Witch of the Web

Chapter 11




Chapter 11


“Would you two just kiss already?” Felicia’s words snap me out of my reverie and make it abundantly clear how close I’d gotten to doing just that. Do I want to kiss Summer? Fuck yes. Should I? That’s the more confusing part.


“We weren’t-” Summer begins to try and explain. “We didn’t-” Felicia’s laugh interrupts my blonde friend. 

“Don’t, just don’t. It’s painfully obvious you two are so very into each other and I can’t stand all the pining.” Her eyes briefly settle on me before she shakes her head. “So go on, get it out of the way or it’ll affect our mission.” Felicia is trying so hard to sound like she’s got no stake in this beyond the mission, but I saw the way she was looking at Summer earlier. I call bullshit.

“Oh and why don’t you take your own advice!” I snap back at her. She lets out a little gasp of surprise but I continue before she can try and deny it. “I’ve seen the way you look at Summer. Hell, I saw the way she was looking at you! So maybe I should get out of the way so you two can fuck the tension out of you both.”

Felicia’s face is a maelstrom of conflicting feelings that I can’t even begin to parse out. People are hard, alright? I’m pretty sure the only reason I’ve been able to pick up on all this is that Willow has been feeding me insight discreetly. I’m normally abysmal at reading people. Throw some complex code weave in front of me and I can nail down what it does and how to break it in seconds. Understanding my fellow meatbags? Might as well be trying to decipher ancient text or something equally esoteric.

Summer’s expression is equally turbulent with a variety of emotions. I’m not sure why I’m encouraging the two of them to hook up though. Probably more of that self destruction I’m apparently so fucking good at.

God I’m such a dumb fuck. 

I figure it’s time to get out of the way, so they can have some noisy sex or something and get to my feet. Both of them suddenly turn to look at me, locking me in place. 

What the shit? Why are they looking at me like that?

They spare a glance at each other and something passes between them unspoken as they close the distance with me in almost perfect synchronization. 

Summer takes my right hand, while Felicia takes my left. What the hell is going on? Now I’m confused beyond belief as they lead me to the one bed in the safehouse. 

“What’s - ah - what’s going on?” I ask, trying to hide how nervous I suddenly am. I think on some level I know what’s about to happen, but I’m not quite ready to admit it. How could two absolutely stunning women be into a gross stick like me. 

Felicia smiles softly, and for a moment I completely forget she’s a former logger. She’s always smirked, or grinned, or when she did just smile, it was confident and self assured. This one? It’s all warm and gentle. Summer mirrors her expression as the two gently encourage me to lay down on the bed. 

“Look,” Felicia starts. She sounds a little nervous as she speaks. “We all got off on the wrong foot but I’ll be damned if I keep lying to myself.” She clenches her fist as she looks like she’s working up the nerve to continue. “Even before you started changing, your brash personality caught my attention. I wasn’t fully aware of it until we started working together, but I had already begun to admire you.”

Wait a fucking second. She’s talking about me? What the shit?

“You have a strength in you that I couldn’t help but respect. And as much as your harsh demeanor frustrates me, it also drives me a little wild.” She shakes her head with a disbelieving grin. “And when you started to change, when more of your confidence was able to leak out, something shifted and I started to fall for you I think.” 

Holy shit. 

Holy shit.


I try to say something before Summer presses one of her perfectly delicate fingers to my lips. 

Fuck that’s hot.

“I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you Rose. Even when we were kids. For me, it was the kindness you showed to small animals. How you went out of your way to help the stray cats in the slums. And when you told me about your actions against CyberPet, I knew you still carried that kindness in you.” She smiles this radiant smile at me and I nearly melt. “We both find you captivating, and the more I get to know you again, the more I want to know.” She looks at Felicia. “And I’m sure Felicia feels the same.” The stunning red head nods her agreement. “Not to mention we both find each other ridiculously attractive and well…” She flashes me a coy grin.

Oh fuck. 

Oh fuck. 

This is happening? 

I don’t deserve this! 

Why is my first time having sex a threesome? With two grade A hotties no less!

I’m just some twiggy little vermin. They can’t both want me.

They’ll realize I’m broken goods and just turn to each other. 

Should I stop them and just skip the painful part? I don’t think I could handle a taste and then being deprived.

I shake my head quickly. The movement makes me a little dizzy. “I think this is a mistake,” I try to explain. “I’m just a broken piece of meat. I’m nothing special, especially out here. Maybe I’m worth something in Lanadel… but not here.”

Summer brushes something from my face, a tear apparently. Damnit, now I’m crying. I’m shaking too. I’m being held tight between the two of them and I can’t stop crying. 

Summer whispers gentle reassurances that I am worthy. That I deserve happiness and affection. Felicia just agrees with our bubbly chef. I think she’s just as uncomfortable with all this mushy stuff as I am. 

