Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 15 – Part 2 – To The United Kingdom!

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Upon entering a relatively compact chamber, Ajuka executed a simple snap of his fingers, conjuring a set of cups brimming with fragrant tea for our small gathering. I took a seat on a designated couch, and to my side, Momo settled in, her demeanor carrying a hint of apprehension, despite her already impressive power.

After taking a sip from my tea, I inquired, "So, what's on your mind?"

Ajuka initiated the conversation, stating, "I've got two topics to discuss. Firstly, the situation concerning Mitsuya and Shizuka, and secondly, our impending rendezvous regarding the moon city."

I responded with a nod, signaling my readiness to listen. Although our meeting on the moon still lay ahead, I held a sense of anticipation about what Ajuka had to convey.

"Let's kick things off with Cross Times Kiss," Ajuka continued. "Frankly, I don't possess an extensive understanding of them. However, the documents and notes I've received... they originated from me in that particular timeline. It appears that my other self in that era anticipated the possibility of this organization attempting contact with a different timeline in the future, so he left behind some insightful notes. To put it simply, they are the last remaining defenders of their own universe's Evie Etoulde. The spirits from Etoulde and Team [DxD] are all deceased, along with an individual named Hyoudou Issei, who held the title of their Red Dragon Emperor."

To be honest, I was already aware of the information Ajuka was sharing with me. However, the tidbit about the Ajuka from the alternate timeline passing notes to the Ajuka in my presence was news to me. Despite my awareness, I chose to keep this particular detail to myself.

"They possess technology that serves a dual purpose. It can function as a conduit for other Sacred Gears, enabling different individuals to wield them. Alternatively, it grants them the ability to extract these Sacred Gears from their wielders without killing them during the process. The origin of this knowledge, whether it was obtained from Grigori or myself, is not clarified in the notes," Ajuka explained. "But it appears that Mitsuya is opting for the latter method. On that note, I've had interactions with both of them. They claim to be collaborating with you. Is that true?"

I nodded in affirmation. "Yes, that's correct. Shizuka Kirino reached out to me recently, and they did indeed provide valuable assistance during the previous attack. They played a pivotal role in taking down one of the [Malebranche] and aiding Antares in Mexico. However, I'll be honest, I had an earlier encounter with them. I may have employed a certain spell to exert a subtle 'influence' on them."

Ajuka didn't delve further into the matter, opting to shift the conversation. "Their organization isn't particularly large, but it has come to my attention that a few gods might have survived, although they're keeping a low profile. They've devised a way to remain concealed from the Evie. That being said, they're still facing overwhelming odds. What I'm wondering, Jin, is whether you might have a solution for this situation? Will you extend your help to them as well?" Ajuka posed the question, seeking my perspective on the matter.

"When I've completed dealing with the Phantasma and our own Evie," I began, my voice laced with purpose, "my plan is to go to their timeline and execute a speedy resolution in eliminating their Evie. Subsequently, I intend to restore everything and resurrect everyone in that specific timeline. It's crucial because Mitsuya and Shizuka don't naturally belong in our reality. Given my position as the ruler of the Omniverse, I have a responsibility to ensure that alternate individuals don't linger in a separate timeline, unless there are truly unique circumstances at play. I wish I could divulge more, but their presence here is also causing unforeseen alterations."

I shared this insight with Ajuka and Mealeanis, who both nodded, grasping the significance of the situation.

While I don't actively intervene in those places, certain locations within the world and the supernatural realm have been affected by Shizuka and Mitsuya's actions or even just their mere existence. Naturally, I possess the power to rectify these disturbances, and I have already done so. However, should more members of their team or organization arrive, it would, to be frank, become an increasingly annoying situation.

Hence, my desire to send them back to their native timeline. I aim to undo the harm that the Evie has done there as well. There's been an unnecessary loss of life, and it serves as a token of gratitude to them for their assistance. After all, both Shizuka and Mitsuya are accompanying us on our journey to the Phantasm and Evie.

I believe it would be a therapeutic experience for them, a chance to annihilate this particular version of the Evie. Subsequently, we will return to their own timeline to face them once more. The timing of this endeavor, whether it precedes my journey to the Central World or follows it, remains uncertain at this juncture.

"...I do have a few more questions, but for now, that will suffice. Thank you. Now, onto the moon city discussion," he stated with a determined gaze, addressing me seriously. "You mentioned that you'll be leaving some of your [Electa] here, correct? If so, I'd like to request their assistance in initiating the construction of the city, Jin. While you and [DxD] are occupied in both universes, we aim to commence construction and potentially complete it within the span of a year or two. The process might expedite with aid from your subordinates," Ajuka elaborated.

Mealeanis chimed in, "We haven't yet disclosed this plan to the other leaders, but Serafall, Sirzechs, and Falbium are already privy to it. We intend to convene for a discussion soon. What are your thoughts on this proposal?"

So, the initiation of the moon city's construction, huh? Well, my plan entails leaving Antares and Lianne here, alongside the G.o.B and the [Guardians], which should ensure relative safety. However, should any form of disruption arise, I can always halt the omniverse's time and intervene, but that's a contingency I'm prepared for.

With a raised eyebrow, I inquired further, "Do you have the blueprints for this city?" In response, Ajuka nodded, conjuring a magical circle before all of us. As it activated, a mesmerizing 3D holographic image emerged, showcasing the vision for the city.

"The city will be a singular entity, occupying the entirety of the moon's surface and underground. I believe that crafting multiple cities or towns would prove to be superfluous, so I prefer to consolidate it into one vast metropolis. What are your thoughts on this?" Ajuka inquired, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Naturally, when we venture to other planets, we can adapt the approach, but for the moon, I deemed simplicity to be the key."

I extended my hand, manipulating the 3D hologram with a series of thoughtful movements, all the while posing a couple of questions. After a brief exchange, my curiosity led me to inquire further, "What are your plans for the underground portion?"

Ajuka acknowledged my question with a nod and proceeded to provide some initial insights. However, he made it clear that a fully detailed plan was yet to be finalized due to the sudden nature of this meeting. I contemplated his explanation and concluded that time constraints aside, moving forward with this project was a wise decision.

Ajuka's tone grew somewhat uncertain as he broached another topic, his expression tinged with concern. "Also," he began, "what are your thoughts on the idea of unveiling our existence before the tournament's finals? I believe it would be beneficial for humans to witness the last two games of the world tournament—the finals and your exhibition match against the victor." His proposal held potential ramifications, and I contemplated the implications of this decision.

Momo's voice nearly rang out, surprising both Ajuka and Mealeanis, who gave her encouraging nods, urging her to continue. "Aaron has confided in us about his intentions, you see," she began hesitantly, "He's considering revealing that he was behind the incidents involving the missing people. But, um, is this really the right time for that? It might cause a lot of people to despise him, which could decrease viewership for the tournament on the human side if we reveal ourselves."

Ajuka acknowledged her concerns with a solemn nod. "I understand your reservations. However," he continued, "I've been contemplating this, Jin. Is it truly wise to go ahead with this revelation? While your existence might have triggered a series of events, it's essential to recognize that you aren't to blame for Lapis' actions. To be blunt, she was unhinged, and let's not forget the Nyarlathotep Outer God. They no longer exist, so there's no need to carry their burden."

Before I could respond, Ajuka motioned for me to pause, raising his hand. "I understand your desire to be honest with many people, but divulging the complete truth could have detrimental consequences for a lot of individuals. I propose a different approach. Share the details about Lapis and Nyarlathotep, painting them as the 'villains' in this tale, and move forward. It might lead to a smoother path for everyone involved, don't you think?" he suggested.

"It's not just about hating you, Jin," Mealeanis began with a thoughtful tone. "From what I've gathered, you're known for your honesty and sincerity. However, that very nature of yours, while commendable, should also guide you towards making wise decisions. Consider this, if you were to reveal that you were responsible for the 2 billion humans disappearing, wouldn't it bring harm to your close friends, family, and loved ones? Serafall mentioned your expanding family, didn't she? Adding little Vivi-chan to that equation, do you think it's wise to expose her to such hate and animosity?"

I hadn't really thought of it in that light. I'd perceived it as everyone directing their animosity solely at me, and no one else. Yet, I couldn't ignore the validity in Mealeanis' words. Revealing the truth would undoubtedly affect those closest to me, particularly if humans discovered my harem. The thought of malicious individuals targeting them, especially Vivi, sent a surge of anger through me.

With a measured and earnest smile, Mealeanis continued, "Your reaction speaks volumes, Jin. It's clear you don't desire such consequences. Please consider what we're saying. We're not imposing our will on you, but we hope you understand the implications."

Surveying my surroundings, I realized that my emotions had unconsciously manifested in the physical world. Some destruction had occurred, and my aura had been inadvertently released. My phone buzzed incessantly, a sure sign that the girls were bombarding me with messages due to the commotion.

I sighed and finally conceded, "I'll give it some thought, but it seems unlikely that I'll take that path. Thank you for your insight. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss? If not, I'm in favor of proceeding with the construction of the moon base."

Ajuka responded with a simple, "No, that's all for now, thank you."

I acknowledged his words with a nod, rising from my seat. Momo joined me, her hand finding mine as we exited the room. An oppressive silence lingered between us as I couldn't help but release a heavy sigh.

How had I not considered that option earlier? I berated myself for this oversight, feeling rather foolish. Nevertheless, the decision was made, and despite the guilt that would inevitably follow, it seemed like the right course of action. Nyarlathotep and Lapis would unwittingly serve as my scapegoats, safeguarding my family, friends, and loved ones.

"Let's head back, Momo," I suggested, breaking the silence. In response, she offered a wordless nod and clung to my hand even tighter as we made our way homeward. The path forward might be fraught with challenges, but the safety and well-being of those close to me remained my top priority.

