Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 23 – Part 3 – Fake Recruitment and Silorex Mages

Third Person Point of View

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"The surveillance and audio transmission to their accommodation has been abruptly severed," murmured Furuke, his brows furrowing in concern.

"...So they possess significant capabilities, intriguing indeed. Madame, where did you encounter these individuals?" inquired Sirozo, his curiosity stirred.

"I can't quite recall the names of the planets, but they hailed from Sector 81S-V91; two originated from the same planet, while the others hailed from different planets," Raerea explained, her words laced with deceit.

The coordinates she provided were a fabrication, deliberately chosen from a distant corner of the cosmos, far removed from the Resistance's base. Given her esteemed position as their leader and one of the Eradicators, her companions accepted her account without dispute.

"I understand... that region of space is notorious for its abundance of anomalies, but I will wholeheartedly trust your judgement," Sirozo replied, acknowledging her authority.

He then turned to the remaining individuals and declared, "Let's move forward. We must make the announcement promptly; otherwise, our citizens who are still confused by Madame Elanor's android presence here will have difficulty understanding."

As the group departed, only Furuke and Unzaifai remained, exchanging a knowing glance.

"Do you truly believe they are merely capable?" Furuke inquired of Unzaifai.

"Not at all~ I've gone into a planet under the jurisdiction of a certain Eradicator we both know~ Rumors on that planet has said that that Madame Raerea had been captured by the Resistance," Unzaifai responded with a mischievous grin.

"Captured..." Furuke muttered, a smirk tugging at his lips. "So she unwittingly led them to her own domain? How far she has fallen... Very well, leave it to me. I will handle them and proceed with our plans. Lady Elanor is already informed," Furuke explained with a cold and calculating tone.

"Very well, Scum Sorcerer, I shall play my part," Unzaifai retorted before skipping off to rejoin the others.

Furuke dismissed the playful nickname Unzaifai had given him. He glanced down at his left hand, a soft green glow emanating from it, a smirk forming on his lips. "I owe 'it' for this," he murmured, acknowledging the source of his newfound power. "And Madame Elanor, for revealing its potential to me..."

Closing his hand, he began making his way toward the designated location for the announcement, a self-assured smirk never leaving his face. He had been steadily advancing his own agenda, aiming to ascend as the new Eradicator by eliminating Raerea. In their universe, lies, deceit, and betrayal were commonplace, after all.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"Any thoughts on the plan?" I asked, studying the expressions of those around me. "It seems pretty straightforward, right? And it should be doable, especially since, as I mentioned, we have influence over four out of the six. If Raerea is firm, then Sirozo will definitely switch sides to support her; his loyalty is unwavering," I explained.

"What about Helapos, Acissa, and Anran Wu?" Esina wondered. "I can see Anran Wu being persuaded, given her friendly nature, and from what we've learned about Virion Deamonne, he seems honorable..."

"Helapos and Acissa are still on the fence," I added, agreeing with Esina. "But Anran Wu is the most likely to defect, along with Sirozo," I concluded, acknowledging Esina's keen insight.

"Why is Sirozo so devoted to Raerea? Could there be romantic feelings involved?" Latia asked, intrigued by Sirozo's unwavering loyalty.

The group nodded in agreement, including Azathoth, who seemed less familiar with Raerea's subordinates. Although it was not typical for her to take a keen interest in individuals she hadn't personally encountered, she had been noticeably more amicable towards those she interacted with regularly.

"No, romantic entanglements are not a factor," I began to explain, but our conversation was abruptly halted as the announcements began on the television screen. "I'll explain later," I assured them, and they agreed.

Sirozo stood at the microphone, his gaze sweeping over the assembled crowd, while cameras focused intently on him. Behind him stood the remainder of Raerea's loyal subordinates, with Raerea herself positioned by his side.

[Citizens of Stolonium! Today, I address you to unveil several imminent developments. But first and foremost, many of you have undoubtedly observed the android that has been lingering within our city's confines for some time now. Allow me to clarify: this android is under the ownership of Madame Elanor! She is currently hosting a recruitment event. For any individuals aspiring to serve as potential subordinates to an Eradicator or Ueboros, I encourage you to participate in this event.]

[It will take place at a designated location, where all attendees will engage in various activities aimed at assessing your capabilities. As many of you are already aware, the rewards of becoming a top-tier subordinate are considerable. Therefore, I urge you to seize this opportunity and partake in the event!] exclaimed Sirozo, his voice resounding with conviction.

"Are the benefits of serving under an Eradicator or Ueboros truly as substantial as rumored?" Latia asked, I was surprised that she had not yet discussed the topic with Raerea yet.

"I've had a few conversations with Raerea about it. She mentioned that the compensation is quite generous. However, most Eradicators and Ueboros members have little need for financial resources, as they are essentially treated like royalty within the planets they oversee," Esina explained.

Latia's understanding deepened as she absorbed Esina's explanation. "So, I presume that the majority, if not all, utilize their resources to improve the conditions of their respective planets, correct?"

"For the most part, yes," Esina confirmed. "However, as you are aware, not all individuals in positions of power are benevolent or have the best interests of their planets at heart. Some focus solely on one or two planets, neglecting the others, leaving them to fend for themselves with whatever resources they possess."

Latia let out a tired sigh, saying, "I'm not surprised. At least Raerea has proven that stereotype wrong for me, and maybe Virion Deamonne will do the same in the future. What do you know about him, Aaron?"

"Not much, I'm afraid," I confessed. "From what I've gathered, he shares Sairaorg's principles and values. He stands out from the others and is dedicated to bringing about positive changes within the planets under his authority. Five out of the six worlds he oversees are thriving under his leadership. And as for the one that's not, he's actively working to make things better."

"He's also a unique humanoid creature called a 'Strixzen.' If I had to make a comparison, picture a humanoid form of Godzilla, you know, one of my [Electa]," I explained, trying to capture his unusual appearance.

"I can't quite picture that, but I'll take your word for it, Aaron," Latia responded with a slight chuckle.

[What's more, the quarterly Combustion Event is fast approaching! To all interested participants, make your preparations as it will commence in just one day! For those unfamiliar with the event, let me provide an explanation. Every four months on our planet, peculiar geysers emerge from the ground, emitting vibrant purple and green energy waves of energy, painting the skies of Stolonium with a breathtaking spectacle.]

[These energy manifestations can be harnessed by individuals to enhance their abilities. However, they are famously elusive. Therefore, those seeking to capture one must possess a certain level of strength beforehand to going on this endeavor!] Sirozo announced with great enthusiasm, eliciting cheers from the crowd.

"The Combustion Event? Geysers spewing out an abundance of energy to amplify one's abilities? It does seem rather questionable, but apparently, it occurs at regular intervals..." Latia murmured with a hint of skepticism.

My attention turned to Azathoth, who gave a subtle nod in response. Zorya observed our silent exchange, her curiosity evident, but she chose not to delve further. It seemed that this event may be linked to Gearfather's actions—whatever being or object that arrived on this planet could be the cause of the frequent geysers.

'Does it pose any potential health hazards to those involved?' I inquired telepathically to Azathoth, seeking her insight on the matter.

'It's not some mystical force at play here,' Azathoth explained with a sense of authority. 'It's simply raw, unrefined energy being released. If your body can endure and regulate it, you'll come out unscathed. But for those who lack the resilience, it's a quick path to destruction from the overload. That gentleman was speaking the truth; one must possess great strength to withstand it for any power enhancement to occur.'

"Maybe this has something to do with Gearfather's past actions?" Esina pondered, glancing at me with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. Latia nodded in agreement, adding her thoughts to the mix.

"Do you think there's a connection?" Latia asked, fixing her gaze directly on me.

"Undoubtedly, it's highly likely, though we shouldn't ignore the suspicious circumstances surrounding all of this," I started, my tone contemplative. "You are all unaware of Furuke's intentions and the full extent of Elanor's plans for this planet," I explained, to which she nodded in agreement, her expression conveying understanding.

"You're not going to tell us?" she asked, her curiosity evident. I began to reply, but Azathoth intervened, her grip strong on my arm, a silent command.

"No, he will not," she declared on my behalf, surprising me with her assertiveness. "Aaron will still provide occasional support, but he will not be the primary focus. Although he may not have explicitly stated it, he wants all of you to continue evolving, much like Aoife is doing now. She is still adjusting to everything following her small growth. Therefore, I will not allow him to divulge much about what might lie ahead," she explained, her tone resolute yet compassionate.

Latia stared at Azathoth for a few seconds before nodding. "I see, very well, we'll rely on our own thinking and deduction to see what is truly happening in this planet," replied Latia. At the same time, the announcements concluded on the TV.

"Tomorrow, the event will take place. We are already part of the group, but will we need to participate or simply observe? What do you think Raerea and Sirozo will do?" asked Zorya quietly.

"I've been pondering that as well," mumbled Esina, her brow furrowing. She then turned to me and asked, "Do you think something will happen during it?"

Azathoth placed her hand over my mouth, halting my response. Despite her attempt to silence me, her action only served to highlight that something would indeed occur, prompting a chuckle from me. The more she tried to quiet me, the more blatant it became, unbeknownst to her.

