Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 24 – Part 2 – Daybreak

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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More commotion erupted from above us, punctuated by the shrill cries of multiple women, their voices growing louder.

"No time to waste! Let's move!" exclaimed the man urgently, his tone edged with urgency.

The woman nodded in agreement, her expression resolute. "Come with us! We'll fill you in shortly," she urged.

I exchanged a quick glance with Schwertleite before taking charge, seizing the man's arm and propelling him forward. "Alright we'll go with you. I'll cloak us in invisibility," I reassured them, promptly turning us all invisible, so no one would see us leave the place.

We dashed past the approaching women, darting through the rooms in the building and swiftly exiting the building. We dashed through the streets and turned several corners before we found refuge in an alleyway. A section of the wall revealed a concealed passage, beckoning us downward into its depths.

"Jump!" boomed the man's voice, setting off a chain reaction of leaps into the unknown. Before us looked a hole of impenetrable darkness, into which we descended without hesitation. As we fell, a dimly lit underground enclave emerged—a desolate town of dilapidated buildings and grimy streets.

Our descent came to an abrupt halt as we landed on a mound of soft refuse, scrambling to free ourselves from the detritus. With a collective sigh of relief, we emerged, breathless but unscathed, onto solid ground. My companions exchanged proud glances, their exhilaration tangible, before quickly leaving the area.

"Follow us," the woman, clearly the group's leader, beckoned, her authoritative demeanor guiding us towards a weathered structure. Inside, the decay mirrored the exterior—rotting wood, pervasive holes in the floor, ceiling, and walls, with a mixture assortment of unidentified insects scuttling about.

The two other women hurried about, preparing refreshments while the leader gestured for us to take a seat at the rickety table. Schwertleite and I complied, settling into the worn chairs as we awaited further instructions.

"Before you ask, let me make it clear that gathering information from the surface was not particularly difficult, given our resources. Identifying you as the Outer God was simply a matter of diligence," Shanata declared, settling into the chair opposite us.

"I am Shanata, the leader of this humble yet defiant faction. The person you helped is my adopted son, Julian. Together, we make up Daybreak—a group united by a single goal: overthrowing Callorahine and her tyrannical regime," she explained, her voice filled with determination.

"Daybreak..." Schwertleite murmured thoughtfully, her eyes fixed on Shanata. "So, what's the story behind all of this? The deception and the male presence here?" she asked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"I was the first to be banished down here. I stumbled upon the truth by accident and was cast down as punishment. Over time, more and more people joined me, but it's also impossible for us to conceive life down here due to a certain technique that has been imposed upon us, rendering it impossible for males to, well, you understand," explained Shanata with a hint of bitterness.

We nodded in comprehension, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, and remained attentive as she continued, "We also lack many essentials down here—food, supplies, tools—and we're slowly dwindling. The discovery of means to access the surface was nothing short of miraculous. However, we've been struggling to bring necessities down here. Unfortunately, cultivating our own food is an unattainable goal, as the soil below is unsuitable for such endeavors."

As Shanata revealed the desperate conditions of their life underground, a sense of urgency filled the air. The severity of their situation weighed heavily on us, each word painting a grim picture of their reality.

As she continued to explain, detailing the daunting challenges they faced, a deep dilemma arose within me. Should I intervene now and ease their suffering, or should I align with the regime, whose goals somewhat mirrored ours?

Originally a thriving community of over two hundred, their numbers had dwindled to just twenty—a stark reminder of the harsh conditions they endured. Starvation, illness, and the scarcity of necessities had taken many lives, while others perished in futile attempts to return to the surface, only to be caught and executed. It was clear that Callorahine was determined to silence any opposition, regardless of the cost.

I looked up at Shanata, feeling a burden of empathy weighing heavily on my heart as her words lingered in the air. "Do they ever come down here to check on you, or do they just ignore your existence?" I asked, seeking clarity.

She solemnly shook her head as a tray of tea and simple snacks was placed before us. "No, we are left to fend for ourselves. But attempting to return to the surface means risking capture and execution, as I mentioned," she explained, her voice tinged with resignation.

Meeting my gaze earnestly, Shanata implored, "Outer God, we know about your involvement with the Resistance. Please, we beg of you, help us. Our community lacks children, our resources are scarce, and our homes are falling apart... Please, help us."

Rising to my feet, I lifted my eyes upward, focusing on the oppressive force that had hindered male fertility and made their attempts at reproduction futile. With a simple gesture, I dispelled the oppressive force, freeing them from its grip.

As I left the building, my companions following close behind, I tapped my foot on the barren ground. Instantly, fertility returned to the earth, breathing new life into the desolate surroundings. The dilapidated structures began to repair themselves, infused with the same restorative and cleansing properties that I had bestowed upon my previous creations.

As witnesses looked on in amazement, some moved to tears, I summoned a pill into my hand and hurled it into the heart of the town. Upon impact, it erupted into a spectacle of abundance, conjuring forth tables laden with food and refreshments, a beacon of hope in the middle of the darkness.

"Please, help yourselves," I announced, motioning to the extravagant display of food. In a matter of moments, the remaining townspeople flocked to the provisions with insatiable hunger, devouring them with a primal intensity.

Turning back to Shanata, I couldn't help but notice the wonder in her eyes as she witnessed the miraculous transformation taking place. "The soil has been revitalized," I informed her, pointing to the rejuvenated patch of ground where we had landed. "Now you can grow fruits and vegetables to sustain your community."

I pointed towards the designated area. "Furthermore, the 'dump' has been cleared and upgraded. I've installed a machine to manage the disposal of garbage. Simply deposit the waste into the hole, and the machine will take care of the rest efficiently. However, it's crucial to only dispose of garbage; anything else will disrupt its operation."

Her head nodded in acknowledgment, still processing the unfolding events before her. I interjected with a firm yet open tone, "We each have our own motivations for being here, but I wouldn't object to aligning with Daybreak to confront Callorahine."

Schwertleite posed a question, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity, "Will you then consider starting a family with your husband?"

This remark brought Shanata back to the conversation, her expression turning quizzical as she regarded Schwertleite. "I've never had a partner, not once," she clarified. "When I spoke earlier, I referred to the other women, not myself. As their leader, I had little time for personal matters. However, I have cared for the children who were cast down here with us. Julian was among them; his birth mother attempted to return to the surface and perished long ago," Shanata elucidated.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume," Schwertleite apologized, her tone sheepish.

"It's fine, but thank you for this, Outer God. I—we appreciate it," Shanata expressed gratefully as she bowed. The other women in our group hurried to join the banquet, and we followed suit, Shanata included, finally taking her place at the table.

"Don't worry about it, go ahead and eat too, Schwertleite. I'm not hungry," I reassured her, scanning our surroundings. She nodded in acknowledgment and began to partake in the meal.

As I absorbed the revitalized atmosphere around us, I couldn't help but notice the somewhat makeshift nature of the structures. While I wasn't an expert in construction, having constructed buildings through magic before, I could discern missing elements. Walking over, I started to supplement the structures with the necessary supports and components, utilizing magic constructs to replace what was absent.

While I worked, I felt some lingering stares, but I decided to ignore them and concentrate on the task at hand. With determination, I continued to improve our surroundings, adding the necessary elements until I finally finished the enhancements. Letting out a satisfied sigh, I stepped back to admire my work.

[Aaron the builder! Can he fix it? Aaron the builder! Yes, he can!] exclaimed Ddraig with childlike enthusiasm.

{...And here I thought you were slowly maturing. I guess I was wrong,} Albion remarked, his tone tinged with defeat as he sighed.

[I will always be a child at heart! The second I found out the truth from Partner, I mostly discarded the personality that Ichiei Ishibumi gave me! Blame Partner for shattering it!] retorted Ddraig, his laughter ringing out like that of a madman.

Ddraig's playful rendition of the Bob the Builder song never failed to entertain me, his change in demeanor becoming a constant source of amusement since I first revealed the truth to them. Despite noticing the shift early on, neither I nor the two Heavenly Dragons within me had acknowledged it.

Just as I was about to join in the banter, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with the sight of a woman I hadn't encountered before. "You're the Outer God, right? Fight me," she declared, her words momentarily stunning me.

The woman standing before me had short white hair, piercing red eyes, and wore weathered nun's attire. Despite her relatively short stature of 5'5", her confident grin spoke volumes.

Summoning a green and golden scythe, she pointed it assertively in my direction. "Well? Are you going to say something?" she demanded, her patience wearing thin.

"I'm gonna have to decline you there chief," I said finally, tearing my eyes away from the girl and returning to the task of completing the buildings. However, it was clear that she was not satisfied with my answer.

"I'm not one to accept rejection. You will come around to my way of thinking, one way or another," the determined young girl persisted.

Before I could respond, Shanata stepped in, accompanied by Schwertleite, putting a stop to the girl's approach. Shanata placed a firm hand on her shoulder and reprimanded, "Stop this, Leslie. He has helped us, so stop pestering him like that," her gaze was annoyed and firm.

Leslie clicked her tongue in frustration, turning away with a huff. "It's just a small fight, no need to worry," she muttered with annoyance.

Schwertleite spoke up, offering, "I will take his place if you're fine with it, Leslie."

Leslie studied Schwertleite carefully, examining her with a sharp eye before giving a nod of approval. With a smile, she announced, "I want to see what the Resistance is made of up close! You better not let me down!"

"I'll do my best," Schwertleite replied calmly, finishing her meal before following Leslie to a small circular area set aside for their showdown.