— ○ ● ○ —

Several hours had elapsed since the pivotal meeting with Ajuka and Mealeanis. In the quiet confines of my office, I found myself pondering the events of that gathering, turning over their words in my mind. A few hours ago, everyone had been relentlessly inquisitive about the sudden flare of my aura during the meeting.

I tried to pacify their concerns by attributing it to a minor lapse in control, but it was evident that my reassurances did little to quell their apprehensions.

In the midst of this contemplation, my mother's voice rang out melodiously from the same room, where she played with Vivi on the couch. With everyone else busying themselves in preparation for the impending operation, the sight of Mom and Vivi's joyful interaction granted me a momentary sense of solace.

As I continued to mull over the proposition put forth by Mealeanis and Ajuka, I felt increasingly inclined to follow their suggestion, recognizing its potential for greater benefits. Moreover, the mere thought of my mother and Vivi's radiant smiles fading away filled me with a deep sense of indignation.

Noticing my gaze upon them, my mother approached with Vivi in her arms. As they reached my side, Vivi extended her tiny hand toward me, and Mom gently transferred her into my waiting embrace. The warmth of their presence reassured me, fortifying my determination to make choices that would secure their happiness and well-being.

A warm smile graced my mother's face, and she gently inquired, "Is there something on your mind, Aaron?"

I paused for a moment, reflecting on my feelings. Then, I responded, "No, not anymore, at least. After witnessing both of you together like that, I've made up my mind."

My mother's brow furrowed with confusion, and she tilted her head inquisitively. "Made up your mind?"

I rose from my seat and approached my mom, positioning Vivi between us. Her infectious giggles filled the room as she enjoyed the playful moment. Mom extended her arms to cradle Vivi, and I brought them closer to me, a profound sense of concern etched on my face.

In a gentle, yet resolute tone, I expressed my deepest fears and desires. "Mom, can you stay here? The Phantasma and Evie are dangerous places to go into, and... I don't wish to expose Vivi to such dangers. I'd like you and Cindy to remain here, along with a select few others," I explained, my voice carrying a note of earnestness.

Mom, clearly concerned and determined to assert her strength, started to voice her objections. However, I quickly intervened, needing her to understand my perspective. "I know you powerful, Mom, but I need someone I can wholeheartedly trust to watch over Vivi. My greatest wish is to return to both of you safe and sound. Can you please do this for us?" My plea was filled with love and an underlying sense of responsibility, and I hoped she would see the wisdom in my request.

My mother found herself dumbstruck, her wide eyes fixed upon me in sheer astonishment. As I gazed back at her, I couldn't help but acknowledge that some of my recent actions may have left her with conflicting emotions. Perhaps it was a bit manipulative on my part, but my intentions were rooted in a desire to shield her from the harrowing experiences that awaited her in that place.

The horrors she would undoubtedly witness were simply too much for her, and I couldn't bear the thought of her enduring them. Furthermore, there was the matter of Vivi, and the prospect of her being left alone when Tiamat, along with the others in my home, would be embarking on the same journey. Leaving Vivi in the care of a stranger felt like an unsettling prospect to me.

Drawing nearer to my mother, I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. Softly, I reiterated my plea, "Please?" It was clear from her response that my affectionate gesture had left her flushed and flustered, her cheeks painted a deep shade of red. Her emotions were vividly etched on her face, and it was evident that my request had affected her deeply.

"F-f-fine...! Jeez, don't tease me like that!" she stammered, attempting to reprimand me but not quite succeeding.

"Papa... mama..." Vivi murmured with a tinge of sadness in her voice. "Don't...fight..." Her eyes welled up with the hint of tears, and it seemed that she had misinterpreted our interactions, interpreting them as something close to fighting.

Unexpectedly, Vivi referred to me as "Papa" and my mom as "Mama." It took me somewhat by surprise, but I didn't really mind. In all but name, she was my daughter, and her words carried a special significance. The intricacies of the "mother" aspect were a separate matter altogether.

"We're not having a fight, sweetheart," my mom comforted Vivi, her cheeks flushing once more. "Daddy's just discussing some work-related stuff, and, well, we had a tiny disagreement, didn't we?" She turned to me, a warm smile gracing her lips.

I nodded, confirming, "Yeah, just a little disagreement."

Mulling over the situation any further would only lead to a headache, so I opted to let it rest for now. I joined my mom and Vivi on the couch, eager to engage in some playful interaction with my little one. Interestingly, Mom seemed to exhibit a touch more affection toward me after our brief exchange, adding an extra layer of warmth to the atmosphere.

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A couple of days had drifted by, and our journey led us to the United Kingdom. When I mention "we," it referred to my group's specific destination: London, where we had a rendezvous with certain individuals.

In the meantime, the remaining members of [DxD] and [EXE] embarked on their own distinct paths, scattering across various countries. Their mission: prepare, establish connections with the local supernatural entities, and confer with their leaders in readiness for what lay ahead.

Within my group, I had a formidable assembly of allies. The likes of the renowned Fated Ones, Aoife, Azathoth, the Slash Dog Team, and Cao Cao's team composed our ranks. They were a formidable force, well-suited to confront the challenges that awaited us in London. Yet, our strength didn't stop there. I could also depend on the might of Ddraig, Albion, Apophis, and Cúntóir, ensuring that we were well-prepared to face whatever trials lay before us.

"I wonder how much longer we'll have to hang around in this place," Irina mused, her voice laced with a hint of impatience.

Earlier, we had performed a teleportation spell, landing in a room cloaked in almost complete darkness. No light penetrated this chamber, and we were instructed to await further instructions, a task we had faithfully carried out for a relatively brief two minutes.

Aoife, ever practical, offered a suggestion. "Can't you use your powers to see in the dark?" she inquired of Irina, her curiosity evident.

An 'aha' moment seized Irina, and she promptly acted upon it. "Ah, you're absolutely right!" she exclaimed before delving into her angelic abilities. As her eyes adjusted to the dimness, her initial excitement faded into something quite the opposite.

"...Ew, I'm starting to regret it now," she confessed, her voice tinged with discomfort. "It feels like we're in some sort of basement or cellar. It's pretty damp and musty down here." Disgust was palpable in her tone as she observed our gloomy surroundings.

The serene moment was short-lived, interrupted by the creak of the door swinging open. In walked a man clad in a sleek, professional black suit, gripping a luminous ball.

He extended a cordial greeting, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I represent the Secret Intelligence Service. Please, follow me."

Without hesitation, we obeyed and trailed behind him, departing from our previous location. While on our way, Irina couldn't help but voice her curiosity, asking, "Where are we headed? Also, what was that place we were in? It was so damp, soggy and gross."

The man let out a hearty chuckle, followed by an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry," he began, "we were under a tight schedule, and in a bit of a rush when we selected that room, prompted by the sudden change in location as per Altaria's message. You see, we're M16 agents, and we're currently stationed in an underground mansion on the outskirts of London. It's one of our covert operation centers."

He continued to explain, "Originally, we were informed of a different meeting location. But when we received a message from the angel Altaria indicating the change, our priority was to ensure that your arrival remained discreet. Hence, we opted for the rather small and somewhat damp room."

Kanami chimed in with an observation, "So, it seems the human side is willing to cooperate. It's quite unexpected."

A sense of seriousness crossed the man's face as he responded, "Indeed. After the war that transpired last year, we recognized the need for better preparation, much like many governments worldwide. We requested supernatural leaders to keep us informed about any global conflicts or significant operations."

Aoife, with a keen eye, narrowed her gaze and posed a pointed question, "Hey, aren't you Magnum Rose? The one who wields the [New Longinus] [Unknown Dictator] and was formerly part of [Team Phoenix]?"

The man, now identified as Magnum Rose, nodded in confirmation. "Yes, you're absolutely right, Miss Transcendent Flash. That's me. I'm somewhat surprised that you recognized me."

Magnum Rose, an M16 agent, possesses the [New Longinus], the [Unknown Dictator] or [Imperial Child of Machine World]. This Longinus blurs the line between magic and technology, often described as Magitek due to its unique nature.

[Unknown Dictator], the core of this exceptional Sacred Gear, grants the wielder the extraordinary ability to manipulate iron. Among its many talents, it excels at controlling and crafting electronic devices and modern mechanical equipment. Its true potential remains shrouded in mystery, but it has demonstrated its ability to govern and influence mechanical systems on a town-wide scale.

In my opinion, what sets [Unknown Dictator] apart is its propensity to evolve alongside technology. In other words, it grows and adapts in harmony with human progress and societal advancements. In my view, this Longinus perfectly embodies the boundless potential of humanity.

Its versatility is nothing short of extraordinary. It can interface with mana reactors, harness the power of mana-accumulating and firing satellites, utilize nanomachines, enhance smart devices (nanoha), and even employ CAD (magic irregulars) to facilitate human magic.

It's akin to having the ability to create and control magi-tech seamlessly. Even the concept of Evil pieces can be seen as a form of magi-tech, illustrating the breadth and depth of [Unknown Dictator]'s capabilities.

With that thought in mind, I decided to share my perspective.

"It's worth noting that only a handful of countries around the world harbored supernatural groups integrated within their governments. However, post-war, this landscape began to shift. More and more nations started fostering such organizations, driven by the need to be adequately prepared for any scenario remotely resembling the events of the past. And that's exactly what our next operation resembles—a scenario akin to those times. Take the CIA, for instance; they already had their own dedicated branch before the war even unfolded."

Kanami couldn't contain her excitement as she exclaimed, "Wow! It feels like we're right in the middle of a Hollywood movie! Forming an alliance with the CIA and MI6, it's pretty exciting, isn't it?"

