Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 21 – Part 4 – Tournament of Strength

Griselda Quarta's Soliloquy

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It has been a few days since we left Hauillne Bataress, and the impact on our group has been profound. Even those who joined Aaron on his honorable mission to free other planets have been struggling with unsettling experiences.

Among the challenging circumstances, it is apparent that Aoife, the young member of our party, is bearing the weight of the harsh realities that Aaron tried to shield her from. Despite his belief in her strength, there is a noticeable doubt in Aaron's mind about the effectiveness of his protective measures.

Currently focused on the mission to liberate Zenoiria, Aaron's words carry a foreboding tone, hinting at the possibility of failure. The complexity of his perspective is difficult to grasp, leaving us puzzled about the reasons behind his ominous predictions.

I was surrounded by some of the angel comrades, including Dulio who was still carrying a hint of sadness but fulfilling his role as the [Joker] of Heaven and leader of the [Brave Saints] and [Team Trump Card of Heaven].

"Since we have no tasks today, how about we venture out to Cosmosilica Terraflora? I've heard that more people have made it their home," he suggested, attempting to infuse some cheer into the atmosphere.

"I'll have to decline," said Jessica Lagerkvist, looking even more weary than before. Beside her, Diethelm Waldseemüller placed a comforting hand on her back.

"Do you think their mission on that planet is progressing smoothly?" Mirana Shatarova inquired, her concern evident.

"They will be fine. Even with a small team, Jin will make it a simple endeavor. Although, I am not fully aware of the intricacies of their mission, so forgive me if I am being insensitive," Ryuu Heikan expressed, with a hint of apology.

"Jin-kun did convey something to me," Dulio declared, bringing our attention back to him. "He mentioned the possibility that Unagor's species might choose not to join us, instead opting for immediate conflict with Phumera. He expressed his reluctance to intervene, emphasizing his desire for them to independently determine their course of action. Nevertheless, he assured that he would try to persuade them. However, given Unagor's recent demeanor, it's clear that convincing them won't be an easy task."

After this revelation, Aaron's remarks and concerns now make sense to me. It's obvious that he expects them to reject his proposal, foreseeing their potential extinction. Unagor's species, unless persuaded otherwise before engaging in hostilities with Phumera's organization, faces the grim prospect of extinction, with Unagor and those who may switch allegiance being the only survivors.

"Will Jin really take such a course of action?" Ryuu asked, his face betraying a mix of hesitation and concern.

"He will," Velgrynd asserted. To our surprise, the Scorch Dragon had joined us, accompanied by Azathoth and Tiamat.

"What do you mean?" Ryuu questioned, now wearing a frown.

"What happened there has deeply affected many individuals. If you had been there, you would likely feel the same. However, it's important to understand that Aaron hasn't turned into a monster; instead, he has chosen to take a stricter approach in managing people. Despite still believing in second chances, he will carefully evaluate the potential paths you might take in the future and judge you accordingly. If you fail to show any change within the first 100 to 200 futures he saw, he will consider you beyond redemption," Velgrynd explained.

"Isn't that a tad too low?" Diethelm expressed with a touch of concern.

"He used to set the bar higher, you know that, right? Personally, I find him excessively lenient. Nevertheless, those troublesome individuals will meet their end soon; it's unavoidable due to their stubbornness," elucidated Velgrynd.

"That seems a bit too harsh, Velgrynd," I interjected, to which she nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders. I then turned to Azathoth and asked, "Is there a specific reason for this?"

She met my gaze and nodded. "Do you understand the motivations behind human behavior?" Azathoth countered with a question.

"…Is it because of the actions of our ancestors?" Dulio asked.

"Yes. When the world was shaping, I only provided each species with the basic necessities to survive. Their fate and the evolution of their kind were left entirely to their own choices. Whether they thrived or faced extinction was up to them—humanity has reached its current state because of their decisions and actions. Similarly, the stubbornness of Unagor's species can be traced back to the earliest beings created," explained Azathoth.

"The stubbornness of their kind resulted in the loss of many lives, yet it also led to the flourishing of many. As Aaron probably told you, their inherent nature and the privilege of being born into power played a role in their survival. But even in those times, various species, including devils, held steadfast to their own beliefs and convictions. You witnessed the division between the current and old era devils, didn't you?" Azathoth asked, and we nodded in agreement.

"The current leaders of their species are not the original rulers; they are in fact the fourth generation. They usurped their predecessors, who were notoriously tyrannical and power-hungry. However, despite this change, they remain prideful, arrogant, and obstinate. Consequently, once Aaron liberates them, they will inevitably wage war against Phumera, leading to the potential decimation of their own kind," Azathoth explained.

The rest of my team showed varying levels of indifference, possibly having considered such possibilities based on Dulio's earlier revelations. However, a sense of dissatisfaction remained among many—perhaps an inherent trait ingrained in our nature as "angels," even in if we were reincarnated ones.

"Hey, we've got a mission!" Irina's voice reverberated in the distance, prompting us to stand up.

"Well, there goes our day off," Dulio remarked with a tired chuckle. "Thank you for the insights, and please excuse us," he added before we left.

I lingered behind and inquired, "What about Aoife?" directing my gaze towards Azathoth.

"She will undergo her own period of growth, much like the one Aaron experienced. It is an inevitable process, and its outcome will hinge on various factors, including our support and Aaron's guidance through it," Azathoth explained.

"I understand. Thank you," I responded, offering a bow before making my exit. While concern for Aoife weighed on my mind, given our quasi-sibling relationship, I acknowledged the necessity for her personal development. She needed to confront challenging realities, and I could only hope that this process wouldn't require her to sacrifice the inherent kindness within her.

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Laeronia's Soliloquy

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The impact of the experience was not profound for him, but there were subtle changes that became apparent. I had, however, failed to consider the potential repercussions for Aoife, Boss' former girlfriend—a mistake on my part. Nevertheless...

"Hey, up for a sparring match?" Scathach's voice called out from behind me as I diligently attended to several projects assigned by Boss.

"...No. How many times do I have to say it?" I replied, turning to Scathach with a hint of annoyance.

"Until you give in," she retorted, smirking at me.

"A refusal is still a refusal, Scathach. I have a lot to do, so please find someone else," I replied, redirecting my focus to my work. It got me thinking about how Boss managed to handle the complexities of dealing with numerous women without losing his mind.

"You're no fun," she muttered, a tinge of irritation in her voice as she finally walked away, leaving me in peace.

Taking a deep breath, I returned to my work, pondering the time I had left. I had expected Boss to let me go upon his arrival in this universe. To my surprise, he granted me autonomy and occasionally sought my help. While I appreciated the freedom, I wouldn't have minded being relieved of duty, considering the taxing nature of the job.

Diving into the daily grind brought me a sense of tranquility, in contrast to the emotional and mental chaos of the world outside. The demands of those environments required a certain level of emotional detachment for sustained commitment—an aspect I preferred to avoid.

Boss consistently emphasizes the importance of taking intermittent breaks for those involved in missions for [DxD], recognizing the significance of pacing. However, he himself often forges ahead, which concerns me. Yet, it provides me with comfort to know that his friends and loved ones are prepared to support him, allowing me to place my trust in their collective strength.

In the middle of an unfamiliar town near Hoptopia, I diligently worked on its development, even though the project remained largely unfinished. Despite its incomplete state, some individuals expressed a desire to relocate here, drawn by the allure of the surrounding nature. Both Boss and I welcomed this, and as a result, a handful of residents had already settled in and were actively contributing to the ongoing construction efforts.

As people passed by, the town began to take shape under my hands. As lunchtime approached, it served as a reminder to take a pause and attend to my own needs.

"Sir Laeronia, do join us for lunch; we're holding a small feast," called out an elderly man.

I gave him a nod and came down from my ladder. "Thank you for the invitation. I'll be there soon," I replied, and he walked away with a smile. Taking a moment to tidy up, I gazed at the almost finished building in front of me.

In every town, village, and city across this expansive planet, I painstakingly constructed a home for Boss. The particular residence before me showcased my own unique design. I strived for the utmost comfort, carefully arranging spaces, rooms, and amenities. As I looked at the structure, a sense of pride swelled up inside me.

Completing my examination with one last look, I turned and headed towards the small gathering in the town. Thoughts of participating in missions crossed my mind, but I found myself using the excuse of my duty as a guardian here. While I knew that Boss might assign missions again, I held onto the hope that he would assign me only as a guardian for this planet.

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Third Person Point of View

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Artemis and Raiko's groups, after navigating the lengthy staircases, converged once more. Estimating it would take about an hour to reach the bottom, they exchanged a final glance. Without any hesitation, Artemis and Raiko, each holding Unagor and Geharon, made a bold choice—they leaped off the side, disappearing into the central hole, hurtling towards the ground in a calculated descent.

"H-huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh?! Have you two gone mad?!" Geharon's horrified scream echoed through the expanse.

"It's the most efficient way," Artemis replied calmly. The impact upon landing was seismic, shaking the foundation and causing sections of the floor to crumble.

"With only two enemies remaining, not including Morwenna herself, we should prepare to confront them here," Raiko explained as they released their grip on Unagor and Geharon, standing ready for the impending encounter.

Spotting three additional auras, Raiko and Artemis surged ahead, leaving the others struggling to keep up. The underground facility mirrored the pristine white aesthetic of its surroundings, adorned with various equipment and scattered rooms.

Swiftly navigating through, they entered a spacious room adorned with large monitors surveilling the city above. Positioned nearby were three figures—each a woman.

To the left stood a woman with intricately tied gray hair, her green eyes complementing the ensemble. She was dressed in a blue and white noble attire, complete with blue moccasin shoes. Among the trio, she exuded an air of elegance with her impeccably stylish attire.

