Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 23 – Part 5 – A Planet no more

Third Person Point of View

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Aaron watched with intense interest as Raerea and her former master, Roliao, clashed. Despite their undeniable skill and power, a subtle hesitance tinged their movements and strikes, evident even to the untrained eye.

The ferocity of their exchanges reverberated through the protective barrier that surrounded them. Without this magical shield, the bustling city would surely have faced utter devastation with each clash of their blades, underscoring the sheer potency of their restrained blows.

Inwardly, Aaron acknowledged the potential cataclysmic consequences if they were to unleash their full might. The sheer magnitude of the cosmic upheaval that would ensue, especially from Raerea's overwhelming power, left him acutely aware of the daunting task of repairing and restoring vast expanses of the universe in the aftermath of such a confrontation. After all, he recognized Raerea's innate strength far surpassed that of her former mentor, Roliao.

Across from him, upon his self-made platform, crafted through his own mysterious abilities, stood Furuke. His expression held a subtle amusement as he observed the clash between student and mentor. Without speaking a word since his arrival two minutes earlier, his silent presence spoke volumes, hinting at impending developments that Aaron couldn't quite decipher, yet instinctively apprehended.

Aaron's gaze fixated on Furuke, a sense of foreboding creeping into his thoughts. He recognized the signs of imminent change, yet a familiar reluctance held him back from taking decisive action. It was a familiar struggle, one that echoed his past dilemmas, wherein his inclination towards non-intervention mirrored that of Azathoth, the passive observer within the chaos of the omniverse.

Despite his inner turmoil, Aaron resolved to stand aside, allowing those alongside him to confront the impending threat and gauge their response. Though every fiber of his being urged him to intervene, he wrestled with the weight of past failures, uncertain whether his interference would yield the desired outcome or merely exacerbate the situation.

"Will you not make an attempt to stop me?" Furuke's smirk held the challenge as he turned his gaze towards Aaron.

Aaron met Furuke's gaze with steady composure. "Whether I choose to intervene now or assign the task to my comrades, the outcome remains inevitable. Your plots will unravel, and your aspirations will crumble," he replied with a calm tone, sounding almost poetic.

Deep down, Aaron nurtured ambitions of authority and sovereignty, embracing his newfound role as a "king" or "ruler." Drawing from the analogies of monarchy, he compared his position to that of a sovereign who, in times of conflict, refrains from personally entering into battle but instead assigns the task to their subordinates. He understood that effective leadership often involves strategic delegation, placing trust in the abilities of his allies to uphold his vision and achieve victory without his direct involvement.

From that day forward, Aaron made a firm decision to take a more hands-off approach, entrusting certain tasks to others while being open to potential changes in the future. He realized that personal growth and transformation take time, acknowledging his ongoing challenges while also recognizing the progress achieved in just one year.

Furuke's expression turned sour as Aaron responded with stoicism, his gaze hardening as he unleashed a barrage of vibrant energy bullets aimed at Aaron. Much to Furuke's surprise, the projectiles dissipated as they approached a certain radius around Aaron, rendering his efforts futile and draining.

Watching the interaction, both Aaron and Furuke turned their attention back to the master and student duel, their presence not going unnoticed by the combatants. As Raerea's fury intensified, her initial hesitation faded, replaced by a determined resolve to end the duel, defeat her mentor, and confront Furuke directly.

"Every action... every endeavor... it's all in service of a greater cause, even if the world that emerges is unrecognizable," Furuke whispered to himself, a wild laughter escaping his lips. The glint of madness danced in his eyes, a stark reminder of the depths to which he had plunged.

Aaron's gaze shifted downward, contemplating the earth beneath his feet with a heavy sigh. The tragic consequences of a failed creation weighed heavily on his mind, a sobering realization of the havoc wreaked by unintentional experiments gone awry. If such accidental creations could drive individuals to madness, he couldn't help but ponder the fate of those manipulated by entities like Gearfather and their sinister entities.

Mindful of the immense reach and incredible power possessed by the outer gods, Aaron contemplated his own encounters, having once seen the damage done by these beings himself. Azathoth, in her infinite wisdom, had revealed glimpses of the possible repercussions of their actions, recounting the untamed chaos unleashed by her offspring before drifting into slumber.

Considering the implications within this universe, Aaron reflected on the profound influence of entities like Magnum Tenebrosum, Nyarlathotep, and Magnum Innominandum. Each held their own distinct sway, molding the fabric of reality in subtle and profound ways. While he had yet to extensively explore the affairs of other universes, Aaron maintained the belief that the schemes of these cosmic beings surpassed the boundaries of individual realities, potentially exerting their influence across the vast expanse of the multiverse.

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Latia's blow struck Helapos with such force that it sent him staggering backward. Yet, despite the searing pain in his body, Helapos remained resolute, the intensity of his resolve etched on his grimace. With each strike, his innate abilities only grew stronger, enhancing his regenerative powers, fortifying his physique, and bolstering his physical prowess.

Latia, undeterred by his admirable resilience, maintained a steady gaze upon him, her expression unchanging even in the face of his silent defiance. Though met with initial resistance and skepticism, she persisted in her efforts to communicate with him, seizing every opportunity amidst their tumultuous skirmish to convey their intentions and motives.

As they exchanged words in the middle of the chaos of battle, Helapos' mood darkened with each utterance from Latia. Yet, beneath the veil of hostility, a flicker of recognition glimmered within his eyes. It became evident that Helapos harbored his own reservations towards Unzaifai and Furuke from the outset, his skepticism tempered by a cautious acknowledgment of their motives.

With the swiftness of lightning, Helapos lunged forward, his blade cutting through the air with lethal purpose. Yet, Latia's nimble footwork allowed her to gracefully evade his attack, her movements as elegant as they were strategic. However, the calm of the moment was shattered as a massive beam of black and red energy surged from Helapos' sword, tearing through the surrounding space with devastating force.

Reacting quickly, Helapos pivoted on his heel, unleashing a relentless barrage of black crowns with astonishing speed. Unfazed, Latia summoned her grimoire, creating spells that appeared as shimmering white orbs encircling her. With a commanding gesture, the orbs surged forth, intercepting the oncoming attacks with accuracy.

The clash of powers resulted in a momentary standstill, the black crowns halted in their tracks by Latia's counterattack. Seizing the opportunity, she amplified the size and momentum of her orbs, sending them hurtling back towards Helapos with renewed vigor. Though momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, Helapos swiftly deflected the orbs with a display of skill, dismissing the threat they posed.

Yet, undeterred, Helapos conjured forth a larger crown, its ominous form adorned with three imposing arms.

As the foreboding red eye appeared at the forefront of the towering crown creature, its radiant glow grew stronger, signaling an impending attack. Without saying a word, Helapos pointed his sword at Latia, urging the creature to advance with a piercing shriek that resonated through the battlefield.

Unfazed by the looming danger, Latia prepared herself for the confrontation. With a resigned breath, she summoned her strength and raised her arm, ready to face the imminent threat head-on.

In a swift and decisive movement, Latia vanished from view, teleporting behind Helapos in the blink of an eye. With seamless grace, her grimoire transformed into a blade, poised to strike at Helapos' vulnerable point of defense.

However, Helapos' instincts took over with lightning speed, as he quickly turned to meet the oncoming attack, barely managing to deflect Latia's blade. The sheer force of her strike sent him hurtling backward, his collision with a nearby structure shattering the peace of the surroundings.

Undeterred by the setback, Helapos and his crown creature surged forward once again, their attack relentless and unforgiving. This time, the crown conjured smaller jet-black hands, each hurtling towards Latia with deadly precision.

Latia, determined and focused, slammed her foot onto the ground, sending a flurry of debris swirling into the air like a chaotic dance. With quick reflexes, she used her powers to switch places with a nearby fragment, driving her sword into the creature with precision, accompanied by an eruption of glowing green flames.

The crown emitted shrill shrieks as it retaliated, unleashing crimson beams of energy from its eyes, displaying its pain. Sensing the looming presence of Helapos, Latia swiftly repeated her actions, switching places with another floating shard, her foot striking his face with a swift and decisive blow, sending him reeling once more.

Returning her focus to the crown creature, Latia's blade slashed through the air with a diagonal arc, enveloped in a crackling aura of violet electricity. As the blade made contact, the creature shattered into fragmented pieces, met with a surge of electric shockwaves. Despite being dismembered, the creature didn't die, its malevolent essence refusing to yield, although its powers were rendered utterly useless in this state. Nonetheless, it continued to move, albeit in a feeble and futile manner, a mere shadow of its former menacing self.

Latia wasted no time, propelling herself forward in a swift charge towards Helapos, leaving behind a trail of ominous, demonic circles. From these circles, she unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks, each aimed squarely at her adversary. Unfazed, Helapos stood his ground, the eye embedded in his chest pulsating with an ominous glow, amplifying his already formidable strength.

Silence enveloped the battlefield as the confrontation intensified. Without the need for words, Helapos drew back his sword, its blade gleaming ominously before he thrust it towards Latia. From its tip erupted a colossal, piercing beam, swirling with hues of black and red, hurtling menacingly in her direction. Despite the ferocity of the attack, Latia's demonic attacks slammed into the beam, slowing its advance significantly before she deftly redirected the attack, closing the distance between herself and Helapos in a swift dash.

Yet, the redirected attack proved treacherous as the explosive force it carried detonated in the sky, shattering into myriad diamond-shaped fragments. These crystalline shards, solidified with quick intent, soared back towards Latia with deadly precision. Reacting swiftly, Latia raised her right hand, covered with a soft, azure radiance, which enveloped the oncoming fragments, freezing them in their tracks mid-attack.