Letting out a resigned sigh, I created a clone to continue the construction work and joined the trio, with Shanata taking on the role of referee for the impending "fight." It seemed that the prospect of conflict followed us wherever we went, whether it be to a new planet, or even within factions and pantheons in our own universe.

"Are both of you ready?" Shanata asked, to which both combatants nodded in agreement. "Begin!"

Schwertleite remained composed as Leslie lunged forward, wielding her scythe with practiced skill. Green and black flames flickered around the weapon as Leslie confidently closed the distance between them. "Too easy!" Leslie exclaimed, launching an attack toward Schwertleite with a swift swing of her scythe.

Yet, Schwertleite remained unfazed, and in an instant, the flames directed at her vanished into thin air, while Leslie's scythe encountered an unexpected resistance, its path altered by an unseen force. Confusion clouded Leslie's expression as she hesitated, readying herself for another attack.

Frowning, Leslie charged once more, unleashing a flurry of strikes with her scythe. However, each attempt was met with the same result: her attacks effortlessly repelled as if by an invisible barrier. Frustration crept onto Leslie's face as her strikes grew more frantic, the barrier seeming to drain her strength and hinder her grip on her weapon.

"What's going on?" Shanata asked, her confusion evident as she observed the exchange between Schwertleite and Leslie.

"...You may not be able to follow it, but Schwertleite is simply deflecting Leslie's strikes with her sword. Notice how her hands remain on her sheath? She's quickly drawing her sword, deflecting and parrying Leslie's attacks, and then re-sheathing her blade," I explained, causing Shanata's eyes to widen in realization.

Squinting, Shanata attempted to discern the subtle movements involved and began to catch fleeting glimpses of Schwertleite's actions. Though most of the motion remained elusive, she could now perceive the swift movements of Schwertleite's fingers and hands just before each of Leslie's strikes were deflected.

"...She's holding back, isn't she?" Shanata concluded, a pang of empathy tugging at her as she witnessed Leslie's struggle.



As I stood there watching Leslie spar with Schwertleite, I assured Shanata, "Yes, it's just a sparring match, nothing to worry about." We stood by and observed as Leslie's energy waned, her reliance solely on her scythe and physical strength evident in every move.

As the match came to an end, Shanata proposed, "And it's over. Shall we call it a draw?" addressing Schwertleite and Leslie.

Schwertleite silently nodded in agreement, but Leslie slammed her scythe defiantly to the ground. "No! What the heck was that!? I didn't even get a hit in! She didn't even move, and something invisible kept blocking my attacks!" her frustration evident as she stared at all of us, desperate for an explanation.

I explained the situation to Leslie, but her frustration only seemed to grow as she stormed off, screaming that this was far from over.

"Even for someone who has experienced extreme poverty and hasn't had much to eat, she's remarkably spirited, isn't she?" I observed, prompting a chuckle from Shanata.

"That's Leslie for you. She's always had that fire in her. Like me, she discovered the truth in her own way and was banished here. She never shared the specifics, and we never pried. We respect everyone's privacy here. Anyway, don't let it bother you. She'll calm down eventually," Shanata reassured me.

She then took on a more serious expression and continued, "Can we talk then? What are your plans for freeing the planet from Callorahine's oppressive rule?"

"Let's grab some food and continue this conversation in your office or home," I suggested, and we quickly made our way there.

Settling back down at the table, which now boasted a much-improved appearance along with the rest of Shanata's home, we resumed our discussion. Shanata ate her food in silence, her gaze fixed on me, while Schwertleite sat beside me, quietly sipping tea from a bottle.

"We're not alone in this little trip. There are nine others with us, each leading their own teams in the other cities across your planet. Our current objective is to locate a particular individual and confront Callorahine, with the hope of persuading her to stop the senseless war," I elaborated.

"More? Are you certain that it's safe to grant them such freedom?" Shanata asked, her concern evident. I nodded in agreement.

"They're powerful individuals, they came from our own universe and trained by me. Besides, they're quite capable of handling themselves. Anyway, can you provide any crucial information? I can relay it to them," I suggested.

Shanata fell into thoughtful silence as she continued to eat. After a couple of minutes, she looked up and began to speak, "To the best of my knowledge, there have been two recent male captives. One was taken very recently, while the other was captured about a year ago."

"I don't have names or specific details, unfortunately. However, both individuals are held in the main city. If you intend to rescue them as well, you'll need to head there. It's worth noting that the queen doesn't directly manage personal subordinates; instead, the people here appoint representatives to serve on her behalf, each wanting to support the queen in their own way," Shanata explained.

"I've observed that most of the army has been deployed in the current war. Who are the significant and powerful individuals still here?" I probed Shanata once again.

"The powerful individuals remaining are tasked with the defense of the planet. Two of them are captains from the previously mentioned group, formed to serve the queen. The other two are retired Volgendurs, revered as living legends. All four of them are exceptionally capable, and to my knowledge, only one is quite outspoken. They've traveled extensively across the galaxy and even harbor silent doubts about Callorahine," Shanata explained.

"Hmm... and who might that be?" I questioned, locking eyes with her.

"My grandmother, Natasha. She's a living legend residing in Jotundvik. Natasha is one of the 'guardians' entrusted with defending the planet. Additionally, she's renowned as one of the finest healers and caregivers on the planet. She's a kind soul, to say the least," Shanata disclosed.

"Your own grandmother?" Schwertleite interjected, her surprise evident. "How did she react to your banishment to this place?"

"She was kept in the dark about the reason. Instead, she was fed the story that I had conspired against our planet and our people, leading to my exile to another world. No one knows about this hidden underground place, but we were marked as criminals, at risk of immediate capture and execution if seen, making it incredibly difficult to go into the world above," Shanata explained.

"But my grandmother never believed their accusations. She didn't outwardly oppose the decision, but she also didn't buy into their lies. She's unaware of my survival or my current whereabouts. However, knowing her... she may offer us her assistance if we manage to reach out to her and fully explain the situation," Shanata concluded.

"Will she extend a helping hand, or will she simply switch to our side? We plan to approach Callorahine, but if she refuses, a confrontation is inevitable," I explained, to which Shanata nodded in agreement.

"Yes, that does seem to be the most likely outcome. In light of that, what is your plan for moving forward?" Shanata asked.

"Schwertleite and I will head to Tidsfrosset By and infiltrate Callorahine's location. However, before that, our priority will be rescuing the captured men, especially one individual who is known to me and is being sought after by someone on the Resistance's planet," I detailed. "Regardless, we will begin our actions now. You will stay connected to the rest of us through this device, and I will provide instructions on how to proceed shortly."

I handed Shanata a transceiver, and as we prepared to depart, she stopped us with a question. "Will all of us need to mobilize?" she asked.

"No, only gather the most capable and battle-ready individuals. We'll contact you when necessary," I replied before leaving the building. However, as soon as I stepped outside, my clone dissipated, transferring its gathered information to me. I paused suddenly, a realization dawning upon me.

"Is something wrong, Aaron?" Schwertleite asked, noticing my sudden stop.

"...Could you go alone, Schwertleite? I'll inform Azathoth's group to join you and urge them to hurry their journey through Jotundvik. I'll also task them with persuading Natasha to help us too. I'll send them the necessary data to help them," I explained hastily, already beginning to relay the instructions to Azathoth's team via the transceiver.

Schwertleite paused for a moment, her eyes locked on me before nodding in agreement. "I would have preferred to accompany you, but I sense that you need to handle this alone. I'll focus on rescuing the captured individuals before confronting Callorahine. Good luck," she said, placing a kiss on my cheek before I teleported her away.

"Aaron? Is everything alright?" Shanata inquired as she stood beside me.

I turned to face her, my gaze lingering on a particular spot as I contemplated. "Can you provide more insight into this place? Do you know how it was created? When?" I asked, my attention still focused elsewhere.

Shanata shook her head. "I'm sorry, I don't. This place's origins aren't widely known, and I doubt Callorahine would divulge such information. Why do you ask? Is there something concerning about this place?" she questioned, a note of concern creeping into her voice.

I chose to remain silent, simply shaking my head in response. "No, it's nothing. Anyway, here," I said, handing Shanata a box. "This contains the same pill I gave you earlier. Once all the current food is depleted, simply discard this again, and it will replenish the supply. There are approximately a thousand pills in there. And... here's another one."

I produced another capsule and proceeded to explain its contents. "This capsule contains seeds for fruits and vegetables, sourced from other planets by the Resistance. I believe it could prove useful. What do you think?"

Shanata accepted the gifts gratefully, nodding in agreement. "Thank you... If possible, I would like to establish a connection with this place once this is all over. Do you think that's feasible?" she inquired.

"Easily, don't worry. I'll make sure it's taken care of. Anyway, I have some matters to attend to here, so please don't mind me. Go ahead and enjoy yourselves," I reassured Shanata with a smile before turning and walking away. Though I could feel her gaze on my back, I didn't look back.

Stopping by a small lamp post, I observed the scene before me. Everyone was still eating and enjoying themselves, a sight that brought a sense of relief knowing that they could sustain themselves for another day without hunger. Even Leslie, who had been confrontational earlier, was now indulging in the meal.

Surveying the crowd, I noted only a few individuals who could be considered fighters for any potential conflicts later on. Apart from Shanata and Leslie, there was a guy and another girl who appeared capable of holding their own. Though it wasn't an army, it should suffice, considering I hoped to avoid conflict altogether. However, given our history, such peaceful resolutions rarely occurred.

