Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 22 – Part 2 – The Rebels

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

"Is everything prepared?" asked a man.

In an uncharted area of the planet Kritānukūla, a group eagerly anticipated this crucial moment. Initially planning to carry out a coup d'état on their newly discovered planet, a change occurred upon receiving an announcement from Yasevi. This prompted a strategic re-evaluation, redirecting their efforts towards seizing control of the enhanced and revitalized planet.

"We need to make some organizational adjustments, but the original plan is still feasible. Individuals are currently converging on their designated locations, and we will proceed accordingly," stated another individual.

Regarding their most powerful six fighters, a prominent figure within their ranks sought clarification, "And what about the Six Reintillions?"

"They too are strategically positioned, ready to initiate the coup d'état."

"Very well, let the proceedings commence once all operatives are in their designated positions."

The planet of Kritānukūla faced an impending disruption on the horizon, despite its relatively short existence.

— ○ ● ○ —

Xenovia, Raynare, and Ravel retreated to a secluded spot to further explore their newfound knowledge.

"So, if I'm understanding correctly, there are six locations. Presumably, each one contains a different group or enemy from that group. The question then becomes—with only three of us, where should we direct our efforts?" Xenovia mused.

Ravel, acknowledging the question, nodded in agreement and addressed both Raynare and Xenovia. "I just finished speaking with Aaron-sama. He expressed his dedication to protecting the citizens and ensuring the restoration of any damaged buildings. As a result, he leaves the decision-making authority to us," she explained.

"Why?" questioned Raynare, taking Ravel by surprise.

"W-what do you mean by that, Raynare-sama?" Ravel replied, caught off guard by the unexpected question from the fallen angel.

"Why is he entrusting us with this much authority? It makes sense for both of you—Xenovia is a [King] in her own right, yet her peerage lacks the necessary pieces. As for Ravel, she has the potential to fulfill these roles in the future, serving as a close 'secretary-figure' for Aaron, hence requiring the experience and a wealth of knowledge. But I can't help but wonder, what's in it for me? It all seems rather arbitrary," explained Raynare, her voice tinged with confusion and a hint of skepticism.

Taking a moment to ponder, Xenovia offered her perspective. "Perhaps he envisions you as a future Cadre in Grigori? After all, you are regarded as one of the strongest Fallen Angels in history, surpassing even the Gods of our world. Isn't it conceivable that Aaron sees great potential in you? He might extend the same offer to Inaie and Akeno in due time. We are the next generation, and it's only natural that these responsibilities will gradually transition to us as the older generation begins to step back," Xenovia suggested, infusing her words with a sense of purpose and assurance.

Xenovia's words caught Raynare off guard, causing her to mull over the idea. "A Cadre, you say? Well, Aaron does make it clear that we are free to pursue our dreams. We did hear that from Natsume, didn't we?"

"Yes," Ravel confirmed. "Natsume-sama is wholeheartedly dedicated to her chosen profession, and we have all been supportive of her pursuits. Some of us are considering having conversations with Aaron-sama about our own future paths. Particularly, we have seen his unwavering support for Genshirou Saji-sama's dream of becoming a teacher. He had the opportunity to interact with esteemed educators in both the human world and the Underworld, gaining valuable insights."

Reflecting on the potential role of a Cadre, Raynare hesitated, voicing her concerns, "A Cadre, huh? I have always desired strength and recognition, but wouldn't that come with a host of responsibilities? I do cherish my free time..."

Xenovia let out a hearty laugh. "Just look at Azazel, he still manages to pull off pranks and laze around, and he's the leader of the organization. I think you'll be fine. But all I said was a suggestion; you don't necessarily have to take it to heart," said Xenovia, her voice laced with amusement and reassurance.

Raynare nodded in agreement. "Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Let's strategize to take on two at a time. I'll handle two opponents, and the two of you can do the same. Given our strength, it should be relatively easy, as long as we remain vigilant and don't let our guard down," she suggested. After outlining the plan, she pointed to the map on her ring.

"I'll head to the North, Ravel will take the East, and Xenovia will cover the West. Once I'm done, I'll check the South and keep both of you informed through our ring's transceivers if I come across anything," Raynare added, exuding confidence and leadership.

Xenovia couldn't help but laugh at the recognition of her leadership potential, responding, "Seems like you think I've got some leadership abilities. Well, I'll stick to the plan. Let's aim to keep any collateral damage to a minimum."

Raynare, wearing a mischievous grin, remarked with surprise, "Now that's not something I expected to hear from you," while noticing Xenovia's blush. Ravel agreed with the suggested strategy and jokingly remarked on Xenovia's unusual concern for reducing damage.

"Hmm. It's quite unexpected to see Xenovia-sama showing this level of care, considering how she usually goes all out in training and duels. Is this a sign of her personal growth?" Ravel pondered, her eyes becoming slightly moist.

"Y-you're teasing me, aren't you!? I-I can grow too! I just don't want all this hard work to be for nothing, even if Aaron promised he could easily fix everything. There's, um, some value in it, I suppose...?" Xenovia stuttered, clearly flustered as she justified her position.

Xenovia shifted her attention, consulting her ring and studying the designated locations on her map. "West," she muttered, closing her eyes in focus. Delving into the energies resonating within that area, she discerned two powerful signatures accompanied by approximately twenty lesser ones. With a calm tone, she stated, "I'll head out then. Let's meet back here or with Raynare when we're done."

"Understood," acknowledged Ravel, unfurling her wings and soaring into the distance. In an abrupt motion, Xenovia disappeared from her position, leaving behind a fleeting gust of wind.

Raynare, wearing a contemplative expression, faced North with a furrowed brow. As she moved towards her designated location, she pondered, "What do you have waiting for us…?" Moments later, she too vanished, embarking on her mission.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole took control over the meeting room, skillfully orchestrating various scenarios and discussions with a subtle use of his powers to ensure sustained engagement. The affected individuals found themselves inexorably drawn into the conversation, each compelled to contribute in their own way. Meanwhile, Yasevi and Barakyu, exempt from the influence, observed the unfolding events with a growing sense of intrigue and perplexity.

Meeting Aaron's knowing smile, Yasevi made the decision to trust in his intentions and contribute her own insights to the ongoing dialogue. '...What is he scheming...? There's always a purpose behind his actions, so I'll play along,' Yasevi contemplated, seamlessly integrating her suggestions into the discourse. Observing Yasevi's active involvement, Barakyu chose to follow suit, recognizing the wisdom in aligning with their leader's course of action.

Leaning back in his chair, Aaron sported a satisfied smile as he observed the developments. 'They're finally on the move. Let's see how this plays out and see the excuses they present to Yasevi and me when the truth surfaces,' he remarked, his gaze fixed on the current discussion. 'Additionally, I'm curious about Yasevi's response to betrayal—will it be retribution, imprisonment, forgiveness, or perhaps something entirely unexpected?'

— ○ ● ○ —

Arriving at the location where she had detected the presence of the two powerful auras, Xenovia skillfully concealed her own presence by suppressing her aura, effectively rendering herself invisible. Moving with caution, she seamlessly blended into her surroundings, assuming the guise of a casual explorer. Among the crowd of people who had also gathered at the location, she maneuvered inconspicuously, maintaining a vigilant watch over her surroundings.

Her deduction suggested the presence of two powerful individuals at each location, accompanied by approximately twenty followers prepared to intervene if circumstances took an unexpected turn. Despite sensing the gaze of unseen observers, Xenovia paid them no mind. Nonchalantly, she approached a vending machine, purchased a soft drink, and settled onto a nearby bench, releasing a contemplative sigh.

Surveying her surroundings, Xenovia observed the familiar urban landscape with its array of shops, buildings, and a nearby park with charming small water pools, the only distinctive feature in the area. Anticipating future changes, she speculated that the evolving landscape would reflect the preferences of those in charge.

After finishing her soft drink, Xenovia disposed of the empty container in a nearby trash can before settling back on the bench, her gaze drifting upward. "I wonder if they'll think about adding an amusement park here? Maybe even two?" she pondered out loud, her tone nonchalant as she maintained her casual demeanor.

After a short break, Xenovia continued her exploration of the area. As she approached the two formidable individuals, she subtly walked past them, feeling their watchful eyes on her every move. Despite being aware of their scrutiny, Xenovia pressed forward, eventually coming to a stop in front of a closed shop.

Examining the establishment, she recognized it as a dedicated manga shop, piquing her interest. She imagined the future visits she would make once it opened and found an owner, mentally noting the potential enjoyment to be found in such a place.

Whether intentional or not, she "spotted" the vigilant pair and responded with a friendly wave, maintaining an outward demeanor of ease and openness. The two powerful figures, still keeping a close eye on her, acknowledged the gesture with a subtle nod, their expressions guarded.

To the right stood a figure clad in bright blue and white armor, wielding a formidable club-sword hybrid strapped to his back. On the left, a woman with crimson skin sported a sleek, white dress, cascading black hair that extended to her feet, and facial feathers framing her red eyes. Both of them closely monitored Xenovia's movements as she meandered through the area.

Suddenly, the tranquility shattered as an ominous rumbling enveloped the surroundings, inciting panic among the ordinary inhabitants of the planet. The disturbance escalated, and before long, the two formidable individuals, along with their retinue of twenty followers, converged on Xenovia.

Without uttering a word, the anonymous followers surged towards Xenovia, their intent unmistakably hostile. Swiftly responding, Xenovia forcefully stomped her foot, unleashing a potent shockwave that repelled the assailants. The impact sent several of them careening into nearby structures, rendering them unconscious.

Observing the six remaining conscious enemies and the two powerful individuals, Xenovia decided to use her ring's enhanced [Appraisal] function. With just a quick glance, she gained instant access to their detailed information, eliminating the need to directly aim the ring at them.