I signaled a look of caution to them, urging not to exploit the situation too much lest she become aware, and they seemed to understand my silent plea.

"Well, despite what you say, Azathoth, Aaron has already made plans with us in case fighting does start, so do your words even hold any significance for our current situation?" Latia questioned, her gaze fixed on the former ruler.

Azathoth released her hold on my mouth and locked eyes with Latia. "To some extent, yes. As Aaron just mentioned, you still don't know the exact circumstances of how, when, or why this will occur," Azathoth explained. "All you know is that it will happen, but not the sequence of events or the location."

"That's true, but even so, we'll be prepared to take action when the time comes. So my point still stands. It would be prudent to allow Aaron to actively participate in this operation we have underway," Latia countered.

Azathoth let out an unexpected sigh, turned away, and crossed her arms in a silent protest. Latia and the others were taken aback, but I found her actions oddly endearing. It was like watching the former ruler huff and puff like a child because she didn't get her way.

I couldn't help but chuckle when Azathoth shot me a glare, as if she sensed my amusement. "Well, we still have the rest of the day ahead of us. Let's go and make the most of it. We'll undoubtedly be under surveillance."

"What about Cao Cao and Isatha?" Esina asked with concern.

"They'll manage to find their own accommodations, so there's no need to worry about them," I reassured her, and she reluctantly agreed with my assessment.

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Third Person Point of View

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"Care to give it a try?" Cao Cao asked Isatha, who shook her head in response.

"My instincts are warning me that getting involved in that event would not bode well for anyone. There's something fishy about it—offering a sudden increase in strength for free? I find it hard to believe. Even if they are unaware of any potential drawbacks, I still won't participate, and I would advise you to do the same," Isatha explained.

Cao Cao attentively absorbed her words and nodded in agreement. He knew that Isatha had a keen intuition and gut feeling. Whenever they embarked on missions or assignments together, he often relied on her judgment, though he also trusted in his own intuition, which had proven to be quite reliable. Nonetheless, he welcomed hearing a different perspective.

"The rest will likely follow suit. What about Raerea's other subordinates? Do you harbor any suspicions about them? I have my own, but I'd like to hear your thoughts first," he inquired.

Isatha took a moment to collect her thoughts. The two of them were seated at a bustling café in the city, leisurely savoring their coffee. Earlier, they had made contact with their associate, who had deferred their meeting, leaving them in a state of anticipation.

"I can only make assumptions based on their outward appearance. That blonde individual in the green attire strikes me as dubious, as if he's observing the crowd as though they were subjects in an experiment waiting to be concluded. And then there's the man in black armor and the woman with the short brown hair and a perpetually stern expression," Isatha responded.

"What of the others?" Cao Cao prodded, but Isatha simply shook her head.

"They appear friendly enough, especially the woman in the bodysuit; she seems to be the most amiable of the lot. However, the man with the white hair who is excessively cheerful is quite suspect, so I cannot say for certain. What are your thoughts?" Isatha inquired.

"I tend to agree with your suspicions. The only ones worthy of trust are probably Raerea's right-hand man and the woman in the black bodysuit. The others can be seen as doubtful at best and highly suspicious at worst," replied Cao Cao, taking a sip of his coffee.

He then gazed around at their surroundings and asked, "But... where is your friend? It's been quite some time, and I'm starting to worry if something has happened to him..."

Isatha reassured her companion, "They will come in due time, just be patient," as they continued to unwind. Approximately twenty minutes later, a man with short brown hair, a beard, and brown eyes approached them.

"Terin... are you here to get us?" Isatha inquired, scrutinizing her friend, and he nodded in confirmation.

"Yes... everything is in place. Please follow me," he replied, his demeanor cautious as he glanced around suspiciously. His body twitched, and he kept rubbing his hands together, as if anticipating something, yet nothing transpired.

Cao Cao and Isatha stood up and followed him. Terin led them to a secluded corner and gently pushed a wall, revealing an opening. He entered first, followed by Cao Cao and Isatha, and the door behind them closed automatically.

Entering the pristine chamber, they found the space arranged in a way that seemed to have a mind of its own. Undeterred, they continued further into its depths. Inside, they came upon a group of individuals who eyed them warily, but they paid the onlookers little attention as they made their way to their destination.

"I have brought them, sir," Terin informed before exiting the room. The figure in the center turned, revealing slicked-back white hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and piercing yellow eyes. Dressed in a polished brown three-piece suit, he leaned lightly on a cane.

"I am Gulvaha," the man stated, his tone serious as he addressed Isatha and Cao Cao of the Resistance. "Welcome. I will not beat around the bush. We need your help."

"Assistance? In what manner can we be of help?" Isatha inquired, her willingness to aid evident in her tone. Meanwhile, Cao Cao remained in thoughtful silence, taking in the full extent of the proposition before committing to any course of action.

"We have reason to believe that Furuke, a subordinate of Madame Raerea, is plotting a scheme of significant magnitude," Gulvaha revealed, his expression grave. "He has covertly gathered a following, wielding an mysterious force they refer to as 'magic,' which we suspect originates from an different universe. Furuke's connections to Lady Elanor suggest she may have facilitated his acquisition of this knowledge."

"Magic?" Cao Cao interjected, his interest piqued by the revelation. "You mean something like this?" With a gesture, he conjured a shimmering magic circle, prompting a nod of recognition from Gulvaha.

"Yes, indeed. Those symbols did bear a resemblance to what you've conjured. However, the majority of them were tinged with shades of black and dark purple," Gulvaha elaborated, his brow furrowing with concern. "We suspect that Furuke is imparting a malevolent form of magic to his followers, indicating ominous intentions, potentially including the overthrow of Madam Raerea. As for involving the authorities, we deemed it futile without concrete evidence, fearing our words would hold little weight against theirs."

Cao Cao, deep in thought, rubbed his chin contemplatively. 'Could they have replicated it from our universe?' he pondered. 'Unlikely. Our universe isn't the sole user of magic; Aaron made that clear. So, perhaps from an alternate reality? If so, deciphering the complexities of their magic and devising a counter-strategy will prove challenging, unless Aaron can offer guidance.' With resolve, he concluded, 'It's important to inform him of this development.'

Observing Cao Cao's expression, Isatha interjected, her voice steady with resolve. "We don't object, but we're not acting alone. We're part of a larger team with a designated leader. It's prudent to consult him first; he possesses invaluable insights in such matters."

Gulvaha nodded in agreement. "Additional assistance is always welcome. We shall await your return, though time is of the essence," he acknowledged, his tone tinged with urgency. Isatha and Cao Cao concurred with a nod of their own.

"By the way," Cao Cao interjected, seizing the opportunity to glean more information. "Could you shed some light on the geysers mentioned by the individual we encountered earlier?"

Gulvaha's head swayed from side to side, showing his lack of concern. "The geysers have always been a fixture here, sometimes yielding valuable treasures that have helped enhance my own abilities over time. I have not noticed any abnormalities in their nature. Why are you curious?"

"...Ah, it's not important," Cao Cao dismissed his previous question, choosing to pursue a different line of inquiry. "And the group under Furuke's control—do they have a name?"

"They are known as the 'Silorex Mages,'" Gulvaha disclosed. "Among them, only two have significant proficiency, with Furuke leading the group as I mentioned. The rest are either inexperienced or have only moderate skills," he explained.

Cao Cao absorbed Gulvaha's words in silence, pondering the weight of the situation. After a moment of reflection, he nodded in comprehension. "So, you're suggesting that we take preemptive measures to neutralize them before they become a threat to Raerea?" he inquired, seeking confirmation.

Gulvaha responded with a solemn nod. "Yes. Despite the looming shadow of her Eradicator reputation, Madam Raerea has made significant contributions to our planet, much like the esteemed Lord Virion Deamonne. I believe she sees him as a beacon of aspiration, striving for the same achievements he has accomplished," he explained.

"Please, help us in stopping Furuke and his faction before their plans come to fruition," Gulvaha implored, his head bowed in earnest supplication.

"We will consult with our leader and then get back to you. You can be confident that his support is highly likely," Cao Cao assured. "Once we have his approval, when do you propose we start the assault?"

Gulvaha carefully considered his response. "Our reconnaissance is not yet complete, but we anticipate needing at least two days to finalize preparations. Our goal is not to cause unnecessary bloodshed; our foremost aim is to apprehend them for justice, including Furuke."

"Understood," acknowledged Cao Cao. "We will immediately inform our leader of this information. Expect us to return soon." With those words, he and Isatha left without any obstacles, quickly making their way back to the main road. Once they were clear of the immediate area, Cao Cao turned to his companion. "What do you think? Do you believe their account, or do you suspect they're lying?"

Wandering through the streets, Cao Cao followed the subtle energy trail coming from Aaron, leading them to their meeting point. Meanwhile, Isatha pondered his question, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before responding.

"I think…they're being honest and truthful with us. Gulvaha's words had a sincerity that I found convincing. I sensed no obvious deceit," she concluded.

Cao Cao nodded in agreement, though his expression revealed a touch of dissatisfaction. "Indeed, their honesty is evident. But their hesitation to disclose certain details does raise suspicion. Nevertheless, I believe their intentions are sincere," he remarked, his brow furrowed with concern.

