Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 17 – Part 2 – The Tree of Power and Golden Arrogance

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"So, Radelia, where was your mission?" I inquired, my gaze fixed on her.

She cleared her throat awkwardly, her fist muffling the cough. "I was scouting out one of Elanor's planets. Despite being only rank 16, she commands great respect, not only from Phumera and Yve but from everyone else too. Elanor oversees multiple planets simultaneously, but not all receive equal attention. Some are neglected, while others are consistently monitored. The one I scouted was among the constantly monitored ones. We met to exchange information and catch up," she explained.

"Is that the norm for everyone, including you?" I probed further.

"It varies based on the Eradicator—their strength, intelligence, and other factors come into play. Personally, I oversee just two planets since I... well, I'm not that smart," she admitted, a hint of self-consciousness in her tone. "There's my home planet, and another one primarily used for storage of various resources we require," she added, a subtle unease accompanying her response.

Concern etched across her face, a reflection of the worry she harbored for her planet, even amidst a less-than-ideal relationship with her own kind. This realization triggered a thought in me.

"With the information I've just received and after I killed Aerendyl Liaris, who assumed the oversight of his planets? Did Sekudia step in?" I inquired, directing my gaze between Sekudia and Radelia. "Or did someone else take on that responsibility? Considering your shared elven heritage and the proximity of your planets, I half-expected you to be involved."

"I do oversee my own set of planets, but to answer your questions," Sekudia responded, shedding light on the post-Aerendyl scenario. "The planets Aerendyl was supervising have been entrusted to other Eradicators or even Ueboros. Regarding Aerendyl's home planet, it is now independently managed by another powerful 'elf.' However, they seem to be teetering on the brink of civil unrest, standing on the precipice of a potential internal conflict," Sekudia explained.

Observing the mention of a civil war, I couldn't help but ponder the rapid descent of his planet into such turmoil. Questions arose in my mind about the nature of the new ruler and how the populace perceived this shift. My gaze shifted from the leaders to Radelia, whose uneasiness did not escape my notice.

Despite the evident issues between their races, Radelia's concern for Aerendyl's race spoke volumes about her character. It intrigued me—why would she choose to align herself with the Eradicators? Was it a means of safeguarding herself and her planet? Her strength certainly suggested she was more than capable.

Latia's voice broke through my contemplation, bringing me back to the present. "You're staring too hard at her, Aaron," she remarked, prompting me to refocus.

I noticed Radelia's discomfort with the prolonged attention, prompting me to apologize and clarify that my intense gaze was merely a result of being lost in my thoughts.

"So, what news did you have for us, Radelia?" Savina inquired, her gaze fixed on Radelia.

Radelia awkwardly cleared her throat, coughing into her fist before nodding in response. "Elanor informed me that she and Yve will be absent for a while. They're collaborating with researchers and scientists recruited from across the multiverse to expedite the awakening process of Magnum Tenebrosum."

The revelation hung in the air, casting a heavy silence over the entire room. A palpable shock registered on the faces of everyone present, and it didn't escape notice that I was the sole exception to this shared astonishment.

"Are you not concerned about this, Aaron?" Savina inquired, her expression reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern.

"No, not really. I've got a plan in place for him. The location he's in is already secured under a barrier I've set up. My intention is to let him awaken, engage in a conversation, and if his responses don't satisfy me, well, then I'll take care of him too. The other Outer Gods are within the same barrier. Only after Magnum Tenebrosum is dealt with, the additional barriers will activate, sealing them off permanently. Even if they wake up, they won't be able to escape without my consent," I shared with a confident smile, reassuring Savina and the others about my strategic approach.

"So, we can exclude the Outer God from our considerations?" inquired Lysanvar, his hand rubbing his chin in contemplation.

"Yeah, no need to factor them in—consider them nonfactors and tweak your plans accordingly. Trust me on this," I assured them, and though met with some reluctance, they eventually agreed. "On another note, I'm looking to recruit some Eradicators to join our cause. Specifically, I'm targeting Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, and 15, if possible. I'd like to get this underway as soon as possible and liberate the corresponding planets in the process."

"Rank 4 and 13 aren't guarantees, but the others are more likely to consider the proposition. Well, convincing Rank 1 might require some effort, but I've witnessed moments of compassion from him, similar to 2, 3, and 15," shared Radelia, shedding light on the potential challenges and opportunities in recruiting Eradicators to our cause.

"But you need to understand that most of them have been living this way for an extended period. Asking them to abandon this lifestyle for a future of peace that isn't guaranteed is a significant challenge," Astrid explained. "I had a close call with Phumera once and she tried to recruit me. Somehow, I managed to escape. Maybe she wanted me to grow stronger before trying again, but I ended up joining the Resistance instead. She's been upset with me ever since," she added with a laugh.

The revelation that Astrid, of all people, was a target for Phumera's recruitment took me by surprise. What was even more astonishing was that she not only managed to evade Phumera but was allowed to leave without facing dire consequences.

Phumera's actions appeared to defy the expectations associated with her reputation, sparking a heightened curiosity within me. The enigma surrounding Phumera deepened, leaving me with even more questions about her and the intricacies of her character.

"I used to be in the same boat, but those days are behind me now," shared Lysanvar. "Anyhow, let's delve deeper. In response to your queries, Aaron, I can shed light on the planets they got to most frequently. However, more often than not, they are absent from these locations, engrossed in missions for Phumera. Consequently, their planets are typically under the watchful eye of their subordinates."

"I'm okay with that. Go ahead," I responded, encouraging him to share the information. He proceeded to provide details, and our meeting seamlessly carried on.

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Lavinia Reni's Soliloquy

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"The day is drawing to a close. Should we consider wrapping it up soon?" I inquired, turning my attention to my companions.

Several hours had elapsed, during which all of us collaborated to unravel the mystery. Our combined efforts revealed the existence of ten wells in total, forming a perfect decagon when interconnected. The central focal point of this geometric arrangement was the tree, a revelation that brought a new layer of understanding to our exploration.

Azathoth, being more knowledgeable about the situation, shared her insights. According to her, this location was once an ordinary planet until the Phantasma, in a fleeting visit, seized control, depleted its resources, effectively rendering the planet lifeless, and then callously abandoned it without a second thought.

Phumera's organization had recruited the inhabitants, and those who resisted faced dire consequences—they were mercilessly eliminated.

The tree, once a vibrant symbol of life, gradually succumbed to neglect. With no caretaker in sight, and the surrounding planet steeped in a subtle toxicity, the once-thriving symbol of vitality withered away, leaving behind a desolate landscape.

The surviving members of the Resistance sought refuge with this planet, turning it into their sanctuary. However, with Aaron's efforts to restore the planet, a glimmer of hope emerged, suggesting the possibility of transforming this once-tainted world into a habitable haven.

As Rose remarked, "It should be around five in the afternoon, and, ah, there's the sunset of this world," we turned our attention to the horizon. The unfamiliar celestial body descended, marking the end of the day.

"Should we advise everyone else to conclude their exploration?" Rose proposed, and a unanimous agreement resonated among us. Subsequently, we commenced the task of notifying our companions to wrap up their activities for the day.

After completing our tasks, we swiftly returned to the teleportation pad, where a gathering of friends, locals and allies awaited us. Among them, we noticed Hirokazu-kun's team, and their expressions hinted at a less-than-pleasant experience.

"Hey, everyone! What's with the grim faces, and... um, what's that smell?" I inquired, taking a sniff in their general direction.

Caeda chuckled before explaining, "Well, we visited a particular planet to retrieve some supplies. In the process, we encountered some enemies, took care of them, and even managed to hunt for additional food. I've had the chance to try the local wildlife before, so it's safe to eat. However, the aroma isn't exactly enticing."

Some luminous yellow goo oozed from their bodies, a sight that seemed to leave Caeda unfazed, but the others appeared as though they had endured multiple rounds of vomiting. Witnessing their evident discomfort, I couldn't help but empathize with the ordeal they must have faced. Silently, I offered a prayer for their well-being.

Azathoth, however, seemed to hold a key piece of information about this peculiar situation. "Oh, that planet. There's a trick to neutralizing that smell," she shared. All eyes turned toward her, anticipating an explanation. Azathoth continued, "Before eliminating the creatures, target the cores located in the middle of their bodies. Those cores typically detonate upon death, leading to the unpleasant odor and the release of gooey liquid. If you manage to destroy the cores beforehand, they'll perish more like the animals back in the Draconic Deus, but with yellow blood."

Caeda chuckled, breaking the tension in the air. "Before you ask, no, I didn't know that. I always just killed them, cooked them, and ate them. I'll make a mental note of that for the future."

Lance Katz-kun, with a slight grimace, remarked, "Ugh... I need a bath; I stink, goddamn."

"We all do. We might as well clean ourselves up before dinner. Thanks for the information, Azathoth-san," Hirokazu-kun expressed his gratitude, bowing before leading his team out. "Oh, we need to drop these off for Jin-san, so we'll have to do that first."

The sound of his teammates' collective groans filled the air, accompanied by reluctant compliance as they followed their [King] and [Queen], all the while voicing complaints.

Turning to Azathoth, I inquired, "Are they genuinely edible?"

"Yes, if cooked the right way. I'm not sure about Caeda's culinary skills, but they might not be the best. I'll inform Aaron on how to cook them properly if he plans on preparing them for everyone tonight," she reassured, and I nodded in acknowledgment.