Upon ensuring that I was unobserved, I quietly slipped away from the crowd and turned a corner, seemingly passing through a solid wall. Despite its faintness, I could feel an energy emanating from within. I had experienced a similar sensation when I dismissed my clone earlier, prompting me to delve deeper into the matter.

As I reached out to the wall, I felt a shift, and within moments, I found myself transported to a different location. To my surprise, the sight that greeted me was both unexpected and strangely familiar—it was a place that I had visited frequently in my dreams.

"Seriously...?" I muttered to myself as I beheld the familiar scenery—a swirling universe, scattered rocks, and the subdued whispers of unseen voices all around me. "You were on this planet?" I asked aloud, but received no response. The voices immediately ceased, leaving me alone in the unsettling silence.

In the distance, the radiant orb of flames and the mysterious figure stood, apparently waiting for my approach. As I began to walk towards them, however, I felt the pull of gravity intensify, taking me by surprise. Despite this, I pushed forward, determined to reach my destination.

The figure's eyes, a piercing light red, bore into me as I approached. "A test?" I pondered aloud, continuing my advance despite the increased gravity. Strangely, the weight did not hinder my progress, and I steadily pressed on until I stood at the foot of the hill, gazing up at the Keeper of the Eternal Flame.

Before I could speak, shadowy hands appeared, seizing my ankles and pulling me backward. Slowly and relentlessly, I was dragged back to my original starting point. This time, the gravitational force surrounding me intensified even further, making every movement an arduous effort.

"You won't make this easy, will you? Very well, I'll play along with your games," I muttered, finding a hint of amusement in the challenge before me. Few have dared to test me in such a manner since a certain point in my past, adding to the intrigue of this encounter.

Undeterred by the heightened gravity, I continued my approach towards the glowing orb and the enigmatic figure. Strangely, the increased weight seemed to have no impact on me. As I drew closer, I noticed a lack of emotion in their eyes, yet there was an unmistakable sense of anticipation, further adding to the intrigue of the encounter.

Meanwhile, the whispers around me grew louder and more distinct. They spoke of reaching a certain destination, with the "it" they referred to presumably being the orb itself, or so I surmised.

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Third Person Point of View

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Azathoth, Aoife, and Göndul wandered through the streets of Jotundvik, taking in the remarkable sights around them. Skyscrapers and apartment complexes soared into the sky, almost touching the clouds. Overhead, hovercrafts weaved through the bustling traffic, adding to the city's futuristic atmosphere.

While the majority of the buildings had a modern aesthetic, they also showed signs of wear and tear. Despite this, patches of greenery dotted the urban landscape, with trees, shrubs, and little gardens beautifying the cityscape. It was a fascinating fusion of advanced technology and natural beauty that took the trio by surprise.

Before Aoife could inquire about their surroundings, their phones vibrated in unison, indicating the arrival of a message from Aaron sent through their transceivers.

Aoife reached for her phone and shared Aaron's message with Azathoth and Göndul. They read the message together, taking in its contents before Aoife tucked her phone back into her pocket. "Natasha... and Daybreak," she whispered, a touch of excitement coloring her voice. "To be rebels overthrowing an oppressive ruler... That does sound rather thrilling, doesn't it?"

"Speaking of which," Göndul interrupted, pointing towards a large building in the distance. "I believe that's the hospital, don't you think?"

Their eyes followed Göndul's gesture, landing on the imposing structure ahead. Surrounded by more greenery than the rest of the city, it boasted a grand entrance adorned with a cascading fountain. However, the peculiar presence of small floating red crystals and heaters scattered around the vicinity intrigued them, suggesting a unique aspect to the establishment.

The hospital loomed large over the landscape, its grand façade adorned with countless glass windows on every level. Yet, despite its impressive exterior, Azathoth, Aoife, and Göndul couldn't shake the feeling that spatial manipulation had been used within its walls, expanding its interiors to a significant degree.

"Natasha the Volgendur," Azathoth spoke with reverence, recounting her extraordinary accomplishments. "She's famed as a Medical Volgendur, lauded for saving an astounding eight hundred and thirty million injured individuals, not only from her own species but also from various other beings and races across the cosmos and even different universes."

She continued, delving deeper into her background. "For a time, she served under Rank Fifteen Vehcocia of the Eradicators, overseeing multiple universes rather than just individual planets. Natasha's contributions to the field of medicine and her service under such esteemed leadership truly showcase her unparalleled skill and unwavering dedication."

"Throughout her journey, she has evolved into the woman she is today: compassionate, understanding, and always striving to do what is just," Aoife added, her eyes fixed on the imposing hospital structure. "However, her prowess in combat is not particularly remarkable. At best, she ranks close to the pinnacle of the God-class, unlike many other Volgendurs who fall nearer to the middle of the Dragon God-class."

Göndul nodded in accord as Azathoth continued the narrative. "Presently, Natasha leads the hospital, wholeheartedly dedicating herself to assisting those in need across the globe. Nevertheless, despite her efforts, she remains unsatisfied with the current state of affairs. It's worth mentioning that Natasha is also considerably older than the current queen, boasting a wealth of at least a thousand years of life experience over Callorahine," she concluded.

"I can't believe she's managed to handle all of that," Aoife marveled, her voice filled with awe. "Let's not waste any time. But wait... how do we even—"

Before Aoife could finish her sentence, an item suddenly appeared before them, along with a letter from Aaron. Intrigued, they read the letter together:

[I am currently in a different location and unable to assist directly. However, I have assigned Cúntóir to analyze the temperature control system and the device in front of you is the result. I have shared the findings with everyone, so in case of conflict or damage, you will have the means to repair it. Additionally, this is a pass typically used by important guests to access any area they desire. Use it to gain entry to the hospital and speak with Natasha. As for the other box... deliver it to her directly, without opening it.]

Amused by the pass, Aoife playfully waved it around before passing the device for repairing the temperature control system to Göndul. Göndul examined it before saying, "Couldn't you have invented something like this, Azathoth?"

Azathoth shook her head, a hint of amusement in her expression. "I am simply an observer in this endeavor. While I am willing to help, I leave the creation of such items to Aaron or any of you," she explained calmly as she led the way towards the hospital, with the others following closely behind.

"Let's go visit the ultra-caring grandma then! I'm really excited to meet her, considering all she's done for the people here. She's someone to look up to," Aoife exclaimed, her eyes shining with anticipation. Beside her, Azathoth couldn't help but subtly smile at her enthusiasm. Together, they set off on their journey to meet Natasha, the esteemed medical practitioner and beacon of compassion.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon entering the hospital, the automatic doors smoothly parted, revealing a peaceful scene inside. In the middle of the relatively quiet atmosphere, one woman stood out among the elderly Volgendurs who were engaged in lively conversation. She exuded an air of warmth and compassion that was hard to miss.

The woman appeared to be in her middle years, her kind and wise purple eyes reflecting her inner beauty. Her fair complexion complemented her bob-like blue-gray hair, with two symmetrical strands cascading down to her shoulders while the rest was neatly tied in a ponytail. A gentle mole adorned her left side, adding to her overall tender appearance.

Dressed in a layered white ensemble reminiscent of a doctor's coat, she emitted an aura of professionalism and care. Her attire, embellished with blue-gray details and crimson lining, included high leather boots and a distinctive nurse cap-like bow. Notably, her left arm remained bare while her right was adorned with a leather elbow-length glove, a torn crimson band tied to her right shoulder.

Hanging from her belt were various items, including a plush bear, a small leather bag, a glass tube containing mushrooms, and a flask of green liquid. She also wore a pear-shaped flask around her neck, completing her unique ensemble.

As they neared her, her gentle smile greeted them, radiating comfort and reassurance amid the tranquil hospital surroundings.

"Oh, hello there, did you need some help?" the woman greeted warmly, her smile inviting.

"Are you... Doctor Natasha?" Aoife inquired cautiously.

The woman nodded, her smile softening. "Yes, I'm Natasha. But you don't need to add 'doctor' to it, sweetie. How can I assist you?" she asked kindly.

"May we speak with you privately? It's very important," Göndul interjected, her expression serious. Natasha noticed the gravity of the request and her smile faded slightly, replaced by a more solemn expression.

"Of course. Please, follow me," Natasha replied, leading them away. They traversed through a hallway adorned in pristine white, passing numerous doors lining both sides. Utilizing a teleporter, they were swiftly transported to different floors until they reached Natasha's office, situated on the fourth floor.

As they settled into the chairs in Natasha's office, she leaned forward, her expression growing more serious. "So, what is this important matter you wish to discuss?" she inquired, her tone reflecting her readiness to listen.

Aoife placed the box on the desk before Natasha and urged her to open it. "Please, start with this, and then we'll explain why we're here," she requested.

Curious yet composed, Natasha lifted the lid of the box, revealing its contents. Inside, she found familiar items she had once gifted her granddaughter, Shanata, along with a letter. As she read the heartfelt words penned by her beloved granddaughter, tears welled up in Natasha's eyes. Overcome with emotion, she placed a trembling hand over her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks as she finished reading the letter and set it down beside her.

Natasha was fully engaged as Göndul and Aoife relayed the details, absorbing every word with a quiet intensity. Once they had finished, she took a moment to gather her thoughts, wiping away the last traces of tears before speaking to them.

"So, Daybreak, led by my own granddaughter," she pondered, a hint of pride and determination gleaming in her eyes. With a serene smile, she leaned back in her chair, her decision made.

