Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 24 – Part 4 – How Embers became a Wildfire

Third Person Point of View

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High above the boundless skies of Aetherreach, Grimgerde, Helmwige, and Ortlinde found themselves locked in a fierce battle against two powerful Volgendurs.

One of their enemies was a young woman draped in gleaming pale silver armor, her long blonde hair cascading over half of her face, partially concealing her piercing green eyes. Brandishing a formidable battle axe, she clashed with Helmwige, their axes meeting with thunderous force as they fought for supremacy.

Meanwhile, the other Volgendur, a woman with flowing purple locks and vibrant purple eyes, exuded an aura of elegance despite the chaos of battle. Her attire, a combination of an open-buttoned white shirt, sleek black gloves, and form-fitting black pants with matching boots, lent her an air of mystique. Wielding a whip adorned with delicate flowers near the handle, she faced off against Grimgerde and Ortlinde, her movements fluid and graceful as she expertly wielded her weapon.

As Helmwige requested to confront the woman with the whip, Grimgerde and Ortlinde readied themselves to engage their opponent, their resolve unwavering as they prepared for the intense clash ahead.

"My axe is better and bigger!" Helmwige roared in a rush of excitement, putting all her strength into pushing back her opponent.

"...Why does the size of the axe even matter...?" Eilidh, facing Helmwige, asked with genuine confusion, taken aback by Helmwige's assertion.

"It matters!" Helmwige retorted vehemently, her excitement increasing as she unleashed a barrage of elemental magic attacks towards Eilidh.

Eilidh deftly spun her battle axe in response, swiftly slicing apart Helmwige's magical onslaught. Closing the distance between them once more, she engaged Helmwige in a fierce melee, their battle axes clashing with resounding force, sending sparks flying and shockwaves rippling through the sky.

Their intense duel carried them across the skies of Aetherreach, their agile movements weaving through the city's rooftops as they exchanged blows. With each clash, buildings crumbled and structures shattered, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

[Helm! Didn't we agree to be mindful of our surroundings!?] Ortlinde's voice scolded Helmwige through their transceivers, her irritation evident in her tone.

[Fine!] Helmwige replied sharply, determination blazing in her eyes as she reengaged in her fierce duel with Eilidh. Employing a series of feints and deceptive maneuvers, she kept her opponent on edge, luring her into a sense of security.

Then, with lightning speed, the real Helmwige emerged from the shadows of a nearby building, hurtling towards Eilidh with unparalleled ferocity. Despite Eilidh's quick reaction, the force of their collision sent them crashing through the building below, plummeting several floors as Helmwige pushed Eilidh through the crumbling structure, a fierce grin adorning her face.

"Why... why are you so calm? Why do you enjoy this?" Eilidh demanded, her voice tinged with exasperation as she struggled to comprehend Helmwige's apparent nonchalance in the face of danger.

"In just a year, I've experienced more than you can imagine! Something as trivial as this doesn't faze me anymore! I've faced death and been brought back to life during a war!" Helmwige shouted back, her words resonating with a raw intensity that stunned Eilidh into silence.

Eilidh paid no mind to Helmwige's words, her focus solely on the persistent attack she directed towards her enemy. Her battle axe, enveloped in swirling darkness, sliced through the air with increased force and speed.

To her surprise, Helmwige effortlessly deflected each blow with her own battle axe, her movements graceful and precise. Despite Eilidh's attempts to overpower her, Helmwige remained composed, skillfully countering every attack.

Frustration gnawed at Eilidh as her strikes proved futile against Helmwige's formidable defense. She persisted in the exchange until, in a moment of exasperation, she leaped away from the fight.

Helmwige pursued her, only to be taken aback when Eilidh suddenly leaped out of a nearby window, hurtling towards the ground below. As Helmwige followed her down, Eilidh spread her arms wide, causing the glass on all the buildings around to shatter with a resounding crack. A surge of golden energy flowed forth, coalescing behind Helmwige to form a large, shimmering golden ball.

The majestic golden ball transformed into a monstrous creature resembling a whale, its razor-sharp fangs poised to strike Helmwige with menacing intent. Quickly reacting, Helmwige spun around, her battle axe slicing through the air as it clashed with the creature's jagged teeth, preventing them from piercing her skin.

But Eilidh was not ready to give up. With a smirk on her lips, she charged towards Helmwige, her battle axe ready to strike. However, to her surprise, her attack was effortlessly deflected by Helmwige, who didn't even need to turn around to counter her.

As if that wasn't enough, an unseen force blasted the colossal golden whale away, freeing Helmwige from its grasp. Seizing the opportunity, Helmwige swiftly pivoted mid-air, delivering a powerful kick to Eilidh's face. The impact sent Eilidh hurtling to the ground below, the force of the blow shattering the earth beneath them.

Helmwige stood firm in the face of the attacks of golden whale clones, her excitement increasing in the middle of whale party. With practiced skill, she expertly sliced through the barrage of golden attacks, each one met with the resounding clash of her battle axe.

A beam of golden energy, a colossal wave of golden water, and even detached appendages were hurled towards her, but Helmwige remained undeterred. With precise strikes and calculated movements, she destroyed each golden attack sent her way, her battle axe cutting through them with ease.

With an excited shout, Helmwige channeled her inner strength, infusing her weapon with her aura until it crackled with raw power. With a mighty swing, she unleashed a devastating horizontal strike, cleaving through the golden whale clones with unmatched ferocity. They shattered into countless golden particles, dispersing into the air.

Eilidh stood facing Helmwige, her confidence shaken by the quick defeat of her powerful creations. Her natural talent for manipulating stored light and shaping it into golden energy had always been a potent weapon, allowing her to conjure various constructs to overpower her enemies.

Whales held a special place in Eilidh's heart, their majestic forms fueling her imagination and serving as the inspiration for many of her golden creations. Through Natasha's stories, she had gained insights into the complexities of these creatures, nurturing a deep fascination that reflected in her abilities.

Nevertheless, despite her careful planning and the immense size of the golden whales she had summoned today, they were no match for Helmwige's superior power and skill. Eilidh realized that her usual tactics had failed her this time, leaving her vulnerable and exposed in front of her opponent.

As she stood once again before Helmwige, Eilidh grappled with the humbling truth that her reliable methods were not without flaws. With renewed sense of purpose, she prepared to adjust her approach and confront Helmwige with a new mindset, ready to rise to the challenge before her.

Eilidh, fueled by a blend of determination and acceptance, once again flung herself at Helmwige, her battle axe cutting through the air towards her opponent. The clash of their weapons echoed around them, marking the climax of their fierce confrontation. In a moment of devastating finality, Eilidh's battle axe splintered under the force of their collision, leaving her momentarily stunned by the loss of a weapon that had been by her side through countless battles.

The weight of defeat settled upon her shoulders as she grappled with the reality of her weapon's destruction. Pride mixed with shame as she thought back on the exhausting struggle that had brought her to this point. Despite fighting with all her strength, she could not best the formidable skill of her enemy.

As she braced herself for the inevitable conclusion, Helmwige's foot descended with crushing force, delivering the decisive blow that sent Eilidh crashing to the ground in defeat.

Helmwige touched down next to Eilidh and let out a sigh. Taking in her opponent's defeated stance, she couldn't help but offer a genuine compliment. "Nice fight. I have to say, those whales of yours were pretty cute."

Despite her loss, Eilidh found herself smiling at the unexpected praise. "You... like them too?" she asked, surprised by Helmwige's appreciation for her creations.

Helmwige returned the smile, revealing a softer side to herself. "I have a soft spot for most animals, believe it or not. Even though we're enemies, I couldn't help but find your whales really cute," she admitted, settling down beside Eilidh. "Are you open to the idea of joining forces to take down Callorahine?"

Eilidh fell silent, the weight of Helmwige's question causing her to pause and reflect. She had never contemplated her allegiance in such a way before; for her, loyalty to her people and queen had always been non-negotiable. However, Helmwige's question prompted her to consider the broader implications of their conflict, leading her to ponder the state of their society and planet.

"I... don't know," Eilidh finally replied after a minute of silence, her uncertainty obvious. "I have only followed Lady Callorahine and fought for her. Every Volgendur is born and educated to follow the queen's orders like it was breathing."

Helmwige nodded understandingly, acknowledging the weight of Eilidh's upbringing and loyalty. "Yet, every Volgendur, when they're sent to combat, will experience a lot of things and form their own opinions on matters. They may change in the future—take Natasha, for example. Once she learned the truth, she sided with us."

Eilidh was aware of Natasha's defection but still couldn't reconcile it with her own beliefs, so she remained silent, lost in her thoughts. As the battle raged on around them, her gaze shifted from the ground to where her fellow Volgendur was engaged in combat against two valkyries—Grimgerde and Ortlinde.

The whip-wielding Volgendur, known as Merete, flaunted her luscious purple locks as she gracefully maneuvered through the air, conjuring violet flowers to serve as her footholds. While she possessed the ability to fly, she relished in the intricate dance of creating floral platforms mid-fight, a spectacle she often indulged in during combat.

With agility akin to a dancer, Merete effortlessly evaded the onslaught of attacks hurled her way by Ortlinde and Grimgerde. Despite their restraint in aiming to incapacitate rather than kill, Merete found amusement in taunting her enemies, her playful jibes punctuating the tension of the skirmish.

"Can't keep up, darlings?" she teased, a victorious smirk playing across her lips as she deftly dodged another barrage of strikes. Though her taunts failed to rile Ortlinde and Grimgerde, a subtle irritation simmered beneath their composed exteriors. Merete's growing arrogance grated against their patience.

The air buzzed with anticipation as Ortlinde and Grimgerde exchanged a silent glance, their unspoken agreement hanging in the air. With synchronized movements, they resolved to quickly put an end to Merete's playful antics.

In a single second, Grimgerde vanished from sight, only to reemerge behind Merete and deliver a decisive strike of her staff against the Volgendur's back. Caught off guard, Merete was sent hurtling to the ground, a look of surprise etched across her face as the impact jolted through her.