In the middle stood a woman with hair that seamlessly blended white and blue, fashioned into a ponytail and adorned with a golden ornament at the front of her head. Her eyes presented a striking contrast—yellow on the left and blue on the right—accentuated by a peculiar scar-like tattoo traversing her face. A golden necklace adorned her neck, complemented by blue and gold earrings. She wore a captivating black and gold qipao paired with sleek black heels.

To the right, a woman with short black hair, dull gray eyes, and a remarkably fair complexion commanded attention. Her attire comprised a white peplum shirt, snug-fitting blue jeans, and black boots. In her hand, she wielded a substantial obsidian dagger. The shirt, intentionally revealing much of her chest, showcased a distinctive black accessory attached to a collar around her neck.

"The woman standing in the middle goes by the name of Morwenna, the one on the left is Fraisy, and the one on the right is Vei Vei," Raiko said, utilizing her ring's [Appraisal] ability.

With conviction in his voice, Unagor asked, "We will speak with Morwenna; may we leave those two to you two?" The accompanying ladies agreed, prompting Raiko to swiftly approach Vei Vei and disappear with her, while Artemis joined Fraisy.

"To think you would come here, Unagor. Although it wasn't hard to think that you would," Morwenna remarked, turning to face him. "What would you like to know? I'm willing to speak to you."

Already on guard, Unagor inquired, "Why did you use the children of our species, especially the fetuses?"

"Why? Well, they are quite valuable. Elanor and I had our disagreements, but I knew there were other species that could contribute to my research, so I came here. Your species were not the first, however, so keep that in mind. Anyway, I finally mastered it, and you saw my final creation earlier. Quite impressive, don't you think?" Morwenna inquired, a smile appearing on her face.

Suppressing their anger, Unagor and Geharon maintained their composure. Unagor continued, "What about Ailaozev? How did you accomplish that?" He gestured behind him, where Ailaozev still floated.

"Well, to think you would defeat her—no, it must be those two, right?" Morwenna mused, then added, "As for how... well, I utilize that," she said, pointing behind her.

Behind Morwenna loomed a gigantic device, a complex fusion of different species submerged in a swirling mixture of green, purple, black, and white fluids. Within this strange concoction, the creatures were trapped in silent agony, their bodies undergoing a terrifying process of evolution and metamorphosis.

"I haven't given it a name; I simply refer to it as the 'Evolutioner.' As the name suggests, it compels any and all species to undergo evolutions that may or may not naturally occur during their species' lifespan. The transformation Ailaozev experienced was one of the two options for your species; she had to make a choice... while enduring excruciating pain in that," Morwenna explained, her words punctuated by a malicious chuckle that echoed throughout the silent room.

A profound realization dawned on Unagor and Geharon, shaking the very core of their existence with the uneasy understanding that their friend, Ailaozev, had likely suffered unimaginable agony to achieve her transformed appearance and wield such formidable powers. The idea of their companions being reduced to mere objects ignited a fierce anger within them.

Without speaking another word, their rage solidified, and they summoned their respective white and black orbs. A deluge of thousands of energy beams surged toward Morwenna, the embodiment of their rage and frustration.

A smirk curled on Morwenna's lips as she flicked her wrist, summoning a large serpent-like creature that adeptly blocked their relentless attack. "I knew that would ruffle both of your feathers, so let's duel~. If you win, well, you'll most likely end my life, and if I win~? I'll be experimenting with both your bodies, fufu~," she declared, her tone tinged with a chilling blend of amusement and malice.

The massive, serpentine being appearing to be made up of a blend of different elements—embracing darkness, shadows, metallic fragments, and mysterious energies previously unknown to Unagor and Geharon. Undeterred by the unfamiliar makeup of their enemy, the pair continued their offensive efforts. Unfortunately, Geharon's attacks proved to be ineffective, showing no visible impact. On the other hand, Unagor's strikes did have a tangible effect on the creature.

After realizing that Unagor could cause harm, the serpent, together with Morwenna, began constructing an energetic barrier around its body.

The serpent-shaped creature unleashed a barrage of energy projectiles from its mouth, along with a venomous gas and shadowy blades from its tail. Unagor and Geharon swiftly dodged the attack, but Geharon, falling behind, suffered the unfortunate consequence of a nearly severed leg.

Despite the injury, Geharon showed resilience as he ascended into a floating stance. Trying to mend his wound, his efforts were thwarted by a subsequent energy beam, making self-repair a daunting task.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Unagor urged Geharon to act decisively. At the same time, Unagor engaged Morwenna and the serpent, redirecting their attention to aid Geharon's healing process.

However, Morwenna, aware of Unagor's tactics, chuckled in response. With a skillful gesture, she summoned a colossal falcon-like creature, mirroring the serpent's form. This majestic entity soared towards Geharon, who, in the midst of his recuperation, faced an impending threat.

Unagor made a strategic move, dispatching additional orbs aimed at the falcon. In a swift transformation, the orbs became oversized hands, reaching out to seize the majestic creature. To everyone's surprise, the falcon unleashed a display of power, creating swirling rotary blades of darkness that mercilessly shredded the grasping hands. Undeterred, the falcon continued its trajectory towards Geharon.

Armed with an augmented beak of lethal precision, the falcon closed in on the healing Geharon, and time seemed to slow down. Geharon was determined to mend his injuries, despite the looming threat. But just moments before the impending impact, a sudden force struck the falcon, hurling it violently across the room and leaving all onlookers in awe as it lay motionless.

The unexpected savior, who intervened to aid Geharon, revealed itself to be—

"Igris!?" Unagor exclaimed in astonishment, only to be promptly swatted away by the serpent, and being hit by an expulsion of venomous gas. Violently coughing, the venom began infiltrating his entire being. Swift and adept, the Shadow Soldier Igris approached Unagor and invoked a spell that purged the venom, facilitating Unagor's healing.

"Thanks," Unagor mumbled, regaining his footing. "But why are you here?"

Igris, the Shadow Soldier, calmly elucidated, "You are now immune to that gas. As for my presence, I have always been here—along with all of us. We exist in tandem within our king's shadow. He dispatched me to assist you, Raiko-sama, and Artemis-sama."

"Can you assist us in dealing with her?" Unagor asked, turning his gaze towards Morwenna.

"Of course. I have been sent to aid you, so whatever foe you face, I will vanquish with my blade," declared Igris, drawing his sword.

Unagor couldn't help but smirk, saying, "Such fancy words always flowing from your mouth."

Unperturbed by the banter, Igris simply vanished from his position, reappearing above the serpent. The colossal creature responded by unleashing a barrage of hundreds of thousands of blades of darkness and energy beams at Igris. However, the Shadow Soldier gracefully danced in the air, effortlessly slicing apart the attacks with precision. Each deflected assault dissipated without leaving a trace, much to Morwenna's evident excitement.

Drawing nearer to the serpent, Igris faced a direct attack as the creature swung its tail. Displaying unparalleled agility, Igris spun his body, placed a hand on the serpent's tail, and skillfully propelled himself out of harm's way.

Raising his arms, Igris wielded his blade with the intention of splitting the serpent in two. However, his efforts were thwarted as a new appendage appeared. Startled, Igris shifted his focus to the source of the interference—a fusion of a bear and slime creature.

Displaying his dissatisfaction, Igris quickly distanced himself, simultaneously unleashing shadowy slashes towards both the serpent and the bear slime entity. Attempting to block the attacks, the bear slime found itself powerless as the shadowy slashes passed through it, unexpectedly striking the serpent. The onslaught successfully shattered the creature's barrier and tore through its physical form.

Observing the unfolding events, Unagor commented, "You're quite versatile, just like Raiko and Artemis."

"We have to be; we do not want to be useless to our king," replied Igris, standing beside Unagor and keeping a vigilant gaze on their enemies.

"Very well. You will take care of the serpent; it seems to be much weaker now, and I doubt its barriers will reappear. I will handle the bear slime, and then we can confront the woman together. Unless she has more of her creations, then it will take more time," planned Igris, to which Unagor nodded in agreement.

Surrounded by a multitude of orbs, Unagor prepared to engage the serpent. Meanwhile, Igris vanished once again, only to reappear in front of the bear slime. The formidable creature loomed large, swinging both claws at Igris. Reacting swiftly, Igris blocked with his sword, only to realize that the slime was encasing his weapon. Acting promptly, he withdrew the sword and employed a burst of fire to incinerate the engulfing substance.

Tapping into their own version of "Haki," Igris infused his body with power and unleashed a mighty punch at the bear slime, sending it flying towards the "Evolutioner." However, an invisible barrier stopped the bear slime in its tracks, preventing it from reaching its target. Morwenna, observing the exchange, wore a smug smile.

"I'd like to study that body of yours," Morwenna commented to Igris. Unperturbed, the Shadow Soldier silently appeared behind Morwenna, swinging his blade. But an unseen force halted his movement, and what he saw behind Morwenna left him stunned.

Acting quickly, Igris leaped away, refocusing his attention on the bear slime, determined to defeat it before facing Morwenna.

"Surprised, shadow man~?" Morwenna purred, wearing a mischievous smile as she looked at Igris.

Unfazed by Morwenna's teasing, Igris once again channeled "haki" into his body, delivering a powerful sword swing towards the bear slime. The resilient creature immediately enlarged and brought down a massive foot onto Igris. Undeterred, Igris skillfully sliced through the appendage, severing it. However, from the dismembered limb emerged another bear slime, showcasing its regenerative abilities.

Ignoring the newly formed entity, Igris leaped towards the bear slime's head. Using the unique ability [Food Chain] granted by Aaron for this mission, he executed a complex attack. Employing various abilities from across the omniverse in a single slash, Igris aimed to prevent the slime from regenerating and creating further iterations of itself.

Executing a seamless and potent strike, Igris sliced the bear slime into countless pieces, decisively defeating the resilient enemy. With swift agility, he descended to the ground, pivoted with precision, and launched a relentless charge towards Morwenna, who was already engaged in evading Unagor's attacks.