Recognizing the armored man as Malaxia and the woman as Tuhila, Xenovia summoned her [Durandal EX] and pointed it towards them. "Cease this coup immediately, or prepare to be defeated by my hands," she demanded with steely determination.

Malaxia, adorned in his azure armor, chuckled dismissively. "No chance, you naive brat. We aim to shape this new world into our vision of an ideal planet. Our rule will surpass that of Yasevi, that naive woman. The King was the true leader, understanding the ways of governance. With her at the helm, we came dangerously close to utter destruction. We consistently advised her to prioritize military strength, but she remained obstinate—a truly naive woman."

"Very well," Xenovia responded resolutely, tightening her grip on her sword with both hands in preparation for the impending clash.

Malaxia sneered disdainfully, drawing his sword-club from his back and assuming a combative stance. "Prepare to witness true power and mastery," he proclaimed confidently before launching himself towards Xenovia, followed by the remaining six followers. Meanwhile, Tuhila remained on the sidelines, observing the unfolding confrontation.

Anticipating the onslaught, Xenovia swiftly summoned six demonic magic circles, unleashing bolts of demonic lightning that incapacitated the remaining foes, rendering them unconscious.

Focusing her attention solely on Malaxia, Xenovia intercepted his fierce sword swing with her [Durandal EX]. However, as their weapons clashed, Xenovia noticed the ground beneath her beginning to crack and give way, a sign of the intense force behind Malaxia's attack.

Observing the unstable ground, Xenovia took note but made the decision to focus on her immediate confrontation with Malaxia. She effortlessly pushed him off, swiftly closing the distance and delivering a decisive downward strike with her sword.

Yet, Malaxia's disdainful sneer persisted, mocking her for what seemed like a simple attack. To his surprise, however, the impact revealed the effectiveness of Xenovia's strike as parts of his armor were effortlessly sliced apart. Enraged by the unexpected turn of events, Malaxia retaliated by pushing Xenovia back with his sword-club and leaping to a safe distance.

Surveying the damage to his armor with irritation, Malaxia demanded, "What have you done, brat?"

Xenovia, wearing a triumphant smile, replied, "Just a simple sword swing, as you said. Let's see what you're truly made of and showcase this mastery of yours." As she raised her sword once more, her grin widened, daring Malaxia to demonstrate his boasted prowess.

Fueled by a powerful icy blue energy, Malaxia was provoked by Xenovia's words and perceived arrogance. "Don't get ahead of yourself, brat. I haven't taken you seriously yet, but I may as well start now!" he bellowed, launching himself at Xenovia with heightened speed, attempting to catch her off guard. Yet, Xenovia effortlessly kept pace with his movements.

A barrage of energy slashes was unleashed by Malaxia, each met with Xenovia's effortless deflection using her [Durandal EX]. Undeterred, Malaxia closed the distance once more, furiously swinging his sword in a series of strikes. To his increasing frustration, Xenovia didn't bother to block; instead, she gracefully dodged each attack with ease, maintaining her unwavering smile, which seemed to irk Malaxia even more.

Malaxia's sword sliced through the air, but Xenovia danced out of its path with ease, delivering a swift and powerful kick aimed at his stomach. For a moment, Malaxia smirked, thinking that Xenovia had only injured herself by striking his hardened armor. But his smirk turned to shock as the force of her kick caused a significant crack to form in his armor, sending him flying backward.

Coughing up blood that stained the interior of his helmet, Malaxia struggled to regain his composure. Meanwhile, Xenovia lowered her leg and turned her attention to Tuhila, questioning the motives behind their rebellion. "Is this really just about Yasevi's leadership and her reluctance to strengthen your military efforts?"

Tuhila's mysterious smile remained as she answered, "I have my own personal reasons for rebelling, but many within our faction feel the same way, that Yasevi's leadership was lacking and that we were left to rely on outside help."

Xenovia, with an intense gaze, continued to ask probing questions. "Even if the external assistance proves to be objectively better?" she asked, her focus unwavering on Tuhila.

"Some of us are too prideful, unwilling to accept aid from external sources no matter the circumstances. The leaders and higher-ups in our faction are particularly adamant about maintaining this stance—arrogant and obstinate," Tuhila explained, her tone carrying a hint of disdain.

As Xenovia pressed further, questioning the nature of Tuhila's personal grudge, Tuhila nodded in confirmation. "I was destined to become queen, the rightful heir in line. However, that was unjustly taken from me. The previous King manipulated circumstances, orchestrating a fraudulent case that led to Yasevi ascending to the throne before his death. While the world may sing his praises, I harbor a deep resentment towards both him and Yasevi," Tuhila spat, her voice laced with venom.

Xenovia, her doubt evident, continued to press with her questions. "Do you have any evidence to back up what you're saying?" she asked, prompting Tuhila to respond with a simple "No."

Xenovia's skepticism only grew as she analyzed Tuhila's lack of proof. "You claim the throne without any solid evidence of the King's wrongdoing. Without proof, who will believe your accusations? It seems more like a convenient excuse to get rid of Yasevi and take the throne for yourself," Xenovia said, studying Tuhila with a doubtful gaze.

Enraged by Xenovia's persistent questioning, Tuhila's eyes filled with hatred. She quickly ordered Malaxia to get rid of the persistent outsider. Malaxia, fueled by aggression, attacked Xenovia with his sword-club weapon. But with a single graceful movement, Xenovia shattered the weapon into pieces, leaving Malaxia stunned.

Maintaining her unwavering gaze, Xenovia stated, "Your silence says it all. It seems my initial suspicions were right, and your claims have no credibility."

Malaxia's attempt to interrupt Xenovia's discourse was abruptly halted as she delivered a powerful elbow strike to his stomach, shattering the remaining fragments of his armor and further disorienting him.

Fixing Malaxia with a cold, penetrating stare, Xenovia dismissed him with contempt. "Your input isn't needed. A simple lap dog like you won't comprehend the matters we're discussing," she declared, swiftly repositioning herself above him. With an effortless motion, she brought his head down, slamming him forcefully into the ground, rendering him unconscious and causing the planet to shake in response.

Dusting herself off, Xenovia redirected her attention to the still surprised Tuhila. "Now, explain in great detail how you were supposedly wronged and imprisoned," she demanded, narrowing her eyes at Tuhila, expecting a thorough account of the alleged injustice.

Tuhila's laughter echoed briefly before she fell silent, summoning a fan into her hand and pointing it menacingly at Xenovia. "Prepare for execution, along with everyone who opposes our cause. A naive girl like you understands nothing about the complexities of this world," Tuhila declared with a sinister glint in her eyes.

Tuhila's eyes glowed, unleashing crimson energy beams in a zig-zag pattern, while simultaneously emitting a white wind from her fan aimed at Xenovia. In response, Xenovia sighed, enveloping herself in touki and delivering a powerful punch that obliterated the crimson energy. She then unleashed a single aura slash from her sword, destroying the white wind.

Unfazed, Tuhila persistently launched more attacks, growing increasingly frustrated as Xenovia effortlessly destroyed each one. "How? How are you destroying my attacks? They're supposed to be invincible beams of death!" Tuhila questioned, her annoyance palpable.

In a candid and nonchalant retort, Xenovia responded, "I've taken powerful cumshots to the face from an outer god and emerged unscathed. Your so-called invincible beams are nothing. So shut up, you idiot."

Tuhila, filled with horror, observed as Xenovia effortlessly dodged and sliced through the relentless barrage of crimson energy beams and white wind. In her frustration and desperation, Tuhila's eyes widened as she exclaimed, "You're both naive and vulgar! Who openly declares such things?! Are you insane? Is your mind intact?"

Crimson and white skeletal wings appeared behind Tuhila, intensifying the assault as they continued to unleash deadly energy beams and wind at Xenovia. In response, Xenovia skillfully evaded the attacks, expertly wielding her sword to cut through the onslaught.

Nonchalant and unfazed, Xenovia retorted, "It was simply a comparison, you fool. Why are you so worked up about it? Perhaps you're the one lacking intelligence?"

Infuriated, Tuhila shouted, "I have class! No ordinary person discusses such intimate matters so casually! What kind of shameless species are you? Do you possess no sense of decency?"

With a deadpan expression, Xenovia grinned and replied, "As Aaron and Ddraig would say, that seems like a skill issue on your part." Her calm demeanor and retort only fueled Tuhila's fury.

Tuhila, consumed by an overwhelming fury, vehemently denied any hint of incompetence. Her frustration peaked as she launched a relentless barrage of attacks against Xenovia. In retaliation, Xenovia swiftly gathered holy energy, unleashing the powerful [Durandal Cannon] that destroyed both Tuhila's attacks and the rebellious woman herself.

As the lingering energies faded, the aftermath revealed Tuhila in a severely injured state, her body scorched and her clothing torn in multiple places. Trembling, she glared at Xenovia with a fury that surpassed words.

"You... you...!" Tuhila muttered incoherently, seething with rage and struggling to articulate her feelings.

Unfazed, Xenovia greeted her opponent with a serene smile. "Yes, I'm Xenovia. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," she remarked, further enraging Tuhila, whose fury only intensified in response.

Tuhila, fueled by her last reserves of anger, let out another scream. But, depleted and weary, she moved toward Xenovia with slow and laborious steps, blood oozing from her mouth. Her advance was feeble, each step accompanied by long and exhausted breaths, a testament to her profound exhaustion.

Observing Tuhila's weakened state, Xenovia remarked, "If only you directed this effort towards matters of actual significance rather than indulging in delusional fantasies. Now, let's uncover the true motivation behind all this."

With a radiant glow, Xenovia activated a new function in her ring—the memory reading function. This unique ability could only be used in specific scenarios. Waiting until Tuhila succumbed to unconsciousness due to her injuries, Xenovia then utilized this function to delve into the depths of Tuhila's memories, seeking the answers to the real motivations behind her rebellion.

