Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 21 – Part 6 – Downfall and Pact

Third Person Point of View

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Shirone elegantly glided through the air, skillfully avoiding the multiple clones of Werett and their powerful hammers. Her small size, combined with her unmatched speed, athleticism, and sharp senses, made it relatively easy for her to evade Werett's attacks.

When a clone tried to strike her with a forceful swing, she effortlessly performed the splits, dodging the attack with ease. With a quick and agile movement, she used her arms to pivot and spin, delivering powerful kicks that not only pushed back numerous clones but also created shockwaves, dispersing even more of them.

Retreating strategically, Shirone evaded another wave of clones, who, in their frenzy, destroyed the spot where she had been standing. The strength of their blows, however, caused a crater whose size seemed disproportionate to the force used.

Aware of the potential hidden abilities of the clones' hammers, Shirone, undeterred, thought to herself, 'Are there secret powers Gaspy failed to mention? Well, dwelling on it won't help me much.' With a determined mindset, she enveloped her body in touki, preparing for more of their attacks.

Shirone advanced with astonishing speed, her punch carving a deep crevice beneath her that split a section of the mall in half. This powerful move proved fatal for more of Werett's clones, but the remaining replicas, undeterred and almost frenzied, continued their relentless charge.

Perplexed by their seemingly mindless pursuit, Shirone wondered, 'Aaron didn't mention them being mindless monsters like this. Could it be a result of Werett's unique personality? I hope Gaspy is handling it well.'

Unfazed by the persistent onslaught, Shirone leaped away once more, skillfully dodging their attacks. Releasing a barrage of touki bullets, each fifty times the size of regular ones, she took aim at the approaching clones. The massive projectiles destroyed large sections beneath her, leaving devastation in their wake and obliterating even more clones in the process.

Unexpectedly, a series of events transpired as multiple clones began consuming each other, noticeably increasing their strength. Recognizing the strategy at play, Shirone quickly understood their plan and, with determination, moved towards the cluster of clones. Leaping into the air, she delivered a powerful punch to the center, unleashing a massive shockwave that transformed into a colossal tornado.

The clones, trapped in the vortex, met their demise swiftly. However, Shirone observed with concern that they persisted in their pursuit of greater power through cannibalistic means. Amidst the chaos, one clone surged noticeably in strength, prompting Shirone to rush towards it and deliver a decisive blow to its abdomen.

"No, you won't!" Shirone exclaimed, successfully eliminating the empowered clone. Yet, the disconcerting realization dawned upon her as more clones rapidly reached comparable levels of strength. Clicking her tongue in frustration, she voiced her concerns, "How many are there? And how does she keep up their creation? Do I wait for Gaspy to kill the original and stop this continuous cycle?"

Shirone's swift reflexes came into play as she suddenly spun, delivering a powerful punch upwards. The resulting shockwave intercepted another airborne clone of Werett, stopping its descent as it tried to strike Shirone with its formidable hammer.

Thinking about the nature of the hammers, Shirone recognized their potential as potent psychological weapons. The mystery surrounding their abilities lingered in her mind. 'Those hammers... are unquestionably more than just physical threats. They wield a psychological advantage. Yet, the tactic in my mind seem merciless. If a target succumbs to the momentary sleep induced by the hammer, the remaining clones could capitalize on the vulnerability. Beating them to death as they fall unconscious.'

Gracefully dancing through the relentless attacks launched by the clones, Shirone delved into contemplation. 'What are the specifics of the hammer's ability? Does one need to be directly 'hit' for the power to activate? Or could mere contact with it trigger the same effect on oneself?'

Confronted with the mysterious power of the hammers, Shirone chose to proceed cautiously, unwilling to test their effects through personal experience. She launched a barrage of touki bullets, strategically targeting the clones without exhausting her reserves, preserving her stamina, and keeping her demonic power in reserve as a last resort.

However, a particularly strong clone, wielding an even larger hammer, rose up with a powerful swing aimed at Shirone. Reacting quickly, she countered with a forceful punch, creating a shockwave that thwarted the oncoming attack. Yet, the treacherous battlefield held another surprise, as a hidden clone approached from behind, launching a sideways strike.

Using her free hand, Shirone released a demonic ball, eliminating the ambushing clone and several others in the process. She then stepped up her offensive, conjuring a massive stream of flames that engulfed the surroundings, reducing both foes and the immediate terrain to ashes.

Shirone exhaled a deep sigh before smoothly shifting into another combat stance. "We'll keep going until Gaspy kills the original," she declared with a stern gaze, prepared to withstand the unyielding assault of clones until the source of the problem was eliminated.

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The vicinity where Gasper stood was enveloped in a complex dance of darkness. Countless blades and tentacles of shadowy energy formed an imposing barrier, freezing several clones in their tracks as Balor assumed control with a third eye on Gasper's forehead. A legion of bats immobilized even more clones, while the time-stopping eyes on the blades and tentacles further tilted the battle in Gasper's favor.

Undeterred, the original Werett found herself engaged in combat with Gasper, who advanced with casual nonchalance. Her attempts to strike Gasper were effortlessly repelled by a protective shield of darkness.

"Can we stop this charade already? I want to return home and spent time with my lovers than be out here dealing with psychos like you," Gasper demanded firmly.

<<Kuku, who would have anticipated that the once-cowardly dhampir would exhibit such prowess? If the version of you from a year ago witnessed your current state, he'd likely deem you an entirely different entity or perhaps believe you to be possessed,>> remarked Balor, his commentary a blend of amusement and acknowledgment of Gasper's transformative journey.

A wry smile graced Gasper's face as he confidently approached the slightly flustered Werett. Unfazed, he maintained his composed demeanor amidst the chaotic battle unfolding around them.

"Hah! Why should I stop? My existence is devoted to my own desires and the whims of Lady Morwenna. She generously provides me with countless subjects for my satisfaction. As long as I fulfill the occasional task, freedom is mine to savor," exclaimed Werett, her declaration accompanied by a powerful leap towards Gasper. The force of her jump left a substantial crater in her wake, a testament to the formidable strength housed within her legs. Swiftly, she swung her hammer in an attempt to strike Gasper.

A gargantuan fist, forged from the depths of darkness, rose from the earth with perfect timing, thwarting Werett's hammer swing. The shadowy limb not only parried her attack but overpowered her, forcefully hurling her into a nearby store. Despite the impact, Werett sustained only minor injuries, swiftly recovering and springing back into action.

The scene replayed itself as another fist of darkness appearing, delivering a powerful blow that sent Werett sprawling to a different section of the mall. Gasper, undeterred, continued his relentless advance, seamlessly melding the might of his darkness and time-stopping abilities.

The frozen clones became easy targets for his calculated strikes—whether impaling them with swords of darkness or crushing the life out of them using the tentacles at his disposal.

"Kukukuku~" Werett's ominous laughter reverberated through the chaotic scene, sending chills down Gasper's spine. He watched as she unsteadily rose to her feet, a mysterious proclamation lingering in the air, leaving him bewildered.

A maniacal grin adorned Werett's face as she hefted her hammer with both arms. Suddenly, an unseen thunderbolt struck the hammer, only to be absorbed into Werett's body. Without warning, she crumpled to the ground, the thunder within her growing in both size and ferocity. Violent convulsions shook her form, and foam frothed at her mouth.

Perplexed by the unfolding spectacle, Gasper conjured additional tentacles crafted from darkness and directed them towards Werett. To his amazement, the thunder surrounding her acted as a strong barrier, thwarting his initial attack. Undeterred, Gasper intensified the strength of his tentacles until finally breaking through, striking Werett with devastating force and obliterating the surrounding section of the mall.

Gasper's intuition was proven correct when a powerful surge of thunder erupted from the site where Werett had been struck. To Gasper's annoyance, the aftermath revealed Werett standing there, a wide grin adorning her face. Thunder crackled menacingly around her body, an ominous aura extending to her now-empowered hammer.

Pointing her charged weapon at Gasper, Werett declared with glee, "This is where the real fun begins!!" In a burst of energy, she leaped towards Gasper, her hammer arcing through the air with thunderous force.

Sporting a calm expression, Gasper's middle eye gaze locked onto Werett, causing her to halt in her tracks. With a sigh that seemed to emerge from the depths of his entire being, Gasper moved closer to her, ascending a staircase of darkness that materialized beneath his feet until he stood eye to eye with Werett.

"At another time, I might have given in to panic, shedding tears and pleading for help. But in this moment, such emotions evade me," declared Gasper, leaving Werett bewildered. His attention then shifted to where Shirone grappled with more clones of Werett, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "None of us would have reached this strength if not for Aaron-nii. Our collective strength owes its existence to him. We haven't even formally thanked him yet, which is surprising."

Though Werett tried to form a response, her voice faltered. 'W-what the hell is he talking about?'

Gasper firmly gripped Werett's face, his hand shrouded in darkness. "After witnessing this phenomenon multiple times in this universe, and being inspired by Natsume-san's own version of it, I thought to myself, 'Why not try it myself?' Ah, yes, the incantation is 'Amplifica,' right? Cușca Nopții Interzise și a Întunericului (Cage of Forbidden Night and Darkness)," Gasper muttered, and the surroundings plunged into an abyssal blackness.

As the darkness closed in, Gasper himself seemed to fade away, leaving Werett with a sense of newfound freedom. She descended to the obsidian ground, surrounded by an endless void. Searching the area revealed no signs of life; not even her clones or the familiar features of the mall were present.

A single bead of sweat rolled down Werett's face as she pondered, "That little femboy said 'Amplifica,' right? So…this must be his own dimension then. All I have to do is destroy it!"