Utilizing strategic prowess and well-timed strikes, Unagor successfully vanquished the serpent, leaving it lifeless on the ground. However, Morwenna remained nonchalant in response to the serpent's demise.

To their surprise, two additional entities appeared beside Morwenna, resembling dinosaurs from the Draconic Deus. One took the form of a T-Rex, while the other resembled a Spinosaurus.

Perplexed by the unexpected appearance of these entities, Unagor mumbled, "What the..." Nonetheless, he swiftly refocused, directing his attacks towards the T-Rex, which charged towards him with undeniable ferocity.

The T-Rex let loose an unexpected breath attack, a dark stream hurtling towards Unagor. Displaying agility, he leaped backward, deftly evading the onslaught. Responding swiftly, Unagor unleashed a barrage of attacks from his orbs, aiming at the dinosaur.

To his surprise, the T-Rex enshrouded itself in darkness, using its tail to block Unagor's attack. Though some attacks were thwarted, a few managed to pierce through the darkness, striking the creature's body.

Recognizing the efficacy of the white orbs, Unagor devised a cunning strategy. Creating smaller white orbs, he maneuvered them discreetly around the T-Rex, ensuring they went unnoticed. Unagor then unleashed another relentless barrage of attacks, seamlessly interweaving black and white orbs to confound his enemy and maintain the element of surprise.

Executing his carefully crafted plan, Unagor strategically utilized the white orbs surrounding the T-Rex. These orbs morphed into large hands, firmly gripping the creature's legs and body, effectively immobilizing it. At the same time, the remaining white orbs transformed into sharp appendages that pierced into the dinosaur's body and head, sealing its demise.

Relieved by the successful defeat, Unagor shifted his focus to Morwenna. Despite her resilient defense against Igris' attack, a large dark blue hand manifested from her side. To their surprise, the hand began to show signs of structural deterioration, eventually shattering. The forceful release sliced off Morwenna's left arm, sending her hurtling towards Unagor.

Reacting swiftly, Unagor conjured a larger black orb, shaping it into a colossal hand that caught Morwenna and encased her within its grip.

Morwenna's face lit up with joy as she saw Unagor and Igris approaching. "Wow, nice job~!" she cheered, seemingly unfazed by the situation. "So~? What do you want for a prize~?"

Unagor, unsettled by Morwenna's carefree attitude, questioned, "You do realize you're captured, don't you?"

Morwenna, with a mischievous smile, clarified, "Caught? Oh, you mean this? Hmm... I suppose I'm 'caught' in your eyes, huh? But it doesn't really matter. I'm not the real Morwenna. I'm just a clone, fufu. I had a feeling something unusual might happen today, so I left two days ago and I'm on my own little planet~"

As she spoke, she giggled and continued teasing, "Well? Are you surprised? Are you?"

Igris, showing a determined composure, ordered Unagor to step aside. Morwenna, intrigued, began to ask, "Oh? What are you—?" However, her words were abruptly silenced as Igris swung his sword down, cleaving her in half. Despite the abrupt end of her voice, her grin lingered, frozen in an eerie expression.

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"Crafty, isn't it?" remarked the true Morwenna, seated on a distant planet that she had successfully conquered. Before her, stood around a hundred clones of herself, each dropping lifeless in a strange turn of events.

"The Shadow Knight not only ended that clone, but countless others as well—actually, far more than just a hundred," she pondered, surveying the scene. Morwenna witnessed the aftermath of Igris and Unagor's actions as approximately a million of her clones, held within large tubes of green liquid, had been unexpectedly split in half.

Intrigued by the extent of Igris and Aaron's abilities, Morwenna approached one of the tubes and declared, "I won't die yet, outer god—I'll be like a cockroach like Elanor. But which one will you put an end to first, I wonder~?"

"Lady Morwenna, are you really considering leaving behind multiple clones of us instead of facing them ourselves?" asked the woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to Fraisy—the original Fraisy. Just like the clones Artemis and Raiko were currently dealing with, these were exact duplicates.

Unfazed, Morwenna asserted, "Why would we put ourselves in such danger? My research is not yet complete, so I won't foolishly confront them. We will move forward with the experimental plan I mentioned earlier, get ready."

Fraisy, wearing a confident smirk, replied, "...Yes, right away," and then left the room to prepare for the upcoming experiment.

Morwenna returned her focus to the monitor, silently observing the aftermath of the battle between her clone and Igris. In a thoughtful manner, she stated, "You're not the only one who has ventured into different universes, Elanor. I intend to leave a lasting mark on our universe before I meet my end. Because to me, that is the essence of true beauty. To be remembered, whether it's for good or ill, fufu."

Unbeknownst to Morwenna, Aaron had plotted a scheme against her, and she was his next target. A particular spaceship was already on its way, headed for her location.

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"What have you done?" Unagor asked, his confusion evident.

"It was just a clone, as she claimed. I attacked the 'real' her, but my attempt was unsuccessful. However, do not worry, a team from [DxD] is already on their way to her planet, and they will eliminate her soon," Igris explained, shedding light on the situation.

Taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, Unagor inquired, "Who?"

"As you know, my king has the ability to see into the future, so he quietly set this plan in motion without informing anyone else, except for the team he sent to the planet with the specific task of destroying it," clarified Igris. "As for who… a woman with crimson hair and her peerage will take care of it. My king will join them after we are finished here and when they reach the planet."

"Enough of that, let us assist Geharon who appears to be struggling with his healing process," Igris urged, swiftly redirecting his focus to Geharon and Ailaozev on the ground. Noticing that Ailaozev was unharmed and Geharon had managed to heal half of his injury, Igris knelt down and adeptly tended to Geharon's wound.

"Thanks," Geharon expressed as he stood back up. "It felt like my tool's healing rate was tampered with, but who cares about that. What did you mean by clone?"

The Shadow Soldier nodded in acknowledgment and proceeded to explain the situation to Geharon, who furrowed his brows in concern. "If they're using our species' blood, DNA, or anything else, then they'll have samples of it even if our species goes extinct. It would be disastrous if Morwenna has it or heaven forbid, Elanor gets her hands on it," Geharon spoke with a sense of gravity.

"I can assure you that a scenario like that won't occur," reassured Igris.

Inquisitive and still somewhat uneasy, Geharon pressed further, "Are you completely certain of that?"

"I am," declared Igris with unwavering confidence, instilling trust in his king's capabilities. Geharon, choosing to believe in the potent shadow before him, decided to put his concerns at rest.

"Now, it's time to leave," declared Igris decisively, effortlessly lifting Ailaozev and placing her on his shoulder, surprising them all.

"But what about Artemis and Raiko?" Unagor inquired.

"Artemis-sama and Raiko-sama will be fine. They will join us once they're done. But first," Igris stated, handing Ailaozev to Unagor and turning around. Summoning his sword, he enveloped it in purple energy and swung it down towards the "Evolutioner," shattering the barrier, cleaving it in half, and leaving it in ruins.

"We have five minutes before this place explodes; let us hurry," Igris declared, swiftly grabbing Ailaozev and dashing away. Taken aback by the sudden turn of events, Unagor and Geharon quickly followed in pursuit of Igris.

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Raiko and Vei Vei's clone clashed in a storm of sparks, their weapons meeting with a resounding impact. Raiko noticed Vei Vei's agility but also recognized her lack of physical strength, compensating by using the dark blue darkness to amplify her strikes at the point of impact.

Taking advantage of the situation, Raiko commented, "It appears that your leader is no more. I suggest you surrender."

In response, Vei Vei smiled confidently. "We are just clones, and we have certain techniques to extend our lives. Even if you use a technique that targets the original to kill me, it will be redirected to the hundreds of thousands of clones we possess," she explained with a smirk, revealing their strategic advantage in numbers.

Raiko's brow furrowed as she pondered, 'Just like the Khaos Order's tactics. Aaron must be aware of this, right?' In an attempt to gain the upper hand, Raiko declared, "I have an ability that allows me to perceive things about a person. You're deceiving me." Her bluff, however, only elicited laughter from Vei Vei.

"Lady Elanor had a method to disrupt and alter the information of abilities like that. Lady Elanor and Lady Morwenna were quite close, so she fashioned her own version of that ability over time and has equipped us with it, as well as our clones. Utilizing that ability is practically futile since the information it provides will be either true, false, or a mixture of both," Vei Vei disclosed, unveiling the countermeasure against Raiko's ability.

Inwardly sighing, Raiko decided to halt her attempts at conversation and focus on swiftly defeating the clone. Despite knowing that they were beyond redemption, Raiko had hoped to uncover some insight into their motives, as many of their enemies at the Draconic Deus had a tendency to reveal their plans and thought processes.

However, she soon realized that extracting information wouldn't be as easy in this scenario. The clones were more reticent, unwilling to divulge details unless backed into a corner. Given that this was merely a clone, Raiko lacked the luxury of forcing them into such a situation.

Without hesitation, Raiko charged towards Vei Vei C (Clone), unleashing a rapid barrage of sword slashes. While Vei Vei C managed to block some of the incoming strikes, a few found their mark, leaving her with various gashes across her body.

Vei Vei C unleashed her dark blue darkness, shrouding her form and vanishing from sight. Raiko, however, feigned blindness while shrewdly tracking her movements. Suddenly, Vei Vei C appeared behind Raiko, grasping her dagger and thrusting it toward her.

Expecting the attack, Raiko deftly dodged the dagger and swiftly struck back. Her sword cut upward, severing Vei Vei C's right arm from her body. To Raiko's astonishment, the dark blue darkness immediately seized the severed limb, reattaching it to Vei Vei C's body, revealing an unexpected aspect of her anatomy.