Magnum Rose let out a chuckle in response. "You know, it's actually the opposite. Your group's existence is more like something out of Hollywood or a fantasy story compared to us. If you ever decide to reveal yourselves to humans in the future, they'd be more fascinated by uncovering the mysteries of the supernatural world than by organizations like the CIA, MI6, or any other 'secret' government agency." He pointed out the intrigue and allure of their world, emphasizing its potential impact on humanity.

"Before you get the chance to ask," I interjected, "I want you to know that we do plan to reveal ourselves eventually. However, the exact timing of that reveal is something I won't disclose right now. Maybe after we've sorted out this whole mess, but for the time being, let's keep our focus on the task at hand. That being said, could you fill us in on how things are with the Pendragon family and other key figures here in England?" I inquired.

Magnum Rose's expression darkened, and he began to convey the disconcerting news, "The members of the Pendragon family have already come under the influence of Meredith Ordinton's Sacred Gear. They're being targeted by her and her formidable abilities. We've relocated them to a place beyond her reach."

Fusae's voice carried a note of sorrow as she murmured, "The grip of the [Alphecca Tyrant] wielder, Meredith Ordinton, has indeed reached the Pendragon household."

Magnum Rose added, "Indeed, but one of the [Electa] from the Middleman faction came to our aid and helped evacuate those who hadn't been ensnared. They're safe now."

Natsume raised an important concern, causing all of us to pause. "Wait a moment," she interjected, her words hanging in the air. "Do you have any proof that you haven't fallen under her control? Many of you are Sacred Gear possessors, right?"

It was a legitimate question, and all eyes turned to Magnum Rose. In response, he shifted his gaze toward me, causing me to let out a resigned sigh.

I shook my head and clarified, "No, he's unaffected. Only two members in their ranks were influenced, but they were swiftly freed from her control, thanks to Reuna who is with us. She and another group are awaiting our arrival, so let's continue."

Swiftly, we made our way outdoors and boarded vehicles that were waiting for us. These cars transported us to a distinct section of London.

— ○ ● ○ —

While traversing the bustling streets of London, the city's charm captivated those among us who had never set foot here before. It was a place of intrigue and allure, drawing their attention in various ways.

Amidst the unfolding sights and sounds, Aoife's touch suddenly found my hand, and she inquired, "I heard from Róisín that during your fifth year in secondary school, you visited London for a day for a specific play?"

I paused, recollecting the somewhat hazy memory of that particular trip. "Yeah, I do recall it, though not entirely clearly. I wasn't in the best frame of mind, but we did come here because our English teacher insisted on it. It turned out to be a memorable day for everyone else," I responded with a wry smile, reminiscing about the past.

I noticed a hint of regret in Aoife's expression for bringing up the topic. To ease her concern, I reassured her, "It's alright, it doesn't bother me now. In fact, maybe we can return here in the future and create our own enjoyable memories." Her smile in response conveyed an understanding of my sentiment.

However, before our moment could fully flourish, Irina's voice cut through the air, a sharp exclamation of surprise and excitement. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!? Are you telling me we're heading there!?" she exclaimed, her finger pointing animatedly outside the window, her enthusiasm infectious.

Her finger extended, pointing to a particular restaurant adorned with the name "Shidou" displayed prominently at its entrance. She glanced at me, then over to Magnum Rose, and back at me again, her excitement tangible.

"Did you know about this, Aaron!?" she inquired, her eyes widening with anticipation.

I responded playfully, "Well, maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It's a mystery, isn't it?" My response was met with a chuckle as I enjoyed her enthusiastic reaction.

The cars came to a halt, and one by one, we made our way into the building. As we stepped inside, I noticed Irina's curiosity evident in her gaze, her anticipation for the arrival of her parents palpable. It wasn't long before a pair of individuals emerged from a doorway.

Irina's mother, I had heard, managed a modest Japanese food restaurant in London. Though I wasn't privy to all the details, Touji had mentioned it before his departure for the United Kingdom.

The woman bore a striking resemblance to an older Irina, except she was elegantly adorned in a kimono. A warm smile graced her lips as she greeted us with enthusiasm. "Welcome! We've been eagerly awaiting your arrival," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as she extended her greeting.

"Mama! I'm back!" Irina's joyous exclamation filled the air, and with unbridled excitement, she rushed towards her parents, their reunion forming a touching moment of family connection.

"Welcome, [DxD], or at least a portion of it. Please, follow me to the rear," Touji warmly invited us, prompting our prompt relocation.

Irina's mother, Yumeko Shidou, had thoughtfully prepared tea and a selection of snacks for our impending discussion. However, the atmosphere took a sudden turn when Cao Cao, his curiosity piqued, inquired, "Who might be the other group joining us?"

A woman's voice replied, "It's us." Emerging from the very door through which Yumeko had entered earlier, the leader of the 8 Divas, Rixia, graced us with her presence, offering a nod of acknowledgment.

Georg, ever analytical and pragmatic, adjusted his glasses as he raised a pertinent question, "The 8 Divas from the Chinese Pantheon? Is your realm not in need of help, should it come under attack?"

Rixia clarified the situation, her tone resonating with a sense of obligation. "Our gods were insistent, and so we have heeded their call. They have undertaken the task of safeguarding our country and pantheon. Furthermore, we have brought along two additional individuals to provide support."

As Rixia's explanation finished, two more women stepped forward, one of them being Quan Xinyue, a familiar face from our previous encounter when we journeyed to the Tiles of Dog City's base. Or, as I had humorously dubbed her, the Shenhe look-alike. The other…was someone we hadn't seen before.

Her hair, a verdant cascade, was artfully fastened into a bun, its hue as refreshing as a spring meadow. Her eyes, a gentle shade of lavender, held a mysterious allure. Adorned in a traditional Chinese qipao, the fabric was a delicate shade of pale blue, reminiscent of a tranquil sky at dawn. Securely propped behind her, a gleaming spear, an embodiment of her strength and purpose. Her physique was a testament to dedication, a fit form standing at a height of approximately 5 feet and 8 inches.

"This is Liang Meiying, but you can simply call her Meiying," Rixia introduced. "Quan Xinyue and she mainly reside in the wilderness of our realm, dedicating themselves to training and conversing with the Spirit Beasts."

With a warm and friendly smile, Meiying extended her greetings, expressing her pleasure in meeting all of us. "Hello! I'm delighted to make your acquaintance. As Rixia mentioned, just Meiying will do; my full name can be a bit of a mouthful. I'm committed to doing my best in this operation!"

On the other side of Rixia, Xinyue maintained a composed silence, her gaze curiously fixed upon me. I couldn't help but recall our initial encounter; didn't she nibble my finger or something during that peculiar meeting?

Once the introductions had concluded, Rixia and her companions from the 8 Divas ensemble took their places at the table. However, a hint of vexation flitted across Lavinia's expression when Zhang Mei, also known as Shizuna Rem Misurugi, took a seat on my lap. Lavinia responded by gently nudging her aside, securing a spot on my other side, so they shared the same space. Despite this somewhat unconventional seating arrangement, we pressed on with our discussions.

— ○ ● ○ —

Following the conclusion of our discussions, Cao Cao and his team set out to explore the city of London. However, their true purpose was to meticulously survey the urban landscape, with a keen eye on anything out of the ordinary. Simultaneously, the Slash Dog Team embarked on a similar task, yet their responsibility encompassed not only the city's perimeter but also extended a bit beyond it.

This time, they were accompanied by Sae and Tobio, the team growing in numbers for this important mission. For safety's sake, we opted to leave Hana-chan back at home in the care of Mom and Cindy.

In the midst of our trip here, the only people left at our location were the 8 Divas, along with my immediate group consisting of the Fated Ones, Azathoth, Irina, and Aoife.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Rossweisse, Velgrynd, and Azathoth had taken to learning the culinary arts alongside Yumeko, gaining new insights into cooking and baking. As for the rest of us, we gathered within the restaurant area, which had been exclusively reserved for our group for the entirety of the day.

A lengthy pause in our conversation was broken by Yang Zhi, a member of the 8 Divas, who abruptly seized everyone's attention with her query. "You know, Jin," she began, her tone contemplative, "you have quite a few women in your circle. Do you ever hang out with guys?" Her question hung in the air, awaiting a response.

I acknowledged her inquiry with a nod, responding, "Yeah. I do spend time with male friends on occasion. I've been known to hang out with Genshirou, Gasper, Tobio, Sairaorg, Kouki and Dulio. However, these meet-ups are dependent on our busy schedules aligning. If that doesn't happen, well, not so much. Unless, of course, you're referring to the various meetings and discussions I participate in with the leaders of our alliance, in which case, yes, I do find myself in the company of men rather frequently." My words aimed to shed light on my interactions with both genders, balancing the scales, so to speak.

Seiso's voice held a thoughtful tone as she shared her perspective. Her eyes, currently hazel/gold in color, helped me identify her as Seiso rather than the legendary Xiang Yu, whose eyes were red. She brought up an interesting point and asked, "Have you ever thought about the need for balance? When a guy spends too much time with only women, it tends to raise questions about his sexuality among other men, doesn't it?"

I considered her question and responded, "I'm not sure. No one, not even my human friends who were aware of the supernatural, has ever asked me about that. I suppose, as Yang Zhi once pointed out, I've somehow managed to find a balance." Seiso nodded in contemplation, her expression reflecting her deep thoughts on the subject.

"Why did you want a harem?" Lin Chong and Quan Xinyue asked in perfect synchronization. Their eyes briefly met before returning to me, awaiting an explanation.

Before I could respond, Lavinia interjected, adding a touch of complexity to the matter. "It's a bit more complicated than that, but let's simplify it—he wanted a big family," she offered.