"Very well, I will offer my assistance. I have harbored doubts about Callorahine's actions for some time now. If aligning with Daybreak means working towards the betterment of our species, then count me in," Natasha declared with unwavering resolve. Her dedication to the cause was evident in her words, as she vowed to stand alongside them in their quest for justice and freedom.

"Brilliant! But hey, time's ticking away, and we've got a mission: rescuing those two blokes held captive here and then dealing with Callorahine. Can you join us for this important task?" Aoife inquired eagerly, rising from her seat with a sense of urgency.

"Contrary to what folks might think about hospitals, ours ain't exactly bustling with visitors unless they're seriously banged up or they're getting on in years with a bunch of health issues. Luckily, our lot tends to be pretty sturdy, like I mentioned earlier. Got a solid crew of assistants who can handle things while I'm away, so I'm up for it," Natasha replied confidently, her tone down-to-earth and practical.

"Great! Let's not hang around any longer. We'll be outside waiting for you, Natasha," Aoife said, leading the way out of the building, the excitement evident in her stride.

Following a brief pause, Natasha emerged from the structure, her face lit up with a warm smile as she approached them and joined their group. "I assume none of you are familiar with the layout of this place, correct? Allow me to lead the way, as we are headed to the quarters where they are held. Being one of the most esteemed physicians on this planet, our presence there will not raise any suspicion."

With Natasha leading the way, they quickly followed behind her. "Let's refrain from using flying and instead use the local transportation. Also, it's important for all of you to understand that you are now working as my assistants, and it's essential to follow my instructions."

"Got it!" Aoife replied promptly before tilting her head with curiosity. "What made you trust us so quickly? Was it because of the package we gave you?"

"Yes," affirmed Natasha, her tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "The parcel bore my granddaughter's handwriting and featured a brief recording, undoubtedly made by the Outer God. Your reputation precedes you, and I had harbored a glimmer of hope that you would grace us with your presence here eventually," she confessed as they reached the train station.

Presenting their passes, they were granted free passage and patiently awaited the train to reach its capacity. With only a sparse few boarding, the locomotive set into motion after a brief pause. As they traversed through a vast canyon of towering icicles, the landscape below lay shrouded in a blanket of snow, frozen in time.

"Wow... so this is what lies beyond the walls of the cities?" marveled Aoife, gazing out of the window. In this desolate stretch devoid of other Volgendur, they found themselves liberated to indulge in their curiosity.

"Yes," Natasha agreed, a faint smile gracing her lips as she observed Aoife and Göndul's astonishment. "However, during the non-winter months, the climate transitions to a considerably warmer state, so perpetual freezing is not the norm," she explained.

"So, it's similar to any other inhabited world? With blue skies, hot temperatures, lush landscapes, and abundant wildlife?" Aoife asked, turning her attention towards Natasha.

Natasha nodded. "More or less. The environment does display such characteristics. However, the wildlife follows a seasonal pattern; species adapted to the colder months are active during winter, while those requiring warmth and sunlight enter hibernation. The opposite is during the summer months, as I mentioned earlier," she added.

"Do the wildlife pose a threat to the city walls, or do they generally maintain a neutral stance and steer clear of civilization?" Göndul asked, her eyes fixed on the distant shapes of animals crossing the icy plains.

"Instances of aggression are rare, to my knowledge. Whether this dynamic will change in the future remains uncertain; only time will unravel the truth. There exists one species, however, that has been known to launch attacks on the cities, having once claimed those territories as their own. Yet, sightings of this species have been scarce for approximately a century, leaving us unsure if a resurgence is imminent," Natasha explained.

Curiosity gleamed in Aoife's eyes as she interjected, "What species is it?" Her tone tinged with a hint of excitement, eliciting a soft chuckle from Natasha.

"We never gave them an official name, but they're known for their massive size, snowy fur, powerful claws, and imposing snouts. Surprisingly, they are comparable in size to the hospital structure you saw earlier. Unfortunately, our understanding of their behavior and ecological role is still very basic, as Callorahine strongly opposed any attempts at scholarly investigation. Previous rulers showed a similar lack of interest, leaving us with little knowledge beyond defensive strategies or ways to eliminate them," Natasha disclosed.

"That sounds incredibly suspicious," Göndul remarked, her eyes narrowing as she looked out of the window.

"I agree. Callorahine's decision to forbid even observational studies or inquiries into their nature raises significant concerns. While the previous queens may have had more important matters to deal with, Callorahine's time in power had no such obstacles until now, making her stance even more suspicious," Natasha added, her expression clouded with a hint of worry.

As the train sped towards the bustling metropolis of Tidsfrosset By, they were engrossed in lively conversation about the diverse animal species in their world. Schwertleite, informed by Cúntóir, awaited their arrival at the designated train station, ready to join forces with them.

After about four minutes, they disembarked from the train and quickly left the station, where they were greeted by Schwertleite, who waved enthusiastically before joining them.

"Hey, everyone… It looks like we have a new comrade. Please, who might this be?" Schwertleite asked, casting a curious glance towards Natasha.

Natasha returned Schwertleite's gaze with a warm smile before introducing herself. "Pleasure to meet you. I am Natasha. Having been briefed on the situation, I am committed to assisting you," she declared, only to be caught off guard seconds later as a small insignia depicting a dragon materialized on her neck.

"Oh, finally! That took forever, didn't it?" Aoife exclaimed, her voice tinged with surprise, as she glanced at the insignia. She tilted her head slightly, observing it with curiosity. "I guess Aaron must be really tied up with something, huh?"

"He may indeed be. However, let's not delay any further. From the looks of it, you're a Volgendur, right? Being familiar with this area would certainly help us get to our destination faster. Could you show us the most efficient route?" Schwertleite asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

Natasha nodded, radiating confidence. "Of course. We will head straight to our destination. As a seasoned physician with a long lifespan, my presence will not raise any suspicion. A sudden visit to the prisoners under the pretense of a medical examination will not be questioned. I have already suggested that you all take on the roles of my assistants or aspiring doctors, accompanying me to gain valuable experience. This will ease any suspicions," she explained, striding purposefully towards a specific building.

Approaching the building, it was clear that it was not under Callorahine's direct authority. Situated to the east, it remained a formidable and heavily guarded structure. Natasha promptly presented her identification upon arrival, accompanied by an explanation that the newcomers were fledgling doctors under her tutelage, poised to shadow her in the pursuit of knowledge.

Recognizing Natasha's esteemed reputation within the planet, the guards greeted them with amiable smiles and granted them passage without hesitation. This scenario repeated itself several times as they traversed through the building, gradually descending through a series of staircases until they arrived at what appeared to be an underground level reminiscent of a prison facility.

"Why is it always hidden underground? What's the obsession with concealing these facilities beneath the surface?" Aoife vented her frustration, troubled by the recurring trend of subterranean exploration.

"It's probably just more convenient. Creating illusions and maintaining them above ground would require a lot of power and resources. On the other hand, utilizing the natural barrier of the earth to shield these installations takes minimal effort; a single illusion is enough to hide their presence," Schwertleite reasoned, providing an explanation for the widespread practice.

Aoife nodded in agreement with Schwertleite as they continued their journey, eventually reaching a designated section within the underground complex. Despite its subterranean location, the prison facility gave off an aura of cleanliness and careful maintenance. Its mostly black stone walls, ceiling, and floors added to the atmosphere of serious austerity.

Within the prison cells, a façade of normalcy presented itself, with the usual amenities of beds, desks, and shelves adorning the chambers. Yet, upon closer inspection, a sharp contrast emerged as some unfortunate inmates lay motionless, seemingly either deceased or trapped in a vegetative state.

"Why do they appear in such dire straits?" Göndul inquired, turning to Natasha as they observed the despondent prisoners.

"Likely the result of experiments conducted by Callorahine's followers. Once imprisoned, individuals are stripped of their rights and subjected to dehumanizing treatment similar to animals. While I lack specific details, this bleak reality is all too common," Natasha responded somberly.

Göndul, Schwertleite, and Aoife looked upon the prisoners with empathy, their hearts heavy with compassion for their plight. In contrast, Azathoth, who had mostly maintained a silent demeanor, observed with a discerning gaze, using her powers to glean insights into their circumstances, her eyes reflecting a more judgmental sentiment.

"Do not extend your pity to everyone," Azathoth interjected, her words piercing through the solemn atmosphere. "While some may have been unjustly imprisoned, others have committed actions of questionable morality that warrant their fate. Whether you approve of their treatment and experimentation is a matter of personal judgment."

The three women exchanged glances, surprised by Azathoth's direct assessment, before focusing on Natasha, who nodded in agreement with Azathoth's observation. "Indeed. As I mentioned earlier, it is crucial that you form your own conclusions. I will not influence your judgments," Natasha affirmed, her tone firm. "That being said, as we approach our destination, allow me to take the lead in our interactions."

They approached another imposing door, flanked by two guards. Natasha eloquently articulated their purpose, and without hesitation, they were granted entry. Having visited these halls frequently in the past, with her last visit just two months prior, Natasha's credibility remained untarnished in the eyes of the guards.

"You truly have an impressive level of trust," Aoife remarked, her voice tinged with awe as she regarded Natasha with renewed admiration. Her gaze lingered on Natasha, harboring aspirations of emulating her new companion, to which Natasha responded with a gentle and reassuring smile.

Approaching the designated cells, spaced far apart, their first encounter was with a man who had pink hair, red eyes, and a strong physique. Fully engrossed in a book, he looked up as they arrived and promptly began to disrobe.