As Isatha's hand entwined with Cao Cao's, a blush crept over his cheeks, his gaze shifting away in a mix of shyness and affection. Though he hesitated, he responded with a gentle squeeze, betraying his bashfulness in the exchange.

"Y-yes, you make a valid point," he stumbled over his words, a hint of embarrassment coloring his tone. "Their need for discretion is undeniable, especially under Raerea's subordinates watchful eye. A single misstep could mean utter disaster for their cause," he added, regaining some composure but still carrying a hint of fluster.

Hand in hand, the color fading from their cheeks, Isatha and Cao Cao continued on their walk, deep in conversation as they made their way to their destination. Their joint examination of the circumstances, along with their unwavering support for each other, bolstered their determination as they neared Aaron and his allies.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"Hmm? Oh, hey, Cao Cao, Isatha, have you finished with your business?" I greeted them as they approached our group beside the grand monument dedicated to Raerea. The others turned their attention to them, offering friendly waves of acknowledgment.

"Not quite. We've encountered a matter of some urgency and seek your advice," Cao Cao replied, prompting us to step away from the bustling crowd and convene in a more secluded spot near a stone bench. There, Isatha and Cao Cao relayed the details of their recent expedition and the revelations they had uncovered.

Listening intently, I furrowed my brow in contemplation. The news hinted at deeper complexities within this planet, suggesting that Furuke's involvement extended beyond mere speculation. While the notion of him plotting against Raerea wasn't entirely unforeseen, it nevertheless struck a chord, underscoring the intricate web of alliances and intrigues within this universe.

"Haa…it's always someone wanting a better position than what they already have…the quest for power seems to be an inherent part of human nature, extending beyond the limits of our universe," I commented with a resigned sigh, recognizing the similarities between the maneuvers of individuals in this realm and those in corporate environments.

Agreeing with my observation, Latia added, "We must remain vigilant in the days ahead, especially during tomorrow's recruitment event. I advise everyone to stay alert for any signs of suspicious behavior. It's crucial that we proceed with caution, as I have a feeling that we're still being watched, likely on the orders of Sirozo, Unzaifai, or Furuke," she warned, prompting them to discreetly survey our surroundings for any potential threats.

Azathoth and I were aware of the situation, but we opted to not directly acknowledge it in order to avoid making our companions feel awkward or overly cautious. However, Latia had evidently noticed the surveillance and felt the need to bring it up. Luckily, they handled it with a relatively calm demeanor.

"Let's stay composed. Latia is right to point out that we are being watched. The surveillance started from when we left the hotel and has continued as we explored the city. However, Raerea herself is not the one behind it; it's her associates, except for Anran Wu, who truly believes in our supposed interest in aligning with them," I explained, prompting our companions to stop their secretive glances.

"Shall we head back and share the information?" asked Cao Cao, eagerly awaiting my response.

"Give it some time. The surveillance is still on since you approached us, but don't worry. My manipulation of reality is still in effect. Just keep up the impression of casual tourists chatting. Go about your own activities for a few hours before meeting up with that group again. It will help to avoid arousing suspicion," I reassured, receiving a nod of understanding from Cao Cao.

Suddenly, Isatha winked and hugged Cao Cao's arm. "Then let's make it a date. We'll meet up with you guys after our meeting with them in a few hours," she said with a smile, leading a visibly flustered Cao Cao away.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. "At least she has a good sense of humor and can playfully tease him," I commented, but the others remained quiet in their reactions. The remaining time we had, we passed as mere tourists, anticipating the arrival of tomorrow.

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Third Person Point of View

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In a distant area of the planet, with no surveillance in sight, Sirozo swiftly arrived after receiving an alert from a subordinate about a disturbance. Determined to resolve the issue quickly, he hurried to the location, aiming to prevent any further interference. However, upon arrival, he was faced with a horrifying sight: the lifeless bodies of his loyal subordinates scattered around.

His eyes widened in horror as he took in the gruesome scene, struggling to comprehend the unfolding tragedy. Rushing to the side of one of his most trusted and formidable subordinates, he was suddenly met with a brutal severance of his arm, sending waves of disbelief through him.

Staggering back in stunned disbelief, he instinctively prepared for defense, only to be taken by surprise as a shadowy figure materialized behind him, delivering a deadly blow through his chest and extinguishing his regenerative capabilities in one swift stroke.

Sirozo convulsed, blood staining his lips, as a disembodied hand protruded from his chest. "Who... are you...?" he managed to choke out, his voice laced with shock and disbelief.

A sickly white radiance enveloped the intruding appendage, amplifying Sirozo's torment to unbearable levels, rendering him incapable of vocalizing his agony. Confusion mingled with terror as he struggled to comprehend the silent scream wracking his body.

Suddenly, a clap resounded through the eerie silence, drawing Sirozo's attention to a familiar figure approaching. It was none other than Furuke. With closed eyes and a serene smile adorning his face, Furuke continued clapping rhythmically. As the clapping ceased, his eyes opened, fixing upon his leader with an inscrutable gaze.

Furuke's touch on Sirozo's shoulder sent a shiver down his spine, and as he placed his hand beside him, a perfect duplicate materialized by his side. The serene smile never wavered as Furuke spoke to his long-time comrade.

"Your contributions over the years have been quite significant, Sirozo. But now... it's time for you to take a rest and trust the future to us," Furuke's voice carried a sense of finality, hiding his underlying ambition.

"Furuke...!? Why...!?" Sirozo's voice, unexpectedly restored, revealed his bewilderment and shock.

"Why?" echoed Furuke, his head cocking to the side. "There are many reasons, but let's simplify it—I desire to lead. With my knowledge and vision, I am confident that I can guide our planet and its people towards prosperity under my rule. Lady Elanor is already aware of my intentions and is offering her support," he declared, a malevolent smirk creeping across his lips.

Sirozo was shocked. He didn't think another Eradicator would allow such a thing to happen but he was hearing it with his own ears. As he was about to act, trying to take these two with him, Furuke grinned at him again, a small android going inside his mouth, and into his stomach before activating.

His entire body began to convulse as the arm pulled out of his gaping chest. Sirozo felt his own powers being weakened and destroyed slowly. He didn't understand why this was happening or why Furuke would betray them like this. However, he also knew that it would take a significant amount of work to uncover the truth because Furuke had made a replica of him and was talking to it.

As Sirozo's awareness waned, a flood of memories swept through his mind like an unyielding tide. He found himself contemplating the crucial moments that had molded his life.

The day he crossed paths with Raerea marked a decisive shift in his journey. In his youth, he had been arrogant and dismissive, showing no respect for authority, especially Phumera and her newly formed "Eradicators." However, Raerea's arrival on his planet changed the course of his destiny. Despite his initial resistance, she confronted him with an impressive display of strength, leaving him battered and humbled. It was through her relentless determination and unwavering resolve that he ultimately surrendered, yielding to her offer of allegiance.

The journey that followed was one of recruitment and conquest, traveling across numerous worlds as they gradually gathered their forces. Anran Wu's eventual recruitment marked the culmination of their efforts, solidifying their collective power. And now, as his life slipped away, Sirozo couldn't help but ponder the irony of his downfall—a indication to the very forces he had once pledged loyalty to.

As Sirozo's eyelids began to droop, his consciousness drifting into the abyss, the last images that flickered before his fading vision were of himself and Raerea, frozen in a moment of youthful vigor. Despite the passage of centuries, she remained unchanged, a testament to her enduring power and resilience. In contrast, Sirozo bore the marks of age upon his visage, though his spirit retained a youthful vitality that belied his elder status.

Summoning the last dregs of his strength, Sirozo managed to cast one final glance upward, only to behold his betrayer looming over him. It was Unzaifai, the one who had aided in his demise, his words dripping with callous indifference.

"Amazing, isn't it? Who would have imagined that our supposedly invincible leader could be killed so effortlessly? Your mastery of sealing and anti-healing magic proved invaluable," Unzaifai remarked, a smug admiration coloring his tone as he reveled in the power he had been bestowed.

"Exercise caution with that power," Furuke cautioned, his tone laced with a foreboding warning. "If we succeed in our mission, you may keep it indefinitely. But if you entertain treacherous thoughts, you are well aware of the consequences and the mechanisms tied to that power."

Unzaifai's response had a sinister edge, his intentions hidden behind a facade of compliance. "Understood. No need to worry, I won't disappoint," he retorted, his voice tinged with malice.

Turning his attention back to the dying Sirozo, Unzaifai posed a question tinged with impatience. "Why prolong his suffering? And what of the bodies?"

Furuke's reply was swift and decisive, tinged with an air of chilling efficiency. "Fear not. I have enlisted the Juju Hounds for this purpose. They will consume all evidence, leaving nothing behind but ashes. Replicas of Sirozo and his entourage have been crafted. Let's go."

With a snap of his fingers, Furuke summoned forth a legion of Juju Hounds, their spectral forms ready to execute his bidding without question.

As they departed from the scene, Sirozo accepted his fate, closing his eyelids as the ravenous Juju Hounds descended upon him and his loyal subordinates. Their ferocious onslaught brought about a gruesome end, their bodies torn asunder and consumed by the spectral creatures. It was a fate he had not chosen, but one that fate had bestowed upon him.

