Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 6 – Mysterious World of the Goddess

Third Person Point of View

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"You're really going to off little old me? I'm not exactly a warrior," Helona remarked as she squared off against Akeno.

Helona, standing at a statuesque 5'10", possessed a non-threatening appearance with her long flowing blonde hair, green eyes, and a collar around her neck, accompanied by a necklace. She donned a long white lab coat, short brown shorts, and brown boots, lacking any hint of intimidation.

"You've been causing quite a stir for us ever since we infiltrated Abysnar's base. Though most of it got blown to smithereens by Rias' attack, fufu," responded Akeno, her gaze rising to the now absent ceiling above them.

"Fufu. It seems our all-powerful Lady Nocethra is being pushed to her limits. After she's gone, it'll just be me, the Abstion Purgers, and Lord Abysnar. How tragic," she added, feigning a touch of sorrow.

Akeno's figure became enveloped in crackling lightning as she cast a menacing smile at Helona, causing the scientist to retreat uneasily.

"Come now, let us discuss this—" Helona's attempted plea was abruptly cut short as Akeno suddenly appeared in front of her, delivering a forceful blow to her stomach. The impact expelled the air from Helona's lungs, causing her to stagger into Akeno's waiting arms.

"Well, after not-so-careful consideration... I believe my husband will want to 'convert' you, just like two other individuals, fufu~" Akeno threatened before unleashing her holy lightning upon the now defenseless Helona, cradled in her arms.

"W-wait, let me—aaaaaaaahhhh?!" Helona screamed before succumbing to unconsciousness.

"Ara? That was rather quick," Akeno remarked, her hand casually resting on her cheek. "I expected you to endure at least a few shocks."

Akeno then looked up at the battle in the sky. "That's also ending soon, isn't it?"

Akeno shook her head and focused on the now awakened Helona, jolting her back to consciousness.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh?! What's happening!? Why am I here?! Are Lokjoks finally edible?!" Helona shrieked, frantically scanning her surroundings, only to meet Akeno's unsettling "smile," sending shivers down her spine.

"Let's have a little chat, okay~?" Akeno suggested, and Helona fervently nodded in agreement.

"Anything! I'll answer anything, just don't kill me or shock me anymore!" Helona pleaded, cowering in fear.

"Fufu, ara, ara, that'll depend on whether you answer me truthfully or if your responses satisfy me," Akeno replied with a sinister undertone.

Helona nervously gulped as she awaited Akeno's question. Akeno, in her current sadistic demeanor, activated the lightning around her arm, intensifying Helona's unease.

"Hmm~ how about the Abstion Purgers? I believe we've mostly taken down everyone here, but we have another team over in Viriterra Remetura, and we may want to relay some useful information to them," Akeno inquired, her tone laced with a cruel anticipation.

"I-in total th-there are eight of them. They've been known to bring monsters, kidnap individuals with similar abilities, or even hire other mercenaries with comparable skills. So, pinpointing how many of their 'group' are on that planet is nearly impossible. It could be the original eight with some monsters, or they might have enlisted others through hiring or kidnapping," Helona explained nervously.

Akeno seized Helona's arm, delivering a jolt that elicited a yelp from the scientist. "Tell me about the leader," Akeno demanded.

"S-she's called B-Baxicara, and she utilizes toxins, poisons, and illusions in combat. She's proficient in long-ranged fighting, she revels in sadism, also takes pleasure in inflicting a slow and agonizing death upon her foes. Occasionally, she... forces them to engage in intimate acts with her as they meet their end, deriving satisfaction from the control it provides rather than any pleasure. Her targets can be of any gender; she acts on impulse," Helona explained hesitantly.

"Moreover, her poisonous mist can cover an area spanning at least two planets the size of Viriterra Remetura. Those lacking resistance to poisons find themselves severely challenged when facing her," Helona added, offering critical details about the leader of the Abstion Purgers.

"I'd like to hear more," Raynare chimed in as she arrived with Roygun's group.

"Ara? I wasn't expecting you guys," Akeno remarked with a giggle. "Meet our new... ally. She'll be answering questions for us. Say hi."

"H-hello, I-I'm Helona... the leader of the people y-you just fought. Um..." Helona stuttered nervously.

"That's enough. Now then, tell us more about the Abstion Purgers," Akeno instructed, prompting Helona to nod rapidly in agreement, clearly eager to avoid any further shocks.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the expansive skies of Ardvoria Deferilds, Rias and Liember launched a barrage of attacks at the Nocethra, who had succumbed to a frenzied "berserker" state. A primal scream echoed through the air as Nocethra unleashed a flurry of purple-hued assaults from her body.

The ominous projectiles veered in every direction, destroying anything in their path. However, the protective ice conjured by Lavinia acted as an unbreakable barrier, intercepting the attacks and shielding the surrounding area from harm.

Liember, recognizing the challenging situation, spoke with resolve, "I might not be too useful in this battle, but I'll provide you with all the support I can muster."

"No, it's alright. This will be quick; I don't want her agony to linger," responded Rias with a resolute tone. In an instant, Rias unleashed a surge of power, and her very essence underwent a transformative metamorphosis.

Similar to Sirzechs, she immersed herself in her personalized rendition of the [Aura of Destruction]. Thanks to Aaron's assistance in changing her body and through dedicated training, Rias had attained mastery over this form. Liember, floating beside her, couldn't help but shudder at the strange sight of Rias in her "new" form.

Reassuringly, Rias addressed Liember's unease, "Don't worry. I've fine-tuned it to be able discern friend from foe. In this form, my friends can touch me without causing harm to themselves."

Liember extended her hand tentatively, finding Rias' transformed form surprisingly squishy and bouncy. A moment of bewilderment crossed Liember's face, but before she could articulate her thoughts, a barrage of attacks converged on Rias. To Liember's amazement, they merely touched Rias's form and disintegrated.

Observing the scene, Rias calmly explained, "See? You were touching it, and nothing happened. I'll handle Nocethra now; just stay behind me." Liember nodded in agreement, raising her hands towards Rias and conjuring metallic cannons on her shoulders.

"They might be useless, but fire your power through them," Liember suggested.

"Thanks," acknowledged Rias before soaring into action. As Nocethra's relentless attacks attacked her, Rias remained unfazed, the destructive force of the attacks were nullified upon contact. The closer Rias approached, the more fervent and intense Nocethra's attacks became.

Leveraging the metallic cannons on her shoulders, Rias unleashed unbridled [Power of Destruction], propelling small shots toward Nocethra. Despite the frenzied woman attempting to defend herself by conjuring a purple shield with raised hands, Rias's attacks effortlessly shredded through the feeble defenses, obliterating both of Nocethra's arms in the process.

A fleeting expression of panic flashed across Nocethra's face, but Rias pressed on with her attack. Raising her hand, she conjured an even more power orb of [Power of Destruction]. This time, the energy sphere radiated a mesmerizing crimson-black hue, with a subtle silver spot emerging at its core.

"I don't have a name for this... but this marks the end of this fight," Rias declared, signaling the end of their battle. With a decisive motion, she launched the newly forged attack at Nocethra.

The novel technique unleashed by Rias sliced through the air with incredible speed, exhibiting a magnetic pull akin to her renowned [Extinguished Star]. The subtle silver hue within the attack not only heightened its destructive prowess but also carried a unique trait. Anything ensnared within its grasp underwent a dual effect: continuous healing for up to ten seconds and a remarkable amplification of sensitivity to the target by a staggering factor of one hundred.

Ensnared within the relentless sphere of destruction, those unfortunate enough to be caught not only endured repeated torment but also experienced an exacerbated intensity due to the heightened sensitivity inflicted by Rias' unique technique. The anguish within the sphere became a maddening symphony, driving its captives to the brink of insanity.

Nocethra, in her desperate attempt to escape, found herself swiftly ensnared by Rias' overwhelming attack. The attack subjected her to a nightmarish ordeal—every bone in her body shattered, her heart and brain constricted, pushing her perilously close to the brink of death. Yet, the instantaneous healing, albeit excruciatingly amplified, kept her teetering on the edge of life.

For Nocethra, the pain was unbearable. Deprived of the ability to cry out or scream, she could only endure the silent agony, trapped within the confines of her suffering. As seconds stretched into what felt like an eternity, the torment finally subsided with a cataclysmic explosion, internally obliterating Nocethra before she plummeted, lifeless, to the ground below.

Witnessing the aftermath, Liember hurriedly rushed to her former friend's side, kneeling in a show of concern. Rias, deactivating her new form, joined Liember, standing beside her.

"She's alive, and I'm going to use a Slime Pill now, but let's secure her with anti-magic cuffs first," Rias proposed, and Liember promptly agreed, fitting the cuffs onto her former friend. With the precautions in place, Rias administered the healing Slime Pill to Nocethra.

In the wake of their brief yet intense confrontation, the injuries Nocethra had suffered were swiftly mended, and she gradually opened her eyes. However, Nocethra remained silent, her gaze fixed upon the sky. In the background, Lavinia began the meticulous process of dismantling the icy dome that had served as a protective shield during the fierce battle.

"Nocethra...?" Liember uttered her friend's name with a mixture of concern and uncertainty.

[She's fine, Liember. She's back to normal,] reassured Cúntóir. [After rescanning her, I discovered that she was under the influence of Phumera and Magnum Tenebrosum. It was a form of subtle mind control, influencing her just enough to set her on the path she took. The subsequent actions she took, however, were entirely her own. The residual influence was eradicated when Rias used her new technique on her.]

"I knew it was strange that she suddenly changed, so it was their fault...!?" Liember hissed in a whispered fury, clenching her qipao tightly. "I'll kill them...!"

Rias, sensing Liember's boiling rage, placed a comforting hand on her back and spoke with a calm voice, "We'll get them back for you. But for now, let's view this as a victory and extend a helping hand to your friend."

Liember, under the reassurance, took a deep breath, allowing the tension to dissipate. "You're right. She's here, alive. Let's help her start anew. It's a blessing that not many on our planet know what she looks like—as everything surrounding her were mostly rumors. Integrating her should be relatively smooth, assuming everyone agrees."

