Winger King

Chapter 6

In the first training session after being promoted to U21, Sun Yu fully appreciated Stam's coaching style.

The team did one thing in the one and a half hour training session, which was to complete the attack and defense transition under high pressure.

In the 4-3-3 formation, Stam assigned clear responsibilities to each player when the team was without the ball.

As the team's left winger, Sun Yu's responsibility is to cut off the connection between the center back and the right back as soon as the opponent's center back gets the ball.

Once the opponent's midfielder gets the ball, he must be ready to double-team the player who receives the ball on the wing at the first time.

If the wing player passes the ball to the right back, Sun Yu must force the opponent to pass back at the first time and assist his teammates to complete the pressure.

As long as the midfield players can meet the coach's tactical requirements, the opponent is likely to fall into a vicious cycle of passing the ball back and forth in the midfield and backcourt, and finally try to pass the ball riskily, thus giving up the ball.

In the practice match, because the team had just completed the physical reserve at the beginning of the season and had no time to refine the tactical content, the U21 team basically continued the tactics of the previous head coach.

The tactical thinking of the previous head coach emphasized the combination of the side and the middle on the basis of controlling the ball, and the position defense without the ball, which was quite different from Stam's tactical requirements.

In addition, Stam was very strict about the tactical details. As long as a player did not perform well in the training class, Stam would immediately stop the training, and then point out the player's mistakes in front of the whole team, and then propose improvement measures.

As a tough central defender in his playing days, although Stam was emotionally stable and his tone was steady in the training class, his aura of majesty made the atmosphere of the training class very depressing.

The training class was a half-time 9-on-9 attack and defense. Sun Yu and five other players from the U19 team were grouped together.

In terms of technical and tactical execution ability and overall strength, Sun Yu's team naturally had no way to compare with the old players.

In the first 20 minutes of the training session, Sun Yu was running around on the field. He finally managed to stick to the full-back, but was passed by the defender because of his poor confrontation and defensive ability.

He finally managed to intercept the ball once, but because of his previous intense running, he was not stable after getting the ball.

Stam stopped Sun Yu three times in the first 20 minutes. When he was talking, Sun Yu could hardly see his emotional changes.

Sun Yu suddenly remembered what his father said to his original self: "Once one day others can't see through you, you will mature."

Zhang Beihai's father also said something similar.

After Stam stopped the training, the advice he gave to Sun Yu was very practical.

The overall rhythm of the training session was very fast. After an attack, the offensive and defensive identities were immediately switched.

During the half-hour break, Sun Yu's shirt was soaked.

After the break, all the players were divided into three groups, and the number of attackers and defenders became 7 vs. 7.

In this way, there is always a group that can get a break, but the pace of the entire training session is very fast, and Sun Yu put on a mask of pain for the next half hour.

After the one-hour tactical class, except for the three goalkeepers, almost all the players were exhausted and sat on the lawn gasping for breath, and Van der Beck simply lay on the lawn.

Stam calmly looked at his watch and said: "Take a break, play a 20-minute 9-on-9 practice match in ten minutes, and the losing side will do an extra set of speed endurance training."

Hearing Stam's words, Sun Yu almost blurted out a swear word.

This is a devilish training!

He held back and didn't say it, but an old team member blurted out a Dutch curse.

The player who spoke was Slade, the right back of the U21 team.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Stam immediately walked over and asked, "Do you have any opinions about my arrangements?"

Slade smiled awkwardly and said, "Boss, I don't mean anything else, I just want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Stam suddenly shouted, "Stand up!"

After this sentence was shouted, the entire training ground suddenly became quiet.

Slade stood up and hurriedly explained, "That's not what I meant. I apologize to you."

Stam said sternly, "First, I don't need your apology. I just want to remind you to respect each other!"

"Second, in my opinion, your performance did not meet my requirements. Whether you are in the team's plan remains to be seen!"

After saying this, Stam glanced around and said, "The 14th place in the Dutch Second Division is not a result to be proud of. You need to work hard to win playing time for yourself."

"Especially for players who were in the team last season, age is not your advantage."

"The results of the game against the U19 team proved that you are not irreplaceable."After Stam finished speaking, all the players were silent.

Sun Yu, who was sitting not far away, had been observing Stam for the past two days. He saw some signs from him yesterday.