After meticulously diving into Tuhila's memories for a full minute, Xenovia stood up and sighed, taking in her surroundings. She noticed that the people had been safeguarded by thin silver-white barriers. Turning her attention back to Tuhila, she hoisted the rebellious woman onto her shoulder, simultaneously making Malaxia and the other twenty enemies float as she began to walk away.

What Xenovia uncovered within Tuhila's memories left her with a mix of interest and disdain. The motive behind Tuhila's rebellion was surprisingly straightforward—jealousy. Tuhila believed herself to be "prettier" than Yasevi, convinced that her appearance made her a more suitable candidate for the position of queen.

Despite lacking any genuine qualifications, Tuhila had gained some understanding of kingdom management by observing Yasevi over the years and through her personal readings. In Xenovia's assessment, Tuhila's basis for rebellion appeared shallow and, in her own words, "stupid."

Tuhila's true motives had become evident to Xenovia—she desired recognition without any intention of shouldering the responsibilities of leadership. Her scheme was to pass off all actual work to others while she merely occupied the throne for show. Xenovia realized that if Tuhila had succeeded in becoming queen, the kingdom would have plunged into ruin even more quickly than under Yasevi's rule.

Additionally, Tuhila's unfounded accusations against the former King only served to emphasize her delusional state of mind. It was clear that her claims lacked credibility, and her declining mental health during her imprisonment further undermined her legitimacy.

As she reflected on Tuhila's tragic and pitiful situation, Xenovia couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow and disappointment. However, she understood that her role was solely to intervene physically and not to involve herself in the complexities of politics. Xenovia decided to leave the matter to Yasevi and Aaron, trusting them to handle the situation appropriately.

Muttering to herself, Xenovia pondered the situation. "I wonder how the others are doing. A brief scan tells me that they are not facing any difficulties; it may have already been resolved since the rumbling stopped. It's time to make my way to the South," she resolved, getting ready to move towards the next location to ensure that the situation was under control.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the northern vicinity of Kritānukūla City, Raynare found herself engaged in a fierce battle against two powerful opponents. Both enemies were seasoned combatants, each possessing distinct fighting styles, yet both excelling as ranged fighters.

One of them, adorned in a predominantly green attire, sported short green hair and wielded a colossal plasma gun with apparent expertise, using it to launch relentless attacks against Raynare, testing her agility and resolve.

On the other hand, the second opponent, with short white hair and striking lime green eyes, presented a more unconventional yet formidable appearance. Clad in a striking ensemble comprising of a short purple crop top paired with a furry hoodie, baggy white pants, and white and purple sneakers, this enemy wielded deadly purple Yo-yos as their preferred means of combat.

Known as Guhaji, the green-clad sharpshooter and Yazoho, the agile Yo-yo master, they worked in seamless harmony, displaying a skillful synchronicity that enabled them to synchronize their attacks and capitalize on each other's strengths.

"Yo, girl, ain't you fi—" Yazoho began, but Raynare swiftly cut him off, unwilling to engage in conversation with him. She had no interest in exchanging words with this fool; her sole focus was on incapacitating them and utilizing her ring's memory reading abilities.

"Shut up," Raynare interjected firmly, silencing any further attempts at dialogue from Yazoho.

Unperturbed by Raynare's dismissive attitude, Yazoho chuckled and remarked, "So rude~. This is why you'll die single!"

"I'm engaged, so screw you, dumbass. I don't need your input or opinion," Raynare retorted, emphasizing her commitment to her engagement. Meanwhile, the twenty followers accompanying Yazoho and Guhaji had already been subdued and rendered unconscious earlier.

Despite Raynare's initial attempts to communicate with them, seeking information, Guhaji's reticence and Yazoho's dismissive attitude led her to abandon any semblance of civility in their interactions. She deemed them both uncooperative and ceased her efforts to engage them in conversation.

Raynare released a rapid flurry of light bullets, with the intention of overwhelming the duo. In response, Yazoho executed a coordinated maneuver, skillfully using his yo-yo to hoist Guhaji into the air. With his plasma gun aimed at Raynare, Guhaji fired a shot, only to be taken aback as Raynare deftly countered it by conjuring a beam of light from her fingertips.

Seizing the opportunity, Yazoho swiftly propelled himself toward Raynare, using both yo-yos as improvised boxing gloves with protruding spikes. A confident grin adorned his face as he aimed a punch at Raynare. However, the adept Fallen Angel effortlessly dodged the attack, scoffing at Yazoho as he sailed past her.

Reacting quickly, Raynare leaned backward to evade the nearly invisible strings Yazoho manipulated with his yo-yos. Though she managed to effortlessly dodge them, the calculated move displayed by Yazoho nearly hit her, even if it would have not done any real damage to her.

"Haha! You're amaz—" Yazoho started to express his admiration, but before he could finish, a powerful beam of light cut him off. Guhaji acted swiftly, firing a shot to intercept Raynare's attack. However, the temporary shield created by Guhaji's shot was no match for the force of Raynare's assault, and the powerful beam tore through the landscape below them.

Seizing the opportunity, Raynare materialized beside Guhaji, catching him off guard. With remarkable speed, she delivered a swift knee strike to his stomach, sending him staggering. Following up with a spear of light, she hurled it at Guhaji, leaving him little time to recover.

Despite the relentless assault, Guhaji managed to regain his composure and fired another shot from his plasma gun, effectively countering Raynare's attack. He quickly switched modes, propelling himself away to create distance before returning to the offensive. Firing multiple rounds in rapid succession, Guhaji unleashed a barrage of shots aimed at the nimble and evasive Raynare.

"That gun looks pretty interesting... I want it, give it to me," Raynare declared to herself in a calm yet resolute manner. She then proceeded to counter the rounds discharged by Guhaji with balls of light. However, as she skillfully maneuvered, a yo-yo whizzed past her, prompting a swift evasion.

Growing increasingly irritated by the persistent duo, Raynare engulfed her hand in holy flames and, with a swift motion, struck down at the strings of Yazoho's yo-yos, effortlessly severing them much to Yazoho's astonishment.

"What in the... how did you cut through those? Lady, those things are as sturdy as—"

Before Yazoho could finish his sentence, Raynare vanished and reappeared behind him. Point-blank, she aimed a ball of light at Yazoho, stating, "I don't care, just go to sleep." With that, she unleashed her attack, intending to subdue her yo-yo-wielding foe.

"Zoho!" Guhaji cried out in agony, finally breaking his silence, a reaction that brought a chuckle from Raynare. "Damn you!" he exclaimed, watching Yazoho collapse to the ground, unconscious, with severe burns marring much of his back.

In an effort to reach his fallen comrade, Guhaji swiftly switched modes, propelling himself closer to Yazoho. However, as he flew past Raynare, she seized the opportunity and smirked, delivering a powerful foot strike to Guhaji's side. The force sent him hurtling away, crashing through several buildings in the process.

[Raynare-sama, please keep the damage to a minimum!] Ravel's voice chided through their ring's transceivers, reminding the mission leader to exercise restraint.

[My bad, I forgot. I'll keep that in mind going forward,] Raynare responded to Ravel with a nonchalant chuckle, acknowledging the need to minimize collateral damage as she continued with the mission.

Raynare turned her gaze to the fallen Yazoho, creating a protective barrier of light around him. She then made her way to where Guhaji had crashed, her proud jet-black feathered wings on display as she hovered above him, ready to demand answers.

"Why are you rebelling?" she demanded, her tone leaving no room for evasion.

Guhaji grunted and quickly aimed his gun at Raynare. But to his surprise, the weapon slipped from his grasp, leaving him bewildered. It was only then that he realized both of his arms had been severed, prompting a shout of pain as he collapsed to his knees.

"Enough with the screaming," Raynare retorted dismissively before cauterizing his wounds, causing him to lose consciousness. She sighed, then forcefully woke him by burning a part of his body with holy flames.

"Speak, or I'll make it hell for you," she threatened, the urgency of extracting information evident in her words.

Raynare let out a soft chuckle in response to Guhaji's defiance. "Why should I tell you anything?" he spat out, his glare unwavering.

With a wry smile, Raynare replied, "Because I'm only doing this for Aaron's sake. He already knows, but hey, I can at least say I tried questioning you instead of just beating you up easily."

"That doesn't sound like someone that's trying to make the universe a better place," retorted Guhaji, still glaring at Raynare.

His words struck a chord with her. Raynare reflected on her own actions and the duality within herself. She had changed significantly, yet there were moments, especially in the heat of battle, when her sadistic tendencies resurfaced. It was a side of her that emerged in situations outside of tournaments or training sessions. She acknowledged this aspect of her character, understanding that Aaron was likely aware of it as well. The question lingered, though—was he waiting for her to address it or approach him first?

Raynare's stare remained as frigid as ever as she demanded answers. "It doesn't matter. Why are you rebelling against Yasevi?" she asked, her intense gaze unnerving Guhaji.

Guhaji flinched and looked away. "I have nothing—" But before he could finish, Raynare swiftly slapped him, leaving him stunned. Each attempt to speak was met with another slap, a relentless cycle that continued for several minutes. Guhaji's cheeks reddened and swelled from the repeated blows.

"Speak," Raynare ordered, her eyes staring daggers at him.

Finally, Guhaji began to speak. "I don't have anything against Lady Yasevi... but the leader of the Reintillions holds a deep grudge against her. I don't know why, but he's willing to destroy the planet and kingdom for it. I owe my life to him, so I'm just doing a favor..." he confessed under the pressure of Raynare's interrogation.

Raynare's intense gaze remained fixed on Guhaji as she pressed for more information. "What about the other man? The yo-yo wielding weirdo?" she inquired, suspicion narrowing her eyes.

"We work well together, but I don't know his motives. You have to ask him yourself," replied Guhaji. "But…I think he holds genuine resentment towards Lady Yasevi for being unable to save his parents that one time, making his family go into debt that they're still trying to pay off. But who knows?"