Unbeknownst to the others, Furuke held nefarious designs, his ambitions extending far beyond the demise of Sirozo. With cold determination, he plotted the downfall of Anran Wu, should she fail to align with his agenda. For Furuke, power was the ultimate pursuit, and he would stop at nothing to ensure that his allies adhered to his vision, no matter the cost.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Peering out of the window of my hotel room, I gazed at the peacefulness of the city below, its streets enveloped in the darkness of night. The girls were fast asleep on the bed, undisturbed by the tranquility of the late hour. Despite the lateness, the guards remained watchful, their presence a comforting sight in the silence.

Earlier, Cao Cao had shared the news of their secure accommodation with the group they had visited earlier in the day, easing any worries about where they would stay. Lost in thought, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder and turned to see Zorya standing beside me.

"Trouble sleeping?" I asked softly, grateful for her presence as she leaned into me, finding comfort in the warmth of our embrace. Embracing her, I sought solace in her closeness, thankful for the silent companionship in the tranquil stillness of the night.

"...Tonight marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another," Zorya murmured vaguely, her words heavy with significance.

Acknowledging her cryptic statement in silence, I held her tighter, understanding the gravity of the challenges that lay ahead with the arrival of a new day. There was much to anticipate and prepare for in the hours to come.

As she nestled closer to me, finding comfort in our shared presence, Zorya brought up a practical question. "Cao Cao and Isatha will be operating independently from us, correct?"

I nodded, confirming our strategic decision. "Yes, they will set out on their own mission to scout the locations provided by Gulvaha and initiate their efforts to dismantle Furuke's faction. With any luck, they won't have to delay their confrontation with Furuke until the following day," I explained, hopeful for a swift and decisive resolution to their mission.

"Also, it does help us focus on our goals," I added, recognizing the strategic advantage of directing our efforts towards dismantling Furuke's faction and stopping any schemes devised by Elanor.

In the ensuing silence, we stayed in each other's arms, finding comfort in our shared warmth of the moment. As time passed, I suggested that we call it a night, a sentiment Zorya agreed with without hesitation.

Returning to bed, we settled next to our sleeping companions, giving in to the embrace of sleep while the anticipation of the next day hung in the air.

— ○ ● ○ —

A bustling crowd gathered in the western precinct of the city, lured by the attraction of the recruitment event taking place before them. Perched atop an elevated stand with Raerea and our group, we watched the proceedings with great interest, enjoying a panoramic view of the unfolding spectacle.

To the casual onlooker, we appeared as fresh recruits, blending seamlessly into the ranks and enjoying the benefits of our supposed status without raising any suspicions. As the event kicked off, a mechanized android took the spotlight, its voice filled with enthusiasm as it presented the first challenge.

[The first round is a test of endurance!] it announced cheerfully, its metallic voice carrying through the eager crowd. [You will face a barrage of attacks and effects. If you can withstand the onslaught without yielding or collapsing to the ground, you will advance to the next round. Kneeling is allowed!]

"Very interesting set of rules, I wonder how this will turn out," I whispered to myself, watching the unfolding spectacle with a mix of fascination and slight indifference.

As the barrage of attacks began, a flurry of elemental attacks poured down upon the participants. Despite the fierceness of the onslaught, most managed to dodge or withstand the blows, sustaining only minor injuries in the process. However, the intensity of the assault proved too much for many, leading them to withdraw from the challenge, unwilling to endure further punishment.

Along with the diminishing numbers, a few steadfast contenders emerged, seemingly unfazed by the onslaught. Their stoic demeanor and firm resolve brought to mind the image of hidden powerful anime characters, standing resolute within the chaos, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity. As the first round unfolded, it became clear that these individuals were prepared to weather whatever challenges lay ahead, their resolve unshakable.

As time passed and the competition advanced, the determined few continued to demonstrate their skill, navigating each challenge with almost flawless execution despite their underlying flaws. But in the middle of the competition's intensity, a sense of unease began to fill the air, heightened by the presence of suspicious individuals gathering around the venue.

Feeling the impending threat, tension gripped our group, except for Raerea, who remained focused on the unfolding events. Suddenly, as the final rounds began, the ominous gathering sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of magic circles that appeared in the air, creating a veil of confusion and chaos over the crowd.

Faced with the imminent danger, Raerea faltered briefly, her eyes darting between the mysterious magic circles and me. Reacting quickly, I instinctively raised a protective barrier, shielding our group and the surrounding participants from the onslaught of magical projectiles, standing as a strong defense against the encroaching threat.

Together with the escalating chaos, the android's voice cut through with chilling clarity, its mechanical tone unwavering in the turmoil. [Continue... or the rest of the city will face annihilation,] it declared, its words sending shockwaves of fear rippling through the crowd and participants alike.

Raerea, her anger palpable, surged forward, sword poised to strike down the android in a display of righteous fury. "What do you mean?!" she demanded, her voice laced with indignation and disbelief.

The android remained unperturbed by Raerea's aggression, its response cryptic yet ominous. [All of this is for a greater purpose,] it intoned, its gaze shifting towards the final two participants with a sinister intent.

[New event,] the android announced, its voice reverberating through the chaos. [Eliminate the Eradicator, Raerea, and be promoted to her rank once she is defeated. If both of you accomplish this, you will be granted different ranks based on the individual effort put forth.]

A collective gasp swept through the crowd, drowned out by the cacophony of explosions that rocked the city, signaling the onset of widespread destruction.

The silent exchange of glances between the two participants unveiled a shared understanding, their grins exposing their intentions. No longer constrained by notions of righteousness, it became clear that their motivations were rooted in self-interest—yearning for the allure of glory, fame, and recognition that awaited them as esteemed subordinates within Furuke's ranks.

With crazed intentions, the duo hurled themselves at Raerea, their weapons poised for a lethal strike. However, Raerea met their attacks with angry defiance, her sword clashing against the man's spear and the other's large frying pan. With a swift maneuver, she deftly pushed them away, her gaze ablaze with fury as she silently beckoned for assistance.

Understanding the severity of the situation, we swiftly acquiesced to her unspoken plea, disappearing from sight to go and help the rest of the city while continuing our communication through the transceivers.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

Juolio, the master of the spear, originated from Fengyun Fudi, known for his exceptional skill with his chosen weapon. Disillusioned by the rule of the Eradicator on his home planet, he had made the decision to seek out new allegiances. When he heard whispers of Furuke's schemes, he seized the opportunity to align himself with the shadowy forces gaining power.

Approaching the Silorex Mages with his offer of help, Juolio encountered initial resistance. However, once Furuke gave his approval, he was embraced into their ranks as a willing pawn in their grand plan.

With anger burning in his veins, Juolio launched himself at Raerea, his movements driven by a potent mix of greed and disdain. Wielding his spear with reckless abandon, he unleashed a flurry of sweeping strikes and slashing maneuvers, intent on overpowering his powerful foe and securing his place of importance within Furuke's forces.

Juolio's appearance was defined by his short black hair, complemented by a pair of intense green eyes that burned with fervent determination. Dressed in a distinctive ensemble of green and black attire, his jacket, pants, and shoes spoke to his individualistic style and psychotic resolve.

Undaunted by Raerea's formidable defense, Juolio pressed on with his relentless assault, his spear a blur of motion as he sought to breach her defenses. Sensing the need to escalate his tactics, he tapped into his elemental powers, summoning forth razor-sharp blades of water from his mouth to strike his opponent.

Raerea's response was swift and decisive. Evading the lethal projectiles with a fluid motion, she deftly countered Juolio's spear thrusts with calculated precision. With a sudden burst of agility, she spun around, delivering a powerful kick to Juolio's neck, sending him reeling backward.

However, before Raerea could fully capitalize on her advantage, the other man reentered the fray, resuming his assault with renewed vigor.

The other man—Winston stood out in his striking white skintight suit, a stark contrast to his white hair and black eyes, emanating an aura of impressive strength. Armed with an unexpected weapon—a giant frying pan—his unorthodox choice belied his combat prowess.

As Raerea prepared for his attack, she quickly realized that Winston possessed a raw physical strength surpassing Juolio's. Blocking his initial strike with her sword, she felt the force of his blow reverberate through her arms, a testament to his formidable might.

Undeterred by Raerea's skill, Winston unleashed a rapid flurry of attacks, his spinning movements creating a swirling vortex of force around him. Raerea frowned in concentration, her sword poised for action as she summoned her own powers.

With a decisive swing of her blade, Raerea unleashed a powerful shockwave, a concentrated burst of energy hurtling towards Winston with unstoppable force. Though he managed to briefly withstand the onslaught, the sheer magnitude of Raerea's attack proved overwhelming, leaving Winston reeling in its wake.

Winston and Juolio regrouped after being blown away, a silent understanding passing between them, a shared purpose to overcome their powerful opponent. With renewed resolve, they charged once more towards Raerea, their weapons poised for a decisive strike.

Yet, Raerea remained firm, her calm demeanor belying the storm of rage brewing within her. As her opponents closed in, a dark blue aura enveloped her body, imbuing her with an ominous power that crackled with untamed energy.