With the conversation concluded, we trod upon the teleportation pad, embarking on our journey back to the underground base.

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After we teleported back down there, our eyes immediately caught sight of a few teams we had close ties with, prompting us to approach them without hesitation.

"D-Dulio-san, why are all of you covered in green slime?" Rossweisse inquired, her curiosity evident. Every member of [Team Trump Card of Heaven] and Gabriel sported a coating of green slime. While the lack of any discernible odor alleviated concerns, their discomfort was apparent.

Dulio, with a sheepish grin, rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "Hahaha... Well, after our own trials, we were assigned a mission to eliminate and retrieve this green slime, and, as you can see, we ended up covered in it. Liember-chan mentioned wanting to use it for various purposes, so we agreed."

Azathoth reflected, her nod indicating a contemplative moment. "When paired with the green liquid Laeronia purified and transported here, the efficiency of distributing power to the underground improves. However, if we integrate it with the crystal core Aaron fashioned in the central room, and connect it to the tree above ground with its roots... this entire planet could transform into an unlimited powerhouse of powerful energy."

Her gaze then shifted to Dulio, inquisitively posing a question, "Liember requested you to bring this, correct? And who initiated the idea of combining these elements?"

Dulio, pondering for a moment, responded, "Uh... I believe Jin-kun and Echilys-chan suggested this to her. Why do you ask?" Excitement laced his words as he continued, "Unlimited energy!? Isn't that incredible?"

"Didn't Aaron inform you about his home with unlimited energy? I'm pretty sure he has his own 'ISP' too; I heard Cúntóir and him set it up around last year. It should cover the whole world, maybe even the universe after he evolved," Gabriel shared, joining me and attempting to embrace me. However, I gently declined, causing a hint of sadness to flicker in her expression.

"S-she's right, b-but Gabriel, can you wash up first? I don't want to get sticky..." I requested.

Tilting her head, she responded, "But you're used to Aaron's—" I swiftly covered her mouth, preventing her from revealing any more. While I didn't mind sharing intimate details within the confines of Aaron's harem, I preferred to keep such information private from others outside the circle.

"Oh? There it is! So, you guys did get some—well, you guys got a lot, thanks!" exclaimed a voice that sounded somewhat familiar.

As we all turned toward the source, Liember walked towards us accompanied by a few others. Unfortunately, Aaron and the rest were not among them.

"How much did you manage to get?" she inquired.

"About 10 crates," Dulio replied. He tapped his necklace and summoned ten enormous crates of the slime, astonishing Liember. "We thought it might be a good idea to let some of them live and breed so we can harvest more in the future."

Liember laughed and playfully slapped Dulio's back repeatedly. "Yeah, good call. This will definitely be enough... probably. Anyway, I think Aaron and Echilys will be happy about this, so I'll go inform them. Oh, can you leave them... at this location? You can ask Anstella; she probably went to get changed, right?"

"I'm done, so I'll bring them over there, Liember," chimed another voice, and upon turning, we discovered a young woman.

She possessed long, flowing lavender hair adorned with a substantial black ribbon, complemented by pale green eyes. Her attire consisted of a prominently black dress, along with matching gloves and shoes. By her side, she carried a sizable black suitcase, which she promptly dismissed with a light tap.

"That was quick. Well, anyway, I'll leave it to you guys, since I have a few other teams to hit up!" Liember exclaimed before summoning a peculiar mechanical hand plus hoverboard contraption, jumping on it, and swiftly soaring away.

"I'm Anstella, nice to meet all of you," she greeted us with a courteous bow. Turning to Dulio, she added, "Follow me, Mr. Trump Card; it's not far from here."

Dulio's voice rang out confidently, breaking the silence. "M-my name is Dulio!" he proclaimed, rallying his team to follow Anstella, with the exception of Gabriel.

"I'm going to go have a shower... oh, before that, who's on the schedule today?" Gabriel inquired, drawing my attention. I glanced at her before scanning the rest of the group.

"Well, I'm on it, that's all I know. I checked with Grayfia and Cúntóir earlier. As for the others, I'm not sure. The schedule mirrors that of our universe, so you might want to check with her or consult your rings. I'm pretty sure Aaron integrated that function," Velgrynd explained.

"Alright then. I'll join you guys soon!" Gabriel responded before she checked her ring, smiled, and teleported away, leaving the rest of us to navigate towards the meeting room. Aaron's aura hadn't shifted from its original spot since we parted ways earlier on the day.

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As we approached the meeting room, we found ourselves navigating through an increasing number of new areas. Aaron had truly outdone himself this time. Although, if one were to inquire, he'd likely dismiss it, attributing the design to something he had seen in the past.

To my surprise, we only faced a few instances of catcalling. Oddly enough, the culprits seemed to be mostly older men, with a few women and teenagers thrown in. However, this behavior was swiftly halted when it became known that we belonged to the Aaron's group, they referred to it as the "Outer God's group." The revelation left them mortified, unable to meet our gaze.

"Hmm? Isn't that Sona's team and the Slash Dog Team?" Rose inquired. Indeed, before us and to the right, stood the two teams. Eager to catch up, we hastened our steps to join them.

"You guys finished your missions too? How did it go?" I inquired upon reaching them. Despite a general air of weariness, most of them appeared to be in decent condition, if a bit mentally fatigued.

"L-Lavinia...!" Natsume uttered wearily, seeking solace in my embrace. "I need... a quick break. I can't deal with that woman...!"

"Woman?" I queried, tilting my head in confusion. Natsume, with her face buried in my chest, pointed behind her. Following her finger, I couldn't help but giggle as she gestured towards some kind of female wolf youkai.

Shigune mirrored the action, her eyes swirling with exhaustion. Now, I found myself hugging two of my former teammates, their weariness evident. Just as I was about to speak, a familiar aura caught my attention. I turned to see Vaa-kun walking away, his expression seething with anger.

"O-oi Vali, wait up!" Monkey-kun shouted, dashing after his friend and leader. The rest of the group trailed behind, sporting equally fatigued and displeased expressions. Bringing up the rear was a younger boy, standing at around 4'11", his demeanor oozing with smugness.

"That's why you guys are just muscle brains. You can't even navigate that labyrinth without me!" the small boy proclaimed, bursting into laughter. Vaa-kun, though visibly tempted to turn around and confront him, restrained himself and continued walking away.

"Ouch, those guys got paired up with Eliovan," expressed the female wolf youkai, a hint of sympathy in her tone.

"Eliovan? What's the deal with him, Kurotsume?" Fusae inquired, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"Yeah, he's a smug midget who thinks he's the next hero of our world. But credit where it's due, he can back it up. He's pretty smart, with an ability to complement it, and surprisingly physically strong despite his stature and physique," explained Kurotsume.

Intrigued, Velgrynd joined the conversation. "What's his power?"

"Using his brain, he can practically predict the future of his opponents, or even the entire battle. With his already high IQ, coupled with a rapid calculating speed, he essentially gains future sight against living opponents after observing them for a short time. Add in his robust physical abilities, and he's nearly perfect—except for his low emotional intelligence and that smug attitude," Kurotsume detailed, painting a comprehensive picture of Eliovan's formidable capabilities.

Before Kurotsume could provide more details, Eliovan diverted his attention toward us, his gaze fixated on something captivating. He hurried over, pointing directly at me, his face tinted with a hint of embarrassment as he exclaimed, "You! Who are you!?"

Natsume shot him an irritated look, shaking her head before returning it to its place on my chest. Shigune winced in pain, covering her ears in response to the sudden outburst.

"Um... I'm Lavinia Reni?" I responded tentatively, thrown off by the unexpected inquiry.

"Become my woman!" Eliovan declared, the proclamation sending shockwaves through the surroundings. The suddenness of the demand left me stunned, unsure of how to formulate a response.

Vaa-kun and his team, still in close proximity, observed the scene with wide-eyed surprise. Vaa-kun, in particular, appeared visibly angered. He began advancing towards us, triggering his Balance Breaker with a determined, almost murderous, gleam in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't," I expressed, displaying my engagement ring. "I'm already engaged, so..."

His face contorted into a frown, clearly displeased by this revelation. "And who's your fiancé!?"

"El-idiot, she's the Outer God's woman—the man that made this place like this. I suggest you calm your midget rage right now," interjected Kurotsume. Eliovan appeared stunned, frustration etched across his face.

"You heard the wolf woman, leave her alone," Vaa-kun intervened as he arrived on the scene.

"What's it to you, puny lizard!" retorted Eliovan.

"Because she's my sister, and if you keep harassing her..." Vaa-kun seized Eliovan's head with his hand, exerting pressure. "I'll end you myself before Aniki gets here, cause I promise you he'll make it a hundred times worse for you," he hissed, instilling a sense of unease in Eliovan.

"Unhand me! To hell with that! We are clearly better matched!" Eliovan exclaimed, his tone filled with defiance as Vaa-kun released his grip. "We're both blonde, have blue eyes, and... yeah, it's a perfect match!"

The logic prompted a few people around us to facepalm, a visible reaction to the absurdity of his argument. Once again, I reiterated, "I'm sorry, but I can't and won't. I love Aaron. Please find someone else."

Eliovan sighed, his disappointment evident as he turned away, shaking his head while walking off. "You'll understand my greatness in due time. It will encompass that god's greatness, I promise you that!"

Vaa-kun, seemingly unimpressed, inquired, "Can I kill him?" A demonic ball slowly formed in the palm of his hand.