Raynare placed anti-magic handcuffs on him and stowed his gun in her ring. "You will tell him to be truthful, or there will be consequences, understood?" she warned sternly. Guhaji nodded solemnly before being led away, his fate now in the hands of those seeking answers.

Upon reaching the still-unconscious Yazoho, Raynare dispersed the barrier surrounding him and roused him from his slumber. At the same time, she skillfully applied the ubiquitous anti-magic handcuffs to restrain him, quickly confiscating him of his yo-yos. As Yazoho regained consciousness, he jolted awake and surveyed his surroundings with a bewildered expression.

"Heh, see ya!" he exclaimed, making a futile attempt to flee. Raynare, however, foiled his escape, expertly tripping him, resulting in an undignified faceplant onto the ground. "Ugh…what the hell…?"

"Speak up. Why are you rebelling against Yasevi?" Raynare inquired sternly.

Yazoho, with a touch of sarcasm, retorted, "For that big booty of hers! Woohoo!" His proclamation was accompanied by raucous laughter, echoing through the air.

Turning to Guhaji, Raynare sought insight, asking, "Is he always this stupid, or is it a selective trait?"

"He... he can be serious when the situation demands it, but mostly, he's carefree and indifferent to the consequences," Guhaji responded with a sigh, observing his friend's antics with a mixture of resignation and exasperation.

Raynare acknowledged the response with a subtle nod and, with calculated precision, impaled Yazoho's leg with a spear crafted from her light. The action elicited an anguished scream from the young man.

"God fucking damn it!!! Why did you do that!? What's wrong with you?!?!?" he bellowed, his eyes ablaze with fury and veins pulsating on his forehead. Despite the intense glare, he obstinately refrained from answering Raynare's inquiry.

Undeterred, the fallen angel approached him, gripping the radiant spear and twisting it around his injured leg, intensifying his torment.

"Speak, or this will escalate for you, as well as for your parents. I assure you, your debts will multiply if you persist in withholding the truth," Raynare declared menacingly. Yazoho, frozen in pain, shot her a venomous glare, his moans blending with the persistent agony inflicted upon him.

"Yasevi must pay for this and the debt must be erased! Those conniving individuals who trapped us in this predicament must be eliminated! It's as simple as that! Why should we care about morals in this situation? They deceived us, so they deserve to face the consequences!" Yazoho declared defiantly, his words filled with bitterness.

Raynare, bewildered by his argument, challenged, "So you got scammed, and now you're blaming everyone else? Are you truly that naive? How is any of this Yasevi's fault?" She struggled to comprehend the reasoning behind his passionate plea, especially when it seemed clear that the responsibility lay with those who had been misled.

"They deceived my elderly parents!! How is that morally acceptable?! Yasevi even promised to prevent such things from happening, but look at what happened to my parents! Others in our group feel the same way too! They were promised one thing, and it still happened to them!!" Yazoho shouted, his frustration reaching a boiling point, accompanied by a look of fury in his eyes.

"Very well. Share with us the intricate details. I am willing to listen. If your accusations against them hold water, I will bring it up with my fiancé," Raynare stated. "But if it turns out that the blame lies with you, then your destination is simply prison after this rebellion."

It was evident that Raynare's intention was to uncover the unembellished truth from Yazoho by using the looming threat of their existing debt, or even its escalation, as leverage. The potential for continued financial burden was meant to serve as a compelling incentive for Yazoho to reveal the complete truth, according to Raynare's perspective.

As the story unfolded, Raynare unearthed a narrative of loan flipping and predatory lenders. These financial wrongdoings, she realized, were sinister methods that could cause significant harm to borrowers. Loan flipping, characterized by the repeated refinancing of a loan with exorbitant fees, inevitably led to an increase in debt for the unsuspecting borrower.

On the other hand, predatory lenders exploited borrowers through deceptive tactics and unfair terms, putting the borrowers in a precarious and disadvantageous position.

Delving deeper into the complexities, loan flipping was revealed as a malicious tactic where a borrower, often under coercive persuasion, repeatedly refinanced their loan. This practice typically involved accepting unfavorable terms, ultimately resulting in a significant increase in the overall debt burden borne by the unsuspecting borrower.

At the same time, predatory lenders, employing nefarious tactics, inflicted financial harm through excessive interest rates, hidden fees, and deceptive loan terms. These unscrupulous actions specifically targeted individuals already struggling with vulnerable financial circumstances.

Absorbing the detailed explanation, Raynare nodded thoughtfully. "In simpler terms, they deceived your elderly parents, plunging you into substantial debt. Where were you in the middle of all this?"

"…Living my life? I wasn't exactly living with them during that period. But when I eventually discovered the predicament and confronted them, they simply scoffed at me, telling me to deal with it," Yazoho responded with a tone of resignation, revealing the heart-wrenching indifference with which the loaners had dismissed his concerns.

"Hmm. This is a much more grounded tale than I expected, one without supernatural powers but full of real-life struggles. I will discuss this with my fiancé and Yasevi. However, I will keep a close eye on you until this coup is stopped. Do you understand?" Raynare asked, narrowing her eyes at Yazoho.

"Yeah… whatever, lady… now heal me; this is way too painful!" exclaimed Yazoho, eyeing his still-bleeding leg.

Raynare nodded, decisively removing the light spear, evoking another shout of agony from Yazoho, before proceeding to heal him. Turning her attention southwards, she spoke, "We're heading south. I sense a few powerful auras in that direction. Presumably, one of the leaders is situated there, correct?"

"Yeah," confirmed Yazoho, and Guhaji silently nodded in agreement.

"We're going there to confront them. My two teammates should be nearing the resolution of their encounters with your other teammates as well. Come." With that, the group set their course toward the southern region, bracing for the impending confrontation with the leaders of the opposing faction.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon the front of Ravel Phenex, she found herself entangled in a frenzied pursuit, engaged in a chase with two formidable members of the Reintillions. Both foes were women, skilled in wielding swords for close-quarters combat. Luckily, Ravel had the experience and training to effectively confront such opponents.

The first opponent, Veian, emanated an aura of deadly elegance with her long white hair fashioned into a ponytail, piercing blue eyes, and tanned skin. Clad in a sleek black professional suit, Veian wielded a katana, showcasing a refined mastery of its deadly artistry.

In contrast, the second enemy, Reylin, emerged as a dark enigma cloaked in obsidian armor adorned with flickering flames, shrouding select portions of her jet-black attire. Her long gray tresses cascaded down her back, while a smoldering cape billowed behind her, obscuring her features beneath a black mask. Reylin wielded a sword infused with a sinister crimson and ebony glow, unleashing a relentless assault alongside Veian upon Ravel.

In a mesmerizing display of agility, Ravel deftly bobbed, weaved, and danced through the relentless barrage of attacks, all the while steadfastly attempting to engage Veian and Reylin in conversation.

Though she acknowledged the apparent futility of her efforts, Ravel harbored a genuine desire to hear their words directly from them. Reluctant to overly rely on her ring's memory-reading function, despite its proven efficacy, she continued to press for a vocal response in the middle of the chaotic clash.

"Please, give me an answer," Ravel implored, her plea punctuating each graceful evasion of their strikes. As Veian's calm yet relentless onslaught persisted, Ravel's determination to hear their rationale firsthand remained firm.

In a composed and measured tone, Veian responded to Ravel's plea, her words cutting through the chaos of their fight. "You want an answer? Then listen closely," Veian began, her voice carrying a hint of anger. "We were once mercenaries who arrived on this planet and seamlessly integrated into its societies, only to be ultimately betrayed by Yasevi. While she reveled in the ease of her rule, our only ambition was to strengthen our military might, preparing for any unforeseen threats," Veian explained, her words delivering a glimpse into their underlying motivations in their fight.

"I understand that her hesitation has caused significant harm and distress to all of you, but nobody is perfect. While it may seem idealistic to believe that your kingdom and people will never engage in conflict, her intentions were rooted in a desire for peace, even if it came at a high cost," Ravel countered, her tone measured.

"High cost? We were on the brink of death! The King was a far superior ruler to her, and she's utterly incompetent. The fact that she's still in power is utterly disheartening! Even Barakyu would have been a better ruler than her!" Veian retorted vehemently, frustration seeping through her words as she unleashed a swirling aura slash with her katana aimed at Ravel.

Ravel swiftly countered with her flames, dissipating Veian's attack. However, Veian wasted no time in launching numerous aura slashes in rapid succession before vanishing and reappearing above Ravel. With a burst of energy, a colossal white dragon manifested around her, hurtling towards the youngest Phenex sibling with menacing intent.

Simultaneously, a surge of dark crimson flames erupted from Reylin, forming the menacing shape of a large hound's face as it charged towards Ravel. Unfazed, Ravel let out a resigned sigh and summoned her own flames to create a powerful defensive barrier. The two attacks clashed against the shield, and as the smoke cleared, Ravel emerged unharmed.

Extending her finger like a gun, Ravel unleashed the formidable [Hell Fire]—a source of pride for her clan—sending bullets of fire tearing through the air with relentless precision. Veian and Reylin tried to defend themselves, but the fiery projectiles broke through their barriers, striking them at their weakest points and causing small explosions that sent them flying backwards.

Undaunted, Ravel used her [Hell Fire] to conjure a phoenix-like entity, directing it towards her enemies. The attack split into multiple entities, homing in on Veian and Reylin before detonating on impact. Protected by an imperceptible shield, the surrounding area remained untouched by the explosive aftermath as Ravel asserted her dominance in the escalating confrontation.

As the dissipating smoke revealed the aftermath, Veian and Reylin emerged with only minor burns. They quickly drank from small glass bottles, initiating a rapid healing process similar to the renowned Phenex Tears and Slime Pills owned by her family and Aaron. Intrigued, Ravel muttered to herself, "They're like the Phenex Tears and Slime Pills Aaron-sama has... interesting."

