Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 4 – Sisterly Oath: Crescendo in Crescent Skies

Third Person Point of View

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Aurelia faced three enemies, a defiant smirk playing on her lips. "Well, well. Never thought I'd have the pleasure of tangling with a trio of his subordinates," she quipped, conjuring her greatsword and resting it casually upon her shoulder.

The battleground was an abandoned city, a desolate landscape bearing the scars of time. Amid the ruins, countless foes had succumbed to her blade, leaving these final three as the last obstacles in her path.

Aurelia, undeterred and determined, had attempted to extract information from the vanquished minions about the whereabouts of Abysnar's stronghold. Their uncooperative silence met with swift elimination, leaving only the trio of city leaders as her remaining targets.

At the far end of the scene, Aurelia's gaze zeroed in on the leader, a woman stationed at the rear, perched nonchalantly on a dilapidated chair. Cascading waves of cobalt blue hair were gathered into a ponytail, framing her pink eyes that exuded a sense of calculated malice.

Draped in a form-fitting black dress, adorned with a stark white coat, and sporting long red socks paired with ominous black heels, she commanded an air of sinister elegance. Gripped in her hand was a grimoire, a tome of magical knowledge, and adorning her hips were syringes filled with an array of vibrant liquids, a detail that piqued Aurelia's curiosity.

The enemies in her immediate vicinity were the two strange-looking brutes. To her left, a humanoid entity of shadowy gray complexion loomed, its featureless face concealed in an mystifying shroud. A normal right arm contrasted sharply with its left, transformed into a menacing crescent blade.

On Aurelia's right, a striking figure stood, a man dominated by hues of red. Clad in little more than a crimson loincloth, he bore an almost primal appearance. Fiery crimson hair framed a face with piercing red eyes devoid of pupils, accompanied by menacing horns that adorned his head and a sinuous tail that swayed with his movements.

The defining feature, however, lay in his right arm—a colossal flaming gauntlet that blazed with an otherworldly intensity, a stark contrast to his normal-sized left arm.

The command of the confrontation shifted as the blue-haired woman, positioned at the rear, issued orders. "You two, dispose of her. She's left our city in ruins; it's truly disheartening," she declared with a touch of disdain.

The man, identified as Nosmic, resounded with enthusiasm, declaring, "She's strong. The Great Nosmic shall revel in the battle against her!"

With swift precision, Nosmic and the shadowy figure lunged at Aurelia, their attack synchronized. Nosmic, fueled by the blazing gauntlet, hurled a fiery punch, while the gray entity, swung its ominous crescent-shaped arm toward her.

In response, Aurelia, surveyed her opponents. Utilizing [Observe] through [Food Chain], she identified the gray entity's name as Wenlo, a detail that sparked a momentary curiosity. Unfazed, she swung her greatsword with practiced skill, a dance of lethal precision that erected a protective barrier of constant slashes. The onslaught was repelled, sending Nosmic and Wenlo crashing into opposite buildings.

Aurelia's grin widened as her gaze fixed on the woman before her, now identified as Xesla after using [Observe] on her. Closing the distance, she continued her advance with a casual walk, unfazed by the recovering Nosmic and Wenlo, who charged back at her with seemingly minor damage.

Once more, the assailants launched their attacks at Aurelia, but this time, she countered with a display of her aura, effortlessly halting their advance.

"What—!? Her aura can stop our attacks...? Only Abysnar, Lady Phumera, and Yve possessed such power... Is she truly on par with them!?" Nosmic exclaimed, shock evident in his voice.

Aurelia, maintaining her confident grin, halted her advance and delivered a bold declaration, "Your leaders... are weak!" With those words, she unleashed an even more potent wave of her aura, sending both Nosmic and Wenlo hurtling away.

A bead of sweat trickled down Xesla's cheek as she observed Aurelia's casual stroll. 'What in the world is with this woman? How can she wield such power...? It's reminiscent of the aura I felt when I encountered Lady Phumera in the past. Could she be their leader...?'

In an instant, Aurelia propelled herself towards Xesla, the sudden burst of speed sending the leader tumbling off her rusty perch. Reacting swiftly, Xesla raised her Grimoire, activating a spell that summoned a multitude of vibrant insects of various hues. Silently commanding them, she directed the colorful swarm toward Aurelia.

However, with a maniacal grin, Aurelia effortlessly sliced through the magical insects as they approached, leaving Xesla in stunned disbelief. "How can you cut apart magic!?" she exclaimed, confusion etched across her face.

"Because I can," Aurelia replied matter-of-factly, her tone unwavering. Closing the distance with unparalleled speed, she appeared in front of Xesla, delivering a powerful kick to her face.

The force of the impact sent Xesla hurtling through several buildings, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.

Nosmic, undeterred by the previous setback, surged back into action, leaping into the air with flames dancing around his crimson form. The intensity of his power amplified, as the fiery shroud enveloped not only his body but also his colossal gauntlet.

"You're worthy of my full power!!" he bellowed, the declaration resonating with unrestrained enthusiasm. With a primal scream, Nosmic propelled himself toward Aurelia, hurling his flaming gauntlet with formidable force.

As the gauntlet hurtled through the air, an enormous fiery aura emanated from it, casting a blazing spectacle that covered the entire sky. The sheer intensity of Nosmic's attack caused the remaining structures in the vicinity to succumb to the scorching heat, melting away under his heat. Unfazed, Aurelia's grin widened, a silent acknowledgment of the challenge posed by Nosmic's unleashed might.

"Hmph. I will acknowledge you as well, Nosmic!" Aurelia declared, her greatsword raised as she unleashed an even more powerful aura.

The clash intensified as Nosmic pressed forward, delivering a fiery punch aimed at Aurelia. In response, she swung her greatsword, and the weapons collided in a spectacular clash. To an onlooker, it seemed that their powers were evenly matched, but a closer inspection revealed the truth—Nosmic struggled against the force, while Aurelia stood unwavering.

With a hint of sympathy in her expression, Aurelia spoke, "If only you were part of the Resistance, I could have trained you to be something more. Alas, it was not meant to be."

Before Nosmic could fully comprehend her words, his once-mighty gauntlet shattered, and a colossal slash tore through the land. The world seemed to split in half, yet it remained intact, a testament to the controlled power of Aurelia. Tragically, Nosmic found himself severed in two, a swift and decisive end to his formidable presence.

Unexpectedly, Wenlo launched a surprise attack from behind, but Aurelia swiftly pivoted, catching the shadowy entity's crescent-shaped arm in a vice-like grip. A wicked grin adorned her face as she taunted, "Not bad, but you're going to need to be faster than that."

Without hesitation, Aurelia thrust her fist through Wenlo's chest, the decisive blow punctuating her superiority. With a powerful throw, she sent Wenlo soaring into the sky, a fleeting moment before she retrieved her greatsword and unleashed a lethal slash that brought an end to the shadowy entity's existence.

Turning her gaze to Xesla, who had attempted to flee the scene, Aurelia observed, "A coward until the end, huh? Now that's not a good sight to see," she mumbled disapprovingly as she instantaneously appeared in front of Xesla, catching her off guard. "Why do you run?" Aurelia demanded, her eyes piercing into the retreating woman.

Silent defiance lingered in Xesla's gaze as she refrained from verbal response, instead channeling her elemental powers into different attacks. Shapes and sizes varied as she unleashed a symphony of destructive forces towards Aurelia. The Golden Rakshasa, unwavering, stood in the midst of the onslaught, her aura effortlessly nullifying or deflecting each elemental attack.

Xesla, frustrated, clicked her tongue and swiftly retrieved several syringes. Tossing them into the air, they burst open, releasing their contents. From the concoction emerged humanoid elemental beings, each absorbing the liquid with unique characteristics.

The beings evolved, growing in size and gaining bizarre animal-like attributes. Seven in total, they manifested peculiar traits—a tail adorned with venomous mouths, wings bearing hearts that pulsed intermittently, multiple eyes with diverse effects, and a wide-mouthed creature capable of devouring anything.

The creatures charged at Aurelia, each unleashing their unique attacks. The one with venomous tails launched them towards her, and the mouths oozed venom, but with a swift and decisive swing, Aurelia cleaved the creature apart in a single slash.

The creature adorned with pulsating hearts generated rapid vibrations, creating a localized attack. Utilizing its wings to accelerate, it surrounded itself with wind blades for added potency. However, Aurelia, undeterred, swiftly dispatched this foe as well.

With her free hand extended, unleashing a barrage of golden blade attacks that obliterated the incoming attacks. Closing the distance with unparalleled speed, she dashed towards the elemental being, slicing it in two with a fluid motion.

The creature, adorned with numerous eyes, triggered its powers in a synchronized display. An abrupt surge in gravity enveloped Aurelia, intensifying a hundredfold. Her once agile movements now sluggishly navigated the altered forces, and a significant portion of her abilities found themselves sealed. Elemental hands emerged from the ground, seizing and ensnaring her in their ethereal grasp.

"Heh, with this—" Xesla began to boast about her successful capture, only to be interrupted as Aurelia countered with a smirk. Unleashing an even greater surge of her aura and power, she shattered the elemental hands that bound her. "What the—that's not possible! How can you have power comparable to Lady Phumera!? Are you the outer god they boast about!?" Xesla's fury was evident in her question.

Aurelia scoffed dismissively. "Hah, me? The outer god? Please, I don't need such fancy titles to wield strength. But no, I am not; that's my master," she clarified before swiftly dispatching the remaining creatures under Xesla's command with a decisive swing of her greatsword.

Aurelia executed a swift maneuver, reappearing behind Xesla in a blur of motion. Confusion etched across Xesla's face, but as she attempted to raise her hands in defense, the realization struck her—her arms were gone, severed and lying on the ground. Time seemed to struggle to catch up with Aurelia's rapid actions, blood spurting from the stumps where Xesla's arms once were.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! My arms…!" Xesla's horrified screams echoed, abruptly halted as Aurelia reappeared in front of her. The tip of her greatsword rested against Xesla's throat, tilting her head upward.