Upon closer examination, Raiko discerned the faint dark blue darkness that held Vei Vei C's body together. It became clear that she was never truly "whole" to begin with, her body existing as interconnected parts, similar to "Lego" pieces. The revelation left Raiko slightly unsettled by the peculiar nature of her foe.

"Surprised?" Vei Vei C asked with a grin. "It'll be a challenge to defeat me."

Unfazed by Vei Vei C's confidence, Raiko smiled and replied, "Actually, it's quite the opposite. Your anatomy makes it clear where I should aim, saving time by not wasting on cutting off your limbs."

Before Vei Vei C could fully grasp Raiko's words, Raiko vanished and reappeared behind her, ready to decisively end the battle. Despite Vei Vei C's instincts urging her on, her lack of necessary speed hindered any attempt to counter Raiko.

Slowly turning, she found herself facing the tip of Raiko's sword, which promptly pierced her forehead and penetrated her brain. With swift and deliberate movements, Raiko targeted various vital points on Vei Vei C's body—her heart, stomach, lungs, liver, kidneys, and her private area—stabbing each one. The relentless onslaught left Vei Vei C incapacitated and defeated.

Vei Vei C crumpled to the ground, motionless. In a matter of moments, her body began to diminish, leaving nothing behind. Raiko touched down, her eyes fixed on the location. The encounter stirred a mixture of emotions within her.

Vei Vei seemed both otherworldly, effortlessly reattaching her body, and yet retaining vulnerabilities that appeared remarkably "human." The uncertainty of the situation left Raiko somewhat perplexed, but she soldiered on, disappearing from the spot and continuing her mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

In Artemis' ongoing struggle against Fraisy C, the latter presented a front of "niceness" and "elegance," but Artemis detected an underlying unease. The goddess uncovered that Fraisy held dominion over flora and a peculiar wyvern-like creature made of azure flames.

During their brief clash, Artemis realized that her usual projectiles and arrows were ineffective, as the wyvern nullified them within a specific range. Once her arrows entered this designated space, they became remarkably pliable, bouncing off their intended targets.

To her amazement, this phenomenon also affected her magic, divine powers, and even inanimate objects. Artemis concluded that while her usual long-range attacks were pointless, physical combat remained a viable option. However, she needed to maneuver around the wyvern, the manipulated flora, and Fraisy C herself to engage in effective close-quarters combat. The challenge ahead required strategic maneuvering and adaptability from the goddess.

Gracefully landing on the ground, Artemis raised both arms and bounced around before executing a swift flash step that placed her behind Fraisy C. Without hesitation, she threw a straight punch towards Fraisy C's back, only for a large flower head to sprout up behind her, absorbing the attack.

Unyielding, Artemis increased her strength, shattering the flower head and delivering a powerful blow to Fraisy C's back. The force was enough to propel Fraisy C, sending her hurtling towards the walls.

[Countdown has started, please evacuate in two minutes.]

As the surroundings echoed with a robotic voice announcing the countdown for evacuation, Fraisy expressed an air of nonchalance about Morwenna's defeat.

"Hmm~? It seems like Morwenna was defeated, oh well," remarked Fraisy. "I'll have to get going, little goddess, until—"

Artemis swiftly silenced Fraisy C by delivering a forceful punch to her face, determined not to let the woman escape. Confidence radiated from Artemis, who seemed unbothered by the impending blast. In her mind, the outcome of the explosion mattered little; catching Fraisy C took precedence.

"You're persistent, you know that? The little announc—" Fraisy C's words were once again cut short as Artemis swiftly delivered an elbow to her stomach. Azure flames immediately flared up, attempting to incinerate Artemis as the wyvern reappeared above Fraisy C just in time.

In one fluid motion, Artemis leaped up, delivering a powerful kick to the wyvern's head, obliterating it in an instant. She then spun around, landing a devastating knee strike to Fraisy C's face, sending her flying once more.

Unfazed by the continued assault, Fraisy C shouted in rage, "Listen to me, you inelegant piece of shi—"

Once again, Artemis' divine energy-infused fist connected with Fraisy C's face, causing her to be flung away, bloodied, her teeth flying out of her mouth.

Seizing the opportunity, Artemis summoned her bow once more and released a single divine arrow at Fraisy C's thigh, piercing through and initiating a dragging motion. Utilizing a mana rope attached to the arrow, Artemis began to draw Fraisy C back, prompting a scream that echoed through the largely empty room.

To Artemis's astonishment, Fraisy C began to claw at her own thigh, rapidly tearing down to the bone. She then snapped the leg before removing the mana rope and arrow, stunning the goddess. As Fraisy C lunged towards Artemis with only one functioning leg, the goddess found herself grappling with a cascade of questions.

'Was this the strange feeling I had about her? Was that noble face all an act? Why?' pondered Artemis, her gaze fixed on Fraisy C, who persisted in her relentless assault despite the self-inflicted injury.

Artemis muttered to herself, "What a strange woman," as she swiftly dashed towards Fraisy C. With a decisive motion, she seized the clone's head and wrenched it off.

Fraisy C's head, now detached, turned to Artemis and grinned. "Hehehe~ I'll have my revenge on you someday, I never forget a grudge, blue-haired devil woman~" The head then faded away, dissipating like the rest of the clone's body, leaving Artemis alone with her thoughts.

"Artemis, the countdown is almost over; we need to go," Raiko informed her as she arrived, urging them to evacuate as time ran out.

Artemis stole a quick glance at the dwindling countdown, realizing that time was running out. With a nod to Raiko, she vanished from the spot with her. They reappeared on the surface just in time to hear the echoing explosions from below. Moments later, a massive mushroom cloud billowed in the distance, drawing all eyes to that section of the city.

The blast's shockwave obliterated multiple buildings and structures, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Despite the chaos, Artemis and Raiko noted that the immediate vicinity was relatively empty, with many focused on the ongoing tournament and the prominent presence of Aaron, Ravel, and Aoife.

"What's the plan now?" Unagor asked, surveying the area.

Artemis looked at the sky and responded, "Suzaku is locked in a fierce battle, probably with Eyhylde. The others are likely at the colosseum. Aoife has probably attracted the most attention, so Eyhylde's followers may be heading there to confront her."

"Unagor, Igris, and Ailaozev, head to the colosseum. I want to do some more exploring; there might be hidden facilities in the city, so I'll be looking for them. Geharon, Raiko, come with me," Artemis commanded.

"Hmm, hidden facilities. There might be something like that. They probably won't have guards since we caused chaos at the main one, but I've heard rumors about some potential locations," Geharon added. "Follow me."

Artemis agreed, and their groups split up, each going their separate ways to carry out their assigned tasks.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Is what Artemis said really true?" Unagor asked as they walked toward the colosseum, attracting curious glances from those around them.

Igris nodded firmly. "Yes. I can feel several strong auras, likely Eyhylde's subordinates. Aoife-sama will most likely take care of them before facing an additional opponent in the tournament."

"An additional opponent? That's not something we typically have in our tournaments. What do you mean?" Unagor inquired, a hint of confusion creeping into his voice.

"My king intends to confront her. I have observed the emotional upheaval that Aoife-sama has been experiencing, as have all of us. We witnessed it firsthand as we were in my king's shadows in that planet. My king desires to reach out to her in a more direct manner. Just as Sairaorg-sama did for him, he will do the same for Aoife-sama," Igris explained.

Unagor found himself unfamiliar with the specifics of what Igris was referring to. While he knew who Sairaorg was, the details of the significant event he mentioned eluded Unagor. Nevertheless, recognizing that the Shadow Soldier had a deeper understanding of the situation, Unagor chose to trust his explanation. As they approached the colosseum, the crescendo of cheers and the astonished gazes of his fellow beings intensified.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon arriving at the colosseum, they found Aaron and Ravel in their assigned seats. As they joined them, they noticed Aaron completely absorbed in the ongoing matches, his attention momentarily shifting when they settled in.

"How did it go, Igris?" Aaron asked, a subtle hint of warmth in his expression.

"It went well, my king. However, as you predicted, they were clones, and Rias-sama and her team are currently en route to the planet using your personal spaceship," Igris reported.

"Hmm. Cúntóir should be with them as well, so everything should be fine. I'll head there after we're finished here—or I'll wait until Cúntóir informs me of their arrival on the planet," Aaron replied, now dividing his attention between the conversation and the ongoing battles in the colosseum.

"R-Rias-sama…? What do you mean by that?" Ravel asked, her surprise evident in her voice as she questioned Aaron's revelation.

Aaron turned to Ravel, his decision made to finally reveal the secret he had been keeping. As he explained his actions, Ravel was visibly flabbergasted. Before she could delve deeper into her inquiries, the commencement of another match diverted their attention. Aoife was among the participants.

[Due to several reasons…multiple new warriors have joined the tournament, and one of them has decided to face warrior Null in this round,] announced the voice of the arena. [Warrior Null will now face warrior Nelaja!]

The crowd erupted in excitement at the mention of Nelaja, a name that puzzled everyone except Aaron. A woman with pristine white skin made her way to the stage, possessing long straight white hair, red eyes, a right black wing, and a left white wing resembling that of an angel. Adorned in a one-piece white dress featuring large black crosses at the ends, she wielded a single long sword in her right hand, embellished with a cross design and a red gem near the grip.

[Without further ado, begin!] the announcer's voice reverberated through the arena, accompanied by a thunderous cheer from the crowd.

Not a single word was exchanged as Nelaja swiftly vanished, her movements tracked only by Aoife, who effortlessly shifted her sword to deflect the incoming strike. The sheer force of the collision generated a powerful shockwave, sending those lacking in strength flying or rendering them unconscious. The night sky above them witnessed the clouds parting, and arcs of silver and white electricity discharged from the impact zone.