Driven by curiosity, Ravel questioned the nature of the substances. "What are those?" she inquired.

"Why does it matter?" Veian retorted.

"I'm just curious. We have items of almost the same nature in the Resistance, so seeing those made me curious," Ravel explained.

Veian, surprisingly forthcoming, responded, "They're extracted from a beast that accelerates natural healing by a hundredfold. Though it does shorten your lifespan, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." Veian's revelation left Ravel visibly taken aback, processing the implications of the potent but life-limiting healing substances.

"That trade-off seems weighty, even when compared to the longer lifespans of various species across the universe. Why go to such lengths to fight?" Ravel asked, her body now engulfed in flames.

Veian, sharing her motivations, disclosed, "Although me and Reylin come from different species and planets, my species originated from a warrior tribe on a specific planet that fell under the dominion of Phumera. When we refused to serve them, I became a mercenary. They stripped us of our pride, heritage, and way of life—turning us into slaves. I abhorred it, so I departed."

"I sought revenge, a rebellion. However, after settling down here, my perspective began to change. Yet, after we were nearly killed and saved only by the outer god, I began to see Yasevi's inadequacies as a leader. It was all because of her that we were thrust into this dire scenario," Veian explained, shedding light on the intricate interplay of revenge, rebellion, and disillusionment that fueled her determination to oppose Yasevi's rule.

Ravel's frown deepened as she pondered Veian's words. While she couldn't argue with the underlying reasoning behind her motivations, she remained keenly aware of the potential consequences. If Veian's actions resulted in explosions and tremors, innocent lives would undoubtedly be at risk. Furthermore, the diverse mix of individuals within their organizations held a range of motivations, from self-serving to delusional, which could further complicate the situation.

"But by causing those explosions and tremors, you're putting the lives of innocent people in danger. And you know full well the motivations of others within our organizations, don't you? Many of them have even more selfish or delusional reasons for rebelling," Ravel remarked, her concern apparent.

"That's a risk I am willing to take," Veian responded firmly. As Reylin moved to intervene, Veian stopped her, enveloping herself in a potent white energy. "Stay out of this," she commanded Reylin firmly. "If you want to stop me, do it now. It's the only option left for you." Veian's words hung heavily in the air, signaling the mounting tension and the looming clash of ideologies within their vicinity.

Ravel nodded solemnly and appeared beside Veian, who reacted quickly with a swing of her sword. However, Ravel effortlessly intercepted the blade, melting it with her fiery powers.

"I prefer to lead my friends and allies rather than engage in direct combat, but I'm not opposed to it," Ravel declared firmly. "I, Ravel Phenex, have heard your reasons and will inform Aaron-sama about them. For now... please rest."

In one smooth motion, Ravel's fist connected with Veian's face, rendering her unconscious—or rather, delivering a fatal blow that extinguished her life. The sheer force of the punch obliterated everything within Veian's head. Although reluctant, Ravel caught her fallen enemy, intending to petition Aaron for her revival. Despite her aversion to taking lives, she recognized the necessity of ending the conflict.

Setting Veian down gently, Ravel turned her attention to Reylin, who remained motionless, observing the scene with a stoic expression.

"I come from a conquered planet, but I don't hold onto sentimental attachments like she does. I joined to create chaos, and, well, I'm also drawn to the military aspect. Whether it's war or battle, you can count me in. I thrive in the chaos of combat," Reylin declared with a menacing grin.

"A battle maniac? You're not the first one I've encountered," sighed Ravel. She cloaked herself in a demonic aura and soared back into the sky, facing Reylin.

"You wield flames as well. Let's find out whose flames burn hotter—yours or mine?" Ravel challenged.

A grin spread across Reylin's face. "Prepare yourself, little noble girl. I'll show you just how intense my flames can be," she declared, charging towards Ravel with immense dark crimson flames engulfing her.

Ravel extended her hand, releasing several bursts of [Hell Fire]. To Reylin's surprise, Ravel's flames effortlessly outshone hers, grazing her cheek and leaving a scorching burn. "I love it!!" Reylin exclaimed, relishing the fiery intensity of the confrontation.

As Ravel enveloped herself in an inferno of dancing flames, she soared towards Reylin with fierce determination. In response, Reylin unleashed a barrage of several large dark crimson orbs of searing flames, each one crackling with raw, potent energy. Yet, to Reylin's astonishment, Ravel expertly redirected the awe-inspiring attack back at her enemy.

Despite Reylin's valiant attempts to regain control, she found herself ensnared by her own raging inferno, resulting in a semi-large explosion in the sky that quickly dissipated, leaving both combatants momentarily suspended in the aftermath.

Seizing the moment, Ravel unleashed a relentless barrage of azure flames at Reylin, catching her off guard with the ferocity of the assault. Reacting swiftly, Reylin maneuvered through the air, conjuring an additional sword to dual-wield alongside her existing weapon. However, her initial blade was swiftly engulfed by the searing blaze, compelling her to wield the flames themselves as she launched a fervent attack against Ravel.

Remaining composed in the middle of the chaos, Ravel adeptly evaded each fiery strike, her gaze unwavering as she pivoted gracefully. As the aerial duel reached its peak, Reylin's successive slashes sent shockwaves resonating through the air, their impact reverberating against the protective barrier that shielded the city below.

As Ravel brought her hands together, her eyes shimmered with a fierce glow. "It may be incomplete, but it's worth a shot," she muttered with a sly smile, her gaze fixed on Reylin.

"Amplifica... Sanctuaire delle Braci Chute (Emberfall Sanctuary)!" she declared.

In an instant, the world around them underwent a breathtaking transformation. The entire area turned into a realm of flames, an "Emberfall Sanctuary." Countless fiery creatures of various shapes and sizes emerged from the flames, with a magnificent large phoenix dominating the sky. Its dark blue eyes locked onto Reylin with a menacing intensity.

Horror-stricken, Reylin exclaimed, "W-what—you can use that!?" The realization of Ravel invoking an "Amplifica" left her in a state of panic. She tried to use a technique to escape or shield herself, but the flaming creatures descended upon her relentlessly, attacking from all directions. The Emberfall Sanctuary turned into a chaotic battleground, the fiery entities relentlessly pursuing Reylin within the confines of Ravel's powerful yet incomplete Amplifica.

Watching Reylin desperately fend off the relentless attacks of flaming creatures within the Emberfall Sanctuary, Ravel observed and muttered to herself, "This takes a lot of power to do... but I'm glad it's already replenishing." Hovering above the chaos, she assessed the unfolding scene.

Approaching the giant Phoenix, Ravel stood on its head and addressed it, "Let's leave you for last and see what she does. She already explained her motivations, after all. I doubt she's remorseful for anything."

Meanwhile, Reylin, in a state of panic, covered her body with dark crimson flames, attempting to ward off the relentless onslaught. To her dismay, the flaming creatures devoured her flames, rendering them ineffective. Even her first sword, known for its high fire resistance, succumbed to the overwhelming heat and melted away.

"Damn it! What the hell is this!? No one said they could use this...!" Reylin shouted in frustration, her movements slowing down as the intense heat took its toll on her. The Emberfall Sanctuary proved to be an overwhelming force against her fiery prowess, leaving Reylin in a desperate struggle for survival.

"Aaron-sama probably wants to keep them all alive... despite the fact that I have already taken one life... I have to apologize to him for that," Ravel whispered to herself. Gathering her resolve, she issued a steadfast order, "L-let's ensure this one remains alive. Please, fire at her, but do not end her life." Preparing a Slime Pill, she aimed to capture Reylin without inflicting further harm.

The Phoenix heeded Ravel's command, and as the other fiery creatures apprehended Reylin, she began to scream in agony as her armor and body yielded to the fierce heat. Reylin's mask dissolved, unveiling her scarred face with purple eyes brimming with tears, surprising Ravel.

"For someone who claims to be a battle maniac, I did not anticipate her to shed tears so readily," Ravel observed, her understanding of Reylin's intricate emotions deepening.

The Phoenix unleashed a massive and powerful breath attack, annihilating everything below them. The flames within the Amplifica intensified, further scorching Reylin's body as she writhed in agony. The goal was to capture, not to kill, but the struggle for survival within the fiery inferno intensified for the battle-worn Reylin.

The Phoenix's devastating breath attack dwindled, allowing Ravel and the colossal creature to touch down. Ravel disembarked from the Phoenix's head and surveyed Reylin, who had endured the fierce attack but was teetering on the edge of consciousness. Acting swiftly, Ravel administered a Slime Pill to mend Reylin's wounds and then employed the anti-magic cuffs to temporarily suppress her powers.

Upon regaining consciousness, Reylin made a futile attempt to strike Ravel, only to find her restrained hands unable to penetrate Ravel's solid barrier. Perplexed and exasperated, she made multiple attempts, each one yielding the same result. When she tried to rise and flee, her lack of strength and the stifling heat of her surroundings impeded her efforts.

"W-what have you done to me?" Reylin demanded, bewildered by the sudden limitations imposed upon her.

The incomplete Amplifica was undone, and Ravel and Reylin emerged once again in the skies of Kritānukūla. Breaking the silence, Ravel sought answers, saying, "Those cuffs either seal or take away your powers, then weaken you to a specific state. Please tell me why you rebelled. From those tears earlier, you don't seem like the type to want to die in a fight."

Reylin averted her gaze, initially feeling embarrassed. However, after a moment of silence and upon landing beside the fallen Veian, she finally spoke, revealing a hidden truth. "My father... forced me into it. I always liked reading, farming, and taking care of a small garden. I don't like violence, but because of my species, it was shunned upon, and I had to take up fighting," Reylin admitted, exposing the internal conflict that fueled her reluctant participation in the rebellion.