Eventually the shuddering stops and I feel like I’m all out of tears. Someone wipes the last of the salty liquid from my face and I can see the two of them beaming at me still. 

“It’s ok if you’re not ready,” Felicia offers a lifeline. “But believe us when we say we’re both very interested in you. You’re beautiful and amazing and special in all your own unique little ways.”

“Even if I’m a bit of an asshole?” I make one last token effort to dissuade them from their interest in me.

“That’s part of the charm,” Summer says with a giggle. I would die for that giggle. I’d die for Summer. Felicia isn’t as special to me, I can’t say she is, not with what she was, but… 

“Okay… m - maybe I’d be willing to give it a shot. I still think you’re both delusional but if you’re wanting to give this a try then - Okay.” I feel like my face is on fire. “I just - I don’t know the first thing about… any of this,” I admit with a slight wince.

“That’s fine,” Felicia whispers into my ear. “I’m sure we can teach you.” She nibbles on my ear like it’s punctuation for her sentence and my breath catches in my throat. 

Summer gets right to work as well. She begins to shimmy me out of my clothes, which elicits a little panic from me. I don’t want them to see me like that just yet. I try to grab on, and shake my head which makes her stop. “Are you alright?” she asks. 

“I - I don’t want you to see my body yet. N - not till it’s done,” I whisper. I’ve never felt this unsure of myself. I’ve always tried to be confident and aloof. It’s hard letting yourself be vulnerable when you never know who might abuse that vulnerability. 

Summer nods and changes tactics. She rubs at my budding breasts through the fabric of my clothes. Felicia meanwhile trails scorching kisses down my neck and onto my collarbone. The two work in perfect tandem as if they’d been rehearsing this. 

“Such a good girl,” Felicia whispers into my ear, giving it another light nibble. I shudder in pleasure at the attention and the words. I never knew that validation like that could cause such a strong reaction. 

Summer straddles my hips then leans forward along my body. Something clicks. A memory I’d forgotten, that I hadn’t wanted to remember. I feel myself grow distant from the gentle ministrations of my two companions as I’m pulled back towards the early days of my career.


My parents had left me a lot in the lockbox they’d hidden. They were smart like that. They’d left me a list of contacts that I could reach out to for help and training to keep myself safe. I’d eventually wish they hadn’t. 

I knew that I didn’t have enough money to fix my spine and get the equipment I needed to start a career, so I opted for the long term option and settled with a cheapo wheelchair until I could save up. One of the people on my parents’ list was an experienced webweaver that I had decided to reach out to for training. His name was Edgar and he was in hindsight, way too eager to let me crash with him while he trained me.

Things went ok at first, he’d teach me the basics in exchange for a small fee once I mentioned who my parents were. It was nice to hear about their adventures together in Lanadel. I so desperately wanted to have those sorts of stories to tell one day.

Eventually though things started to go sideways in a monumental way. 

He’d started to have me help with some of his jobs. Usually just small tasks that required me to run overwatch while he did the actual delving. During what was supposed to be a routine job, his system started to spark and glitch out. 

Edgar managed to get the job done without me, but when he got back, he was furious. He told me I’d cost him a fortune in parts and demanded the rest of my money. Being naive and desperate, I didn’t even try to argue. He glared at me and told me the money wouldn’t be enough. That I needed to pay him back another way. I told him I’d do anything to keep training. I was desperate. He smirked and told me to wait in my room.

I waited for a few hours before he came in. He told me to get in my bed and I obeyed. It wasn’t until he moved my wheelchair across the room that I realized that something was wrong. He started to pull my pants down with a lecherous grin. He said that I’d repay him with my body. 

Being dumb and naive and not recognizing how bad that would go if I let him, I agreed. When he was finished pulling my pants and underwear off, he pulled his own off as well. He started to lube up my flaccid cock until it was standing at attention. I couldn’t feel a thing, which may have been a small mercy. 

He climbed on top of me and lowered his flabby asshole onto my dick. At first he bopped up and down but pretty soon he grew tired and just fell asleep on top of me. 

This became a recurring activity. He said it was a way to pay me back, and if I did it enough, he’d buy my first set up. It was all a ruse and a ploy. 

Around the time I turned nineteen he lost all interest in me. He kicked me out and told me that if I told anyone what he did, he’d turn me over to the loggers. I had nothing except for the training he gave me. He’d regret that training.

I managed to find a public node into Lanadel and it was enough for me to ruin him. I had thought it’d feel good to get the last laugh. I’d stolen my money back and then some and discreetly lured the police to his small home with rumors of child pornography. It wasn’t enough.

He apparently tried to rat me out to LOG while in police custody, but from what I had heard, everyone assumed he was making up stories to cover up the stash of elicit images he had. I deleted all the ones of me at least. 