Before she could fully comprehend the situation, Merete found herself staring down the blunt tip of Ortlinde's spear. Reacting instinctively, she conjured a darkened, flower-shaped shield to absorb the brunt of the blow, mitigating the damage as she was forcefully propelled away.

In the middle of the chaos, Grimgerde appeared in front of her once more, her staff swinging towards Merete with lethal intent. Yet, the purple-haired Volgendur proved her mettle, instantly maneuvering her whip to entwine around Grimgerde's weapon. With a sharp tug, she pulled Grimgerde towards her, ready to meet the challenge head-on.

Much to Merete's surprise, Grimgerde let out a thunderous clap in front of her, momentarily stunning the purple-haired Volgendur. Instinctively shielding herself from the fierce wind, Merete's senses were overwhelmed by the sudden assault.

Before she could gather herself, Grimgerde delivered a powerful blow, driving Merete's head into the unforgiving ground. Stunned and disoriented, Merete lay helpless, feeling the weight of Grimgerde's attack bearing down on her.

In that moment of apparent triumph, Ortlinde and Grimgerde exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging their victory. However, their celebration was cut short as a surge of purple energy erupted from Merete's prone form, causing Grimgerde to instinctively jump back.

Their eyes widened in disbelief as Merete underwent a startling transformation, her body morphing into a colossal purple flower, its imposing roots and tendrils snaking ominously across the battlefield. With a primal roar, the monstrous manifestation of Merete unleashed a barrage of entangling roots, attempting to ensnare friend and foe alike, including the unsuspecting Eilidh and Helmwige.

"What the hell is happening!?" Helmwige exclaimed, her voice cutting through the chaos as she skillfully sliced apart encroaching roots and tendrils, all the while cradling Eilidh protectively in her arms. With a nimble leap, she sought refuge atop a nearby building, surveying the unfolding mayhem below.

Eilidh's voice rang out accompanied by the turmoil, her explanation carrying a note of apprehension. "Merete possesses the uncanny ability to morph into various flowers from our universe. She's known to scour laboratories or traverse the cosmos in search of unique specimens to enhance her collection. Each floral form harbors its own distinct powers and advantages, but this particular manifestation is entirely unfamiliar to me."

Seeking clarification in the chaos, Helmwige turned to Eilidh with a furrowed brow. "Can you identify this... entity?" she inquired, her gaze flickering back to the tumult below.

Regrettably, Eilidh shook her head. "No, I'm afraid not. This is unlike any floral form I've encountered before. It appears Merete has stumbled upon this specimen quite recently," she responded, her tone tinged with concern as they grappled with the enigmatic threat unfolding before them.

Helmwige nodded her head and informed the two valkyries fighting it through their transceivers. [I'll go and bring her back to where Azathoth is, I'll leave that to you guys and rejoin soon!] she informed them before teleporting away.

In the middle of the chaos, Grimgerde and Ortlinde gracefully danced through the onslaught of roots and tendrils, their movements both fluid and purposeful. Despite the daunting sight before them, they remained composed, their readiness to face the formidable enemy evident in their preparedness.

As the monster unleashed a barrage of elemental petals, Grimgerde quickly formulated a plan. "I'll draw its attention. You defeat it, Ortlinde," she suggested, met with immediate agreement from her steadfast companion.

Without sparing another second, Grimgerde leaped into the fray, her staff extended as she unleashed a flurry of invisible aura slices, each strike precise and deadly. Her unseen attacks found their mark, slicing through the elemental-laden petals with lethal efficiency, steadily destroying the monster's offensive capabilities.

At the same time, Ortlinde seized the opportune moment to strike, vanishing from sight before reappearing behind the towering mass of Merete's floral form. With a resolute thrust of her spear, she aimed directly for the monster's vulnerable back, determined to deliver the decisive blow that would bring an end to the chaotic confrontation.

To Ortlinde's dismay, her first strike was met with resistance as barriers and defensive petals appeared before her spear, stopping her attack with only a hair's breadth to spare. Before she could recalibrate her strategy, the ground erupted with jagged spikes, forcing her to hastily evade their lethal trajectory.

A grimace was etched into her face, Ortlinde wasted no time in retaliating, her spear cleaving through the spinning spikes with precision. However, her respite was short-lived as the shattered remnants erupted into a cascade of purple petals, each coalescing into smaller iterations of the monstrous entity, launching even more attacks from all sides towards her.

Baffled by this unforeseen turn of events, Ortlinde grappled with the escalating threat, her resolve firm even as she faced an onslaught from all directions. With a sense of urgency, she tapped into her arsenal of abilities, seeking to bring an end to the chaotic ordeal.

As she prepared to engage her newfound enemies, Ortlinde's attention was abruptly diverted by the sound of Grimgerde's annoyed screams echoing through their earpieces, a grim indication that their predicament wasn't just on her side.

[I'm dealing with the same issue!!] Grimgerde's panicked voice pierced through Ortlinde's earpiece, confirming her suspicions of their shared predicament. Focused and resolute, Ortlinde rapidly evaded the relentless onslaught from the swarming flower monsters and Merete, her mind racing for a solution in the chaos.

Summoning her inner resolve, Ortlinde took a decisive leap, disappearing from view before reappearing within the swirling petals. With precision, she unleashed her anti-regeneration ability, severing the petals with a single decisive stroke of her spear. Relief washed over her as the threat of small monsters dissipated, clearing the path for her to refocus her efforts on the towering form of Merete.

"Enough of this charade," Ortlinde muttered to herself, her annoyance increasing as she prepared to deliver the final blow. However, before she could act, a thunderous impact reverberated through the air as a colossal battle axe descended upon the monstrous entity.

The resounding clang echoed through the battlefield as the blunt force of the axe struck, eliciting a furious roar of anger from the enraged creature. With a bit of surprise, Ortlinde turned her gaze towards the newcomer, her heart swelling with gratitude at the sight of Helmwige's return. Yet, even as relief washed over her, a renewed sense of urgency gripped her heart as she braced herself for the imminent retaliation from their formidable creature.

[Enough of this! Let's do 'that' to end this!] Helmwige's declaration rang out in their earpieces as she descended to the ground, her mighty battle axe cutting through the ranks of smaller monsters with ruthless efficiency.

Grimgerde's response crackled with anticipation. [Alright! Let's go!] she exclaimed, a confident smirk gracing her face as she assumed her designated position, ready to end this short battle.

With a cold manner, Ortlinde echoed her comrades' sentiments. [Agreed. Let's bring this to an end,] she affirmed, her hand outstretched towards the towering form of Merete.

In response to her gesture, intricate Norse-style magic circles appeared all around Merete, encircling her in a web of magic circles designed to impede her movements and sap her strength. Simultaneously, towering poles reminiscent of Grimgerde's staff erupted from the ground, their sinuous forms ensnaring Merete's monstrous manifestation and gradually sealing away her powers.

With their enemy effectively immobilized, Helmwige and Ortlinde dashed forward as one, their weapons raised high in readiness for the final blow. With a shared resolve burning bright in their eyes, they closed in on Merete, poised to deliver the decisive strike that would bring an end to the chaotic battle once and for all.

With perfect synchronization, Helmwige and Ortlinde surged ahead, their weapons emitting an ethereal glow as they closed in on the ensnared Merete. In unison, they leaped into the air, their movements flawlessly coordinated as they swung their weapons towards their immobilized enemy.

The resounding impact of their simultaneous strikes reverberated through the air as their weapons made contact with Merete, leaving behind a trail of ancient Norse symbols etched into her flesh. With each strike, the symbols multiplied exponentially, enveloping Merete in a web of mystical energy that gradually petrified her in place.

As the spell took hold, Merete's monstrous form began to unravel, reverting back to her normal state and rendered her unconscious. Bruised and battered, she lay upon the ground, the remnants of their coordinated attack visible on her body. Despite the severity of her injuries, there was a lingering certainty that she would ultimately recover from this ordeal, her life preserved by the combined efforts of Helmwige and Ortlinde.

"Fantastic work, everyone!" Helmwige's joyful shout was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a powerful attack in the distance, a menacing threat that demanded their immediate attention.

Their eyes focused on the approaching icy spikes, which surrounded the cities of Svalaria in a foreboding show of strength. Although the culprit remained unknown, the urgency of the situation prompted them to act quickly.

"I will take Merete with me," Helmwige announced, her voice serious as she secured the unconscious Volgendur with strong restraints. "I will meet up with all of you at the scene. I feel the presence of Odin-sama and Göndul-sama there."

With a mutual understanding, they went their separate ways, Helmwige teleporting away with her captive in tow as the rest of the group hurried towards the unfolding chaos.

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Odin, Brynhildr, and Göndul found themselves locked in a harrowing battle against Sonja, the relentless onslaught of ice attacks wreaking havoc upon the cities below. With each devastating strike, the once-thriving metropolis lay in ruins, casualties mounting with each passing moment.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, Sonja remained unfazed by the collateral damage, her singular focus fixed upon executing her duty as the new goddess of her species and carrying out her mother's bidding without remorse.

"This is proving to be more challenging than I thought," Odin muttered, his movements swift and agile as he maneuvered to evade the barrage of ice projectiles. "We must find a way to counter her ice attacks. Normal flames won't suffice. What can melt this ice?" he pondered aloud, his voice strained with urgency as they continued their desperate struggle for survival.

Brynhildr gracefully avoided the relentless attacks of ice hounds, her mind grappling with the unprecedented challenge posed by Sonja's seemingly invincible ice attacks. As she evaded each icy onslaught, her thoughts turned wistful, contemplating the strange nature of their enemy's and the different rules governing this universe.

'Ice that defies conventional melting methods... truly a strange anomaly,' Brynhildr pondered, her voice tinged with a hint of bewilderment. 'Perhaps Rossweisse and Latia were onto something. The rules of this universe may not align with our own. While some aspects remain familiar, there are fundamental differences at play.'

