Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 14 – Part 5 – As the Deterrence for Evil across the Omniverse

Third Person Point of View

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"So, how's everything going on your end?" Azazel asked as he made his rounds within his organization, checking up on his people. He, like many others, remained well-informed about the current state of affairs in the world but left it to [DxD] and anyone else associated with them to handle.

"…Everything is running smoothly, and the others are still locked in their cells, refusing to cooperate. To be honest, it might be best to give up, Azazel. They'll never cooperate, not even if we wait a thousand years," replied a woman with long gray hair pulled back into a ponytail, her sharp green eyes reflecting her frustration.

Azazel pondered this for a moment and took the clipboard from her hand, reviewing its contents. "Well, we won't dwell on it too much. I'll have a word with Jin about it once this ordeal with the gods of darkness is behind us," he assured. He shifted his attention to the woman and inquired, "How about you and Bisusbyu?"

The woman Azazel spoke to had previously been the subordinate of the 7th Eradicator, Yanuyo. Currently, Yanuyo was engaged in a mission in a different universe under Aaron's command. However, Aaron had employed some...persuasion, leading his former subordinates to switch allegiances and join DxD. Their movements were subject to heavy monitoring, and they weren't permitted to leave Grigori for the time being without a guard.

Bisusbyu had assumed the role of a trainer within Grigori, while Aubilca, the woman conversing with Azazel, worked as a general aide throughout the organization.

Unlike Avezza or Satanael, Aaron hadn't altered Bisusbyu and Aubilca's entire existence. Both of them had harbored silent frustration about the state of their universe for a while. Even though they were compelled to cause harm to many of their universe's inhabitants, if they resisted, it would be their lives on the line.

While breaking free from their old habits was a gradual process, they were genuinely making an effort, and many residents of Grigori kept a watchful eye on their progress.

"We're doing fine. It's still strange being part of this universe, though..." Aubilca hesitated for a moment, her voice trailing off, but ultimately, she continued after feeling the weight of Azazel's expectant gaze. "Even though the Khaos Order is still a threat, this world is beautiful. It's no wonder Caeda chose to betray our universe. The sky, in particular..."

Azazel wore a broad grin and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Hah! You're absolutely right! It's one of those things I'll never get tired of gazing at. I guess Jin's been rubbing off on me with his fascination for the sky. Anyway, keep up the good work. I'll go check on the others," he declared before leaving.

Aubilca remained rooted in her spot, her mind free to wander as she observed Azazel's departure. 'This life is a significant improvement compared to my past. While I may not have a conventional family, I suppose I could count Master Yanuyo, even though he's undergone a remarkable transformation after his defeat by the Outer God...'

With a slight shake of her head and a deep sigh, she added, " 'll just deal with whatever comes and think about it later. Right now, I should go and check on Bisusbyu, too."

— ○ ● ○ —

Aubilca arrived at a particular training room and paused by the door. In the center of the room, Bisusbyu was engaged in giving precise instructions to a diverse group that included fallen angels, youkai, angels, and devils. They all seemed attentive to his guidance.

"Yeah, just like that, keep it up!" Bisusbyu's commitment to his role as an instructor was evident, earning him a reputation as a highly effective trainer. As he sensed someone observing them, he turned his attention to the doorway and spotted Aubilca, who nodded in acknowledgment. "Take a ten-minute break, and we'll resume afterward," he informed the trainees, prompting some to collapse on the ground for a rest, while others headed for refreshments.

Bisusbyu motioned to a nearby bench, and Aubilca made her way over, taking a seat beside him. A brief silence hung between them before Aubilca broke it.

"How are things?" she inquired, noting that it had been a week since their last conversation. Despite their close proximity in the same living quarters, they hadn't interacted much during that time.

Bisusbyu offered a measured response. "So-so. I'm earning a paycheck for this work, and I enjoy more freedom than before," he shared. "I think choosing to leave Phumera and the Phantasma was a wise decision," he added, surprising Aubilca with his change of perspective.

"Your change of heart happened quite rapidly," she commented, somewhat taken aback.

"I mean, you've seen it too, right? Compared to our previous lives, being here feels like a dream. We don't have to constantly worry about mission failure and the severe consequences that could entail, like death or permanent injury," Bisusbyu reasoned.

Aubilca silently concurred with his assessment, even though she couldn't bring herself to vocalize it to anyone just yet.

"How about you? You seem to be managing quite nicely, even if your occupation is a bit more vague than mine," Bisusbyu inquired.

Aubilca reflected for a moment before responding, "It's quite similar to yours. I have more free time when I'm not working, and most of that time, I spend it in the human world, exploring all they have to offer. Unlike our universe, they have an abundance of entertainment... and, well, they even offer services of a certain nature," she added, shaking her head at the thought.

"Haha, yeah. I haven't ventured into that territory yet. How about you?" Bisusbyu asked.

Aubilca shook her head, indicating she hadn't explored that particular aspect of the human world. "Hmm. Well, when the time comes, I have a goal. I'd like to join [DxD], and if they permit it, I want to participate in their operations in the Phantasma. I've discovered a few worlds they could help liberate, offering them a significant advantage," he shared, revealing a surprising aspiration that left Aubilca stunned.

"I thought you wanted to stay here. Did you change your mind?" Aubilca questioned with a puzzled look.

Bisusbyu nodded, his expression serious. "I did. But I also have this desire to transform our universe into something more like this one. I recently spoke with Cao Cao, the wielder of that powerful spear. He and his team have been in our universe, gradually liberating various planets and factions as they fought for the Resistance. Our goals align, so I feel compelled to return."

He glanced at Aubilca with a skeptical gaze and continued, "I've been informed that I can only visit the human world with a guardian present. What about you? It sounds like you're going there by yourself."

Aubilca sighed, her eyes betraying a hint of frustration. "I still have a guardian accompanying me, but it seems I enjoy a bit more freedom for some reason. I did ask Azazel about it, but he never gave me a straightforward answer," she explained.

They engaged in conversation for a while longer, exchanging thoughts and ideas, until Bisusbyu's break came to an end. He returned to resume the class he was teaching, and Aubilca, too, left to return to her own responsibilities. It was becoming increasingly clear that their destinies were evolving, influenced by the mindsets and actions of Aaron and the world of [DxD].

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"These creatures are endless! Can't you do something about them, Iztia-paisen?" Lint vented her frustration, having engaged in a relentless battle against the shadowy beings conjured by Chernobog for the past few minutes.

Iztia, while continuing to dispatch the creatures with ease, responded, "Mmm. I was rather enjoying the repetitive slaughter, but I can see how you might not share my enthusiasm." She nodded with an air of profound understanding, as if she had just had a groundbreaking revelation.

Lint's lips twitched in response, but she wisely opted for silence. She knew better than to provoke Iztia, who had a reputation for being rather violent toward most people. However, there were exceptions among Aaron's circle of friends, such as Aaron himself, the Fated Ones, his mother, Aoife, and Cindy. For the rest, well, their status was subject to change, depending on Iztia's ever-shifting mood.

"I'll sever it from him," Iztia declared, leaving Lint puzzled.

"Excuse me?" Lint responded, tilting her head in confusion while deftly dodging another strike from a shadowy monster.

"Just watch!" Iztia bellowed before leaping skyward. Her body became enshrouded in radiant energy and crackling lightning, and she cried out, "I found youuuuu!!" Charging toward a specific spot, she raised her battle axe high and slammed it into the ground.

As Iztia's weapon connected with the earth, the shadowy creatures flickered slightly. This development left Lint perplexed, but her confusion didn't last long. Witnessing Iztia swing her battle axe at another shadowy foe, she noticed that this time the creature did not return; it remained lifeless. A grin spread across Lint's face.

"Yes! Finally! Alright, let's do this! Balance Break!" she shouted with enthusiasm, activating her Balance Breaker.

Three towering, purple, holy flame angels manifested upon Lint's activation of her Balance Breaker. Among them were two males and one female, known to be representations of people she held a connection with. The two males embodied Siegfried and Freed, while the female represented Lint herself.

"Get 'em!" Lint cheered, pointing at the shadowy creatures. The three fiery angels thrust their hands forward, unleashing large, purple, holy flames that engulfed everything in their path.

The shadowy creatures posed no challenge against the might of Lint's angels; they crumbled and dissipated under the relentless attack. Lint, her angelic wings unfurled, surged toward the remaining opponents.

In one hand, she wielded a sword ablaze with vibrant purple flames, while the other clutched a firearm. With precision and unwavering determination, she discharged holy purple bullets, each round finding its mark in the creatures' heads, snuffing out their eerie existence.

As she closed in on a group of the shadowy beings, Lint gracefully swung her sword, cleaving through them and immersing them in holy purple fire. Swiftly, she retracted her wings and dashed towards another cluster of these menacing entities.

In a single, fluid motion, her blade struck down another wave of the shadowy creatures. Meanwhile, her loyal angels maintained their relentless onslaught against the remaining foes.

Both Iztia and Lint couldn't help but notice that the numbers of the shadow creatures were dwindling, and an inscrutable smile of satisfaction played on their lips. However, they also observed that Chernobog continued to manually summon a few fresh adversaries.

Nonetheless, they remained undeterred, understanding that these newly summoned shadows wouldn't automatically rise from death. They knew that the god would have to cease his summoning eventually, lest he deplete his own energy by continually producing these menacing enemies.

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Griselda couldn't help but notice the renewed enthusiasm shared between Lint and Iztia as they battled the shadowy creatures. She had also observed what the [Electa] had accomplished earlier and suspected that she had somehow managed to disrupt the infinite production and resurrection of the shadow monsters.

At the moment, Griselda found herself faced with approximately ten massive shadow trolls. The relentless multiplication of these creatures was beginning to test her patience. She had previously attempted to attack what she believed to be the "core" of these shadow trolls, but her efforts had proven futile, leaving her perplexed.

