Witchbound Villain: Infinite Loop

137 – Role Model

“In the past, mana poisoning was pretty straightforward. Everyone would get cursed just by coming into contact with it. So, how do you control the target?” 

“Just like normal magic, it’s safe to say that corrupt mana has also evolved over the last 500 years. If whoever was studying it took their time, they could probably learn to control it,” they replied.

“Without turning into a demon?” 

Morgan sighed as she listened to the mythical creatures trying to make sense of it all. She had the same debate in her mind the moment she realized it was corrupted mana.

“The idea of a curse is closely tied to magic, but it comes with some serious side effects. It makes sense to assume there’s a new Demon Lord on the way,” Morgan said.

Everyone turned to her, and she continued with a question, “Does anyone here know of any suspicious activity happening around the world? We need clues.”

“Your Holiness, most of us live in a very secluded community. I imagine they are more active in human society, as it would be easier for them to manipulate humans through other humans,” Wekkoun replied.

“That’s a fair point, but even I have some connections in human society. Nothing seemed off in the last 500 years,” Morgan countered.

Tashr shook her head. “Your Holiness, the connections you mentioned were through the Edensworn Royal Family. They…”

“But even if they couldn’t see anything before their unfortunate end…” Morgan paused. “…Velaryon?”

A flicker of realization sparked in Morgan’s eyes, but just as quickly, she dismissed the thought with a shake of her head.

“I still need to investigate further. Anyway, there’s an order of urgency,” Morgan said, noticing Burn approaching them.

He looked visibly pissed as he re-entered the assembly hall. Turning to Isaiah the dragon, he asked, “Should we go now?”

“Yes, verily. Pray, allow me to behold these young dragons forthwith,” Isaiah declared, turning his attention to the trio of dragonlings—Nayanika, Undagi, and Rinai—two of whom were blissfully unconscious while the other looked like she had just survived a natural disaster.

Nayanika protested, “I just—want to join the fun! AAAAH!”

She screamed as Isaiah grabbed her horn and yanked her out of the assembly hall.

“Let’s try to make Shorof take over the direct care of the world tree. Exposure to abundant holy magic and pure mana might help. We already know how to make purifying elixirs too. And if Master Eos agrees, her recovery can be accelerated,” Morgan suggested.

Tashr and Eos nodded.

“Thank you, Your Holiness,” Tashr said.

Eos the Alicorn chimed in, nodding his single horned equine head, “I’ll be glad to help.”

Morgan then turned to Vlad and his daughter, who had been quieter than a librarian in a ghost town the entire time. She smiled, and the vampire smiled too.

“We debated what kind of person you are, even guessing that you are like Edw*rd C*ll*n. But honestly, you look more like Bella Sw*n,” Morgan quipped, clearly enjoying the look of confusion on her face.

“COUGH!” Burn and Wekkoun nearly choked on their breathing.

Salsabella gasped, her excitement at an all-time high. “Oh! I know the reference!” she exclaimed. “And my name is Bella too!”

Burn and Wekkoun turned sideways, their lips twitching in a desperate attempt to suppress laughter while Grumbletoe stood behind the dwarf king, quietly reconsidering his career choices.

“I’ve always been a huge fan, Your Holiness,” Salsabella declared. “I am deeply inspired by your serial child rapist hunt event two hundred years ago.”

“Oooh, right. Who doesn’t bond over charming anecdotes like that?” Burn muttered, and Wekkoun’s spit entered his lungs.

Morgan raised her eyebrows, her expression still warm and kind, but pretty clearly bewildered. “My what?”

Salsabella launched into her recollection. “That one time you asked Father to hunt a child rapist using his mind-reading magic, but then he discovered there was a veritable buffet of them, and you enlisted the vampires to capture them all for an entire year?” 

“Ah, that,” Morgan sighed dramatically. “What a wonderful memory.”

“I’m sure it is!” Salsabella chuckled. "It's too bad I wasn't born yet!"

Morgan glanced at Vlad, who shook his head tiredly.

"That’s why I carried on my own rapist hunt! I’ve expanded the target to include not only child rapists but also regular rapists,” she smiled brightly, showing her fangs to everyone present.

Morgan raised her eyebrows. “Did you learn the mind-reading spell too?”

Salsabella nodded, “Yes. Ah, I don’t know what punishment you gave the rapists you captured two hundred years ago, but I created my own!"

The other mythical community leaders, who were chatting with themselves started to turn in her direction, intrigued by the topic.

"If I tell you how I punish those rapists now, will you tell me in detail how you punished them in the past?" Salsabella asked.

“Sure, I’ll tell you,” Morgan answered.

The young woman with brown hair and red eyes beamed, “I threatened to amputate their fingers, toes, and limbs one by one and made them watch as their body parts were consumed by pigs, unless they fucked those pigs before an agreed-upon time ran out, ‘Bl*ck M*rror’ style!”

The hall fell silent.

The vampire looked straight at Morgan, her eyes excited, expecting praise.

“Hmm,” Morgan nodded. “I understand the reference.”

“That’s all you’re going to say?” Burn interjected.

“I mean, why would you abuse those pigs?” Morgan smiled in disappointment. “You should’ve used goblins, not pigs. Those little demons raid villages and rape women as well.”

Salsabella gasped. "I-is that how you punished them 200 years ago?"

Morgan shook her head. "200 years ago, I still had a similar mindset to yours. I created a spherical vacuum around their assholes with magic and put a rat inside. I heated the vacuum and agitated the rat, forcing it to dig its way out through their assholes."

"Oh, like rats in a heated bucket, but with magic?" Salsabella asked gleefully.

"Yes. After that, though, I felt bad for the rats and used zombified rats I found in corrupted lands instead," Morgan said with a smile. "Let’s not use pure animals for this kind of thing again."

"Yes, Your Holiness! I won’t use innocent animals anymore!" Salsabella vowed.

The people in the assembly were speechless, completely oblivious to the fact that Isaiah had returned and was eavesdropping on this ridiculous exchange.

The dragon ambled over to Tashr and whispered, “We ought to raise our young ones with greater care—like unto Miss Salsabella. Thy daughters and mine own younglings truly should take heed from her example.”

Tashr flinched, realizing that, among the youths, only Vlad’s daughter had garnered Morgan’s precious approval, while her own daughter, Nahwu, was busy being a pawn for their foes, and Nayanika?

Well, she just wanted to win the award for 'Best Mischief Maker.'

“You are absolutely right, Lord Isaiah,” Tashr replied in agreement.

Burn sharply turned to them, eyes narrow. “No, you definitely shouldn’t use Miss Bella as a role model.”








It really had been unexpectedly busy these days. My parents called me back home for some family matters, and in addition to the 5-hour train ride, my motorbike chain suddenly came off in the middle of the busy road when I was going to the train station. I kinda almost died. Thankfully, it didn't snap yet— 

I hitchhiked to the station, caught the train, and got home safely. Maybe God wants me to finish this novel after all!

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