Snot and tears mingled on Xesla's face as she gazed up at Aurelia. "W-wait, pl-please let me live! I-I can be useful, I can heal people with my synergies! I'll join the Resistance and be a doctor!" she pleaded, her voice quivering, as Aurelia loomed over her.

"I detest people like you. Your words are empty along with your actions. You ordered your comrades to attack me but as soon as I land my first hit on you, you immediately ran away, leaving your comrades to fend for themselves. You're a coward through and through. What's to say you won't just abandon the Resistance after they start losing to Phumera or if another opportunity arises for you?" questioned Aurelia.

Xesla struggled to formulate a response, but the words eluded her. A self-proclaimed genius throughout her life, she now confronted an insurmountable barrier that shattered her perception of invincibility.

Encountering the first Eradicator, Raerea, marked a turning point. With unwavering confidence, Xesla had challenged her, anticipating an effortless triumph. However, that fateful day revealed the harsh truth—she was a big fish in a small pond, ignorant of the vast ocean that awaited, an ocean she lacked the power to conquer. The encounter with Raerea laid bare the limitations of her abilities, leaving Xesla to grapple with the humbling realization of her own inadequacy.

Attempting to challenge two more Eradicators proved to be Xesla's gamble, and fortune favored her as they, benevolent on that particular day, spared her life. The culmination of her recklessness came when she faced Abysnar. In defeat, he, on a capricious whim, chose to spare her. Seizing the opportunity, Xesla requested to become his subordinate, an offer that amused Abysnar enough to grant her wish. Since then, she had existed under his dominion.

Xesla's life, however, was a pattern woven with threads of deceit and lies. Her existence was characterized by exploiting others for personal gain and status. Confronted with her insignificance in the vast expanse of the universe, she adapted to this truth, molding her life around manipulation and self-interest.

Over time, Xesla succumbed to a self-imposed delusion, convincing herself of a newfound strength. While there was a kernel of truth to this belief, the reality was that her growth had been incremental, merely ascending a few tiers rather than achieving a substantial rise in ranks—a deceptive semblance of progress that fueled false hope.

Today marked the shattering of this illusion as Xesla confronted Aurelia Le Guin, only to suffer a resounding defeat. Her so-called "comrades" met a similar fate, effortlessly dispatched by Aurelia's prowess.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" In a final, desperate attempt at retaliation, Xesla unleashed her grimoire, conjuring a multitude of ice spears behind her. However, Aurelia swiftly countered, driving her greatsword into Xesla's neck and seamlessly severing her head in a single fluid motion.

Aurelia's gaze lingered on Xesla's dissipating form, a sight that stirred a measure of surprise within her. However, she swiftly redirected her attention as a colossal eruption echoed in the distance.

"Hmm. Roygun's group is over there. I can sense Rias's group and Liember too. Did their group encounter something over there? I should—"

"Hmm? Oh, Aurelia, you're there," Aaron's voice interrupted her thoughts. Turning around, she discovered him and the Fated ones, accompanied by a few others.

"Aaron-sama. I didn't know you were here," Aurelia remarked, closing the distance between them with measured steps.

"Well, we were on our way to Abysnar's base but stumbled upon you first. Didn't notice, did you? You were pretty close; you know?" Aaron inquired, his casual tone accompanied by Lavinia and Aoife, still perched on his shoulders, waving at Aurelia.

"No. I was... preoccupied by my small battles here. They might pose a challenge to the less trained, but for me, it was quite easy," Aurelia responded. Her attention then shifted to the two women on Aaron's shoulders, and she inquired, "And why might those two be on your shoulders?"

"We just felt like it. Anyway, wanna join us?" Aaron proposed.

"Very well. Some company wouldn't be bad," Aurelia agreed as they embarked on their journey toward Abysnar's base.

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"Take this, you assholes!" Branthar's thunderous bellow preceded a barrage of powerful slashes that swiftly dispatched his opponents.

"Branthar-sama, I would advise against unleashing such devastating attacks regularly. We must preserve our strength and stamina," cautioned Ravel, her advice met with laughter from Branthar.

"It's fine, little Princess Phenex! I can fight for days on end!" Branthar exclaimed, reveling in the thrill of battle.

Their odd group comprised Ravel, Branthar, Sekudia, and Raiko. Despite their disparate backgrounds, they had navigated the unfamiliar terrain mostly unscathed.

"I sense something," announced Sekudia, prompting a halt from the entire group.

"Hmm... there are two of them, and they're powerful," Branthar added, his demeanor shifting to a more serious expression.

A sudden and colossal wave of ice hurtled towards their group, catching them off guard. Ravel swiftly countered, unleashing her own flames to melt the ice. Branthar instinctively took a step back, avoiding the imminent threat.

However, the attacks didn't cease. A massive purple slash followed, aimed directly at them. This time, Raiko stepped forward, intercepting the attack with a powerful counter-slash that resulted in a mini explosion in the air.

"I have an idea of who these two are. Pohyaku, the Heavenly Ice Emperor, and Forang, the Demonic Sword. They're both quite powerful and were rumored to join the Ueboros at some point but declined their invitations," Sekudia explained.

"Branthar, let's face Forang. I have some matters to discuss with him, and perhaps, with a slim chance, convince him to join us," Sekudia proposed. Branthar, though puzzled, agreed, and in an instant, they vanished from the scene.

"Hohoho! Who would have thought that man had betrayed us; he's certainly brave to do that," chuckled an old man's voice.

Pohyaku appeared in front of Raiko and Ravel. His long white hair framed glowing blue eyes, and a scar marked the left side of his face. He wore a white cap adorned with silver stars, and a long furry coat billowed behind him, matching his white pants and brown shoes and gloves. Portions of his jaw were reconstructed with metal, lending him the appearance of a seasoned veteran.

He tipped his hat to Ravel and Raiko. "How do you do, ladies. I'm Pohyaku, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now then," he began, and ice began to manifest around him, "shall we get started?"

"If you will humor me, Pohyaku-sama, may I ask some questions?" Ravel inquired, sparking a glimmer of interest in Pohyaku's eyes.

"Not many stay composed in my presence, and you're quite respectful, so I will humor you. Go ahead," Pohyaku replied.

"Why did you join Phumera's organization? And why is she dead set on reawakening Magnum Tenebrosum?" Ravel inquired, prompting laughter from Pohyaku.

He shook his head and said, "I can only answer one of those questions, little girl. The other is just speculation. Are you fine with that?"

"Yes," replied Ravel.

Pohyaku proceeded to explain, "I joined because I lost everything. I was against Lady Phumera from the start, but they wiped out my planet, my people, my species, family—my son and wife. I lost everything. In the end, in a desperate attempt at... something, I challenged Phumera and nearly lost my life."

He gestured toward his closed eye. "I lost my eye to her that day, acquiring this scar. However, instead of dealing the final blow, she extended an offer. Recognizing my heightened prowess compared to others of my kind, she promised to revive my family if I comply."

"And... did she?" Ravel inquired.

Pohyaku affirmed with a nod. "As long as I remain in their service, my family remains safe. Joining the Resistance or any alternative is off the table. The consequences of defeat, capture, or death remain shrouded in uncertainty. Attempts to seek clarity were met with her insistence to keep silent. As long as I continue working for her, my family is spared from harm."

He scratched the back of his head, pondering the question. "Lady Phumera's desire to reawaken Magnum Tenebrosum has sparked various theories. The prevailing one suggests that a fragment of the entity has asserted control over Lady Phumera, initiating its own revival," he explained, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

With a scoff and a chuckle, he continued, "Then there are more outlandish speculations, like her being enamored with him. Some claim she intends to seize control of Magnum Tenebrosum and fuse him with her secret lover, aiming to dominate the multiverse in that odd manner. Absurd, isn't it?" He added a nonchalant shrug, as if acknowledging the whimsical nature of the theories.

Ravel and Raiko exchanged uncertain glances, processing the information before Ravel broke the silence. "Care to indulge me a bit more?" Pohyaku, intrigued, nodded in agreement. "What if we continue our conversation while engaging in a game of chess? The stakes? The winner gets the honor of ending the loser's life," proposed Ravel.

In response, Pohyaku burst into laughter. "I've never faced a challenge quite like this! It's refreshingly unique and unconventional," he remarked, taking a moment to consider the proposition seriously. "Very well! I accept. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, after all."

Ravel's smile widened as she snapped her fingers. A table materialized with a chess set, accompanied by three chairs. "Let's have three rounds. The winner claims the loser's life. In case of a draw, we'll play one more round to determine the ultimate victor. How does that sound?" inquired Ravel.

"I'm absolutely okay with that! Go ahead and shoot your questions, young lady—wait, what's your name?" inquired Pohyaku.

"I go by Ravel Phenex, and this here is—"

"R-Raiko Toole," Raiko blurted out, cutting off Ravel while displaying a faint blush.

Ravel fixed her gaze on Raiko, a momentary silence hanging in the air before she awkwardly coughed into her fist. "Y-yes, she's Raiko. She'll be overseeing our match; is that acceptable?" Ravel inquired.

"A spectator works for me. Alright then, let's get started," declared Pohyaku as the trio settled down, poised to kick off their intense chess showdown that could spell out the end for one of them.

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"Sekudia, why have you betrayed us?" Forang's question cut through the tense air, his sword met by the swift deflection of Branthar's blade.

Facing Forang with unwavering determination, Sekudia stood her ground at the rear. "I was never part of Phumera's organization. I was merely a spy, planning to dismantle it from within. I have always been, and will always be, part of the Resistance," he explained.

Forang's brows furrowed in disbelief as he fixed a piercing gaze on Sekudia. "Lady Phumera has brought prosperity to our universe. Your betrayal is unforgivable!"

Purple slashes filled the space as Forang launched an attack countered by Branthar. However, the discrepancy in power was evident, as Branthar's slashes crumbled upon collision.