Nonetheless, seeing her two teammates fight with such fervor inspired Griselda to make another attempt. The shadow trolls began hurling balls of darkness at her, but with grace and agility, she deftly evaded each one.

In the midst of her evasive maneuvers, Griselda pinpointed the most recent addition to their ranks. She raised her trusty light bow, taking aim at the creature, and loosed a light arrow that homed in on the shadow troll's head. The arrow reached its target almost instantaneously, piercing the creature's head before detonating.

Griselda watched the spot with anticipation while continuing to evade more attacks from the remaining shadow trolls. Her patience was soon rewarded with a smile as she realized that she had successfully permanently eliminated one of the creatures. Her elation was palpable.

"It appears Iztia has made an impact on the situation. Let's finish them off then," Griselda murmured to herself with newfound determination. She unleashed a torrent of light arrows from her bow, raining them down upon the shadow trolls.

The sky in her immediate vicinity became a sea of arrows, each troll being the target of more than one projectile. It seemed as though Griselda's arrows served as her silent resentment towards these relentless enemies, relentlessly pummeling their already-downed bodies.

Once the onslaught concluded, Griselda remained suspended in the air, wearing a satisfied expression. At long last, her opponents were eradicated, never to return.

Griselda's actions had gone unnoticed by her, and in her fervor to attack their opponents, she inadvertently targeted the very creatures that Lint and Iztia were engaged with. This forced her teammates to seek refuge behind their respective magical defensive circles and barriers.

In the wake of this chaos, Lint couldn't contain her shock and fear, and she raised her voice to address Griselda. "Griselda-san! Why did you do that!? I thought I was going to die!" Her face bore a look of genuine horror as she confronted Griselda.

Perplexed, Griselda turned around and tilted her head slightly. "Hmm? What do you mean?" she inquired innocently, unaware of her misstep.

Lint, still incredulous, shot back at Griselda, her emotions running high. "Your arrows were seriously close to hitting us! Were you that annoyed by those things?" Her gaze remained fixed on Griselda, her disbelief apparent.

Griselda realized her blunder, her hand instinctively moving to cover her mouth. "Oh dear," she muttered under her breath, anxiety in her voice. She approached Lint, her concern evident. "I-I didn't hurt you, did I?" she inquired, her voice laced with worry. She carefully examined Lint, seeking any signs of injury.

Lint responded with a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, don't worry. Iztia-paisen placed a barrier around us after scooping me up like a rucksack," she explained, breaking into a laugh to ease the tension in the air.

"I'm relieved to hear that," Griselda exhaled deeply and placed a reassuring hand over her chest. However, before she could continue her sentence, a massive explosion filled with golden divine energy erupted not too far from their location.

Lint, her curiosity piqued, inquired, "Is that perhaps Belobog-sama? Should we head over there to see what's happening?"

Iztia, sporting a confident smile, responded, "Hell yeah! I think their confrontation is nearing its end!"

Griselda, who had keenly sensed the dwindling energy of someone involved, chimed in, "Let's go. I sense someone's energy is very low in that direction." Without hesitation, the three of them took flight and quickly made their way to the source of the explosion.

They arrived in the area and were met with a sight that left them astounded. Chernobog, once a formidable figure, now knelt on one knee, his right arm severed and the left side of his face horribly scorched. On the other hand, Belobog displayed comparatively minor injuries, with a few cuts and bruises on his face.

Belobog, addressing his fellow god, inquired with a mixture of concern and triumph, "So, Cherry, are you ready to surrender now?"

Chernobog, despite his dire condition, managed a chuckle, followed by a deep sigh as he slowly sank onto the ground. "I would have preferred it if you hadn't sliced off my arm and seared my face, but yes, I can't move anymore. I'll stop my resistance," he replied.

With a hint of regret, Belobog turned to Zorya, the goddess who had provided support during the battle. "I'm sorry, Zorya. You didn't get a chance to shine here," he said, expressing a measure of disappointment.

Zorya shook her head gently and reassured him, "No, it's alright. I could only offer support."

As Belobog was about to continue his sentence, the tranquility was disrupted by another formidable shockwave that rocked the pseudo-space. Turning their attention in that direction, they witnessed the colossal form of Tartus hurtling toward the center of the pseudo-space.

Belobog chuckled, remarking, "It appears our Jin is about to conclude his battle as well." He approached Chernobog and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Griselda, too, approached the defeated god and affixed a single handcuff to his remaining arm, as the other was lost in the conflict.

"Let's unite with our little Outer God!" Belobog exclaimed with enthusiasm, and everyone else readily concurred. Together, they ushered Chernobog to join them, even if he was reluctant.

— ○ ● ○ —

[Why, you wretched lizard, can't you comprehend that your mere existence disrupts the delicate balance of the multiverse, particularly our own? If you're so inclined to sow chaos, why not venture into another universe and wreak havoc there instead!?] Tartarus roared at Aaron.

At that moment, Aaron had assumed his [Diabolos Dragon God] form, a formidable sight to behold. In addition, he had summoned Ddraig and Albion to fight alongside him. Apophis and Cúntóir were also present, although they had been assigned to provide support rather than direct combat.

Whenever Tartarus attempted to wield his dark powers, Apophis and Cúntóir efficiently nullified his abilities. Aaron, however, opted to use his fists, determined to administer a thorough beating to the Primordial god.

"You're just using that as an excuse to dominate the world, our universe, and to some extent, the entire multiverse. But let me assure you, even if you somehow manage to succeed and venture into other universes, you'll inevitably encounter even more powerful individuals who'll defeat you. So, wouldn't it be a better option for us, along with Team [DxD], to take you down?" Aaron asked with a confident grin, removing his helmet as he addressed Tartarus.

Tartarus' bloodshot eyes immediately fixated on Aaron, burning with a fierce intensity. Countless tentacles shot toward Aaron and the two dragons by his side. Ddraig and Albion skillfully evaded the tentacles, but Aaron remained unwavering, his stance resolute.

As the tentacles approached a certain radius around Aaron, they were swiftly disintegrated. Tartarus, unfazed by this development, continued to glare at Aaron and persisted in his relentless assault. Frustration marred his features as he attempted to employ his darkness, only to have both Cúntóir and Apophis thwart his efforts, further exacerbating his anger.

Aaron soared toward Tartarus, his jet thrusters propelling him forward with determination.

Tartarus bellowed, his voice echoing ominously. [A direct attack, I see! Very well, come at me, Dual—no, Outer God!] In response, countless tentacles surged forth, racing toward Aaron in a menacing wave.

But Aaron wasn't alone in this battle. Ddraig's fiery spirit roared to life. [Don't forget about us, you giant ball sack!] he shouted, not one to mince words.

His fellow Heavenly Dragon Albion couldn't help but interject, {Dear Lord, can you not call him that? The imagine is horrifying!}

Ddraig chuckled mischievously, giving Albion's shoulder a friendly pat. Much to Albion's chagrin, he found himself in agreement. Both Heavenly Dragons inhaled deeply, gathering their power, before releasing a combined attack of red and white breath. The powerful surge of energy shot past Aaron and collided with Tartarus's thrashing tentacles, disintegrating them and striking the god himself.

Tartarus grimaced in pain as a portion of his form was seared and the agony spread through his body. Yet he was unable to retaliate, as the Apophis and Cúntóir were skillfully sealing his darkness and shadows, leaving him infuriated and powerless.

"[<<D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!!!!>>]"

Aaron's armor resounded as he swiftly positioned himself in front of Tartarus. With determined force, he thrust his fist into the center of Tartarus's body. Aaron enhanced his punch by infusing it with the power of [Penetrate], delivering a devastating blow that sent Tartarus hurtling through the air once more. However, Aaron was relentless in his pursuit, quickly closing the gap and preparing his cannons for a decisive action.

"Do it," he commanded with unwavering resolve.

"<<[∞ Blaster !!!!!!]>>"

All four cannons unleashed their potent energy beams, converging on the colossal entity known as Tartarus. The resulting impact was nothing short of cataclysmic, as a colossal explosion rippled through the pseudo-dimension, shaking its very foundations.

Georg's voice crackled over the transceiver, brimming with concern. [If you use another attack like that, it'll obliterate the space I've painstakingly crafted!]

In response, Aaron's voice resounded calmly through the communication device. [Understood, but I must extend my apologies.]

[Jin, you are absolutely infuriating!] Georg exclaimed, his irritation palpable.

Georg's frustrations amused Aaron, eliciting a hearty laugh from him. However, as the fiery explosion gradually subsided, the scene that unfolded was markedly different. Tartarus lay there, grievously weakened, completely motionless. Yet, his eyes, filled with unyielding fury, remained locked on Aaron.

Despite his weakened state, Tartarus didn't hold back his emotions. In a deafening scream, he challenged Aaron's choices, his voice ringing out in anger. [Despite possessing such incredible power, why do you insist on playing the role of a child's imaginary hero?]

Aaron, not one to be silenced, shouted back with equal fervor. "Things just happened like that! I just wanted peace so I could live life peaceful with my friends and loved ones! Is that too much to ask!?"

As he poured his heart into his words, Aaron's aura flared once again, creating a powerful shockwave that sent everyone, except for Tartarus, hurtling away from the epicenter. In the wake of this explosive display, the resolve in Aaron's eyes burned brighter than ever.

[With power like that, you could establish an ironclad rule over everything! No one could dare to oppose you. The world, our universe, and even the entire multiverse would tremble in fear at your mere glance! Yet you choose not to! How foolish can you be?!] Tartarus shouted back, his voice resonating with exasperation.

Aaron's response was passionate and unwavering. "I have no desire for any of that. Ruling with an iron fist seems not only exhausting but also incredibly isolating. You'd never truly know who genuinely cares for you, or if they're just pretending out of fear for the repercussions. I want no part in such a life; it sounds incredibly shit!" Aaron's words were laced with conviction as he vocalized his perspective.