Raising her hammer with a maniacal grin, Werett brought it crashing down upon the ground, pouring every ounce of her strength into the strike. Much to her bewilderment, the ground remained the same. Undeterred, she repeated the process, each strike resonating with frustration and growing confusion. The relentless assault continued, a testament to her efforts, until weariness took its toll, forcing her to collapse onto all fours, utterly drained.

"Why isn't it breaking!?" she exclaimed in exasperation. "I... I can't use that technique yet. Despite attempting it repeatedly in the past, I can't! What the hell am I missing!? As a result, I lack the means to counteract this, shit!"

Suddenly, tentacles of darkness unfurled from all directions—from below, above, and the surrounding expanse. Alert to this encroaching threat, Werett, fatigued but unwilling to succumb, leapt away, evading the ensnaring darkness. Yet, despite her efforts, a colossal hand of shadows appeared from behind, ensnaring her in its grasp.

"Damn it! What in the hell!? I didn't sense this shit at all!" Werett bellowed in anger, her attempts to extricate herself from the shadowy restraint proving futile, given her lingering exhaustion.

An immense figure, a disturbing embodiment of darkness, rose suddenly from the earth, and standing upon this eerie creation, Gasper appeared, fixing his gaze on Werett. As their eyes met once again, a hint of a smile played across Gasper's face.

"I haven't perfected this technique yet, but the experiment is proving to be quite useful. I have a multitude of ideas to explore further. Allow me to express my gratitude, Werett, for willingly serving as my guinea pig. Unfortunately, this is where we part ways. I will take that hammer from you, maybe Aaron-nii can use it in some way, given its resemblance Mjolnir but…well, shittier," declared Gasper while staring at the hammer.

"Huh?! What the hell did you just say, you asshole?!" Werett exploded in a fury, unleashing a torrent of curses at Gasper with an unexpected fervor, given her recent exhaustion.

Mildly taken aback by the sudden surge of energy in Werett's verbal assault, Gasper mused, 'I suppose cursing taps into a different reserve of energy, doesn't it?' He observed her for a moment before posing a question, "How did you find yourself on this path? What led you down this trajectory? You had other choices, so why did you choose this one?"

"Do you really think I'm just going to open up to you and spill all my woes? Guess again! I didn't end up like this because it's my default mode! Let me clue you in, pretty boy. The truth is, not everyone is dealt the same hand in life. We're thrown into situations that force us to adapt. Just like me!" Werett declared boldly.

Her roots can be traced back to a world tainted by the cruelty of abusive parents, both with a disturbing affinity for tormenting their own flesh and blood. Werett's journey began with a rocky start, as the toxic mix of inherited traits and the haunting memories of her parents' cruel actions left an indelible mark on her psyche from a young age.

At the young age of five, Werett's introduction to a life of violence set her on a dark path that only grew more intense with time. She made a habit of inflicting beatings and brutalizing anyone who crossed her, but as she reached her late teens, a disturbing fixation emerged—targeting a specific age group for various perverse activities.

The power she wielded over her chosen victims brought Werett a perverse gratification that she found irresistibly intoxicating. Over time, her inclinations evolved, and she discovered pleasure in both inflicting physical harm and the more insidious pursuits she engaged in.

This dark journey continued until she encountered Morwenna, a figure who not only came dangerously close to ending her life but also granted her a twisted lease on existence. Ever adaptable, Werett seized this newfound opportunity with the fervor that defined her chaotic journey.

Gasper leveled a gaze at Werett, tinged with a hint of pity, an expression that filled her with disdain. She struggled against her restraints with even more rage, but, as before, it was in vain.

"I had choices," Gasper mused, his tone reflective. "I could have walked a similar path, perhaps not identical to yours, but certainly shrouded in darkness. Maybe your circumstances were even more desperate than mine, but the fact remains—life presents us with choices. You had the opportunity to break free from the cycle of hatred, yet you embraced it, taking it to unprecedented depths. It's truly amazing, albeit in a twisted way. Granted, words are just that—words. People have differing levels of endurance and willpower. But, I can't help but wonder—why didn't you try harder?" Gasper probed.

"Huh!?" Werett muttered, the words from Gasper igniting a fire within her. "Try? I did try! But who cares now! It's all in the damn past! Die, die, die, die!" she screamed in a burst of unleashed fury.

Brimming with the desire to release all the pent-up frustration accumulated over the years, she hesitated for a moment. However, determined to deny Gasper the satisfaction of making her "open up," Werett intensified, hurling even more venomous insults at Gasper, who sighed in response.

Summoning additional hands of darkness to immobilize her head, Gasper gently placed his hand on top of her head. "I hope Aaron-nii grants you a normal reincarnation, one into a loving family," he said calmly. A few seconds later, blades of darkness began to emerge from her head and body, bringing about her demise.

The dimension Gasper had carefully woven together crumbled in an instant when he deactivated his powers. Surveying the aftermath, a heavy sigh escaped him as he took in the sight of the once-standing mall now in ruins. The roof had been obliterated, and the majority of the shops and structures lay in a decimated state.

To his left, Gasper noticed Shirone, arms crossed and wearing a pout. Her glare, directed at him, sparked confusion. Moving towards her, he inquired, "W-what's wrong, Shirone-chan?" His question was accompanied by a nervous stutter. Upon reaching her, however, Shirone seized his cheeks, pinching and stretching them.



"Do you have any idea how long you made me fight those things?" Shirone queried.

"N-no...?" Gasper nervously responded, unsure of the consequences of his actions.

"I've been fighting them for too long, and now there are even more," Shirone said, pointing behind Gasper.

"Eh? Wait, I thought they would stop being created once Werett was killed?" Gasper asked, his confusion evident as he watched additional clones of the now-deceased Werett. The clones, with a sinister laughter, advanced menacingly towards the duo.

"It seems that wasn't the case. We should have asked more specific questions about the clones, but I suppose we'll just have to dispose of them all before we can move on from this location," Shirone explained. She sighed and shifted into her [Shirone Mode]. "Let's get this done. I don't want to stay on this creepy planet for too long."

"Creepy planet? Is this planet giving you the creeps?" Gasper asked.

After a brief pause, Shirone looked around and replied, "I can't quite put my finger on it, but something feels off about this place. It's like I'm being watched by invisible eyes. Maybe it has to do with the planet's history before Morwenna took over. Perhaps there was a civilization here before her, and she wiped them out. Either way, let's take care of these clones quickly and get out of this eerie place."

Gasper released a sigh and embraced the darkness around him. "Alright, let's do this, but... how about we explore this place? There might be something we can uncover. What do you think?" he suggested.

Shirone cast an unamused glance at Gasper before reluctantly adding, "A-Aaron-nii may appreciate it too! Y-you know, with how he is and all. M-maybe we can help them pass on or something if your theory is correct!"

As she cloaked herself in touki, Shirone continued, "I'll keep that in mind, but for now, let's get rid of them. If by the end of this, I change my mind, then I'll tell you. If not, we'll just leave, alright?"

"Fine by me!" Gasper replied as both he and Shirone unleashed formidable attacks toward the horde of Werett clones, obliterating them. Gasper, however, observed with surprise, "...Huh? Did your touki just kill them? My attack didn't do much."

Shirone was struck by a revelation about the purification effect of her touki, prompting a shake of her head. "Purification. In this mode, my attacks will usually purify anything that comes into contact with it. That means..."

"Wait, these aren't clones of Werett but... ghosts!? Then who's controlling or making them!?" Gasper exclaimed, visibly shocked.

Closing her eyes to focus on the task at hand, Shirone realized that she had been so absorbed in combat that she hadn't noticed the subtle distinctions in some of the clones' properties. Silently scolding herself, she pushed those thoughts aside for the moment.

"Found it. It's... someone else? I don't think they're a subordinate of Morwenna, but something else... Why didn't Aaron tell us about this?" Shirone asked, a frown etching her features as she surveyed the ground.

"He just didn't want to reveal the details?" Gasper cautiously proposed, earning a piercing glare from Shirone. "I-I mean, he forewarned us about the mission, but maybe he intentionally kept us unaware of this planet's history so we could discover it ourselves. Y-you know he has a tendency to do that, right?"

<<Other me, why do you fear her so much? In theory, we could match her strength, right?>> questioned Balor.

'...I can't help but see Shirone in any other light. It's just the way she has always been, and I suppose it continued even after I stopped being afraid of everything else,' Gasper confessed guiltily, acknowledging the deeply rooted dynamics of his relationship with Shirone.

Sighing, Shirone beckoned, "Come with me. Let's go meet them," before quickly darting away. In response, Gasper quickly ran to the hammer that Werett left behind, storing it in his necklace and ran towards Shirone, leaving behind a maze of dark tentacles to impede and slow down the ghostly apparitions of Werett as they pursued.

To Gasper's surprise, Shirone led them into a nearby building, prompting him to quickly follow. After briefly scanning the surroundings, she activated her ring's functions, identifying a specific candle. With a swift motion, she pulled it down, producing clanking sounds within the home. This triggered the revelation of a concealed staircase, prompting both of them to descend without hesitation.

"Geh, why is it so long!?" Gasper exclaimed, his frustration evident as the staircase seemed to stretch indefinitely. The prospect of an extended descent prompted a grimace at the thought of traversing it for an extended period.

"Let's just ignore the staircase and take the leap," Shirone proposed, plunging into the hole at the center.

Resigned to the unpredictable nature of their adventures, Gasper followed suit, exclaiming, "Why does it always have to end like this?" His words echoed the familiar sentiment of their previous escapades with Aaron and the rest of their group when exploring different pantheons and sites.

Unlike their past experiences, their descent came to an abrupt end as they passed through a barrier, finding themselves in an eerie forest. The surroundings were bathed in a pale green hue, with a distinct chill lingering in the air. Each breath they took turned into visible vapor in the frigid atmosphere.