Meanwhile, Göndul remained focused, using her shield to deflect the onslaught of ice attacks with relative ease. Despite her strategic analysis of Sonja's abilities, she found herself at an impasse. It wasn't a lack of strategy that hindered them; rather, it was the near-invincible barrier posed by the strange ice itself.

Göndul's silent determination masked the frustration simmering beneath the surface. While victory over Sonja seemed within reach, the invincible nature of the ice presented an insurmountable obstacle, stopping their every attempt to secure victory.

Göndul grew increasingly frustrated as she discovered that Sonja's ice had properties beyond being unmeltable. It not only resisted conventional magical and elemental attacks, but also displayed an unprecedented level of durability, bolstered by the surrounding ice and snow, making it nearly invulnerable to being destroyed.

Realizing the severity of their predicament, Göndul considered reaching out to Cúntóir for assistance. With a sense of urgency, she tapped her earpiece, initiating contact with the knowledgeable woman.

[Cúntóir, we're facing a dire situation here,] Göndul began urgently, her voice betraying the gravity of the situation. [Sonja's ice is proving to be a bit more complex than I initially thought. It resistant to all kinds of techniques for bypassing or neutralizing it. Do you have any insights or solutions?]

Cúntóir's response came swiftly, her tone conveying a mixture of concern and determination. [I am already aware of the situation,] Cúntóir interjected, her voice tinged with calmness. [I can provide you with a temporary solution to bypass the ice, but be warned: it possesses adaptive properties, making it difficult to fully circumvent. There exists only one flame in this universe capable of melting it, and unfortunately, it has been missing for quite some time.]

Göndul's astonishment at Cúntóir's revelation was quickly overwhelmed by a newfound excitement. With an excited calmness, she conveyed her confidence in their ability to defeat Sonja, boosted by the assurance of Cúntóir's assistance.

[Very well. With all three of us, we can overcome her without too much difficulty. Please lend us your aid,] Göndul transmitted through her earpiece, her voice firm as she prepared to unleash their newfound advantage.

In response to their plea, a strange energy surged through their bodies, engulfing them in a scorching heat. Reacting instinctively, Odin wasted no time in hurling a barrage of fireballs towards Sonja, the flames streaking through the air with newfound intensity.

To their amazement, Sonja's usual calm demeanor wavered as the attacks pierced through her icy defenses, engulfing her in flames. The skies erupted in a fiery spectacle as the fireballs made direct contact with their target, creating explosions that reverberated through the air.

Odin's laughter boomed with unrestrained joy, a triumphant expression crossing his face as he reveled in the satisfaction of landing a decisive blow. "There it is! At last, a direct hit!" he exclaimed jubilantly, his spirits lifted by the realization that victory was within their grasp.

Sonja's retaliatory offensive shattered the fleeting moment of victory, her obvious fury unleashing a barrage of icicles upon them. With age-old finesse, Odin effortlessly obliterated the incoming projectiles with a quick slash of Gungnir, his undiminished grin a testament to his prowess.

In a daring move, Odin reappeared behind Sonja in the blink of an eye, thrusting his spear towards her with lethal intent. Sonja attempted to freeze the weapon in its tracks, but to her shock, it resisted her icy grasp, effortlessly melting the frost upon contact.

Caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events, Sonja's defenses faltered, allowing Odin's attack to graze her side, drawing blood. Her eyes widened in disbelief at the realization of her vulnerability, her shock quickly giving way to simmering fury.

Silent but seething with rage, Sonja locked eyes with Odin, her gaze filled with unbridled fury. Before Odin could react, a wave of unease washed over him, prompting him to instinctively teleport away to safety.

In Odin's absence, Sonja wasted no time in launching a devastating counterattack, appearing at his previous location with a giant blade in hand. With a single still motion, she swung the massive weapon horizontally, cleaving through the tops of the surrounding buildings with terrifying ease. The destructive force of her strike sent shockwaves rippling through the planet, killing more Volgendurs, ice-like bears and Callorahine's ice army.

Before Sonja could unleash her rage, a gentle voice resonated in her mind, urging her to regain her composure. Although unfamiliar, the voice emanated a sense of peace, reassuring Sonja of its loyalty to her mother and revealing fragments of memories belonging to Callorahine.

With each memory unveiled, Sonja felt a wave of calmness wash over her, the anger dissipating from her expression as she floated peacefully in the air. However, the newfound tranquility was short-lived as the voice spoke again, its words dripping with deceitful sweetness.

[Destroy them. They obstruct the perfect world you and your mother seek,] the voice urged, its tone betraying a sinister intent beneath its sugary façade.

In an instant, Sonja appeared beside Odin, her blade poised to strike with deadly accuracy. Reacting with reflexes honed by years of battle experience, Odin raised Gungnir to block the incoming blow, surrounded by a myriad of Norse-style magic circles.

Yet, despite his efforts, the force behind Sonja's strike proved overwhelming, shattering the protective magic circles and sending Odin hurtling through the air. The impact of his crash reverberated through the city, causing buildings to crumble in his wake as shockwaves rippled outward from the epicenter of their clash.

As Brynhildr reentered the fray, she unleashed a barrage of magic attacks towards Sonja, her determination driving her forward despite the goddess's apparent disregard. To Brynhildr's dismay, her attacks met with little response from Sonja, who remained fixated on her pursuit of Odin.

Sensing danger lurking nearby, Brynhildr's instincts kicked into overdrive, prompting her to quickly evade a volley of ice blades aimed in her direction. With a sense of urgency, she retreated from the immediate threat, her gaze locking onto two ice clones of Sonja, each brandishing their own weapons with deadly intent.

With a frown, Brynhildr wasted no time in confronting the icy doppelgangers, her resolve firm. "I don't have time for this. I'll end this quickly," she declared resolutely, her voice cutting through the chaos of battle.

In an instant, Brynhildr closed the distance between herself and the ice clones, her palms slamming into their stomachs with decisive force. As her touch made contact, intricate Norse-style magic circles appeared upon the clones, signaling the beginning of her technique.

With the clones surrounded by swirling blue and red flames, Brynhildr sprang into action without hesitation. She promptly kicked the clones, sending them tumbling backward before summoning her [Mistilteinn Wand], a powerful wand created by Aaron himself.

Activating the wand, Brynhildr channeled her power into the flames, infusing them with an enchantment that gave each flame a distinct characteristic. The blue flames enhanced the effects of the red, which were meant to melt the clones from the inside out. Brynhildr had observed that these clones likely housed a core within their stomachs, serving as a source of power.

Before the clones could retaliate, Brynhildr unleashed a relentless barrage of magic attacks, conjuring numerous magic circles above her. Without delay, each magical attack struck the clones from all angles, gradually chipping away at their icy exteriors.

As the onslaught continued, the clones began to disintegrate, their icy limbs crumbling under Brynhildr's magic. Eventually, only their glowing cores remained, vulnerable targets for Brynhildr's enchanted flames. With a final surge of power, the flames engulfed the cores, reducing the clones to nothing more than scattered remnants of ice and vapor.

Brynhildr turned watched in awe as Göndul effortlessly vanquished the ice clones that had been sent her way, her grace and composure shining through even in the face of overwhelming odds. Despite being outnumbered, Göndul remained unperturbed, her movements quick and decisive.

Caught in the gaze of Göndul, Brynhildr received a reassuring wave before the seasoned warrior gestured towards Odin, indicating the need for assistance. Understanding the urgency of the situation, Brynhildr nodded in agreement, her determination renewed as they both hurried towards Odin's location.

Meanwhile, Odin found himself engaged in a fierce duel with Sonja, her relentless attacks pushing him to his limits. Despite maintaining a façade of nonchalance, the strain of their battle weighed heavily upon him, his body aching from the wounds inflicted by Sonja's previous attack.

"You're quite spirited, aren't you?" Odin remarked, his smirk masking the discomfort he was feeling.

In response, Sonja remained silent, her focus unchanging as she unleashed another barrage of ice attacks. A massive ice spike erupted from the ground, hurtling towards Odin with deadly precision, threatening to break through his defenses and cause further harm.

That was when Schwertleite appeared on the battlefield, she rapidly moved to intercept the looming ice spike, slicing it into harmless shards in a single move. With her focus now fixed on Sonja, she unleashed a barrage of aura slashes, each strike imbued with formidable power.

Sonja countered with her own ice slashes, the clash of energies filling the air with a dense mist as their attacks collided in a spectacular display of force. Undeterred, Schwertleite closed the distance between herself and Sonja, engaging the goddess in a fierce mid-air duel.

Meanwhile, Brynhildr joined the fray, unleashing a relentless onslaught of raw magic attacks against Sonja, her strikes augmented by the power of her enchanted wand. Together, the valkyries coordinated their efforts, their combined attacks relentless in its intensity.

Accompanied by the chaos, Göndul began to channel her energy, preparing to unleash a devastating final attack to bring an end to the battle. Sensing the impending threat, Sonja conjured more ice clones, sending them hurtling towards Göndul.

However, before the clones could reach their target, the valkyries Helmwige, Ortlinde, and Grimgerde intervened, intercepting the clones and immediately destroyed them.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her, Sonja remained strangely composed in the chaos around her. As each valkyrie joined forces to stop her, their relentless attacks seemed to have little impact on her demeanor.

Together with the frenzied battle, a sense of uncertainty loomed among the valkyries. United in their mission to capture Sonja, they were conflicted about the best course of action in the absence of Aaron's guidance. Without his direction, they grappled with the dilemma of what to do with the artificial god before them.

While some believed that capturing Sonja and Callorahine was the right decision, others harbored doubts about the morality and consequences of keeping such a being with them. The ethical implications of harboring a construct that was once someone's daughter, transformed into a deity through artificial means, weighed heavily on their minds.

Ultimately, the valkyries agreed to defer the decision to Aaron, recognizing his authority and expertise in matters concerning Sonja. Once the battle had ceased, they would entrust Aaron with the responsibility of determining Sonja's fate, understanding the complexities of the situation and the need for careful consideration to reach a resolution.