"What in the world are you doing?!?!" Aoife exclaimed in horror, quickly covering her eyes from the unexpected display.

"...Tiny," Schwertleite muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Tiny," Azathoth said flatly, her expression devoid of emotion.

"How adorable, it's so small," Göndul remarked, her hand pressed against her cheek as she stifled a giggle.

Natasha's lips twitched with suppressed amusement as she let out a chuckle, shaking her head in bemusement. "Gerald, I'm here to conduct an examination. There's no need for such actions. Please, put your clothes back on, or at the very least your underwear," she instructed firmly. Gerald swiftly complied with her directive, hastily donning his attire once more.

"Oh, so that's why you're here, doc? Well, well, look at the newbies you've brought with you. Could use a bit more finesse, if you ask me. I may not be the biggest at five inches, but it's still something! Managed to impregnate around fifty women so far, you know!" Gerald exclaimed as he hastily finished getting dressed.

Undeterred by Gerald's blunt comments, Natasha and her companions entered the cell, where she began her usual examination. After a brief pause, Natasha spoke again. "Actually, we're considering a rescue operation for you, if you want. I understand you were brought here against your will. Do you want to leave?" she asked sincerely.

"Leave? Why on earth would I ever want to leave?" Gerald responded incredulously, his voice tinged with excitement. "I get to have sex with countless attractive women, without the weight of child support. I'm treated well here, with my own accommodations and enough food. It's like paradise for a sloth like me!"

With a gleam of enthusiasm in his eyes, Gerald continued, "I won't reveal your intentions to them, since I know you mean well. But to be honest, I have no desire to leave, ever. Let me spend my days fulfilling my desires and making kids until I depart this world naturally."

The three women, excluding Azathoth and Natasha, stood speechless, taken aback by Gerald's crude demeanor. They had expected him to be receptive to being rescued, only to be faced with his unexpected contentment with his current circumstances. In a strange turn of events, they couldn't help but acknowledge the appeal of such a scenario for many individuals.

Aoife and Schwertleite shared a meaningful look as they pondered a hypothetical scenario. "Would Aaron really accept such a fate?" they mused, prompting a chuckle from Göndul.

"No," Azathoth interjected, her statement catching them off guard. "Tír na nÓg offers a similar allure, yet he remained unmoved by it. I doubt he would find this setting appealing in any manner."

"...Now that you mention it, I suppose you're right," Aoife agreed, her expression thoughtful. Meanwhile, Natasha observed their exchange with a smile, impressed by their ability to maintain composure in the middle of the gravity of their current situation.

Along with the seriousness of their mission, Natasha couldn't help but admire their casual banter. It was clear that they had faced numerous perilous missions in the past, cultivating a resilience that rendered them unfazed by such circumstances.

"Wait... are you guys the Resistance?" Gerald couldn't contain his excitement as the realization dawned on him. "I've been dying to meet you all! We've been hearing about your series of victories, and my species is eager to form an alliance!"

Aoife, filled with pride, crossed her arms and stood tall. "That's right, we are the Resistance. What's the name of your species, and what role do you play in the grand scheme of things?" she asked, her curiosity sparked.

"We're Ifritians. We have the ability to control fire, as well as darkness and shadow," Gerald replied, his enthusiasm seeping through his words. "As for my unfortunate capture, well, let's just say I got a little too wild on a different planet and ended up here. But, as I've mentioned before, my time here has been nothing short of amazing!"

"Ifritians... I remember coming across them in the Resistance's library. You're under the governance of someone named Ifrit, right? His reign seems to extend as far back as anyone can recall. It's interesting how Phumera tends to leave your species mostly undisturbed, although they do occasionally send a representative to monitor your activities," Schwertleite commented, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"That's right. None of us really know the specifics of Lord Ifrit's rule or how long he's been in power, but we've accepted it as a part of life. It's a strange arrangement, but we prefer it to outright oppression. Our only rule is to avoid interfering with Phumera's plans. As long as we stick to that, we're free to pursue our own desires," Gerald explained, providing insight into the dynamics of Ifritian society.

"We'll leave you to consider our offer, Gerald. We'll be back after speaking with the other party," Natasha said, causing Gerald to nod in acknowledgement. "But before we go, do you think he'll agree?"

"Most likely. He's been quite subdued today, but in the past, he's shown intense anger and expressed his desire to destroy this facility and kill Callorahine," Gerald replied, returning to his reading with a thoughtful look. "I'll give it some thought now that the Resistance is involved."

Thanking him for his time, Natasha and her companions said their goodbyes to Gerald and made their way to their next destination—the cell of Iviken, the person Hensworth had tasked them with rescuing. Just a short distance away, they arrived at Iviken's cell, where Natasha greeted him with a warm smile.

"Ah, hello, doc. Are these new assistants?" Iviken asked, his gaze shifting to Aoife's group with curiosity.

"You could say that," Natasha replied enigmatically as they entered Iviken's cell, beginning her examination. After a moment, Natasha broached the purpose of their visit. "These individuals are from the Resistance. They've come to facilitate your rescue, among other matters."

Iviken's demeanor shifted, his expression frozen in disbelief as he processed Natasha's words. "Are you serious? You're not messing with me, are you?"

Natasha shook her head solemnly. "No, I assure you, I am quite serious."

"Professor Hensworth requested you to join him on that planet. However, he also conveyed that you're free to make your own decision. We've aligned ourselves with Daybreak, and—" Aoife interjected, her voice laden with sincerity as she proceeded to elucidate their mission and the options available to Iviken.

After Aoife and Natasha shared their information, Iviken sat in contemplative silence, allowing Natasha to continue her examination. But once he fully understood the seriousness of the situation, a triumphant grin appeared on his lips.

"Hell yeah! I'm all in for this rebellion! Let's do this, I'm ready to take them on!" Iviken declared with palpable excitement.

"Great choice. We'll check in with Gerald later to confirm his decision. But before we confront Callorahine—" Natasha began, only to be interrupted by Iviken's fervent interjection.

"I'm going with you on that too! I have a few things to say to her! I won't back down!" Iviken's face flushed red with a powerful mix of anger and determination.

"Are you sure? She can be quite intimidating, as Aaron has told us," Aoife interjected, her concern evident in her tone.

"I'm certain. I have some grievances to air," Iviken asserted firmly, firm in his decision.

They exchanged meaningful looks, recognizing Iviken wouldn't change his mind and steadfast commitment to his beliefs. Schwertleite, however, couldn't help but probe further. "Were you mistreated during your time here?"

"No," Iviken asserted firmly. "I resisted vigorously, even resorting to biting their breasts and nipples fiercely if they attempted any advances. I refuse to engage in casual relationships and intimacy with anyone outside of a loving and committed partnership. It's simply not an option for me!"

Though surprised by his passionate declaration, they chose to remain silent, acknowledging Iviken's resolute convictions. After Natasha completed her examination, they helped Iviken leave the cell. On their way to Gerald's cell, they found a small note indicating his exhaustion and his willingness to join the cause after resting.

"We'll let him rest for now," Natasha suggested, her voice reflecting understanding. "We can reconsider his decision once he's had time to recover." With that, they proceeded cautiously, ensuring to respect Gerald's request and dispose of the note as instructed.

As they approached the main door, Azathoth quickly rendered the guards unconscious with a simple gesture, sending them into a deep sleep. Seizing the opportunity, the rest of the group made their way out of the facility, with Azathoth leaving behind a flawless replica of Iviken in his cell to ensure their departure went undetected. With Iviken's clone flawlessly imitating his movements, they proceeded cautiously, with Azathoth cloaking herself and her companions in invisibility as they set out on the brief journey toward Callorahine's castle.

— ○ ● ○ —

Approaching Callorahine's castle, they were met with a formidable array of defenses: guards on every corner, ready turrets, and patrolling android sentinels. Undeterred, they navigated through the obstacles with meticulous precision, relying on Azathoth's ability to phase through walls undetected. Once inside the castle, Natasha took the lead, her resolve unmistakable despite the tension gripping her and Iviken.

This confrontation held profound significance for Natasha. Having served under Callorahine for an extensive period, she now found herself in direct opposition to her former queen and the entire Phumera organization. The weight of her decision fueled a mixture of dread and excitement, her heart pounding with anticipation as they drew closer to the throne room.

Each step forward was proof of her newfound resolve, a defiance against the oppressive regime she once served. As they approached the heart of the castle, where Callorahine awaited, Natasha steeled herself for the imminent confrontation, ready to confront her past and forge a new path forward.

Approaching the entrance to the throne room, they found themselves faced with an increased presence of guards patrolling the area. Azathoth effortlessly subdued them with a mere flick of his fingers, causing them to fall into a deep slumber.

Summoning their courage, they pushed open the door, only to be met by Callorahine herself, waiting for their arrival. With a casual air, she welcomed them, her gaze lingering on Natasha with a hint of anticipation. "Welcome to our planet, and it seems Natasha has made her choice. Quite predictable. Iviken has also managed to slip away, which is rather amusing," she stated, her tone dripping with arrogance.

Before Natasha could respond, Iviken stepped forward, his voice filled with defiance. "Fuck you!" he exclaimed, shocking everyone in the room. He brandished a book, pointing it accusingly at Callorahine. "And that's why your family deserved to fucking die, you old hag!" he spat with intense fervor.

The tension in the room grew thicker as Callorahine's demeanor turned icy at the mention of her family. With a chilling composure, she replied, "Ah, so we're getting straight to the point? Very well, let's see how well you fare."

