Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 134 Black Forest Market

Richard carefully recalled the arrangements he made at that time, and he was very cautious. Unexpectedly, he was still found out.

But after thinking for a while, Richard concluded that the other party must have used some kind of witchcraft to find out that he had killed Jenna and several others.

It seems that I still underestimate the power of witchcraft in this world. After all, this is a mysterious power that cannot be explained by science in the previous life.

I just don’t know if there is anyone else behind this third-level wizard apprentice, such as a formal wizard.

However, it is impossible for Richard to go back and investigate the third-level wizard apprentice named Joachim now.

Richard immediately decided to rush to Yinsong Town as soon as possible and deal with the matter when he came back.

After all, after knowing the existence of the other party, the trends between the enemy and ourselves have changed. It is no longer the enemy in the dark and we are in the clear, and it will be much easier to deal with it.

However, what Richard is very interested in now is a memory of the tall black-robed apprentice.

Just now he shouted that he knew the location of a ruins. Richard thought that the other party was just talking nonsense and delaying time. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true, and the ancient parchment that recorded the specific location of the ruins was also carried by the other party.

In addition, Richard knew the location of a nearby wizard market through the memory of the leading man in black robe.

Follow this west path for about a hundred miles. After entering the black forest, and walking for dozens of miles, you will find a wizard's market near a T-junction.

Of course, although this is a wizard's market, in fact, most of the time, the people coming in and out are wizard apprentices. Official wizards rarely come to such a market where apprentices are the mainstay.

The reason is easy to understand. There is very little overlap between what formal wizards and wizard apprentices need. To put it simply, it is difficult for formal wizards to find what they need in markets where wizard apprentices are the main ones.

Originally, the leading man in black robe planned to dispose of the loot here after killing Richard. After all, he was also worried that the things in Richard's hands would be left behind.

This made Richard's eyes light up. Because he had always been worried about the other party's items having some kind of mark or backhand, Richard usually wouldn't pick up the loot. You know, this is a huge waste.

Now, since there is a wizard's market ahead, it would be great. You can quickly take action and replace it with magic stones.

However, after this year's experience, especially half a year of training in the dark area, Richard is no longer the rookie he was before.

To be cautious, Richard would not search for the three bodies in person. Instead, he would possess a skeleton archer and go to rummage through the bodies.

Why not let the Soul-Eating Spider possess the body and help rummage through it?

That's because the Soul-Eating Demon Spider is not a human being after all and cannot identify the specific value of items, so Richard has to do this job himself.

Sure enough, Richard's caution was justified. When the possessed skeleton archer searched for the tall man in black robes, he took out an unusually tightly bundled parchment from his arms, which seemed to be a memory. The map in the clip records the location of the ancient wizard ruins.

Richard immediately controlled the archer and opened the rope buckle, but as soon as he opened the scroll, he didn't expect a cloud of black smoke to rush straight into the skeleton archer's face. He only heard the strong corrosive sound of "sizzling", from the skeleton archer's body surface. came from the skeleton armor.

I saw a large piece of white bone armor from the skeleton archer's face to his chest, which was corroded into pits and pits, which shows how toxic it is!

Fortunately, the skeleton archers are undead creatures, and their bodies are protected by the witchcraft skeleton armor used by Richard, so they are basically unharmed.

"Black corrosive poisonous smoke!" Richard immediately looked stern. Fortunately, he was cautious enough, otherwise, the boat might capsize in the gutter.

This kind of poisonous smoke is highly corrosive and neurotoxin. As a pharmacist himself, Richard is certainly aware of the lethality of this hidden trick.

If you really let this poisonous smoke spray on your face, not only will you be blind in an instant, your skin will ulcerate, but the effect of neurotoxin will cause nerve paralysis. Over time, the best treatment time will be lost, and you will basically die.

After the poisonous smoke dissipated, Richard took a closer look and found that the knots tied up the sheepskin rolls had two knots, one large and one small. The larger one was a fake knot. After pulling it, the map could still be opened, but a thin thread would be triggered. A long small tube containing poisonous smoke.