"That wouldn't be a good idea, Vaa-kun. Let's just leave it," I advised, and he reluctantly dismissed the notion.

Saji-kun expressed his exasperation, sighing as he commented, "What a bratty asshole. I've read that small people tend to have more anger and complexes than most, but Gasper-kun isn't like that. What the hell is his deal?" The puzzlement in his voice conveyed a genuine curiosity about the unusual behavior.

"We don't know," Kurotsume admitted, a hint of weariness in her tone. "Like the rest of us, we lead challenging lives, but most of us manage to focus on a goal and try to maintain a relatively positive outlook. Sure, there are bad days, and we can get a bit down, but we're not like Eliovan. We can't quite figure out why he's like that. Maybe you're onto something, blonde dude; perhaps he just has a complex about his height."

"Some short people are weird... well, not all of them," Saji-kun mumbled, offering a hesitant observation.

"And unfortunately, we're on the same team as him," Arthur chimed in as he and the rest of Vaa-kun's team arrived. "He made our mission quite frustrating, to say the least."

"Frustrating!? Are you insane!? He made it unbearable! We usually work independently and team up when necessary, but that guy was trying to order us around like his slaves! Sure, he's smart, but at least don't act like a jerk about it!" Bikou-kun passionately vented his frustrations, his discontent evident in his words.

Sona sighed audibly drawing out attention to her. "Regardless of his reasons, let's go and meeting up with Aaron and the leaders. The end of the day is drawing near and we still have a few things to do, if given the chance, we can inquire about Eliovan, maybe the leaders may know something and if not, Aaron might."

With unanimous agreement, we commenced our brief journey toward the meeting room. A myriad of questions buzzed within our minds. This universe had proven to be intriguing thus far, and as we traversed, the allure of its mysteries lingered in the air. There was a palpable eagerness to unravel every enigma it held.

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As we approached the door, the cacophony of lively chatter and miscellaneous sounds, including the shifting of chairs, filled the air. Suddenly, a resounding boom echoed from the room, prompting me to take the lead and push the doors open.

Inside, a woman with black hair fashioned into twin buns caught our attention. She donned a black Chinese qipao dress and held Aaron by the neck of his shirt, fixing him with an intense glare. Surprisingly, no one in the room, including Suzaku and his companions, made any move to intervene.

"Are you serious!?" the woman exclaimed. Curiosity piqued, I used my ring's [Appraisal] ability, revealing that she was none other than Radelia, bearing the rank 10 of the Eradicators.

"Yeah, I'm serious, although my companions and I had already mentioned that aspect of my ability multiple times before you decided to do this," Aaron responded with a chuckle, maintaining his composure.

Radelia's face flushed with embarrassment as she released her grip on him. "Er-um-I, I'm sorry," she mumbled, clearly horrified by her own actions.

Taking her seat once again, she sighed loudly and mentioned, "I'd like to have a conversation with you about that later if it's possible."

"Absolutely, we can discuss it later. Anyway, I think it's about time to conclude our session; my legs are almost numb from being seated all day," he stated, rising from his chair and extending his body in a stretch. Finally acknowledging our presence, he addressed us, "Oh, are you all finished? Great job—give us the rundown."

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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The reports flowed in for an additional five minutes as each team summarized their findings. With that, the session concluded. My mind, however, was already set on the tree expedition planned for tomorrow. It became my goal, a prospect to be shared with a few companions if circumstances allowed. Yet, looming in the near future was a discussion with Radelia about a matter she wanted to address.

As we turned a corner and paused, Radelia approached me with directness. "Please revive my father," she requested, cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

"Getting right to it, huh?" I responded, considering the weight of her plea. "You don't have to go into excessive detail, but I'll need a compelling reason to bring someone back. Also, keep in mind that there are factors that might complicate such endeavors."

Her confusion was evident as she asked, "What do you mean by that?"

I took a moment to explain the intricate mechanics of reincarnation in the vast multiverse. Some individuals had already undergone the cycle, while others remained in a perpetual state of waiting, even after the passage of centuries or millennia.

"Please check," she implored, bowing towards me, a hint of desperation in her tone.

As I prepared to respond, a resonant voice echoed in the hallway, drawing our attention. Turning towards it, we saw a small figure with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh no..." Kanami and Vali simultaneously mumbled, leaving me puzzled. Lavinia instinctively sought refuge behind me, peeking out from my side to get a glimpse of the approaching boy.

"Where is Lavinia?! Where is my princess!?" the boy shouted, intensifying my confusion. Princess? What was this raging midget talking about?

Suddenly, he spotted Lavinia behind me and rushed in our direction. However, he halted a few meters away. "So, you're the famed leader of your group!? I'm Eliovan! The perfect being! I challenge you for her hand in marriage!"

{That's quite a bold move,} Albion mumbled.

'How will you respond, Aaron?' Rudra inquired.

Before I could formulate a response, Radelia vanished from her position, reappearing with swift precision as her fist collided with Eliovan's stomach. A gust of wind swept through the hallway, and Eliovan vanished in the aftermath. Turning back toward us, Radelia wore a satisfied smile.

"Please give me an answer," she requested, bowing once again.

It took a few moments for the surprising events to register. I chose to nod, opting to ignore the peculiar occurrences. Exploring this universe and locating the burial site of Radelia's father turned out to be a straightforward task. However, it appeared that her father harbored numerous regrets, hindering his passage to the afterlife. Perhaps he desired to witness her leading a more comfortable life before moving on. Strangely enough, this situation played into my favor.

"His soul remains here, making it easy to bring him back. However, wouldn't it be more appropriate to bring him back under better circumstances? I'm willing to do it, but—" I began, only to be abruptly interrupted.

"I'll become your woman!" Radelia declared, cutting me off.

"That's not a prerequisite for anything. Please, listen to me," I urged, and she reluctantly ceased her outburst. "I'll bring him back, but I won't do it until we have done a few things because like I said, it would be better for him to come back to a calmer universe."

Raising a finger to emphasize my point, I expressed, "One of the crucial tasks on my agenda before bringing him back is to liberate not only your planet but also Aerendyl. Additionally, I aim to dismantle Ferrothos Prime and any other planets aiding in the creation of weapons and armor for Phumera. Once these objectives are accomplished, I will proceed with bringing him back. Is there anyone else you wish to see returned? I'm willing to do it if you assist me in this endeavor."

Radelia took a moment to contemplate my requests, then, assuming a humble position on all fours, she declared, "I'll do it. I may lack finesse, and I might be seen as foolish and inept at leadership, but if it means bringing my dad back from the dead and granting him a better life, I'm all in."

I gazed at her, allowing a quiet moment to linger before posing the question once more, "Do you want me to bring back anyone else?"

Her response was swift and firm, "No," accompanied by a determined shake of her head. "I don't care about my mother; she abandoned us. I've never had friends, considering I'm perceived as a brute, so I don't care about the others."

"Very well, let's—" I began, extending my hand for a handshake, but before I could continue, Radelia abruptly stood up and kissed me and then stepped away.

"I'm serious about what I said," she declared once more, her words carrying a weight of sincerity.

"I said—"

"I know, but I don't believe you in that regard. So, I'll be straightforward. If you do this for me, I will be forever in your debt, and I'll become yours, whether you like it or not," she declared firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.

I let out a deep sigh, my hand resting on my face in a gesture of frustration. "Fine, do as you wish, but before we leave, who's Eliovan? And what was all that about?" I directed my questions to Radelia, glancing behind me at Lavinia, who wore a strained smile.

"He's an orphan Lady Phumera tried to recruit in the past. Truth be told, most of the leaders here were on her recruitment radar, but they joined the Resistance before she could make her move. Eliovan, in particular, is exceptionally intelligent, and his abilities complement that intellect. His physical strength, coupled with his hidden imposing physique, isn't much of a surprise, but it did inflate his ego," Radelia explained.

"From my observations, he seems to be attracted to a specific type of women—blonde hair and blue eyes. If you have any women fitting that description, it's advisable to keep an eye on them, as he might attempt to court them."

I nodded in understanding, processing the information until a realization struck me. "Ravel and Gabriel..." I muttered, my concern growing. "I'm going to—" Without finishing my sentence, I vanished from my spot, determined to find Ravel and Gabriel.

I couldn't shake the thought that Lavinia might have already become a target due to her earlier actions. It led me to wonder who else might be unintentionally caught up in this unfortunate situation. If the individual in question persists, it might require me to take additional measures to put an end to his actions.

— ○ ● ○ —

Navigating to a different section within the underground base, I soared through the skies, swiftly identifying the individuals I sought. Below me, Ravel, Shirone, Gasper, and Coriana were present, though Eliovan seemed to be the center of attention, particularly for Ravel and Coriana.

Touching down beside them, I inquired, "What seems to be the issue here?"

"A-Aaron-sama!" Ravel exclaimed, with the rest of the group standing behind me.

"The leader! Perfect, Radelia is a bit of a brute, so I didn't have the chance to get your reply. Now, I've set my sights on this woman with the drill-like tails for hair. Yes, she's my type too. Lavinia Reni and Lavel?" Eliovan announced.

"...It's Ravel Phenex," Ravel corrected, a hint of annoyance in her tone towards Eliovan.

"Yes! Yes! Ravel and Lavinia! You two will become my wives," he declared, then shifted his attention to Coriana. However, Gasper stepped in front of her, giving Eliovan a stern glare. "Hmm, maybe her too. I do quite love blondes."