Reflecting on her decisions, Reylin continued to divulge her story. "So, when this occurred, and with Veian persuading me... I had no choice but to join them. I was unwilling to oppose them. They do possess some remarkable and powerful individuals in their ranks, but upon careful consideration and witnessing the immense powers of the outer god, it was rash of us. Nonetheless, I felt compelled to commit and attempt to confront you and proceed with the coup," she elucidated.

With a wearied sigh and a shake of her head, Reylin expressed the exhaustion wrought by her choices. "It's all so draining... I simply want to retreat to a peaceful place, perhaps the countryside, and savor a quiet existence there. Hopefully, this new planet offers something akin to that. The other planet... was mostly just orange sand. But I suppose I'll be confined to a prison for quite some time after this," she added, conveying a sense of acceptance and weariness.

Ravel, listening to Reylin's story with empathy, felt a deep sense of compassion. She had come across similar tales within [DxD], where some members struggled with family pressures and expectations.

After a moment of reflection, Ravel offered a potential solution, saying, "I can speak on your behalf. We have vast farms on the Resistance planet. The farmers might need assistance there, so what do you think?"

Considering the proposal, Reylin hesitated and expressed her concern, "But what about my time in prison...?"

Ravel offered an alternative, "We can relocate you to the farming area and consider it as fulfilling your punishment through hard labor. How does that sound? Of course, I need to inform Aaron-sama about this and have him persuade Yasevi-sama and the other leaders. But I believe you have a good chance. If you agree, I will do everything I can to convince them." Ravel's proposal aimed to offer Reylin a chance for redemption and a new start in life.

"Then I will accept," Reylin affirmed, her mind made up. "Our primary headquarters is located to the South. That's where we'll find the last member of our covert group, the leader, and two other higher-ups, excluding Lady Yasevi's advisors," she explained.

Ravel nodded in gratitude. "I understand. Thank you for informing me. I'll relay the information to my team," she said, turning to use her ring's transceivers to share the details with Xenovia and Raynare about what awaits them in the South. Once the communication was finished, Ravel turned back to Reylin. "We'll head there as well. Come with me," she urged.

Reylin nodded in agreement, her eyes briefly resting on Veian before Ravel lifted her with telekinesis. Together, they started walking before teleporting to the South, guided by the aura signatures of Raynare and Xenovia waiting for them in that direction.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I hadn't expected there to be so many of them," Xenovia remarked as they surveyed the defeated enemies around them.

Raynare, however, made an intriguing observation. "They're persistent, almost never-ending, but did you notice?" she asked.

"Notice what?" inquired Xenovia, her head tilted in confusion.

Raynare pointed out a peculiar detail, "They all look the same, look at their hair, face, and clothes. They appear to be clones of someone. Maybe they have the ability to produce them? All the other followers from the others look different from each other, but these guys are practically identical twins, triplets, and quadruplets."

Xenovia blinked rapidly, processing the information, before taking a closer look at their defeated enemies. She nodded in agreement. "You're right... they look practically the same," she mumbled aloud, acknowledging the unusual homogeneity among the adversaries.

Xenovia shut her eyes, honing in on the auras surrounding them. "Three auras in total, all of them quite powerful, at least Middle-Tier God-class. Even those clones pack a punch, all of them reaching Satan-class," she reported, assessing the strength of their vanquished foes.

Raynare concurred, "Agreed. Let's not waste any more time just standing around. Ravel has just arrived." They both turned to see Ravel approaching, the enemies defeated in her wake.

Raynare asked, "Did you accidentally kill that one?"

Ravel hesitated, "Y-yes, it was... in the heat of battle. I intend to request Aaron-sama to revive her later... But Reylin-sama here is willing to work with us. Please explain who's who to them."

Reylin nodded, seizing the opportunity to share intel. She introduced the remaining three adversaries: the last "hidden" member of the Reintillions, a seventh member, and the leader of the group named Dihame. Reylin confessed she didn't have much information about them or anyone else other than the two advisors of Lady Yasevi and the two last higher-ups.

"Any thoughts on their powers?" Xenovia asked, intrigued by the capabilities of their remaining foes.

Reylin shook her head. "He's never shown any sign of using his powers before. I suspect this strange cloning technique may be a result of orders from the higher-ups. They may not be at the same level as any of you, but their abilities are still, well, irritating to some extent. However... Dihame gives me a sense of unease, so please be vigilant, whichever one of you encounters him," she cautioned, expressing her disquiet about her mysterious leader.

They all heeded Reylin's warning, acknowledging the potential threat posed by Dihame. Meanwhile, Guhaji and Yazoho, who were awake but keeping their distance, remained silent, refraining from speaking out of fear of backlash from their current leaders, while also doubting the likelihood of being freed.

"As you witnessed, one of the higher-ups may possess a cloning technique, but the clones they create are significantly weaker. However, they are produced in large numbers. Additionally, he also has the ability to manipulate water. As for the other one... I'm not entirely certain, but it is likely that he uses a massive hammer for combat and has some form of gravity manipulation," Reylin explained, shedding light on the abilities of the remaining enemies.

They all nodded in comprehension and decided to encase Guhaji, Yazoho, and Reylin in a cage of light. It was a precautionary measure to prevent any unexpected actions or disturbances from the former members of the Reintillions. Once the confinement was in place, the group departed for the underground base.

Glancing at Reylin, Yazoho couldn't help but comment, "So, you're switching sides, huh?"

Reylin met his gaze with confidence. "I've been presented with an incredible opportunity; I can't afford to let it slip away. I am willing to take the risk," she declared, reaffirming her commitment to the decision she had made.

"An incredible opportunity?" Guhaji questioned with a raised brow. "What kind? You seem different, Reylin. What's going on?"

Reylin turned away, letting out a sigh. "I'm not one for fighting. The offer from that young noble was too tempting to refuse," she admitted.

Yazoho was taken aback. "Wait, what!? You don't like fighting!? Who are you, really!?" He pointed at Reylin with exaggerated disbelief.

Reylin sighed again, shaking her head. "You wouldn't understand, even if I tried to explain. Let's just wait and see what happens after they come back out," she said, choosing to withdraw from the conversation.

"Has she changed her preference to women!?" Yazoho blurted out, earning a smack from Guhaji.

"Behave, that's rude," scolded Guhaji, causing Yazoho to chuckle at the response.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Three enemies, three of us—so, who will challenge whom?" Xenovia inquired as they descended the staircase, swiftly reaching the bottom.

"I am curious about the leader's secrets and what he has to convey. I wish to confront him," expressed Ravel.

"It seems we will be facing the higher-ranking ones then," replied Xenovia. "I sense that two are located in the same direction while the other is positioned that way. Therefore, Ravel, you may proceed in that direction while we continue in this direction." Xenovia gestured to the right, and Ravel bid them farewell before heading off.

Raynare inquired, "So, who's fighting who?"

"I will take on the person with the hammer and gravity manipulation. As for you, you will confront the one with clones and water manipulation," replied Xenovia, assigning roles for their imminent fights.

They both nodded in unison before vanishing from their current location, reappearing in a wide and opulent chamber. Curious and unusual decorations adorned the expansive room, adding an air of mystery to the surroundings. At the center of the room loomed a grand circular metallic table, its polished surface gleaming in the ambient light. Positioned at the furthest end of the chamber stood two enigmatic figures, their presence exuding an aura of expectation.

To the left stood a man with long, flowing pale blue hair and eyes, adorned in noble attire and framed by a pair of spectacles. In his hand, he held a book of undeniable significance, and as their gazes met, the realization dawned upon them—this was Anrelee, the creator of the clones and a master of water manipulation. His gaze bore into them with an unmistakable air of contempt and superiority, casting a shadow of foreboding over the encounter.

Conversely, on the right stood a man of striking appearance—his short white hair accentuating his pale, almost ghostly complexion. Atop his head sat a black hat, beneath which glowed intense crimson eyes, lending an eerie quality to his visage.

Clad in a slick black coat, tight white pants, and long black boots reaching his knee, he exuded an aura of enigmatic power. Adorned with white gloves, he wielded a small yet imposing hammer. This was Kaun, a master of hammer combat and manipulation of gravity, his presence invoking a sense of intrigue and apprehension.

Without a single word passing between them, Raynare and Anrelee disappeared, leaving Xenovia to accompany Kaun. The room erupted in a violent explosion, reducing it to rubble and flinging them to different corners of the underground base.

— ○ ● ○ —

Xenovia brandished her mighty weapon, the [Durandal EX], and charged at Kaun, who skillfully wielded his hammer, causing it to grow to an impressive twenty times its original size. As they met in the heart of the chamber, their weapons collided with a thunderous impact, sending a powerful shockwave that tore through the surroundings, threatening to bring the underground chamber crashing down.

Undeterred by the chaos, Kaun's smile widened as he increased the gravitational force around Xenovia, attempting to hinder her movements. To his astonishment, his efforts had little effect on Xenovia, who shrugged off the heightened gravity with apparent ease, displaying a resilience that defied his expectations. With effortless grace, Xenovia pressed on, undeterred by the gravitational interference, delivering determined strikes with her sword as if unaffected by Kaun's attempts.

"You're quite the fascinating one, not succumbing to my gravitational manipulation," Kaun remarked, his smirk unwavering despite his surprise at her resistance to his powers.

With a deadpan tone, Xenovia retorted, her steadfast resolve underscored by a challenge. "It's weak. Make it thirty million times the gravity, and maybe I'll feel something," she taunted before swiftly and forcefully kicking Kaun in the abdomen, sending him flying.

Gracefully touching down on the ground, Kaun deftly manipulated the gravity around various objects, sending them hurtling towards Xenovia in a futile attempt to overwhelm her. However, with remarkable ease, Xenovia effortlessly sliced through the projectiles as she closed the distance, undeterred.

