Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 71 Summoning Skeletons (please follow up)

"Teacher, I plan to take the prophet potion and wait until the effect is fully absorbed before taking the school promotion assessment."

"Yes, for you, the promotion assessment is just a formality. If you are promoted early, your benefits in all aspects will be improved." Seles nodded.

After coming out of Seles' laboratory, Richard met Mei Luo as soon as he went down to the first floor.

I saw that Mei Luo was still as youthful and beautiful, and her naturally curly golden hair looked more charming than before.

"Richard, you are so awesome! Congratulations on winning the title of Freshman Chief!"

"Thank you, senior! It's just a fluke."

"Alas! You have only been here for half a year and you have already surpassed me. However, I am also fast. I estimate that after a few more days, I will be able to meet the requirements for promotion to the second-level wizard apprentice." Meiluo raised her tightly held little hand. Fist, expressed happily.

"Senior, congratulations to you, you are not slow at all. By the way, Senior, for the promotion assessment, can you go at any time, or does the school have a designated time?" Richard said with a smile.

"Well, the school arranges two assessments for promotion to second-level apprentices every month, at the beginning of the month and in the middle of the month. If you want to participate, Richard, there should be one in three days, and the location is where you go through the enrollment procedures. side."

Richard nodded, he still had an impression of that place.

In addition, he was not surprised at all that Mei Luo was about to be promoted. After all, Mei Luo's talent was one level better than his, and she was an old student who had been here for a year and a half. Calculating the time, she was almost there.

After returning to his dormitory, Richard immediately took the second bottle of prophet potion.

Based on the experience after taking it for the first time, the side effects of Dream Flower, the main component of Prophet's potion, were much smaller, but correspondingly, the efficacy of the medicine was also reduced by nearly twice.

After finishing taking it, Richard called up the panel.

[Attributes]: Strength 4.4, Agility 4.6, Constitution 4.3, Spirit 11.4

Before taking the second bottle of prophet potion, his mental power was 10.5 standard units. Now it has become 11.4 standard units, an increase of 0.9 standard units. This is already a good effect.

This made Richard have the idea of ​​getting another bottle of prophet potion.

Although the efficacy of the medicine decreases gradually, according to this range, the third bottle can also increase his standard unit by 0.4~0.5. But when he thought about the price of nearly 200 magic stones, Richard shook his head and forgot about it for the time being.

After all, there is more than one kind of medicine that can improve mental strength. There is no need for him to rely on this medicine that his body is already resistant to.

After taking the prophetic potion, Richard began to think carefully about the several battles in the qualifying match and his next plan.

Recalling his last duel with William, Richard now felt that he was really lucky to win.

He was able to win, partly because the final witchcraft was beyond William's expectation, and partly because his opponent underestimated him.

Encountering an opponent with high mobility and explosive power like William is really a nightmare for ordinary wizard apprentices.

It would be nice if there were helpers to resist.

Hey, that's right, if you learn the zero-level witchcraft to summon skeletons, it will be much easier to fight.

In addition, there is another way to deal with it, which is to find defensive witchcraft props to withstand William's sudden attack. However, this method, due to the scarcity of witchcraft props, must have defensive witchcraft props even rarer. Richard thought for a while, Just shook his head and gave up.

For me, it is most practical to learn witchcraft.

In fact, Richard really wanted to learn Ophelia's witchcraft of ripening mutated plants, but his natural affinity was only at an inferior level. The same natural witchcraft would only have a high-level effect when used. one-third or even lower.

As soon as he thought of this, Richard extinguished his idea.

It seems that if you want to immediately improve your combat effectiveness, you still need to learn the zero-level witchcraft of summoning skeletons.

Early the next morning, Richard went to the paid course "Introduction to Summoning the Dead". After the course, he went to the library to borrow a few related books.

After studying it carefully, Richard finally had a general understanding of the zero-level spell of summoning skeletons.

Here, I have to mention why the first-level wizard apprentice cannot learn to summon skeletons, but the second-level wizard apprentice can.

The reason is that in order to complete the witchcraft of summoning skeletons, you first need to draw an inverse pentagram array to connect to the world of the dead, and then summon skeleton soldiers across the border to help fight. This process consumes the most mental energy.

Only with more than ten points of spiritual power can the magic circle be fully activated.

Therefore, this is why only a second-level wizard apprentice can successfully perform this witchcraft.

Relatively speaking, the mental power consumed to maintain the undead summons is much less. Specifically, it is directly proportional to the strength of the undead summons. For example, for ordinary skeleton soldiers to maintain their state in the main world, it costs approximately one hour. A standard unit of mental power.

In addition, the instructor of the paid course also mentioned that when communicating with the world of the dead, the higher the level of mental control of the caster, the better.

Take summoning skeletons as an example, because when the caster's mental power tentacles penetrate into the world of the undead, the higher the level of mental power subdivision, the more skeletons can be found, and the better they can select the best among the undead creatures of the same level. .

However, before the official summons, Richard still had to make several preparations.

Since the witchcraft of summoning skeletons requires drawing a pentagram, a special ink - ethereal ink - is needed.

As for this, Richard didn't have it himself, so he had to go to the trading area to purchase some.

As for the brush, there is no need to prepare anything else. The Banshee's Finger in Richard's hand is a very good choice.

Of course, there are also simplified methods for drawing the magic circle, such as solidifying the summoning magic circle through a crystal ball. Although using a crystal ball to summon skeletons will consume more mental energy than hand-drawing, it saves a few drops that need to be consumed for each summon. Blood essence and tedious steps to draw the magic circle.

The form of solidified summoning circle is also the mainstream summoning form used by third-level wizard apprentices and formal wizards.

But currently, as a beginner, Richard still needs to start by drawing the magic circle by hand.

Half an hour later, Richard returned to the dormitory again and bit off his index finger, put a few drops of his own essence and blood into the Void Spirit ink, mixed it evenly, then dipped it with the Banshee's finger, and infused it with spiritual power. Start drawing the reverse pentagram on the ground.

The purpose of adding blood essence is to reduce the difficulty of summoning and at the same time reduce the consumption of mental power.

[It is found that the host is using zero-level witchcraft to summon skeletons. Do you/do you consume energy to get the inspiration for zero-level witchcraft to summon skeletons? 】

After thinking for a while, Richard decided to drag the slider to the 1000 position and selected "Yes!"

After a while, Richard's soul came to the dream space. This time he came to a closed room. There was a blurry figure in the center of the room. The figure was bending over and drawing something seriously on the ground.

The next second, he was possessed by the figure. As soon as he was possessed, he realized that he was drawing an inverse pentagram formation to summon skeletons.

Because only after the reverse pentagram array is accurately drawn, can we proceed to the next step, outline all five runes of the summoning skeleton in our mind, and construct them into a witchcraft model.

Thanks to book friends Qian Feng, Liu Zhongxu, Hello Author Dada, Aolai Baishi, and Wangjiaqiaodu Ancient and Modern People for their monthly votes!

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