"I'm here too, you know! Don't just ignore me!" Branthar protested, charging towards Forang and clashing his greatsword against Forang's weapon.

"Weaklings have no right to be part of this conversation!" Forang's roar echoed as he delivered a forceful kick to Branthar's stomach, sending him sprawling away.

"I'm no weakling!" Branthar's defiant shout reverberated, and in an instant, he closed the gap between them, catching Forang off guard.

With a swift upward swing, Branthar compelled Forang to leap backward. To Forang's astonishment, the Branthar he saw was a mere afterimage. The real Branthar appeared behind him, driving his fist into Forang's back, sending him hurtling away. A triumphant smirk played on Branthar's face as he raised his greatsword, enveloping it in an immense surge of purple energy before unleashing a powerful slash toward Forang.

The slash tore through the air, but Forang, recovering mid-air, landed gracefully on the ground. With effortless precision, he cut through Branthar's attack with his own sword. A contemplative gaze fixed on Branthar before Forang vanished, reappearing behind his opponent.

Seizing the moment, Sekudia reappeared in front of Forang, deflecting a sword strike aimed at him. Forang, taken aback, barely had time to react before Sekudia's palm struck his chest with force, cracking the armor he wore and propelling him away.

"Watch your step, Branthar. Losing a leader in the Resistance is a luxury we can't afford," Sekudia cautioned as he observed Forang rising from his position.

"Hah! You worry too much, Sekudia. I'm not planning on kicking the bucket anytime soon. What's got you so concerned?" Branthar replied, adopting an air of indifference.

"I've mentioned this before. Both Forang and Pohyaku turned down invitations to join Ueboros. Personally, I'd rank them at 1 and 3, with Forang at 3 and Pohyaku at the top spot. Even Echilys admits uncertainty about her ability to surpass Pohyaku's mastery of ice manipulation," Sekudia explained.

"Heeh? He doesn't strike me as all that power for being put at rank 3," Branthar retorted, seemingly underestimating Forang.

"That's because he hasn't taken us seriously yet. As I said, keep your guard up and don't let arrogance cloud your judgment," Sekudia warned, and reluctantly, Branthar acquiesced.

A billowing dust cloud marked Forang's disappearance. "He's on the move! Brace yourself!" Sekudia's warning echoed, and within moments, the sky above them became a surreal spectacle with the sudden appearance of countless enormous purple dragons, their wings seemingly spanning the entire heavens. Branthar, stunned by the breathtaking display, could barely articulate his surprise.

"What in the—"

"We're moving. Wreak as much havoc as you can," Sekudia commanded before seizing Branthar and snapping his fingers.

In an instant, they soared into the sky, effortlessly evading the onslaught of purple dragons at supersonic speeds. Branthar focused on deflecting and obliterating the descending creatures, while any he missed were swiftly handled by Sekudia's unique ability, [Absolute Territory]—an imperceptible shield that surrounded him, deflecting or nullifying anything that came into contact with it.

The purple dragons that brushed against the barrier met a swift demise, and with coordinated precision, they closed the gap between themselves and Forang, who remained rooted in place, fixing them with an unyielding gaze.

With another snap of his fingers, Branthar and Sekudia appeared beside Forang. Branthar wasted no time, swinging his sword at Forang, only to have his attack expertly deflected. Meanwhile, Sekudia unleashed a barrage of unseen bullets from his fingertips, but Forang, ever vigilant, managed to deflect several, though a few found their mark, chipping away at his armor.

"You're my natural enemy, Sekudia. Continuing this battle will only lead to my defeat, given your superior strength," Forang admitted, a hint of resignation in his voice. "However, your companion may not be as fortunate."

Without warning, Forang swiftly closed the distance between himself and Sekudia, abruptly pushing Branthar out of Sekudia's grasp.

Simultaneously, the very arm Forang used for the push was severed. As Branthar plummeted to the ground, Forang swiftly descended, thrusting his sword through Branthar's chest. However, the shock intensified as Branthar's chest, against all odds, clung to the blade, an unyielding determination preventing him from letting go.

The battle maniac followed it up by seizing Forang in a bear hug. "Sekudia! Do it now!" Branthar's urgent plea pierced the chaotic atmosphere, but Sekudia hesitated, a moment of uncertainty clouding his resolve. "I said do it, damn it!" Branthar's second shout pierced the air, prompting Sekudia to close his eyes, grappling with the impending decision.

Raising his arm, Sekudia unleashed a black and white aura that shot skyward, transcending the atmosphere and shaping itself into a colossal axe. With a resolute swing, Sekudia directed the weapon downward, hurtling it toward the entwined figures of Branthar and Forang.

"Gaaaaaaaaah!! Not like this, damn it!!" Forang's anguished scream echoed as he struggled futilely to escape Branthar's unyielding grip, hampered by the loss of his other arm.

Branthar, a wry grin on his face, taunted Forang, "I ain't checking out just yet, but who knows about you, pretty boy." As Sekudia's devastating attack hurtled toward them, a barrier was quickly erected, encapsulating their area.

The ensuing explosion enveloped the entire barrier, obliterating everything within its confines. Sekudia descended swiftly, only to discover the grim aftermath: Branthar and Forang lay severed, split in half by the force of the attack and the ensuing blast.

However, Forang bore the brunt of the intended attack, and additional fragments of him scattered and descended to the remaining ground. Swiftly reacting, Sekudia seized the dismembered pieces of Branthar, reassembled them, and administered a Slime Pill.

The separated segments of Branthar miraculously fused back together, and within moments, his eyes widened, followed by hearty laughter punctuated by a cough that expelled a trace of blood. "I win! Hell yeah!" he declared triumphantly before turning to Sekudia with a query, "You did make sure to use that item, right?"

Sekudia offered a wry smile and nodded in affirmation. "I did, though I must say, that move of yours was beyond reckless! What if I hadn't packed a Slime Pill?" he chided, a note of exasperation in his voice.

"I knew you had it covered. You're not one to forget," Branthar reassured, giving Sekudia a hearty pat on the back, prompting a resigned sigh from his friend.

Their attention then turned to Forang's scattered body parts, and to their astonishment, his head still showed signs of life. Landing beside it, they observed as Forang's eyes focused on them.

"An idiotic brute's plan actually worked. Who would have guessed the Resistance had such a bizarre item capable of healing even near-death situations? My own healing abilities won't suffice; I cannot reattach my own limbs. Death awaits me soon," Forang admitted, accepting his inevitable fate.

"We can extend a lifeline if you join our cause, Forang," Sekudia proposed, a hint of hope in his eyes. A sense of nostalgia flickered across Forang's expression.

"That's a ship that sailed long ago. Perhaps, in a different era, it might have held allure. But now... it just seems foolish," Forang admitted, his gaze drifting skyward. "...Listen, the Resistance aims to liberate everyone, doesn't it?"

"We're committed to it," Sekudia affirmed.

"Free Fengyun Fudi as well. I want my family there, even if they despise me. Set them free," he pleaded. "In the past, my arrogance blinded me, or at least that's what I told myself. It was to protect them, but truthfully, it was mostly my arrogance. As the years rolled by, I came to grips with my own foolishness, but it also meant we weren't eradicated. If given the choice, I'd make the same decision again."

After those words, Forang's eyes closed, marking his departure from the realm of the living. Branthar turned to Sekudia with a quizzical look and inquired, "Fengyun Fudi is kinda like Hanazora Eien, right? But those planets aren't exactly on friendly terms, so why—"

"Branthar, it's akin to Seustea and Sienerth, the homelands of Radelia and Aerendyl. They harbor a deep-seated animosity rooted in their shared history, and the reality is far more intricate than you might imagine. We'll have to address those complexities once we bring peace to them," Sekudia explained.

Glancing back at Forang's lifeless form, Sekudia added, "That wasn't even his real name. He relinquished it when he joined Phumera's organization, so his family in Fengyun Fudi knows his true identity. We owe it to him to grant a proper burial."

Sekudia swiftly ascended into the air and declared, "Let's rejoin Ravel and Raiko. Things have been unusually calm on their end since we departed."

"Roger that!" Branthar responded with enthusiasm as the duo soared back to the location where their comrades awaited them.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon their arrival, a surprising scene unfolded before Sekudia and Branthar. Ravel and Pohyaku sat, beads of sweat streaming down their faces, eyes fixated on a chessboard. Raiko sat beside them, wearing a strained smile.

"What's going on here?" Sekudia inquired, approaching Raiko.

"Ravel proposed a chess game, not your usual match. They agreed to three rounds, and the current score is tied with one win each. The next victor takes it all," Raiko explained.

Curious, Branthar asked, "Who's in the lead right now?"

"At the moment, Ravel has the upper hand, but it's a precarious situation. The tide can turn swiftly, hence the profuse sweating," Raiko replied.

Casual conversations had long ceased between the competitors. Ravel had posed her questions, and Pohyaku had provided answers that appeased her curiosity. In their final match, attempts to sustain light banter fell by the wayside. The longer the game endured, the more intense the concentration required, and an overwhelming sense of panic set in.

Pohyaku made his next move, prompting an even wider smile from Ravel. She responded swiftly, and the tension in the air thickened as they awaited Pohyaku's countermove. After a brief pause, Pohyaku made his move, but Ravel's response was swift, drawing a frustrated grunt from him.

"Not looking good for him, huh?" Branthar ventured to ask, still somewhat perplexed by the intricacies of the chess match. However, neither Sekudia nor Raiko offered any response, as they too were ensnared by the unfolding battle on the chessboard.

Pohyaku made another move, and with that, his fate was sealed. Ravel released a sigh, puzzling everyone. With deliberate precision, she executed her final move. "Checkmate, Pohyaku-sama."

"Huh? W-wait, what?!" Pohyaku exclaimed, scrutinizing the board. Suddenly, realization dawned on him, and he clutched his head, letting out a scream of despair. "Daaaaaamniiiiiiiiit!!!"