A voice spoke up, and Aaron turned to see Irene and Ophis approaching.

"Irene, Ophis, what brings you two here? I thought you were in Urakyoto with Yasaka and Kunou," Aaron said, genuinely surprised by their appearance.

"Everything is settled there, and I wanted to come and help you," Ophis explained as she floated toward Aaron.

Tartarus couldn't hide his shock. [The Dragon God of Infinity and the Dragon of Dreams... I can't believe you two have shown up here], he grumbled with growing frustration. [You're on his side and don't even want to rule everything yourselves?]

Irene rolled her eyes in response, dismissing the notion. "Pass, that sounds too dull," she replied.

Ophis chimed in softly, shaking her head. "I... I can't eat sweets or enjoy good food if that happens."

Tartarus found himself utterly dumbfounded. He hadn't expected such seemingly trivial reasons from either Ophis or Irene. After all, both of them occupied the pinnacle of power, so their indifference to material pleasures perplexed him. If other gods who shared Tartarus's mindset were to hear such sentiments from the two dragons, they, too, would likely be confounded by their perspective.

Aaron removed his helmet, revealing a warm smile as he gently patted Ophis on the head. His gaze then shifted back to Tartarus, and his sharp, focused pupils fixated on the opponent before him.

"Could you two give me a little space? I'd like to use 'that,'" Aaron requested, his determination evident.

Irene, though surprised by his decision, responded, "You're going to use 'that'? I didn't expect it, especially considering it was rather impulsive the last time you used it in your Dimensional Gap home." Despite her uncertainty, she complied and took Ophis aside.

"You can return when I'm finished," he assured them. With his right arm raised toward the sky, an air of anticipation filled the dimension.

A moment of silence enveloped the area, and all eyes were riveted on Aaron. Then, a sudden tremor surged through him, followed by a brilliant burst of light that rippled outward, shattering the pseudo-space Georg had created and propelling them back to Earth.

Once the radiant display had subsided and everyone turned their attention back to Aaron, astonishment was the prevailing sentiment. Their eyes widened in disbelief, and a few even found their mouths hanging agape.

Kanami, who had witnessed the transformation, couldn't contain her shock and exclaimed through the transceiver, [E-e-e-e-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh?! What the hell is that?! I went to the bathroom back then and that's what I missseeeed?!] Her surprise was palpable, echoing the astonishment of those present.

Before them, Aaron appeared clad in a new and unfamiliar suit of armor. It took the form of a colossal dragon, a sight that left most onlookers completely astounded. The dragon's size was only slightly larger than that of the Earth, and for those unaware of the transformation, the experience was nothing short of shocking. As they gazed skyward, their eyes met the astonishing sight of a gigantic mechanical dragon looming over them, an image that would remain etched in their memories.

However, Aaron promptly adjusted his size, growing to a stature only twice as large as Tartarus. He hovered just above Kyoto, his gaze fixated upon Tartarus. The mighty deity remained immobile, not of his own accord but due to Aaron's constraining power.

The armor enveloped him in a rich shade of obsidian, with the [Boosted Gear]'s gems transitioning into a vibrant, sapphire hue. Towering behind him, a pair of massive, onyx wings unfurled, crackling with intense azure energy. This ethereal radiance was mirrored by the gems embedded in his armor and the mechanical tail that snaked from his lower back.

At long last, Aaron found his voice. " Your fangs easily reach the people important to me," he began with unwavering determination. " That's why I'll sever them before that happens. [DxD] and I won't stop here until we eradicate you and the remaining members of the Khaos Order," he declared with conviction.

Aaron's words hung in the air, charged with a palpable resolve. "Consider this my own interpretation of [Apocalypse AnswerArms (AxA)]." His tone grew resolute as he steeled himself for the impending battle. "Here I come, Tartarus."

[Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer!!!!!!!!]

Upon hearing those words, a shiver coursed through Tartarus's battered body, and he attempted to retreat. However, his injuries were severe, rendering him entirely immobile. In response, Aaron's tail unexpectedly extended, reaching towards the heavens, and multiplied by a hundredfold.

Each tail sported a colossal cannon, even more substantial than what he possessed in his [Diabolos Dragon God] form. The energy surrounding his wings surged, infusing them with newfound power, causing the entire world to tremble in response.

Abruptly, Ophis and Irene materialized before Aaron, both gesturing towards Tartarus, who was clearly bewildered by their sudden reappearance.

"We saw it," Irene asserted.

"Saw it!" echoed Ophis. "In his previous life, Aaron wasn't born with any exceptional talents. He was just a simpleton."

"He possessed no special gifts, only his unwavering determination and rather foolish motivations for seeking peace," Irene added. "But whoever crosses his path, he extends the hand of friendship, willing to become their ally, their friend."

"Friend!" Ophis exclaimed passionately, her own aura intensifying as she pointed emphatically at Tartarus.

"The strength of an individual is measured by the comrades they gather. That is the essence of the [Dual Dragon Emperor of Unprecedented Sovereignty], that is..."

"The Oppai Dragon!" Ophis concluded, and Irene nodded in agreement.

Incredulous and unable to fathom the concept, Tartarus questioned, [Do you honestly believe we can comprehend something like that?]

"Even if you can't grasp it now, there's always room to learn," Aaron declared, his attack fully charged. "But for the time being, this is the end, Tartarus."

[Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer! Answer!!!!!!!!!!]

"Rest now, O Primordial God of the Abyss," the words were whispered gently by Aaron, a soothing incantation that seemed to carry the weight of eons.

[Revelation All-Range Blaster!!!!!!!!!]

The array of cannons lining the tail of Aaron simultaneously discharged enormous, potent blue beams, their trajectory zeroed in on Tartarus. These luminous energy beams converged halfway to their target, culminating in a cataclysmic impact that left nothing of the god. As the beams struck him, a violent explosion ensued, birthing a colossal pillar of energy that surged outwards into the expanse of space.

The Earth itself quaked with intensity for a brief yet tumultuous span, its very core reverberating with the shockwaves of the explosion. Even the silent void of outer space trembled in response to the colossal release of power, bearing witness to the culmination of this dramatic attack.

As the onslaught came to a halt, the aftermath revealed that Aaron had inadvertently slain the god. He hadn't harbored any intention of doing so, and a deep sigh escaped him, revealing his genuine regret.

"Oops," he muttered, recognizing the unintended consequences of his actions. He promptly reversed his transformation, but not without incurring a light smack on the head from both Irene and Ophis. A soft chuckle escaped him as he surveyed his surroundings, touched the transceiver, and declared, [This mission... is now over!]

However, Kanami, not one to let the matter slide, urgently protested from her spot behind Aaron. "Hold on! You can't just breeze past that transformation, I demand compensation!"

Amused by her persistence, Aaron grinned and beckoned for her to come closer. In response, Kanami propelled herself toward him, a stream of excited but incomprehensible words flowing from her.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Several hours had slipped away, and I found myself on my way back home. Earlier, I had informed the alliance of our triumphant victory and had returned with the gods and other vital figures we had captured during the operation. Among my tasks was also reviving Tartarus, for my intention had not been to end his life when I used that attack against him earlier on the day.

In addition to that, I had a bit of repair work to do around Earth, and naturally, beneath it as well. You see, Lianne took her battle with a [Malebranche] deep into the ocean's depths. Frankly, it didn't occur to me initially, though the impact on the terrain was quite evident. But the underwater damage was an unexpected twist.

However, from what I gathered in my meeting, a few pantheons had some things they'd like me to do so I was going to go there the next day since they were insistent on me taking the rest of the day off, in the end I relented and was going home. As I left the building through the front entrance, I was greeted by the devil guards there and went onto the streets of Lilith, coincidentally…

"Hmm? Oh, Aaron, are you done now?" inquired Lilith, her eyes resting on me. She was accompanied by two other individuals, one of whom was Frida Zagan, the devil we had rescued last Halloween. The other person was Churel, an apprentice of the Witches of Oz.

"Yeah, I just wrapped up," I responded with a hint of surprise. "I didn't anticipate running into you all here. And you're Churel, right? What brings you here? I thought you were still kept in Grigori's cells." I directed my gaze toward Churel, curious about her presence.

"I... I've been granted permission to leave now, but I still have this," she explained, raising her wrist to reveal a bracelet. "It monitors my movements, and there's a fallen angel tailing me as well." She cast a furtive glance backward, and we spotted a fallen angel in pursuit, who subtly acknowledged us with a nod.

"I see," I responded. "Best of luck with your new life then. How about you, Lilith?"

"I've only visited a few times since joining the alliance, and I wanted to explore the place," Lilith replied. "Frida came along because she was curious too."

"Only visited a few times." That's quite the understatement. When she came here, she found herself essentially confined to a room, endlessly fielding the same questions for a minimum of eight to twelve hours. It was only when the older devils were content with her answers that they ceased their invitations for her return. I also suspect Lilith wouldn't have wanted to prolong her stay here, as it surely would have drained her mentally.

With a tired sigh, I remarked, "Alright, well, I'm heading home since I'm done, and I have another busy day tomorrow."

Lilith responded, "In that case, we'll join you since we're essentially finished as well." Just then, Frida approached and took hold of my arm, her expression a warm smile. "It appears that Frida agrees," Lilith noted. She turned to Churel and added, "We'll be on our way, Churel. If you ever need anything, you have our numbers."

Churel, a touch nervous, stammered, "O-oh, y-yes! Th-thank you for your help! Oh, and... um, please say hello to God Serena for me," and she gave a respectful bow.

God Serena? I pondered for a moment, recalling that he was the one who had defeated Churel in the past. Did she hold some sort of affection for him or something?

[Is there a ship sailing here?] Ddraig chimed in.

{Just stop it already...} Albion muttered wearily.

