Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 119 Mutated Heart

At this time, the new fishman prophet Fingart walked into the stilt house, and then stood at Richard's door and bowed respectfully to report:

"Master, there is a mutant crab demon, which was discovered by the warriors of our tribe. Its current location is in a cave in the Gray Fern Wilderness."

"Hey! You guys have found rare monsters like the mutant crab demon? Well done!" Richard looked happy and said happily.

You must know that the Heart of the Mutated Crab Demon is the main raw material for another top-secret recipe for blind fishmen - the Mutated Heart.

The "Blind Clan Potion Making Manual" records a total of eleven potion formulas, seven of which are only effective for fishmen, and four of which are effective for all races.

Among these four, the two most valuable formulas are the Golden Horned Frog Egg and the Mutated Heart.

Of course, to make [Mutated Heart], you also need the combination of precious auxiliary materials such as Troll Mantis Eyes. In addition, the difficulty of making the Mutated Heart is only higher than that of golden horned frog eggs.

Of course, the effect is equally better.

In fact, it is not easy to compare the two directly.

Because the Golden Horned Frog Egg increases the affinity of the dark element, while the Mutated Heart increases the mental aptitude.

According to the fishman's handbook, the mutated heart can slightly improve mental qualifications. As for how much this small amount is, there is no specific quantitative statement in the handbook.

10% is a small range, and 15% can also be said to be a small range.

But this is not the key, because Richard will not let go of any potion that can improve the wizard's qualifications!

After all, after having the inspiration panel, his wizard qualifications were his only shortcoming.

Half an hour later, Richard, surrounded by a group of heavily armed murlocs, charged toward the cave where the mutated crab demon was.

Since the last time, Richard has repeatedly shown his power when killing the Demon Horned Frog, which has made Richard, an outsider, rapidly improve his status in the hearts of the fish-men warriors.

Although Richard was just a "wandering wizard" who was "employed" by his tribe's prophet to help hunt monsters, his powerful strength made ordinary fishmen warriors admire Richard.

Because, Richard's miraculous witchcraft allowed the blind mermaid tribe to gain a lot when hunting devil horned frogs.

This made the mid-level and high-level murloc warriors in the murloc tribe gradually develop a good impression of Richard, especially the devil horned frogs that had a good harvest last time, which reminded them that when the last murloc prophet was around, the blind The tribe is also so powerful.

In the eyes of ordinary fish-men warriors, those who have strength and help them, regardless of whether they are fish-men or not, are worthy of respect.

Especially because of the appearance of Richard, the casualties of ordinary soldiers like them were greatly reduced.

Along the way, some blind beasts appeared, and in an instant, they became the team's collection.

Among them, there was one that looked like a honey badger, an alien version of "Flat-Headed Brother". After seeing a huge lineup of forty or fifty fishmen, he actually dared to charge forward and attack. It was really crazy.

This also made Richard sigh that there are such creatures that are not afraid of death everywhere.

A few seconds later, a dead "flat-head brother" appeared on the wooden stick carried by a fish-man warrior.

About an hour later, everyone arrived at the door of a cave that was at least four to five meters high, surrounded by the remains of beasts of all sizes.

When the fishmen warriors had just formed their formation and prepared for battle, the creatures in the cave seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

At this time, I heard gusts of fishy wind coming out of the cave. After a while, I saw a huge, strange-looking terrifying monster crawling out of it.

The monster's tall and ferocious appearance immediately caused many ordinary fishmen warriors to change their expressions and take two steps back involuntarily.

This is the mutant crab demon, which is a large monster that looks like a hybrid between a spider and a crab. It is six meters wide and more than three meters high.

Judging from the size alone, it has surpassed the shell-backed octopus that Richard killed before, which is also a large monster.

It's a pity that the Soul-Eating Demonic Spider is now on his shoulder, and the shell-backed octopus from before has been stored and refrigerated in the cellar of the Blind Murloc Tribe as blood food.

The Soul-Eating Demonic Spider cannot leave the body it hosts for too long. A series of organic matter such as proteins in the body will change its properties, making it impossible to control the body again.

Last time, Richard let the Soul-Eating Demonic Spider crawl out of the Octopus Backshell and enter the body of the fishman Dibu. After reading Dibu's memory, because he had been away from the Octopus Backshell Corpse for too long, It is no longer controllable.

Otherwise, you can still see the battle scene between two large monsters.