Helapos found himself ensnared by an unexpected turn of events. Struggling to break free, an eerie glow emanated from the ground, materializing into spectral hands that seized hold of his legs with a firm grip. Despite his efforts, he found himself immobilized, his body held captive by the spectral grasp. However, his faculties remained intact, allowing him to shift his gaze towards Latia with a mixture of confusion and apprehension.

Unfazed by his predicament, Latia stepped forward, her voice resonating with a calm yet authoritative tone. "I was born from the branch family of the Astaroth clan and, in turn, inherited the [Time] clan trait from the Agares clan, courtesy of one of my parents who belonged to that lineage. Initially, it wasn't a formidable ability; I witnessed Seekvaira use it to craft weaker time barriers, akin to Aaron's."

As she spoke, her gaze bore into Helapos, her words laden with a sense of resolve and purpose. Despite her calm demeanor, the air crackled with tension, hinting at the latent power simmering within her.

Latia maintained her composure as she spoke to Helapos, describing her newly developed abilities with a steady voice. "Under Aaron's guidance, I was able to refine and expand my control over the [Time] clan trait. While he initially assisted in altering its nature, I eventually gained autonomy over its usage. It's possible that these capabilities were always present, but remained undiscovered as I focused on honing my other skills."

She paused, taking a soft breath before addressing Helapos once more, her tone softening with a hint of optimism. "Now, with this fresh understanding, can't we engage in a more civilized conversation and resolve matters cordially?"

Helapos remained silent, his gaze fixed on Latia with an intensity that seemed to pierce through her words. After a momentary pause, Latia pressed on, unbothered by his lack of response.

"I've been truthful from the beginning," she affirmed, her tone calm. "Yes, we are from the Resistance. However, it's important to recognize that Raerea chose to join us willingly before this meeting. Her wish to imitate the fourth-ranking member of the Eradicators remains unchanged, doesn't it? Therefore, her decision to engage in these actions with us should not be dismissed as improbable."

Her words hung in the air, waiting for Helapos' reaction, as the tension between them lingered.

"Then state your intentions," demanded Helapos, his piercing gaze fixed on Latia as he waited for her response.

Latia let out a heavy sigh, her expression reflecting the weight of their current predicament. "As I mentioned before, our goal here is to convince your people to join the Resistance. With Raerea's help, we were hoping to find even the smallest glimmer of opportunity."

Helapos continued to study Latia closely, his thoughts churning as he processed her words. Finally, he let out a resigned sigh. "Your assessment is correct. Despite the recent victories of the Resistance, they are overshadowed by centuries of defeat. Not only here, but on countless other worlds. To sway the population, you must achieve something monumental, something that deeply resonates with their collective consciousness."

Latia met Helapos' skepticism with certain facts. "We destroyed Ferrothos Prime and Viriterra Remetura, crucial planets at the core of Phumera's operation. These actions strike at the core of their power, disrupting their ability to produce weapons, armor, and healing supplies."

Helapos remained composed, his response deliberate. "For those in the know, these victories carry great significance. However, for the common folk, these events may not hold the same weight. While they may have some awareness, it may not be their foremost concern, would it?" he asked, his gaze fixed on Latia.

Recognizing the validity of his point, Latia nodded in agreement. "You are right. These victories may not be the forefront of their minds when thinking of the Resistance. However, our efforts to destroy the Eradicators and Ueboros members will surely capture their attention. With each step, we move closer to gaining their support."

Latia was deeply affected by Helapos' opposing viewpoints, causing her to furrow her brow with concern. She pondered over his words, struggling with the harsh reality they portrayed. Despite the efforts of the Resistance, their progress was still lacking.

Her silence conveyed her agreement with Helapos' assessment. While her arguments had their merit, they couldn't overshadow the daunting truth that a significant portion of the universe was still beyond their reach.

Thoughts of Esina's warnings echoed in Latia's mind, highlighting the immense challenge that lay ahead. The initial version of the Resistance had overwhelming support, with an estimated 87% backing throughout the cosmos. However, the present situation painted a much bleaker picture, filled with uncertainty and fear.

With a heavy heart, Latia recognized the difficult journey that awaited them, filled with obstacles and unknowns. Despite feeling disheartened, she remained resolute in her belief in them to push forward despite the overwhelming odds against them.

Latia's grit remained immovable, her resolve steady in the face of these facts. "Our successes speak for themselves. We have become the most powerful version of the Resistance to date. Our mission continues until every being in the universe is freed from tyranny. The choice is yours: will you stand with me, or will I be forced to take you as a captive?" she asked, her tone strong yet tinged with urgency.

Helapos pondered for a long moment, his expression a mask of deep thought as he considered his options. "Before I make a commitment, I need certain proof of your intentions. I will not align myself with you based solely on words," he stated firmly.

Acknowledging his request, Latia nodded in agreement. "Understood. Let me show you our cause firsthand. I will take you to Aaron," she said, amused certainty shining in her eyes.

With a quick gesture, Latia initiated their teleportation, transporting them to where Aaron awaited, prepared to reveal the truth behind her words.

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Anran Wu charged ahead, meeting Sirozo's fierce attack head-on as he unleashed a barrage of dark purple orbs in her direction. Almost as if it were natural to her, she shrouded her hand in darkness, effortlessly deflecting the orbs to Sirozo's surprise. Taking advantage of the opening, she instantly closed the gap between them and delivered a forceful elbow strike to his stomach, sending him flying backwards.

Sirozo's disbelief grew as Anran Wu's blow broke through his defenses, but he quickly regained his composure, stopping his own momentum as he released a flurry of blue and purple lines from his body. Undeterred, Anran Wu skillfully evaded his attacks, deftly maneuvering out of harm's way.

Without delay, she infused her hands with a blend of blue and green energy, merging it with darkness, before delivering a punishing strike to Sirozo once more, driving him back with a resounding impact.

Anran Wu jumped towards Sirozo with unmatched grace, delivering a relentless flurry of kicks, each infused with a powerful combination of blue and green energy, interwoven with darkness. With each strike, afterimages appeared alongside them, heightening the attack and overwhelming Sirozo's defenses. Despite his efforts to block the onslaught with his own arms and a shroud of darkness, they proved futile, breaking under the relentless barrage of attacks.

Performing a graceful backflip, Anran Wu landed on the ground, her movements fluid and precise. Concentrating her energy, she executed intricate hand signs, summoning a magnificent blue energy crane cloaked in darkness. With astonishing speed, the crane soared towards Sirozo, who hastily erected another multi-layered shroud of darkness in a desperate attempt to protect himself.

To his astonishment, Anran Wu's attack effortlessly shattered through his defenses, the crane's beak piercing his stomach with unerring accuracy. Before he could muster a response, the crane erupted in a cataclysmic explosion, engulfing the area in a whirlwind of blue energy and darkness, leaving Sirozo reeling from the devastating impact of her attack.

Despite the brutal damage inflicted upon his body, Sirozo was somehow alive, his eyes burning with fury as he met Anran Wu's gaze.

Anran Wu watched his resilience with a mix of disdain and reluctant respect. "He's proven to be quite stubborn for a fake," she commented, her voice dripping with scorn as she glared at him.

As Sirozo's life began to dwindle, he focused his remaining strength and life force on the swirling "universe" within his chest. With grim resolve, he poured every last ounce of his essence into the pulsating vortex, sacrificing himself to unleash its destructive power.

A being born from mere whims, Sirozo knew his own worth all too well. In his final act of rebellion, he vowed to take everyone in the vicinity down with him, regardless of the consequences. Not even the clone of Furuke, whom he had once worked with, would be spared from the cataclysm he intended to unleash.

The female Furuke's eyes widened in horror as she witnessed Sirozo's desperate gambit. "You're seriously going to use that!? At least let me—" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with disbelief and concern. Before she could complete her plea, Zorya intervened, firing a divine bullet that tore through her cheek, silencing her protests.

Zorya's composed demeanor stood in stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around them. "Keep your focus on me. Do not look away," she instructed, her eyes softly gleaming as she locked eyes with the female Furuke, demanding her full attention.

Despite the searing pain in her cheek, the female Furuke attempted to heal her wound, only to find that her abilities were inexplicably hindered. Though she brushed off the inconvenience with a facade of nonchalance, her prideful nature bristled at the idea of being rendered powerless, much like her progenitor, the real Furuke.

Anran Wu dashed forward with all her might, determined to prevent Sirozo's catastrophic final act. Every fiber of her being was covered with the combined energies of blue, green, and darkness, forming a protective barrier around her as she charged toward him. Sensing the imminent danger, the energies transformed into a large serpent-like entity to envelop her body and immediate vicinity, bolstering her defenses and attack power.

Yet, before Sirozo could unleash his devastating attack, a miraculous turn of events unfolded. His red eyes widened in disbelief as he realized that the swirling "universe" within his chest had inexplicably vanished. Confusion swept over him as he scanned his surroundings, searching for any sign of the ominous vortex.

His gaze finally settled on Azathoth, who stood before him, the swirling "universe" cradled in her palm. A sense of awe and bewilderment washed over Sirozo as he beheld the scene before him, his plans stopped by an unforeseen intervention.

As the swirling energy quickly vanished from Sirozo's chest as Anran Wu's fists landed with even more force, striking him squarely in the chest. The impact set off a tremendous explosion, resembling a writhing serpent of destruction that ascended into the atmosphere, engulfing the planet in its fiery embrace. The ground trembled beneath the magnitude of the explosion, forcing Anran Wu to leap away to safety, her gaze locked on the cataclysmic display before her.

Once the dust settled, only Sirozo's severed head remained, its vacant gaze fixed upon the sky. For a fleeting moment, his eyes glowed with residual energy before fading into nothingness, leaving behind only a lifeless husk.

