Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 44 Alchemy Bomb (please follow up)

"Teacher, did you just say that magic can control skeletons?" Richard said a little overjoyed.

Seles nodded calmly, "Yes, although controlling the skeleton is just a trick, it can very well exercise your mental micro-manipulation ability, which will be very helpful for the alchemy experiment you are going to conduct next!

Moreover, this trick is also a prerequisite for many zero-level witchcraft courses, so learning this trick can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

After you go back this time, you can slowly start learning! "

"Teacher Coco, I should have learned this trick by now." Richard said in confusion.

"I haven't learned it yet. Hey! What did you just say? Have you learned it? That's great! But don't worry, I'm not just talking about getting started, but you need to improve your control over skeletons to a proficient level.

So, Richard, you still need a little more patience. "Seles was a little surprised when he heard that Richard had learned how to manipulate skeletons with magic tricks, and praised Richard a few times, but he took it for granted that even if Richard could learn it, it would only be at the entry level.

"This... mentor, my level of control has reached a proficient level!" Richard said immediately dumbfounded.

"What! Weren't you always studying meditation methods before? When did you raise the level of control of the trick of manipulating skeletons to such a high level?" Seles could no longer maintain his composure, with an extremely surprised expression on his face. .

Richard was also stunned when he saw it, because in his impression, this tutor Seles, who always had a rigid expression, would actually show such a surprised expression. At least for Richard, this was the first time he saw it.

"Richard, there is a skeleton in the next room. Go get it and let me see it under control!" Seles obviously still didn't believe it, thinking that Richard might have confused the two levels of roughness and proficiency.

Finally, when Richard controlled the skeleton rack to move around the room, almost flying over the walls, Seles believed that the newly recruited disciple in front of him, Richard, had really mastered the magic of skeleton manipulation.

At this time, Seles looked at Richard with eyes that were like a two-hundred-and-twenty-volt incandescent lamp, which made Richard panic in his heart.

"Richard, originally I thought that based on your wizard talent, no matter how hard you worked, you would only have a 10% chance of being promoted to an official wizard.

But now it seems that this probability has increased to more than 20%. In particular, your understanding and mental micro-management are very good.

Even if you can't become a formal wizard, if you concentrate on alchemy, you can still hope to become a master alchemist.

Which area of ​​alchemy do you want to learn? Currently, the field of alchemy that I am good at is mainly divided into two areas: one is alchemy bomb science, and the other is elementary pharmacy. Richard, which one do you choose? "

Seles went from refusing just now to allowing Richard to choose!

It seems that no matter which dimension, the top student always has the right to choose.

"I want to choose Alchemy Bombology!" Richard said immediately.

"Hey, your choice is rare. Most students will choose junior pharmacy as the starting point for mastering alchemy. After all, subsequent potions and so on require junior pharmacy as a foundation.

But if you choose Alchemy Bombology, it will be a completely different alchemy system. If you have an idea in the future, you can take the puppet alchemy route. "

Richard smiled and said nothing.

For Richard, combat effectiveness is his consistent goal. He firmly believes that only by constantly improving his combat effectiveness can he successfully kill monsters and protect himself in this dangerous world.

If it weren't for his superior fighting ability, he would have been killed by the Shadow Stalkers just like Stephana and the others last time.

Especially after he witnessed the power of the explosion of ten fire dancing stars mixed with silver moon dust bombs when he killed the Man-Faced Demon Spider. Richard knew that if he wanted to achieve that level of power by using witchcraft, he might not be able to advance to the third level wizard apprentice, and he would probably have to become a formal wizard.

In this case, there is a long way to go!

In contrast, one of the ways to improve combat effectiveness in a short period of time is to carry and use alchemy bombs every day!

But if you want to do this, the cost is too huge.

Richard has figured out the selling prices of some commonly used alchemical products in the school's trading area.

For example, the price of Fire Dance Star in the trading area of ​​the school is fifteen magic stones, while Silver Moon Dust is a little cheaper, but the price is also eight magic stones. In this way, the shocking explosion last time is A total of two hundred and thirty magic stones were blown up!

Maybe this number doesn’t seem like much at first glance! But you have to take into account that this unit of measurement is magic stone.

You must know that the annual income of an ordinary knight in the Kingdom of Heron is just a few hundred gold dinars. Assuming an average is taken and calculated based on three hundred gold dinars, converted into magic stones, it is only twenty-three magic stones. .

And that explosion used two hundred and thirty magic stones! In other words, although the loud noise severely damaged the Man-Faced Demon Spider, it also wiped out an ordinary knight's ten years of income!

Therefore, it can be understood why old students who have not been promoted to the second level wizard apprentice for more than one year rarely use alchemy bombs when going out on missions.

Because we have to consider cost-effectiveness and sustainability. For example, Mei Luo, as a first-level wizard apprentice, is now in her third and half year in the Ignis School.

For her, the basic requirement for the semi-annual assessment is to obtain 30×3, that is, more than 90 points.

Just imagine, if every time you go to complete a mission, you need to use an alchemical bomb to open a path, the cost will be beyond the reach of the prince of the kingdom, the legitimate son of a duke, etc.!

Therefore, when going out on a mission, it is best for old students to complete the mission without spending magic stones. As soon as they enter and exit, not only can they receive a small amount of magic stones, but they can also slowly accumulate them and use them to purchase equipment, pay for paid courses, or Meet your own experimental needs.

But Richard had a different idea. He considered that if he could use the inspiration panel to quickly improve his experience in making related alchemy bombs, then the entire manufacturing cost would be quite low.

In addition to selling part of the alchemy bombs to obtain profits to purchase raw materials, the remaining alchemy bombs can be used freely in battle.

Richard made a preliminary estimate that although the price of a finished bottle of Fire Dance Star requires fifteen magic stones, if he could make it himself, the cost of purchasing the raw materials would only be seven or eight magic stones, which is almost twice as cheap. .

"Richard, this crystal ball records the production images of two primary alchemy bombs I made before, Silver Moon Dust and Fire Dance Star. You can learn them first.

However, for this you need to pay the knowledge fee of twenty magic stones.

If you have any questions about the operation and use of experimental equipment, you can ask the students in the alchemy room on the first floor. "After that, Seles handed Richard a crystal ball.

"Okay, mentor." Richard took the crystal ball and took out twenty magic stones from his arms and handed it to Seles.

Wizards need to charge a certain fee to teach their disciples relevant advanced knowledge. Of course, compared to ordinary students, there are usually discounts for their own disciples, but more or less fees will be charged.

Because a lot of knowledge is obtained by wizards after thousands of experiments and a lot of energy.

There is also some knowledge that wizards finally obtained after going through life and death tests and adventures, so there is a fee for imparting knowledge. This is a reflection of the principle of equal exchange, and Richard does not feel uncomfortable with it.

Thanks to Book Friends 20210717122330323, Summernight, Kongli Liuxia, Zero Yuan Booking, You Don’t Want It, and Ye Ye Huan Sing for multiple recommendation votes!

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