The mutant crab demon is covered with a dark green hard carapace. The surface of the carapace is also covered with dense spikes. It has four pairs of jointed limbs and a pair of exaggeratedly huge pincers.

The hard carapace is invulnerable and immune to most physical damage, which makes the mutant crab demon extremely difficult to kill, and ordinary fish-men warriors probably cannot even pierce its carapace with one blow.

At this moment, the mutant crab demon seemed very angry that a group of ants were surrounding his door.

After making two sharp warning sounds, "嗗嗗", it looked like the ants hadn't dispersed yet. The next second, it rushed towards the many murloc warriors.

Four pairs of arthropods, that is, eight blade legs, moved very fast. A dark green shadow flashed past, and the mutant crab demon rushed away, and several murloc warriors at the front of the queue flew away.

"Whoa! Whoa!" The mutant crab demon also used its huge pair of pincers to cut off the two fish-men warriors who were flying into the air!

Suddenly, a rain of blood fell down along with the internal organs.

This terrifying lethality immediately demoralized the ordinary fish-man warriors, and they all looked frightened. If it weren't for the mid-level and high-level fish-man warriors holding the line, they would have fled in all directions.

Before coming, the blind fishman tribe was also prepared. Each ordinary fishman warrior prepared a long wooden pole as thick as a bowl, more than three meters long, with one end sharpened.

But at present, this attack only causes a little trouble for the mutant crab demon. It can't even pierce the thorny carapace, it just leaves some more white spots!

Richard watched the mutant crab demon, after repelling a high-level fishman warrior, rely on its huge advantage in size to wreak havoc among the fishmen. He immediately frowned and thought to himself:

"The strength of this mutant crab demon is a bit beyond expectations. It is even more powerful than the shell-backed octopus. Even a third-level wizard apprentice will not be able to defeat it.

We can't let it attack anymore, otherwise, even if we win, most of the fishmen tribe's warriors will be killed or injured.

I originally thought of letting the murloc warriors consume its energy first, but now it seems that I have to take action! "

Richard lightly pointed the Bone Summoning Staff in his hand, and a huge round light green magic circle appeared on the ground, and four skeleton summons crawled out of it.

This time, Richard only summoned one skeleton archer, and the other three chose skeleton guardians holding swords and shields.

As soon as the three skeleton guardians appeared, they followed Richard's instructions and rushed towards the mutant crab demon together.

After giving himself a dark element shield and bone armor, Richard began to recite the spell.

Suddenly, a cloud of gray mist and a cloud of black mist descended on the head of the mutant crab demon one after another, immediately slowing down its movement speed and its attack speed. It was the two zero-level witchcraft that Richard had performed in succession. Slowness and Weakness.

The three sword and shield skeletons also rushed to the mutant crab demon at this moment and started fighting with it.

However, the huge difference in size means that the three of them cannot persist for long, and they are knocked away from time to time!

"Fingart, use acid splash to lower its defense!"

A few seconds later, Fingart's zero-level witchcraft acid splash, a large ball of pungent green liquid, poured onto the mutant crab demon.

Suddenly, a corrosive sound of "嗗嗗嗗!" sounded, which made the mutant crab demon feel severe pain for the first time!

Looking at the opponent's originally hard and spiny carapace, it was filled with pits and its defense was greatly reduced.

Richard looked happy and immediately used his secret technique to possess the skeleton. He possessed the skeleton archer. He took out the arrows that had been prepared and tied with the Dancing Star of Fire and the Dust of Silver Moon. He continuously used multiple shots to attack. The corrupted area of ​​the mutant crab demon!

Just hearing the violent explosion of "Boom, boom, boom!", the mutant crab demon was immediately enveloped in strong fire and black smoke.

The next second, a scream echoed throughout the entire venue, coming from the center of the venue. Many fish-men warriors were hit by this terrifying sound wave so much that their eardrums were ruptured, and they fell to the ground holding their heads in pain.

The mutant crab demon was also severely injured by Richard this time!

The carapace, which was originally corroded by the acid, experienced the violent explosion of the Dancing Fire Star mixed with the dust of the Silver Moon. No matter how strong it was, it could no longer withstand it at this moment.

Large areas of the corroded area on the body have been shattered, and streams of dark green body fluid are gurgling out.

At this moment, the angry mutant crab demon was raising its two crab eyes, staring at the skeleton archer not far away.

It’s this guy, it hurts so much when he ejaculates!

