Witchbound Villain: Infinite Loop

115 – Yvain’s Growth

As night fell over the Inkian Capital, a storm unlike any other began to brew. Dark clouds rolled in ominously, crackling with violent energy. Lightning split the sky, illuminating the silhouette of the two stadiums where the academy test had taken place earlier that day.

The wind howled a haunting melody, whipping through the empty streets and rattling windows with a menacing force.

As the rain began to pour in torrents, washing away the sins of the powerful and the weak alike, the storm seemed to mock the very foundations of the once-proud capital. It whispered in mocking tones, echoing the deceit and treachery that festered in the shadows of the city's elite.

Princess Nahwu followed the Force Department Rector, protesting all the way, “What do you mean that boy deserves the number one ranking compared to all the other participants?! He’s only just awakened his Force!”

The Force Department Rector and the lead examiners of the Force Department’s test sighed. “You fought him with everything you had. Four guided Force Arrows, and he won. And despite just awakening his Force as well.”

“But I heard he didn’t even answer all the questions in the written test!” Princess Nahwu protested again.

“From all 20 questions, he only answered 5 of them, but these 5 were the most important questions of them all. Not to mention he answered them in a creative and revolutionary way not even the professors could do,” Professor Lim Optro said.

“He’s the new genius. You need to stop and think for a second, Your Highness. This academy needs him,” the man said.

“But…!” Princess Nahwu couldn’t understand. “Are you just going to ignore how he bribed his way to enter the test? He’s not honest!”

“Did you forget how you got into this academy, Princess Nahwu?” Professor Lim inquired.

Princess Nahwu immediately fell silent.

“You gained entry through a special route because you're an elven princess. No exams required,” Lim sighed. “He's a prodigy, and he's someone important. The son of the Sator Family. So what if he paid more than the others? The academy is fortunate to have him.”

Nahwu couldn’t fathom being lumped together with some mere human commoner. She was on the verge of protesting when Lim anticipated her response.

“Calling it bribing is just a blunt way to put it. In truth, his father made a substantial donation to renovate the academy’s aging infrastructure,” Lim clarified.

He went on, “They have the means, so they support us. It was simply due to missing the admission deadline. And do you want to know why they missed it?”

Nahwu's eyes widened. “Why…?”

“His mother was suffering from a chronic illness for three years, only recently recovering. It was her wish for him to attend the academy, a wish he was hesitant to fulfill at first due to caring for his mother. Now, can we put this matter to rest?” Lim concluded, leaving Nahwu in a stunned silence.

Professor Lim couldn’t believe there was still an ignorant and naive princess in this place that no longer actually respected the sacred ground of knowledge, with politics as its new beating heart.

“Don’t just hang out with the friends who only want you to see one side of things. Not even the professors will always have the best of your interest. Open your eyes, Princess,” Lim said. “I will leave now. Be careful with the storm and don’t catch a cold.”

Lim Optro left the young princess alone in the corridor.

But Nahwu frowned. She felt something was wrong. She felt it in her spine, but she couldn’t understand why it bothered her so much. That boy was clearly cunning and manipulative from the way he acted, not like normal boys his age!

But why… Why was she the one who was wrong?

There must be something behind that Sator boy. She must find out!



The rain fell in torrents, the wind howled like a pack of hungry wolves, and lightning crackled across the sky with a flair that would make even the most seasoned playwright jealous.

Meanwhile, inside the lavish walls of Marquis Wilderwood's capital mansion, Burn found himself in the living room surrounded by boxes of supposedly top-notch long swords procured by his underlings.

Four shiny swords stood before him, each one gleaming with the false promise of greatness. Burn eyed them with a mix of disdain and amusement, realizing that none of them even came close to matching the caliber of his previous sword, let alone his own lofty standards.

With a hum, Burn inspected the blades like a discerning art critic at a flea market, finding fault in every curve and edge. It was clear to him that these swords were like cheap imitations in a world of fine art, lacking the finesse and grace that he so desperately sought.

“The balance is awful, the weight is… laughable. One is even tilted,” he sighed.

Amidst the chaos of the storm outside, the Marquis's mansion seemed to resonate with Burn's sarcastic musings and exasperated sighs.

As Burn scrutinized the disappointing array of swords before him, his subordinates found themselves kneeling on the ground, desperately racking their brains for ways to satisfy his elusive standards.

It was the first time they saw him, none other than Morgante di Sator, the current absolute owner of the Sator Merchant Group, a shadowy figure shrouded in mystery.

It was a realization that sent a chill down their spines, as they had never before encountered someone so formidable and intimidating. (Burn)Morgante's presence alone seemed to cast a dark cloud over the room, his silent scrutiny instilling a sense of unease in even the most confident of souls.

Much, much worse than the storm outside!

The subordinates exchanged nervous glances, realizing too late that their attempts to please this enigmatic figure may have been in vain.

As they knelt before him, they couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping in, as if they were at the mercy of a true master of manipulation and power.

The facade of bravado and arrogance they had worn melted away in the face of (Burn)Morgante's steely gaze, revealing the raw vulnerability that lay beneath.

In that moment, they understood the true meaning of fear, a realization that dawned on them like a dark revelation. (Burn)Morgante di Sator was not just a man to be appeased; he was a force to be reckoned with, a figure whose very presence could strike terror into the hearts of those who dared to cross his path.

“Baby Tiger~ My Gorgeous Kitty Lord Husband~”

Everyone plus (Burn)Morgante spat out blood, their eardrums imploded in rainbows and glitters.

A beautiful—devilishly, sinfully beautiful woman with long black hair and a sultry white dress pulled a blonde boy inside. She, the Eve of Hell’s most debauched, lascivious palace, had ruined the vibe once more.

“Look, Papa~ our Evan is so tall now that he’s almost my height! It seems awakening his Force gave him looooots~ of charm, right? Right, baby bird, mm~ baby love bird~”

“Bunny, stop. Your voice and words of choice will give these men orgasms,” Burn said.

Morgan groaned—“But you said—”

“Don’t mention what I said to you in the heat of the moment last night. What? What do you want now?” Burn sighed.

“Well, it’s time for you to give our baby your promised reward, right? I’ve given him all the clothes in his new measurements. Now’s your turn!” Morgan said.

Yvain, the handsome blonde boy, stepped forward. “I’m ready for your Force magic, Papa.”

Burn looked straight at Yvain, knowing that the boy had made such an outstanding achievement. Not only did he pass the academy’s Force Department’s test, he was able to awaken his Force too.

“And also… because I’m able to awaken my Force in the process, I want one more reward,” Yvain said.

Burn hummed, thinking in silence for a moment. “Alright. Before that, choose any of these swords. Not this tilted one,” he kicked away one of the boxes.

Yvain looked at the swords, and thought, “Which one can I also use as a Vision Magic’s staff?”

Morgan and Burn raised their eyebrows at his question.

“I think… my Force awakening had something to do with my Vision…”







Okay, the answer to my question yesterday is Vlad! Not the young king crown prince they rescued from Elysian, and not Morgan. If you remember, Morgan hadn't found her specialty yet and the young crown prince had just awaken his Vision and manifesting his first spell (basic fire spell).

Can you guess what exactly Vlad's Vision specialty is?

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