Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 131 The clues left by Rodrigo

Richard immediately noticed that the pattern on Mei Luo's chest had changed from one bone stick to two bone sticks.

It seems that Mei Luo has been promoted to a second-level wizard apprentice at some point.

However, just as Richard was staring at the pattern on Mei Luo's chest, Mei Luo mustered up the courage, raised her head, and planned to say something.

But when he saw Richard staring blankly at the top of his curve, he was immediately ashamed, stamped his feet, turned around, opened the door and ran away!

This made Richard a little unable to react. What was going on? Didn't he do anything?

All right! It's really hard to guess what a girl is thinking.

However, this is just a small episode.

From that day on, the relationship between Mei Luo and Richard improved by leaps and bounds. Basically every day, after Richard had learned the relevant knowledge of junior pharmacy from Tutor Seles, Mei Luo would wait to go to the restaurant on the second floor of the cafeteria with Richard. Meal.

The originally high cost of dining in a restaurant was now as affordable to Richard as adding a stir-fried meal in his previous life.

While being accompanied by a beautiful senior student and enjoying delicious food, Richard's life can be said to be a happy one!

Richard also learned that it turned out that Mei Luo was successfully promoted to the second-level wizard apprentice last month, which took one year and eleven months. This speed is considered excellent.

Considering Mei Luo's qualifications, this speed is normal.

Moreover, for the first time, Richard knew that Mei Luo was a giant national business alliance from another continent - the continent of Vitroll.

This is a country similar to the city-state of Athens in Richard's previous life. It is a huge alliance composed of hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, regions and large cities. The alliance level is only responsible for two things, mutual defense and free trade. In addition, , other things are done independently.

Moreover, the Business Alliance is very unique. If you have a map of the entire territory of Vitroll, you can clearly see that the territory of the Business Alliance stretches along the mainland coastline.

In other words, the hundreds of kingdoms, principalities, regions, and large cities that made up the Commercial Alliance developed along the coast.

A huge shipping industry and commerce are the cornerstones of its economic prosperity.

It is said that in many port cities of the Commercial Alliance, there are countless goods, and commerce is much more prosperous than in the cities of Baias Continent.

In addition, the Business Alliance is the only human country in the continent of Vitroll, but it is not the only civilized country. In the middle of the continent of Vitroll, in the endless grasslands, there lives an ancient and powerful race of orcs.

Mero comes from an area called Loras Peninsula, which is located to the east of the continent of Vitroll.

Starting from Loras Peninsula, once you cross the Storm Strait, you can immediately reach the Crab Claw Peninsula of the Heron Kingdom.

Therefore, from this perspective, although Mei Luo's hometown and Richard's hometown belong to two different continents, they are not that far apart.

According to Mei Luo, she came to the Ignis School because her father had some connections with an official wizard of the Ignis School.

Although she is mainly affiliated with the dark element, the business alliance in the Vitroll continent not only has many white wizard academies, but also has a large number of black wizard academies.

So normally, she should join the wizard academy in the continent of Vitroll.

But because her father was worried that the internal fighting in the family might involve her, he specially asked someone to arrange for Meiluo to come to the Bias continent.

Her family, the Norris family, is the leading wealthy business family on the Loras Peninsula and is known for controlling the peninsula's huge shipping business.

But where there are interests, there are struggles, and her family is no exception.

This can't help but remind Richard of his own family. Although it is small, it is very warm.


In the past few days since Richard returned to the school, Ram and his girlfriend Courtney also came to visit Richard once.

The two of them are still first-level wizard apprentices, but their mentality is much better than before. After experiencing the last life and death test, they are more calm and calm.

Through Ram, Richard also quickly learned about the current situation of several of his friends.

For example, Ophelia and Andrea, since the last dark fish-man incident, thought that they were really killed and were quite sad. They have been working hard to improve their strength in the past six months.

Therefore, as soon as the Norman secret realm was opened this time, the two of them went there early.

According to Ram, Ophelia and Andrea's strength increased very rapidly.

Ophelia, in particular, is now quite famous even among second-level wizard apprentices.