"...It's just like the 'Amplifica' that the people of the Phantasma use, but I sense no evil here. How did... Morwenna overlook this? Or perhaps the wielder of this technique had never used it before, choosing only now to get our attention?" Gasper pondered, wrestling with the curious circumstances of their current location.

Shirone, on the other hand, remained silent, opting not to engage with Gasper's speculation. Instead, she set off in a specific direction, drawn by a particular life force that called out to her. The eerie forest they journeyed through was populated by towering mushrooms resembling trees, intermingled with contorted, regular trees.

As they pressed on, they came upon a small river, and Shirone followed its path northward. Gasper, silent but for his thoughts, trailed behind, unable to resist stealing glances at the peculiar dimension they now found themselves in.

Approaching the destination guided by Shirone, Gasper felt a distinct presence in the air, prompting him to be on guard for any potential developments. As they reached a small clearing, they were met with a sight that heightened Gasper's alertness—a large throne crafted from shattered stone, occupied by a woman.

The woman had long, gray, curly hair, red eyes framed by a black crown, and earrings adorning both her ears. She wore a long black dress, complemented by a red pendant around her neck. At first, she seemed fixated on the ground, but then she raised her gaze, revealing a tranquil yet eerie smile.

"Welcome, Shirone, Gasper. I have been watching you since you fought Werett, and I finally gained your attention. Please listen to my plea before leaving my last Amplifica," she implored, capturing their focus with a request that carried an air of urgency.

Shirone gave a solemn nod as Gasper stood steadfast by her side. The woman, the once ruler of the planet, took a deep breath before speaking to them.

"I am Yasevi, the former queen of this planet. As you may have already deduced, Morwenna, that despicable woman, took control while exterminating all of my people. I managed to escape, and with the aid of an unknown power several months ago, I managed to conceal myself. I had been gradually fading away until I sensed both of you in close proximity to me."

"I observed your battles and eventually witnessed Gasper's victory against Werett, prompting me to reach out to both of you. I have only one plea—please put an end to her and all those who stand with her. That woman deserves nothing less, and make it as agonizing as possible," Yasevi implored, her words laden with the weight of an unyielding desire for retribution.

"Well... that was the plan, but—"

"Why not?" Aaron's voice echoed through the clearing, taking the trio by surprise. They looked around until Aaron and Akeno appeared, revealing themselves by dispelling their invisibility. "Hey," Aaron greeted casually, raising his hand in greeting.

Yasevi, struck by a sense of familiarity, gazed at Aaron, trying to remember where she had met him before. But Aaron interrupted, "Did you mean this?" A small pulse of his powers radiated from him, causing Yasevi's eyes to widen in shock.

"Y-you... you were the one who helped me escape?" she asked, seeking confirmation. Aaron nodded, but quickly explained, maintaining a sense of humility.

"Your people didn't die. I simply put that illusion in front of you and Morwenna back then. I transported them to a different planet that's been shrouded in illusions since, so they wouldn't be detected. For the last few months, they've been living relatively well under the guidance of one of my Shadow Soldiers. If you want, I can bring you to them after I heal you," Aaron explained, unraveling the truth that had been concealed behind her perceived tragedy.

Yasevi, visibly shocked, absorbed the revelation. This act was one of the things Aaron had undertaken after evolving, utilizing the pulse that resonated throughout the omniverse to affect Yasevi and her people. Despite her perceived suffering, Aaron had subtly extended help over the months, attempts that had gone unnoticed, ultimately leading to her current state.

"W-wait a moment, does that mean you... h-huh?" Yasevi stammered, still grappling with the revelation, but a wave of overwhelming joy began to surface within her.

"Does that mean the king is over there too?" Shirone inquired, directing her gaze at Aaron.

"As far as Aaron explained to me, there's no king in the picture, right?" Akeno asked, turning towards Yasevi for clarification.

"The king and my former husband died before all of this happened. He succumbed to a disease, to which I believe the Abstion Purgers were responsible for. We tried very hard to find a cure, but didn't succeed or, at least, when we came close, it suddenly disappeared or 'didn't work,' according to them," Yasevi explained, her tone tinged with bitterness as she recounted the tragic fate of her spouse.

"Aaron-nii, what do you think... about that?" Gasper asked, but Aaron shook his head, dismissing the idea.

"I checked, but he has reincarnated, unfortunately," Aaron replied with a frown directed at Yasevi. The former queen understood the implied meaning, and a single tear fell from her eye as she looked downward.

To shift the conversation, Aaron suggested, "I could teleport you there now and have the Shadow—"

"I will stay. I want to see," she interrupted, trying to stand but stumbling. Shirone and Gasper quickly came to her aid. "Thank you," she expressed her gratitude before turning to look at Aaron. "I... want to see Morwenna's downfall. Please, let me do that. Even if I can't be the one to bring about her demise...!"

Aaron let out a sigh and gently tapped Yasevi's head, using his healing touch to restore her well-being. "Very well, stick close to me then," he directed, his tone now more accommodating. Turning his attention to Shirone and Gasper, he offered words of commendation with affectionate pats on their heads.

"Good job and good work. Can you two join the rest? Akeno and I still have a few places to check out before we join you; we'll take Yasevi from here."

"Mmm. Good luck," Shirone purred in response.

"Aaron-nii, can I make a request?" Gasper sought permission, receiving an affirmative nod from Aaron.

"I want to fight with Valagor and Jelania's son, so can you teleport us there?"

After a brief contemplation, Aaron agreed with a condition, "Xenovia and Asia are currently battling him, so you may need to team up with them. Are you fine with that?"

"That's fine," Gasper confirmed. Aaron nodded once more, clicking his fingers to teleport the duo away.

Yasevi, now standing on her own, gazed at Aaron with a mixture of admiration and determination. "Where are we off to?" she asked.

"We're heading to a few 'secret' spots that Morwenna created. We just left one of them and found some fascinating plans she's been developing in private. Anyway, let's go; three more to visit," Aaron explained, urging them to quickly leave the dimension as Yasevi skillfully reversed the technique.

— ○ ● ○ —

Vasco Strada and Lint Sellzen made their way through the city, systematically destroying structures and defeating an assorted number of clones of an unfamiliar individual. This mysterious figure had short, light blonde hair, reddish-orange eyes, and wore a black shirt paired with a white military jacket casually draped over her back. A long white skirt extended to her knees, complemented by long black socks and white moccasin shoes.

A sudden pause in the clones' movements caught their attention. All at once, the clones turned their gaze towards a building where the same woman, undoubtedly their source, raised her hand in a friendly wave. "Hi~" she greeted, prompting a contemplative exchange of glances between Lint and Vasco Strada as they deliberated whether to return the greeting.

Undeterred, the woman gracefully leaped from her elevated perch, halting her descent just above the clones. A warm smile graced her face as she introduced herself, "I'm Vinalia, one of Lady Morwenna's subordinates. I've been assigned the task of preventing you from causing further havoc. No hard feelings, okay~?"

"Okay!" Lint exclaimed with excitement, unleashing holy purple flames towards Vinalia using her [Incinerate Anthem]. To her surprise, the clones swiftly positioned themselves in front of the original Vinalia, meeting their obliteration.

"That's not very kind, we haven't even started a countdown," remarked Vinalia, expressing her disapproval. However, Vasco Strada suddenly appeared behind her, directing a [Holy Fist] towards her back. To his astonishment, the woman vanished in a puff of white smoke before his attack could land.

The shockwave of Vasco's attack reverberated, obliterating a multitude of clones and prompting Lint to swiftly conjure a protective magic circle in front of her. Vasco landed on the ground, swinging his [Durandal X] in a circular motion, eliminating more clones in the process. "I apologize, Lint," he expressed regretfully.

"It's quite alright, your Eminence," Lint replied, maintaining her composure. "I certainly didn't expect to encounter the legendary [Holy Fist] so unexpectedly today," she added with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

Their brief exchange was abruptly interrupted by the sudden appearance of expansive clouds across the sky. A colossal humanoid creature rapidly formed from the converging clouds and descended to the ground with a resounding thud. Perched atop the creature's head was Vinalia, once again waving in a nonchalant manner.

She winked mischievously before releasing a substantial stream of white smoke from her mouth, directed at both Lint and Vasco Strada. Vasco Strada swiftly swung his sword, cutting the stream in half. However, the severed smoke segments exhibited unexpected resilience and continued toward them.

"Take this then!" Lint declared, unleashing her holy purple flames at the smoke. This time, the flames proved effective, incinerating the smoke and earning a satisfied smile from Vinalia.

"Well, my Sacred Gear works on it, perhaps due to its holy properties? Why not channel that through your [Durandal X], your Eminence?" suggested Lint, offering a strategic idea.

"Hmm. I will give that a try," replied Vasco Strada. With determination, he leapt towards the cloud monster, and Vinalia, accompanied by Lint who gracefully ascended, engaged the clones surrounding them, leaving Vasco Strada to confront the primary threat.

As Vasco Strada reached the creature, he imbued his [Durandal X] with holy energy, executing a powerful swing aimed at both Vinalia and the cloud monster. The creature attempted to shield itself with its hand, but the slash cut through it, forcing Vinalia to dodge as the rest of the cloud creature was bisected by Vasco's formidable attack.

Yet, as Vinalia turned her gaze towards Vasco Strada, she was met with his sudden disappearance. Swiftly, before she could react, another [Holy Fist] found its mark, landing squarely on her back, sending her hurtling through several buildings. Vasco Strada wasted no time and pursued her, appearing in front of her once more to deliver another devastating [Holy Fist], this time striking her face and propelling her even further.