"Right, let's—" Rias began, but before she could continue, a powerful and resonant sound echoed from above. Their attention drawn skyward, they witnessed the arrival of Lavinia's group.

"Good job, Rias~!" Lavinia praised, her gaze following Shin's focus on the ongoing battle between Aaron and Abysnar above them. A hint of disappointment crossed Lavinia's expression as she added, "Looks like Aaron might call for Shin soon, judging by his incessant pawing towards space."

Nocethra, now restored to her former self, chimed in unexpectedly, "Lord Abysnar... is strong. But I trust the outer god is stronger."

Realizing Nocethra's return, Liember couldn't contain her excitement. "You're back!? Hey, answer me, Nocethra!" She shook her former friend lightly.

"...You're just as loud as before, Ember. Please stop shouting; it's hurting my ears," responded Nocethra, her characteristic deadpan tone intact.

Liember halted her shaking but persisted with a stern inquiry, "So, do you mind telling me how you ended up like that? You just changed one day, and I didn't get it. But from what I learned just now, you were mind-controlled? Did Phumera trick you?"

After a brief moment of contemplation, Nocethra responded, "Remember when I left for the day to deal with things on my own?" Liember nodded, prompting Nocethra to continue, "I met a woman that day. From my current knowledge, it was definitely Phumera using some kind of illusion ability to change her appearance. We spoke for around two hours, and after it... I felt weird. I initially thought it was just what I drank, but now I know it was her doing something to me."

"Since that day, you changed a lot," observed Liember, her frown deepening, to which Nocethra silently nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. It felt like my mind was in a fog, drowning in water. No matter how much I screamed, shouted, and fought against it, I couldn't do anything. I had no control over my body as I slowly drowned in that water and fog. Until that woman—Rias used that technique on me, I slowly felt the ocean I was in dry up, and the clouds around me dispelled," explained Nocethra, recounting the harrowing experience.

"Regardless of what happened, we have to judge her based on what she has done, even if she was mind-controlled," asserted Suzaku, a statement that made Liember grit her teeth in acknowledgment of its truth.

"Yes, you're right. But I hope she's given a chance to redeem herself. If so, we'll have another powerful ally," Liember expressed somberly.

"I do too, but looking at it logically, the odds of her succeeding are the same as everyone else that was given a new lease on life," Suzaku replied, injecting a pragmatic perspective into the delicate situation.

"Heeeey!" Inaie's booming voice echoed, prompting the attention of the gathered group. In the distance, Akeno and Roygun's group, accompanied by Grayfia's, approached. As minutes passed, more groups joined the assembly, creating a convergence of allies.

The only remaining pieces of the puzzle were Aaron's ongoing battle against Abysnar and Latia's group completing their mission in Viriterra Remetura.

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Back on the planet of Viriterra Remetura, the Slash Dog Team reached their destination, standing at the entrance of a certain forest. Kanami, taking charge, tapped her spear's end on the ground, gazing at the lush and mysterious forest before them.

"What did Cúntóir call this again?" Kanami inquired.

"Whispering Veylies. Veylies are a type of tree in this world. They absorb the moonlight and darkness typically, but these ones have been changed by the planet itself to absorb the sun and light," explained Fusae, carrying a book with Liadonn perched on her shoulder.

Mittelt, expressing concern, asked, "Didn't Cúntóir say some of these trees eat people?"

"She did, but judging from what I've observed, these are the ones exposed to the sun and light, and the goddess of this place provides healing effects to everything. I doubt it's that kind, Mittelt," replied Fusae, alleviating some of the unease within the team.

"That makes sense," Mittelt replied, positioning herself closer to Meruem.

"So, we're on the hunt for that, uh, thing, right?" Kanami inquired, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips as she realized she had momentarily forgotten Latia's briefing.

With a sigh, Natsume interjected, "Faealis Nyilix Cresomere. It's a bit of a mouthful, but that's the gist of it. According to Latia and Cúntóir, it's this enchanted crystal ball that acts like a magical panacea. It can cure anything from ailments and poisons to toxins, diseases, and even fatal injuries. Oh, and it comes with the added bonus of being protected by a powerful female fairy."

Fusae, with a tinge of exasperation, added, "The fairy's probably long gone. I sense two distinct presences in there, likely members of the Abstion Purgers and some accompanying monster. Lucky for us, we've got immunity to their abilities, so taking them down shouldn't pose much of a challenge."

"And if you're curious, the fairy went by the name Masirisi," Fusae concluded, offering a glimpse into the past.

"Enough talk, let's keep moving," ordered Fusae, and the team unanimously agreed as they ventured into the forest.

Upon entering the woodland, the atmosphere underwent a dramatic transformation. The once lively greenery and sunny ambiance gave way to a shadowy darkness, with sunlight struggling to penetrate the dense canopy of Veylies.

"This isn't quite what you described, Fusae," remarked Kanami, her gaze sweeping over their eerie surroundings.

Admitting the discrepancy, Fusae responded, "No, it doesn't. Something has to be amiss, let's keep going."

Abruptly, a massive vine lunged toward them. Swiftly, Kouki wielded his electric spear, aided by Byakusa, and obliterated the oncoming threat. The tree that had unleashed the vine promptly withered, catching them off guard.

"What in the hell? It keeled over that fast?" Kouki questioned, scrutinizing the deceased tree. Using his necklace to inspect it, he remarked, "Apparently, it needs to kill its first prey; otherwise, it will just die after a single failure. What a weird ass tree."

"Just assume everything here is going to be weird; otherwise, we'll be in for constant surprises," advised Natsume, and the rest of the team nodded in agreement.

Meruem, in a sudden revelation, raised his finger and pointed in a specific direction. "Over there, three entities in total, and also... the ball we're after. I'm picking up faint life pulses from it."

"Oh!? Does that mean Masirisi might still be alive!?" Kanami exclaimed with excitement, triggering another attack from a similar tree, this time using its branch.

Without hesitation, Poon lunged at the attacking branch, biting and devouring it, causing both the branch and the tree to wither away. Grateful, Kanami picked up Poon and expressed her thanks. "Thanks, Poon. I had it under control, but I appreciate the backup!"

"Pooooooooo!" echoed Poon, and the team proceeded to move away from the vicinity, encountering occasional attacks from various trees, flora, and creatures within the mysterious forest.

As they delved deeper into the forest, the atmosphere grew darker, adding another layer of bewilderment. What was expected to be a sunlit forest teeming with life had transformed into an unsettling and tense expedition for the team.

In the midst of their journey, they stumbled upon a peculiar giant toad adorned with a crown near a small pond. Sensing the team's presence, it turned its gaze toward them, surveying each member before fixating on Kanami.

"Travelers from another realm, what brings you to this place?" inquired the toad, curiosity evident in its croak.

"Oooh! It talks—" Kanami's sense of wonder was abruptly silenced as Fusae swiftly placed her hand over Kanami's mouth.

Fusae took charge, stepping forward, and inquired, "How may I address you?" The rest of the team respectfully distanced themselves, allowing Fusae to engage with the talking toad.

"Do-ta-Toad. I am the leader of the toads in this forest," responded Do-ta-Toad.

Fusae cut to the chase, "We're here to retrieve Faealis Nyilix Cresomere for the Resistance. We're aware of the potential presence of Abstion Purgers and some kind of monster. Can you confirm this?"

"The Faealis Nyilix Cresomere possesses potent regenerative abilities, but only the soul of the fairy who guarded it can move it from its place. Although Masirisi has mostly moved on, a fragment of her soul remains to safeguard it. Once it recognizes someone trustworthy enough, she can finally find eternal rest," explained Do-ta-Toad.

"Um..." Fusae, perplexed by the toad's response, stared at it, seeking clarification.

"As for your other inquiry... they weren't the Abstion Purgers, but I believe they are mercenaries contracted by them. They've also brought a sort of 'pet' with them, a grotesque creature called Vesgera. It hails from a different planet and is quite aggressive, though their 'pet' is surprisingly docile," the toad elaborated.

"Mercenaries... I see. Thank you for sharing this information," Fusae responded with a respectful bow.

"Do not worry. While we do not object to you taking the Faealis Nyilix Cresomere, please, rid us of them. They've been causing havoc in the forest for the past few days, unable to extract the crystal ball. They even came close to harming us," Do-ta-Toad conveyed with a sense of horror.

"We appreciate your assistance. Thank you for the guidance," Fusae expressed her gratitude. In response, the toad stamped its webbed feet, conjuring small bubbles in front of Fusae.

"Follow that path, and it will lead you to a vantage point, allowing you to observe your enemies without being detected," advised Do-ta-Toad. "May luck be on your side."

Fusae nodded in acknowledgment, bowing once more, and then led the team away from the small pond area. They silently followed the bubbles, which continued to appear, guiding them up a slight incline covered in dense trees until they reached the summit.

From their elevated position, they gazed down at a clearing covered by a dark cloud—a wide, circular expanse with a small statue of a fairy holding a crystal ball in its arms, cradling it delicately.

Directly facing the fairy statue stood a peculiar creature, hunched over with a human head adorned with multiple black-dot eyes. A bizarre fleshy structure surrounded its neck, spiked and emitting gas. The creature's thin frame sported a normal right arm wielding a small dagger, while its left arm morphed into a scythe-like appendage nearing the elbow. It emitted sporadic croaking sounds and twitched its head unnaturally.

"That creature over there is the Vesgera. It's at least God-class, and it appears to have a detection radius limited to the size of the clearing. So, we're safe up here," Fusae observed, assessing the situation with a watchful eye.

Adjacent to the fairy statue, on the left and right sides, stood humanoid foes. The one on the left bore a male resemblance, covered in black and green scales resembling a beetle. A mirror image on the right side portrayed a female figure with similar features.

"The creature on the left, presumed to be a mercenary, is Celrion, peaking at God-class. On the right is Qunela," Fusae elucidated, utilizing her ring's [Appraisal] function.

"So, we take 'em down, right?" inquired Kouki.

"Didn't Aaron express interest in acquiring more insectoid subordinates? I recall him mentioning that Querehsha desired more underlings of that kind too, especially those she didn't create herself. Could these two be suitable candidates?" Kanami suggested, contemplating the potential recruitment.