Bracing themselves for the final showdown with Sonja, the valkyries were suddenly thrown aside by an unseen force, leaving them confused from the unexpected move.

Accompanied by the sudden force, an ominous voice echoed through the air, its chilling proclamation sending shivers down their spines. [I will... help,] the voice intoned, creating a sense of foreboding that filled the space around them.

"W-what the heck was that!?" Caught off guard by the unsettling declaration, Helmwige voiced her apprehension, her words tinged with unease at the eerie presence that surrounded them.

Before their startled eyes, a strange entity began to form above Sonja, its body looming ominously against the backdrop of swirling ice and snow. Clad in white with piercing blue eyes and claws, the entity exuded an aura of menace, its veil of water glowing ominously behind it.

As the temperature plummeted and frost began to encroach upon their surroundings, the valkyries watched in apprehension, their instincts urging them to retreat from the encroaching ice. With a mixture of fear and curiosity, they stared at the mysterious entity before them, uncertain of its intentions or origins.

[Be wary, for that is the source of all this chaos: Pilinalis, The Icebound Eternity. A Saerstial, dwelling above mortal gods yet below the outer ones. These beings exist on a plane beyond conventional understanding, so proceed with caution,] Cúntóir cautioned solemnly.

"Controlling and influencing Callorahine?" Schwertleite inquired, her brow furrowing with concern.

"Hey, weren't you on your way to Aoife, Schwertleite?" Helmwige interjected, bringing a moment of lightheartedness into the tense atmosphere, earning a swift rebuke from Göndul.

"Now is not the time for distractions! Stay focused!" Göndul scolded, causing Helmwige to shrink back, acknowledging her mistake.

"I sensed the disturbance and altered my course. As for Aoife, she didn't respond to any of my attempts to reach her, so I assumed she was preoccupied," Schwertleite explained, her tone tinged with apprehension.

[We must bring an end to them now, Sonja... I'll assist you,] proclaimed Pilinalis. Above them, a myriad of diamond-shaped ice formations materialized in the sky, casting an eerie glow around them. Rings encircled Sonja and Pilinalis, as though preparing them for battle.

With a commanding gesture, Pilinalis raised its arm, conjuring colossal swords from the very ground around the planet. These massive blades, visible even from space, stood as a testament to the power they possessed.

[Go. No flames or abilities can breach that invisible ice anymore,] commanded Pilinalis. Without hesitation, Sonja charged towards the group.

Schwertleite, determined to stop Sonja, flew towards her, sword drawn for battle. Yet, to her astonishment, an invisible barrier intercepted her strike, reminiscent of Aaron's [Infinity]. However, she could hear faint "cracking" sounds as her blade met the unseen obstruction.

"Move..." Sonja muttered under her breath as she swung her arm at Schwertleite, only to have her attack deflected by the woman's quick block. Despite her efforts, Schwertleite was still propelled halfway across the planet by the force of Sonja's blow.

In response, Brynhildr extended her hand towards Sonja, summoning glowing white chains that emerged from the ground and ensnared Sonja's body, or rather, the invisible ice encasing it.

"[Gleipnir]?" Odin interjected with a chuckle. "I hadn't realized you possessed such a powerful tool, Brynhildr. Unless Jin-boy distributed them to your entire group."

Brynhildr narrowed her eyes and retorted, "There are numerous [Gleipnirs] within the Valkyrie Squad's arsenal, yet we seldom use them."

Odin was taken aback by the revelation but quickly composed himself, realizing Aaron's strategic decision to provide each member of Brynhildr's command with replicas of the powerful artifact. He harbored no reservations, trusting both the squad's competence and Aaron's discernment in the matter.

"Let us forge ahead!" Odin proclaimed, his eyes locked on Pilinalis as he wielded his weapon, preparing for the showdown. With even more energy, he lunged forward, aiming directly at the enigmatic entity, while Pilinalis remained unnervingly still.

The force of Odin's attack surged towards Pilinalis, but instead of hitting its mark, it slowed to a crawl, morphing into an icy projectile redirected back at Odin with alarming speed, piercing his shoulder. Despite the pain, Odin maintained his smirk. "Well, well, isn't this a delightful surprise? I would expect such play from Jin-boy, but from that entity? Color me surprised," he remarked, his excitement palpable.

Undeterred by the unexpected turn of events, Göndul summoned a compact fireball crackling with intense energy. With precision honed from years of battle, she unleashed it upon Sonja, the flames dancing with ferocity. Yet, as the fiery orb hurtled towards its target, Pilinalis remained passive, a silent observer to the unfolding chaos, offering no aid to Sonja, who stood ensnared in the flames' path.

The condensed fireball collided with Sonja, causing a massive explosion that was felt far beyond the planet's borders, its shockwaves rippling through space and reshaping the celestial rocks in its path. The spectacle was a testament to the sheer magnitude of the power used by Göndul.

As the smoke dissipated, revealing the aftermath of the devastating blast, disbelief spread across their faces as they witnessed Sonja, untouched by the inferno, enveloped in an invisible shield of ice bestowed upon her by Pilinalis. Their voices faltered, silenced by the incredulity of the scene before them.

'Has... has the ice adapted...?' Göndul pondered, her eyes fixed on the seemingly unscathed girl. Doubt crept into her mind, overshadowing her confidence. With unease in her mind, she unleashed a barrage of fiery attacks, each one met with the same impenetrable defense, reminiscent of Aaron's impenetrable [Infinity], blocking every onslaught without any problems.

Pilinalis' lips curved into a subtle smirk, a silent declaration of her superiority as she basked in the futility of her enemies' efforts to stop her plans for domination over the planet and its inhabitants. Throughout history, she had emerged victorious against countless people, her unmatched powers and unchallenged dominance solidifying her reputation.

Unbothered by the weak resistance before her, Pilinalis regarded them with disdain, seeing them as nothing more than insignificant nuisances. Her past encounters with various resistance groups had only reinforced her contempt for those who dared oppose her, and even the newfound strength of the latest Resistance faction failed to impress her.

[Perish,] she commanded with icy resolve, unleashing yet another onslaught of frozen attacks upon Göndul's group, her disdain evident in every crystalline shard that tore through the air towards her enemies.

Göndul retaliated swiftly, summoning her own magic circles to channel elemental attacks against Pilinalis' fierce icy attacks. Despite her best efforts, her attacks met the same fate as before, colliding with Pilinalis' ice with explosive force but inflicting no harm. With agility born of desperation, Göndul evaded the ensuing chaos as Pilinalis' attacks ravaged the ground beneath them.

[Cúntóir, is there any alternative method to penetrate that ice?] Göndul inquired urgently through their earpieces, her voice tinged with concern.

[I am 68% complete in devising a new flame capable of bypassing it. However, be advised that the ice's adaptability and immunity to attacks escalate rapidly, allowing for only a brief window of effectiveness,] Cúntóir relayed with calculated precision.

[Understood. We'll keep that in mind,] Göndul acknowledged grimly, her gaze shifting to her comrades as they fought valiantly against Pilinalis' relentless barrage of attacks, their survival hanging in the balance.

In a sudden turn of events, Sonja broke free from the restraints that bound her, conjuring icy constructs as she took flight, positioning herself next to Pilinalis. Together, they watched Göndul's group below, embroiled in a desperate struggle against their unrelenting attacks.

[This will become routine for us, Sonja. Remember it well, for we will conquer many more worlds in the future,] Pilinalis conveyed to the budding goddess, her tone filled with anticipation.

Sonja nodded sombrely, her gaze steady as she surveyed the battlefield below. "Yes, Pilinalis. I understand," she confirmed, her voice sounding solemn.

Their contemplation was abruptly interrupted as massive ice slashes hurtled towards them, piercing through their invisible defenses with shocking precision, catching them off guard. Simultaneously, a gravely injured Callorahine was hurled towards them, her presence adding to the chaos unfolding before them.

"Mother?!" Sonja's voice quivered with horror at the sight of her mother, Callorahine, bearing the brutal marks of battle—her form scarred by the loss of an arm and her left eye, her body bruised and bloodied.

Even Pilinalis, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, quickly conjured a visible barrier of ice around them in a desperate attempt at protection. Yet, to their amazement, Aoife broke through their defenses with a fierce attack, her attacks cutting through the icy shield with relentless force, albeit less potent than before.

Despite sustaining numerous cuts, Aoife emerged triumphant against duel between her and Callorahine, her resilience a proof of her skill. As the barrage subsided, Göndul and her companions hurried to her side, worry etched on their faces.

"Aoife!" they exclaimed together, their relief tangible as they gathered around her.

"I'm fine," Aoife reassured them, her smirk disguising the severity of her injuries. "Just got a little carried away with Callorahine, it seems. Consider it the first round in our little battle."

Göndul wasted no time in giving Aoife a Slime Pill, and just like that, her injuries disappeared and her strength returned, preparing herself to join the battle once more.

"Let's see what you're made of, Callorahine! Or are you already satisfied?" Aoife declared, her sword poised to strike against the Queen of the Volgendurs.

Callorahine chuckled, her sass and personality never leaving her. "I'm far from done, little one. Our fight has only just started—"

But before Callorahine could finish her response, a sudden figure appeared behind her, driving a sword deep into her heart, leaving the assembled fighters stunned and disbelieving. The air grew tense as they saw the perpetrator—none other than Iviken!

With a malicious smile, Iviken taunted, "Take that, you piece of shit! Your schemes end here!" As he twisted the blade, Callorahine let out a pained groan.

However, before the chaos could escalate any further, Sonja broke out of her shock, delivering a swift kick to Iviken, sending him through a few buildings. She launched a series of icy attacks at him, but Aoife intercepted the projectiles with deadly precision, her sword effortlessly cutting through the frozen attacks.