"I appreciate the offer, but I'm already interested in someone else," responded Ravel, her tone conveying annoyance at Eliovan's self-centered chatter. I couldn't help but notice her grip on my shirt tightening, as if seeking reassurance.

Coriana chimed in, "I'm engaged as well," and proceeded to affectionately embrace Gasper's head, eliciting a sly smirk from the little dhampir in response to Eliovan's futile attempts.

Unperturbed, Eliovan persisted, "It matters not. Soon, you'll realize I'm superior in every way—" Before he could complete his sentence, Radelia reappeared, delivering another swift punch that caused him to vanish. It left me contemplating whether this ability was a facet of Radelia's unique skills.

After the punch, she gracefully knelt down on one knee, remarking, "He's surprisingly resilient. Even when I hold back, he'll likely be okay after being punched away."

"You don't need to kneel for me. Anyway, where did you send him? We've got quite a few blonde-haired and blue-eyed members on our team," I remarked, my mind flashing with images of Gabriel, Kuisha, and Grimgerde. Concern gripped me, although considering the latter two had blonde hair but lacked blue eyes, they were less of a target for him.

"In a random direction, although—" she began.

'Aaron... someone strange is telling me to marry him. What do I do? I don't want to, and Kuisha and Seilah are with me,' Gabriel suddenly conveyed through telepathy.

Feeling a surge of frustration, I placed a hand on my face and uttered, "I'm going to put him to sleep for a bit. This is getting ridiculous." The statement left everyone perplexed, but I clapped my hands and teleported us to Gabriel's location.

"Now then, angel thing! Marry me!" Eliovan declared passionately, dropping to one knee and extending his hand towards Gabriel.

Caught off guard, Gabriel appeared visibly flustered and unsure of how to respond. Being inherently kind and caring, she found it challenging to reject or disappoint others, creating a peculiar predicament for her.

On one hand, she was already committed to me, engaged in a relationship that held a significant place in her life. On the other hand, Eliovan, essentially a stranger, had suddenly professed his love for her, creating an unexpected and awkward situation.

This internal conflict had been a recurring theme for Gabriel over the years, and we had attempted to address it on several occasions. However, the complexity of her emotions persisted.

The conclusion we arrived at was that she needed to experience a genuine scenario where she had to assert her own desires, even if it meant disappointing someone. It was an essential step to help her navigate these kinds of social challenges.

"Now! Now! Now! Let's soar into the—"

"No! I don't want to! Please stop!" Gabriel's shout echoed, surprising everyone with the forceful breeze that erupted from her. Puffing her cheeks, she quickly spotted us and rushed over, embracing me.

[He's almost comical at this point, don't you think?] observed Ddraig, a sentiment shared by those witnessing the scene.

'It's almost reminiscent of those love-obsessed character tropes in media. I wonder what drives him to act this way,' pondered Rudra.

'We'll have to uncover the reasons in due time,' I replied, holding my own theories about the motivations behind Eliovan's behavior.

"You again," Eliovan said, pointing directly at me. "Tonight, we will fight—I am serious about taking them from you!"

"If it gets you off my back, then whatever, little midget," I replied in frustration, gesturing towards him. In an instant, he dropped to the ground, face-first, unconscious.

Gently, I ran my fingers through Gabriel's hair, her embrace providing a comforting warmth. "Let's just go. I need to cook for everyone too. Can some of you lend me a hand?" I inquired, turning to those around us.

"Ah, I'd love to!" Ravel chimed in, her hand shooting up with enthusiasm.

"...Food... Can I be a taste tester? Nee-sama will probably want to join in too," Shirone suggested, her hand raised in a similar fashion.

Amused, I chuckled and agreed to Shirone's proposal. And so, we left Eliovan behind. At this moment, my focus wasn't on him; this place was relatively safe, and he'd be fine.

— ○ ● ○ —

The passage of dinner was marked by a surprising turn of events. I found myself taken aback by the assortment of creatures Hirokazu, Sairaorg, and Seekvaira's groups had managed to procure from different planets in this vast universe.

Admittedly, the smell that accompanied these exotic animals was quite overpowering. However, with Azathoth and Cúntóir offering their culinary expertise, I successfully cooked the unfamiliar ingredients, guided by their valuable instructions.

It became evident that Azathoth and Cúntóir had honed their cooking skills, as they, along with Raiko, Grayfia, and Inaie, efficiently contributed to the meal preparation. Given the task of cooking for an entire planet while relying on our powers, we managed to accomplish the feat surprisingly quickly.

Considering the scale of this gathering, it drew the attention of most residents. They eagerly flocked to sample the diverse dishes we had prepared. The positive response from the crowd indicated their approval of the culinary venture.

Even the notoriously irritable Eliovan made an appearance, shooting glares at me and the members of my group. Despite his displeasure, it was evident that he treated those he found interesting with a kinder demeanor.

Following the conclusion of the grand dinner event, Eliovan approached me with determination, pointing directly at me. "We're having that duel now," he declared in a calm yet assertive tone, creating a ripple of attention in our surroundings.

I responded with a nonchalant sigh, "Whatever, let's just get this done and over with."

"You'll come to regret those words," he retorted before turning to walk away. "Follow me."

— ○ ● ○ —

Grayfia Lucifuge's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

In an unexpected twist, the night's climax unfolded as a duel between my fiancé, Aaron, and an unfamiliar young boy named Eliovan. I found myself inquiring about the origins of this peculiar situation since I had stayed behind in the room with Latia. The reason behind it, to put it lightly, turned out to be rather foolish.

The motives driving Eliovan's behavior remained a mystery to me, as well as to most members of [DxD] and, I presumed, the Resistance. The confusion among the spectators in the arena mirrored my own bewilderment.

While I knew Eliovan was an orphan, the extremity of his unusual conduct and the intense reactions it garnered were, to say the least, perplexing. It hinted at a deeper, underlying issue that begged exploration. Perhaps Aaron had insight into this matter? However, upon scrutinizing him, all I could discern was an irritated expression etched across his face.

"Kick his ass, Aniki!" Vali Lucifer exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Shove a stick up his ass!" Bikou added, his voice echoing the dislike Vali's team harbored for Eliovan.

Lavinia noticed my confusion and took the initiative to explain their animosity towards Eliovan. The rest of Vali's team chimed in, sharing their own brief encounters with him. As their stories unfolded, the hostile attitude they displayed began to make sense.

The commentator's voice rang out, announcing the upcoming duel, [Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight, we're treated to a small celebration duel featuring the fearsome yet somewhat insufferable Eliovan! Facing him is our gourmet chef and the one who restored this planet to its former glory, Aaron Toole!]

The commentator hesitated for a moment before continuing, [The reason for this duel is... well, it's a bit absurd. Eliovan wants to claim some of the women from Aaron. The winner gets to keep them.] The awkwardness in the commentator's tone hinted at the ludicrous nature of the situation, leaving the audience in a bemused state.

Anticipating a swift resolution, I took a moment to assess the situation. My focus shifted to my ring, a subtle gesture indicating the commencement of a task—determining who would share Aaron's sleeping quarters for the night.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

[Are both fighters ready?!] the commentator's voice echoed through the arena, and Eliovan and I affirmed our readiness with nods. After a brief pause, he enthusiastically declared, [Begin!]

In an instant, Eliovan vanished from his initial position, reappearing right in front of me with his hand mere inches from my face. "I told you, you'd regret this," he warned before swiftly "grabbing" my face and forcefully slamming my body to the ground.

[Whoa! A sudden and powerful move from Eliovan! Unexpected aggression right from the start of the match!] the commentator exclaimed, adding an extra layer of excitement to the unfolding duel.

"That should be the end of it; announce it already!" Eliovan stated confidently, expecting a quick resolution. To his surprise, I slowly rose, nonchalantly swatting away the dust from my face, showcasing an unexpected resilience.

"Gross, that smells weird," I casually muttered, expressing my disdain for the peculiar odor lingering in the air after the intense encounter. The surprising turn of events left Eliovan momentarily taken aback.

I maintained my gaze on him, asserting, "I don't understand what you've been through or how you developed such arrogance. However, I find pleasure in dismantling that in people. How about we bring you down a notch?"

Swiftly vanishing from my position, I seized his face and forcefully brought Eliovan down to the ground. The impact gave him no time to react, causing the ground beneath us to shatter and explode. I promptly repaired the damage, released my grip, and took a few steps back.

Eliovan struggled for breath, coughing violently. Despite the intense coughing fit, he managed to rise, glaring at me with defiance. As the coughing subsided, he composed himself and fixed a calm gaze on me. Unfazed, I returned a smile, leaving him bewildered as his once confident eyes now reflected confusion.

Approaching him casually, I remarked, "You can't calculate or anticipate it, can you?" My words prompted him to jump backward, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead, revealing the depth of his disconcertion.

Eliovan possessed a unique power—the ability to perceive mathematical equations surrounding him, whether emanating from living beings or inanimate objects. This extraordinary skill not only enabled him to visualize the equations but also facilitated a swift comprehension of their solutions. When pushed to his limits, Eliovan could effortlessly complete complex equations in mere seconds, granting him an almost precognitive ability to anticipate outcomes in various events or battles.

However, my status as a living cheat code allowed me to tamper with his power, especially after he made contact with my [Infinity]. This manipulation left him bewildered, as his ability ceased to function as it typically did.