The venerable warrior materialized above the point where Vinalia had crashed. With [Durandal X] in hand, he initiated his own rendition of the [Durandal Cannon]. A potent stream of holy energy surged from the sword, charging swiftly as he aimed it directly at Vinalia. The unleashed power was unleashed, directed with precision after a brief but effective charge.

Beneath Vasco Strada, the space erupted into a colossal dome of holy energy, obliterating not only Vinalia but also the surrounding clones. Despite this display of power, Vasco Strada remained vigilant, sensing the lingering aura of Vinalia.

In a sudden moment, a trail of white smoke appeared behind him. Reacting swiftly, he thrust his elbow into it, imbuing the strike with holy energy. The attack found its mark, colliding with flesh, and Vinalia was forcefully propelled away again.

However, Vasco Strada's keen awareness detected multiple cloud-like weapons manifesting around him, hurtling towards him with intent. He swung his sword at one of them, successfully destroying it, but to his dismay, it promptly regenerated and continued its relentless assault.

"Hmm," Vasco Strada mused thoughtfully as he once again charged his blade with holy energy, sweeping it around himself with precision, dispelling the cloud-like weapons for good. His demeanor conveyed a blend of acknowledgement and introspection. "As expected, these are imbued with darkness and shadows, amplifying the potency of any holy or light energy attacks. Lord Aaron may have mentioned this before, but I had assumed that only certain individuals would possess such abilities, not everyone with access to different innate powers," he reflected quietly.

Suddenly, Vasco Strada swiftly leaned to the left, skillfully deflecting a stream of swirling clouds directed at him. His gaze sharpened in the direction of the attack, only to find Vinalia wearing an expression of both fury and annoyance.

"I don't appreciate being hit. Men don't usually hit women, do they?" Vinalia questioned incredulously, challenging the traditional norms with a hint of defiance in her tone.

"Such norms hold no weight in a battle, young Vinalia. Once on the battlefield, everyone becomes nothing but a warrior, and the only thing warriors need to do is face each other. The victor is the one who determines the next move," Vasco Strada replied with confidence, meeting Vinalia's glare with a steadfast smile.

"Ah, so you're just a brute. I understand now," she retorted with a scoff. Without hesitation, she snapped her fingers, summoning swirling serpent clouds around them. These ethereal snakes were colossal, their cloudy bodies coiling around the city's large buildings. "Get him," she ordered.

The cloud snakes lunged towards Vasco Strada, who moved with a grace that defied his imposing stature. Swiftly avoiding one of the snakes' strikes, he executed a rapid turn, slashing through it and cleaving it in half. Another snake approached, but Vasco Strada skillfully sidestepped its attack before delivering a powerful [Holy Fist], obliterating a portion of its form and dispelling the threat.

'…I can't comprehend it. This man possesses an overwhelming level of strength and speed. Individuals of his stature typically rely solely on sheer physical power. I must too—'

Before Vinalia could finish her thoughts, Vasco's fist collided with her face, shattering her nose and sending her crashing to the ground once more. As she struggled to regain her footing, the former Cardinal swiftly descended and stood before her, waiting for her to rise.

"Why do you align yourself with Morwenna? I have been informed of your deeds by my Lord, so I am intrigued to know why," Vasco Strada inquired as he observed Vinalia getting back on her feet.

Despite her broken nose and partially disfigured face, Vasco anticipated her to speak, but to his astonishment, her features began to rapidly mend. Vasco then activated his necklace to discern her true nature, discovering that she belonged to the same vampire race as Ecilon, native to this universe.

"If we consume our victims, we augment our strength, especially if we consume the vitality of the youthful. Lady Morwenna presented me with a compelling proposition, which I accepted. The longer I live, the higher the probability of my ascension to greater power," Vinalia elucidated, her gaze fixed upon Vasco Strada.

Upon hearing her rationale, the former Cardinal's face darkened, prompting him to query, "Do you not perceive the ethical dilemmas inherent in such a philosophy? There exist alternative paths to strength oneself and prolong your existence."

"Why should I expend effort on difficult methods when simpler alternatives are around? Work smarter not harder, that's always been my motto and I see no reason to change it," Vinalia retorted with disdain. Yet, a subtle grin graced her lips as she added, "Although, I have started doing other things too, which serve to alleviate the burdens of this demanding job, you understand?"

Vasco Strada's expression darkened even further, but he held his tongue, fully grasping the weight of Vinalia's words, which unsettled him to the core. With a resigned sigh, he unsheathed his blade, the Durandal X, once again. "Very well. I shall rid the world of the evil before me, for I cannot tolerate such depravity any longer."

A smirk curled on Vinalia's lips as she replied, "My regeneration knows no bounds. I will simply keep regenerating until your strength and stamina run out, as I have done countless times before." With a quick motion, she drew her sword, enveloped in ethereal white smoke and swirling clouds.

Vinalia charged forward, closing the gap between herself and Vasco Strada, her sword slicing down with deadly intent. But her anticipation turned to horror as Vasco skillfully caught her blade between his fingers. Despite her attempts to retrieve her weapon, it remained trapped, and before she could react, a sudden wave of dread washed over her. Glancing at her left arm, she found the unthinkable—it had been severed.

In a frantic effort to fix the situation, Vinalia let go of her sword, clutching her severed limb as she leaped away. With desperation, she tried to reattach it, relying on her regenerative abilities to quickly heal the wound. To her shock, however, her powers failed her, leaving her gazing in disbelief at her incapacitated arm.

Vasco Strada moved forward with precision, his unwavering gaze fixed on Vinalia. "As a servant of the divine, I remain steadfast in my commitment to the teachings of our church and the will of the Lord. However, in the ever-changing flow of time, adaptation becomes necessary. We move forward in collaboration with various factions, making progress in our pursuits. Yet, in this constant change, certain truths endure..."

In an instant, Vasco disappeared from view, reappearing behind Vinalia. With a swift movement, he cleansed his blade of her blood, reciting solemnly, "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32." With that, he left to reunite with Lint Sellzen, leaving Vinalia bewildered.

As she tried to move, her right arm separated from her body, followed by larger portions of her torso, until her body was torn apart, extinguishing her existence. Though her end was sudden, Vinalia held no regrets for her actions. Her final thoughts lingered on the unfinished "meal" awaiting her in her quarters in this earthly realm, a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of life.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hmm? Ah, your Eminence, you're finished?" Lint asked as Vasco Strada appeared before her.

Surrounded by towering angelic beings wreathed in holy purple flames, Lint stood among the activation of her Balance Breaker, [Lovely Heavenly Angels]. The trio of majestic angels diligently incinerated the clones of Vinalia that were around her.

"I have finished my battle, though it confuses me that these clones are still here even after the demise of their original," remarked Vasco Strada as he joined Lint's side. "It is conceivable that their functionality doesn't rely on their original being alive, perhaps they operate independently. Thus, their continued presence suggests..."

"In order to put a stop to these clones, we need to find and eliminate the source," declared Lint passionately, prompting a chuckle from Vasco Strada, who agreed with her analysis.

"It seems likely that Morwenna's minions are working under the same principles. It's possible that they are being sustained by some kind of mechanism or technique that keeps generating them. Regardless, we need to thoroughly search this area before we move forward," suggested Vasco Strada, his tone determined.

"Roger!" Lint exclaimed, her voice echoing as she summoned her angelic wings and ascended into the skies. Channeling a powerful blend of light energy and her signature holy purple flames, she condensed them into a small sphere and propelled it skyward with a resounding cry. "Fly!"

Flaming and shimmering lines erupted from the sphere, homing in on the clones of Vinalia below and swiftly dispatching them. The combination of piercing light energy and engulfing flames left no trace of the clones in their wake.

Silently observing the spectacle, Vasco Strada watched as Lint systematically eradicated the clones surrounding her, aided by her formidable flaming angels who intercepted any attempting to evade her onslaught. In the chaos, Vasco's keen gaze detected a peculiar anomaly—a figure lurking within a nearby building. Without hesitation, he leaped towards the structure, swiftly cleaving the building in twain.

"Ah shit...!" the man cursed, narrowly avoiding being cut in half as he crouched low. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared behind him, unleashing a barrage of dark tentacles towards Vasco Strada.

Reacting swiftly, the former Cardinal infused his sword with holy energy, effortlessly dispersing the ominous tendrils. Unfazed, the man gritted his teeth and hurled crimson projectiles towards Vasco, only to have them expertly sliced in two by the Cardinal's blade. In a decisive move, Vasco delivered a powerful blow to the man's abdomen, sending him through buildings.

Meanwhile, Lint entered the fight, leaving the task of dealing with the remaining clones of Vinalia to her relentless barrage of energy and her angelic summons. Rushing to Vasco's side, she aimed her light gun at the spot where the man had been knocked back and unleashed a torrent of light energy, obliterating the area in a brilliant explosion.

To their astonishment, the man emerged relatively unscathed, his minor injuries swiftly healing before their eyes. With short brown hair neatly parted in the middle, gray eyes, and clad in a long red coat paired with black pants and boots, he presented an enigmatic figure. Hovering behind him, the shadowy entity caressed his cheek tenderly, eliciting bewilderment from both Lint and Vasco Strada.

"I shouldn't have underestimated the intruders upon learning of Werett and Vinalia's demise. That error falls squarely on my shoulders," the man muttered, redirecting his gaze towards Lint and Vasco Strada. "The name's Pugader, by the way. They call me the Strongest Lolicon."

Pugader's proclamation left Lint and Vasco Strada dumbfounded, exchanging bewildered glances in silent disbelief. However, their confusion deepened as the shadowy figure behind Pugader lightly reprimanded him with a playful smack.