With a snap of her fingers, towering ice statues resembling birds appeared before her, poised for attack. Pointing a commanding finger at Iviken, she issued her directive, "You deal with these. We'll engage in conversation before your fates are determined."

The ice birds surged forward, hurtling toward Iviken with astounding speed. Despite his readiness, he was quickly overpowered, flung to the opposite side of the room and left coughing up blood. "Now then, shall we begin?" Callorahine inquired, her tone laced with a chilling irrevocability.

[Stay still and speak with me.] Before Aoife could react, she found herself immobilized, unable to move or intervene. Callorahine's command echoed in their minds, effectively restraining them in place. Only Azathoth remained unaffected, positioning herself to monitor Iviken's situation while the others remained trapped, their movements stymied by the queen's commanding presence.

Callorahine felt a twinge of surprise at Azathoth's decisions but chose to maintain her calm composure, taking note of Azathoth's observant stance without saying a word. "That's an improvement, don't you think?" she commented, her smile directed at the four individuals held in place, a hint of amusement in her voice. "There's no use trying to escape. It would be futile and a waste of your energy. Now then, let's have a conversation."

Natasha's frown deepened as she approached the pressing questions. "Why did you fabricate the disappearance of those Volgendurs? You built an underground facility only to abandon them there without resources. What about the rest of our world? You consistently denied us the opportunity to explore, insisting this was the sole habitable region."

Callorahine's smile widened at Natasha's direct inquiries, appreciating her honesty. "Ah, direct and to the point. I admire your bluntness," she acknowledged before addressing their concerns.

Callorahine's explanation lingered heavily in the air, her voice carrying a blend of authority and justification. "It is my solemn duty as the queen to safeguard our world and its inhabitants from all threats," she began, her words filled with conviction.

"The extensive records left by my predecessors provide ample evidence of the dangers lurking beyond our borders. Trust me when I tell you that the truth of what lies beyond is far more harrowing than you can imagine. While I and other trained Volgendurs may possess the skills to repel such dangers, the weaker members of our society would be quickly overwhelmed."

She paused, letting her words sink in before addressing the issue of the fabricated disappearances. "Regarding your other question, those individuals were dangerously close to uncovering certain truths that I could not afford to let surface," she continued, her expression unchanging. "I implemented that solution not out of cruelty, but out of necessity to preserve the stability of our society. I provided them with a means to survive within their confined environment, ensuring they had access to essential resources. However, those who went beyond designated areas were met with the consequences of their own idiocy."

Natasha couldn't believe what she was hearing as Callorahine confessed. "So, you planned everything. Those passages from the surface to the underground were intentionally placed by you beforehand?" she asked, seeking confirmation.

Callorahine nodded in agreement with Natasha's suspicion. "Indeed. However, there are specific zones within the aboveground for them to visit. If they stray beyond those boundaries, well, you can imagine the consequences. It is all in service of the greater good of our society and its people," she explained, her tone carrying a hint of pride.

Aoife's expression turned serious as she brought up the topic of the ongoing conflict. "And what about this senseless war you're perpetuating?" she demanded, her frustration evident.

Callorahine responded quickly, her demeanor unwavering. "Senseless war? Our species has been involved in retaliation since ancient times. Until justice is served for the lives lost, we will not cease our efforts. I am a reasonable woman—hand over Suzaku Himejima, and we will promptly bring an end to this conflict," she declared, a glint of superiority in her eyes.

Aoife's defiance reverberated through the room as she staunchly rejected Callorahine's proposal. "That's not going to happen. Aaron won't allow it, and even if you somehow manage to convince us, Aaron would simply annihilate you," she asserted firmly, her gaze penetrating.

Callorahine's laughter resounded in response to Aoife's declaration. "Ah, the outer god. Yes, indeed, he would protect his 'sex dolls' with all his might," she retorted, a smirk playing on her lips. "Since we cannot find a middle ground on that issue, it seems we have come to a standstill. But tell me, what brings you here? Surely it isn't just to plead with us to cease our war efforts?"

Aoife's expression hardened as she resisted the unseen force, her annoyance surging. "Well, that may have been the initial reason, but now that we are allied with Daybreak, we have no choice but to confront you and forcibly make you see reason," she declared defiantly, her gaze ablaze with anger as she struggled against the invisible restraint.

"Daybreak? How adorable," Callorahine remarked with a hint of amusement. "But mere names won't pose a threat to us. Yet, perhaps the figure over there," she nodded towards Azathoth, who had been observing Iviken's struggle, "could exert some influence, if she wishes to do so."

As Callorahine spoke, Azathoth raised her hand and, with a simple gesture, shattered the ice birds that had been attacking Iviken. In an instant, Iviken's injuries were also healed, and he wasted no time launching his own offensive against Callorahine. With complex mathematical formulas swirling in the air, he conjured formidable constructs aimed directly at the queen.

But Callorahine remained unfazed, her smile stayed on her face as she effortlessly neutralized Iviken's attacks. With a gentle breath, she redirected the trajectory of his attacks, causing them to freeze over before they could reach her. With a subtle display of her power, she rendered Iviken's constructs useless, leaving them shattered on the ground.

"Is that all?" Callorahine taunted with a mocking smile, exuding confidence.

"Hell no!" Iviken roared defiantly, anger burning in his eyes. With swift precision, he summoned the upper half of a mechanical monstrosity from his mathematical formulas, its metallic limbs lashing out at Callorahine with ferocity. At the same time, he created a firearm from the darkness itself, unleashing a barrage of bullets toward the queen.

Callorahine simply tapped her foot, and in an instant, the world around them froze, including Iviken's diverse attacks. His lower half and arms became encased in ice, rendering him immobilized and powerless. Undeterred, Callorahine approached him with an air of superiority, her blonde locks cascading around her, her intense blue eyes locking onto his.

"You're truly pathetic, you know that?" she chided, her voice laced with disdain. "You wouldn't be in this predicament if you hadn't spewed nonsense at my followers while gallivanting on an entirely different planet," she remarked with a disappointed sigh, her words dripping with contempt.

"But—" Before Callorahine could continue speaking, explosions echoed in the distance. With a resigned sigh, she brought up a monitor on her left, observing the unfolding chaos. "It seems Hladrifa has made her grand entrance. Let us go meet her and engage in a somewhat civilized discussion, shall we?" she suggested with a hint of sarcasm.

With a gesture, Callorahine released Aoife and her group from their invisible confinement. [Come, follow me,] she instructed, her tone betraying no hint of urgency as she began to lead the way.

"…She's definitely taunting us, flaunting her power," Aoife muttered, her frustration evident as she cast a wary glance at Azathoth. "And what's with the inability to move?"

"Some abilities defy conventional rules, much like what we've encountered before," Azathoth explained cryptically. "The 'thing' with her seems to be inhibiting your movements, akin to Lavinia's abilities in her new Balance Breaker state."

"Similar to Lavinia's? ...Wait, freezing everything in your body, including 'time' and 'soul'?" Aoife asked, her eyes widening with realization.

Azathoth nodded silently, confirming Aoife's suspicion. As she passed Iviken, she paused to offer a word of caution. "I suggest you hold off for now, otherwise you'll end up losing your life." With that, she resumed her stride.

"What...did she and you mean by that...? Balance Breaker? Freezing time and soul?" Natasha inquired, her curiosity piqued as they continued on their path, Iviken trailing behind with clenched teeth.

"We'll explain on the way, but it will be a bit lengthy, so try not to get overwhelmed," Göndul reassured, and Natasha nodded in agreement, mentally preparing herself for the forthcoming explanation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Before the explosions shattered the tranquility of the landscape, Odin's group had already found themselves at the very core of Aetherreach. Led by Odin himself, they set out to explore this futuristic and unique city. Aetherreach boasted architectural marvels unlike anything they had ever seen.

Dominating the skyline was a remarkable building, its design reminiscent of the iconic "among us" characters. With a slender body and a large, central orifice resembling an eye, it stood out prominently among the surrounding structures. Adding to its mysterious charm, a protrusion extended from its lower section, a unique feature that intrigued Odin and his companions.

Encircling this central structure were several other towering structures, intricately connected to it, forming a hub of innovation and research. Beyond them sprawled a diverse tapestry of buildings, though of lesser height, each contributing to the vibrant landscape of the city.

"Odin-sama, it may be time to shift our attention to the main building. We've enjoyed the local food and other diversions for quite some time now. Furthermore, we still need to test the device Aaron provided us to repair those Galper Cices," suggested Rossweisse with a resigned sigh.

"She's right, Odin-sama. The Galper Cices need our attention too. We shouldn't delay any longer. Time is of the essence," Brynhildr chimed in, echoing Rossweisse's sentiment.

"Bah! Didn't Jin-boy mention earlier that we could take our time exploring the cities?" Odin retorted, savoring another bite of the delicious food.

"Yes, he did. However, he also cautioned that lingering too long could result in us having to confront both that issue and engage in battle simultaneously. It would be wise to prioritize our objectives—perhaps we could start by visiting the library to gather more information," Rossweisse suggested, emphasizing the importance of their mission.

"Very well," Odin conceded, and they made their way towards the prominent library next to one of the towering structures.

Upon entering, they found themselves in a spacious area, not quite as magnificent as the library back in their home within the Draconic Deus, yet larger than most in both the human and supernatural realms. After a brief inquiry, they were directed to the relevant section. Expressing gratitude to the attendant, they immersed themselves in the array of books, each engrossed in silent study.

