raised her sword and surrounded her body with touki, but it was in vain.

Her trusty blade shattered under the intense pressure of Rokuro's attack. She desperately tried to leap backward to avoid his strikes, but she was too slow.

Rokuro's swords struck her chest and stomach, causing her to cry out in pain as blood oozed from her wounds. As if that weren't enough, Rokuro created a small red beam in front of his beak, aiming it at the helpless Zhang Mei. She could only stand there, paralyzed by shock and fear, as the impending doom approached.

With a sinister smirk on his face, he unleashed the blast at point-blank range, creating a devastating explosion that obliterated everything in its path. Zhang Mei was flung away from the epicenter of the blast, her body mangled and ravaged by the impact.

A large chunk of her stomach was missing on the left side, her once-beautiful face was marred by burns, and her left arm barely clung to her body by a slender thread of flesh. The aftermath of Rokuro's assault left her in a state of unimaginable pain and agony.

As Zhang Mei lay there, slowly bleeding out, she clung desperately to the hope that someone would come to her aid. However, the battle in the skies of China raged on above her, leaving her all but forgotten.

The realization that no help was coming washed over her, and she began to accept her grim fate. She had harbored a burning desire for revenge against her own clan, and now, it seemed that revenge would forever remain out of reach.

She yearned to meet her parents in the afterlife and tell them that she had avenged their deaths, but that dream was slipping away. Sorrow and rage surged through her heart, but she was powerless to change her circumstances. Her gaze shifted to Rokuro, who had readied yet another red beam, ready to deliver the final blow.

"I guess you weren't so powerful, huh?" Rokuro taunted as he unleashed the beam. But then, as the world appeared to freeze, a familiar voice echoed in Zhang Mei's surroundings.

<<Are you going to let it end here?>> the voice asked.

Unable to rise from her prone position, Zhang Mei muttered, "I can't get up. Everything is so dull already."

<<That's not the Zhang Mei I know. She'd shrug this off and get up to keep on fighting,>> the voice continued.

"I want to, but I physically can't... cut me some slack, Jin," Zhang Mei whispered. The small pool of her blood beneath her was now more akin to a puddle.

Aaron knelt down beside her and touched her head, using his healing abilities to mend her wounds. However, he stopped short of a complete recovery.

<<Do you want to live? Do you want revenge? And once you've had your revenge, what will you do?>> he inquired.

Summoning a fraction of her remaining strength, Zhang Mei managed to roll onto her back and gaze up at the sky. "I...," she began to say, her voice weak. "I want to go on a date with you!"

A silence filled the air, pregnant with anticipation. Then, Aaron chuckled.

<<Is that all you want? It seems a bit strange, considering we haven't spent much time together,>> he remarked.

"Call it love at first sight then!" Zhang Mei declared, her cheeks flushing as she laughed at her own audacity.

<<Alright, Zhang Mei. Show me and your parents the power of Shizuna Rem Misurugi,>> Aaron encouraged.

"I won't run away anymore. I'll face them head-on and take them down if I have to," Zhang Mei declared with newfound determination. "I've always regretted throwing away my name... It felt like abandoning my parents too."

<<Then be reborn and kick his ass! I have to go back somewhere now,>> Aaron replied, hovering a small silvery-white ball above Zhang Mei's forehead.

"Yeah! That's fine, but I love you, so... I mean what I said earlier! Go on a date with me!" she exclaimed.

Aaron chuckled once more. <<Sure thing, Shizuna.>>

The silvery-white ball gently descended onto her head and entered her, enveloping her in an immense sphere of radiant light. Simultaneously, the world seemed to resume its flow, and time began to move again.

"W-what?!" Rokuro cried out. The destructive ball he had conjured had vanished, and Shizuna's body was now engulfed in brilliant light.

A burst of wind suddenly rippled from Shizuna's body, and with it, an intense light emanated, knocking Rokuro away. As he regained his footing, he looked back at Shizuna and was utterly shocked by her transformation. While not much about her physical appearance had changed, her most distinctive feature was her glowing silver eyes, which sent shivers down Rokuro's spine.

Instinctively, Rokuro took a step back, horrified at the sight before him. He couldn't comprehend the sudden change in her condition. "Impossible! How did you...? Where are your injuries? There was no data about you having healing abilities!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and concern.

A serene smile graced Shizuna's lips as she gazed at Rokuro, her eyes alight with a subtle assurance that needed no words to convey. Her very presence was a testament to her extraordinary talents. With a fluid, almost ethereal motion, she summoned forth two gleaming blades, forged not of steel but of silvery-white aura. They materialized in her grasp, radiant and pristine, their presence akin to manifestations of pure grace and power.