"Haha, my apologies, Gleeha. You know you're my favorite," Pugader chuckled, leaning in to share a kiss with the shadowy entity, further perplexing the duo.

In silence, Lint aimed her light gun at Pugader and Gleeha, firing a single shot that Gleeha intercepted with a low growl. Taking in the strange scene, Lint commented, "...Hmm, yeah, this is really weird. Maybe even stranger than the time I saw Aaron-paisen engaging in unconventional affection with his mother, nothing lewd though."

"Affection takes on many forms; it is not our place to judge," Vasco Strada remarked sagely, nodding in understanding. "However, our duty demands that we rid this universe of the malevolence that plagues it. Forgive us, little ones."

Vasco Strada directed his sword towards Pugader and Gleeha, harnessing a tremendous surge of holy energy from both his weapon and his body. Without hesitation, he charged forward, racing towards the mysterious pair with resolute determination.

As his blade descended upon them, Pugader and Gleeha agilely dodged the attack, aided by their combined abilities. Nevertheless, the force unleashed by Vasco's strike left behind a massive fissure, tearing through the very surface of the planet. The immense chasm exposed glimpses of the planet's core, filling both Gleeha and Pugader with a sense of unease as they gazed upon the foreboding sight before them.

"You're quite the daring one yourself, aren't you?" Pugader remarked with a smirk, meeting Vasco Strada's gaze with a hint of admiration.

In an instant, both Pugader and Vasco Strada vanished, leaving behind a resounding shockwave that rippled through the atmosphere. The clash between Pugader's crimson sword shrouded in darkness and Vasco Strada's legendary [Durandal X] erupted in a spectacle of power and intensity. From her vantage point on the ground, Lint observed the titanic struggle, witnessing Vasco Strada's overwhelming dominance over his opponent.

"Even with all our strength, we're still being pushed back? You must be out of your mind, you hulking brute!" Pugader exclaimed incredulously, his frustration evident as he and Gleeha were forcibly repelled by the formidable might of the man before them.

Lint turned to Vasco Strada; concern etched on her face. "Your Eminence, do you need any help?" she asked, as Vasco Strada landed gracefully beside her.

Vasco Strada thought for a moment before replying, "I have taken care of the previous subordinate. However, how about this: engage them on my behalf. I will observe and provide guidance as necessary. As teammates, we should acquaint ourselves with each other's abilities. Our training prior to and during our time here may have developed new techniques and skills."

A grin spread across Lint Sellzen's face as she summoned a light sword, enveloping it in purple holy flames. Dual-wielding the blazing blade and light gun, she licked her lips eagerly. "Roger that! I will gladly put on a show for His Eminence!" she declared with confidence, ready to demonstrate her prowess in battle.

Lint Sellzen soared towards Pugader and Gleeha, her radiant wings spanning wide. Pugader shifted his focus to the imminent danger as Gleeha unleashed a flurry of dark tendrils from his back. With skill and grace, Lint adeptly cut through the approaching darkness with her blade of light, the flames of justice consuming the severed strands.

Closing the gap with unparalleled speed, Lint continued her relentless assault, her determination unwavering. In a quick and unexpected move, she delivered a forceful headbutt to Pugader's midsection, sending him backward. Yet, Pugader swiftly regained his footing, stopping his momentum with a surge of crimson energy, his resilience shining through despite the strength of the impact.

Pugader's offhand comment earned him a sharp rebuke from Gleeha, prompting Lint to assert with fervor, "I am not a loli!"

With determination burning in her eyes, Lint surged forward, directing a swift kick at Pugader. However, he skillfully dodged her attack, using his crimson energy to propel himself out of harm's way. Yet, to his astonishment, Lint's agility exceeded his expectations as her foot connected with his face in a lightning-fast maneuver, catching him off guard with her impressive speed.

Propelled backward, Pugader felt the intense heat and force of the holy purple flames unleashed by Lint, engulfing him and Gleeha in a searing blaze. Both enemies screamed in agony as they were forcefully propelled away by the explosion.

Not finished yet, Lint landed firmly on the ground and took aim with both her light sword and light gun, unleashing a devastating combination of light energy and purple flames directly at the retreating duo. With precision and intent, she incorporated anti-healing and anti-regeneration techniques into her attack, ensuring that Pugader and Gleeha would not emerge unscathed.

The combined onslaught collided with its targets, erupting into a cataclysmic explosion that tore through the surrounding cityscape, leaving destruction in its wake. Lint's determination to neutralize the threat posed by Pugader and Gleeha was evident in the sheer magnitude of the devastation unleashed upon them.

"Hehehehe…" As Pugader emerged unscathed from the devastation wrought by Lint's attack, a sense of confusion washed over her.

"What in the world is happening?" she muttered to herself, her gaze shifting to Vasco Strada in search of guidance.

Meanwhile, Vasco Strada's expression bore a hint of concern as he observed Pugader and Gleeha's resilience in the face of Lint's attack. Though typically composed, the former Cardinal couldn't conceal his unease at the duo's seemingly invincible nature.

Facing Lint once again, Pugader posed a question that aroused her curiosity. "Would you like to know how I managed to survive?" he asked, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

Lint responded with a casual shrug, "I highly doubt you'll share your secrets, but go ahead, entertain me."

A cryptic smile appeared on Pugader's lips as he gestured for them to look around. To their surprise, they saw numerous lifeless clones scattered around the area. Pugader tapped his temple, summoning crimson orbs that formed into various weapons around him.

"Let me make it clear for you," he declared proudly. "I have the ability to redirect the damage inflicted on me to the countless clones created by Lady Morwenna. Therefore, I am virtually immortal, with infinite lives! In this state, I am invincible!"

Vasco Strada nodded in understanding, putting together the pieces of the puzzle regarding Pugader's seemingly indestructible nature. "Ah, I understand. That's why my previous attacks seemed useless," he murmured, realizing the seriousness of their situation.

As Lint pondered their choices, a bold idea sparked in her mind. "Why not just launch him into space?" she proposed, met with a brief silence as everyone present processed her daring plan.

Vasco Strada studied Pugader with a determined look, noticing the flicker of unease on his face. "Yes, that could lead us to victory," the former Cardinal stated, his tone unwavering. "I have the strength to carry out such a maneuver..."

The thought of being thrown into the endless expanse of space appeared to unsettle Pugader, his confidence faltering in the face of this unexpected strategy. Nevertheless, with a new plan in mind, Lint and Vasco Strada prepared to execute their bold plan, ready to seize victory by any means necessary.

"I mean, I can certainly do it as well, but your imposing body does make it quite obvious," Lint admitted with a nervous chuckle, acknowledging Vasco Strada's physical prowess.

Pugader's defiant response cut through the tense air, his confidence masking a hint of nervousness at the prospect of their plan succeeding. "Hah! As if I would ever allow you to do that! Sure, it's a way to take me out, but it's not very practical!" he exclaimed, his defiant nature shining through despite his apprehension.

Gleeha's sudden attack diverted their attention, her relentless onslaught of darkness leaving no room for hesitation as Lint and Vasco Strada focused on defending themselves against her unyielding assault.

Pugader's efforts to comfort Gleeha were met with a continued outpouring of sorrow, her distress evident in her anguished cries. He understood her response as that of an upset child, lashing out in retaliation against their perceived threat.

"Don't worry, Gleeha. We'll come out victorious, and if not, we'll simply run away like we always have," Pugader reassured her, his tone soothing despite the seriousness of their situation. Mindful of his ability to redirect damage to various objects, including the ground or nearby items, he remained confident in their ability to withstand their opponent's attacks.

Yet, Pugader was acutely aware of his vulnerability in space. Unlike his ability to redirect damage to other objects, he couldn't redirect harm inflicted upon him in the vacuum of space. This vulnerability made him susceptible to "instant death" techniques and abilities, making it a surefire way to eliminate him.

Summoning crimson constructs beside him, Pugader watched as they swiftly transformed into formidable lines and appendages, charging towards Lint and Vasco Strada in the middle of the chaos of Gleeha's relentless onslaught.

Taking note of Pugader's actions, Gleeha replicated his constructs, mimicking his offensive maneuvers. With their combined assault closing in on their enemies, Pugader seized the chance to flee, prioritizing the safety of both himself and Gleeha above all else.

Unconcerned about potential retribution from Morwenna, Elanor, or Phumera, Pugader fled without hesitation, focused solely on ensuring his survival and that of his companion, Gleeha.

Despite his despicable behavior and inclination to inflict suffering on the vulnerable, Pugader held a deep and genuine love for his cherished companion, Gleeha. Their connection dated back to their childhood, as they had been inseparable since they were young.

Coming from the same planet, their families shared a strong bond and envisioned a future where Pugader and Gleeha would marry and start a life of happiness together. However, tragedy struck when Phumera's organization conquered their planet, subjecting them to enslavement and hardship.

From the tender age of sixteen, both Pugader and Gleeha were forced into a life of labor and servitude, their once promising futures dimmed by the oppressive forces that held them captive. Despite the challenges they faced, their unwavering bond provided them with comfort and strength amidst the turmoil that surrounded them.

Once again, tragedy befell Pugader as Gleeha met her demise on a mission, taken from this world by none other than a member of the Resistance, specifically Cao Cao. The loss of his beloved companion ignited a deep-seated hatred within Pugader, directed towards the one responsible for her untimely end.

In a desperate attempt to keep Gleeha by his side, Pugader made a solemn oath with her corpse and soul upon retrieving her body. Bound by their love and grief, they swore that if either of them were to "die," both would perish, their souls annihilated in the process. Gleeha readily agreed to the pact, unaware of the unseen manipulation wrought by Elanor upon her body prior to its return to Pugader.