Nelaja conjured orbs reminiscent of Valagor's race and hurled them toward Aoife. In a display of grace, Aoife elegantly spun around, delivering a powerful kick to Nelaja's side while effortlessly cleaving through the incoming attacks. Wasting no time, Aoife pursued Nelaja, unleashing a barrage of aura slashes. In response, Nelaja countered with the same technique, their attacks clashing in a dazzling display of skill.

Nelaja held a deep-seated animosity towards Aoife, leaving Aoife puzzled about its roots. As Nelaja charged at her, a strange, game-like screen materialized in Aoife's peripheral vision, shedding light on the source of the tension.

It was revealed that Nelaja was not a follower of Morwenna, but a direct subordinate of Eyhylde. Despite her outward appearance, Nelaja was guided by principles of peace and justice. Aoife surmised that Nelaja likely disapproved of their infiltration of the planet, seeing it as a world full of life and potential.

The clash between Aoife and Nelaja began as they both enveloped their swords in touki and energy, creating a collision that sent shockwaves through the area again, scattering the onlookers and waking up those who had been knocked out. The intense confrontation between the two warriors unfolded, with the crowd split between those who stayed and those who fled.

"Murderer," Nelaja spat, catching Aoife off guard.

Baffled, Aoife thought to herself, 'I haven't taken anyone's life, have I?' She shot Nelaja a bewildered and concerned glance.

In response, Nelaja locked eyes with her, her wings flapping as she hurled sharp feathers at Aoife. With quick reflexes, Aoife deflected them, but Nelaja seized the moment, closing the distance between them. With a rapid motion, Nelaja brought her sword down, but Aoife skillfully evaded the attack. In a hasty countermove, Aoife used her free hand to deliver a blow to Nelaja's face, sending her reeling back.

As they stood facing each other, Aoife pondered, 'Or did she mean... by the hands of someone else?' She observed Nelaja, who now had a bleeding nose. Nelaja wiped it away, narrowing her eyes at Aoife. A radiant glow enveloped Nelaja's body, and her wings expanded, transforming into a feathered armor that covered her arms, legs, chest, and head, leaving only her mouth and eyes visible.

"What do you mean by 'murderer'?" Aoife questioned, but Nelaja remained silent. Instead, she swiftly flew towards Aoife, and suddenly, hundreds of thousands of feathers manifested around her.

Taken aback, Aoife quickly prepared herself as the barrage of sharpened feathers rained down upon her. Skillfully dodging some and slicing apart others, Aoife found herself facing Nelaja, who had flown in close. In that moment, Aoife unleashed her aura, disappearing from sight.

Confused, Nelaja turned around, only to witness blood dripping from Aoife's sword. Alarmed, she scanned her surroundings, but there was no sign that Aoife had "killed" anyone. It wasn't until she looked down that she saw it—her right wing severed from her body, causing her to scream in agony.

Tears streamed down Nelaja's face as she grappled with the loss of her wing. Gritting her teeth, she stared daggers at Aoife, who frowned back at her.

"I have not taken anyone's life," Aoife proclaimed, pointing her sword at Nelaja. She turned to the onlookers, capturing their attention, and asked, "Do you understand why we are here? We are here to overthrow the Ueboros Eyhylde and free this place. We recognize that their kind may resist our help, but in the end, they will embrace the liberation. Aaron remained devoted to this cause even after Unagor cautioned us. Your distorted ideas of justice and freedom have no place in this world."

Nelaja scoffed in response, stating, "Your organization, the Resistance, does not have the authority to determine right and wrong. Morality is subjective. I adhere to my own morals and beliefs, deeming them right. Just because a large group aligns with your beliefs or follows your actions does not make it inherently right. Under Lady Phumera, everyone has thrived to some extent, but now you are undermining that prosperity."

This time, Nelaja lifted her blade towards Aoife, proclaiming, "There will undoubtedly be suffering among certain groups or species due to the self-centered freedom you are imposing on everyone. They have established important connections and vital supply routes with Lady Phumera for years—liberating them would essentially sever those ties. What then?"

Aoife found herself momentarily speechless, and Nelaja scoffed once more. "Not everything in this world is black and white." Nelaja shifted her gaze to Aaron, their eyes locking intensely for a few seconds. She continued, "At least the outer god believes in his convictions and will see them through to the end. He accepts both the positive and negative aspects of his plan, much like Lady Phumera did. But I can't see that in you. You seem uncertain and not fully committed, as if you're not taking any of it seriously due to the 'moral high ground' you wish to maintain. Frankly, it's pathetic."

"I don't share your perspective! Stop making assumptions! I recognize that there are advantages and disadvantages to Aaron's plan!" Aoife exclaimed before swiftly moving toward Nelaja, who responded with a smirk as their swords clashed once again.

"Even now, your sword feels lacking," Nelaja observed, managing to push Aoife away, leaving her taken aback. As their battle continued, it became clear that Nelaja had gained the upper hand this time, forcing Aoife onto the defensive.

Breaking his silence, Aaron murmured, drawing attention to himself, "She got her."

"Psychological warfare. Nelaja may have sensed some unease on Aoife-sama's part and decided to exploit it. Do you agree with what Nelaja said?" Ravel inquired.

"Yes. It is the truth, after all, but she forgot to add that I will be creating new routes for those groups and species, enhancing their overall situation. We won't just liberate them and then leave. But yes, I agree with what she said. As for the part with Aoife..." Aaron trailed off, choosing not to elaborate further.

"Will she emerge victorious from this battle?" Ravel questioned, refocusing her attention on the ongoing clash between Aoife and Nelaja.

Aaron responded with unwavering confidence, "Yes. She must continue to win and persevere until the very end."

Internally, Aoife silently urged herself to maintain her composure. 'Stay calm. Don't allow yourself to be carried away by this. I was already aware of the advantages and disadvantages of Aaron's plans, and she is simply attempting to provoke me, much like what happened to Rossweisse in the tournament preliminaries against Sona's team,' Aoife thought as she deftly dodged another attack from Nelaja.

Sensing Aoife's shift in demeanor, Nelaja interjected, "What about the lives lost as a result of the Resistance's actions? Do you believe that the planets under Lady Phumera's protection were unaffected? Do you think they will simply carry on as if nothing has occurred?"

Aoife stood her ground, refusing to be swayed by Nelaja's attempts to provoke her. Instead, she launched a counterattack, intensifying her strikes and causing Nelaja's hands to go numb after deflecting a few blows. In a last-ditch effort, Nelaja resorted to firing sharpened feathers from her remaining wing, but Aoife adeptly dodged them.

Frustrated, Nelaja gritted her teeth and decided to unleash all of her power. The resulting surge in energy posed a threat to the colosseum's integrity, but Aaron swiftly reacted, reinforcing the structure and preventing a catastrophic event.

"The Resistance is just a place full of murderers..." Nelaja muttered with added venom. As a fragment of her life flashed before her eyes, Nelaja pushed Aoife away, retrieving something and consuming it.

Nelaja underwent a surprising transformation. Her once-missing wing was now replaced with a jet-black, shadowy one. Her hair grew longer, and her entire body was now covered in armor, a striking contrast to her previous feathered look. Black horns protruded from her head, and a long, boney black tail extended behind her. Her arms and legs were encased in black armor, while the rest of her body was draped in a long, white, armor-like dress.

"W-what is that?" Ravel asked, visibly taken aback by the dramatic change in Nelaja's appearance.

"Nelaja, that entity is akin to the 'angels' of this world. It is one of their transformations. She consumed something that originated from their planet's sacred tree, much like the stolen fruit from Heaven by Rizevim. The consumed substance grants various effects, but it also responds to the desires of the consumer. In Nelaja's case, it appears her desire was for greater power," Aaron elaborated.

"Specifenix, that is the name of her species, and the substance she consumed came from the Tree of Hujuyun, a powerful angel from the ancient era. Though not a deity, he was revered as one by their kind. Their planet still exists, but..." Aaron trailed off, his gaze fixed on Nelaja as he spoke.

"He's dead, isn't he?" Unagor inquired, to which Aaron simply nodded.

"He was one of the brave souls who dared to challenge Phumera in the early days of her rule, and sadly, he paid the ultimate price. As a result, Phumera set her sights on their home planet, Santherium, and claimed it as her own. Nelaja was there during those ancient times, and despite her youthful appearance, she is far older than you might imagine," Aaron elucidated.

"Nelaja has witnessed and endured things that would drive most people to madness, yet she persevered. Recently, in the middle of our endeavors, she has chosen to place the blame on us, rather than on Phumera or Hujuyun, who confronted her in the past," Aaron added.

"But... that doesn't make sense, I can't wrap my head around that," Ravel said, clearly puzzled by Nelaja's logic.

"Her grief and the trauma she carries may have caused a fracture. Seeing the Resistance's seemingly fruitless efforts over the years, especially in the beginning, may have caused her to lose faith in them. Now that we're finally making progress, she might be struggling to understand it, questioning 'Why now!?' or something similar," Aaron offered, providing a potential explanation.

However, Aaron knew there was a deeper truth, but he chose to keep it to himself, considering both their well-being and Nelaja's. As the temporary standoff ended, Nelaja disappeared, unleashing a powerful shockwave that rippled through the colosseum. Despite the forceful impact, Aoife stood her ground, deflecting the attack with her own blade.

Fueled by her own sorrow and fury, Nelaja transformed into a fierce warrior, delivering precise and swift sword strikes at Aoife, who skillfully managed to defend against each one. But the onslaught didn't stop there, as a mix of black and white feathers rained down on Aoife. Using her aura, Aoife adeptly blocked most of the feathers, causing Nelaja to abandon that tactic and instead rely on sheer brute force with her sword.

Nelaja's sword began to glow with a radiant light, and the gem embedded in it formed an additional layer around the blade. With each of Nelaja's strikes, a small red shimmer accompanied the blade, adding to the force and forcefully pushing Aoife back.