As Kaun's crackling hammer swung towards Xenovia, she intensified the force behind her own strike, unyielding in her approach. The collision of their powerful forces resulted in a resounding explosion, yet only the underground surroundings bore the brunt of the impact. An imperceptible barrier shielded the surface, preventing any consequential damage.

The explosion propelled Kaun backward, but he managed to land on his feet, exhibiting only minimal damage from the encounter. With a sly grin, he acknowledged the prowess of the Resistance's formidable members. "As expected of the Resistance, harboring truly powerful individuals. Regrettably, I'm operating at a mere 80% of my full strength," he taunted.

Responding with a deadpan stare, Xenovia calmly retorted, "I'm barely tapping into 1% of my capabilities." In a sudden move, she appeared beside Kaun, delivering a powerful leg strike to the side of his head, sending him hurtling through several more rooms.

Kaun pushed aside the debris, standing tall after the impact. Yet, he seemed to brush off Xenovia's claim, replying with a touch of arrogance, "1%? My dear, unnecessary displays won't give you an advantage. No one surpasses Lady Phumera or the Outer Gods. Your claims are nothing but a bluff."

Recognizing the futility of convincing someone with such steadfast beliefs, Xenovia sighed in exasperation. Breaking the tension, she asked sharply, "Why are you rebelling? If your reasons prove to be irrational or insane, be warned that I won't hesitate to sever a limb."

Undeterred, Kaun scoffed and readied his hammer once more, enveloping it in crackling lightning. "Our reasons are neither irrational nor insane. They are perfectly justified. Yasevi's governance is simply imprudent. If we were at the helm, we would usher in an era of prosperity for this world!"

Xenovia, with a look of blatant disinterest, countered with a raised eyebrow, "My future husband singlehandedly saved your kingdom, offering not one but two new planets for habitation, and this is the gratitude he receives? Talk about ingratitude. Well, it seems your motives are baseless, but I won't go so far as to end your life. Be prepared for defeat."

Kaun, defiant and dismissive, shouted, "I'd like to see you try, you naive girl!" In an instant, he vanished and reappeared above Xenovia, brandishing his charged hammer. "Die!" he bellowed, swinging the weapon with a surge of lightning enveloping it.

However, Xenovia proved her agility and mastery, instantly appeared behind Kaun. A flurry of slashes appeared around his body, accompanied by the decisive severing of his left arm. Kaun crashed to the ground, screams echoing as he clutched the bleeding stump, releasing his grip on the now-discarded hammer.

Disappointment was evident on Xenovia's face as she looked at Kaun, clearly unimpressed. "I expected more from a God-class being, but it seems that the counterparts in our universe are far more skilled than... whatever you are," she commented with a sigh.

"I am Kaun! I won't be defeated like this!" Kaun defiantly roared. To Xenovia's surprise, a new arm began to regenerate from the stump, a mixture of blood and lightning forming the appendage. The discarded hammer swiftly returned to the reformed arm as Kaun shot a fierce glare in her direction.

"Well, that's unexpected," she chuckled slightly. "I guess I get to have a bit more fun." Xenovia then proceeded to extract [Excalibur] from her [Durandal], stowing the latter away into her ring. She wielded the complete and original [Excalibur], facing Kaun with a determined stance. "Bring it."

Kaun, filled with rage and an unbridled roar, charged back at Xenovia with extreme intensity. His fierce hammer swings carried immense power, each strike unleashing gusts of wind that caused chaos in their surroundings, accompanied by bursts of lightning that illuminated the chaotic scene.

Undeterred, Xenovia met his fierce attacks head-on, using [Excalibur] to block the thunderous strikes. Taking advantage of the situation, she used [Excalibur Nightmare] to create replicas of herself, all armed with the legendary sword. The Xenovia clones, along with the original, converged on Kaun, delivering successive blows. Despite the onslaught, Kaun stubbornly shrugged off the attacks until the real Xenovia executed a forceful kick to his face, sending him sprawling.

Continuing her assault, Xenovia unleashed a series of holy aura slashes, each one aimed precisely at Kaun. Displaying agility and finesse, she leaped into the air, using [Excalibur Destruction] to release a devastating wave of destruction towards her enemy.

Landing gracefully, she ever-so slightly increased her speed with [Excalibur Rapidly], delivering a single, swift strike that effortlessly severed Kaun's remaining normal arm. The culmination of her attacks resulted in another explosion.

As Kaun's body began the process of repair, his severed arm once again regenerated through the fusion of blood and lightning. Despite the ongoing reconstruction, his gaze held a fierce determination for revenge. He breathed heavily as he locked eyes with Xenovia, emitting a palpable sense of murderous intent.

Unfazed, Xenovia taunted him with a confident smirk, goading him into another charge. In the middle of the confrontation, she strategically assessed the battlefield, noting the ongoing skirmish involving Ravel and Raynare. Observing that only Raynare was actively engaged in combat, she deduced that Ravel was likely occupied with the mysterious figure named Dihame or still en route to confront him.

In the heat of the battle, Kaun, frustrated by Xenovia's apparent distraction, roared, "How can you be distracted right now?!"

Xenovia, maintaining her composed demeanor, explained matter-of-factly, "Because you're quite boring, unfortunately. Your attacks lack strategy, you're letting anger dictate your actions, and frankly, you're not utilizing your powers with much creativity." Her words carried a hint of genuine disappointment as she analyzed Kaun's approach to the battle.

The vein on Kaun's cheek throbbed visibly, a telltale sign of his mounting frustration as he continued to glare at Xenovia with unwavering intensity, persisting in his relentless assault. However, his efforts proved futile as Xenovia delivered a decisive kick, sending him crashing back to the ground with a resounding thud.

With a resigned sigh, Xenovia declared, "Let's put an end to this. I had hoped to end the night on a positive note, not with conflict." A subtle smile played on her lips as she internally considered her next move, confident in her strategy.

Without hesitation, Xenovia charged forward, unleashing a series of advanced techniques fueled by the power of [Excalibur]. Utilizing [Excalibur Transparency], she rendered herself invisible, effectively obscuring her presence from her enemy. At the same time, she employed [Excalibur Nightmare] to summon replicas and illusions of herself, blurring the lines between reality and deception. These spectral images, aided by [Excalibur Rapidly], moved with heightened speed, seamlessly transitioning in and out of invisibility as they closed in on Kaun.

Kaun was overwhelmed by replicas and illusions, their swords slashing with deadly precision. As he struggled to defend himself, the challenge of distinguishing between replicas and illusions weighed heavily upon him. Some apparitions disappeared upon contact, while others manifested into tangible replicas, launching relentless attacks that engulfed him in frustration.

In the middle of the chaos, the original Xenovia seized the perfect opportunity, appearing behind Kaun and thrusting her sword swiftly into his chest. Harnessing the enchanted powers of [Excalibur] in tandem with [Excalibur Ruler], she skillfully manipulated Kaun's abilities to her advantage, imposing limitations that left him unable to access his powers without her authorization.

With a twist of fate, Xenovia briefly allowed Kaun to tap into his innate healing capabilities, only to promptly strip away his access to this ability. In an instant, the blood and lightning arms that had sustained him vanished, causing Kaun to collapse to his knees in a state of agony and despair, his anguished cries reverberating through the room.

Xenovia, watching Kaun's pain and frustration, sighed wearily. She let him scream for a moment before addressing him sternly, "That's enough. I know the injury isn't as incapacitating for someone like you."

In response, Kaun stopped screaming and met her gaze with a smirk, allowing the blood to drip from his stumps. Undeterred by his suffering, he defiantly declared, "And here I thought my screaming was top-notch. I won't take back my words, wench. Even if I have to carry out this rebellion alone, I will. One day, I'll escape, launch another rebellion, obliterate this planet, and end Yasevi's life," he vowed with venomous intent.

Puzzled, Xenovia questioned his motives, "Why? Did you despise Yasevi's rule so intensely that you're willing to go through all of this again?"

Kaun dismissed her inquiry with a scoff, retorting, "A child like you won't understand." His words carried a sense of disdain, emphasizing the vast ideological divide between them.

With exasperation etched on her face, Xenovia shook her head, realizing that further conversation with Kaun would be pointless. "There's no use in trying to talk to you any longer, so I'll stop," she declared before delivering a decisive blow, knocking him unconscious. With a practical approach, she administered a Slime Pill to speed up his healing process and then restrained him with anti-magic cuffs.

With a sigh, Xenovia began dragging Kaun away, heading towards the location where Raynare was locked in battle. Curiosity lingered in her mind, eager to assess the progress of their collective efforts against the rebels and to check on Raynare's current situation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Raynare found herself in the middle of an unrelenting barrage of water attacks, alongside Anrelee's numerous clones, all operating at a level of power that rivaled Satan-class. Despite the overwhelming assault, Raynare maintained a disinterested gaze, seemingly unaffected by the chaos unfolding around her. With precise movements, she summoned a barrier of radiant light, effortlessly warding off the relentless attacks.

As the battle continued, Raynare detected a distinct element of darkness or shadows woven into their offensive tactics. This realization led her to the conclusion that their attacks were inherently countered by her barrier, rendering it impervious to their onslaught.

While demonstrating an outward display of calm composure, Raynare keenly sensed Anrelee's increasing frustration with the lack of progress in their skirmish. In the beginning, Anrelee had attempted to engage in conversation, but now the dialogue had come to a standstill. The tide had turned, and Raynare assumed a silent stance, wearing a mocking smirk as she watched Anrelee's futile efforts to breach her formidable defense.

Raynare took the lead in the conversation, her voice filled with curiosity, "So, what led you to join the coup? It seems rather pointless considering the presence of an Outer God on the planet."