For the first time since mastering his power, Eliovan found himself unable to predict the movements of his enemies, a situation that instilled genuine terror within him. The silent horror reflected in his eyes spoke volumes about the profound impact of this unprecedented development on his once-unassailable ability.

"What's wrong, Eliovan? Why the silence?" I inquired as I finally reached him. My height dwarfed his, allowing me to look down at him. He met my gaze with a horrified expression, unable to utter a single word.

It struck me that he was just a kid, a realization that invoked sympathy. I gently poked his forehead, prompting me to share some advice. "Take a moment to reflect on your own morality, rest up, and make an effort to get along with everyone from now on, okay?" I conveyed, my words accompanied by a swift action that left him unconscious.

Eliovan's body thudded to the ground, creating a stark contrast to the previous tension in the arena. The spectators, perhaps anticipating an epic battle, were met with a different outcome. What Eliovan truly needed was someone to lean on, and I had a particular muscular and upbeat devil in mind for the role.

A quick glance toward Sairaorg revealed a silent nod, indicating that he understood my intentions. He seemed to be the ideal role model, perhaps better suited for the task than myself.

The commentator's voice trembled as he stuttered, [W-winner Aaron T-Toole…] His words hung in the air, and the crowd, instead of erupting in cheers, remained in a state of silent bewilderment. The outcome seemed to have left everyone at a loss for words.

With the commentator's hesitant announcement, the "fight" came to a close. The atmosphere, thick with an unusual stillness, hinted at the unexpected turn of events that had just unfolded.

— ○ ● ○ —

As midnight approached and I contemplated turning in, I noticed Echilys in the distance, and our eyes met in mutual recognition. With a subtle wave from her, I quickly informed the girls that I would be a bit late and headed in her direction.

Approaching her, I inquired, "Did you need something?"

She gazed around us and then back at me before replying, "We need a more private place to talk." Agreeing, I teleported us to the hill Laeronia had first brought us to when we arrived on this dead planet.

Taking a moment to appreciate the renewed beauty of the landscape and the celestial wonders of this world, we stood in silence. Eventually, I repeated my earlier question, prompting Echilys to begin sharing what was on her mind.

Expressing gratitude, she began, "Thank you for taking it easy on Eliovan. He's a troubled child, but his intentions are good." Her gaze shifted to me, and she continued, "He might not be aware, but we share a close familial connection. You could say I'm a sort of auntie to him. We hail from the same planet, and I had a brief encounter with him when he was younger. I also had a cordial relationship with his parents."

The revelation proved to be quite startling, particularly coming from Echilys. I had anticipated a colder reception, given her attitude toward others as well as her ice and snow-related abilities. Surprisingly, it seemed that Cao Cao and Laeronia had played a role in softening her attitude towards me.

"Could you share Eliovan's history with me?" I inquired, realizing the abruptness of my request. "If you don't mind, that is," I hastily added, aiming to be considerate.

"It might take some time, but... how about this? I've heard from Laeronia and Cao Cao that you can read memories, so why not do that instead?" she proposed in return.

"If you're comfortable with it, then I'll opt for that," I assured her, and she gave her consent.

A faint blush adorned her cheeks as she questioned, "H-how do you do it?"

Perplexed by her reaction, I explained, "I can do it however I like. Perhaps they mentioned an outdated version where I needed to touch you?" Echilys responded with a quiet nod, her cheeks still tinged with a rosy hue.

Observing Echilys, it occurred to me that she might be the type to easily become flustered. This realization sparked a mischievous desire within me, prompting a playful nod of my head. Seizing the opportunity, I reached out and gently touched her cheek, eliciting an even deeper shade of red on her face. Yet, my intentions took a turn as I delved into her memories—every detail laid bare.

A minute passed in complete silence before I released her cheek, a subtle sense of melancholy settling within me. To alleviate the mood, I extended my hand to pat her head gently. "You guys endured so much. I'm relieved that I have plans for Eliovan. Leave him to me and my friend, alright?"

Echilys stared at me, a mix of confusion and disbelief evident in her expression. "Y-you saw everything? I thought you'd only look into the memories concerning Eliovan…"

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to, but it kind of came my way, and I looked at it all," I responded. Echilys stared at me for a moment, her eyes closing as she began to quietly weep. Uncertain about the best way to console her, I relied on the familiar comfort I often offered my loved ones and pulled her into a hug.

In the wake of the devastation, both Echilys and Eliovan belonged to a race that had been entirely wiped out, leaving only a handful of survivors.

Eliovan, originally expected to possess ice and snow-related powers, experienced a peculiar but unique mutation during his childhood, granting him a different ability than his peers. Despite the tragedy, this unexpected turn of events ultimately worked out for him, even if it led to a touch of arrogance in his demeanor.

A particular individual from her race was destined to join either the Eradicators or Ueboros. However, after this person engaged in a formal fight against Yve, nearly causing her demise, Phumera stepped in decisively. In an unexpected and severe response, Phumera not only killed the individual but also obliterated their entire planet and race.

While a handful managed to escape the devastation in the nick of time, the majority fell victim to Yve's relentless pursuit for vengeance. Consequently, only six survivors from the once-thriving race remained scattered across the vast expanse of the universe.

Among them, Echilys and Eliovan were notable members, while the remaining four had chosen to conceal themselves, attempting to elude any further harm.

Echilys wasn't actively striving to revive her entire race, but a burning desire for revenge against Yve surpassed even her resentment towards Phumera, though both figures ignited equal disdain within her. After holding her in a comforting embrace for about a minute, I gently withdrew and gazed into her eyes. Confusion flickered in Echilys' expression as she met my gaze.

"There are many who seek Yve and Phumera's retribution, but I promise you the opportunity to confront Yve in the future. Moreover, if possible, I'd like to assist in the revival of your race," I declared with determination. However, her response left me perplexed, her face turning a shade of crimson much like Rias' hair.

"Um... a-are you sure? W-wouldn't it be a lot of work...?" she asked, her words accompanied by a noticeable stutter.

"It's fine; we'll bring them down, and I'm committed to helping you bring back your race," I reiterated, prompting her eventual agreement with a meek nod, her cheeks still tinted with a rosy hue.

Ddraig's sudden remark caught me off guard, leaving me perplexed. [It amazes me at times how stupid you can be, Partner,] he said, injecting confusion into the moment.

'Huh?' I responded, my confusion evident in my words.

[You didn't specify how you'd bring back her race. Sure, she knows about your resurrection ability, but you also told them how it works—with that said, she's quite vulnerable right now and might have assumed... That you'll...] Ddraig's voice escalated to a scream, leaving me dumbfounded, [...Fuck her brains out and have kids with her to bring back her race!!!!]

'I-I didn't mean for that to happen. They were aware—'

[Yeah, they knew. But seriously, do you think she's even focused on the specifics right now?] Ddraig interjected, his tone oddly irritated.

'Why are you so angry? Did Vermara pester you all day to the point of annoyance?' I inquired, but he chose not to respond, confirming my suspicion.

"Echilys, I want to clarify that I meant I would bring them back to life, not, you know, through intercourse," I explained, attempting to clear up any misunderstanding. Surprisingly, her face turned even redder, a reaction I hadn't thought possible.

"I-I-I know that!" she nearly shouted, pushing herself off me. Her words echoed with a mix of frustration and realization. "I-I know that…" she repeated, and as she walked past me, I turned to look at her again. However, she paused and added, "thank you…" before continuing on her way.

A sigh escaped me, accompanied by a shake of my head. Misunderstandings weren't something I expected to deal with this late at night, but I suppose in this universe, anything can happen. Turning back around, I took one more glance at the scenery before me. Then, with a determined mindset, I teleported back to my room.

The upcoming day promised the exploration of that intriguing tree and, hopefully, the initiation of our plan to transform it into an unlimited source of energy for the planet.

— ○ ● ○ —

The dawn of the next day brought with it a less-than-ideal start.

"Why the hell do I have to go with this giant muscle-brained idiot?" Eliovan questioned, his gaze fixed incredulously on Sairaorg.

In response, Sairaorg laughed heartily and declared, "Fuhahaha! I like his spirit. Today, we'll embark on various missions! Eliovan, get ready! We have five missions lined up for today!"

Perplexed by Sairaorg's enthusiasm, Eliovan turned to Kuisha, seeking some clarity. "What the hell is this psycho talking about?" he inquired, but then, glancing at Kuisha, added, "Well, it won't be all that bad."

Kuisha, however, looked at him with disappointment before revealing her ring, causing him to roll his eyes. Despite that, he took a step away from me, hinting that he might still be a bit wary after the events of the previous night's "fight."

"Best of luck," I wished Sairaorg, and he responded with an enthusiastic thumbs-up before departing with Eliovan. Turning to my team, now joined by Liember and Echilys, who cast occasional glances my way, I said, "Let's head to that tree. Astrid is on standby at the core room, isn't she?"

"Yes, Astrid is down there along with Latia and Cúntóir," Liember confirmed. "We should make our way there soon. I've heard reports of certain monsters reappearing around the planet, and it seems they might be heading toward the tree as well."

"So, it's drawing them in, huh? It's a good thing I extended my abilities just beyond this planet, so those monsters approaching are also under a protective shield. I'll make a few adjustments after our visit," I remarked, and with our course of action set, we finally made our way to the surface.