With the blades held before her, she formed a sacred, almost reverent cross. The symbolism was not lost on the observer. It was a gesture of silent reverence to a higher purpose, a ritual of sorts, one that marked the onset of a profound encounter. In that moment, Shizuna exuded an aura of solemnity and purpose, as if preparing for a communion with the unknown.

Then, with the swiftness of a phantom, she vanished from her original position. Her abrupt disappearance was an elegant yet unmistakable alert to Rokuro. The world around them seemed to hold its breath, the very air tingling with the presence of the extraordinary.

Shizuna's enigmatic departure set the stage for what was sure to be a remarkable display of her formidable abilities

"I can still fight; don't underestimate me! Just because you got a power-up doesn't mean I can't win! This isn't some anime where you get to run away!" Rokuro shouted defiantly, determined not to be outdone by her newfound abilities.

With swiftness that defied the very fabric of reality, Shizuna embarked on a breathless charge towards Rokuro, the man-chimera monster hybrid who remained blissfully unaware of her impending attack. Her lithe form moved with grace and intent, and in a single, fluid motion, she crossed both two silvery-white swords. Time seemed to bend around her, and the blades sliced through the air with a precision that could only be born of mastery.

Before Rokuro could react, Shizuna had already reappeared behind him, a phantom in the darkness. It was as if she had become a shadow, a manifestation of the night itself. Her silhouette was a stark contrast to the chaos that had enveloped her opponent.

And then, with an explosive burst of power, the man behind her erupted into a silhouette of shimmering silver and white. It was an awe-inspiring transformation, a breathtaking display of the forces she had harnessed. This radiant silhouette coalesced into a colossal silver-white cross, a symbol of power and redemption that seemed to shake the very foundations of the world.

The appearance of this monumental cross did not go unnoticed, for it heralded its presence with such grandeur that it transcended the boundaries of Earth itself. It pierced the celestial sphere, reaching out into the cosmos, its silvery radiance extending far into space. The enormity of her attack was such that even the moon, that distant celestial companion of Earth, could not escape its reverberations.

The lunar landscape trembled in response, as if paying homage to the incredible force unleashed on Earth below. In that fleeting instant, all across the world, from the ranks of Team [DxD] to their enemies, and to the leaders who gazed upon the spectacle in awe, a collective gasp of astonishment was drawn.

Shizuna let out a sigh, her body gradually returning to its usual state as the silvery-white aura that had enveloped her dissipated into the ether. Her ethereal blades, the very ones that had wreaked havoc just moments ago, also disappeared. She placed her hands on her hips and glanced back at the lifeless Rokuro, although even his lifeless form had been obliterated by the sheer force of her attack.

She playfully stuck out her tongue and remarked, "Looks like I came out on top in the end." A faint blush colored her cheeks, and she turned her attention to the space in front of her, her thoughts seemingly racing. "Wait, did I just... confess?" Her voice quivered with embarrassment as she questioned her own words. "Dammit! B-but it must have been the heat of the moment."

She groaned and shivered, clearly flustered. "Well, now that I've said it, I have to go through with it! I guess it's not all that bad." Shizuna came to terms with her accidental confession and began walking away, adding with a mix of embarrassment and excitement, "Besides, I did gain a new power-up from this. Just you wait for me, Jin!" She sang cheerfully as she leaped into the skies to rejoin her team.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the Rainforest of Xishuangbanna, nestled within the Yunnan Province of China, various shadowy figures darted swiftly through the lush, verdant landscape, resembling dark phantoms that danced in the daylight. Unbeknownst to most, an imposing barrier shrouded the entire forest, concealing it from the prying eyes of those who were not privy to its secrets.

Rixia Mao, the leader of the group known as the 8 Divas, found herself ensnared within this mystical forest, trapped by the barrier. Her predicament had resulted from her family's relentless pursuit. She had successfully evaded them for a considerable time, mainly due to the protection of Ningguang, the Jade Emperor, and Longwang, the Dragon King.

In this secluded corner of the supernatural world, Rixia's story unfolded. She hailed from a family renowned for their skills as assassins. Even from the moment of her birth, she was ingrained in the supernatural realm and subjected to rigorous training in the arts of assassination, a legacy passed down through generations. Unlike her peers, Rixia faced more significant expectations since she was the daughter of her family's current leaders.

As a diligent child, she dutifully followed her family's commands, gradually rising to become the most formidable in her generation and surpassing her forebears. She inherited her parents' exceptional talents, rendering her a prodigious talent from the day she was born.