Zhang Mei couldn't help but be curious and posed her own question, "A really big one?" Lavinia nodded in response. "So, you'll have a lot of kids in the future, won't you?" she inquired, gently patting her own stomach. "Out of sheer curiosity, how many children do you imagine having with each of your future wives?"

The question left me momentarily speechless, as I contemplated the ever-changing nature of the distant future, which was influenced by my actions and those of others.

After some reflection, I finally replied, "Honestly, I don't know. Since I'm not the one giving birth, I'll leave that decision to them. But I suppose at the very least, one child with each of them, right?" Shizuna, formerly known as Zhang Mei, nodded solemnly, her hand still resting on her stomach, deep in thought about the idea of future family expansion.

She wasn't making any effort to conceal her interest in me, although, to be honest, I didn't pay much mind to it. I glanced over at Lavinia, silently conveying my gratitude through our telepathic connection. She returned the sentiment with a warm smile and a gentle peck on my cheek. For the rest of the day, we simply lounged around, delegating the reconnaissance mission to the capable hands of the Slash Dog Team, Cao Cao's crew, and my trusty Shadow Soldiers.

— ○ ● ○ —

Nightfall descended, and thanks to my assistance in expanding the Shidou's London residence, we were graciously offered a place to spend the night. Despite the warm invitation, Yumeko remained watchful, her eyes fixed on her husband, Touji. It was evident that he held no romantic interests outside of his devoted marriage to her, rendering her feelings of jealousy entirely unjustified.

However, we were not alone in the household. Tobio, Cao Cao, Georg, and Leonardo were still lodging with us. Perseus, Marsilio, Heracles, and Momono, on the other hand, had opted for a hotel I had reserved for them, seeking some well-deserved privacy.

Each of our companions had their own unique circumstances. Cao Cao's heart was set on someone else in the Phantasma, Georg appeared disinterested in romantic relationships at the moment, and Leonardo was too youthful to be occupied with such matters. As for Tobio, he was entirely dedicated to Sae, and his affection for her was unwavering.

Right now, it was beginning to dawn on me that I found myself in an unusual predicament.

In an attempt to unwind, I decided to take a bath, initially assuming I would have the space to myself. However, things didn't go as planned. One by one, the ladies of our group joined me, beginning with Lavinia, followed by Irina. To my bewilderment, the rest of the females in our group, with the exception of Yumeko and Sae, congregated in the expanded bathroom of the Shidou residence, creating an unexpected and somewhat cramped situation.

I couldn't help but voice my curiosity, "Um, why did all of you come here? Didn't you already take a bath?"

Lavinia replied in a straightforward manner, "I just felt like it," and promptly moved closer, perching herself on my lap and resting her head on my chest. The other Fated Ones echoed her sentiment, except for Velgrynd, who remained quiet.

Shi Jin chimed in with an explanation, "Well, Zhang Mei thought it would be funny, so she convinced us to do it."

Zhang Mei, on the other hand, stammered out her reasoning, "I...uh, I just wanted to see your...I mean, you six...I meant, I just wanted to play a little prank!" She seemed to falter in her speech, and I noticed a slight droplet of saliva at the corner of her mouth.

"I'd like to pick up where we left off in our conversation, Jin!" Yang Zhi's voice carried a note of enthusiasm. She couldn't hide her excitement. "So, have any of your women become pregnant yet?" she inquired, a sly grin directed at those closest to me.

In response to the question, Lavinia decisively announced, "Yes, I am," causing an abrupt hush to settle over the room. The shock was palpable, particularly among Rose, Suzaku, and Danu, who stared at Lavinia with wide-eyed astonishment.

"Eh?! I thought you wanted to wait until after college for that kind of thing!" Kanami blurted out, unable to conceal her surprise.

"No, I'm actually the one pregnant," Shigune added, her tone profoundly serious.

"Huh?! B-b-but you're still a virgin, Shigune!" Natsume exclaimed, her shock even more evident.

I found myself utterly perplexed. None of this made sense. I hadn't fathered any children. Why were they making these claims? I shot them confused looks, and in response, they only blushed, their expressions just making me even more confused.

"...Shigune still has the scent of a virgin, so she's lying," Velgrynd remarked matter-of-factly, causing Shigune to shrink back.

"Lavinia Reni isn't actually pregnant," Azathoth chimed in. "No one is."

I spoke up, feeling the need for a bit of relaxation. I had a sense that the upcoming days might bring some unexpected turns. "Could we, maybe, take things a bit easier here?" I asked, and after some reluctance, they agreed to the idea.

Thankfully, the rest of our time in the bathroom did become somewhat more laid-back. Well, sort of. An impromptu "tournament" took place, with a rather peculiar prize at stake—a place on my lap. But that's a tale for another occasion.

— ○ ● ○ —

Late into the night, the clock struck one in the morning, and the grip of sleep eluded me. It appeared that the members of the Slash Dog Team and Cao Cao's team shared the same nocturnal restlessness, as they embarked on another patrol.

With my own restlessness prevailing, I found myself atop the rooftop of the Shidou's restaurant, an ideal vantage point for surveying the surroundings. Those who were supposed to be sharing the night's rest with me were already deep in slumber, relieving me of any concerns for their safety.

My solitary vigil was abruptly disrupted when the door to the rooftop swung open, revealing the figure of Touji Shidou. He inquired, "You're still awake, Jin-kun?"

Acknowledging his presence, I explained, "We're conducting some additional surveillance. It appears that Hades and his associates are beginning to congregate in the underground of London. I'm letting them assemble for now to facilitate our future operations." It was a tactical decision to allow them to gather, as it would simplify the next steps. However, I also had a plan to confine them once they were assembled.

You see, once they arrived here, they'd find themselves trapped. I had taken measures to obstruct their use of teleportation and communication circles. If they attempted to teleport to this location, they wouldn't be able to teleport out or employ their magic to alert the others.

They would effectively remain confined underground until I decided to initiate our operation. This strategy applied not only to Hades but also to the other members of the Khaos Order. Once everyone was in place, the operation would commence.

He came over to stand beside me and spoke, "Is that so? Well then, I wish you the best of luck with your mission, and please do look out for Irina. I know I've said this before, but she's quite energetic and might be a tad bit troublesome, but she's a good kid."

I couldn't help but emit a soft chuckle, nodding in response. "My home just wouldn't be the same without Irina, and I could say the same for everyone else. So, no need to worry; I'll take good care of her."

Touji's face lit up with a grin, and he playfully nudged my shoulder. "Oh? Is that a proposal for my daughter I'm hearing? If that's the case, I'll respond with the classic line, 'I won't hand her over until you defeat me in a duel!' or something like that," he declared before breaking into laughter.

I'm grateful that Irina has loving parents because many people in this world aren't as fortunate. Some have strained or peculiar relationships with their parents, while others face far more tragic circumstances.

Some have lost their parents, some have been abandoned, and, sadly, some have endured abuse. It's a stark reality. Even when I reflect on Issei's situation back then, I realize he had a more fortunate start in life. His parents were wonderful and even tolerated his excessive perverseness, given that he was their miracle baby. It's something I can understand and appreciate.

Comparing my own life to Issei's, I can't help but feel he had a better foundation. Like I mentioned before, his parents were great.

In contrast, my mom is amazing, even with her imperfections, and Cindy was always there for me. However, the individual I considered my "dad" was a terrible person through and through, causing pain and hardship to me and everyone around him.

I shifted the conversation, revealing my plan to propose to Irina and the others once they graduate, and this declaration caught his attention, making him pause in his laughter.

His expression grew solemn as he responded, "So, that's your plan? I understand. Well, I should bring Yumeko with me when we attend Irina's graduation this time. You already have our blessings, so best of luck with your plans." His supportive words meant a lot, and I appreciated his understanding and encouragement.

We lingered on the rooftop a while longer, enjoying the peaceful solitude. Eventually, Touji decided to turn in for the night, leaving the me alone. A few minutes later, both teams reconvened with me, ready to share the results of their investigations.

"That's good work, everyone. Now, go get some rest, and we'll resume our efforts tomorrow," I suggested. Cao Cao's team and most of the Slash Dog Team promptly departed. The only one who remained behind was Meruem, piquing my curiosity. I inquired, "Is there something on your mind? Do you need something?"

Meruem hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Mittelt and I have chosen a place to live, and we'd like to discuss it with you after this operation is finished."

I acknowledged his request with a nod, asking, "Ah, you've finally made your decision? Could you tell me where you've chosen? We can go into the details once this operation is done."

Meruem shifted uncomfortably before answering, "Colombia. During our visit, we managed to establish a strong network of associates." His words left me momentarily surprised.

I gazed at him incredulously and asked, "You didn't...subdue the local gangs, did you? You didn't force them into becoming your unwilling subordinates, did you?" Meruem's silence in response prompted a deep sigh to escape my lips.

I offered Meruem a suggestion, "Let's discuss things further once this situation is resolved and then we can visit the place you and Mittelt picked out, alright? But for now, it's time to rest." He accepted my proposal, nodding before taking his leave.

As he departed, I turned my attention elsewhere and released a weary sigh. "Vivi, please don't turn into a handful like Meruem," I mused aloud, though a part of me admitted that such an outcome might actually be enjoyable. With a final glance toward the moon above, I decided it was time to call it a night and retired to my quarters.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day arrived, and we reached the place where the remaining Pendragon family and other related families had taken refuge to avoid becoming targets of Meredith. Among them, we discovered several legendary figures, including Mordred Pendragon, Morgan Le Fay, and even the Loch Ness Monster, which astounded me since it apparently had the ability to shapeshift.

The final addition to this notable gathering was none other than Gawain. A few others were notably absent, as they were engaged in discussions with the Gaelic Alliance and Serafall, who had journeyed there.