Collapsed on his chair, Pohyaku gazed up at the sky, resignation etched across his face. "A deal's a deal. Go ahead and end me. I only wish I could have reached out to my family before this happened..."

Ravel approached him, dismissing his concerns with a reassuring tone. "You don't need to fret, Pohyaku-sama. I gathered the specifics of your situation during our game and sought help from Aaron-sama. Why did you think I asked you questions about your personal life?"

"Aaron? The outer god? What did you do?" Pohyaku questioned, sitting back up and fixing his gaze on Ravel.

With a smile, Ravel conjured a magic circle that revealed the Resistance's planet and the city of Ivoryillum, where Pohyaku's wife and son resided. "Aaron-sama has 'truly' resurrected them, freeing them from Phumera's influence. Now, I'll ask you once more: will you join our cause?" Ravel extended her hand, offering him a chance for a new allegiance.

Stunned by the sudden turn of events, Pohyaku remained fixated on the magic circle, seeking reassurance. "You're not playing with me, are you?"

Ravel responded with sincerity, "Would you like to speak with them?" Pohyaku's head bobbed rapidly in agreement. Another magic circle materialized, connecting them with his family. Ravel spoke into the communication circle, "Hello, this is Ravel. I'm with your husband right now, and he wishes to speak to you."

A hesitant voice echoed through the magical connection, "H-hello? Pohyaku? We were suddenly teleported here and told by some strange man that we're safe. Did you join the Resistance? We've been treated well the past few minutes," the woman conveyed, a trace of nervousness in her words.

"Eunha! Is Hoon with you!?" Pohyaku exclaimed, his voice echoing with disbelief and joy, catching the woman on the other end off guard.

"Y-yes, we're in our new home right now. It's quite spacious, so he's running around exploring. I'm in the kitchen preparing some tea to calm myself down," Eunha responded.

Overwhelmed by the revelation, Pohyaku sank to the ground, releasing tired and incredulous chuckles as he stared at the sky. Concerned, Eunha inquired, "Pohyaku? Is something wrong?"

Unable to articulate his emotions, Pohyaku remained silent. Ravel took it upon herself to explain the situation to Eunha, who, in turn, chuckled awkwardly. Ravel assured her that she would soon be reunited with her husband. As the magic circle dissipated, the same insignia appeared on Pohyaku's chest, mirroring the marks Jalahad and Muyette had received.

"Pohyaku-sama, what will be your answer?" Ravel inquired once more, and at last, Pohyaku turned his gaze back to her, a grin lighting up his face.

"We just need to take down Abysnar's group and planet, right? I'm in. I'll join. Once they're safe, I don't care about Phumera anymore!" Pohyaku exclaimed, rising to his feet with newfound determination. He then cast a curious glance at the insignia on his chest.

"It'll provide you with advantages and offer protection. Think of it as a—"

"—Like a shock collar to keep me in line? Yeah, I get it. He wants to ensure I'm not just speaking words to you and then planning a betrayal. I understand," Pohyaku interrupted. Stretching his body, he added, "I'm used to it, but rest assured, I'm not lying. Let's get this done."

"Oh, wait, what about Viriterra Remetura?" Pohyaku inquired.

"We've assigned a separate team to liberate it. You can rest assured; both planets will be under our control after today. Or just one, if our plan is to obliterate this one," Ravel explained.

"As far as I know, there's nothing special about this planet. It's just a lawless land where the strongest survive while the weak perish. Backstabbing is quite common here. With that in mind, what will your leader do? We're aware that Ferrothos Prime and Shadenvyre Machinara were destroyed by your group," Pohyaku remarked.

"We've already made the decision to destroy this place. As you said, it holds no importance or value. It's a lawless terrain where betrayal is commonplace. As for Viriterra Remetura, we're likely to keep it and incorporate it as another planet for the Resistance," Sekudia clarified.

"Shall we make our way to Abysnar's base, then? The rest of our teams will converge there," Raiko proposed, and unanimous agreement resonated through the group.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" Inaie's scream pierced the air as she unleashed a barrage of light balls towards their enemies.

Liember rallied the group, "Everyone, we'll be splitting up here. Rias and I will confront Nocethra, and the rest of you will hunt down the subordinates in this area." As she spoke, Liember efficiently took down another enemy nearby.

Rias and her group, along with Liember, had reached the base of Abysnar's stronghold. The singular island was mostly surrounded by water and rock formations. A peculiar metallic tree trunk, emitting an eerie blue glow, stood amidst normal leafy foliage. Large rocks formed a protective barrier around the island.

Akeno surveyed the surroundings and offered her strategy, "I can sense Roygun, Haru, and Yoru approaching this place too. We'll wait for them and form a plan afterward. You two go ahead." Her eyes scanned the sea beyond the transverse, anticipating the arrival of the additional forces.

"Alright, stay safe, and good luck," Rias conveyed as she and Liember set off.

Raynare let out a sigh and remarked, "I'm sensing two people coming closer to us, so we might have to fight them. Akeno, can you go and meet up with Roygun's group and leave them to me and Inaie?"

Akeno chuckled, noting Raynare's reluctance. "It seems like you're not looking forward to fighting them."

Raynare shifted her gaze and admitted, "I always wanted to be strong, and now that it's happened... it feels so empty. But the new life Aaron gave me makes up for it, and it's a lot better than what I used to have. So..." She blushed, turning away. "I-I want to give back to everyone, so go already!"

"Fufu, at least you're a lot more honest now, Raynare. But okay, I'll go and meet up with them," Akeno replied with a playful smile, flying away to join Roygun's group.

Inaie turned slowly to face Raynare and teased, "Tsundere~" But before she could react further, Raynare appeared instantly beside her, grabbing her head and tightening her grip. "Owwwwwwwwwwwwww!! I'm sorry!! It was a joke!!"

"That's them? They seem stupid, though," a voice commented nearby, drawing Raynare and Inaie's attention.

Two giant tree creatures stood before them. One towered above, muscular and wearing a stern expression. The other, smaller in stature, almost appeared feminine but spoke with a deep, manly voice.

"That's them. Let's kill them," declared the taller tree creature.

"Lady Helona will be pleased if we kill them," added the smaller one.

Without further ado, the two tree creatures lunged towards Inaie and Raynare. The larger tree creature extended green metallic roots from his arm towards Raynare, who swiftly released Inaie and countered with her own magic.

The metallic roots, initially targeting Raynare, were swiftly ensnared in water, transforming into weights influenced by gravity magic and brought to the ground, leaving the tree creature disoriented. In a flash, Raynare appeared beside the creature, unleashing a point-blank light ball that obliterated a significant portion of Abysnar's home.

"Big Bro!!" the younger tree creature exclaimed in horror. However, grief quickly transformed into rage as it lunged towards Raynare. Inaie intervened, delivering a powerful knee to the creature's head, sending it sprawling.

"I'm your opponent!" Inaie declared, conjuring water axes using her youjutsu and launching them at the smaller tree creature. "By the way, those things might regenerate since we're in their domain, kind of," she warned, hinting at the potential resilience of their adversaries.

Raynare, noticing the tree creature beneath her beginning to repair itself with the surroundings, deduced a connection between the environment and its regenerative abilities.

'How? I destroyed a large part of this place... unless,' Raynare thought, glancing around. It was subtle, but she observed the environment aiding in the creature's repair. She clicked her tongue in frustration. "That better work, then!" she exclaimed, firing another blast at the tree monster beneath her, this time incorporating anti-healing and anti-regeneration measures to counteract its regenerative capabilities.

Once the smoke dissipated, revealing the aftermath of Raynare's blast, it became evident that the tree creature had definitively halted its regeneration and was killed in the process. Raynare couldn't help but smirk at the success of her strategy. "You know what to use to stop them from regenerating, Inaie," she remarked.

"Roger~!" responded Inaie, enveloping her body in touki and soaring towards the younger tree creature, which had transformed its lower half into a trunk, firmly attached to the ground.

Inaie's fist lunged toward the creature, but it evaded by disappearing into the ground. To its surprise, when it reappeared within the enormous structure, Inaie had closed the distance in an instant.


"I can just follow your signature, silly little tree. Everyone has them, even the dead and spirits," Inaie explained with a playful grin. In a swift motion, she slammed her fist into the creature's face, obliterating that section of the tree and bringing an end to its existence.

Inaie touched down on the ground just as Akeno and Roygun's group joined them.

"Fufu, that didn't take you two long," Akeno remarked with a smirk as she approached.

"Whoa, this place looks cool," Haru exclaimed.

"Right~?" Inaie replied, exchanging high fives with both Haru and Yoru, although the latter was less energetic about it.

"But they weren't subordinates; they seemed more like summoned or created creatures by someone called Helona," explained Raynare.

"Helona? She has to be in—" Haru began to say, but before he could finish, all of them were suddenly dragged into a portal, each transported to different parts of Abysnar's base.

— ○ ● ○ —

The mastermind behind the separation of Roygun and Akeno's team was none other than Helona herself. From her vantage point in an underground section of the base, she watched their movements on her monitor and chuckled at her successful maneuver.

"Ah, it's always fun messing with would-be heroes. I'll have them slowly die to my little babies and have the others kill them if my babies fail to do it," Helona murmured to herself, reveling in her plans.

"Lady Helona, shall I go take care of some of them?" another voice asked, offering assistance in executing her malicious designs.

"Hmm... yes, go kill that one with black hair, a ponytail, purple eyes, and uses lightning powers," ordered Helona. "She just irks me for some reason. Perhaps she just threatens me on a level of just being a fellow woman, fufu."

"At once. When I kill her, do you need me to get rid of the rest?" the other person asked.

"Yes, go after the arrogant one that killed my babies, then the pink-haired and horned thing, and afterward, you can choose who to go after. However, do not be upset if the others take care of them before you finish," said Helona.

"Yes," replied the voice before vanishing. Squinting at the multiple monitors, she said, "Now let's see how the Resistance fares."