With measured steps, Raerea advanced towards the two men, the energy surrounding her serving as an impenetrable barrier against their attacks. Juolio and Winston's strikes met with futile resistance, their weapons repelled by the sheer force of Raerea's aura.

Locked in a tense standoff, Raerea's gaze bore into the souls of her opponents, her intent clear and unyielding. Yet, before she could unleash her fury upon them, Winston's voice pierced the air, halting her impending strike.

"Are you really sure about ending our lives? Would Master Roliao not be disappointed in you for resorting to such barbaric actions?" Winston's inquiry held an air of condescension, subtly aiming to sow doubt in Raerea's mind.

Instead of causing hesitation, Winston's words only fueled Raerea's fury even more. In an instant, their weapons and limbs were sliced into countless pieces, leaving them in stunned disbelief at her incredible speed.

"Holy shit!" Winston exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and admiration evident in his smile. Throughout his life, he had longed to face formidable enemies, but the vast difference between himself and the Eradicator, ranked second, sent shivers down his spine.

Undeterred by the loss of his arms, Juolio unleashed a barrage of wind blades from his mouth and legs, demonstrating his determination to persevere as long as he drew breath. Raerea effortlessly deflected these attacks with her aura, her composure steadfast.

Not bothered by this, Juolio's arms transformed, enveloped by radiant green energy appendages that replaced his missing limbs. Within his left arm, a luminous green spear materialized, adorned with the majestic visage of a bird of prey. With renewed resolve, he charged towards Raerea, heedless of her counterattacks.

Fixing his gaze upon her, Juolio wielded his spear with enhanced precision, strength, and celerity. Shedding his former avarice, he sought to confront Raerea as an equal, a fellow warrior. Sensing this shift in his demeanor, Raerea silently acknowledged him, a silent testament to their shared martial ethos.

The clash of Raerea's sword and Juolio's spear set off a spectacle of green and dark blue electricity, each collision igniting a dazzling display of energy. Winston, relying on his raw strength, observed the duel from a distance, while the assembled crowd stood transfixed, their initial panic replaced by a deep fascination with witnessing their leader engage in combat.

Despite the apparent one-sided nature of the confrontation, onlookers discerned a subtle dynamic at play. Raerea, along with her dominance, seemed to be imparting guidance and instruction to Juolio within the fluidity of their exchange.

Even Juolio himself acknowledged this silent mentorship, though he refrained from vocalizing it. Despite having attained mastery of his craft eight years prior, he found himself unexpectedly being tutored by one he perceived as younger. The realization both startled and humbled him, presenting an opportunity for growth he hadn't anticipated.

Juolio's face lit up with a genuine smile as he skillfully avoided Raerea's attack, using his spear to propel himself into the air. With a quick motion, he released a stream of green energy from his free hand, directed straight at his opponent. Raerea, seemingly unfazed, stood her ground, but her eyes betrayed a hint of surprise before she swiftly dodged the attack.

As she gracefully leaped backwards, a barrage of wind blades and verdant energy burst forth from the ground, catching her off guard with Juolio's unexpected move. Despite the surprise, Raerea found herself smiling slightly at his boldness. Meanwhile, suspended in mid-air, Juolio was surrounded by ethereal green avians conjured forth from his green spear, a show of his full power and skill in combat.

The green avians enveloped Juolio, imbuing him with heightened speed and strength before dispersing and reappearing behind Raerea. With a swift thrust, Juolio directed his spear towards her back, but as she moved to intercept, Juolio and the avians dissipated into a puff of smoke. Suddenly, the real Juolio appeared above her once more, descending with his spear aimed squarely at her.

At the same time, the avians unleashed a barrage of wind blades towards Raerea, aiming to distract and overwhelm her. Unfazed, Raerea summoned small dark blue swords above her, directing them towards the avians with deadly precision, effectively neutralizing the airborne threat.

With fluid grace, she then brought her sword to bear, meeting Juolio's energy spear with a skillful block that shattered the weapon upon impact. Despite the intensity of the confrontation, Raerea remained composed, her movements betraying a mastery of combat born of experience and skill.

Before Juolio could summon a response, Raerea's fist struck his face, sending him sprawling backward into Aaron's protective barrier, causing him to fall unconscious. With Juolio out of the fight, Raerea turned her steely gaze towards Winston, advancing with a menacing air.

"Why did you speak of my late master?" Her voice was cold, devoid of any emotion.

Winston blinked in disbelief before bursting into laughter, a reaction that only served to further enrage Raerea. "Dead? What makes you think that!? He's alive and well! He orchestrated his supposed death in front of you to make his escape—Madame Elanor was the one who tasked him with refining your swordsmanship skills!"

Raerea's eyes widened in complete disbelief, her astonishment quickly transforming into a simmering fury as she locked eyes with Winston. His grin only widened in response, clearly reveling in the shock he had just caused her.

Before she could fully process the weight of his words, Raerea swiftly took action, effortlessly teleporting everyone except themselves, the android, and the unconscious Juolio to safety.

In the blink of an eye, Raerea found herself face to face with Winston, her blades dangerously close to his neck, poised and ready to strike. Winston's expression twisted into one of horror, a dawning realization of the gravity of his revelation setting in too late.

He had expected to provoke a reaction from her, but he had not anticipated her swift, murderous impulse. It slowly dawned on him that he had misjudged the situation, and now the repercussions of his actions loomed dangerously close.

As Raerea's blade descended towards Winston's neck, another blade intercepted hers, deflecting the lethal strike and pushing her back. Startled, she then blocked a sudden kick aimed at her abdomen with her arm, the impact sending her staggering backward. Confusion and anger swirled within her as she looked up, only to be met with sheer astonishment.

"Wha—y-you…how—!?" Her words faltered, disbelief evident in her tone as she struggled to comprehend the sight before her.

Standing before Raerea was an elderly man, his appearance commanding attention despite his age. His long, graying hair framed a weathered face adorned with a goatee, and his gray eyes bore a depth of wisdom. He was clad in a pale green jacket layered over a black vest and white shirt, with black and white lined pants and sturdy shoes completing his attire. A purple belt held the sheath of his sword, which rested at his side, while a silver chain adorned his left wrist. In his right hand, he wielded a katana with an aura of authority and skill.

"Ah, it's been a while, my first disciple," the old man greeted with a warm grin. "I trust you've been keeping well?" he inquired, his gaze filled with nostalgia as he regarded Raerea.

Raerea stared at him in disbelief, her mind struggling to reconcile the reality before her. The old man chuckled at her incredulity. "Your Master Roliao is alive and thriving, and this is the reaction I receive? I had anticipated a more dramatic reunion!" His laughter echoed through the space, rich with mirth and fond memories.

" is this possible? I witnessed your death..." Raerea's words were tinged with astonishment, her emotions swirling as she grappled with the revelation. To her, this man had been not just a mentor but a cherished parental figure, and the resurgence of his presence stirred a chaos of conflicting emotions within her.

"It appears that the truth has finally surfaced," Roliao confessed, his words striking Raerea with the force of a thunderbolt, leaving her utterly stunned.

"Wha—" Raerea attempted to interrupt, but Roliao raised a hand to stop her, a solemn expression upon his face.

"Let me explain. It's time you knew the full extent of the truth..." Roliao's voice carried the weight of regret as he locked eyes with Raerea, his gaze heavy with guilt. "Your parents...the home you were born into, it was destroyed by Elanor. She sought to shape you into a formidable warrior and recognized your natural potential, your affinity for the sword. So, she orchestrated the annihilation of everyone you held dear, and then she reached out to me to train you. Once your training was complete, I staged my death, allowing you to forge your path independently."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, its implications reverberating through Raerea's core as she grappled with the enormity of the betrayal and manipulation that had shaped her past.

Raerea stood motionless, her thoughts spinning from the heaviness of Roliao's disclosure, her feelings a storm of uncertainty and disloyalty. In the background, Winston, unaware of the inner turmoil, whistled in awe at the unfolding spectacle. Seizing the moment to strike, he pounced at Raerea with his large frying pan in hand, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

But before he could fully comprehend the seriousness of his actions, Winston's existence was suddenly ended. In a split second, his body was torn apart, sliced into countless fragments of flesh, blood, and bone. The attack was swift and merciless, allowing no room for resistance or understanding. One moment he was alive, the next he was nothing but a memory, a testament to the ruthless efficiency of Raerea's skill.

"Why?" Raerea's voice quivered with anguish, her heart burdened with sorrow and confusion. "Why?" she repeated, the word lingering in the silence of the moment. "For what reason? Couldn't she have...handled it differently?" Despair tinged her words as tears brimmed in her eyes, her world rocked by the revelations unfolding before her.

"Madame Elanor operates by her own standards—her actions guided by caprice and indifference toward others. She paid me to carry out her bidding, promising me rewards in return. At the time, I was blinded by my own desires and ambitions, eager to claim what was offered to me. But as the years passed, and I distanced myself from it all, I came to grasp the weight of my actions and the depth of my regret..." Roliao confessed, his voice heavy with remorse.