However, the respite was short-lived as the female Furuke resumed her attack on Zorya with renewed fervor, unleashing a barrage of magic attacks while taunting her enemy with laughter. "He met his end in such a pitiful manner! How could he squander such an opportunity!?" she jeered, her words dripping with scorn and disdain.

As the female Furuke's ramblings became increasingly obscure, Zorya's patience wore thin. With a decisive motion, she aimed her gun at her target once more, unleashing a relentless barrage of divine bullets with unparalleled speed. Each projectile found its mark, piercing the female Furuke's body with precision, inflicting agonizing pain with each impact.

The onslaught continued unabated until the final bullet tore through her head, silencing her laughter and leaving her prone on the ground, her gaze fixed skyward. Despite the mortal wounds, she continued to mutter ominous prophecies until her body began to crumble, her final words echoing ominously.

"Nothing will stop it now! The chaos from back then and everything after has fed it. It will soon wake up! It can't be stopped now!!! It can't be—" Her sentence remained unfinished as she shattered into fragments, leaving nothing but remnants strewn across the ground, a chilling testament to the impending doom she foretold.

Zorya spoke, breaking the heavy silence left in the wake of the female Furuke's unsettling revelation. "What did she mean by that?" she asked, turning her gaze to Azathoth, who remained eerily quiet.

Azathoth offered no immediate answer, her expression inscrutable as she contemplated the implications of the female Furuke's enigmatic words. Sensing the seriousness of the situation, Anran Wu quickly shifted their attention to taking action, despite the uncertainty surrounding them.

"The real Furuke is still alive," Anran Wu asserted, her voice filled with resolve. "Let's find him. I sense conflicting energies at the recruitment event site."

Without waiting for a response, she leapt into action, her movements swift and purposeful. Zorya and Azathoth followed suit, the latter safely securing the swirling "universe" in a separate dimension until it could be delivered to Aaron.

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Arriving at the scene, their eyes immediately landed on Aaron, Latia, Helapos, and the mysterious figure of Furuke. He observed the unfolding battle between Raerea and Roliao with a smirk on his lips, meeting Aaron's gaze with chilling intensity, exuding calculated malevolence.

"It appears that all the pawns have been taken care of, haven't they?" Furuke remarked, dripping with disdain as he addressed Aaron directly.

Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Helapos finally spoke up, his voice laced with disbelief and anger. "Furuke... why are you doing this...!?" he demanded, his gaze burning with righteous indignation.

Furuke's smirk widened as he met Helapos' gaze, his own eyes gleaming with a sinister gleam. "Your simple mind wouldn't comprehend it. I have no intention of explaining myself to you," he retorted dismissively. "But rest assured, it will benefit us all in the end. Just go along with it."

Helapos' anger boiled over at Furuke's callous indifference. "Are you suggesting that their deaths are justified!? What about the bonds we forged with them over the years!?" he protested, his voice echoing with a mix of frustration and anguish. Trapped by Latia's hold, he was unable to confront Furuke directly, his hands clenched in impotent rage.

Furuke's words sliced through the tension like a blade, his tone carrying a chilling detachment as he addressed Helapos' concerns about the bonds they had formed with their allies. He spoke of lost feelings and disillusionment, downplaying the significance of those connections with casual indifference.

"Maybe I once felt the same way about them," Furuke reflected, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "But as time passed, those feelings faded. What Raerea attempted was nearly impossible. Virion Deamonne is a formidable foe, comparable to Madame Phumera in his monstrous nature. Raerea's rise to power showcased her cunning and ambition, but she could never surpass Virion Deamonne' sheer strength and conviction."

He continued, his words filled with conviction. "Virion Deamonne embodies the essence of a warrior, firm in his convictions and ideals. While many may admire such qualities, they ultimately relegate him to fourth place among the Eradicators. Raerea's efforts to emulate his ideals are fruitless and misguided. She should be replaced, for she seeks to replicate virtues that she can never truly embody."

"The Resistance has reached unprecedented levels of strength, reminiscent of its earliest incarnation," Furuke declared, his smile betraying a sense of confidence in his plan. "It is imperative that we adapt to these changing circumstances. Raerea's leadership, while commendable in its own right, has its limitations. To truly confront the challenges ahead, I must ascend to the position of second rank among the Eradicators."

Helapos' frustration and confusion grew as Furuke unveiled his intentions. "So, in pursuit of your own delusions, you would discard the progress Raerea has painstakingly achieved over the years?" he questioned, his voice tinged with incredulity. "She has already begun the arduous task of rebuilding and revitalizing another planet. Are you willing to sacrifice all of that for your own ambitions?"

Furuke responded with a calm determination, unfazed by Helapos' accusations. He emphasized the need for sacrifice and reform, steadfast in his belief that change was essential for the advancement of their domain. To him, Raerea's leadership embodied outdated ideals that required significant adjustments to confront the challenges ahead.

"This is a sacrifice I am willing to make," Furuke reiterated, his tone resolute. "Under Raerea's rule, planets have stagnated, holding onto outdated beliefs without necessary adaptations. As a overseer and ruler, I will implement reforms that align with the realities of our existence. Today marks the genesis of a new era, and I will ensure that change permeates every corner of our domain."

Helapos' anger surged at Furuke's callous disregard for their joint accomplishments. "You're insane," he retorted, his voice filled with frustration. "Look around you! Everything we have built together is in ruins! How can you speak of such matters with such disregard!?"

Furuke surveyed their surroundings with a detached gaze, his demeanor unchanged. "Only some things have been destroyed," he remarked casually. "The Outer God has preserved the rest. While the damage is significant, it is not irreversible. Everything can be reconstructed in time. What matters now is the course of action we take. Everything in this world is fleeting, including my own position. I act with the understanding that change is inevitable, even for me."

The tension in the air was palpable, shattered only by the sudden noise—a grunt of pain, the clang of steel, and then an ominous hush. All eyes turned to see Raerea standing triumphantly over her defeated master, Roliao, the outcome of their duel now determined. His sword lay shattered, and his arm grievously injured.

"I have emerged victorious, master. I ask you to surrender," Raerea declared, her voice resolute and steady.

"And it's about time…I start the next phase of my plan." Furuke's grin widened, unsettling the gathered group with his ominous words, sparking apprehension among them. Before anyone could react, he set his plan into motion, shrouded in secrecy.

Despite his defeat, Roliao managed a tired smile as he looked up at Raerea. "It seems... a new beginning awaits me. My family and I... we will join the Resistance," he uttered, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Furuke's sudden appearance behind Roliao sent a chill down their spines, his words cutting through the air with a chilling finality. "No, you will not," he declared ominously. "Neither Madame Elanor nor I will permit it."

With a quick and merciless gesture, Furuke plunged his hand through Roliao's chest, seizing his heart and wrenching it out before their horrified eyes. The air crackled with dark energy as Furuke manipulated his magic to keep the heart beating, a sinister grin twisting his face as he gazed at the pulsating organ.

"Everything is now complete," Furuke declared ominously before disappearing into thin air, leaving behind a scene of devastation.

Raerea's anguished cry shattered the silence as she knelt beside her fallen master, his lifeless body cradled in her arms. Desperation etched her features as she begged for assistance, her gaze locking onto Aaron with a desperate plea for help.

Aaron and the others hurried to Raerea's side, their hearts heavy with sorrow. Using his powers, Aaron fashioned a new heart and placed it within Roliao's chest, channeling his healing magic to restore life to his body.

Yet, despite their efforts, Roliao remained motionless, his once vibrant spirit extinguished by Furuke's merciless act. A heavy silence descended upon them, punctuated only by the echoes of Raerea's grief-stricken cries, as they struggled to come to terms with the grim reality of their loss.

"Why... isn't he waking up, Aaron?" Zorya's voice was barely a whisper in the solemn air.

"As I've mentioned before, the journey to reincarnation varies for each soul. Roliao, unfortunately, quickly transitioned to his new existence the moment life left his body," Aaron explained, rising to his feet and casting a glance in a specific direction. "Tragically, his family met the same fate just moments ago, though their transition to the next life is slow."

The revelation hit them with an unexpected force, exposing the harsh truth of their universe before them. Raerea's sobs stopped, replaced by a simmering rage that bubbled beneath the surface.

"...It's starting," Azathoth murmured, her hand gently resting on Helapos as she released him from his restraints.

A seismic tremor shook the planet, signaling the onset of transformation. Across the landscape, intricate circuitry appeared, interwoven with luminous crystals and metallic structures, a symphony of technological evolution unfolding before their eyes.

A miraculous transformation swept through many regions of the planet, as if the very essence of the landscape was undergoing a metamorphosis into something completely surreal.

"What in the universe is happening...?" Helapos muttered, bewildered by the sudden and bewildering changes unfolding across the planet.

In the distance, an enormous head emerged from the ground, its appearance defying all sense of normalcy. A long metallic neck, adorned with azure spikes along its length, extended from the ground, leading to a head of immense proportions, comparable in size to the sun as witnessed from the Draconic Deus.

This head boasted six spikes, three on each side, with a singular, larger spike positioned prominently in the center. Its eyes, mere slits glowing with an otherworldly blue hue, fixated upon the city sprawled out before it, while a small mouth hinted at a mysterious intent.

"...I will take charge of this new operation for now. We need to stop this entity, known as Gatoros, The Astrodroid Sentinel, created by Gearfather. My team, along with Anran Wu, Raerea, and Helapos, will unite. Cao Cao and Isatha are also on their way to our location," Aaron stated firmly.

"The head we see is just a decoy. There are six powerful barriers protecting its head. Once you break through those and the head, you will face the real body. I will stay here briefly before meeting with Esina to evaluate the situation elsewhere. Any questions?" Aaron asked, scanning the group for any signs of doubt.