The intertwining mythologies of Ireland and England had always presented a complex relationship. Even in my past life, I found their stories to be a perplexing mix. Even now, many of the gods and deities seemed to fluidly shift between the two countries, further complicating the situation. It mirrored the intricate connection between Ireland and England, evident in the human world as well.

"Thank you for coming, Aaron-sama. You know, maintaining the magical concealment of this place to appear 'normal' can be quite a hassle," Reuna mentioned as she approached us. She removed her oversized witch's hat, a silent request for a friendly pat, which I readily granted.

"Thank you for your hard work, Reuna," I acknowledged with a grateful smile. "But now, shall we make our way over there? It seems Le Fay and Arthur have already arrived."

"Roger! Follow me," Reuna responded, donning her hat once more, and guided us to a room.

As we passed through, our sizable group drew curious glances from the various families in attendance. Reuna took a moment to explain that the legendary individuals we had glimpsed earlier would be joining our discussion.

Upon reaching our destination, the doors swung open, revealing an assembly that included the Pendragon siblings, an older man with an aura reminiscent of Arthur and Le Fay, the mysterious Morgan Le Fay herself, Gawain, Mordred, Magnum Rose and an intriguing guest, the Loch Ness monster, or perhaps, simply "Nessie."

I decided to get straight to the point, catching them off guard. "Let's not beat around the bush," I stated abruptly. "Who among us is going to join this operation, and who isn't? I'd like to sketch out a preliminary plan before we dive into this."

Nessie chimed in, [I won't be participating. I might be able to handle some adversaries, but the ones you're up against are beyond my capabilities. So, I'll sit this one out. However, I believe the others may join in.]

Morgan Le Fay began to explain, "She's right." She glanced at her descendants, Le Fay and Arthur, before continuing, "Reuna mentioned that the Wizards of Oz will be making an appearance here. If that's the case, I want to be part of this operation, even if we haven't formally formed an alliance."

Intrigued by her decision, I inquired, "Could you share your reasons for wanting to participate? And what's the significance of the Wizards of Oz in this context?"

Instead of giving me an immediate response, her gaze shifted towards Tobio and the members of the Slash Dog Team. "Young man, you've certainly grown since then, earning yourself the moniker of [Slash Dog]. How about you share the details?" she suggested, directing her inquiry to Tobio. I turned my attention to him, and he let out a sigh before beginning the tale.

"It happened about four, or maybe it's been closer to five years now," Tobio began. "We were in pursuit of one of the members of the Wizards of Oz, the Witch of the North, Locasta, who was sometimes referred to as Tattypoo. To keep it short, with the assistance of Lavinia, Grigori, and the supernatural community here, particularly Lady Morgan, we managed to confine her within a different realm. We engaged in a fierce battle, ultimately emerging victorious. However, it wasn't without its consequences. Locasta had her subordinates launch attacks on several small towns and villages in England, resulting in the loss of lives among those who worship Lady Morgan. It's likely that she still harbors a grudge because of that," he explained, painting a vivid picture of the events from the past.

A sinister smile curved across Morgan's lips as she turned her attention to me. She spoke with an air of determination, saying, "If they are indeed resurrected and are heading this way, I shall play a role in their downfall." Her gaze then shifted to Lavinia. "Glenda is no longer among us, which suits me fine, considering her strong connection to you, Ice Princess."

Lavinia remained silent, her expression tinged with a subtle frown. She knew that their impending arrival was inevitable, but her resolve was unwavering. She had every intention of standing alongside the Slash Dog Team to confront and put an end to this looming threat.

Curiosity prompted me to inquire further, "And what about you, Gawain and Mordred? Are you here of your own accord, or are you simply following Morgan's orders?"

Gawain offered a warm smile, nodding his head earnestly. "Indeed, it is by my King's will that we stand by Lady Morgan's side. Mordred is doing the same," he affirmed. Mordred, positioned just behind him, responded with a roll of her eyes, her gaze deliberately averted, suggesting a mix of agreement and perhaps a touch of defiance.

Magnus Rose, who had joined our gathering earlier, inquired, "So, Jin, who precisely is on their way here?"

I began by listing the formidable forces heading in our direction. "Hades and his army of Grim Reapers, Angra Mainyu, a group of Super Devils, and lastly, the remaining Wizards of Oz and their [Three Demonic Beasts]," I detailed.

"The remainder of their forces will be scattered across various counrties, incorporating more gods, some remaining Super Devils, the last two [Malebranche], and, well, the remaining allies of the Khaos Order. It's as if they're pooling everything that's left in their arsenal and forces for this impending attack. It's a high-stakes situation for them, a do-or-die scenario." My explanation offered a clear perspective on the gravity of the imminent clash.

Natsume posed a question that had been on her mind, "The [Three Demonic Beasts]... now that Sae has one as a Sacred Gear, we only need to deal with two of them, right?"

I nodded in agreement, affirming her observation. "Yes, that's pretty much the situation," I replied.

The [Three Demonic Beasts] of Oz included [Cowardly Leo], which was now in Sae's possession as a Sacred Gear, and the other two, known as [Dead Lumberjack] and [Rampage Scarecrow]. The Utsusemi Agency had successfully transformed [Cowardly Leo] into an Utsusemi, but it hadn't become a Sacred Gear.

However, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Khaos Order and the Wizards of Oz, they had undoubtedly managed to convert the latter two into Sacred Gears or potentially something else altogether. The precise nature of these transformations remained shrouded in mystery…well to them. I more or less knew what happened to them.

Natsume inquired with an intent gaze, her curiosity evident. "Are you... going to tell us?" she pressed, waiting for an answer.

I chuckled in response, acknowledging the need for information. "You're right, my bad. So, here's the deal—they've got two 'wielders,' for lack of a better term. These two entities function like Independent Avatar-type Sacred Gears and possess their own 'True Form,' not unlike the Balance Breaker forms seen in the case of the Four Fiends," I began to explain.

I continued, offering a word of caution, "While any of you can take them on, you need to exercise caution. You've encountered them before, but this time, they'll be more formidable, armed with a wider array of abilities. What's more, they'll have the support of their 'wielders' this time around." My words emphasized the heightened challenge that lay ahead.

Gawain raised his hand and inquired, "Could you share how we're going to be divided? Being the leader of this operation, it's reasonable for you to decide who goes where and who faces whom. Personally, I don't have a preference for my opponent."

Mordred, on the other hand, expressed a more direct desire, stating, "I just want to fight strong opponents." It was a clear and resolute statement, leaving little room for discussion.

Lady Morgan, with a determined air, chimed in, "As long as I get the chance to confront Locasta and contribute to the downfall of the Wizards of Oz, I don't mind who I'm paired with." Her focus was singular and unwavering, highlighting her commitment to the mission at hand.

The consensus among everyone was unanimous, though I was aware of Lavinia's inner desire to confront the Wizards of Oz, a way of finally putting that chapter of her life to rest. I also suspected that the Slash Dog Team might share a similar inclination, given their past experiences with the group.

With collective determination, I began to outline our plans. I detailed who would face whom and in what locations within London, a sprawling battlefield that extended slightly beyond the city limits. The remaining conflicts would be distributed across various countries, where others would take charge.

This marked the conclusion of our meeting, at least in terms of formalities. The remainder of our time together was dedicated to forging connections and getting to know one another better.

— ○ ● ○ —

Following our meeting, Mordred, Gawain, Magnum Rose, and Nessie took their leave, leaving behind only Morgan and Uther Pendragon, the father of the Pendragon siblings.

Uther stepped forward, expressing his gratitude to me. "I'd like to thank you for looking after my children, Middleman. Especially Le Fay," he said, his tone filled with appreciation.

Arthur, perhaps feeling a bit protective of his independence, chimed in, "We're not children anymore, father. We can look after ourselves."

Uther, however, wasn't swayed by Arthur's words. He maintained his stance with a gentle smile and replied, "Until you both reach the age of 18, and you remain younger than me, you'll always be my children." The bonds of family and the protective instincts of a parent remained strong, regardless of the passing of time.

I couldn't help but speculate that Arthur might be older than he appears, which likely spared him from certain concerns. However, when it came to Le Fay, the situation was different. She was close to reaching the legal age, and it was precisely this reason that I had refrained from pursuing anything with her. Nonetheless, it was becoming apparent that she had been influenced by her surroundings, including Ravel. These two had become rather assertive lately.

Morgan Le Fay's curiosity got the better of her, and she directed her inquiry at me. "So, Middleman, are you interested in my descendant? Why not the original?" Her question prompted me to instinctively take a step back, putting some distance between us.

With a sense of integrity, I replied, "I don't pursue married women." Simultaneously, Lavinia and Suzaku swiftly grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the older woman. This action seemed to amuse Morgan Le Fay, and she let out a light chuckle, her amusement evident in her expression.

With a wry and cunning smile, she remarked, "So, the young dragon has some restraints, does he? I'll be sure to remember that." Her expression held an air of mischief, and she even added a playful wink directed my way before turning to leave. "I'll share our decision with the others. Keep in mind that we might send reinforcements. Until then," she concluded before making her exit from the room.

Uther then turned his attention to me and inquired, "Your name is Jin, right?" He looked at me and, wearing an unusual smile, he voiced his thoughts, "I don't mind if my daughter pursues a relationship with you." He leaned in rather closely and added, "Just remember to wait until she's of legal age." His words were delivered with a touch of discomfort.

With a casual tone, I responded, "That was already my plan, but I appreciate the reminder." Uther was then gently pulled away by Le Fay, bringing our conversation to an end.

Le Fay couldn't help but rebuke her father, her voice carrying a hint of embarrassment as she stammered, "P-please, don't express it so bluntly, father."