— ○ ● ○ —

Akeno surveyed her surroundings, finding herself forcibly teleported to an unknown location. Attempting to teleport out proved futile, as some external force interfered with her abilities to do so. While she could have forcefully overcome it, she opted to investigate the entity responsible for her sudden relocation.

Suddenly, a substantial shadow materialized before Akeno, shaping into a cocoon that promptly burst open, revealing a man. Standing at a height of 5'8" with short black hair, gray eyes, and pronounced bags beneath them, he was clad in a black and purple robe, paired with a black and gold dress shirt, pants, and shoes. Gripped in his hand was a jet-black dagger that exuded malice.

"Who are you? Are you the one responsible for transporting me here? Are you Helona—" Akeno began to inquire, but the man swiftly lunged at her with remarkable speed, compelling her to adeptly evade his sudden strike.

Swiftly, Akeno pivoted, delivering a forceful blow with her lightning-infused foot aimed squarely at the man's back. To her surprise, he vanished into thin air, only to reappear at his original position in a mystifying display of agility. Narrowing her eyes, Akeno retaliated by launching a bolt of lightning toward him.

The man effortlessly dodged the electrifying attack and counterattacked with even greater speed than before. Undeterred, Akeno harnessed what Aaron had referred to as "Haki" and incorporated it into her kick. This time, when her foot connected with the man, he was sent hurtling into the walls with a resounding crash.

The unique "Haki" bestowed upon Akeno and a select few by Aaron was unlike Velgrynd's, constituting a fusion of various energies, abilities, and skills from diverse universes and worlds. Essentially, it was one of Aaron's distinctive capabilities, enabling its users to influence individuals across different dimensions and realities.

In a playful manner, Aaron had whimsically named it "Universal Haki" or "Omniversal Haki," though he never formally assigned a name to it, he simply sticked to the term "Haki." Its applications far exceeded what Akeno had initially showed.

The man rose with a fierce expression, casting an engulfing shroud of jet-black darkness across the room. Stepping back, he disappeared from Akeno's view, only for a dagger to thrust toward her. To his astonishment, Akeno effortlessly sidestepped the attack, causing it to miss its mark.

Seizing the opportunity, Akeno delivered a precise palm strike to the man's temple, sending him reeling and disoriented. Despite his attempt to recover, he was met with a bolt of lightning that jolted through him, causing convulsions on the spot.

"How... how can you anticipate my moves and land hits on me!?" he demanded, his anger seething.

"Hehe, why would I spill the beans?" Akeno retorted with a mischievous grin. However, before the man could react, she reappeared in front of him, unleashing another potent lightning strike that sent shivers down his spine.

A sadistic smile played on Akeno's lips as golden lightning crackled around her body. "Now, let's talk business," she menacingly inquired, her tone carrying a hint of threat. "Where's Helona located?"

"I'd rather die than tell—aaaaarggghhhh?!" Cedew defiantly declared, prompting Akeno to channel lightning through his body, intensifying the shock.

Undeterred, Akeno continued her interrogation. "How many more are in this place?" she asked, tilting her head and casually inspecting her ring. "...Cedew-san~?"

"Die—aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!" Cedew's resistance faltered as another surge of electricity coursed through him, rendering him unable to evade Akeno's questions.

"Hehehe, I could keep this up for a while, you know. I find it quite enjoyable~" Akeno purred, her eyes glinting with a golden fervor.

— ○ ● ○ —

After a few minutes had ticked away, Akeno Himejima settled into an earthen chair she had molded. In front of her, the man from earlier remained on his knees, his entire body charred, emitting the acrid scent of burnt flesh. Positioned beside him were two lithe, lightning-infused humanoid figures crafted by Akeno's holy lightning.

In a relentless cycle, they took turns delivering electric shocks to the man each time he faltered or refused to provide the desired answers. As the minutes dragged on, the room filled with the sickening smell of singed flesh, and the man, though drooling and visibly weakened, clung to consciousness.

"Cedew-san, it would be in our best interest if you cooperated," Akeno urged, her voice carrying a note of weariness. The man, however, offered a murmured refusal, prompting a resigned sigh from Akeno.

"Let's try a different angle then. What's the reason for your unwavering loyalty to Helona? From what I gather, she seems rather indifferent to your existence. Typically, individuals of her ilk exploit everyone around them for personal gain," Akeno remarked.

"…Wrong… you're wrong. Lady Helona… cares for me… I am her favorite…!" the man wheezed in response.

"Denial, huh? It's not the first time someone of your kind has given that sort of answer. It's rather pitiful, really," Akeno sighed. "If she cares so much, why not let her speak for herself? I have a feeling she's watching us, right?"

Scanning the room, Akeno spotted a CCTV camera observing them. "Well? Do you truly care for this man, Helona?"

A communication portal materialized, and a woman's voice emanated from it. "No. He's not the first loyal sheep I've used, and he's certainly not the last. With that said, you've run out of use, Cedew. This is where I say goodbye."

As the communication portal vanished, Cedew stared at the spot with a bewildered expression, a brief moment of confusion crossing his face. However, this fleeting confusion gave way to anguished screams and desperate shouts.

"Why?! I did everything for you!! You were my everything! My world! I would kill even Lady Phumera for you!!!!" Cedew's desperate cries echoed in the room, his thrashing abruptly subdued by Akeno's lightning-infused creation, intensifying his torment.

"Well? Will you answer my questions now?" Akeno inquired, but her query was met only with more cries and screams. Observing Cedew's defeated state, she shook her head, rising from her chair and dismissing it with a wave. "It's no use. He's essentially given up on life."

As Akeno reflected on the situation, she mused, 'Truthfully, I think I'd have the same reaction if Aaron said something like that to me. Maybe I would have a complete mental break—if my state from when he fell into a coma was anything to go by.' Deep in thought, she distanced herself and unleashed a surge of power, obliterating the front of the room, creating a new exit.

"Kill him," she coldly ordered her summoned beings, and the room filled with unsettling crunching sounds. Akeno then cast a fireball in Cedew's direction before unsummoning her creatures. Making sure she ended his life.

"I'm coming for you, Helona," Akeno declared resolutely as she walked away, leaving behind the remnants of the once-confined space.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Why are we stuck with each other?" Raynare questioned, casting a sidelong glance at Inaie, who casually produced a cookie from her ring and nibbled on it like a squirrel.

"We're besties, that's why," Inaie replied nonchalantly, finishing the cookie. Raynare rolled her eyes in response and resumed scanning their surroundings.

The environment resembled a dense jungle, with a multitude of trees stretching as far as the eye could see. However, an indiscernible stench lingered in the air, accompanied by an eerie green glow that permeated the surroundings.

"This place feels like a swamp, but worse. That's definitely the smell of rotting corpses," Raynare remarked, her expression reflecting a mix of distaste and unease.

"H-huh? C-corpses?! Wait, how do you know that?!" Inaie exclaimed, her eyes widening with surprise.

"I'm older than you and have been in more strange situations than you. I've come across my fair share of rotting corpses already," Raynare replied, a hint of solemnity in her tone. Memories of those moments lingered, unwelcome but vivid.

"Anyway, an enemy should be near us. They're doing their best to conceal their presence, but we can still sense them."

"Kukuku, so you've made me think that you couldn't see me? You're quite the powerful woman," a man's voice chuckled, suddenly breaking the silence.

A figure gracefully leaped from the shadows, landing on a tree in front of Raynare and Inaie. The humanoid possessed long black hair streaked with ominous green, glowing eyes, and a head that resembled a helmet. Sharp ears adorned its sides, maintaining a similar complexion across its body, and a fox-like tail extended from its back.

"That thing's called Verolf, an assassin and something close to a wolf youkai in our world," Inaie informed, having swiftly appraised their enemy using her ring.

Without hesitation, Inaie launched a light spear at Verolf, prompting him to skillfully evade the attack. "Hmph. No honor from you, as expected of the scummy Resistance, doing whatever it takes to win," Verolf sneered with disdain, his voice carrying a tone of contempt.

"That's how fights are, you idiot. I like Aaron's take on the rules of fighting," Inaie declared proudly.

"Oh? What does this Aaron fellow believe the rules are?" Verolf inquired, displaying a genuine interest.

Inaie grinned mischievously and explained, "There are no rules! Do anything to win, and if they cry about it, keep beating them up! Of course, this only applies to real battles and not tournament-regulated ones."

Verolf's curiosity persisted, prompting him to ask, "Then what about war?" Inaie simply shrugged in response.

"I dunno. He never said, but I think he'd probably say the same thing. I mean, if you leave anyone alive, especially children, won't they just come back for revenge? You may as well finish them all off," Inaie remarked casually, a perspective that left even Raynare visibly disturbed.

As Inaie shared her and Aaron's unconventional perspective on battle, Raynare found herself recalling some words that Aaron had once confided in her.

'I don't know. I guess in the two fights I remember having in my old life, I just blacked out during it. But after looking at them in a third person perspective after delving into my own memories, the best way I could describe it is me going into a berserker state. My body just moved on its own. Now thinking about it, it's kind of scary. I'm surprised I didn't kill someone by accident.'

Raynare couldn't help but feel a sense of concern. 'What the hell is he teaching her? I mean, he's younger—well, no, he's a lot older than most of us now, actually. But he can't just tell her to be a complete psychopath so that she can grow stronger,' she mused while glancing at Inaie.

"Disgusting!" Verolf suddenly shouted, his outburst startling both Raynare and Inaie.

Verolf abruptly lunged towards Inaie with clear killing intent, but she effortlessly sidestepped the attack. In response, Inaie retaliated by firing a touki bullet, which Verolf skillfully dodged, landing further away from them. His body then surged with a green aura as he crossed his arms, fixing a stern gaze on both Inaie and Raynare.

"To have such barbaric beliefs, how can one call themselves a man?" Verolf questioned, disdain coloring his words.