Unbeknownst to Pugader and Gleeha, Elanor's meddling led to Gleeha's transformation into a shadowy entity, her essence altered by mysterious forces beyond their comprehension. Thus, the bond between Pugader and Gleeha endured, albeit tainted by the darkness that now enveloped her form.

Much to the astonishment of Pugader and Gleeha, Lint suddenly appeared before them in a dazzling burst of silvery-white and purple wings, a mischievous grin on her face that belied the danger she posed. "Leaving already, lovebirds?" she taunted, her weapon trained on them as she unleashed a storm of bullets.

Reacting swiftly, Gleeha extended her hand towards the incoming projectiles, effortlessly obliterating them with a wave of her fingers, though it appeared to cause her great discomfort. Meanwhile, fueled by determination and anger, Pugader summoned a crimson sword and charged at Lint, underestimating her skill with the blade.

With a confident smirk, Lint skillfully parried Pugader's strike, revealing her proficiency in swordsmanship much to his surprise. "Oh dear, too bad, I'm quite skilled with swords as well~!" she teased, before delivering a swift kick to his stomach, sending him staggering backwards. Pugader quickly realized that he had underestimated Lint's abilities, a serious mistake on his part.

Dismissing her light gun, Lint charged forward, her silvery-white and purple wings fluttering as she lunged at Pugader with fierce determination. Brandishing her light sword with reckless abandon, she clashed with Pugader's crimson blade in a frenzied duel of energy swords.

Keeping her focus on Pugader, Lint used her holy purple flames to keep Gleeha at bay, continuously peppering her with relentless barrages of flame bullets whenever she tried to intervene. Despite Pugader's ability to redirect damage, he found himself slowly succumbing to the pain inflicted by Lint's sword and flames, a sensation that deeply puzzled him.

'Huh? I'm feeling pain? But... I automatically redirect this kind of damage away, why am I feeling the pain?' Pugader pondered, his growing unease evident as panic began to take hold. Sensing his distress, Gleeha attempted to reach out to him, only to be thwarted once more by Lint's flames.

Lint's grin widened as she observed Pugader's realization, her taunting words cutting through the chaos of battle. "Oya? Did you notice something strange? Let me give you a hint—we asked for help, sorry, I chose the other option!" she jeered, reveling in the moment as she outmaneuvered her enemy with cunning precision.

Pugader found himself in a dire situation, perplexed by Lint's cryptic remark but acutely aware of the trouble it foreboded. Unbeknownst to him, Lint had reached out to Cúntóir, seeking assistance in neutralizing Pugader's innate abilities.

Pugader possessed two innate powers: the ability to redirect damage and the capacity to manifest constructs with his crimson energy. Unlike the darkness and shadow manipulation inherent in others of their universe, Pugader's crimson energy lacked unique properties but remained a potent force nonetheless.

His reliance on his power to redirect damage was such that he had developed it to operate automatically, instinctively warding off perceived threats, including the sensation of pain itself. This adaptation had served him well in countless battles, allowing him to navigate through perilous situations unscathed.

However, Lint's intervention had disrupted this automatic defense mechanism, leaving Pugader vulnerable and exposed to the pain inflicted by her relentless assault. As he grappled with this sudden realization, Pugader understood the gravity of his predicament and the imminent threat posed by his enemy.

In a devastating twist of fate, Pugader's crimson blade splintered under Lint's relentless assault, leaving him vulnerable to her impending strike. With a heavy sense of inevitability in the air, time seemed to slow as Lint's blade inexorably descended towards him.

Undeterred by the barrage of holy purple flame bullets raining down upon her, Gleeha surged forward in a desperate attempt to reach Pugader, her sole focus on protecting him from harm. Despite her valiant efforts, she too succumbed to the onslaught, her body pierced through by the deadly holy projectiles.

As Lint's sword pierced Pugader's chest and the bullets found their mark upon Gleeha's body, time appeared to come to a standstill, the weight of the moment hanging heavily in the air. In the eerie silence that followed, Lint's voice broke through the stillness, her words laden with solemnity and purpose.

"'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.' Joshua 1:9," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of finality as the realization of their fate settled upon them.

Witnessing the holy purple flames engulf Pugader and Gleeha, sealing their fate, Lint was struck by a poignant moment unfolding before her. Despite the looming demise, Gleeha's final act of love towards Pugader cut through the chaos.

Unable to hear the words of the shadowy entity, Lint watched their lips, catching the silent declaration of, "I love you," uttered by Gleeha before the flames consumed them both. In that fleeting moment of tenderness in the turmoil, Lint couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt wash over her.

With a heavy heart, Lint offered a quick prayer for the departed souls, her hands clasped together in silent reverence. Though she acknowledged Pugader's past transgressions and the atrocities he had committed, she couldn't shake the sense of sorrow that gripped her—the tragic tale of love and loss that had unfolded before her.

With a solemn resolve, Lint turned away from the scene, her thoughts weighed down by the weight of the events that had transpired. As she made her way back to where Vasco Strada awaited, she carried with her the burden of witnessing the final moments of Pugader and Gleeha's tragic saga, a reminder of the complexities of the human heart and the enduring power of love, even in the face of darkness.

Continuing his barrage attacks on the clones of Vinalia and Pugader, Vasco Strada became aware of Lint's nearby presence, also engaged in the same task with a heavy heart. Driven by compassion, he approached her, offering a sympathetic ear to her thoughts.

"Warrior Lint, I can see the burden weighing on your heart. If you would allow it, this old man will lend an ear to your thoughts," gently proposed Vasco Strada.

In response, Lint offered a faint smile, touched by his kind gesture. "Even those considered 'evil' must have had reasons for becoming so, right? Not all of them began that way... it makes me wonder how they reached that point. Their lives must have been difficult, don't you think? Especially if Pugader declared himself as the 'Strongest Lolicon,'" she mused, her words tinged with empathy and contemplation.

"Hmm, that is indeed true. As you and I observed, everyone has a choice, even though some may feel otherwise. But for those who don't, all they can do is make the most of the given or forced choice imposed upon them. They either find a way to overcome it or succumb to it; there is seldom a middle ground. Over the years, we have witnessed numerous perspectives on this, and I have personally experienced it many times in my life," Vasco Strada explained, his voice reflecting the weight of his experience and wisdom.

"I see, thank you, your Eminence," replied Lint, her voice infused with comprehension as she took in his words. With a nod of acknowledgement, she flew away, determined to continue her task of dispatching the clones.

Vasco Strada observed Lint as she continued her relentless assault on the clones, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of their recent enemy. "That man surely didn't just come here to observe or fight us. So... why did he come here? Did he know where this machine was? A blunder on our part for not asking. He seemed like the type to answer truthfully once given a bit of compassion," he pondered aloud, his voice tinged with a hint of regret.

Turning his attention to the gaping crevice he had created earlier, Vasco Strada felt a strange energy emanating from its depths. Sensing the presence of Cúntóir and Rias below, he concluded that they were likely handling whatever lay at the bottom. With a resigned nod, he decided to leave the task to them for the time being.

"For now, I will leave it to them," he murmured to himself, a sense of calm settling over him as he resumed his relentless slaughter of the clones.

— ○ ● ○ —

Cúntóir and Rias weaved their way through the intricate corridors of metal and concrete, the faint light causing eerie shadows to dance across the walls. The recent tremor in the underground complex had caught their attention, as well as the sight of the ground being torn apart nearby.

Cúntóir revealed to Rias that Vasco Strada was behind the disturbance, and that Lint Sellzen had reached out to her for help, although it was for minor issues. As they continued to explore the underground network, Cúntóir expressed her desire to obtain certain items from the facility, prompting Rias to question why she didn't just teleport them to herself.

"Why not use your powers to teleport them to you?" Rias asked, intrigued by Cúntóir's unconventional approach.

"Exploration is half the fun!" Cúntóir replied with a mischievous grin, a sentiment that Rias suspected was influenced by Aaron, her fiancé, who shared a similar enthusiasm for discovering new places.

The pair stepped into a new room, where they were met with a legion of clones resembling Vei Vei, Vinalia, and Werett. Each clone unleashed a barrage of attacks and techniques in their direction. Rias prepared herself to counter the onslaught, but Cúntóir unexpectedly intervened, halting her with a raised hand.

"This is a leisurely stroll and vacation, Rias. Leave the 'fighting' to me," declared Cúntóir, her demeanor strangely composed despite the chaos. Perplexed but trusting in her companion's judgment, Rias acquiesced in silence.

As the impending attacks closed in, Cúntóir winked in their direction before vanishing into thin air. A smile graced her lips as she reappeared in the middle of the bewildered clones, her presence seemingly commanding their attention.

With a flourish, she clapped her hands together which made the attacks sent towards them disappear and also prompting the clones to mimic her actions in unison, creating a surreal display as she and Rias calmly crossed the room after the gesture.

Confusion clouded Rias's expression as she followed Cúntóir toward the exit, the bizarre sequence of events leaving her at a loss for words. Upon reaching the door on the other side, Cúntóir turned back to address the clones with a final decree.

"Please die and never return," she declared with a calm yet authoritative tone. In response, the clones collapsed lifelessly to the ground, their forms "blipped" into nothingness without a sound, leaving behind an eerie silence in the chamber.

Rias strolled alongside Cúntóir, her mind still whirling from the unorthodox display she had just witnessed. "Isn't it fun to do things unconventionally?" Cúntóir asked, her tone playful.

"...Do you mean what you just did?" Rias asked, a touch of unease in her words.

Cúntóir chuckled softly, sensing Rias's apprehension. "Don't be afraid, Rias. I simply tapped into powers Aaron tends to avoid using. He's more inclined toward direct combat, as he showed a year ago. He prefers to rely on his fists rather than obscure abilities. Though he may not admit it, he's a bit of a battle enthusiast himself."