As Raerea maintained her silence, Roliao took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak further. "I told you before about the untimely loss of my family. My wife and daughter were taken from me before their time... Elanor promised to reunite us if I assisted in your sword training. So, I agreed, blinded by the hope of seeing them again... and in the end, she kept her promise. They are indeed alive, but..."

Raerea's voice cut through the somber air, her words filled with determination. "She summoned you here, didn't she?" Roliao nodded, his expression heavy with sorrow and regret. Raerea clenched her teeth, gripping her sword with resolve. "Then let today be my graduation ceremony. You once told me that to truly master swordsmanship, I must defeat a master. Today, I will defeat you, Master." Her words resounded with unwavering determination, setting the stage for a showdown that would determine her fate and her legacy.

Roliao stood in awed silence, watching the flood of emotions surging through Raerea. Her tears betrayed the depth of her inner struggle, speaking volumes in their own right. As she enveloped herself in a shroud of dark blue energy, a visible symbol of her determination, Roliao couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow at the sight of her distress.

"...If I don't come out on top, I will lose them again. Despite my joy at seeing you once more, I must win this too," Roliao stated, his words resounding with unexpected resolve. Taken aback by his determination, Raerea listened closely. "Do not hold back on my account. In this universe, it's a matter of survival of the fittest. Do you understand that?" His tone was unwavering, his gaze steady as he conveyed his stern directive to Raerea.

Raerea nodded in silent agreement as both disciple and master prepared themselves for the ultimate and decisive duel.

— ○ ● ○ —

Cao Cao clicked his tongue in irritation as he skillfully parried a flurry of magical spells with his spear, while Isatha provided essential backup from the rear. The suddenness of Furuke's group's attack had caught them off guard; they had expected at least another day before being confronted with such a challenge.

"This makes the third base, isn't that right? We have yet to encounter those two powerful magicians Gulvaha mentioned," Cao Cao remarked, his brow creased in concern.

"You're courting trouble with your words, Cao Cao. Have you not learned from past experiences?" Isatha's reprimand caused a slight twitch of annoyance on Cao Cao's lips. Although he reluctantly acknowledged the truth in her words, he chose to maintain a stoic silence as they continued to navigate through the building.

As they climbed higher, the sight of devastation and chaos spread across the city below elicited a deep frown from Cao Cao. The scale of destruction served as a grim reminder of the high stakes and the ruthless nature of their enemies.

"Isn't that the... orphanage?" Isatha's voice tinged with surprise and concern as they arrived at an empty floor, a vast glass window showcasing the grand structure of the city below. Her finger pointed towards the magnificent building, her excitement tempered by a sense of unease.

Cao Cao's eyes widened in silent recognition as he confirmed that indeed, it was the orphanage they had heard about from Esina the day before. While they hadn't yet had the chance to visit, they felt intimately connected to it through the vivid descriptions they had been given. The stories had painted a picture so vivid that it felt as though they had already experienced it firsthand.

"Let's entrust this to Aaron and the others. Our focus should be on our mission for now," Cao Cao stated with a furrowed brow, his tone weighed down by the gravity of their situation. Isatha reluctantly nodded in agreement, understanding the necessity of prioritizing their current task over their personal desires.

Ascending through the remaining floors, dispatching enemies without lethality in accordance with their agreement with Gulvaha, Cao Cao and Isatha pressed forward with a sense of urgency. They were keenly aware of the chaos wreaked by Furuke's group below, a stark contrast to their own restrained approach.

Upon reaching the top floor, they came face to face with a woman with long blonde hair and dull purple eyes, donned in a black and purple robe. Her unsettling smile sent unease down their spines as she spoke in a cryptic manner.

"The Cancers of the World have arrived. Let us revel in their ethereal demise and incinerate the rest," she declared, her words heavy with ominous intent.

Puzzled by her cryptic proclamation, Cao Cao and Isatha remained silent, their weapons at the ready. The woman, introduced herself to them, smiled at them once more before issuing her challenge.

"I am Honasa, and I shall be your enemy—the cancers that spreads across the cosmos," she announced, her words dripping with menace as she readied herself for combat.

Without hesitation, a multitude of black and purple energy orbs appeared around Cao Cao and Isatha, hurtling towards them with malevolent intent. Unfazed, Cao Cao maintained his composure, tapping the tip of his spear against the ground to erect a protective barrier around them. With practiced precision, he directed his left hand towards Honasa, unleashing a barrage of raw magic bullets aimed squarely at her.

Honasa's smile widened as she conjured a multi-layered magic circle in front of her, seeking to intercept and deflect Cao Cao's onslaught. However, her confidence faltered as the man's attacks tore through her defensive barriers with unnerving ease, rendering them as naught but flimsy obstacles in the face of his relentless assault.

As Honasa tried to teleport away from Cao Cao's attacks, Isatha anticipated her move and quickly teleported behind her, tracking her path with precision. With their coordinated attack ready, Isatha unleashed their own offensive maneuver.

A formidable manifestation emerged from Isatha's grimoire: a gigantic crocodile's jaw made of swirling red and pink energy, ready to tear Honasa apart. However, the woman was prepared, summoning several magic circles around her in a rapid display of skill. These circles fused into a protective ribcage of purple bones, creating an impressive barrier that intercepted Isatha's attack.

The sudden appearance of this defensive magic left both Isatha and Cao Cao momentarily stunned, their surprise evident as they witnessed the impressive prowess of their opponent.

Before their eyes, the ribcage morphed into a twisted form, sprouting arms and a head. Honasa watched in frustration as its bony appendages lashed out at Cao Cao with unexpected speed, only to be effortlessly deflected.

Meanwhile, the head atop the ribcage turned its attention to Isatha, unleashing a powerful purple laser beam in her direction. Acting quickly, Isatha teleported away, narrowly escaping the deadly attack.

"I have never seen such magic," Isatha commented, her gaze fixed on Honasa with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

"I have encountered something similar in the [Pocket Dimensions] Aaron has led us through before. If this is only a fraction of its power, then the consequences are dire. If she were to unleash its full potential, the destruction it could cause to the city would be catastrophic," Cao Cao stated gravely, his expression serious as he considered the magnitude of the threat posed by Honasa's abilities.

"It's not operating at full power, huh? We must act quickly then to prevent her from reaching that point," Isatha asserted resolutely, her determination palpable. "I'll keep us locked inside this building. Go ahead and go wild against her, Cao Cao," she directed, prompting a nod of agreement from Cao Cao.

Cao Cao reappeared beside Honasa with pure focus in his eyes, his spear aimed squarely at the large ribcage. As the massive bony hands surged towards him, intending to halt his attack, Cao Cao met the challenge head-on, his spear shattering the defensive arm with decisive force. Honasa's horror was palpable as she witnessed her defensive barrier crumble before her eyes.

In a desperate bid to escape, Honasa attempted to teleport away, only to find herself unable to leave the room. Confusion clouded her face as she repeatedly attempted to teleport, each attempt met with failure. Panic began to simmer beneath the surface as the realization dawned upon her that her escape was stopped, leaving her trapped in the room with them.

With a grim expression on her face, Honasa shifted her focus to Cao Cao and Isatha, releasing a flurry of purple energy beams from the head atop the ribcage. At the same time, a grimoire crafted from bones materialized above her right hand, exuding malevolent energy as it conjured various attacks to attack their enemies.

Undaunted, Cao Cao swiftly intercepted the incoming barrage, using a single sweeping motion of his spear to deflect and destroy each attack with precision. Honasa's frustration became visibly apparent, her features contorting in silent fury as her attacks were effortlessly stopped.

Determined to maintain their advantage, Cao Cao closed the distance once more, closing in on Honasa with a stoic resolve. However, before he could reach her, multiple magic circles materialized around him, each unleashing a barrage of elemental attacks from all directions.

Without a second thought and with a calm look on his face, Cao Cao activated his spear's ability, summoning several small orbs imbued with the [Power of Destruction]. These orbs streaked towards the elemental attacks, colliding with them and obliterating them in bursts of energy. Harnessing the powers of [Excalibur Rapidly] and [Excalibur Nightmare], he increased his speed and created illusionary copies of himself, multiplying his presence on the battlefield to a total of fifteen.

The illusionary copies of Cao Cao wasted no time, unleashing a flurry of attacks upon Honasa from all directions. Some thrust their spears towards her, while others launched potent magic attacks. With the addition of [Excalibur Ruler], Cao Cao ensured that these attacks would have a tangible effect on Honasa rather than merely dissipating as illusions upon contact.

The relentless onslaught rained down upon the purple ribcage, each strike hammering against its defenses with unyielding force. Though the ribcage remained unbroken, a small crack appeared upon its surface, a testament to the effectiveness of their assault.

Seizing the opportunity of vulnerability, the original Cao Cao drove his spear through the crack in the ribcage, striking Honasa on the side and causing her to freeze in shock. Her widened eyes locked onto Cao Cao as he prepared to unleash another attack, but before he could act, he was blasted away by a surge of purple wind.

Cursing under his breath, Cao Cao managed to land on his feet in the middle of the chaos, his senses heightened with alarm. "It's happening!" he exclaimed urgently, racing over to Isatha and swiftly erecting a protective barrier around them. With a deafening roar, the remainder of the building erupted in a colossal pillar of purple energy, heralding the completion of Honasa's transformation.