Arriving there, we were met with a familiar scene, but this time, numerous green lines stretched toward the tree—ten in total. These, in all likelihood, represented the wells connected to it. Whatever Astrid, Latia, and Cúntóir had initiated down there, it was evident that our contribution was essential.

"Shouldn't we check on those wells first?" Velgrynd inquired, expressing a valid concern.

"It's alright. I had a discussion with Ddraig, Albion, and Apophis, and they're already heading to some of them. As for the remainder, Igris, Bellion, Beru, and a few other Shadow Soldiers will attend to them," I clarified for her.

"So, our focus is solely on the tree?" Rose sought confirmation.

"That's the plan," I affirmed. Additionally, there was a particular approach I wished to experiment with concerning the tree. Azathoth seemed to understand this unspoken intention, opting to maintain silence on the matter for my benefit—an understanding for which I silently expressed gratitude.

With a snap of my fingers, we swiftly found ourselves at the entrance of the tree, where a cacophony of noises from various animals greeted us. Reacting quickly, I expanded the perimeter of my [Infinity], creating a protective shield to ward off any imminent attacks. The sounds indicated the presence of agitated creatures surrounding us.

The array of creatures was peculiar—a winged giant centipede, gorilla-like monsters with unsettling tails oozing a strange goo, wyvern-like beings adorned with bunny ears emitting eerie shrieks, and more. To describe them as strange would be an understatement.

In response, I conjured a small red ball at the tip of my index finger, unleashing countless beams in various directions. The beams swiftly dispatched the creatures, providing us with a momentary reprieve.

"They're gone, but more may be on the way. Let's keep moving. There could be more within the tree, so stay vigilant," I instructed the group as we entered the massive tree. Inside, a colossal spiral wooden staircase, adorned with green crystals, bathed the surroundings in an ethereal glow.

Lavinia gestured toward the glowing center and queried, "Is that it?"

"That's it. The monsters are drawn to it. If they hibernate in its proximity, their powers will steadily double each year until they reach their full potential before awakening. You'll be facing potential God-class creatures up there. Though it was recently repaired, its power now surpasses its previous state since Aaron handled the repairs," explained Azathoth, shedding light on the significance of the glowing center.

"Let's not waste any time, then," I declared, setting the pace as I started running up the tree. Curiosity fueled my desire to explore and uncover any hidden aspects within the tree. Choosing a relatively brisk pace, the rest of the group managed to keep up, with Echilys and Liember facing some difficulties but still managing to progress along with the team.

As we ascended, we encountered various creatures still on their own journeys, and some of them decided to launch attacks on us. Among them was a metallic dragon, its scales gleaming as it unleashed laser beams in the peculiar form of bananas.

Responding swiftly, Suzaku conjured flames from her hands, intercepting and incinerating the banana-shaped lasers. She then crafted an arrow with her fingers, releasing it towards the dragon. The arrow pierced through the metallic creature, engulfing it in flames until it succumbed.

However, our challenges didn't end there. Two more monsters emerged, resembling giant trees on all fours, emerging from the walls of the tree itself. These creatures began hurling giant razor-sharp leaves at us, and this time, it was Lavinia who took charge in countering the threat.

Lavinia raised her arm, conjuring a frigid blizzard that filled the interior of the entire tree. The onslaught of projectile attacks slowed down in the icy winds. Shortly after, she pointed her finger at the incoming leaves, instantly freezing them in their tracks.

The tree monsters found themselves impeded in movement as the relentless blizzard began to freeze them as well. The once chaotic situation now bore the mark of Lavinia's control, bringing a momentary respite to our perilous ascent.

As we ascended the tree's stairs, scenes akin to the one we just left behind continued to unfold.

Liember, impressed by our abilities, couldn't help but express it. "You guys are amazing. It would take a few of us to completely neutralize them, you know?!" she exclaimed with genuine admiration.

Echilys, looking to improve, turned to Lavinia, acknowledging her superior control of ice-based abilities. "You have better control of your ice-based abilities than me, Lavinia. Do you mind teaching me?" he asked with genuine interest.

"We're just used to it," I replied, understating our collective proficiency.

Lavinia, ever willing to share her knowledge, chimed in, "I don't mind. Let's do that tonight when we have time."

Considering our options, I turned to Danu, seeking her influence on the tree. "Danu, can you influence this tree in any way? Stopping some of those tree monsters would be great since they're annoying," I suggested.

"I'll try," she replied, and with that, we continued our ascent, eager to see if Danu's divine touch could ease our journey.

— ○ ● ○ —

After a brief passage of time, we arrived at the center and the core. The surroundings were teeming with various creatures, all nestled in the midst of their hibernation. A palpable energy emanated from them, a gradual strengthening that underscored the validity of Azathoth's earlier words. It became evident that we were in the presence of something truly remarkable.

Surveying the dormant creatures around us, Lavinia couldn't help but voice her uncertainty. She crouched beside a peculiar shark-like entity, prompting her to inquire, "There are so many of them. What should we do with them?"

Azathoth, ever the guide in this peculiar universe, advised, "It would be better to kill them before they awaken. Aaron's plans involve disrupting their hibernation, and the aftermath could leave them rather irate."

Danu and Lavinia exchanged hesitant glances. Before they could voice their reservations, Velgrynd decisively stomped on the head of a slumbering bird-like creature, extinguishing its life. The shock on the faces of Danu and Lavinia was met with a confused stare from Velgrynd.

"Would you prefer to face them in combat?" inquired Velgrynd, her question cutting through the lingering hesitation.

"N-no, but..." Lavinia attempted to convey her desire for the creatures to live, yet the reality was that we hadn't encountered any beings in this place that displayed the slightest hint of friendliness.

Velgrynd showed no signs of halting, continuing her relentless dispatching of the creatures surrounding us. In their desperation for assistance, Lavinia and Danu turned their gazes towards me. I, too, found myself caught in a conflict. These beings had displayed no semblance of kindness, triggering my inclination to adhere to a general rule: eliminate them, or at the very least, subdue them.

In the case of encounters with humans, extracting information became a priority, whether through direct use of my powers or a strategic approach, depending on the circumstances. However, these creatures lacked the ability to communicate in human language, rendering the usual methods useless.

"See? He also agrees. Look, these things can't speak human speech and don't have any morality at all. It's simply the survival of the fittest; they're just wild animals," Velgrynd asserted, crushing another creature's head. The actions of my fellow dragon reinforced the stark reality that we were dealing with entities devoid of human-like communication or morality.

"But still..." Lavinia's words trailed off, and just as she was about to continue, Suzaku joined in, swiftly eliminating the creatures, leaving Lavinia in evident shock.

In the midst of this chaos, Shin emerged from my shadows and leaped towards Lavinia. A silent exchange transpired between them, with Shin conveying the futility of resistance. Eventually, Lavinia and Danu both yielded to the situation.

"Okay..." Lavinia mumbled in a subdued tone. Summoning four Ice Dolls, she instructed them to commence the task of eliminating the creatures surrounding us.

Seizing this moment, I positioned myself in front of the core, taking a closer look. Without Cúntóir by my side, I had to rely solely on my own abilities. This choice was intentional, as I had expressed the desire to handle such situations independently.

Upon making contact with the core, I sensed a pulsating energy course through my body, prompting me to close my eyes. Delving into the core's intricate structure, I discovered a complex web of energy lines, each linked to various functions. However, my focus was singular—I sought to establish a connection between the core, the wells, the roots of this world, and the location where Latia, Astrid and Cúntóir were situated.

After a bit of navigation, I identified the most optimal route available. While I had previously observed various potential connections, they weren't the most efficient. Once I established the improved connections, a potent pulse emanated from the core, followed by the sudden eruption of a powerful pillar of green energy.

The force of the energy expelled Echilys and Liember, who were with us, but the rest of us managed to stand our ground and witness the activation unfold before us.

"The lines are... changing," remarked Azathoth, prompting us to look outside. True to her observation, the lines resembled waves, violently oscillating.

"Um... are we still okay?" Danu asked, her tone betraying a hint of concern.

"Yeah, don't worry about it; everything's fine," I reassured them. Despite the apparent turbulence in the surroundings, I remained confident that the situation was under control.

The pillar continued to expand, reaching its limits before erupting into a burst of energy. This explosion gave rise to a protective barrier around the planet, a veil of green energy so delicate that it eluded the naked eye from both the planet's surface and the expanse of space. Importantly, this barrier existed within my own, ensuring that Phumera or anyone else beyond it remained oblivious to its presence.

The lines stemming from the pillar and wells intensified their luminosity, taking on an even brighter glow. Gradually, they solidified, seamlessly reconnecting with the now verdant barrier enveloping the tree. Simultaneously, the tree itself emitted a gentle, soothing green radiance.

The core, previously unstable, underwent a remarkable transformation, now displaying a heightened level of stability. Peering downward, the tree creatures that had emerged from the walls of the tree withdrew back into its sanctuary.

"Is it done...?" Liember inquired, seeking confirmation. However, before I could respond, a magic circle materialized beside me.

"This is Latia. I don't know what you did, Aaron, but Cúntóir and Astrid say it was a success. It's much more powerful and efficient than they expected, and this planet now has unlimited energy—and it's even doing something strange," Latia conveyed, a mix of awe and curiosity evident in her tone.

"Strange? What do you mean by that, Latia?" Rossweisse inquired, seeking clarification.