"You're just assuming you know Aaron's a man!?" Inaie retorted, feigning anger and pointing an accusatory finger at Verolf.

"I am, what of it?" Verolf replied, undeterred by Inaie's attempt to provoke him.

"Raynare, let's cancel him!" Inaie exclaimed enthusiastically before receiving a smack from Raynare.

"Enough with these stupid references, even Aaron doesn't make as many!" Raynare scolded, her patience wearing thin.

A bit tear-eyed, Inaie nodded in agreement. "You didn't need to hit me, jeez…"

Disregarding the peculiar banter between Inaie and Raynare, Verolf sternly declared, "I was only going to defeat both of you and then bring you to Lord Abysnar, but after knowing how barbaric you two are, I have decided to kill you."

"Key of the Gods: First Form: Earth, unlock," Verolf muttered, enveloping his entire body in an even thicker green aura. With newfound strength, he lunged towards both Raynare and Inaie, his intentions clear.

The velocity he used surpassed his earlier speed, compelling both participants to swiftly evade. Yet, his momentum didn't waver; he smoothly pivoted and set his sights on Inaie with unwavering determination. Manifesting glowing, eagle-like entities tinted in vibrant green, he commanded them toward Inaie.

The emerald avians descended rapidly upon Inaie, prompting her to counter with a barrage of touki-infused bullets that obliterated them in a spectacular display. Amidst the dissipating smoke, Verolf reappeared and hurled a punch at Inaie, who adeptly redirected the force and countered with a swift kick.

However, the mysterious humanoid displayed remarkable acrobatics, effortlessly maneuvering midair to evade her attack and gracefully alighting on the ground at a considerable distance.

Activating her transceiver, Inaie inquired with a hushed tone, [Do you think reasoning with him is still an option? Asking him to join us seems impossible, right?]

[He harbors animosity towards both of us, so expecting him to lend an ear is pointless. Wrap it up quickly so we can make our exit. It feels like we're stuck underground—just a vibe, considering my fair share of subterranean experiences,] Raynare responded in a subdued voice.

With an air of cockiness, Verolf retorted, "Hmph, if you're not coming, then I—ugh?!"

Verolf's words were abruptly halted as Inaie's fist, aglow with light aura, collided with his stomach. The impact sent him hurtling away, carving a substantial chunk of the terrain along with him. Thanks to Inaie's powerful punch, their surroundings were revealed in vivid detail.

"I had a feeling. Are those giant pits filled liquid?" Raynare questioned as she leaped over to get a closer look. Upon careful inspection, she recoiled in shock—it was a morbid reservoir teeming with decomposing corpses. The gruesome sight compelled her to take a step back, her expression twisted in dismay. "What in the hell is this place?"

A frown creased Raynare's face as she recalled Darcel's sinister activities. "Don't tell me this is his...hunting ground? The one who brought us here forces his victims to face him in combat, and once he snuffs them out, he nonchalantly disposes of them in this disgusting pool? It's eerily reminiscent of what he used to do," she muttered to herself, the unsettling pieces of the puzzle falling into place.

Darcel, the fallen angel whom Aaron had killed the previous year, shared the same gruesome pastime with Verolf. Following the successful demise of his targets, provided he had the consent to retain the bodies, Darcel would meticulously peel their skin and drain their corpses of blood.

The peeled skin served as his disturbing trophies, carefully preserved, while the collected blood found its place in an expansive swimming pool. Over time, Darcel accumulated the crimson fluid, gradually transforming the pool into a grotesque reservoir. His odd habit was to swim in this disgusting creation.

Only a select few were privy to this horrifying ritual, and Raynare herself inadvertently stumbled upon it once. The unsettling discovery shed light on the deep-seated hostility Darcel harbored towards her during their lone collaborative mission.

"No matter which universe you're in, it seems there will always be some twisted psychopaths, huh?" Raynare murmured to herself, a tinge of contemplation in her tone. "And to think I considered myself a bit unhinged before..."

Raynare shifted her gaze back to where Inaie was engaged in a relentless aerial assault on Verolf, the peculiar creature seemingly powerless to counter her onslaught. A thoughtful expression crossed Raynare's face. "Did she see what's in those pits?" she pondered aloud. "Normally, she's a bundle of joy even in the midst of battle..."

In the final act of the skirmish, Inaie descended from above, bringing her arms together and delivering a devastating blow that sent Verolf crashing to the ground, carving out a sizable crater. Swiftly, Inaie followed up by flying down and forcefully stomping her feet onto Verolf's chest, further shattering the ground and leaving a substantial crack in the newly formed crater.

"You label me as barbaric, but your deeds surpass even that accusation, despite the fact that neither Aaron nor I have stooped to the level of the atrocities I described," Inaie asserted with a stern and icy gaze fixed on Verolf.

In a chillingly nonchalant manner, Verolf retorted, "The hunter and assassin revel in their pursuits and the rewards they reap. Lady Helona merely supplied me with the prey, and I indulged in their company. Survival of the fittest is the rule on our planet, after all. I've committed no wrongs," he stated, dismissing his injuries and meeting Inaie's glare with a taunting grin.

Verolf's power suddenly surged, forcing Inaie to leap away, Verolf, undeterred, rose to his feet and assumed a focused stance. "Key of the Gods: Second Form: Sky, unlock. Key of the Gods, Third and Final Form, Heavens, unlock!" he declared, his power intensifying with each unlocked form.

An explosive surge of aura emanated from Verolf's being, accompanied by a swift and dramatic transformation. His once ebony body and hair underwent a startling metamorphosis, turning a pristine white. His eyes, once dark, now glowed with an ethereal blue hue. A peculiar cross appeared on his forehead, and behind him, a circle adorned with mysterious symbols manifested. The number of his tails multiplied from one to six in total.

Wearing a confident smirk, Verolf proclaimed, "With this form, I have reached true divinity. Only gods can defea—"

Before he could complete his declaration, an unimaginably swift and dazzling fist struck Verolf's face with blinding speed. The impact dislocated his jaw and shattered his face, rendering him unable to access any healing or regenerative abilities. Verolf was sent hurtling away, crashing through multiple walls until he collided with a spacious metallic room.

Inaie gracefully landed at the entrance of the hole she had created, with Raynare following suit. She retorted, undeterred, "I don't give a damn about your crappy new form!"

Despite his battered and bloodied face, Verolf managed a twisted grin and defiantly asserted, "I am the master of this domain. What I say holds sway! That means my justice triumphs over yours." He crossed his arms, extending the middle finger with his right hand and twisting his left hand downward while also displaying his middle finger. With a sinister grin, he uttered, "Amplifica."

In an instant, the entire room transformed into a blinding expanse of pure white, and countless spheres of gold and blue materialized all around them. Grinning triumphantly, Verolf began to declare, "No one has ever escap—"

Once again, Inaie's knee unerringly struck Verolf's face, silencing him before he could complete his sentence. Confusion and bewilderment overcame Verolf as his "Amplifica," intended to significantly slow down his targets, proved futile against Inaie's elusive movements.

Moreover, another supposed side effect of "Amplifica" was to subject its victims to unbearable pain, courtesy of the perceived "divinity" emanating from the technique. Typically, this would render them incapacitated and writhing in agony on the ground, stripping away any ability to retaliate. However, Inaie and Raynare seemed strangely unaffected, standing defiantly in the midst of the blinding white landscape.

Inaie seamlessly followed her knee strike with a forceful kick to Verolf's face, sending him skidding across the ground. However, to everyone's surprise, he only slid a short distance before halting. As Inaie landed gracefully, she fixed an intrigued gaze on the bewildered Verolf.

Frustration etched across his face, Verolf exclaimed, "How?! You're supposed to be immobilized in this dimension!"

Inaie, displaying a perplexed expression, questioned, "Huh? Was this place supposed to affect us?" Her confusion mirrored, if not exceeded, Verolf's.

Veins pulsated across Verolf's body as he shouted in frustration, "This was designed to slow you down and render you helpless under the constant influx of divinity! How can mere mortals stand in my presence!?"

Tilting her head, Inaie nonchalantly responded, "My boyfriend is an outer god. He, along with his subordinates, trained us under far more intense pressure and divinity. This is child's play."

Raynare chimed in with a blank expression on her face, "I regularly have sex with an outer god, and I'm quite familiar with the taste of divine semen. Also, yeah, the training part."

Raynare's remark elicited a momentary reaction from Inaie, who blushed slightly. Shaking it off, she refocused on the stunned Verolf, who seemed taken aback by the revelation.

"Moreover, this doesn't even feel like real divinity. It's almost fake. If you've truly been in the presence of genuine gods, you'd recognize the difference. I mean, Aaron does have goddesses in his harem, right?" Inaie turned to Raynare, who affirmed with a proud "That's right!"

With a triumphant grin, Inaie pointed at Verolf and declared, "You're a fake. Even with that form, you didn't ascend to the true status of a deity—you're a fake. Faker."

Verolf, holding his newfound form in high esteem, had received praise from many, often being hailed as possessing "potential." In light of Inaie's accusation, the revelation struck a nerve, challenging the very foundation of his perceived divinity.

Verolf's sudden stomp summoned a large entity with radiant white wings, a glistening golden body, and a mask concealing its face, leaving only the mouth visible. A spear crafted from golden light materialized in the entity's hand as Verolf charged toward Inaie, thrusting his hand menacingly.

Simultaneously, the angel-like entity above Verolf mimicked the attack, thrusting its own spear toward Inaie. With remarkable agility, she conjured a light spear in response, deftly parrying the colossal entity's thrust and deflecting Verolf's strike in one swift motion.

Seizing the opportunity, Inaie hurled her spear toward the angel-like being, only for it to pass through the entity as if it were an illusion, prompting a sinister grin from Verolf.

Raynare, entering the fray, utilized the "Haki" technique, reminiscent of Akeno's earlier move. She delivered a powerful heel strike to the face of the giant angelic-like entity, shattering it and leaving Verolf further astounded.