As the blinding light subsided, a towering entity loomed before them—a massive harpy-like monster, its form dwarfing the very building it had emerged from. Wings stretched wide, its visage twisted into a menacing grin, with Honasa nestled within its head, her presence now fused with the monstrous form before them.

"What the... it's even larger than before. Is this... how it usually goes?" Isatha questioned, a mix of wonder and confusion in her voice.

"No, it's not," Cao Cao replied, his tone serious as he observed the monstrous entity before them. "Normally, there are stages to the transformation process. We saw it in its first stage, but for some reason, it bypassed them all and went straight to its completed form. My guess is that when I injured Honasa, she panicked, fearing for her life, and her body went into overdrive, triggering some kind of accelerated transformation," he explained.

"So, she panicked and inadvertently unleashed her full potential in this form? I suppose there are benefits to being a coward after all," Isatha remarked, her tone tinged with dark humor.

"Do we really have to joke at a time like this...?" Cao Cao responded incredulously, his expression reflecting the seriousness of their situation.

"I've had a few conversations with Aaron and his women, and they've opened my eyes to the healing power of injecting humor into tense situations, even in the middle of battles," Isatha announced proudly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Cao Cao let out a sigh, shaking his head in frustration. "I wouldn't recommend taking their advice on that. Maybe on matters of romance, but certainly not on this," he replied, his tone tinged with exasperation.

"Ah, so you'd prefer to go to them for romantic advice instead?" Isatha teased, moving closer to Cao Cao with a mischievous grin.

Caught off guard by her playful remark, Cao Cao felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Let's focus on the task at hand, shall we?" he exclaimed, his voice revealing his flustered state.

"Flirting in the heart of chaos? The audacity of these cancers is truly astounding," remarked Honasa from her towering perch, her disdain evident as she peered down at the pair.

"She certainly has a talent for the dramatic, doesn't she? Let's put an end to this," Isatha affirmed, summoning her grimoire and extending her right hand outward. With a determined expression, she declared, "We'll stop this weirdo and safeguard the city. I don't detect any of our allies over at the orphanage yet."

From Isatha's grimoire emerged a myriad of creatures, formed from her own pink energy. Giant birds, bulls, horses, lions, tigers, and even dinosaurs appeared around them, each created with meticulous detail. Isatha had been introduced to these animals by Aaron and his companions from [DxD], finding them endearing, and had integrated them into her own powers.

"Yeah," Cao Cao replied, brandishing his spear once more as he activated the Balance Breaker of the [True Longinus]—[Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin]. A radiant halo of light formed behind him, accompanied by seven identical orbs, each the size of bowling balls, hovering ominously in the air.

"Hmph." The towering purple harpy unleashed a barrage of large blades of purple blades, hurtling towards Cao Cao and Isatha with lethal intent, threatening to slice through both them and the surrounding city.

With swift reflexes, Cao Cao aimed his spear towards the oncoming wind blades, employing the technique of [Maniratana] to redirect the attacks back towards Honasa. However, much to his surprise, the wind blades simply reverted to raw energy and were absorbed back into the monstrous harpy, leaving Cao Cao momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

Undeterred, the giant harpy unleashed another devastating attack, conjuring large tornadoes that tore through the cityscape, reducing buildings to rubble and wreaking havoc upon the surroundings. Although Aaron had successfully evacuated the populace after the initial explosions, some unfortunate souls still perished in the wake of the destruction.

Isatha clicked her tongue in frustration at the harpy's ruthless tactics. "She's targeting the city instead of us because she can't harm us directly? What a despicable tactic," she remarked disdainfully, her expression darkening with anger at the callous disregard for innocent lives.

"Looks like Aaron has already evacuated the civilians from danger. But yes, it's a deplorable tactic," Cao Cao confirmed, his eyes fixed on the unfolding chaos below. Drawing from his own past as a criminal, he understood the effectiveness of such ruthless strategies, especially when dealing with opponents who valued the lives of others.

"I'll confront her directly. Provide backup," Cao Cao instructed, annoyance evident in his tone as he propelled himself towards Honasa. Summoning a small ball of draconic energy in front of him, he tapped it with his spear, sending it hurtling towards their monstrous adversary.

The giant harpy tried to swat away the incoming projectile with a backhanded strike of her wing, but to her surprise, she found herself overpowered by the sheer force of the attack. A portion of her wing was obliterated upon impact, sending her reeling through the air before crashing to the ground below, adding to the devastation wrought upon the cityscape.

Isatha floated in the background, commanding her summons to quell the destructive purple tornadoes wreaking havoc upon the cityscape. With efficient coordination, her summoned creatures swiftly put an end to the chaos, restoring order to the surrounding area. Refocusing her attention on the confrontation between Cao Cao and Honasa, Isatha directed her bird summons to attack the monstrous harpy with their own barrage of pink wind blades.

Simultaneously, Isatha conjured large pink blades behind her, continuously launching them towards the towering enemy. Meanwhile, Cao Cao unleashed aura slashes towards Honasa, their combined onslaught converging upon the massive harpy and triggering a powerful explosion that engulfed their foe in a fiery blast.

As the explosion expanded, both Cao Cao and Isatha watched with anticipation, hoping to witness the defeat of their formidable enemy. However, to their dismay, the explosion dissipated, leaving Honasa and her gargantuan purple harpy unscathed. Disgruntled, both Cao Cao and Isatha clicked their tongues in frustration at the resilience of their foe.

"Are you holding back?" Isatha asked, observing Cao Cao closely for any signs of restraint.

Though Cao Cao stayed quiet, his expression revealed his internal struggle. It was clear that he had been holding back, a subconscious reaction driven by his instinctual concern for their surroundings and the safety of bystanders. Despite knowing absence of civilians in harm's way, his body still hesitated to unleash its full potential, resulting in attacks that were noticeably weaker than they could be. Even against an opponent, he wielded the raw power of a Middle-Tier God on a casual level, their enemy, at the pinnacle of the God-class, remained largely unaffected by his subdued attacks.

Sighing, Isatha noticed the realization dawning upon Cao Cao. "Judging by your expression, you've just come to that realization yourself. Come now, Cao Cao, she's likely at the apex of the God-class hierarchy that Aaron showed us on that lsit. You possess far greater strength than that. Focus!" she urged, her voice laced with a mixture of encouragement and exasperation.

Cao Cao let out a heavy sigh. "You're right. As a descendant of the original Cao Cao, I cannot afford to hesitate or falter in this moment," he confirmed, his eyes briefly closing before reopening with renewed determination and vigor.

While grappling with the shadow of his ancestors' legacy, Cao Cao found comfort in the support of his newfound allies—Team [DxD], Isatha, and Aaron—each serving as a beacon of guidance and friendship on his journey. He resolved not to succumb to the darker aspects of his lineage, knowing that he now had a network of companions to help steer him away from that treacherous path.

Recalling a proverb from his homeland—one he had encountered during a visit before entering this new universe—Cao Cao silently repeated the words in his mind: 'It is hard to travel the road, it is hard to be a good person, it is hard to do the right thing, and it is hard to have a good heart.' With these words resonating within him, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, determined to uphold his principles and fight for what was right, no matter the difficulty.

Without a word, Cao Cao vanished from sight, only to reappear moments later with his spear moving so fast it blurred. The colossal harpy was covered in countless punctures, the spear piercing through its flesh and even its face, revealing Honasa nestled within. But the wounds swiftly regenerated before their eyes.

"Finally taking me seriously!?" Honasa exclaimed triumphantly, her voice echoing through the chaos as she unleashed a barrage of homing energy attacks towards Cao Cao.

Unfazed, Cao Cao remained silent, his focus unwavering as he used [Gahapatiratana], bringing ten warrior-like entities to his aid. These ethereal warriors mimicked the effects of [Blade Blacksmith]'s Balance Breaker: [Blade Knight Mass], intercepting the incoming attacks with graceful fines. Though struck by the relentless barrage, the warriors endured and regenerated, standing resolute against the onslaught.

Once more, Cao Cao propelled his spear through the harpy's colossal form, employing an anti-healing and anti-regeneration technique bestowed upon Team [DxD] by Aaron. As the spear tore through the creature's flesh, leaving gaping wounds in its wake, there was no sign of regeneration this time, perplexing Honasa with the unexpected turn of events.

Honasa, burning with rage and contempt, unleashed an unrelenting barrage of attacks, paying no mind to the collateral damage or the well-being of her allies. Her only goal was the destruction of those in her path, whom she saw as cancers—unredeemable nuisances deserving of eradication. In her twisted view, everything besides herself was nothing but malignant cancer.

Despite her attacks, Cao Cao stood firm, effortlessly deflecting and neutralizing her attacks alongside his spectral warriors. His demeanor showed no sign of concern or fear, his expression stoic as he looked down at the raging behemoth before him.

Her fury boiling over, Honasa refused to tolerate being looked down upon. With a guttural snarl and viscous drool dripping from her mouth, she created a massive purple ball of energy from the harpy's gaping mouth. The ball grew in both power and size with alarming speed.