Of course, the most eye-catching among the three wizarding academies is Torre Grace from Gurus Academy.

It is said that in the last dark murloc incident, he was the one who turned the tide and relied on a low-level witchcraft given to him by his mentor to withstand the murloc's attack until the official wizard arrived.

Later, he was directly rewarded with a bottle of red shock mixture. Now the famous celebrity Torey Grace is also in the Norman Secret Realm. It is said that his strength will soon break through to the third level wizard apprentice.

This is an exaggeration, because he is very likely to break the record of the Gurus Academy for the fastest promotion to the third level wizard apprentice.

The previous record of Gurus Academy was one year and seven months, but Torey Grace has reached the peak of the second-level wizard apprentice in just one year.

"It seems that there are indeed many geniuses in every era, Torre Grace? This name is so familiar." Richard thought to himself.

Every night, when Richard returned to his dormitory, he would carefully study the memory crystal given to him by Instructor Seles.

Recently, he also took the time to go to the school library several times to look for some information about Rodrigo.

But after searching for a long time, Richard discovered that most of the information about Rodrigue was circulated in the biographies of bards. The records in just a few words did not constitute systematic content at all, let alone the clues to the ruins related to him. .

In contrast, the memory crystal given by Teacher Seles was much more detailed, such as the paragraph that Richard just saw.

"Hiss! Rodrigo, the greatest necromancer in ancient times, is the originator of the necromancer summoning school. He claims that one person can be as powerful as hundreds of thousands of regular troops. This is a bit exaggerated!"

This long paragraph in the middle made Richard stunned for a moment, but the next second, he frowned.

"Ancient times."

It’s really the ancient times, so this is troublesome!

Basically, there is basically no inheritance from ancient times that can be passed down completely.

After all, it was too old, and there is a high probability that the ruins where Teacher Seles went were probably not the ruins of Rodrigo, but the ruins of a school of thought passed down by him, or a college that had deep connections with him.

As Richard continued to look down,

"The necromancer Rodrigo created his own level 2 necromancy witchcraft - Army of the Undead, and level 3 necromancy witchcraft - Scourge of the Undead."

"Hiss! These two witchcrafts are famous among the necromancers. It turns out that they were both pioneered by Rodrigo! No wonder they are called the originators of the necromancer summoning style."

Richard knows a little about the power of the second-level witchcraft - the army of the undead. It is said that this witchcraft can summon thousands or even thousands of people led by the death knights of the undead world, with abominations, wailing banshees, ghouls and various skeletons as the main force. Tens of thousands of undead creatures.

You can easily destroy a county!

For example, in Richard's hometown of Rossby County, if a necromancer performed this second-level witchcraft - Army of the Undead in the county, the entire county would be directly destroyed.

The third-level undead witchcraft - undead natural disaster is even more terrifying. It is said that it can directly destroy a kingdom.

But unfortunately, as far as Richard knows, the third-level witchcraft - natural disaster of the undead has been lost for nearly a thousand years.

The second-level witchcraft undead army is listed as the top secret of the Ignis School. It is extremely difficult to obtain the qualifications to learn it. In addition, it is said that only a handful of people can learn it. Of course, this is also It may be related to the extremely small number of second-level wizards.

Richard was so excited after reading these contents that he wished he could immediately find and explore the relevant ruins of Rodrigo. It would be best to find these long-lost powerful witchcraft and then learn them.

After calming down, Richard continued to read carefully.

According to the memory crystal, according to the clues and judgment collected by Teacher Seles, there are three areas where Rodrigue left obvious traces: the Bering Mountains of Baias Continent, the Summer Sea Basileus Island, The Forest of Ivers at the junction of the Vitroll Continental Business Alliance and the Dead Steppe.

Richard had never heard of the latter two, but he had heard of the Bering Mountains on the Baias Continent.

Because this is a famous Jedi, or forbidden area in Baias Continent, and it is filled with all kinds of powerful monsters.

Even if formal wizards want to explore, they usually have to form a team of several people before they dare to go deep, and from time to time they will hear that a famous formal wizard has died inside.

"Just going to the Bering Mountains to search for relevant clues is extremely difficult. This matter seems to be completely unsolvable for me at the moment!" Richard frowned.

