Witchbound Villain: Infinite Loop

19 – Blessing

As the laser beams from the battle mech armors seared the twilight sky, the Soulnaught army responded with a display of tactical brilliance.

Across the battlefield, rows of knights stood shoulder to shoulder, their armor glinting under the waning light. Each knight raised a hand towards the sky, palms outward, channeling their Force. 

A shimmering barrier sprung to life, emanating from the gathered ranks. It was as if the very air thickened, woven by invisible threads of raw energy harnessed from the depths of their collective resolve.

The barrier spread like a protective canopy across the land, a glowing dome that reflected the menacing red of the lasers overhead.

This magical shield pulsed with the heartbeat of the army, each wave of energy rippling across its surface absorbing the laser's fierce assault with a resonant hum.

The sight was mesmerizing—a dance of light and power where the raw force of technology met the steadfast spirit of an age-old magic.

As lasers struck the barrier, brilliant sparks showered like a meteor rain, casting a surreal glow over the battlefield. The knights, rooted in their resolve, stood firm, their faces set in grim determination, safeguarding their land against this storm of modern fury.

Well, it was to be expected for the Soulnaught empire. They were still one of the strongest armies in the entire world after all.

Although it was eclipsed by the strength of their supreme commander, Emperor Burn, they never slacked in their training, and were occasionally trained by Burn himself…

…like today.

“STAND STRONG, KNIGHTS!” the commander's voice thundered across the ranks, rallying the troops.

“WE CAN HOLD THIS LINE!” another bellowed in response, reinforcing their resolve.

“I-I can’t… the lasers are too strong…” a young knight stammered, overwhelmed by the power he faced.

“THEY’RE STRONGER THAN ANY WE'VE SEEN BEFORE!” confirmed a veteran, his tone edged with urgency.

“HOLD YOUR GROUND, DO NOT FALTER!” came the commanding shout, pushing them to maintain their defense.

“I’m new… I’m sorry…” muttered a fresh recruit, his voice nearly lost in the chaos.


“HIS MAJESTY WARNS OF TWO MORE ASSAULTS! PREPARE FOR ANOTHER ROUND!” relayed an officer, his words slicing through the air with sharp precision, preparing them for the continuing onslaught.






“Good work, Galahad. You took care of our army well,” Burn praised. “They held up well.”

“T-thank you, Your Majesty…”

Galahad's entire frame shook with the immense burden he bore. Despite the collective might of the knights, each channeling their Force to fortify the group, Galahad stood as the linchpin of their defense.

His own Force, more potent and expansive than any other, spread out far and wide, creating a vast shield that enveloped his comrades.

This protective dome was the primary barrier against the relentless barrage, with Galahad at its core, channeling his energy to safeguard the lives depending on him.

“Three attacks had been launched. This is my turn now,” Burn said.

Burn jumped to the sky.

The twenty shiny new battle mech armors were each powered by a miniature fusion reactor that promised all the razzle-dazzle of modern warfare technology.

With the ability to fire ten consecutive laser beams that could dazzle and destroy, these mechs were the envy of every warmonger with a penchant for overkill.

However, like an overeager sprinter who dashes too fast too soon, these metallic beasts had their limits.

After their impressive display of pyrotechnics, the mechs needed a little downtime. They were akin to high-powered athletes who, after a spectacular performance, must retreat to their fancy cooling tents.

The reactors, having thrown a temper tantrum of nuclear proportions, would overheat, making any further action a risky proposition.

With a third of their fuel depleted—a pricey sip of their atomic cocktails—the mechs would then sulk in a mandatory cool-off period.

During this time, they resembled nothing more than oversized lawn ornaments, requiring a bit of setup before they could stumble to their feet again.

Truly, Velaryon had bought himself an armada of capricious prima donnas of the battlefield, each as high-maintenance as they were destructive.

Thus, a seasoned commander would’ve saved these ten consecutive laser beams for the end of their battle as a their trump card.

Playing it as their first move… Well, if they went against some random army, they might be able to eliminate them all…

But they were fighting against Soulnaught—and Emperor Burn, in flesh.

“It’s all thanks to my knowledge from the other loops…”

Burn was the one who defended against these mechs in his previous loops. But now, he decided to make sure his army could also gain benefits from it.

For the experience… and training.

“Today, my army can defend against three consecutive beams. I’ll make sure they’ll be able to defend against ten beams next time.”


Landing on a transparent platform he created with his force, Burn stood to defend against another seven consecutive laser beams.


With each concentrated fury of atomic fire, the beams surged toward him. Burn raised his hand, his golden eyes shone even brighter than the power of the shooting stars launching at him.

“Such a waste of energy… should I just… absorb it?” Burn muttered.



Each beam that struck him was met with a barrier of shimmering energy that he not only resisted but began to draw into himself, storing the vast power within.

Then, it was the creation of the sun.

Absorbing the relentless heat of the laser beams, an awe-inspiring transformation unfolded before the witnesses.

A swirling mass of gas and dust, reminiscent of the ancient solar nebula, began to coalesce and collapse under the sheer force of its own new-found gravity.

With each beam Burn absorbed, the cloud spun faster, flattening into a vast, spinning disk—a cosmic dance of energy and matter playing out in the midst of battle.

With a masterful display of his Force abilities, Burn orchestrated this celestial phenomenon, guiding the bulk of this frenzied energy toward the disk’s center.

There, it condensed into a nascent sun, a marvel of compressed energy so potent and yet so controlled that its immense heat became undetectable to all but Burn.

He enveloped this miniature sun with his Force, containing its power as effortlessly as one might cradle a bird in their hands.

This tiny orb of a sun, glowing fiercely yet contained, held the might of seven laser beams—a testament to Burn’s formidable power and his mastery over the forces both of magic and the cosmos.

It floated before him, a surprisingly—”Easy feat,” he whispered.

Velaryon's son watched from his fortress, his initial smugness fading into a mix of horror and disbelief. His hands clenched into fists, his confident facade crumbling as he witnessed the unexpected turn of events.

Around him, his army shared in his shock, their morale faltering as they watched their formidable weapon turned into a mere tool for their adversary's empowerment.

Meanwhile, the Soulnaught army erupted in cheers and shouts of admiration. Their emperor, a lone figure against a backdrop of destructive force, was transforming what should have been their doom into his own reservoir of power.

Their faces lit up with renewed vigor and awe, rallying behind Burn with a fervor that echoed across the battlefield. The sight of their leader, undaunted and ever-powerful, infused them with a fierce pride and a surge of confidence in their cause and capabilities.

But also…



“What kind of power is that…?!”

Galahad was one of them, who couldn’t help but to smile tiredly. “A hundred thousand men can only defend against three attacks… but he…”

To Burn, the seven laser beams were mere trifles. They were playthings, hardly worthy of his formidable strength. He toyed with them effortlessly, absorbing their energy as easily as one might take a toy from a child.

Galahad clenched his jaw, a smile breaking through. "God in the heavens... thank you for blessing us with such a formidable emperor to protect us."

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