In response to the escalating threat posed by Honasa, Cao Cao aimed his spear at her, a palpable determination and divine energy resonating from him. A luminous sphere of pure white light formed before him, infused with holy power and righteous intent. With practiced precision, Cao Cao channeled the abilities of [Boosted Gear], utilizing [Boost] and [Penetrate] to maximize the orb's potency.

With solemn reverence, Cao Cao intoned the incantation of [Truth Idea], his unwavering voice cutting through the chaos. " O Spear. The true Holy Spear which pierces through God. Suck the ambition of the King of Domination sleeping within me and pierce through the gap of blessing and destruction. You. Announce the will, and turn into a glow."

As the incantation reached its climax, Cao Cao's spear blazed with incandescent brilliance, its radiance magnified a hundredfold by the power of [Truth Idea]. Simultaneously, Honasa found herself weakened by a profound effect, her formidable strength diminishing in the face of Cao Cao's divine intervention. Furthermore, the surrounding area was enveloped in a protective aura, shielding innocents from the impending catastrophe.

This version of [Truth Idea] had undergone a significant transformation. Aaron, working alongside the God of Christianity, had sought to imbue it with a potent blend of divine will and his own formidable power. The result was an upgraded version, enriched with a wider range of abilities, blessings, and miracles, far exceeding its previous form.

Although initially unaware of the need for such enhancement, Cao Cao was thankful for the increased potency it brought him. Sensing an added surge of power, he looked back to see Isatha, who had further bolstered his abilities through her grimoire. A mutual smile passed between them, recognizing their shared determination to confront the looming threat posed by Honasa.

Cao Cao exuded confidence as his meticulously charged attack, infused with a myriad of powers, reached its culmination. With unwavering resolve, he locked eyes with Honasa, imparting words of wisdom in the face of imminent confrontation. "I once had sentiments nearly the same as yours, but expanding one's perspective can fill life with profound meaning," he advised, his tone tinged with compassion.

With a decisive motion, he unleashed the full force of his attack upon Honasa. A colossal beam of radiant, white holy light surged forth, its magnitude unfathomable as it engulfed everything in its path. It tore through the fabric of the city, traversed the reaches of the planet, and extended into the vast expanse of outer space, its reverberations shaking the very essence of reality itself. After several heartbeats, the cataclysmic display subsided, leaving in its wake a world unscathed, preserved from devastation by the protective influence of [Truth Idea]. Without its intervention, the catastrophic aftermath would have laid waste to a significant portion of the planet's surface.

Caught off guard by the swiftness of Cao Cao's attack, Honasa found herself grievously wounded, her lower half irreparably severed. Despite his initial intention to spare her, Cao Cao's strike had proven fatal, a realization that weighed heavily upon him as he knelt beside her, his expression etched with remorse.

As he reached for a Slime Pill, a gesture of mercy in an attempt to mitigate the damage, Isatha intervened, recognizing the futility of their efforts. "She's beyond salvation in her current state. Let's relocate her remains to a secure location and ask for Aaron's aid in her potential revival, provided she has not yet been reincarnated," she proposed, her voice tinged with pragmatism.

After a moment of contemplation, Cao Cao acquiesced with a solemn nod. "Very well. Let's ensure her body is safeguarded, then resume our efforts to help others in need," he affirmed, a sense of duty driving him forward despite the weight of his actions.

With Honasa's body now in a safe haven, Cao Cao took one last look at her motionless form, uncertain of what lay ahead for her. Whether she slept or had succumbed to death's embrace remained a mystery, weighing heavily on his conscience. But duty beckoned, and with Isatha by his side, he set off for their next destination without hesitation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Close to the orphanage, once a lively estate, now lay in ruins, a solemn reminder of the recent explosions that had shaken the area. In the middle of the destruction stood Aaron, Azathoth, and Zorya, having arrived in the aftermath. The rest of the group had scattered throughout the city to address the turmoil and confront their foes.

As they walked through the wreckage, Aaron's gaze landed on the motionless bodies of several children, including Osmein and his small group of friends. Kneeling next to Osmein's small bodu, Aaron tenderly placed his fingers on the child's forehead.

"Can you bring them back?" Zorya asked softly.

"No," Aaron responded, his voice tinged with sorrow. "Most of the children here have already been reincarnated, their spirits swiftly returning to the cycle of life. Those who remain are waiting for their turn for rebirth. The only one I sense longing for revival is Francis, the caretaker of the orphanage," he explained, standing up with a solemn expression.

Silently, Aaron continued to advance, his strides leading him to where Francis's lifeless figure rested. Meanwhile, Azathoth came to a stop, capturing Zorya's attention. With a curious tilt of her head, Zorya questioned, "Is something wrong?"

Azathoth shook her head, her hand lifting in a commanding motion. The debris shifted around them, exposing more bodies of the departed. As they were revealed, Azathoth directed their movements, guiding them to a clear space where she arranged them in a somber line. With a gentle touch, she closed the eyes of those who still gazed upon the world of the living.

Observing Azathoth's actions, Zorya joined in, aiding her in this solemn duty while Aaron continued on toward Francis. Upon reaching the elderly man, Aaron found him impaled by a metal beam, with four children positioned behind him, as if shielding them with his own bodies until the very end.

"We may not have been close, but Raerea will surely be devastated to learn of this," Aaron murmured to himself, his voice tinged with sorrow. "But at the very least, you should return."

With a touch, Aaron caused the steel beam to vanish, simultaneously healing Francis's wounded body and restoring him to life. As Francis's form briefly shimmered with a radiant glow before settling back into stillness, the old man opened his eyes then blinked, confusion evident in his gaze.

Taking in his surroundings, Francis's memories flooded back, and he turned abruptly, his heart sinking at the sight of the children's lifeless forms. With tears streaming down his weathered cheeks, Francis knelt beside them, cradling their still bodies close as he whispered quiet pleas for them to awaken once more, his voice heavy with grief.

"They cannot be brought back," Aaron gently informed Francis before releasing his alter ego as "Zero" and revealing his identity.

Francis's eyes widened in shock, a glimmer of hope flickering within them. "Outer... god... please... bring them back..." he pleaded, but Aaron sadly shook his head.

"Once they have passed on and reincarnated, I am powerless to intervene," Aaron explained softly. "These children endured much suffering, but now they have the opportunity to find happiness in loving families across different universes," he reassured Francis.

For a moment, Francis's expression shifted through a myriad of emotions. Initially angered by Aaron's refusal, his face softened as he absorbed the explanation. Closing his eyes, he accepted the harsh reality before him.

"At least they're going to find solace with new families who will cherish them," Francis murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "And the others...?"

"All of them have perished and undergone reincarnation," Aaron explained with a somber tone. "You were the sole survivor, unfortunately."

Tears welled in Francis's eyes, but he valiantly held them back, nodding in understanding. Gazing up at Aaron, he posed the question that weighed heavily on his mind, "Why have you come here?"

"While the odds may seem impossible, I wanted to sway this planet and its inhabitants to our cause," Aaron replied earnestly. "In truth, Raerea has been taken captive by the Resistance. However, she's been treated with respect and care. We arrived here because during our last mission, we discovered that Elanor was conducting a recruitment drive, likely aiming to lure me in," he elaborated, extending a hand to help Francis to his feet.

The children were gathered and brought to the place where Azathoth had instructed them to line up solemnly. A solemn hush surrounded the group as they stood among the fallen, with Francis openly shedding tears for the departed souls. Aaron offered a comforting hand on his shoulder, silently sharing in the old man's grief.

"Madame Elanor is simply manipulating us...?" Francis questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty after wiping away his tears. "I am hesitant to believe, but something in your words rings."

"Despite her rank as the 16th, Elanor possesses a cunning intellect and enjoys a high level of trust from Phumera. One could even consider her Phumera's most confidant aside from Yve and Infersos," Aaron explained, shedding light on the complexities of their situation.

"But to address your concerns," Aaron said, his frustration evident. "Elanor is manipulating numerous individuals for motives that remain shrouded in mystery to many. However, I am certain that today's events are orchestrated solely to provoke a reaction from me. She already succeeded with those children in Hauillne Bataress, but today, she's infuriating me once again."

Furthermore, he stated, "Those collaborating with her include Furuke and Unzaifai, both of whom have turned their backs on Raerea. It's essential that we intervene to stop their schemes. With that said, I will teleport you to a different section of the planet. Please remain there with the others, and we will retrieve you all once our task is complete."

Francis absorbed Aaron's words, skepticism mixing with a newfound understanding. The revelation of Furuke and Unzaifai's betrayal shook him to the core, leaving him uncertain. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded in compliance.

"Very well. I will place my trust in your words for now... I shall await the resolution of this matter," Francis replied before Aaron whisked him away with a teleportation.

With Francis gone, Zorya directed Aaron's attention to the lifeless forms of the children. "What... do we do with them?" she inquired, her gaze filled with sorrow.

Aaron surveyed the scene before him, feeling the weight of the situation on his shoulders. "I will transport them to another dimension that I possess before we regroup with the others," he decided. With a snap of his fingers, the bodies vanished from sight. Exhaling heavily, he cast a final glance around the desolate surroundings before resolving to move forward.

"Let's go," Aaron declared, his voice tinged with anger as he led the way to rejoin their companions.

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