Only by pulling on the small knot is the correct way to open it without triggering the slender tube.

"What a ruthless backhand. If it were any other wizard apprentice, he might have been tricked. However, this also shows that this ancient parchment should be worth a lot of money. Otherwise, there is no need for the other party to choose this item. There are tampering with the items." Richard thought to himself.

Since the ancient parchment scroll had been opened, Richard took a rough look at the map drawn in the parchment scroll.

There are quite a few relics of this kind of ancient wizard that have been handed down, and they have a somewhat mixed flavor. Some of the relics have no exploration value at all, and a very few are relatively well preserved. The original owner of the ancient wizard is powerful. Only in this case, there is relatively large exploration value.

Richard, who didn't care much at first, suddenly raised his eyebrows and his expression became serious after seeing the location shown on the map.

In the center of the parchment scroll, there is a continuous tall mountain drawn. The top of the mountain is painted with white paint to depict the image of white snow. The shapes of several mountain peaks are also drawn extremely vividly. The entire map is very realistic.

In addition, in the center of the continuous mountains, the four characters Bering Mountains are marked in the Hutt language unique to ancient wizards. In the southwest of the Bering Mountains, a peak near the core area is marked with a big cross. type.

Next to the cross, there are a few small words in Hittite - the place where the dead live forever.

"Hiss! Could it be that this is Rodrigue's ruins? No, what Instructor Seles is exploring should most likely be Rodrigue's ruins in the Bering Mountains. Although he did not directly answer the question about what he was exploring due to his oath. The ruins information." Richard murmured.

"There can't be two Rodrigo ruins in the Bering Mountains, right?" Richard couldn't figure it out for a moment.

Of course, it is also possible that this is the remains of another ancient wizard, because there is no other text description on the entire map. This kind of map without beginning or end is the most troublesome.

But according to the memories of the tall man in black robes, this ancient sheepskin scroll was obtained by a few of them when they ambush a seriously injured third-level wizard apprentice. There is no doubt about its authenticity.

Moreover, when Richard guessed the original owner of the ancient wizard here, why he immediately thought of Rodrigo? It was because from the four words "eternal life of the undead", it can be seen that the ruins of this ancient wizard If it is real, then its identity is most likely to be an undead wizard.

Looking at it now, this may also be a ruins of other necromancers.

You know, if it is also the ruins left by the ancient wizard of the undead system, it will definitely improve Richard the most.

Assuming that it is the ruins of a water wizard, even if Richard can successfully explore the ruins, his harvest will definitely be greatly reduced, because many witchcraft models and the treasures left behind, such as witchcraft, etc., will definitely be The inheritance of water system.

Even if Richard takes it, he still has to replace it. In this case, the value will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, when Richard saw the words "Eternal Life of the Undead", he was basically sure that he was going to explore this location.

Of course not now. Richard controlled the skeleton archers and beat the three people's short staffs, bottles, scrolls, parchments, etc. into a big bundle, and then set off again.

The primary goal now is to quickly rush to the wizard market ahead, dispose of the loot, and buy a mount. It would be great if there was such a flying mount, which would greatly reduce Richard's travel time.

Richard is already a high-level knight in physical fitness. Compared with ordinary horses, the difference in speed is not very big, but with transportation tools, traveling will definitely be much easier.


A three-way intersection in the Black Forest.

According to the memory of the man in black robe, the market should be on the left side of the first fork on the right.

But the scenery in front of him clearly showed that there was a cliff on the left side of the first fork in the road. This made Richard feel a little confused. Isn't this the fork in the road?

When Richard took a few steps forward, with his keen sense, he noticed slight witchcraft fluctuations more than ten meters ahead.

Richard suddenly realized that this place, like the Ignis School's residence, was covered with witchcraft formations such as invisibility or illusion.

After Richard slightly revealed his mental fluctuations at the peak of his second-level wizard apprentice, a blood-eyed crow "croaked" appeared out of thin air, hovered in front of Richard for a few times, and then flew in again.