In the middle of the exchange of blows with Nelaja, Aoife could see a mix of sorrow and fury reflected in the openings of Nelaja's helmet. Despite sensing the emotional turmoil, Aoife hesitated to speak her thoughts, convinced that Nelaja might not be open to anything she had to say. As Aoife pondered her next move, snippets of a previous conversation with Azathoth came to mind—a conversation that took place after their return from Hauillne Bataress.

'Eventually, you will have to make a crucial decision, and neither option will align with your desires. You will be forced to choose one, as creating a third possibility is nearly impossible. What will you choose, Aoife? These choices will continue to be a recurring theme in your future,' Azathoth had warned.

In a moment of deep contemplation, Aoife furrowed her brows and wondered, 'Is this what you meant, Azathoth?' Her thoughts continued as she skillfully parried yet another forceful strike unleashed by Nelaja.

The inevitable outcome for her enemy became increasingly apparent to Aoife. She realized the futility of merely "defeating" Nelaja and knew that her opponent wouldn't remain subdued by a conventional victory.

Forced to make a choice, Aoife opted for what she deemed the most pragmatic approach. Unleashing a surge of her aura, she propelled Nelaja away and simultaneously shattered her sword.

The abrupt and unexpected turn of events left the warrior before her in astonishment. Without a moment's hesitation, Aoife steeled herself and concluded the confrontation with a single, resolute strike. Swiftly, she sprinted towards the still-stunned Nelaja, gracefully passing by while executing a horizontal swing of her sword.

The arena was cloaked in a heavy silence, the tense anticipation hanging in the air as the aftermath of the intense battle lingered. When Aoife finally turned her eyes back to Nelaja, a mix of regret and gratitude adorned her face. The destruction of Nelaja's helmet revealed a smile that held both remorse and appreciation.

In a poignant moment, Nelaja chose to convey a range of emotions through silence rather than words. However, the tranquility that settled over the arena was shattered seconds later. Intricate lines materialized across Nelaja's body, and in a dramatic display, her body disintegrated into countless fragments. The grim aftermath unfolded with blood, severed body parts, and entrails cascading to the ground, bringing the fierce encounter to an abrupt conclusion.

[W-w-w-w-winner, warrior, Null!] roared the announcer, trying to speed up the proceedings. However, the usual lively cheers were noticeably absent, casting an unusual gloom over the arena. Aoife gracefully exited the stage, leaving a subdued atmosphere in her wake.

Aaron swiftly appeared at the center of the platform, efficiently tidying up the remnants of Nelaja's defeat. Once his task was complete, he seamlessly teleported back to his seat, and with an air of nonchalance, he signaled for the matches to resume after the disconcerting pause.

"The subordinates of Eyhylde will decide on the round when Aoife makes her appearance. Other contenders seem willing to relinquish their positions, acknowledging their inferiority. However, as of now, only three of Eyhylde's subordinates remain," Aaron explained. "We'll have to observe and wait. Additionally, Aoife will face an additional opponent—a fourth opponent, the most powerful she will encounter so far."

Perplexed, Ravel asked, "Eh? What do you mean, Aaron-sama?" However, Aaron chose not to elaborate, simply shaking his head. Unagor, standing nearby, exchanged a knowing glance with Aaron, understanding the unspoken implications of his words.

— ○ ● ○ —

Geharon, Raiko, and Artemis stood in the southeast of the city, facing an abandoned warehouse that appeared to be just like any other. Geharon, with a hint of doubt, commented, "This is one of the locations I've heard about. It looks normal, but we can't be fooled by appearances, can we?"

Taking the lead, Raiko stepped forward, motioning with her hand. The illusion concealing the true nature of the area vanished, revealing a large, spiraling tower spanning five levels. Multiple turrets in front of them immediately opened fire, prompting Artemis to quickly summon a protective magic circle.

"…Seriously? Now I'm starting to wonder if there are more of these around the city! I feel like I've been in the dark my entire life," Geharon grumbled, frustration evident as he looked down. The discovery of hidden structures within the seemingly ordinary cityscape only deepened the mystery that had clouded his understanding until now.

"Let's not waste any more time on our extra mission. Let's aim to take down these structures before the day is over. There are only a few more individuals to take down now. Geharon, I'd like you to go to the spots you mentioned before and take a look at them and take this," declared Artemis, presenting him with a device.

Perplexed, Geharon asked, "What is this…?" as he inspected the device now in his possession.

"I asked a friend of ours to make that just now. I don't know if you can dismiss the illusions put in areas like this, but this will help detect them and can dispel them. For now, use it to identify how many are scattered throughout the city. Return here once you're done, and show us the results so we can plan our approach after dealing with these current threats," Artemis explained, outlining Geharon's role in the mission.

"Simple enough, I'll handle it. Good luck," Geharon declared before swiftly embarking on his assigned task.

"Shall we move forward?" Artemis asked, and Raiko nodded in agreement. Without hesitation, they advanced, disabling the turrets and other defensive measures strategically placed around the area.

The destruction triggered additional alarms, summoning a group of individuals dressed in black military attire. Armed with advanced weaponry, they unleashed a barrage of gunfire at Artemis and Raiko, attempting to hinder their progress. However, both Artemis and Raiko skillfully dealt with the assailants, choosing to incapacitate rather than kill them. With the external threats neutralized, the duo entered the building.

"Intruders, capture them!" a voice echoed, and green laser beams targeted them from various directions, escalating the conflict within the structure.

Raiko quickly raised a protective barrier, her keen senses detecting a powerful presence at the top level of the tower. "There's someone strong up there, probably Satan-class. What should we do?" she asked for Artemis' opinion.

Artemis, displaying strong leadership, replied, "I'll go confront them. Can I trust you to explore the other levels? There might be something hidden here, like an important item or documents. They could be valuable. I'll have Ravel join you."

Raiko nodded in agreement, maintaining her protective barrier while Artemis communicated with Ravel through a magic circle. Shortly after, Ravel appeared next to her. "I'll leave it to you two then," Artemis said before disappearing. She reappeared instantly, swiftly defeating the enemies who had been attacking them. The tasks were now divided, with Raiko and Ravel getting ready to uncover the secrets hidden within the tower's levels.

As Raiko and Ravel walked away from the room towards a door at the other end, Raiko couldn't resist asking, "How did everything go in the arena and with Aoife?"

Ravel paused for a moment before recounting the events, explaining what had happened and the information Aaron had shared. Raiko listened closely, and after the explanation, she shared her thoughts, saying, "I overheard Azathoth talking to Aaron before, and I believe what they said was true—it's a moment of growth for Aoife. But I don't think she should have to suffer in order to grow."

"Yes, I agree with that as well, but it seems like that's the path she's on unless Aaron-sama decides otherwise. He seems to have a plan for her, although he hasn't shared it with us. I'll ask him about it once we've finished our tasks," Ravel replied, acknowledging the mystery surrounding Aoife's journey and Aaron's mysterious plan for her growth.

In a room filled with enemies, Raiko and Ravel swiftly took them down, noting that none of their opponents were particularly notable, all falling within the range of High to Ultimate-class strength. They efficiently finished their skirmish on that floor and thoroughly searched for any important clues, completing the task in approximately four minutes. As they moved on to the next level, Ravel sought clarification on their objective.

"What exactly are we looking for? Artemis-sama didn't specify any specifics," inquired Ravel as they climbed a flight of stairs.

"I'm not sure, but I suppose anything that seems significant? Items, documents, or anything similar," responded Raiko, their exploration driven by a general sense of purpose.

Upon reaching the next floor, they stopped, sensing the formidable aura of an individual at the pinnacle of the Ultimate-class, on the cusp of breaking through to Satan-class. The anticipation of a challenging encounter hung in the air as they prepared to confront this powerful enemy.

Raiko and Ravel shared a quick glance before Raiko forcefully kicked the door open. With her fiery wings propelling her forward, Ravel located the formidable foe at the pinnacle of the Ultimate-class. With swift precision, she appeared in front of the person, unleashing a torrent of flames that obliterated windows and left the opponent incapacitated, reduced to lifelessness.

Turning on her heels, Ravel proceeded to launch fire bullets from her fingertips, swiftly neutralizing the remaining threats. Meanwhile, Raiko gracefully navigated the room, dispatching foes with calculated strikes from her blades, choosing a non-lethal approach akin to their strategy on the floor below.

Upon concluding the skirmish, they applied a sleep-inducing spell to the remaining enemies, rendering them dormant. The duo then meticulously combed through the room, scrutinizing drawers, cabinets, and any potential points of interest. Ravel emitted a surprised grunt, signaling a discovery that piqued her curiosity.

"T-this is…! R-Raiko-sama, please come here!" exclaimed Ravel, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. Raiko swiftly joined her, peering down at a document that had caught Ravel's attention.

The document revealed before them: [Elanor's recruitment starts in XXX day and XXX hour on XXX month. If interested in becoming an Eradicator or subordinate of one, please come to Stolonium, the previous planet under Raerea. She has been captured and killed by the Resistance, so we're looking for new candidates!]

Raiko and Ravel exchanged shocked glances, absorbing the weight of the information. "Should we inform Aaron-sama?" Ravel inquired, seeking Raiko's perspective.

"Of course, why wouldn't we?" responded Raiko, her confusion evident at the question.

"I apologize, I assumed he already knew, so I was contemplating whether we should inform him or not. However, we should do so regardless of his prior knowledge," Ravel responded, with a touch of fluster in her tone.

Raiko nodded in agreement and commented, "I'm surprised that this has happened, but it was inevitable that Raerea's absence would be discovered. She wouldn't be present in the planets she oversees, and the fact that she hasn't communicated with her subordinates. It will certainly be an intriguing visit there in the future."