— ○ ● ○ —

When we arrived home, we were instantly thrust into a scene of utter chaos. This was a sight we had grown somewhat accustomed to. In the sprawling entrance hallway, a tense standoff unfolded between Kuroka and Lisa. Kuroka assumed a defensive posture, with her body poised on all fours, her posterior elevated, and her tail alert.

Meanwhile, Lisa stood with her hand pressed against her cheek, discharging faint, purple sparks of lightning from her body. Onlookers gazed upon this confrontation from the vantage points of the kitchen and living room doorways.

"Uh, what's going on here?" I inquired, casting a curious glance toward the two "combatants."

"Kuroka here forgot to return a book to the library on time," Lisa explained, a tinge of annoyance in her voice. "You know how I am about that."

"I was just about to return it, nya! I was on my way to the library!" Kuroka retorted, her defenses still up.

"You read?" I playfully asked, shooting Kuroka a teasing look.

"That's just mean, nya!" she exclaimed, looking a bit taken aback. "You have to be somewhat smart to use magic, you know!"

A chuckle escaped me in response to her answer. I turned my gaze back to Lisa. She had moved into my home shortly after we began dating. However, even before that, when I hired her to take on the role of our librarian, she had been quite dedicated to her job. If anyone dared to return a book late, they would find themselves facing rather severe consequences. Nonetheless, when it came to people outside our home, I had to be a bit more lenient, given the complexities involved.

I decided to take a different approach, suggesting, "Instead of resorting to violence, why not settle this in a more conventional manner? The loser will simply have to do what the winner wants for a little while."

Upon hearing this, Kuroka and Lisa exchanged thoughtful glances. Kuroka rose to her feet, and the two of them slowly closed the distance between them. The room seemed to grow heavy with silence, and an air of tension filled the space. Without further ado, they both extended their hands in front of each other, ready to engage in what they fondly referred to as the "One-Death-Game Rock-Paper-Scissors."

In simple terms, they played a single round of rock-paper-scissors, with the loser committing to either fulfill a favor for the winner or face a penalty game as determined by the victor.

Finally, the moment arrived, and they began the final round. Both competitors raised their arms, and with a dramatic swing, they unveiled their fates. The winner was none other than—

"Fufu~" Lisa chuckled triumphantly, while Kuroka slumped to her knees in defeat. The victor was undoubtedly Lisa.

"N-nya... it's nyover..." Kuroka mumbled, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Standing tall above her fallen rival, Lisa declared, "You will assist me in the library for the next week. But don't think you're off the hook for your other responsibilities."

"Huh?! W-wait, Lisa, that's a bit too much, nya!" Kuroka protested, a look of shock in her eyes.

Kuroka was indeed a busy member of the household. She assisted Grayfia, Raiko, and Inaie with cooking, contributed to my restaurant, and dedicated her free time to training with Aurelia's team. Unlike the previous year, she had a wide array of duties to attend to. The days of leisure were behind her.

"Fufu, losers can't really complain, can they?" Lisa teased, a hint of smugness in her tone. Kuroka, on the other hand, cast a pleading glance my way, silently pleading me for leniency.

"...She's right. The loser must fulfill their end of the bargain. And if they don't... well, further consequences will follow," I responded, my tone carrying a sense of inevitability. I'm sorry, Kuroka.

With a despairing cry, Kuroka let out a prolonged "Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" that resonated throughout the entire household.

— ○ ● ○ —

Another couple of hours had elapsed, and Kuroka had spent the entire time sulking. She accepted her punishment, though she didn't miss any chance to request that I pamper her, deeming the situation "unfair" in her eyes.

At the moment, I found myself back in my office, a familiar setting. Two devils had joined me, and they had resided in the Underworld since the Halloween incident the previous year. Despite being granted the freedom to leave, they had opted to stay, having secured employment there.

These two devils were none other than Severa and Imperia, the Artificial Super Devils. I had invited them to my office to discuss something of significance. Whether they chose to accept my proposal was entirely at their discretion, and I was merely putting forth the suggestion to them.

"Aaron-sama, why did you summon us? I mean, we became your subordinates just a few months ago, but you've never reached out to us directly," Severa inquired, her curiosity evident in her tone.

Imperia chimed in, "Yeah, it's a bit unusual. So, what's up, Aar-Aar-sama?" Her playful nickname for me brought a chuckle, and I looked up from the pile of papers I'd been organizing.

"Both of you are aware of the operation that took place today, right?" I asked, and they both nodded in acknowledgment. "Two members of [Team Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King] were killed because they sided with Hades' group. Ordinarily, they would be disqualified, but they were rogue members, and there's no evidence of [King] Zeno being involved in anything suspicious."

I leaned forward and proposed, "So, here's my idea: I'd like the two of you to join [Team Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King] and take the place of those two members." Their expressions revealed their surprise at the proposition.

"Are you serious?" Imperia asked in disbelief, her brow furrowed. Severa, too, regarded me with a quizzical expression.

I nodded solemnly. "I am, and I've also proposed this to the alliance leaders, and they've given their consent. As far as they're concerned, [Team Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King] is still in the clear, at least for the time being. If they avoid any further missteps, or if any mistakes they make are minor enough, they'll be pardoned," I explained.

While some of the leaders exhibited hesitation, I remained confident that the team would stay intact until their showdown with Indra's team, whenever that might be. The next two games were scheduled to be announced following Vali and Sun Wukong's team's match, making it an eagerly anticipated event for many.

Severa raised a question, her expression thoughtful, "You mentioned we have a choice, right?" I nodded in response to her inquiry. "Could we possibly have some time to—"

"I'm in! I tried to join some teams, but they turned me down just because I used to be a terrorist," Imperia chimed in, her arms crossed in evident annoyance. "They're a bunch of assholes!"

"Imperia, we shouldn't rush into a decision. Think about it," Severa cautioned, her voice tinged with concern. "Consider the attention we'll attract if we accept this offer. Many still perceive us as terrorists within the supernatural world. Just today, two members of [Team Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King] were involved in an attack and got killed. Their reputation is already mired in controversy, not to mention the uproar they caused when they defeated [Team Ashura] during the preliminary rounds."

Between the two of them, Severa appeared to be the more level-headed one, once you looked past the eccentricities ingrained in them due to their upbringing. Thanks to the re-education efforts led by Ajuka and Sirzechs, they had gradually shed some of their old habits, although remnants of their original personalities still lingered.

"Who cares?" Imperia responded, glancing at Severa. "Why should we be concerned? We just need to prove that we've moved beyond our past. Vali Lucifer and Cao Cao managed it, so why can't we? Are you so afraid of what others think that you'd let their opinions dictate your life?"

Imperia stood up and thumped her chest, her voice unwavering as she added, "Well, I don't. I couldn't care less about their narrow-minded opinions. They're weak, after all, so what could they truly do? Oh, some words hurt? Please, that's just nonsense. If they don't like what they see, they can simply look away—those morons."

Severa appeared genuinely surprised by Imperia's words and the way she articulated her reasoning. She sat there, her mouth agape, gazing at her friend. As previously mentioned, Imperia wasn't one to express herself in such a manner. She tended to be more straightforward and, dare I say, had a penchant for using colorful language. So, when she delivered her words to Severa in such a manner, it was certainly uncharacteristic of her.

"...If that's your decision, I won't stand in your way. However, I'd appreciate some time to deliberate on my own choice, if that's acceptable, Aaron-sama," Severa said with a respectful bow.

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging her request. With a gracious tone, I replied, "Of course, Severa."

Imperia chimed in, bringing a touch of optimism to the conversation. "We have Aar-sama to turn to for guidance, so I'm not concerned at all," she stated with an endearing smile that brought a grin to both Severa's and my own faces. "Is there anything I need to take care of, like paperwork or something?" she inquired.

"No, I've prepared four documents for you. Two that express your agreement to join and two indicate your disagreement. I'll submit the appropriate one today, and you'll be all set to join Zeno's team when the match kicks off," I informed Imperia. However, a hint of a challenge lingered as I continued, "But you'll need to train independently for now since you can't meet the team yet. Ajuka and Sirzechs are coordinating with Shiva to notify them." Imperia nodded, understanding the situation.

"Well, then, if that's all, we'll be on our way," Severa stated.

"Yeah, that's it. Thanks for coming," I replied as they made their way out. I suspected they were headed to the kitchen for some food before departing. I heaved a sigh and glanced down below my desk, into the limited space there, and muttered, "They've left. Akeno, why did you teleport there?"

In that confined space, Akeno had teleported in partway through my conversation with the two visitors, and she had playfully issued some provocative threats. However, I had managed to discreetly defuse the situation. Akeno chuckled mischievously and playfully wrapped her arms around my thighs before nestling her head between my legs.

"Actually, Latia told me to pass something along to you, which is why I'm here," she said, her face nuzzling the sensitive area.

"Could you stop that for a moment and just tell me?" I requested, attempting to shift away from her advances, but she deftly halted my movement.

Akeno glanced at me briefly before a mischievous smile danced upon her lips. She inched closer, moved up, and playfully bit the zipper of my pants, tugging it down. Yet, just as she began to continue, I gently halted her progress.

Her brow furrowed, and she pouted, saying, "I'll share my information if you allow me to enjoy some of my well-deserved milk. I've worked really hard today. Pretty please?"

I sighed, casting a glance at a nearby clock, then returned my gaze to Akeno. "Tell me what you know first, and I promise I'll pamper you for a few hours. How does that sound?"

A bright smile spread across her lips as she playfully zipped my pants back up and straddled me. "Deal! So, Latia has had a conversation with Ajuka-sama about extending an invitation to the other leaders for a meeting at your moon base. They'd like to visit soon to discuss future plans, including the colonization of other planets in our universe."