However, her heart did not align with her family's profession and upbringing. Her true passions were entirely different, and she was, at her core, a gentle soul. This realization dawned upon her at the tender age of twelve.

Her family remained oblivious to her true nature for several years, until an accidental discovery led to her capture. Subsequently, she underwent a year of relentless torture as her family sought to break her spirit. However, as a monstrous prodigy, she eventually broke free and fled. It was in her moment of desperation and exhaustion that Longwang, the Dragon King, came to her rescue.

He provided her with refuge, but he could not keep her as he had other obligations. Eventually, Rixia found herself under the care of Ningguang, who offered her a new path in life that allowed her to harness her innate talents. She became the leader of the 8 Divas and found solace in her new home. For years, she eluded her family's relentless pursuit, living in the protection of Ningguang.

However, the tide turned when an alliance formed between DxD and other supernatural factions, exposing her presence. In their desperate pursuit of reclaiming her, her family struck a sinister deal with the Khaos Order, leading to the unfolding of these events.

Amidst the tranquil, mystical forest, the voices of her pursuers echoed, a haunting reminder of her past and the familial bonds she had sought to leave behind.

"Come back to us, you foolish child!" echoed a female voice through the dense forest. The urgency in her tone was impossible to miss.

"You can't keep running away forever!" chimed in a male voice, the words filled with concern and a hint of frustration. The forest seemed to hold its breath as if anticipating a response.

Various magic attacks were hurled in Rixia's direction. She displayed remarkable agility, evading them with finesse while simultaneously launching her own magic to counter, each hitting their mark with pinpoint precision, resulting in agonized screams resonating in the distance.

The relentless attacks continued as an onslaught of kunai was sent hurtling her way. Rixia deftly avoided the initial barrage, but her attackers had more tricks up their sleeves. Through the use of intricate magic, the kunai's trajectories were altered mid-flight, and a duplication spell multiplied the number of blades attacking her, forcing Rixia to leap out of harm's way once again.

To her astonishment, a few of the enchanted kunai managed to land, striking her shoulder and eliciting a sharp gasp of pain. Clutching her injured shoulder, Rixia quickly assessed the situation.

'Invisible kunai? There's only one person in the clan capable of such a technique,' she thought, recognizing the signature technique of a particular clan member. Wincing through the pain, she extracted the hidden kunai and applied a restorative ointment to her wounds.

A swift and shadowy figure hurtled toward Rixia, her instincts kicking into action as she summoned her trusty sword to fend off the assailant. The newcomer proved to be a tall man, his long raven-black hair cascading straight down his back. His piercing blue eyes bore an unyielding determination, accentuated by his attire—a full, sleek black ninja suit, which seemed to blend effortlessly with the dim surroundings.

"Renzo," Rixia greeted, her voice carrying a hint of strain, not just from the physical exertion but also from the weight of the unexpected confrontation.

The ninja, identified as Renzo, answered in an emotionless, almost mechanical tone, "The head wishes to have you back, and as a member of the clan, I must obey their command." His obedience to the clan's directives was unwavering, and there was a palpable sense of detachment in his response, as though he were but an instrument of their will.

Renzo vanished from sight, becoming an elusive specter, while a relentless barrage of kunai was sent hurtling toward Rixia. With her swift reflexes and honed instincts, she danced gracefully around the projectiles, making their attempts to strike her appear almost comically futile. However, in the blink of an eye, Renzo reappeared beside her, his fist aimed squarely at Rixia's back. It seemed like the perfect moment to catch her off-guard.

But to Renzo's dismay, Rixia's agility and combat experience proved unparalleled. In a swift motion, she executed a leg sweep that swept him off his feet. Before he could react, her clenched fist collided with his face, propelling him away.

Undeterred by the throbbing pain, Renzo skillfully landed on a sturdy tree and promptly launched himself back into action. This time, he harnessed the power of shadow clones. Multiple doppelgängers materialized, each wielding a diverse array of weaponry. Some had magic circles drawn on their palms, brimming with destructive spells ready to be unleashed upon Rixia.

A formidable storm of kunai and magic attacks was unleashed upon Rixia. Renzo, with his unique ability to obscure his weaponry, incorporated invisible kunai and spells into the attack. Yet, Rixia remained unshaken.

She deftly balanced on one leg, spinning gracefully with her sword in hand. This seemingly choreographed maneuver allowed her to intercept the majority of the incoming kunai, even those concealed by invisibility.