"Aaron should teach you this. Ask him about the 'Haki' thing," Raynare advised, gracefully leaping back to observe Inaie's continued engagement.

"Okay!" Inaie responded enthusiastically. Swiftly, she struck Verolf with a well-timed elbow, sending him reeling. Without pause, Inaie pursued, summoning a light spear and thrusting it into Verolf's shoulder, eliciting a pained grunt from him.

Verolf's left arm pulsated with a luminous white aura, and he hurled a rapid punch toward Inaie. Effortlessly, she redirected the attack, countering with a powerful headbutt that sent Verolf flying. Inaie, undeterred, conjured thousands of magic circles and unleashed a barrage upon Verolf.

The mysterious creature endured a relentless assault, with some attacks piercing his body while others exploded upon impact. Inaie culminated the onslaught by creating a massive shield of light, commanding it downward to crush Verolf beneath its weight, flattening the ground around him.

As Inaie basked in the aftermath of her powerful strike, her instincts kicked in, alerting her to a presence behind her. Swiftly enveloping her body in touki, she executed a precise elbow strike that connected with a battered and bloodied Verolf. He was once again blasted away but stubbornly refused to stay down.

"Inaie, he seems to be unconscious and moving on instinct alone. Treat it like you're facing a wild beast now!" advised Raynare.

Verolf emitted a feral howl, surrounded by the merging forces of darkness and light. He charged toward Inaie on all fours, resembling a predatory creature driven purely by instinct. As Inaie readied herself for the impending clash, a fleeting memory played in her mind—a recollection from just before they departed their universe.

— ○ ● ○ —

A visit to Shifengu, her home in the Shinto Pantheon, with Aaron by her side. They spent a joyous day with Inaie's parents—both of her fathers. The atmosphere was filled with warmth, and Inaie basked in the newfound acceptance and hero status she had earned in her homeland due to her valiant efforts during the attacks the previous year. While some older tengus remained wary, the animosity toward her had largely dissipated.

Returning to the throne room of Sōjōbō and Surasu after their visit, Inaie's parents offered heartfelt advice. "What a fun day, huh? You'll be leaving for that universe soon. Stay safe, okay?" Sōjōbō patted Inaie on the head.

Surasu added, "Don't stray and stay close to your team or the group you're assigned to. Follow Jin's instructions, okay?"

"I will, I will. You don't need to be so worried, jeez," Inaie playfully huffed.

A solemn and serious expression settled on Sōjōbō's face as he addressed Inaie, "You may need to take lives over there, Inaie. Unlike the attacks here, you only incapacitated them. I also heard from Jin that you only 'captured' most of the enemies you faced. Will you be able to do that? Take their life?"

Inaie's gaze shifted between Sōjōbō, Surasu, and then finally to Aaron, who met her with a solemn look. "He's right, Inaie. While you could get away with it here, as your teammates would finish them off for you or because we needed to capture them—in the Phantasma's universe, we'll need to mostly kill our enemies. Can you do it?" Aaron inquired, laying bare the harsh reality of the challenges they might face in the new universe.

Inaie, meeting the question with unwavering honesty, replied, "...Yes. Grayfia and Raiko have been secretly training me and altering my mindset on it, considering they're also coming with [DxD], right? I want to spare them, but if they force me, then I can... do it, probably."

"That's good to know. Just make sure you don't hesitate, or else they'll see it. Trained fighters have a knack for it, after all," Aaron advised, emphasizing the importance of decisiveness.

— ○ ● ○ —

Inaie narrowed her eyes as Verolf closed the distance, his claws now enveloped in a blend of light and darkness that mirrored his shrouded form. Reacting swiftly, Inaie conjured daggers made of light and, using her youjutsu, coated them in ethereal blue flames. In a blur of speed surpassing the feral Verolf's reaction time, she reappeared behind him.

Verolf, still locked in his prior motion, remained unaware as Inaie swiftly executed her move. Within moments, his head was severed from his body, followed by his arms and legs. Verolf's body, along with the dismembered parts, finally met the ground, as if time had momentarily caught up with Inaie's rapid actions.

Upon hitting the ground, the remnants were swiftly engulfed in the blue flames, and the dimension that had ensnared them shattered, transporting them back to the expansive metallic room. The battle against the seemingly "godly" Verolf had reached a decisive and fiery conclusion.

Inaie glanced at her daggers before dismissing them with a shaky sigh. She turned away, reluctant to linger on the sight of Verolf's dismembered remains.

Approaching her, Raynare inquired, "You don't like it?"

Inaie responded, "Who likes taking lives? Maybe you've become numb to it, but I haven't. I don't understand evil people's way of thinking and how they can casually take lives, but like I said, I just have to get used to it."

Raynare acknowledged, "Well, I don't like it per se, but I am used to it. It was just a way of life for me after all. I doubt many of us like it, the same with Aaron, but he knows it's a necessity since he can't save everyone nor convince them to change sides."

"Yeah, it's a necessity...but where are we? Earlier, you mentioned that it might be an underground section?" Inaie inquired, scanning their surroundings for clues.

Raynare walked away, and Inaie followed her to one of the ends of the metallic room. There, they discovered a few cubes. Raynare picked one up and instructed, "They mentioned to take these with us, so put some in your ring, and let's get out of here."

Inaie nodded and followed Raynare's guidance. As she stowed the cubes in her ring, Raynare looked up and shared, "In my time when I was part of the Khaos Brigade, before it was turned into the Khaos Order, I was on the run and hid in many places. A lot of them were in underground spaces like this, and I would just cover it with magic circles to prevent detection. You could say, I know the 'feeling' when I'm underground."

Raynare fell into a sudden silence, leaving Inaie puzzled. Before Inaie could voice her confusion, Raynare extended her hand and released a ball of light that fragmented into smaller projectiles, obliterating specific sections of the room.

"W-what was that for?" Inaie inquired, trying to make sense of Raynare's abrupt actions.

Raynare scanned their surroundings and explained, "I had my suspicions earlier, but we were being monitored and watched. I did my best to neutralize those near-invisible cameras, making them unable to hear and see us. Since you defeated Verolf, I thought we didn't need to keep up the act anymore."

"Wait, really? I didn't even notice... I guess I was too distracted with that guy," Inaie admitted.

"Well, it doesn't matter now. I can sense the others in different parts of this place. Let's go regroup with them, and we can probably find the leader of this place," Raynare proposed, and the two of them set off.

— ○ ● ○ —

Haru and Yoru found themselves on a platform in the midst of what appeared to be an endless ocean. Surrounding them were several more of these black square platforms, and in the distance, a large monitor caught their attention.

"This... doesn't look like a bad place, does it?" Haru asked Yoru, both of them taking in their surroundings.

Yoru, however, questioned, "...Did they transport us out to the middle of the sea?"

As they pondered their situation, a sudden announcement startled them both, emanating from an unknown source. [The trial is about to begin,] it declared. [Once this trial is complete, you will be allowed to face off against the [Champion].]

"T-trial? Ch-champion? What?" Haru stammered, seeking clarification, but the contraption seemed to ignore her.

[Complete this one and only trial—reach the end as multiple forces and obstacles try to obstruct you. You will be eliminated if you fall off the platforms or if killed. Good luck,] it concluded, initiating a countdown that started at ten seconds.

"We just have to do it, Haru," said Yoru, prompting a sigh from her sister.

"I guess so. Let's help each other pass these; I doubt they'll just let us fly through it all," suggested Haru, and Yoru nodded in agreement.

As the countdown hit zero, a resounding horn marked the beginning of the event. Haru and Yoru ran forward, traversing the black square platforms that remained steady even on the water. Their unity was immediately tested as the first obstacles emerged.

Large swirling, tornado-like water monsters appeared all around them, lunging with hostile intent. Haru and Yoru shrouded their bodies with touki, delivering powerful punches that obliterated the entities. However, due to the ocean's surroundings, the creatures reappeared instantly, much to their annoyance.

"This'll be annoying," remarked Haru.

"Mmm," agreed Yoru, acknowledging the challenge that lay ahead.

However, as Yoru glanced behind them, she witnessed one of the platforms being destroyed, prompting a shocked reaction as it didn't immediately come back. Urgently, Yoru tugged Haru's arm and pointed backward as they continued running.

"Will they come back?" Haru inquired, expressing uncertainty. Yoru didn't have an answer either, but they had to press on. After dealing with more of the relentless water monsters, they reached a small island where the creatures wouldn't venture.

A sign suddenly appeared, indicating, [Resting Zone: Maximum stay: 1 minute,] much to the sisters' irritation. Nonetheless, they observed the black platforms reappearing after a brief interval.

"If we somehow get knocked off, it'll be safe to come back since those platforms reappear. But the next question is, how many times are we allowed to fail before they punish us?" Haru pondered, raising a critical concern about the consequences of potential failures.

"That's easy," Yoru confidently declared, earning a glance from Haru. "We just don't fall or fail."

Haru burst into laughter at Yoru's straightforward response. "That's something Aaron would say, but you're right. We just have to get through this obstacle course thing in one go! Alright, let's go!!"

With determination, Haru and Yoru sprinted towards the other side. Their path immediately introduced new challenges in the form of colossal water monsters with four arms. The massive creatures swung their arms toward the dragon sisters, but Haru and Yoru expertly dodged the attacks. Additionally, they counterattacked by destroying the monster's arms with their own powerful fists. However, as before, the monsters swiftly regenerated the damaged appendages.

This section proved manageable for the sisters, and as they approached another island, the waters around them became more tumultuous, disrupting their steady progress. To their surprise, the monsters from the first part reappeared, joining forces with the new enemies to launch a relentless assault on Haru and Yoru.

In a surprising turn of events, as Haru braced herself for retaliation against the relentless assault of water monsters, her sister Yoru suddenly scooped her up like a princess. In an almost otherworldly spectacle, Yoru glided forward, effortlessly phasing through the attacks with Haru in tow, leaving her sister astonished.