"Latia also mentioned that they're interested in establishing bases in the Phantasma and Evie Etoulde universes. You'll eventually form alliances with them, although she noted that Ajuka-sama's comment was somewhat casual, so she's uncertain if he meant it," Akeno informed me, then leaned in to capture my lips in a passionate kiss.

In response, I returned her kiss, my mind mulling over this new information. I had already intended to create connections and alliances in those two universes. However, in a way, I already had that through the Etoulde faction and the Resistance in the Phantasma. Establishing bases and other arrangements would have to wait until we liberated those universes from the grasp of Phumera, Magnum Tenebrosum, and Melvazoa.

As I pondered these thoughts, the intensity of the kisses exchanged between Akeno and me grew, enveloping us in a heated embrace. Our passionate moment, however, was abruptly interrupted when the door to my office swung open once more. We paused and turned our attention to Velgrynd and Latia, both of them displaying a faint blush.

Returning my gaze to Akeno, I noticed that she had started to unbutton her shirt, her bra peeking through as she revealed more of her alluring figure.

"I was getting impatient waiting, so I decided to come over, and that's when I bumped into Velgrynd-san. But I never expected to find this," Latia lamented, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Have you informed Aaron about it?" she inquired.

Akeno responded, "Yes, I did. We had just finished, and I thought we could take a moment to relax. You're sort of interrupting my pampering," she mumbled, her cheeks puffed out slightly in annoyance.

"It won't be a lengthy conversation, and I'll be out of your way soon," Latia assured as she approached, conjuring a chair for herself. Velgrynd exchanged a brief look with me before exiting the room, implying that she had something she wished to discuss privately with me. "Let's begin."

— ○ ● ○ —

Akeno let out a small huff of annoyance. "She said it wouldn't be a lengthy conversation."

I chuckled and gently pinched her nose. "That was hours ago, Akeno. No need to be so annoyed."

We were currently in my office, reclining on one of the couches. We'd spent the past eight hours together and were still under a blanket, as we'd chosen not to get dressed just yet. I wanted to avoid any potential awkward encounters if someone walked in, even though I'd already removed the protective barrier.

Akeno shifted in her position, snuggling closer to my chest. Her voice carried a hint of sadness and loneliness as she asked, "You're leaving again tomorrow?"

"Yeah, there are a few things I need to attend to," I replied, gently planting a kiss on the top of her head. "You'll be training with your team again, right? I'll be back before you even realize it."

"Mmm... but I can't help wishing I could go with you sometimes," she mumbled, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Well, once we're done with college, you'll have all the free time in the world. You or anyone else can come with me, as long as you're not tied up with something else," I reassured her.

"That's true," she acknowledged, her tone still tinged with a touch of sadness at the thought of waiting.

The door to my room swung open once again, and in walked Suzaku.

"Aaron, have you seen Akeno... ah," she began but then blushed. "I... never mind. Akeno, could you come with me? Auntie Shuri wants to discuss something with us, probably more wedding-related stuff and dresses," she explained with a sigh.

Akeno turned to look at Suzaku before giggling. She gave me a kiss on the lips and, with a snap of her fingers, was dressed and ready. "We're off then, Aaron. But if I have some free time, I'll definitely join you again!" she said before leaving with Suzaku.

"Sure," I mumbled, quickly getting dressed. Velgrynd entered the room, took a seat on the same couch I had been on, and waited.

I couldn't help but ask, "How long were you waiting?"

"Eight hours," she replied dryly, shooting me a slightly irritated look.

"Point taken," I acknowledged. "So, what did you need?" I summoned a cup of coffee and took a sip.

"I'm going with you tomorrow," Vel declared.

"Well, that's a given, you've already mentioned it," I replied.

"I mean, I thought you might've forgotten, so I..."

I interrupted her, "You accompanied me to the Shinto Pantheon, and you joined me on the visits to the Roman and Philippines Pantheons, even before you explicitly mentioned your desire to do so. I won't forget, Vel," I assured her, and she let out a sigh.

"I understand. Thank you," she said with a polite nod and began to make her way towards the exit.

"Is that all?" I inquired, curiosity nudging me as she moved away.

Upon reaching the doorway, she halted and cast a brief, somewhat hesitant glance back in my direction. Something seemed to be on her mind, although she appeared hesitant to share it. A subtle blush tinged her cheeks, suggesting that it might be somewhat embarrassing. "Well... it's really nothing. I'll see you tomorrow."

As I rose to my feet, I returned to my desk with a determined resolve. "Let's get to work," I whispered to myself, fully aware that I had a long night ahead. With a focused mindset, I cast another protective barrier around my office, preparing to face the tasks that awaited me.

— ○ ● ○ —

"This is quite the unusual bunch," I muttered to myself. The next day dawned, and it was approximately eleven in the morning when I was about to set out, my first destination being the Egyptian Pantheon.

Accompanying me on this journey were Velgrynd, who had expressed her intent to join me yesterday, along with Natsume and Grayfia. And then there was Tiamat, a surprising addition to our group. She had arrived at my home earlier that morning, after the other tournament organizers had held a meeting. For some reason, they had decided to assign her to me, to "keep an eye on me."

I felt I had been conducting myself rather well, with no troublesome incidents, particularly considering my roles as the Middleman, Oppai Dragon, and my involvement in the tournament organization. Nevertheless, I accepted their decision, and Tiamat would be accompanying me on this day.

"Is everyone prepared?" I inquired, casting a quick, reassuring glance at my companions. In unison, they all nodded, signaling their readiness. With a swift motion, I initiated the teleportation, whisking us away to next destination.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by the magnificent panorama of the pantheon. For those who hadn't been here before, it was a breathtaking sight that filled them with wonder. Grayfia had accompanied me on a previous visit, so she remained relatively unfazed. We had reached the same platform we'd used in our previous visit, having taken the "official channels" to get here.

Natsume pointed to a distinguished building and inquired, "What's that building for?"

"That's the library. If you'd like to visit, I can take you there," Grayfia offered. She then turned to me and suggested, "Aaron-sama, I can stay here with the others while you meet with the gods, if you prefer."

The other members of our group exchanged inquisitive looks but Grayfia paid them no heed.

I reassured Grayfia, "Don't worry, Grayfia. It shouldn't take Ra too long to fill me in on the situation, and we can make our way there afterward. If any of you are interested in exploring this place, please feel free to do so. I'll handle my responsibilities while you enjoy your exploration."

"I can wait; there's no need to hurry. After all, I came here to assist with your job. We can always return another time, can't we?" Natsume reassured us with a calm tone.

"That's a valid point, Natsume. We're here to support Jin, so let's proceed to meet the gods," Tiamat chimed in. Velgrynd joined in agreement, and even Grayfia, after a moment of consideration, closed her eyes and nodded her head.

The decision was entirely theirs to make, and I held no preference for either choice. With a mere snap of my fingers, we appeared right in front of the palace where Ra resided. The palace guards recognized me and readily permitted our entry. I still remembered the way to the throne room, and we quickly navigated our path there.

"Excuse me," I called out loudly, and the sound of the doors swinging open startled everyone inside. "Yo, I'm here to lend a hand, and I've brought some reinforcements with me," I informed Ra. In the room, Ra and Hathoth stood, accompanied by a few servants.

"Jin! You certainly know how to make an entrance," Ra exclaimed with a hint of surprise. "Thank you for coming. If you're ready, we should get started."

"Absolutely," I replied casually. "I'm eager to begin, so let's get to it," I assured him, and Ra nodded in agreement.

Ra gave a nod before addressing me, "It's actually concerning Shu's city. Since our alliance, there has been a noticeable influx of people relocating to our realm, and many have settled in those new cities you constructed. We're genuinely grateful for this, but not everyone who's moved here has been, shall we say, obedient. There are some rather unruly individuals."

Raising an eyebrow inquisitively, I queried, "Are you suggesting that I should take action? What about Shu himself, or any of the other gods, or even the local supernatural police?"

"We've been doing what we can for the past few months, which is why we haven't approached you about it until now. We've maintained a vigilant watch on them, but they're aware of our surveillance, so they've been quite secretive in their actions. Our suspicion is that they might be planning some sort of attack here, but I must stress that this is purely speculation," Ra explained.

"The individuals leading our scouting efforts on our side are Iris and Nephthys, and they've enlisted the help of some of their subordinates. Still, it remains quite challenging to gather information. Most of the activity appears to be centered in Shu's Underground city portion, so I'd suggest starting your investigation there."

Ra's expression grew more serious as he continued, "The other city in question is...the rabbit village where Vera and Kuro reside. They've been reporting incidents like missing items and mysterious thefts happening during the night. However, when we stationed guards there, the items they claimed were stolen would inexplicably vanish right before their eyes. We strongly suspect that these incidents are the work of the same troublesome group."

Natsume was brimming with curiosity as she asked, "What are they called? Do you happen to know any of their names or details about their powers? Anything that could provide us with some useful insights?"

Ra, understanding the importance of the information, nodded in response to Natsume's inquiries. "Their group goes by the name 'Duskterian Skebal.' We suspect that their leader might be a female youkai of some sort, but that's the extent of our knowledge. Their operations have been shrouded in secrecy, making it challenging to gather more detailed intelligence. However, the information I've just shared with you is entirely accurate and verified."

"We've received some recent news," Hathoth began, her eyes filled with excitement. "One of the arrivals is undoubtedly a devil, but they appear to be a prisoner. However, what sets them apart is that they believe they possess a unique 'trait,' akin to the [Power of Destruction] possessed by the Gremory and Bael devils."

I pondered the information, placing my left hand's index finger and thumb under my chin as I cast my gaze aside, lost in thought.

"Is there a problem, Jin?" Ra inquired, clearly puzzled by my reaction.

With a smile for the god, I shook my head and replied, "No, nothing to worry about. This situation should be relatively straightforward, but I do have a favor to ask of you."

"Anything, please name it, as long as it helps us," Ra responded earnestly.