"Do we have any specific intelligence about this entity that we should be aware of?" Raerea asked stoically, her eyes fixed on the imposing presence of the creature in front of them.

"Any traditional tool or technological device you depend on will prove useless against its influence; Gatoros has the ability to take control of such mechanisms. Along with its impressive size and electrical power, it also possesses the capability to petrify objects at will," Aaron explained, his words filled with a sense of urgency.

"Furuke is currently fused with the real body, effectively combining two minds into one entity. It may sound confusing, but imagine it as Furuke having the capacity to transfer his consciousness between himself and Gatoros at any moment," he continued, his explanation tinged with a hint of disbelief at the bizarre nature of the situation.

"...Whoever reaches Furuke first, refrain from killing him. I reserve that privilege for myself. Dispose of Gatoros, but spare Furuke for me to deal with...!" Raerea interjected vehemently, her frustration palpable.

With unanimous agreement, the group quickly departed, leaving Aaron alone with Azathoth. She turned to him, her expression expectant, and asked, "Have you gone deeper into this matter?"

"Partially. I've managed to decode their names and gained some insights, but there are still mysteries to uncover. I became intrigued during Raerea and Roliao's conflict," Aaron admitted, his tone contemplative. "Aren't you going with them...?"

"I will stay here with you. Let's leave the task to them," Azathoth replied, taking her place next to him.

Aaron didn't say anything, instead using his abilities to lift them to a high vantage point. Together, they watched in silence for several minutes, observing the unfolding events below.

— ○ ● ○ —

"It's one event after another, we can't catch a break!" exclaimed Cao Cao, his voice rising above the chaos of the ongoing battle as he deftly deflected a barrage of electrical attacks aimed at him and Isatha. Informed discreetly by Aaron through his Shadow Soldiers, they hurried towards one of the six barriers with the intention of destroying it.

"There are six barriers in total, right? How many allies do we have with us?" Isatha asked, matching Cao Cao's pace as she rode on a horse conjured from her own rosy-hued energy.

"Yeah, there are six barriers stand in our way. If we coordinate our efforts, we may be able to eliminate them all at once. Could you communicate this strategy to the others?" Cao Cao suggested urgently. "I don't want to delay this any longer!"

"Good idea, Isatha," Cao Cao complimented as she activated her transceiver, relaying the coordinated plan to their allies. After approximately forty seconds, Isatha completed her communication, apprising Cao Cao of the devised strategy.

"Latia will create portals at each barrier, allowing us to synchronize our attacks and destroy them simultaneously. She mentioned that they might require simultaneous destruction to ensure that they are permanently destroyed," Isatha explained, her voice tinged with a hint of seriousness.

"At the same time!?" Cao Cao exclaimed incredulously, deflecting yet another incoming attack. "That sounds incredibly tedious!"

Isatha chuckled in response, her laughter ringing out within the chaos. "When is dealing with powerful and large enemies ever anything but bothersome?"

Cao Cao maintained his silence, finding Isatha's observation oddly amusing despite the chaos that surrounded them. Without another word from him, they pressed forward, skillfully navigating through the relentless attacks in order to reach their destination. As they finally approached one of the imposing barriers, Isatha couldn't ignore the intense gaze fixed upon them from the colossal head.

"It seems to have its sights set on us," Isatha muttered, her eyes fixed on the ominous looming head. Before she could speak again, a searing laser beam shot forth from its eyes, hurtling towards her with alarming speed.

Reacting quickly, Cao Cao sprang into action, conjuring defensive magic circles and enveloping Isatha in [Dimension Lost]'s purple mist, reinforced by his own power. Their combined barrier halted the lethal beam in its tracks, protecting Isatha from harm.

"We have to continue to withstand its constant attacks while we wait for our allies' synchronized attacks on the barriers. And Latia's portals have yet to appear too," Cao Cao remarked, his gaze steady as he faced the mechanical monstrosity before them.

"It's a waiting game then, also, sorry for being caught off guard there," Isatha agreed, maintaining her focus as she called forth more creatures from her purple energy, ready to defend against Gatoros' relentless attacks once again.

"No need for apologies. We have to stay vigilant," reassured Cao Cao, his concentration at its peak as he unleashed an impressive display of power. Activating three Balance Breakers simultaneously—a fusion of [Divine Dividing], [True Longinus], and [Unknown Dictator]—Cao Cao showcased his mastery over a multitude of abilities.

After dedicating a significant amount of time to honing his skills, Cao Cao had achieved the ability to wield six distinct powers at once. These abilities could encompass various Sacred Gears, as well as the inherent traits of devil clans, or even a fusion of both.

Clad in a magnificent array of armor, Cao Cao underwent a stunning transformation as his body became partially encased in gleaming white plating. His arms, legs, torso, and a visor appeared before his eyes, not only enhancing his defense but also adding to his striking appearance. The orbs of his [Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin] manifested alongside the addition of "Iron," enveloping various parts of his body like a protective sheath.

In addition, his wings, empowered by [Divine Dividing], were now augmented with the metallic reinforcement granted by [Unknown Dictator]'s Balance Breaker.

Isatha couldn't help but whistle in awe, a laugh bubbling up from within her. "Look at you, putting on quite the show," she remarked, her amusement evident.

Cao Cao chuckled in response, reveling in the lighthearted moment in the middle of the battle field.

— ○ ● ○ —

[I'm just about ready. I will begin creating the portals in a moment,] Latia declared to the group through their transceivers, taking her position at the designated barrier. As she surveyed the scene before her, a twinge of concern crept in when she realized they were one member short for the coordinated attack.

Before she could dwell on the issue further, a voice addressed her. [Shall I assist you, Latia-sama?] it inquired. Latia glanced down at her wrist, where a small bracelet rested, and let out a resigned sigh.

"I suppose it's time," Latia responded, accepting the inevitable. "Please proceed to the final barrier and prepare with the others."

With a shimmering effect, a figure emerged from the bracelet, standing before Latia with arms crossed and a playful smile adorning her face. It was one of the [Malebranche], Alichino, The Harlequin. Gifted to Latia prior to their arrival in this universe, Latia and other devils within DxD were bestowed with the [Malebranche] to enhance their strength and capabilities.

[Fufu, right away, Latia-sama~ perhaps I'll catch Aaron-sama's attention after this~] Alichino teased playfully, adding a wink before vanishing in a teleportation swirl, leaving Latia to ponder the continued fascination with Aaron among their comrades.

Shaking her head in amusement, Latia muttered to herself, "What's with everyone's obsession with Aaron? It feels like it's going to be a universal phenomenon..."

[I'm ready, Latia-sama~] Alichino's voice came through their transceivers, causing Latia to refocus on the task at hand.

[Very well. Let's begin,] Latia responded, her voice carrying a hint of determination. Summoning six enormous white portals around each of the remaining barriers, she awaited her allies' readiness.

[Unleash your attacks simultaneously. Don't hold back; use your most powerful attacks!] Latia commanded through the transceivers, receiving affirmations from her team members.

Using her necklace to assess the barriers, Latia recognized their formidable strength, similar to low Dragon God-class barriers. Concern gripped her, especially for one team in particular, as she prepared for the impending attack.

[Question. Why do we need to channel our attacks through your portals?] Helapos inquired, seeking clarification.

[It's to ensure precise synchronization,] Latia responded. [Once your attacks pass through my portals, they will harmonize their speed with one another, allowing them to strike the barriers simultaneously. This synchronized attack maximizes our chances of breaching the barriers and destroying them in unison.]

[Understood. I'll await further instructions,] Helapos acknowledged.

Taking a deep breath, Latia initiated her own attack. Concentrating her demonic powers, she conjured an immense ball of swirling green and yellow energy above her, drawing in debris from her surroundings. With practiced precision, she began to manipulate the ball, spinning it in a circular motion as it steadily grew in size and power. After a brief moment, she received confirmation from the rest of her team that they were prepared to unleash their attacks in tandem.

[Three, two, one... fire!!] Latia's voice thundered, signaling the simultaneous release of their attacks. Eight powerful attacks went through her portals, their speeds perfectly aligned as they hurtled towards the barriers. After a tense moment, it seemed as though their efforts had been futile, as the barriers remained seemingly unharmed.

But, just seconds later, hairline fractures began to spread across the barriers, multiplying rapidly until they shattered completely. The combined force of their attacks had proven successful, breaching the barriers at the same time.

[Furuke is mine! Everyone else, focus your efforts on Gatoros!!] Raerea's voice reverberated through their transceivers, her anger tangible. With a shared sense of purpose, they rallied together and directed their attention towards the large and fake Gatoros, quickly converging on their target to confront the looming threat.

'I had been worried that Anran Wu and Helapos' team would struggle, but it seems my fears were unfounded,' Latia pondered silently as they battled the fabricated Gatoros alongside the others.

"We can't stay here for long. I will take care of this quickly. Get ready to move towards the real Gatoros," declared Cao Cao, his voice authoritative.

Using the combined power of his Balance Breakers, Cao Cao propelled himself towards the massive head, his spear striking its neck and face with swift and precise blows. Despite the barrage of attacks aimed at him, Cao Cao skillfully dodged each one, keeping his focus on his target.

As he moved away from the head, a triumphant smile spread across Cao Cao's face. "Divide!" he shouted. With a burst of light, the creature's strength was cleaved in half.

In a fury, the fake Gatoros let out a bellow and released a barrage of electrical attacks at Cao Cao. In quick retaliation, he used [Half Dimension], combined with [Divide], causing the attacks to dissipate. Taking control of the debris and wreckage around him using [Unknown Dictator], he created a colossal metallic arm that emerged from the ground, commanding it to deliver a devastating blow to the fake Gatoros.