The next second, the mutant crab demon rushed towards the skeleton archer with all its strength!

Richard reacted extremely quickly and immediately put a dark element shield on his skeleton archer who was attracting firepower.

The master-level dark element shield takes only 0.2 seconds to cast.

Double pincer combo!

In an instant, the mutant crab demon quickly waved its huge pair of pincers, bringing out several afterimages!

"Crack, click, click!"

After several consecutive blows like a whirlwind of giant pincers, the skeleton archer was no longer human, and was broken into three pieces. The hard white bones on his body were also shattered on the ground.

"Hiss! The attack power of these two pairs of pliers is simply terrifying! The dark element shield at the master level can only withstand it for two times before it breaks." Richard looked shocked and thought to himself.

However, this is obviously some kind of special ability of the mutant crab demon. It cannot be used continuously and requires charging.

After a while, it was once again surrounded by three skeleton guardians, accompanied by attacks from mid- to high-level fishmen warriors. The battle situation became tense for a while.

"Fingart, continue spraying acid and attack its injured area!"

While Richard warned Fingart, he himself used the Grasp of Shadow, which is the most powerful zero-level witchcraft he has mastered.

"Zizzi!" Another violent corrosive sound came. This time, the mutant crab demon saw that it was the guy with the fish bone staff attacking it.

But there are a few little bugs around it that keep harassing it, which is really annoying!

Suddenly, the mutant crab demon raised its pair of giant pincers!

"No! Get out of the way!" Richard yelled immediately, but as soon as he finished speaking, he realized that the fish people might not understand what he was shouting.

"Boom!" The pair of giant pincers hit the ground hard, with the impact point as the center of the circle. The ground suddenly cracked deeply, and the shock wave instantly formed concentric circles and spread to all sides.

The originally calm ground around him, under the impact of circles of energy ripples, is now turning over like an earth dragon, and is as soft as noodles.

Immediately, the skeleton guardian and several mid- to high-level fish-men warriors closest to it became unstable and were knocked into the air, all of them injured.

The ordinary fishmen warriors further away also staggered in an instant, became unstable and lay on the ground.

In an instant, the mutant crab demon stretched out its two pincers like lightning and pinched Richard's two skeleton guardians in mid-air, including their shields and bones, into two pieces!

The fierce power is unparalleled!

Just as the mutant crab demon was sweeping the surroundings, it was about to launch a sprint at Fingart.

A large hand of dark elements with a diameter of more than two meters suddenly appeared and grabbed its broken carapace so fast that it didn't even react.

This is exactly the grip of shadow after using the secret technique of latent shadow. The big hand of dark elements suddenly disappears in the shadow, and then suddenly appears again from behind, often catching the opponent off guard.

I saw the dark element's big hand, under the control of Richard, as flexible as a human hand, deeply inserted into the broken part of the mutated crab demon's carapace, and took it out hard!

It’s an alien version of the “black tiger’s heart-plucking” move!

The next second, a large pool of internal organs was taken out by the dark element controlled by Richard.

No matter how strong the mutant crab demon's body was, it could not sustain such an injury with its internal organs almost hollowed out. It suddenly let out a miserable cry and collapsed to the ground.

[Energy found to be absorbed, yes/no? 】


[Acquire 8239 points of energy. 】

"Hiss! The mutant crab demon is really tyrannical. The amount of energy points it gave him should be the most in history!" Richard murmured.

Seeing that the murloc warriors seemed to be planning to step forward and carry away the mutant crab demon, Richard changed his mind and quickly whispered to Fingart:

"This mutant crab demon will stay here. It will be of great use to me. Just tell me that I want to transform into a walking corpse so that the mutant crab demon can help fight."

So, Richard pretended to draw a complicated six-pointed star array under the mutant crab demon, as if he was performing a zombie transformation ritual.

In fact, Richard secretly released the Soul-Eating Demon Spider and let it crawl into the body of the mutant Crab Demon to possess it, thereby disguising itself as a walking corpse.

As the soul-eating demon spider began to devour the soul of the mutant crab demon, Richard once again tasted the ecstasy!

However, it seems that in terms of the soul energy fed back, the effect of the mutant crab demon is not as strong as that of the brain-eating monster.

Thinking about it, this probably has something to do with the fact that one uses his brain more and the other uses his body more.

After a while, the mutant crab demon stood up unsteadily.

This immediately made the surrounding fishmen warriors cheer.

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