Witchbound Villain: Infinite Loop

0 – Nethermere Conquest

Three years ago, Nethermere’s skyline decided it was time for a change—a crack opened up in the sky, not for fresh air, but to introduce the local populace to their new neighbors: a legion of spaceships.

Yes, you read that right.

Not dragons, not flying chariots, but spaceships. Thousands of them, because well, quantity has a quality all its own.

These interstellar tourists came from what they deemed a “higher” civilization, with intentions to add Nethermere to their cosmic collection of conquered lands.

With technology so advanced it made quantum physics seem like toddler's babble, they traversed realms, searching for resource-rich mines as naturally as a river flows to the sea.

Their arsenal? Oh, just your everyday laser cannons, force fields capable of shrugging off nuclear explosions, and AI so smart it could outwit centuries of strategic military thinking.

They faced realms of all sorts, winning some over with the cunning of intergalactic salesmen and bulldozing others with the subtlety of a star going supernova.

For them, Nethermere, with its quaint medieval charm and technology so archaic it might belong in an ancient history museum (they say), felt like a stroll through a cosmic park.

"Crush and occupy," they declared. Straightforward strategy commenced—no need for underhanded methods when facing off against sword-swinging, horseback-riding folks, right?

But suddenly, their invasion ground to an abrupt halt, all thanks to a single man.

King Burn of Soulnaught Kingdom decided he wasn't in the mood for visitors.

Okay now, picture this: spaceships, engines humming with visions of new territories, suddenly blasted into cosmic fireworks. And the culprit?

A man with nothing but his bare fists, a bit of "cruel” magic, and also, well, probably a disdain for unwelcome house guests.

King Burn wasn’t just a man; he was a one-man army, a force of nature.

As these futuristic vessels crumbled under his might, you could almost hear the invaders' confidence shattering into a billion pieces.

Here was a guy who didn't need lasers or AI; he had his fists and spells that made their advanced weaponry look like toys. It was as if an ancient hero, usually seen brandishing a sword in myths, decided to show the universe what real power looked like.

So there they were, a civilization that had conquered realms, brought to their knees not by another advanced civilization, but by a single man from a world they deemed "primitive."


Just maybe, if that man hadn't been born, they would have 

That was, however, three years ago. It was a different story today. 

Thus, following Burn's cosmic reprimand, our gallant invaders experienced a lightbulb moment. Considering that using force was ineffective, it was necessary to implement "Plan B: Make Friends and Influence People... to Destroy Themselves." 

Clever, huh? Instead of employing laser guns, they exchanged grins and handshakes and concentrated on trading strategies. "We apologize for damaging your sky, but let's trade!" 

"We'll give you shiny tech gadgets in exchange for... well, the very fabric of your society." 

Their products were indeed too excellent to resist. 

Imagine having a hoverbike instead of a horse, a perpetual lightbulb in place of a candle, a fusion reactor installed in your ancient royal chariot, and armor with a built-in temperature control system. 

Is there anyone who could refuse? Not the aristocrats and nobility, who jumped at the chance to associate with these new, incredibly giving merchants.

The invaders whispered sweet nothings into the ears of the powerful, sowing seeds of distrust and ambition. "Did you see Lord So-and-So's new anti-gravity cloak? Bet you wish you had one. Maybe if you weren't such good friends with Duke What's-His-Name..."

And just like that, the powerful people of the land started eyeing each other like the last slice of cake at a birthday party. The once unified front against the invaders crumbled faster than a cookie in zero gravity.

In three short years, the land was rife with chaos, all because of a few well-placed bargains and baubles.

Let's give a round of applause to our space-faring friends, shall we?

They turned interstellar invasion into a masterclass in manipulation. Well, it wasn’t like they never did so before. It was just classic for experienced space invaders like them.

Who needs an all-out war when you can just get the locals to tear each other apart over the latest intergalactic knick-knacks? 

Bravo, invaders, bravo. You've successfully turned advanced conquest into the galaxy's longest and most absurd episode of "Pawn Stars."


"Do you think King Burn is... you know, a bit harsh?"

"What? He wasn't just harsh; I heard he killed his own brother in the civil war because the man dared to suggest a different wine for dinner! Well, maybe not just that, but I heard it was just over petty things!"

"Really? That's nothing. My cousin's friend told me Burn's cruelty knows no bounds. He banished his aide for buttoning his shirt wrong. Imagine, his aide!"

"Banished his aide? Come on, that's child's play. I heard from a reliable source that he threw a jester into the dungeon for being not funny. Said it was 'high treason against humor.'"

"No way! Well, did you know he outlawed sneezing within a hundred paces of him because he believes it steals his thoughts? That's why nobody dares to even sniffle at court!"