To Cao Cao's surprise, the fake Gatoros summoned a wing of crackling electricity to shield itself. Despite this defense, the force behind the attack shattered through the wing, crashing into the beast's neck with a resounding impact, eliciting a roar of irritation from the fake creature.

Undeterred, the fake Gatoros retaliated with a barrage of yellow beams that came out of his mouth, only for Cao Cao to counter with [Maniratana]. Redirecting the attack back toward the fake Gatoros, the beam struck a vulnerable section of its neck, causing it to petrify under the onslaught.

Once again using [Divide], Cao Cao weakened the beast, diminishing its power even more. Quickly climbing up its neck, he slashed its metallic flesh with his spear, leaving deep wounds behind. As he continued his attack, he trapped the creature in iron from his body and wings, further limiting its movements.

Despite the increasing damage, the fake Gatoros intensified its attacks, shooting a barrage of yellow energy beams from its eyes. With agile movements, Cao Cao skillfully dodged the onslaught, using a combination of [Divide], [Half Dimension], and [Compression Divider] to counter the attacks.

Closing in on its face, Cao Cao launched a rapid series of stabs aimed at blinding the creature. While successful in causing harm, the creature adapted, using its internal machinery and sensors to detect Cao Cao's life signature, preventing his attempts to incapacitate it through conventional means.

As the fake Gatoros continued its relentless attacks, Cao Cao rose into the sky, positioning himself above the creature. From his elevated vantage point, he called upon [Gahapatiratana] and summoned ten warriors to serve as distractions. With a commanding gesture, he directed them to charge at the fake Gatoros, aiming to divert its attention.

Meanwhile, Cao Cao concentrated his energy, channeling the formidable power of [Parinayakaratana] into his spear. The weapon glowed with an intense brilliance, its energy multiplying exponentially with each passing moment. Drawing upon the energy he had absorbed with [Divine Dividing], Cao Cao further augmented the spear's power, causing the planet and the space surrounding it to tremble under the immense force being unleashed.

As he continued to strengthen his attack, the area crackled with anticipation, signaling the impending release of a devastating attack.

With the fake Gatoros launching a desperate attack, Cao Cao's warriors valiantly intercepted each attack, sacrificing themselves to shield him from harm. Without hesitation, they stood as defenses against the onslaught, their own weapons either destroying the incoming attacks or succumbing to petrification as they blocked it with their own bodies.

Sensing the culmination of Cao Cao's final strike, the onlookers braced themselves, knowing that this would mark the decisive moment in their battle. With an annoyed grunt, Cao Cao swung his spear with unparalleled ferocity, unleashing an immense golden and emerald slash that split the very fabric of space before him.

The force of his attack transcended the bounds of time and space, cleaving through the myriad dimensions of the universe and threatening to unravel the fabric of reality itself. The surrounding space and planets near Stolonium trembled in the wake of his devastating attack, bearing witness to the overwhelming power unleashed by Cao Cao's decisive blow.

As the fake Gatoros unleashed its desperate final attack, a combination of blue electricity and yellow energy petrification formed a devastating beam aimed at Cao Cao's slash, creating a tense anticipation in the air. The collision of the two opposing forces was spectacular, but to the surprise of onlookers, Cao Cao's attack effortlessly sliced through the amalgamation as if it were mere air.

With unstoppable momentum, Cao Cao's slash surged forward, obliterating everything in its path until it collided with the enormous fake Gatoros. The impact triggered a cataclysmic explosion, threatening to engulf the entire planet in its destructive wake.

Aaron intervened, employing his powers to mitigate the devastation. With his assistance, the explosion was contained, sparing the planet from annihilation. The only casualty was the fake Gatoros, reduced to lifeless wreckage as the final invisible barrier guarding Furuke and the real Gatoros was shattered, granting them access to their targets.

Raerea leapt into action, her figure vanishing in an instant as a powerful clash of blue and green energies erupted in the distance, marking her confrontation with Furuke. With haste, the rest of the group quickly followed, arriving at the scene to witness the ongoing battle between Raerea and Furuke.

Even to the untrained eye, it was clear that Raerea held back, her attacks restrained by a reluctance to harm Furuke, perhaps driven by a desire to uncover the truth from him. In contrast, Furuke's demeanor displayed a sinister grin, his intentions cloaked in mystery.

As Raerea urged them to stay back, she disappeared from view, leaving behind a flurry of explosions in her wake as she engaged Furuke in a fierce duel.

"Let's focus on taking down this creature," Latia declared, rallying the group to action. However, before she could issue further commands, Alichino unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks from her position, raining down countless historical weapons upon Gatoros. The creature responded by erecting a formidable electric shield, deflecting the incoming onslaught with ease.

Alichino summoned a massive crossbow infused with demonic power, releasing it with a resounding shout aimed at Gatoros. Despite the creature's initial indifference, its demeanor abruptly shifted as the attack shattered its barrier, causing it to evade the incoming attack by transforming into electricity.

Gatoros narrowed its eyes at the intruders, preparing to retaliate, only to be overwhelmed by a coordinated attack from Cao Cao, Isatha, Anran Wu, and Helapos. Each of them unleashed their own devastating attacks, but Gatoros met their onslaught head-on, countering with powerful golden energy and azure electrical attacks of its own.

The real Gatoros proved to be a formidable adversary, its attacks far surpassing those of its fake counterpart that Cao Cao had just vanquished just moments ago. As the intense battle raged on, the fate of Stolonium hung in the balance, with the outcome resting on the shoulders of those engaged in the struggle against the Astrodroid Sentinel.

Latia stood in disbelief as her group launched into an attack, but she understood their purpose. They were determined to neutralize the creature and create an opening for Raerea to confront Furuke without any other trouble. With a sigh, she allowed them to proceed, remaining vigilant in case they required assistance.

"I am not as weak as you may think," Gatoros declared in Furuke's voice, catching them off guard.

"Why the surprise? Allow me to enlighten you. Several weeks ago, Madame Elanor provided me with an experimental device. It was designed to establish a connection between Gatoros and myself, linking our minds and hearts. All we needed was a heart, which is why I took Roliao's. I was not yet prepared to risk my own, so consider it a trial run."

The revelation left the group dumbfounded, struggling to come to terms with the implications of Furuke's actions and the nature of the bond between him and Gatoros. As they processed this new information.

"Once we have concluded our affairs on this world, we will proceed with the merger and expand our rule to Raerea's other planets. Those who oppose us will be speedily dealt with, paving the way for a unified domain. Under my rule, uniformity will reign supreme," he explained, outlining his grand scheme.

"Gatoros and I will take the reins of power, while my new followers will act as enforcers in this emerging society. Quite the visionary plan, isn't it? I aim to protect all, while eliminating the malicious forces that dare to oppose us," he said, a sly grin appearing on his face, mirrored by Gatoros.

"Coercion is not the solution! You cannot force your will onto others!" Isatha protested forcefully, her voice filled with defiance as she launched a barrage of pink energy blades at Gatoros, only to have them effortlessly deflected.

"And what of the Resistance? Are they not guilty of the same? Spare me your hypocrisy," he retorted, his words oozing with disdain as he handed over control to Gatoros. "Dispose of them all; they serve me no purpose."

Gatoros swiftly took charge again, his anger showing as he pounded the ground, causing massive spikes to burst from the earth while manipulating the shattered remnants around him, hurling them towards their enemies.

Alichino sprang into action, summoning a massive net to trap some of the debris, halting the attack. Meanwhile, Cao Cao unleashed his [True Longinus] Balance Breaker and [Unknown Dictator], seizing control of the wreckage and repurposing it into a makeshift cannon, from which he unleashed a devastating blast of aura.

Gatoros released a powerful breath attack, a combination of the same vivid blue and yellow energies as before, but amplified in both intensity and size. The collision of the two opposing forces resulted in a small explosion that sent them flying backward.

Anran Wu and Helapos descended from the sky, launching an attack on Gatoros, only to have their efforts stopped by an automated electric shield that intercepted their strikes. Before they could express their frustration, Gatoros swiftly dealt with them with a flick of his tail.

"Cao Cao, why don't you use that earlier attack?" Isatha called out, desperation evident in her voice.

"...There's a catch to it... I can only use it five times a day, with an hour cooldown between each use. I just used it moments ago; using it again isn't possible!" Cao Cao exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. Despite his desire to unleash the attack, its limitations made it impossible.

A mischievous grin adorned Alichino's face as she turned to Latia. [Why don't we merge, Latia-sama? Although we haven't achieved full synchronization with the pseudo-Sacred Gear yet, between just the two of us, it should be manageable, don't you agree? We've even experimented with that larger form before, fufu~]

"No... it's not stable enough yet. I want both forms to be fully developed before we attempt it. Let's utilize our other powers for now. Return to me, Alichino," Latia responded, causing Alichino to pout reluctantly as she obeyed. Transforming back into her bracelet form, she nestled on Latia's wrist.

A serene smile graced Latia's lips. "I was initially hesitant, but we seem to have an uncanny compatibility. Let's show them the essence of a 'harlequin'," she declared, prompting the bracelet to emanate a brilliant glow as Alichino's laughter echoed from within.

Latia lifted her hand, causing the bracelet to emit an even brighter light before... numerous oversized Pikachu's appeared throughout the area, leaving everyone bewildered. Emitting cheerful "Pika!" cries, they discharged bolts of yellow electricity toward Gatoros.

In retaliation, Gatoros unleashed his own electrical attacks, resulting in a clash that culminated in a spectacular explosion. The Pikachu's vanished as quickly as they had appeared. Suddenly, a gargantuan cheesecake adorned with frosting descended from the heavens, landing squarely on top of Gatoros. Following this, an enormous baseball bat with an attached arm emerged from the ground, delivering a powerful blow that sent him hurtling away.