Minutes passed as they poured over the texts, even Odin adopting a solemn demeanor. Finally, he broke the silence with a deep sigh. "This form of magic bears resemblance to the demonic powers of the devils. It relies on the wielder's imagination, but for more complex spells, a combination of creative thought and a thorough understanding of certain facets of existence is necessary," Odin reflected, his tone tinged with a sense of solemnity.

"By harnessing human magic and formulas alongside a vibrant imagination, one can reportedly boost their abilities by 2.5 times, at least for the average inhabitant of that universe," Brynhildr explained, her voice resonating with the wisdom found in the tome.

"Interestingly, individuals with exceptional intellect and creativity have the potential to increase their power output by tenfold or more," Brynhildr added, her tone mirroring a sense of wonder at the opportunities detailed within the pages. "According to this source, the most remarkable recorded augmentation reached a staggering fiftyfold increase."

Rossweisse interjected with a somber observation. "Furthermore, there are specialized tools designed to aid magical pursuits, though they come at steep costs. Unfortunately, access to these resources seems limited to the wealthy elite, exacerbating inequalities within that society. It appears that inequity permeates every aspect of their world."

Before go deeper into their research and exploration, the unexpected arrival of a mysterious woman captured their attention. She gazed discerningly at Odin's group, her scrutiny obvious yet unspoken. Despite their initial surprise, they met her gaze with equal intensity, albeit briefly, before reining in their reactions.

Just as quickly as she appeared, the woman departed without uttering a word, leaving Odin's group to ponder the significance of her presence. Sensing a potential threat, they exchanged puzzled glances, contemplating the implications of her abrupt visitation.

"That was Hladrifa, the top-ranking member of the Ueboros," Brynhildr disclosed, her tone tinged with unease. "I've heard rumors of her Volgendur lineage, but encountering her here is unexpected."

As Brynhildr's [Appraisal] spell deactivated, she advised caution. "If she has any suspicions about our presence, it would be wise to vacate the premises to avoid unnecessary complications."

Once more, Odin grumbled, but eventually agreed to leave the premises. They walked away, stealing a last glance at Hladrifa, who was staring intently at them, her eyes following their every move. As they left, they continued on their way to the train station, eager to make their way to the main city, only to be met with the disappointing as they couldn't even get into the building.

After pondering their next moves by the entrance of the building, a commanding voice stopped them in their tracks. Turning around, they saw Hladrifa, with her arms crossed and a stern expression directed at them, particularly Odin, who had taken on a youthful appearance.

With his flowing hair and youthful face, from a distance, he could easily be mistaken for a woman. However, Hladrifa, with her sharp perception and sharper vision than most, quickly noticed the subtle differences that set them apart.

"You..." she started, pointing an accusing finger at Odin. "You're a man. What brings you to this place?"

Maintaining his composure, Odin retorted, "A man? I am a woman! Can't you tell from my appearance and voice?" He half shouted to infuse his statement with a feminine tone but failed, his attempt at naturalness falling short. Though he possessed the ability to alter his voice with ease, the thought eluded him in the moment as he sought to maintain his facade.

"Your voice lacks the timbre of a woman's. Moreover, your demeanor, manner, and conduct are more characteristic of a man. I'll pose the question once more: are you truly a man?" Hladrifa scrutinized him, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Summoning a sleek, futuristic bow fashioned from metallic white and black, she charged it with an aura of menace while holding it at her sides. "I'll ask you once more: are you a man?" she demanded, her resolve evident in her unwavering stance.

Her captivating emerald eyes, set off by the contrast of her light blonde hair, tall white hat, and outfit of a blue top, black skirt, tights, and heels, made her presence even more commanding. Odin, resigned, let out a heavy sigh and raised his hands in surrender.

"It's time to blast!" he exclaimed, just before the surroundings exploded into a brilliant white light, momentarily blinding Hladrifa and all the onlookers. In the ensuing chaos, he swiftly transported them elsewhere within the city.

As they appeared in a sparsely populated area surrounded by towering buildings, Odin dispelled their disguises and chuckled. "Well, the act is over! We might as well give it up. It was a noble effort, but I underestimated the sharp eye for detail that some possess." His laughter reverberated through the urban solitude, blending with the sounds of the city.

"I'll inform Aaron and the others," Brynhildr declared as she turned around to inform them through their transceivers.

"Odin-sama, I've told you repeatedly! You should have made more effort to appear feminine and take on a female guise once we arrived here. I even warned you that there were no men in this planet!" scolded Rossweisse, though Odin dismissed her admonishments.

"What's done is done, Rossweisse. Let it be," Odin interjected firmly. "But... she found us remarkably swiftly. Though, I suppose it's hardly surprising, considering this is her home planet as well," he mused, turning his gaze leftward to see Hladrifa perched atop a nearby building, her eyes fixed upon them with an unmistakable intensity.

"...I see. So, the Resistance has seen fit to grace my home world with their presence? Very well. I shall seize this opportunity to eradicate you and deliver good news to Lady Phumera," she declared, her eyes narrowing into a steely gaze as she prepared to confront them.

Without speaking another word, a barrage of arrows came hurtling towards Odin's group. With a grin, Odin wielded Gungnir, effortlessly deflecting the incoming projectiles aimed at him. His skill not only caught Hladrifa off guard, but also surprised Rossweisse and Brynhildr.

"Don't be astonished. I am still the Chief God of our pantheon, you know?" Odin remarked, his grin widening as he explained, "Jin-boy restored my strength to its youthful vigor when I briefly ran around that planet. Though it's a temporary blessing, lasting only until I return home."

With a rapid motion, he redirected Gungnir towards the arrows targeting Rossweisse and Brynhildr, obliterating them with a flurry of thrusts in a mere moment. Returning his attention to Hladrifa, he casually rested the spear on his shoulder. "Your move, little Volgendur."

Hladrifa's stare grew more intense as she locked eyes with Odin, who responded with a smug smirk. Without hesitation, she raised her fingers to her lips and emitted a sharp whistle, summoning two powerful Volgendurs to her side.

"Capture the two women. Leave the man to me," she commanded, her voice resonating with authority. The Volgendurs wasted no time, rapidly advancing toward Rossweisse and Brynhildr with menacing intent. However, Hladrifa's plan did not unfold as anticipated.

As the two Volgendurs attempted to seize Rossweisse and Brynhildr, the two women swiftly sidestepped their grasp. Reacting with remarkable speed, they seized the Volgendurs by the heads and forcefully slammed them to the ground, incapacitating them with a single decisive blow. The impact rendered the Volgendurs unconscious, effectively neutralizing the threat they posed.

"It's rather insulting to be underestimated to such an extent," Rossweisse remarked, her arms crossed as she leveled a stern gaze at Hladrifa.

Brynhildr brushed herself off and nodded in agreement. "Agreed. She clearly regards us as insignificant, solely due to Odin-sama's presence."

Odin chuckled at the unfolding spectacle and instantly appeared beside Hladrifa before she could react. With a decisive swing of his spear, he aimed a blow at her, only to be met with the unexpected resilience of her defense as she blocked the strike with her bow, steadfastly holding her ground.

"You possess the ability to withstand such force, do you?" Odin remarked, his grin widening as he observed her resilience. "Impressive, young one. But not quite enough."

In a quick motion, Odin descended to the ground and instantly incapacitated Hladrifa by sweeping her off her feet and delivering a forceful blow to her abdomen with the blunt end of his spear, sending her flying.

But Odin's assault didn't stop there. With a flourish, he unleashed a torrent of Norse magic, conjuring countless magic circles that swirled around him, each releasing a barrage of magical attacks aimed at Hladrifa. The combined force of the onslaught coalesced into a singular, devastating attack that struck her with astounding impact, creating a miniature explosion in the sky that reverberated throughout the city below.

Odin landed on the ground next to the two valkyries, but Rossweisse expressed her concern as she gazed at the dissipating explosion. "That's hardly enough, Odin-sama. You know that most of them possess power levels similar to Ophis and Great Red, right?"

"I am indeed aware. However, with my restored youthful vigor and perhaps a bit extra courtesy of Jin-boy, I believe I can handle these enemies with relative ease. I'm not one to back down from a good fight, wouldn't you agree?" Odin replied with a chuckle, seemingly undeterred by the formidable challenge ahead.

As Rossweisse had predicted, once the dust settled from the explosion, Hladrifa emerged relatively unscathed, displaying only a few minor bruises and scratches. Floating effortlessly in the air, she peered down at them with an icy glare.

"Is that all? The power of a Chief God from your pantheon amounts to no more than this?" Hladrifa taunted as she descended to another rooftop. "Frankly, it's rather underwhelming."

Odin's laughter rang out, filling the air as he pointed a finger at Hladrifa. "I'm simply holding back, you fool! I have no wish to harm so many beautiful women in this city! It would be a tragic loss! Yet, even with this self-imposed restriction, I will emerge victorious," he declared confidently, emphasizing his words with a playful wink. "Just you wait and see."

Hladrifa's glare hardened at Odin's explanation, finding his logic utterly ridiculous. While she too hesitated to engage in unnecessary violence, she had no hesitation in resorting to extreme measures if it served her purpose.

"Is that so? Then I will not hesitate to do the same!" she declared defiantly, drawing her bow once more. This time, however, a colossal figure materialized behind her, wielding a bow of its own and taking aim at Odin's group with chilling precision.

"It seems Caeda used the same technique. We should—" Brynhildr's words were abruptly cut off as Odin's Gungnir started to shine with a brilliant glow, surrounded by his own divine aura.

