Witchbound Villain: Infinite Loop

113 – Marionette

"Maybe I should tell Mama indeed.”

Matthew, Alan, and Blair looked at Yvain with curiosity. No one had ever raised an issue about the Vision Resonator, and even to Blair, the device seemed perfect for the test or Vision training.

"Why do I need to stay away from that device?" Blair asked.

"Isn't it good to be cautious?" Yvain smiled, making the other three blush. Why was this boy so charming? Was it because of his blonde hair? Or his blue eyes?

"For Vision users, memory and emotional stimulation can be dangerous. If someone has hidden trauma their brain forces them to forget or if there are repressed memories, their Vision could go haywire," Yvain explained.

"Everyone has something like that to some degree, so it's good to stay away from it," the boy sighed. He turned to Blair and continued, "Isn't it your turn to be tested now? May I watch?"

"Ah... I'm sure they'll let everyone here watch," Blair replied, feeling a bit flustered by his question. She knew he might've just wanted to be polite and continue their conversation, but she weirdly felt glad he asked.

"Then, please go on," Yvain said. "I can’t wait to see your magic."

Wasn’t it too good to be true?

This sweet and handsome, gentlemanly boy who came from nowhere had coincidentally bumped into her three times today—of course not. Blair wasn’t that stupid. He must have had something he wanted from her, someone from the palace.

Maybe he wanted to have a connection with her brother, the first prince.

This boy was a Sator, after all.

But why not?

Blair felt it was okay even if she wasn’t the one he was after and that he wanted something from her. Maybe because she was still a bit naive after all. She was still a child.

But just a little, for the first time ever, she was glad she was a princess. Albeit illegitimate and had nothing in common with any royalty other than having the name.

"O-okay, th-thanks, I mean, bye—I mean, s-see you later," Blair stumbled out her words before quickly heading toward the middle of the stadium.

Yvain watched her go with concern, muttering to himself, "She seems nervous. Even though she’s such a talented person… So why?"

Matthew and Alan glared at the boy, rolling their eyes in exasperation and shaking their heads.

‘It’s because of you, idiot!’ they thought.

“It’s quite a surprise that you know her. Well, she’s the first prince’s favorite sister, so it makes sense that you would want to get closer to her,” Alan remarked.

“It’s a great coincidence,” Yvain replied calmly. “But right now, I just want to see her magic.”

Yvain realized that there was no one in this place more talented in Vision than him. Yet, he felt drawn to Blair in a way he couldn't explain. There was something about her that intrigued him, something that pulled him towards her.

It must be her magic.

The lead examiner, a man of impeccable grooming despite the commotions around him, surveyed the eager faces of the participants gathered in the stadium.

"Dear participants," his voice boomed across the stadium, "It is time to witness the true power of Vision. We have among us a prodigious talent already graced by the Vision’s touch."

A murmur rippled through the crowd as all eyes turned to Blair Inkor, the princess of Inkia, a shy figure standing near the center of the arena.

“I bet she woke up one day and just decided to 'see’ the world in a different light. Someone from the palace is just different, huh," a snide remark floated through the crowd, the words dripping with sarcasm.

“I heard she was favored by the first prince.”

“She’s lucky she’s talented.”

“Illegitimate girl. When’s the queen planning on selling her in marriage?”


Blair, not oblivious to the hushed whispers around her, seemed lost in her thoughts as the examiner continued, "Our esteemed princess shall demonstrate the extent of her abilities for all to witness. Let us marvel at the prowess of one gifted with the Vision.”

As the event unfolded, Yvain watched Blair from afar, wondering what secrets lay beyond her meek facade. Matthew and Alan, on the other hand, exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a blend of curiosity and newfound respect.

“You can show us any magic spell you’ve learned, Your Highness. This is just a confirmation that you’ve truly manifested your Vision,” the examiner said. 

Although he had stated she could present any spell she had learned, there was an expectation for Blair to showcase her best spell.

She would still pass even if she only manifested a basic fire spell, but if she wanted to gain an advantage in the politics of the academy now, she must at least show the spell in which she was most confident.

Well, if she did too well, she would also stand out too much, and that wasn’t the goal either.

Maybe… just hide her power a little more—

She stopped thinking the moment she caught that boy’s eyes. Evan di Sator was looking at her from afar. Normally, if it was this far, she wouldn’t even be able to see him looking at her, but weirdly, she knew.

It felt like being judged. No… it felt like being thoroughly examined.

Why was it that even the eyes of the examiners weren’t as nerve-wracking as the eyes of a boy? It felt like watching into the eyes of a…


Yes. Similar to the look of her father—no, why was it even more… subtle and deeper than her father? He was just a boy!


Blair whispered her spell. She didn’t know what had possessed her, but she somehow chose to show her best spell.

A hush fell over the examination chamber.


“What is that—”

Crimson threads weaved a mesmerizing dance through the air, and hanging from them was a giant marionette of fine intricacy.


Arms, legs, head—

The puppet stood tall at 12 feet, its features exquisitely detailed but eerily lifeless. Suspended above, a massive hand of translucent magic moved with grace, manipulating the strings like a master puppeteer.

“Summoning magic? But… what is that? A giant wooden marionette puppet…”

The spectators, comprised of hundreds of other exam participants, gasped in unison as they witnessed Blair's mesmerizing display.

The examiner leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "What is this, Your Highness?"

Blair raised her head, her gaze fixed on the elegant puppet clad in a pristine white dress, wielding an oversized sword. "String golem, a creation I summoned.”

The puppet's movements were precise yet devoid of life, creating an uncanny aura in the stadium. The red strings pulsed with magic, each twitch controlling the puppet's every motion. It was a spectacle of both beauty and unease.




As the puppet danced in a silent performance, the examiner's skepticism melted into impressed awe. "Intriguing choice, Princess Blair."

Whispers of amazement rippled through the crowd, eyes widening in awe at the intricate marionette's movements.

“Kgh—” Blair suddenly grasped her neck. A thin mark was created, as if an invisible string was choking her. And the marks subtly appeared on both of her wrists too.

“Are you okay, Princess?” the examiner asked.

“This is enough, right?” Blair asked, her voice strained.

“Of course! You pass, Your Highness. Such incredible talent!” the examiner said gleefully.

Blair finally exhaled, the stress evaporating like mist on a sunny morning. With her release, the massive hand above gave up the ghost, a perfect disappearing act.

The crimson strings gracefully uncoiled, dancing in freedom before the colossal marionette dramatically crumbled to the earth in an act of final farewell. And just like that, the show was over for the puppet master, bowing out with a flair befitting the end of a tragicomic play.

“Congratulations, Your Highness! You passed as the best participant of the Vision Department test!” the examiner announced.


Blair looked up and around. Everyone was clapping at her as if she had just shown them such an entertaining performance. Ahh, so this was how it feels like being a circus animal. Well, this was just as expected.

But then, once again, she met with those eyes.



He wasn’t clapping.

Instead, he looked at her with widened eyes.

Yes. Evan di Sator looked incredibly shocked.









I really like your guesses about what the Vision Resonator will be used for :'v

To make it as a weapon or to create an army? Man, your minds are so cool.

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