Rias nodded, her weariness easing a bit. "Yes, you're right. While he would like to avoid life-or-death battles, he does enjoy the competitive nature of Rating Games. They're like a sport to him, in a way."

Rias cocked her head in curiosity, prompting her to inquire, "When you killed the clones, what did you mean by 'never return'?"

Cúntóir provided a pensive explanation, "Those clones are being churned out at a rapid pace by a machine crafted by Morwenna, and we're in close proximity to it. Before we confront her, we'll need to eliminate it. However, she likely has contingencies in place, including additional clones and inventions, to impede our progress."

"When I said 'never return,' I meant that it would be impossible to create them by that machine or any similar technique again," Cúntóir clarified. "Except, of course, by Azathoth, Aaron, myself, and other Outer Gods. To put it in simpler terms, if the clones were characters in a game, I would be the owner... and I'd have nuked my entire house along with everything associated with the game, rendering it nearly impossible to recover the data. While you could 'recreate' them, they wouldn't truly be the 'originals,' if you know what I mean."

Rias nodded in acknowledgment of Cúntóir's explanation, though she thought it might be a bit extreme. They made their way into another room, walking through a lengthy hallway that was free of any enemies.

Inside the room, there was a large apparatus with eleven capsules. Interestingly, the word "Error" glowed above three of these capsules, which were responsible for the creation of Vei Vei, Vinalia, and Werett, indicating malfunction, while the others were working fine.

Among the remaining clones were Fraisy, Pugader, and a young boy. This young boy had short white hair, black horns, and was dressed in a black and gold shirt with a white vest underneath, black shorts, socks, and matching black and gold boots. He also had bat-like wings extending from his back and a long black tail.

"That little thing is Fandren," Cúntóir remarked in a matter-of-fact tone. "A mix of vampire and demon within this universe. I'm surprised he survived this long, his survival is indeed remarkable."

"Intriguing," mused Rias, her curiosity piqued. "So, there are demons in this universe? And why do you find it remarkable that Fandren has lived for so long?" she inquired further, her gaze sweeping over the grinning clones around them, poised for attack.

Cúntóir explained, "Similar to the dynamics within the Draconic Deus, vampires here, with a few exceptions, tend to avoid interaction with individuals outside their species. However, under Phumera's dominion, they were coerced into amicable coexistence with other beings. Similarly, the demons of this realm lack the hierarchical structure found in the Underworld, instead emphasizing power as the primary determinant of influence. Those possessing both intellect and formidable strength wield significant sway over the affairs of their planet."

"In light of these circumstances, the prospect of peaceful coexistence for such beings seems almost unfathomable—let alone the possibility of love or intimacy, given their inherent aversion to one another," elaborated Cúntóir, delving deeper into the complexities of their situation. "Even if, by some unlikely chance, they were to reproduce, the fate of their offspring is often grim, marked by a swift demise due to the intense animosity between their parents or succumbing to a range of afflictions."

Her observations continued, "Regarding Fandren, based on my estimation, he must be at least twenty-seven years old. However, his small stature of just 4'7" underscores the extent of his physical limitations. Moreover, he grapples with respiratory issues, alleviated by Morwenna's ingenuity, and fragile bones, strengthened through her interventions." Cúntóir's expression darkened with concern. "It appears probable that he may have been sold to Morwenna and subjected to these alterations against his will."

Rias was taken aback by the harsh truth that Fandren was facing, struggling with the idea that he had been forced into a life that he didn't choose. "So, he was forced to live a life filled with such hardships," she said with empathy in her voice. "Is there really no chance for the offspring of these species to be born without these afflictions?"

Cúntóir offered a glimmer of hope in the midst of the darkness, explaining, "While Fandren represents the typical outcome, there are exceptions where the offspring of these species are born without these afflictions. One such exception holds the esteemed position of Rank 5 within Phumera's Eradicators. If fate and cosmic forces align favorably, a rare prodigy emerges—a powerful entity similar to a Rank 5 Eradicator. However, the usual outcome tends to be similar to Fandren's circumstances."

Refocusing on their mission, Cúntóir steered the conversation towards disabling the mysterious device. As she approached the clone, a confrontation seemed imminent. Yet, to their surprise, Cúntóir gave the command, "Sleep." In an instant, their enemies crumpled to the ground, unconscious from her directive.

Rias hurried to catch up with Cúntóir, her mind racing with questions. "Would—" Rias started tentatively, only to be interrupted by Cúntóir's pointed question.

"'Would Aaron be able to do something about it?' Is that what you're going to ask me?" Cúntóir questioned, her focus unwavering as she manipulated the controls before her.

Caught off guard by Cúntóir's perceptiveness, Rias nodded in confirmation. "Yes," she admitted, meeting Cúntóir's gaze with a serious expression.

Cúntóir's scrutiny intensified as she delved deeper, probing into the underlying motivations behind Rias's concern. "Is Gasper and Valerie's involvement influencing your desire for Aaron's intervention? I understand your fondness for your junior and your close friendship with Valerie and the other vampires of the new faction. But is that the extent of it? Tell me the truth, Rias," she pressed.

Rias hesitated, her gaze faltering momentarily before she exhaled a resigned sigh. "A conversation close to Fandren's circumstances came up among myself and some of the girls a few weeks ago, and it has lingered in my thoughts since. Valerie was present, among others," she admitted, her tone tinged with a mixture of contemplation and remorse.

Rias broached a sensitive subject, grappling with moral dilemmas and uncertainties. "I understand it's a difficult situation, but if there were complications during Aaron's impregnation of one of us, could he potentially intervene to mitigate them?" she pondered aloud, her words heavy with concern.

"Our moral compasses have been called into question. If a child were to have 'defects,' would Aaron or we take measures to address them? Would such actions be ethically justifiable? For example, if we were aware of the possibility of a child being born with Down syndrome, could and would Aaron potentially intervene to 'correct' it before birth? We want nothing but the best for our offspring, free from diseases and disadvantages."

Her voice wavered with a sense of shame as she continued, "Considering the growing number of women in Aaron's harem, both present and anticipated in the future, we wonder whether such interventions would be feasible. While a few hybrids in our world lead relatively 'normal' lives, there have undoubtedly been instances of others perishing at birth or succumbing to early demise due to unforeseen complications and diseases, haven't there?"

Cúntóir's fingers maintained their steady dance across the controls as Rias finished her heartfelt explanation. Taking a moment, Cúntóir turned to meet Rias's gaze, her expression resolute yet empathetic.

"Yes, Aaron is capable of anything," she confirmed, echoing Rias's sentiments. "But, as you pointed out, his actions are guided by his moral compass and ethics. The decision to intervene is ultimately up to both of you. While your intentions are undoubtedly in the best interests of your child, the final choice lies with both of you. No outside influences should sway what you decide as parents."

Rias felt a wave of relief wash over her, tinged with a lingering sense of shame. "I…I understand," she murmured gratefully. "Thank you for your insight. I'll pass this along to the others."

Cúntóir nodded affirmatively, indicating the completion of her task. She pressed a button decisively, prompting an audible beep to echo throughout the chamber. With a mischievous giggle, she added, "I was tempted to destroy it outright, but I decided to have a bit of playful mischief with Morwenna instead."

Rias felt a surge of unease at the cryptic remark. "W-what exactly did you do?" she inquired cautiously, her apprehension evident.

Cúntóir waved off Rias's concerns with a playful scoff, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, just a harmless prank," she reassured, her tone light-hearted. "You're making it sound like I committed a heinous crime! I simply adjusted the clones to be less affective, making it easier for our team to handle them. Rest assured, the originals remain unaffected by my tinkering."

Rias asked, "Would it not be more... beneficial if we stopped production by destroying it...?"

Cúntóir waved her finger in response. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't you believe I considered that, Rias? It will only last for five minutes and then self-destruct, so yes, this prank will not last for long... so let's get away from this place!" she exclaimed before taking Rias by the hand and leading her away.

Rias smiled awkwardly at the situation, her mind wandering, 'Cúntóir is much more playful these days. She appeared more rigid in the past—maybe it is because she was finally freed from Azathoth and became her own person...?'

— ○ ● ○ —

As they neared the "final" room of the underground network, the core loomed not too far below, a testament to the profound impact of Vasco Strada's sword-wielding prowess, which had cleaved open the earth and revealed the depths to which humanity could reach.

Rias, a few feet from the towering metallic door leading into the chamber, voiced her question, "By the way... who in our team is facing the original Fandren?"

"Yumi. Crom Cruach spent a bit of time with her, but after encountering Fandren, he lost interest and went off on his own," Cúntóir explained as she effortlessly disintegrated the metallic door with a touch. "As for Crom Cruach, well, he's currently locked in combat with two other opponents, and he seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself," she added, gesturing upward.

Rias followed Cúntóir's gesture and looked upward, noticing slight vibrations in the surroundings. Had she not focused on them, they might have gone unnoticed.

"He's engaging them both in aerial combat, which is why the vibrations are barely perceptible. Aaron, Akeno, and their new ally will face the final opponent. Morwenna awaits beyond this door with her brilliant invention," Cúntóir further explained.

"Fufufu, welcome, welcome. I've been eagerly anticipating your arrival," Morwenna greeted, turning to face Rias and Cúntóir as they entered the expansive room.

As they stepped inside, their attention was drawn to a sizable metallic egg positioned behind Morwenna. Periodically, it trembled, and to Rias's astonishment, she noticed an eye embedded within its surface, fixating on them with eerie awareness, indicating its sentient nature.