"You shall not pass!" Odin roared, summoning a massive, translucent spear filled with divine energy that encircled them protectively. "I've always wanted to say that ever since Azazel showed me the book."

Without any further introduction, Hladrifa unleashed her arrow, while the imposing figure behind her launched its own attack. The dual assaults streaked through the air, hurtling towards Odin's group with terrifying speed. As they converged, merging into a single, colossal arrow charged with immense energy, the surrounding buildings trembled and began to crumble under the sheer force of the impending impact.

The impending explosion, fueled by the converging attacks, posed a threat to not only the city but also a vast part of the surrounding area. However, Hladrifa exercised restraint, well aware of the catastrophic consequences that a full-scale destruction would bring upon the planet. She held back, unwilling to risk the anger of Callorahine and the ensuing complications it would entail.

As Rossweisse tried to interject once more, Odin silenced her with a dismissive wave of his hand. "No need to worry," he assured her calmly, his focus fixed on the impending clash of energies.

With a decisive motion, Odin aimed his spear at the giant arrow, initiating a throwing motion. Yet, instead of his spear, it was the translucent arrow encircling them that surged forth with enhanced speed and power, hurtling towards the colossal arrow unleashed by Hladrifa.

The two titanic forces collided in a breathtaking display of power, engaging in a brief but intense struggle for dominance. In a stunning turn of events, Odin's attack shattered Hladrifa's giant arrow, catching her off guard. Before she could react, the unleashed energy slammed into the building upon which she stood, triggering a cataclysmic explosion that reverberated through the city.

As Hladrifa fell to the ground, her injuries were clear, but she kept a fierce glare fixed on Odin, who returned her gaze with a confident smile. "So, this is what it feels like to wield power similar to Ophis," Odin thought to himself, clenching his fist with a newfound sense of strength.

"Ophis is even stronger now, similar to Aaron's Shadow Soldiers. However, that's about how powerful she felt before," Rossweisse remarked, shedding light on their friend's immense capabilities.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Odin-sama. History has shown us the dangers of becoming arrogant due to power," cautioned Brynhildr, her tone tinged with concern.

A surge of power radiated from Hladrifa as she glared at them in her defiance. "Do not assume that I have been defeated by such a weak attack. I am still capable of movement," she declared defiantly, her gaze steady as she remained ready for further confrontation.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten, young one. Let the battle continue," Odin declared as they both vanished from their positions, engaging in a fierce aerial clash. Each collision between them unleashed powerful shockwaves that reverberated through the earth and sky, a testament to the intensity of their strikes.

Meanwhile, Brynhildr and Rossweisse sensed a strange and formidable presence behind them. Turning around, they beheld a woman accompanied by Aoife's group. The unexpected sight left them bewildered, their minds racing with questions.

Before they could react, the blonde-haired Callorahine stepped forward, her commanding presence palpable. With a single gesture, she encased both Odin and Hladrifa in a cocoon of ice, halting their battle in its tracks and leaving them both astonished.

"Hmm... Hladrifa, return to your original purpose. I will handle these individuals," commanded Callorahine, her voice carrying an air of authority. With another motion, she gently lowered both combatants to the ground and shattered the icy restraints that held them captive.

Callorahine's gaze shifted from Odin to the two valkyries, settling on them with a serene smile. "Follow me. We shall journey to Havskulle, the last city where the rest of your companions await," she instructed.

With a subtle gesture, Callorahine summoned her power and whisked Hladrifa away with a snap of her fingers. Simultaneously, Odin found himself standing before her, ready to embark on the next phase of their journey.

Without delay, Callorahine activated her teleportation magic, enveloping them all in a shimmering aura as they vanished from their current location, bound for the city of Havskulle.

— ○ ● ○ —

Grimgerde, Helmwige, and Ortlinde trudged through the chilly streets of Havskulle, uncertain of what awaited them in this unfamiliar locale. To their surprise, the city seemed to oscillate between extreme temperatures—blazing hot one moment, and bone-chillingly cold the next. This cycle repeated every thirty minutes, leaving the trio perplexed and uncomfortable, though they eventually acclimated to the erratic climate, albeit begrudgingly.

"Why do they keep changing? It's so annoying!" Helmwige exclaimed, shaking her head in frustration.

"Perhaps it's part of their research method?" speculated Ortlinde, wiping sweat from her brow.

"Ah, that could be it," Grimgerde chimed in, pointing towards a massive structure looming in the distance. "Look there."

Helmwige squinted at the imposing edifice, her expression morphing into one of resignation. "Doesn't that resemble more of a colossal mall than anything else?" she remarked, sighing at the sight of the sprawling building ahead.

Approaching the massive structure, towering like the Statue of Liberty, the trio couldn't help but admire its imposing metal framework, adorned with sporadic stone and wood accents. Countless glass windows covered its face, while strange blue dots encased in metal emitted an otherworldly glow, dotting its surface.

Their attention shifted to the metal tubes scattered around the city, resembling some kind of conduits. As they neared the grand structure, they encountered numerous guards and barriers, a clear indication of strict security measures in place. It was clear that only authorized personnel were allowed access, leaving the trio feeling somewhat frustrated, but not entirely surprised.

"...Guards. What do we do now?" Helmwige mused, her brow creasing in thought. "They probably have all sorts of detectors and security measures in place to prevent unauthorized entry. Will invisibility be enough?" she asked, turning to her companions for their thoughts.

"Doubtful. We'll need to come up with an alternative plan," Grimgerde replied, her hands firmly planted on her hips. "Maybe we can disable them. Let's consult with Cúntóir," she suggested, hoping for a solution.

"Good idea! Let's give it a try!" Helmwige exclaimed enthusiastically, activating her ring's transceivers to contact Cúntóir and relay their predicament.

Before long, a peculiar sensation enveloped their bodies, prompting Helmwige to receive a message from Cúntóir regarding her intervention. A wide grin spread across Helmwige's face as she turned to her companions. "We're immune to their security measures," she declared triumphantly.

Tilting her head in confusion, Ortlinde inquired, "Immune to what?"

"We won't trigger any of their security measures, or any others for that matter. We could probably infiltrate Area 51 or something back in our universe," Helmwige explained, a strange giggle escaping her lips as she entertained the possibilities, a hint of drool forming at the corner of her mouth.

Ortlinde acted swiftly, delivering a gently karate chop to Helmwige's head. "Enough with your foolish fantasies," she reprimanded sternly. "Regardless, if what you say is true, then let's proceed. Maybe we can utilize their technology to enhance our agricultural and climate control systems for our islands back home."

Grimgerde nodded in agreement, her hands coming together in a resolute clap and she cloaked all three of them in invisibility, allowing them to evade the guards without setting off any alarms. As they approached the front gate, they waited for someone with clearance to enter before slipping through the door unnoticed.

Once inside, they observed that every entrance was secured with locks, requiring an access key to proceed. Exchanging glances, Ortlinde initiated contact with Cúntóir once more. Within moments, they were provided with a replica of the master keycard, granting them unrestricted access to the entire facility.

Silently acknowledging each other, they chose a random direction and set off, prepared to explore the facility and uncover its secrets.

— ○ ● ○ —

Journeying towards the west, the trio came across several imposing metallic doors, each requiring the use of their access keycards. With precise timing, they manipulated the doors without attracting any attention, ensuring the disabling of nearby cameras as they made their way forward.

Repeating this process several times, they eventually reached a crucial intersection and chose to continue straight ahead. Along their path, they passed a vast area enclosed by glass windows, revealing a complex array of equipment and plant life within. They observed as the plants were subjected to various harsh conditions, with the climate and weather meticulously adjusted in response to their reactions.

"I wonder if they use humans for these experiments," Helmwige pondered aloud, her gaze fixed on the intriguing process unfolding before them. Her question hung in the air, laden with curiosity and a hint of unease, as they continued their exploration of the facility.

As they drew closer to the source of the screams, the trio exchanged curious glances, all eyes turning to Helmwige. She stumbled for an explanation, awkwardly suggesting, "I... I didn't know, maybe it's... um, recordings?"

Despite her attempt to deflect, they pressed onward, their footsteps echoing ominously as they drew nearer to the unsettling sound. To their horror, they stumbled upon a chamber where humans were bound to metallic braces against circular walls. Like the plants they had observed earlier, these individuals were subjected to rapid and extreme changes in climate and weather.

It became apparent that the purpose of these cruel experiments was to observe the human subjects' reactions to abrupt environmental shifts, occurring within seconds rather than the gradual changes experienced outside. Both captives were revealed to be Volgendurs, their bodies bearing the telltale signs of prolonged suffering, evident in the scars and melted flesh that marred their forms.

"This is utterly abhorrent," Grimgerde muttered, her voice heavy with disgust, a sentiment echoed by her companions as they grappled with the disturbing reality before them.

Before they could make a move, a booming announcement echoed through the entire facility.

[Behold the arrival of Queen Callorahine! I repeat, behold the arrival of Queen Callorahine!]

The trio exchanged perplexed looks, their faces reflecting the astonishment that surrounded them at the unexpected appearance of the planet's ruler. Unsure of how to proceed, they found themselves frozen by the weight of the situation, intensified by the unfamiliar energies swirling around them.

Helmwige broke the silence with a hesitant question, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "What do we do? I feel Odin-sama's aura in the company of the queen..."

Her words hung in the air, thick with tension, as they awaited guidance, their collective apprehension palpable in the silent atmosphere.

— ○ ● ○ —

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