Summoning a small clipboard and a sheet of paper, I jotted down the tasks I needed them to undertake before outlining our side of the arrangement. It was a matter of a few hours of discreet work. In the list, I had included certain names, specifying that these were to remain confidential, as they were our informants within the group.

Handing the list over to Ra, he and Hathoth perused the contents. It didn't take them long to finish, and Ra promptly agreed, his curiosity piqued. "May I assume that these names are...?"

"Yes, that's correct. Except for the ones encircled in blue, the others listed in red are informants or are affiliated with their group. So please keep those in the red out of the loop. I'll give you a few hours to carry out the tasks. Just be cautious that the others don't discover what's happening; we wouldn't want any unnecessary chaos, would we?" I said, and Ra nodded in agreement.

"Very well, we'll attend to it as promptly as possible, Jin. I'll contact you once it's all completed," he assured us as we exited the grand throne room.

— ○ ● ○ —

As our group assembled outside, we found ourselves standing in silence, taking in the breathtaking scenery of the long bridge before us. It was then that I turned to Natsume, gently took her arm, and pulled her close for an embrace. Her initial surprise quickly gave way to acceptance as she returned the hug.

Her cheeks tinted with embarrassment, she murmured, "W-what's gotten into you all of a sudden? T-this is a bit embarrassing."

I smiled and replied, "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to hug you. By the way, it seems like your time with the Slash Dog Team really paid off, doesn't it?"

Natsume playfully headbutted my chest and said, "I'm not an idio... of course, I'd know how to handle myself during a serious mission. But... it seems like you're not too concerned. Is this not a serious matter?"

Her question piqued the interest of the others in our group, and they inched closer to listen in on our conversation.

I proceeded to provide some context, explaining, "It's a small group that Ptah oversees. They receive certain benefits from him and the Khaos Order. However, he doesn't consider them particularly significant, as their main role is to retrieve specific items and information from here and deliver it to him. They're not highly organized, except for their leaders, which limits their influence."

I continued, acknowledging their ability to control Shu's underground city, saying, "I must give them credit for managing to control Shu's underground city; it's quite spacious down there. Nevertheless, we should expect some resistance, and I'll fortify the buildings there. We'll divide into two groups since we're targeting their two main bases. One is located within Shu's city, and the other is near the canyons of the rabbit city where Vera and Kuro reside. Unfortunately, they won't be able to assist us, as they're preoccupied in the Greek realm," I informed them.

Grayfia furrowed her brow and inquired, "Would it be wiser to notify the alliance about this?"

"They will be informed; I've already instructed Ra to include it in the briefing. For now, let's make the most of our time here. We're set to begin in a few hours, so until then, let's savor our time here," I suggested. We then departed from the area to embark on a few hours of exploration.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

In Shu's city within the Egyptian Pantheon, the group, known as Duskterian Skebal, was in the midst of preparations for another night of thievery. While the actual heist was still a few hours away, they were gathered for a planning session.

"We should consider—" one member began, eager to discuss their strategy.

However, their meeting was abruptly disrupted by a deafening explosion that resonated from the entrance of their secret hideout. Simultaneously, a formidable barrier materialized around their base, causing considerable chaos and confusion among the group members. To make matters more bewildering, some members who had been in the underground city were forcibly teleported back to their base.

"W-what in the world was that?! Have they finally launched an attack on us!?" one panicked member blurted out.

"I can't even use my teleportation magic! What's happening here!?" another member exclaimed, their voices fraught with alarm and uncertainty.

[Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't actually prepare a speech, so let's just go with this—ow, ow, ow, Fia, wait—ow!?] The male's voice and announcement were abruptly cut off, leaving many listeners in confusion. However, they recognized the voice immediately—it belonged to the Middleman.

Aaron, Grayfia, and Natsume had infiltrated the underground base in Shu's city, while Tiamat and Velgrynd were dispatched to the ones near the rabbit village.

Upon entering the base, Aaron used a swift kick to send the door crashing down. He then encased both bases with a powerful barrier that prevented any form of teleportation magic, technique, or magical items from being used by anyone affiliated with Ptah.

"I'll let you two roam freely while I head toward the main hall. It's not too far from here, so take your time. Also, be prepared to meet some...eccentric individuals along the way," Aaron cautioned as he left them to their mission.

As Aaron strolled away, a melody escaped his lips, the lyrics of the Oppai Dragon song. "There is a breast-loving Dragon living in the edge of a certain country~!" His voice resonated through the entire base.

"Dammit! It's the Middleman! Get him!" cried out one of the members. With a swift motion, he conjured a fireball and hurled it toward Aaron. However, Aaron opened his mouth wide and consumed the fiery attack, leaving the attacker utterly bewildered.

Aaron fixed his gaze on the bewildered assailant, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. In a swift retaliation, he launched the absorbed fireball back, but this time it had swelled threefold. The explosive burst obliterated the assailant, and the sheer force of the blast sent him hurtling through the air, leaving him unconscious and defeated.

This scene played out repeatedly, as numerous members made futile attempts to attack him in their desperate bid to halt his advance. Their leaders were already cognizant of the situation, but not all of them were present at the moment, as they were dispersed between the two bases. In total, there were six leaders, three of them stationed at the base where Aaron was, and the other three located at the base where Tiamat and Velgrynd were stationed.

— ○ ● ○ —

Natsume sprinted through the base, her agility and strength, combined with her wind manipulation and her trusty light gun, proved formidable against the various foes she encountered. Griffon, her loyal Sacred Gear, was equally essential in the battle, providing vital support.

However, the fight took an unsettling turn when one of the male members of the enemy forces shouted, "Get that bitch with big tits!"

His sentiment was quickly echoed by a female member with particular vehemence, who added, "Yes! Women with big tits must be eliminated!" She couldn't help but contrast her own flatness with the target's endowments.

Natsume couldn't help but mutter to herself in disbelief, "What's wrong with these people?" She skillfully evaded the barrage of elemental attacks launched her way and extended her hand, channeling her powers to release a powerful vortex of wind that swept through the enemies, defeating them swiftly.

After defeating her enemies, Natsume couldn't help but glance down at her chest. Thoughts swirled in her mind as she pondered, 'I-I'm not that I? Aaron mentioned they're the right size for his hands, so...'

Sylph interjected with a playful tone, 'Those are quite lewd thoughts, Natsu-Natsu.'

Natsume jolted in surprise, her face flushing crimson. "Oh! I forgot you were here; you've been so quiet today!"

Sylph responded, 'Hehe, I was simply admiring the scenery, Natsu. I intend to rejoin you all before we depart for another pantheon. By the way, brace yourself, Natsu! I sense a rather formidable foe ahead of us.'

"You don't need to tell me that; I sense them too," Natsume replied. She then turned her attention to Griffon, who regarded her with a quizzical expression. "D-don't look at me like that! I was just—ah, who cares! Just help me out, Griffon!"

The Sacred Gear offered a smirk and agreed as they resumed their sprint through the corridor, dispatching their enemies along the way. Eventually, they reached a room that was predominantly metallic, adorned with an intricate network of pipes. The walls exhibited signs of decay, were crumbling, and oozed with leaky water, mirroring the state of the entire base.

At the room's center stood a peculiar man. His short, tousled black hair framed a visage marred by scars over both his eyes. He wore striking red lipstick, a necklace around his neck, a black hoody jacket, cargo pants, and red sneakers.

When he locked eyes with Natsume, his purple irises emitted an unsettling glow. However, as he attempted to take a step forward and speak, a mishap resulted in a rather undignified tumble, causing his face to meet the floor with an audible smack.

Sylph made a sudden appearance at Natsume's side and couldn't help but chuckle at the man's embarrassing tumble. Griffon, the bird-like Sacred Gear, also sported a smirk as he watched the unfolding scene. The man, his fury evident, swiftly regained his footing.

"I-I'm James Bond! One of the leaders of our—" he began, attempting to assert his identity.

However, Natsume, holding her ring aloft, swiftly used the [Appraisal] function on it, cutting him off mid-sentence. She calmly asserted, "No, you're not. You're Claeryon. Why would you lie about your name?" Her gaze fixed on the man, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Enough, wench!" Claeryon proclaimed with unwavering confidence. "I shall deliver you back to our leader and, in turn, to Master Ptah. Our rewards will be most generous." With this declaration, he gestured emphatically with both his hands towards Natsume.

In an instant, the surrounding metal surged toward Natsume, behaving almost like tentacles reaching out to ensnare her. However, much to Claeryon's surprise, Natsume didn't make any attempt to evade the impending attacks. By her side, Sylph, the spirit accompanying her, and Griffon, her Sacred Gear, sprang into action.

Sylph began to twirl playfully, her finger pointing at the metallic attacks. From her fingertip, a potent wind vortex shot forth, obliterating Claeryon's attacks.

Griffon, not to be outdone, flapped his wings, generating several swirling currents that sliced the metallic attacks into hundreds of smaller pieces. Yet Claeryon remained undeterred by this setback, persisting in his relentless attacks.

Claeryon was about to unleash a string of words in his defense, but once again, Natsume's swift action quelled his protest. She pointed her gun squarely at him and, without hesitation, squeezed the trigger.

The ensuing explosion of light aura was nothing short of spectacular, obliterating everything in its path, leaving nothing but a vast crevice in its wake. Only the protective barrier, masterfully erected by Aaron earlier, stood as the last line of defense, absorbing the destructive force and preventing any further damage to the surrounding terrain.

Natsume fixed a skeptical gaze on her opponent and inquired with an arched brow, "So, shall we carry on with this fight, or do you think it's time to throw in the towel?"

Claeryon, shaken by the sheer power displayed by Natsume and her companions, couldn't help but feel a growing unease. He had a keen awareness of the formidable abilities held by members of [DxD], but the power of their imposing "leader" and the presence of the god Ptah only added to his apprehension.