Uther's gaze shifted toward his son, Arthur, seeking confirmation. "Is that the case?" he inquired.

With a matter-of-fact tone, Arthur responded, "Yes, it is."

Le Fay's patience wore thin, and her frustration was evident as she raised her voice, addressing both her brother and father. "Brother! Father!" she exclaimed.

Surprisingly, it seemed that the Pendragon family had its moments of humor and light-heartedness, especially when among themselves. I had anticipated a more uptight atmosphere, but this informal exchange was rather enjoyable.

— ○ ● ○ —

Zhang Mei opened the conversation with a playful tone. "You know, Jin," she began, "you seem to be collecting lovers from every species, race, and nation. Is that what you're aiming for?" A chuckle accompanied her words as we exited the meeting room.

I responded, explaining, "Not really. It's just pure coincidence, honestly. I don't actively pursue it; I simply let things unfold naturally."

My next destination led me to a survey of our surroundings, and a handful of individuals joined me in this endeavor. The likes of Reuna, Lavinia, Le Fay, Rose, Zhang Mei, and Fusae decided to accompany me, driven by their shared interest in the magic demonstrated by Reuna.

As for Zhang Mei, she was more of a tag-along, as Rixia's let her join our little expedition.

We stepped outside and found ourselves surrounded by a vast expanse of countless trees that encircled the yard. When viewed from above, it became apparent that this wooded area stretched on for miles, boasting dense and towering vegetation that naturally concealed the building.

At the same time, I detected Reuna's magical influence woven into the surroundings, manifesting in a series of barriers with distinct effects. One of these magical barriers simply redirected humans, causing them to involuntarily change course. Another invoked a "strange feeling" to deter intruders. Some were purely illusions, while others emanated an eerie and forbidding aura.

Among the more conspicuous enchantments was a concealment spell that triggered when someone approached the building, transforming the immediate vicinity into an open field. This made anyone who ventured near walk right past the building, utterly oblivious to its presence. It was fascinating to witness these magic defenses at work.

To bolster the security of the location, Reuna had also crafted a variety of defensive creatures, stationed both outside and within the building. They were a last line of protection, just in case an enemy managed to penetrate deeper into the territory. Yet, given my trust in Reuna's magic powers, it seemed unlikely that anyone would overcome the initial layers of spells and magic she had carefully devised.

The magicians in our small group gravitated toward Reuna, engaging in an in-depth conversation, leaving Zhang Mei and me alone. Without hesitation, Zhang Mei latched onto my arm, which didn't escape Lavinia's notice.

While Lavinia didn't voice her thoughts, her watchful gaze made it clear she was keeping a close eye on the mischievous girl beside me. She narrowed her eyes at Zhang Mei before redirecting her attention to the ongoing discussion with the rest of the group.

Zhang Mei leaned closer and whispered, "She seems to have a sixth sense that's exclusively tuned in to you, Aaron."

I chuckled softly, acknowledging our unique connection. "Well, we have a special bond," I replied. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask, what name would you prefer I use for you? Zhang Mei, or Shizuna Rem Misurugi?" I inquired, genuinely curious about her preference.

"Zhang Shizuna Mei Rem Misurugi!" she exclaimed, and then she attempted to kiss me, but I playfully halted her advance. "Why!?" she asked, clearly surprised by my response.

I couldn't help but tease her a little. "Weren't you the one who mentioned wanting a date first?" I questioned, a sly grin spreading across my face.

"Ugh, I really shot myself in the foot, didn't I?" she muttered in frustration. She briefly gazed down, but then her eyes flicked up, and with determination, she leaned in again to kiss me. Little did she know, I had something else in mind. Swiftly, I discreetly placed my right hand's index and middle fingers in her path, and she failed to notice.

"Hmm? Why did two thin and long things just enter my nose?" she inquired, her eyes shut as she leaned in for the kiss. When she reopened her eyes, she was met with the sight of my fingers in her nostrils. "This isn't the kind of penetration I had in mind!" she exclaimed.

For some reason, her reaction struck me as humorous, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. After a moment of mirth, I removed my fingers and leaned in to plant a gentle peck on her forehead. "Will that do for now? We'll have some time after we finish this operation before heading to the Phantasma, so I can plan a proper date," I assured her. First, it was Momo, and then it would be Shizuna.

Her face blushed a deep crimson, and an adoring smile played on her lips. "Hehehe~ oh, you! Deal! I...I want to have a date in the countryside of China, or even better, let's return to the Tiles of Dog City's base for our date! I loved the view there!" she exclaimed, her excitement bubbling over.

"Then I'd like one too," declared Lavinia, reappearing before us.

Her sudden request took us by surprise, but Lavinia wasted no time. She leaped toward me, and as Shizuna released her grip on me, I caught Lavinia, who hugged me tightly. Then, without hesitation, she reached over to Shizuna, practically forcing her into a hug as well. Shizuna, the white-haired woman who had seemed a bit suspicious moments ago, was taken aback but ultimately happily joined Lavinia in embracing me.

To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure about Lavinia's feelings. One moment, she appeared to be harboring doubts about Shizuna, and the next, she was partaking in this display of affection. It left me pondering the complexity of their relationships and wondering about the future, especially when it came to our children.

Nevertheless, the rest of our group also joined in, creating a pile of affectionate embraces. I found myself enveloped by their warmth and comfort. I couldn't deny that being surrounded by so many people, and yes, many of them had voluptuous bodies, had its perks.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

Laughter filled the air as Meredith Ordinton couldn't help but find amusement in their predicament. She turned to the people gathered around her, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Hahaha! Oh boy, it seems we're in quite the pickle, huh?" she quipped, her tone reflecting her lighthearted view of the situation.

However, the responses from those surrounding Meredith were diverse. Some were lost in deep contemplation, pondering the gravity of the challenge they faced. A few had already come to terms with their situation, resolute in their decision to put their lives on the line for what appeared to be their last mission. In contrast, some individuals were struggling with silent panic, their expressions betraying their inner turmoil.

Hades interjected with a solemn reminder, <<This is no laughing matter, Meredith Ordinton.>> The rebuke was stern but well-founded.

Meredith herself was a striking figure, her foreign appearance lending her an air of uniqueness. She boasted a cascade of auburn hair, the rich reddish-brown strands braided with the texture of rope, framing a beautiful face with captivating blue eyes. Observers often noted that she appeared to be a year or two younger than Aaron, further distinguishing her within the group.

"It is, though?" she pondered aloud. "I did try to give you all a heads-up, but my magic circles weren't working. You see, that's why you found yourselves stuck here. Some others attempted the same, and they discovered it didn't work for them either. It's becoming quite apparent that the Middleman is present and gearing up to capture us all."

Then, another realization dawned on her. "Wait, doesn't that mean the same thing could be happening in the other places we're planning to target? Oh dear, we might be in real trouble!" She let out an exclamation, followed by hearty laughter that only added to the frustration of those present.

Oz initiated the conversation, her words laden with a sense of resolve. "Nonetheless," she began, "we have no choice but to await the Middleman's commencement of this elaborate scheme. Once that's underway, we must be prepared to execute our own strategies. Rest assured, [DxD] will come at us with all their might."

Augusta, positioned at a considerable distance from the group, chimed in with a pragmatic response. She took flight on her broomstick, drawing nearer to the others. "Our task is clear: we must defeat them, that's the crux of it," she affirmed.

Addressing someone specific, Augusta continued, "Girl, you will accompany me and Verrine. Balberith, you will join the others. Do you understand?" She had a tone of authority, leaving no room for ambiguity.

In response, Meredith enthusiastically complied, "Roger that, old hag!" She delivered a sharp salute to the elderly woman, adding a playful touch that seemed to irk Augusta even more.

The two Super Devils, Verrine and Balberith, shared a moment of silent agreement, each engrossed in their own thoughts. Zeno, assigned to accompany Balberith wherever he ventured, was also present.

On the other hand, Verrine had the freedom to move about as she pleased. However, on this occasion, she was tasked with accompanying the wielder of [Alphecca Tyrant] and Augusta, the Witch of the East.

Meredith, displaying her characteristic curiosity, couldn't help but inquire, "But what about those two? You know, the simple lumberjack and the seemingly clueless scarecrow?"

Augusta, taking on the role of the wise guide, responded reassuringly, "They will manage just fine. They have their own followers and a specific mission. Your main focus should be on assisting me, girl."

Meredith, in response to Augusta's guidance, wiggled her body and playfully said, "Y-yes, mommy~," a gesture that seemed to somewhat disturb Augusta.

She turned her attention to Oz and Hades, silently seeking their opinions on working with Meredith. Their nonchalant response was to avoid eye contact and look away, reflecting a combination of resignation and mild discomfort.

"Although the others haven't arrived yet, we should keep getting ready. Girl, accompany me; I'll instruct you in advanced magic. It's vital that you grasp these skills, or you'll end up being a hindrance," Augusta declared, her broom carrying her aloft as she floated away.

With a mixture of respect and cheekiness, Meredith responded, "Understood, old hag!" She then eagerly trailed after Augusta, determined to absorb the wisdom the experienced witch had to offer.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Several days had elapsed since the initial preparations, and everyone was fully prepared for the upcoming task at hand. I had taken it upon myself to caution a few individuals about the involvement of certain gods, who, it appeared, were primarily motivated by their personal interests.

The situation was particularly troublesome in Ireland, where a persistent individual had been harassing Queen Orla (also known as Queen Pumpkin), making the impending operation even more annoying.

In response to these developments, Aoife had made her way to Ireland, as it wasn't too distant from our current location. She would be joined by Danu and a few other allies within the Gaelic Alliance, reinforcing our efforts in that region.