"Stolonium... Raerea-sama has briefed us about it, as did the other leaders and Eliovan. Due to Raerea-sama's aversion to poverty, she has transformed the planets under her supervision into paradises. However, she still governs them with strict regulations in place. As she explained to us, it's comparatively more lenient than certain other planets governed by Eradicators or Ueboros members," Ravel explained, shedding light on the characteristics of Stolonium and Raerea's leadership approach.

Ravel stood up and proposed, "Let's push on, Raiko-sama. I have a feeling that there might be more hidden things in these floors, and…I can't shake this strange feeling about them."

Intrigued, Raiko asked, "What do you mean by that?" tilting her head slightly.

"…Is it just a coincidence that this happened? Aaron-sama has tasked both Celrion and Qunela to keep Elanor preoccupied. How did she find the time to write this? Or has she figured out Aaron-sama's plan and stopped caring about Celrion and Qunela? If so, could this be…a trap?" pondered Ravel, her contemplation revealing a deep sense of suspicion and wariness about the sudden revelation concerning Elanor.

Ascending another flight of stairs, a sudden tremor shook the building, causing Raiko and Ravel to exchange concerned glances. Feeling a sense of urgency, they quickened their pace and reached the top floor, where a new set of enemies stood in their way. Swiftly defeating them, they carefully surveyed the area and stumbled upon a mysterious piece of paper.

[Yearly Planetary Tournament in Fengyun Fudi! The winner will have the chance to choose from a variety of prizes! Open to anyone from any planet, species, or background, this Tournament of Strength could change your life! Join today!]

The document provided specifics on the date, time, and month of the tournament, along with additional details. Ravel and Raiko exchanged doubtful looks, trying to make sense of the unexpected news of a planetary tournament. The timing and nature of the announcement left them feeling suspicious and wary.

"Let's consult the others first...the timing of this seems too convenient," Ravel whispered, her attention fixed on the mysterious piece of paper.

"Agreed, but for now, let's go join Artemis and show her what we've found," Raiko suggested. The two quickly made their way to the top floor, where they found Artemis effortlessly deflecting attacks with casual gestures of her hand.

Glancing over her shoulder, Artemis greeted the return of Raiko and Ravel with a nod, saying, "Oh, welcome back, you two. Did you find anything on your way up here? That was quite quick of both of you."

"Yes, Artemis-sama. I believe you'll find it interesting," replied Ravel, handing her the discovered documents. As Artemis began to review the information, Raiko swiftly engaged an unexpected enemy who had launched an attack.

The opponent, a humanoid horse, unleashed hoof-like attack at Raiko. Undaunted, she skillfully sliced through the attacks with her sword, displaying remarkable ease in combat.

The humanoid horse, caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, expressed its frustration, exclaiming, "Damn it! Where did you guys come from!? We were almost finished with our own mission here!" Raiko, taken aback by the creature's words, remained vigilant in the ongoing confrontation.

"Own mission? You're not with Morwenna or Eyhylde?" Raiko questioned, seeking clarification.

"What? Why would we be!? We're here to destroy them!" the humanoid horse vehemently declared. "As well as this planet too! Screw their race!"

Raiko found herself surprised by this revelation. The notion of a third party with intentions to destroy both Morwenna, Eyhylde, and the planet itself left her perplexed. As she continued skillfully slicing apart incoming projectiles, she pondered the motives behind this unexpected faction and their antagonistic stance towards the targeted groups.

"You have no idea, do you!? From that clueless expression of yours!" shouted the humanoid horse, a wicked smile spreading across his features. "Their species is known as the Phoshetoms! They're arrogant beings who once conquered planets before they were subdued by Phumera, hahahaha!"

"Conquerors," Raiko murmured, a realization dawning upon her. The secrecy surrounding Unagor's species and the absence of information from Aaron now made sense. "Even so—"

"You're going to sympathize with them? I didn't think the Resistance supported genocidal maniacs like them! Even if they're in a tough spot now, what's to stop them from resuming their aggressive ways once you set them free!? They should be eradicated for the sake of the universe!" exclaimed the humanoid horse, vehemently expressing his disgust for the Phoshetoms.

Raiko's expression turned to a scowl as she closed the distance between them, delivering a powerful kick to the humanoid horse's stomach, sending him staggering. Following up, she summoned a bow of lightning, unleashing a barrage of electrifying arrows that struck the humanoid horse, causing him to convulse uncontrollably.

To Raiko's astonishment, the humanoid horse remained conscious as he fell to the ground, his eyes defiant as she approached. Despite the overwhelming force of her attacks, he displayed an unwavering resolve.

As Raiko stood before him, his words carried a fierce rage, "…Siding with them will lead to your own downfall… Me and everyone here had their planets destroyed by them. We only want to kill them…! As well as Phumera's subordinate since they're aiding them…!" The depth of his animosity revealed the profound suffering inflicted by the Phoshetoms, fueling their quest for retribution.

Raiko stayed silent, efficiently lulling the humanoid horse to sleep, restraining him, and then towing him towards Artemis and Ravel. Sensing Raiko's contemplation, Artemis asked, "It's a trap, no doubt, but we will inform Aaron of this. What did you—is something wrong, Raiko?"

Relaying the unsettling revelation from the humanoid horse, Raiko recounted the Phoshetoms' history and the humanoid horse's group's vow for revenge against the Phoshetoms and Phumera herself. Artemis and Ravel absorbed the information, pondering the potential motivations behind the Phoshetoms' actions.

"If that's the case… them going to war with Phumera after today would make sense. Although how they'll do it with reduced numbers and not knowing where Phumera herself is will be quite difficult, unless they ask Aaron-sama for her location," pondered Ravel, recognizing the complexity of the impending conflict.

"The Phoshetoms' grudge against Phumera, as well as the countless races and species they had subjugated and likely exterminated in the past, will certainly increase the stakes for them. But if their current King and Queen opt for a more... daring plan from now on, how will this guy's group react?" Artemis pondered as she filed away the documents.

"Once they are free, I believe they will target Phumera but won't succeed. Unless they choose to focus on other species first and gather resources that way, and then launch an attack on Phumera—either way, how do we handle this now?" Ravel inquired.

"Let's consult Geharon once he returns. I can sense him approaching us now," Artemis declared. "Let's go," she urged, prompting them to leave the top floor and return to the ground floor.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hey, I—w-what's wrong?" Geharon inquired, sensing a shift in the atmosphere as he arrived in front of Artemis' group. He also noticed the presence of someone else with them.

"It went well, and we found out about a few things. Do you mind if we ask some questions?" Artemis requested, and Geharon agreed.

Artemis then proceeded to brief Geharon about humanoid horse, revealing, "This person, who we found out is called Neighmar, is part of a group that wants to destroy this world, your species along with Phumera's organization. Now, he told us certain information that caught our interest. He said that your species, the Phoshetoms, were warmongers that like taking over planets for fun?"

Taken aback and visibly nervous, Geharon confessed, "...If you're asking if I knew, then yes, I did. If you're asking if I was part of it, then no. While I do train because that's part of my species, I don't participate in most of those, but I was aware that before we were conquered ourselves, my species would go and conquer, capture, or even just kill various species across the universe."

Expressing a sense of shame, Geharon hung his head as the three women exchanged glances. Artemis broke the silence, stating, "For now, I'll trust your words, but we'll need to discuss it further with Aaron too, alright?"

"That's fine, I expected that. About what I did, I found three more spots, and that's all. So assuming his group set up at those spots, we should hurry over there to prevent them from doing something catastrophic," Geharon suggested, prompting unanimous agreement as they swiftly departed to address the emerging threat.

— ○ ● ○ —

Arriving at a new location, they immediately dispelled the concealment around the area, unveiling a building that bore a striking resemblance to the one they had encountered earlier. Turrets wasted no time in launching their attacks, but Ravel quickly destroyed them.

"I can sense the presence of two formidable individuals here, both located at the very top. I will confront them. As before, I leave the exploration to the two of you. If you come across anything of significance, please bring it along," commanded Artemis before disappearing, leaving Raiko, Ravel and Geharon to investigate the premises and uncover any vital information.

"Oh right, what have you two discovered after clearing that place?" Geharon inquired. They proceeded to share their findings, describing the potentially trap-laden nature of the first location and the upcoming yearly planetary tournament in two weeks.

"If the Resistance truly captured Lady Raerea, then the first location is definitely a trap. And as for the second one? The tournament does occur annually and will commence in approximately two weeks, so it's not too far off," Geharon commented.

"What does the champion receive for winning the Tournament of Strength?" Ravel asked as they entered the first floor, immediately encountering multiple attacks.

Ravel and Raiko swiftly eliminated the threats in the room, while Geharon remained at the back. After the skirmish, he shared his insights about the Tournament of Strength, explaining, "According to the piece of paper, participants can ask for anything they want. However, most, if not all, who take part will seek to become a subordinate of Lord Virion or one of his trusted subordinates or Elders. The place operates on respect and power. Gain enough of both, and Lord Virion may reward you with a high-ranking position, albeit with certain rules in place."

"Among the members of the Eradicators, Ueboros, and Umbra, I believe that he commands the most respect among all the beings on the planets they have conquered. Many are drawn to him, eager to witness the spectacle. I've been there once to witness the tournament, and I can confirm that the reputation is well-deserved. That man is truly something else," Geharon stated, shedding light on the significance of Virion and the prestigious nature of the tournament.

"He wields his powers in tandem with his martial arts to vanquish his enemies. There are whispers of him being a part of a particular monstrous lineage, heightening his already formidable strength. However, it seems he seldom leans on this aspect, if at all, from what I've gathered," Geharon imparted, shedding further light on Virion's prowess in combat and his rumored monstrous ancestry.

"The more you speak of him, the more he resembles Sairaorg-sama. What about his subordinates and the Elders you mentioned? How do they fare?" Ravel inquired, drawing similarities with Sairaorg Bael. Her musings hinted at strategic deliberations for possible alliances. 'Aaron-sama may even enlist Sairaorg-sama's support when endeavoring to free that planet...those two share too many similarities, and if Sairaorg-sama can persuade Virion-sama to stand with us, it would be very advantageous.'