"Things that don't have... well, the best way to put it is that things without a power source or energy input are being powered up. Imagine your phone without a battery or charging port, yet it's still powering up and stuck at 100% battery. That's the simplest way I can explain it," she elucidated, leaving everyone present in a state of surprise.

Taking a closer look into the matter, I verified that what Latia had mentioned was indeed accurate. However, it became apparent that the newfound energy supply extended solely to devices and similar technology.

It didn't grant individuals an unlimited source of energy, preventing anyone who landed on the planet from becoming virtually invincible by spamming their abilities endlessly. Ensuring everyone was aware of this limitation, I shared the information with the group, including Latia herself.

Latia proposed, "We'll monitor the core from here for a little while before heading back up. I recommend you do the same, just in case anything unusual occurs," before terminating the magic circle.

"I'll stay up here; you guys can go explore. Oh, and could someone check the top for me? I'd like to ensure everything is stable up there too," I requested, and they readily agreed.

Lavinia, Suzaku, and Danu took charge of inspecting the top while the rest descended. The exception was Azathoth, who chose to stay with me. It became evident that she had something on her mind and was seeking a conversation.

"Did you need something?" I inquired of Azathoth, my gaze fixed on the core. It now possessed a heightened translucency, revealing a small green sphere within it—a miniature reflection of the planet itself.

Azathoth posed a question, her tone carrying a weight of concern. "Do you plan on making the lives of the people here livable first before you set out on your missions?"

I nodded, acknowledging the validity of her inquiry. "Yeah, they deserve a better life than they've led so far. This... might seem small to me, but it means a lot to them. While they get a chance to relax a bit, we'll handle the rest for them. And when we return from our missions, we'll find a world ready for us to unwind in, won't we?" I glanced back at her, only to be surprised by her sudden proximity.

"I see," she responded. Soon after, I felt a pair of arms encircle me from behind, and a head rested against my back.

Azathoth and I maintained that embrace until the others returned. Their perplexed expressions questioned the unusual display, but I couldn't offer any explanation. Nonetheless, they reassured us that everything remained stable, and there were no alterations in the core. Satisfied with their report, we headed back to the meeting room. Simultaneously, I left an avatar behind to monitor the situation for the remainder of the day.

— ○ ● ○ —

After an additional hour of discussions, we neared the completion of our plans. In a few weeks, we would embark on our respective missions. My group was assigned to Ferrothos Prime and Aldrake, while Rias and Cao Cao's teams were directed to different destinations.

As the meeting concluded, I exited with my group. Stepping outside, the oversized clock constructed from neon lights indicated that it was approximately four in the afternoon, signaling the approaching end of the day.

Lavinia and Echilys swiftly departed, deciding to exchange knowledge on various ice and snow-related attacks. The rest of the group dispersed, with Ryuuta and Bova seeming eager to engage in a conversation with Lavinia.

The return of Aurelia's team was not surprising; they typically completed their tasks swiftly. Since I was on my own, I utilized teleportation to return to the surface, opting to observe the surroundings from a distance.

"Aaron!" A resonant voice echoed suddenly, capturing my attention. It was the twins, Haru and Yoru.

"Oh, Haru, Yoru, good work out there. Did you need something?" I asked, but Haru ignored my question, swiftly moving toward me and enveloping me in a tight embrace. Yoru, with a hint of annoyance, joined in, creating a group hug.

"No, but we just finished clearing an entire group from a planet under Phumera's control. Aurelia took charge most of the time, but when we had to split up, it wasn't as challenging as before," Haru explained, sharing the details of their recent mission.

"Hmm, seems like the extra 100 years of training paid off, huh?" I teased, playfully ruffling Haru's hair. Laughter bubbled up from her, adding a lighthearted touch to the moment.

Yoru chimed in, "But Kouchin and Bo (Bova) weren't satisfied with their individual performances. It's not like they were in a terrible mood, but I sensed a kind of sadness, you know?"

Releasing a sigh, I responded, "They set themselves to a much higher standard than you two. Sometimes, I find it excessive and unnecessary, but even if I were to bring it up, I'm sure they'd persist. Until they find their own peace with it, all we can do is wait."

Reflecting on our time in my [Training Facility], the 100 years we spent before arriving here, those two consistently pushed themselves to the brink of exhaustion. I had to step in and insist they take a break, as their relentless pursuit of becoming my "fist" and "fang" had taken a toll on their well-being.

While they did ease up a bit afterward, the relentless drive to become stronger persisted. I empathized with their frustration, but it seemed like their dedication had transformed into an unhealthy obsession. I couldn't help but worry about their readiness for the upcoming mission to Ferrothos Prime.

"Enough with the gloom and doom! What happened to that?! Can we go to it?! Hey, can we?!" Haru interrupted, pointing eagerly at the glowing tree.

It appeared they had returned only after the entire ordeal had concluded. Hastily, I concurred, offering a brief account of the events that transpired. Together, we set off towards the glowing tree, eager to explore what had captured Haru's attention.

— ○ ● ○ —

Several weeks had elapsed since our arrival on the Resistance's planet, marked by numerous changes that had unfolded. However, delving into those details could wait for another time. Today marked the initiation of our first significant mission.

My team was set to embark on a journey to Ferrothos Prime, while Aldrake's team would head to Shadenvyre Machinara, the location where Aldrake's sister was being held captive by the Umbra named Sagriff.

"Don't hold me back, Lion King," Eliovan asserted in a tone of defiance.

"Hmm. Do your best, Elio. We're heading to Ferrothos Prime today, and we'll need all the help," replied Sairaorg.

Several teams, including Sairaorg's, Dulio's, and mine, were slated to venture to Ferrothos Prime. Meanwhile, Sona and a team from the Resistance would remain on the ship I had constructed. Their mission involved monitoring and thwarting any attempts to infiltrate the planet after our we entered it.

Amidst the final check-ups, Akeno approached me, enveloping me in a warm embrace. "We'll be gone for a little while. I wish we could have spent more time with each other," she playfully complained.

Returning the embrace, I ran my fingers through her hair. "We've had the last couple of weeks together, Akeno. A few days apart won't be too bad... probably," I reassured her.

As the days drew nearer, a sense of melancholy settled over Akeno, Rias, and a few others at the prospect of being separated. The realization that their mission demanded it, that they would play a crucial role in confronting and subduing one of the Umbra, lingered in the air. Despite the bittersweet emotions, they acknowledged the necessity of the task at hand.

As Akeno leaned in for a kiss, Rias intervened, gently pulling her away. "Akeno, we need to head to our ship; come on," Rias urged, a note of urgency in her voice.

"But let me get a kiss in!" Akeno protested.

"We've already spent the night with him, along with a few others. We can't linger any longer," Rias stated with a touch of sternness.

Reluctantly, Akeno complied and distanced herself from me. However, seizing the opportunity, Rias slyly moved in and planted a kiss on my lips. She winked mischievously and gracefully walked away.

"Hey, that's just playing dirty!" Akeno protested, catching up to Rias.

"Fufu, you did that a lot to me, Akeno. I just got a bit of payback," replied Rias, the two friends engaging in lighthearted banter as they walked away.

Returning to my group, I sought out Vali and addressed him directly. "Vali, could you do me a favor and not go overboard? Your ship is getting transported to the planet in three days, and there's a chance for a test run. Azazel and the others are doing last-minute check-ups to make sure everything's good before sending it over," I explained, wanting to make sure he understood the importance of a smooth process.

Vali huffed, crossing his arms. "Hmph, what I've got now is fine, but sure," he replied with a hint of nonchalance. "At least that annoying brat isn't on my team. I wonder how Sairaorg Bael deals with him."

"Sairaorg has his way with people like Eliovan. But, Vali, you'll have to work with him in the future. Can't keep avoiding him," I advised, emphasizing the need for cooperation. Despite my words, he scoffed, seemingly uninterested in the idea.

"Anyway," I started, glancing around at our surroundings. "Let's get to it then." My finger pointed toward the spaceship we were about to board, and everyone started making their way toward it.

Noticing a few of our teammates who would remain on the planet, I turned to them and remarked, "We're leaving this place to you guys in our absence. We should be back in a few days, depending on the time it takes us to get to the planet, but it shouldn't be too long."

Inaie, not too pleased about being left behind, expressed her discontent, "I'm definitely coming on the next one, you got that!?"

"Absolutely, you will. I just need reliable people here," I reassured, patting her head.

Laeronia had chosen to stay behind, overseeing everything during our absence. Branthar and Astrid, motivated by their grievances with Zenosius, accompanied us. Remaining at the base were notable figures such as Grayfia, Inaie, Raiko, Kalawarna, Gabriel, and a few other members of [DxD].

In our strategic approach, individuals rotated between staying at the base and participating in missions. Despite the formidable strength of the Resistance members, it was essential to have powerful individuals overseeing operations back at the headquarters.

Additionally, our responsibilities extended to another liberated planet that Sona's group had recently freed. Over the past few weeks, we had been actively involved in its renovation and development. The dual focus on both the Resistance's home base and the newly acquired planet demanded a careful distribution of skilled individuals to ensure the success of our endeavors.

"Alright, take care," I conveyed to Laeronia, sealing the sentiment with a friendly fist bump. With a swift flash step, I made my way towards the ship, boarding it promptly.

While my usual companion, Cúntóir, would have been by my side, she had chosen to join Aldrake's group, including Lysanvar. Consequently, the primary responsibility for guiding everyone fell upon Astrid, Branthar, and myself.