"W-what on earth is going on...!?" Isatha exclaimed, utterly perplexed by the bizarre turn of events.

"Could it possibly be Latia behind all of this...?" wondered Cao Cao aloud, his perplexity reflected by the others as they directed their attention toward Latia. Serenely poised in the middle of the commotion, she maintained a tranquil smile while her bracelet and hand emitted a gentle glow.

Gigantic jack-in-the-boxes appeared all around them, bounding toward Gatoros with maniacal laughter as they unleashed elemental attacks upon him. Despite the relentless attack, Gatoros remained steadfast, though clearly puzzled by the unprecedented turn of events. In response, he unleashed his own barrage of attacks, leading to yet another explosive collision.

Anran Wu and Helapos reappeared, bearing severe injuries, prompting Cao Cao and Isatha to rush to their aid. Employing the combination of [Twilight Healing] and the [Sephiroth Graal] Sacred Gears, Cao Cao administered healing, rapidly mending their wounds. Despite their renewed health, they too found themselves bemused by the surreal occurrences unfolding around them.

They quickly made their way to Latia. "Um, Latia, could you please shed some light on what's happening?" Isatha asked, her curiosity sparked by the bewildering spectacle unfolding around them.

Latia turned to Isatha, her expression calm as she continued to monitor the chaos she had unleashed with her summons. "Do you know what a 'harlequin' or the significance of the term is?" she countered.

"A harlequin is a character originating from traditional Italian theater, particularly the Commedia dell'arte," Cao Cao interjected, his tone thoughtful as he delved into the explanation. "Usually dressed in a vibrant costume featuring diamond-shaped patterns, the harlequin embodies a playful and mischievous spirit. Often portrayed as a servant or a clown, he is known for his acrobatic skill and quick wit, engaging in comedic antics and trickery. The harlequin's flamboyant attire and exaggerated movements make him a distinctive and memorable presence in theatrical performances and cultural lore."

He continued to delve into the origins and significance of the term "harlequin." "The term 'harlequin' has its roots in the Old French word 'harlequin,' believed to have originated from the Italian 'arlecchino.' Although the exact etymology remains uncertain, it is thought to be connected to folklore, possibly stemming from the name of a demon or spirit in Italian mythology."

"In the world of theater, 'harlequin' is more than just a label—it represents a distinct character archetype rather than a specific definition. However, it has become synonymous with traits such as mischievousness, playfulness, and a preference for comedic antics, mirroring the attributes often displayed by the character in theatrical performances."

Expanding on the concept, he added, "A harlequin embodies a clever and agile fool, skilled at incorporating pranks, tricks, and practical jokes into his performance. With a mischievous demeanor and a penchant for humor, the harlequin brings a sense of whimsy and entertainment to theatrical productions, capturing the lighthearted essence of human nature."

Helapos tilted his head slightly, his curiosity evident as he posed his question. "How does that relate to her abilities?"

Cao Cao nodded in acknowledgment before offering his perspective. "This is purely speculative on my part, but perhaps Latia is manifesting tangible illusions drawn from her own imagination, or possibly from a collaborative effort with Alichino. Whatever the case, it seems she's conjuring... well, whatever is currently attacking Gatoros."

"The sheer unpredictability of her power, coupled with her innate strength serving as a constant energy source, alongside the influence of the individual she was previously with... this could indeed be a powerful ability," Anran Wu remarked, her gaze fixed on Latia with a mixture of admiration and wonder.

Another thunderous roar echoed through the area as Gatoros found himself overwhelmed by several towering manifestations of Akeno wielding bats, further emphasizing the absurdity of the situation.

[...Latia, what in the world are you up to?] Aaron's voice suddenly interrupted, accompanied by a small blue game-like screen appearing beside Latia.

Latia's cheeks turned red in response, while Alichino burst into laughter from her wrist. After regaining her composure, Alichino replied, [Aaron-sama, it's mostly Latia-sama's imagination at work! I simply offered a helping hand here and there. She does have a rather unconventional perspective, wouldn't you agree?]

Aaron fell silent for a moment before letting out an audible sigh. [I won't interfere with your use of your powers as you see fit, but seeing this from a distance is... strange. Even Esina is getting distracted, and she's insisted earlier on tending to the injured herself...]

Latia's cheeks continued to burn crimson as she averted her gaze, her embarrassment quite obvious. [I-I apologize, I'll... I'll proceed as planned...] she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, as the screen vanished. Taking a moment to collect herself, she glanced around to find amused expressions all around, with Helapos casting her a particularly peculiar look.

Promptly regaining her composure, Latia summoned several imposing torii gates, encircling Gatoros. Each gate expanded, ensnaring the creature within while simultaneously diminishing its size and limiting the use of its abilities.

"Couldn't you have done that earlier…?" Isatha questioned incredulously, her gaze fixed on Latia in disbelief.

Attempting to provide an explanation, Latia faltered, prompting Alichino to intervene. [Latia-sama desired to embody the role of a harlequin, indulging in whimsical tricks and antics against our opponent. Though I have to admit, I never anticipated her imagination to be... shall we say, unconventional.]

"It's of no consequence now," Latia remarked, her tone carrying a hint of resignation. "That being said, how do you propose we handle the Gatoros situation? Aaron didn't seem interested in seizing control of it."

"If he has no intentions for it," Helapos pondered, "then I believe Madame Raerea would prefer it to be destroyed. It was one of the catalysts for everything that has unfolded. If Furuke hadn't come into contact with it, I believe he would still be the same person he was before encountering it."

"Let's wait for Madame Raerea then," suggested Anran Wu. "She should have the final say in this matter." The rest of the group nodded in agreement, their focus shifting back to the spectacle of Furuke and Raerea's duel playing out in the distance.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Why?!" Raerea's cry resounded across the battlefield, her relentless barrage of energy slash attacks unleashed at Furuke.

Maintaining his trademark smirk, Furuke skillfully countered her attack, sending green wisps of flames to intercept Raerea's strikes, resulting in mini explosions that punctuated the air. With a quick motion, he conjured a green platform beneath him and soared away from the woman.

"What do you mean, 'why'?" Furuke taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I've already explained it to you. Are you intellectually disabled or something?"

Gritting her teeth in frustration, Raerea refused to be discouraged. She vanished from sight, only to reappear behind Furuke in a flash, her sword slicing downward with lethal intent. However, Furuke anticipated her move and teleported out of harm's way, though not without consequence; a deep gash marred his shoulder, revealing bone beneath the torn flesh.

Raerea's ferocious attack tore through the very fabric of the planet, leaving a devastating scar in its wake. Yet, thanks to Aaron's protective barrier, Stolonium remained intact, spared from being cleaved in two. However, the neighboring planets weren't as fortunate, succumbing to destruction under the unstoppable force of Raerea's attack.

Furuke whistled casually as he surveyed the destruction around them, appearing unruffled as he tended to his wounds. "Always resorting to brute force," he needled Raerea, his voice dripping with condescension. "Is there anything else you rely on?"

Before Furuke could continue, Raerea's knee connected with Furuke's stomach with a force that took his breath away, propelling him backwards. In an instant, she unleashed a barrage of energy slashes, each four times larger than before, causing the very air to quake with their power.

Undaunted, Furuke flashed a defiant grin and conjured intricate magic circles before him, infusing them with his own energy to intercept the incoming attacks, just barely managing to hold them off. Raerea narrowed her eyes in frustration, while Furuke's smirk only grew broader.

"Don't hold back on me, Madame," he taunted, his voice laced with mockery. "It's rather insulting if you do." With a cocky flourish, he awaited her next move, his confidence growing in the face of her overwhelming power.

"Very well," Raerea growled, her anger shining through her intensified glare. "To save my planet, I must part ways with you—it was enjoyable while it lasted, Furuke," she declared, her voice carrying a sense of finality as she tapped into her full power, sending tremors through this corner of the cosmos.

"Hah! This is what I've been anticipating!" Furuke bellowed in response, his confidence firm as he embraced the challenge. "Come! Let me demonstrate who is truly superior, Raerea!" With a primal scream, his entire body became enveloped in vibrant green flames, erupting into a towering pillar of energy.

Meanwhile, blue and red energy crackled and surged around Raerea's figure as she readied herself to unleash her devastating attack upon Furuke. Yet, in a surprising display of sportsmanship, she chose to give him a fighting chance, allowing him to power up as well. For Raerea, the satisfaction of defeating him at his peak and humiliating him was worth the risk of facing him at his strongest.

The sight that Raerea beheld left her bewildered and shocked as the pillar of energy dissipated. Before her stood a ghastly sight: a skeletal figure, bathed in an eerie green glow, its eyes blazing crimson, shrouded in a cloak of darkness that billowed behind it. Malevolent green skulls orbited around it, lending an aura of ominous power.

"...You've forsaken every trace of your humanity for power?" Raerea's voice quivered with a mixture of disbelief and disdain as she stared at the grotesque apparition before her. "You're despicable..."

Furuke's laughter echoed hollowly through the air, reverberating with a chilling resonance. "Power is everything in our universe," he retorted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You know that as well as I do... I've also tapped into Gatoros' powers through your master's heart, keeping myself connected. Even if they 'sealed' it, I can still access it. That's just how it works, thanks to what Madame Elanor revealed to me."

"I don't care how it works!" Raerea's roar reverberated through the battlefield as she flung herself at Furuke with unmatched speed, vanishing from sight and reappearing to cleave him in two with a single devastating strike. The sheer force behind her attack sent shockwaves rippling through the air, their destructive power extending into the depths of space and obliterating distant planets in their wake.