After yesterday's practice match, Stam almost did not make any comments and disbanded the team.

This shows that he is very dissatisfied with the current players of the U21 team, and it is inevitable to clean up the team lineup.

The U21 team players think they have experience in the Dutch Eredivisie, and they did not take their opponents seriously during the game.

With a two-goal lead, these guys seemed very arrogant during the halftime break.

Unexpectedly, the U19 team reversed and equalized in the second half, which was too embarrassing.

In addition, the team ranked behind the U21 youth team in the Dutch Eredivisie last season, so a large-scale cleanup is inevitable.

With Stam's attitude today, Sun Yu could clearly feel that the team still had a lot of variables in the lineup.

"A new emperor appoints new officials" is common sense for Sun Yu, who had worked hard in society in his previous life, but many of his teammates do not seem to have such awareness, which can only be said to be too young.

During the break, Sun Yu called his U19 teammates together and asked the other five whether they wanted to form a team. The others said no problem.

Milik, right winger El Ghazi, left winger Kinash and center back Livenburg from the U21 team were promoted to the first team. The opponent lost four core players at once, and the strength was not much better.

At the beginning of the practice match, Stam asked everyone to form groups freely.

Sun Yu saw that this big bald guy was happy to see the U19 players and the old players form a competitive relationship.

After the practice match started, Sun Yu's team used the content of the training class right away.

After an hour of high-intensity training, everyone's physical condition was not good.

As the game progressed, the physical condition was definitely getting worse and worse, and finally turned into a hand-to-hand fight.

Several players from U19 reached an agreement before the game, and the three U21 players could only obey the majority.

In the third minute of the game, Sun Yu's team caught the opponent off guard. After completing the steal in the frontcourt, the center forward Zivkovic scored a goal.

In the fifth minute, Sun Yu seized the opportunity of the opponent's midfielder losing the ball, and continuously changed direction to pass the opponent's right back and scored.

Ten minutes later, Sun Yu's physical strength was basically exhausted, and he was gritting his teeth.

He tried to take the ball as little as possible when attacking, and when defending, he took out the spirit of a rolling knife, and fought with the opponent's full-back, and fouled when he couldn't defend.

In the last five minutes of the game, the two groups kicked out a real fire in the game, and the game immediately entered a melee state.

At the moment Stam's whistle sounded, Sun Yu's team roared, and then lay on the lawn.

The training course lasted from beginning to end, with an effective time of one hour and twenty minutes, but the intensity was extraordinary.

The losing team was very pitiful and had to do ten minutes of speed endurance training in a fatigued state.

Stam required the players who did not practice to jog on the sidelines until everyone finished training before leaving.

At the end of the training, Stam gathered everyone together and praised Sun Yu, Van der Beck, Bazoer and Onana by name.

For Sun Yu, Stam also mentioned: "In my team, the winger position is very important. My requirement is either to score goals or to participate in defense. Sun Yu has both of these."

In the crowd, Onana turned around and blinked at Sun Yu, then gave a thumbs up.

At this time, Sun Yu's head was buzzing.

It had nothing to do with the system, it was completely tired.

This is too tiring...

Thinking of another training session in the afternoon, Sun Yu's head hurt.

Sun Yu is now looking forward to the settlement results of the training module.

After the training, Sun Yu went home to eat, forced himself to digest for half an hour, and fell asleep in bed.

Three hours seemed to pass in a flash, until three alarm clocks in the room rang at the same time, Sun Yu got up reluctantly.

The morning training session plus the self-training, Sun Yu's training time reached two and a half hours, so he fell into a deep sleep at noon.

The afternoon training time was four o'clock. Sun Yu opened the refrigerator and took out the training meal that his mother made for him according to the recipe provided by the club.

Taking out the heated chicken breast, vegetable salad, low-fat yogurt and eggs from the oven, Sun Yu started his third meal of the day, and then put the fourth meal in the thermos bucket and drove to the training base.

After Ajax provided the recipe to the young players, the original body strictly followed it for a period of time because of the freshness, and soon went to eat something that could satisfy the appetite from time to time because of the blandness of the training meal.West.

But in general, the original body is still restraining itself according to the requirements of a professional player, but as it grows older, it is gradually difficult to resist various temptations.