As I navigated through the ship, heading towards the cockpit, I noticed a few individuals already present. Along the journey, the evident awe on everyone's faces caught my attention. Some even vocalized their feelings, expressing a sensation akin to being characters in a sci-fi movie or series. This sentiment resonated deeply with me, as the ship's futuristic ambiance truly evoked a sense of wonder.

In the cockpit with me were Sona, Latia, Astrid, Branthar, and the Fated Ones. Approaching Astrid, I noticed she had input the coordinates on the panel for the planet.

"You're 100% sure about those coordinates?" I asked, seeking confirmation, and she nodded.

"Yep! We never had a spaceship before, so reaching a planet that's really far away would take a couple of days at best. Laeronia made it easier by giving us what he called 'Jumper Pads,' which work like long-ranged magic circles you guys use. Without them, we would need to travel from one planet to another, resting at the sixth or seventh to regain our energy and then continue until we reach our destination. This spaceship you made makes it easier," explained Astrid, her affectionate pat on the spaceship underscoring its significance.

I nodded in response before settling into my seat. "This feels strange. Anyway, based on my calculations, it should take about an hour to reach the planet. Cúntóir and I discussed this beforehand because apparently, that guy has defenses in place even before we reach the planet's perimeter."

Sona inquired, "Will we disable it before going in?" I affirmed with a nod.

"Yeah, I will handle that, and we'll leave the defense outside for Latia and your team," I explained, and she agreed.

"So, we have an hour to relax... for some reason, it makes me a bit anxious," expressed Lavinia. The anticipation of the impending mission seemed to create a sense of restlessness among them during this brief interlude.

"Don't overthink it; just go and relax. The planet is twice the size of Earth's sun, so we've got plenty of ground to cover. And don't stress about potentially damaging the space around it. I'll handle the repairs, and we'll proudly add this new planet to the list of conquered and liberated ones by the Resistance," I assured.

With a series of button presses and lever maneuvers, the ship hummed to life, gracefully ascending into the sky and then venturing into the vastness of space.

[We're embarking on our journey now. It'll take roughly an hour to get there, so feel free to explore the ship in the meantime. I'll make an announcement five minutes before we arrive,] I communicated throughout the spaceship.

"Are we going!?" Seekvaira's excitement echoed through the spacecraft as she came into the cockpit.

Her enthusiasm had been palpable when she first saw Vali's ship, and with my strict prohibition of anyone entering the hangar, which housed the two identical ships for Rias' team and mine, Seekvaira was now thrilled to be on board.

Seizing hold of the peculiar-looking steering wheel, I exerted gentle pressure on the lever, causing us to disappear from our current location. The surroundings shifted as the mechanism responded to my touch, propelling us into the unknown.

— ○ ● ○ —

A couple of minutes slipped away, and I set the autopilot to take the reins. With that task sorted, I finally had a moment to unwind. The rest of the crew dispersed to explore the ship, leaving me in the company of three serious women—Seekvaira, Latia, and Sona.

Sona, standing by a window, observed as planets and celestial bodies drifted past us. "Not too long now," she remarked.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I inquired, "Feeling nervous?"

Sona shook her head. "Not nervous, but curious about what kind of place awaits us. I've heard a few rumors and stories from the locals on the Resistance's planet, and they weren't exactly uplifting."

Latia chimed in, "Mostly rumors, Sona. Don't dwell too deeply on them. The truth will reveal itself soon enough. Considering they're affiliated with Phumera's group, the primary tech provider, we might want to prepare for the worst."

As the two of them settled into conversation, Seekvaira abruptly hopped onto my lap, her gaze fixating on the controls. "These look pretty futuristic, but how do they stack up against the..." She delved into a detailed discussion about our world's Gundam knockoff, her words spiraling into eccentric intricacies.

While I had glimpsed a few episodes in the past, my memory of the show was hazy, and most of what Seekvaira was saying sailed right over my head. The growing confusion on my face didn't escape the notice of Latia and Sona, who exchanged questioning glances in Seekvaira's direction.

"Is something wrong you two?" Seekvaira inquired, her head tilted in puzzlement.

Latia spoke up, her tone carrying a hint of curiosity. "It's just unusual to see you sitting on Aaron's lap. Weren't you in an engagement?"

Seekvaira blinked a few times, her gaze shifting between me and her current perch. A faint crimson hue tinged her cheeks, but she quickly shook her head. "No, I called it off, just like you did, Sona. I refuse to settle for someone who isn't as intelligent as me or doesn't share my interests, or at the very least, tolerates them. Plus, I couldn't stand that obnoxious jerk."

"Hmm. I did meet him a few times, and he seemed like the typical noble. Did you tell him of your…preferences beforehand?" Latia inquired.

As they delved into a conversation about noble-related matters, my attention waned. Without realizing, I conjured an illusion to take my place and ventured off to explore the ship on my own. It might take them a few minutes to notice my absence, but that was alright.

Strolling through the corridors, I eventually found myself in one of the ship's training rooms. The Vali Team and others were engaged in various exercises. Although I only cast a brief glance inside, it appeared that Vali was involved in some activity with Genbu and Calantha, likely training his wyverns alongside them.

Entrusting them to their own devices, I strolled into one of the many cafeteria areas and discovered a multitude of individuals. In lieu of relying on fellow humans, I had created androids to take charge of our culinary needs. Grayfia and the others wouldn't be joining us for the majority of our missions—just a handful in the future—so I took it upon myself to craft these artificial beings.

The notion of having my avatars and clones incessantly cook for the entire crew did cross my mind. Yet, after contemplation, I opted for the androids instead. They not only assumed the responsibility of preparing our meals but also shouldered the day-to-day cleaning duties aboard the ship.

The interior of my vessel drew inspiration from the sci-fi shows I had immersed myself in during both my past and current lives. Consequently, the surroundings predominantly featured metallic and glass structures, complemented by a medley of rocks and elemental materials I had encountered in the recent weeks. This amalgamation served to infuse a touch of the Phantasma's universe into the ship's design.

Venturing into another section of the ship, I found myself in a room adorned with an assortment of diverse objects. One might liken it to a haven for antique enthusiasts, a sanctuary for relics of a bygone era. This space had been meticulously arranged with Reya in mind, given her penchant for such treasures. The Phantasma, it seemed, harbored no shortage of what she considered to be "antiques."

Upon entering, Reya's gaze instantaneously fixated on mine. She sprang up from her perch, a curious glint in her eyes, and inquired, "Why are you here, Aaron~? I thought you'd be stuck in the cockpit until we started our mission."

Shrugging nonchalantly, I responded, "The three heiresses were engrossed in noble chatter, and honestly, I wasn't in the mood for it. So, I took a leisurely stroll, checking if everything's ship-shape. Didn't anticipate finding you all by your lonesome here."

"Alone?" Reya echoed, turning to her left. Like a pair of unexpected guests, Bennia and Momo appeared. Momo, sporting a rosy hue on her cheeks, approached me and embraced me warmly. "I'm not exactly lonely with these two around."

<<Yo, Oppai Dragon-san, cool ship. Will it transform in the future?>> Bennia inquired with a casual tone.

Chuckling softly, I affectionately patted Bennia's head, and she responded with a gentle acceptance of the gesture. "Who knows? It might?" I mused, settling into a conversation with the three of them. After speaking with them for a couple of minutes, the journey had whittled down to the final ten minutes.

As the trio rejoined me in the cockpit, it was evident that the three ladies I had left behind weren't particularly pleased. "Can you save your grievances for later?" I inquired, and though they agreed, annoyance lingered in their expressions.

Taking my place in front of the chair, I decided it was time for my next announcement. [We have ten minutes left until we arrive at our first obstacle. Those assigned to defend the ship and the planet's exterior, please prepare yourselves. The rest of you will be transported to various points within the planet of Ferrothos Prime soon.]

"Bennia, Reya, Momo, could you please start getting ready? I'll join the rest of you shortly," Sona requested, and all three of them nodded in agreement. Momo and I exchanged a brief kiss before they headed off. Sona then shifted her focus to me, saying, "Don't just leave us hanging like that; it was a bit rude... but I'll go get ready as well."

Following her lead, we replicated the routine as she left. Latia chimed in, "I'll stay here. The rest of my peerage will join Sona's team. Branthar left after you, and Astrid is also preparing."

"Got it. Thanks, and I apologize for the rush," I replied, gently kissing Latia's forehead. As we approached the initial obstacle, a massive electric barrier encircled the distant planet.

Curious, Seekvaira squinted at it and asked, "What does that do?"

"It's designed to deter potential invaders. Typically, it disrupts their communication systems and can even disable their ships. Most intruders would need a way to bypass it before reaching the planet. However, some more daring individuals might attempt to charge straight through," I explained, shedding light on the protective measure.

Following my explanation, Seekvaira departed too, leaving the next ten minutes shrouded in silence. When we approached our destination, I seized the moment to address everyone. [Alright, we're here. Let's begin. Get ready. I'll initiate a countdown.]

A mechanical voice echoed through the intercom, and a collective anticipation hung in the air as we waited. Drawing closer to zero, I impulsively walked over to Latia and planted a sudden kiss on her, catching her off guard. "Good luck."

Before she could respond, my group and I were whisked away in a teleportation, coinciding with the deactivation of the electric barrier. This triggered a cascade of alert systems on the planet Ferrothos Prime, setting off a chain reaction of warnings.

— ○ ● ○ —

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