"Fuuu... brute strength won't save you now," Furuke declared with a smirk, his severed body regenerating as he turned to face Raerea once more. With a sinister command, countless green skulls and flames obeyed his will, hurtling towards Raerea with lethal intent.

Raerea's heart sank as she realized the futility of her efforts. Though she had hoped her attack would succeed, she had anticipated Furuke's resilience. Desperation fueled her as she summoned red and blue energy balls to counter his attacks, only to watch in disbelief as her attacks passed harmlessly through his defenses.

Unable to evade Furuke's relentless onslaught, Raerea was forced to retreat, her mind racing as she sought a strategy to turn the tide. "You can't hide forever, Raerea!" Furuke's taunting voice echoed through the chaos, his maniacal laughter ringing in her ears as she struggled to evade his relentless pursuit.

No matter how hard Raerea tried, her attacks continued to pass through Furuke as if he were a ghost haunting the battlefield. Fueled by desperation, she unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks, each one driven by frustration and fear of the unknown.

This situation was unlike anything Raerea had faced before. Even her brief encounter with Aaron hadn't pushed her to this extent. Back then, she had held back, allowing herself to be defeated rather than engaging in a real fight. Yet deep down, she knew that even if they had clashed at full power, victory would have remained out of reach.

Now, faced with an opponent whose very essence defied logic, Raerea found herself at her breaking point. Despite her vast combat experience, she had never encountered a foe like Furuke in his current form. Though she had overcome enemies with similar properties in the past, this time felt different. Her usual tactics were ineffective, leaving her searching for a solution in the heat of battle.

One of them she had to keep fighting for a whole day, slowly dwindling their powers and stamina down before she got an opening, another was just locating the source and destroying it so she could touch them again. But she knew that what Furuke had was something different and it annoyed her rather than scare.

"Struggling to land a hit, huh?" Furuke's taunting voice sliced through the fight, his grin stretching wider as he savored Raerea's frustration. "But now, it's time to end this!" he triumphantly declared, conjuring a sinister green scythe from the flames that engulfed him before charging at Raerea with deadly intent.

Meanwhile, Raerea's mind raced, considering countless scenarios in search of a solution to her seemingly insurmountable predicament. In a bold gamble, she chose to trust her instincts and take action. With a new fire blazing in her eyes, she hurled herself at Furuke, her blade cutting through the air as she phased through his spectral form.

To no one's surprise, Raerea's blade passed through him harmlessly, leaving him briefly perplexed by her move. He then swung his scythe at her, hitting her side but it didn't slice through. Seizing the opportunity, Raerea pivoted swiftly, her sword flashing as it sliced through Furuke's arm with surgical precision. With a pained grunt, Furuke flew back, his expression twisted in both surprise and agony as he realized the tables had turned.

Before Furuke could react or use his new abilities again, Raerea's foot struck his face with a resounding smack, sending him hurtling backward to crash unceremoniously onto the ground below. With rage still in her, Raerea descended upon him, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision, unleashing a colossal energy slash, igniting another explosive eruption of power.

As the echoes of the blast subsided, a massive blade of green flames hurtled towards Raerea with deadly intent. With calculated precision, she narrowly avoided the lethal strike, her gaze locked on her enemy.

Though Furuke stood before her in his new, skeletal form, his skeletal frame marred by missing parts and his once-potent aura now significantly weakened, his eyes burned with an intensity that matched Raerea's own resolve. In the silence that followed, the battlefield lay still, tension thick in the air as the two enemies faced each other once more.

"Even with your newfound power, you're still no match for me. Was it truly worth it?" Raerea's voice reverberated, a potent mix of anger and disappointment lacing her words. "Look at the devastation you've caused. Was it all worth it?!" she screamed, her words echoing across the battlefield.

Furuke's laughter pierced the air like a chilling wind. "Go to hell, Raerea—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a colossal pulse of energy rippled through the planet, shaking it to its core. In an instant, the entire world was engulfed by a towering pillar of light, shrouding that corner of the cosmos in its blinding embrace.

As the dust settled and the chaos diminished, Raerea stood along with her companions, their expressions mirroring her own shock and disbelief. Before them loomed a new, monstrous threat, its presence a stark reminder of the ever-escalating dangers they faced.

[No! No! This wasn't supposed to happen! Elanor!! Elanor!! You betrayed meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!] Furuke's anguished screams echoed through the air before abruptly fading away, leaving a palpable sense of despair in their wake.

"...And here I thought we had managed to seal that thing," Anran Wu muttered, her gaze fixed upon the towering creature before them. "Now what?"

Suddenly, Elanor's voice pierced through the silence, emanating from the monstrous entity that loomed ominously before them. [Hiii~! Is everyone here? Or whoever is left?] Her cheerful tone sharply contrasted with the gravity of the situation, eliciting puzzled glances from those gathered.

Azathoth and Aaron appeared, joining the group as they faced the creature. Aaron's expression darkened as he regarded the abomination before them, while Elanor continued to speak.

[I removed a lot of little Furuke's memories,] she explained nonchalantly, [so he has large gaps in them since I experimented with him already. He and Gatoros were already the same person, but I made him believe that he had to do all of that to merge with him,] she concluded, punctuating her revelation with a disturbing laugh that made more of them angry.

[All this seems rather pointless, considering he did it all for no reason,] Elanor's voice echoed with mockery. [But then again, why do you think I invested so much time in him? He may not have gone insane, but he certainly became more paranoid before I changed his memories and personality to fit the new Furuke. He was incredibly reluctant to face you. Doesn't that make him a loyal and obedient subordinate?] Her words sliced through the air like a blade, their implications making Raerea even more furious.

[How do you like my little surprise, Aaron~?] Elanor's tone shifted to one of sweetness, laced with malice. [Isn't it delightful? I put a lot of thought into it. I initially had something else in mind for Furuke, but then I decided to blend my plans together to see what would happen, and voila, this is the result. I must say, I find it rather satisfying. What do you think?] Her voice oozed with contentment, her amusement evident as she eagerly awaited Aaron's response, relishing in the chaos she had orchestrated.

Aaron's stare remained fixed on the monstrous fusion of Furuke and Gatoros, his expression inscrutable as he pondered their next move. The creature bore a resemblance to Gatoros, but with a mechanical aspect and a foreboding aura of darkness surrounding its form, highlighted by the presence of flaming green skulls.

Latia's voice shattered the silence, tinged with concern as she voiced the question weighing heavily on their minds. "What should we do?"

Before anyone could respond, Elanor's voice pierced the air once more, her words dripping with malice. [Ah, by the way, the other planets under Raerea have been destroyed along with the people on it. We removed everything that was useful to us, items and people, and then destroyed the rest.] Her revelation hung heavy in the air, casting a somber sheet over the group as they absorbed the extent of the devastation wrought by her actions.

A cold silence settled over the group as they stared at the colossal beast before them, their thoughts consumed by a mixture of anger and uncertainty. Elanor's laughter shattered the stillness, her words laced with sadistic glee. [I love putting despair into people, I love the look, Raerea. I'd like to add one more thing—though Roliao may have already informed you—the tragedies from your youth, I orchestrated it all. Well? With this revelation, do you hate me? Do you want to kill me?] Her excitement was intense, her anticipation hanging in the air like a dark cloud, awaiting Raerea's response.

Raerea simmered with anger, her muscles tensed and ready to strike at Elanor. But Aaron's soothing touch on her shoulder held her back, reminding her to contain her fury for now. Despite the tight coil of her muscles, she begrudgingly held back, swallowing her anger and fixing her gaze on the beast with rage.

Their brief moment of calm was shattered as Elanor spoke again, her voice laced with a malicious excitement. [Oh yes, I stumbled upon something incredible recently—one of my little companions finally emerged from the other universe you banished them from. When you cut off universal travel, she was on her way back to our world and because of your interference, she fell into a deep slumber. But she's awake now and she's given me something extraordinary,] Elanor's words hung in the air, charged with anticipation as the group braced themselves for yet another revelation.

[It's from a different world, I believe they called it... Spirit Corroder. As the name implies, it will corrode and destroy the soul if used on a person. Quite remarkable, don't you think?] Elanor's voice oozed with sinister satisfaction as she unveiled the nature of the newfound weapon.

[I believe Lady Phumera could create something similar, but at a weaker rate since she didn't require its frequent use, thus no need to use or master it. However, with this, I can mass produce it as a weapon or even create new beings capable of destroying souls with their attacks. Pretty amazing, right?] Her laughter reverberated through the air, a chilling proof to her twisted delight in the suffering of others.

Aaron remained silent, his expression inscrutable as he extended his hand forward. In response, two objects appeared before him. The first was a small orb containing a strange, rapidly moving green liquid, its ominous appearance hinting at its destructive potential. The second was a soft, glowing blue light, its gentle radiance providing a stark contrast to the malevolent aura that permeated the conversation.

Elanor lapsed into an uneasy hush, her expression a mix of astonishment and bewilderment. [What have you done...?] she cautiously inquired, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Aaron's smile broadened as he locked eyes with the beast, his gaze exuding quiet confidence. "I am capable of many things, Elanor," he cryptically replied, his tone laced with subtle menace. "Typically, I would observe and let events unfold, but I decided to shake things up a bit." With a flick of his wrist, he indicated the two items before them. "The green liquid is the Spirit Corroder, the original, and the one you received from your subordinate. The blue represents the knowledge you obtained about it. I have extracted it from you and made it impossible for you to duplicate. Furthermore, I have eradicated any efforts you may have made to recreate it, along with all physical notes you may have possessed."