"We'll entertain the idea later. For now, let's concentrate on retrieving the crystal ball," Fusae declared. The team unanimously concurred, prompting Fusae to issue instructions. "Meruem, Shigune, and Ajamu, I trust the perimeter to you three. If they attempt to escape, intercept them. The rest of us will engage them directly."

"Kanami, can you and Natsume handle Celrion, the male insectoid? Kouki and I will deal with Qunela, while Kurotsume takes on Vesgera. Clear?" Fusae assigned roles, and the team nodded in agreement. "Mittlet, keep an eyes on the skies from here please."

"Roger," replied Mittelt.

"I... I thought I was the leader..." Kanami muttered quietly to herself.

"Kanami, are you ready?" Fusae turned to her, seeking assurance.

"Yeah!" Kanami exclaimed before hastily covering her mouth, sensing Fusae's stern gaze. "I-I am ready, Fusae-sama!" she corrected herself, adopting a more respectful tone.

Fusae gave a firm nod and declared, "Let the mission start then." The team vanished in an instant. Swiftly, Fusae lifted her hand, orchestrating a colossal magic circle above the location. Simultaneously, she instructed Liadonn to safeguard the statue, unleashing a large and powerful fireball onto the open clearing through the magic circle.

[What happened to the plan of taking them down with each group!?] Kanami's voice echoed with surprise through the transceivers.

Fusae's fiery attack crashed into the clearing, causing the entire forest to tremble. Without missing a beat, she teleported to the epicenter, her team quickly converging around her. Beside Fusae stood Kouki; Kalawarna, now assisting the Resistance planet due to impending parenthood, was absent.

Their enemies bore the brunt of Fusae's attack. Qunela and Celrion displayed visible injuries, each losing an arm. In contrast, Vesgera, shrouded in its protective green mist, seemed relatively unscathed. The cloud acted as a shield, not only preserving it but also autonomously repairing any inflicted damage.

Fusae, Liadonn, and Kouki charged toward Qunela with a sense of urgency. Qunela, in response, fixed her gaze on them, her eyes igniting with an intense glow. Without warning, a potent unseen force surged forth, attacking them. Kouki, momentarily perplexed by the mysterious onslaught, slowed down, his understanding faltering. Thankfully, Liadonn acted swiftly, using his darkness to shield Fusae, minimizing the impact.

"Tch, Byakusa!" Kouki exclaimed, his Sacred Gear appearing on his shoulder. He enveloped himself in blue electric armor, dismissing the invisible threat, and dashing ahead, displaying a determination to confront the danger head-on.

In a swift motion, Kouki fashioned an electric spear around his right arm, thrusting it towards Qunela. However, she effortlessly dodged his strike, wearing a smirk. Just then, an electric tail appeared, striking Qunela forcefully and unleashing a torrent of electricity upon her.

Pained cries escaped Qunela's lips as the electric tails struck, prompting her to retaliate by thrusting her hand towards them. However, Kouki, now wearing a confident grin, swiftly retracted the tails. Seizing the opportunity, he executed a spinning kick, connecting with Qunela's side and sending her sprawling.

Capitalizing on the moment, Fusae entered the fray, conjuring a multitude of flaming spears through her magic circles. Simultaneously, Liadonn let out a powerful roar, enveloping them in jet-black flames that heightened the power of the attacks. The barrage of flaming projectiles collided with Qunela, aggravating her injuries and visibly irritating her.

Fusae, ever observant, relayed vital information to Kouki, pointing out Qunela's unexpected resistance to flames, a peculiar detail to consider. Undeterred, Qunela unfurled her wings, creating swirling green whirlwinds that surrounded her. With a swift motion, she unleashed the tempests towards Kouki and Fusae.

In hushed tones, Fusae asked Liadonn for assistance, their eyes fixed on the incoming whirlwinds. Liadonn responded with a profound roar, conjuring darkness within the heart of the tempests. In a bewildering twist, the whirlwinds dissipated, leaving Qunela momentarily perplexed.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Kouki propelled himself towards Qunela with a burst of speed from his electric armor, conjuring yet another spear of crackling electricity. The clash between their weapons was met with Qunela manifesting a unique blade of black and green hues, effectively parrying Kouki's strike. However, Byakusa intervened once again, generating a flurry of blue tails that stabbed into Qunela from behind, sending jolts of electricity through her form.

Seizing the opportunity, Fusae and Liadonn seamlessly melded into the shadows, only to reappear behind Qunela. To Qunela's surprise, her attempted counterattack with an invisible blade missed its mark, passing through Fusae even though Fusae didn't try and avoid it, confusing the female insectoid.

In a sudden twist, Liadonn and Fusae emerged from alternate shadows, leaving Qunela even more disoriented. The person she had fixed her gaze upon transformed into a wry smile before dispersing into a cloud of black smoke.

'A clone!?' Qunela's realization struck too late as Fusae, Liadonn, and Kouki seized the moment of confusion to unleash a coordinated assault. Liadonn clamped down, tearing off Qunela's left leg, Fusae rained down a barrage of icicles onto her back, and Kouki thrust his electric spear through her stomach.

"Persistent—" Qunela attempted to vocalize her astonishment, but her words were abruptly cut short. Fusae swiftly executed the final blow, directing several invisible blades of wind at Qunela's neck, concluding the battle decisively.

Sensing the loss of his teammate, Celrion, who had been locked in combat with Natsume and Kanami, suddenly unleashed a surge of power that left everyone astounded. His physique underwent a profound change, growing even more robust, blades appearing above his arms as his power ascended to Dragon God-class levels.

"Dieeeeeeeeee!!" Celrion's primal scream reverberated through the circular meadow as he lunged menacingly toward the Minagawa sisters, fueled by newfound strength.

Observing the intense reaction, Fusae emerged from the shadows, her sharp insights cutting through the chaos. "With that type of reaction, they must have been close friends…or lovers," she remarked, contemplating the mysterious connection. "I'll preserve her body in my ring; perhaps Aaron can bring her back along with him. Kouki, please assist Kurotsume, and I'll delve into the secrets of the statue."

"Right, good luck," Kouki acknowledged, swiftly redirecting his focus toward Kurotsume and the Vesgera, leaving Fusae to embark on her investigation into the statue of Masirisi.

Kanami and Natsume skillfully evaded Celrion's frenzied attacks, each swing of his bladed arms leaving small crevices in the already shaken terrain. The once minor aftershocks now escalated into more destructive forces, threatening to wreak havoc on their surroundings.

"We should probably put a stop to this, or he'll end up turning the planet into rubble," remarked Natsume, her concern evident.

"Yeah, we definitely should," agreed Kanami, taking swift action by activating her Balance Breaker. With her spear aimed at Celrion, she commanded, <Dance!!> Instantaneously, Celrion, caught mid-attack, abruptly ceased his violent motions and began an unexpected dance routine. The rhythm Kanami had chosen was none other than the infectious Gangnam style, a memory they saw from their time in Aaron's [Pocket Dimension].

Kanami burst into laughter at the comical sight, while Natsume, sporting a disapproving expression, interjected, "Will you take this seriously!?" Amidst the chaos of battle, a moment of unexpected hilarity unfolded, adding a touch of absurdity to the otherwise intense situation.

Kanami, recovering from her laughter, charged at the dancing Celrion. Despite his rhythmic movements, he managed to harden his body just in time to mitigate some of the damage when Kanami swung her spear at him.

Natsume swiftly followed up by unleashing a large vortex of wind, slicing through Celrion's body and causing significant portions of his "armor" to fall away, leaving him noticeably more vulnerable.

Undeterred, Celrion persisted in his dance, seemingly unaffected. However, a sudden change occurred when his eyes glowed with an ominous intensity. Abruptly halting his movements, he fixed a piercing glare on Kanami, who couldn't help but express surprise at the unexpected turn of events.

"Wait, seriously!? How did he get out of that!?" Kanami exclaimed in shock, her disbelief palpable. In a desperate attempt to regain control of the situation, she shouted, <Slow down! Don't move!> Celrion, once again, temporarily froze in his walk, only to resume walking moments later, leaving Kanami perplexed.

Before panic could fully set in, Natsume intervened quickly. Appearing before Celrion in her X-side Balance Breaker, she swung her scythe, sending him flying. "Get a grip! Stop panicking, just assume he has some sort of ability to adapt or bypass it!" Natsume's stern reminder snapped Kanami out of her momentary confusion.

"Uuuuuhhh!! R-right!" Kanami stammered, redirecting her focus toward the direction where Celrion had been knocked away.

Celrion reappeared once again, positioning himself squarely before the Minagawa sisters, a tempest of wind blades fired from all around him in a breathtaking display. The sisters deftly evaded the onslaught, their senses finely attuned to the imminent danger.

Fortuitously, the sisters discerned the impending attacks with remarkable ease, effortlessly sidestepping each razor-sharp gust. Natsume retaliated by propelling her own wind blades toward Celrion, anticipating the same impact on the insectoid.

To her astonishment, the blades proved ineffective against Celrion's new armor, some even rebounding off the now-repaired shell. Unfazed, Natsume persisted, intensifying the velocity and power of her wind blades. This time, they tore through Celrion's armor, leaving him visibly startled.

"Adapting won't save you forever! We'll increase our powers until you can't keep up! Scratch that—let's end him before he adapts any further!" Natsume declared, her voice resolute as she reappeared behind Celrion.

Brandishing her scythe, Natsume infused it with a blend of black and dark green winds, unleashing a strike aimed at Celrion. In response, Celrion's eyes glowed, and an imperceptible force surged towards Natsume, momentarily impeding her swing. Undeterred, she pressed on, the scythe cutting through the air with slightly diminished speed.

Witnessing the impending collision, Celrion hastily erected shields on his arms, attempting to thwart Natsume's attack. However, her scythe effortlessly cleaved through his defenses, severing his arms from his form as though slicing through softened butter.

Meanwhile, Kanami reappeared above the fray, launching a relentless series of stab attacks at Celrion. Despite deflecting and redirecting a few, Celrion couldn't evade every strike, succumbing to Kanami's precise attacks on his shoulder, chest, and stomach.