"That's utterly bizarre. But it makes sense. I heard he sleeps on a bed of swords to prove he's the toughest around. Claims it gives him 'dreams of steel.'"

"Do you think any of it's true?"

"Who knows? But it sure makes for a good tale. Just don't whisper too loud; the walls have ears, and they might just report back to our dear 'merciful' King Burn."

Oh, you would hope it was just these kinds of silly rumors. In truth, it wasn’t. Or to be certain, it started silly, and it became an image.

The reason for the civil war five years ago started to be questioned.

Everyone thought it was treason against the kingdom, but slowly, they started to think that it was rooted in how horrible of a king Burn was, and his brother wanted to take over the throne from him.

“Y… Your Majesty…”

“They even used my history with my brother, huh?” Burn, sitting on his throne, muttered.

Ranks of ministers, nobles, knights and aides kneeling in front of him in that opulent hall, drenched in sweat.

The man sitting on the throne sneered, “Reports have been quite interesting these days.”

King Burn lounged on his throne, eyeing the sea of kneelers before him.

No one had asked them to kneel, but there they were, sweat pooling, as if the floor had suddenly become the most fascinating aspect of the room.

‘Aaaah, today, the hall’s floor is so cold and refreshing, polished so meticulously that it was squeaky clean… kudos to the palace servants… fuck, I hope I can keep my head…’


All bodies stiffened as they heard their King shifted on his seat.


They heard their king chuckling! A goosebumps ran down their spine, simultaneously.

⁤"Gather round, folks, for the tale of how I, the 'Burn the villain,' apparently won the civil war by being mean to my brother. ⁤⁤Because, you know, no one's ever won a war being nice." ⁤

⁤There was silence in the room as everyone's ears were tuned to the sarcasm that was dripping from his words like honey. 

⁤"And then there are the space invaders. ⁤⁤Me? ⁤⁤I used a broom to simply chase them away. ⁤⁤I mean, that's how interplanetary wars get resolved, right? ⁤⁤A classic dust-up." ⁤

⁤He took a moment to process the ridiculousness. ⁤⁤"But oh, no, let's not talk about saving the world. ⁤⁤Let's gossip about how I supposedly throw people into dungeons for looking at me funny. ⁤⁤Because, clearly, that's the kind of thing that keeps me all giddy." ⁤

⁤The audience shuffled with nervousness. ⁤⁤No one dared to get up, their loyaltyᅳor maybe fearᅳanchoring them to the spot. ⁤

⁤"Now, I hear these delightful rumors are courtesy of our extraterrestrial friends. ⁤⁤Divide et impera, am I right? ⁤⁤Ohh, so classic." ⁤

⁤Burn's gaze swept over them, as cold and sharp as ever. ⁤⁤"So, here we are, playing into their hands, turning against each other over whispers and shadows. ⁤⁤Honestly, I expected better. ⁤⁤But hey, what do I know? ⁤⁤I'm just the tyrant on the throne." ⁤

⁤As he leaned back, a calm smirk played on his lips. ⁤⁤The message was clear: trust the rumors at your peril. ⁤⁤Not just his own nasty rumor, but any rumor. ⁤

⁤The hall was silent as they tread the line between rumor and reality, and the razor-thin ice upon which they all skated. ⁤

⁤THUD! ⁤

⁤As Burn's metal heel descended to the floor after he straightened his crossed legs, the court started to expect something. ⁤

⁤With a motion as methodical as the breaking of dawn, King Burn got up from his seat. ⁤

⁤Every heart stopped in mid-beat, every eye was fixated on him, and the quiet grew. ⁤⁤He spoke, his voice like a razor slicing through the tension, his sigh seeming to carry the weight of the entire universe. ⁤

⁤"Enough," he exhaled, his voice resonating against the gold and marble. ⁤⁤It was a straightforward statement that seemed to come straight from the gods. ⁤

⁤"It would be embarrassing to let these outsiders be. ⁤⁤No, it would be my shame," he said again, his tone nonchalant yet loaded with the kind of authority that overthrow murmurs and whispers. ⁤

He moved with a certainty that made it clear—this was not a mere shift in strategy; it was a declaration of war, but on his terms.

"Their game is clear," Burn announced, every syllable heavy with resolve, "and I intend to play. Not as a pawn, but as the sole player. Conquer? Yes, but it will be I who conquers."

The air in the hall turned electric, his advisors, ministers, and knights hanging on every word, witnessing the moment that would redefine the fate of their world.

"Soulnaught shall no longer be a mere kingdom," he proclaimed, his stance unwavering, the power of his presence undiminished. "From this day forth, it is an empire, and I, its emperor."

“And I declare war to take over the world before they can.”

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