"Is that what you're assuming, Ravel? If a man of his caliber and influence joins the Resistance, then surely everyone else under him will follow suit," Raiko inquired, causing Ravel to turn to her in shock.

"Y-yes, that was my line of thinking," admitted Ravel as they made their way to the second floor, swiftly overpowering and defeating their foes. The enemies turned out to be relatively weak, making it easy for them to dispose of them.

As they ventured across the floor, searching for any notable discoveries, Raiko offered a practical perspective. "I won't criticize you for it, but it might be a bit naïve. Just because someone commands respect and influence doesn't mean those closest to him will always agree with his decisions. It seems more realistic that they would oppose his decision if he were to join us."

Ravel eagerly awaited Raiko's next words. "The security of what Virion has built, along with their alliance with Phumera. The various trade routes and the promise of future stability—can the Resistance offer any of that? Most, if not all, is based on hearsay of our good deeds, and even then, it could be twisted by Phumera and her followers to tarnish our reputation."

Deep in thought about Raiko's words, Ravel fell silent as they continued their search. Their contemplation was interrupted by Geharon's exclamation, "Hey! How about this?" Gathering around him, they discovered another small, torn piece of paper.

[Let it commence in a month.]

"It's rather vague, but it does make one wonder what it's about. Perhaps Aaron-sama can shed some light on it," Ravel suggested.

"For now, let's take it with us. It could be nothing, or it could be something significant," Raiko proposed. Handing it to her, Geharon watched as she stored it in her ring, considering the mysterious message they had stumbled upon.

Purposefully, they made their way up to the top floor of the building, their previous searches proving fruitless. Upon reaching the peak, Artemis swiftly incapacitated one of the more formidable foes, leaving them sprawled on the floor—a figure resembling a humanoid butterfly. At the same time, Artemis entered into a confrontational exchange with another enemy, the interaction mimicking more of an interrogation than a typical battle.

"How many are in your group?" Artemis asked, her voice steady even in the midst of the tense confrontation. The humanoid deer, marked by its battle-worn appearance—lacking an eye, antler, and part of its thigh—struggled to form a coherent response as Artemis strategically targeted its vulnerable areas. Each agile dodge of Artemis' strikes caused the creature visible discomfort, resulting in momentary stumbling.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team, making their way toward the subdued humanoid butterfly, watched the unfolding scene with astute eyes, prepared for further developments on the top floor and hoping to uncover the sought-after information.

In a bold and defiant tone, the humanoid deer declared, "I won't give anything away to the Resistance scum! Our goal is to take down Phumera, wipe out the Phoshetoms, and destroy this planet before even considering the so-called incompetent Resistance!"

Artemis swiftly retaliated, delivering a powerful palm strike to the deer's head, followed by a precise knee-strike to his neck, sending him staggering. "That's the most ridiculous statement I've heard in a while. Bravo! Shall I give you a reward for such an outrageous idea?" Artemis shot back, infusing her words with a touch of scorn.

Summoning her divine bow, Artemis unleashed a relentless barrage of arrows, purposely aiming for non-critical areas on the humanoid deer's body. The arrows effectively pinned him to the massive glass window in front of her. Closing the distance, she confronted him with a solemn tone, "Do you understand the rationale behind my earlier statement?"

Attempting to reply, the humanoid deer found himself silenced as Artemis swiftly delivered a powerful kick, incapacitating him and causing nausea. "...Our recent achievements, spanning weeks, almost a month, have marked significant progress. Yet, faced with your delusional and ungrateful perspective, it's disheartening," Artemis continued, a mix of frustration and disappointment evident in her words. "While recognition is not my goal, actively attempting to undermine our efforts tarnishes the hard-earned victories we've attained."

Infusing her finger with energy, Artemis unleashed a searing burst of divine lightning upon the humanoid deer. With a touch of sarcasm, she remarked, "So, now you aspire to 'destroy' us? What for? Seeking recognition? Your ingratitude is truly astonishing."

The jolt of divine lightning brought the humanoid deer back to consciousness, and he retorted vehemently, "Your organization has exhibited incompetence for years! Why should we believe these alleged victories of the past month? They could all be fabrications! We haven't witnessed any tangible evidence yet!"

Artemis, with a hint of disdain, responded, "Ah, tangible evidence. Are you implying that the annihilation of Ferrothos Prime, Ardvoria Deferilds, Viriterra Remetura, and Shadenvyre Machinara, along with their overseers, holds no significance? I challenge you to visit those places yourself and attempt to find even a trace," she declared, fixing him with a penetrating glare.

Abruptly, Artemis felt a hand rest on her shoulder, and when she turned, she met Raiko's worried gaze. Letting out a resigned sigh, Artemis turned away, walking with a heavy heart. "I refuse to apprehend him, but it must be done. Raiko, could you please handle this?" she voiced her thoughts, still angered by the whole situation.

The goddess wasn't infuriated for herself; instead, her anger was directed on behalf of Aaron. She foresaw that Aaron might not respond with anger towards the humanoid deer, and so she felt compelled to stand in his place. It was a dual motivation, driven by the desire to uphold both the Resistance and [DxD]'s pride, intertwined with a deep sense of love for Aaron.

Raiko shifted her focus to the humanoid deer, who seemed to be slowly worsening from his injuries. Quickly, she used her healing abilities to stop the bleeding, while also securing him with strong restraints, effectively neutralizing his powers. Offering a gentle yet firm reassurance, Raiko said, "In the long run, this will work in your favor. Please, don't put up a fight."

Quiet and seemingly cooperative, the humanoid deer allowed Raiko to lead him away, seamlessly rejoining the group. Artemis took charge once more, commanding, "Only two left, let's keep moving." The group left the area, with another captive in tow, determined to carry on with their mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

On Aaron's personal spacecraft, navigating through the vast cosmos, Rias, along with her peerage and Cúntóir, was on route to Qurastale Nexus. This planetary realm was home to Morwenna, her subordinates and their numerous duplicates, the sole occupants of the desolate sphere.

Qurastale Nexus remained devoid of any other inhabitants, as even fellow members of Phumera's organization distanced themselves from Morwenna, repulsed by her methods. Unfazed by the isolation, Morwenna continued with her projects, finding solace in the quietude.

As the ship approached its destination, Rias conferred with Cúntóir, formulating their strategy. "Our objective is clear—obliterate the planet and Morwenna. If possible, gather any valuable data or resources. Cúntóir, you mentioned handling this personally. Does that mean you will be participating in the mission on the planetary surface?" Rias inquired, flanked by Akeno in the cockpit.

Engrossed in thought, Cúntóir appeared to be distracted from Rias's inquiry. Sensing her friend's concern, Rias gently reached out, placing a hand on Cúntóir's shoulder. "C-Cúntóir?" she repeated, looking for acknowledgment.

Shaking off her distraction, Cúntóir refocused on Rias. "Hmm? Apologies for the momentary lapse, Rias. I have come across something intriguing about Morwenna and her current activities. To answer your question, yes, I will accompany you. I wish to personally speak with her about the revelations I have uncovered," Cúntóir explained, meeting Rias's gaze.

Puzzled, Rias asked, "Is it something troubling? Do you need help with it?"

Cúntóir assured her, shaking her head, "No need to worry. I can handle it on my own. But if you decide to join me before we start, feel free to do so," she teased playfully, adding a hint of mystery to her intentions.

Turning to Akeno, Cúntóir shared a comforting thought, "This won't be a long absence, Akeno. We'll be back before you know it."

Perplexed by Cúntóir's enigmatic words, Akeno asked, "What do you mean?"

Rias, showing a deep understanding of her friend, sighed and encouraged Akeno to be honest. "Akeno, I've known you for a long time. Cúntóir and I can see the subtleties in the 'smiles' you wear. Just say it."

Unable to hold back her emotions, Akeno dropped to her knees, hiding her face. "I didn't have much time with Aaron... it's so unfair!" she lamented, then boldly declared, "Can't I just marry him already!?"

Cúntóir and Rias exchanged knowing looks, their smiles revealing a sense of anticipation for this moment. Xenovia and Asia, entering the scene, overheard the conversation, prompting Xenovia to joke, "Isn't this what they call being 'down bad'?" The door swung open as Xenovia and Asia joined the group, injecting a mix of humor and understanding into the situation.

Asia approached Akeno, offering comfort by gently patting her head. "It's okay, Akeno-san... I understand that feeling too," Asia expressed, her eyes reflecting a gentle understanding.

Seeking confirmation, Akeno inquired, "Asia, you get what I mean, right?" The two of them shared a heartfelt hug, finding solace in their mutual sentiments.

Vasco Strada entered the room with a hearty laugh, observing the scene. "Hahaha! Ah, youth, always so eccentric and energetic," he remarked, acknowledging the emotions swirling among the group.

Crom Cruach, the powerful dragon, also joined them, stating, [We're nearly there.]

Rias, noticing the growing crowd, queried, "Jeez, is everyone just gathering in here? And where are Yumi, Shirone, and Gasper?"

Xenovia provided an explanation, "They're engaged in training. His Eminence recently entrusted them with their own exercises."

"I see, well, we're not too far off now. We just need to wait for..." Rias glanced at Akeno and Asia, who appeared bewildered by the sudden pause. "Aaron to join us; he did inform me about it," she clarified.

"Why didn't you mention that earlier!?" Akeno inquired, sporting a slight pout on her face.

Rias responded with a tranquil smile before shifting her gaze towards the window in front of them. Cúntóir took charge, initiating a briefing to ensure that everyone remained aware of the impending mission and its objectives. The atmosphere in the room shifted, transitioning from emotional conversations to a focused preparation for the mission that lay ahead.

— ○ ● ○ —

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