As Kanami descended, she swung her spear downward, prompting Celrion to leap away to avoid the impending blow. In mid-air, Natsume conjured a vortex of black and dark green wind, both arms extended to the side, forming a captivating and ominous sphere of power.

The instant Kanami's feet touched the ground, she thrust her spear towards the swirling ball of energy. Activating her [Tenth Commandment], she fueled the attack with an intense desire for food and a powerful longing for Aaron, infusing it with Natsume's swirling winds. The result was a colossal surge of wind, white light, and holy energy hurtling towards Celrion.

Caught off guard and with the escalating gravitational force hindering his escape, Celrion swiftly regenerated his arms and conjured shields to temper the impending attack. Yet, as the devastating amalgamation of forces approached, Natsume reappeared in front of him, a sudden and startling presence.

"No," Natsume declared with a frown on her face, her scythe cleaving through the air in a seamless motion. The blade sliced through all of Celrion's armor, dismantling it with a single, fluid stroke.

As Natsume vanished, the earlier attack crashed into Celrion, tearing through the air and a substantial chunk of Viriterra Remetura. Despite Celrion's attempts to adapt to the attack unfolding around him, the relentless barrage of powers overwhelmed him, prompting him to surrender to the inevitable demise, succumbing to the lethal attack while suspended in the air.

The unleashed powers erupted in a dazzling display, an amalgamation of black, dark green, white light, and holy energy painting the skies of Viriterra Remetura. The planet quivered beneath the powerful shockwaves, with portions of the forest below obliterated, allowing slivers of sunlight to pierce through.

"Job well done!" Kanami exclaimed triumphantly as she deactivated her Balance Breaker. However, her satisfaction waned as she glanced at her spear, a subtle frown creasing her brow. 'There are people in this universe who can move within my [First Commandment]. I always believed they had to be stronger than me to bypass it, but it seems that if they possess a power to ignores its effects then it won't work on them. I'll have to make adjustments... maybe Aaron can help with that.'

"Nyehehahaha~" echoed Kurotsume's laughter in the distance, reveling in the unexpected ease of their confrontation with the Vesgera. With her lengthy cleaver in hand, she darted around, slicing through the monster's limbs, only to witness them regenerate instantly.

"You're not going to use that ability of yours!?" exclaimed Kouki, deftly evading another attack of poisonous breath directed towards him.

"No! It's stupid to do that and that thing lacks a brain. All we need to do is pummel it into submission and have you use the anti-healing technique!" declared Kurotsume with unwavering confidence.

Kouki's lips twitched with the notion that Kurotsume's ability might have made the battle even more straightforward, but he chose to keep that observation to himself. "Whatever. Byakusa, let's go," he declared, his words punctuated by a soft meow.

Adorned in his blue electric armor, Kouki reappeared beside the Vesgera, electric spear at the ready. Infusing his weapon with anti-healing and anti-regeneration properties, he thrust it towards the monster's stomach, unleashing a potent electric discharge. Strange sounds emanated from the creature as it expelled green liquid from its mouth, its attempts to retaliate thwarted by Kouki's quick movements.

Undeterred, the Vesgera swung its scythe-arm towards Kouki, only to find Byakusa's tails, charged with electricity, intercepting the attack. A triumphant grin spread across Kouki's face as he released another surge of electricity into the Vesgera.

Kurotsume swiftly closed the distance, leaping into the air and executing a rapid spin that culminated in the Vesgera losing its head. Believing the battle to be won, Kouki turned away, releasing a sigh of relief. However, a sudden sound caught his attention, prompting him to face the unexpected turn of events.

To his surprise, Byakusa had intercepted the Vesgera's scythe, preventing a post-decapitation attack. "Shit, it can still move after having its head sliced off!?" Kouki exclaimed, taken aback. Reacting swiftly, he leaped away, conjuring a larger spear crackling with electricity. Gripping it tightly, he hurled it towards the Vesgera, the impact driving the monster backward.

Refusing to relent, Kouki closed the distance rapidly, conjuring a powerful blue electric ball in his right hand. With murder in his eyes, he thrust it towards the Vesgera, determined to secure victory despite the unexpected resilience of their enemy.

"Die already, god dammit!" Kouki roared, the ferocity of his attack intensifying as the blue electric ball enveloped everything in its vicinity. A tremendous surge of electricity emanated from Kouki, causing the Vesgera to convulse violently under the relentless attack.

Kurotsume reentered the fray, her cleaver cloaked in blue energy as she dashed through the convulsing Vesgera, reappearing at a safe distance. Within moments, the monster's body shattered into countless pieces.

Yet, to their astonishment, it was swiftly engulfed in flames, reducing it to ashes. Bewilderment etched across their faces, Kouki and Kurotsume turned to the unexpected source—Fusae, seated beside the statue, engrossed in a book.

"Well, that was unexpected," Kurotsume remarked, a mix of surprise and amusement coloring her tone.

"We're all done, right?" Kanami inquired as she approached Fusae, with the rest of the team forming a circle around her.

Natsume, seeing Fusae like that became confused and asked, "What did you find, Fusae?" scrutinizing her friend for answers.

Fusae's frown revealed a hint of frustration. "I can't understand Faealis Nyilix Cresomere, and I've tried everything to contact Masirisi. Nothing seems to work. Perhaps... I'm not the 'one' they are looking for. So I've waited for everyone to finish their battles first."

Rising from her seated position, Fusae surveyed the surroundings. "Please touch the Faealis Nyilix Cresomere. Apparently, it's meant to glow before the remnants of Masirisi's consciousness appear," she instructed the team.

Eyes exchanged glances amongst the group before Kanami stepped forward. "As the leader, I'll try first," she declared, placing her hand on the crystal ball. However, after a few seconds of anticipation, nothing happened, leaving Kanami's excitement deflated.

"You were not worthy!" Kouki exclaimed, laughter bubbling from him as Kanami pouted in response. Undeterred, he stepped forward, declaring, "Watch me become worthy!" With confidence, Kouki touched the crystal, only to be met with a disappointing lack of reaction after a few seconds.

"A stupid cat will always be the stupid cat," Natsume declared with a smirk, eliciting snickers as she glanced teasingly at Kouki, who glared back in embarrassment.

"Then you go up!" Kouki retorted, prompting Natsume to nonchalantly shrug and approach the crystal.

Sylph emerged from Natsume a few seconds later, casting an expectant gaze at the statue before delivering a series of smacks. "Heeeey, wake up!!!" Sylph shouted, but there was no response from either Natsume or Sylph. When Natsume turned around, Kouki was smirking, inciting her to retaliate. The two engaged in a background scuffle, their banter evolving into a semi-playful brawl.

As the remaining members of the team took turns touching the crystal, most experienced minimal reactions, except for Mittelt, who elicited a slight response. Kouki speculated it might have been a different team fighting one of the Abstion Purgers, leaving the theory hanging in the air. Eventually, the last member to approach Faealis Nyilix Cresomere was Shigune.

With Pon perched on her head and Poon and Poh cradled in her arms, Shigune extended her hand towards the crystal. The Three MuskaPohs mirrored her gesture. To everyone's surprise, the entire crystal and statue illuminated, emitting a pulse of green light.

"Shigune is the chosen one!" Kouki proclaimed from the background, prompting a quick smack from Natsume before she rejoined the rest of the team.

"We got a reaction with Shigune. That means Masirisi chose her as trustworthy enough with it!" Fusae exclaimed with genuine excitement, the discovery sparking a renewed sense of anticipation among the team.

"Glutton-san got it, huh?" Mittelt mused, teasing Shigune, who blushed in response. "I mean, Koga Hyousuke would have said the same thing if he was with us. Also, why did he stay back?" she inquired.

"He's working with Lysanvar and Zyra on something. Apparently, his skills and Sacred Gear were needed," Ajamu explained.

"Hmm... well, whatever," Mittelt replied with a casual shrug.

The team shifted their attention back to the unfolding events as the statue of Masirisi began to crack, eventually bursting open to reveal a doll-like fairy. The creature possessed short blonde hair, purple eyes, a pink and yellow dress, and wings adorned in purple and yellow hues.

The doll, bearing the last remnants of consciousness from Masirisi, fixed its gaze on Shigune and inquired, "Are you the one who touched it?"

Shigune, along with the Three MuskaPohs chiming in with a "Poooo!" after her, responded, "Yes, I was."

"I chose you... because we both have huge appetites. I needed someone who was similar to me. The rest, unlike the short blonde girl over there, had very small appetites, but she still paled in comparison to what we eat," explained Masirisi's lingering consciousness.

Shigune's expression morphed into one of mortification as the fairy revealed that her gluttonous nature was the deciding factor for reawakening Masirisi's consciousness. Her mouth hung open, and her face gradually turned red as she stared back at the fairy in disbelief.

"...Well, that was unexpected," Fusae commented, struggling to comprehend the fairy's peculiar reasoning for choosing Shigune.

"I will grant you the item, 'Donut Leaf Ball!' It can cure and heal anything, really. Do you like the name I gave it?" the fairy exclaimed, leaving everyone even more bewildered by the unexpected name.

"Um... I thought it was called Faealis Nyilix Cresomere?" Fusae questioned, a bit confused.

Masirisi's head tilted in confusion. "Who the heck gave it that weird name? I called it 'Donut Leaf Ball' from when I first made it. After I died, who the heck gave it such a strange name!?" the fairy protested, expressing clear frustration at the renaming of the item.

"Um... it's been like that for a long time now, and that's what was told to us," Shigune replied. The fairy regarded her for a moment, falling silent as if contemplating this new information. Suddenly, she smacked her hand into her palm.

"That Faealis Nyilix Cresomere loosely translates to Donut Leaf Ball in the old language of our universe! I guess they tried to make it sound cool? I appreciate it, though. Listening to what I called it, it sounds a bit lacking," Masirisi explained, shedding light on the lost translation and expressing gratitude for the attempt to elevate the item's name.

"I-is that so? Then, Shigune, can you take it?" Fusae responded, directing her attention to Shigune. Swiftly recovering from her stupor, Shigune took the crystal ball from Masirisi.