The money I’d stolen felt dirty. I only used just enough to get my lair set up before donating the rest to homeless youth shelters around the city. 

I tried so hard to forget my time with him, but I never could handle being weighed down by a person like that again. I’d always remember until I shoved the memories away once more until the cycle repeated. 


Someone’s trying to talk to me. Two people I think. I’m still half dazed from the involuntary trip down memory lane. I’m no longer weighed down at least. Summer and Felicia slowly materialize in front of me as my vision clears. I can feel Willow nearby as well.

“I think she’s coming around,” one of them says. It’s so hard to parse which one though. The other agrees and they offer me something warm and sweet to drink. “Are you ok?” the first one asks. I think it’s Felicia talking. I shake my head and they both wrap me up in a hug. They let go when a full body shudder races from my head to my toes.

“P - please don’t touch me… Not right now,” I whisper as I try to bite back the tears in my eyes. They must think I’m such a crybaby now. They don’t show it though as they both nod quietly.

“What happened? What made you freeze up like that?” Summer asks, guilt written on her face. She must’ve figured out it was her sitting on me or at least suspected it.

I shake my head. “I - I can’t. Not yet. I need a moment.” 


I sound so weak. 

I fucking hate it.

Even when I was being ra- Even when he was - I was never weak.

I’ll never be weak. 

Willow comes up and brushes against me. With her contact comes a question. An offer. She wants to help in her own strange way. She thinks talking about it will help in the long term, and offers to hasten my recovery a little and suppress my embarrassment so I can talk it over. 

I extract some assurances from her that it’d be temporary and that it’d be all she’d do and once I’m satisfied I let her do it. 

It’s like all the pain and anxiety and fear get wrapped in a bundle and set aside, leaving me feeling a little numb. Better, but numb. 

“It was you sitting on me,” I tell Summer. She looks mortified, but I give her a reassuring smile. It doesn’t reach my eyes but I hope it helps. “I had a rough start after my parents died. For a while I stayed with a friend of theirs. They must not have known about his private proclivities or they wouldn’t have left me his information.” I let out a humorless chuckle before sighing heavily. “He liked teenage ‘boys’,” I explain with finger quotes. “He’d always have his ‘fun’ the same way each time. He’d lube me up, sit on me and bounce a bit before falling asleep on top of me.” 

My explanation is almost surgical in how removed I am from it. Summer and Felicia both look horrified. I finish the story with how I ruined him and how I still don’t like people being on top of me. The two of them nod thoughtfully and wrap me in a hug. 

Our dynamic has changed so quickly. Especially mine and Felicia’s. I never thought she could make me feel safe. I haven’t felt this safe since - Since my parents were murdered. I can’t help it as I start to cry again.

The two of them whisper quiet comforts into my ears as I shake and shudder. Whatever Willow did has worn off but she was right. Confiding in the two of them has helped. 

Sadly the mood from before has been broken, though what’s left is a sense of companionship and closeness that I never imagined I could have. We just lie together in the bed, all cuddled up together. Unlike the first night we shared the bed, this time there’s a warm bond between us. 

It’s been a long, long day and after Willow joins us, laying on top of me, the four of us drift into the best sleep I’ve ever had. 


We wake up around the same time. I’d had another dream about being in my tower with Willow working on my body. She tells me she’s almost done and that she’s going to set up the final steps today. I’m not sure what she means about that, but I opt not to press too much as I’m too busy enjoying the pile of softness I find myself in. 

None of us are in a hurry to get up, but eventually the call of nature forces us to untangle ourselves and take care of our morning business. 

My dick is fully gone. All that’s left is a little nubby clit. I can tell it’s not done yet, but it feels so nice to not have that fleshy mass hanging off me.

After cleaning up, Willow has me pass along to Summer that I’m going to need a lot of resources for the final step and so I’m going to need a lot to eat. 

My gorgeous chef girlfriend… Wait, is she my girlfriend now? I ask her and she giggles like it’s the dumbest question. She assures me she is, as does Felicia.

So weird.

Anyways, Summer makes a hearty meal for the three of us and once it’s done, Willow has me return to the bed. I’m curious what she has planned but she remains quiet for now. 

I just lay there quietly as Summer and Felicia watch over me. Finally Willow climbs onto the bed and into my view. She tells me to try and empty my mind as much as I can.

It’s not easy but eventually I apparently do well enough that the AI cat is satisfied and she jumps into my torso. 

My vision blanks out and suddenly I find myself lying in my bed in my tower. Those dreams of Willow tending to me, of changing my body weren’t just dreams. Somehow, despite the sheer impossibility of it, Willow is able to pull me into Lanadel without a network node. 

End Chapter 11

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