Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 13 Gray Wood Short Bow (please follow up)

After Ram finished explaining the points, Richard had not yet spoken.

Andrea seemed to be keenly aware of something and asked: "Richard, you have just arrived, why do you think of asking about points? Could it be that the beautiful woman just invited you to go on a mission together?"

"Wow, no, Richard, you came more than a month later than us, are you going to do tasks in the wild to earn points? So envious!" Courtney, the beauty Ram was pursuing, also said with envy.

Although the tone was slightly exaggerated, it also seemed to indicate that none of the people present had ever done any missions in the wild.

"Hey, haven't you guys been there?" Richard saw that he couldn't hide it any more, so he stopped denying it.

As long as he doesn't tell you the specific content of the mission, it probably doesn't matter much.

"Of course, I'm new here and haven't learned a single trick yet. Now it's too dangerous for us to do missions in the wild! I envy you because you have a beautiful senior to guide you." Stephana teased with a smile.

"It's not that you can't go now, but generally speaking, after a month or two, when some people have learned the tricks, our freshmen will slowly start to form a team to complete tasks, so as to complete the 30 points in half a year. Assessment requirements." Andrea explained.

"Yes, the first half of the year is the easiest. It only takes 30 points, and you can basically complete three or five tasks. So in the early stage, everyone will spend time practicing meditation and magic." Ram added.

Not long after lunch ended, Richard was in the dormitory and received a short bow and a bag of black-feathered arrows specially sent by Senior Sister Mei Luo.

This short bow is said to be made of ash wood, an extremely tough wood from the southern part of the mainland, and the bowstring is made from the sinews of swamp oxen.

He originally thought that this bow was used by Mei Luo-senpai herself, but as soon as he pulled the bow string, he realized that he was wrong, and how wrong it was.

Because he had used at least 70% of his strength just now, but he still couldn't draw this small short bow to the full string.

When Richard came back to his senses, he was greatly surprised. You must know that he has quasi-knight level strength!

Richard looked carefully at the dusty short bow in his hand.

Soon, he discovered that this humble-looking short bow was really well-made, especially the bow string, which must have been made from the sinews or hoof tendons of a barbarian ox, and its elasticity was astonishing.

It seems that what Senior Sister Mei Luo said is true. If it were made of ordinary beef tendon, he could easily draw the bow to full capacity with 50% of his strength.

For a moment, with a good bow in hand, Richard was in a good mood. He couldn't help but want to try his hand. He immediately pulled out a black-feathered arrow, placed it on the bow string, and made a gesture of drawing the bow and shooting an arrow.

[It was discovered that the host was using a crossbow. Did/does it consume energy and gain inspiration for using the crossbow? 】

Seeing the system prompts, Richard hesitated for a moment.

After looking at the remaining 100 points of energy, he originally wanted to use these energy in the "Rodrigo Meditation Method", but unexpectedly, he couldn't get started in a short time and needed to learn prerequisite courses.

But he was going to perform a mission in the wild tomorrow, and it seemed unnecessary for him to save energy points.

Because if everything goes well, he can get more energy points tomorrow.

If there is an accident, everything will be lost, and it will be a waste to keep energy points.

There is a saying in the past life that one of the most painful things in life is "when people die, money is not spent!"

Now that he decided to use it, Richard thought for a moment and considered that he would be a long-range shooter tomorrow, so he would definitely add a crossbow! Even adding a crossbow has the smallest improvement.

So, Richard firmly dragged the slider to the far right and selected "Yes!"

Suddenly, Richard's soul was quickly pulled into the dream space as before, and possessed a figure. He held a short gray wooden bow in his left hand, pulled out black-feathered arrows in his right hand, and started shooting quickly.

Every arrow shot gave Richard a lot of insights into how to control the gray wood short bow for shooting.

But the difference this time is that he has already preset in his mind that the target of the enemy tomorrow will be numerous black widow spiders, so his arrows must be shot quickly and accurately!

In contrast, strength is not that important.

Because Mei Luo said that these black widow spiders are just ordinary beasts.

With the sinew string of the gray wood short bow, he only needed to pull out half of it to cause fatal damage to the black widow spider.

Under the guidance of this concept, Richard was inspired!

A series of actions such as drawing an arrow, drawing the bow, aiming, and shooting are done in one go. The speed is getting faster and faster, almost reaching the level of one arrow in half a second!

With full concentration, time in the dream almost flies by.

When Richard came to his senses again, a line of text prompts came into view!

【Ding! The host understands the secret skill: short bow rapid fire]

This is when Richard looked at the skills column in the panel again:

[Skills]: Clavel Breathing (Proficient 2%), Conel Swordsmanship (Proficient 8%), Crossbow (Proficient 31%, Secret Skill: Short Bow Rapid Fire)

[Short Bow Rapid Fire: A special skill that consumes a lot of physical strength in a short period of time and continuously shoots arrows quickly and accurately. A short bow is required. 】

This seems to be an inspired skill?

Richard was immediately overjoyed and clenched his fists, showing his excitement. It turned out that this was the correct way to use inspiration!

The bow and arrow skills he learned this time came at the right time, which gave Richard some confidence for tomorrow's field mission!

According to Richard's estimation, Meiluo's team should all be old students like her who came to the Ignis School last year.

Although Richard and them are both first-level wizard apprentices, the gap between the new students and the old students is very big.

Richard crossed his arms and paced back and forth in the dormitory, thinking about tomorrow's tasks.

Soon, he also discovered a problem, that is, he had nothing to protect his life.

I remember that among the choices given to him by Teacher Seles before, there was a relatively precious alchemical bomb called Frost Bite, which could be used as a life-saving device in the wild.

As soon as his thoughts changed, Richard quickly dug out the heavy bag of gold dinars that his father had stuffed into his arms.

After counting, there were exactly 200 coins. After holding it in his hand, Richard opened the door and walked straight towards the trading area.

The trading area at night was still bustling with people and brightly lit.

But everyone's bargaining voices were relatively restrained, mostly in whispers, so it didn't seem noisy.

The trading area is not large, mainly just a long street.

There are many temporary stalls set up by apprentices on both sides of the long street. The two rows of shops along the street have official store names and advertising slogans. Obviously, the shops are much more formal.

Richard took a quick walk around first. Basically, the things in the temporary stalls were quite messy, and there were many things he didn't recognize at all.

Without the company of an acquaintance, you have to rely entirely on your own eyesight to distinguish authenticity.

Obviously, buying life-saving items from a stall was too risky, so Richard turned around and walked into an official store on the street.

Glass test tubes and herbal medicine-shaped advertisements hang at the door of the store, and the name is interesting, called Sanders Cottage.

New book seedlings, I hope book friends can follow up and save it, thank you!

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