As Shigune held the item, Masirisi's body began to wither away. The fairy addressed the Slash Dog Team, saying, "Before I died, I sort of 'cursed' this forest so that it would keep my crystal ball safe. Once someone is given my ball, the one I chose, the curse would be lifted. It took a long time, but thank you for coming! And goodbye." With those words, Masirisi bid her farewell, her form fading away as the curse was lifted.

Masirisi offered a warm smile to the team before completely disappearing. With her departure, the darkness and gloom that had shrouded the forest dissipated, and the ominous cloud above dispersed. The light of the planet gradually bathed the entire forest, bringing a sense of renewal.

"Oooh! So this was what we were told about! And look, the Veylies are changing color! I didn't know that!" Kanami exclaimed, pointing excitedly at some Veylies undergoing a noticeable transformation.

"Perhaps it was due to Masirisi's 'curse' she put into the forest. Maybe they were just normal Veylies and were turned into that because of her," speculated Fusae, the team observing the enchanting change in the Veylies' colors. The once-cursed forest now revealed its true beauty, thanks to the lifting of Masirisi's long-standing enchantment.

Natsume noticed Sylph crying on her shoulder and inquired, "What's wrong, Sylph?"

"I'm just glad she got to finally rest. I can kind of see myself as her, you know? We were the same size and… uuuuu…" Sylph continued to cry, prompting Natsume to gently comfort her, patting her head.

"Now that we have this, let's go to our next spot. After that, we'll rendezvous with Latia since she's apparently still in the same spot as before," instructed Fusae, to which the team unanimously agreed.

"We're heading North, and the Valkyrie Squad led by Göndul-dono is over there, correct?" Ajamu inquired.

"Yes, they should be nearly done with their job, unless something unexpected happened," replied Fusae.

"Something unexpected always freaking happens," Mittelt mumbled, drawing the team's attention. "W-what?"

"Oh, no, it's just that you said 'freaking' instead of just cursing," Kanami remarked, clearly taken aback by Mittelt's uncharacteristic choice of words.

"Anyway, let's get moving," Fusae instructed. "We can revisit this place at a different time; let's prioritize the mission first."

With nods of agreement, they swiftly departed the area. However, the forest's toad leader, Do-ta-Toad, suddenly appeared from a bubble nearby. He gazed at the ground where Masirisi's statue once stood, a smile gracing his face.

"So... you're finally free, old friend? I hope you have a safe journey in the afterlife," Do-ta-Toad murmured. Turning to his followers, he declared, "Let's commence the reconstruction of our kingdom here! The nefarious group will be vanquished today, and we will acclaim the Resistance as heroes and offer them our support!" His proclamation was met with resonant croaks of agreement from his fellow toads.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the northern reaches of the planet, the Valkyrie Squad, under the leadership of Göndul, encountered an immense gateway bearing a resemblance to a dam. Surrounding it were dilapidated and crumbling stone structures, remnants of a bygone civilization.

"Some kind of ancient civilization inhabited this place, didn't they?" Grimgerde pondered, her gaze sweeping over the area from a heightened vantage point, the rest of the team mirroring her contemplative stance.

"I don't sense any life there, except further down and in the distance," Brynhildr remarked. She turned to Göndul, inquiring, "What shall we do, Göndul?"

"We're on a mission to recover two important items: firstly, a lost grimoire concealed somewhere beneath the earth, and secondly, a sapling or seed originating from a tree akin to the one nestled in the Resistance's planet. The potential fusion of this seed with its parent tree could induce a transformation, manifesting enhanced capabilities. However, the outcome remains a mystery, as elucidated by Cúntóir," Göndul elucidated.

"Shall we split up to cover more ground then? Perhaps a group could go into the subterranean depths in pursuit of the grimoire, while another group explores the northern expanse to find out the source of that mysterious sign of life," proposed Helmwige with a tone of strategic consideration.

"Very well, the prospect of optimizing our coverage is a smart choice. Let us promptly designate our teams for the respective tasks," replied Göndul, prompting a swift assembly of groups. Göndul, Helmwige, and Schwertleite were put in one team, while Brynhildr assumed leadership of another team alongside Ortlinde and Grimgerde.

Brynhildr conveyed, "My team will venture north; we wish you the best of luck,'" before her team departed the location.

Turning to her own team, Göndul inquired, "Shall we go on our mission then? However, let's begin by exploring those ruins. They might harbor clues about the lost civilization."

Helmwige and Schwertleite agreed, swiftly descending towards the structures. Upon reaching the site, they promptly split up, delving into various structures to unearth information about the mysterious place. Simultaneously, their mission included the pursuit of an entry point leading to the underground portion. Göndul, harboring the belief that the underground expanse held a connection to the lost grimoire, was determined to uncover if it held true or not.

"Göndul-san!" Helmwige's voice reverberated through the desolate "town," capturing the attention of both Göndul and Schwertleite. Converging upon Helmwige, the trio discovered her standing before a peculiar house, emanating an odd aura.

"Did you sense that strange vibe emanating from this structure?" inquired Helmwige.

"Yes, the atmosphere here is quite unusual," responded Göndul. "Let's venture inside and see why it's like that."

After exerting force to open the door, they entered the building. The interior mirrored the external chaos, with most things reduced to ruins. Despite the wreckage, a few items stood resilient, showcasing the extent of the damage.

Fixating on a particular area, Göndul approached a table and laid a hand on a surviving book. Despite the devastation, the book had endured the catastrophic event that befell the place. As Göndul ran her fingers across its cover, she detected a subtle irregularity. Pressing into the book, a distinct "clicking" sound resonated through the air.

The floor beneath them stirred, revealing a concealed staircase that immediately seized everyone's attention. Converging at this newfound passage, a silent agreement passed among them, and Göndul, taking the lead, descended the steps. As her foot touched the initial stair, a peculiar transition occurred, transporting her to an entirely different locale, sparking both confusion and heightened vigilance.

Göndul found herself standing in what appeared to be an underground town in a state of decay, mirroring the ruins above. An imperceptible glow enveloped the surroundings, as if invisible torches were casting unseen light. After a brief pause, both Helmwige and Schwertleite appeared beside Göndul.

" just vanished, and I admit, I panicked a little bit when it happened. But where is this place? Are we underground now?" inquired Helmwige, her gaze sweeping over the strange underground surroundings.

"I can't say for certain, but that structure in the distance needs to be investigated. It stands out from the other structures down here," remarked Göndul.

"Hmm? Oh, it does have a sort of pyramid-esque vibe, doesn't it?" mused Helmwige.

"Indeed. Now, both of you, follow closely, but remain vigilant," instructed Göndul as they advanced towards the distinctive structure.

— ○ ● ○ —

"What should we be on the lookout for?" inquired Grimgerde.

"I can't be certain, but any sign of a living presence would be a good start. Perhaps we should be attentive to—" Brynhildr's sentence was abruptly halted as a large boulder hurled towards them, prompting the valkyrie to swiftly conjure a defensive magic circle, successfully blocking the projectile.

"Down there," Ortlinde pointed out, summoning her two spears.

Beneath them, in an expansive field, stood two individuals—a man and a woman. Behind them loomed an immense hill crowned by an even larger pink tree.

"That tree... it's almost as big as Yggdrasil, or perhaps it's the same?" Grimgerde observed. "Hold on, could that be the location where we retrieve the tree sapling or seed!?" she exclaimed, pointing towards the towering tree.

"Most likely," confirmed Brynhildr.

The woman, with her strange appearance, displayed an otherworldly paleness, complemented by long, flowing white hair and dull blue eyes. Clad in a lengthy straightjacket and knee-high black boots, she managed to defy the conventional constraints of such attire, her "arms" moving freely within its confines.

Standing beside her was a man of striking contrast, boasting short red hair, brown eyes, and adorned in opulent crimson, white, and black attire that left his chest boldly exposed. A jacket draped casually behind him, and a menacing black scythe, wreathed in crimson flames and embellished with an eye, rested on his back.

"They won't let us pass that easily, so let's defeat them and continue on," commanded Brynhildr. "I'll take on the man, while the two of you handle the woman."

"Affirmative," responded Grimgerde and Ortlinde before swiftly disappearing, appearing before a mysterious, fair-skinned woman. Meanwhile, Brynhildr gracefully touched down to the ground in front of a crimson-haired man.

Upon her landing, the man playfully whistled at Brynhildr. " You're quite the beauty, aren't you? Ever considered trying your hand at modeling?" he inquired with a teasing smile. Brynhildr, unfazed, lifted her ring, discreetly examining the man. Identified as Crowler, a seasoned mercenary hovering at the pinnacle of God-class strength.

Amused, Crowler continued, "Huh? You're married? No worries. In the realm of fame and desire, marital status is a mere detail. What do you say? Modeling could bring you fame and fortune. Interested?" he proposed, misinterpreting Brynhildr's gesture as a sign of her marital status rather than her discreet scan.

Silently, Brynhildr conjured thousands of Norse-style magic circles, casting a deluge of magic attacks in Crowler's direction.

"Playing hard to get, huh? I like a challenge," Crowler remarked, chuckling as he faced the oncoming magical onslaught. The flames surrounding his scythe surged in intensity, and with a quick swing of his weapon, he effortlessly obliterated and sliced through Brynhildr's magical barrage in a single, decisive motion.

Undeterred, Brynhildr persisted in her unrelenting attack, casting waves of magical attacks towards the man. Crowler, maintaining his laughter, skillfully slashed and incinerated each magical attack, gradually narrowing the distance between them. As he closed in, he couldn't help but mock, "Beauty might be your forte, but intelligence? Not so much!"

Amused by his own quip, Crowler swung his scythe toward Brynhildr. However, in a blink, his perspective shifted skyward. Confused, he exclaimed, "Wha—!?"

Swiftly, Brynhildr reappeared above him, charging a raw ball of magic and unleashing it with formidable force. A colossal stream of magic engulfed Crowler, decimating the landscape and triggering a resounding explosion upon impact with the ground.

Returning to her original position, Brynhildr observed the aftermath of her powerful attack with a steely gaze.

Crowler emerged from the relentless attacks sporting an array of injuries, yet his resilience prevailed, keeping him alive and in the battle. He couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh, his burnt hand covering his face in a mix of pain and amusement. Amidst the chuckles, he directed his attention towards Brynhildr, a manic glint in his eyes.