Among these three areas, the Bering Mountains are extremely difficult, and the latter two can be seen at a glance. They are extremely far away from Richard. They are either on a remote island in the vast ocean or on another continent.

If we really want to explore, the long journey alone is probably already full of dangers.

"Hey, it seems that at the moment, we can only make plans after searching for relevant information about Basileus Island, the Summer Sea, and the Ivos Forest on the continent of Vitroll."

"Hey, it seems that we can entrust Senior Meiluo to these two places. Her family is a large business family, and it is also located on the continent of Vitroll, so it should be relatively easy to search."


Noon the next day.

The restaurant on the second floor of the school.

On a dining table inlaid with golden patterns, there are several delicacies, one of which is baked crystal snail, which is cooked with a strange creature called crystal snail. After eating, it can slightly increase the speed of mental recovery, and it also tastes great. , unique flavor.

"Senior, there's something I need to trouble you about."

"Well, what's going on?" Mei Luo looked at Richard with her big eyes.

She knew her junior fellow student, but he rarely asked her for help.

Richard took out two boxes, opened them and quickly closed them. After all, there were other people dining around.

But Mei Luo had already seen clearly that it was filled with at least dozens of bottles of Fire Dance Star.

As for the other box, Richard also quickly showed it, which contained the primary mental recovery potion he had recently made.

As the three major undead wizard academies and the five major matron families in the Underdark Region are still fighting fiercely, the prices of alchemy bombs and combat potions have been rising all the way.

At present, the price of Fire Dance Star has exceeded the price half a year ago, reaching 22 magic stones per bottle, and the prices of various combat potions have also increased significantly.

"Richard, what is this?" Mei Luo asked doubtfully.

"Senior, it's like this. I want to entrust your family to help me collect some information. This will be regarded as the entrustment fee for the task." Richard organized his speech and said.

"Ah? What information does it cost to collect so many magic stones?" Mei Luo certainly knew the value of the two boxes in front of her. Judging from the current market situation, it would be worth more than 1,500 magic stones at least.

No matter where you put it, it is considered a huge sum of money, which can be enough to issue tasks within the school and hire several third-level wizard apprentices to participate in the kind of tasks.

"I would like to entrust your family to help me collect some things from Basileus Island in the Summer Sea and the Ivers Forest on the continent of Vitroll, mainly to collect some local legends, ballads and bards. Biography, describing local strange events, customs and so on."

Richard thought very clearly that there must be no clues directly related to Rodrigo. If there were, it would have been his turn long ago.

Therefore, you can only analyze it yourself by collecting some information and materials.

"Senior, you know that these two locations are not in Baias Continent. The distance is too far, so you see."

Mei Luo immediately understood what Richard meant.

"I see, but this investigation will probably take a long time. The Summer Sea you mentioned, Richard, I have heard my father talk about before. It is just south of the Vitroll continent.

It is said that the sea water there remains above 30 degrees all year round, so it is called the Summer Sea. The island of Basileus must be there, probably tens of thousands of miles away from our school of thought. "

"It's okay. As for the time, it's limited to half a year. Do you think it's okay, senior? Just try to help me collect relevant information within half a year." Richard estimated the time for various preparations on his side and said It is limited to half a year.

"As long as it's local customs, biographies, strange events, etc., is that all?" Mei Luo was also a little confused, not knowing why the junior in front of her wanted to collect these things.

However, although Richard saw Mei Luo's confused expression, he did not explain it. After all, it was better to know some things by himself.

"However, we shouldn't need so many magic stones, right?" Mei Luo thought for a while and pushed back a box.

"No, senior sister, help me investigate as detailed as possible, it will be the greatest help to me. You know, I recently studied potion with Teacher Seles, and I have some experience. Therefore, earning magic stones is still important to me. A relatively easy thing." Richard smiled and shrugged.

"That's true, you are now a quasi-potion master." Mei Luo said with a smile, "Then I won't be polite to you, and I will accept it first."

"Of course, senior sister, if it's not enough, remember to tell me again." Richard raised his glass.

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