Currently, I found myself perched atop the iconic Big Ben, observing the final members of Hades' group as they teleported in. I had communicated that all preparations were, for the most part, complete, signifying that today marked the commencement of our operation.

Reuna dangled from my neck, her presence a comforting one. She voiced her concern, asking, " Are you sure you want me to primarily focus on that mansion? I can always help, Aaron-sama."

With a reassuring smile, I assured her, "It's perfectly fine." Gently, I removed her from my neck and enveloped her in a warm embrace, our gaze cast over the expanse of London. "I'd feel much more at ease knowing you're protecting that place. If anyone tries to attack, I trust you to handle them for me, alright?"

Reuna reciprocated the embrace with enthusiasm and nodded vigorously. "Mmm! I won't let anyone get through the defenses. In fact, I'll ensure no one even breaches the first line of defense!"

Observing the final members of Hades' group arriving through teleportation, I noticed a heightened sense of urgency among them. I continued to stroke Reuna's head gently, a smile playing on my lips. "That's really reassuring to hear. I'll begin shortly. Could you return for now?"

She gazed up at me, her expression indicating a desire for a bit more of my attention. In response, I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Leaning in, I planted a gentle peck on her lips, causing her to break into a radiant smile before she teleported away.

I reached up and touched the transceiver on my ear, transmitting a message to my teammates, [Tobio, Kanami, Rixia, and Cao Cao, could you all come to my location?]

Without the need for spoken words, they promptly materialized behind me. Kanami, ever the playful spirit jumped towards me and couldn't resist offering her witty commentary, "You decided to look over the city from the here, Aaron? That's quite extra of you."

I grinned at her and, in response, leaned in to kiss her lips. "Well, you know me," I replied playfully. "Anyway, I'm about to start, so could you get your teams in position? I'll inform the rest of [DxD]."

"Roger," they replied in unison and swiftly moved out, leaving only Tobio and Kanami behind.

Tobio, with a somewhat somber look on his face, addressed me, "Jin, we're going to the Phantasma soon, right?"

I noticed the concern in his eyes and pressed further, "Yes, we are. What's on your mind? Is it that you're hesitant about going? Are you worried about Sae, Hana, and your unborn child?"

Tobio remained silent, his expression speaking volumes. I turned to face him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"We still have a few weeks before we depart. Take your time, Tobio. I won't have any objections if you decide not to go. In fact, having you here with the rest of my team would be a comfort, knowing there's another person I can rely on. So, whether you choose to go or not, it's entirely your decision. Just inform me a few days before we leave, okay?" I assured him.

A grateful smile emerged on Tobio's lips, and he silently nodded before departing. I then turned my attention to Kanami. "And what about you?" I inquired.

"What about your mother and Vivi? Aren't you concerned for their well-being?" she inquired, gently extricating herself from our embrace and rising to her feet.

I explained, "I've already discussed it with them. My mom and Vivi have chosen to stay here, along with Cindy. I'd rather spare them from the horrors we'll face in the Phantasma. I know they possess great strength now, but I don't want to risk losing them again. So, I've insisted that they remain here. The same goes for Vivi; she's still quite young, and she's been through some traumatic experiences already. I want to provide her with the childhood she rightfully deserves at this moment."

Kanami chose to remain silent, and a rosy blush colored her cheeks. She offered a playful wink and a salute before vanishing in a teleportation magic circle. Sometimes, I couldn't help but marvel at the eccentric workings of her mind.

I muttered to myself, determined to initiate the operation. With a simple raise of my hand, I began to manipulate the perceptions of every living being in the world. Then, I conjured an enormous magic circle, vast enough to cover an area twice the size of Earth.

In a matter of seconds, the spell activated, releasing a blinding burst of light that engulfed the entire planet. Once the radiance subsided, I found that I had successfully transported [DxD], [EXE], and anyone involved in our operation to a replicated Earth.

Even the remaining members of the Khaos Order were brought into this realm. It was important to note that the previous rules remained in effect, preventing them from teleporting out of this realm, and reducing the effectiveness of their healing abilities and items by half.

Eager to commence our mission, I broadcast a message to all participants, declaring, [Let's get this started!] In response, I received a resounding chorus of "Yeah!" through the transceivers, signifying that everyone was prepared for the task ahead.

With the aim of simplifying the situation, I devised a strategy. Placing my right hand atop my left arm's wrist, I conjured a small, vibrant purple sphere and swiftly launched it toward a specific area. The moment it struck its target, a tremendous explosion of purple energy reverberated throughout England, resulting in the demise of countless enemies below.

Kanami, somewhat startled by the display, inquired, [W-what the hell was that!?]

I responded calmly, [No need to worry. I've just taken care of some of the minor enemies, lightening the burden for all of you.] With that, I executed a nimble leap, distancing myself from Big Ben.

"Ddraig, Albion, Apophis, it's time for you to deal with those three," I conveyed to the trio of dragons accompanying me. In response to my directive, the three of them promptly departed, heading off to engage their respective opponents in battle.

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Third Person Point of View

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In the realm of Thine Ifreann Réimse and its sub-realm, Spéir Oráiste, chaos reigned. Aed, the God of the Dead, had launched an audacious assault on these two domains with the sinister aim of kidnapping the current Pumpkin Queen, Orla.

In response to this dire situation, Aoife, along with a select group of Irish deities and Sona's peerage, had ventured into this tumultuous realm to put an end to Aed's nefarious plans.

Genshirou, as he battled undead soldiers created by Aed, couldn't help but comment, "I never thought we'd find ourselves back here, huh?"

Reya, while skillfully dispelling a group of undead, chimed in thoughtfully, "Perhaps fate has woven its threads to bring us back here."

Ruruko, engaged in combat with the undead as well, retorted, "You're only saying that because Aaron-senpai comes from Ireland."

Genshirou, scanning their surroundings and noticing the absence of the Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra, inquired, "Where are the President and Vice President? They're not here."

Tsubasa, explaining the situation, responded, "Didn't you hear earlier? They've gone ahead to Spéir Oráiste to confront Aed, the God of the Dead, and safeguard Orla, the Pumpkin Queen."

Genshirou, slightly panicked by this revelation, asked, "Wait, should we go there too?"

Reya, playfully chiding him, assured, "It's alright. Momo and Rugal-san are accompanying them. You should have paid more attention earlier, Genshirou-kun."

Mumbling and blushing, Genshirou admitted, "I was..."

Asbeel, a fallen angel who joined them, playfully interjected, "We had a three-hour-long threesome last night, and it kept him awake, right, Ruruko?" Unfortunately for Genshirou and Ruruko, the comments caused their faces to turn bright red. The rest of the peerage, embroiled in their own struggles, chose not to comment on this matter, though their flushed cheeks indicated that they were not oblivious to the situation.

Bennia couldn't help but shout in disbelief, <<We really didn't need to hear that, Asbeel-san!>>

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a thunderous explosion that sent shockwaves through the vicinity. Startled, they turned their gaze in a specific direction and were met with a daunting sight: an army of colossal undead creatures, each towering around 500 meters in height, causing the ground to quiver beneath their colossal footsteps.

Tomoe, equally alarmed, exclaimed, "They're on the other side as well!" They shifted their attention to the opposite direction, where they discovered yet another gathering of these immense creatures.

With urgency in the air, Genshirou took charge, putting aside his earlier embarrassment. "We should split up and handle each group separately," he ordered.

Roselia, part of the Millstein family, chimed in, "We'll remain here and offer support. Our task is to safeguard the townsfolk and aid the Sitri peerage in fending off Aed's attack."

"Thank you!" Genshirou acknowledged her before taking flight, heading toward one group of the massive undead creatures. Ruruko, Asbeel, and Reya joined him in this mission. Meanwhile, Bennia, Tsubasa, and Tomoe ventured in the opposite direction, ready to face the giant threat head-on.

"Coming in hot!" Genshirou's voice rang out, an enthusiastic call to action. "Come and join us, Vritra!"

In a matter of moments, the colossal Dragon King Vritra materialized by Genshirou's side. Vritra, with an air of readiness, communicated, [This may be a bit over-the-top, Genshirou, but I am willing to assist you.]

Genshirou, ever the pragmatic warrior, responded with a determined tone, "Heh, I understand, but let's make this a quick one. I regret not being able to summon you during our previous operation." He then proceeded to activate his Perfected Balance Breaker. "Ruruko-chan, Asbeel, both of you, I'm counting on your support too!"

Eager to contribute, Asbeel chimed in with unbridled enthusiasm, "Absolutely, Genshirou-sama!"

Ruruko, echoing the sentiment, shouted back, "You can count on us, Gen-chan!" Their readiness to assist painted a picture of unity and determination among the group.

Genshirou surged forward with determination, his target one of the colossal creatures. His arm was shrouded in eerie black cursed flames as he delivered a powerful uppercut straight to its chin.

The moment of impact marked the creature's doom, as its entire body became a blazing inferno. It writhed in agony and let out a deafening scream before ultimately succumbing to the flames, collapsing lifeless to the ground.

With a quick pivot, Genshirou wasted no time and unleashed another torrent of cursed flames upon two more of these towering beings. One of them displayed remarkable agility and managed to evade his fiery attack. However, the other was not as fortunate. Its movements were too sluggish, and it, too, met its demise in the searing embrace of the cursed flames.

Simultaneously, Vritra moved gracefully through the area, his sinuous form weaving a complex dance. Purple lines extended from him, attaching themselves to the undead creatures and gradually siphoning away their powers. Once weakened, he employed his own breath attack or swiftly cleaved them in two with his powerful tail.

Perched atop Vritra's head, Asbeel let out an exuberant cry, "Forward, our mighty Evil Dragon-sama!" She conjured a multitude of light balls, numbering in the hundreds, and hurled them toward their enemies. Although her magical prowess was substantial, it fell just shy of being able to dispatch her foes in a single strike, in contrast to the other three's impressive feats.