Sun Yu came to the future training base forty minutes before the training session. He chatted with his teammates and changed equipment, leaving himself half an hour to warm up.

The operating model of European football is very similar to the workplace. Everyone comes to the club for training at a specified time and goes home after work.

In such an environment, workplace bullying, workplace struggles, gangs, and leaders’ nepotism are all possible.

Everyone is both a teammate and a competitor.

Even if they are not in the same position, there may be friction due to tactical status, salary, and the right to speak in the locker room.

In this case, everyone is the first person in charge of their own career.

After coming to this world, Sun Yu set a rule for himself to leave himself at least thirty minutes of warm-up time for each training.

For a professional athlete, the importance of warm-up before training and recovery after training is no less than the training itself.

If you don’t warm up before high-intensity exercise, you will often suffer from major and minor injuries.

If you don't recover after high-intensity exercise, it's hard to continue the intensity. Forcing it will only shorten your career.

The warm-up steps look easy, but ordinary people will basically be exhausted after doing a set.

At this time, the players' training has just begun.

There are two contents in the afternoon training session. The first is teamwork training.

If someone thinks that such training is a team-building game, they are wrong.

There are also games, but the games either test attention, physical strength, or coordination.

It's nothing more than everyone participating in an activity together. The intensity of the training is still not small, and there are penalties after losing the game.

For example, there is a sport where five people are randomly drawn to form a team. A football needs to be sandwiched between two people, and then two groups will run 60 meters against each other.

Once the football lands, you must accept the penalty immediately, and you must also accept the penalty for losing the game.

The teamwork training lasted for half an hour. Just after the training ended, everyone's shirts were soaked.

After the entire training, the intensity of the punishment accepted by each person was not much different.

From this training program, Sun Yu clearly felt that several teammates did not take a nap.

Not sleeping at noon, collapsing in the afternoon, these players obviously had difficulty concentrating in the training course.

Sun Yu estimated that the head coach arranged such training content to observe the players' living habits from the side.

You know, there are almost no world-class players who do not take a nap.

If a player develops the habit of hanging around and not sleeping at noon, he has at least closed the door to becoming a first-class player.

After the team cooperation training, the next training content is off-ball running.

The focus of off-ball running training is to cultivate the players' running ability in the process of executing tactics.

Most of the training content in the first half is routine, and a lot of free play content is added in the second half.

Although this training class seems to be cultivating tacit understanding and testing football IQ, the intensity is not small at all, and most of them are short-distance sprints.

After the stretching, the day's training is over, and the club has many physiotherapy rooms for players to massage.

But they can also go home directly. Professional players only need to complete the training required by the team, and they have absolute freedom at other times.

It's just that everyone bears the consequences of all choices.

While everyone was scrambling to line up for massage, Sun Yu had his fourth meal of the day.

After the fourth meal, Sun Yu received 20 minutes of physical therapy.

Resting until 6:30, Sun Yu practiced 100 shots and 100 set pieces.

Today's training content is much higher than that of the U19 team. He is afraid that practicing too hard will affect tomorrow's training.

When he got home, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

Seeing Sun Yu's tired face, the family did not doubt Sun Yu's dedication to training.

Under normal circumstances, everyone will have a period of full dedication after entering a new environment.

After asking Sun Yu about the situation of the new team, Sun's father told Sun Yu to rest early and changed the topic.

He heard about Sun Yu's work and rest and diet in the past two days, and he was actually very happy.

As for how long his son can last, Sun's father is not in a hurry to draw a conclusion.

After chatting with his family for a while, Sun Yu went to the bathroom on time at 8 o'clock.

There was a long list of information on the training template, and he couldn't finish reading it in a short time. He needed to find a place where no one was around to read it slowly.

After opening the system and selecting the training template, the first line of information made Sun Yu excited.

[Your[Professional attribute shooting, experience +55, progress 60/2000]

Not bad, if you keep practicing at this pace, you will be able to have the shooting ability of a first-class winger in a year at most.

It really pays off!

Continue to read, each attribute has accumulated a certain amount of experience, the amount is related to today's training content.

When Sun Yu saw the experience value of physical fitness, he subconsciously exclaimed "Ah Yo".

It's really a lot!

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