Then, with a seamless transition, Rixia brandished a new weapon gifted to her by Aaron. She sprinted headlong toward the approaching magic attacks, slashing through them with unparalleled precision. In mere seconds, each of the devastating spells was bisected, sending sparks and magic energies scattering.

To Renzo's astonishment, Rixia's tactics changed once more. She closed the distance between them, appearing beside him as if by magic. Her knee struck with incredible force, catching him by surprise and sending him hurtling through the air.

Before he could recover, her heel found its mark, connecting with the side of his head. With a thunderous impact, Renzo was sent plummeting to the ground, his form contorted in pain and surprise.

Paralyzed, Renzo lay on the ground, staring up at Rixia, who had gracefully returned to the earth beside him. His face bore a bitter smile as he posed a question, his voice laced with curiosity and pain. "Was that move you just used part of the dance sequence you attempted all those years ago?"

A somber smile crept across Rixia's face as she gazed down at her friend. "You were the one who caught me practicing those moves back then," she replied softly. "To answer your question, yes, that was indeed part of it."

Renzo seemed to accept her response with a simple nod before a sudden, frantic dinging noise emanated from his body. Alert and instinctually wary, Rixia quickly leaped away from Renzo just as he, the man she had known since childhood, erupted into a catastrophic explosion.

Once she landed safely, Rixia cast a bewildered and horrified gaze at the spot where Renzo had been laying mere moments before. Her thoughts swirled in a chaotic whirlwind, all culminating in one pervasive question: Why? The baffling, abrupt nature of Renzo's demise left her utterly perplexed.

A voice, soft and measured, interrupted her tumultuous thoughts. "I can see it in your expression—the question on your mind. 'Why?'" the voice observed.

Rixia's eyes widened, recognition dawning as she spoke the name. "Miku? Is that you? But why did Renzo...?"

Miku, a woman clad in a daring ninja outfit, appeared before her. She had striking blue hair styled in twin tails, azure eyes, and a buxom figure. She extended a hand in a friendly wave. "Hey there, Rixia. It's been a while. How have you been?"

"Miku," Rixia muttered, her tone filled with sorrow and confusion.

Miku responded with a warm smile and went on to explain the unsettling truth. "We have an explosive magic spell implanted in our hearts. If we're defeated by you or your allies, it will activate, and we'll die. The only way to avoid this fate is for you to come back to us without further resistance."

With a bemused chuckle, Miku continued, "Although there's no guarantee things will unfold that smoothly, given how our leaders and his wife have been a bit unhinged for the past few years. Plus, the Khaos Order is behind this whole predicament, so the outcome is still very much up in the air."

"But—" Rixia began to protest.

"Even if you find a way to remove the spell, I won't switch sides," Miku interjected, her expression etched with a pained smile. "Our parents and siblings also have this spell on their hearts. If we switch sides, they'll just kill them too. So it's quite the predicament, isn't it?"

The whirlwind of emotions and choices left Rixia speechless. She wrestled with feelings of anger towards her own parents for the heartless burden they had imposed on her friends and their families. Despite being estranged from her clan for many years, she had never harbored resentment towards the few friends she had made among them.

Abruptly, Miku charged toward Rixia, tears streaming down her face as she implored, "Please, Rixia, come back with us! I don't want to die!"

"Then don't," interjected a different woman's voice, surprising everyone in the forest.

Miku came to a sudden halt, her path obstructed by a woman who emitted an eerie, pale light from her hand. With a flick of her fingers, she unleashed a pulse of energy that impacted everyone within the forest.

Rixia was bewildered by the unexpected appearance of the woman before her. Stammering slightly, she muttered, "Y-you're... Selene."

The Moon Dragon God, Selene, had graced them with her presence. She glanced back at Rixia, explaining, "I have been called upon by your concerns, young Mao. Although it was my Master who informed me of such matters." Her gaze shifted to the weapon that Aaron had bestowed upon Rixia.

Rixia, in turn, noticed Selene's attention to the weapon. An anxious thought raced through her mind, 'Did he find out from this...?' She gazed at the weapon, her worry intensifying, before urgently turning to Miku. "W-wait, if you defeat her, she'll—!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Selene interjected reassuringly, "No need to worry, Rixia Mao. I have lifted the spell from their hearts. The same applies to the affected families, as I dispatched one of my subordinates to address the matter, fufu." Her words left Rixia utterly flabbergasted.

Selene's eyes took on a draconic intensity as she continued, "Now then, shall we engage in more playful endeavors, followers of Mao?" A sly smirk graced her lips, sparking a sense of anticipation in the air.

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