"Iviken, you sly devil. Have you been waiting for this moment?" Aoife's question lingered in the air as she held onto Iviken, his bloodied form defiantly grinning back at her.

"You bet I was!" Iviken's response was filled with excitement as they reunited with their comrades. Shanata and Natasha joined them, bolstering their numbers for the upcoming conflict.

Struggling to move and breathe, Callorahine turned her gaze to Pilinalis, a silent plea in her eyes. Pilinalis, usually unmoved by the plight of the weak, felt an unfamiliar twinge in her heart and soul at the sight of her longest-serving host. After a moment's thought, Pilinalis nodded in acknowledgement.

[Yes, it is time,] Pilinalis confirmed, her voice resonating with an ominous certainty. [Prepare yourselves.] The statement marked the start of a new chapter in their conflict, one that would shape the fate of world.

Without hesitation, Pilinalis shifted seamlessly into a small, almost invisible blue orb and merged with Callorahine's body. Gazing at her daughter with a mix of affection and sorrow, Callorahine tenderly placed her forehead against Sonja's. "Live on... even as the snow finally melts," she whispered, a cryptic message heavy with significance.

Before Sonja could fully grasp the weight of her mother's words, a radiant glow surrounded Callorahine, her missing eye and arm regenerating in a miraculous display of power. Snow and ice swirled around her, forming a towering pillar that enclosed her completely.

As the ice pillar shimmered with otherworldly light, it suddenly erupted in a spectacular explosion, scattering icy shards in all directions. A chilling wind swept through the aftermath, announcing the arrival of the reborn Callorahine.

Floating amidst the icy remnants, the new Callorahine exuded an aura of regal majesty, crowned with icy spikes adorning her head. Her hair, now a striking shade of blue-purple, billowed in the wind, while her attire mirrored the hues of her surroundings. With her spear encased in ice at her side, she stood resolute, a formidable figure reborn from the years of agonizing torture.

Callorahine's gaze swept over the gathered group, her eyes revealing no trace of emotion as her transformation neared completion. Yet, as an icy stillness descended upon them, a chilling realization dawned on the fighters—the temperature dropped rapidly.

A freezing frost began to cover their bodies, creeping across their skin and enveloping them in icy tendrils, leaving them shivering uncontrollably. Across the planet, the relentless freeze spread like an unstoppable tide, engulfing everything in its icy embrace. Buildings, trees, and all forms of life succumbed to the unyielding cold, frozen in time by this incomprehensible phenomenon that defied all reason.

In the middle of this icy assault, Sonja, Azathoth and Aoife remained untouched, their bodies seemingly immune to the freezing grip that consumed their surroundings. As they surveyed the frozen landscape, a realization settled upon them— they alone possessed the resilience to withstand the encroaching freeze, a glimmer of hope amidst the icy despair.

"We leave this task to you, Aoife," Göndul whispered, her eyes fixed on Aoife with confidence before the cold took hold of her, freezing her in place. Brynhildr, Odin, and the other valkyries nodded in silent reassurance, their smiles expressing their faith in Aoife and Aaron's ability to overcome the dire situation.

Natasha pulled Shanata close, wrapping her in a warm embrace as they both began to succumb to the freezing cold. Despite the encroaching despair, Natasha hummed a familiar lullaby, a melody that brought comfort to her granddaughter's troubled heart. Shanata, initially panicked, found solace in the familiar tune, settling into her grandmother's embrace as they accepted their fate.

Meanwhile, Iviken, ever defiant even in the face of impending doom, shook his head in frustration. "Bloody hell, why must it end like this? Might as well make an exit with flair," he muttered, striking a unique pose as the frost consumed him, freezing him in an eccentric display of resistance.

"I will—" Sonja began, her intent clear as she moved to strike Aoife, but her attack was intercepted as Aoife swiftly grabbed her arm and pulled her away, a perplexing turn of events.

As Sonja glanced towards the source of the incoming threat, she saw a colossal sword of ice hurtling towards her, launched by Callorahine herself. The realization that her own mother had attempted to harm her sent shockwaves of disbelief coursing through Sonja's mind.

"Why, Mother? Pilinalis, why?!" Sonja's voice trembled with confusion and despair as she struggled to comprehend their actions, her heart heavy with betrayal.

"Don't waste your breath. It appears that Pilinalis has taken control of your mother's body and is manipulating it to her own ends. It's likely she won't hear your words anymore," Aoife explained, her words cutting through Sonja's confusion like a knife. "Our best course of action is to fight together and find a way to separate them, rather than allowing ourselves to be pitted against each other."

Sonja pondered her decision before conceding. "Very well. But let it be known that my loyalty lies only with my mother, not with you or the Resistance," she stated firmly.

"Understood," Aoife acknowledged, her determination unwavering. "Let's concentrate on the task at hand."

With a united front, Sonja and Aoife propelled themselves towards Callorahine, who had summoned massive ice dragons encircling the world, causing chaos upon the land below.

Drawing upon her own formidable power, Sonja conjured another immense blade of ice, swinging it with all her might towards the towering ice dragon. However, despite her efforts, the clash resulted in a stalemate, with neither her sword nor the dragon's body budging.

Meanwhile, Aoife darted across the surface of the dragon's icy form, her blade moving swiftly as she skillfully sliced through the ice soldiers emerging from its body, destroying their ranks with calculated precision.

[The flame is ready. But it will only last for five minutes,] Cúntóir informed Aoife and Sonja, stunning the young goddess with the voice that suddenly entered her head.

"Give it to us, Cúntóir!" Aoife exclaimed eagerly, a low blue glow emanating from their bodies as they tapped into the power of the newly acquired flame.

Wasting no time, Aoife channeled the fiery energy into her strikes, dragging her sword across the icy dragon's body with relentless force. The blue flames ignited the ice, causing it to rapidly melt beneath her feet as she ascended into the sky, her sights set on Callorahine, who observed with an impassive gaze.

As Aoife closed in, she unleashed a flurry of slashes towards Callorahine, imbuing each strike with a potent combination of ice, ethereal green aura, and the scorching blue flames granted by Cúntóir. The Queen responded with defensive maneuvers, conjuring multiple large ice shields to ward off the incoming onslaught. However, to her astonishment, the shields crumbled almost instantly upon contact with the searing flames, leaving her vulnerable in the face of their combined assault.

Callorahine agilely avoided Aoife's initial strike, her senses heightened as she surveyed the area. Before she could fully grasp the situation, Aoife appeared behind her, her blade wreathed in blazing blue flames, dangerously close to Callorahine's face.

In an instant, Aoife's blade met Callorahine's icy exterior, shattering the frozen mask and causing it to partially melt before being forcefully thrown to the ground. The impact rippled through the battlefield, leaving Callorahine momentarily dazed.

"I'll take care of the dragons! You focus on mother!" Sonja's commanding voice pierced through the chaos as she swiftly assumed control of the situation. Aoife nodded in agreement, their thoughts the same as they prepared to face their respective foes.

As Callorahine emerged from the debris, the ice on her face melting away only to swiftly reform, she maintained her impassive demeanor. However, before Aoife could react, a massive spear of ice descended upon her, presenting a formidable challenge that she could not ignore.

Aoife quickly dissolved the incoming ice spear, the searing blue flames on her blade turning it to water before she boldly charged towards Callorahine. With an intense swing of her weapon, she aimed to break through the ice queen's defenses.

To her surprise, Callorahine intercepted the attack with shocking speed, catching Aoife's blade in her hand. The intense heat of the flames caused Callorahine's hand to melt, but it quickly began to regenerate, showcasing her formidable powers.

Before Aoife could react, invisible shards of ice pierced her body, sending waves of agony through her. Adding to her injuries, an additional limb of ice extended from Callorahine's back, striking Aoife with devastating force and sending her crashing down to the city below, wreaking havoc upon the buildings in her descent.

Lying in the middle of the rubble, pain coursing through her body, Aoife came to a sudden realization with startling clarity—she had underestimated Callorahine's strength, allowing her own overconfidence to cloud her judgment. It was a costly mistake, one that she would not soon forget as she struggled to rise from the wreckage, determination burning anew within her.

Callorahine towered over Aoife, casting a chilling shadow over the wounded woman below. As the frigid winds intensified, Aoife stood her ground, her body trembling with both cold and resolve, her blade gripped tightly in defiance as blood seeped from her wounds.

Finally breaking her silence, Callorahine spoke with an air of grim determination. "[In the pursuit of creating a perfect world for myself and my species, sacrifices must be made. You are but one of many,]" she declared, her words carrying the weight of inevitability.

Raising her hand, Callorahine summoned forth an enormous meteor of ice, a colossal ball that was ten times the size of the planet, a clear show of her powers. The icy behemoth dwarfed the planet itself, casting a shadow over everything below.

In that moment, despair washed over Aoife like a tidal wave, her body trembling with fear as she stared up at the impending cataclysm. Yet, accompanied by the overwhelming despair, a glimmer of hope remained—she knew he would come to her aid, just as she had always been there for him in times of need, before their paths diverged.

With that thought burning bright in her heart, Aoife braced herself for the impending impact, clinging to the flicker of hope that burned within her, praying for salvation in her darkest hour.

— ○ ● ○ —

In the dim expansiveness, Aaron Toole persisted, unfazed by the multitude of voices reverberating around him. His journey had been grueling, riddled with obstacles, yet he pushed forward relentlessly, fixated on a singular goal. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he reached his destination.

Beside him stood a companion, a silent presence that had facilitated his progress. As he gazed toward the hill crowned with flickering flames, Aaron couldn't help but acknowledge the trials he had overcome.

"You've finally given in, huh? It was quite the ordeal," Aaron remarked with a weary sigh, recognizing the challenges he had faced.

[One cannot achieve without sacrifice,] the figure responded, their voice laced with wisdom. [Whether physical, emotional, or mental, something must be relinquished to attain.]

With these words lingering in the air, Aaron steeled himself for the challenges ahead, knowing that each step forward would demand a sacrifice, yet clinging to the hope that it would bring him closer to his ultimate objective.