Haru remained in her sister's arms as they gracefully passed through the rest of the attacks. Upon reaching the island, the display indicated they had two minutes to catch their breath. However, when Haru cast a glance back at the section they had just navigated, a very faint silvery and blue trail of mist trailed behind them, marking the path they had traversed. The extraordinary display left Haru in awe of Yoru's unexpected abilities.

Haru, still caught up in the excitement of Yoru's unexpected ability, couldn't help but express her awe. "W-what was that!? That was cool! I didn't see that before!"

Yoru offered a faint smile in response. "I didn't see your [Amaterasu] flames before either earlier, so I guess we held some secrets from each other, didn't we? But... to answer your question, Aaron gave me this. It's just a move I made with the ability."

As they faced the second-to-last obstacle course, Yoru gazed ahead and continued, "Haru is the sun, and I am the moon. I think having abilities close to those fits us, right?"

"But just like those celestial bodies, we can exist without each other now, though in the past, we couldn't. We have to thank Ryūjin-sama for this opportunity. If he hadn't suggested it, we would still be weak," Haru remarked as she stood beside Yoru. "Let's go and finish this."

"Mmm," Yoru replied, and both sisters swiftly dashed forward, greeted by a rain of green water.

"Acid!" Haru shouted, instinctively shielding them with transparent red flames. "More of those things from earlier in front!"

Yoru swiftly conjured two petite avian entities infused with her energy and directed them towards the menacing monsters. These bird-like creatures took flight, unleashing a barrage of crescent silver and blue slashes from their wings upon the approaching threats.

The monsters, thwarted by the avian guardians from attacking the dragon sisters, retaliated by directing their attacks towards the birds. However, a sudden twist unfolded as one of the avian entities ceased its offensive and emitted a piercing shriek, generating a protective silver shield around them. The monsters' attacks proved futile against this barrier, yet the other bird continued its relentless attacks, finding a vulnerable path through the defenses.

"Nice move, Yoru!" Haru exclaimed in admiration, their pace quickening once more as they pressed on.

Reaching the midpoint of their journey, the dragon sisters found themselves aided by Yoru's avian companions. However, a fresh wave of enemies and challenges emerged, adding a new layer of complexity to their trial. The platforms beneath them levitated and began spiraling, accompanied by peculiar floating eyes that swiftly fixed their gaze upon the duo.

The eerie eyes unleashed needle-thin projectiles, targeting the sisters with relentless precision. Haru, ever resourceful, countered the onslaught by summoning her fiery powers. A surge of flames formed a protective shield, melting the incoming needles before they could pose a threat.

"This is way too weird, right, Yoru!?" Haru exclaimed, their pathway taking unexpected twists as the platforms shifted orientation. They traversed sideways, upside down, sideways again, and then upright once more, the disorienting journey prompting Haru to express her discomfort. "Oh my god! If this continues, I'm going to hurl!"

Desperation tinged Haru's voice as she suggested, "Can't we just fly?" Yet, Yoru's firm tug on her arm redirected her attention, revealing a barrier preventing the avian allies from following. "Dammit!"

The sinister eyes reappeared, now sporting peculiar water-formed limbs. Unleashing a dual attack at the sisters, they attacked with watery onslaughts and needle-like projectiles. Yoru, with a calm determination, directed Haru to maintain the protective shield.

"Haru, keep the shield up," Yoru ordered in a hushed tone. Blades appeared on Yoru's arms as she swung them forward, unleashing crescent moon slashes. Haru's flames enveloped the slashing projectiles, creating a formidable synergy that deflected and sliced through the attacks with precision.

The flames eradicated the watery attacks, while the crescent-shaped attacks, now unimpeded, found their mark on the eyeball monsters, swiftly bringing an end to their menacing presence.

As the sisters approached the final stretch, they leaped off the platforms, landing wearily on the safety of the island. Exhausted and disoriented, Haru couldn't contain the discomfort any longer, dashing towards the water's edge to relieve her queasiness. She returned, visibly worse for wear, muttering about her disdain for the experience.

"Ugh... I hated that... I'm gonna ask Aaron to make me not nauseous anymore," Haru grumbled, finding a spot on the ground to rest.

Yoru, attempting to offer solace, assured her sister, "Only one more obstacle course, Haru, and then we'll confront the mastermind behind all of this."

Haru, still recovering, issued a determined declaration, a dangerous glint in her eyes, "If there's any more of those spiraling platforms, I'm going to incinerate them using my black flames."

As the sisters embarked on the last segment of their trial, a sudden cry from Haru shattered the relative calm. "Spiral black platforms!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed, her frustration echoing through the air. In a swift and forceful motion, Haru unleashed a punch ahead of them, summoning the formidable black flames of [Amaterasu] that consumed everything in their path. The very platforms they stood on succumbed to the destructive power, compelling Yoru to halt abruptly.

With Haru's singular fiery strike, the landscape transformed. Cylindrical shapes were carved into the earth, water parted as if in submission, and the jet-black flames created an impassable barrier, preventing the once-converging seas from reuniting. The sisters stood amidst the aftermath, a testament to the irreversibility of Haru's powerful attack.

Breathing heavily, Haru exhaled a sigh of relief, declaring, " more...!" Her complexion pallid, she strode forward with visible frustration, muttering grievances that Yoru struggled to discern.

Quietly trailing behind, Yoru observed as the jet-black flames continued to pursue and eradicate any lingering creatures that dared to cross their path—a manifestation of Haru's vehement distaste for the harrowing spiral platforms. The wrathful flames left nothing in its wake, a testament to both the power and the lingering aversion harbored by the fiery sister.

As they pressed forward, Yoru couldn't help but ponder the similarities between Haru's experience and Aaron's aversion to spiral staircases. 'Is this how Aaron feels about spiral staircases?' she mused internally. 'He did say he didn't want to walk down any more of them. Will he never add any in [Sanctuary]? He did tell me that he instructed Antares not to include them in any of his homes or buildings.'

The sisters reached a spacious platform at the culmination of their trials, greeted by a colossal screen displaying the words, [Congratulations on passing the trials. You will be transported to the designated arena for the final battle.] Another countdown initiated, marking the onset of thirty seconds.

"Thirty seconds... I'm going to beat up the idiot who made those stupid platforms go into spirals over and over again," Haru grumbled, her frustration lingering from the challenging obstacles they had just conquered.

Yoru, attempting to shift the focus, remarked, "It won't be long now, Haru. Let's just concentrate on what or who we'll face. But I didn't expect us to be transported here of all places. We're very far from the tree we were at."

"Yeah... I don't feel anyone else's energies or auras. I'm gonna beat 'em up, I promise you...!" declared Haru, her determination unwavering as they braced themselves for the impending final battle.

In the blink of an eye, the countdown concluded, and the sisters found themselves whisked away, transported to the undisclosed arena for the final battle.

— ○ ● ○ —


"Haaaaaa!" Haru's scream cut through the welcoming words, a torrent of unrestrained fury propelling her towards their unsuspecting opponent. Her fist connected with a resounding impact, sending the figure hurtling backward. A powerful aftershock followed, rattling the entire arena and reducing the surroundings to ruins.

"Haru?!" Yoru exclaimed, her astonishment evident as the dust settled, revealing the aftermath of her sister's abrupt onslaught. The once-futuristic gladiator-style arena now lay in disarray, its metallic walls and seats marred by the destructive force unleashed.

In the center of the chaos, the opponent, embedded on the wall, coughed up blood before collapsing to the ground. "Damn, lady, that was way too powerful... I can't even get up anymore," he mumbled, a clear acknowledgment of his defeat. Haru's overwhelming strength had left an indelible mark on the arena, and the battle had ended before it truly began.

The defeated man, with his distinctive appearance, lay sprawled amidst the wreckage of the arena. Long black hair, green eyes, and an ensemble of white and black attire, including plant-patterned pants and metallic boots, painted a vivid picture of his defeated demeanor. A necklace adorned his neck, sporting a large circular pendant with a cross.

"Are you the idiot who made those spiraling platforms?!" Haru demanded, her frustration palpable.

"…Umm…yes?" the man admitted tentatively. Before he could fully comprehend the situation, Haru seized him by his collar, her arm adorned with jet-black flames that danced ominously. Her intense gaze bore into him, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. Haru launched into a tirade, scolding the bewildered man for the challenging obstacles he had subjected them to.

Observing the scene from a distance, Yoru utilized her ring's [Appraisal] ability to gather information on the defeated opponent. 'He's a subordinate of someone called Helona, and he's powerful, but it seems like Haru already beat him. However, we're being watched from here. It feels like we're underground too,' Yoru concluded, noting the mysterious elements surrounding their current location.

A sudden burst of light emanated from the man's body, and a panicked expression flashed across his face. "Please let go and run away!" he urgently exclaimed, catching Haru off guard.

"I'm not done yet with my—"

"Please! When the light comes, she's going to take control!" he warned, his face draining of color. Summoning the last of his strength, he pushed Haru away just before the area around him erupted in a powerful explosion.

"W-what the hell!?" Haru exclaimed, bewildered, as Yoru arrived beside her.

As the smoke dissipated, the same young man stood there, but now his appearance had undergone a sinister transformation. His disheveled hair, half-moon-shaped pupils, and an ominous white aura exuding from his body signaled a malevolent change.

"Kukuku, you shouldn't have done that, you filthy lizard," a woman's voice echoed from the man's mouth, revealing the unsettling truth that someone—or something—else now had control.

"He's called Sheha, but now it says the name is Ahnha. I think... a different soul resides inside of him, and now she's out," Yoru explained, her gaze fixed on the transformed man before them.

Sheha, now Ahnha, licked his lips and menacingly declared, "I get to eat lizard tonight." The ominous tone hinted at the malevolent intent of the new entity that had taken control. The sisters braced themselves for the upcoming confrontation, knowing that the battle ahead had just taken a dark and unexpected turn.

— ○ ● ○ —

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