Because of the memory image of the man in black robe, Richard immediately understood that this meant guiding him to enter.

As Richard stepped forward, the surrounding environment changed instantly, from cliffs to a mist-shrouded valley. The curved path under his feet extended forward, leading into the valley.

There seemed to be a lot of faint voices coming from inside the valley, but it was just because of the fog that I couldn't see clearly.

After walking another few dozen meters and passing through the foggy area, the entire market suddenly appeared in front of Richard. It was a long street with mostly fixed shops on both sides, and a very few temporary stalls. .

Unlike the trading area of ​​the Ignis School, the number of temporary stalls far exceeds the fixed shops. Here, there are still mostly fixed shops.

At the entrance of the long street, there is a checkpoint. Richard initially sensed that there was a third-level wizard apprentice sitting there, and there were more than ten fully armed knights. A first-level wizard apprentice was responsible for chores, such as collecting money. Fees etc.

As soon as the first-level wizard apprentice sensed the aura of Richard's peak second-level apprentice, he immediately said respectfully: "Sir, to enter the Black Forest Market, you need to pay two magic stones. If you need to set up a stall, you need to pay another ten. A magic stone. In addition, no fighting is allowed in the market, otherwise you will be the enemy of the Modimus family."

"No stall." Richard nodded, and after handing the other party two magic stones, he was let go.

Many people in the market were wearing hoods, and the wide brim of the hat prevented others from seeing their faces clearly.

But there are also a small number of wizard apprentices who do not hide their faces and are looking around casually, but most of these are disciples from major colleges. The special patterns on their chests have already revealed their origins and strength.

Since this place is very close to the Ignis School, it is rare for wandering wizard apprentices with no eyesight to sneak attack the students of the college.

According to Black Robe's memory, the person in charge of the market here is a wizard family - the Modimus family. It is said that a descendant of the family with official wizard strength teaches in the Ignis School.

Richard walked quickly around the long street, and then after thinking for a moment, he quickly went in and out of various shops.

After a while, Richard's loot package shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, except for the ancient parchment scrolls, which were not sold, all other items had been quickly sold by Richard at a discount.

After purchasing some rare raw materials and food, Richard came to a shop selling mounts.

That's right, it's a shop rather than a stable, because Richard can clearly see that there are several animal pens in the backyard, containing three species of wildebeest, forest warg and gray-spotted black bear. They must have been domesticated. Later, a creature can act as a mount.

As soon as Richard entered the shop, a first-level wizard apprentice came over and greeted him: "Sir, welcome to Modimus Mount Shop. Are you planning to buy a mount? Do you need me to introduce it to you?"

"Okay." Richard nodded slightly. It seemed that the mount shop named after Modimus must be a store opened by the Modimus family themselves.

"This is a wildebeest." The first-level wizard apprentice introduced it very enthusiastically. After a while, he introduced the advantages and disadvantages of the three mounts incisively and vividly.

Wildebeests are good at running long distances, and are also the cheapest. They only cost fifteen to twenty magic stones. To put it simply, they are the otherworldly version of "bloody horses."

In addition to their amazing endurance, forest wargs are good at jumping and moving. They can walk on steep mountain roads as if they were walking on flat ground. They also have good attack power. The price is also much more expensive, requiring fifty to eighty magic stones.

The gray-spotted black bear is a mount that focuses on defense and combat. It is not fast, but its combat effectiveness is the best among the three.

After some thought, Richard decided to buy a warg because the fastest road back to Rosby County had several extremely steep mountain roads, which was just right for a warg.

"Sir, have you decided to buy a forest warg? Please come with me." When the first-level wizard apprentice saw that Richard had decided to buy it so quickly, he immediately smiled and introduced it eloquently while leading the way.

"These forest wargs are mutant species carefully bred by the Modimus family"

When Richard walked into the animal pen in the middle, he saw forest wolves imprisoned by independent wooden fences. They were either lying down or standing, but they were all in high spirits. It was obvious at a glance that they were well cared for.

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