With another flick, Aaron dispelled the objects and stowed them away in his [Inventory]. As he refocused his attention on the looming creature before them, Elanor stood in stunned silence, momentarily robbed of her voice by the revelation of Aaron's actions.

"Your move," Aaron's taunting voice sliced through the tense air, a sly grin playing on his lips. But before anyone could respond, Elanor's presence abruptly vanished, replaced by a piercing scream that echoed through the surroundings.

With a weary exhale, Aaron shook his head, his expression serious as he addressed the group. "Let's not waste any more time," he stated, his eyes fixing on Raerea. "Do you want him dead or alive?"

Raerea's body quivered with barely contained fury as she locked gazes with the monstrous fusion of Gatoros and Furuke. "He was responsible for all of this—the annihilation of the planets under my care," she hissed, her voice dripping with spite. "He should endure the same fate. Make him suffer!" Her demand echoed with a fierceness that somehow made the area more silent.

With a nod, Aaron honored her wishes. With a simple flick of his finger, he unleashed a devastating force that tore through the fusion of Gatoros and Furuke, rending them apart both mentally and physically in a brutal display of power. Though they survived the attack, they were left shattered and exposed, their reign of terror brought to an abrupt and violent end.

"W-w-what... is happening...!? I can't feel or see anything! Heeelp!!" Furuke's panicked cries reverberated through the air, his naked form drenched in blood and his senses stripped away, leaving him vulnerable and helpless.

Meanwhile, Gatoros remained motionless on its perch, sharing in Furuke's fate as its connection with Furuke was severed, plunging it back into a hibernating state. Unaware of the chaos unfolding around it, Gatoros lay dormant once more, a silent observer to the events that transpired.

Aaron turned to Raerea, his gaze steady as he sought her approval. "You can exact your own revenge. I won't partake in it, but this outcome satisfies you, doesn't it?" he inquired, awaiting her response.

Without a word, Raerea descended from her perch, her footsteps resolute as she made her way towards the flailing figure of Furuke. Anran Wu and Helapos lingered behind, allowing their leader to confront her tormentor alone.

As the tension eased, Latia seized the opportunity to voice her curiosity. "Why didn't you do that earlier?" she asked Aaron, her brow furrowed in puzzlement.

"As previously mentioned, I left this entire mission up to you, but when Elanor brought up an interesting point, I decided to step in and take control. After that, I let Raerea handle the rest. You all did your part well, so the majority of the work was accomplished by all of you in the end," Aaron explained in response to Latia's query.

Latia nodded in comprehension. "I understand. And what about this planet? Are we going to bring it back with us like the others?" she inquired, her interest piqued.

Aaron's expression turned thoughtful as he considered her question. "...No," he eventually replied. "Taking the planet back with us would only draw unnecessary attention. We have plenty of space on the current planets we possess. We can easily recreate the city on one of them, eliminating the need to transport an entire planet."

"What about Gatoros?" Anran Wu asked, her brow creased with worry. "And where did that other person go... the nun-like woman?"

Aaron nodded thoughtfully, his eyes shifting as he pondered her questions. "Esina is with your people, looking after them," he confirmed. "As for Gatoros... I'm not certain yet," he admitted, his face clouded with uncertainty. However, a sudden realization lit up his face, prompting a smile to spread across his face. "No... I do have an idea. It's absurd, and it makes me wonder how much more powerful he'll become, but..." Aaron trailed off, his eyes determined as he turned to face the dormant Gatoros. "...I'm taking him with me."

The rest of the group exchanged uncertain looks, unsure of Aaron's intentions, except for Azathoth, whose lips curved into a small, amused smile. Sensing Latia's silent inquiry, Azathoth shook her head subtly, choosing not to divulge the details.

Accepting Aaron's decision, the group returned their focus to Raerea, their interest piqued by Aaron's mysterious plans. With a snap of his fingers, Aaron banished Gatoros into another dimension, signaling the end of their eventful encounter.

Raerea stood resolute before the frantic figure of Furuke, her eyes devoid of emotion as she raised her sword, its blade surrounded by a swirling mix of blue and red energy.

"This... is the consequence of your actions," she declared, her voice firm and filled with anger.

"Madame!? Madame Raerea! Please forgive me! It was a mistake! I swear it wasn't my fault!!! Elanor, Elanor was the one who did this to me! Please believe me!!" Furuke's desperate pleas echoed through the air as he thrashed about, his hands reaching out in a futile attempt to seek Raerea's forgiveness.

"Lies," Raerea retorted, her voice cutting through the screaming. "She may have altered your personality and erased memories, but every action you took afterward—all the devastation you wrought—was of your own volition, not hers. She may have granted you 'freedom' during that state, but the desires to control and destroy stemmed from within you."

"No! No! I was deceived, I never desired any of this, please believe—"

"Enough!" Raerea's anguished scream pierced through Furuke's protests, her anger still evident as she swung her sword down with a powerful strike, engulfing the area in a burst of energy. Without hesitation, she allowed the attack to harm her as well.

The impact left Raerea's body scarred with deep slashes and wounds, but she remained resolute and unmoving. Through the haze of pain, she observed as Furuke's body disintegrated, his cries of desperation reverberating in the air as he pleaded for forgiveness. Yet Raerea showed no mercy, her gaze fixed on his crumbling figure as she allowed him to fade away.

As the scene unfolded before her, memories of their shared past flashed through Raerea's mind, each moment causing her heart to ache with bittersweet nostalgia. She recalled the laughter and camaraderie they had once shared, as well as the trials and tribulations they had faced together. Despite the pain, Raerea found herself grappling with conflicting emotions, torn between the memories of their bond and the reality of Furuke's betrayal.

In the wake of the devastating attack, Raerea was overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions. Doubt began to seep into her mind, casting shadows over the once cherished memories. She questioned the authenticity of their past, pondering when Furuke had morphed into this monstrous version and which moments they had shared were real.

Tears threatened to spill from Raerea's eyes, but she held them back, refusing to shed them for someone who had repeatedly betrayed her trust in a single day. "I wish things had ended differently," she murmured softly, her words laced with regret as she surveyed the desolate wasteland before her.

Not a trace of Furuke remained, erased from existence by her relentless fury. He had been the catalyst for the destruction that now surrounded her, orchestrating chaos that had shattered her world and claimed the lives of those she held dear. It was a bitter realization, but Raerea accepted that forgiveness was beyond her reach for him. The wounds he had inflicted ran too deep, leaving scars that would never fully heal.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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As we caught up with Raerea, Cao Cao's curiosity prompted him to inquire, "The Combustion Event, what exactly does it involve?"

Turning to directly address him, I delved into the specifics. "Gatoros, in his fused state with the planet, was the entity responsible for unleashing these events. Without a doubt, they granted significant power to those who took part, albeit at a heavy price—their lifespan. With each intake, individuals found their time in this world shortened, with every breath costing them a precious five years. However, in this universe, where lifespans vary significantly, such a sacrifice may seem insignificant..."

The revelation seemed to hit Anran Wu with a deep sense of horror. "W-wait a minute," she stammered, her voice filled with disbelief, "are you implying that we... we... unknowingly breathed in the fumes emitted by that thing!?" Her complexion turned pale at the grim realization.

"Yes," I replied, my voice void of any hint of emotion. "I have assigned Esina the task of removing the others present, although it will come at the cost of their abilities. I presented them with a choice, and Esina delivered it directly to them. They can keep their powers, but they will have a shorter lifespan."

Anran Wu and Helapos observed me in silence, their thoughts hidden behind pensive expressions. Eventually, Helapos broke the silence with a question, "What will happen to us? Will this planet meet its end?"

"Correct," I confirmed. "As for your own fate, it is in your hands. Raerea will likely officially join our cause after today. However, both of you are free to choose your own paths. Nevertheless, it is wise to recognize that Raerea is no longer tied to the Eradicators or Phumera's rule. As a result, she may pursue you and anyone associated with you with hostile intent," I explained, noticing the seriousness in Helapos' expression.

Shifting my attention to Raerea, I asked, "Have you made your decision?" She stayed silent for a brief moment, her eyes fixed on the space where Furuke had been. Then, she turned to us, coming closer. I reached out, placing my hand on her shoulder, healing her wounds and waiting for her answer.

"...I am determined in ending her oppressive rule. If her ruling mean suffering for countless others, then I want to stand with the Resistance," she affirmed, her gaze meeting mine before acknowledging her two remaining companions. "As for both of you, you are free to choose your own paths. It is decided—we are cutting ties with Phumera's regime."

"...I... I will stand beside you!" Anwan Wu declared with conviction. "Lord Virion granted me the freedom to choose my own path, and I have chosen to stand by your side once more. I will make that choice again!"

Raerea responded with a gentle smile before turning to Helapos, who carefully considered the weight of their decision. After a brief moment of silence, he met Raerea's gaze and nodded in agreement. "The possibility of my life ending today is pretty high, but I choose to stand by you once more. I still hold a debt to you for your assistance all those years ago," he said, placing a hand over his heart before kneeling. "Helapos pledges to be your blade once again."

With all eyes fixed on me, Raerea expressed her wish, "Lead us away from this place, and let this planet fade into oblivion—there are far too many painful memories lingering here."

In agreement, I motioned for Raerea and the others to come closer. With a snap of my fingers, I transported Esina and the remaining inhabitants to the Resistance's planet first. Then, positioning us in the expanse of outer space just beyond Stolonium's stratosphere, I clicked my fingers once more. Witnessing the planet's gradual dissolution, a somber atmosphere enveloped us as the world they once knew crumbled before their eyes. As the last vestiges vanished into the void, even the core succumbed to destruction at my command.

"Let's go then," I declared, prompting us to swiftly embark on our homeward journey, leaving behind the remnants of a world marred by sorrow.

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