Remaining composed, Anrelee provided his reasoning, "I seek to advance the education of our people but that seems unlikely now. Additionally, I have existing ties with Phumera, and I plan to join their ranks upon leaving this place. Staying here seems counterproductive, and I am confident that, in time, you will not be able to sustain that powerful shield indefinitely."

Raynare, astonished by Anrelee's straightforward admission, stared at him in disbelief. His unexpected disclosure shed light on his unusual confidence—Phumera and her organization acted as his safety net and last resort.

With a snicker, Raynare couldn't help but show her amusement, "You may seem intelligent, but you're incredibly naive. I thought that was my territory," earning her a sharp glare from Anrelee.

Anrelee scoffed at Raynare's words, confidently stating, "Your arrogance will soon falter."

Shaking her head, Raynare murmured to herself, "The way you use your abilities can be quite odd at times, Aaron. Oh well." With a swift motion, she raised her right hand and unleashed multiple balls of light towards him.

Anrelee retaliated by shaping slingshots out of water, aiming to intercept Raynare's light attacks. To his surprise, the light projectiles managed to destroy his water defenses. Thinking quickly, Anrelee created a multi-layered shield using his clones and water manipulation, mitigating the impact of Raynare's attacks before causing them to detonate.

Observing his tactical use of clones and water manipulation, Raynare couldn't help but comment with a smirk, "Using your clones in such a ruthless manner, Anrelee? Well, I can't blame you; survival is the name of the game." She acknowledged his skill in wielding water manipulation and clones, even if complete mastery remained elusive.

Anrelee's declaration reverberated across the room with unyielding conviction, "I will use any means necessary to achieve victory. Whether it involves using children or other methods, victory is the ultimate objective."

Raynare, her gaze sharpening with suspicion, countered, "So, was the education initiative simply a front to indoctrinate them?"

With a condescending tone, Anrelee retorted, "You possess both beauty and intellect, yet I assumed you to be utterly foolish. You have now proven me wrong, woman."

Raynare cryptically smiled in response before abruptly disappearing from sight. In an instant, she reappeared, delivering a swift and forceful strike between Anrelee's legs. The sudden assault caused Anrelee's eyes to roll back in his head as he collapsed, clutching his injured region. The pain, delayed momentarily, surged through his body, eliciting agonized screams of profanity.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!!!" Anrelee's curses reverberated through the air as he desperately attempted to heal himself, writhing in torment from the unexpected attack. Raynare observed his suffering with a hint of satisfaction, the tide of battle momentarily swaying in her favor.

Maintaining her cheeky demeanor, Raynare replied, "I have a fiancé; I can't do that with you, sorry." Her snicker only served to further aggravate the already infuriated Anrelee.

Despite the pain and frustration, Anrelee managed to stand up, glaring at Raynare with undeniable hatred. With a quick gesture, he summoned several large monsters made of water, each charging at her with distinct attacks. Streams of water, water blades, and one attempting a body slam—a coordinated assault designed to overwhelm.

Undeterred, Raynare acknowledged his persistence, remarking, "You're persistent and stubborn, I'll give you that. But I need you alive since I need to read your memories." She grinned, displaying a certain confidence in her abilities.

Raynare, channeling a seemingly carefree demeanor, conjured several light-shaped yo-yos and began skillfully swinging them around. In a display reminiscent of Yazoho, she effortlessly destroyed the water-based attacks aimed at her. Laughter accompanied her actions, leaving Anrelee dumbfounded by her unexpected prowess and the mimicry of his subordinate's own techniques.

Anrelee, frustrated with the turn of events, exclaimed, "What kind of bull—argh! If it's come to this, then I will use that!" Dark blue energy surrounded his body, initiating a swift and intense transformation. Raynare, intrigued, allowed the process to unfold, observing as the energy spread and initiated a metamorphosis.

As the transformation continued, the dark blue energy mixed with the surrounding water, creating an elaborate suit of armor around Anrelee. Large, sharp gauntlets and formidable armor appeared, shaping his appearance into a more imposing form.

After the transformation was complete, Raynare, unimpressed, remarked with a hint of disappointment, "I thought it would be a cool transformation, but it's just armor... how boring."

Anrelee, now taller by about five inches and significantly bulkier, emanated a snarl, his armored form exuding an air of increased menace. Various watery and blue appendages emerged from his armor, adding to his menacing presence.

Fueled by his transformed state, Anrelee snarled at Raynare as countless millions of dark blue energy attacks and water-shaped weapons materialized behind him, ready to be unleashed in a power barrage at Raynare.

Raynare wore a mischievous grin as she began spinning the yo-yos rapidly, locking eyes with Anrelee. With a quick stomp on the ground, she summoned several turrets armed with large plasma guns through her manipulation of light, reminiscent of Guhaji's own one. A tense silence settled over the room as both of them prepared for the impending clash.

Without hesitation, Anrelee unleashed a barrage of attacks, channeling the full force of his transformed state towards Raynare. In response, she mirrored his actions, firing back with equal intensity.

However, it quickly became apparent that Raynare possessed the superior firepower. Anrelee, caught off guard, watched in disbelief as her turrets unleashed a torrent of projectiles, obliterating not only his attacks but also a significant portion of the underground base.

In the middle of the chaos of smoke and debris, Raynare's yo-yos of light tore through the remnants of the attacks, finding their mark on Anrelee's gauntlet and appendages. Resolute in his resolve, Anrelee had anticipated this outcome and prepared to block her attacks before they even appeared. Though he knew deep down that the odds were against him, he refused to concede defeat in a manner devoid of dignity.

Anrelee's attempt to fend off Raynare's yo-yo attacks was valiant, but ultimately unsuccessful. With grace and agility, she managed to evade his charge, only to be struck in the back by a yo-yo that sent him hurtling towards her. Raynare seized the opening with a wicked grin and delivered a swift kick to his face, causing him to recoil.

The persistent yo-yo struck Anrelee once more, leading to a bizarre and oddly comical series of events. Anrelee found himself trapped in a repetitive cycle of being bounced between Raynare and her light yo-yo, creating a surreal spectacle in the middle of the chaos of the battlefield.

In the heart of this ridiculousness, Anrelee, undoubtedly frustrated and humiliated, couldn't help but scream in exasperation, "Will you stop already?!?!" But the relentless assault continued, demonstrating Raynare's unconventional yet effective tactic to maintain control over the situation.

Raynare couldn't help but find amusement in the chaotic spectacle, unable to suppress a snicker. "And here I thought you were enjoying it, thought you were a masochist," she remarked with a sly grin, further fueling Anrelee's frustration.

Fueled by renewed anger, Anrelee propelled himself away, using jets of water and blue energy. Landing at a distance, he panted heavily, his injuries beginning to take a toll. Staring at Raynare, he grappled with the realization that his attacks had proven ineffective against her.

In a desperate shift of strategy, Anrelee opted for emotional attacks. With a heated outburst, he shouted, "Small-breasted woman! I hope your fiancé cheats on you!" The words hung in the air, a last-ditch effort to provoke a reaction from Raynare.

"Is he insane? Does he really think—?" Raynare's thoughts trailed off into an unspoken question as she heard the vehement and malicious barrage of insults being hurled her way.

"Go get gang banged you slut!! That's all your body is worth for!!" the aggressor repeated, his voice dripping with venom and contempt. "All breast no thought!!"

Raynare's mouth twitched momentarily in response to the relentless onslaught of disparaging remarks. However, she remained resolutely composed, refusing to let such petty insults break her spirit or diminish her self-worth. She knew, deep down, that she was better than this, and she was determined not to let such demeaning words affect her.

"I hope your future children gets mole—"

At the very mention of involving innocent children in such a reprehensible act, Raynare's eyes blazed with a fierce and unyielding anger. With a sudden burst of energy, she appeared above the aggressor, her eyes ablaze with an unspoken fury.

"That's going too far you damn asshole!! Leave my future kids out of this!!" she snarled, the very air around her seeming to crackle with the intensity of her fury.

Raynare then brought her foot crashing down upon the top of the aggressor's head, her movements displaying a lethal grace. The force of her axe kick resounded throughout the chamber, the sheer power behind her strike causing the aggressor's armor to shatter into countless shards. As Anrelee crumpled to the ground, his head bearing the unmistakable signs of the brutal impact, Raynare could not help but feel a fleeting sense of vindication.

With Anrelee subdued and incapacitated, Raynare quickly restrained him with anti-magic cuffs, nullifying his powers. Administering a Slime Pill to expedite his healing, she issued a stern warning, "Say anything like that again, and I'll cut off your manhood and shove it down your throat."

Anrelee, still dazed, mumbled a response, but Raynare's swift slap silenced him, eliciting a shouted acknowledgment, "Fine, you bitch!" She continued to deliver a series of slaps, each blow leaving his face swollen and rendering him unable to speak.

Satisfied with the punishment, Raynare began dragging Anrelee away, only to encounter Xenovia, who had also emerged victorious in her own confrontation.

"Ah, you're finished, Xenovia?" Raynare inquired.

"Yeah... I witnessed the conclusion—an appropriate reaction to threatening your future children with Aaron," Xenovia affirmed, nodding in agreement with Raynare's actions.

With Anrelee subdued and their focus now on Ravel, Raynare and Xenovia pondered their next course of action.

"Hmm. It's just Ravel left now, right? Let's go find her. I think she's with that person now; I can sense their energy signature nearby," Raynare proposed.

"True. We can either observe their conversation or intervene if necessary, but I doubt Ravel will allow it to escalate too far," Xenovia replied as they started to walk away. "What do you think is driving him to do this?"

"I'm not sure. According to what we've heard, some of them were not satisfied with Yasevi's ruling, but Aaron assured us that she did her best, so I'm not sure. I'm more inclined to trust Aaron," Raynare responded.

As Raynare and Xenovia strolled off, they continued to converse, delving into the motivations of the final player in this unfolding saga—Dihame, the mysterious leader of the Reintillions.

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