In a trembling voice, he stammered, "I-I won't let it end here, woman!"

Determined to press on, Claeryon stamped his foot forcefully on the ground. His powers surged, giving birth to several colossal, jellyfish-like monstrosities, crafted from the abundant metal and scrap strewn around them.

With a simple thought, he set them into motion, commanding the metallic creatures to attack Natsume and her allies. These mechanical jellyfish soared towards their targets, their sinewy metallic tentacles surging with crackling electrical energy.

Natsume let out a sigh of determination as she raised her hand toward the metallic jellyfish and released a barrage of razor-sharp wind blades, slicing through them with precision. Without a moment's hesitation, she sprinted toward Claeryon, materializing beside him in the blink of an eye. He hadn't comprehended the swift turn of events yet, as it seemed like Natsume had vanished right before his eyes.

In an instant, Natsume clenched her hand into a fist and delivered a powerful blow to the side of Claeryon's stomach. An audible crack echoed in the air, followed by a strange noise from Claeryon. He crumpled to the ground, incapacitated by the force of the strike.

"W-w-wait...! D-don't...! I-I'll tell you anything...!" he gasped out. "B-but I think y-you broke something...!"

Natsume let out a weary sigh before gently tapping his forehead, rendering him unconscious. Following that, she administered a Slime Pill into his mouth and ensured he swallowed it, effectively healing any injuries he had sustained. To further ensure his compliance, she used a sleeping spell and secured him with anti-magic cuffs.

"Mission done!" Sylph gleefully chimed in, clapping her ethereal hands.

Natsume, although mentally exhausted, corrected her, saying, "No, we haven't dealt with the rest of them yet. But this guy was certainly eccentric, it almost felt like a child in an adult's body. His power was quite unique, huh?"

"He had control over metals or something like that? What did your appraisal reveal?" Sylph inquired, landing on Natsume's shoulder.

"I believe it's called Ferrokinesis," Natsume explained. "It's the ability to summon, control, and manipulate all types of metal. Although it seemed like he didn't fully grasp the extent of his powers."

"Azazel would love to lay his hands on him! Even though it's not a Sacred Gear, it's quite powerful, isn't it?" Sylph remarked, playfully poking Natsume's cheek.

"Unless Aaron has other plans for his powers, he might just claim them as well, so we can't be sure...that power is remarkably powerful, as I mentioned. But Aaron did mention that if the wielder wished, they could potentially manipulate the metals within our bodies. The very thought is rather scary," Natsume elucidated, gently halting Sylph's playful gesture. "Regardless, let's take this guy with us."

Natsume extended her finger toward the unconscious Claeryon and levitated him. They began to move away from their current location, heading towards the spot indicated by Aaron earlier.

— ○ ● ○ —

In a grand and spacious chamber, an exuberant man continued to perform his acrobatic feats, his joyful shouts echoing throughout the room, "Ha! Ha! Ha! To! Oryaaaaaaaaaa!!"

Grayfia, poised as ever, seemingly partook in a duel with this energetic man. With graceful fluidity, she deftly sidestepped and leaped to avoid the occasional strikes he aimed in her direction.

However, it was clear to anyone observing that she invested very little effort into what appeared to be a "fight." Her eyes bore a hint of detachment, a reflection of her disinterest in this lively display.

The man in question bore the name Dryeon, a youkai of curious appearance, resembling a deer that had evolved to walk on two legs. After his latest elaborate dance routine, he unleashed a series of vibrant green auras, each taking the form of colossal eyeballs.

These mystical projectiles zoomed through the air, converging on Grayfia. Unfazed, she simply strengthened the aura surrounding her, effectively stopping the oncoming attacks in its tracks. With a mere flick of her left hand, a powerful ice attack emerged, rapidly encasing everything to their left in a glistening layer of frost.

Dryeon, having narrowly evaded the freezing onslaught, was momentarily startled by the near-death experience. He gazed at the ice with wide-eyed amazement and exclaimed, "Holy... I almost had my 'deer-y' ass frozen!"

Grayfia's mood dipped further as the pun escaped his lips. Generally, she had little patience for wordplay of this nature. It was a realm she mainly reserved for Aaron, her fiancé, offering him a unique leniency. When others ventured into pun territory, it was met with a distinct and palpable irritation on her part.

Determined to bring this absurdity to a close, Grayfia began to walk toward Dryeon, which clearly perplexed him. He responded with a grandiose gesture and exclaimed, "I see! So you've finally come to your senses, devil! Join us, and we shall reign supreme in this realm! You could even become my wife!" He punctuated his statement with a wink that only served to exacerbate Grayfia's irritation.

With a combination of grace and swiftness, Grayfia materialized behind Dryeon, her right hand enveloped in a shimmering silver aura. In one fluid motion, she delivered a swift blow to his neck, rendering him unconscious.

The deer youkai was utterly unprepared for the rapid sequence of events that unfolded. However, after the impact to his neck, he emitted a rather unpleasant noise, releasing a burst of flatulence that both irked and disgusted Grayfia even further.

With a bemused expression, Grayfia couldn't help but mutter to herself, "Why are the people you fight always so odd, Aaron? Why can't we ever face anyone who isn't...eccentric?" She cast a curious glance toward Dryeon before firmly seizing his neck and proceeding to haul him away.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hmm? Oh, Grayfia, you're finished too?" Natsume inquired as she and Grayfia reconvened at their earlier meeting point. However, before Grayfia could respond, the unconscious Dryeon emitted another flatulent noise. Natsume regarded him in astonishment and asked, "D-did he just pass gas while he's unconscious?"

Grayfia's facial expression, as well as the lifeless look in her eyes, served as her response as she nodded. "...I initially believed it was a one-time occurrence, but as I continued walking, he kept occasionally...releasing gas. I've already used magic on my nose to avoid smelling it," she explained with a weary tone.

"My condolences," Natsume expressed sympathetically. "Let's link up with Aaron then." She playfully poked her nose and employed a specific magic spell to shield herself from the scent of the gas left behind by the slumbering deer youkai.

As they continued down the corridor, they encountered more unconscious bodies along the way. None of their enemies were deceased, but the injuries they bore would keep them incapacitated for days or render them ineffective even if they awoke, impeding their mobility.

Suddenly, the distant sound of drums filled the air, leaving them perplexed. They exchanged uncertain glances before picking up their pace. Their journey eventually led them to an even larger chamber compared to the ones they had traversed earlier.

Within the chamber, several colossal statues of Ptah loomed, while numerous massive, floating lights bathed the room in an ethereal glow. At the apex of the room, a small replica of the moon, seemingly conjured by magic, hung suspended—an unexpected sight for both of them. Adorning the walls were an array of weapons in various shapes and sizes, alongside several paintings of Ptah and another figure—a woman, a female youkai.

The female youkai bore a striking resemblance to an octopus, her distinctive features setting her apart. Her hair consisted of verdant, sinuous tentacles that flowed like seaweed, and her eyes glowed with an eerie shade of green. Dark purple lipstick adorned her lips, adding a touch of mystique to her visage.

Her attire was equally captivating: she donned a long, flowing green dress that cascaded to the floor, revealing a generous expanse of her chest. Adorning her neck and wrists were ornate golden accessories, while multiple golden rings adorned her fingers, gleaming in the light. Completing her ensemble, she wore striking purple earrings that dangled gracefully.

Behind her, additional green tentacles swayed and undulated, lending an otherworldly aura to her presence, moving with an enigmatic grace.

"I'm glad you two could join us," Aaron began, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Meet Ikteya, a self-proclaimed Octopus Queen. She's already sent the devil to Tiamat and Velgrynd's location, and I've informed those two of what happened, so they'll retrieve them for us."

"I've taken a liking to you, boy. So become my pet," Ikteya hissed, her voice laced with venom and lust. The tentacles behind her lunged forward, aiming to ensnare Aaron, but they were thwarted by an invisible force—his [Infinity]. "Stop playing hard to get and become mine!"

"What did you do?" Natsume inquired, her tone tinged with slight irritation.

"Why are we assuming I did anything?" Aaron replied with a chuckle. He found amusement in Natsume's accusatory tone.

Ddraig then chimed in, stating, [Natsume, Grayfia, the truth is, Partner has a skill called [Harem Protag EX]. It allows him to get any woman he wants. He's been keeping it—gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I was joking!!! Stop! Stoooop! Partner!!!]

Natsume and Grayfia approached Aaron, positioning themselves behind him. Inquisitively, Grayfia queried, "What have you been doing? I expected you to finish this before we arrived."

Aaron sported a slightly rueful grin and confessed, "I actually inquired about something, and then... well, she sort of just kept on talking and talking."

Natsume, with a hint of amusement in her voice, pressed him, "And...?"

Shrugging, Aaron replied, "I might have tuned her out about a quarter of the way through. It was pretty dull, mostly consisting of her recounting her history as a rather shitty person, followed by a substantial amount of bragging since she caught Ptah's attention."

"Hmm…by the way, what were those drums we heard?" Natsume inquired, curiosity lighting up her eyes.

"Oh, those?" Aaron responded, a knowing glint in his eyes. He pointed in opposite directions, and each woman turned her gaze toward one of them, where they saw drums adorned with floating drumsticks, poised to start their rhythmic beat once again. Aaron nonchalantly clicked his fingers, signaling the start of the eerie percussion. "We're about to finish this~"

A low, frustrated grunt escaped Ikteya as she conjured hundreds of swirling magic circles, flinging them violently toward Aaron, attempting to smother him in their magical onslaught. However, the magical maelstrom never reached its intended targets as his [Infinity] stopped them. She then redirected her attack, aiming it at Grayfia and Natsume, but they too were swiftly protected by Aaron.

Frustration boiled within Ikteya as her offensive efforts seemed entirely in vain. She clenched her teeth and desperately tried to resort to her teleportation magic, but it also proved futile, much to her increasing irritation. The aggravation welled up within her, and she was on the brink of trying yet another approach when Aaron advanced upon her. His powerful grip clamped around her head, squeezing it relentlessly.