The robe finally slipped off the figure, unveiling her form—a woman who seemed to be in her early thirties. Her long crimson hair flowed down her back, her eyes a gentle shade of orange, and she adorned herself in regal attire, a crimson dress befitting her status, complemented by a crown adorning her head.

"A woman? The Keeper of the Eternal Flame is a woman? Well, I'll be damned. So, why did you reach out to me?" Aaron inquired, his gaze fixed upon her.

[I am dying,] she replied solemnly. [I have poured the remnants of my powers into the flame atop the hill. Alongside the other leaders of the Resistance over the years, as well as others who harbored a fervent desire for change in this universe—their wills endure within it, as does mine,] she explained.

Aaron gazed at her for what felt like an eternity before letting out a heavy sigh and turning his gaze back to the hill. "Why me? It's like I'm being sought after by every high-ranking figure from every pantheon, faction, or universe," he murmured.

[Because you were chosen by me. I've been watching you since the moment you entered this universe,] she said, raising her hand. [I will show you...the history of the flame.]

Before them, a screen made of flames appeared. On it, they witnessed Lucius Benevolentia, his team, and the very first iteration of the Resistance. Aaron also caught sight of Esina within the memories.

He watched their journey unfold, the challenges they faced, the moments of joy and sorrow, and the growth they experienced. It was a difficult path, but in the end, it forged them into stronger individuals.

As time flowed on, the Resistance grew, becoming an unstoppable presence in the universe that Phumera could no longer overlook. It was only a matter of time before their inevitable clash occurred, and it eventually happened, resulting in the overwhelming defeat of the Resistance.

Along with the wreckage, Esina emerged as the lone survivor, only to be captured and kept prisoner until her eventual rescue. Meanwhile, the Keeper of the Eternal Flame recounted the grim tales of the Resistance's various eras—each marked by brave efforts to resist Phumera's oppression, yet ultimately ending in tragedy as they were all vanquished, one by one.

Despite their resolve, the remaining members of the Resistance were scattered throughout the cosmos, their aspirations continually shattered as each new leader rose only to suffer a similar fate. With each defeat, the cycle began anew, as another fearless individual stepped up to reignite the flames of resistance, only to face the same dismal outcome before they could bring about lasting change or confront any significant adversaries.

Witnessing the tragic cycle play out in front of him, Aaron couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy for the fallen Resistance fighters. Their struggles seemed to be in vain in the heart of constant defeat, leading many to doubt the legitimacy of their recent victories, seen as nothing more than lucky accidents. Centuries of hardship had hardened the collective spirit, making it nearly impossible for anyone to see beyond the cloud of despair.

"...What's your name?" Aaron suddenly asked once the solemn demonstration came to an end.

She returned his gaze with a smile. [Blaessara, that's my name.]

"Blaessara, huh? It's a lovely name... So, what should I do with this information? I'm already giving the Resistance a lot in the battle against Phumera and her organization," Aaron inquired, his tone tinged with a touch of uncertainty.

Blaessara gazed thoughtfully at Aaron, then turned her attention to the fiery orb perched atop the hill, her expression contemplative. After a brief pause, she looked back at him, her smile tinged with sadness and weariness.

[Not many are privy to the events of our era. It has since become known as the Ancient Era, with much of its history lost to the sands of time, courtesy of Phumera and Magnum Tenebrosum's erasure,] she lamented. [There exists a wealth of rich history and tragedy from that time, enough material to fill an entire series of books...]

As she spoke, the ground beneath them began to shift, revealing an array of scenes from the past. [Gods and Saerstials once coexisted, though I hesitate to say it was a harmonious existence. Tensions simmered beneath the surface, with skirmishes erupting across the cosmos. Many among us led entire species from different planets or dimensions. But everything changed when the war began,] she recounted, her tone heavy with solemnity.

"War?" Aaron questioned, his gaze drawn to the unfolding events depicted on the shifting ground.

Blaessara nodded solemnly. [Yes, a war. The entirety of the universe became embroiled in it, instigated by none other than Magnum Tenebrosum. Phumera later entered the fray, exacerbating the conflict. Two gods and two Saerstials found themselves at odds, their simmering tensions threatening to erupt into full-scale war at any moment.]

[Yet none among them dared to make the first move. However, as I mentioned, Magnum Tenebrosum and Phumera took matters into their own hands. Instead of confronting the issue directly, Magnum Tenebrosum seized control of one of the Saerstials' most trusted followers, orchestrating a fatal injury and framing the two gods for the deed. And so, the seeds of war were sown,] Blaessara elaborated, her voice heavy with the weight of history.

The view below them shifted, revealing a landscape of chaos and devastation. Planets lay in ruin, entire species and spaceships destroyed in the clashes of warring Gods and Saerstials in the depths of space. Countless beings, followers of their respective deities, engaged in brutal battles on numerous worlds. Accompanied by the carnage, a sinister wispy black cloud, bearing a menacing mouth, hovered ominously, overseeing the unfolding chaos.

[That is the visage of Magnum Tenebrosum from that era,] Blaessara explained, her tone heavy with sorrow. [As you know, Outer Gods possess the ability to assume any form they desire. He reveled in the havoc he wreaked, the death toll climbing into the hundreds of millions within a short span of time. The violence continued to escalate, threatening the very fabric of our universe with annihilation.]

[But...] she trailed off, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Once again, the scene beneath them shifted, revealing Magnum Tenebrosum and Phumera actively participating in the violence, personally joining in the slaughter. Along with the chaos, Yve emerged, entering the fray alongside them as they ruthlessly annihilated both Gods and Saerstials without mercy.

"Is there no other motive than... he simply felt like it?" Aaron's distress was evident as he watched the relentless bloodshed.

[None,] Blaessara confirmed, her voice heavy with sorrow. [I asked that very question before they thought they had 'killed' me. Magnum Tenebrosum's response was chillingly simple: 'Chaos is the way of Outer Gods. If we do not sow chaos, what reason do we have for existing?' Those words have haunted me ever since,] she confessed, her gaze filled with haunted memories.

The scene shifted once more, revealing Phumera whispering something to Magnum Tenebrosum, her words carrying a weighty significance. Magnum Tenebrosum pondered her counsel before ultimately acquiescing. With a simple snap of his fingers, he unleashed devastation upon the remaining Gods and Saerstials, obliterating them in an instant.

[I cannot determine the nature of their exchange, but following that moment, the remaining beings were quickly eradicated,] Blaessara recounted solemnly. [Only a limited few were spared, perhaps as a cruel mockery, destined to endure an eternity of silent suffering. However, as you may be aware, Saerstials are never truly extinguished. We transcend death, existing in a state beyond life, unless we choose to relinquish our existence and fade into oblivion,] she added, her words tinged with a sense of resignation.

Blaessara's voice faded as the scene shifted to show Phumera and Magnum Tenebrosum molding the universe to their will. Their influence extended beyond their own universe, reaching into other worlds, universes, and parallel timelines to enforce their dominance.

The scene then turned to recount the journey of Lucius Benevolentia, chronicling the emergence of the Resistance under his guidance.

[I made an attempt to reach out to Lucius, to offer him my guidance and support, but my efforts were in vain,] Blaessara mourned, her tone weighed down by sorrow. [Despite this, he possessed the strength and noble mindset to carve his own path. However, in the end... they failed,] she concluded, a single tear of flame tracing a path down her cheek, expressing her deep grief.

The unfolding scenes chronicled the countless iterations of the Resistance, each valiantly striving to overthrow Phumera and her ever-expanding organization. Time and again, the Resistance found itself destroyed, crushed beneath Phumera and her subordinates. Eventually, Magnum Tenebrosum receded into slumber like his fellow Outer Gods, but Phumera persisted in her ruthless pursuit of dominance. Finally, the narrative shifted to the present day.

[And now... you and this Resistance have achieved more success than any before you since the era of Lucius,] Blaessara declared, her voice tinged with urgency. [Now, you have the opportunity to wield the flame of hope—the flame that was once extinguished from the hearts of the universe and its inhabitants. Ignite it once more, Aaron. Become the beacon of hope they so desperately need,] she implored, her plea carrying the weight of countless lives and the echoes of past failures.

At that moment, the hovering sphere of orange flames grew stronger, emitting a dazzling glow and releasing waves of fiery energy, seemingly beckoning Aaron closer. The hill it sat upon was engulfed in the flames, creating a ring of fire around it, while a group of human figures stood encircling it, their backs turned to him. At the summit stood a solitary figure, watching him from above, a silent guardian awaiting his approach.

Aaron lapsed into a thoughtful silence, his eyes shifting between the mysterious figure at the top of the hill and Blaessara. Before he could express his thoughts, she interrupted with unwavering determination.

[Turn off your abilities. Embrace the flames that surround you, let them acknowledge your presence—allow them to envelop you and carry their responsibilities... for one final time. Let this embodiment of the Resistance be the concluding chapter, Aaron Toole,] she declared, her words steadfast as she bestowed her faith upon him.

Aaron let out a tired chuckle. "Why does it always have to be me?" he pondered, a hint of weariness evident in his voice. With a resigned sigh, he turned off his powers, immediately enveloping himself in the scorching heat that filled the air. The weight of the combined burdens weighed heavily on him, a burdensome mantle that he reluctantly carried as he began his ascent.

As he made his way towards the foot of the hill, he found the path clear before him, granting him passage where none had been allowed before. With each step upwards, the temperature soared, searing his skin and scorching his soul. Aaron gritted his teeth in determination, pushing through the increasing discomfort as he continued onward. With every step, the weight of the collective gaze bore down on him, an unblinking graze that grew more intense with each step upwards.

Ascending the hill was a grueling task for Aaron, as each step brought excruciating pain and the sensation of his flesh melting away. Yet, he remained determined, using the searing agony as a testament to his unmatched resolve. In the middle of suffering, he found a new sense of vitality, a stark reminder of his mortality in the middle of the eternal flames.