As their group continued their relentless assault, a handful of undead creatures merged together, forming a colossal and mightier abomination that loomed ominously over them.

"W-what is that!?" Asbeel exclaimed in astonishment. She pointed at the towering creature, which stood at a colossal height of around 1000 meters, twice the size of its counterparts. She hurled several luminous orbs of light in its direction, but to her dismay, the creature's decaying flesh seemed to absorb her attacks without flinching.

"Leave it to me!" Genshirou bellowed, displaying unwavering determination. He conjured numerous purple lines, intending to fasten them onto the creature. However, to his surprise, the moment they made contact, the lines melted away. Undeterred, he hatched a new plan and unleashed his cursed black flames upon the colossal foe.

Vritra, observant and ever ready, joined forces with Genshirou. Their combined flames merged, forming a devastating attack that engulfed the colossal undead creature. Yet, to their shock, it continued to move, defying their expectations.

"Wha—!? It's still moving!?" Genshirou cried out in disbelief. The undead behemoth pressed forward, attempting to swipe at them. In response, they swiftly took to the skies to evade its reach. Genshirou urgently warned, "Don't let it touch you! If our flames come into contact with us, it'll cause significant harm!"

Vritra, ever watchful, relayed his strategic insight, [I don't detect any signs of regenerative abilities in that creature. We'd be better off focusing on long-ranged attacks rather than engaging in close-quarters combat. However, it's crucial to handle the remaining ones before they have the chance to merge into more of these monstrosities.]

Ruruko, in the midst of dispatching another group of undead creatures, expressed her amazement, "It's pretty surprising how it can simply absorb some of our attacks like that."

Vritra, the wise serpent, provided an informative response, [It's important to remember that these abominations were crafted by a deity. Regardless of how much stronger you become, you must acknowledge that they were constructed using divine power. Your abilities lack any trace of divinity; in fact, they bear demonic characteristics, which stand in stark contrast to divine powers. What sets you apart from most gods is your raw power. However, their divine abilities follow their own set of rules and effects that may render your attacks ineffective.]

"We have to press on regardless. The rest of our team might be in trouble, and we can't forget about helping the President. That Aed guy might use the same tactics against them," Genshirou exclaimed, his words punctuated by another torrent of black cursed flames directed at the undead creature.

He furrowed his brow in concern and questioned Vritra, "Are our flames even affecting it?"

Vritra provided a disheartening revelation, [For some inexplicable reason, once they merged, they don't experience 'pain' anymore. So while our flames are causing some damage, it's not sufficient.]

"But you mentioned they can't regenerate!" Genshirou protested, feeling frustrated of the situation.

Vritra clarified, [Their decomposing flesh isn't regenerating; rather, it's absorbing the attacks and slowly bolstering itself. It's a gradual process, and it will eventually disintegrate, but you wouldn't want to wait for that, would you?]

"Absolutely not! So, what's our course of action? We can't utilize the anti-healing or anti-regeneration abilities that Aaron-senpai provided us," Genshirou lamented, his frustration apparent in his voice. However, his determination remained unwavering as he and the others continued to eliminate the remaining undead, preventing them from merging further.

A wicked grin stretched across Vritra's reptilian features. [Then all we need to do is... burn everything in sight. We were transported to a replica of the planet, and this includes the other realms within the planet, right? So we don't need to worry about any damages we cause.]

Genshirou's shock was palpable as he interjected, "Wait, you don't mean—!?"

[Yes! We're going to incinerate this realm with our flames! Inform the rest, Ruruko, I entrust that task to you!] Vritra's voice brimmed with enthusiasm and determination.

"Eh!? Uh, okay?! I'll go tell the others!" Ruruko exclaimed before dashing away to convey the plan to their comrades.

Genshirou, now flying towards Vritra, couldn't help but express his concern. "Will this plan really work?"

Vritra responded with confidence, [It can't regenerate from nothing. If we reduce it to ashes, we'll emerge victorious. Besides, as I mentioned, this is a replica of our world, encompassing our realm and planet. Our actions here won't bear any consequences for our actual planet. In essence, Jin has given us the green light to wield our full power from the very outset. I believe your [King] and [Queen] are well aware of this.] Vritra's explanation shed light on the sound strategy they intended to use.

[We're ready! We've evacuated everyone to the town, and Roselia and everyone else have erected a barrier! Do it, Gen-chan!] Ruruko's voice echoed through the transceivers, conveying urgency.

Genshirou swiftly responded, "Asbeel, join us!" The fallen angel wasted no time and made her way toward him.

Together, Vritra and Genshirou ascended to a height beyond the reach of the menacing undead creature, granting them a comprehensive view of their surroundings. Vritra offered guidance through their mental link, advising Genshirou, [Gather the cursed flames in your stomach and utilize the gem at the center of your armor to amplify its power even further. Don't hold back, Genshirou. Thanks to Jin, this realm will remain intact.]

With a resolute expression, Genshirou relayed his intentions to Asbeel, "Asbeel, go higher to ensure your safety."

She responded, her tone laced with concern, "Of course, Genshirou-sama. Please be careful!" Asbeel then ascended to a safer distance.

Both Genshirou and Vritra started on the task of accumulating flames in their stomachs, meticulously building up their power. They remained committed to the process for several seconds, perhaps even a full minute, determined to ensure the total obliteration of the undead creature lurking beneath them. After this meticulous preparation, they exchanged a nod, an unspoken signal of readiness.

"Go!" Asbeel's voice from above spurred them into action. With synchronized precision, they unleashed a colossal torrent of cursed black flames, shrouding the entire realm. The immense wave of fire surged toward the giant undead creature, eradicating it with ruthless efficiency.

A tremendous circular explosion engulfed the entire realm, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake. Fortunately, the realm itself remained intact, thanks to the fortifications put in place. In the midst of the town, those protected by the barrier, strengthened by Aaron's vigilant oversight, remained unscathed, bearing witness to the awe-inspiring power that had just been harnessed.

As the dust and debris gradually settled, Vritra and Genshirou were presented with the aftermath of their cataclysmic attack. The undead monstrosity had been reduced to charred nothingness. Not only that, but the forest surrounding them also lay in ruins, consumed by the cursed black flames. The devastation extended beyond the woods, reaching the town and even Queen Halloween's castle, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Genshirou, faced with the magnitude of their actions, couldn't help but question, "Did we go too far?"

[Not far enough,] came a response from the Dragon King.

Genshirou quipped back, his tone carrying a hint of amusement, "You're starting to sound like Ddraig now." He cast an inquisitive look in his partner's direction. Vritra, in turn, responded with a snort before retreating into his Sacred Gear.

Genshirou decided it was time to revert from his Balance Breaker and rejoin the others in the town. Upon his return, he couldn't help but ask, "I have to wonder, why did some of you stay?" His question was aimed at a group of townspeople who had remained.

One of the witches stepped forward and admitted, "Well, we are witches, so we do possess some magical power. But...we never imagined we'd be so utterly powerless in the face of such a threat. Although we did manage to hold our own against the weaker undead." She was joined by silent nods from her fellow witches, who appeared somewhat disheartened by their perceived inadequacy.

"Genshirou-kun, we'll stay here in case more of those things appear, go and join Sona-sama and Tsubaki-senpai," said Reya. Tomoe and Tsubasa agreed with her and so he, Ruruko and Asbeel thanked them and made their way to Spéir Oráiste.

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"Wha—!?" Their arrival via the official magic circle revealed an even more devastating scene. The town lay in ruins, overrun by hordes of undead creatures, leaving destruction in their wake.

Abruptly, a familiar figure descended before them. He turned to face them and questioned, "Genshirou and his harem, what brings you here?"

"Rugal-san! Where are the President, Vice President, and Momo?" Genshirou inquired, concern etched on his face.

Rugal provided some reassurance, "They're safe. They're confronting a god on another island. Momo, a few Shadow Soldiers, and I were left to handle the undead. Thankfully, the townspeople here weren't teleported; otherwise, the casualties would have been significant."

Before Genshirou could respond, a massive explosion reverberated through this sub-realm, prompting them to turn toward the source of the disturbance.

Genshirou couldn't hide his surprise as he muttered, "What in the world... a colossal [Leviathan], one of the President's creatures."

"I'm heading over there! Can you two assist Rugal-san?" Genshirou swiftly made his decision, concern for the ongoing chaos evident in his voice.

"Count on us!" Asbeel and Ruruko declared in unison.

"Then let's get to work. These things keep returning, no matter what we do," Rugal stated with determination.

"Utilize fire magic to reduce them to ash!" Asbeel commanded, causing Loup Garou to raise his bow. She then shared the tactics employed by Genshirou and Vritra, earning a nod of appreciation from Rugal.

"I see. Then let's follow that plan." Their coordinated efforts aimed to put an end to the relentless undead menace.

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As Genshirou landed on the island where he sensed the presence of his [King] and [Queen], he was greeted by a truly astonishing sight.

'The god... is on his knees! They must be going all out,' he thought, his amazement evident. He touched down quietly behind them, joining their scene.

Sona noticed his arrival and inquired, "Hmm? Oh, Saji. Have you finished your business in Queen Halloween's realm?"

With a nod, Saji responded, "Yes, we're done there. We came here to offer our assistance."

Sona, appreciative but confident, shook her head and said, "Thank you, but we're managing just fine. In fact, we're close to wrapping this up." She then turned her attention back to the God of the Dead, Aed, who was visibly consumed by fury.

"Damn you, Sitri devil...!" Aed muttered through clenched teeth, slowly conjuring dark purple and dark blue divine aura balls behind him. His anger was palpable as he readied himself for another ensuing battle.

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