"Ah, this is what I've been missing! Too many mundane gigs had me doubting if this was all worth it, but here we are!" Crowler declared, his enthusiasm palpable. Locking eyes with Brynhildr, he continued, "Lady, whoever you are, let's make this a spectacle! I don't care about the results; just make it exhilarating for me!"

Beyond his reputation as a powerful and somewhat renowned mercenary, Crowler reveled in the adrenaline-fueled chaos of battle. To put it mildly, he was a battle maniac. Whether facing evenly matched enemies or teetering on the edge of defeat, Crowler found joy in the clash of combat.

In a sudden burst of energy, Crowler lunged towards Brynhildr, generating multiple illusory versions of himself and orchestrating their simultaneous assault. Each clone leaped and attacked, aiming to cleave through different sections of Brynhildr's body. Yet, she effortlessly sidestepped their advances, moving with an almost choreographed grace in their dynamic confrontation.

The eyes on Crowler's scythes erupted with an intense glow, unleashing black and red tendrils of darkness that shot menacingly towards Brynhildr. Undeterred, she created a sword of light with seamless precision, swiftly slicing through the encroaching tentacles. With a casual flick, she dismissed her light blade, conjuring additional magic circles that enveloped them both. In a stunning display of mastery, she unleashed a barrage of attacks from various angles simultaneously.

A colossal explosion rocked the surroundings, the epicenter dominated by Brynhildr. Miraculously unscathed, she stood amidst the aftermath, her beautiful presence untouched. The multiple clones conjured by Crowler, however, were obliterated in the fiery burst, leaving only the original mercenary unharmed as he shielded himself with his energy.

Undeterred, Crowler seized the opportunity, charging at Brynhildr with unwavering excitement. In a display of feints and quick movements, he swung his scythe in a sweeping arc, aiming to connect with the valkyrie. Yet, Brynhildr's agility proved unmatched as she effortlessly sidestepped the impending strike.

Without missing a beat, she enveloped her body in touki, before delivering a thunderous punch directly into Crowler's side. The impact sent him hurtling through the air, destroying more of the environment, a testament to the Valkyrie's superior physical strength.

Crowler hit the ground with a resounding thud but, displaying a resilient spirit, he swiftly rose to his feet. As he attempted to move, a wince crossed his face, and he instinctively placed a hand on the side where Brynhildr's powerful punch had landed. In the midst of this physical discomfort, he couldn't help but ponder aloud.

"What a crazy chick. With strength like hers, she could easily join the ranks of the Eradicators. Damn, why did they choose today of all days to hire us?"

Unexpectedly, Brynhildr's voice cut through the air from behind Crowler, catching him off guard. "Because it's the Resistance's mission," she declared matter-of-factly.

Grinning in the face of this revelation, Crowler retorted, "You're one speedy lady. And what's all this about being part of the Resistance?"

With an air of mystery, Brynhildr responded, "We're taking this planet with us; that's all you need to know. Today, we deliver two significant blows to Phumera's organization."

Chuckling at the unexpected turn of events, Crowler expressed his surprise, "Damn, the Resistance with that outer god from another world? I didn't think it would be you guys. If I had known, I might have considered passing on this job."

"Why hold back when you possess more strength?" Brynhildr inquired, brushing aside Crowler's earlier musings.

With a nonchalant response, Crowler explained, "We were instructed to keep the planet intact as much as possible while completing the job, you know, minimal environmental damage. But, considering the current state of affairs with you wreaking havoc, I guess that rulebook's thrown out the window."

Swiftly, he swung his scythe behind him, attempting a surprise attack. Brynhildr effortlessly vaulted over the weapon, conjuring a magic circle from her foot that unleashed a powerful attack, propelling Crowler away. As Brynhildr gracefully landed, Crowler reemerged from the shadows, scythe already in motion, targeting Brynhildr's legs.

In a surprising turn, the scythe struck, and Crowler grinned, thinking he had successfully severed her limbs. However, his satisfaction turned to astonishment as Brynhildr's touki revealed its defensive prowess, thwarting the scythe's intended impact.

"Oh, come on, lady!" Crowler exclaimed defiantly, but his protest was abruptly silenced as Brynhildr delivered a swift kick to his face, launching him back. Despite the blood and bruises, Crowler resiliently rose to his feet, his gaze fixed on Brynhildr as he contemplated strategies for turning the tide.

Before he could formulate a plan, Brynhildr, swift as ever, reappeared behind him. In a decisive move, she seized Crowler's arm and with a resounding snap, inflicted intense pain, evoking a scream from him. The Valkyrie wasted no time, swiftly breaking his scythe in two, thrusting the blunt end into his mouth.

With a calculated sequence of movements, Brynhildr then took hold of both his arms, positioned her foot on his back, and executed a brutal maneuver that left Crowler writhing in agony as she had snapped his back and other arm.

Left sprawled on the ground, Crowler's screams echoed through the battlefield, a haunting testament to the pain inflicted upon him. Ignoring his agony, Brynhildr, now contemplating her next move, aimed her hand towards him, seeking information.

"Who else are mercenaries here?" she questioned, but her attempt at interrogation came too late. Crowler, trapped in the clutches of excruciating pain, offered no answers, his screams drowning out any chance of cooperation.

Recognizing the futility, Brynhildr, with a sigh, unleashed a point-blank attack, bringing a swift end to Crowler's life. As the lifeless body lay on the healing ground, Brynhildr gazed around, observing the miraculous restoration of the planet's surroundings.

"Is this the goddesses' healing at work? How potent is this deity's powers? Not many gods in our universe possess such abilities," she pondered, her thoughts interrupted by distant explosions.

"Grimgerde and Ortlinde are over there. I might as well lend them a hand," she decided, glancing back at the fallen Crowler. With a quick prayer, she teleported away, leaving behind the aftermath of a battle she just had.

— ○ ● ○ —

"How does that even work?" Grimgerde pondered aloud.

"Who can say?" responded Ortlinde, her expression mirroring the bewilderment. "Maybe she's harnessing her own energy to manipulate them."

The duo of valkyries remained in a state of confusion, yet their focus never wavered as they skillfully evaded the relentless attacks from Edlion, the mysterious pale enemy. Information gleaned from their rings revealed her artificial nature and an equal power level to Crowler.

Edlion, the artificial zombie, wielded a unique style. She utilized her sleeves as weapons, demonstrating an uncanny ability to stretch, bend, and resist destruction. Grimgerde and Ortlinde, in their attempts to sever the sleeves, found them resistant to their attacks. The straightjacket Edlion wore, seemingly the most flexible and soft, gained an unexpected hardness when infused with energy and this material came from the Phantasma, Edlion's universe.

"Let's abandon subtlety and go for a direct attack," Grimgerde suggested, narrowing the distance between them. With her staff in hand, she infused it with her own aura, thrusting it towards Edlion's chest. To her astonishment, Edlion's straightjacket effortlessly absorbed the attack, a smirk playing on Edlion's lips.

Undeterred, Edlion lunged at Grimgerde's neck, attempting a bite. Grimgerde swiftly countered, using her staff to block the attack before executing a nimble jump, delivering a forceful kick to Edlion's head, sending her reeling.

Observing the situation, Grimgerde mumbled, "So, her jacket absorbs impact and power—convenient." As Ortlinde landed beside her, Grimgerde strategized, "Target any exposed skin or vulnerable body part; that's the only route to inflict harm. Alternatively, we could try overloading the jacket's energy absorption. If we push it to the limit, it might just shatter under the strain."

"Alright, I'll focus on pushing the limits of that jacket, and you target her body parts," Ortlinde determinedly declared.

"Absolutely, I'm all in," Grimgerde replied with a confident nod. The air around them crackled as their auras enveloped their bodies, preparing for the upcoming clash. With synchronized movements, they propelled themselves toward the smiling Edlion, who had regained her stance.

Edlion commanded her sleeves into action. The right sleeve sprouted menacing spikes, while the left emitted white smoke, signaling an increase in temperature. The spiked sleeve aimed for Grimgerde, who gracefully navigated through the attack, skillfully deflecting spikes with her staff and touki. Edlion's relentless attacks proved futile against Grimgerde's agile and evasive maneuvers, leaving the valkyrie adorned with a confident smile.

In a single fluid motion, Grimgerde closed the gap, catching Edlion off guard. Infusing even more touki at the staff's tip, she thrust it toward Edlion. To Grimgerde's surprise, Edlion conjured another defensive sleeve from behind, deflecting the attack.

"Well, aren't you resourceful? Thanks for the heads up," Grimgerde remarked, leaping back to create distance. Meanwhile, Ortlinde seamlessly merged both her spears, forging a new weapon. With touki coursing through the fresh spear, she directed it at Edlion's stomach.

For a brief moment, it appeared as if nothing had transpired. However, as Edlion retaliated by aiming her sleeves at Ortlinde, a substantial section of the straightjacket covering Edlion's stomach tore open, catching her off guard. The valkyries exploited Edlion's momentary vulnerability, and thrust her spear into Edlion's stomach, it pierced it slightly before Edlion was launched away, confusing Ortlinde.

"What in the world just happened?" Grimgerde questioned, a furrow forming on her brow.

"I thought I had her, but the moment my spear pierced her, she shot away. I didn't intend for that," Ortlinde explained, a perplexed expression mirrored on her face.

"Maybe she propelled herself backward to escape certain death?" Grimgerde speculated, both valkyries fixed their gaze on Edlion, who had risen once more. To their astonishment, a continuous emission of "steam" enveloped her, and in an unexpected burst, she propelled herself towards them. "I called it!?" Grimgerde exclaimed.

Reacting swiftly, both valkyries leaped away. The notion of blocking crossed their minds, but they dismissed it, recognizing its futility. In pursuit, Edlion unleashed her sleeves once more, this time accompanied by the propulsion of steam, accelerating their speed and heightening the challenge for the valkyries.

Ortlinde fixated her gaze on the approaching sleeve, opting to adhere to her designated role—pushing the boundaries of Edlion's jacket absorption capabilities. In unspoken agreement, both Ortlinde and Grimgerde had resolved to minimize collateral damage in their battle, a recurrent theme in their past encounters.