"Do you like it?" Morwenna inquired with a playful grin. "I find it rather charming. I stole the blueprints from Elanor and made a few modifications to suit my tastes. The assistance of the Evie was invaluable, particularly their advancements in technology," she explained, twirling around before winking mischievously at the pair.

"Didn't Aaron cut off communication with the Evie?" Rias asked, her brow furrowed.

"Before that happened, they had already received blueprints and guidance from the Evie. They've been trying to replicate them with varying degrees of success. On the other hand, the Mechanical Gods have been incorporating elements provided by Phumera, making them even more powerful," Cúntóir explained, shedding light on the intricate dynamics at play.

Rias's frown deepened at this revelation. The lack of prior knowledge left her feeling unsettled. She wondered if Aaron intended to disclose it in due time, since her teammates had not mentioned this development, despite her absence from some of the meetings between the leaders and Aaron.

"Now, let's proceed, shall we?" Morwenna interjected, clapping her hands together. Suddenly, a holographic bar appeared in the sky, bearing Morwenna's name atop it along with a health bar beneath, resembling a feature from a video game.

Morwenna clapped her hands once again, summoning her own replicas that encircled Rias and Cúntóir. But these duplicates were different, clad in shimmering blue armor and standing tall with wispy blue tendrils trailing behind them. Adorned with cannons in strategic places, one in between their legs, the clones presented a startling sight that left Rias feeling both astonished and bewildered.

"Well, that's quite strange," Cúntóir commented, earning a snicker from Rias. "It seems like Aaron has certainly changed their perception on 'that,' hasn't he?" she added, further adding to Rias's confusion.

Before Rias could seek clarification, the clones surged forward, ready to engage them in battle. Reacting swiftly, Rias took a defensive stance, forming a gun-like shape with her fingers and unleashing bullets of [Power of Destruction] at the clones.

The projectiles hit the clones, causing them to disintegrate upon impact. However, this did nothing to dissuade the relentless advance of the clones, as some of them countered by launching translucent blue missiles, firing energy shots, and using their tendrils to try and ensnare the duo.

Cúntóir reacted swiftly, exhaling a gentle breath toward the incoming attacks. Moments later, the projectiles erupted in a sudden explosion, catching the clones off guard. Those who used the tentacles screamed in agony as the appendages were connected to their back nerves, amplifying their suffering.

Despite the setback, the clones persisted in their assault. A sizable contingent leaped toward Rias and Cúntóir, their armor morphing into drill-like appendages aimed directly at the duo.

Cúntóir remarked, "The armor around them appears to be quite versatile. Perhaps Aaron can replicate something similar with his Sacred Gears, even though he already possesses [Ascalon] alongside the [Boosted Gear]."

With the appendages and clones closing in, Cúntóir playfully poked the space in front of her, causing them to vanish without a trace which disturbed Morwenna.

As Rias prepared to unleash more bullets, she was taken aback by Cúntóir's action. However, her attention was swiftly redirected when Morwenna suddenly fell to her knees, clutching her head in apparent distress. Despite the evident pain, Morwenna refrained from making any audible sounds.

"Ah, she did that, didn't she? My apologies, it slipped my mind," remarked Cúntóir, a subtle smirk gracing her lips. Observing the confusion etched on Rias' face, Cúntóir felt compelled to elaborate, "Morwenna utilized the machine she created to make clones of herself, in addition to her innate ability to generate duplicates. Some of the clones I killed were manifestations of her own technique. However, she is now unable to use that ability, regardless of how much she tries."

Morwenna, visibly taken aback, struggled to articulate her disbelief. "No one... mentioned... that the... Resistance harbored an individual of your caliber, comparable to the Outer Gods!"

With deliberate slowness, Morwenna expressed her astonishment. Cúntóir, responding with a snap of her fingers, promptly alleviated Morwenna's distress, a gesture met with both shock and bewilderment.

Fixing her gaze upon Morwenna, Cúntóir calmly stated, "Your relief from pain facilitates a clearer explanation. To be blunt, I embody aspects akin to an 'Outer God,' albeit lacking a definitive classification within any species."

"Maybe I could humorously suggest a connection to Aaron's species? The irony is not lost on me, even though our differences are quite obvious. Nevertheless, let us stay focused on the matter at hand," remarked Cúntóir, gesturing towards Morwenna. "All of your secretive projects have been destroyed by Aaron. They are no longer useful to you."

Morwenna, visibly shocked by this revelation, quickly activated a device strapped to her wrist, conducting a rapid assessment. Her shock soon turned into furious anger, displayed in the forceful stomp of her foot on the ground. "How?! No... he's an Outer God! The details are irrelevant! Damn it all, I should have moved it to another planet!"

With a grimace etched on her face, Morwenna gritted her teeth and delivered a resounding clap, causing the forceful rupture of the large container housing the metallic egg. As the egg split open, a strange yet imposing metallic entity emerged. Taking up three-quarters of the room's expanse, its appearance was decidedly unconventional.

The creature boasted a large metallic frame adorned with numerous azure-glowing orbs. Its slender wings, marked with Roman numerals, extended from its back, while it moved gracefully on two legs. Transparent, light-blue lances encircled its appendages, including its arms and tail, giving it an imposing visage.

A smug smile played on Morwenna's lips as she directed her command towards Cúntóir and Rias, her finger pointing with hatred. "Eliminate them, BX-7. Their mere presence aggravates my discomfort," she ordered, her voice dripping with disdain. In response to her command, the mechanical behemoth known as BX-7 emitted a deafening roar before charging towards the duo with lethal intent.

In retaliation, Rias conjured two large orbs of [Power of Destruction], unleashing them with precision towards BX-7. Instead of dodging the attack, the mechanical monstrosity chose to thrust its transparent lances at the incoming attacks. Yet, this turned out to be a grave miscalculation, as Rias' attacks obliterated both its appendages and the lances around its arms.

To Rias' astonishment, the creature quickly reconstructed its lost limbs using the same translucent, light-blue ability it had used to create its lances. This time, it fashioned its reconstructed arms into sharper, broader versions of the previous iteration, ready to resume the confrontation with renewed ferocity.

"Target the core, and its functionality will cease, much like a heart, though the semantics are inconsequential," Cúntóir remarked with a dismissive wave of her hand. With effortless nonchalance, she dispatched the powerful BX-7, reducing it to irreparable shards, leaving Morwenna visibly dumbfounded.

"Wha—" Morwenna stammered, shock etched across her face as she struggled to articulate her disbelief. Her vehement headshake betrayed her incredulity as she once again pointed towards the enemies, summoning a legion of clones to attack the duo.

In perfect synchrony, Cúntóir initiated a clap, triggering a concussive explosion that rippled throughout the underground complex. Instantaneously, a portion of the clones collapsed lifelessly, while the remaining replicas erupted into grotesque masses of carnage.

"Ahh, it appears the cloning apparatus has met its end, fufu," Cúntóir remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice as she delicately rested a hand upon her cheek.

"Did you time that?" Rias asked, her voice betraying a mixture of disbelief and astonishment. Cúntóir responded with a simple smile, devoid of words yet carrying a weight of tacit acknowledgment.

Soon after, a brilliant, silvery-white light of immense power engulfed the entire planet, leaving the world in awe and wonder. This display of power prompted a sigh of relief from Cúntóir, who couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight before her.

"And another subordinate meets their demise. Your schemes are unraveling, Morwenna," she remarked, striding purposefully towards the bewildered woman who had sunk to her knees, her entire demeanor reflecting the shock and disbelief she was experiencing.

Cúntóir gently lifted Morwenna's chin with her finger, the softness of her touch a stark contrast to the paralyzing stasis she put on her. The act of forcing eye contact served to ensure Morwenna's undivided attention and also showcased the extent of Cúntóir's control over the situation.

"Were you aware?" Cúntóir queried, her voice filled with curiosity as she sought to uncover the extent of Morwenna's knowledge about the events that had unfolded. "Aaron manipulated his enemy's perception of reality. Hence, your underestimation of both us and him," she elucidated, her words a deliberate attempt to further enlighten Morwenna about the true nature of the situation at hand.

Upon hearing Cúntóir's explanation, a look of incredulity washed over Morwenna's face, her eyes widening in disbelief at the revelation that had been presented to her. It was clear that the full extent of the situation had not been fully comprehended by her, and now, she was left to grapple with the newfound information that had been bestowed upon her.

"It matters not what you do," said Cúntóir, catching the attention of Rias and Morwenna.

"If Aaron decrees your demise, it shall be so. If Aaron grants you life, then life you shall receive. Yes, if Aaron," Cúntóir gestured towards the readers and continued, "Commands their death, it shall be done. Such is the extent of his power. He is the alpha, the omega, and everything in between, as well as that which is yet to be discovered or created. Any notion, any force presented before him, any entity, all become irrelevant, futile, and devoid of power. Your attempts are meaningless. The only thing restraining Aaron from wreaking havoc is his sense of morality, the bonds of friendship he has forged, and the contentment he currently enjoys. Step out of line and he will obliterate you and everything you hold dear across all timelines, universes, and alternate realities. You underestimate the extent to which he restrains himself from doing ANYTHING."

"Who did you just point to?" inquired Morwenna, bewildered by Cúntóir's actions.

Cúntóir simply smiled in response. "You need not concern yourself with that. I overstepped my authority, so pay me no mind."

Cúntóir leaned in closer to Morwenna, a sinister grin twisting her face. "Now then, Morwenna, shall we negotiate a pact?" she proposed, her tone dripping with calculated menace.

Left with no recourse but to heed Cúntóir's offer, Morwenna found herself compelled to entertain the terms of this proposed agreement, knowing full well the consequences of defiance.

— ○ ● ○ —

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