Ikteya's body went rigid, and terror overtook her as she trembled violently. <<You know… I started to get a headache as soon as I saw you, since you reminded me of someone I really don't like,>> he hissed silently, his malevolent gaze piercing deep into her very soul. The sheer intensity of it forced her into soiling herself, leaving her utterly terrified and mortified.

<<…That's disgusting,>> Aaron mumbled with a cold resolve, maintaining his powerful grip. He continued to tighten it, causing Ikteya to squirm helplessly within his grasp. She tried to claw at his unyielding hands, but it was to no avail. She then attempted to use her magic, only to find that she was completely unable to access it. Fear and dread consumed Ikteya as the chilling specter of death encroached upon her. She'd been this close to death just once before, and she'd made an unspoken vow to herself never to come near it again.

"Please…! Spare me…! I'll tell you…anything…!" Ikteya pleaded, her voice filled with desperation, her eyes almost popping out in sheer terror.

Aaron was on the verge of dismissing her plea when he felt a set of four arms wrap themselves around him. They pulled him back from the abyss of ruthless resolve, and he turned to find both Grayfia and Natsume embracing him. No words were exchanged; their actions conveyed everything he needed to know.

Aaron closed his eyes and eased his grip on Ikteya. He released her, and she clutched her head, coughing and gasping for air. She didn't attempt to flee, both knowing and fearing that escape was futile and could very well lead to her death.

Aaron turned back to Ikteya, his eyes filled with compassion, even as he put her to sleep to alleviate her suffering. He healed her wounds and summoned anti-magic cuffs to secure her. Then he turned to Grayfia and Natsume, pulling them into a comforting embrace. "My bad, I guess seeing someone who closely resembled Nyarlathotep made me use a bit more force," he explained awkwardly, attempting to play off his intense reaction.

Neither of the two women uttered a word but instead, they clung to him even tighter. They remained in that comforting embrace for several more minutes.

— ○ ● ○ —

"They're really not much of a challenge," Velgrynd muttered under her breath. Boredom had settled deep within her as she faced enemies she considered mere clowns in her presence. The foes she encountered seemed laughable at best. Earlier, she had a run-in with a supposed "leader," but their prowess was as laughable as a clown's act, boasting nothing more than the power of fish.

This so-called "Fishman-monster," as the man dared to refer to himself, only fueled the Scorch Dragon's growing annoyance. Despite her orders to keep these enemies alive, she couldn't resist burning them to ashes. Yet, perhaps there was a hint of a silver lining; their charred remains at least bore some resemblance to their original forms.

"Well, what did you expect? These are just very weak underlings of Ptah, or should we even call them that? He's essentially just using them," Tiamat replied, her immense strength easily defeating another enemy.

Velgrynd merely shrugged in response as they ventured into a slightly larger room than the ones they had previously explored. In the center, they discovered a grim torture device, with a young female child connected to it.

"Is that a devil? Maybe it's the one Hathoth mentioned," Tiamat pondered aloud, her curiosity piqued.

Velgrynd squinted her eyes at the child, whose gaze was already lifeless. "That child is close to death. We should remove her from this contraption."

Beyond the device, they noticed a rather portly man, clad in a black trench coat and fedora hat. He sported a very peculiar and extravagant mustache and beard, with piercing blue eyes and long black hair. As soon as he spotted the dragons, he tipped his hat in a bow.

"Howdy, m'ladies! Are you enjoying the show?" he asked with a sly grin, his gaze fixed on the two dragon women.

"Should we kill him?" Velgrynd inquired, her golden eyes gleaming with determination.

"Kill him," Tiamat declared firmly, leaving no room for doubt.

In an instant, both women vanished from their positions. Tiamat materialized directly in front of the sinister contraption and, with a mere flick of her wrist, obliterated it. Swiftly, she caught the child and administered a Slime Pill. Within moments, the young one's body, riddled with injuries and wounds, began to heal, although she remained unconscious.

Meanwhile, Velgrynd had manifested herself behind the man. As he turned, he was met with a swift and punishing kick to his balls, crushing them in the process. The man's eyes rolled back, and he started to topple backward, but Velgrynd wasn't done. She delivered another kick, sending him hurtling toward the destroyed device. Tiamat, anticipating the move, deftly shifted away from the man's path, and Velgrynd teleported herself beside her companion.

"That guy... he..." Tiamat began to say something, but Velgrynd raised her hand to stop her.

"I know," Velgrynd replied, her gaze still fixed on the man writhing on the ground. "That's why I got rid of them. I just can't comprehend people like him." Her voice sounded calm, but beneath the surface, it was brimming with disdain and loathing.

Velgrynd had traversed through various worlds and universes, accumulating a wealth of experiences. Spending time with Aaron and the others had broadened her understanding of different aspects of existence as well. It was precisely because of this that she had developed a strong aversion to individuals like the man before them.

"People like you should be wiped out from the multiverse; utterly repulsive," Velgrynd muttered as she swiftly brought her foot down on his face, obliterating his head and ending his life. "Let's head back to Aaron. He'll understand why," Velgrynd said as she led the way. Tiamat and the young child followed her out of the base to reunite with Aaron.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

Our small operation ended approximately an hour ago, and during that time, I had been in contact with the alliance, along with Ra and Hathoth. Isis and Nephthys, as well as their subordinate, were aware of our actions, and they provided assistance behind the scenes. Additionally, several other individuals associated with Duskterian Skebal were apprehended and were slated for imprisonment within the alliance's facilities for questioning, potential rehabilitation, or, in some cases, extended incarceration.

However, I found myself with a new addition to our... well, household, you could say? This matter primarily concerned me, Velgrynd, and Tiamat. The young devil girl who was returned to us had no remaining family members, as she was the sole survivor of the Buer devil family, which had been believed to be extinct.

It turned out that they had located the last two members of her family hiding in the human world, killed them, and abducted this young girl with the intention of selling her on the black market. Her past was a harrowing one, to say the least. I'd rather not go into all the gruesome details; the mere thought of it infuriates me.

Since her rescue, she has clung to me, refusing to let go. At times, she has also requested to be held by Tiamat and Velgrynd, as they were the ones responsible for saving her. Velgrynd appeared somewhat awkward in handling the situation, but Tiamat, with her experience in caring for dragon hatchlings in the familiar forest, was more at ease.

Natsume looked at the sweet little girl who was nestled in my arms, too timid to meet anyone's gaze, and asked, "What's her name?"

I answered, "Based on my abilities, she goes by the name Vivi Buer." Natsume nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes because she couldn't connect with the child, but she understood why.

Isis approached us, along with Ra, Hathoth, and Nephthys, and inquired, "What do you plan to do with her, Jin?"

I took a moment to think and then replied, "I'll need to have a more in-depth discussion with the devils, especially the Satans, but my wish is to either adopt her or provide the kind of care I've given to Ingvild. She doesn't have anyone, and considering all the hardships she's faced, I want to give her a place she can truly call home." This declaration shocked everyone present.

To be completely honest, I never anticipated having a "daughter" when the day began. My initial plan involved going to other places with everyone present, so now I might have to make a temporary return home. I'll have to ask Velgrynd of Tiamat to stay with her there, as the alternative would be to bring her along with me, which I wasn't entirely comfortable with. I didn't want to expose her to more frightening things at this time.

"In any case, let's head back home for now and explain the situation to everyone else. Afterward, I'll reach out to Sirzechs," I informed my group, and we promptly departed after bidding our farewells.

— ○ ● ○ —

A few minutes after arriving home and explaining the situation to everyone else who was there, a bit of chaos erupted. However, I was relieved that Vivi seemed to be getting along well with the other women in the household. It was as though she could sense our connection, and she had bonded with the other "Fated Ones." Currently, she was cradled in Suzaku's arms.

I reached out to Sirzechs through a magic circle and asked, "So, what do you think?"

Sirzechs took a moment to respond, saying, "It sounds like you're hesitant to bring her here because it might still be traumatizing for her. We'll head there in a few hours once I inform the rest, Jin-kun. But I doubt Zekram-sama will have too many complaints about this. I'd also like to meet your daughter, fufu~"

I mumbled, "Sirzechs," and he chuckled.

"Fufu, I know, I know. I'll go talk to them now and get back to you, but for now, just wait, okay?"

"Alright, thanks," I replied, and I dismissed the magic circle. I returned to the living room where everyone was still curious about Vivi. However, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her peacefully sleeping in Suzaku's embrace. It seemed like she would be just fine here.

As I quietly contemplated the situation before me, the thought crossed my mind that perhaps we could continue our original plan if Vel or Tiamat were okay with staying here.

Tiamat, who had always shown a deep trust in my judgment despite initial reservations about monitoring me, stepped up beside me. Her voice carried a sense of dedication as she spoke, "Aaron, I have faith in you and your decisions. I was among the few who initially opposed the idea of keeping a watchful eye on you. So, let me make my intentions clear now—I'm willing to stay at your home to look after Vivi. Does that sit well with you?"

I responded with a grateful nod, "I'm absolutely fine with that, and I appreciate your willingness."

With my assurance, Tiamat proceeded to join the group of individuals who were in proximity to Vivi.

Meanwhile, Velgrynd, Grayfia, and Natsume glanced back at me, and I reciprocated with a nod of agreement. Determined to complete my remaining tasks for the day efficiently, I wanted to ensure I'd be back home before Vivi awoke.

With this goal in mind, we departed for the other pantheons and factions. True to my promise, we managed to return home in less than an hour. That day brought forth many more events and developments, which kept us occupied.

Yet, I couldn't help but think about the looming event just a few days away—the intense showdown between Vali and Sun Wukong in their upcoming match.

— ○ ● ○ —

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