However, Edlion's unique abilities presented a challenge to this principle, prompting Ortlinde to quickly communicate her strategy to Grimgerde, who readily agreed.

With her spear drawn close to her body, Ortlinde bided her time until the eleventh hour. As the sleeves closed in, she unleashed a lightning-fast, powerful swing, surpassing her previous efforts.

The impact overloaded the sleeves absorption and impact ability, culminating in a spectacular explosion. Edlion, previously sporting a smirk, found herself shocked and disoriented by the unexpected turn of events.

Ortlinde swiftly closed the distance to Edlion, purposefully obliterating the sleeves, each detonation leaving behind small craters in her wake. Edlion, sensing the tide turning against her, resorted to a panicked maneuver. She opened her mouth, conjuring a small green energy ball and hurled it towards Ortlinde.

In a calculated move reminiscent of her earlier display, Ortlinde swung her spear down with precision, slicing the energy beam in half. With a graceful push from her heel, she quickly appeared in front of the horrified Edlion.

"You should have heeded our earlier suggestion to surrender," Ortlinde admonished. With finesse, she directed her spear towards Edlion's head, aiming to deliver a fatal blow.

In a last-ditch effort, Edlion emitted a burst of steam from her forehead, attempting to decelerate Ortlinde's impending strike and propel herself to safety. The tactic yielded limited success, as Edlion, having slowed it down marginally, forcefully descended to the ground to narrowly avoid the impending blow. Despite her swift evasion, she couldn't escape unscathed, receiving a graze on her forehead.

Recovering from the near-miss, Edlion hastily picked herself up and propelled away using her steam, distancing herself from the intense confrontation. A fleeting moment of reflection flashed through her mind, contemplating the possibility of abandoning her mission and departing the planet.

She reasoned that, as a mere mercenary with no profound ties to the Abstion Purgers or Abysnar, Ortlinde and Grimgerde might permit her exit. The uncertainty of her fate lingered in the air, as Edlion weighed the consequences of continuing the battle against the valkyries.

"Mind letting me off the hook?" Edlion inquired, her tone laced with a hint of desperation.

"Why on earth would we grant you that luxury?" Brynhildr questioned, joining her comrades.

"Finished dealing with your opponent, Brynhildr?" Grimgerde queried, having successfully defeated the sleeve Edlion sent her way.

Brynhildr's response was delivered with a cold detachment, "Yes, he was a disappointment. I'm left wondering how he attained such power when he proved to be so weak."

"Crowler, the assassin mercenary, wasn't cut out for prolonged battles. Despite him being a battle maniac, his stamina fell short, making it challenging for him to endure extended fights. His offense was commendable, but his defense was lacking," Edlion offered in explanation.

Brynhildr, however, remained resolute, questioning once more, "Appreciate the insight, but why would that convince us to release you?" She pointed an accusatory finger in Edlion's direction.

Attempting to plead her case, Edlion stammered, "I-I'm just a hired mercenary, no deep ties with the Abstion Purgers or even Abysnar. Furthermore, I uphold client confidentiality. If you let me go, I won't spill the beans about the Resistance's involvement. Although, considering your reputation, with the destruction of Ferrothos Prime and Zenosius' recent demise, I doubt it makes much difference."

"If we cut you a break, can you spill the beans on that strange straightjacket of yours? You know, like, is it copyable?" Grimgerde inquired, earning herself a sharp glare from Brynhildr that sent her shrinking back.

Edlion, seemingly nonchalant, explained, "...What? This is just part of my abilities. The jacket is just ordinary when I'm not tapping into my powers." She revealed her arms within the sleeves, adding, "I have a deformity that leaves my arms shorter than normal."

Brynhildr and Ortlinde redirected their attention to Grimgerde, who struggled to suppress her laughter. Eventually succumbing to mirth, Grimgerde blurted out, "She better use her strong hand!" before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

A stern and cold expression settled on Brynhildr's face as she muttered, "You will be appropriately reprimanded, Grimgerde." Grimgerde's laughter ceased, and she hung her head in acknowledgment.

Meanwhile, Edlion, perplexed by the valkyrie's statement, remarked, "I mean, both are my strong hands?" Her head tilted in confusion.

Brynhildr tapped her transceiver, connecting with both Cúntóir and Aaron. After engaging in a brief conversation, she turned her attention back to Edlion, her gaze unwavering.

"Guess what, Aaron, our leader and the outer god, is extending a job offer to you," she declared, a twist of excitement in her voice.

Edlion, caught off guard by the sudden announcement, took a moment to process the information. Stammering, she questioned, "W-why in the cosmos would he want to hire me?"

Brynhildr, with a knowing smile, revealed, "Well, apparently, Aaron did some background digging while battling Abysnar. He thinks your unique traits, coupled with your deformity, make you the perfect candidate. Baxicara, on the other hand, only brought you on board for her own amusement, assuming you'd meet an untimely demise. But Aaron sees potential in you. Work for him, keep him in the loop for a few months, and he promises to fix that deformity of yours."

Edlion's gaze lingered on Brynhildr, uncertainty etched across her face. Her eyes then shifted downward, focusing on her own short arms, the grip tightening as she grappled with the internal conflict. Despite having grown accustomed to her deformity, the longing for normal-looking limbs persisted, a desire that lingered beneath the surface.

In that moment, as the weight of Brynhildr's words sank in, Edlion made a silent decision. Regardless of the authenticity of the offer, even if it meant facing potential dangers during her tenure, she chose to embrace the opportunity. The prospect of attaining a semblance of normalcy, of having arms that didn't set her apart, outweighed the uncertainties.

Resolute, Edlion looked back up at Brynhildr, who met her gaze with a knowing smile that seemed to acknowledge the significance of the decision.

"I accept," declared Edlion, the determination in her voice echoing her resolve. Brynhildr swiftly communicated Edlion's decision to Aaron through the transceiver, prompting the appearance of the insignias that Specion, Jalahad, and Muyette received on her shoulder.

Edlion, bewildered by the sudden symbols, questioned, "W-what is this?" Brynhildr, always ready with an explanation, clarified the purpose and function of the mystical insignia. Edlion, after a moment of contemplation, nodded with a hesitant understanding. "H-heh, I guess that makes sense."

Brynhildr's hand radiated a soft glow as a pill materialized within it. Stepping closer to Edlion, she extended the pill, stating, "Eat this. It will remedy your deformity for the duration of your employment, roughly seven months. Once this period elapses, your arms will revert to their deformed state. However, if you deliver satisfactory results, Aaron has promised to permanently fix it for you."

Edlion hesitated for a moment, her eyes fixed on the pill that held the promise of transformation. Edlion, with a mix of eagerness and apprehension, agreed to the proposition. As she opened her mouth, Brynhildr quickly placed the pill on her tongue, and with a swallow, a transformative energy coursed through Edlion.

The once-deformed arms now appeared normal, and Edlion stared at them in wonder, a glint of disbelief in her eyes. She gathered herself and uttered, "I will... wait for orders."

Tears welled in her eyes, reflecting a blend of emotions as Brynhildr nodded in acknowledgment. "Since you're now part of the Resistance by working for Aaron, come with us. There's still a mission to complete here. Will you lend your help?" Brynhildr inquired.

Edlion, fueled by a newfound passion, replied with determination, "Yes. I will do the best I can."

"Follow us then; we're heading to that tree to acquire a seed or sapling," Brynhildr directed.

Edlion, having unexpected knowledge, felt compelled to share a cautionary note. "I would advise you to be careful there. It has a guardian—two, in fact. You must navigate the first one, which will subject you to a certain trial," she warned, her commitment to the cause shining through her words.

"A guardian?" inquired Grimgerde, her curiosity evident. Edlion nodded, signaling her readiness to provide some insight.

"The first one will test your resolve. I haven't experienced it myself, but as per Yoko, an Abstion Purger, it thrusts you into an illusion, making it challenging to break free. If you falter, you risk being ensnared there indefinitely. The tricky part is, even with prior knowledge, you won't be aware you're trapped in an illusion," Edlion elaborated. "I won't partake in this trial, but once you successfully navigate it, the path to the tree will open up, where another challenge awaits."

Inquisitive, Ortlinde probed, "And what about the second guardian?"

Edlion hesitated, uncertainty clouding her expression. "I'm unsure, and so was Yoko. However, her speculation leans towards the second guardian testing your will—perhaps a battle of sorts serving as its trial," she offered, acknowledging the ambiguity surrounding the forthcoming challenges.

"We're here," declared Edlion, drawing attention to the looming presence of a colossal golem adorned with grass, trees, and various verdant elements emerging from the ground. "The first trial's guardian. Good luck," she wished before gracefully leaping away. Before the remaining trio could react, a brilliant light enveloped them, transporting them into a realm of uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Edlion found herself perched on a rock, observing as all three companions vanished from their original spots. Her gaze shifted to meet the steady gaze of the guardian, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.

Edlion then turned her attention to her own arms, the once-deformed limbs now appearing normal. With a determined clenching of her hands, she muttered, "They're strong, they can overcome it."

— ○ ● ○ —

Abysnar grappled with frustration as his relentless attacks failed to penetrate Aaron's defenses. Although his previously injured arm had regenerated, a lingering hesitation held him back from unleashing his full might against the outer god in front of him. The realization that he was facing a being far beyond his own powers echoed in Abysnar's mind, underscoring the vast power gap.

In an attempt to gain an upper hand, Abysnar shrouded his left arm in a swirling mix of blue and black winds before directing it towards Aaron. However, the outer god effortlessly swatted away the cosmic attack, reducing it to nothing. Frustrated, Abysnar voiced his discontent, "Being able to slap away cosmic wind like that shouldn't be allowed. It's god damn fucking cheating."

Aaron, undeterred, grinned and retorted, "I don't follow any rules, regardless of who makes them." To add a touch of mockery, he extended the middle finger towards Abysnar, only to swiftly shift the gesture to an unoccupied space, leaving the Eradicator member momentarily baffled by the unexpected gesture.

"Everyone follows rules in their life and universe! Even outer gods!" Abysnar's defiant shout echoed through the cosmic battleground as he propelled himself toward Aaron, initiating a vigorous hand-to-hand combat session.