Finally reaching the summit, Aaron's body was battered and scorched, but his spirit remained unbroken. The figure that stood before him bore a faint resemblance to Lucius, a ghostly echo of the past. Its subtle smile and nod of approval silently affirmed Aaron's arduous journey. Despite being surrounded by intense heat, Aaron returned the smile, his spirit unyielding in the face of the inferno.

He stared at the dancing flames, his hand pausing before reaching out. A sudden surge of heat made him flinch and take a step back, the scorching sensation making him grimace. But despite the pain, he sensed a silent encouragement from the figure next to him, urging him on.

"Khhh...!" Aaron clenched his jaw and reached out with his right hand again, refusing to be deterred by the flames' resistance. With a determined expression, he added his left hand, the brightness of the fire intensifying as he defied their attempts to push him away.

[Just like in the past... Even though Lucius couldn't understand it, he still managed to ignite those embers. Despite their setbacks, each generation of the Resistance kept the flames ablaze, slowly nurturing them over time,] she observed, her eyes fixed on Aaron, mirrored by the fiery forms surrounding them.

[And now... you stand as the culmination of our struggle. You've nurtured those embers into a raging wildfire. Go forth and let those flames of yours ignite the beacon of hope for the people of this universe,] she declared with unwavering determination.

"Aaaaarghhhh!!!!!" Aaron's cry reverberated as the orbs of fiery energy finally erupted, spiraling upwards to form a towering pillar around him. As the flames engulfed him, he felt the searing heat subside, replaced by a comforting warmth that enveloped his entire being.

In that moment, he glanced back at Blaessara, only to be taken aback. The man beside him, once blurry and undefined, now bore intricate details, unmistakably Lucius. Aaron's gaze lowered to the other figures, each one gradually sharpening into focus.

Each figure displayed a distinct visage, a testament to their roles as past leaders of the Resistance. Their collective gaze fixed upon him, some smiling, others grinning, all offering nods of encouragement. Aaron recognized that these were not their souls, but fragments of their will absorbed by Blaessara.

With a wide grin, Lucius extended his right hand towards Aaron. "Go kick their ass!" he exclaimed.

Aaron's lips quivered momentarily, but he quickly regained his composure, nodding resolutely. Returning the gesture, he bumped fists with Lucius before the flames surrounding him erupted in a dazzling display.

In that moment, he felt a surge of emotions—burdens, struggles, pain, sorrow, and failures—all converging into the fiery aura engulfing his body. When he glanced back, the figures and Blaessara had vanished.

And thus, he understood that the weight of responsibility now rested upon his shoulders once more, reminiscent of his role in the Draconic Deus.

— ○ ● ○ —

Callorahine's power surged, infusing the colossal ice meteor with even greater energy, causing the world to shiver with an intensified cold. Aoife felt her own limbs succumbing to frostbite as she gazed up at the formidable figure before her.

"[The old must yield to the new, and we shall forge the foundations of a new world!]" declared Callorahine, her hand sweeping downward to direct the meteor towards Aoife and the planet.

Desperately, Aoife fought against the encroaching ice, managing to break free from the frost that bound her right leg. With determination etched on her face, she brandished her sword and unleashed a mighty slash imbued with azure flames. The attack tore through the air, hurtling towards the gargantuan ice meteor, but even her powerful strike paled in comparison to the impending cataclysm.

The meteor collided with the strike, but left no mark. Aoife took in a few strained breaths, accepting her dire situation. Despite the odds, she refused to give up, holding onto hope at the heart of the impending disaster.

Suddenly, a rumble echoed beneath her, grabbing her attention. Before she could react, the entire world was engulfed in a brilliant orange light, melting the ice meteor above and evaporating the surrounding waters as well as fighting back the cold. Aoife watched in astonishment as the miraculous event unfolded before her eyes.

As the light faded, a figure appeared in front of her, accompanied by the thawing of her frozen friends. They blinked rapidly, disoriented yet grateful for their unexpected salvation. Sonja landed beside Aoife, her presence also looking confused in the middle of the chaos.

The valkyries, especially Helmwige, erupted into cheers, their jubilation short-lived as they felt a new sensation coursing through their bodies. Alongside their previous dragon tattoos, vibrant orange flames now encircled the dragons, radiating warmth that felt both familiar and distant, a symbol of newfound power and unity.

<<I didn't keep you waiting, did I?>> the figure inquired, turning to glance at Aoife, his eyes shimmering with emotion.

"You really did keep me waiting, jerk!" Aoife exclaimed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You're such a dramatic idiot, Aaron!" she cried out, her words filled with a mix of frustration and relief as the orange flames enveloped her, swiftly restoring her to full health.

Aaron's attention shifted back to Callorahine, who floated above them in stunned disbelief, even the ice surrounding her beginning to melt or crack under the intensity of the flames swirling around him.

"[No...!]" Pilinalis' voice echoed from within Callorahine's merged form. "[ did you obtain that power?! She was...she was supposed to be dead!]"

Without uttering a word, Aaron closed his eyes briefly before reopening them, his left eye now bearing the same fiery orange hue as the flames. With a determined gesture, he extended his hand, summoning forth a lance from the flames, which he gripped firmly and pointed silently at Callorahine.

<<Let's bring this to an end, Pilinalis, Callorahine,>> declared Aaron with unwavering determination, his words slicing through the tension as the last traces of ice dissolved under the searing heat emanating from his body. <<I'll restrain her ice. The rest of you, go right ahead.>>

Without hesitation, Aoife infused her sword with the Eternal Flames Aaron had bestowed upon them, propelling herself towards Callorahine with fiery resolve. Meanwhile, Aaron directed his focus to Sonja, who stood beside him accompanied by the turmoil of the world, her emotions swirling like a tempest within her.

Approaching her with calm reassurance, Aaron placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. <<The choice is yours, Sonja,>> he said gently, his voice a soothing balm in the middle of the chaos. <<Your actions today will shape your path forward. You can act now or stand aside, but remember, whatever you decide, ensure it's a choice you won't regret.>>

Odin charged forward, a natural force in his own right, his unyielding barrage of magic attacks pouring down upon Callorahine like a relentless storm. In response, the Ice Queen flung icicles towards his attacks, anticipating them to find their mark, only to witness in amazement as they dissolved upon contact with his magic attacks.

"It's time to settle the score, Ms. Queen!" Odin's voice thundered triumphantly as he suddenly reappeared behind Callorahine with astonishing speed. Before she could react, the Chief God of Asgard thrust his spear towards her abdomen, shattering the icy barrier around her and piercing her flesh before sending her hurtling towards the earth below. "Ten points for the takedown!"

Meanwhile, Aoife swiftly adjusted her course, landing gracefully on the ground before unleashing a flurry of flaming aura slashes towards Callorahine. The Ice Queen, undeterred, conjured several ice soldiers to intercept the fiery onslaught, but they were no match for the intensity of Aoife's attacks, melting away upon contact and forcing Callorahine to evade once more.

Attempting to escape, Callorahine was suddenly bombarded by an unexpected attack—a grenade exploded upon impact, dousing her in a dark green liquid that formed into sinister, grasping hands, reaching out to ensnare her.

"Oh, it's Hentai—!" Odin's voice rang out with a mix of excitement and anticipation before Callorahine shattered the liquid with a swift display of her powers, breaking free from its clutches. "Damn it! Natasha, try again!" he bellowed, his enthusiasm undiminished despite the setback, eliciting a strained smile from the elderly woman.

<<Keep your urges in check, old man,>> Aaron interjected with a light chuckle, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.

"Never!" Odin retorted defiantly, unleashing a relentless barrage of attacks towards Callorahine. In response, the Ice Queen conjured multiple duplicates of herself, along with towering ice swords that emerged from the ground, pulsating with a chilling blue aura.

The two massive swords pulsed with even more energy, their size expanding until they towered large enough to be seen from the depths of space. With a gesture from Callorahine, they conjured a multitude of smaller swords, each possessing enough destructive force to lay waste to entire continents. With a menacing intent, she directed them towards Aaron's allies, her goal clear: annihilation.

But just as the group prepared to face the impending attack, a miraculous intervention occurred—the trajectory of the swords suddenly shifted, hurtling towards Aaron instead. In a display of unparalleled skill, he absorbed the swords effortlessly, the destructive force disappearing into his being as if it had never existed.

<<Keep going,>> Aaron urged, his voice resolute as he reassured his companions. <<I've got your back.>>

His calm demeanor met with Callorahine's growing frustration, her plans foiled at every turn. In response to the looming threat, Helmwige and Schwertleite charged forward, their weapons raised high as they bore down upon Callorahine with unstoppable force. With a synchronized strike, their attacks converged into a single, devastating blow, tearing through the once pristine lands of Svlalria with unstoppable power.

Before the attacks hit Callorahine, Sonja charged ahead, her determination burning brighter than ever, she abandoned her position beside Aaron and unleashed a devastating slash of her own, surpassing even the combined might of the two valkyries' slash. Together, their attacks raced towards Callorahine, ready to deliver a decisive blow.

But before they could find their mark, Pilinalis took control of Callorahine's body, her strategic mind immediately springing into action. With a swift gesture, she summoned walls of both invisible and regular ice, creating a barrier to slow the incoming attacks. Though the attacks were slowed, they could not be stopped entirely, forcing Pilinalis to rely on evasion to minimize the damage.

"[Just because we can't stop them doesn't mean we can't slow them down. Focus, Callorahine. Victory is still within reach,]" Pilinalis admonished, her words a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

Callorahine nodded in agreement, her resolve strengthening as she unleashed a torrent of varied attacks upon their enemies. From regular ice to hardened barriers and invisible constructs, each attack was accompanied by a myriad of duplicates, filling the skies above with a mesmerizing yet dangerous display of power. The battlefield transformed into a surreal spectacle as Callorahine's relentless barrage threatened to overwhelm her opponents.

As the impending attack approached, a sense of anticipation spread through the ranks as all eyes turned to Aaron, hoping for his intervention. To their surprise, he remained perfectly still, exuding a calm and composed presence with crossed arms and closed eyes, a calm figure in the middle of the pandemonium.

Just as uncertainty began to take hold, Aoife sprung into action, her resolve blazing like a wild inferno. With a resounding stomp, she harnessed her inner strength, the energy swirling around her reaching unprecedented heights. Her intense crimson eyes shimmered as the deluge of ice attacks descended upon them.

With practiced composure, Aoife regulated her breath and heart rate, her focus steady as she infused her sword with the combined power of Aaron's flames and her own icy energy. With a decisive swing, she unleashed a torrent of ten colossal slashes imbued with blue flames, each one burning brightly as they flew towards the millions of attacks.

In a stunning display of power, the azure aura slashes tore through the millions of ice attacks with unparalleled precision, obliterating them in a brilliant display of light and heat. As the last remnants of the onslaught faded away, Aoife let out a satisfied sigh, her incredible feat leaving her enemy in awe.

Without another delay, she instantly appeared behind Callorahine, swinging her blade towards the woman.

As Aoife's blade descended towards Callorahine, she expected it to strike, only to be astonished when Pilinalis' hand emerged from Callorahine's body to intercept the blade and shield her. Pilinalis' sacrifice was clear as her fingers were sliced apart, but her action protected Callorahine from harm.

Aoife reacted quickly, defending against Pilinalis' counterattacks as more icy appendages emerged from Callorahine's form, attempting to ensnare her. Despite her efforts, Aoife was forced to retreat to avoid the onslaught, destroying several ice projectiles sent her way in the process.

"[Focus, Callorahine. I will assist with our defensive capabilities; you concentrate on the offensive,]" commanded Pilinalis, her authoritative tone cutting through the chaos. Callorahine nodded in agreement, her resolve strengthening as she prepared to take charge of the offensive.

Meanwhile, the giant ice swords around them pulsed once more, unleashing enormous waves of snow and ice towards everyone. However, Aaron intervened this time, melting the oncoming waves before it could reach his allies. Opening his eyes, he directed his focus skyward, his focus entirely on something else.

"Is everything alright?" Rossweisse asked as she landed next to Aaron, a hint of concern on her face.

Aaron took a moment, his eyes distant, before shaking his head with a reassuring smile. <<No, it's nothing. The Eternal Flames have finally spread throughout the universe... I believe we'll start seeing significant changes from today onwards,>> he explained, turning to face Rossweisse. <<Let's bring this battle to a close. Aid Aoife and Sonja in finishing it. I'll step in if necessary.>>

Rossweisse looked at him with surprise and gratitude, but before she could respond, Aaron gently tapped her forehead, activating her [True Ultra Instinct], which caught her off guard.

<<It won't deplete your stamina for now, so go ahead, Rose,>> Aaron reassured her, a warm smile on his lips.

With renewed determination, Rossweisse smiled back and flew towards Callorahine. Meanwhile, Aaron tapped his earpiece, issuing a command to provide support to Rossweisse, Aoife, and Sonja.

[Provide support to Rossweisse, Aoife, and Sonja. We're ending this,] he declared, his voice filled with finality as he prepared to join the fray once more.

The trio of women soared towards Callorahine and Pilinalis as they prepared to end the battle. Meanwhile, the rest of the team rallied behind them, launching a barrage of attacks towards the onslaught of ice projectiles hurled by their enemies. Along the chaos, Aaron's gaze landed on Iviken, who appeared to be under his subtle influence, preventing him from acting recklessly.

<<For a young genius, you're incredibly stupid and impulsive in certain aspects of life,>> Aaron remarked coolly, his words slicing through the tension like a blade.

Iviken visibly trembled in Aaron's presence, feeling the overwhelming aura of an outer god emanating from him far more strongly than Azathoth earlier in the day. "W-w-well, n-no one's perfect, right?" he stammered nervously, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Aaron nodded understandingly, <<I might have acted similarly last year if my emotions had gotten the better of me, so I don't fault you for it.>> His words carried a sense of empathy, reassuring Iviken in his unease.

High above, Rossweisse provided support for Aoife and Sonja as they pushed onward towards Callorahine, the Ice Queen unleashing a relentless barrage of ice projectiles in a desperate attempt to hinder their progress. Despite her efforts, Aoife effortlessly countered each attack, harnessing the flames granted to her by Aaron to melt the icy barrage.

Meanwhile, Sonja focused her energy, charging her attack with the aim of ending the conflict with a single, decisive strike. With each passing moment, they drew nearer to Callorahine, their determination unwavering despite the obstacles in their way.

However, just as victory seemed within grasp, one of the two colossal swords coming out of the ground was suddenly wrenched free by an unseen force, hurtling towards Aoife's group with deadly intent. Before it could reach them, a flaming lance streaked through the air, launched by Aaron's precise aim. With a burst of intense heat, the lance collided with the sword, melting it into oblivion before it could inflict harm upon the advancing trio.

Rossweisse's swift movement caught Callorahine off guard as the Valkyrie delivered a powerful blow infused with touki aura, sending the Ice Queen hurtling further away. Realizing the ineffectiveness of her ice-based attacks, Callorahine shifted tactics, relying instead on her mastery of darkness and shadow manipulation. However, her efforts proved futile against the speed and precision of the Valkyrie's attack.

As Aoife unleashed a barrage of flying ice swords towards Callorahine, the Ice Queen countered with her own creations formed from darkness. Yet this time, Aoife's attacks overwhelmed Callorahine's, piercing through her defenses and eliciting a frustrated grunt from the embattled queen.

Finally, Sonja appeared above Callorahine, her icy sword raised high in the air, poised to deliver the decisive blow. Yet, despite her determination, hesitation lingered in Sonja's eyes, a hesitation that even Callorahine, as her mother—albeit an artificial one—could discern from the distance between them. Though no words were exchanged, the unspoken bond between mother and daughter was palpable, adding a poignant layer to the unfolding conflict.

"[Do not hesitate, for hesitation means death!]" Pilinalis' voice reverberated through the chaos, unleashing an unrelenting barrage of invisible ice cloaked in darkness towards Sonja. Despite Sonja's efforts to retaliate, she found herself overwhelmed by Pilinalis' powerful attacks, her movements sluggish in comparison.

Just as the situation appeared dire, Shanata suddenly appeared, surprising both Sonja and Pilinalis. With unmatched speed and precision, Shanata sliced through the incoming attacks, her crimson slashes cutting through the darkness effortlessly. Wheeling around, she unleashed a barrage of crimson slashes towards Callorahine, the Ice Queen's attempts to defend herself with shadow spikes proving futile against Shanata's strikes.

Callorahine grunted in pain, her defenses crumbling under the barrage. Sensing her impending defeat, Pilinalis took control, overriding Callorahine's will. In an instant, Callorahine's eyes glazed over, her body becoming a vessel for Pilinalis' formidable power.

Without hesitation, Pilinalis unleashed a torrent of attacks from above, a deadly combination of invisible ice, darkness, shadow, and normal ice raining down upon them. The sheer magnitude of the onslaught was staggering, with each attack larger than the planet itself, threatening to obliterate them all in an instant.

Rossweisse charged forward, her eyes ablaze with determination as she confronted Pilinalis head-on, delivering a point-blank attack that sent the sinister entity reeling. Despite the setback, Pilinalis' onslaught continued unabated, her attacks still hurtling towards the planet below.

With another delay, Rossweisse summoned millions of magic attacks, aiming to counteract the torrent unleashed by Pilinalis. However, before they could reach their target, a familiar lance intercepted Pilinalis' barrage once again, courtesy of Aaron and Natasha, with Natasha being the own to throw it while being carried by Aaron, stopping her attacks.

Pilinalis clenched her teeth in frustration, prepared to retaliate, but before she could act, Aoife's foot connected with her face in a powerful strike. Rossweisse followed up with another barrage of wind magic attacks, further weakening Pilinalis' defenses.

Finally, Sonja, fueled by her determination to stop her mother, flew towards Pilinalis, her sword raised high with the intent to end the threat once and for all. With a resounding swing, Sonja aimed to cleave Pilinalis in two, her resolve firm in the face of darkness.

Pilinalis felt desperation consume her as she summoned layers of barriers in a final attempt to defend herself. Yet, as she crafted her intricate defenses of invisible ice, normal ice, darkness, and shadows, Sonja's blade, fueled by the scorching blue flames of Aoife, effortlessly sliced through them all.

"[I refuse to be defeated here! Not today! It is too early!]" Pilinalis' voice thundered with defiance as she tried to flee from Callorahine's body. To her horror, she found herself unable to escape, her efforts thwarted by an unseen force.

"[W-what is this!? Why am I trapped!?]" Pilinalis' screams echoed with horror and frustration as she realized her predicament. Meanwhile, Sonja's blade connected with Callorahine's form, cleaving through flesh and bone with merciless precision.

As Sonja's blade carved a path from shoulder to chest, then stomach, and finally beyond her hips, Pilinalis shrieked in agony. The flames, now engulfing her form, threatened to consume her entirely, their searing heat intensifying with each passing moment. Defeated and powerless to escape, Pilinalis found herself at the mercy of the flames, her demise imminent.

"[If... I can't... leave... I'll take you and this part of the cosmos with me...!]" Pilinalis' anguished scream reverberated through the chaos as she unleashed another pulse of frost, forcing everyone in her path to retreat.

The surrounding area began to shimmer with an ominous brightness as ice and snow swirled around Pilinalis, converging into a massive ball of destruction. But before her plan could come to fruition, Aaron streaked past them all, his lance piercing through Pilinalis' stomach with precision.

An eruption of flames engulfed the entire planet in a blinding inferno, consuming everything in its path. Amidst the searing heat and blinding light, Aaron's resolute voice cut through the chaos.

<<I won't let that happen,>> he declared, his words carrying a determination that resonated even as the brightness became too intense to bear.

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