Aaron, amused by the unexpected fervor, willingly engaged in the confrontation. Abysnar unleashed lightning-fast jabs, each punch laced with the power of his cosmic winds. However, Aaron displayed an uncanny agility, effortlessly dodging and redirecting the powerful blows.

The residual shockwaves from Abysnar's punches reverberated through the cosmos, colliding with distant planets and celestial bodies, leaving destruction in their wake.

With a sudden disappearance and reappearance, Abysnar materialized beside Aaron, launching a dual-legged attack aimed at the outer god. Aaron contorted his body with fluid grace, evading the attack.

Seizing the opportunity, he executed a midair backflip, landing a powerful kick to Abysnar's chin, momentarily stunning him. The follow-up strike saw Aaron's fist colliding with Abysnar's chest, sending him hurtling through the cosmic expanse.

Aaron unleashed a relentless barrage of punches and kicks upon Abysnar. However, Abysnar's artificial healing ability, a gift from an item bestowed upon him by Viriterra Remetura, swiftly counteracted the damage inflicted on his body, ensuring a continuous cycle of injury and rapid recovery.

"Kekeke, my regeneration will prevent any real—" Abysnar's boast was abruptly cut off as Aaron, seizing a strategic moment, delivered a swift and impactful kick between his legs. The excruciating blow left Abysnar incapacitated, unconscious in the vastness of space. Seizing the opportunity, Aaron effortlessly grabbed Abysnar's leg and flung him towards an uninhabited planet, leaving him to recover from the unexpected move.

As Vali, clad in his Diabolos Dragon Lucifer plus Gogmagog and Malacoda armor, arrived on the scene, his voice echoed with concern, "Aniiiiiiikiiiiiiiii!"

Aaron, nonchalant, responded to his little brother's distress, "You don't need to scream, Vali. What's up?"

"I'm fighting him too," Vali declared with determination, turning his attention towards the direction where Aaron had flung Abysnar.

Aaron, wearing a teasing smile, asked, "Can you keep up?"

"Obviously! I'm not taking no for an answer!" Vali retorted, ready for the impending clash.

"Fine, fine. Let's do it like when we fought Hades then," Aaron agreed, swiftly entering his [True Diabolos Dragon God] form. As the transformation unfolded, Abysnar returned with a furious expression.

"Kicking me there is a low blow! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Abysnar shouted in anger.

Aaron's response was matter-of-fact, his tone devoid of emotion. "There are no rules in a fight, Abysnar. You do what you can to win, even if it's underhanded tactics. Although, if you don't want to get arrested in my world, you have to tone it down. That's one of the reasons I refuse to fight anyone seriously, even if they're disrespecting me. No god uses their full power on an ant," he explained, casting an unsettling atmosphere that even made Vali uneasy.

"Tch, psychotic mentalities of an outer god. I'm not even surprised," Abysnar scoffed.

Aaron, undeterred, retorted while pointing at Abysnar, "Like you're one to talk when you look like that."

Abysnar's appearance was an unsettling sight. He was entirely white, with small touches of purple adorning his cape, chest, arms, and legs. His head had a peculiar shape, housing six eyes, each featuring a distinctively shaped pupil. A metallic apparatus covered his mouth, yet his speech remained clear and undistorted to both Aaron and Vali.

A white shirt-like covering enveloped his entire body, accentuated by sharp protrusions around his neck and waist. Black, razor-sharp nails adorned his fingers, and symbols etched on his arms hinted at an enigmatic power. The exposed part of his chest revealed a glimpse of the internal workings of his body, which both fascinated and disgusted Vali.

"Who cares about any of that!" Vali's exclamation echoed through the battleground before he swiftly closed the distance between himself and Abysnar, catching the Eradictor off guard. With a grin, Vali declared, "We're going on a little tour."

Vali's demonic aura enveloped his arm as he delivered a powerful blow to Abysnar's chest, sending him hurtling into the vastness of space. Vali, undeterred, pursued him, and together they crashed onto the same desolate planet as before—a landscape defined by barrenness, with only a few towering hills and mountains in the distance.

"You're an impatient thing, aren't you?" Abysnar remarked as he rose to his feet. He placed a hand on his chest and added, "I felt that, just a little."

Abysnar, displaying a sudden burst of speed, reappeared behind Vali. His arm, shrouded in raw cosmic energy, launched forward in a powerful strike aimed at the young Lucifer. However, Vali's smirk betrayed his confidence, and in a swift maneuver, the tail trailing behind him coiled around Abysnar's arm, bringing it to a sudden halt.

"You're the one underestimating me, Eradicator," Vali asserted, a determined glint in his eyes. "Divide."

Albion's voice resonated with power as {Divide – Maximum!!} echoed through the barren planet. Abysnar's raw powers underwent a series of ten halving processes, each diminishing his strength significantly. Feeling the drain on his power, Abysnar, with quick action, severed his own arm and leaped away from Vali.

Vali, now facing his enemy with a triumphant smirk, burned away the severed arm held in his tail.

Abysnar's frown deepened but was undeterred by the loss of his arm, raised a stump that swiftly regenerated into a new limb. With that raised arm, Abysnar conjured two colossal tornadoes, each spanning the size of the planet they fought upon. The swirling vortexes descended upon the barren landscape, tearing through the ground and emerging on the opposite side of the celestial body.

{By my estimations, this planet is just 10% smaller than Earth. Even still, being able to conjure tornadoes like that isn't an easy feat, Vali. Be careful,} Albion warned, a note of caution in his tone.

"I know," Vali replied calmly, his gaze focused on the approaching tempests as he prepared to counter. However, before he could unleash his abilities, Abysnar appeared in front of him, interrupting Vali's defensive maneuver.

Suddenly, cannons materialized on Vali's shoulders, and they unleashed a barrage of energy projectiles aimed at Abysnar. Initially intending to disregard the incoming shots, Abysnar's instincts kicked in, urging him to evade. Despite managing to avoid most of the projectiles, one grazed him, leaving a significant impact.

A sizable portion of Abysnar's body disappeared, a wound that defied regeneration. He turned his gaze back to Vali, who wore a victorious smirk.

"It was a good idea to ask Aniki to upgrade Gogmagog so we can do this now," Vali remarked, a touch of satisfaction in his tone. "It's pretty useful."

{Indeed,} Albion concurred, acknowledging the strategic advantage offered by the upgraded weaponry.

The energy beams unleashed from Vali's upgraded cannons, powered by Gogmagog, carried extraordinary capabilities. Whether it was [Divide – Maximum], [Compression Divider – Maximum], or even [Half Dimension], Vali could fire them from his new cannons which made him an even more formidable opponent for anyone.

With relentless precision, Vali flew towards Abysnar, firing these potent attacks from his cannons.

Abysnar, recognizing the destructive potential of the energy shots, was forced into a defensive maneuver, dodging the relentless onslaught. The impact of the energy beams left a trail of halved destruction in their wake, erasing anything unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.

Caught in the relentless assault, Abysnar began to formulate a strategy to counter Vali's annoyingly effective abilities. However, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted as he felt a firm grip on his arm. Turning to the source, he was met with the ominous grin of Aaron, his helmet retracted, revealing a visage that spelled impending danger.

<<Don't forget about me, little Eradicator,>> Aaron's ominous voice echoed through the destroyed but still barren planet before he abruptly ripped off Abysnar's arm from his body.

Aaron then followed it up with a kick to his face that sent him flying, but Aaron, undeterred, turned his attention to the approaching tornadoes, dismissing them with a mere click of his fingers.

Vali seized the opportunity, unleashing a massive ball of demonic aura blast at Abysnar, propelling him further before the explosion carved a large chunk out of the planet. Landing beside Aaron, Vali confidently declared, "I had it."

Aaron chuckled, affectionately patting Vali's head through his armor. "I know, you were doing well. But know that he's still only using 80% of his output. I know your abilities work on him, so I don't need to worry, but as your brother, I have to. It's just a thing I need to do—otherwise, your mother, siblings, and Lavinia won't be happy with me."

Vali reluctantly agreed, well aware of the consequences of facing the wrath of his mother and Lavinia. The prospect of returning home to confront either one, let alone both, was something he preferred to avoid at all costs.

"I guess we both have weaknesses, huh?" Vali mused, a hint of vulnerability in his words, as both brothers observed Abysnar approaching them, bearing visible injuries.

"My weakness is all of you. But also my strength, cause I'll kick anyone's ass if they mess with any of you," Aaron replied, his words carrying a mix of sincerity and determination.

"Save your cheesy one-liners for someone who'll take them!" Vali shouted, his tone a blend of frustration and amusement as he flew towards Abysnar.

Laughing, Aaron added, "But I mean them, and I'm not trying to be cheesy." Though Vali might not have heard the response, Aaron knew that his younger brother understood the depth of his sincerity.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Well, well, well, what do we have here, eh?" inquired a man with a sly grin. Latia, Eliovan, and Astrid swiveled around to find a man and a woman, both wearing confident expressions.

"We were curious about what triggered Specion's alarm system to go haywire like this, but it seems you've stumbled upon one of her secret toys," the woman remarked, a playful glint in her eyes as she ran her tongue over her lips.

"To discover the Resistance in our beautiful planet, what very bothersome thing to do," the man commented with an air of disinterest. "Nevertheless, intruders are intruders, and, regrettably, we've got to eliminate you, no hard feelings, okay?"

Both enemies exuded a powerful aura, grinning menacingly at the trio.

"Eliovan, Astrid, I'm entrusting them to you. I'll wrap up my tasks here and join the fight soon, but for now, attempt to handle them on your own," Latia commanded, pivoting to focus on the crystal and resume her investigation.

"Heh...heh... no pressure at all, huh?" Eliovan quipped with a tired smile, transitioning into a combat stance. "I'm hoping on what Sairaorg taught me to pay off."

Astrid brandished her bow confidently, remarking, "Thanks to training with [DxD], we should be more skilled than ever. Have some faith, Eliovan."

Inhaling deeply, Eliovan affirmed, "You're right. Let's dive in." With that, they both surged forward, launching themselves into the difficult battle with their new enemies.

— ○ ● ○ —

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